Two Truths One Lie

Summary: Story 65 of Redeeming Grant. Some of the family members play a game. One person gets into trouble.
Warning(s): AU, spanking of an adult.


It wasn't usual for most of the 'adult' family members to be gone all at once from the compound, but today, a lot of the family members were out on missions for SHIELD or had gone out on shopping trips...and in some cases, they were looking for missing family members.

Peter wandered into the family room and sat on the couch next to Harry. "I'm bored," he whined.

"We could watch a movie," Harry suggested, shifting closer to Werner to give Peter enough room to sit down.

"No. I want to do something fun," Peter replied.

Kaine was sat on the floor, reading a comic book. Deacon and Kamran were sat next to him, reading over his shoulder.

Pyro was comparing mutant abilities with Soni and Yukio. They had come down from their dormitory in the school, wanting to be around different people for a change.

Gabe was wishing he'd gone shopping with his sister when she'd asked. He was so bored. "What do you have in mind?" he asked Peter with interest.

Laura was drawing quietly, having discovered a love for artwork. She was sitting next to America, who leaned over to give the younger girl positive feedback, along with pointers when she got to a particularly hard part.

Miles...wasn't exactly sulking. But he wasn't happy. He'd had to give up his Prowler costume after being adopted into the family, and while he wasn't grounded, he was no longer able to just leave whenever he wanted. So, he was playing a video game, with headphones in. However, his game wasn't so loud that he couldn't hear conversation around him...and his ears pricked up at Gabe's question to Peter.

Peter shrugged. "I was kind of thinking of playing a game." There was a slight gleam in his eyes.

Harry glanced at his best friend turned cousin. "I hope your idea of a game isn't going to get any of us into trouble," he said warily.

"What kind of game?" Tony was one of the few adults who had stayed behind, not being interested in shopping or any of the other activities the other adults had planned. He glanced at Bucky. "Remember that wild game of capture the flag?" he asked his uncle, with a mischievous grin.

Bucky nodded. "Yeah. Too bad it is pouring down rain outside. We could have done that again otherwise."

"We can always play that another day, when more of the family members are here," Steve suggested.

Peggy, sitting next to Steve, tilted her head to one side. "What about a game that lets us learn more about each other?" Since she hadn't been in the compound as long as some of the others, she was still getting to know more about the people who'd been so different in her dimension, where they'd existed at all.

"Like truth or dare?" America looked up, interested.

"Is daring each other a good idea?" Kaine asked hesitantly. He knew himself, and he knew how some of his cousins were, and he didn't really want to get into trouble with his dad.

Gabe snorted. "How much trouble could we get into with Uncle Steve here?"

Pyro stared at him. "And now you've jinxed us..." he said, in an amusedly exasperated voice.

Kamran cleared his throat uncertainly, blushing when everyone looked at him. "We could play two truths, one lie...."

"Oh, that sounds like a fun game!" Peter nodded quickly.

"Especially since we don't have to reveal anything embarrassing, we don't want to," Harry commented.

"And we don't have to veto any dares that are too dangerous." Steve's voice was wry.

"Since it was Kamran's suggestion, how about we let him start?" Tony said. "That way, we can see how it is played too."

Kamran blinked. "Sure," he agreed quietly. "Okay. Two truths and one lie.  One, I had a girlfriend named Nakia. Two, my mother really liked the actor Kingo, so I've seen everything he is in. Three, I have to hide from the department of Damage Control." He looked around.  "Which one is the lie?"

"Is it the one about the actor?" Werner didn't really know for sure, but he figured the last one was just implausible enough to be true, so...he took a guess.

Kamran smiled somewhat sadly. Remembering his mother was bittersweet, given she'd died to save his life. "No... That is true. When I was four or five, I would sing for her, convinced I would be the next Kingo and she would like me better." He laughed. "Of course, now I know the liking was about more than his performance."

Miles hadn't spoken, or really responded enough to show he was listening. But even though he was still playing his video game and still had his headphones in, he got up and moved over to sit next to Kamran. He didn't say anything. He just sat close to his cousin.

Kamran blinked but smiled at Miles.

"So... Nakia wasn't your girlfriend?" Pyro asked, knowing that Kamran was being chased, even if he hadn't known exactly by who.

"Nakia was not. She was Kamala's best friend and one of the ones who helped me escape Jersey City." Kamran nodded. "Who wants to go next?"

