Chapter One

Summary: Brought together from various dimensions, four men must adjust to new relationships and try to figure out why.
Warning(s): Sexual situations; D/s; potential spanking mentioned.
Pairings: Merlin (Kingsmen)/Diego (Umbrella Academy); Castiel (Supernatural)/Peter Parker (Amazing Spider-Man)


Castiel glanced around at the carnage. Angel was fighting angel and demon was fighting demon, in a huge war... again... and it was so disheartening. He was glad the Winchesters were in Heaven now and not able to witness this newest mess.

Sighing, he raised his sword, catching a glimpse of the soul mark that had adorned his wrist from time immemorial. The soul mark that had remained a dull gray for the entirety of the time he'd had it, even when he thought he might have found someone his soul could be happy with.

Part of him always wondered if his soulmate hadn't died thousands of years ago and before he'd been able to meet them. If they had, it would explain his mark never becoming full of color like soul-marks were meant to do after finding your mate. He knew that wasn't possible, though; just from the words themselves. They would not have been uttered thousands of years before.

It was also possible that the reason it remained grayed out was because he was in the wrong dimension to find his soul mate. The words that wrapped around his wrist like a decorative bracelet were tiny; they needed to be, because apparently, his soulmate was a very chatty sort who spoke in long sentences. I wonder if a passing helicopter will see my webs if I write a message... were not normal words to utter on any occasion, and he had to wonder what in the world he would be doing to receive such a remark from his soulmate.

Now was not the time to be pondering his dull gray soul mark however. He shifted his sword into a defensive position just in time to prevent his opponent from cutting his head from his body. He needed to focus, or he'd be unable to find his soulmate. Baring his teeth, he pushed further into the fray.


Merlin didn't have any regrets. Not really. Of course, he'd prefer not to be facing death right at this moment, preparing himself for the land mine to blow up...but it was a choice between him and Eggsy dying. And really, that was no choice at all.

So, he stood on the land mine, preparing to release at the right moment, and he sang...sang in defiance, sang to let go of his regrets...and it was working. Mostly. There was still one regret he couldn't quite let go of; one mystery that even he, with his intelligence and the position he'd reached in the Kingsman agency, hadn't been able to solve.

It was the mystery of the birthmark that marked his wrist. A dull grey in color, it was nevertheless easy to read the words that wrapped around his wrist. What fresh hell...? They were there, on his skin, every time he happened to look down.

As a young child, the doctors had been baffled. Birthmarks were far from an unusual occurrence, but birthmarks that looked like words were virtually unheard of. And Merlin knew that for a fact because he'd continued to research the phenomena. Of all the things he could do with his vast intelligence, with his great mind...he had never been able to solve that one last problem.

And now, he never would.

The men were coming for him. Once he took his foot off the land mine, that would be it. But at least he could take some of Poppy's goons with him.

Preparing himself for the explosion, Merlin stepped off the landmine.


Diego waved his hand, and the knives he controlled spread out just enough to avoid outright stabbing the man he was after, instead pinning his clothing to the wall and making it impossible for him to move. He couldn't help smirking at the terrified look on the man's face; they always looked terrified when faced with the abilities of Diego and his siblings. You'd think the criminals and undesirables would have learned by now not to draw the attention of 'the Umbrella Academy'. Sighing, he stepped back so that Luther could take over with interrogation.

"You forgot your makeup..." Klaus said from the side of his mouth.

It took Diego a few moments to realize what his brother meant, what he was referring to, and then he glanced around nervously before frowning. "The old man isn't here to care and I'm old enough to have tattoos now, so no one else should care either..." he muttered. He still tucked his shirt in so that the dull gray 'tramp stamp' he'd been born with, the odd phrase that was printed delicately an inch above his ass, couldn't be seen. He didn't feel like answering questions about This is a strange afterlife.

Not that he could answer questions. He'd been born with the strange marking. If it hadn't been for the fact that Reginald hated the mark and insisted that Diego cover it with makeup or a bandage so that no one could see it, he'd have wondered if their father hadn't had it tattooed on him like he'd had the umbrella tattooed on each of them. Reginald hated the mark, though, and with such a passion that Diego couldn't help feeling that it was more than worry about what the other adults would say about a child being tattooed. Reginald would never explain why, though. It had been a mystery and now, the mystery would never be solved because Reginald was dead. But Diego had come to like the strange mark and felt no reason to hide it. He liked the phrase. It felt... well, it was oddly reassuring.

Smiling at Klaus, he moved to help Alison take care of another prisoner.


Peter climbed through his window, pulling it down behind him, and headed through to the bathroom. He stripped off the Spider-Man suit and folded it neatly, trying to avoid getting any more blood on the costume.

The police should be happy. One more bad guy off the streets. Instead, they were still trying to catch the vigilante.

Peter swiped on his phone screen and watched it light up. He tapped out a quick message, sending an anonymous tip to the criminal's location. He hadn't killed the guy...but he hadn't been as careful not to cause harm, to cause damage, as he'd once been. The criminal was going to need medical attention.

Of course, he had been responsible for the deaths of multiple people in the bomb he'd planted, so really, Peter thought he'd gone pretty easy on the guy.

As he lowered his phone, Peter frowned as he caught sight of the mark, of the writing, on his inner arm. Not again! Every time he saw the grayed-out words, they confused him. It was a marking he'd always had, ever since he could remember. When he'd been younger, he made up stories about what the mark meant. That the words were important, somehow.

But that was before.

Shaking his head, Peter climbed into the shower and began to wash the blood and dirt from himself. His fast healing was already kicking in, so the water cascading over his bruises only made him wince a little.


The battle had been long and drawn out, but eventually, those trying to wage war and cause problems, from both sides, had retreated. He sighed and wiped the sweat from his brow, glancing at those who fought beside him. "I'm going to make certain they are actually gone and try to figure out what it is about this spot they were so keen to capture," Castiel said, before walking toward the area those attacking had been trying to reach.


Diego finished helping Alison and then noted that everyone else had finished what they were doing as well. "I'm going to go find a bar. Try and relax. Don't wait up for me..." he said, giving his siblings a jaunty wave and taking off without waiting for a response. He could hear Luther protesting, but it didn't stop him.


There was no pain. There was a white light, sure; one that was so bright and intense, it hurt his eyes if he tried to look at it. But there was no pain. And when the white light faded, Merlin...was not standing where he had been only moments before.

"What in the...?" Merlin muttered the words to himself, as he stared around the dense undergrowth. There was no one else around. No sign of the goons, of Poppy...or of Harry or Eggsy.

He was entirely alone. And probably dead, although he didn't feel dead.


Once he'd showered, Peter slipped his clothes on. His normal, civilian clothes...not his Spider-Man outfit. He still had enough time to head to the lab. Do a bit of work on his project before the next day came and he could follow the new leads he'd found earlier.

Heading back to the window, this time in his Peter Parker guise, Peter climbed out and proceeded to shoot his webbing, swinging across town.


Castiel really couldn't see what was so important about the tiny mound of dirt that all the angels and demons had been fighting over. There was a rune there, but it wasn't in any language Castiel recognized; and he knew all of them. Or at least he had thought he knew all of them. Frowning, he knelt beside the rune and attempted to translate it.


Diego had found a bar in a tiny, out of the way corner of a non-descript street that didn't have very many patrons around it or in it. That was exactly what he needed, though. He and Dora had broken up again this morning and he was certain they wouldn't be getting back together again. She said he was holding something back and she wanted to be with someone who gave all of himself. Diego couldn't fault her for that, or say she was wrong, for that matter. He knew he was holding back. Every time he tried to give more... it just felt wrong. He didn't understand it. But it was a hard feeling to overcome. So, he held back. And of course, Dora picked up on it. He was likely doomed to remain alone unless he found a woman (or man) who held back too. That wasn't any way to live, but... what about his life was a way to live? He slowly got drunk.


Peter had landed lightly outside the lab, using his key to open the door, when he'd been suddenly and abruptly knocked off his feet. Rolling onto his stomach, he looked up into a face that was at once familiar and alien to him.

Harry Osborne. Once his best friend. Now an enemy calling himself the Green Goblin.

Winded, Peter pushed himself to his feet...only to be knocked down again as Harry hit him with his glider. "Stay down." The words were barely human anymore.

"You'll have to hit me harder than that." Peter pushed himself up and launched himself at Harry.

And then a sharp pain hit him in the back, making him gasp and causing him to stumble. He rocked forward into the glider, knocking Harry off it and falling down...further down than the ground should have been...only to land on soft leaves and soil.

It took him a few moments to orient himself and then he was standing...looking around with abject confusion. "Okay. Not in Kansas anymore," he muttered, as he began to walk through the forest he'd abruptly found himself in... a forest that definitely wasn't anywhere near his home.


It didn't take Merlin long to come to the conclusion that he'd ended up on an island. Of course, the conclusion was helped along by the fact that it took him only about ten minutes of walking to reach the shoreline...and then he stood there, staring at the blue waves that gently lapped against the sand.

There wasn't any other explanation he could come up with. He'd been blown up in the land mine. So, this place...wherever he was...could only be some kind of afterlife.


Diego was well and truly drunk, to the point the bartender was refusing to serve him anymore. "Fine! Fin' s'mere else!" he said as clearly as possible, which, considering his level of inebriation, was fairly clear. He stumbled out the door and down the sidewalk a few feet when he noticed what appeared to be a portal of some sort in the alley. "You came to pigmeup, fife?" He grinned and walked through the portal, only to trip and land face first on wet sand. Blinking in confused consternation, he asked plaintively, "What fresh hell...?"

Merlin heard the words before he saw the speaker...though his response wasn't really an answer, more of a statement of fact. "This is a strange afterlife." His attention was drawn, briefly, to the mark on his wrist...the words. Eyes widening a fraction, he saw them fill longer gray, instead appearing as if someone had written the exact words he'd just heard onto his skin.

And had done so from the moment he was born.

Shaking his head, Merlin focused finally on the person who had spoken...the new person who'd ended up in this place with him...and noticed that the younger man was on the ground. "Are you hurt?" He moved to Diego's side, ignoring the fact that, if this was an afterlife, any injuries shouldn't be carried over. After all. He was showing no signs of being blown up.

"Ooow... I have sand in places it shouldn't be..." Diego complained, quickly sobering as he realized he wasn't anywhere close to home, and it hadn't been Five who had opened a portal for him. And then he realized. "Wait... what did you just say?" He'd seen the words often enough in the mirror to recognize them being said. Had his shirt ridden up in back so the man helping him had read them on his skin? He readjusted his shirt, suddenly self-conscious. "Did you just read my birthmark?" he asked, in confusion.

"You have a birthmark as well?" Merlin was immediately interested, even though none of his studies had revealed anyone with a birthmark similar to his. And the other man had said read. Did that mean he also had writing on his body?

Diego blinked. "You didn't read my birthmark?" He pulled his shirt up in back and twisted slightly, trying to see it even though he knew it would be impossible without a mirror. "I've seen this mark every day of my life and you just said it word for word. Thought you were reading it for some reason..." he said, with a hint of amusement. "Where are we, anyway?" he asked Merlin. "Do you really think this is the afterlife? I'm pretty sure I didn't die... Unless I drank a lot more than even the bartender thought, and I got alcohol poisoning..." He mumbled the last. "I'm Diego, by the way."

"I'm Merlin." He moved so that he could see the birthmark. "I have one as well. But mine shows the first words I heard you say." He held his arm out so that Diego could see the words now showing in vivid black against his skin. "My theory is that it's the afterlife," he continued. "My last memory is stepping off a landmine, so I should be dead."

"Your mark is so vivid. Mine is just dull gray..." Diego sighed. "Odd that we both said each other's marks, though. If this is the afterlife... maybe that's how it initiates new people? But I... I really don't think I died. I mean. I drank a lot, but I've drunk so much more and never died from it... and I wasn't wounded. I'd have known if I was wounded... and... it feels like I've known you my whole life and we just met. Maybe this is just a really weird dream..." he said half to himself.

"It's not gray anymore," Merlin answered. "But it isn't black, like mine. It's all of the colors of the rainbow." He reached out, like maybe he would have touched the mark, but halted the movement partway. "There are dreams that feel real," he allowed. "But this doesn't feel like one of those. And the landmine was not a dream. But it's only a theory that this is an afterlife. That theory could just as easily be disproved."

Diego blinked. "You stepped on a landmine?" He turned to face Merlin. "You aren't damaged. In fact, you look damn good for having been blown up..." He grinned brightly, looking Merlin up and down. He tried to see his mark again, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to. "It really looks like a rainbow? It doesn't look soft, does it?" Diego didn't mind colors, but he didn't want to look weak.

Merlin smiled at the compliment, giving Diego his own appreciative look over before he answered the question. "It doesn't look soft. It looks just as vivid as my own...even though it's not black."

"Wonder why it changed color?" Diego wrinkled his nose, then shrugged slightly. "I walked through a portal to get here. I don't see it now, though, so I think we're going to be stuck here for a bit... and I'm not enjoying sand in my pants. Excuse me." Diego stripped down to his underwear and began to shake his clothing out, as well as brushing the sand off of himself. It really was itchy. He hoped he wasn't allergic to the sand.

Merlin shifted enough so that he could keep an eye on their surroundings...but he didn't look away from Diego. After all, if the younger man wanted privacy, he would have asked for it...or moved out of view.

Diego got as much of the sand out of his clothes as possible and brushed himself off as much as possible, then folded his shirt and pants and just stayed in his underwear. He didn't have a swimsuit with him, and he was on a beach. He may as well enjoy the sun's rays, at least until he figured out what to do next.


