What Is Reality?
Part One

Summary: Things didn’t turn out quite as planned.
Warning(s): Disciplinary Spanking of adults using an implement; non-disciplinary erotic spanking; D/s; M/m; very explicit; consensual rough treatment; knotting. Potential spoilers all the Matrix movies. Very AU.
Pairing: Agent Smith/Neo


Agent Smith hadn't been idle when he'd left Anderson. He'd learned his way around this new version of the Matrix and taken in the enemies and potential allies that were there. But his main goal was to destroy the Analyst. To get revenge for being used as a puppet.

But after he and Anderson had fought, something had shifted in Agent Smith's wants. In his desires. And it wasn't to destroy the Analyst. Not anymore.

He appeared in the building just as she was walking out. Trinity, except she wasn't Trinity anymore. Agent Smith could see that the Resistance fighter had slipped away, leaving behind surrender.

And Anderson was walking towards the Analyst, his posture one of abject defeat.

Agent Smith intercepted him. He stepped in front of Anderson and raised a hand, gripping the human's neck in a hold that was just shy of being painful. "If you're going to surrender to anyone, you'll surrender to me," he stated.

Neo's eyes widened and he swallowed at the grip around his throat. Truthfully, after Trinity gave up... decided she was Tiffany... he didn't care much what happened to him. He'd made a bargain with the Analyst, fully believing that Trinity would choose freedom... choose him. She hadn't. He'd begun walking toward the Analyst to hold up his end of the bargain, but now Smith was in front of him, and he felt nothing. He wasn't afraid. He wasn't angry. He wasn't anything. If Smith wanted to take him away from the Analyst, it couldn't be any worse. He glanced over Smith's shoulder to where the Analyst was, a questioning look in his eyes. Would they fight over him? Should he be worried? He couldn't be worried when he no longer cared what happened to him.

"Well." The Analyst looked at Smith and Neo, head tilted to one side, and smiled. "This is an interesting turn of events. I'm afraid I can't give him up, though...."

Still keeping hold of Neo's neck, Smith drew his gun and fired at the Analyst's face. Then, he began to drag Neo away, as the Analyst's form dissolved and then began to reform.

Neo only fought enough to keep his feet under him so that he wouldn't choke. As much as he didn't care what happened to him, there was still enough spark in him to fight death.

Smith adjusted his grip, just enough that the human wasn't in any danger of being strangled, while still keeping his hold. The Resistance members would have come after them but were quickly involved in battle with the rest of the programs.

Outside, Smith knew they didn't have long before the Analyst sent bots or agents after them. He quickly began heading to an area where there were no signs of life, either human or otherwise.

Neo reached up instinctively, holding onto Smith's wrist as he was dragged. He swallowed again. When they finally stopped and he noted they were seemingly alone, he asked, in a weary, defeated voice, "Why?"

"Because you belong to me." Smith spoke the words without hesitation. Without thought or pause. "Not to the Analyst." He turned to face Neo and began to remove the human's clothing.

Neo blinked uncertainly at the actions but didn't fight. His body was fully clothed back on the ship; no one would know what was happening. He didn't know what was happening, to be honest. Smith had never shown possessiveness toward him before. "I'm yours?" His voice was confused. Lost sounding.

Smith stripped Neo, taking his time about it. He'd deliberately chosen an area that was invisible to the Analyst; the area he'd retreated to after they'd fought the last time. His hands began to roam over naked skin as it was uncovered, exploring without hesitation. "We were both brought back together. We're linked now. I could sever the link by killing you. Or I can take control of it and you."

"After everything, I thought you would kill me..." Neo's voice was soft. Submissive. He shivered as Smith explored. On the ship, his body shivered too.

"I thought about it." Neo was naked now and Smith continued boldly exploring the human's body, squeezing and caressing. He then leaned forward and captured Neo's lips in a hard, nearly bruising kiss.

Neo didn't exactly return the kiss... but he didn't fight it. Instead, he hesitantly opened his mouth, accepting and submitting to the forcefulness, his breathing ragged.

In response, Smith pushed his tongue into Neo's mouth, nipping at the human's lips. His hands slid down Neo's back, clasping the human's buttocks. He squeezed lightly and then delivered a couple of firm smacks.

Neo whined softly at the smacks but didn't pull away. They didn't hurt, though he wasn't sure Smith wouldn't cause pain at some point. They were more humbling than anything, proving Smith's words that Neo belonged to him now. Neo didn't have the energy to protest.

As he continued to kiss Neo, hard, almost devouring the human, Smith continued to deliver firm smacks to Neo's bottom. Every so often, he would pause to rub or squeeze his backside possessively.

Eventually, the smacks began to sting, the rubbing and squeezing adding to the sensation and making his bottom very sensitive. Neo found himself responding, despite his feeling of hopelessness. Trinity hadn't chosen him, but Smith had. Neo began shifting slightly, making it easier for Smith to do what he wanted; began following the silent commands, opening or closing his mouth when needed, swallowing convulsively around Smith's tongue and breathing raggedly, not fighting when his air was blocked, only gently flexing his fingers against Smith's arms when he was desperate for air. At some point, his hands had risen to grip onto the one who claimed him.

Smith continued to smack, rub and squeeze, every so often allowing a finger to delve between Neo's cheeks, pressing against his entrance. While he didn't completely break the hard, bruising kiss, he did pull back long enough to allow Neo to take breaths between.

Neo whimpered low in his throat, feeling what little control he had over himself and his emotions slip out of his grasp. Tears pooled, then slid down his face unfettered. Smith was in complete control. Neo knew it and it was frightening, losing that last handle he had on himself; Smith could destroy him now... not just kill him.

Smith kissed Neo deeper...harder. Then, he pulled back slowly from the kiss. He moved Neo, pulling the human to bend him over under his arm. It left the human's bottom in easy reach for Smith to smack, rub, caress, squeeze...and to explore between the cheeks.

Neo shivered. His mouth was tender, and he could taste blood. He didn't know if he'd cut his mouth on his own teeth from the force of the kiss, or if Smith had bitten him. And then he was desperately gripping Smith's arm- the one he was bent over- as the agent explored and claimed his bottom. He whined softly, feeling exceedingly vulnerable, but stayed in place, not fighting.

Smith kept Neo bent over his arm, smacking and rubbing and squeezing until the human's bottom coloured to a warm pink. Then, he reached into his jacket pocket. Drew out a bottle of lube. And he coated a finger in it before pushing that finger inside Neo, his other hand gripping Neo's backside possessively.

Neo was grateful that the agent seemingly wanted him to not be injured, as he wasn't ready for the finger that pushed in. The lube kept it from pulling too badly, but he couldn't stop his body from clenching tight and it made it more uncomfortable than it needed to be- just short of actually hurting. He grunted softly, his breathing turning ragged and betraying how scared he was. Not knowing what Smith's end goal was, knowing he had no control over it... and knowing he didn't truly care and would accept and submit to whatever Smith decided... was undoing him.

Smith could feel the tension in Neo's body, in the way the human clenched, and took a tighter grip on Neo. He moved the finger inside Neo in slow circles, giving the human time to adjust. To relax.

Neo shivered, swallowing hard several times and taking slow, deep breaths. Eventually, more slowly than he liked but more quickly than he'd expected, he relaxed. By the time he'd calmed, his body lay loose and accepting in Smith's grip and he'd stopped clenching, enabling the agent to easily move his finger and stretch however much he needed or wanted.

Smith continued to explore inside and stretch Neo, taking his time about it. His other hand resumed smacking, squeezing and rubbing, heating up Neo's flesh. After a few minutes, he coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that inside Neo.

By this point, Neo had relaxed enough and accepted his position completely enough that it felt good when the second finger pushed in. He exhaled in a needy little whine that sounded satisfied at the intrusion. His bottom stung badly, almost ached, from the constant smacking and rubbing, but he found himself shifting minutely so that Smith would have better access and aim. He belonged to Smith. It was clear that he'd accepted that as well.

Smith continued to explore inside Neo, stroking and stretching the human. Preparing him. He smacked and rubbed until Neo's bottom was bright red and hot. Then, he moved them again. He lowered Neo to the ground, using the human's jacket to give Neo support. And he withdrew his fingers, removed his own pants and coated his erection in the lube. He pushed inside Neo, grasping the human's hips with tight, almost bruising force.

