What Is Revealed

Warning(s): Spanking; some violence; AU


Valkyrie had only just managed to retain control of her pod when the ship she'd barely escaped from exploded. She'd been wounded, though, and the force from the explosion caused her to pass out. As a result, she didn't see the portal opening in front of her. She didn't notice when she flew through it. And she didn't notice when she exited from the other side, aimed at the Avenger's compound, hurtling toward the ground. When she crashed, no one would blame her for not waking up.


Natasha had made sure Lincoln was settled in the room, but she herself was restless enough to be the only one awake when something crash-landed outside the compound. "Friday, send me video feed of what just crashed," she directed, before adding, "And ask Uncle Steve and Bucky to meet me outside." She started towards the elevator.

"Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes are on their way..." Friday announced.

Not long after Friday answered, Bucky was meeting up with Natasha in the hall, armed and ready to face whatever had landed outside.

Steve was quick to join his brother and niece and the three of them entered the elevator, exiting where they could easily get outside and to whatever had crashed.

Valkyrie slowly came to, groaning. The pod was on fire and she felt a brief, moment of panic before she was able to unclasp the safety harness and begin to try and crawl out of the vessel.

Steve noticed the movement and moved towards the craft with speed. Natasha was quick to join him, so they could help the stranger free herself.

Valkyrie had blood running down her face and had inhaled a lot of smoke by this point, so she was coughing. Her eyes were also burning from the smoke. As a result, she couldn't really see expressions on faces, just shapes. And she had no idea where she might be. She began to try and crawl away from potential enemies.

As the person seemed to be a woman, if looking past the blood and soot-stained face, Natasha moved slowly over to her. "You're hurt. Let us help you," she said gently.

Steve moved to try and contain the fire.

Valkyrie blinked. This couldn't be the one she had run from or any of his army. They would never offer help. Which meant they were innocents and obviously did not know of the danger; or they would be wary. "He's coming.... He'll kill you all.... He's coming..." she gasped out, before collapsing and going unconscious from her injuries.

Bucky had been helping Steve put out the fire, but he still heard the words. "Veronica... monitor any activity in space and around the globe. Let us know of unusual activity immediately."

"Yes, Sargeant..." the AI responded.

Natasha quickly knelt next to the woman, checking her injuries to make sure it would be safe to move her inside.

As soon as the fire was out, Steve stepped over to his niece, so he could carry the stranger inside, asking Friday to wake Bruce, Jemma and Helen Cho.

Bucky stood nearby, at the ready. The woman had come from seemingly nowhere. He wouldn't relax until they were safely inside and not exposed.

Valkyrie moaned quietly, but didn't reach consciousness, even when Steve picked her up.

"All resident doctors and their assistants have been woken and they are waiting in the medical area," Friday reported.

"I can detect no unusual activity in space. I will keep my sensors open in case of portals," Veronica stated.

"Thank you," Steve said, to both of the AIs, as he carefully carried the woman into the elevator, quickly followed by Natasha.

Bucky followed behind, not surprised to see curious family members peering out as they walked to medical.

When they reached the medical wing, Steve quickly carried the unconscious woman inside and placed her onto the bed, so she could be examined and treated.

Helen Cho quickly brought over their machines to scan for internal injury, while Bruce began treating the visible wounds. "Do we know who she is or what country she's from?" he asked calmly. "If we can get medical records from her?" He knew it was a long shot. Especially if she came from off Earth, which happened a lot more frequently than he was happy with.

"She came out of a ship that crash-landed outside the compound," Steve said. "She might not even be human... at least not totally."

"Maybe the other off-world members of our family might recognise her," Natasha suggested, moving so that she could see the woman and stay out of the way of the family members who were checking her over.

Bruce glanced toward Bryce. "Do you recognize her?"

Bryce had already been moving towards the woman, having kept out of the way as the others had been scanning. His eyes widened when he saw the tattoo on her arm. "Not by name, but I know what she is. She's a Valkyrie."

Bucky blinked. "As in the Norse fighting women?"

Bryce nodded. "I must report this to Odin. All of the Valkyrie were killed...or that is what was assumed, at least."

Bucky nodded. "Friday, could you...?"

"I have already requested the All Father's presence," Friday interrupted.

"Okay, then." Bucky snorted.

It wasn't long before Odin came to the healing rooms, knocking on the door to announce his presence before he entered.

Bruce smiled at Odin. "We have a visitor. Someone you will want to see, Uncle Odin."

Odin moved so that he could see the woman being treated and his own eyes widened at the sight of her. "How is she?" he asked quickly, looking at each of those working on her.

"Amazingly enough, she isn't wounded worse. Scans don’t reveal any internal injuries beyond bruising, though she'll need to take it easy for a week while we keep her under observation." Bruce glanced at his uncle. "She has cuts and bruises that I'm treating. She lost consciousness due to blood loss. But we have replenished that, and she should wake soon."

Odin nodded. "Is anything known about what brought her here?"

"It seems she was running from someone," Natasha said.

"Her ship is badly damaged," Steve commented. "Tony might be able to salvage something from it, but I'd hesitate to say for certain."

Bruce sighed. “I’d like to keep her in here over night, but as soon as she wakes, I’ll let you know. If she’s able to answer questions, you can find out more...” he said quietly.

Bucky nodded. “Well, we may want to explain to the rest of the family. I’m pretty sure most of them are awake and worried,”

"Friday, can you ask all of the family members who are awake to meet us in the family room?" Steve asked.

"I have done so, Captain," the AI announced.

Nodding at Bryce and Helen, Bruce followed his family out to the family room. If he was needed, they'd send for him.

Steve also followed. Odin stayed, as he wanted Valkyrie to see a familiar face when she woke.

Natasha stayed, too, though not because she knew the woman. She was partially concerned with the cryptic warning uttered; but mostly worried about the Asgardian herself. And she wanted to make sure she would be all right.


The family room was a chaotic whisper as family members tried to find out from Friday and Veronica what was going on without waking and scaring the youngest members of the family; who surprisingly had slept through the loud crash and the subsequent mayhem. Some of the teenagers had remained asleep also. They could apparently sleep through anything, Bobbi thought with amusement, even as she listened closely in an attempt to hear what was said.

Coulson had joined the family in the room and was attempting to keep everyone calm, while also checking for updates from the AIs and making notes of reports to pass on to the parents who'd stayed with their younger kids.

"The pod's fire has been extinguished by SHIELD security and all salvageable parts of it have been taken to the various labs for analysis. They are hoping to have some information for you about what happened to the ship, at least. The reason for the young woman crashing here in particular can only be gleaned from her when she awakens..." Veronica reported. "I have located the area where the pod entered our galaxy but am unable to determine how the portal opened or why. Since it is the third such portal in the last three years, it might be prudent to have all those who arrived by such portals to confer with those in charge and see what the common factors are. Since apparently, someone else may be coming soon."

Bobbi straightened at those words and shot her father a concerned look.

Coulson nodded, his face concerned. "When she's awake and she's up to it, one of us can question her for further information. It may be there's a way to set up an intruder alarm in case anyone else arrives here on Earth." A little bit similar to Tony's idea with Ultron, he supposed, but more of a sophisticated alarm system than something with human intelligence.

May nodded. "Well, since there really isn't anything any of us can currently do and the one person we need to talk to is still unconscious, I suggest we all go back to bed and try to get some sleep. When we have more actionable information, we can plan then." She began to usher her kids back to her room. She figured with all the excitement, they'd never go back to sleep if they were in their own rooms alone.

Coulson began to do the same with his own children, wanting to keep them close as well as make sure they were settled enough to go back to sleep.

Bobbi wasn't settled at all and didn't really want to go back to bed, but it was late at night, so she didn't have a valid reason for staying up. Sighing, she followed her father back to his room, noting that Raina, Grant, Gamora and Nebula followed as well. Clint was taking Pietro and Wanda to his room and had grabbed Lincoln to go along with them as well, since Nat had opted to stay with the alien crash-landed woman. She wrinkled her nose when Nebula and Gamora each took a side of the bed and Grant hopped in next to Nebula, while Raina got in next to Gamora. It left a small section in the middle for her father and her and she honestly didn't see how it could be comfortable for anyone since, as big as the bed was, there was very little room to move. They'd have a bit more if only Coulson was in the center. "I'll go back to my room, daddy..." she blurted. "I'm not really tired anyway. I might read instead...."

"Why don't you settle down and see if you might drift off?" Coulson suggested, not really wanting Bobbi to be left alone and wanting to keep her just as close to him.

"It looks kinda crowded..." Bobbi hedged. She'd been giving her father grief for a rather long period of time and couldn't see how he'd possibly want to have her that close when he was trying to sleep. "...I'll probably keep everyone else awake while I try and settle...."

Coulson held his arm out to her. "I want you with me, sweetie. Always. I love you."

Bobbi bit her lip and blinked back unexpected tears. "I love you too, daddy..." she answered softly, slumping. She couldn't leave now. She wasn't mad at him and leaving would hurt him- maybe- and she didn't want to do that. She shuffled closer to the bed and decided if he wanted her there with them all, then he'd have to maneuver her wherever was best. "You keep adopting kids and you're gonna never have a bed big enough..." she teased hesitantly.

Coulson smiled gently. "I'll always have room...for any of you." He sat up, reaching out to gently draw his daughter onto the bed, so he could position her between him and Grant.

"Night, sissies..." Grant grinned at all his other siblings.

Nebula grunted at the teasing tone in his voice. She'd have to figure out what the joke was in the morning, though. She quickly fell asleep.

Gamora fell asleep nearly as quickly as Nebula.

Raina reached over and squeezed Coulson's hand. "Night, Baba..." she whispered, before falling asleep herself.

Bobbi lay there, keeping as quiet as possible so as not to wake her siblings or father up; although Grant was snoring loudly enough, she probably wouldn't wake anyone if she did make a little noise. She was feeling anxious again. She'd been dreaming. Everything rubbed her the wrong way. And she didn't know what to do about it. Add in a crashed alien with dire news? She'd rather be doing anything but sleep.

Coulson had moved enough so that he could stroke each of his children's cheeks, murmuring a soft, "I love you," to each one of them, before he himself drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, everyone was at breakfast, save Odin and Natasha. Valkyrie slowly began to waken, blinking her eyes and groaning faintly as the light hit her eyes.

Natasha had dozed only fitfully, sleeping lightly enough to be alert to any sound. And Odin didn't tend to need as much sleep, even if he'd conditioned his body to set a good example for the younger members of the family. So both were awake and aware when Valkyrie began stirring, Odin moving into view so that she could see a familiar face.

"All Father..." Valkyrie focused her gaze onto the older Asgardian. "Did I make it home? I... I didn't recognize the planet I crashed on, but I did not think it was Asgard...." Her voice cracked from dryness.

"You're on Midgard." Odin's voice was gentle as he continued, "You landed in a place where my family lives."

Natasha stood to retrieve a plastic cup of water, moving to Valkyrie's side to help her drink.

Valkyrie glanced at Natasha suspiciously, but since Odin didn't seem to have a problem with her presence, she allowed herself to place trust in the other woman and slowly drank from the cup. Swallowing, she looked back to Odin. "W... why do you live on Midgard now? Is...is Asgard gone?"

Odin shook his head. "Midgard is where Thor and Loki have chosen to make their homes and it is also where my other children I have adopted live also. Most of my time is spent here and I only return to Asgard when it's truly necessary."

After making sure Valkyrie drank, Natasha quietly sent a message to Friday, asking the AI to pass on to someone to bring some breakfast for the newcomer.

About fifteen minutes after Natasha sent her message, Bruce was bringing in a tray with food for Odin, Natasha and their patient. "Hello. I'm Bruce. How are you feeling? Are you in pain? I can bring you some pain medicine that Bryce approved for you."