It hadn't taken long for Peter to make his way through the dense undergrowth...though even after he stepped out of the forest, he was still confused. Nothing about this made any sense. One moment, he was in the middle of a fight with his former best friend. The next...he'd somehow fallen and ended up here. Was he dead? He didn't feel dead...maybe Harry had figured out a way to teleport him to a deserted area or something.

Even if there was no one obviously around, that didn't mean it was impossible to see anyone. He looked up at the clear, blue sky and mused out loud, "I wonder if a passing helicopter will see my webs if I write a message..." It was probably unlikely, though.


Castiel had been studying the rune and not figuring it out with growing frustration, which was why he did something he would have never recommended and would have scolded others for if they had done it. He began attempting to read the rune out loud.

It was a mistake. Of course, it was. Within seconds of saying the last syllable, Castiel was rapidly falling, landing in soft vegetation, just in time to hear, "I wonder if a passing helicopter will see my webs if I write a message..."

Keeping his eyes closed at the still rather bright light, he groaned, "Not again!" before what he'd heard registered and he sat up rapidly, his laser eyed focus immediately homing in on Peter. "I found you..." he breathed out in nearly a whisper. He glanced at his wrist, just to make sure. The dull gray letters that had been slightly difficult to read, because the letters had lines and shading that didn't look like letters at all, had changed to a vivid red, outlined in deep blue. The non-lettered lines had turned white and, now that they weren't blending with the letters, were obviously spider webs. "I FOUND you...." he repeated, with more assurance.

Peter had a few seconds to register he wasn't alone before the words that had been on his inner arm were being spoken...uttered by the stranger who had suddenly landed in his location. And then the man's eyes were focused on him, like two lasers...although none were coming out of his eyes, which...given what Peter had experienced so far, wouldn't be outside of the realm of possibility.

Slowly, backing up a few steps, Peter raised his hands in front of him defensively. "I don't know you." If he sounded confused, it was because he was. In his experience, someone speaking with that level of intensity over finding him couldn't mean anything good. But he didn't know this person. "Did Harry hire you?" His body was tense...on edge. He wasn't attacking, but he was also visually prepared to defend himself from an attack...even though there were no obvious weapons on him and all he had were his web shooters.

Castiel blinked in surprise. The younger man should realize by now what they were to each other. Unless he had been injured while arriving in this place. "We found each other..." he prompted gently, as if talking to a spooked animal. The way Peter was acting, defensive and ready to run any moment, he wasn't acting much differently. "Your mark... did it not change?" he asked, with a bit of worry. Was his own mark broken? Was he meant to bond with someone who wasn't meant to bond with him? It seldom happened that way, but it had happened; one hearing the words that would activate their bond and the one they heard the words from not having their own words. A half-bond. A very sad and painful way to live. If that was what had happened, Castiel was grateful it had been his own mark to activate. He at least was used to living without a soul mate. This young man shouldn't have to go through that.

"My...mark?" Peter's eyes flickered towards the writing on his inner arm. It was covered mostly by his shirt sleeve, but there was enough there that he could see.... "My birthmark changed color...?" He was even more confused now...but he slowly lowered his hands. Something about the other man was allowing him to calm and settle; and he didn't think it was just due to the tone of voice.

"Yes... your soul mark changed color..." Castiel encouraged, slightly confused that the younger man called it a birthmark instead of what it was. "We are soulmates. After millennia, I have finally found you."

"I don't...." Peter frowned. "I've never heard it called a soul mark. Only ever a birthmark. But no one else I've met or heard of has writing like me." He extended his arm, rolling the sleeve up so that the rest of the writing could be seen. A bright white now.

"Ah... I see." Castiel said soothingly, reaching out and running his finger over the writing. "You are from another dimension, then. One that does not normally have soul marks. You likely only got yours because you were meant for me." He gently ran his finger along the writing. "Where I am from, soul marks are what is normal. If you do not have one, it is cause for worry. My own mark was dull gray for so long, I feared you had died before I had a chance to find you. But now we are together, I can teach you what a soul mark is."

Peter's eyes followed the other man's finger as it traced over the words that showed more vividly against his skin. He swallowed, feeling even more tension sleeping out of him. Without realizing it, he was shifting nearer to the man he'd only just met. "Another dimension? Like the Multiverse? It exists?" His interest and slight excitement were clear.

Castiel slanted his head. "Multiverse? I suppose? There are other dimensions. I'm fairly certain the one we currently are in isn't the one either of us is originally from." He took the opportunity to pull Peter close to his side, needing to feel his soulmate next to him. He'd waited such a long time. It eased a tension he had got so used to; the absence nearly staggered him.

Peter let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and relaxed against Castiel, almost subconsciously. "Does the soul mark tell you my name? Because I don't know yours...."

"I am Castiel. And no. It doesn't do anything like that. It binds those who are meant to be together. Enables us to connect in a way we can't connect to others. But it does not speak for us, nor does it determine how our relationship will form. Most mates become physically mated. A few prefer to bond platonically, though the bond tends to encourage intimacy." Castiel paused. "It does tend to encourage one be in control and the other follow...but it varies in degrees."

"Oh. I'm Peter. Peter Parker." Peter paused, belatedly realizing Castiel had said a few other things that were a little confusing and didn't necessarily fit with his idea of what the multiverse would look like. "You said you found me after millennia...but you don't look like you're that old." His voice hitched in a slightly questioning note. Yes, he was Spider-Man. He fought criminals and brought them to justice...unless that was impossible and then he took them out. But he was still a scientist at heart. And he had a scientist's curiosity.

"I am... It is difficult to explain. In my dimension, I was called an angel. But there are dimensions where they would consider that an error. I am too fallible for them to consider me an angel and they just view me as long lived and very powerful. Some dimensions, my kind do not exist at all." Castiel shrugged.  "You seem different than a normal mortal, and considering your words and the webbing decorating your words on my wrist, you must have something about you...."

"In my world, I'm Spider-Man," Peter answered. "I got bitten by a radioactive spider. It gave me a whole lot of abilities. Like being able to scale walls. Made me stronger. Only thing it didn't give me was actual I made my own."

"Ingenious..." Castiel smiled. "We should likely walk. Try and figure out where we are, or at least get a feel for where we are. Then we can decide how to proceed." He began to walk, instinctively keeping Peter near him, under his arm. He hadn't felt so at ease in forever. Having his soulmate near was already giving him strength, even if they hadn't initiated any further connection.

Peter didn't try to pull away, instead almost nestling against Castiel. Something about the contact, about being held like this, was soothing to him. He walked next to Castiel, eyes darting around curiously. If this was another dimension...he was curious to learn all he could about it.


Merlin's instincts alerted him to the fact that there was someone...perhaps even more than one person...on their way and he spoke urgently to Diego. "We will soon have company." He didn't have any weapons on him...although he did still have a few gadgets. Of course, once those were gone, he wouldn't be able to get anymore.

Diego doubted he had time to redress before whoever it was came into the clearing. Not that he was overly modest or shy about his body. He quickly pulled his knives into his hands, letting his clothing fall to the ground. He could shake it out again if needed. His knives were the most important thing to have at hand. He shifted closer to Merlin, sensing that the other man was an ally and would protect his back if needed. For some reason, he had felt safe and like he could trust the other man almost immediately upon meeting him.

Merlin instinctively moved nearer to Diego, almost shifting slightly in front of him in a protective manner. Having just technically been blown up, he didn't have any desire to face death again...but he would fight if he needed to.

The two people who appeared didn't look like so much of a threat, though. Not when one had an arm wrapped around the other. Merlin relaxed his stance but didn't immediately lower his guard. "Where is this place?" he asked the two newcomers.

"We do not know..." Castiel immediately answered, shifting in front of Peter protectively. "We do know it is an alternate dimension to where we originally come from, since I and Peter are from different dimensions entirely. I believe it is our soul bonds that brought us together. Peter is my soulmate, but I would not have met him had he and I not been brought here."

Diego blinked. "Soul bond?"

"Yeah...we both have these marks," Peter supplied. "I thought mine was a birthmark, but it was writing. And then I met Castiel...and the mark got filled in."

Merlin looked surprised for a brief instant and then his gaze slanted towards Diego. "The same thing happened to us."

"Your mark... was it... was it something he said to you?" Diego asked uncertainly.

Castiel straightened. "The words on my wrist are the very first words I heard Peter utter. The words on his arm are the first ones he heard from me."

Diego licked his lip nervously. "What... what exactly are soulmates and soul bonds?"

"You do not have them in your dimension either?" Castiel asked in surprise. "If neither of you have that type of bond in your dimensions, I am surprised fate brought you together like this...." He began to explain soul bonds and how you would find your soulmate through the mark.

"So, this is normal for your dimension?" Merlin looked at Castiel. "But not for yours?" He moved his attention to Peter.

Peter shook his head. "I thought it was a weird birthmark. But I never found anyone else who had writing on their bodies as a birthmark."

"And you were both brought here separately? You didn't know each other before arriving here?" Merlin was keen to get as much information as he could. "Diego and I seem to have arrived here in slightly different ways."

"We arrived at different times, in I assume different ways, though we were brought to here in roughly the same location, since Peter was the first person I heard when I arrived." Castiel nodded. "And yes. It is normal in my dimension. I had nearly given up ever finding my soulmate, and then I was brought here..." He sounded pleased. It was worth being brought to an entirely new world if it gave him his soulmate.

Diego swallowed hard. "What... what will this soul bond do? It doesn't make people fall in love, does it?" He'd always felt like a part of himself was missing, and part of him was hopeful finding a soulmate would make that loneliness go away. But he also knew his track record in relationships and how unhappy his past lovers had been, and he wouldn't want anyone tied to him against their will.

"It doesn't force any particular type of relationship. It enables a closeness that one cannot get through a normal relationship, but it will adapt to whatever the two bonded decide is best for them." Castiel shrugged. "It isn't a potion that will change personalities or needs."

"It seems to encourage a need to least on one person's part, rather than both." Merlin was thinking out loud, having noticed that he and Castiel both seemed to automatically adjust to taking care of the younger men...their mates. "When I arrived here, I assumed I had died. In my own dimension, I was caught by a landmine and should have been blown up."

Peter was frowning at those words. "That's not all that different to what triggered me coming here. I... was attacked." Speaking the words was painful; not because he was attacked, since he'd grown used to having fight, but because it had been his one-time best friend doing the attacking.

Castiel heard the pain in Peter's voice and shifted closer, wrapping his arm around his mate's waist again. "It will do that in most soul bond pairs. It lends itself to having a Dominant and a submissive member in the pairing."

Diego frowned at that. "I walked through a portal... was drunk off my ass and thought my brother had opened it up so I could go home without having to walk."

Castiel's eyebrows went up at that information, but he didn't comment on it. "I was reading a rune and made an amateur mistake of reading it out loud. My only excuse was I had been in a long, bloody battle and was exhausted." He sighed. "Still... it brought me here and to Peter, so I cannot complain."

Peter wasn't sure it was entirely natural to lean on someone he'd only just met, or to take comfort from their presence...but he found himself doing both. Castiel's touch was soothing. The pain of betrayal was still there, but it was dulled...muted. Wordlessly, he leaned into the touch.

"You both speak of runes and portals as if the supernatural is normal where you're from," Merlin commented, taking note of what both Castiel and Diego were saying. "My world does not have any paranormal or supernatural elements. Though we had a lot of advances some might say were close," he added, thinking of how Harry had been saved and brought back to life.

"I don't know that ours is supernatural... more... mutation? My family, we were all adopted when we were babies after a whole lot of women mysteriously got pregnant all on the same day, and we all had these odd abilities..." Diego said uncertainly. He wasn't sure what to call their abilities. He didn't think they were supernatural, though.

Castiel nodded. "Where I come from, the supernatural is natural."

"I was bitten by a radioactive spider that gave me abilities like a spider," Peter said. "But maybe that's more science fiction than supernatural."

Merlin nodded slowly. "Since it seems we all went through portals, or otherwise were dropped here, it's probably safe to say this is not any of our worlds. Of course, I suppose it is still possible that it's an afterlife...but given that two of you weren't attacked or harmed before coming here, I think it's unlikely."

Castiel nodded. "I have seen the afterlife, and it generally does not put you into a place where you do not know anyone or recognize your surroundings."

Diego blinked at that but didn't say anything. Instead, he agreed. "I don't think this is the afterlife. Unless I poisoned myself drinking, there is no way I died."

"Though, afterlife or not, it does seem strange that four of us have ended up on this island...and each have apparently found their soulmate, something that exists only in one of our worlds," Merlin commented. "I don't believe this was an accident...although I'm not sure who or what could have caused this."

Castiel frowned at that. "I am not aware of anyone who is capable of enforcing soul bonds or bringing those with them together..." he said hesitantly. "I am reluctant to say it was coincidence, though. If Fate is an actual being..." He shrugged faintly.

Diego shook his head with an uncomfortable laugh. "I don't believe in fate... but then again, I never believed in soulmates, either..." He slumped slightly, reaching down, and picking up his clothes beginning to shake them out again to make certain nothing was in them that shouldn't be. He began to dress, the talk about beings able to control his life making him very uncomfortable. He shifted closer to Merlin without realizing it.

