Why You Shouldn’t Lie To Your Husband

Summary: Rooster asks Mav to lie for him. Against his better judgement, Mav does. Then feels guilty and acts out because of it
Warning(s): Spanking; BDSM; sexual content; AU; mouth soaping
Pairings: Iceman/Maverick; Hangman/Rooster
Author’s Note: Full credit for previous Ice and Mav interactions, as well as the MiGs, goes to @topgunsocial on Tumblr. Seriously, check it out. It’s hilarious and has lots of Ice/Mav content! Plus cute kittens!
Also, a huge thank you to Carly for being my cheerleader/sounding board and also for kindly making the text images for me. And if you enjoy this, make sure you check out her Top Gun fics! She’s my hero



Mav was sat at the bar, nursing his drink, when his phone chimed with the message. He slid it towards him and peered at the screen, unable to help but frown. What kind of favour did the kid need? Not that it really mattered. Mav owed the younger man. If it was within his power, he’d do anything Rooster asked of him.

Mav took a long gulp of his beer. Swilled it around in his mouth as he thought about the message. About what Rooster was asking of him. About what it meant for him. And what it would mean for his relationship with Ice.

Mav finished his beer and morosely checked the time on his phone. Ice still wasn’t due to arrive for another hour or so. Shit. He wished his husband was there now. Somehow, when Mav had to make decisions like this, they never turned out well. That was why he relied on Ice so much. Because Ice could see what Mav never could. Ice was the only thing that Mav could fully rely on to pull him back from the edge he often found himself teetering too close to.

But. He owed Rooster. He owed it to Goose, to look after Rooster. And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe there was a good reason behind what he was being asked to do.

Yeah, okay. Probably not. But since the alternative was telling Rooster he was on his own? Yeah, Mav couldn’t do that. And he knew Ice well enough to figure he could distract his husband. Probably. Maybe. There was that failed attempt at seducing Ice so that he wouldn’t notice Mav setting the toaster on fire, but that was a different situation. A completely different situation.

Sighing quietly to himself, Mav pushed his phone to one side and glanced up as the bartender put another beer in front of him. “I didn’t order another beer.”

“The guy who just walked in ordered it for you.” The bartender nodded past Mav.

“I thought you might be getting lonely.” Ice’s voice sounded from behind him.

Mav took a long drink from his beer and then swivelled round on the stool, leaning back against the bar, allowing his eyes to give Ice an appreciative once-over. “You’re early, Admiral. Looking really good,” he added, feeling his member stir in interest. Ice was wearing his dress blues and while he always looked good to Mav…there was something about the uniform that made Mav want to jump his husband, no matter where they were. And he had to remind himself that the middle of a bar was not an appropriate place to have public sex.

But maybe they could make use of the men’s restrooms….

“Mav. You’re drooling.”

Ice’s words were enough to snap Mav out of his fantasies and he gave his husband a slightly sheepish grin. “If you didn’t want me to drool, you shouldn’t have come here wearing the dress blues. You know what that does to me.”

Ice shook his head and moved over to the bar, taking the stool next to Mav and reaching for his own pint of beer. He took a slow swallow and then looked at Mav. “How much have you had?”

“Enough to feel pleasantly buzzed. Not enough to start ripping off your clothes right here and now.” Mav shrugged and leaned his head against Ice’s shoulder. “Get me a few more beers and I’ll jump you.”

“I don’t need to tell you that’s not a good move if you want us to avoid getting arrested,” Ice said dryly.

“We can always get an uber home. If you don’t want to stay responsible and have only the one drink.” Mav shrugged and gave Ice a sideways smirk.

“True.” Ice took a slow swallow of his own beer and then said, “At least I know, with me there, you’ll actually get the uber to the right place.”

“Hey, I thought you’d be pleased with me for getting an uber instead of taking my bike when I’d been drinking.”

“And if the party had been anywhere other than at our home, I would have been pleased.” Ice shook his head and reached out to wrap his arm around Mav’s shoulders, pulling him in tight and kissing his hair. “I still want to know what was going through your mind.”

Mav shrugged and let his head rest on Ice’s shoulder. His husband was warm and solid and felt good pressed against him. His member stirred again, reminding him that it would feel even better if they were pressed skin to skin, without the barrier of clothes between them. “At least it was to the Top Gun academy and not some random place I arbitrarily decided on. If anything, I was heading to our second home.”

“If you say so.” Ice’s whole body vibrated with his chuckle.

“I went up with Rooster today.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Mav winced. He’d been feeling out of sorts since his nephew had asked him to lie for him. And he should have waited for Ice to say something, before just blurting out the words.