Valkyrie blinked, then glanced at Odin again. "No thank you," she said, after glancing at Natasha as well. "The pain is not that bad."

Bruce frowned. "Until we are certain you are not injured in ways we have not discovered yet, I think it is better if you remove what pain you can, even if it is not bad. It will help you rest which will help you heal better."

Valkyrie frowned slightly, looking between Odin and Natasha again.

Natasha smiled at her. "I know it's tempting to work past the pain. Like it's a weakness to admit you need help. But this is a safe place. You know Uncle Odin and you trust him, so let yourself trust the people he does."

Valkyrie's eyes widened. "Uncle Odin?" she said, with not a little surprise.

"As I said, this is a family here," Odin replied. "You have perhaps crash-landed in the best place you could have done."

"I must have... since I am with someone I know and trust... and he is with others he trusts... " She sighed softly. "...I will take the medicine."

Bruce smiled. "Good. It should be taken with food, so if you want to eat your breakfast first?"

Valkyrie nodded and dutifully and obediently began to eat, while Bruce portioned out the necessary medicine and gave it to Natasha to give to the young woman once she'd finished eating.

"If you'll excuse me. I have some more blood tests to run on our newest kid. Make sure HYDRA didn't cause any unnatural things that might hurt him later," Bruce said, to the room at large, and quickly left.

Natasha sat quietly by, not rushing Valkyrie, making sure she'd eaten before giving her the pain medication... and waiting for her to take that before she said, "I'm Natasha, but most of the family call me Nat."

Valkyrie smiled. "I am called Valkyrie...if I had a name, I do not remember it...."

"When you crash-landed, you tried to warn us that someone was coming." Natasha's voice was very gentle, not wanting to spook Valkyrie and wanting to make sure she felt safe. "Can you tell me anything more?"

"Thanos! He is looking for the stones! He hasn't located them yet, but... he leaves a wake of destruction everywhere he goes when looking... and... I fear several of them are here on Midgard...." Valkyrie's eyes were wide, and she couldn't hide her fear.

Natasha placed a hand gently on Valkyrie's shoulder. "It's safe here. The compound is well-protected, and we have an AI scanning the planet's atmosphere. He won't take us by surprise, but any information you can give us would help."

"I don't know a lot..." Valkyrie sighed. By this point, she'd finished her breakfast and taken the medicine; it was making her sleepy. "I'll tell you what I can, though..." she said quietly and began to talk.


Bobbi couldn't take anymore. The chaos caused by the pod crash-landing on the grounds had got everyone working frantically to find out any information they could about what was happening. On top of that, everyone was trying to find out what HYDRA had done as far as clones. She was feeling anxious and worried. She was also feeling irritated and frustrated because she was still being limited in what she was allowed to do, because she hadn't fully grown up yet. She'd been trying to convince her father to let her go to one of the known HYDRA hide-outs to see if she could find out more information about either event, but he'd refused every time and the last time she'd asked, he'd had a tone in his voice that indicated the next time she asked, she might get more than she bargained for. She didn't like feeling so useless. She didn't like not being able to do her job. And she was through with not doing it. Just because she wasn't physically the right size didn't mean her mind was incapable. Packing a small bag, she snuck out of the compound; hoping that no one would notice her missing until it was too late to stop her.

Gamora had been watching her sister closely, so when she saw Bobbi sneaking out, it was only a matter of seconds before she decided to follow along and keep an eye on the girl. She didn't think to tell anyone else, though.

Soon, both women were out of the compound and off the grounds, heading toward a location only Bobbi knew.


In the confusion over both HYDRA and the new Asgardian to show up, it took Coulson longer than it really should have to realise he hadn't seen two of his daughters for a while. And knowing how restless Bobbi was, he couldn't help but worry. "Friday? Do you know where Bobbi and Gamora are?" he asked the AI.

Friday took a few seconds and then answered, in what could only be termed a worried and sheepish tone, "I am sorry, Director. They both left the compound and its grounds early this morning. I am attempting to triangulate their position using their phones now."

Coulson took a deep breath, trying to hide his worry, and headed towards the garage. "Thank you."

"I have found them, sir! They are... oh dear..." The AI's voice went from excited to worried in a fraction of a second. "If you will wait, sir, I have asked those in your family, capable of fighting, to join you in the garage." She then gave Coulson the location.


"Damn it... this building was supposed to have been abandoned..." Bobbi hissed under her breath, as she ducked and hid from yet another HYDRA operative posing as a gang member.

Gamora hunkered beside her, glad that the younger girl had finally stopped complaining about being followed and was focused on the true enemy. "The information we have is obviously outdated..." She crouched further down as another gang member walked by, talking on a handheld radio.


Coulson couldn't help but worry, quickly requesting that Friday send him any video feed the AI had access to while waiting for the other family members to join him. He glanced towards the garage door as he heard footsteps.

Bucky walked in, followed by the other family that was coming with Coulson to retrieve his daughters. "I suppose we should count ourselves lucky this hasn't happened more times than it has..." He sighed. "Do we know what they were going there for?"

"Bobbi wanted to go to one of the hideouts for more information," Coulson answered. "I assume it must be something like that."

Nebula frowned. "Gamora was feeling badly about antagonizing her and had gone looking for her to apologize. I imagine she either followed her or went with her, intending to protect her...."

Coulson nodded in understanding. "But leaving on your own, without any of the family knowing, isn't acceptable. And from the sounds of it, they have run into trouble they weren't expecting."

Steve was quick to head to the nearest vehicle, aware of how worried his brother was and knowing he would be feeling exactly the same.

Nebula nodded. It wasn't like they hadn't been told what was acceptable and what wasn't; or that they hadn't witnessed first-hand what was acceptable and what wasn't. She quickly followed Steve. She had no doubt about Gamora's ability to keep herself safe- she'd been an assassin for Thanos, after all- but if she was also trying to keep her baby sister safe, things would be different. She wanted to get there quickly to help.

Soon, the vehicles were loaded with everyone who was planning to go, and they were heading toward the last known location of the young women's phones. They could only hope that the phones were still with their owners.


Bobbi grinned at Gamora. This was the first time since the other woman had arrived that she'd felt any sense of connection to her new sister. She'd gone in to get the information she'd come for, downloading it onto a drive, and Gamora had kept watch. She'd nearly retrieved all the information when they'd been discovered and Gamora had immediately begun to fight. She hadn't told Bobbi to stay behind her, either. She'd just accepted that Bobbi was capable of taking care of herself and nodded when Bobbi had joined in the fray. It had been over entirely too fast; and Bobbi had to admit four of the five goons they'd fought had been taken out by Gamora, but the other woman hadn't gloated. She'd just glanced at the one operative Bobbi had dispatched and nodded, an impressed look on her face.

"When you are back to your normal size, I look forward to seeing your capabilities in full..." she said, by way of praise, then glanced at the tiny drive in Bobbi's hand. "Do you have what you came for?"

Bobbi nodded. "I have everything on their cloning program, as well as some items that we didn't know about before. As fun as this fight was, we probably should leave. I left a virus that will destroy everything on their computer network as soon as they try to find out what I took...."

"Let us go, then..." Gamora nodded and left the room, Bobbi following behind.

At that moment, another contingent of HYDRA lackeys came around the corner. This time, there were twenty of them. Bobbi's eyes widened, and she swallowed hard. She knew she could take out two, maybe three, in her current size, but that was it. Gamora might be able to take out the rest, but if the look on the other woman's face was anything to go by, it would be a painful process and neither of them would be making it out unwounded.

A tall muscular man moved toward the front of the group, eyeing the two women up and down. "You shouldn't have come here..." he said softly, his voice steely and unimpressed. "...You've ruined months of hard work." Sighing, he pulled his weapon up so he could fire, then turned and used it on the men behind him. He didn't stop until they were incapacitated completely and unable to make a move on the two women or him. "Let's get out of here before they realize what happened..." he muttered irritably.

Bobbi turned wide, shocked eyes toward Gamora. She hadn't expected that to happen at all and it was clear Gamora was just as shocked. But they really didn't have a choice. They needed to get out and it appeared this man was their ticket. They began to follow him.


It took longer than Coulson liked for them to reach the hideout Bobbi and Gamora had gone to, no matter how fast they were safely going. He couldn't relax as the vehicles stopped and the family members quickly got out.

Asking Friday to send the feed for where his daughters were, Coulson wasted no time going in that direction, his gun in hand and his movements quick but careful. He didn't check to make sure the other family members were following. He knew they would be.


Gamora and Bobbi had followed the man quickly, if a bit suspiciously; always waiting a few seconds after he entered a room, to make certain they weren't entering a trap, before continuing to follow. He didn't seem to mind and in fact seemed to be encouraging it, as it gave him time to take out any of the 'enemy' that he ran into without having to worry about them being caught in the crossfire. Finally, they could see the exit. Unfortunately, between them and the exit was a large garage filled with HYDRA operatives with weapons. Sighing, Jeffrey raised the gun to begin firing, only to realize he was out of ammunition. "Damn... guess it's down to hand-to-hand..." he muttered, dropping the gun and pulling out a knife.

Gamora grinned wolfishly and pulled out her own knife.

"Great...I should have brought a knife too..." Bobbi grimaced. Looking over, she noticed two metal pipes lying haphazardly on the ground. They weren't her batons...but they were close in size and shape. Grinning, she quickly picked them up.

Before they could begin wading their way through the HYDRA agents blocking their exit, the exit door opened, and Bobbi could see her father step into the building, the rest of the family that had come with him following him inside. The HYDRA operatives were in the middle.

Coulson relaxed a fraction, able to see that his daughters were safe and appeared to be unharmed; at least from first glance. Of course, there were still the HYDRA operatives to get through before he could entirely satisfy himself that they were safe. And the man with his daughters was someone who looked familiar.

"Ah... the cavalry is here. I take it you're with them?" Jeffrey said, in an aside to the two women he was with. He hadn't been certain he'd made the right decision, blowing his cover to save the two intruders, but if they were with the Director, then he'd made the right call.

Gamora frowned when he didn't wait for a response, wading into the fray, only using the knife to block blows from weapons that HYDRA was using. Mostly, he was using his fists. But the fact that anyone he hit ended up flying fifty feet the other direction and not getting up again? Well, his fists were a formidable weapon. "Huh...he has powers..." she said to Bobbi, then waded into the fray after him, taking out agents that would have attempted to sneak up on him.

Bobbi shook her head but followed, taking out the few that managed to get around the man and her sister. There weren't many. Which was probably a good thing, if the looks her father was shooting her was any indication.

With so many of them there, it didn't take much to wipe out the HYDRA operatives. Coulson's attention was divided between his daughters, the enemy and the man he thought he recognised.

Steve glanced at his brother once the operatives were all down. "We should call this in. Have them arrested." He waited for Coulson to nod and then moved over to call it in.

Sighing quietly, Coulson stepped over to his daughters and the man. "Are any of you hurt?" he asked, automatically including the man along with Bobbi and Gamora. After all, they'd fought together. He'd make sure the man got any treatment he needed.

"I'm fine, Director. Only bruised or cut knuckles from where I hit them...some of them had metal on their uniforms." Jeffrey answered immediately, the fact he had a superior officer in front of him causing him to automatically back down and defer to the older man.

Gamora nodded. "I am not hurt. Just...what he said..." She glanced at Jeffrey.

"Who are you?" Bobbi couldn't help blurting. They hadn't found out the man's name, but the only reason they'd made it out unscathed was because of him.

"Jeffrey Mace..." Jeffrey blinked. "Sorry. I didn't have time to introduce myself before. I"ve been undercover here for a few months... although, I guess that's shot to hell now." He sighed.