"It kind of seems like maybe two of us were about to die...or get irrevocably harmed, at least," Peter said slowly. "Maybe that has something to do with it." It still hurt, thinking about what had happened. Part of him wanted to shy away from making those theories, because it forced him to think about how badly damaged his relationship with Harry had become...and knowing his best friend wanted to kill him and had maybe even orchestrated an attempt on his life, was pretty disheartening.

Merlin moved closer to Diego and, without conscious thought, wrapped his arm around the younger man's shoulders in a similar way to how Castiel was holding onto Peter. He didn't doubt the talk about soulmates, figuring his need to protect Diego had to come from somewhere. "I'd suggest we walk around what we can of this island, in our pairs...see if there's any sign of life other than ourselves. We probably also want to find anything edible, too. We'll need to eat."

Castiel nodded. "A wise suggestion." He glanced over the beach, toward the horizon. "It seems that if I am reading the sun correctly, we have two hours left of daylight before we need to worry about dark and possible nocturnal predators."

Diego slanted his head toward Merlin as he asked, "Meet back here? In an hour and a half? So, we have time to build a fire?"

Merlin nodded. "If we can, we should each bring something edible back with us. There might be small animals we can hunt here." He'd noticed Diego's knives, of course, and assumed his soulmate would be able to use them to hunt.

Castiel nodded. "We will meet you back here, then." He took Peter's arm and led him away, assuming that Merlin and Diego would be staying close together, since they had each other's mark. He didn't know which one would take lead over their group, but he suspected it would be Merlin, given the way Diego was gravitating toward the older man and Merlin was reacting to that gravitation.

Diego watched as the other two left, then looked at Merlin. "Any suggestions before we head off?” 

"We'll go in the opposite direction to them," Merlin decided. "I doubt it will take long to reach the other side of the island, but either way, we will walk in one direction for forty minutes before we circle back to this location." Resting a hand on Diego's shoulder, he began to lead the younger man in that direction.

Diego wondered at his quick willingness and even desire to follow Merlin; he spent so much of his time at home fighting against his father's control, or Luther's control, that he would have thought he'd fight anyone not related to him trying to tell him what to do. It was natural to follow Merlin's lead, though. It didn't set his nerves on edge when Merlin decided what they'd do. It didn't make him anxious when Merlin led him by touch. He followed willingly.

Merlin had been right about the island; it clearly wasn't that big. And by the time forty minutes had passed, they'd reached the other end of the island...and found no sign of any person, although they had found small animals they could hunt, along with various fruits and mushrooms. Merlin recognized quite a few of them and gathered those he knew for certain were safe. "If you can hunt one of the smaller animals we saw, we can cook it over the fire," he commented to Diego.

"Yeah. Okay. Never actually eaten anything I didn't buy in the store..." Diego said hesitantly. Biting his lip, he noticed a bird of some sort. Taking aim with his knives, he released them, controlling them easily and sending them at the hapless animal. It sensed the blades flying toward it and took off before they could embed themselves. Sighing, he raised his hand, and the knives flew back to him. He didn't even think about the fact Merlin might not have realized he could do that before. "Maybe I'll have better luck fishing."

"We can try," Merlin said easily. "If not, I can prepare something with what I have already gathered. And perhaps our companions would have found something too." Watching as the knives flew to Diego's hands, he continued, "That's a very useful ability to have.” 

Diego blinked. "It's okay..." he said uncertainly. "I guess it's better than no ability. Not terribly remarkable, though..." he said, thinking about his father's view of his ability verses his siblings' abilities. He moved toward the water and watched closely for signs of fish that he could possibly kill. He stood very still until he saw one and quickly sent the knife at it. Somehow, he managed to stab its head, immediately killing it.  He carefully reached into the water and pulled it out. "Is this big enough for all of us, you think? Or should I try and catch one more?"

"In my line of work, that ability would prove to be very useful," Merlin commented. "I can think of more than a few occasions I lost my weapon and could have been able to summon it back to my hand." He looked at the fish for a couple of moments, gauging the size, before saying, "If you can catch another one, I think our food will stretch further. But since we do need to start heading back very soon, we shouldn't spend much more time here."

Diego gave Merlin a grateful smile that his apparent soulmate appreciated his ability. "Okay... I'll see if I can find one quickly. If not, then we can head back..." he said quietly, beginning to search the water for another fish. Luckily, he was able to see another one before it was too dark and quickly sent his knife into that one, retrieving the fish and his knife before shadows started falling onto the sand. "Guess we need to head back now...."

Merlin nodded. "Good job," he encouraged, shifting closer to Diego so that their hips were brushing against each other as they headed back to their 'base'. It was warm at the moment, so he didn't think they needed to worry about building more than a makeshift shelter...but he was already figuring out a plan for the next day or so and how they would survive, and live, on the island.

Diego found himself inordinately happy at the praise and found himself wanting to do more to earn praise from his mate. It wasn't his typical response to things of that nature. Normally, he would have downplayed the words; viewed them suspiciously, because no one ever told him he was doing good unless they wanted something from him. He didn't even know Merlin that well and should have been suspicious, but he wasn't. He shifted closer, liking that their hips brushed. He found himself wanting to brush other parts of his body against the older man. He refrained... barely.

As Diego shifted closer, Merlin transferred the items he held to one hand, so he could wrap his arm around the younger man's waist, drawing him in closer. This was different to what he was used to. In his line of work, it was impossible to truly get close to anyone since there was so much danger. But then again, he was on a deserted island...and there wasn't anyone else around, apart from two other men in the same situation. While he was still on his guard, he was definitely more relaxed than he had been in a long time.

"Do you believe we were fated to be here? That this soul bond stuff is real?" Diego asked quietly. It seemed like all evidence pointed to it being true and real. It was just hard to believe that his life was controlled by some 'Fate' that he had no control over at all.

"It's hard to say for sure," Merlin replied. "But it is true that we have these marks on us. And they were the first words we heard each other say. So, at the moment, it seems more likely to be real than not."

"Does that bother you? That... that we have so little control over the direction of our own lives?" Diego asked softly. It was obvious that it made him nervous.

"I don't see it that way," Merlin replied. "You could say that whatever put these marks on us is controlling us, in a way...but nothing is being forced. We are not being controlled. It feels more like we have been given an opportunity to meet each other, one that we wouldn't have had if we'd stayed in our own worlds." Particularly as staying in his own world would have resulted in his death.

Diego slanted his head as he thought about that. "A chance to... have someone on our side and change our lives if we want?" He had to admit, he hadn't been on a very good path. Changing his life would probably be the only way he'd survive. "What do you think about Castiel's comments about most bonds leaning toward having a Dominant and submissive situation?" He wasn't sure what his own views on it were; he spent so much of his life fighting people trying to control him, his automatic reaction to that at first had been to deny it would ever happen in his case. But the longer he spent in Merlin's company, the more at ease he felt, and the more he felt like he could obey the older man if Merlin asked him to.

"I think my natural inclination is to take charge," Merlin admitted. "To be the one in control. However, if that relationship doesn't work for us, there's no need to force it. I think the best way to handle all of this is by doing exactly what we're doing now. Talking. Communicating our own wants and needs. At least being here will allow us time to do that, without any pressures or responsibilities being in our way."

Diego nodded at that. "Yeah. Having the time to get used to things is good. Especially since I'm finding myself reacting in ways I never would have before. I need to figure out why I'm reacting different." He sighed, before shifting closer to Merlin again, the unsettled feeling causing him to need the closeness. Being close to Merlin was soothing his nerves. "Do you think the bond encourages closeness? Somehow, being closer to you helps with my anxiety..." he reluctantly admitted.

"I believe it probably does," Merlin replied. "Castiel explained that the bond encourages intimacy. I also feel better to be physically closer to you." Responding to Diego's shifting, he wrapped his arm a bit tighter around the younger man.

"Would that bother you? Being intimate?" Diego asked quietly. For all his reputation as a ladies' man, he considered himself bi. That was the one piece of information supplied by Castiel that hadn't worried him. If Merlin wanted to get down and dirty, he wouldn't complain or argue at all. He found the older man attractive, and he was more than willing to act on that attraction.

"It wouldn't," Merlin replied. "At all. I am attracted to you...physically. It's not just an emotional pull I feel." His words were entirely honest. There was no point in hiding anything about himself here. Even though his line of work meant that forming emotional attachments was difficult...he was far from celibate.

Diego glanced over at Merlin and smiled. "I'm attracted to you too. Physically and emotionally. And even though it goes against my normal inclinations... I feel a need to follow your direction too. Guess what he said about the bond encouraging certain things was accurate..." He huffed slightly but didn't sound upset.

Merlin smiled at those words. "Mutual attraction is a good place to start," he agreed. "As for taking I said, it comes naturally to me. But we don't have to force a Dominant and submissive aspect if we feel it doesn't fit."

Diego nodded. "I appreciate that. I was just telling you in the interest of being honest. Because it's unusual for me to want to follow anyone. I'm always the one that questions everything and argues. Then again, if the bond tends to encourage submission on the part of at least one of the bonded... maybe that's why I've always argued and fought being told what to do. Because it didn't feel right obeying someone who wasn't my mate. It's all a bit confusing, to be honest."

"It's a lot to take in for me too," Merlin admitted. "Which is probably also why it's good for us to be here. I think navigating this kind of relationship while trying to deal with our own lives would make things much more difficult." Since they were coming close to where they were meeting the others, he continued, "We'll want to look at building a shelter for tonight. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but just in case it rains...or there's a strong wind."

Diego nodded. "Never done anything like that before. Teach me?"

Merlin smiled at the request. "Of course." He began to do just that.


As they walked towards the opposite shore of the island, Peter couldn't help looking around at everything. Compared to the city he'd grown up in, this place was so different. "It's so's really eerie," he commented.

"You did not live in the country?" Castiel asked curiously. "I have spent time in various locations..." he said.

"I grew up in the city," Peter said. "A lot of noises. It's different here. More peaceful." He tilted his head curiously. "Where was your favorite place?"

"Wherever my family was," Castiel said quietly.

"I'm sorry they're not here now," Peter said softly. "Maybe there's a way to find them again, though? A door that opens one way can be opened the other...right?"

Castiel smiled sadly. "My family were chosen... And no longer live. Finding you... It's a new beginning. My old world will continue without me. I will make a life here. But if you desire to return to your own world, I will help you make the attempt."

Peter glanced away. "I don't...I only have one person left in my world who'd probably miss me. Everyone else...." His voice trailed off and he looked down. "I don't know if I have anything left to go back to."

"Then we will both have a fresh start here," Castiel decided calmly. "There is enough magic in this world to have soul marks and for it to reach across dimensions to draw us here. There should be enough magic to be able to set us up with identities, so we can find a new life."

"Once we figure out a way off this island, at least." Peter began watching their surroundings once more. "So, you've known about soul marks, and soulmates, all of your life...what sort of expectations have you had about this bond?" he asked curiously.

"I know that I am a leader. So, I expected I would be the dominant partner, though I had no expectations on if it would be full dominance, or just my being the head of family. I expected that we would complement each other; bringing out each other's best qualities and smoothing out each other's flaws. I expected that we would be very good, if not best friends. I did not expect that we would have to be sexually attracted, though that is often a component of a bond. But if we were, it would be good..." Castiel paused. "I did not expect it would be to someone who had no expectations themselves because they did not know what soul marks are. That was a surprise." He was calm but sounded a bit bemused.

"I thought about what the mark meant," Peter admitted. "When I was younger. After my parents disappeared and I was left with my aunt and uncle. I thought maybe it was a message. It was...comforting in its familiarity." He shrugged and then added, "I know you said sexual attraction wouldn't be necessary, but...I do find you attractive. So, there's that."

Castiel smiled brightly at that. "I find you attractive as well. I can be a little awkward sometimes, but I know what to do..." he added. "...If you would like to consummate eventually."

"I would like that," Peter said honestly. "And it doesn't matter if you're awkward. I was only ever with one person and she...." His voice trailed off and he took a deep breath. "She's not around anymore."

Castiel nodded, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder, and squeezing gently. "I am sorry for your loss." His voice conveyed that he was genuine. He knew what it felt like to lose those you loved. He'd lost numerous people he had loved, platonic or otherwise.

"I'm sorry for yours, too," Peter said quietly, placing his own hand over Castiel's and gently squeezing.

Castiel smiled sadly. "We have each other now, so no more being alone...."

Peter nodded and pressed a bit closer to Castiel, wrapping his arms around the older being in a hug.

Castiel held tightly to Peter, relishing a feeling he'd given up hope of ever experiencing. "We should finish our exploration," he finally said, pulling back and wrapping an arm around Peter to continue leading him around their part if the island.

Peter nodded. "Also see if we can find anything edible. Though I'd be better at catching animals than trying to figure out what plants here are poisonous and which aren't." He let himself lean into Castiel as they walked.

"One thing in our favor, I haven't noticed any large predators. Haven't really noticed any smaller mammals either, though a lot of lizards and birds," Castiel acknowledged. "I can point out nonpoisonous plants."

Peter nodded. "If you can do that, I can grab some. I could probably grab a bird or two with my webbing. Lizards might do if we struggle to get anything else." He paused and then looked curiously at Castiel. "Do you eat?"

"I do." Castiel began pointing out edible vegetation. "I am able to go for long periods without, though. If it is necessary, you, Diego and Merlin will eat until we find enough to last us."

"We're still going to factor you in." Peter moved to gather the vegetation Castiel pointed out. "I know you'll be the one in charge, but I'm still going to look out for you. As your soulmate."

"Of course, I expect you to tell me when you want or need something. Or if you strongly believe something should be done. I will be in charge, but I will not be a dictator," Castiel stated.