Ice’s voice was calm, almost emotionless. Mav resisted the urge to look up into his husband’s face, instead playing with one of the buttons. Maybe he could distract Ice by pouncing on his husband here and now. Of course, then they might get arrested for public indecency.

And he hadn’t said anything for a while. Neither had Ice, but his husband didn’t tend to feel the need to fill silences. Mav was the one who needed to talk. Especially when he thought he might be in trouble. He still couldn’t bring himself to look Ice in the face. If he did, he didn’t think he could continue saying the next words that came out of his mouth. “Yeah. We went up together. You know. He wasn’t alone.” He shrugged.


Ice was good at a lot of things. Mav knew that better than anyone. But what his husband was especially good at was hiding his emotional response to things. Not like Mav, who tended to wear his heart on his sleeve. “I mean it, Ice,” he continued. “Rooster wasn’t alone when he went up today. So….” His voice trailed off.

“Mav. Look at me,” Ice said.

Taking a deep breath, Mav looked up into Ice’s face, forcing himself to make eye contact…though he was almost certain that the guilt on his face was easy to read. “You ready to go home now?” he asked quickly.

“Why are you lying to me?”

“I’m not lying!” Mav protested.

Ice shook his head and sighed. “Mav, I’ve had a fairly good day today. You’re in trouble for lying anyway. You don’t want to add to that.” A heavy warning note crept into his voice.

Mav ignored the tone in his husband’s voice. Ice couldn’t know he was lying. Not unless Mav told him. And Mav wasn’t planning on owning up to it. As much as he didn’t want to lie to Ice…he also didn’t want to let Rooster get into trouble. He owed the younger man, given what had happened to Goose. Given his own responsibility for what had happened to his best friend…it didn’t matter how much time had passed, he was never going to stop feeling responsible for what had happened to Goose. Thanks to Ice, though, some days, he could live with himself better than others.

“Look, I’m not lying, Ice,” Mav said insistently. “And we should go home. You know. To celebrate your day of meetings being over.” He continued to play with one of the buttons, dropping his gaze away from Ice’s face.

Ice shook his head and stood up from the stool, forcing Mav to stand as well. “We’re going home. And not for sex,” he added. “I warned you not to lie to me, Mav. I’d have thought, after how we handled things the last time, that you would have learned your lesson.”

“But Ice….”

Ice held up a hand to forestall any protests Mav might make. “I’m going to stop you right there, Mav. You’re just going to end up digging yourself into a deeper hole and get yourself into even more trouble. I gave you the chance to be honest with me and you didn’t take it. Now we’re going home so that I can deal with this.”

Mav’s shoulders slumped. He wanted to argue, to protest his innocence, but he was in enough trouble already. Really, he should know better than to try lying to his husband. He should have just gone with his first instincts and asked Ice for advice. Now, they were going home…and it wasn’t for a good reason. “I’m sorry, Ice,” he whispered.

Ice didn’t respond with words. Instead, he grasped Mav’s arm and began to lead him out of the bar…like Mav was a naughty child, being taken home for punishment.

Which really wasn’t that far from the truth.

Once they were outside, Mav didn’t even try to suggest they go home separately. He followed Ice silently towards the car and got in when Ice unlocked the doors. There was a hollow, gnawing pit in his stomach. It wasn’t just caused by nerves, though. He knew that the guilt was the primary cause of how he was feeling. He never should have lied to Ice. He never should have gone against his first instincts of waiting and seeing what Ice would suggest he do.

The drive back to their house was done in silence. Mav stared out of the window and tried to come up with a reason why he’d lied…at least one that he knew Ice would accept. And as Ice parked outside, Mav was nowhere near close to coming up with an explanation that would get his butt out of the line of fire.

Ice didn’t speak as they got out of the car and he led the way towards the front door, unlocking it and stepping inside.

Almost immediately, the two of them were surrounded by several black, furry bodies. Ice reached down to greet their grandkitties, who meowed demandingly for attention from both him and Mav.

The MiGs were a welcome distraction, but Mav knew he couldn’t hide behind them for long. He gave them the attention they demanded and then followed Ice through to the main room, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “I’m sorry.”

After turning the light on, Ice turned to look at Mav, his face stern. “Are you going to tell me why you lied to me?”

“Rooster asked me to.”

“Rooster asked you to lie to me?” Ice raised his eyebrows.

“No,” Mav said quickly. “I mean…he just asked me to tell you that I’d gone up with him today.” He fidgeted, shifting from one foot to the other. “I said no,” he offered. “I even said that I’d help him to fix it. Whatever it was.”