Neo whimpered at the tightness of Smith's grip, at the stretch as the agent filled him. He was large and filled him so fully that Neo thought he could feel him in his whole center. That one inch larger and he would have split him in half. He knew that wasn't going to happen, but it felt like it could. And still he submitted, not fighting Smith's actions and desires, not pulling away. It hurt, but he accepted that as well because it wasn't an agonizing pain of injury; it was the stinging pain of adjustment. Neo's body was adjusting and accommodating his master; learning how to accept and fit his master. His breathing was slow and ragged as he attempted not to panic at all the sensations coursing through his body. "...'M scared..." he finally whispered, in a tiny voice, seeking comfort from the only one who could offer it; not certain if he'd receive it. Just because Smith was claiming him, it didn't mean he cared about Neo.

Responding to the words, to the fear, Smith's claiming gentled. He reached a hand out and placed it against Neo's cheek. Cupped the human's face in his hand. "There's no need to be scared. You are mine. You belong to me. We're linked. Bonded. One can't exist without the other."

Tears slid down Neo's face at the gentleness. At the words. "I belong to you... I freed you, but you'll rescue me..." he whispered, feeling a little less hopeless than he did.

Smith leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Neo's lips. This kiss was gentler. Less demanding. "You are mine." His voice was low and very intense.

"I'm yours..." Neo agreed in a whisper, just as intensely.

Transferring his grip to Neo's hips again, Smith clenched his fingers tight, though he kept the kiss gentle. He began to thrust inside the human, going hard and fast and deep.

Neo's eyes fell shut and he focused on how it felt to be claimed so completely. "You're so big..." he breathed out. "Feels like you are in every part of me."

Smith didn't respond with words. He nipped along Neo's lips, travelling the path of the human's jaw with his teeth before ending at Neo's neck, biting the skin firmly. His hands slid from Neo's hips to his backside, beginning to smack firmly once more.

Neo let out a sigh, slanting his head so his neck was exposed completely. He whimpered softly as his sore bottom was smacked again but held still for it. Whatever Smith chose to do, he would take.

Smith spread Neo's legs apart and began to smack the human's inner thighs firmly, turning them the same red colour as the rest of his backside. His teeth released Neo's neck long enough to whisper, "Until you leave here, you won't be able to move without feeling who owns you. Who controls you. Who you belong to." And then he was biting once more, still thrusting inside Neo. Still smacking firmly.

Neo let out a tiny sob at the words, surprised at how good they made him feel. His bottom and thighs stung; and he welcomed the sting. He felt like he belonged for the first time since realizing he was back in the Matrix. He was dreading returning to the real world where he had to live without Trinity. Where he would have to survive without his master. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind, focusing on how thoroughly Smith was fucking him... and began to slip. "Yours..." he breathed out.

"Mine." Smith's voice was a low, possessive growl. He was quickly growing inside Neo, the human's submission adding to his own arousal. He continued to smack firmly, a note of satisfaction creeping into his voice as he said, "I should have done this a long time ago. Back when you first started causing me trouble."

Neo whimpered, unable to bring himself to argue, though they both knew the only reason Smith could do this now was because of Neo escaping before. He was going to be so sore... at least until he exited the Matrix... but even then, he'd remember. Remember Smith owning him so completely. He sobbed out again softly as he stretched to accommodate Smith growing in him.

Smith bit Neo's neck again, this time on the other side. He smacked firmly, covering every inch of the human's bottom down to mid-thigh, including the inner thighs. And he felt his own release coming over him. His teeth clenched tighter in Neo's skin as his orgasm rippled through him.

Neo groaned as he felt Smith release into him, his own release hitting him when he realized he was now owned. Smith was in him in more than one way; was surrounding him, holding him still and in place. He needed to be held in place or he'd float off; become nothing. Smith could prevent that. Neo smiled a crooked, teary smile. His vision was blurry. "...You saved me..." he whispered, with certainty.

"Because you're mine." The words were still very possessive. Smith licked the flesh he'd bitten, tongue soothing the marks he'd left behind. He remained buried inside Neo, not pulling out.

"I am. I belong to you..." Neo said, a hint of peacefulness bleeding into the words. Trinity had not chosen him, but he wasn't alone. He had been chosen. "I'm where I belong...."

"Exactly where you belong." Smith moved his hands to Neo's hips, squeezing tightly once more. He then let his hands rub gently over the human's backside, feeling the heated skin against his fingers as a grunt of satisfaction escaped him. "Maybe you won't carry the sensations with you when you leave, but I'll make sure you feel nothing but me until that point."

"I might not feel the sensations... but I'll remember how they felt..." Neo said softly. "And I'll remember who I belong to." He held still as Smith rubbed, even though it made the sting flare up. He didn't try and hide that it stung, or the fact that he liked how it felt. Liked Smith possessing him.

"Good. And you'll come back to me when I order you to." Smith spoke as if it were a foregone conclusion; that Neo would obey him. "Whether for punishment," he squeezed one buttock possessively, "or for claiming."

"Yessir. Whenever you order it..." Neo promised quietly, relaxing as he realized this wasn't a one-time thing or an 'only when he was in the Matrix' thing. Even if no one else saw or knew, he would know that he had a master to obey. He winced as he felt tears welling up again. "Sorry..." he said, flushing in shame at his inability to control his emotions.

Noticing the tears, Smith reached out and brushed his fingers across the moisture. Crying, tears, wasn't something that the agents ever experienced. Even before his form, his body, had been changed, even when he'd become a virus replicating itself, crying had always been impossible. He studied the moisture on his fingers but spoke to Neo. "Don't be. It means I have power, control, over you. That I own you. You can't and shouldn't control how you react when I'm here."

Neo blinked at that, relaxing and smiling when he realized he wouldn't, shouldn't, try and hide whatever he was thinking or feeling. All of him belonged to Smith now. He could hide nothing.

Smith leaned forward and kissed Neo; slower and gentler than the first time he'd done so. He was still inside the human; still buried up to the hilt. He saw no reason to pull out. As he kissed, he moved Neo's legs, encouraging the human to fold his knees up to his chest. So Smith could see everything.

Blushing faintly, Neo obeyed the command, drawing his knees up to his shoulders, widening his legs so that his entire torso was bare to Smith's gaze: his red, swollen, hard nipples; his half-hard member, laying on his stomach, wet and sticky from his own release; his red, swollen entrance still stretched around Smith's shaft, no room at all between the tight pucker and the solid muscle buried inside it. There were mirrors in this place Smith had brought him to and Neo could see them both at all angles; Smith inside him, claiming his possession. It made Neo feel good inside, seeing the claiming. He tried to imagine what it had looked like, Smith pistoning in and out of him like a well-oiled machine.

Noticing the state of Neo's nipples, Smith reached out and curled his fingers around one. He squeezed and then twisted the nipple, before repeating the action on the other. Then, he lowered his mouth towards the first nipple. Took it in, gently grazing with his teeth.

Neo shivered and whined, arching toward Smith's mouth. "Please..." he begged.

Smith paused, raising his head and looking into Neo's eyes. "Please what? I want to hear you beg some more," he said.

Neo turned wide, lust-blown eyes toward Smith, letting the agent look into his soul. "Please bite me, master? Suck on me? Mark me everywhere...?"

Smith smiled at the words, at the begging, and proceeded to do as requested. He sucked and bit Neo's skin, leaving marks behind, covering every part of the human's body he could get to.

By the time Smith leaned up to observe his handiwork, Neo was a writhing, gibbering mess, begging for it never to stop. He squirmed so much, Smith's shaft moved in him, rubbing inside and causing him to rouse again, the tip of his member leaking precum. "Master..." He sobbed softly.

"What do you want?" Smith's voice was soft, but intense. "Do you want me to turn you over so I can bite and mark the entirety of your back side? Do you want me to pound into you so hard and fast that you'll feel me even when I'm not in you?" He gripped Neo's hips as he said, "Or perhaps I should position you over my knee and spank you so hard, you won't be able to sit down without sobbing."

Neo gurgled at the suggestions, eyes glazing over at thinking at the possibilities. "Please, master... do all three?" he finally asked, in a soft, submissively subdued voice filled with hope.

"Very well." Smith turned Neo over and began to suck and bite the human's entire back side, marking it the same way as he had the front. Then, he began to pound hard, deep, fast inside Neo, not holding back.

