Multi-Fandom: Other Challenges/Exchanges

Trick or Treat 2020

Mutual Pain, Mutual Healing

Time Oops 2020

The Last 24 Hours

Heart Attack Exchange 2020

Burden Of Proof

FrostIron Exchange 2020

A Pregnant Trickster

10 Words Exchange 2020

Phoenix’s Fire

Venom X-Change 2020

A Symbiotic Relationship

Writing Rainbow Silver 2020

Silver Stars

DCTVGen 2021

More Simple Times

To Find Your Kiss 2021

Finding The Answer

PurimGifts 2021


Worldbuilding Exchange 2021

All About The Gifts

Gotta Fuse ‘Em All 2021

Emotionally Wrecked

It’s All In The Name (Take #2) 2021

Until I hear your voice again

Black Is Beautiful 2021

Finding What Was Lost

Smut 4 Smut 2021

Now It’s Perfect

Space Swap 2021

Living With Loss

Rarepair 2021

No More Hope

Once Upon A Fic 2021

Shadows Of Fear

Id Pro Quo 2021

What Happens Next

Unsent Letters 2021

We’re Family

Gen Freeform 2021

Over My Head

Fluffity Fluff 2021

Any Kind Of Attention