The Cost Of Peace

Dan and Rorschach.jpg

Summary: A different method of persuasion is utilised. And someone’s sense of guilt is dealt with
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the whole of the movie Watchmen; AU; violence; some discussions of sex
Pairings: Dan/Rorschach/Adrian; minor Dr. Manhattan/Laurie; past Dan/Laurie
Author’s Note: Sometimes I think I’m just the mouthpiece for a story and not actually creating it. I didn’t intend this to be a romance


Dan didn’t have a clear idea of what he was going to do or say when he followed Rorschach out of the base. He couldn’t look at or talk to Adrian. Just because he understood what the man had done, that didn’t mean he was able to forgive. Rorschach was right, in a way…but his decision to go public with the information was just going to make matters even worse. Maybe he could talk to him.

It was impossible to tell what Dr. Manhattan was thinking. Adrian claimed to be able to read the tiny twitches of emotion on his face, but Dan couldn’t see what the other man did. Maybe he didn’t want to.

It was a shock when Rorschach pulled his mask off. Dan hadn’t known his real face until recently, but he had a pretty good idea that the mask, to Rorschach, was his true face.

“Do it!” Rorschach yelled at the man who’d once fought alongside them. Fought alongside all of them.

That brought Dan into action. “No!” he yelled, throwing himself in front of Rorschach. As if that would make a difference. As if putting himself between the two men would make any difference if Dr. Manhattan chose to use his power.

“I can’t let you tell anyone.” Dr. Manhattan looked past Dan, focusing on Rorschach. He raised his hand but then hesitated, focusing on Dan once more.

It felt like his mind was being opened like a book. Dan raised his hand to his head, shaking it as images from his past flashed through his mind’s eye. The reasons why he’d joined them. Everything with Laurie. Everything he felt for the rest of them. It should have felt like an invasion, but it seemed more like Dr. Manhattan was searching for something.

“You’re a good man, Dan.”

“Where the hell are we?” Rorschach’s voice ground out.

Dan lowered his hand and looked around, frowning as he took in the red earth surrounding them. There were the remains of a metal contraption all around them and he finally focused on Dr. Manhattan once more. “Why did you bring us to Mars?” He couldn’t keep the nervous hint out of his voice.

“We on Mars?” Rorschach looked around and grunted. “You’re letting us breathe. How long for?”


Dan glanced at Rorschach, but he’d replaced his mask; and although the shifting shapes were expressive, it was hard to tell what he was thinking. “You’re just going to leave us here?” he asked, looking at Dr. Manhattan.

“No. I’ve brought you here because the alternative is to kill you, Rorschach. I would prefer not to do that.”

“You can’t make sure I stay silent any other way,” Rorschach retorted.

Dan stepped nearer to the man he considered a friend-and hoped Rorschach felt the same about him-placing a hand on his arm. “Don’t. If you threaten this peace, he will kill you. I’m not going to let that happen.”

Rorschach turned to face him. “You won’t let it happen?”

“There is a reason I brought you both here,” Dr. Manhattan said.

Dan glanced at him. “Does it have anything to do with why you went through my memories like they were a book for you to read?”

“I had to confirm if I was correct,” Dr. Manhattan replied.

“About what?” Dan frowned.

“You can persuade him not to go public with this.” Dr. Manhattan’s eyes never left Dan’s.

No one is going to ‘persuade’ me to do anything,” Rorschach stated. “You can’t keep me here forever. You either kill me or take me back home. And if you do that, I’m going to tell everyone the truth. There is only one way to keep me quiet.”

Dan moved closer to Rorschach, though he didn’t touch the other man. “What are you expecting me to do?”

“I don’t need to tell you that.” Dr. Manhattan looked distant and then vanished.

Rorschach stared at the spot where the other man had stood; or at least that’s what it looked like he was doing. He then turned to look at Dan. “Does he expect us to wait here until he comes back?”

That wasn’t why Dr. Manhattan had left the two of them there alone. The trouble was, it was impossible to figure out what he’d seen that made him so convinced Dan would figure out the right thing to say, or do, to get Rorschach to keep quiet.

