The Truth Comes Out
Chapter One: Dick’s Penance

The truth had to come out. Dick Grayson had told Jason finally on the rooftop of Titan Tower, but he wasn't the only one who deserved to know. 

For five years, Dick had told the team that Jericho had been dead when he had got there. After years of keeping this a secret from his team, it was time.

Jason had told him to come clean. Hell, even Bruce inside his conscience told him to let it out. Standing now before his team, the former Robin sighed and gulped. Most of them had been a part of the original Titans. He took a deep breath, reflecting that he hated to disappoint Hawk and Dove the most. They had been with him the longest, including knowing him intimately.

"I gathered you here to tell you all the truth. I...Five years ago, I lied when I said that Jericho was dead when I got there. He died during the fight...I didn’t mean to hide this, but...I don’t know why I led you to believe otherwise. I fucked up and didn't want you guys to know I let you all down." Dick was terrified that they would have left him alone. Now that could very well happen after this confession. He had failed his team, his family, Bruce and, more importantly, Hawk and Dove. He just stood there, ready for the yelling or worse to come.

Hank stared at Dick and shook his head. "I can't believe you lied. When is that going to end, Dick?" he demanded. "When are you going to stop keeping things from us? Hiding things from us?" His voice was heavy with disappointment. "What else is there?"

Dick cringed and knew that Hank would be furious with him. The yelling was to be expected and he chewed his lower lip. "I have been patrolling alone and you know when I went off the grid to rescue Jason? I, um, was hoping to trade myself for his life. I know, I know...I fucked up big time and won't hold it against you if you guys left."

Hank glanced around at the others, who all had varying states of confusion and wariness on their faces. Then, he turned back to Dick. "Yeah, because things turned out so well when we left the last time. Look at what you do even when we are here." He stalked over to Dick and grabbed the other man's arm. "The way you're acting? Not okay. I'm not leaving, but I'm dealing with this."

"Hank, I thought coming clean was dealing with it." Dick looked at one of his best friends. Hank had been so much more than that, along with Dawn. They were his team, along with Donna, before the new Titans. He saw the anger in Hank's eyes, but what more did his friend have in mind? The hard grip on his arm told him one thing: Hank was furious. All Dick could do was brace himself to get his ass kicked. At least they weren't leaving and maybe they could all get past this. "You're not leaving me? I thought once it came out you would. Again."

Hank gripped Dick's arm more firmly and glanced over his shoulder at the other Titans. "We're not leaving." He turned back to Dick. "I'm going to take you inside the base and then I'm gonna tan your ass." He didn't bother keeping his voice down. They'd all been hurt by this reveal. Dick had screwed up enough that some kind of punishment was deserved.

"Wait...What?" Dick's eyes went wide, watching his best friend with a look of panic on his face. Trying to steel his emotions, the man formerly known as Batman’s Robin was at a loss for words. Trying to get out of the hard grip, Dick hissed out, "You can't be serious."

"I'm completely serious," Hank replied. "You deserve some kind of punishment for lying to us and hiding things from us all this time." Tightening his hold on Dick's arm, he started to leave the roof, pulling Dick with him.

Dick looked at the others while they left him alone with Hank. He never bothered to fight, considering he had this coming for a long time. With a sigh, the boy wonder allowed the other man to take him back inside. He had a feeling he would be paying for his crimes. He also knew one thing; Hank hated it when people lied. Much less so when it was someone that was as close to him as Dick Grayson.

Hank didn't let go of Dick, his grip tight and firm, as he led the other man over to one of the chairs. He took a seat and quickly tugged Dick over his lap, wasting no time in baring his friend.

"Hank! No, come on! Not out here!" Dick Grayson knew that the others were in their rooms, but this was public. The strong hold and his pants being pulled down were embarrassing. A few had seen his ass, but not the new Titans. Dick chewed his lower lip nervously and grunted, waiting for the blows.