Neo let out a tiny sob as his skin became sensitive on his backside too; stingy and achy in all the right ways. When Smith began to pound into him, he gripped at the floor, attempting to hold himself still, in place, so that the agent would go as deep as possible. He could feel his entrance stretching, gripping, at the other's member, beginning to chafe at the speed and roughness. "Yessir... can feel you already... s'perfect..." he mumbled, in a slight haze. It was quickly reaching a point where all he could know and understand was Smith.

"Good," Smith said. "You're going to feel me so much more." He continued to pound into Neo and the sound of his hips hitting the human's backside quickly filled the room.

Neo quickly reached a point where he couldn't talk or focus. All he could do was grip the floor, arch his back and take it as Smith shoved in deep and spanked his bottom with his hips. His insides stung and ached as much as his bottom and thighs and all he could do was moan softly.

As he continued to pound inside Neo, Smith leaned down and closed his teeth around the nape of Neo's neck, biting hard.

Neo nearly wailed at feeling the teeth against his neck, slanting his head so that Smith had easier access to bite. "Yours, master... yours..." he sobbed, waiting for skin to break; for Smith to leave a scar.

Smith bit until he tasted blood; until he broke the skin. Then he licked away the blood he'd drawn, soothing the small wound.

Neo shivered and shuddered, releasing again at his master's actions, holding himself up so that Smith could continue pounding into him.

Smith's own release exploded through him and his teeth grazed Neo's neck once more as he let out a grunt of satisfaction. Then, he pulled slowly out of Neo and sat up, draping the human across his lap.

Neo was whimpering and still softly sobbing, his body having reached a height of stimulation that he couldn't control any of his reactions. He felt himself being draped and blindly reached down to hold onto his master's leg, preparing for Smith to make his bottom hurt.

Smith adjusted Neo's position slightly, then lifted his hand and brought it down in a resounding smack. He delivered a second one on the other side, then two more just below the first, quickly going down to Neo's thighs.

Neo wailed again, the harsh smacks on already tenderized skin painful... and he was too emotionally dropped to not let it be known that it hurt. His grip tightened around Smith's leg and he prepared for Smith to make him so sore he 'couldn't sit down without sobbing'.

A tiny grunt of satisfaction escaped Smith at hearing the wail...at knowing that the smacks were felt. He smacked hard and firm, turning the flesh of Neo's bottom to a deep, scarlet red.

Neo sobbed softly, squirming uncontrollably, even if he was still not fighting. "Master... master..." he moaned over and over, as if seeking reassurance. Needing to know that Smith was in control and that what was happening was not an accident.

"Yes. Your master. I am your master...and you will take whatever I choose to give you." Smith smacked Neo's thighs for a few moments before he began to smack again from the crest. "And for right now, I choose to make you so sore, you won't be able to sit without crying. Without knowing just who owns you. Who owns every part of you."

"You do..." Neo moaned, still sobbing quietly, but not trying to get away; never trying to get away. He needed to belong to Smith. He needed to feel Smith's control. Needed the other man to own and decide what happened to every part of him. His bottom hurt so much, it was starting to feel good to him. The world was a haze of tears; he couldn't see any longer. He had to breathe through his mouth. He needed so much.

"This bottom, your bottom, belongs to me," Smith stated. He was continuing to smack and as he did so, he began to describe what he was seeing...what he was feeling. How red Neo's bottom was. How hot it felt to the touch. That it was Smith's to punish or claim, whatever he chose.

"Yessir," Neo slurred. "Yours... 'longs to you. All me b'longs you...." he sobbed softly, his voice nearly gone from how long he'd been crying.

Parting Neo's thighs, Smith began to smack the inner thighs, turning them as red and hot as the rest of his human's bottom. Finally, he paused, gently rubbing his hand over the heated skin. "Such a pretty colour," he murmured.

"Y...you like, master? Like the color you made me?" Neo asked hopefully, needing to know that his pain had a purpose; that the result made Smith happy.

"I like it," Smith confirmed, his voice filled with satisfaction. "I like the colour. I like the heat. I like you like this, over my lap, submitting to whatever your master, your owner, chooses to do to you."

"Want to submit... need to submit..." Neo admitted, his voice nearly gone, it was so rough. "Need you to do whatever you want to me. Take whatever you want from me."

Smith moved Neo's position, settling the human to be sitting up, leaning against Smith's chest. He wrapped his arms around Neo's waist, settling his hands on the fronts of the human's thighs. He rubbed and patted a few times, then began to smack as firmly as he had Neo's bottom and the backs of his thighs.

Neo did sob as he was repositioned, feeling his sore bottom rubbing against Smith's thighs. It felt rough against his oversensitive, nearly raw skin. But he stayed in place and leaned back against his Master, relaxing against Smith's chest almost wearily, and watched as his master began to color the front of his thighs with the smacks.

In stark contrast with the sharp smacks he was delivering to the fronts of Neo's thighs, Smith began to gently kiss the sides of Neo's neck, delivering gentle affection along with the hard, claiming smacks.

Neo sighed softly, shifting his head whichever way enabled Smith the best access and control. He was still softly sobbing, but the sobs were taking on an almost confused air. Neo's eyes were glazing over.

Smith noticed that the human's eyes were glazing over and he stopped, letting his hands rub gently over Neo's crimson thighs before he stood them both up. He didn't loosen his hold on Neo as he guided his human into the other room...a room designed for comfort, at least for a human. Smith retrieved the items he'd stashed there and then settled them both on the large bed, beginning to use the cooling ointment and cream on Neo's scarlet bottom and legs.

"Master?" Neo slurred, as close to the edge of losing himself as it was possible to be and not completely drop.

"Do you have a question?" Smith asked calmly, as he continued to gently treat the hot, punished skin.

Neo blinked. Did he have a question? He thought he'd had one, but now, he couldn't remember what he had wanted to ask. He wrinkled his nose in confusion. "I don't know..." he mumbled, his voice hoarse and tear clogged, obviously confused. He sighed softly at the gentle treatment. "...Feels good..." he added on, so that Smith would know.

"Better than being rough?" Smith asked. There wasn't much inflection in his tone. He was asking because he wanted to know. To learn. Hearing the sound of Neo's voice, he reached for a bottle of water. He didn't need food or drink himself, but knew the humans did and he'd prepared for bringing his human here. He uncapped the bottle and held it to Neo's lips so the human would drink; reached for a tissue with his other hand to carefully wipe Neo's nose and eyes.

Neo gratefully drank the water and held still while Smith cared for him. He used the time to think of an answer and when he finally did answer, it was softly but assuredly. "No, sir. Just different. I like both. I... I need both..." He bit his lip. "...Both let me feel that you are in control of all of me in every way possible...."

"I want to take control of you. I want to take you, hard and rough...colour you red and make you cry for me." Smith continued to take care of Neo as he continued, "I also want to take care of you like this. I've never felt anything like this before, but you make me want to have and do things I never could before."

"Because of our connection?" Neo asked quietly.

"I believe so." Smith nodded. "That connection, that bond between us, feels stronger than it was before. Stronger, now that I have claimed you and you've accepted me as your master."

"Do you think you could come out into my world? As a sentient?" Neo asked carefully, not sure he understood that situation and not wanting to offend or give false hope.

"I'm aware that there are other programs who have done so," Smith replied. "I am willing to try it. It would likely be safer for you."

"You would protect me in both worlds?" Neo asked softly, letting out a tiny whimper as one particularly sore spot had cream rubbed in.

"Of course. You belong to me." Noticing Neo's reaction, Smith gentled his touch even more as he rubbed the cream in. "I'm going to treat you inside now," he added.

Neo flushed, but didn't argue. "Yessir..." he whispered, waiting for Smith to position him in whatever way was best for what he had in mind.

Smith moved Neo carefully and began to check for tearing inside, using ointment to treat the swelling and soreness.

Neo blushed darker, trying to hold still. To his surprise, Smith taking care of him and checking him was arousing him. He didn't try and hide the fact, though he felt it wasn't appropriate, since his master wasn't attempting to arouse him. He didn't apologize; Smith had said his reactions belonged to him and not to hide them. Still... it was embarrassing.

Smith noticed that Neo was rousing again. "I haven't been with anyone else, other than you now, but I'm sure becoming aroused and releasing again can't necessarily be good for you."

"Probably not... I haven't had that many experiences where it was an issue..." Neo admitted, in a small voice.

"But you have been in a relationship previously, so your experience is higher than mine," Smith said.