"I will," Peter said. "I have a date tomorrow night. I like to pretend I'm Tarzan when I use my webslingers. And I haven't figured out what my major is yet." He grinned.

Kaine's eyes widened as he accused, "You don't have a date! You never go out where you could meet anyone!"

"Well, actually, we already met," Peter said. "We were at school together and we recently started catching up. And she's going to university as well, so...." He shrugged.

Kaine blinked. "So, you know your major now? That's so cool! What is it?"

Deacon laughed. "You're so certain he pretends he's Tarzan?'

"You mean you haven't heard him when he swings through the trees?" Harry laughed softly.

"I'm going for chemistry. Also taking advanced calculus." Peter grinned at Kaine.

Sprite, who had been making herself popcorn, walked in with a family-sized bowl of it. "Whatcha all doing?"

America sat up and held her hands out. "Gimme!"

Sprite shrugged and plopped down next to America, moving the bowl to be within easy reach. "There's more in the kitchen."

"That was you?!" Deacon looked at Peter with amusement. "I thought it was Quill making weird noises to get on Yondu's nerves...."

Pyro laughed. "I'll go next.  I like playing with fire, in more than one way. I joined a... not so nice... group of mutants before Dad saved me and made me honest. I love to swim."

"It probably is also Quill making noises," Steve commented, a little bit wryly, before he said, "I don't think you like swimming."

"I do not..." Pyro grinned sheepishly. "Next?"

"I'll go! Two truths and a lie, right?" Sprite had been paying attention. "Okay, number one." She held up one finger. "I've met King Arthur in person." She added a second finger. "Number two. I've appeared in one of Kingo's movies." Third finger. "Number three. I got mistaken for a prostitute back in the 1800s."

Gabe stared before whining, "That's not fair!" He laughed. "I'm going with the safe answer and say, no one has ever mistaken you for a prostitute."

"Nope!" Sprite grinned mischievously. "I never appeared in one of Kingo's movies. Although he kept asking me to," she added.

Steve cleared his throat. "I hope that situation was dealt with," he said meaningfully.

"I've been lucky to have a very protective family my entire life. Even if they have been known to be overprotective at times." Sprite wrinkled her nose slightly.

Tony nodded. "And now you have even more protectors."

Kaine cleared his throat and shifted nervously. "I can go next..." He waited a second, to make certain there were no objections. "My dad hated me when he first found me. I was a HYDRA experiment. I went joyriding into town last night and almost got caught by the police...." He very deliberately did not look at anyone as he stated his truths and lie.

"I going joyriding is a lie." Werner wasn't sure, but he remembered that Adrian had been a criminal before being accepted into the family, and that Kaine had been responsible for the man being arrested, even if he had been released without charge. He didn't know if it was true, but sometimes believing something made it true...even if only to yourself. He shifted slightly.

Kaine nodded. "I haven't even driven a car with an adult in it let alone by myself..." He sighed.

Tony gave Kaine a sympathetically worried look, glancing at his own father as he said, "I have a car you can learn in. Get your father to help you get a learner's permit and him teach you... You can get your license."

"That sounds like a good idea," Steve agreed. He didn't mention that he'd be passing on what Kaine had said to Adrian, but he definitely intended to. Even though their relationship was close now, those kind of thoughts still had the potential to cause harm.

Kaine grinned happily. "That's awesome! Thanks!"

Gabe grinned at his cousin. "I have three! I love when Pietro speeds me around the track in my wheelchair; it feels like I'm flying. I am an avid reader. I have an idea for a pair of leg braces that will help me walk."

"I bet it's the second one," America said promptly.

Gabe blushed. "Actually, it is the third. I think it would be great to have something like that, but that is as far as my ideas go. I haven't got even a small plan or idea on how to do it..." He sighed.

Tony slanted his head. "Friday. Make a note. I think I have a new project." He glanced at Gabe. "I'll need your help, of course...."

"Uh... Sure!" Gabe looked surprised.

Steve smiled at his son, resting a hand on Tony's shoulder, and squeezing gently.

"Can I go next?" Laura looked a little unsure of the 'rules' of the game.

Deacon nodded at the younger girl. "Please do!'

"Okay." Laura bit her lip. "I haven't had bad dreams that make me react in my sleep for two weeks. Dad said we can go to the shelter this weekend to look at cats. And popcorn is my favourite food."