Ice looked at him steadily and asked, “So how did that turn into choosing to lie to your husband?”

“I felt guilty saying no.” Mav scuffed his foot along the carpet. “I owe him.”

“Mav.” Ice’s gaze softened and he took a step closer, gently squeezing Mav’s shoulder. “I know how hard Goose’s death hit you. I know you still feel responsible and that you’ll always be grieving his death. But you can’t let that grief dictate how you handle things with Rooster. Lying to keep him out of trouble isn’t the answer. You can’t fight all his battles for him.”

Mav took a deep breath and let his cheek rest against Ice’s hand. “You’re right,” he agreed quietly. “I know you’re right. I should have waited and talked to you. I’m sorry I lied,” he finished, in a much quieter voice.

“I’m sure you are, but you also know better than to lie to me. And this isn’t the first time it’s happened.” Ice used his grip on Mav’s shoulder to turn him to face the corner. “Stand here until I come and get you.”

Mav took a deep breath and pressed his nose into the corner, staring at the join between the two walls. Tears pricked at his eyes and he took another deep breath, half-worried he would start crying right away. He wanted nothing more than to go back to when Rooster had sent him the message. He wished he’d never agreed to lie to Ice.

He hadn’t been in the corner for long, maybe only a few minutes, before he felt Ice behind him once more. When his husband rested a hand on his shoulder and drew him out of the corner, Mav turned to face Ice…and his eyes were drawn to what his husband held in his hand. His eyes burned and he whispered, “Ice, I really am sorry.”

“I know. But I need to make sure you learn from this, Mav. That lying isn’t acceptable. And I gave you the chance to tell me the truth. It was your choice not to take that chance.” Ice reached out with his free hand and gently squeezed the side of Mav’s neck.

Tears were running down Mav’s cheeks now. He looked sorrowfully, pleadingly, into Ice’s eyes…but he knew that his husband wasn’t going to budge. Ice was right. He had given Mav the chance to be honest. And if he had done that, he wouldn’t be in trouble now.

Shoulders slumping, Mav opened his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut.

The soapy washcloth tasted horrible when Ice pushed it into his mouth. Mav tried hard not to gag on the taste; tried not to whimper. But he couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. The taste of salt mixed with the foul taste of the soap, resulting in an awful combination.

It felt like an age, but Ice finally took the washcloth away from his mouth. Mav opened his eyes and found his husband holding a cup of water out to him. Mav took it and began rinsing his mouth out, trying to get rid of the worst of the taste…but it didn’t matter how many times he rinsed. The taste of the soap still lingered.

“Enough, Mav,” Ice said quietly, holding his hand out.

Mav slowly put the cup into his hand and watched as Ice went to put it down. Then he watched as Ice reached for his hand, gripping it firmly to lead him over towards the couch. As soon as Ice sat down, Mav’s free hand went to his pants. He undid them and pushed them down, then quickly bent forward over Ice’s lap.

“I don’t expect you to lie to me, Mav,” Ice said seriously, as he slipped his fingers into the waistband of Mav’s briefs and pulled them down.

“I know.” Mav shivered as cool air ghosted across his bared backside and then jumped, hissing out a sharp breath, as the first hard slap from Ice’s bare hand landed across his bare bottom. He was barely given the chance to catch his breath before a second smack was landing, hard enough to take his breath away.

As Ice began to smack in earnest, Mav reached down and clung onto his husband’s leg. His backside quickly went from stinging to burning and it didn’t take long before he was squirming, ineffectively trying to get his bottom out of the line of fire. He’d already been crying, his emotions so close to the surface, but now he was sobbing. Snot ran down his nose. He could taste the soap in his mouth. And his bottom was being lit up by his husband. Worse, so much worse, than all of that was the heavy weight of Ice’s disappointment in him. And of Mav’s disappointment in himself.

“I know better!” The words burst out of Mav’s throat, torn out in a rush of air and tears. “I knew better! I knew I should have asked you what to do.”

“Then why didn’t you?” Ice asked seriously. “Why didn’t you talk to me?”

“I don’t know!” Mav wailed. He clutched tighter at Ice’s leg, gripping the material so hard, his knuckles turned white. His legs began to kick when Ice’s hand began to focus lower down on his bottom, to his sit spots and upper thighs. “I just…didn’t want to let Rooster down. Like I did his Dad.” He cried harder.

“You haven’t let anyone down, Mav.” Ice’s voice was gentle. Soothing. It was a start contrast to the firm smacks he was still giving out. “But you can’t protect Rooster from the consequences of his own actions. You have to let the kids make mistakes on their own. You have to let them deal with the consequences on their own. You won’t do Rooster any favours in trying to protect him from himself.”