Neo thought about it. "I... I think I will be okay if I rest after. Drink and eat. But it would probably be better if it went down without me releasing...." His voice was soft and hesitant.

"So we will leave it alone and it may go down," Smith stated, finishing with the ointment inside Neo.

"Yessir," Neo agreed, only sounding slightly disappointed. He was still very sore, so it was easy to ignore the arousal.

Now that he was finished treating the marks and soreness left from taking Neo, Smith moved to collect some food and another bottle of water for his human.

"They'll be looking for me. Trying to bring me out of the Matrix..." Neo whispered, suddenly feeling needy and cuddly. He still was sore, but that had been eased with Smith's care. He waited for his master to return, almost nervously.

"I know." Smith returned with the food and water, sitting on the bed and passing Neo the items. "There's an exit you can leave through here. It's one of the reasons I chose this as a home."

"When I come back, is it safer to come through here?" Neo asked, carefully taking the food and water and beginning to eat and drink.

"Yes," Smith answered. "At the moment, it's hidden from the Analyst, but if things change, I will get a message to you."

"Okay..." Neo finished the food and drink, setting the plate and glass to the side before giving Smith a doe-eyed look. "Can... can I sit on your lap, master?" he asked hesitantly, in a small voice.

Smith nodded, shifting so that Neo could easily position himself how he wanted.

Neo smiled happily and moved, settling onto Smith's lap with a tiny hiss but then wrapping his arms around the other man and putting his head on Smith's shoulder, snuggling close. "Thank you, master..." he whispered.

Slowly, carefully, Smith wrapped his own arms around Neo, responding to the human embracing him. He let one hand rest on the back of Neo's neck; the other settled on his waist. He turned his head slightly, enough so that he could brush his lips against Neo's hair.

"I never thought I'd belong to anyone. Not like this..." Neo whispered. "It feels right that it is you who owns me...."

"I chose you." Smith murmured the words against Neo's hair. "I knew it when my memories broke through the cover the Analyst used to bind us."

"It feels good to be chosen..." Neo said, in a small voice, nuzzling against Smith's neck.

Smith gently gripped Neo's neck, lips resting against the human's hair. "You are mine."

"How often can I come see you? How will I know to come in?" Neo whispered.

"There are other programs and machines who are on the side of the humans," Smith said. "I will have ways of summoning you."

"And when I am summoned, I will obey as quickly as possible," Neo promised.

"Good. Because making me wait will result in punishment," Smith commented.

Neo swallowed hard at that. "Yessir. H... how will I be punished?"

"I will spank you," Smith replied.

"But I won't like it?" Neo asked nervously. As painful as it had been, he'd liked being spanked before. How hard would Smith have to spank for him to not like it?

"If it's a punishment, I won't be spanking you with my hand," Smith said.

"Oh..." Neo's voice fell and got even smaller and more submissive if it were possible.

"I doubt you'd like it in that case," Smith stated. He was still holding Neo close and tight, hand stroking gently over the human's neck and back.

"No, sir..." Neo admitted, in a small voice, clinging a bit more tightly.

In response, Smith tightened his own hold on Neo, kissing his head. "You are mine," he whispered, his voice low and possessive.

"I'm yours..." Neo acknowledged, in the same tiny voice. He felt extremely vulnerable. Entirely dependent on Smith... like a child or a pet. It didn't offend him, but it did scare him, and his fear manifested in his inability to let go. Manifested in a need to almost crawl into Smith and be absorbed by him. Overtaken by him.

Smith let his hands rub gently over Neo's back, down over his bottom so that Smith could feel the heat that still lingered. He stroked the mark he'd made on Neo's neck...the bite that would leave a scar.

"I feel so out of control and helpless..." Neo whispered, his fear bleeding through, even as he clung that small bit tighter to Smith.

"I have you," Smith murmured, gently squeezing the back of Neo's neck. "Even if you are out of control, even if you are helpless...it doesn't matter. Because I control you. I take care of you."

Neo nodded with a small whimper, burrowing against Smith, drawing a bit of strength and courage from him. Too much had happened recently. He'd discovered that his life wasn't his life and he'd been a slave to the Analyst for sixty years. He hadn't even had Trinity in that false life. And they'd made him believe the truth was just a story made up for a video game. Then he finally broke free and he still lost Trinity. She'd been in the false world so long, she'd been unable to let it go. He couldn't help feeling lost and alone, except for Smith. His master wouldn't leave him alone and would help him find his way. "I'm not like I was when we first met," he whispered. "I don't understand how you could still want me."

"Neither am I," Smith said softly. "We went down vastly different paths. And then we were both brought back. The Analyst didn't create the bond between us, but he used it to manipulate us both. Now we're free of him, but we're also free of what went on before. When we fought this time, it was without the need or desire to kill. But I couldn't lay claim to you then. I had to create this sanctuary first. That's why it took me so long to come to you again."

"What would you have done if Trinity had... had believed me and left the false world?" Neo asked curiously, wondering if Smith's connection to him would have encouraged him to fight to have him, even if Neo hadn't given up.

"I would still have come to you," Smith answered. "Still have claimed you. But you likely would have ended up with a lot more marks and scars."

"Submitting let me keep my 'pretty face'?" Neo found a little spark of humor to tease. He smiled crookedly. Uncertainly. He didn't know that he was all that 'pretty' now. Or if the submission was the reason Smith had held back on being harsher. Smith may have held back because he could see how broken Neo already was and didn't want to shatter him completely.

"Submitting kept me from needing to break you down completely. Especially when you were already broken," Smith said. "You would have fought me a lot more and I would have had to make you surrender. Even if it meant taking you in front of others."

Neo sighed and snuggled closer. "This way was better..." he decided quietly. "Even if the result is the same... I'm glad it wasn't you who broke me. Least not completely. It's easier trusting you with myself this way..." he whispered.

In answer, Smith tightened his own arms around Neo. His hands continued to gently stroke, rub and squeeze the human's skin. "I didn't break you. But I can help put you together again."

"I know you will..." Neo said softly, nuzzling against Smith's neck again. He continued to cuddle. "I do feel it still..." he said randomly. "...My bottom still feels hot and hurts. Even if I'm not sobbing." He grinned impishly.

Smith let his lips brush against Neo's hair. "Good. I'm glad you still feel it. It will help you remember that I own you now."

"How long do you think I have... before I have to return?" Neo asked softly.

"Not long," Smith said. "The fight will be over by now. If the Resistance still live, they'll be trying to pull you out. They might take the risk of unplugging you even if they can't find you here."

"What should I do?" Neo asked faintly.

"I'll take you to the exit," Smith replied. "You'll return. I'll get word to you when it's safe for you to return."

Neo nodded, reaching up and kissing Smith on his chin, not sure he had permission.

Smith angled his head so that he could brush a gentle, tender kiss against Neo's lips. He cupped Neo's face in his hand, the touch gentler than it had been while Smith had been claiming him.

"I don't want to leave you..." Neo admitted.

Smith's smile was sad. "I don't want you to leave me either," he admitted. "But we don't have a choice right now. I'll do everything in my power to make sure the separation is as short as possible."

"Okay..." Neo agreed quietly.

"And you'll remember the sensations," Smith said. "Even though they won't carry through to your world. You'll know who owns you."

"Forever..." Neo agreed. "...I'll remember forever."

Smith held Neo close and tight for a few moments, then helped him to stand, guiding the human through to the other room, so that he could redress Neo.

Neo followed meekly, submissively, behind. "What should I tell them? If they ask?"

Smith began putting Neo's clothes on him. "At the moment, it's not safe to reveal anything. Not until we can safely be together. Find out how the other programs have come into your world."

"I will... hopefully what happened will give us a way to bring you out into my world too..." Neo breathed out, holding still while Smith dressed him. He couldn't help but hiss and whimper softly as the clothing was pulled up over his sore bottom.

Once Neo was dressed, Smith drew him into a tight embrace, clasping him possessively, and kissed him deeply. "Mine," he whispered.

"Yours... forever..." Neo whispered, returning the kiss eagerly.

Smith held Neo, tight and possessively, kissing him hard. Even when he started to lead the human towards the exit, he still kept a tight hold of Neo.

Neo followed meekly, content to obey Smith till the very last.

Smith kept a tight hold of Neo as they reached the door. Then, he gripped Neo's neck in the same way he had when first claiming the human. Dragged him into a deep, hard kiss. "Don't forget."