"You were that hero guy... that saved that diplomat's family a few months ago by lifting the burning bus off of them!" Bobbi realized out loud.

Jeffrey blushed. "I... I don't like to call myself a hero. I just did what needed doing at that time...."

"And we are very grateful for what you've done," Coulson said. "I'd like you to come back to the compound with us, so we can make sure none of you have any injuries we've missed."

Steve stepped over to his brother. "If you'd like to return to the compound with them, I'll stay here and wait for the team to arrive," he suggested.

Jeffrey blinked. "I feel like I should stay, in case there are any questions... unless your orders are different, sir?" He deferred to Coulson.

Bobbi didn't say anything about going back. She knew she wasn't hurt- she didn't feel any pain anywhere, anyway- but Gamora had already admitted to having some cuts and bruises and she'd retrieved what she'd come for, so there was no reason to argue.

"I think all of us can stay, Phil. We have enough vehicles. We'll make sure everything is secure until the clean-up crew arrives. You can take Gamora, Bobbi and Jeffrey back to the compound and have Bruce make sure they are all right. We can debrief once we return; compare notes between what Bobbi found and what Jeffrey was learning...." Bucky said calmly.

Coulson nodded to Bucky and addressed Jeffrey. "After all of you have been checked out, we'll likely have some questions for you. Right now, though, it's more important to be certain none of you are injured worse and you just haven't noticed because the adrenaline's not worn off yet. Come with me." He started walking back to the vehicle.

"Yes, sir..." Jeffrey immediately began to follow.

Gamora and Bobbi followed a bit more reluctantly. Gamora because she wanted to stay behind and help guard the prisoners. Bobbi because she knew the look on her father's face and knew she was in trouble, even if he hadn't said anything yet.

Reaching the vehicle, Coulson waited for his daughters and Jeffrey to get in before he got in the driver's side and began heading back to the compound.

Gamora had sat in the back of the vehicle with Bobbi, hoping that if they let Jeffrey sit up front, he might shed a bit more light on who he was.

"How did you do what you did? Throwing them so far?!" Bobbi blurted, her tone a bit excited.

Jeffrey blushed again. "I just have an ability...I've tried to use it for good. Maybe change people's perceptions of people with powers..." he said hesitantly, not comfortable with drawing attention to himself of what he was doing.

"How long have you had the ability for?" Coulson asked, even as he navigated the streets back to the compound.

"I'm not sure..." Jeffrey said uncertainly. "The first time I used it was to save that diplomat's family...when I lifted the bus." He glanced out the window, hoping that Coulson would let the line of questioning go. He'd stuck as close to the truth as he was able, but Coulson didn't seem like the type of man that would be overly thrilled with the full truth, so he knew he couldn't divulge any more than he already had.

Coulson nodded. "Is it just enhanced strength you have? Or do you have any other powers as well?" He continued to question the man.

"I... uh... I guess I'm a bit faster than most people. Although that could just be because my legs are stronger, so I can get them to move faster... I dunno..." Jeffrey blinked again. Colonel Talbot had made it clear that no one, but especially Coulson, could know how he really got his powers. The Director of Shield would never agree to what was done and if Jeffrey wanted to remain useful and keep his powers, it had to stay secret. Now he could understand why Talbot had warned him not to be alone with Coulson for any length of time. The older man was like a dog with a bone, focusing on the abilities and wanting to know everything. Jeffrey was trying to be evasive, but the problem with evading questions was that it caused more suspicious questions to form in people's minds.

Coulson could tell that Jeffrey was being evasive; he just couldn't tell why. So, he decided to focus on a different line of questioning, at least for the moment. "How long have you been working undercover at that base for?"

"I was there for about two months. They had just started to trust me with more information when..." He shrugged, giving Coulson a crooked grin. "I guess it's just as well. They had me scheduled to go on a raid with them tonight and one of the guys I'd convinced to trust me told me what would be happening. I wouldn't have been able to do it and they would have figured me out because of that..." He sighed.

Bobbi winced, remembering her own foray under cover and the fact that doing what she needed to do to keep her cover had led to Kara being captured and brain-washed.

Coulson nodded. "The circumstances might not have been ideal, but we lost a lot of good people when HYDRA was revealed. I'm glad we didn't lose another one."

Jeffrey smiled at that, more pleased than he felt he had a right to be that Coulson viewed him as one of the 'good people'. "I have to admit, I never thought I'd be going to the compound. I've already been trained, so wouldn't have had a reason to join the training facility and the only other people that have reason to be there are Avengers. Or your family..." He trailed off.

"You helped two of my daughters," Coulson said seriously. "That's plenty reason enough to bring you to the compound."

Jeffrey blinked and looked back at the two younger women, who couldn't have been any more different than night and day. "So, the rumors are true? You have adopted yourself a family?"

"Almost everyone at the compound is family," Coulson answered. "Those who haven't been officially adopted are close enough that they could still be considered extended family."

"Huh... Well. I'm glad I was able to help yours..." Jeffrey said, with a tiny smile. Talbot had been a bit scoffing when he'd mentioned how they'd formed such a large family and lived on the compound. Then again, Talbot was paranoid and thought Coulson was up to something with the group. "Some people don't view you all as a family so much as a potential army. They're paranoid..." he offered, feeling like Coulson should know he had a target on his back from certain people.

Coulson shook his head. "While I can understand they might be paranoid, there's really no reason to be. And if anyone saw how we interacted together, I think they'd realise that."

"Well... I'll take your word for it. Since I haven't actually seen you all operate as a family. Just as effective agents." Jeffrey smiled.

Gamora sighed. "I suspect you'll see how the family operates soon enough," she said cryptically.

Bobbi shot Gamora a dirty look and elbowed her, mouthing, "Don't remind him!" to her sister.

Coulson didn't comment on Gamora's words, instead saying, "First things first, we'll get the three of you checked out." He didn't tell his daughters that then they'd have a discussion, figuring they'd understand that without him needing to bring it up.

"I don't see why I have to be checked out. I'm not bleeding. I'm not in pain. I don't think I even got hit by anything..." Bobbi grumbled.

"I'm not going to take any chances." As he drove the car into the compound's garage, Coulson asked Bruce to meet him and the others in one of the other healing rooms.

Bobbi's sigh was more of a huff, but she didn't argue further about getting checked out.

Gamora shook her head at her sister's behavior but didn't say anything. She didn't want to add fuel to the fire that was her baby sister's temper.

Jeffrey darted a quick, confused glance back at the two women, before glancing at Coulson to see if the older man's face would give any indication about what was going on.

Coulson's face was serious, but he smiled reassuringly at Jeffrey. "We'll get all of you checked out and then, once the others return, we'll have a debriefing." He didn't mention the discipline part, although it wasn't something that would be well-hidden when it occurred. He got out of the vehicle and moved round to open the doors for the others.

"Of course, sir. I've saved all the information I managed to gather in an email account that I can access and give to you." Jeffrey got out of the car, then waited for directions to the medical room.

Gamora got out without argument or bad temper. She already had an idea she was in trouble and what for; and she was okay with that. As far as she was concerned, she'd disobeyed a big family rule and deserved whatever she got for that.

Bobbi wasn't quite as gracious. She got out of the car, huffing again. "I really don't need to go see Bruce! He'll just tell you the same thing I'm telling you now and it's a waste of time. I have information! Here!" She pulled the thumb drive out of her pocket and held it out toward her father.

"We'll look at that when the rest of the family return," Coulson replied, his voice calm. "And even if you think you haven't sustained any injuries, I'm still going to insist that you get checked over."

Ben Coulson had been waiting in the garage for his son and the rest of the family to return, unable to help but worry about them. He heard the way Bobbi spoke to her father and raised his eyebrows as he stepped into view.

"Fine! I'll go and waste thirty minutes while Bruce does a quick scan, asks me all the same stupid questions you just asked and wait for him to tell me there's nothing wrong. Since you don't trust me to know when I'm hurt or not!" Bobbi was yelling by this point, either unheeding or just plain uncaring that she wasn't being fair to her father. At all.

Jeffrey's own eyebrows had climbed into his hairline by this point. He may not have known her personally, but all the reports he'd heard about Bobbi Morse as an agent indicated she was very professional and respectful towards authority, even when she was disagreeing with them. This... behavior was completely opposite of what he'd expected.

Gamora just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She'd helped her sister because she hadn't wanted the girl to go by herself and get hurt. And she'd messed up herself by failing to tell anyone what was going on before leaving herself. She deserved to be in trouble and she wasn't going to make things worse by arguing over a check-up. Especially when it was clear to anyone with eyes and ears that Coulson was only having them get checked over because he was worried about them. They'd scared him with their actions and he needed to know they were okay. How could Bobbi not understand that?

Coulson took a deep breath, trying not to let his hurt at the way his daughter was responding show through. He wasn't sure he could try to reason with her like this without her working herself into an even worse state.

Ben moved over to the group and gently clasped Bobbi's shoulder. "I'll go with all of you to see Bruce," he said firmly.

Bobbi blinked, giving her grandfather a startled glance. "Grandpa!" she said, her voice taking on a sheepish, almost embarrassed tone, as she realized he had witnessed her bad attitude.

Gently squeezing her shoulder, Ben said gently, "You need to get checked over. The sooner that's taken care of, the better you'll feel."

"But... I don't feel bad..." she said, in a hesitant voice, even as she let him lead her to the medical room. She didn't say anything else, though. She'd calmed down enough to realize she'd been making a scene in front of the new guy and was a bit embarrassed and didn't want to draw more attention to herself.

Coulson took a deep breath and motioned for Jeffrey and Gamora to precede him, bringing up the rear as they made their way to the medical room.

Gamora quietly went where her father motioned, but as soon as they were walking to medical, she let herself fall back just enough that she could walk beside him. "I'm sorry... I know what I did wrong and I never meant to cause problems or worry or hurt you..." She swallowed and glanced toward her feet. "Once I've been checked, do you want me to wait in your room?" she whispered uncertainly.

Bobbi stepped into the medical room and sighed as Bruce motioned her toward one of the beds.

"You can pull the curtain closed and put on the gown that's on the bed..." Bruce said firmly. "No arguments, unless you want to be facing my counter-part..." he told his cousin sternly. He was irritated that she'd pulled this stunt when everyone was already all nervous from the pod crashing into the compound.

Bobbi's eyes widened, and it looked like, for a moment, she would argue, despite Bruce's admonishment, but then she just sighed again more loudly and went to the bed he'd pointed out, yanking the curtains closed around it so that she could change. If she thought she could figure out a way to do it unseen, she'd sneak out of the room.

Jeffrey went to the bed Bruce pointed him to and gently closed the curtain, changing into the examining gown.

Coulson gently squeezed Gamora's shoulder. "It won't be necessary to wait in my room. When you've all been checked out, I'll walk with you there."

"Okay, Dada..." she said softly, her voice taking on an apologetic tone. She was obviously regretting not having informed him before taking off. All she wanted to do was make things right between them.

When she stepped into the room, she immediately went to the bed Bruce pointed to her and closed the curtain to change into the flimsy gown. She did it quickly, yanking open the curtain after so that Bruce would know she was ready. "Do you need me to lie on the bed?" she asked in a perfunctory tone, just wanting to get this out of the way so she could talk to her father.

"I'm ready as well. Just let me know what you need me to do..." Jeffrey said from the bed beside hers, wearing the same type of flimsy examining gown she wore.

Bobbi's curtain remained conspicuously closed.

Coulson gently patted Gamora's shoulder, giving her a warm smile as she hadn't argued or protested. He then glanced towards Bobbi's curtain.

Ben, knowing his son was trying to keep on top of all of them, wasted no time in slipping behind the curtain so he could check on Bobbi's progress.