Kaine bit his lip, worried. "Are you still having dreams?" he asked quietly. He hoped that what she said was a truth, but he knew she liked popcorn, and going to the shelter to get a cat wasn't terribly out there, given how many of the family had cats.

Laura's smile was a bit shy as she said, "We're not going to a shelter. Uncle Phil said that Aunt Cath and Uncle Paul have got more kittens and...Dad said we can fly there this weekend so I can pick one out."

Kaine's return smile was relieved and very happy. "That's great! I thought they'd got their barn cats fixed...."

Tony chuckled. "I remember Uncle Phil mentioning it. They did. But a pregnant mama cat showed up a month ago and adopted them. As soon as the vet says it is safe, they will get her spayed as well."

"Well, I'm glad you haven't had dreams..." Kaine said emphatically.

Laura's smile was a little less shy and a little happier when she said, "I think it's because I feel safe here."

"I agree. I feel safe here too," Kamran said quietly. "Very safe."

"That's good. I'm sure all of us are very pleased to hear that." Steve smiled warmly at Kamran.

"It does feel safe here. Like a home," America said, almost a bit wistfully. "Who's going next?" she asked.

"I'll go next!" Tony decided. "My eyes are blue, I think of Peggy as my mom, and I once tried to take on an army of enhanced fire breathing soldiers without wearing my suit."

"Isn't it supposed to be more challenging?' Bucky asked, with a laugh.

Peggy blinked, focusing on Tony. "His eyes are brown...." she said slowly.

The room was silent as everyone digested those words. Then Steve and Bucky both blurted, "You did what?!"

Tony visibly startled at the synchronous exclamations. "Um... I thought you knew..." he said uncertainly, realizing he should have picked a different truth.

"When was this, Tony?" Steve asked, a serious note slipping into his voice.

"Shortly after my house in Malibu was bombed into the ocean..." Tony winced, remembering Steve's response to his daring terrorists to come after him and giving them his address to do it. "It was the same group. I didn't mention it?"

"No. You didn't," Steve said. It had happened a while back, before the family had been formed, but Steve didn't want to set a precedent for hiding something like this to be deemed okay just because a certain amount of time had passed.

Pyro, sensing the mood of the room shifting, said brightly, "Hey. I had Friday get that new movie so we can watch it here. We can go upstairs and watch it in the Danger Room! Anyone who wants to watch, follow me!"

It didn't take long for all the kids to follow Pyro to the floor above so they could avoid seeing Tony getting into trouble.

Peggy shifted slightly, not sure about the change in the mood; she felt it but wasn't sure it was her place to say anything. Even so.... "I feel the same," she said quietly to Tony. Even if he was obviously in trouble, she wanted him to know that she thought of him as her son.

Tony blinked, his deer in the headlights look focusing on Peggy. When he finally made the connection to what she meant, his smile turned hopeful and almost childlike. "Really? I... I'm glad you're here now...."

"I am as well." She smiled at him. "We should talk, later." She didn't say, 'after your discussion with your dad and uncle', but that's what she meant.

Steve stood and then reached down to wrap an arm around his son's shoulders, guiding Tony to his feet.

"Okay... Friday can let you know... So, you can find me later..." Tony suggested hopefully. He stood at Steve's urging, shifting closer to his dad.  He noted Bucky stood, ready to follow as well.

"We'll see you later," Steve promised Peggy, before guiding his son from the family room, shifting so that Bucky could stand on Tony's other side and 'bracket' him.

Bucky put his hand on the small of Tony's back, urging him to walk to Steve's room.

Tony swallowed hard, but walked where he was directed, his father's arm on his shoulders and his uncle's hand at his back helping him remain calm. It had been a long time since his last 'discussion' with Steve. It was difficult not to try and run.

"It's going to be okay, Tony," Steve said softly. "We've got through this before." Reaching his room, he opened the door and guided his son inside, leaving enough space for Bucky to easily enter as well.

"Not... Not for a long time, though. I thought I was doing better," Tony said, in a small voice.

"You are, kid," Bucky said firmly. "One mistake doesn't mean you aren't doing better...." He walked in and made sure the door was firmly closed. He then pulled two chairs into the center of the floor, placing them so they faced each other. He sat on one, gently but firmly taking hold of Tony's wrist, holding him in place until Steve could sit across from him.

