The Best Gift

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Summary: Ray wants to give Walter something a bit more symbolic
Warning(s): Spoilers for the movie; AU; sexual situations between two men; D/s undertones; spanking as part of sex/foreplay
Pairing: Walter Crow Horse/Ray Levoi
Author’s Note: Written for Carly as part of an art/fic exchange


When Walter woke, he realised he was no longer holding Ray in his arms. They felt empty. Bereft. Cold. The warmth of his husband’s body had left him.

Of course, Walter knew that Ray wouldn’t go far. They didn’t have work that day. It was Christmas, after all. Walter couldn’t help but smile as he wondered if his husband had gone to take another look at the presents under the tree. This was their first Christmas together. The first one since Ray had returned to the reservation and walked back into Walter’s life.

They needed to treat it as something special.

Walter got out of the bed and quickly washed up and brushed his teeth, though he didn’t bother pulling a shirt on. Wearing only his shorts, he left the bedroom and walked into the main room, then paused.

Ray stood in one corner of the room, facing the wall. The entire lower half of his body was wrapped in colourful Christmas paper, with a bright red bow resting just above his butt.

A smile spread across Walter’s face and he walked over to his husband. Wrapping his arms around Ray’s waist, he drew him back into his arms and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “You gonna be upset if I open my gift now?” he asked.

Ray’s grin back over his shoulder was wide and happy. “If you open it, you’ve gotta play with it.” He pressed back against Walter’s groin, the paper crinkling as he did so.

Walter moved his hands round in front of Ray, feeling the paper crinkling against his palms. He slid one hand down beneath the paper, finding Ray’s erection and palming it in one hand. He pressed a kiss to Ray’s neck, nipping the skin gently.

Ray let out a long, drawn-out groan as his head slanted to one side. His breath came in short, sharp pants as Walter continued to stroke and manipulate his member, gently squeezing it.

Walter continued to stroke and squeeze Ray’s member, until his husband was breathing faster and his skin was flushed and warm. Then, he wrapped his arm around Ray’s waist and led his husband towards the couch, sitting down and guiding Ray over his lap.

Walter,” Ray whined. “I’ve been good. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I know. You’re not in trouble. You’re not being punished.” Walter carefully pulled the paper free from Ray’s backside, folding it neatly and putting it to one side. Then, he ran a hand over Ray’s buttocks, squeezing low down on his thigh.

Ray let out a low groan and wriggled in place. “I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, Ray.” Walter gently smacked one buttock and then began to rub the spot he’d just swatted. He repeated the action on the other side of Ray’s bottom and then delivered two quick smacks just below the first before he then squeezed and rubbed firmly.

As Walter continued the smacks, stroking and squeezing, Ray’s whole body relaxed in place. Low groans and whimpers escaped from his lips and he began to shallowly thrust against Walter’s leg as his skin began to turn pink and warm under Walter’s hand.

Walter moved his hand underneath Ray and gently grasped his husband’s member. He heard the quiet whimper as Ray pushed into his hand and gasped out, “Please.”

Stroking and gently squeezing, Walter once again stopped just before Ray would release.

Walter,” Ray whined, squirming in place.

“I don’t want you to release till I say, Ray. Can you do that for me?” Walter asked. “Can you be good for me?”

Ray squirmed a bit in place and looked over his shoulder at Walter, cheeks flushed pink. “Yeah.” He wriggled his backside and sighed. “I can try, at least.”

“Good.” Walter leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Ray’s lips. Then, he helped Ray to stand up and stood up himself. He grasped his husband by the wrist and pushed his own shorts down before turning Ray and bending him over the couch.

A moment later and Ray was pressing a bottle of lube into Walter’s hand, nearly panting with need. “Please,” he gasped out.

“Just hold on for me, Ray. You’re being so good for me,” Walter soothed. He ran his hand down Ray’s back, pressing firmly along his spine, and used his other hand to coat his own member in the lube.

When Walter pushed into him, Ray let out a short, sharp gasp and then drew in breath to say, “Please, Walter. Please oh please oh please….

“Good, Ray. You’re my good Ray.” Walter began to thrust into his husband, holding the other man tight through the grip he had on Ray’s hips.

Whimpering loudly, Ray managed to gasp out, “Feels so good. I can’t…Walter, I can’t hold on.”

Walter’s fingers gripped Ray tighter, leaving their imprints in his husband’s skin. His member grew and swelled inside the other man. Leaning forward, Walter whispered, “Now, Ray. Let go now.”

With a near sobbing gasp, Ray’s whole body shuddered and he went limp over the couch.

Walter groaned softly as he released inside Ray, his body slumping over his husband’s. He gently kissed Ray’s neck and then pulled out of him. “We should clean up before we have breakfast.”

“Or maybe we could snuggle for a bit, before doing anything else?” Ray asked, suddenly sounding hesitant. “I just want to be with you. Just us, just for a little while, before we let the rest of the world back in.”

“Of course.” Walter helped Ray up and then stretched out on the couch with him, his husband’s head on his chest, stroking Ray’s hair. “Thank you for giving yourself to me,” he murmured, brushing a kiss over Ray’s hair.

“Thank you for wanting me,” Ray whispered back, before closing his eyes and sighing quietly.

They were together. Right now, that was the most important thing. Walter’s own sense of peace grew within him and he closed his eyes, just cuddling and being affectionate with his husband.

The End