"I won't. I promise..." Neo breathed out once Smith finally released his mouth enough to answer. He was breathless. Waiting for Smith to indicate he should go, Neo finally stepped through the door, immediately locating the resistance and moving toward them. Soon, they were out in the real world.


Neo couldn't deny that he was depressed. Everyone assumed it was because Trinity hadn't been able to be rescued. That Trinity had chosen the 'blue pill'. He let them believe that. It was partly true. It had taken something out of him to watch Trinity walk away to the family the Analyst had given her. But a large portion of it was also because the Morpheus he had known was gone. Nearly everyone else he'd come to depend on were either gone, or so old that he didn't know them any longer. And Smith was back in the Matrix. He felt so alone all the time; life had moved on without him. He sometimes wondered if it wouldn't have been better to remain ignorant of the fact, he was hooked up to the Matrix again. Gone on with his make-believe life like Trinity had. But... he hadn't. And the one being he needed to be able to hold on wasn't physically with him. All he had were the memories of sensations.

But what memories they were. He had to make sure not to think on them too strongly when he was with other people; sometimes just remembering how sore his bottom had been, how it had felt when Smith squeezed and rubbed it, had him immediately hard. When he was with others, he only allowed himself to think of the gentleness when Smith took care of him. It was safer.

So, he was depressed, and everyone knew it. But that worked in his favor. When he asked questions about sentients and how they were able to come out of the Matrix into the real world and how Morpheus had been able to manifest in the real world, they didn't get offended or cagey about hiding information. They looked at it as a way to try and draw him out of his depression and gave him information. He suspected if they knew his intent was to bring Smith out into the real world, they wouldn't have been as open and free with the information, but he didn't tell them.


Bugs wasn't unobservant. And she paid attention to Neo...to the man who was acting like he'd lost something; not to the hero she'd idolised and searched for for so long. And she was pretty sure she had a good idea of what prompted all of the questions Neo was asking. Even if she didn't know who Neo wanted to draw out of the Matrix. She'd watched the recordings, trying to figure out which program Neo had connected with...but whoever it was, there was no obvious answer.

She carried her tray into the mess hall and sat down opposite Neo. "You'll need a ship," she stated.

"Pardon me?" Neo asked with obvious confusion.

"To get the program out," Bugs said. "The one you want to bring here. Once they're disconnected from the Matrix, they'll need to link in with another system, or they'll die. So, you need a ship. And a crew, but that goes without saying."

Neo blinked, then nodded slowly. "If... if they are on the ship, does that mean they become the ship? I... I didn't realize Morpheus was a ship now...."

"No," Bugs answered. "The ship is just used to transport them. Then they connect with the systems here. They need a system to survive." She began eating. "Who are we bringing out? I looked at the recordings, but couldn't find whoever you got close to."

"I have to ask them if they are ready to come out first. If they say yes, I can give you their name..." Neo said, with a tiny smile. "You are very ready to help me considering you don't know who yet...."

Bugs shrugged. "You've been moping around in a depressed funk since we pulled you out. If getting this program out of there and here is going to help you, then yeah. I'm going to help."

"That's all it takes?" Neo blinked, touched that he mattered to her so much.

"Of course," Bugs replied. "So, when do you want to go?"

"Like I said... Need to ask them if they actually want to come out or not. And they're avoiding the Analyst, so I pretty much have to wait for them to find me. But... if you could have things ready to go on a moment's notice? If that isn't asking too much..." Neo said sheepishly.

"We'll all be ready," Bugs promised. "Was it the program we're pulling out that left the mark on your neck?"

"What do you think?" Neo asked hesitantly. Would she change her mind if she didn't like his answer?

"I think that it looks like someone bit your neck, hard enough to draw blood and scar," Bugs said. "I know it didn't happen outside the Matrix, which means that it happened inside." She paused. "This program we might be pulling out. Are you in a relationship with them?"

"Yeah. At least, I think so. It was a bit sudden..." Neo flushed slightly.

"How do you feel about them?" Bugs asked curiously.

"I feel like... like they understand me. They rescued me. They'll help me. All these changes. Everything that happened. It's hard. For so long, I was convinced reality was a game and the story I was fed was reality... it's hard." Neo sighed.

"So, they care about you. And you care about them." Bugs nodded. "And you've given them control over you? They did leave that mark?"

"They left the mark..." Neo admitted, but didn't say anything about the control. Smith said he shouldn't tell anyone. He didn't say what he should do if someone was very perceptive and figured it out, though.

Bugs nodded. "So, I'll tell the crew to be on standby. You'll let me know when we're moving out."

"Great. Thanks..." Neo smiled again. He didn't know when Smith would contact him again. He was trying to stay positive and not think 'if' Smith contacted him again. After the thorough claiming he'd experienced at the other being's hands, he didn't want to think he'd been forgotten about.

Bugs finished her food and then stood to clear away her tray. "Make sure you eat. Your program won't be happy with you if you don't take care of yourself."

Neo blinked again. "You're sure of that?" he asked, in amused skepticism.

"You said they rescued you. That they'll help you," Bugs said. "They care about you. So, they won't like it if you're not looking after yourself."

"I guess..." Neo said uncertainly. He knew Smith wanted him alive and took care of him, but he wasn't sure how far that care extended.

"Well. When you see them again, you'll be able to know for sure," Bugs said.

At that point, the machine that Sati controlled came into the mess hall, hovering insistently around Neo.

Bugs slanted Neo a pointed look. "Maybe someone is reaching out to you."

Neo blinked. "It seems so... should I follow you?" he asked Sati.

The machine dipped in what might have been a nod and then reversed course to zoom outside the mess hall, where Neo would be able to enter inside to talk to Sati face-to-face.

Neo gave Bugs a tiny shrug and got up to follow, leaving his uneaten meal behind.

Once Neo was inside the forest clearing with Sati, she held out a hand to him that showed coordinates in glowing blue light above her palm. "He says this is where you need to go."

Neo memorized the coordinates. "Did he say when?" he asked.

"The message was to come immediately and straight away," Sati replied. She eyed Neo. "Whoever sent this message is hiding their identity. Do you know who it is? Do you trust him?"

Neo nodded, already turning to head to the ship where he could hook up to the Matrix. "I do and yes..." he said.

Sati watched him. "Be careful. The Analyst is still out there."

"I will. Thanks..." Neo smiled as he reached the ship. He'd caught the worried look on her face. It didn't surprise him. He hadn't been eating or sleeping well, so likely didn't look good. He climbed onto the chair where he could be connected. "Help me out here?"

Bugs had got to the ship already, figuring that the message was a summons. She quickly connected Neo to the Matrix. "Soon as you find out whether your program's willing to come out, we'll retrieve them," she promised. "Just make sure they take the red pill." She quickly motioned for the rest of the crew to take their places, planning to get close enough that retrieval could be immediate once the red pill was taken. If it was taken.

"Okay..." Neo said, closing his eyes just before the connection was made. He felt a slight disorientation, but quickly discerned where he was and started heading to the coordinates he'd been given.

The coordinates led Neo to the building where Smith had initially claimed him. From the outside, the building looked boring, nondescript...designed not to draw attention from anyone not specifically looking for it.

Neo quickly glanced around, to be certain he hadn't been followed, before slipping into the building.

The door led to the room where Smith had claimed Neo initially. Smith was standing there and as soon as Neo entered, he moved towards the human, drawing him into a deep, hard kiss and tight embrace.

Neo groaned and immediately slumped into Smith, opening his mouth for his Master.

Smith pushed his tongue into Neo's mouth, still kissing him hard. Once he broke the kiss, he began to strip Neo of all of his clothes.

Neo was breathing hard by this point, already fully aroused. "Master..." he whispered, all the longing, lonely need he'd felt while away bleeding through in his voice.

Once Neo was fully naked, Smith drew him back into another hard kiss. His hands slid down Neo's back to cup the human's naked backside possessively.

Neo's breathing was ragged as he eagerly gave in, submitted, to whatever Smith demanded.

"Mine." The word was a low, possessive growl against Neo's lips. Smith lowered them both to the ground, taking the lube and removing his own clothing. He coated his erection and then pushed all of the way into Neo.

Neo hissed out a moan as he felt himself stretch around his master's large member. The lack of any prep beforehand left him tight and it stung, but he raised his knees toward his shoulders, exposing himself completely and fully opening up for Smith to claim hard and deep.