Bobbi was still wearing her street clothes, glaring at the examining gown as if it had offended her. She glanced up guiltily as her grandfather slipped in. "I hate these things..." she whispered.

Bruce glanced at Jeffrey and Gamora. "You can stay at the beds you are at. If you would please sit on them, Helen and Bryce will be here momentarily to check your heart rate and breathing, then you can lie back so that they can check everything else." He glanced toward the closed curtain. "I'll be checking over our reluctant patient...."

Gamora and Jeffrey both nodded and did as directed, smiling at the other two doctors as they came into the room with the scanning equipment.

"I know," Ben replied, stepping over to her. "And I understand why. But you need to get checked over. This isn't to hurt or upset you, but to make sure you're healthy and comfortable. No one is trying to upset you here."

"I... I know. I can't seem to help but get upset, though..." she muttered, before beginning to pull clothes off so that she could put the gown on.

Ben turned to give Bobbi some privacy and then, once she was wearing the gown, he reached out and clasped her shoulder, pulling her in to kiss her forehead. "I know, but your father isn't trying to hurt or upset you and you owe him a better attitude than what you've been giving him."

Bobbi bit her lip, knowing her grandfather was right. "I know I shouldn't give him a hard time for trying to make sure I'm alright." She sighed. "I just...keep getting angry and lashing out..." She winced, knowing that didn't excuse her behavior.

"It's difficult on you and your father understands that." Ben tightened his arms around her. "He isn't out to get you or make things more difficult. He loves you. So very much. And all he wants is to keep you safe. Make sure you're out of danger and not hurt when something happens that shouldn't. When you push him away, it hurts him."

"I... I didn't mean to push him away..." Bobbi winced. "...Just get him to stop making me do stuff I didn't wanna do...." She leaned against Ben. "I wasn't very nice..." she finally admitted, in a quiet voice. "...I was kinda mean...."

"He's not trying to stop you from doing stuff you don't want to do," Ben pointed out, stroking her hair. "He's trying to stop you from doing dangerous things that could hurt you."

"Sometimes that's the same thing!" Bobbi protested weakly, her voice whinier than she would have liked.

"And sometimes you're not always in the best place to make that decision," Ben pointed out. "Your father loves you, so very much. He only ever wants what's best for you."

"He treats me like a little girl..." Bobbi pouted, not thinking about the fact that, since being de-aged, she'd been acting more like a 'little girl' than her actual age.

"You've been aged down," Ben said calmly. "At your normal age, you wouldn't have wanted to do a lot that you have been. It's been more difficult for you to make those decisions, so your father has to consider what's best for you, taking into account the fact you've been de-aged and that you can't necessarily do what you can at your normal age."

Bobbi huffed. "You're impossible to argue with..." she complained, unable to help the tiny grin that was trying to form on her face.

Ben stroked her hair. "Are you ready to let your cousin check you over now?"

"Yessir..." Bobbi sighed, hopping up to sit on the bed before nodding her head for her grandfather to open the curtain.

As soon as the curtain was open, Bruce came in and quickly began to examine her, trying to be as quick as possible because he sensed that, if he took too long, she'd become belligerent again. Bryce and Helen had already finished their examinations of Gamora and Jeffrey and the two had already got dressed again in the time it took for Ben to convince Bobbi to cooperate.

Jeffrey readjusted his shirt as he looked at Coulson. "Is there someplace I should wait until we do the debrief?"

"May I change clothes?" Gamora asked at the same time, having noticed that she had blood from a HYDRA agent on her clothes.

Coulson nodded to Gamora, even as he answered Jeffrey, "We have a family room and a rec area. There are also various offices you can wait inside. It all depends on where you'd feel the most comfortable."

As soon as Bruce was finished examining Bobbi and had given her the all-clear, Ben moved back to place his hand on her shoulder. "We're going to talk in my room," he said firmly.

"I'll wait in the family room...if that's the big airy open area we walked by to get here..." Jeffrey nodded.

"When I'm done changing, should I go to your room?" Gamora whispered to her father, after Jeffrey had left.

Bobbi gave her grandfather a startled look, then darted a look at her father to see if he'd heard and what he thought about the situation. She didn't argue, though. Bruce, Bryce and Helen had all left and the only ones still in the room were Gamora, her father and her grandfather, so she quickly hopped off the bed and began to dress, not bothering with the curtain.

Coulson nodded, gently squeezing Gamora's shoulder. "Yes please," he answered. "I'll wait there for you." He heard his father's comment to Bobbi but didn't say anything. He was beginning to think he was too close to the issue to deal with Bobbi the way she needed him to.

Bobbi couldn't help but notice her father's lack of response, but instead of assuming that he was trying to avoid another fight with her, she felt herself thinking that he'd finally lost all patience with her and had given up on her. She swallowed hard but didn't say anything and forced herself to act as normal as she could, considering how she suddenly felt like her world had been torn apart and it was all her fault. She finished dressing, then glanced at her grandfather. "I'm ready..." she whispered, not trusting herself to say anything else.

Gamora had already left by that point. It didn't take her long at all to change and soon, she was heading to her father's room, slipping inside to wait for him to come deal with her.


After checking with Jeffrey to make sure he had everything he needed and knew he could help himself to anything from the family kitchen, Coulson headed to his room. Entering, he walked over to his daughter. "Do we need to go through anything else?" he asked her gently.

"No, Dada...I know why I'm in trouble. Following Bobbi to provide backup and protection was acceptable. Doing so without telling you or anyone else, wasn't. I didn't mean to scare or worry you and I should have thought about that before taking off." Gamora gave him a sad smile. "I'm still getting used to being accountable to a family..." she admitted.

Coulson wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I know it's difficult to get used to, but you are so very important to me," he whispered. "I love you." He held her for a few moments and then guided her over to the bed, so he could sit down and gently draw her over his lap.

Gamora didn't pull away from the affection, even though it was obvious she wasn't used to a father that offered that either. She'd got better with it since meeting Quill the first time, but she always felt like she was a step behind most people- not ready to respond until they were already pulling away. Unless she initiated it. She was over his knee before she knew how she should have responded. All she could do was let out a tiny, quiet whimper and reach down to hold onto Coulson's leg.

Coulson stroked her lower back a moment or two. "I've got you. I love you," he said, his voice quiet and reassuring, before he proceeded to bare her. Taking a firm grip around her waist, he lifted his hand and brought it down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Gamora blinked back sudden tears at his words. "I love you too, Dada," she said softly. And she did. So very much. That realization enabled her to relax and accept what was happening without a struggle.

Coulson kept his grip on Gamora firm and secure as he continued the swats down to her thighs and then began again from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know you're not used to being in a family that expects you to tell them when you're going into a potentially dangerous situation, but that is the kind of family you're in now. I don't want to risk losing you."

"I understand, Dada..." Gamora responded in a tight voice, not too far from vocal tears... because she hadn't meant to hurt him, and it was obvious that he had been worried and hurt. She began to shift as the swatting became uncomfortable, the sting lasting beyond the initial smack.

"I know. I want you to be safe. I want to keep you close to me, so I don't lose you." Completing the second circuit, Coulson began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. "I forgive you, though, and I love you. I just want you to stay safe."

At those words, Gamora went limp over Coulson's knee and just began to cry. It was quiet and controlled, but she was obviously crying. "You forgive me? You were only upset because you... worry about me? You aren't angry?"

Coulson brought the spanking to a stop and, after replacing her clothing, turned her back over in his arms so he could cuddle her. "I'm not angry with you and you're completely forgiven," he promised. "I was so worried about you...."

Gamora threw her arms around her father in a tight hug, hiding her face against his chest. "I'm sorry I worried you... thank you for forgiving me..." she whispered. Thanos had never been the forgiving sort and he certainly wasn't the type to worry. Most of the time, he was the one putting his 'daughters' into danger and harm's way. Coulson's care, concern and willingness to forgive was foreign to her and she found herself being drawn closer to him because of it. "I don't want to upset you in any way..." she realized out loud.

Hugging her tightly to himself, Coulson kissed the top of her head. "Most of the time, you won't. And if anything does happen, we'll do this again. But I'll still forgive you. I'll still love and want you."

Gamora snuggled close. "I love you too, Dada..." she said quietly. Sniffling slightly, she let out a tiny huff of air that wasn't quite a laugh but could have been if she'd continued. "I don't want to ever earn that again, though, so I hope I don't mess up...."

"No matter what happens, you will still be mine," Coulson promised, stroking her hair and tightening his arms around her. "My daughter. I don't ever want to risk losing you."

"Because you really are my father... my Dada..." Gamora gave him a tiny smile. "You protect me, not use me...."

"Always," Coulson promised, kissing her cheek. "I want you for you. Not to change you or make you do things for me."

Gamora cuddled some more. "I'm glad you want me for me... I don't think I could have handled being... spanked by you... if I didn't believe that. I never... that was... " She swallowed. "That wasn't how I was punished when I was growing up...." she admitted.

Coulson nodded. "Nebula admitted something of that to me when I first handled her. You don't have to worry that you'll ever be punished like that again."

Gamora nodded. "But I might be spanked again..." she said softly, not terribly upset at the thought. If she deserved to be punished, a spanking was a lot easier to take; and a lot more effective, if the fact she wanted to change her behavior and do what he wanted was any indication. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be...."

"It's a family punishment," Coulson replied gently. "It's about learning to do better more than pain."

"That makes sense. It wasn't very painful, even if it was uncomfortable. I... I felt like I wasn't in control, but it didn't scare me that you were in control. I would have been scared if Thanos had taken my control from me. I feel safe with you..." she admitted.

"You are safe with me," Coulson promised. "No matter what happens."

Gamora smiled up at him, her gaze trusting and almost childlike. "I believe you." Impulsively, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek before carefully standing. "We probably should go debrief with Jeffrey. If he is not going to return to being undercover, he will likely want new orders." She grinned impishly.

"I'm thinking of asking him to stay on here. We can always use more good agents." Standing, Coulson wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked towards the door.

"I think that would be good. Especially since if he's been undercover for a long time; HYDRA will know who he is and now will know that he betrayed them." Gamora sighed softly, knowing that he wouldn't have had to blow his cover if it hadn't been for Bobbi and her. "I'm going to go wash my face and then meet you in the family room. Is that alright?"

Coulson nodded and smiled, kissing her cheek. "That's absolutely fine." He gave her a tight hug and then gently released her so she could leave to wash her face.


Ben waited for Bobbi to finish dressing and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders, guiding her towards his room.

Bobbi thought briefly of running from her grandfather. Her father completely leaving her alone and not saying anything, even to chide, had thrown her for a loop and she wasn't certain what to do about it. Had she succeeded in pushing him away? If she had, she didn't want to push her grandfather away as well. As contrary and irritable as she'd been, she hadn't truly wanted her father to just let her go to do whatever she wanted. She needed his boundaries and consequences. Even if she didn't want to admit it. Uncertainly, she followed Ben to his room and didn't argue or protest once.

Ben led her into his room, guiding her inside before closing the door and then turning to look seriously at her. "Even though you've been consistently arguing, I believe you are aware of what went wrong today."

Bobbi rolled her eyes in lieu of responding. If she responded, she'd have to admit what she did wrong or lie and, while she didn't want to admit to being wrong, she definitely didn't want to lie. It wasn't even that she wanted to be disrespectful; although it was very disrespectful. It was that she wanted to try and redirect her grandfather's focus off what she'd done, or at least off making her admit it.

Ben raised his eyebrows. "Of course, if there's some confusion over it, perhaps we should talk first." Leading her over to his bed, he took a seat and gently pulled her down onto his lap.