"You are doing so much better, and I am so very proud of you." Steve squeezed Tony's hand gently, then sat opposite his brother, knees interlocking with Bucky's.

"I'm sorry I never told you..." Tony whispered. "I should have...."

"I'm more worried that you did something so dangerous. You could have been taken away before I ever got the chance to meet you..." Bucky admitted quietly, before gently pulling Tony forward so he lay over both his and Steve's laps.

"It's never a good idea to hide things," Steve agreed. "But Bucky's right. He hadn't even had the chance to meet you then. And I might not have adopted you at that time, but I still cared deeply about you." Once Tony was positioned, he wrapped an arm around his son's waist to keep him steady, then proceeded to bare him.

Tony whimpered as his father bared him to both their gazes. "I cared... Care about you too. I wasn't thinking clearly then...."

Bucky lay his Vibranium arm across Tony's back to hold him in place. "Did you have a choice in what you did?' he asked, just in case they were about to punish for something Tony couldn't have avoided.

Tony took a shaky breath before admitting, in a tiny voice, "Yessir, I was trying to get information, but when I realized what was happening, I should have run and hid until I could get my suit. Not fought them.... especially when it ended up putting Harley in danger."

"That's exactly what you should have done, son," Steve said. "And I hope that if something similar happens in the future, you'll do exactly that." He lifted his hand and brought it down in the first firm smack.

Bucky didn't add to the admonishment. His nephew knew what he'd done wrong and if more needed to be said, Steve would say it. Instead, he lifted his own hand and swatted down with a crisp, firm smack. He proceeded to administer his own swats, using a slightly different speed and firmness than Steve, making certain Tony couldn't predict where the smacks would land next.

Tony let out a soft whine as the spanking began. At first, he only twitched and let out the occasional moan and whimper. Soon, however, he began to shift in discomfort as the sting steadily built. He began to wiggle to get his bottom out of the line of fire, tiny cries escaping as tears ran down his face. He couldn’t break free.

Steve kept his own arm in place, wrapped around Tony's waist, even though Bucky was holding on as well. He was careful to hold back on his full strength, although he made sure the swats were definitely felt enough to make an impression. "That wasn't the only time you endangered yourself, Tony. I told you even back then, I wouldn't let you put yourself in danger. I won't lose you, Tony. I can't lose you. I love you so much."

At hearing those words, Tony slumped. He hated worrying or hurting his father. Steve had told him, numerous times, and Tony understood, because he felt the same about Harry and Werner. He hated that he'd taken those chances anyway, even if it had occurred years before. "I'm sorry, daddy..." he whispered, before beginning to cry hard.

As soon as Tony had slumped and begun crying, Bucky had eased back on the strength and speed of the swats. He didn't stop- he would let Steve decide when it had been enough- but he didn't spank as hard, and he watched Steve so that he could stop as soon as his brother did. He examined Tony's backside, noting how dark red it already was. His nephew would find it uncomfortable to sit for a few hours, at least.

Hearing his son cry always made it difficult, if not impossible, to continue spanking...and Steve couldn't make himself continue in this instance. It would have been different if Tony had done this now, but since it had been years before, he decided to call the spanking done. Once he stopped, he carefully moved Tony, adjusting his son's position so that both he and Bucky could cuddle and comfort him.

Bucky helped Steve adjust Tony. As soon as the younger man was situated on both their laps, he wrapped his arm around his nephew, gently hugging. He kissed the side of Tony's head.

"Should I tell Ms. Carter she can join you now, or do you wish to wait, Captain?" Friday asked Steve.

Tony just sniffled and snuggled, his crying slowly stopping as his father and uncle comforted him. He didn't even try to fix his clothes.

Steve hugged Tony tightly and kissed his head, before answering Friday. "Yes please. You can tell her she can come in now." He'd hesitated, but only for a second. Tony felt like Peggy was his mom. Peggy felt like Tony was her son. She'd likely be seeing this kind of situation a lot.

Tony didn't protest Peggy coming in. He just continued to quietly snuggle, sniffling every so often and pressing as close to his father and uncle as possible.

Bucky glanced over Tony's head at Steve. Steve knew Peggy best. Would she be upset at seeing Tony's freshly spanked bottom on display? Or would it make her feel even more part of the family? Everyone knew Tony didn't care who saw his backside; his nephew was very upfront about his lack of inhibition.

