Wanda Maximoff


Full name: Wanda Maximoff
Portrayed by: Elizabeth Olsen
First Appearance: Not Alone
Parent: Clint Barton
Grandparent: Phil Coulson
Aunts/Uncles: Natasha Romanov, Raina, Grant Coulson, Bobbi Morse, Gamora, Nebula, Jeffrey Mace
Sibling: Pietro
Cousins: Lincoln, Valkyrie

“I don’t understand why she’d run. Out of the three of us, she seemed like she had adjusted the best…she knew immediately that she wanted to be Clint’s daughter and stay here with everyone.”

Kara, to Fury. Acceptance

Wanda attached herself to Clint the moment the Avenger started showing an interest and care and concern about her and her brother. She didn’t hesitate to address him as ‘Papa’, even before it became official. This was due to a variety of reasons; most notably because Clint was never afraid of what she could do. In fact, he was one of the few who couldn’t be affected by her mind control powers. As a result, Wanda feels safe with him, because she knows that he’s protected against even a subconscious use of her power.

Despite the fact that it was just Pietro and Wanda together for a long time, Wanda always wanted a family. Even if she did get scared and run once, it was never what she truly wanted; and she’s never been more happy than when her Papa came to get her.

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“I could teach you a lot of different things…if you are interested….”

Clint, to Wanda. Meeting The Rest

While Wanda does have a lot of control over her powers, she doesn’t tend to use them so much. Partly because she doesn’t want to manipulate her family and partly because she doesn’t want to rely on them all the time. Due to this, she learns a lot from her father; does her best to emulate him. It was that training that enabled her to capture her Papa during the Capture The Flag exercise and to hold her own while sparring.

A bit more mellow than her twin, Wanda is generally secure in her family and knowing that she’s loved and wanted. It’s rare for her to get into trouble, or even to act excited over anything. When she was deaged, she felt comfortable enough to act like the teenager she appeared to be…including enthusiastically greeting Wade Wilson (Deadpool) when he showed up at the compound.

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Random Facts

  • When she relaxed and let go and let herself feel happy, she lost her iron control over her powers, which was what Clint initially started helping her control.

  • She’s not above playing ‘daddy’s little girl’, as seen when she asked Clint to join in the choir they were talking about doing.