“Why are you taking this so calmly?” Rorschach demanded, rounding on Dan. “We’re prisoners here. Even if we can breathe, there’s no food. Water. We die here.”

Dan didn’t say anything. He couldn’t, because he’d realised. A memory had come to the forefront of his mind. The last time someone had taken it upon themselves to correct his behaviour. Ironically, it hadn’t been either of his parents. And it wasn’t because he’d done something dangerous, but more because he’d felt so guilty when he’d failed. People had died because he hadn’t stopped the Comedian.

Pushing away the thought of failure then and now, Dan watched Rorschach as the other man began poking around the corpse of the metal contraption. Okay. He knew what Dr. Manhattan wanted him to do. The question was, why wasn’t he doing it? Why hand the responsibility to Dan, of all people? He must have seen it would work, but Dan couldn’t envision a scenario where he didn’t end up bleeding and with a few broken bones for his trouble.

“What was he talking about?” Rorschach asked suddenly.

What would happen if Dan refused to follow Dr. Manhattan’s direction? But the alternative was letting Rorschach die; which wasn’t really an option. “Damn.” He pulled off his mask. “He doesn’t want to kill you, Rorschach. That’s why he’s left us here. He thinks I can talk you into agreeing to keep quiet.”

Rorschach turned away. “Compromised once. Won’t make that mistake again,” he ground out.

Shaking his head, Dan took a couple of steps closer and reached out, grabbing Rorschach’s arm. “You don’t understand! He won’t let you tell anyone. Bringing you here and leaving you with me? He’s trying to save your life.”

Rorschach lowered his head to Dan’s hand on his arm and then raised it back to him. “Let go.”

Dan took a deep breath and shook his head. “I can’t. Dr. Manhattan thinks I can talk you down. Maybe you still won’t listen, but I have to try. I’m not going to let you get yourself killed. And even if we could live here indefinitely, we’d end up killing each other pretty quickly.”

“If you don’t let me go, I break your arm.”

“You would have done that already.” Dan gripped Rorschach tight around the arm. “You won’t raise a hand against me, because I’m going to save you. And I’m your friend.”

“I don’t have friends.”

Dan shrugged. “I’m still yours.” Rorschach hadn’t pulled away and he pulled the other man closer to himself. He could feel the tension in his friend’s body and figured it was going to be hard for Rorschach not to fight him. He wasn’t going to be able to take the other man over his knee. He led him over to the metal contraption and pushed on his back until he was bending forward over one of the beams.

As Dan pushed the coat to one side, he could feel how tense Rorschach was. Lifting his hand, he slapped it down on the other man’s backside. The dull sound echoed again and again as he continued the firm smacks.

Rorschach didn’t move. Didn’t make a sound. He didn’t try to get up, but Dan had the feeling he was fighting the urge to punch him. Stepping back and rubbing a hand wearily over his face, Dan said, “Get up. Hand me your belt.”


It wouldn’t work. Not like this. Dan sighed. “I can’t make you see things differently, Rorschach. But I am going to make sure you have something to think about.” He hesitated. “I’m not going to let Dr. Manhattan kill you to keep you quiet. Even if that means we live here for the rest of our lives. I’m not going to let you die.”

Rorschach straightened up and turned round to face Dan. It was impossible to tell what the other man was thinking, but the ink blots on his mask kept shifting. “You aren’t my friend,” he said; not harshly or with any emotion, just as if he was stating a fact. “You don’t know everything about me.”

“Do you think I have to know everything to think you’re my friend?” Dan responded. “I don’t know everything about Laurie.”

“You’ve got her in your bed.”

It wasn’t the crudest term Dan had ever heard, but he still winced at the description. “We were friends before then. I didn’t just jump into bed with her. And talking about Laurie isn’t going to change that this needs to happen.”

“You aren’t the first person to think you can ‘change’ how I act.”

“I’m not looking to change you,” Dan replied. He sought around in his mind and finally settled on, “I’m going to prove to you that you’re my friend. That I’m not going to let you walk off and get yourself killed.”

“Because you think you’re my friend.”

“I know I’m your friend.” Dan took a step nearer to him. “I know you. I understand you.” With every word he spoke, he stepped even closer to Rorschach, until they stood toe-to-toe with each other. “Not just a friend.” The admission was voiced in a whisper as he reached out, touching the edge of the mask.