Steve didn't make a move to cover Tony's backside. Peggy might have been born in the same time he was, but she'd also ended up frozen like him. And she'd met her own dimension's versions of the Avengers; and had likely had experience with Tony's lack of inhibitions. He knew she'd met the Avengers in her dimension and been close to them, before the zombie apocalypse had occurred.

There was a quiet knock on the door and Steve called softly, "Come in."

Peggy opened the door just enough to slip inside and gently closed the door behind her. She didn't seem surprised, or shocked, to see Tony in a half-naked state, with his red backside on display. Instead, she went over to the minifridge and retrieved a bottle of water, then got a damp washcloth from the adjoining restroom, before walking over to the three of them.

Tony sniffled, still pressing as close to Steve and Bucky as possible. He gave Peggy a trembling smile when he saw her, though. "Momma..." he whispered.

Steve shifted so that Peggy could easily join them in the hug, reaching out and gently pulling her close.

Peggy wrapped her arms around Tony, hugging him close along with Steve and Bucky. "You're okay?" she murmured softly.

"Yes, Momma..." Tony sniffled, pressing close to her while keeping close to Steve and Bucky. "...Deserved to be spanked. Shouldn't have been so dangerous. Shouldn't have hidden that I was naughty... Even if I didn't mean to...." He sounded young and sad.

Bucky gently rubbed his nephew's back before squeezing his shoulder. "You aren't naughty now, kid."

Peggy gently wrapped one arm around Tony, even as she carefully wiped his face with the damp washcloth. "Your uncle is right," she agreed softly. "You aren't naughty now."

"You've been punished and it's over. You're forgiven. And loved. So much." Steve brushed a kiss against Tony's head.

"I love you too... all of you... so much!" Tony's voice was strained with the effort not to begin crying again. He had made great strides in behaving like the adult he was and being more responsible, especially after adopting his own kids. Sometimes he just needed to be the son and let himself be taken care of, even if the form of being taken care of was a sore bottom.

After wiping his face, Peggy stroked the hair from his face, then uncapped the bottle of water and gave it to him so that he could drink. "You've cried a lot. It'll help you feel better," she murmured softly.

Giving Peggy a grateful smile, Tony obediently drank. He was feeling peaceful, happy, and loved, even if he was clingy. He was content to stay exactly where he was until Steve and Bucky moved him.

Bucky smirked faintly at his nephew's 'neediness' and tightened his grip slightly in a hug. He kissed the back of Tony's head. He had no problem being affectionate for as long as Tony wanted. If his own kids needed him, he knew Friday would tell him.

While he was happy...more than happy...that his family had grown, Steve couldn't deny that a moment of peace like this, holding his very first child who'd started everything for him, was nice. He wrapped his arms a bit tighter around both Peggy and Tony, holding his son and his lover close.

Bucky slowly pulled back, rubbing Tony's back again. "Hey, kiddo. Think you are okay with moving the cuddle fest onto the bed? Your momma and Daddy got you. I can slip out to check on my own kids and leave you all in peace..." he whispered gruffly.

"Uh huh..." Tony quietly but quickly agreed with Bucky's assessment. "Thanks, Uncle Bucky..." He gave Bucky a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before carefully standing so his uncle could stand. His clothes pooled on the floor around his ankles.

Bucky squeezed Tony's shoulder again while looking at both Steve and Peggy. "If you need anything...."

Steve nodded. "We'll let you know," he promised. He stood up as well, wrapping an arm around Tony's waist and holding his other hand out to Peggy.

Peggy took his hand and followed Steve and their son over to the bed.

Bucky watched Tony shuffle to the bed under both his parents' direction, then left to find his own children. The noise in the halls indicated everyone had returned. Before finding them, he went to find his other brother Adrian, to warn him about what Kaine had admitted in the game.

Adrian had gone to check on Kaine, letting his son know he was home, but then gone to unpack the items he'd bought in his room. Some of the items were gifts for Kaine, as he knew his son still felt like he was living in the shadow of the boy he'd been cloned from. He wanted Kaine to have more things that were just for him.

Bucky knocked on Adrian's door, after making certain Kaine was occupied elsewhere. He didn't want the boy to be embarrassed, but he felt like Adrian needed to know what had been said.

"Come in," Adrian called.