Smith began to thrust, hard and deep, inside Neo. At the same time, he began to smack the human's bottom and thighs, quickly warming up the flesh and turning it pink.

Neo groaned and grunted softly with each thrust, tears pooling in his eyes at the sting. He was still very tight, slowly loosening with each thrust.

As he continued to thrust deep and hard, along with smacking Neo's bottom and thighs, Smith leaned forward and bit the human's neck, sucking the skin into his mouth to leave a mark.

Neo let out a tiny sob, slanting his head so his neck was exposed. He needed this. Needed to be marked and stretched and fucked and filled completely, without reservation. He needed to be taken apart and owned by his Master.

Smith continued to bite and suck along Neo's neck, leaving a trail of marks behind, pounding hard into Neo's body. He needed this as much as his human did; needed to make sure he reclaimed Neo before anything else.

Neo's breathing was ragged as he gasped out, "Master, please... I can't..." He was close. So very close.

Smith's own release was close and he released Neo's neck long enough to order, "Let go." Then, he closed his teeth around Neo's neck once more. His member swelled to the point of releasing inside the human.

Shuddering at the order and how controlled he felt, Neo spilled out with a low, sobbing wail. It felt like his release went on forever, though he knew it could only have been seconds. It had all happened so quickly, he wasn't even fully loose yet; still tight enough for his body to give slight resistance, more friction, to Smith's thrusting member. His release caused him to clench uncontrollably, locking around his Master like a vice.

Smith's own release exploded from him, inside Neo, and his teeth clenched hard enough on Neo's skin to break the skin and leave another mark in place. He slumped down over Neo's body, licking the new mark he'd left. He was still inside the human, knotting inside Neo.

Neo's eyes widened and he moaned softly at feeling the large, hard knot forming inside him, large enough it would lock Smith completely inside him. Every movement caused the knot to pull and tug at his rim, the tight ring of muscle unable to stretch over it. "...Yours..." he panted out with a groan. He could feel Smith's release sliding around inside of him, unable to escape his body. He liked the idea of it not leaving him, of his body absorbing Smith's essence, marking him more completely as Smith's. He wanted to be filled over and over by Smith, until his belly was bloated and Smith could physically see the evidence of his complete ownership of Neo. See the evidence that Neo was a vessel for him to use and fill.

"Mine." Smith's voice was low and possessive. He kissed Neo's mouth hard, nipping at the human's lips. His hands moved towards Neo's hips, gripping firmly and tightly, leaving imprints of his fingers behind.

Neo sighed against Smith's lips, opening his mouth further, widening his legs further, submitting and offering every part of himself to Smith for the agent's pleasure. He could feel where Smith's fingers marked him. Smith could mark every inch of him with fingers and teeth, could leave him raw inside, and he'd welcome it.

Smith bit and sucked all over Neo's skin, like he had the first time he'd claimed the human. He scratched along Neo's chest and stomach, then leaned forward to close his mouth over one of Neo's nipples, dragging it into his mouth and grazing it with his teeth. His member began to swell again inside the human.

Neo whined as he felt his master enlarging in him, the knot pressing against his channel tightly, his master's shaft moving deeper inside as he grew. Smith touched him in places no one else had ever touched or ever would. It felt so good, but it was almost too much. He felt stuffed full of his master, like anymore would cause him to come apart. "...You own me..." he whispered, in a shaky, teary voice.

Smith bit Neo's nipple; not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make it clear who Neo belonged to. He released that nipple to murmur, "You are mine, completely and utterly." Then, he engulfed the opposite nipple in his mouth, giving it the same treatment.

Neo whined again, unable to do anything but take the rough treatment. He began to shiver as feelings of complete helplessness and dependency overwhelmed him. He couldn't focus. All he could do was experience as his master stretched, rubbed and engulfed him. He was being unmade and remade by Smith.

Tears blurred his vision and his breathing grew increasingly more erratic. He was completely unaware of anything but Smith. He didn't have time to prepare. He didn't even have time to warn Smith. He just dropped, crashing into subspace soundlessly.

Smith noticed the reactions...or the almost lack of them. He pulled back slowly, taking in the dazed, almost drugged look on Neo's face. This was something new for him and he carefully pulled out of Neo, lifting the human into his arms and carrying him through to the bedroom.

Neo whined softly, almost in disappointment, though he wasn't aware of it, as Smith's knot deflated and he pulled out. Otherwise, he lay limp in Smith's arms, only a slight gravitation toward the agent making it clear he wasn't unconscious.

In the bedroom, Smith settled Neo on the bed and then began to carefully treat the marks left behind and clean the human up, taking care of him.

Neo only let out tiny whines or whimpers when a sore area was touched, tiny sighs when a non-sore area was caressed or cared for. He was still unaware; his body reacting entirely by instinct for his master.

This wasn't something Smith had seen before and he wasn't entirely sure it was safe. Or good. When he finished treating the soreness both inside and out and cleaning Neo off, he drew a blanket over his human, moving Neo onto his lap as he'd held him previously. He touched Neo's face and called to him softly.

The touch to his face drew out a tiny sigh and Neo instinctively turned toward it, leaning into Smith's hand. It was his Master's voice that drew him back, though. Neo blinked his eyes, dazed and confused. When he realized that he was clean, being held, covered with a blanket- a completely different situation than being on his back, knotted, feeling his master toying with his body- Neo startled and turned wide, frightened eyes toward Smith, gripping tightly and seeking reassurance: both that he was safe, and that Smith wasn't upset.

Smith's arms tightened automatically around Neo and he spoke quietly, his worry and maybe even fear obvious. "You became unresponsive and looked like you'd been drugged. I was worried."

Neo blinked. Oddly, hearing his Master's worry for him eased his own fear. Smith obviously was looking out for him, protecting him and taking care of him when he couldn't take care of himself. "I never had that happen before. Should...should I ask someone about it?" Neo asked, his voice small, vulnerable, but full of trust in his master.

"Perhaps," Smith said. "If there is someone who might know about it." He frowned slightly, his touch gentle as he rubbed Neo's back under the blanket. "I've never seen anything like that before, but then, there is still a lot that I need to learn."

"Maybe it's because you own me? I... just let go with you?" Neo asked hesitantly. "I could ask Bugs. She seemed to know I was owned now, even if she didn't know by who...."

"Bugs?" Smith repeated. "Was she the one who pulled you out this time?"

"I think so? That day was a bit frantic. I was certain I was losing my mind, no thanks to the Analyst..." Neo sighed. "She saw the scar from the bite you gave me and immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had a Master. Well, maybe not immediately, immediately." Neo snuggled close and tight. "I was asking a lot of questions about the sentients and how they are able to interact outside the Matrix. She also noticed I was depressed and not sleeping enough or eating well and decided that I missed someone in the Matrix and that they gave me the bite mark and that they wouldn't be happy I wasn't taking care of myself. I was so surprised she figured it out without my saying anything, I didn't think to tell her she was wrong." Neo wrinkled his nose and nuzzled Smith's shoulder in apology.

Smith moved his hands to clasp Neo's face, encouraging the human to look at him. "What do you mean, you haven't been eating or sleeping well?" The note of worry in his voice only increased and he leaned over to bring out some of the food he'd kept for Neo, encouraging his human to eat.

Neo leaned into Smith's hands, then obediently began to eat when Smith indicated he should. "I couldn't sleep. Kept having dreams and then I'd wake up, not sure if I was really awake or not. And... I just wasn't hungry...."

"You should have been eating. Should have slept," Smith said seriously. "You need to take care of yourself. Even if I'm not there to remind you."

Neo pouted. "I tried to sleep. But... I guess I could have forced myself to eat..." he admitted reluctantly.

"Did you talk to anyone about the problems you were having?" Smith asked. "Did you try to get help?"

Neo bit his lip. "No, sir... felt wrong."

"That's not acceptable." Smith spoke in a serious, nearly stern voice. "Not taking care of yourself is not acceptable."

Neo looked down, ashamed at upsetting his Master. "I'm sorry..." he whispered, in a small voice.

Smith shook his head. "I expect you to look after yourself even when I'm not there. This is something deserving of punishment."

Neo turned wide, nervous eyes up to face Smith. "I... I won't do it again..." he said faintly.

"Humans need food and they need sleep," Smith replied. "Going without could cause you serious harm."