Rorschach jerked back.

“I’m not going to pull it off.” Dan let his hand land gently on Rorschach’s shoulder, drawing the other man closer. Rorschach held himself stiff, but didn’t pull away as Dan began to peel the mask up; just enough to expose his jaw. His mouth. His lips.

The kiss was tentative. Hesitant. Unsure. Dan held himself stiff, in case he was pushed away or punched. Rorschach knew more than him; enough that he could have him bleeding and broken on the ground in a moment. He didn’t really relax until he felt Rorschach’s lips yield under his, the other man’s mouth opening slightly.

Pulling back, Dan realised the problem with how he’d intended to punish Rorschach. He didn’t know much about the other man’s life growing up, but how he’d planned the spanking was so much less personal than he’d experienced when on the other end. “I was wrong,” he said out loud.

Rorschach’s shoulder stiffened under Dan’s hand. “Wrong?”

“Not about this. About the way I was going to punish you. Spank you. I’m not going to use a belt. I’m not going to bend you over something. Only my lap.” Dan brushed his thumb over Rorschach’s lips and then peeled the mask back down. For a moment, he thought about asking Rorschach if he felt the same way about him. Then he decided it didn’t matter. He didn’t need to hear it. The fact he hadn’t been pushed away was answer enough.

Rorschach wasn’t stiff and tense the way he had been a few moments earlier. Dan carefully removed the other man’s trench coat before he sat down on the dusty earth, tugging Rorschach down and then drawing him across his lap. He wasn’t bent over as such, instead lying flat.

Dan let his hand rest on Rorschach’s lower back, rubbing gently. He’d chosen to completely switch how he was dealing with the other man, figuring gentleness would be more likely to get through to him than being harsh and stern would. After all, both of those traits were such a large part of Rorschach’s personality.

The first smack made Dan jump, taking him by surprise at how loud it was. He swallowed and stared at the back of the hat the other man wore, reminding himself of why he was doing this. The next smack was harder and firmer and he delivered the next several at the same force, each slap echoing dully over Rorschach’s pants.

“You’re not going to talk me into staying quiet like this,” Rorschach ground out.

“You’re right.” Dan gently squeezed Rorschach’s thigh. “It’s time to change things up.” He tugged the other man’s pants down and, after a brief hesitation, tugged his underwear down as well.

The next circuit of smacks were louder and Rorschach jerked when Dan began targeting his thighs and sit spots. He continued until Rorschach’s bottom was a light pink all over, then rested his hand on the heated backside. “You’re not alone, Rorschach. You were once, but we started working together and even then, before we joined everyone else, you had a responsibility to me. To not get yourself hurt. You should have trusted me with your identity.”

“This is my identity.”

“I know.” Lifting his hand once more, Dan resumed swatting, putting more force behind the smacks. “But I trusted you with both. You should have done the same.”

“You didn’t need to see anything but my true face….”

“It’s not about that.” Dan paused speaking to deliver some sharper swats, hearing a barely-held-back gasp in response. “It’s about trust. Friendship.” He paused. “Love.”

“Love isn’t real. Just lies the foolish and weak tell themselves and each other to control and give meaning to their lives,” Rorschach stated, a strained note to his voice. “I don’t…care. About you. About anything but doing the right thing. You all want to compromise. People are dead because of Adrian.”

“People have died because of me too,” Dan said. “I might not have killed them myself, but they’re dead because of me. I can’t bring them back. No matter what I do. So I make their deaths mean something. Adrian isn’t evil. He did what he thought was right.”

“He played God.”

“He gave the world a mutual enemy. An enemy that isn’t a true one, but they’ve stopped fighting each other.” Dan gently rubbed Rorschach’s back, telling himself it didn’t matter what the other man said. Rorschach did care. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have concerned himself with warning Dan he might be in danger. Or wanting them to continue working together. “But there are still enemies to fight. Still people who need protecting. You might not care about me, but you care about them. I won’t let you take away another protector.” He lifted his hand.

“How are you…going to keep us both in check?”