Bucky slipped into the room, closing the door behind him. 'Hey, bro. I have some information I think you need to know..." he carefully began. "While you were gone, everyone played a game of two truths, one lie. One of Kaine's truths was concerning. He said you hated him when you first found him. He doesn't think you hate him now, but given the kid's problems, thinking you hated him in the beginning probably won't help him... And as I know you didn't... Just thought you should know." Bucky cleared his throat and waited for Adrian to ask any questions he might have before he left.

Adrian's eyes widened a fraction and then he winced visibly, closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath. "I never hated him, but I can understand why he feels that way." Opening his eyes again, he looked at Bucky. "Thank you for telling me. I'll talk to him."

Bucky nodded. "If you need anything, let me know..." he said, before exiting the room and going to look for Lance, Sunil, and Patsy.

He passed Pepper in the hall with Werner and Harry.  "Tony's okay..." he said to her. "He's with Steve and Peggy. He finally admitted he views Peggy as his mom, so...."

"That's wonderful!" Pepper beamed. "I told him he needed to let her know! Friday, can you let Steve and Peggy know I'm keeping Werner and Harry with me tonight, if Tony wants to stay with them? I'm sure they have a lot to talk about...."

By this point, Bucky had disappeared on his quest to locate his kids.

"Of course," Friday replied, before proceeding to do so.

Adrian slipped out of his room at that moment, planning to find his son and talk to him.

Pepper took her sons' hands and they disappeared into her room.

Kaine was still in the common area, talking to those who hadn't already left for bed. He was the only kid there, though. The families still up were all the older family members.

Tracking his son down to the family room, Adrian walked in and wrapped an arm around Kaine's shoulders. "Hey, kiddo."

'Hey, dad!" Kaine smiled up at his father. "Did you have a good day?" He snuggled close.

Adrian kissed the top of Kaine's head. "I did. I brought some gifts back for you. Why don't we go to my room?" He didn't want to talk to Kaine about what Bucky had told him in front of other members of the family, not wanting his son to feel bad.

"You got me something?" Kaine smiled brightly, getting excited. "Okay!" He immediately moved to follow his father to Adrian's room.

Adrian kept his arm around Kaine as they headed into his room. He closed the door behind them and then reached for the presents he'd brought his son. "Bucky came to speak to me, son," he said gently.

"What about, Daddy?" Kaine asked curiously. He hadn't seen anything concerning in anything he'd done, so didn't suspect anything was wrong.

"He told me what you'd said during the game," Adrian said softly, trying not to show how much that revelation bothered him.

Kaine wrinkled his nose. "The two truths and a lie? Why did he tell you? Did he think my lie was funny and wanted you to hear it?" It was obvious Kaine didn't understand just what he'd admitted and how serious everyone else would take it.

Adrian moved over to the bed and sat down, pulling Kaine in to sit on his lap, cuddling him close. "Kaine, I never hated you. Not even when we first met."

Kaine blinked and blushed. Wrapping his arms around his father, he hugged tight and snuggled close before uncertainly saying, "I know you didn't hate me when you got me and made me yours...." He wanted to believe Adrian had never hated him, but it was hard to let go of thinking he had; he'd been convinced of it for so long.

"Kaine. I never hated you at any time." Adrian tightened his embrace around his son, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "I made a lot of wrong choices and did a lot that was bad. But I never hated you. And I was never planning to hurt you, let alone kill you," he said honestly. "I was just trying to slow you down, because I didn't want you to stop me."

Biting his lip and blinking back tears, Kaine tightened his grip on his father and snuggled as tight to him as he could. "It was my fault your wife and Liz left... I thought I ruined your life and you just had to hate me...." He swallowed hard, his voice shaking as he started to cry. "When you got me and made me yours and didn't hate me... I didn't know how you could change your mind... But you didn't change your mind. Cuz... You never hated me, like I thought...." It didn't take any convincing at all for Kaine to believe his father. He trusted the older man completely.

"I never hated you." Adrian cuddled Kaine tightly, his own voice hoarse with emotion. "I love you. I might not have done that from the start, but when I met you the first time, I knew my life would change. That I would change."

"I love you, daddy. The bestest day was when you made me yours. Even being spanked... I just knew I was safe and... And you wanting me even if I was naughty... I just..." Kaine didn't know what words to use, and his voice trailed off in confusion, so he just hugged tighter, nuzzling against Adrian's chest like an eager puppy.

"I love you so much, son. And I've wanted you even before the moment you put yourself between me and the Ghost Rider," Adrian said softly. "It was just that moment I realised how I felt."