Hank ignored the verbal protests, taking a stronger and firmer grip on Dick as he raised his hand and brought it down hard. He delivered a matching smack on the other side of Dick's backside. "You lied to and hid things from all of us, Dick. I think they deserve to hear you being punished as much as you deserve to be punished."

Dick felt the pain blossom on his naked buttocks. He had expected it to hurt, but no matter how much he'd braced for it, it was worse. The sudden smack forced a shocked howl to escape his lips. Not only had he hurt Hank, but he’d also hurt the others. Maybe he did deserve this to be out in the open after all. "Ahhh! Owww!" His struggling was clearly moot, as were his yelps.

Hank continued to smack firmly, covering every inch of Dick's bottom from the crest down to mid-thigh. Then, he began again from the top.

"Uhhh! Hank, please stop! I am sorry!" Dick was already squirming and bucking. No matter how much he tried to escape the blows, Hank wasn't giving in. His cheeks were already hot to the touch, the skin a deep shade of pink. Dick finally was forced to give in. The emotions, the guilt and the pain were finally brought forth and he couldn't stop it.

Finishing the second circuit of smacks, Hank began a third, spanking a bit harder and faster. At the same time, he moved one leg over Dick's, pinning the other man in place for the spanking.

Dick yelped and struggled, only to find out how good Hank was at keeping his ass there. Finally unable to take it anymore, Dick broke down in howling sobs. "I'm sorry, Hank! Please...Stoooop!"

Hank stopped spanking, but didn't let Dick up and kept him in place. A stern note crept into his voice as he asked, "Are you going to lie or hide things again?"

As much as he wanted to promise that, Dick knew that he probably would break that promise. Right now, his butt was on fire and he gasped out from the pain. "I can't promise that, Hank. All I can promise is to try." He cringed, knowing that this wouldn't probably go over well with someone he once was involved with.

"Then we're not done here yet." As he spoke, Hank removed his belt from around his waist and doubled it over in his hand. Let it rest against Dick's backside. "You've seen what lying and hiding things does to us. To our relationship."

"No, Hank, please. I will try and do better." Dick felt the tears sliding down, even before his eyes blurred. His voice was thick from his anguish. It was true that he had driven both Hank and Dawn away with his behavior, but to be reminded of it hurt. His heart was crushed all over again. "I'm sorry, H...Hank. I know I fucked up and it was my fault everything ended with us. I just can't promise…"

"Yes. You can." Hank raised the belt and brought it down firmly across the centre of Dick's bottom. "No relationship can survive without trust. And you broke it once already. Yeah, I walked away then. But I'm not walking away now. That's why I'm doing this . Which I should have done in the first place."

Dick was about to reply to that, only to feel the intense fire. The crack was echoed by pained screams. "Hank...Please! Aghhh! We can't be what we were. I broke that!" Dick howled and knew that Hank was still in love with Dawn now. Why was the other man acting like they still belonged to each other?

Hank delivered a second and third stroke with the belt, each stripe landing just below the previous. "Yeah, you did break it. But that doesn't mean we can't be what we were. Do you think I'd bother to do this if I thought our relationship was damaged beyond repair?"

"I...I don’t know." Dick found it hard to admit that he was confused on this. Hank hadn't seemed to want to rebuild what they once had before. "You...Owww...Ahhhh! Never acted like you want me baaaaowwck!" The pain was immeasurable. His backside and his heart were aching; he was finally unable to vocalize any longer. The floor and his face were now soaked, his backside on fire and his heart laid bare.

"Because you hurt me," Hank said. "Do you have any idea how much lying to me hurts?"

"I am beginning to, Hank. I just thought, after everything, you'd not want me back." Dick had to admit that he didn't want to lie. Hank was the last person he had ever wanted to hurt. "I wanted to tell you so much, but then the more time that went by...I was afraid…"

"Afraid of what?" Hank asked.

