Now It’s Perfect

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Summary: Tag to the series finale. It’s not perfect yet
Warning(s): Spoilers for the season finale of Supernatural; AU; explicit sexual content
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel


Dean had died multiple times. He’d been to both heaven and hell and heaven had been far better, of course…although experiencing nothing but memories had been disconcerting, to say the least. Still, things were different now. He had his baby and he was able to drive the roads of heaven. It was almost a perfect afterlife.

Almost. But even though he was in paradise…and things in heaven were much different to the way they had been when he’d died every other time. And he was out of the hunting life, forever. There was no need to fight. No need to bleed. No need to destroy.

He hadn’t realised just how much stress the hunting life had left him with until he was no longer involved in it.

Dean didn’t need to make any pit stops. He could drive for literally eternity without needing to take a break. But taking a break to look at the scenery? Yeah, that was something he liked doing.

That was why Dean had parked his car on the side of the road and now stood, leaning on the hood of his beloved Impala and looking out over the rolling fields. He didn’t need to worry about storms or even rain. He could take as long as he wanted to look at his surroundings. Maybe it would have been good to share this with Sam, but he was relieved that his brother was still alive. Hoped that it would be a long time before they were reunited.

The rustling of wings behind him brought Dean out of his reverie. It was a sound that he’d come to recognise while on Earth; a sound he associated with the angels. And while it shouldn’t surprise him that here, in heaven, there’d be angels around, it did surprise him that one had appeared in the same place as him.

Until the angel spoke.


Cas.” Dean turned at the familiar voice.

The angel, his angel, looked the same as he normally did, wearing the form that had been his since they’d first seen each other. But there was one important difference.

The wings weren’t white, like Dean had expected. At least not completely. The feathers were black, but tipped with white; as if an artist had brushed the edges of them with paint. Dean found his eyes drawn towards the wings and he stepped forward, reaching out and brushing his fingers over the soft feathers. “Wow, Cas,” he breathed. “I wish I’d been able to see them before.”

There was a sharp intake of breath and Dean’s eyes were drawn to Castiel’s face. He noted the dilated eyes; the tongue darting out to lick at a lower lip. And he noticed the way the angel stiffened as Dean placed his hand flat against the wing closest to him, the soft feathers tickling his hand. Castiel didn’t need to breathe…but he was panting.

“Is this turning you on?” Dean asked, stepping nearer to Castiel.

“A-an angel’s wings are very sensitive. It’s why you can’t see them on Earth.” Castiel’s voice sounded like it came from very far away. His body slanted towards Dean, his wing flexing under the palm that touched it.

Taking the movement as an invitation, Dean reached his other hand to Castiel’s opposite wing. This time, he pressed a bit more firmly; gently gripped one of the feathers in his hand, allowing it to tickle his skin, before releasing.


Faced with Castiel, here in heaven with him and within touching range, Dean found that all of his doubts had fled. Still gripping and stroking the feathers of one wing, he wrapped his other arm around Castiel, drawing the angel in against his chest and kissing Castiel hard on the lips.

The soft sound, almost a whimper, that escaped Castiel’s lips was probably unconscious. But Dean took full advantage of the opened mouth and pushed his tongue inside, stepping into Castiel’s personal space. He used one foot to nudge the angel’s feet apart and then pressed his knee against Castiel’s groin, feeling the erection forming.

Castiel’s groan was low and drawn out and he reached out to grasp onto Dean’s shoulders, pressing into the kiss…into Dean’s knee that had settled between his legs. His wings flexed under the fingers that stroked and gripped the feathers, almost as if they had a mind of their own.

With the hand that wasn’t touching and caressing the wings, Dean grasped Castiel’s waist. In one swift movement, he spun them and pushed Castiel down onto his back on the hood of the Impala, all without breaking the kiss.

Castiel slowly, almost hesitantly, reached up to wrap his arms around Dean’s waist. He pulled back from the kiss, panting a little, eyes wide and pupils blown. “Dean?” The name, his name, on Castiel’s lips was uttered in a questioning tone…and then the angel paused, tongue darting out to lick at his swollen lips.

“Yeah?” Dean prompted, when Castiel didn’t seem inclined to continue.

Castiel blinked, looking up at him from out of heavy-lidded eyes. His shirt was rumpled and creased. His face was flushed. His wings were spread out almost the entire width of the Impala. He looked dazed. Confused. “What are you doing?”

“I was thinking we’d be having sex.”

“Because you want me?” Castiel stayed in the position Dean had put him in, looking up into Dean’s eyes. “Or because you feel guilty about me sacrificing myself and this is your idea of making things up to me?”

“I want you, Cas.” Dean took hold of one of the angel’s hands and moved it towards his own erection. He let go before contact could be made, but Castiel took the initiative and brushed his fingers over where the bulge in Dean’s jeans was.

Almost immediately, Dean found himself hissing. It surprised him, that his body could still react and respond to stimulus, even here in heaven. Wasn’t there supposed to be some kind of rule against taking carnal pleasure in heaven?

And then Castiel’s fingers were deftly unbuttoning and unzipping Dean’s pants, freeing his erection. The next moment, the angel was palming his member, thumb stroking over the head, looking right into Dean’s eyes.

Dean groaned loudly, leaning over and kissing Castiel hard before he ran his fingers over the feathered wings again, then tugged down the angel’s own pants, freeing his erection. He ran his fingers over the head and down the shaft, then gripped it firmly at the base.

Castiel gasped, losing his grip on Dean’s member for a brief moment as his eyes widened. A second later, he grasped Dean’s member once more, copying Dean’s movements in stroking and squeezing his member.

Dean pressed a kiss to one of Castiel’s wings, tasting the feathers and feeling them tickling his lips.

In response, Castiel gasped heavily, his head falling back, exposing his neck.

Dean kissed down Castiel’s chin and kissed his throat, gently nipping at the skin as he continued to stroke and gently squeeze the angel’s member…feeling Castiel doing the same to his own.

It was almost embarrassing, how quickly Dean’s orgasm ripped through him. He heard Castiel cry out at the same time and then the angel suddenly went limp under him, breathing in short gasps.

Dean carefully lowered himself onto Castiel, fingers idly stroking the angel’s feathered wings. “You here to stay, Cas?”

“Would you like me to stay?” the angel asked in return.

“Yeah.” Dean straightened up and helped Castiel to stand as well. He tugged up his own pants, surprised not to feel any dampness on the material. “Huh. Automatic cleanup is good.”

“Did I interrupt what you were doing?”

“No. I’m really glad you came to me, Cas.” Dean waited until the angel had replaced his clothing and then wrapped his arm around the angel’s shoulders. “Care to join me for a drive?”

“Just like old times.” Castiel smiled as they moved to get into the car.

Now it was perfect.

The End