Kaine finally loosened his grip enough to be able to look into Adrian's eyes and give him a hesitant smile. "Am I in trouble for thinking...?" He bit his lip again. "I know I wasn't naughty, but you seemed very worried and I musta worried Uncle Bucky too, since he told you...."

"You're not in trouble," Adrian said gently. "I just want to make sure that you know it isn't true."

Kaine nodded, throwing his arms around his father again. "I believe you, Daddy. It... It really makes a lot more sense when I think about it. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't have cared about my putting myself in danger or held back when we fought each other. I love you too. So much!"

"I'm glad you know for sure." Adrian hugged Kaine tightly, kissing his head once more. "And I'm going to make sure you never have a reason to doubt that again," he promised.

Kaine grinned and snuggled, asking bashfully, "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course. I think I need that as well," Adrian said honestly.

"I love you..." Kaine said happily, snuggling close again. He was content to stay in his father's arms the rest of the night.


Druig and Yelena had become very good friends in the short time they had known each other. He helped her continue to spy on her sister and remain hidden. She helped him keep an eye out for unusual occurrences that might mean Arishem had found him.

It was because of this Yelena had noticed someone she thought seemed a bit out of place, even if he was accompanied by two obvious humans. She pointed this person out to Druig.

"That's Ikaris!" Druig hissed, pulling her back into an alley and beginning to quickly lead her, in a roundabout way, back to their motel. He looked nervous, but also sad.

"Is he an enemy? Does he work with this Arishem?" Yelena asked, clearly worried, as she quickly followed.

"He was working for him. Fought all of us when we tried to stop him. I thought he'd died..." Druig admitted, even as they ran as far from Ikaris as possible.


"Druig?" Ikaris stopped where he was, Kate and Dane on either side of him, and looked towards where he thought he'd seen his other son.

There was no sign of Druig...and no evidence that he'd even been there. But Ikaris had been almost certain he'd seen him...which made it even worse, to have that tiny bit of hope that was then snatched away from him.

Kate looked toward where Ikaris stared, but not seeing anyone, she looked back at her father. The look on his face hurt to see. "Daddy? We'll find him..." she attempted to soothe, reaching out and holding his arm.

Dane nodded. "Kate's right, Dad. We'll find him...." He wrapped an arm around Ikaris' shoulders, giving him a side hug.

It helped, a lot, to have his other two children close to him...but Ikaris still felt the loss of Druig keenly. He did wrap an arm around each of them, holding them close. "I wish our family could be complete," he whispered. He loved Dane, Kate, and Sprite with all his heart...but he missed Druig like a physical pain. He needed all of his children with him.

"We'll never stop looking until our family is complete..." Dane promised.

"Do you want to go home, Daddy? I finished all the shopping I needed to do," Kate said softly. Maybe at home, Ikaris could let go of his emotions. She could tell he was hurting.

Ikaris looked towards the spot he thought he'd seen Druig, a look of naked hope on his face before his shoulders slumped. "Okay." His voice was soft.

Kate bit her lip. This was the first time she'd seen the older man looking so defeated. It hurt. She quickly wrapped her arms around her father and held tight.

Dane swallowed hard. "Let's go home, Daddy..." he whispered, taking Ikaris's hand.

Ikaris wrapped his arms around Kate, holding her close, as he gently gripped his son's hand. "Yeah," he agreed quietly. He was hurting and missing Druig...but having both Kate and Dane with him helped. "I love you both," he whispered.

"We love you too, Daddy. Very much..." Dane said quietly, squeezing Ikaris's hand as they began to walk back home.

They walked slowly, but even so they made good time, returning around the same time as all the others who had been out. They went straight to Ikaris' room.

Kate hovered uncertainly. She loved her father and would stay with him if he needed. But sometimes what he needed was to be in full control and when that happened, Dane was more helpful. As much as she wanted to be there for him.... "What do you need, Daddy?" she asked.

"I children," Ikaris said honestly. He didn't have Druig, even if he desperately wanted his other son...but having Kate and Dane close to him now would help a lot.

"Do you want both of us to stay with you tonight?" Dane asked for confirmation. Ikaris' answer would help him know what was needed most and how he should react.  Usually when he needed to be 'young', Kate avoided staying in the same room; he had a difficult time letting himself go like that if it was more than just Ikaris with him. And Ikaris was always careful not to encourage him to be 'young' if there were a lot of other people around and they couldn't find a place to be by themselves. So, if his father wanted both of his children to stay the night, that meant Ikaris didn't need to be in control so much as he just needed the comfort.