"I was afraid of losing you and then I did...I guess I was scared of you dying on me too. I loved you and still do, but I was scared to lose you forever. Then you came back, but not to me...Never back to me...Just the Titans and I failed."

Hank gently rubbed Dick's back. "I still love you too," he admitted. "But we can't have a relationship built on lies, Dick. And you need to stop lying."

"My whole life has been built on keeping secrets, Hank. Robin, secret identities and missions. I don’t know how to stop and let people in. I don’t want to lose you again. I can't be alone anymore."

"Then this spanking isn't going to be a one-time thing," Hank said. "If we're going to work on our relationship, then we need to build up the trust again. So any more lying or hiding things will end up with you right over my knee again."

"Wait...What do you mean by that? I thought you didn't want to go down that path again. What about Dawn?" The thought of more spankings in the future was the furthest from Robin’s mind until it finally hit him. "You mean you'll blister my ass again? Seriously, Hank? My ass is on fire, man."

"Yeah? Well, you deserve it," Hank stated. "And we were all in a relationship before. I think Dawn would agree to go back to the way things were. Especially knowing that you'll have real consequences when you hurt either of us again."

Dick cringed and actually groaned. "You mean I have to answer to you both? Dawn would want us three together?" He then cringed and hissed when his backside ached in sympathy for the future. "And I thought you two were fierce during battle and sex. Now I have to cover my ass?" Dick knew he was trying to at least lighten the mood, but his ass was screaming for relief.

"Do you want to be with us again?" Hank asked directly. "Because I know how me and Dawn feel. But nothing will change if you don't want it too."

"I thought my not fighting you and my confession was obvious. I still love you and that never changed."

"Then you're gonna have to get used to a sore ass until you learn not to lie to either of us or hide things from us anymore."

Dick turned his head to look over his shoulder at Hank. His eyes widened in shock. "What? Are you being serious? You plan to keep me bent over everytime I fuck up?"

"Yeah," Hank replied. "Every time you fuck up, you'll be in this exact same position with a blistered ass."

"Fuck, Hank. I always knew you had wanted to blister my ass more than once. Guess you get your wish if I agree to what we had."

"Would have saved a lot of heartache for all of us if I had," Hank said.

"Yeah, you may be right, Hank. However, could we discuss this without my bare ass hanging out?"

"Depends on whether I need to give you a bit more to make sure the lesson truly sticks," Hank replied.

Dick snorted at that and wished he had kept his mouth shut by that point. His wit had always got him into trouble, be it with villains as Robin or with his partners. Dick never learned. "I don't know, Hank. Do you?"

Hank ran a hand over Dick's bare ass, feeling the heat and seeing the redness. "You know what? We'll leave it for now. But tomorrow morning, I'm gonna take you over my knee for another spanking as a reminder."

Dick groaned and squirmed a little. "Awww. Do we have to?" His eyes watched the other man. "And what happens tonight before then?"

Hank snorted softly. "I figure we'll be turning in for the night. Reconnecting. Not sure you'll want to be on your back, though. Maybe I'd be better off bending you over the bed."

"Well, that depends on what I am bending over for, Hank "

"Sex," Hank replied bluntly.

Dick actually chuckled at the blunt response and felt the heat blossom on his face. "Oh? Haven't fucked me in years, man. If you want to get back into that, I'm game, but are you?" Dick knew that he was being cheeky, but if he was honest with himself, he wanted what they once had. They had made a good team, in and out of the bedroom, with Dawn.

"I wouldn't be talking about fucking you if I wasn't game," Hank replied. He stood Dick up and stood as well.

Dick smirked a bit and looked at the other man. He was tired of sacrificing everything. Taking what he wanted, Dick inched closer, wrapping his arms around the broad shoulders. The kiss was passionate and hungry. "I want what we had, Hank. I want you to forgive me."

Hank kissed back fervently, sliding his hands down Dick's shoulders and back. "That's what that spanking and the one tomorrow is for. Clean slate."

