Temper Tempered

Fandom: Hamilton The Musical
Summary: Washington has had enough
Notes & Warnings: AU (but the musical did that pretty well on its own)
Spoiler up to: Assume spoilers for the whole storyline of Hamilton The Musical



Your behaviour in the last cabinet meetings has become a cause of great concern. You have been my right-hand man for a long time now and I trust your mind and I trust your ideas. But I cannot trust your temper. I still see the young man who wanted to fight and die for his country. There’s a time and a place for your type of impatience, but you will not win any more men over like this. Some do follow you, Alexander, but while you refuse to curb your temper and hold your tongue, men will continue to turn away from your advice. Jefferson will continue to fight against you while you disrespect his belief. You may not share them, but a wise man picks his battles carefully.

I have tried talking to you. I have tried reasoning with you. But your temper is too hot and your head is too hard. I thought perhaps your family would help you to settle down, but I can see I was wrong to make that assumption.

It seems I must take action. If words will not suffice to sway you, perhaps this will.

I expect you to present yourself in my office in the morning. We will then proceed to have a discussion about the hostility between you and Jefferson. After our talk is finished, you will bend over my desk and I will take off my belt to whip your behind. There will be no set number of strokes. I will continue the whipping until I am assured you understand our position.

You can certainly choose not to come to this meeting. If you choose to ignore this letter and my instructions, I cannot force you to come. But if that is your decision, then another will have to take on your role in our government, as I cannot allow a repeat of such a hostile cabinet meeting.

I await your response.

George Washington