Bobbi bit her lip at finding herself sitting on her grandfather's lap instead of over it and glanced toward her feet, so she wouldn't have to look him in the face. While it was easy to be defiant and contrary when she was irritable and riled up, it was more difficult once she was calm... and it was especially difficult when she was being held and had to face the one in charge of her. "Not really a lot to talk about..." she hedged, still not wanting to admit wrong doing, but knowing exactly what she'd done wrong.

"Is there anything that's confusing you?" Ben asked, gently stroking her hair. "Any action you took today that you think there was an acceptable reason behind?"

"I got information that we needed..." Bobbi said, not exactly saying that her going for it was acceptable but hoping that the outcome of her getting the information would derail the conversation away from the fact she shouldn't have gone in the first place.

"By taking potentially dangerous actions that could have resulted in you getting yourself hurt. Captured. Taken away from your family in some way," he pointed out. "And you know that isn't acceptable."

"Someone needed to go get the information. Everyone's been so focused on keeping all us kids from doing our jobs...." Bobbi grumbled, knowing that wasn't fair, but beginning to get irritable again when she thought about how useless she was in her current size.

"There are other agents who have been working as well," Ben said. "No one has said you can't become active again once you've returned to your usual age."

Bobbi jumped to her feet, suddenly livid again, though she couldn't exactly say why since she didn't know. She began to pace and threw her hands up in the air as she yelled at her grandfather. "Yeah? Well what if that never happens, huh? I've been stuck like this forever! And my mind wasn't affected! Just my body!" She grabbed a book as she passed by the desk, without thought. "But I can't do my job because everyone wants to treat me like a little kid! And it's STUPID! And Daddy is stupid for not seeing I can do my job and letting me do it! And YOU'RE stupid for going along with him! It's NOT FAIR! I HATE it! AND I HATE YOU!" she stomped her foot and threw the book as hard as she could, hitting the lamp on the bedside table and knocking it to the ground. She stood panting as she stared at what she'd just done, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open before she turned frightened eyes toward her grandfather.

"I.... I didn't mean that..." she said, in a very tiny voice, her anger gone as fast as it had risen, leaving her deflated and feeling like she'd just murdered somebody.

Ben calmly stood and picked up both the book and then the lamp, setting them both in place before he turned a compassionate gaze onto Bobbi. "If it was only your body affected, do you think you would have just had that temper tantrum? Or given your father so much grief since being aged down?" He stepped over to grasp her shoulder, guiding her into one of the corners. "I'd like you to stand here and think for a bit."

Bobbi trembled as she was put into the corner. She tried to think like he'd asked her to, but it really didn't take much time at all for her to realize he was right. And she couldn't stop focusing on the fact that she'd just told her grandfather, who she adored and loved with her whole being, that she hated him. She'd told him she hated him. What was wrong with her? What if he believed her? It wasn't true. She loved him. Why would she lie to him about something so horrible? She was so focused on what she'd said and how horrible she felt for saying it that she didn't even notice when she began to quietly sob, body still trembling, as she faced the corner she'd been placed in.

Ben could hear his granddaughter beginning to sob and although he'd planned to leave her for a couple of minutes longer, he decided against that. Moving over to her side, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her into a firm, tight embrace.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! It was a lie! I don't hate you! I'm sorry...." Bobbi latched onto him, hiding her face against his chest, still trembling uncontrollably and unable to calm her crying. What if he didn't believe her apology? What if he believed her lie instead?

Ben wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I know," he soothed. "You were angry, upset and lashing out. It's all right. I forgive you."

"You fo... forgive me?" Bobbi asked hopefully. She was still crying but calmed slightly when it became clear her grandfather wasn't angry with her and was pulling her close instead of letting her go or pushing her away. She also continued to tremble, but that eased slightly too, as his tight grip helped her feel safe and secure.

"Of course. I love you." Ben kissed the top of her head.

"I was such a brat..." Bobbi admitted tearfully, her regret clear in her tone. "...I keep acting like such a brat and I'm sorry after, but it doesn't help me not be that way when it's happening..." She started crying again.

Ben moved them over to the bed, so he could sit down and cuddle his granddaughter on his lap. "Being de-aged has had a strong effect on you emotionally as well as physically," he pointed out gently.

"E... everyone else wh.. who was de... de-aged ha.. hasn't acted as bad as me!" Bobbi gulped out. "I've been horrid!"

"It's not been entirely your fault." Ben stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "It's been hard on you."

Bobbi snorted through her tears, wiping her nose on her shirt sleeve thoughtlessly. "Are you making excuses for me, Grandpa?" she asked incredulously, starting to calm down because of his acceptance and forgiveness, even if she knew she was still in trouble.

"Not excuses. Just pointing out that your behaviour is understandable," Ben said calmly.

Bobbi sniffled sadly. "I shouldn't have gone without word to anyone..." she admitted in a whisper. "...And until I'm back to normal, I really shouldn't have gone at all without permission.... Even if I feel like an adult, I'm not; not when I can't control my emotions or anything better than I am...."

Ben nodded, stroking her cheek. "I'm glad to hear you realise that," he said gently.

"I really scared daddy again... didn't I?" she asked forlornly.

"You scared him because he loves you and wants to keep you safe," Ben replied. "Family worries about each other."

"And then I gave him a hard time and was a brat to him... when all he wanted was to take care of me and love me..." Bobbi sniffled, close to crying again.

Stroking her hair, he said softly, "He'll have already forgiven you. All you need to do is talk to him and you'll feel better."

Bobbi swallowed, looking down again. "I know I should. I dunno if I can..." She sighed. Biting her lip, she looked up. "A... are you going to spank me, Grandpa?" she whispered.

"I am," Ben replied, stroking her cheek. "You put yourself in danger today and that isn't acceptable."

"Good..." Bobbi said hesitantly, "...I deserve it..." Sighing softly, she wiped her face on her sleeve again, letting her head fall onto her grandfather's shoulder briefly before she stood, pushed her jeans down, then carefully lay over her grandfather's lap. She gripped onto his ankle tightly. "Only daddy has ever spanked me..." she admitted in a tiny, slightly nervous voice.

Ben gently rubbed her back. "I know. But you're still part of my family. My granddaughter. And I love you." He wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her in tight against his stomach, and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Bobbi let out a tiny squeak when the first swat landed and gripped his ankle more tightly, but otherwise didn't move or protest. She was a bit surprised he had left her panties up but didn't say anything. If it was one thing she'd learned, it was that the person who was giving the spanking made the decisions on how it would be given. The only thing she was meant to do was accept her punishment. "I love you too, Granddaddy..." she said softly, allowing all the guilt and regret she felt to be heard in her voice. She wanted and needed him to know how sorry she was.

Ben continued the firm swats down to her thighs before he started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "You knew you weren't supposed to go to the HYDRA base. Even though your sister ended up going with you, the two of you could have been hurt, or captured, if things had gone badly."

"...W... we almost were..." Bobbi gulped in a breath, then admitted, "...If Jeffrey hadn't have blown his cover to help us, we would have been...."

"And that's why everyone was so scared." Completing the second circuit, he began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. "Friday indicated what you'd walked into."

Bobbi winced and began to squirm, partly because the sting had built to the point where it hurt, even with her panties up; and partly because she hadn't realized that everyone had known the danger and was afraid for her before they even arrived. That made her feel even more guilty. "I did... didn't think of anyone else when I left..." she choked out.

"I know you didn't, but you need to," Ben said seriously. "You need to take into account how much it would hurt your family if something were to happen to you." He began focusing more swats to her sit spots and thighs.

"I'm sorry, Granddaddy!" Bobbi began to cry again, even as her squirming increased. And she was sorry. She hadn't wanted to worry anyone. She just wished she'd thought of that before she'd left.

"I know," Ben replied gently. "But you need to remember how important you are. How much you're needed and wanted and loved by the whole family here."

"...I know I am..." Bobbi said in a small voice. She continued to squirm and cry, though the crying wasn't loud, because she was trying her hardest not to let it out any more than she could avoid. After all the temper-tantrums she threw, she didn't want to completely lose it when she was getting a well-deserved spanking.

"You don't need to fight anymore, sweetie," Ben said softly. "You're with your family. You're safe."

Bobbi blinked back more tears at her grandfather's words, the tone and the meaning behind them soothing her. Slowly, her squirming lessened until she was lying limply over Ben's lap, boneless. And she stopped trying to contain her tears, letting him hear how affected she was by his words and by the punishment itself. She felt closer to her grandfather; like her harsh words were no longer between them. She still felt a chasm between her father and herself, but that wouldn't go away until she braved up and apologized to him. She didn't know how it was possible to feel better- feel hopeful- and yet feel worse at the same time. That's how she felt. She began to cry harder.

Stopping the spanking, Ben didn't waste any time in drawing Bobbi up and into his arms, hugging her tightly and kissing her head. "I've got you," he murmured. "I love you."

Bobbi continued to sob while holding onto Ben as tightly as she could. Every now and then, she'd catch her breath enough to whisper, "I'm sorry," and "I love you," to him, but mostly, she just cried, relying on him to keep her safe.

Ben rocked her gently, stroking her hair and back soothingly as he whispered soft words of love and forgiveness to her.

Bobbi didn't know how long she cried, but finally, she was able to regain control over her emotions and breathe normally. She knew she had to look a mess, tears and snot running down her face, and knew her grandfather had to love her if he was continuing to hold and rock her despite the fact she was ruining his shirt. Taking a deep, slow breath, she finally sat up and grimaced. "...Sorry..." she whispered, in a hoarse voice, as she glanced at his shirt. She rubbed at her head. The crying and carrying on had given her a headache.

"You don't need to apologise," he said gently. "You've been punished and forgiven. I love you." Noticing that she rubbed at her head, he added, "I have some painkillers and bottles of water, if you'd like to take one for your head."

"Thank you, Granddaddy..." Bobbi smiled crookedly. "...May I go wash my face?" She didn't even attempt to move off his lap. She wasn't doing anything until he gave her permission.

Ben nodded, kissing her cheek. "Once you've done that, we can both go to the debriefing," he suggested.

"Okay, Granddaddy..." Bobbi leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, then carefully stood, pulled her jeans back up with a tiny hiss, then went to the bath to wash her face. It didn't take long and soon, she was back, eyes red-rimmed and face splotchy (she'd obviously been crying), but not as bad as it had been. At least the snot was gone. She glanced at the sleeve of her shirt and grimaced, blushing faintly. "Can I borrow a T-shirt, Granddaddy? Or... you know... go to my room and change?" She wasn't certain he'd want to let her out of his sight, considering all the trouble she'd been causing. She shuffled over to him to take the bottle of water he offered and the pain medication.

"Of course." Ben gave her both and then moved over to retrieve one of his shirts, passing it to her.

Swallowing the pills down with the water, Bobbi drained the bottle. Her crying so hard had dehydrated her. Then, throwing the bottle away, she took the shirt from her grandfather. "Thanks, granddaddy..." she said softly, before quickly changing.

Ben waited for her to finish changing and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders to lead her from the room.


Jeffrey had waited in the family room quietly for about ten minutes before the first signs began to show. Glancing around worriedly, he had to make a decision quick. Wait until after the debriefing and hope that he could get back to the guest room quickly enough to take care of his problem... or go to the guest room now and take care of his problem... and hope that they didn't all decide to gather for the debriefing before he returned. Not knowing how much longer they would be, or even how many people were coming, he quickly decided it would be better to take care of things now. If he arrived back for the debriefing late; well, it was better that he be a little late than everyone to realize something was wrong with him before he could take his shot. With that thought in mind, he quickly went to the room he'd been assigned when arriving.

He glanced around perfunctorily, before tossing his pack onto the bed and opening it to rummage around for the needle and 'medicine' he needed to inject. He was in such a hurry to give himself the injection, he didn't notice that the door hadn't firmly latched and had in fact opened a few inches after he'd 'closed' it. He quickly filled the syringe; then, lifting his shirt, pushed the needle into his torso around where his kidneys would be.