Dick nodded and knew that Hank was right. They needed a clean state and then they would be together as they once had been. "Yes. A clean slate, but could we um get my pants back on? Pants down by my ankles might make it hard to get to your bedroom."

"Might as well take them off entirely," Hank said. "You won't be needing them for the rest of the night."

Dick smiled and shucked them off completely with his boxers. For some reason, he didn't care if anyone saw his bare ass right now. It caused a shiver to run down his spine. It was almost a complete turn-on, the thrill of being caught. "Ohh, promises, promises."

Hank quickly wrapped his arm around Dick's shoulders and guided the other man through to the bedroom he'd been sharing with Dawn.


Dawn looked up from her position on the bed and smiled when she saw Dick with Hank, taking in his naked lower body and the fact that he had a bright red backside. She stood and walked over to embrace both of them.

Dick sighed into her arms and felt the tears well up once again. "Dawn, I'm sorry. I lied and I  hurt you too."

"It looks like you've been punished more than enough for that," Dawn said. "But if it happens again, I reserve the right to spank you right after Hank gets through with you."

Dick turned pale when the lovely blonde said that and actually squirmed where he stood. "Um, ahh...oh fuck...I am in deep shit. When did you two get all Dom on my ass?"

"When we realised leaving wasn't an option," Hank said. He wrapped an arm around Dawn and the other arm around Dick, hugging both of them.

"Oh. Um, but seriously. Have you two been talking with Bruce lately? I also have another coming tomorrow morning. I guess I deserve this and hope this mends things."

"You deserve this completely," Hank said. "But once it's finished, there'll be a clean slate. You'll be completely forgiven." He grasped Dick's face and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"We've wasted a lot of time," Dawn said, taking Dick's hand along with Hank's to lead both to the bed.

"Yeah. We have missed so much time. I don’t want to waste another second. I also believe someone told me I was going to get my ass fucked tonight." Dick smirked and rolled to his front when his ass burned. "Ohhh, shit...Oww!" Feeling strong hands grasping his hips to pull him over the end, Dick allowed himself to be bent over, watching Dawn with a deep hunger.

"I did tell you that you weren't going to be on your back," Hank said. "Your ass is too tender. Besides, when you're on your front like this, I get to see the results of punishing you for your behaviour." He placed his hands on Dick's backside, gently rubbing the heated cheeks.

"We've still got some supplies left over." Dawn headed over to one of the drawers.

Dick hissed when Hank brushed the red tender skin. "Ohhh...Uhhh. So you want to see my ass red as a cherry while you fuck me, huh?"

"Yeah. Gives me a lot of satisfaction." Hank reached for the lube that Dawn handed him and coated a finger in it. He pushed the finger slowly inside Dick.

Dawn moved round to Dick's front and kissed him gently, cupping his face in her hands.

Dick felt the strong hands prying his scarlet cheeks apart. He groaned from the sting, but then was writhing while Hank finger fucked his tight hole. Dawn distracted him from the sting, his face flushed, already dribbling pearls from his cock. "Uhhh...Fuck...Slow, guys. Haven't been fucked since you last plowed my ass."

Dawn pulled back enough to look into Dick's eyes, stroking his cheek. "We're not in any hurry. Right, Hank?"

"No hurry at all," Hank agreed, continuing to explore inside Dick.

Dick felt the gentle probing and groaned. He was desperate to cum, but wanted this more than anything. He wanted what they had back and knew he would sacrifice anything for them. "Uhhh...ohhh fuuuck, Hank. I am getting close, man, but my ass is burning. I swear you took spanking tips from Bruce. Seriously. It is kind of hot you two are taking control, to be honest." Pearls escaped the throbbing slit.

"Dick, you can let go." Dawn let her fingers gently grasp Dick's erection. "It isn't like we can't continue even after you let go."