"I wouldn't respond well to a dictator, so that's good to know," Peter said, standing after he'd gathered the edible plants.

“Very few do respond well to that…” Castiel said, in amusement. “Come. We have reached the end of our section. Let’s return to the others.”

Peter nodded and began heading back, walking close to Castiel without truly thinking about it.


As soon as thy had reached the spot they'd agreed to meet, Merlin had begun showing Diego how to set up camp. Diego had been a quick learner and soon, they had a small fire to cook the fish, as well as a cleared area to sleep.

Merlin glanced up as he heard footsteps and saw Castiel and Peter approaching. "Did you find any other signs of life?" he asked.

"No. We are alone, it would seem. There are no large predators that I could see either, so other than snakes, insects, or a bad reaction to whatever we find to eat, I believe we are safe." Castiel looked at the small camp, before beginning to help finish setting it up. "We can explore further inland tomorrow. I doubt there is far between shores, but we may want to find a spot in case storms roll in and the tide rises."

Merlin nodded. "We put up a small shelter, though we might want to make a bigger, stronger one for subsequent nights...and I suspect we may want some privacy, so we should make two," he added.

"Castiel pointed out some edible plants." Peter held them out.

Merlin took them from Peter and nodded. "I can get a stew cooking. There are quite a few herbs here I recognize. Even though this is another world, there's still a lot I know." They'd already cut up and prepared the fish and he dropped the chunks of fish and the herbs into the makeshift pot of water he had boiling over the fire.

"It looks good..." Diego said, with a hint of surprise.

Castiel glanced at the other man. "You do not cook where you are from?"

"Wasn't allowed. There were 'more important and urgent matters' that I needed to learn and do. 'Cooking can be handled by the ones who are incapable of your abilities!'" He was obviously quoting someone else. He was also obviously regretful of never having learned how to do basic things to take care of himself.

"We'll have plenty of time for you to learn to cook...and other things...while we are here," Merlin said. "And since we are in a different world to the one we were in before, there's nothing to stop us continuing on even after we leave this island."

" one can tell you you're not allowed to learn something," Peter said. "Not anymore, at least."

Diego straightened as he realized. "I can be whatever I want to be now...." He grinned brightly, scooting closer to Merlin.

Castiel nodded. "It is a new beginning for all of us."

Merlin wrapped an arm around Diego, gathering the younger man in close. "You can," he agreed. "No one will tell you who or what you're allowed to be."

"I think, tomorrow, I'll find the tallest tree and climb up to the highest branch," Peter said. "That way, I'll be able to see further out and if there might be any ships coming close."

Castiel eyed Peter sideways. "You will be careful. I will go with you; in case you need me...."

Diego leaned into Merlin, putting his head on the older man's shoulder. "Maybe one person could influence who or what I become..." he said quietly, acknowledging the connection he and Merlin had and could possibly have in the future.

Peter nodded. "I'll use my web shooters to climb up as well...I can use them to help you, unless you have another way of climbing," he said.

Merlin let his head rest gently against Diego's. "I would hope I could do that," he said softly.

Castiel paused and concentrated, and suddenly, the shadow of wings could be seen on the sand behind him. "I should have no problem if I need to go up after you..." he said quietly.

Diego blinked. "That's... okay. Wasn't expecting that, but I think it's helped remove any last doubts I had about the truth of everything you've told us."

Peter's eyes grew huge, and he tilted his head to get a better look at the 'shadows'. "You have wings...I don't know why I'm surprised. You did say you were called an angel. But still...wings? That's so cool."

"Those could prove to be pretty useful." Merlin didn't seem to bat an eyelid, taking this in his stride along with everything else he'd seen so far.

Castiel slanted his head. "Why would my wings make you trust me more?" he asked curiously.

"Well... where I'm from, angels are considered good and truthful..." Diego said hesitantly. 

Castiel frowned slightly, then nodded. "That is how it should be. It is not always the case where I am from, but I have always attempted to be honest."

Diego smiled crookedly. "The fact you admit that makes me trust you even more than your wings. It is easier to trust someone who can admit their flaws and not try and make themselves seem better."

"I suspect it's also the visual proof of the wings," Merlin commented. "Since none of us had met each other, soulmates or not, all we've had to go on is what each other says or shows the rest of the group."

"I already trusted you. But I'm still happy to actually see them," Peter stated.

Castiel nodded. "Well, I am glad to have provided some reassurance to the truth of my words." He glanced up into the sky. The sun had finally disappeared on the horizon and the only light was that of the small campfire, the moon, and the stars. "This... this is proof we are not in my dimension. I assume it is proof for you as well? None of the star constellations are familiar to me."

Diego looked up. "I don't recognize these stars either..." he admitted.

Peter shook his head, frowning slightly. "At least there's only one moon...." he mumbled. "But no. Nothing is familiar to me."

"I don't recognize any of the constellations." Merlin sounded a little disconcerted. He was used to being able to read the constellations of wherever he ended up.

Diego looked askance at Peter. "Does your dimension have two moons?" he asked in confusion, not certain why that would matter to the younger man.

"No. But when I was thinking differences, I was thinking mainly multiple suns and moons. And we already knew there was only one sun." Peter shrugged.

"Ah. Okay. I was wondering if there was some reason we would need to worry if there were two moons or something..." Diego chuckled self-consciously.

"Well. The moon does affect tides. So, I did feel a little concerned about being on an island if there was more than one moon..." Peter admitted.

Diego nervously looked toward where the water was. "Yeah... good point. Maybe moving inland tomorrow morning should be our first task..." He couldn't help sounding nervous.

"I think that would be a good idea," Merlin agreed. The stew was cooked now, so he began to portion it out to everyone.

Diego helped pass out the coconut shells of stew. Once everyone had something to eat, he sat close to Merlin. He still felt much safer in the man's presence than he'd felt in anyone else's.

Merlin wrapped his arm around Diego's shoulders, drawing the younger man in close, as he began to eat.

Without really thinking about it, Peter moved a bit closer to Castiel as well. Despite being enthusiastic and excited about being in a new dimension...he couldn't help feeling a bit unsettled, especially given the events that had occurred before he'd ended up here.

Castiel let his presence surround the other three men, intending to calm them and enable them to rest for the night. They were currently safe. They had food and water. All would be well. This was the opportunity to get to know their soulmates.

Merlin felt the calming, soothing presence...and was fairly sure he knew where it was coming from. He said nothing, though. It was a good thing that Castiel was enabling them to feel more calm and settled...and he welcomed the feelings.

Peter sighed and let himself lean a bit more fully on Castiel, seeing no reason to resist the sense of calm and peace.

Diego settled into place, leaning against Merlin. Soon, they had finished eating and cleaned up as much as they were able, given the primitive nature of their bowls and utensils. He shifted closer to Merlin as they prepared to sleep. They had a fire, but it was still slightly chilly out and he saw no reason not to share body warmth with the man who had his words on his arm; the man whose words he wore.

Castiel just lay down on the bedding of palm fronds and pulled Peter into his arms. "Sleep now..." he whispered softly to his would-be mate.

Merlin gently tugged Diego into his own arms, settling them both comfortably. "We'll figure more things out tomorrow," he promised softly.

Peter cuddled into Castiel's arms, letting his head rest on the other being's chest and closing his eyes. It had been a stressful, trying day. It didn't take long for him to slip into sleep.


The next several days were spent exploring the island more in depth and making a campsite and shelter further inland in case the ocean tide rose higher than expected. They had discovered that Castiel's original assumption of no large predators on the island was true. They had also discovered that there were a few birds and lizards on the island, and plenty of fish. Along with the edible plants Castiel had pointed out, they may not have been able to feast, but they weren't starving either.

The camp itself was comfortable. They'd made two small shelters with palm fronds, to give them a sense of privacy. Even if they could hear every little thing that occurred in the camp, it allowed them to hide away from site; and if they whispered, they could pretend that their conversations and getting to know each other was private. It was nearing the end of the fourth day. They'd finished their meager meal and had retreated to their shelters.

Diego sat on the frond bed, biting his lip. He had been feeling more and more attracted to Merlin with each small bit he learned of the other man. His soulmate was brave. And protective. And good. Diego knew he'd lucked out. If he was to be fated to be with anyone, the fact it was a man who could take care of himself, and Diego (if needed) was a good thing. The fact that Merlin was someone Diego could look up to and admire? Was more than good. It wouldn't be difficult to be mated to the older man. And Diego wanted to be mated. As far as mating could go.

"You look like there is something on your mind," Merlin commented, moving over to join Diego on the frond bed. He sat down close to the younger man, close enough to allow their bodies to brush against each other.

"I... I was just thinking about how we seem to mesh so well. I'm happy I've got a soul bond with you... even if I didn't know what that was even a week ago." Diego smiled. "I... I'm really attracted to you," he whispered.

"I am very attracted to you as well," Merlin said honestly. He allowed one hand to run gently down Diego's arm, before he wrapped his arm around the younger man's waist and drew him in closer.

Diego let himself be tugged closer, wrapping his arms around Merlin's shoulders, and leaning in. "May I kiss you?" he asked softly.

"Of course," Merlin replied, gently rubbing his hands down Diego's arms.

Diego smiled and then leaned in, pressing his lips to Merlin's. He didn't push, but made it clear he was interested in going further.

Merlin returned the kiss, pressing a bit deeper, and slid his hands down Diego's arms, gently rubbing and squeezing. He shifted closer to the younger man, so their bodies would press against each other.

Diego pressed into the kiss, opening his mouth in invitation. His fingers gripped at Merlin's shoulders reflexively, as he shifted so that every part of him possible pressed against the older man, betraying how aroused he was.

Responding to the invitation, Merlin pushed his tongue into Diego's mouth. At the same time, he began to strip the younger man of his clothing...needing to feel bare skin.

Diego groaned into the kiss, helping Merlin remove his clothing; tugging at the other man's and attempting to remove his as well. If Merlin was taking charge, he was going to have to be more forceful with it. Diego only rolled over and showed his belly for those capable of controlling him. His tongue twisted and danced with Merlin's as he became bold and asserted a little more control over the kiss, turning it into a game of who would finally end up on top.

Merlin gently squeezed down Diego's back and pushed down onto the bed, effectively 'pinning' Diego under him as he continued to kiss. The kiss turned a bit harder, and he gently nipped at Diego's lips. His own arousal was obvious, his member hardening and straining.

Moaning softly as he felt himself pinned, Diego gave in a little, his kiss just as hard, but more giving and desperate. He was content to let Merlin top him this time. He needed it too much to make the other man work for it too hard. His hand stroked over Merlin's back until it cupped the older man's backside. Playfully squeezing, he pulled the other man more tightly against him so their members could rub against each other, groaning at how good it felt.

Merlin groaned loudly as his member rubbed against Diego's, able to feel that the other man's arousal was as strong as his own. His kisses turned a bit more feverish before he pulled away and began to trail kisses and tiny nips along the line of Diego's jaw and down his neck, leaving behind tiny marks.

Diego shivered at the rougher affection, moaning softly, and letting his hands grasp at Merlin; not stopping him, but holding tight. "...So good..." he whimpered, his legs widening and then wrapping around Merlin as he couldn't help but thrust gently against the older man with need. His member was red and swollen and wet from copious amounts of precum, more than he'd ever produced before in his life.

Grunting an agreement, Merlin moved his hand between Diego's legs, grasping his member and beginning to stroke it, firm and sure. He smeared the precum around the tip, letting it coat his fingers.

Diego whimpered softly as his member was grasped and rubbed. "...Please..." he found himself begging. It felt so good, and he found himself willing and wanting to do anything for more of the attention.

Merlin smirked at hearing Diego beg. He liked it and found himself wanting to hear more. "Please what?" His voice was rough with arousal.

"Please touch me more..." Diego begged more. "Anywhere you want... Need to feel you...."

Smiling at the words, at the begging, Merlin began to firmly pump Diego's member. At the same time, he allowed his nails to scratch lightly over the younger man's chest...moving along to one of his nipples, which he began to tweak and squeeze.

Diego whimpered and whined, beginning to squirm helplessly. His focus was fully on Merlin, though it didn't stop him from taking note of his own body's reactions. It didn't stop him from noticing that he was becoming just as wet between his cheeks as he was at his tip. Uncertainly, with a lot of confusion, he raised his knees toward his shoulders to see if the wet feeling went away.

It didn't.

Merlin frowned as he noticed the fluid pooling between Diego's cheeks and he gently ran his finger through it, so that he could look at it more closely. "This looks like you're self-lubricating. That isn't normal for you?" he asked.

Diego shivered as Merlin rubbed him intimately. "...No, sir..." he gasped out. Just feeling Merlin touch his entrance caused a need to obey he hadn't felt in a very long time, so strong it was overcoming his natural inclination to argue and push for dominance. "...N..n..n..." He winced as nerves, and high arousal, and everything combined to cause his stutter to kick in. "...N..n...nev..v..v...ver b...b...bef..f..fore."

"So, this is a first with me." Merlin's voice sounded very satisfied. He gently pushed his finger against Diego's entrance, leaning in and kissing the younger man deeply once more.

Diego didn't answer the question. He was too stuck in his relief that Merlin wasn't disgusted by either the slick or annoyed at his stuttering... relieved that the older man seemed pleased. And then he was being kissed again and he opened up like a flower, offering everything. If Merlin wasn't disappointed by his faults, then the older man deserved to receive all of him. He wouldn't fight for control anymore. Not seriously, anyway (he could envision himself 'fighting' to tease and encourage Merlin to put him in his place).