"I need both of you to stay with me tonight," Ikaris confirmed. Perhaps later, he'd need to take control. Right now, he just needed the physical comfort of the children he did have; the children he knew didn't hate him.

"Then we'll both be here, Daddy..." Kate promised. "Let me go get my pajamas on and I'll be right back! Unless... You want to dress me for bed?" she asked hesitantly. Her father may not need to control, but he might need to 'take care of'. It was hard to tell. She'd never seen her father looking so depressed.

Dane nodded. "I'll do the same. Whatever you need...."

"I'll feel better taking care of both of you," Ikaris admitted quietly. It was a relief that his children understood and were willing to give him what he needed. It helped, a lot, that they understood and were willing to give him what he needed.

"Okay, Daddy... Just give us a minute and we'll go get our pajamas and bring them back here..." Dane promised, squeezing Ikaris' hand again before quickly going through the adjoining door into his room to gather his pajamas.

Kate impulsively kissed Ikaris on the cheek before running into her own room to do the same.

Shortly, they were both back, putting the clothing on the bed within Ikaris' reach.

"Do you want us to shower tonight? Or wait till morning?" Kate asked quietly, leaving Ikaris room to decide if he needed to care for them in that way as well.

"I can wait until morning." Ikaris reached out and began undressing each of them in turn, then putting the pajamas on them. It obviously helped, being able to take care of them. He was still hurting, still feeling the pain of Druig's absence, but he had Kate and he had Dane. He had Sprite, too, even if he didn't necessarily need her in the same way as he did his other children.

Kate helped where needed, stepping out of her clothes, and raising her arms for her gown to be dropped over her head. She didn't even blink about the moments where she was unclothed, her trust in Ikaris complete. He was taking care of her, and it was perfectly normal. As soon as she was redressed in her pajamas, she turned so Ikaris could dress Dane.

Dane had averted his eyes while Kate was being changed, trusting that she would do the same. When it was his turn to be changed, he didn't try to hide. He had no shame or false modesty with his father. Once he was also dressed in the pajamas, he cleared his throat. "Bed now?" He wondered if he should ask if they should have Sprite come join them; but Sprite knew they were back, and while Sprite looked younger physically, she was much older in every other way. Kate and he were the 'babies' of the family. It felt like if Sprite wanted to join in- or if Ikaris wanted her to join in, she'd come on her own, or Ikaris would send her a message to come in.

"Bed now," Ikaris confirmed softly. He reached out, wrapping an arm around each of their waists and drawing them into close, tight hugs. He pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads, then guided them over to the bed, settling down with one on either side of him.

Kate quickly got into bed next to Ikaris, waiting until both he and Dane were in bed to snuggle as close as possible. She put her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. She didn't bother adjusting her nightshirt when it rode up, exposing her underwear. It just made it easier for Ikaris to rub skin. She suspected he needed the skin-on-skin contact.

Dane was pressed close on Ikaris' other side, his head on the opposite shoulder so he and Kate were staring at each other. He shifted enough that Ikaris could reach under his shirt or his sleep shorts. He sensed the same thing as Kate... that their father needed skin on skin contact.

Ikaris didn't need to do much adjusting to allow him to rub bare skin. The skin-on-skin contact helped calm something within him, and he kissed Kate's cheek and then Dane's. "I love both of you. So much," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"We love you too, Daddy... So much..." Kate whispered, snuggling close and relaxing as she felt Ikaris rubbing. She nuzzled against him quietly, closing her eyes and enjoying the attention. It may have been Ikaris that needed to care for them in this way, but she found she needed it too, even if not the same way.

Dane sighed happily and shifted a little more to give Ikaris easy access. "Yeah, Daddy... We both love you so very much..." he whispered. The gentle affection was soothing him into sleep.

Ikaris gently tugged both of his children in close, continuing to rub their bare skin. The close, physical contact, the comfort of his children, helped soothe the pain of not having Druig, at least a little bit. Of course, the pain would always linger beneath the surface until he had all of his family with him...but Dane and Kate made him feel better.

Both Kate and Dane continued to snuggle close and nuzzle against their father until they fell into a peaceful sleep. They felt safe and protected and loved.

The End