Coulson had headed to the family room, but when he saw there was no sign of Jeffrey, he began searching for the younger man, figuring he couldn't have gone too far. As he noticed the door to the guest room was open, he walked over to open it...and then stopped, taken aback by the sight in front of him. "What are you doing?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

It was only his heavy training that allowed Jeffrey to keep himself from jerking at Coulson's question; something he was very happy about, considering the size of the needle that was still in him. He blurted out the first thing that came to mind, his excuse for all the needles and 'bottles' whenever he went through security checkpoints. "I'm diabetic...I needed to give myself insulin..." he lied. It might have been more believable, had the syringe holding the medicine not been clear, exposing the unnatural color of the liquid he was injecting. There weren't any medicines, especially for diabetics, that would be a bright neon purple color. Jeffrey winced as he realized his body wasn't blocking the needle enough and Coulson could easily see that he'd just lied through his teeth. He finished pushing the plunger in and then pulling the injector out, feeling inordinately vulnerable to be caught with the needle embedded in his body.

"I might not be a doctor, but it's clear that isn't insulin." Coulson took a step closer, bringing himself fully into the room, and closed the door. "You're lying to me. I'd like to know why. And I'd like an explanation of what's really in that needle."

"It... it's experimental. I was told not to tell anyone about it... but I need it..." Jeffrey swallowed, unable to look Coulson in the eye. That was the truth, but he knew it wasn’t really an order he should be obeying. Not if he wanted to continue working with the older man.

Coulson took a deep breath. "Is that what gives you those abilities?" he asked levelly, taking the extra steps to bring him directly in front of Jeffrey. Reaching out, he rested his hand on the younger man's shoulder.

Jeffrey's eyes widened. "How did you..?" he blurted, before groaning and letting his head fall forward. "...You didn't. You took an educated guess and I just confirmed...."

"I'm afraid I've become accustomed to family members doing things they shouldn't be and recognising when they lie to try and get themselves out of trouble." The words slipped out without conscious thought. Coulson sometimes wondered if he had some kind of homing beacon that brought him to those who needed a father... who needed him. That Jeffrey had come to the compound without asking to call anyone he might know personally, it only served to confirm his feelings.

"Oh... I..." Jeffrey blinked at that. "...I guess that comes in handy, then..." he said awkwardly. He was too used to telling lies to pretty much everyone since he'd started taking the serum. Talbot had made it clear that if it became known how he actually got his powers, the whole thing would fall apart; and he'd be the one taking the fall alone. Because the general certainly wouldn't be accepting any blame for it, even if he had been the one to suggest Mace be the one to be given the serum when the scientists had requested a 'lab-rat'.

Coulson nodded. "It can do at times." He still had his hand on Jeffrey's shoulder and he guided the younger man towards the bed so that he could sit and encourage Jeffrey to as well. "That's going to stop, son. Injecting yourself with that... it can't be doing you any good and there are a lot of people here who have suffered because of experiments gone wrong."

"It would be too difficult to explain to the public... how their 'hero' had abilities and then suddenly didn't." He shook his head. "A lot of people went to a lot of trouble to spin everything in a positive light so that the public would view powered people favorably. If it comes out that I'm nothing more than an experiment? That everything they thought I was came out of a bottle? It won't be good...."

"I don't care what the public think," Coulson said firmly. "I care that you're injecting yourself with a substance that could be doing harm to you. And, in fact, I want Bruce to run some blood tests and make sure you haven't poisoned yourself." He paused, realising that he was slipping immediately into the mindset of Jeffrey being one of his; not surprising, as he'd moved fast with all of his kids. "You're not here just for a debriefing. You're here because I feel something for you I've learned to recognise and act on the moment I do."

Jeffrey couldn't help but look at Coulson in confusion. "Blood tests... but... the last time I was in the lab, they ran tests and said everything was within expected parameters...." Granted, they hadn't said the serum wasn't harming him or causing problems; only that what they saw in his bloodwork was expected. He frowned as he realized he could very well be poisoning himself and they wouldn't say anything because it was 'expected'. "...I guess it wouldn't hurt to let Bruce run some tests...." he said reluctantly. The scientists in charge of 'making' him weren't going to be happy. Talbot probably wouldn't care, as long as he was able to put any fallout onto his or the scientists' shoulders.

He was so busy thinking about the repercussions of Coulson finding out the truth about where his power came from that he almost missed the last statement. "...Uh... I apologize for being slow, but what do you mean you feel something for me and you've learned to act on it?"

"You've met two of my daughters already," Coulson said. "I adopted all of my children. I adopted them because I felt a connection to them when we met. When I didn't act on that connection, I ended up regretting my actions. How I felt with my children is exactly how I feel with you now."

Mace blinked again. "So.... you feel toward me like you feel toward your children?" His back straightened slightly. "Are you saying you want to adopt me?"

"Yes." There was no point in beating around the bush. "I want you. In my family." The words were plain and honest. He looked into Jeffrey's eyes, letting the younger man see his sincerity.

Jeffrey looked a bit in shock at the words. Even if he'd suspected and asked the question, he hadn't truly expected to get the answer he had. "...I guess it's good I'm an orphan and don't have any family who'd object...." he muttered faintly.

Coulson gently squeezed his shoulder. "Do you feel the same way?" he asked. "I'm not going to force you to choose me, but I'm also not going to hesitate to act if you do."

Jeffrey swallowed again and closed his eyes. so he could analyze his thoughts and feelings. "...I... I can't deny that I feel drawn to you... your family... too. That was one of the reasons I reacted so quickly to help Bobbi and Gamora. I didn't know who they were or who they worked with until afterwards, but... it just felt like I needed to help them. It felt like I needed to return with them, with you, instead of insisting on debriefing somewhere else and then going on my way..." He hesitated. "...I've been alone a long time, though...."

"You aren't the only one who's been alone," Coulson said gently, letting himself wrap his arm around Jeffrey's shoulders. "But you aren't anymore."

"You really aren't going to let me take the serum anymore?" Mace asked hesitantly. "They aren't going to like it...."

"They're not responsible for you anymore. I am," Coulson said firmly. "And I'm not going to let you do something that has the potential to hurt you." Hugging Jeffrey a bit tighter, he added, "You are in trouble for lying to me." It was best to get that out in the open, he figured.

"I didn't know I wasn't supposed to!" Mace protested half-heartedly. It wasn't like he hadn't known the older man wouldn't be happy about it if he found out the truth. Otherwise he wouldn't have attempted to hide things.

Coulson raised his eyebrows. "Lying isn't acceptable, son. Whether I ask you as your superior or as your father, I expect you to tell me the truth."

Mace swallowed hard, both at the words and at the use of the word son. This was really happening. He'd just agreed to joining Philip Coulson's family. He'd always admired the man from afar and had been happy when he'd learned that he was the new director of SHIELD (even with the offshoots with people like Gonzalez). Now he was about to become a member of the man's family; and had already upset the man by lying. And his soon-to-be father was right. He had no right to lie to him, even if those running the experiment had told him he couldn't tell anyone. Coulson was his superior officer even when he wasn't his father. "Yes, sir..." he said meekly, unable to refute the words and, frankly, not willing to try.

Coulson wrapped his other arm around Jeffrey in a hug. "We don't exactly have a conventional way of dealing with things here in the family. When someone does something they shouldn't, such as lying or endangering themselves, they don't get reprimanded or suspended. They get spanked."

Jeffrey couldn't help the tiny jerk back as he gave Coulson a wide-eyed look. "Spanked?" he whispered, then cleared his throat. "...You're going to spank me for lying to you?" he continued in a more normal tone of voice, blushing even as he asked the question.

"I am," Coulson replied. "Not only is it a family punishment, it'll draw you closer to me. We'll get the paperwork handled by the end of the day," he added.

"..." Jeffrey slumped. "...I'll have to take your word for it drawing us closer..." he mumbled but didn't argue. "Are you having the blood-test done first, or the spanking first?" he asked quietly.

"The blood-test first." Coulson gently stroked his newest son's hair. "As you saw earlier, your safety and well-being is always going to be top priority."

Jeffrey nodded, leaning into Coulson's hand without even thinking about it. "Yes, sir. Let me get the rest of the needles and vials..." He sighed, knowing that Coulson wouldn't be happy seeing all the items he was injecting on a regular basis. It didn't take long to gather the supplies together and once he had everything related to the project, he handed it to Coulson, an almost shamed look on his face. He'd thought he'd been doing something good, but the older man's reaction to it had been anything but positive and now he was feeling like maybe he'd made a mistake.

"Thank you, son." Knowing Bruce and Jemma would need to examine the liquid, he carefully stored it and then wrapped his arm around Jeffrey's shoulders once more, holding him close. "Friday, please ask Bruce to meet me in the medical room again," he requested.

"I can't believe I just gave up years of research.... they're going to kill me..." Jeffrey muttered, not entirely overstating his situation. He let Coulson lead him back to the medical room. Once there, he hopped up onto one of the beds, not reaching to hold onto Coulson, but darting the older man a nervous look that indicated he really wanted him to stick close.

Bruce frowned slightly when he saw Coulson and Mace sitting on the bed. "Did you find a wound we missed somehow?" he asked worriedly.

"Not exactly," Jeffrey hedged, before glancing at Coulson.

"Then...?" Bruce also glanced at his uncle, sensing that Coulson would be more forthcoming with information in a timely manner. Mace seemed like he wasn't entirely sure how to say what needed saying.

Coulson moved over to his son and gently squeezed Jeffrey's shoulder before taking his hand, showing absolutely no hesitation or embarrassment. He put the box containing the vials and needles down where Bruce could see it. "Jeffrey's been injecting himself with this for a while. It's how he's made himself super strong. I need to make sure there's not been any damage done to him...." His worry was obvious.

Bruce sighed and rubbed between his eyes. "Another attempt at recreating the serum that made Steve a super-soldier?" he asked wearily. "You're lucky you didn't turn big and green; or worse, big and red..." he muttered.

"Not exactly... I mean, yes. It gave me enhanced speed and strength, but the goal was to make me more like a mutant, an enhanced person; but they weren't trying to recreate the serum that made Captain America, so..." Jeffrey floundered, realizing that he really didn't know anything at all about the serum he'd been injecting himself with, trusting the scientists would keep his health and best interests in mind. Which wasn't a very wise thing to do, looking back in hindsight. He winced, giving both Bruce and Coulson a very sheepishly embarrassed look. "Yeah. That sounds really, stupid, said out loud..." he muttered.

Coulson gently squeezed his hand. "Maybe they knew what they were doing. Maybe you haven't been in danger. But I'm not willing to take that risk with your safety."

Bruce, sensing another family member being drawn into the ranks, chuckled softly. "Of course, you aren't, Uncle Phil. You are a very protective Papa Bear..." he teased gently, before going to the supply closet and getting a syringe and needle to draw blood. "Friday, if you would please take a full body scan of Jeffrey, as well as all his organs so that we can be certain he hasn't experienced physical damage from the serum? I will draw blood so that we can run tests and make sure there isn't anything negative showing up there...."

"Of course, doctor," Friday quickly answered. "If you will please lay down flat on the bed, Master Jeffrey."

Jeffrey bit his lip somewhat nervously but did as directed. It felt odd, lying flat while the other two men stood over him. It made him feel weak and he couldn't help but be nervous.

Bruce quickly drew blood while Friday ran the scans. Between the two of them, they had all the scans and blood taken within ten minutes. Carefully disposing of the needle, Bruce wrapped up the vials of blood and put them with the vials of serum. "Jemma and I will begin working on this immediately. Hopefully, we'll have good news for you by tomorrow night..." He gave his uncle a tiny smile, then nodded at his soon to be cousin and left the room, carrying the items to the lab.