Dan paused, hand hovering in midair. It hadn’t even occurred to him that taking Rorschach in hand might also mean he’d be expected to do the same to Adrian. But then again, he’d said it himself. Adrian wasn’t a monster. When the dust settled and he allowed himself to feel…would he ever be able to forgive himself? “Don’t worry about that,” he replied. “It’s my responsibility. Not yours.” He began swatting again.

“You can’t just decide that.” Rorschach gave what sounded like a groan.

“You could stop me. If you wanted to. If you thought I didn’t have any right to do this, to make you answer to me, you would be fighting me.” Dan continued to spank the bare backside across his knee, the skin turning a darker pink, almost red, under his punishing palm. He could hear Rorschach gritting his teeth, but rather than spank harder, he asked, “Why aren’t you fighting me?”

Rorschach was quiet for a moment or two, his feet making tiny jerking movements, before he answered, “You kissed me.”

“You weren’t fighting me before, either.” Dan began focusing the smacks to Rorschach’s sit spots. “You were going to let me spank you.” Until he’d talked about using the belt. But even then, Rorschach hadn’t stood up straight away. Hadn’t resisted. Hadn’t….

“I don’t want to have sex with men.”

Dan paused, a bit taken aback. “Neither do I.”

“Your lips didn’t fall on mine.”

“You’re different, Rorschach. You….” Dan hesitated. “I don’t just want to have sex with you. I want to spend time with you. Not just fighting alongside you. I don’t want you to die.” His voice dropped lower. “Dr. Manhattan isn’t going to let us leave here until he’s certain you won’t tell. Otherwise he has to kill you. Take you out of my life.”

“We’ll go back and you’ll go back to Laurie. I’ll go back on the streets,” Rorschach ground out. “Maybe you call me for a night. If I’m lucky. We’re attracted to each other. Doesn’t mean you want me in your life.”

Dan’s hand came to rest on Rorschach’s backside. He could feel the warmth coming from the chastised skin, but he couldn’t help wincing at the other man’s words. Of course Rorschach didn’t believe him. “Laurie isn’t you. We go back home? I…I know Laurie doesn’t want to leave Dr. Manhattan. Not really.” What had happened between them was little more than two friends needing to comfort each other. “I want you to move in with me.” He cleared his throat. “To stay.”

“And what about Adrian? Is he going to be part of this ‘happy families’?”

Dan closed his eyes and sighed. It was going to be hard enough forming a relationship with Rorschach. Quite apart from the man’s own tendencies, he knew full well that they would have to be careful in public. If he considered his own feelings for Adrian too…. “What do you think?”

“Won’t be an easy job. Maybe impossible.” Rorschach pushed himself up off Dan’s lap. “He needs to be punished.” He tugged his pants back into place and then picked up his trench coat, slipping it back on. “Should call Dr. Manhattan. Probably knows already.”

Dan stood up. “Does that worry you?”

“Being worried won’t change what just happened.”

“And what will happen again in the future, if necessary.” Reaching out, Dan spun Rorschach round to face him. There was a much more relaxed set to the other man’s shoulders when Dan rolled his mask up and kissed him long and lingering. He could taste the faintest hint of salt on the other man’s lips and wondered what had brought the tears forth.

“I have not told Adrian what you intend.”

Dr. Manhattan’s voice didn’t take Dan by surprise. He’d been expecting it. He pulled back from Rorschach and turned to face the third man. “Is this really you, or one of your mirror images?”

“Does it matter?” Dr. Manhattan replied. “When I divide myself, I can see and hear everything.” He paused. “Adrian believes you are going to kill him. He’s prepared for it. He’s accepted it. What you intend is something impossible for him to contemplate or anticipate.”

“Will he accept it?” Dan asked, moving a bit closer to Rorschach, letting his hip brush against the other man’s.

“Do what you think is right,” Dr. Manhattan replied.

The next moment, Dan blinked as he, Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan appeared back in what Dan could only consider the villain’s base. Laurie and Adrian were both there and he didn’t miss the quick glance Adrian gave towards them before his face became set and he tensed himself, as if expecting a blow.

Rorschach shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’ll wait for you outside,” he said shortly to Dan.