Dick laid on his side and gasped. His body flushed; he was unable to truly know what it looked like when the leader of the Titans finally let go of the pressure, the responsibility and the tension that had been building. Dick laid there, panting and pliant, having spilt all over his stomach. "Uhh...Holy shit...That was intense..." Dark eyes full of hunger watched cum soaked fingers, sucking Dawn's hand clean.

Once Dick had finished, Dawn leaned forward to kiss him. "It's been a long time," she whispered.

"Too long." Hank grunted his agreement.

Dick wrapped his arms around the lovely blonde. He had missed them both and kissed her petal lips, tasting her soft breath mixed with the salt of his tears. "Don't leave me again, please." Dick wanted to never waste time with their regrets. "Please, I need you both…"

"No," Hank promised. "We won't leave you again."

"No matter what happens." Dawn kissed him a bit deeper.

"Dawn. I want to um taste you when he is...please?" Dick's chocolate eyes watched the lovely blonde, hunger bubbling up to make his stomach quake. "I haven't tasted you in years." The former Robin smirked a bit. If he was going to be with them, he was diving all in tonight.

"Dawn can lay on her back," Hank suggested. "You can taste her while I fuck you. No pressure on your backside that way."

Dick groaned when the probing fingers found the sensitive bundle of nerves. That left the former Robin seeing stars. "Ohh, fuck...Gonna bend me over the bed there, Hawk, while I eat our lovely Dove, huh?" He couldn't help the cocky grin that escaped at the thought of ruffling their feathers.

Hank leaned forward and whispered into Dick's neck, "I've already got you bent over the bed, Dick. All that remains is for me to fuck you into submission." He coated a second finger and pushed that inside Dick too.

Dawn kissed Dick and then leaned back, giving him a welcoming smile, leaving herself open to him.

Dick smirked and felt his cock perking again, seeing Dawn's body open to him. Leaning forward, he gently spread her open, flicking his hot, wet tongue along her slit. She tasted like a sweet peach and Dick shuddered. "Mmm, planning to bend me into submission, are you? Think you can tame me?"

"Just like I did before." Hank circled his fingers inside Dick, pushing against that spot inside the other man.

"Mmmm." Dawn groaned softly in response to Dick's actions, moving her hands to gently grasp his shoulders.

"Mmphh!" Dick's moan vibrated at the soft, wet folds while Hank tormented him. Sweat rolled down his muscled back to pool around his opening hole. The wet, squishing sounds of the lubed fingers fucking him drove him to new heights. "Ohhh, fuck, uhhhh...Hank, as much as I love the wet finger fuck, I want your cock destroying my ass."

Leaning forward, Hank whispered in Dick's ear, "If you want that, then you need to beg me for it."

"You want me to beg for it? Seriously, Hank? You know I don't usually beg for anything, Hawk. Going to have to make me and you know it." Dick smirked and then grunted at the swift push into his prostate, leaving his legs weak. "Oh shit, oh shiiiit! Should know better than to.. Uhhh dare you…"

Hank smirked, beginning to push his fingers relentlessly against Dick's prostate. "Yes. You really should know better than to dare me," he murmured.

"Ahhh...Nuhhhh oh, fuck...Shit, Hank!" The fingers were relentless and Dick shuddered, unable to escape the torment. Closing his eyes, Dick Grayson soon relented. "Alright! Fine, you fucking win. Just fuck me already." He growled.

Hank slowly pulled his fingers free and quickly coated his member in the lube. Grasping Dick's hips, he pushed inside the other man, beginning to thrust hard and deep and relentless.

Dick let out a muffled howl against Dawn while he was pleasuring her. His tongue pushed inside, the vibrations clearly making her shake. The burning in his ass caused the dark-haired crime fighter to wail against her wet folds. His hole burned, but it felt good at the same time. "Mphhh! You little shit," Dick challenged. They all knew that the former Robin was a brat. He always challenged even in his own submission. Only Hank and Dove could command it from the Titan leader.