Mav’s breath caught and he slumped over Ice’s lap. His fingers loosened their grip on Ice’s leg. His own legs stopped kicking. He was still crying, but it was weaker. Softer. He’d felt all kinds of wrong since Rooster had asked him to lie, but now…despite how sore his bottom was, despite the taste of soap in his mouth, he felt lighter and freer than he had done. It was like Ice had stepped in and physically taken a huge weight off Mav’s shoulders.

It took him a while to realise that the spanking had stopped and that Ice was now rubbing his back. Mav felt the last bits of tension seep out of him at his husband’s gentle, soothing touch and his sobbing slowly calmed into quiet sniffles until he could finally talk and actually be understood. “I’m sorry I ruined our evening together.”

“You didn’t ruin anything, Mav.” Ice’s voice was gentle as he helped Mav to stand up, then pulled him into a tight embrace. “We would have ended up back at home eventually anyway.”

“Just not with me with a sore ass and the taste of soap in my mouth.” Sniffling quietly, Mav sank into Ice’s arms and nuzzled against his neck. “That’s not how I thought this evening would end.”

“Who says it’s ending?” Ice kissed him, swift and hard.

A smile stretched across Mav’s face and he returned the kiss, biting lightly at Ice’s lips until his husband opened his mouth. Then, he was pushing his tongue inside. He straddled Ice’s lap and kissed until he had to pull back to catch his breath.

“See?” Ice grinned at him. “No need for an early end to the evening just yet.”

“You’re right,” Mav agreed. “Just one thing, though.”

“And what’s that?”

Grinning, Mav pushed Ice down onto the couch and began to pull his clothes off. “I get to be on top.”


Rooster bit his lip as he looked at his phone screen, where his uncle had agreed to lie for him. Had agreed to lie to his husband, for Rooster. And he felt a sinking sensation of guilt in his stomach. He’d gone up alone, when he shouldn’t have. And now, he’d asked his uncle to lie…so that Rooster didn’t have to face up to the consequences of his own actions. And he felt especially guilty because he knew Mav was still trying to make up for Rooster growing up without his father. His mom had never blamed Mav for Goose’s death…but Rooster knew Mav had always blamed himself.

Really, Rooster just didn’t want to get into trouble for going up alone, when he knew he shouldn’t have. It wasn’t even like he’d needed to go up alone. He could have asked any of the others to go up with him. It was just…well, he’d wanted to prove something. To himself. And now, of course, getting caught and knowing that the Admiral would receive a report on his behaviour? Well, he was starting to think that maybe he’d made a mistake.

Okay, there was no maybe about it.

Taking out his phone, Rooster looked at the screen for a few minutes and then tapped out a quick message, asking for Hangman to come to his room.

It didn’t take long, maybe only two minutes, before the response came.

Rooster paused then and thought about it, looking at the screen. Yeah, he needed Hangman to meet him for a distinctly unpleasant reason…but there was nothing to stop them having sex afterwards. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d had sex after one of them had had his ass busted, after all. Just the previous times, it was Rooster doing the ass busting.

Rooster swallowed and put his phone to one side. He knew he didn’t have to tell Hangman about what he’d done today. He could pretend that everything was fine; that he hadn’t disobeyed their commanding officers. And even if Hangman did find out…he wouldn’t be able to take Rooster in hand unless Rooster allowed him that power. And he was fairly sure that if he refused, Hangman wouldn’t push it.

But it wouldn’t feel fair, it wouldn’t feel right, to him.

Rooster was still lost in his own head when there was a brief knock on the door and it was pushed open. He glanced up as Hangman stepped into the room, carrying a small pack with him.

“So. This isn’t about sex.” Hangman walked over to the bed and sat down next to Rooster. “What did you do?”

“The same thing as you.”

“You’re going to have to be more specific. I’ve done a lot of things I shouldn’t have,” Hangman admitted, before giving him a sideways look. “Probably shouldn’t have just told you that.”

Rooster snorted softly. “I went up today. Without another pilot.” He paused, but when Hangman didn’t immediately speak, he found himself needing to fill the silence. “And I got caught. I knew it was going to be reported to the Admiral. So I….” He took a deep breath. Let it out slowly. “So I asked Uncle Mav to lie for me. To say that he went up with me. And he agreed. And….”

“And now you feel guilty,” Hangman finished for him. “Not for going up in the first place, but for getting someone else into trouble.”

“I don’t think the Admiral would have been happy with Uncle Mav lying to him,” Rooster said quietly.