Dan watched Rorschach walk out of the base and then looked at Dr. Manhattan and Laurie. Even now, he could see that Laurie only had eyes for Dr. Manhattan.

“I will leave to find another galaxy, one that is more peaceful than here,” he said to Laurie. “I’d like you to come with me.”

Laurie smiled, but then hesitated, glancing towards Dan.

“It’s all right. Go with him.” Dan smiled reassuringly. He didn’t know if Laurie would accept his feelings for Rorschach and Adrian and he didn’t want to argue with her before she left. “I’ll be fine.” He glanced at Adrian, who had lowered his head and added, “We’ll be fine.”

Laurie’s smile grew wider and she stepped over to Dan, giving him a tight hug that he returned. “I’ll miss you,” she whispered.

“Take care of yourself.” Dan kissed her cheek and then let her go, nodding to Dr. Manhattan. “I know most people aren’t going to want you around, but I know you can come and visit us any time you need to.”

“Thank you, Dan. And good luck.” Dr. Manhattan wrapped his arm around Laurie once she reached his side and the two of them disappeared in a flash of blue light.

“Are you going to turn Rorschach loose on me now, Dan?” Adrian asked calmly. “I’m surprised he’s waiting outside. Or are you going to get your own hands dirty?”

“No one’s going to attack you. Or try to kill you.”

“I find that very hard to believe. I know how Rorschach thinks. You can’t control him, Dan. If he’s choosing not to go public, it’s because he intends to kill me.” Adrian glanced towards the door and then at Dan, though he didn’t make eye contact. “I was willing to sacrifice other lives for this cause. I expected my own would be forfeit.”

“Acting the martyr doesn’t suit you.”

Dan turned and frowned when he saw Rorschach striding towards him. “I thought you were going to let me handle this.”

“I’m not going to watch,” Rorschach answered, stopping next to Dan. “But I thought you’d need help making him submit.”

It only took a slight step to allow Dan to rest his side against Rorschach’s, feeling the other man’s body heat. He didn’t take his eyes off Adrian and he didn’t tell Rorschach to leave either. He didn’t think Adrian would fight him, but he’d be even less likely to faced with two of them. “I’m not going to fight you, Adrian. I’m going to punish you.”

Punish me?” Adrian shook his head, a trace of amusement on his face. “For what? Bringing about world peace? Stopping a nuclear war?”

Dan felt Rorschach stiffen next to him and he quickly squeezed the other man’s upper arm. He could feel the tension there and he held back a sigh. Once this was over, maybe the three of them would be able to get past their hangups. Eventually. “I know this wasn’t easy for you. You’re talking about the greater good, but being responsible for the deaths of so many people isn’t something you can just brush off.” Letting go of Rorschach, he stepped up to Adrian. “I’m not going to kill you or hurt you permanently. Rorschach isn’t. But I am going to punish you.”

Adrian took a slow, deep breath and closed his eyes. Watching him carefully-Adrian wasn’t as likely to take his arm off as Rorschach, but he could still react badly-Dan reached out, grasping the other man’s shoulder and pulling him in closer.

“What are you doing?” Adrian asked, opening his eyes.

Kissing Adrian was different to kissing Rorschach. His lips were softer and aside from a barely-stifled gasp, he didn’t resist and in fact returned the kiss, with interest, faster than Rorschach had. Dan could feel the third member of their group watching, but he didn’t know what Rorschach thought.

“Is that supposed to be a punishment?” Adrian touched his lips, an almost dazed look on his face, as Dan pulled back.

“No. That was to show how I feel about you.” Hesitatingly, Dan added, “And to get an idea of how you feel about me.”

“I trust that query has been answered to your satisfaction.” Adrian glanced past Dan. “How does Rorschach fit in with this? With us?”

Dan glanced over his shoulder at Rorschach, wondering how the other man saw himself. Saw them. He wasn’t even sure Rorschach felt the same about Adrian, or if he’d decided to accept him simply because he thought that was the price he had to pay if he wanted to be with Dan.

“I’ve never been attracted to anyone,” Rorschach said. “Man or woman…the only people I felt anything like that for? Has been you both.”

