Stepping In

Summary: While Chihiro goes to talk to Zeniba about removing the curse from Haku, Haku wakes up. Kamaji, who's been watching Haku working for Yubaba, decides that Haku needs to understand how dangerous the witch from the bathhouse is
Warning(s): Non-consensual spanking; spoilers for Spirited Away; AU; references to violence and curses


As he slowly regained consciousness, Haku found himself on his back, staring up at the ceiling of the boiler room. He was back in his human form, and he was no longer in pain. In fact, he felt lighter and freer than he had in a long time, since before he'd started working for Yubaba.

"Ah, you're awake." Kamaji was leaning over him. His dark glasses made it impossible to read the expression on his face, but he sounded concerned. "How are you feeling?"

"Where's Chihiro?" Haku ignored the question.


"Sen." Haku inwardly winced at his slip-up. Kamaji wasn't the problem, but if any of the other residents of the bathhouse heard him.... "Where is she?" he asked out loud.

"Chihiro," the old yōkai repeated. "That's her name, is it?"

"Yes. But you cannot tell it to anyone else, Grandfather." Haku tried to sit up, but it was hard. His body felt weak. "I know she was here. I heard her calling to me, in the darkness. I was lost there and then I heard her calling to me. I followed her voice. Where is she?" he asked.

"She went to Zeniba." Kamaji pushed Haku down with one of his hands. "You need to rest. You were seriously wounded."

"I'm not now. And if Chihiro is going to see Zeniba, I need to get to her." Haku pushed away Kamaji's hand and tried to sit up again. "I need to speak with Yubaba."

"You need to rest."

"I've rested for long enough." Worry for Chihiro had him pushing against the hand Kamaji placed on his chest, in spite of the respect he normally afforded the yōkai.

Kamaji shook his head. Two of his hands grasped Haku's waist on either side, turning him over easily so that he lay on his stomach on the sleeping pallet. "You need rest. You need to sleep. Chihiro isn't alone, and she's a smart girl, even for a human. She'll be all right. You might not be."

Haku opened his mouth to protest, but before he could say anything, one of Kamaji's other hands was slapping down on his backside. Hard.

"Ah!" Haku couldn't help the exclamation of pain that escaped his lips. He squirmed uselessly, pushing against the hold Kamaji had on him, but he was powerless to prevent the subsequent smacks landing on his backside. "Please stop!"

Kamaji paused in the spanking, leaving Haku's backside stinging, but didn't let go of him. "You've been doing a lot of bad things for Yubaba. Do you think I haven't noticed?"

"She hasn't left me with any other choice." Haku squirmed uselessly before slumping, eyes closing as a frustrated tear ran down his cheek. "You know I don't want to do those things! But I don't have any other choice!"

"Of course you do. You chose to help Chihiro, after all. And you chose to steal that seal, even knowing that it had a curse on it."

Haku opened his mouth to voice a protest, but before he could say anything, Kamaji was swatting his backside again, quickly turning the stinging into a burning sensation. He whined low in his throat and then finally threw one hand back to cover his bottom. "Please stop!" he exclaimed.

"You were very fortunate, Haku. That curse could have killed you. It would have killed you, if it wasn't for Chihiro. You're alive because of her. Yubaba wouldn't have wasted her magic on trying to save you." Kamaji didn't even pause as he grasped Haku's hand, moving it out of the way, and resumed delivering firm smacks, now to Haku's sit spots and the tops of his thighs.

The pain of the spanking was enough to cause Haku's eyes to fill with tears. What caused them to begin sliding down his cheeks, though, was what Kamaji was saying. "I'm sorry, Grandfather," he whispered, shifting slightly as the pain in his bottom grew to near unbearable levels.

"Hmm." Kamaji didn't respond to the apology with words, although he did lessen the force behind the smacks a little. "I'll settle for you taking better care and not acting so dangerously, in place of an apology."

Haku whimpered and pressed his face into his arm. If he wasn't so weak, he probably would have been able to fight the spanking...or at least fight his reactions for a bit longer. But he was tired, and his backside was aching. He was worried...scared, even. He hadn't been there for her, and Chihiro had chosen to go to Zeniba for his sake. A quiet sob escaped his lips as his body slumped in acceptance of the punishment.

With a final, extra-hard swat to each buttock, Kamaji stopped spanking. One hand gently stroked through Haku's hair and he sat down on the pallet, guiding Haku into his lap and wrapping his arms around him tightly.

Haku knew he needed to act. He had to go and speak to Yubaba. He needed to make sure Chihiro would be safe from both Yubaba and Zeniba. But he was so tired...and the old yōkai's arms actually felt warm and comfortable.

After only a few seconds, Haku found himself drifting off into a peaceful, healing sleep.

The End