Jeffrey looked at Coulson a little bit nervously. "...Back to my room?" he asked hesitantly.

Coulson nodded, helping his son to stand and wrapping his arm around Jeffrey's shoulders. "You don't have to be nervous, son," he said reassuringly, leading him back to his room.

"I'm about to be spanked for something when I've never been spanked before... I can't help it..." Mace gave Coulson a tiny, crooked smile.

"I guarantee it's nowhere near as bad as you're probably building it up in your mind to be." Reaching the room, Coulson led his son inside and over to the bed, rubbing his back reassuringly.

"Maybe not..." Jeffrey agreed. "...Still. Part of me wants to argue and fight against it.... The other part feels like I deserve it for lying to you, even if I didn't realize that you'd be against me taking the serum...."

"And if you didn't realise there should have been no problem being honest with me." Coulson sat down on the bed and gently guided Jeffrey across his lap.

Mace slumped. "You're right. I should have realized it wasn't a good thing when they told me I couldn't tell you..." he said, dejected. "...I feel really stupid."

"You don't need to feel stupid," Coulson said gently. "You made a mistake. We'll fix it and move on." He gently rubbed his son's back and then bared him.

Mace blushed darkly at being bared. He hadn't expected that to happen, although he supposed it made sense; if he was meant to submit and put all his trust in Coulson, being completely vulnerable was the quickest way to achieve that result. Still, he hadn't expected it and he couldn't help turning red from shame and he knew Coulson would be able to see, because it was his entire body blushing, not just his face. He groaned quietly and hid his face under one of his arms, even as he reached down with the other to hold onto Coulson's leg.

Coulson gently rubbed his lower back. "I've got you, son. You aren't alone anymore," he promised, before lifting his hand and bringing it down firmly on one side before repeating the swat on the other.

Jeffrey let out a tiny grunt as Coulson began swatting, but otherwise didn't show any vocal discomfort. He didn't stop himself from beginning to shift when the sting settled in and he squeezed Coulson's leg when the swats began to burn.

Coulson continued down to Jeffrey's thighs before he started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know I only just found you today, but I'm going to make it clear that dangerous behaviour is not okay. Lying to me is not okay, especially when it comes to your health."

Jeffrey shifted again, a tiny whimper escaping as the stinging burn turned into a constant burn that wouldn't go away even when Coulson wasn't smacking. "Y... yes, sir..." he managed to get out, though his voice was tight. "N... no un... unauthorized danger.... and never lie. Ever again. I... I'm sorry I lied, sir...." He took a deep breath and swallowed, tensing up attempting to stop squirming.

"I know, son," Coulson said, his voice very gentle. "And I've forgiven you for lying to me. And for endangering yourself." He gently rubbed Jeffrey's lower back with his other hand, while he began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster.

Jeffrey began taking in deep breaths, not quite hyper-ventilating, but obviously affected by Coulson's words as well as the spanking. Finally, unable to fight his body's reaction any longer, he slumped over Coulson's knee. "I'm sorry," he choked, with tears in his voice, even if they weren't falling down his face.

Coulson stopped spanking and wasted no time in drawing Jeffrey up and into his arms, wrapping them tight around his son. "I've got you," he whispered, reiterating the fact Jeffrey wasn't alone anymore. "I love you."

Jeffrey let out a half-amused, half disbelieving sound as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Coulson. "Of course, you're a hugger," he said quietly, before allowing himself to relax into the embrace. Mace normally wasn't, but he found Coulson holding him comforting and he normally wasn't being spanked or adopted suddenly either. His life had just been turned upside down. He figured he could let himself accept comfort.

Coulson tightened his embrace around Jeffrey, kissing the top of his head. "You'll find that the whole family is very affectionate," he said.

"I'll try not to be too aloof, then..." Jeffrey smiled, settling down a bit more and accepting the affection he was currently being offered. "I... I know I was just spanked because I lied and because I was doing something that was dangerous. Are there any other things I need to avoid doing or risk going back over your knee?" he asked hesitantly. He didn't plan to ever put Coulson in the position of punishing him again, so he needed to know what to avoid.

"Most of the things to avoid are common sense," Coulson answered, gently stroking his hair and back. "No going off on your own, without letting someone know where you are. No solo investigative work. We have each others' backs here. You don't need to handle anything alone."

"That shouldn't be hard. Until I volunteered for the serum, I was in the military. I'm used to working in units with other people..." Jeffrey wasn't upset at the news he wouldn't be going solo any longer. "I... I am assuming I will no longer be taking the serum. I should probably inform Talbot. He won't care as long as it doesn't come back and bite him on the butt. The scientists might be another story...." He sighed.

"You don't have to tell him on your own," Coulson said. "And you won't be alone in handling any fallout. I'm on your side."

"Thank you. I appreciate that... Maybe we can call him tomorrow. He won't be in his office right now and it will give me time to plan what to say..." Jeffrey gave Coulson a grateful smile. "...Until then, I need to debrief you all. There is a lot of information you need to know."

Coulson nodded. "There's quite a bit we've found, too, that you might need to know about, even if you've already learned a lot of it. We have one teenager living here who's been quite badly affected by HYDRA's actions. He was cloned, so any information you have will probably help." While they'd discuss everything in more detail in the debrief, he wanted to give his son a heads-up, at least.

"Damn... I'd found files on a cloning program, but I hadn't found any evidence that they'd actually gone through with it. I was hoping they hadn't tried it...." Jeffrey sighed. "Since, apparently, they did go through with it, I'll make sure all the files I have are given to Bruce. He might be able to find out more about what was done if they followed their plan at all...."

Coulson nodded. "We should make sure any information is passed onto his father...." he added, thinking out loud.

"He has a father?" Jeffrey blinked. "You all pulled him into the family like you plan to do with me, didn't you?" He couldn't help but grin.

"It happens far more regularly than you might think," Coulson replied. "Though in this case, it was a fifteen-year-old kid who found out everything he'd believed about himself was a lie, including the woman he thought was his family. He found himself a father already... but now he has an entire group of people as family who can hopefully help him heal."

Jeffrey nodded. "Well, I'll do my best to help my... cousin?... adjust to his new world view. Answer any questions I'm able to, as long as you and his father think he should know...." He gave Coulson a questioning look, as if looking for permission.

Coulson nodded. "It'll be best to include his father in the meeting and see what he thinks about what Kaine should know."

"I'll wait till either of you give me permission, then..." Jeffrey nodded. While he was perfectly capable of leading on his own, he was also very used to following chain of command. It didn't bother him to have Coulson take command over him; and since the older man was adopting him, he thought it might be more appropriate until he became used to his new situation. "I... you decided you wanted me so quickly and I decided that I wanted you to have me so quickly that... well... am I living here now? I have an apartment, but I've been on non-stop missions for almost two years now, so.... and will I continue to go on missions, or do you have something else in mind for me?"

"The idea is that you'll move in here, with the whole family," Coulson answered. "If you have anything in your old apartment you need, we can pick it up. As for missions, we generally do recon and hit HYDRA bases. The family members don't tend to take on missions that will take them away for long periods of time, like going undercover. I'm not saying it definitely wouldn't happen in the future, but so far, it hasn't."

"I won't say I'll miss undercover. I won't. But if you need it, I'm good at it. And with you and the rest of the family as back up and as my handler, I think I'd probably be safer in your hands than I've been in anyone else's...." Jeffrey smiled. "Do I look presentable?" He finally stood and moved in front of his father, so Coulson could make sure he didn't look like he'd just been punished, even if everyone in the family likely knew he had been.

Coulson nodded and reached out to stroke his son's cheek. "You look fine, son." He stood up and wrapped his arm around Jeffrey's shoulders, so he could lead him back to the family room.

Jeffrey leaned against Coulson as he let himself be led. He was a bit surprised at how quickly he'd gained a family and how quickly he'd agreed to it, but he didn't regret the decision. Soon, they were both in the family room and the rest of the family was coming in, finding various seats so that he could debrief them.

Gamora sat as close to her father as possible. Not only did she have to give her own report, but she was feeling clingier than she'd expected to feel, after her punishment. Sitting next to him helped ease that feeling.

Bobbi had sat as far away from her father as possible. She wasn't mad at him anymore. In fact, she wanted to be with him, but she felt extremely guilty about her behavior and she was certain he wouldn't want to be next to her. Besides. The new guy was sitting next to him. She settled down next to Toomes and Kaine.

The rest of the family filtered into the room in small amounts. Robbie moved over to sit next to Gabe, leaning over to whisper to his younger brother, "You okay?" He knew their father had taken him in hand and wanted to make sure Gabe wasn't overwhelmed or upset.

Toomes settled Kaine on his lap, wrapping one arm around his son's waist so he could hold onto the teenager tightly. His other hand gently stroked the back of Kaine's hair and neck, keeping up the constant physical contact.

Bobbi watched Toomes being affectionate with her cousin and felt even worse. If she hadn't been such an uncontrollable, obstinate brat, she could be sitting on her father's lap, with him being affectionate to her. She slumped down in her seat, an unhappy frown on her face. She didn't say anything, though, so most of the family likely thought she was irritable about something again.

Gabe looked at Robbie and smiled. "Yeah. I'm really good..." he said, with a grin. Yeah, he'd got his first ever spanking from Fury; but instead of upsetting him, it had helped him feel even more connected to his father and the rest of the family.

Kaine snuggled close to his father and closed his eyes. There wasn't much he could offer in terms of information, so he figured he'd listen and answer if he was asked a question. If he accidently fell asleep? Well, his father would wake him if necessary. He was still feeling drained from the stress of finding out his whole life was a lie.

Robbie smiled, happy to see that Gabe wasn't feeling upset about what had happened. "If you do need to talk about anything that's happened, though, I'm always available," he promised.

When everyone was settled in the room, Coulson cleared his throat and looked at Jeffrey. "Would you like to start by sharing with us what you've learned?" he asked his newest son.

Gabe nodded. "I know..." he said to Robbie, reaching over and clasping him on the shoulder.

Jeffrey glanced around the room at the assembled family members. "I've learned several different things in the months I was embedded with this particular group. Most of it has to do with their program of taking young children and then placing them in homes with HYDRA operatives or HYDRA sympathizers...trying to raise up the next generation of HYDRA agents. Some of it has to do with a clone program they have going..." He glanced toward Toomes and Kaine when he mentioned that. "...And some of it has to do with research into people with exceptional abilities, that aren't mutant or enhanced through scientific means...." He glanced at Coulson. "...They labeled the file Inhuman and it isn't something they are doing specifically themselves, but something they were very interested in learning more about. The fact they were so interested in it makes me think we probably want to look into it ourselves, if only to stop them from making use of it...." He continued talking, answering questions when needed. By the time he'd told them everything he could remember, it was late into the night; The youngest members of the family had gone to bed hours before and his voice was hoarse. They had a lot of information to mull over and digest.

Some of the things, they'd already known; or at least suspected. Other pieces of information were new. And while it was important they figure out how to act on that information, it was also getting late and it was therefore important the family members get plenty of rest.

Coulson stepped over to Tony. "Do you think I could get a copy of the adoption paperwork?" he asked, wanting to take care of things with Jeffrey straight away.

Tony nodded. "Of course. There's a copy on the computer in the office. All we need to do is enter in the relevant names and print it out and sign. Foggy can handle getting it filed in the appropriate areas..." He waved Foggy over, so that they could all go to the office.

Jeffrey chuckled. "You all really do move quickly." He grinned as he followed Tony, Foggy and his father to the office.