Hank raised his hand and brought it down in a resounding smack against Dick's crimson ass. "Care to repeat that?" There was a clear warning note in his voice.

Dawn let out another low groan, fingers clenching tighter on Dick's shoulders as his tongue pushed inside her.

Dick let out a yelp at the sharp smack to his ass. His eyes seemed to show defiance and he growled, "Fuck you." He knew that he was being a brat, but they always knew that this was Dick's way when they began with submission. 

It took a bit for them to get him to bend down his will. Despite the fact that he knew had a second spanking in the morning, Dick couldn’t bring himself to stand down yet. Hank was stronger than they both were and more dominant. "You could have given me a warning. That fucking burns!"

Hank shook his head. "I know it's been a long time, but you must remember how this goes." He smacked firmly again and then rubbed the spot he'd smacked.

Dick grunted from the hard smack, his eyes blurring a little. "Uhh! Shit, Hank. You are fucking burning my hole just because I won't submit? Dude, you know I don't submit...Well, easily. Make you fucking work for it, baby."

"You'll submit to me," Hank stated.

Dawn gently squeezed Dick's shoulders. "It'll be easier on you if you submit," she murmured, sounding worried.

"You both know I don't. You have to make me, Hank. Like before. Use your strength to bend me to your will and you know that it will force my submission,” Dick growled.

Dawn brought Dick's face up to hers, so she could kiss him. "You really don't make things any easier on yourself," she murmured against his lips.

Hank thrust deep and hard into Dick, continuing to smack the other man's backside, reigniting the fire from the punishment.

"Ahhh!" Dick felt the intense fire in his ass, the spanking and the deep aches that the sex was causing. Truth be told, a darker part of Dick Grayson loved it. He wanted to be made to submit like the last time. Robin never quit without a fight.

The more Dick tried to fight it; the harder the fall once he finally gave in. His body went limp and he was left whimpering. "Uhhh...Owww...Fuck, you win." The man finally gave in and knew that Robin never gave in, but he wasn't Robin anymore. Jason Todd was. "Robin never gives in, but I am no longer Robin. I burned the suit. I am just Dick and I know I belong to you both. I am also still the leader of the Titans. It's time that I took on a new name and you will be the first to know it, Sir."

Hank began to rub Dick's ass instead of spanking it, also gently gripping the other man's hips. "Good," he said, a clear note of satisfaction creeping into his voice.

Dick grunted a bit but remained bent down in his submission, allowing Hank to take control. Wanting to keep Dawn happy, the younger man continued his assault on her folds, fingers pumping in; replacing his wet tongue. "Uhhh...I am sorry, Sir. I belong to you. Forgive me?"

Dawn groaned softly and let her head fall back, willingly letting Dick experience and see all of her reactions.

Hank kissed Dick's shoulder. "Yeah." His voice was a low rumble as he added, "Just don't do it again."

Dick loved to see and hear her reaction to his ministrations, increasing the pace inside her wet folds. He then smirked at Hank a bit. "Mmm, and what will you do if I disobey?"

"I think turning you over my knee and tanning your ass might be a start." Hank whispered the words in Dick's ear.

"It's good," Dawn murmured encouragingly, breath hitching on a moan.

Dick shuddered and gulped when he heard that threat to his backside. Streams of cum already flowed steady from his cock while he groaned. "Ohh fuck, oh fuck, Dawn...." The blonde's moans went straight to his dick. "You mean to tell me that you expect me to bend over anytime you want, Hank? Is that a threat or promise?" Dick teased, despite the terror of a butt blistering. Hank spanked hard!

"You better believe it's a promise," Hank replied. "I'd rather tan your ass than go through another separation like this."

Dick gulped again and cringed a little. "Aww, fuck, man. You spank really hard, Sir and I want to fuck Dawn, but that belongs to you." He sighed and made sure Dawn got as much pleasure as they did, only to gasp. The wicked push on his prostate got him to nearly fall over on the blonde beauty. "Ohhh, shit, Hank! That was evil, dude!"