As he continued to kiss Diego, deeply and intensely, Merlin slowly pushed his finger inside the other man. He was careful to watch Diego's reactions, so that he'd know if his soulmate didn't like it or needed it to stop.

Diego quivered and nearly mewled with need as Merlin's finger entered him. His breathing and heart rate quickened. He obviously liked it. He returned Merlin's kiss with all the pent-up desire and need in his body.

As he continued to kiss Diego, Merlin slowly moved his finger inside the other man. Eventually, he added a second finger, still keeping an eye on Diego's reactions, and began to slowly widen him up.

Diego was gripping Merlin's shoulders tightly, squirming on his mate's fingers, whimpering, and moaning with need. His tongue continued to dance and twist around Merlin's, playful but completely submissive. He wanted to belong. He needed to belong.

Merlin pulled back enough to whisper, "Mine." The word was nearly a growl. He couldn't hold back any longer. He withdrew his fingers, only to coat his own member in the lube that was coming out of Diego. Then, he gradually pushed inside his mate...still watching carefully to make sure he wasn't causing any harm or distress.

Diego's eyes were wide, his pupils lust blown. "Yours... Forever yours..." he gasped out, as Merlin pushed in. He whimpered softly and squirmed on Merlin's shaft. He needed him so much. "P...p...please, s...s...sir!"

Merlin moved his hands to Diego's hips, gripping the other man tightly. He began to thrust inside Diego, going deep and hard and fast. He wanted to make sure that Diego felt him for as long as possible after they'd finished.

Diego's eyes nearly rolled back in his head from pleasure, and a tiny sob escaped as Merlin began taking him apart from the inside. He couldn't articulate. All he could do was squirm under Merlin, trusting the older man could hold him in place, and clench his muscles around his mate's hard shaft. His own member was nearly purple, lying against his stomach, leaking precum and twitching each time Merlin rubbed over his prostate. His fingers dug into Merlin's shoulders, desperate to keep his mate in him, on him, owning him.

"You feel so good." Merlin's voice was a low growl as he spoke. "You feel so good surrounding me...taking what I give you." His member was quickly growing to full hardness inside Diego. It wouldn't take much to push him over the edge...and he suspected it would take very little for Diego to fall too.

Diego was gasping in breath by this point, clenching tight inside around Merlin's member, his hands clenching tight to his shoulders, and then he wrapped his legs around Merlin's waist. He was desperate to remain in his mate's control and grip. "...M..m..master!" he gasped out, before he lost all control and began to spasm in release.

At feeling Diego's release, Merlin's own came over him in waves. His grip tightened on Diego's hips as his body rocked with the force of his orgasm.

Diego lay loose and limp under Merlin, hands still holding tight to the other man, more as a support now than desperate, his legs still wrapped around him, holding him inside. His eyes were wide and focused on Merlin's own eyes as he felt the older man pouring into him, filling him up more than he'd ever been filled before. It... he could feel the mark on his arm pulsing, and endorphins of happy fulfillment coursed through him. He was doing exactly what he needed to; submitting to his mate and taking everything Merlin chose to give him without question or complaint.

Finally, after a longer orgasm than he'd ever experienced in his life before, the waves of Merlin's release receded. He carefully lowered himself onto Diego and gently kissed his mate's shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"Stuffed..." Diego said, before lapsing into soft but hysterical giggles. Merlin was still buried in him; he could feel the older man's release not quite sloshing in him, but so full, it was just shy of uncomfortable. It was oddly comforting. He felt Merlin's weight blanketing him and that was comforting too. His body felt soft, and he couldn't help but wonder if it could be seen... how full he was of Merlin's seed. He giggled again, a little less hysterically; still softly quiet. "Feels good..." he whispered.

A soft smile spread across Merlin's face, and he gently stroked Diego's cheek. "It feels good to be inside you," he said quietly. "But I want to make sure you don't feel sore...or chafed. I don't think we have much I can use to help you if so, though."

Diego shook his head gently, not wanting to dislodge Merlin's hand, needing the tenderness as much as he'd needed the rough claiming. "N... no sir... D... doesn't hurt. Think I was wet enough..." he admitted, with a dark blush. He'd never self-lubricated before.

"That might be a side effect of the bond," Merlin commented. "We could ask Castiel tomorrow if he's aware of it, since he knows more about soulmates than we do."

Diego gave a semi-loopy smile. "Yessir. Can we do this again? Lots more?" he asked hopefully. He'd finally calmed enough the stutter faded. He'd been very aroused before, enough to affect his speech.

"Of course." Merlin brushed a tender kiss against Diego's lips. "That was my intention anyway, so it's a relief to know you agree."

"I agree..." Diego kissed back. "Think I'm agreeing to a lot of things I never expected to agree to..." he added bashfully. "Wanting things, I never would have wanted before." He swallowed hard and looked up at Merlin. "Like wanting to obey you, instead of fighting to be in charge of myself... Maybe it won't always be that way and I might argue in the future, but right now? I need and want to obey you," he whispered.

"We have time and space to figure out our relationship and how we want things to go," Merlin said. "If you want to listen to me and obey me, we can work with that. And if your needs and desires change? We can deal with that too."

Diego relaxed at the words and smiled, nuzzling against Merlin's shoulders and neck. "Thank you..." he said. "You could easily take advantage... That you haven't... Helps me trust you more."

"I wouldn't do that," Merlin replied calmly, brushing a kiss against the top of Diego's head.

"I believe you..." Diego sighed softly at the affectionate gesture. He tightened his legs around Merlin and wrapped his arms around his mate in a strong hug. He sighed again happily, squeezing gently around his mate's member, happy Merlin was still inside him.

Merlin situated both of them so that he could easily rest inside Diego, not making any move to pull out. He was perfectly content to stay inside his mate all night...or at least for as long as Diego wanted him to be inside him for.

Diego cuddled as close as he could. "Like feeling you in me," he said quietly. "Makes it real and... Feels safe."

"I'll stay inside you, then. At least as long as it's safe to comfortably do so." Merlin kissed him gently.

Diego returned the kiss just as gently, not pushing for anything more, content to bask in his mate's affection and care for him.


Despite having two 'separate' shelters, it was difficult...if not ignore what was going on in the other shelter. Peter moved a bit closer to Castiel, the sounds coming from the other two on the island making him feel a little needy.

Castiel wasn't ignorant. He was a bit awkward, though. He wrapped his arms around Peter in a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. It wasn't that he didn't find his soulmate attractive. But he'd had millennia to learn how to ignore the baser instincts of the vessels he inhabited. In his own form, physical attraction didn't occur, though he still felt love and mental connections. The vessel he currently shared was attracted to Peter. But he would not force the younger man into anything, so he easily pushed that attraction down. Not as easily as normal- the soulmate status made it more difficult- but easier than anyone else would have.

Peter relaxed into the kiss and the hug, nestling in close for a few seconds before he, hesitantly, leaned up to lightly press a kiss to the corner of Castiel's mouth. He wasn't trying to take charge...but at the same time, he wanted to make it clear that he'd welcome more intimate contact.

Castiel looked into Peter's eyes, searching. "What do you want to happen?" he finally asked bluntly. He was too old to play games and often misinterpreted people's intentions, despite his best efforts. It was better to have it plainly stated.

"I already said I was attracted to you...and you said the same. I was hoping we could act on that mutual attraction. Unless you don't want to." Peter responded with open, frank honesty...not trying to hide or play games.

Castiel looked at Peter, waiting. When it was clear the younger man wasn't saying anything else, he asked, "Do you wish to have intercourse? There are numerous ways to act on attraction, not all of them involving sex. We have declared our attraction for each other, but you have not indicated how you want to act on that attraction," Castiel pointed out calmly.

Perhaps he was being too particular about having Peter say what exactly he wanted. But given their power imbalance, he felt it very important that Peter be clear and know exactly what he was requesting. As strong as Peter was, Castiel was stronger; and could hurt him with just a word. Possibly literally.

Peter blinked at the question. "I don't normally call it intercourse, but...yeah? That's what I was angling for." He was obviously a little self-conscious about having to spell it out.

Castiel nodded at that. "Very well. I believe your body should prepare you... Unless that is another way in which our dimensions differ. A soul bond should cause the more submissive partner to self-lubricate..." Castiel stated, as if he was informing Peter of the weather. As he was telling the younger man that information, he was efficiently and quickly removing Peter's clothing.

"At what point?" Peter asked, even as he shifted to allow Castiel to more easily strip him. "At the point of arousal? Or is it initiated by you?" He reached out to gently rub a hand down Castiel's arm; not sure if the other being would welcome his touch or not.

Castiel blinked. "I can only control what I do to try and arouse you. Not your arousal itself. The lubrication is part of you being aroused." He slanted his head. "The soulmate bond doesn't turn you into a slave unable to choose if you want me or not..." he added just in case Peter thought the bond would cause him to become aroused, even if he normally wouldn't to have been. He waited to see if Peter had another question, before quickly removing his own clothes.

"I know that," Peter replied. "I just wondered if it works when it's just me aroused...or if it takes both of us to be aroused to work." He shifted so that he could watch Castiel remove his own clothing, his gaze running up and down the other being's body. It was obvious he liked what he saw.

"I think it is only based on your own arousal. I... I never thought to ask that before. Now it is too late to ask anyone who might know. I apologize..." Castiel did sound apologetic that he didn't have the answer. It was obvious he was aroused as he removed the last layer of his own clothing.

"It's okay. I guess, without having found your soulmate, there was no need to know that information." Peter shifted slightly, looking up and down Castiel's body. "You're so handsome," he breathed out.

Castiel smiled crookedly. Mischievously. "Jimmy says thank you. " He paused. "We both think you are handsome as well." Leaning forward, he captured Peter's lips with his own and began to rub his arms gently.

Peter smiled brightly at the words and probably would have said something else...but then Castiel's lips were on his and conscious thought went out of his head, with the exception of feelings about how good it felt. He raised his own hands to gently grip onto Castiel, pressing into the kiss and opening his mouth as if in invitation.

Castiel took the invitation, slipping his tongue into Peter's mouth, gently licking. He continued to gently rub over Peter's arms and back.

Peter groaned into the kiss, pressing himself closer against Castiel's body. His hands gently rubbed down the other being's arms...touching and exploring bare flesh. There was a warm pit forming in his belly that quickly began to spread out to the rest of his body.

Castiel growled softly in appreciation, his grip and touch becoming stronger and more possessive as he continued to deeply kiss his mate.

Moaning softly, Peter pressed himself flush against Castiel, so there was no space between their bodies at all. He couldn't speak to tell his mate that it felt good, but he made sure that his body language and the whimpers and moans he gave made that clear.

Encouraged by Peter's reactions, Castiel slid his hand gently over his mate's cheek, down over his throat, across his chest and stomach, finally reaching and firmly grasping Peter's member. He began to steadily stroke it.

Peter's whimper was loud and drawn out as Castiel gripped and began to stroke his member. His fingers gripped his mate a bit tighter...almost clinging to Castiel.

Castiel pulled back so he could look into Peter's face while stroking him, watching for any sign that there was pain or discomfort.

Half-panting from arousal, his pupils blown with arousal, Peter couldn't help moaning as his member responded to his mate's touch. "Feels good...."

"Good... It should feel good..." Castiel growled softly, before pressing his lips to the spot just behind Peter's ear and beginning to kiss and suck, letting his tongue and teeth lick and nip the skin.

Peter gasped and shivered, more arousal sparking through him as the skin behind his ear was given attention. Whimpering softly, he pressed into the touch. Warmth spread out through the rest of his body from where it had originally pooled in his stomach.

Castiel focused on that spot behind Peter's ear until he'd marked Peter, then shifted to kiss down his mate's shoulders and arms. His hand continued to stroke Peter's member. His own was fully hard now, but he was watching; waiting until Peter was ready for him.

After only a few more moments of the stroking and kissing, Peter's member was fully hard and beginning to leak precum. It was at that point that he felt the dampness between his buttocks and his eyes widened a fraction...figuring it meant that his body was preparing itself for his mate.

Castiel pulled back, looking into Peter's face. Gently, he slid a finger between his mate's cheeks, pressing against his entrance. "You're almost ready..." he said softly, as he pushed that finger into Peter.

Peter groaned loudly as Castiel's finger breached him. His eyes widened and he shifted a little, trying to get used to the sensation. It wasn't painful...he wasn't sure what it was...but it was causing the warm feeling spreading through his body to grow stronger.

Castiel gently rubbed inside his mate until he was loose enough to take a second finger. He slowly pushed that finger in as well. "That's it... Relax for me and it will feel really good..." he whispered.

"I trust you," Peter whispered, his body relaxing even as Castiel pushed a second finger in. He was breathing heavily, barely able to hold back from releasing. He didn't want to do that too early.

"Good..." Castiel breathed out. Able to tell Peter was close, he removed his fingers and lined up, pushing his member into Peter with a slow, even glide. "You feel so good..." he breathed out.

Peter moaned, loudly, as Castiel pushed inside him. His eyes were glazing over a little as pleasure sparked through him. "Feels so good...." he panted.

Castiel leaned over, covering Peter completely, his mouth latching onto Peter's neck, sucking, and gently biting as he began to thrust. He started slow, but soon, he was moving at a slightly faster pace, hard and steady, pushing all the way in before nearly pulling all the way out, then pushing in hard again. Over and over and over.