"I... I know. I do. I just... it was hard to care about it...." Neo swallowed hard.

"Then if you can't care about it, I'll have to give you a reason to care," Smith stated.

Neo gave Smith a sad, woebegone look. "What are you going to do, Master?" he whispered.

"Do you remember how I promised I would punish you?" Smith asked.

"That you would spank me, but not with your hand?" Neo's voice was very small. Almost childlike in his nervousness.

"You liked it when I spanked you with my hand," Smith said. "But neglecting yourself needs to have a response that you won't enjoy." He held Neo for a few more moments and then moved the human into position over his lap.

Neo closed his eyes and reached down to hold onto Smith's leg. He didn't argue; he knew Smith was right. Still, it was difficult not to react at all. He couldn't stop tears springing to his eyes.

Smith adjusted Neo's position, moving the blanket enough to expose his bottom while still keeping it wrapped around the human to keep him warm. Smith then reached out for the hairbrush in one of the drawers of the bedside table.

The tiny whimper let out in expectation was the only response Neo gave. He held very still, uncertain and almost afraid; not of Smith, but because he wasn't sure if he could take being punished and not immediately break.

Smith took a tighter hold on Neo and lifted the brush, bringing it down on first one buttock and then the other. He didn't put too much force behind the strikes but made sure they were felt.

Neo's yelp of pain startled himself and he found himself wrapping his arms more tightly around Smith's leg and hiding his face. "..I'm sorry..." he repeated, in a tiny, submissive, contritely nervous voice.

"You need to eat and sleep." Smith's voice was stern as he continued to bring the brush down firmly, covering every inch of Neo's backside, from the crest down to mid-thigh.

"Yessir..." Neo sobbed out, then began crying. It hurt. He wasn't able to handle it or enjoy it like he had the first time Smith had spanked him. This wasn't a claiming spanking, though it showed Smith owned him just as much as the first spanking had. It was a punishment and was evidence that he'd messed up badly enough to upset, disappoint, or anger his Master. Knowing that he'd done that did not feel good. His grip tightened fractionally again, and his tears became more vocal.

"Even if you're not here with me, you will eat. You will sleep. And if you can't do it yourself, then you'll get help to do it." Smith let the brush land to punctuate each word he spoke.

"Yessir..." Neo cried, slumping in acceptance, his tears choking him.

Smith finished with a final few strikes from the brush and then stopped. Putting the implement to one side, he began to gently rub the heated, punished flesh of Neo's bottom and thighs.

"Didn't mean to... to do something wrong..." Neo shivered at the gentle touch, still crying and not moving. He hadn't been given permission and if Smith wanted to rub, then he would hold still while his Master rubbed. Even if it made the sting ache. He belonged to Smith. Whatever the agent wanted would be done.

Continuing to rub Neo's bottom and thighs, Smith said quietly, "I'm a program and don't need the same kind of sustenance you do as a human. But I do know that food and proper rest is important for you. If this happens again, the punishment will be worse."

"Y... yessir." Neo's voice was very small and submissive. He was completely dependent on Smith. He hadn't dropped. But he felt emotionally unstable and needy. Needed to feel Smith had him and wouldn't let go or leave because he'd messed up. Hesitantly, he opened his legs so he was more vulnerable to the agent's touch and arched his bottom upward in offering.

Smith let his fingers dip between Neo's legs, gently running his fingers over the human's member. He squeezed low down on Neo's backside, then let his hand travel upwards towards Neo neck, gripping where he'd bitten and left a scar.

Neo let out a tiny sigh of relief and relaxed as Smith possessively held him. He hadn't messed everything up, then; Smith didn't think he was too much work.

"I have you. And you're mine." Smith spoke the words in a low, possessive tone. One hand rubbed, caressed, stroked over Neo's bottom and thighs, between his legs, gently scratching his nails along the inner thighs. His other hand continued gripping Neo's neck firmly.

"I am... I'm yours... all of me... forever... however you want...." Neo babbled in a needy, tear-roughened voice. He quivered at the possessive touch, his breathing quick and erratic.

Smith spread Neo's legs further apart, fully exposing the human's inner thighs. He hadn't included them in the punishment. Now, though, he began to smack firmly with his hand, slapping each inner thigh in turn. He'd punished Neo, but this was now about claiming.

"...Master..." Neo whispered in gratitude, holding his legs exactly where Smith put them. He expelled tiny huffs of air with each stinging smack. When one of the smacks caught a small part of his testicle, he groaned, hands clenching around Smith's leg and his shaft twitching in interest. He wasn't hard, yet, but he still obviously appreciated what Smith was doing.

Smith worked over Neo's inner thighs thoroughly, going up and down, allowing a good portion of the swats to catch the human's testicles. He gave a grunt of satisfaction each time he heard Neo react...each time he knew he was pulling those sounds and movements from the human.

Neo soon became a twitching, gibbering mess, only the fact he hadn't been given permission to move keeping him in place instead of squirming and thrusting into Smith's lap wantonly. He was fully aroused by this point, his balls stinging from the swats. Each time Smith swatted there, he arched his back as if begging for more. "Yours..." His voice was tight from the effort to hold still and take it.

Noticing the reactions, Smith began to focus more smacks to those sensitive areas. "Don't let go before I tell you," he warned.

Neo gurgled, unable to voice acknowledgement in words. His body quivered from his effort to stay in place. He could feel that he was dampening Smith's pants with his precum and arched his back a bit more; both to open up more of the sensitive organ to Smith's smacks and to raise it off of Smith's lap, so he wouldn't get him wet. At least not without permission.

Smith was now focusing more smacks to the more sensitive spots, even though he still smacked other parts of Neo's bottom and thighs as well. His other hand continued to grip and squeeze Neo's neck, letting his nails dig into the skin.

Neo began to sob softly from the aching need to release. It was becoming increasingly more difficult not to grind against Smith's lap and let go, but he'd been ordered. "Master... please..." he finally begged through his sobs.

"Let go." Smith spoke the words in a low growl. "Let go for me." He gripped Neo's member firmly.

At the order and the tight grip, Neo let go. He lost all control over himself as his hips thrust into Smith's fist, mindlessly chasing after the other man's possession. He sobbed hard as his body shook, his release shooting out of him violently, almost painfully. It felt like it went on for several long minutes, though he knew it could have only been seconds at most. Eventually, he collapsed over Smith's lap, boneless.

Smith kept his hands on Neo throughout the human's release. Once Neo collapsed, he began to rub and stroke gently over his human's body.

"...Thank you, Master..." Neo whispered, in a breathless voice. He paused, before starting again hesitantly. "...Master?"

"Yes?" Smith responded.

"...Would you knot me again?" Neo whispered, flushing and sounding like he was expecting to be turned down or ridiculed. "I liked feeling tied to you... like I couldn't get away unless you allowed. Liked feeling stuffed full and stretched tight for you...."

"I will do that," Smith agreed. He moved them both, settling Neo on the bed, on his back, and retrieved the lube. He coated his member in it and pushed inside his human.

Neo sighed and gave Smith a happy smile, pulling his knees up to his shoulders and opening his legs wide for his Master. Nothing was hidden from Smith. He could look, touch... claim whatever and however he wanted.

Smith lowered himself onto Neo, hands gripping the human's hips tightly. He leaned forward and began to trail bites over Neo's chest and stomach, nipping at each nipple.

Neo's breath caught in his throat and he purred out a moan. "...Feels good, sir...."

"You feel so good," Smith murmured. "I want to leave my marks all over you. So that it's clear to everyone who you belong to."

"They'll see...  like Bugs saw?" Neo breathed out, arching toward Smith's mouth.

"Like Bugs saw," Smith agreed. "So that everyone knows you have a master." He engulfed one of Neo's nipples in his mouth, beginning to suck and graze his teeth over it.

Neo gurgled happily, clenching around Smith's member. He raised his arms up over his head so Smith could bite, lick and suck more easily. "I want everyone to know you're my master," he breathed out.

Smith slowly released Neo's nipple, though he circled and gently squeezed both with his fingers, pinching lightly. "Would they accept knowing that it's me?"

"If I'm happy, I think they would... you helped fight the Analyst, after all... they may not fully trust you, but... I think they'd give you a chance..." Neo said honestly. He hissed softly and moaned at the stimulation, raising his head enough to look down at his chest and watch Smith play with his nipples.