Dan looked at Adrian, not sure how to respond to Rorschach’s sudden honesty. He watched as Adrian closed his eyes and nodded, before opening his eyes and looking at Rorschach. “Then I’m sorry. That you see me differently now,” he whispered.

Rorschach shook his head. “Agreed to let Dan punish you. Then there’ll be an end to it.”

Adrian focused his full attention back on Dan, an almost hopeful look on his face. He spread his arms out and turned his face to the side, tensing his body. “There are still things I need to do, so will you please avoid breaking any bones?”

“I’m not going to beat you, Adrian.” Dan decided not to draw this out any longer. He stepped up to Adrian and reached out, grasping his hand and drawing him close to himself. He looked around and then sat down on the top step, pulling the other man down next to him.

Adrian didn’t fight when Dan encouraged him to lay across his lap. He gave a tiny sound that might have been a sigh or a groan, but settled into place without a word of protest.

Dan brought his hand down in a firm smack and felt Adrian jerk slightly. He forced himself to repeat the swat, on top of the first, and then delivered a third swat in the exact same place. He continued in that vein down to Adrian’s thighs, shifting him forward to expose his sit spots to the swats.

When Dan began swatting again from the top, he heard a barely held back whimper from Adrian. By the time he reached Adrian’s thighs the second time, the other man was shifting from side to side, beginning to breathe heavily.

Dan tugged Adrian’s pants down, exposing his boxers, and began to swat again, this time going a fraction harder and faster. By the time he’d completed a further two circuits, Adrian’s legs were beginning to jerk and he was gasping with every third smack. Dan could feel the heat through the thin fabric of his underwear. Taking a deep breath, he began to tug the underwear down as well.

“Dan, please….” Adrian whispered.

Rorschach stepped to his side before Dan could respond. “You are responsible for the deaths of many,” he said harshly. “You don’t deserve mercy.”

Adrian slumped over Dan’s lap, a quiet sob escaping him. Dan winced, but forced himself to tug the boxers down. Adrian’s bottom and thighs were already flushed red, but he began to whimper as Dan continued the pattern of swats, not stopping until it was virtually impossible to distinguish the individual marks.

Dan paused, listening to the quiet tears from the man over his lap. Hearing the other man crying affected him more than he’d realised it would, but he knew he had to finish this. Sliding his hand under Adrian’s stomach, he undid his belt and pulled it through the loops. He doubled the belt in his hand and spoke quietly. “I’m going to give you a dozen stripes. After, your punishment will be over. And I’ll forgive you.”

Adrian gave a sort of half-jerky nod before asking, “Rorschach?”

Rorschach crouched down and reached out to touch his cheek with one hand. “Still don’t agree with your actions, but nothing will bring them back. Same is true for me.”

Adrian pressed his face into Rorschach’s hand. “Then please finish it, Dan?” he requested, adding in a whisper, “So I can be forgiven by the two people who really matter.”

Dan gently rested his hand on Adrian’s back, rubbing a moment or two, before bringing the belt down. He winced at the loud snap it made and Adrian jumped as a darker line appeared at the crest of his bottom.

After three strikes, Adrian’s sobs became fully audible. After half a dozen, his hand swept back and would have resulted in the belt landing where it shouldn’t, if Rorschach hadn’t grabbed his hand and held onto it.

By the time Dan had forced himself to give the promised dozen stripes, Adrian was limp and sobbing across his lap. He dropped the belt like it was a snake and then stroked Adrian’s back. “Your punishment is over now,” he said gently. “I forgive you.”

Rorschach let go of Adrian’s hand, but sat down on the step next to Dan as Adrian carefully pushed himself up. He wiped at his eyes, red and wet with tears.

Dan reached out and gave a quiet sigh as Adrian almost sank into his arms. He tightened his embrace for a moment and then let go with one arm, reaching out to hold onto Rorschach’s hand.

“Think we could go somewhere a little more comfortable?” Rorschach asked.

“We’ll need to go somewhere that’s relatively private,” Dan said. “Society isn’t going to make it easy for the three of us to be together.”

“Do you regret it?” Adrian asked quietly.

“No.” Dan looked at the two men he was holding onto and gave a real, sincere smile. “Not even a little.”

The End