Peter cried out; he couldn't help it. Pleasure was sparking throughout his whole body, his member beginning to strain...turning nearly purple with his arousal. Castiel's lips and teeth on his neck made him shiver and groan and he reached up, wrapping his arms around Castiel...almost clinging on.

Castiel began to thrust harder and faster, shifting his mouth to Peter's shoulder, beginning to mark him there. "Let go when you need to..." he said, before latching on again.

Body arching, Peter responded...obeying Castiel's order without conscious thought. His release came over him hard and he cried out...nearly wailing...body shuddering with the force of his orgasm.

Feeling Peter's body clench around him in orgasm caused Castiel's orgasm to overcome him and he came hard and long into his mate. A sense of satisfaction filled him as he filled Peter with his release.

It clearly felt good to Peter, though it was obvious he'd dropped a little...focused entirely on Castiel and the other being still inside him. He could feel his mate's release inside him, and a sense of euphoria filled him.

Castiel shifted them so that he could hold Peter without laying on top of him, watching to make sure Peter didn't drop further, in case he needed to bring him back up.

Peter nestled in close to Castiel and gave him a satiated smile. "Feels good," he murmured. "I like being mated to you."

Castiel smiled, snuggling Peter. "I like it as well. Sleep now... We will have a big day tomorrow, and we will also likely be having a conversation about the bond," he added.

Peter nodded and yawned, cuddling into Castiel, and closing his eyes. It wasn't long before he slipped into sleep.


The next morning, Diego had risen early, going to the ocean to bathe, then going to the small freshwater source they'd found to gather water for their breakfast. He smiled at everyone else when he returned with the water.

Each of them had been taking it in turns to cook, and this morning was Peter's turn. He grinned at Diego as the other man returned to their campsite. "You sounded like you were having a good time last night," he commented.

Diego flushed, grinning back. "I could say the same about you," he said.

Peter nodded. "Sound carries quite a bit," he commented. "It's nice to be here, though. What'd you all do back in your own dimensions?" he asked them curiously, even as he continued to prepare breakfast.

"I grew up fighting crime with my siblings... Then kinda went off on my own to fight crime. Then... A whole lot of confusion and trying to save the world with varying degrees of success..." Diego snorted. "...And then here. This is the most calm and stable I've experienced in my life!"

Castiel blinked at the last pronouncement with wide eyes, at the fact being on a deserted island in a totally foreign dimension, adjusting to a soulmate bond you hadn't been expecting, was considered calm and stable. And then realized, "I am much the same. Years fighting the end of the world in one way or another. This place... This situation... Here and now. It is very calm and stable."

"I didn't have anything quite as intense as the two of you," Merlin commented. "I was a spy, working with a British intelligence agency known as the Kingsmen. Then again, my whole life was about spying...and then training others to take over. So, while the end of the whole world might not have been involved, I can't exactly say my life was a quiet, peaceful one."

"Seems like none of us had lives that could be considered quiet or peaceful," Peter said, almost a little thoughtfully.

"Perhaps that is why Fate decided we would be bond-mates," Castiel observed calmly. "And why we had to be brought here for it to occur. If we had gone to one of our own dimensions, we would have been too busy to bond correctly."

"So, none of us would have fit with someone from our own worlds?" Merlin frowned. "But out of all of're the only one who comes from a world where these marks are common." He looked towards Castiel. "It seems a bit strange that, out of all of the possible worlds out there, Fate chose to mark us."

Castiel had a thoughtful, if worried look on his face. "Unless this dimension was in need of protection and had no one... Then it would make sense. Bring over protectors who could protect it; and give them mates to help them adjust to not being home anymore..." he said quietly.

Diego bit his lip. "I would be more upset and trying to get back if I wasn't with Merlin," he agreed hesitantly.

"I feel the same way," Peter said...though he might not have tried all that hard, given he really didn't have much left in his own world. Still, his world didn't have anyone left to protect it now that he was gone.... "What kind of threat is there that it's okay to remove a protector from another world?" he wondered out loud.

"Perhaps a threat that's a danger to more than just one world," Merlin said seriously.

Castiel nodded at Merlin. "It could very well be that. It could also be that the world the protector was removed from has had time to see the example of that protector; and Fate believes there are others who are capable of stepping up to help protect."

Diego nodded. "Considering what happened in my world... Numerous times others could have...should have...handled the problems other than us.  And the biggest problem my world faced was a problem created by us. So..." He shrugged uncomfortably, remembering once again how it felt to discover Vanya had ended the world because of the way she had been treated; that none of them saw as wrong, because they were all screwed up by Reginald's A+ parenting.

Merlin nodded slowly. "So, I think the first thing we should consider is finding a way off this island. If there's a potential threat that is going to raise its head, we need to be in a better position to handle it. And for me, that means I need weapons. Hand to hand combat is not my preferred way to do battle."

"We haven't seen any helicopters, or planes, pass over this island," Peter commented. "If any did, we could leave a message. I thought of that when I first got dropped here, using my webs to write a message." His voice was faintly amused. After all, those were the words that had shown up on Castiel.

Castiel couldn't help looking concerned. "It worries me that there have been no planes or ships or anything. Of course, they wouldn't be actively looking for us, not knowing we exist... But it will make getting off the island difficult."

"Maybe we can find something that will let you do your angel magic and get us off the island...assuming you have angel magic that can teleport us?" Diego asked curiously.

Castiel slanted his head. "I do... If I can find something or someone to focus on, I can get us all off this island."

"I've been up in the trees to look for any signs of land or approaching ships," Peter commented. "I can go up there at various times during the day, in case ships might pass close at different times."

Merlin nodded. "We can survive a bit longer here, but I do want us to reach the mainland as soon as possible."

Diego nodded but remained quiet. If Peter was looking to the skies and out over the ocean from a high vantage point and Merlin and Castiel could look for ways to get off the island from ground level, that only left searching the nearby waters. He could do that. He hadn't used his ability in a very long time, afraid Reginald would find out about it and start training him the way he'd trained Klaus. Even after leaving the Academy and going on his own, he'd seen no reason to inform the rest of his siblings. Using it now would give his secret to the other three men, but he felt he could trust them. He'd go looking when the others began to look.

"After we finish eating and clean up, I will go with you to get a look at what is around the island," Castiel told Peter.

Peter nodded. "Speaking's just about ready to eat!" he said brightly. He began to put the food into their makeshift bowls and hand it out.

Merlin took his bowl with a nod of thanks and sat down close to Diego...enough that their bodies could press together.

"Thanks..." Diego nodded at Peter. He began to eat, quiet for several moments as he focused on the food. Once he'd settled the initial hunger pains, he began to talk. "When we finally get off this island, we'll need money. Identification. Some way to get shelter. I'm able to steal most of what we might need, but it would be easier if I didn't need to...."

Castiel nodded. "It would be preferable if we could be above the law as much as possible, but I know how to forge identities." He'd had a lot of practice with the Winchesters.

"As long as we have access to technology in this world, I can put roots down for us," Merlin said. "It's perhaps not strictly legal, but it would make our lives easier if we had those identities that were harder to dig up."

Castiel nodded. "I don't believe we'll be able to live here completely legally, but if we can get real jobs and be able to function as legally as possible, it would be better."

Diego smiled crookedly. "So that's a no to my stealing?"

"It's a no," Merlin agreed. "We'd be better off not making waves."

"I have qualifications and degrees in biology," Peter commented. "It wouldn't exactly be lying if those were re-created here...since they do exist back in the world I was from."

"I learned all kinds of stuff, but I was homeschooled and ... My adopted father never bothered making sure I got the credit for what I knew. When I tried to get my GED, I discovered a lot of what I learned didn't count toward wasn't learning for a normal life," Diego said quietly. He knew he wasn't stupid, but a lot of what he knew was useless for anything outside of vigilantism.

Merlin wrapped one arm carefully around his mate's shoulders, drawing Diego in close and tight. "I don't know what the rest of the world is like outside of this island, but I know that we can build and choose lives of our own. And you have the chance to do anything and be anything you want."

Diego found himself leaning into Merlin, not only accepting the affection, but seeking it. He'd always denied his need for physical affection, Reginald having drilled it into all the 'children' that it was a distracting and unneeded part of life and they needed to learn to live without it. The only affection he hadn't railed about was sexual, and Diego suspected that was because he hoped to someday breed all of the academy to get more prodigies. "I don't know what I'd want to do. My whole life has been about 'saving' people."

"We will most likely do that here... But there is no reason you cannot explore various options that will allow you to do so in different ways." Castiel agreed with Merlin. "We may all need to do that, as I am not certain our old lives will fit in this dimension."

Merlin pulled Diego closer, seeing that the younger man was seeking out the affection. "It's not as if you need to make an immediate decision once we've left the island. We can see what options are available before deciding what jobs we might want to set up."

Seeing that everyone had finished their food, Peter stood to begin clearing up after them.

"Yeah. Seeing options will be good..." Diego responded. He'd never had options before. Not really.

Castiel began helping Peter. "Well, now that we've determined that we can wait and see about jobs when we actually get off the island, we should probably decide who is going where to explore."

"If you and Peter want to take the air and up in the trees, I can look around on the ground with Diego," Merlin said.

"I'm really excited to see you fly," Peter said to his own mate.

Castiel nodded. "We will do that, then." They took a few more minutes to clean up before he held out his hand to Peter. "Let's go see what we can find."

Peter immediately put his hand into Castiel's. "When we were exploring initially, I found the biggest tree here. It'll be good to take a look from there to begin with." He showed Castiel the tree.

Castiel wrapped his arms around Peter and flew him up to the top of the tree, making certain it was sturdy before allowing his mate to climb over to the tree. They began to look around and over the horizon.


Meanwhile, Merlin and Diego had moved toward the beach. "So, are we looking for caves or something?" Diego asked.

"Caves, or docks, or anywhere that might indicate there were people who came here at one point, even if there's no one here now," Merlin replied as he looked around...clearly on his guard, despite the fact they were alone there.

Diego kept an eye out as well, Merlin's natural caution carrying through. "I don't recall seeing any docks the first time we walked around the island, but I wasn't really looking for ruins....'

Merlin nodded. "Even the ruins of something once built could tell us something. Also, any signs that anyone has ever been remnants of a shelter." He left unsaid that there could also be bones; people could have easily died here as lived here.

Diego nodded, walking beside his mate quietly. He kept his eyes on the water as much as on the beach, though, for any signs that there might be shipwrecks close to shore.

"It doesn't look like there's anything," Merlin said, after several minutes of looking and exploring. "I think we should try and see if there are any caves to explore next."

"Yeah. Maybe closer to the middle, where the ground is higher. Or maybe some underwater cave systems. See those rocks out there?" Diego pointed toward where some rocks peaked above waves about fifty feet from shore.

Merlin looked where Diego pointed and nodded. "The only things we need to be worried about are being able to hold our breath long enough to explore...and making sure the current isn't strong enough to pull us further out."

Diego nodded. He knew that breathing wouldn't be a problem. He just needed a way to make certain he didn't lose sight of the island while under the water. "Yeah. Should probably do it earlier than we can use the sunlight. Since we don't have flashlights...." He only paused for a second, quickly stripping so that his clothes wouldn't get wet, and then ran and dived into the surf. He didn't wait for Merlin to notice. He assumed his mate would realize what he was doing because of the conversation.

Merlin wasn't surprised...and he realized what Diego's plan was. He only took a few moments to remove his own clothes, wading quickly into the water. He might have dived in, but considering he didn't know what the current was like yet, he chose to go a bit more slowly and more cautiously.

Had Diego thought further than looking for caves or wreckage, he might have thought about the fact he hadn't told his mate about his power yet. It had been second nature to never talk about it with anyone for fear Reginald would find out, and the habit had held true. So, Merlin didn't know... and Diego forgot he didn't know... And when he saw the shipwreck, he immediately swam down and began to look around, staying underwater longer than was safe for any normal person to stay. He didn't need to breathe, after all.

Merlin had resurfaced at the point when he needed to breathe...and had expected Diego to do the same. When there was no immediate sign of the younger man, he tried not to immediately panic...but it was difficult. He called out for Diego before taking another lungful of air and diving back under the case his mate had got stuck in seaweed and couldn't get to the surface.

Diego was at the bottom and had noticed the remains of a ship. He swam over toward it, not realizing he was deeper than Merlin could easily see, especially when he had continued swimming along the ocean floor and was further away than his mate would have expected. He had reached the wreckage and was about to go inside when he did think about telling Merlin the wreck was there. He turned and, not seeing Merlin behind him, realized his mate had surfaced, so he swam up as well, finally breaking the surface and quickly looking around to get his bearings as well as find his mate. "Merlin!" he yelled loudly. "I found something! It's about twenty feet below me!"

Merlin had gone under a second time by the time Diego finally resurfaced. Worry had rapidly turned to fear and he'd been preparing to return to shore and find Castiel in case the other being was able to locate Diego. He couldn't really calm down that much when Diego did resurface...that worry and fear causing a hoarse note to his voice as he asked, "Where were you?"

Diego might not always think things through the way he should, but he was observant. He could tell Merlin was afraid for him and the question nudged him into immediately realizing why. "I found a shipwreck. About twenty feet below and close to those rocks I mentioned..." He pointed behind him while glancing toward the sun and realizing he had been under the water for a lot longer than a normal person, hence Merlin's fear. "I'm sorry. I... I'm so used to not telling anyone, I didn't think..." His voice was apologetically subdued. "...I can't die from not breathing...."