Smith continued to twist and lightly pinch each of Neo's nipples, reducing them to hard, red, swollen nubs. Then, he lowered his head to each and began to suck and bite them.

Neo's head fell back, and he let out a soft, pleasure filled moan. Feeling his nipples taken into Smith's mouth while Smith's member filled and rubbed inside of him was heady. His member twitched in interest at the internal and external stimulation.

Smith only released the nipples when both were as sensitive as he could make them. Then, he proceeded to bite and suck every inch of Neo's body on the front. Then, he turned Neo over to do the exact same thing to every inch of skin on his back. His member grew and swelled quickly inside his human.

Neo's skin stung and ached every spot that Smith sucked and bit. When Smith turned him over, somehow staying inside of him while doing so, it put him into perfect position for the agent to rub and push against the highly sensitive nerve bundle. That, combined with feeling himself stretched as tightly as possible around Smith's now very large member, caused his own member to fully arouse, his erection bobbing between his thighs.

Gripping hold of Neo's hips, after he'd marked Neo everywhere possible, Smith began to thrust hard, fast and deep inside the human.

Neo braced himself on the bed, arching so that his bottom was raised and in perfect position for Smith to pound him as hard, fast and deep as he wanted. He grunted with each thrust inward, his groans of pleasure and need getting louder and more frequent the longer Smith thrust. "...Thank you, Master... feels sooo good..." he managed to gasp out, between one of the longer moans.

Smith didn't hold back, pounding fast and hard and deep because it was what he needed and wanted. He gripped Neo's hips tighter, leaving imprints of his fingers behind. And he leaned over to bite Neo's neck, hard enough to break the skin. To draw blood. To leave a scar behind.

Neo let out a tiny sob, feeling the claiming bite. It hurt... a lot... but there was also a feeling of euphoria at Smith's complete dominance and claim of him. He slanted his head so that Smith could stay latched on without any hinderance.

The soft sound, nearly a groan, that Smith let out at Neo's submission vibrated against the human's skin. His tongue licked over the mark, tasting the blood he'd drawn. As he did so, his release came over him, emptying inside Neo...staying there, as he allowed his member to knot.

At feeling the warmth of Smith's release flood him inside and the gentle lick at his neck, Neo sobbed out once more, barely holding on, needing release himself. "...Please, Master?" he begged softly. Feeling the knot tugging, pulling, against his sensitive rim; feeling the warmth spreading through him from Smith's seed; feeling so full because of Smith's large member still stuffed inside of him, it was very difficult not to release, but he waited for permission. If his Master told him no, he'd wait for as long as he was ordered; he belonged to Smith.

"Not yet." Smith murmured the words against Neo's neck. "You don't have permission yet." He squeezed Neo's hips and sucked on the new scar he'd left behind.

Neo shivered and moaned softly, "Yessir..." It was hard, but he didn't let go. He did clench around Smith's member tightly, unable to keep from doing that, as it was the only way he was able to keep himself from disobeying his Master.

"Good." Smith murmured the word into Neo's skin, kissing him there, before he resumed pushing deep inside the human.

Neo whimpered, both at the praise and at feeling his Master pressing against that sensitive bundle of nerves again. It felt so good, it hurt, and he couldn't find words to express how he felt. All he could do was moan, whine, whimper and sob softly, while arching his back to give Smith complete access to his body and take the agent in as far and deep as Smith could push.

"Mine." The word was a low, possessive growl. "You belong only to me." Smith pushed in as deep as he could go, pushing constantly against that bundle of nerves.

Tears streamed from his eyes and Neo clenched tightly again, barely holding on. The constant stimulation of his prostrate was leaving him unable to focus and he wasn't sure how he kept from releasing... until he realized, at some point, he'd reached down and squeezed his shaft in such a way as to keep him from being able to release. He shivered and groaned at the stimulation, beginning to feel very sensitive inside. "Yours..." he breathed out hoarsely.

Smith gave a low, possessive growl in response and gripped Neo's hips tighter and more firmly, letting his nails dig into Neo's skin. His release came over him once more, filling Neo, and he let his head drop against the human's shoulder, nipping lightly at the skin.

As sensitive as he was and as much as he was beginning to feel sore, having Smith's warm release filling and coating him inside soothed him in ways that were more than just physical. The agent's knot was still holding him tight to his master and that was soothing too, even if it tugged at his sore rim. He squeezed the base of his shaft hard, holding off his own release a bit longer, though he let himself pant with need. "...Love you, Master. Need you so much..." he whispered honestly, without thinking of possible ramifications.

At the words, Smith's touch turned gentle and he kissed the back of Neo's neck, nuzzling against the skin. "I love you." The words were uttered softly, but still enough to carry to his human's ears. He moved his hand underneath Neo, grasping the human's member. "Let go for me," he ordered.

Neo moved his own hand out of the way so Smith could grasp him and then, at the gentle order, he immediately obeyed and released. The release was hard, staggering and lasted several long moments, with Neo shuddering under and clenching tightly around Smith. By the end, he lay collapsed under his Master, sobbing softly. He was still knotted, tied to Smith, and the thick muscle tugged at his over sensitive rim, causing him to whimper softly. "Being tied to you is perfect... feels safe and right even when it hurts..." he whispered.

"I can stay knotted in you for a while," Smith said. "But it likely won't be good for long. However, there are other ways to keep us tied together. And even other ways to make it clear outside that you're owned."

"Please, Master? Till you think it is time to pull out? Having you in me is... comforting. Settling..." Neo admitted, almost bashfully. "Anything that will help me feel your control will help. If it lets others see too...."

Smith nodded. "I'll stay inside you for as long as it feels safe to do so." He kissed the back of Neo's neck. "While you're here, when we're not bound together like this, I'll keep you leashed. And out there, you'll wear a collar. It will make it obvious that you're owned."

Neo relaxed further, smiling happily over his shoulder. "Thank you, Master. I think it will help a lot. Maybe I can be good for you easier."

Leaning forward, Smith kissed him, now gentle and tender. "I'm sure it will help," he agreed.

Neo returned the kiss with just enough initiative that it was clear he welcomed Smith kissing him, but still submissive. "Master?" he asked, between kisses.

"Yes?" Smith responded, letting his hand stroke gently over Neo's cheek.

"Would you want to leave the Matrix? Be able to join me in my world? They have a way. If you wanted..." Neo swallowed, trying not to look too hopeful.

"I want to be with you," Smith said honestly. "You belong to me. If we can be together in your world, outside of the Matrix, I will leave with you."

"I want that too..." Neo whispered, before explaining everything he'd been told by Bugs and Sati.

Smith listened intently, still stroking Neo's cheek. Finally, he said, "If the ship's here now and ready, there seems no reason to wait unless you need to warn anyone of my presence."

"I just need to let them know you said yes... should I tell them who you are before you switch over?" Neo asked earnestly.

"Do any of them know who I am from before?" Smith asked. "If not, then it's not necessary to say who I am before I switch over. Unless you'd feel better to tell them."

"Only one of them would remember you from before. But she's the one in charge of everyone else," Neo said quietly.

"What do you think would be better for you?" Smith asked. "If she's hostile towards me, we might have to find another home."

"I honestly don't know. I don't think there is another home. She'll probably be less hostile if I tell her first, though. She wasn't happy when her crew went behind her back to get me, so...." Neo pressed closer to Smith suddenly afraid he would be prevented from bringing Smith out. If that happened, he'd see if there was a way for him to become a program like Morpheus had and live in Smith's world.

Smith wrapped his arms tighter around Neo, drawing him in close to himself. "Then do that first. Tell her the truth. And if we need to deal with any fallout from that, then we will."

Neo nodded, snuggling close and tucking his head under Smith's chin.

Smith wrapped his arms around Neo and held him close. He was still inside the human, still knotted in Neo. His hands roamed gently over Neo's back, bottom and thighs.

"I don't want to leave you..." Neo whispered.

Brushing a kiss over his hair, Smith murmured, "Then why don't you get me on the ship? Then you can talk to the human and won't need to return to the Matrix for me."

"Yeah. Okay. I'll do that..." Neo whispered, relaxing at the idea that he would have Smith with him sooner than later.

Smith cuddled Neo tightly and kissed his head. "Sleep now," he murmured. "You need the rest. I've got you."

Neo nuzzled against Smith, obediently closing his eyes. He was soon asleep.

The End