Bobbi watched her father disappearing down the hall with the new guy and she knew immediately what was happening. Swallowing hard, she forced herself not to show her emotions, even though she felt like crying. She'd pushed her father away. He'd found another child who wouldn't push him away. She deserved whatever she got. She knew he wouldn't send her away or give her up, but it hurt watching someone else have the closeness with him that she used to, until she ruined everything. She feared she'd put a chasm between them that could never be filled. Swallowing again, she went to her room so that she wouldn't be bothered by anyone else in the family. She wasn't certain she could keep the tears back if anyone tried talking to her.

It didn't take long for the paperwork to be signed, making Jeffrey officially his son and part of the family. And once that was taken care of, Coulson gently rested his hand on his newest son's shoulder. "It's a normal thing for children to share the room with their parent. I need to find your sister and talk to her, but you have the choice of staying either in my room or your own tonight."

Jeffrey nodded. "You know. I appreciate that. But I think I'm okay sleeping in the room you've given me. It isn't that far from yours if I need you... and it was kind of obvious that Bobbi is having difficulty.... Maybe I can stay in your room tomorrow night when things have calmed down a bit and it won't make it even more difficult for her...."

Friday interrupted at that moment. "Pardon me, Director Coulson, but Miss Bobbi isn't in the compound at-the-moment. She had been in her room, but as soon as everyone else had gone to their rooms, she snuck out and went to the tree house she was at several days ago. She asked me to tell you, though; she didn't want you to think she'd run away again."

"Thank you, Friday." Coulson acknowledged the AI before pulling Jeffrey into a tight hug and kissing him on the cheek. "If you need me before tomorrow, you know where I'll be. Otherwise, I'll see you in the morning at breakfast."

"Yes, sir..." Jeffrey quickly hugged back, before heading to his room.


Bobbi was sat huddled on the floor, in the corner of the treehouse. She supposed it really hadn't been a good idea to change into her night shirt and then decide to go outside to the tree house. It may be warming up, but the nights were still chilly, and the nightshirt barely reached past her bum. At the time she'd made the decision, though, the only thing she could think of was she needed to get out. She felt so guilty about how she'd treated her father. She felt heartsick over knowing she'd pushed him away. And she was shaking with fear that it would be a permanent divide between them. She'd do anything to make it right and be pulled back to him. Anything.

Which was why she'd cut a thin branch off the tree and stripped it of bark and excess twigs. Once Friday told him where she was, if he came after her, she'd give it to him. No matter how scared implements made her, she was more scared of not making things right and she knew she had to submit to him if things were going to be made right. The branch lay beside her on the floor of the tree house. She had her knees drawn up under her chin, her arms wrapped around her legs, her night shirt stretched to try and cover as much of her as possible, so she could stay warm.

Coulson had gone via his room to pick up a blanket before heading outside the compound, knowing that it was cold and not sure if Bobbi would be warm enough. Once outside, he reached the tree in record time and began to climb up.

As soon as he saw his daughter huddled in one corner of the treehouse, Coulson quickly moved to her side, wrapping the blanket around her and then pulling her into his arms, cuddling her tightly.

Having her father wrap her up tightly, keeping her warm, and then holding her just as tightly caused Bobbi to lose what little control she'd maintained, and she burst into sobs. "I'm sorry, daddy.... I'm so sorry.... been a horrible brat... a horrible daughter... 'm awful!" she choked out, in between sobs. "...Don' deserve you... was so bad... c… can stop m... myself fr... from b... being bad!" she wailed.

Coulson pulled his daughter closer, kissing the top of her head and beginning to rock her. "I love you," he whispered. "You aren't bad, sweetie. You've been naughty and disobedient, but not bad."

"...Been o... obs... obsi... stubborn!" Bobbi gulped in air. "...Din listen... din wanna listen... was mean and... and bitchy...." She sobbed again. "...Din wanna p... push you ‘way... din...din wanna l... leave you...." She shivered and gasped in a deep breath, crying too hard to breathe normally. "...I so... sorry!" She started crying again harder, before pulling away from him for just long enough to snatch up the branch she'd stripped and thrust it toward her father. "...Wa... was ho... horrible naughty!" she admitted. "...N... ne... need b... be r... right w... wif you..." She shuddered, still sobbing brokenly.

"No, sweetie." Coulson stroked her cheek. Kissed her forehead. "I'm not going to use a switch on you," he whispered. "Spanking isn't about causing you more pain or about how much you can take."

Bobbi began to cry harder, afraid that if he didn't take her in hand, take control, that the gulf between them would never go away. "I... I... c... can... can't be good b... by my... myself!" she stuttered. "...N... n... need y... y... you t... t... to m... ma... make m... me b... behave!" She could only breathe through her mouth by this point, so talking was becoming increasingly more difficult between the crying and the needing to take in air.

Taking the branch from Bobbi's hand, Coulson instead took her hand in his. He kissed her cheek, murmuring a soft, "I love you," before he gently guided his daughter across his lap, making sure the blanket was snug around as much of her as possible.

Bobbi's crying eased somewhat when she realized her father was going to help her make things right; that he'd pull her back to him. She threw both of her hands behind her; not to cover her bottom, but held them against her lower back, hoping that he'd hold them while he reminded her who was in charge.

Coulson wasted no time in grasping his daughter's hand in his, adjusting the nightdress and blanket enough to bare her backside. Lifting his other hand, he brought it down in the first hard swat that he then repeated.

Bobbi let out a tiny gasp at the first swat, letting out tiny hisses for the following swats, but she didn't argue. She didn't try and get away. She focused on the swats. Focused on what they meant. "...N... ne... need y... you..." she whispered, in between tears and hissing.

"And I need you," Coulson stated firmly, swatting in time with each word, down to her thighs. "I need you in my life. I need you so much."

"...S... sti... still y... yo... yours?" Bobbi asked, in a pathetically childishly hopeful voice, doing her best not to squirm away, although she was shifting every so often as her bottom warmed up.

"Always mine," Coulson promised, beginning to go a fraction harder and faster. "I love you. So very much. And you're irreplacable. I'll tell you that and prove it to you as much as I have to, until you believe it beyond any doubt."

Bobbi let out a tiny whimper at the harder, faster swats, the shifting becoming more of a squirm, despite her efforts to hold still. "I... I… l... love you t... too, d... daddy!" she said vehemently. After how she'd acted, she wasn't certain he did know she loved him and she didn't want him to think she didn't.

Gently squeezing her hands, Coulson began to focus more swats to her sit spots and thighs. "I'm not going to let you go, Bobbi. You're mine. My daughter. And I've always wanted you in my life."

"I... I... w... wa... wanna b... be y... you... yours. B... b... be... belong t... to y... you!" Bobbi started crying hard again. She was positive she'd almost lost everything because she was stubborn and pulled away.

"You do," Coulson promised. "You are mine. And you will always be mine. No matter what. No matter how naughty you are."

Bobbi believed him and the sense of relief that she hadn't pushed him away... that she hadn't taken herself from him... was so immense, she couldn't fight her body any more. She went boneless over his lap, still sobbing, but in between the sobs, she was talking. Explaining, really. Explaining how she hadn't wanted to pull away. Explaining how she kept doing things she was sorry for, but she couldn't seem to stop. Explaining how she was just so very tired because she couldn't sleep... she was afraid to sleep because of dreams. Explaining how she'd wanted to go to him several times, because she'd felt anxious and thought maybe she needed a reminder; but then the anger would take over and instead of going to him, she'd do something wrong instead. Explaining how she was so confused and didn't know what to do or how to stop herself anymore. And then finally admitting, "...I need help, daddy..." in the tiniest, most scared voice he'd ever heard her use.

Coulson stroked her back and held her hands all while she talked, listening without interrupting. "Thank you for being honest with me, sweetie," he murmured. "And I will help you. I'm going to keep you close by. You'll be sleeping in my room, in my arms. Sitting with me at mealtimes. You'll need to get my permission before you do anything like leave the compound."

Bobbi had finally cried herself out. She squeezed her father's hand to show she was listening to him but didn't say anything while he was telling her what would happen. She took deep, shuddering breaths, trying to calm down, and focused on his words and on the affection, he was giving. After he'd told her what would happen, she sniffled and responded, "Yes, sir..." Her voice was hoarse and watery. "...I'll a... ask before I go anywhere you aren't... even in the compound..." she promised.

"Good girl." Coulson's voice was low and gentle. Continuing the gentle affection, he added, "You'll also be going over my knee at least once every day for reminders and to help you settle."

Bobbi took a quivering breath. "Thank you, daddy..." she whispered, grateful that he understood her and what she needed so well.

"I love you. So very much," Coulson said, gently and seriously.

"I love you too, daddy..." Bobbi's voice was sincere. "I'm sorry I was so naughty.... I really, really am...." She was finally feeling secure enough that she wasn't thinking of herself as bad. Even if her behavior had been atrocious.

"You're not now," Coulson said gently. "You're my good girl now." He continued to stroke her back and gently squeeze her hands.

"I like being your good girl, daddy.... lots better than being your naughty girl..." Bobbi said, with a sniffle, able to admit she was his even when she misbehaved; not afraid anymore that she'd pulled too far away or pushed him too hard.

"You're mine either way," Coulson said gently. "Whether you're good or naughty, it doesn't change anything of how I feel about you."

Bobbi sniffled again, squeezing her father's hand. "Can I snuggle with you, daddy?" she asked, almost bashfully, her voice sounding sleepy.

"Of course, but I think we should do that inside, where it's warm and more comfortable." Coulson helped her up, so they could climb down.

Bobbi adjusted her nightshirt, so it would cover her again, then leaned against her father. She'd run out of the compound sans shoes and she gave her father an apologetic look. She knew she was underdressed for the weather and was surprised he hadn't commented yet.

Coulson kissed her forehead and murmured, "I'll carry you back into the compound. The next time you come out here, though, you need to make sure you're wearing proper footwear and clothing."

"Yes, daddy," Bobbi said, in an embarrassed and contrite voice. "Thank you..." she added, more softly, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome. I love you." Coulson kissed her cheek and then started climbing slowly down out of the treehouse.

Bobbi carefully followed him as soon as he'd reached the bottom, then stood quietly and waited for instructions.

Coulson didn't waste any time in lifting her into his arms and carrying her back into the compound.

Bobbi snuggled close, relieved to be back with her father and not pulling away. "I love you, daddy..." She nuzzled against him.

"I love you too. So very much." Coulson kissed her head as he carried her to his room.

Bobbi put her head on his shoulder. Glancing at her feet, she wrinkled her nose. "I should take a shower, or I'll get your bed dirty," she said quietly, obviously reluctant to leave his side now that he had her again.

"I could just take you into the bathroom and you can wash your feet in the tub," Coulson suggested.

“Okay, daddy...” Bobbi quickly agreed, relaxing once she knew she didn’t have to let go of him, or him let go of her.

True to his word, Coulson carried his daughter into the bathroom, holding her steady so they could take care of washing her feet and then drying them.

It didn’t take long, with her father’s help, and soon Bobbi was leaning against him as he led her back to the bed. Now that everything was said and done, she was worn out. She only hoped she wouldn’t dream. She waited for her father to tell her what to do.

Coulson led his daughter over to the bed, helping her to settle in before he quickly went and got ready for bed and came back to join her, gently pulling her into his arms.

Bobbi latched on to her father, as of afraid of losing him...or of being lost herself, clingy and nearly touching from head to toe.

Coulson pulled her closer, until she was practically laying on top of him, and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"...Thank you for being patient and loving me when I'm not very lovable..." Bobbi whispered against his chest. She closed her eyes and slowly began to fall asleep.

"You're always easy to love and be patient with," Coulson whispered, kissing her head and tightening his hold on her.

It said something to Bobbi's level of exhaustion that she nearly immediately fell asleep, at peace for the first time in days.

It wasn't long until Coulson fell asleep too, holding his daughter close and tight.