Merlin took a deep breath, forcing his worry and fear to calm. "I thought you'd got caught in seaweed. Or something else. That you might have drowned." He was far more worried than he was angry. For all he'd seen during his time with the Kingsmen, all of this was still a completely new experience for him.

"I'm sorry..." Diego repeated, a hint of guilt bleeding through. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

Merlin took another deep breath and swam closer to Diego, reaching out to gently run his hand down the younger man's arm. "I'm glad you're okay," he said softly. "That nothing did happen. Next time, though, please warn me before you disappear under the water for so long."

Diego nodded briskly. "Yes, sir..." he whispered, relaxing slightly at the show of affection and the words, but still feeling guilty at having scared his mate. "M... May I go back down? Look at the wreckage?"

Merlin nodded. "How far down is it?" he asked. He suspected he might not be able to join his mate...not without some help...but if it wasn't far, it was possible he could hold his breath long enough to at least see the location, if not outright explore.

"It is twenty feet down..." Diego took Merlin's hand and slowly began swimming in the direction of where the shipwreck lay. Once over the area, he slowed and trod water. "Below us."

Merlin followed Diego without any protest and trod water alongside his mate. "I'll swim down as far as I can safely go, so I can get a look at the location. I take it you have no limits on the amount of time you can breathe underwater? It's a skill that lasts indefinitely?"

"I've never reached my limit. I spent twelve hours under water one day..." Diego said honestly. Just because he'd never reached his limit didn't mean he didn't have one... But he was confident he could do this.

Merlin nodded. "I don't want you to spend too long down there," he said. "Even though you can breathe under water, there could still be other dangers there."

"Okay. I'll do my best not to lose track of time." Diego smiled crookedly. Impulsively, he kissed Merlin, then dived under the water again and swam to the wreck. He began searching inside the ship.

Merlin dived down as far as he could safely go, so that he could get an idea of the location in case Diego ran into any problems and couldn't surface. He couldn't stay under for too long, though, before he had to resurface, treading water above where Diego had gone down.

Diego moved as quickly as he could, but even so, it took him nearly an hour to completely search the wreck. It was a small wreck, or it might have taken longer. When he finally resurfaced, he had two small lockboxes in his hand. He hoped that inside might be a map, or photographs, or anything that might enable Castiel to transport them off the island. He hadn't been able to find anything else. Breaking the surface, he looked around for either Merlin or the shore.

Merlin was still treading water where Diego had gone under. Thanks to his training, he was able to do so with little difficulty...though it wasn't something he'd be able to sustain all day, of course. "You found something?" His eyes immediately scanned over Diego's form, what he could see of it...making sure there was nothing visibly wrong.

Diego took a breath and exhaled before answering. "Two small lockboxes. Hopefully something useful is inside and it hasn't been destroyed..." He smiled before beginning to head back to shore, trusting Merlin would stay with him.

Merlin began swimming next to Diego, keeping pace with his mate. "You can pass one of those to me," he suggested.

Diego nodded and handed the least heavy one over. If the heavy one dragged him under, he could walk to shore carrying it if necessary.

Taking the box, Merlin swam easily alongside Diego, watching his mate for any signs of tiredness. Yes, Diego could breathe under water; but that didn't mean he was invincible.

Diego could feel Merlin watching him all the way back. It made him feel good that his mate cared about him so much. It also made him feel guiltier for the scare he'd given his mate. He decided that as soon as they were back on shore, he'd apologize again and try and do something to make it up to the older man. And at dinner, he would explain exactly what he could go and how; as far as his own understanding went, anyway.

Soon, they were walking up into the beach. Diego walked to where his clothes were and carefully put the box down, then turned to face Merlin. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "...I should have told you. Habit or not, remembering or not.... it was important for you to know." He slowly walked toward his mate and then, once in front of him, knelt at his feet, obviously submitting, and waited for Merlin's response before continuing.

Merlin took a deep breath and put the box he was carrying down, then moved closer to Diego and crouched down in front of him, reaching out and placing his hands on his younger mate's shoulders. "It was important that I know," he agreed quietly. "When you didn't surface at the same time I did, I was terrified something had happened. That I'd lost you. I know we haven't been in each other's lives for that long, but you have quickly become important to me. I need you," he whispered.

Diego smiled crookedly, his eyes tearing up both from the regret of having terrified his mate and from the fact he felt important and loved. "I... I can't promise I won't mess up again. My whole life, I was pitted against my siblings. I learned to fear giving information away because it could be used against me. I trust you with my entire being, but the habits I developed... I'll need to... to relearn... to be trained not to hide stuff. I need your help..." His voice was soft and apologetic.

Merlin moved his hand to Diego's neck, squeezing gently. "I'll help you," he promised. "It's not the same as this, between us, but I've been in the position of teaching and training before. We have time. I want to build a life with you...and I think you want to build a life with me, too. As long as we're both in agreement of what we want, I believe we can weather anything so long as we're together."

"I want that... So much..." Diego pressed into Merlin's hand, turning his face enough to kiss his mate's arm. "My life is with you and... I need to tell you everything. I love you...."

"I love you too." Merlin leaned in and brushed a gentle kiss against Diego's forehead, then his cheek and finally his lips.

Diego kissed back, chastely but firmly. It was clear he was trying to show through his kiss how much he loved Merlin and how sorry he was for having scared his mate.

Merlin let his hands rub gently over Diego's arms, kissing his mate a bit more deeply. Without clothing in place, his erection was immediately obvious.

Diego opened for the kiss, submitting in every way he could. He let his own hands gently run over Merlin's chest and around to his back in a loose hug.

Merlin kept kissing for a few more moments, hands gently rubbing over Diego's arms and back, before he pulled back enough and whispered, "I think maybe we should move this back to our shelter."

Diego nodded mutely, licking his lower lip. He didn't move immediately, though, waiting for Merlin's instruction.

Merlin stood and helped Diego to stand as well. He led Diego over to their clothes and began to dress his younger mate.

Diego helped as much as possible, but overall, he left himself in Merlin's hands. He could feel himself getting slick in anticipation of spending time in their quarters. "I love you so much..." he whispered.

Once he'd finished dressing both Diego and himself, Merlin drew his mate in for another deep kiss. "I love you," he whispered against Diego's lips. He picked up the boxes and then took Diego's hand to lead him back to their shelter.

Diego followed meekly, leaving Merlin to lead.  "How much time do you believe we will have? Before the others arrive?"

"I can't imagine we'll have all that long... but it's not as if they're unaware of our relationship," Merlin said. "I suspect we'll still be given some privacy, even if it is just an illusion while we're here."

Diego blushed but smiled almost bashfully. "That's true. And having them know isn't bad. It just reinforces that I belong with you..." he whispered. They had reached their shelter by this point and Diego ducked inside, quickly stripping, and setting his clothes safely to the side. He was very wet by this point and was worried he'd have to do laundry if he didn't remove them before the slick ran far enough to soak his pants.

As soon as Diego had stripped, Merlin reached out and gently drew the younger man closer to him, placing his hands on Diego's shoulders and looking seriously into his eyes. "I know that you're sorry about what happened today...about not telling me what you could do and letting me worry. I forgive you and I'm not angry, but I think it's important to tell you that if there's another time when you hide something from me that I need to know...or do something that will put you in danger...I will have a response. And that response will be to punish you."

Diego looked up at Merlin with wide eyes and swallowed, before nodding. "Yessir. I don't want to hide things, but if I do... even accidentally... I'd deserve to be punished..." His voice was soft. "Wh... What... how...?" he asked quietly...almost nervously.

"A spanking," Merlin replied. "It's not an unusual punishment where I'm from. Perhaps a little old-fashioned, but it does work."

Diego blinked at that, but then nodded. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. If... If I mess up enough to deserve that, I won't fight it," he whispered. He leaned forward, placing his head on Merlin's shoulder, nuzzling.

Merlin pressed a kiss against Diego's head and ran his hands over his mate's naked body, stroking and squeezing along bare skin.

"Yours..." Diego whispered. He was fully aroused already, and slick was running down his thighs.

It took only a few seconds for Merlin to remove his own clothing before he was pulling Diego down onto the makeshift bed with him. He positioned his mate to make it easier for him to push inside, his member already fully hard.

Diego's breathing became rapid as Merlin positioned him. "Please...." he moaned softly.

Grasping Diego's hips, Merlin pushed slowly and easily inside his mate. Once he was sheathed fully inside, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to Diego's neck, gently grazing with his teeth.

Diego groaned, widened his legs, and slanted his head so that his neck was more accessible. It felt so good, feeling his mate stretch him wide and filling him up. The friction was everything he needed. ".... So good..." he whimpered.

"You feel so good surrounding me." Merlin's voice was a low growl. "So tight, wet and warm." He began to thrust, holding onto Diego's hips to hold the younger man still.

Diego shivered at the words, the tone, the strength in Merlin's grip. He felt himself letting go of himself, his heart, that much further, falling in love with Merlin... falling for Merlin. His body began to quiver as he dropped. He let his chest and arms fall onto the bedding, his head cushioned on them. The only part of him raised was his bottom, Merlin's grip holding it firmly in position so he could take what belonged to him without any barrier or resistance.

Diego had been submitting before because it felt good, but it hadn't been something he thought would be a continual, for always situation. He'd figured when the novelty wore off, he'd be in control of himself again. As he dropped, his feelings became focused so fully on Merlin and how they were joined, he instinctively knew he'd been wrong. Not only would he always be the submissive one in their relationship, but he was also going to be submissive in everything, not just in sex. Because his heart? Wanted to follow and obey Merlin in everything. Wanted Merlin to be the center of his life and world. Wanted Merlin to own him so completely, all the other man had to do was give him a look and Diego would know exactly what it meant and could obey.

It scared him how quickly this need overcame him. It was overwhelming. He didn't attempt to hide it or push it down, either the need or the fear. He let both intense feelings course through him, accepting that the bond was changing him at a fundamental level inside, and just lay under Merlin, taking everything his master chose to give him.

The bond was happy with his surrender and strengthened for both men, allowing Merlin to feel Diego's surrender and complete submission emotionally. Allowed him to feel Diego's fear at how he was changing inside and just complete trust that Merlin would protect and take care of him.

"Please, sir." Diego's whisper was so soft, only Merlin could hear it. It sounded drugged, unfocused, but extremely needy. His muscles tightened inside, trying to pull Merlin deeper and hold him there, causing the friction to increase. ".... Pound me, sir... please. Wanna feel you all day... need to belong to you..." he begged. He knew he already belonged to Merlin. What he was offering was more than just his body. Tears began to leak out of his eyes and gently slide down his face. He felt so out of control, his fear grew slightly, and he dropped further.

Hearing the words...seeing the abject need in Diego's face and hearing it in his voice...Merlin couldn't do anything other than respond. His fingers gripped tighter on Diego, positioning his mate so that he could thrust deeper and harder. "Mine." The word was a low, intense growl. He leaned in and closed his teeth around Diego's neck; not enough to hurt, not enough to break the skin, but enough to be felt...enough to leave a mark behind.

Immediately, feeling the strength in Merlin's grip, the force in his thrusts, and the possessiveness in the bite, Diego lost what little control he had and dropped. He was a vessel for his master, taking and holding whatever Merlin allowed him to have. His entire life and soul were in Merlin's hands. His entire focus was his master. The bond bloomed and opened between them, allowing Merlin to feel Diego's emotions and 'see' his thoughts, though the thoughts were blurry and showed how out of control Diego was.

For his own part, the bond opened fully from Merlin to Diego...allowing his own thoughts and feelings to flow towards his younger mate. He was still thrusting, still going hard and fast and deep. And he was sucking on Diego's neck, fully intending to leave a mark behind; to make sure there was no doubt who Diego belonged to.

Diego quivered under and around his master, clenching tighter and tighter as Merlin thrust. He moaned softly, the feeling of Merlin sucking his neck warming him inside, deep inside. A warm, honey feeling seeped through his blood and bones. He was weak for his master.

Merlin moved his hand towards Diego's member, beginning to stroke it firmly and surely. He began to leave a necklace of love bites around his mate's neck, wanting Diego to carry the visual marks of his ownership, of his possession.

Diego began to sob softly with need, his member fully arousing and beginning to weep precum. Merlin was thrusting, stroking, over his prostate, repeatedly causing his nerves to spark with each push in. His vision whited out... too blurry, hazy, to see...and his fear rose, but his trust in Merlin and the fact he could feel his master... hear and smell him... helped keep him from panic.

Merlin shifted slightly, so that he was holding onto Diego more securely. He didn't pull out of his mate, but he did stop thrusting and placed a hand gently on Diego's face. "Diego?" He began calling to his mate.

Diego turned his face toward Merlin's voice, taking in a shaky breath. Tears were streaming down his face, and he gripped onto his mate desperately. "S... Sir?" His voice was high pitched and shaky but trusting.

"Are you with me, love?" Merlin asked, his voice very gentle and very reassuring. His thumb gently stroked over Diego's lips.

Diego kissed Merlin's fingers. "I... Yessir... I... I'm sorry..." he apologized uncertainly.

"You have nothing to apologize for," Merlin said gently. "You just dropped. You weren't with me anymore." He left unsaid that he'd needed to bring Diego back to him.

"I... You aren't mad?" Diego swallowed. He could feel Merlin still in him and gently squeezed around the older man.

"Not even a little," Merlin promised. "I just needed to know you were still okay." He hadn't wanted to continue with sex without first making sure Diego was still fully on board with it, since the younger man wouldn't be able to tell him if he needed it to stop.

