Cat’s Thoughts: This is the kind of ‘official’ Grant becomes Coulson’s son, even though the adoption doesn’t technically happen until the next story. It’s also one of the ‘team as family’ stories, even though Coulson doesn’t actually spank Jemma and Skye. In fact, he doesn’t even spank anyone in this story.
This is where Coulson starts trying to teach Grant that he doesn’t have to blindly follow orders. Going after Jemma and Skye was the right call to make. And as the team’s specialist, that’s his call to make. But he’s been so cowed by the man he believed he owed everything to…it’s actually pretty sad.
One of my favourite parts of this story is the scene at the end, where Coulson and Grant end up sparring. It’s actually pretty sweet that Grant’s so excited about sparring with his father. And then, of course, it ends with him falling asleep and dreaming of being Coulson’s kid for real.