“No.” Hangman was quiet for a few moments, his shoulder resting lightly against Rooster’s. “Of course, I could point out the fact that Maverick’s capable of making decisions, good or bad, on his own. I could point out that he didn’t need to agree to lie for you.”

“Yeah. You could,” Rooster agreed quietly. “But, see, I knew he’d lie for me. Because he still feels responsible. For me growing up without a dad. And I knew that…if I asked him to do something for me, he would.” He shrugged and looked down at his hands, clasped in his lap. “I manipulated him.” He finished the words in a voice barely more than a whisper.

It took a few moments for Hangman to respond. “So you don’t feel guilty for going up when you knew you shouldn’t have done so alone. You just feel guilty for getting someone else into trouble.”

“I guess that covers it,” Rooster admitted quietly.

“Okay, well, you really shouldn’t have gone up alone today,” Hangman said. “There’s a reason why we got told not to do that. And, yeah, you shouldn’t have used your relationship with Maverick to get your own way.”

“So what? You’re talking two spankings?”

“Nah.” Hangman glanced around the room and then reached out for a wooden ruler that was sitting on the desk close to the bed. He moved until his back was resting against the wall and then patted one leg. “I don’t need to give you directions, do I?”

Rooster shook his head. He considered refusing, thought about saying no, but that wouldn’t be right. He might not feel guilty about going up in the air, but he certainly felt guilty for getting his uncle into trouble. He stood up and undid his pants, pushing them down along with his underwear. Then, he knelt on the bed next to Hangman and leaned forward, settling in place draped over the other man’s lap.

Hangman pushed Rooster’s shirt up higher, tugged his pants down lower, leaving more of a target area. He didn’t say anything, didn’t scold or lecture. Instead, he slapped his hand in a firm smack at the crest of Rooster’s bottom.

Rooster jumped and hissed out his breath as the sharp sting blossomed over his right cheek. When the second smack landed, he managed to avoid crying out, but couldn’t help his legs beginning to jerk as Hangman settled into a rhythm of swats down to mid-thigh, covering every inch of Rooster’s bottom and thighs before he began again from the top.

As Hangman began to swat skin that had already received attention, Rooster couldn’t help but begin squirming. His backside was heating up, becoming uncomfortable. It wasn’t unbearable pain, but it was the first time he’d been in this position. And his emotions were pricking at him, making him think of the look on Maverick’s face when Rooster had been so hostile towards him. Those were what caused the first tears to fill his eyes, more than the pain of the spanking…no matter how uncomfortable it was.

And then Hangman began to focus more smacks to Rooster’s thighs and his sit spots. The more sensitive spots began to sting and burn and Rooster felt more tears come out of his eyes. His breath caught in the first sob and he gripped the comforter in both hands, otherwise he thought he might try to block the smacks.

By the time the hand spanking paused, Rooster’s entire backside, from the crest to mid-thigh, was a stinging ache. There were tears running down his cheeks and he was clinging to the comforter with a white-knuckled grip.

“Okay, Rooster, hold on.” Hangman’s voice was quiet as he tapped the ruler lightly against the undercurves of Rooster’s bottom. “I promised I’d bust your ass if you did something stupid as well. I’d say you should leave that kind of behaviour to me, but I know that I shouldn’t be doing shit like that either.”

“I understand.” Rooster drew in his breath and it came out sharply when the ruler was lifted and snapped down sharply, leaving behind a burning sting.

“Good. I really hope you do.” Hangman continued to bring the ruler down in hot, painful strikes all over Rooster’s bottom and thighs. “If not, I won’t hesitate to do this again.”

Rooster slumped limp over Hangman’s lap, sobs tearing from his throat. He couldn’t explain why, but the promise soothed something inside him, knowing that he had someone willing and able to step in, to save him from himself. The ruler burned each time it landed, but with each stripe that was delivered, he felt lighter…freer. Like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders.

The ruler stopped and Rooster had to catch his breath. He felt Hangman rubbing his back and up over his shoulders, soothing the last bits of tension, and he relaxed even further, releasing his tight grip on the comforter. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not the one who needs to hear that.”

“I know.” Rooster carefully rolled off Hangman’s lap, giving it only a few moments’ thought before he kicked off his pants and underwear. “Thank you,” he whispered.

Hangman responded by wrapping his arms around Rooster, drawing him into a close, tight embrace and pressing a hard kiss to his lips. “Now that that’s over with…what do you say we do something more fun?”

“Oh, really?” Rooster found himself grinning. “And just what did you have in mind?”

“Well…I’d hate to think I got all this flavoured lube for nothing.” With a cocky grin, Hangman opened the pack he’d brought with him. “Make your choice.”

The End