Hank smirked at that and pressed a hard kiss to Dick's neck, beginning to suck on the skin, leaving a lurid hickey behind. Releasing the skin, he licked the mark he'd left and murmured softly, "You want to fuck Dawn? You go right ahead, so long as she's okay with it."

"More than okay," Dawn asserted.

Dick groaned and his eyes darkened with lust. His entire spine quivered from the bite and he smirked. Hank was marking him and staking his territory, it seemed. Watching Dawn, he gently moved her closer enough to tease her folds. "You want this? You want my cock inside you, Dove?"

"Do you want me to draw you a map?" Dawn spoke with a little gasp in between each word. "I want this, Dick. I want you."

Dick actually laughed when Dawn suggested a map, unable to resist her wit. He growled and pushed himself forward. The tight and wet hole that clamped down on his cock had his eyes rolling back a moment. Fuck! He was having enough trouble not cumming too soon, with the constant prostate jabs. "Nah, I know my way around a pussy, Dawn. I was teasing you."

Dawn's moan was long and almost obscene as her head fell back. She reached out and drew Dick towards her so that she could kiss him, hard and almost desperately. It was obvious that she'd missed him badly.

Dick was kissing her with as much aggression and passion as Dawn gave him. His loud moans vibrated from his chest while he rocked himself between his lovers. Everything he pulled out from her wet heat, Hank fucked him harder. This was Heaven and he could die happily in their arms. "Uhhh...Ohhh, fuck! I am not going to last long here...Shit you're tight as a vise, baby and fuck me, Hank! I am gonna..." 

Sweat rolled down his body while Dick struggled to not cum too soon, but hissed, unable to stop himself. He felt his balls tighten, his cock spasm and his ass tighten, shooting his load. "Ahhh! I can't hold it!! Uhhhh!"

Hank's grip tightened on Dick as his own release came over him. His head fell back and a loud, almost animal-like howl escaped from him. His body slumped over Dick's, pinning the other man to the bed.

Dawn cried out as her own orgasm rippled through her and she clutched at Dick tightly, kissing him.

Dick remained pinned between them both, but hissed when Hank's weight pressed against his sore ass. Panting and squirming, the former hero known as Robin chased his orgasm with Dawn. "Mphh! Oww, ass sting.. weight...pressure.."

Hank shifted a little, just enough that he wasn't putting pressure on Dick's sore backside, but still stayed close and inside him.

"Mm." Dawn stretched languidly and nuzzled against Dick's neck.

Dick rested on Dawn and stifled the urge to yawn. He was tired, but the sooner they slept, the less time before his second spanking. "Mmm. Don't want to sleep yet. Means it will be morning sooner." Dick was nervous about getting his second spanking, but he knew he deserved it.

"Yeah, but you need to sleep." Hank looked at Dawn as he added, "We all need to sleep."

Dawn nodded her agreement. "It's been a long day." She caressed Dick's face and kissed him gently. "The sooner morning comes, the quicker it will be all over."

Dick struggled to remain awake, but found himself falling asleep on the bed. He was still bent over and impaled, but exhaustion won. The bags under his eyes were heavy; he hadn’t been sleeping enough. Morning would come soon enough for his scorched backside.

Once Dick was fully asleep, Hank carefully pulled out and cleaned them all up, before settling Dick on the bed, between him and Dawn, so both could wrap their arms around him.


Dick was exhausted and had slept soundly through the night. The bags under his eyes were visible even when the soft glow of gold ghosted through the curtains. The first thing that came to his consciousness was the rude interruption of the sun peeking in from twilight.

The next thing was the deep ache in his ass when he shifted to hide his face under the covers. He hissed a little and his sleep fogged mind took a moment to remember what had happened last night. He also cringed, remembering that he had his ass handed to him. "Ohhh, fuck off, morning." He groaned and tried to avoid the inevitable.