Diego gave Merlin a sweet smile. "I'm okay... I love you...."

"Good. I love you too." Merlin kissed him tenderly.

Diego returned the kiss, wiggling slightly. "Feels good... Having you in me..." he admitted, almost shyly.

"It's not safe...or healthy...for me to stay in you like this for a very long time." Merlin sounded a little regretful, but then added, "Once we are off the island, though, perhaps there is something that will help with that."

"Okay..." Diego's voice was accepting. "Did you cum? I want you to feel good too..." he whispered.

"I didn't...but I don't need to in order to feel good," Merlin said gently. "You make me feel good. You make me feel very good.” 

"S'long as I belong to you... That you feel I belong to you..." Diego gave Merlin a soft smile. He still looked slightly out of it... drugged from the endorphins and emotions that had flooded his body. The arousal had faded enough that it wasn't uncomfortable. What he needed most was to feel he belonged

"You do belong to me. You're mine." Merlin gently kissed him again, shifting so that he could feel Diego's warm, wet heat surrounding him.

Diego groaned softly, his member twitching as his Master shifted in him and rubbed his prostate. "Forever yours..." he said breathlessly.

"Forever and always." Merlin kissed his neck gently, continuing to move inside his mate.

Diego's groans and whimpers got progressively louder the longer Merlin moved. His breathing was ragged, and he arched his back enough to be completely open, so Merlin could go as deep as possible. "Yours... Belong to you..." He began to whisper the chant, needing to give voice to the fact he was submitting his whole life to Merlin.

It was obvious, more than obvious, how much Diego's submission was turning Merlin on. Inside his mate, his member had quickly grown to full hardness...and he was beginning to thrust once more, now that he was assured, he hadn't hurt or upset his mate.

"Please, Sir... harder... Need to feel you the rest of the day... Need to be reminded who owns me... Please..." Diego found himself begging. It felt so good, Merlin's shaft spearing him inside, rubbing over his prostate repeatedly, filling him up completely and stretching him until he was tight and squeezing his master without a break.

Responding to the begging, to the need, Merlin got a tighter grip on Diego's hips and began to thrust that bit harder and faster. He still kept a careful eye on his case Diego dropped again and needed Merlin to protect him and look out for him.

Diego hadn't been a complete virgin when he and Merlin found each other. Still, he'd never experienced the sensations and feelings Merlin gifted him. It made his pulse race, then short circuit. It caused his breathing to speed up and then stop all together. It left him simultaneously hot and cold as his body tried to contend with the pleasure he was feeling. It was exhilarating and frightening and he couldn't help it. He looked into Merlin's eyes so that his mate could see how completely he was being torn apart, physically and emotionally, and he sobbed and begged... not just to be allowed release. He sobbed and begged Merlin to keep him forever; never let him go. He knew he was safe with the older man. Protected. He couldn't imagine life without him now.

"I will never let you go," Merlin whispered. "You are mine." His voice was a low, possessive growl. He pushed in as deep as he could do, hips pressed against Diego's backside, then pulled back enough for one last, hard and deep thrust. "Let go." The words, the order, barely sounded human.

Diego cried out as he immediately obeyed, his release shooting out of him fast and hard, his body clenching around Merlin's member like a vice, quaking and spasming out of control. His face was bathed in tears as he lost any ability to control any part of himself. He was completely in Merlin's control, at his mate's mercy.

Merlin's own release came over him mere moments later, and his grip tightened on Diego's body as he released hard inside his mate, crying out with the force of his release.

As Diego felt his mate's release filling him, warmth spread through his body. He felt the binds tying them together strengthen just that small bit more. A feeling of satisfied belonging came over him. He smiled up at his mate, all of his love and devotion clear in his eyes and on his face.

"I love you," Merlin said quietly, giving Diego a gentle kiss before nuzzling against his mate's cheek and neck.

Diego returned the kiss, nuzzling back. "I love you too..." he whispered, content to cuddle close until the others returned.


They'd gone up into several trees, which allowed Peter more of a vantage point...especially since he didn't need to worry about using his webs and running out before he had the chance to make some more. "Doesn't look like there are any ships on the horizon yet," he commented to Castiel. "I think we should check back every so often, though. Especially if Merlin and Diego haven't found anything."

"You are correct. We should check daily. Perhaps staggering the times in case we are on a shipping route that would have ships passing at specific times," Castiel agreed. "I believe I saw a cave toward the middle highest part of the island. We should explore there tomorrow. In case there is something there. But also, if a storm rolls in, it might provide better shelter."

Peter nodded. "Yeah. We've been pretty lucky not to get caught in the elements so far, but if we could get a bit more shelter, it'd be good...maybe slightly warmer without having to have fire lit all night."

"I don't know that a cave would be warmer, but if a storm blows in, it would be drier." Castiel smiled, wrapping his arms around Peter, and flying them down to the ground.

"Your wings are so useful." Peter leaned back against Castiel. "I wish I could fly like you. My web shooters only work when there's something my webbing can attach to."

"You created the shooters, didn't you?" Castiel asked. "They are impressive on their own, even with the limitations. They show your intelligence. That is beautiful," Castiel said quietly. He stood holding Peter for a moment, then pulled away enough to take his mate's arm so they could begin walking back to the camp.

Peter smiled and leaned into Castiel. "Part of me feels like I should have tried harder to leave this world and go back to my own," he said. "If you hadn't been here...if we hadn't met...I know I'd be trying everything to get back."

"I'm not sure that would have been a possibility. That it is a possibility. Without knowing exactly how we were brought over in the first place," Castiel said somberly. "I know you worry about your dimension."

"They didn't have any other protectors other than Spider-Man," Peter said quietly. "And... there’s my Aunt May too. Without me there, she doesn't have anyone left."

"Other protectors could rise. Use you as an example. I am sorry about your Aunt May, though. If we can find a way to do so, I will help you reunite with her somehow," Castiel promised.

"Thanks." Peter sighed. "You seem to have taken it in your stride. All of this. Going to a different world." He glanced down at his arm, at what he could see of the words on his skin. "Seems like you're used to strange and weird."

"I am used to it," Castiel admitted. "But it is also that I have had to say goodbye to so many I held dear. It is never easy, but I have learned how to cope."

"It sounds painful, even so," Peter said quietly, his tone full of empathy.

"It... was. But I had people around to help me. Just as I will be here for you." Castiel squeezed Peter's arm gently as he made the promise.

Peter took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah...I believe you. And I trust you. It's been a long time since I felt that level of trust for someone."

Castiel smiled, leaning over, and kissing the side of Peter's head. "I will endeavor to never lose that trust. It is precious to me."

Peter closed his eyes and pressed into the affection, relaxing visibly. "Do you have anything you'd like to do when we finally find a way off this island?" he asked quietly.

"Beyond finding a job so that I can support you while we figure out what we will do or if it is possible to get you home again?" Castiel thought quietly for a few moments. "Help where I can help, enjoy my mate, make a life with you...."

Peter smiled at those words. "I'm looking forward to making a life with you as well," he said quietly. "Even if it's not possible to find my Aunt May again."

"I love you. I will do my best to make you happy," Castiel said simply.

"I love you too. And I'm pretty sure I'll be happy with you. Even if we don't find a way off this island," Peter said quietly, allowing himself to lean a bit more on Castiel.

"We could be happy in this island," Castiel agreed. “Not terribly comfortable, though." He smiled again, kissing Peter's lips quickly. They had almost reached their camp

"No. An actual, proper bed would be nice." Peter pressed closer against Castiel, leaning in to kiss him in return. "It'd be more comfortable at night, for one thing." His grin was slightly mischievous.

"I think I can do things in a way that will keep you off the ground..." Castiel said thoughtfully. "And it would be fun."

Peter immediately looked interested, his member stirring in interest. "That sounds very intriguing," he said.

"I can show you how strong I am," Castiel said drolly, though there was mischief in his eyes.

"Yes, please," Peter whispered, obviously moving towards arousal.

Castiel spun Peter around to face him before putting his hands on the younger man's butt, squeezing firmly, then lifting him up. "Put your legs around me," he ordered.

Peter immediately did as ordered, feeling warmth pool and grow in his stomach as he put himself in the older being's hands.

Using one hand to hold and balance Peter against his torso, while he carried his mate to their shelter, Castiel used the other hand to begin undressing the younger man. He handed each piece of clothing to Peter so it wouldn't be lost. By the time they reached the dwelling, Peter was completely naked and Castiel was massaging Peter's naked cheeks.

Peter groaned, his member quickly beginning to fill and swell in response to Castiel's actions. He pressed into his mate, letting out little groans at the contact.

Somehow, Castiel maneuvered them into the shelter, him sitting on their bedding and Peter on his lap. He took the clothing from his mate and set it carefully to the side. "Hold onto me," he growled softly, as he began to remove his own clothing while keeping Peter on his lap.

Peter immediately wrapped his arms as well as his legs around Castiel, clinging on tightly to the older being. He nuzzled against Castiel's shoulder and neck, though was careful not to hinder his mate removing his own clothes.

"Good boy," Castiel praised, in a husky growl. He was fully aroused, Peter's obedience a huge turn on. He slid his shaft between Peter's cheeks, allowing his length to rub against the younger man's bottom, intending to coat his member in Peter's slick once his mate began producing it.

Peter groaned at the feel of Castiel's hard length pressing against his bottom. It took only seconds for his arousal to cause fluid to pool between his cheeks, quickly beginning to coat Castiel's member.

Castiel began kissing Peter's neck and shoulders, using lips and teeth, gently nipping the skin, and sucking hard enough to leave a necklace of small marks on his mate. He held firmly onto Peter's hips, rubbing the younger man back and forth over his lap so that his shaft would be squeezed between Peter's bottom as Castiel coated himself in the lubricant. His fingers flexed and squeezed Peter's hips enough to leave fingerprints behind as well. He intended to visibly claim the younger man as much as physically.

Peter's groans were long and drawn out. He moved whichever way Castiel guided him, pressing into the kisses and markings. He'd likely be sore later on, but right now, the markings were turning him on...and his member was very quickly growing to full hardness.

Deciding that Peter was wet enough, that he was coated enough, Castiel lined up his shaft against his mate's entrance. Dragging his mouth away from Peter's neck and pressing against his lips with a deep kiss, Castiel thrust his tongue into the younger man's mouth at the same time as he pulled Peter down onto him, smoothly shoving his member into his bonded, hard, and deep.

Peter's gasp, almost a sharp cry, was swallowed by Castiel's the older being's tongue in his throat. Almost feeling a bit unsteady, Peter clung tighter to his mate...relieved that Castiel's hold on him was tight and firm. He wasn't sure the pleasure that sparked through him wouldn't have ended with him on the floor.

Castiel hummed happily at the sound Peter made, able to tell Peter was feeling pleasure. Gripping firmly on Peter's hips, he began to lift and lower the smaller man so that he was riding, impaling himself repeatedly on Castiel's shaft. He angled himself so that his erection rubbed over Peter's prostate each time, knowing the friction and pressure would quickly send his mate over the edge.

Peter's moans and groans grew progressively louder, his eyes beginning to glaze over. He was trying to hold on, so that he didn't release without permission, but it was hard. He felt himself dropping slightly, becoming dependent on Castiel...on his mate.

"Let go," Castiel growled, through the bond and out loud. He knew he'd release as soon as he felt his mate clench around him in release. He enjoyed when Peter became so tight inside from his arousal. It felt so good. He caught Peter's lips in a hard, dirty kiss, his tongue plundering into the younger man's mouth.

Peter whimpered into Castiel's mouth, his hands gripping the older being tightly. In immediate response to the order, he was releasing hard, clenching tightly around his mate's member. The force of his orgasm was so strong, he couldn't focus on anything else around was just as well they were safe on the island.

Castiel let out a guttural groan, his own release pouring into Peter. He held his mate down, tight against him, so that none escaped; it all shot into his submissive as deep as possible, filling him. When he finally calmed, Castiel continued to hold Peter down tightly, his member plugging the other man. He let his head fall forward to rest against Peter's forehead. "I love you..." he said gruffly.

Peter breathed in deeply and nuzzled against Castiel, kissing his cheek. "I love you," he whispered, still holding tightly to his older mate.

"Mine..." Castiel's voice was very possessive. He tightened his grip, so that the only way Peter could move was if he asked Castiel’s permission. He then nuzzled and kissed the side of Peter's head.

"Yours." Peter's voice was entirely submissive. He made no attempt to get out of Castiel's grip, or even test its strength. He leaned into the affection, closing his eyes, making tiny sounds of contentment.

"We can stay here a bit longer... No need to rush to make dinner or tell the others what we discovered." Castiel was contented too.

"I'd like that. I feel safer when you have hold of me," Peter admitted quietly.

"Even when I'm not holding you, I'm watching..." Castiel promised.

"Yeah. But this helps me feel more...settled? I don't know how to explain it...." Peter said.

"It isn't a problem. I just want you to know. Even when I'm not holding you, I'm watching and protecting." Castiel held tighter.

"That does help," Peter whispered, pressing in closer and tighter to Castiel.

"You aren't alone," Castiel assured.

"I know." Peter nuzzled him. "That helps. A lot."

Castiel smiled. "Good. I don't want you to worry."

"I'm not worried. I trust you. Not only with my life. As long as you're here, I know I'll be okay." Peter let his head rest on Castiel's shoulder.

"Good." Castiel relaxed and continued to hold Peter. They didn't need to move until it was time to cook dinner.