Hank woke when Dick moved and grumbled. He slid his hands down the other man's chest and stomach, exploring gently, and kissed the hickey that was still showing on Dick's neck.

Dick groaned a bit and even in his sleep, a part of him jumped fully awake. "Mmm..." He shifted a bit, still exhausted from having to deal with everything right now. Deathstrike was out and a real threat. The stress of being the leader of the Titans, training the younger generation including Jason, clearly showing. "Mmm...That feels good."

"You need to sleep some more," Hank said softly. "There're no problems at the moment."

Dick blinked, clearly exhausted. "Mmm. I can't. I have to train them and we have to be ready. They're not ready to face what we have.

"Besides. You told me that by morning, I have to face the consequences of my actions. Hank, I can't fail this new team nor you guys again. I must make them ready as Bruce trained me."

Dawn stirred, hearing the conversation, even though it was quiet. Cupping Dick's face in her hand, she murmured, "You don't have to start training them straight away. You can stand to rest. And you aren't the only one who can train them."

"It might have been a while since we all fought together, but I don't think any of us have forgotten," Hank added.

Dick looked at them both. "If they get hurt, it's on me. If the team fails or falls, I fail. This is on my ass, guys and if we don't start right away, we could be caught with our pants down. These kids are needing to learn how to fight like we do. I can't lose them or fail any of you."

Dick then looked down with the tears in his eyes. "I just don't want to fail you guys again. I already lied to everyone and I know this is to be a clean slate. I just don't want to lose anyone else here. This is our family and I feel like I am failing them. Jason is so reckless and I can't seem to teach him. How does Bruce do this?"

Dawn kissed Dick's cheek and murmured, "You can't push yourself beyond your limits and expect to be perfect. You need to take care of yourself first. You're exhausted." She was clearly worried as she wrapped her arms a bit tighter around Dick.

Dick struggled to get up and fell back down. "Oph...But they are at risk, Dawn. Bruce wouldn't quit and need rest. I have to be as strong as him. I already failed the kids, even though they needed me." He looked at them both, his eyes glistening from the guilt of having the kids having been in danger. "Not again." He couldn't fail the team again. "Batman wouldn't fail them."

Hank gently pulled Dick into his arms, holding him for a few moments, before sitting up and pulling the other man over his lap. "You don't fail them by taking care of yourself and accepting help from your friends." He lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack.

Dick let out a startled yelp when he found himself back over Hank's lap. His eyes were already wet and he struggled a little. "Owww! Hank, what? I almost got everyone killed and the world destroyed. Some hero I was." The tears were finally falling, his backside reheated and he finally just gave in, accepting the spanking. His stomach twisted from the mental images of everyone suffering. "I...Owww!"

Hank tugged Dick tightly against his stomach as he settled into a rhythm of smacks, going down to Dick's thighs before starting over from the top. While the swats were firm, he didn't smack as hard as he had the previous evening. "Feeling guilty isn't going to help at all. I'm going to spank you until you're worn out and then you are going to sleep some more."

Dawn took Dick's hands and squeezed them gently. "You don't need to do all of this alone."

Dick gasped and felt the intense burn on his backside, cheeks now a glorious scarlet. His eyes and face were wet with his anguish. "Owww!...Ahhhh...Pleeeeease! You saw how dark I had become...I had to change to fight in Gotham." Unable to handle it any longer, the former bird of flight stopped fighting. He just laid there in submission, sobbing hard. His eyes were red, his face flushed and his ass as scarlet as a Robin's breast.

Dick didn't know when he finally gave in or how he ended up falling into the dark chasm of sleep. He also had no idea how he fell asleep crying over Hank's lap but Dick finally succumbed even with his ass burning.

Once Dick fell asleep, Hank carefully moved the other man back under the blankets, making sure that Dick was warm and comfortable.