A New Home
Smells Like Teen Spirit

Warning(s): Spanking


It had been a week since the big reveal to the entire family and friends and things had settled into a routine. A very monotonous routine. Jessica wanted to get out...needed to get out. She knew she wasn't the only one; all the other 'teen' girls had responded favorably when she'd suggested an outing. None of them, even Pepper, was against the idea. She'd enlisted Loki's help to get them out of the compound unnoticed and Deacon's friend St. John (who said to call him Pyro) for IDs. Now they just needed opportunity.

The family members who hadn't been deaged, or at least not as far, were still hunting down HYDRA bases. Some intel from an agent who had gone undercover gave them a place and time to hit; a base where pregnant women had been taken.

Continuing to feel lost and confused about the whole situation, Werner had taken to researching on his laptop. Quite by accident, he'd hit on a connection between what his captors had said and an area not far from where they'd held him. The logical part of him pointed out that the adults in the family needed to know what he'd found out. The rest of him thought that he needed to find a way to be useful. So they'd want to keep him around, because...why would he be wanted now, no matter what they said?

"Now is the perfect time..." Jessica whispered to her accomplices. "Almost everyone who would stop us is gone...Darcy and Ward are watching Kara and the younger kids...they won't notice right away and with Loki hiding our presence...."

"You're sure Grant or one of the guys won't tell?" Raina asked nervously.

"They won't want to get us into trouble...." Patsy sounded a bit uncertain, though. She wasn't sure she wanted to do this, but Jessica had been persuasive.

"I uh...I asked Lance to come too..." Bobbi admitted. "And Grant overheard and invited himself and Peter Q....."

"Does anyone else know?" Jessica sounded worried. This whole thing wouldn't work if the guys told on them.

Patsy shook her head. "I don't think anyone else is aware."

"I guess we're ready then...where's Loki?" She looked around at everyone assembled.

"She's right here," Lorelei announced, dragging a pretty dark-haired girl behind her. "She couldn't decide on the miniskirt or leather pants...."

Grant had arrived by then and blinked at the two Asgardians. "Dang...Lance, Pyro and I will have our hands full keeping the creeps away...." he teased his siblings and cousins.

Lance turned up at that point. "Okay, so Ward and Darcy are taking care of the kids," he announced. "We just need to make sure Veronica and Friday don't realise where we're headed." Of course, that was where Loki came in....

"They won't realize. I've already cloaked us and made it seem like we're in our rooms..." Loki smiled, her voice amused.

Jessica nodded. "Let's go then."

For a change, it had been Wanda talking Pietro into going clubbing; not that her twin needed much persuading. The two turned up slightly late, whispering that they'd nearly ended up being caught sneaking out by Drax. Wanda's ability had nearly let them down, due to hormones playing havoc with her powers.

"Crap! Drax almost saw you?!" Peter Q. whispered anxiously. "I thought he'd gone with the rest of the group on their mission...who else stayed behind that we might accidentally run into?!"

"I think he had to come back to get something," Pietro whispered back. "It was just that he happened to be going in the same direction we were coming from."

Patsy shifted nervously, but didn't say anything.

"Ok...let's just get out of here before something happens and we get caught..." Jessica muttered, heading for the stairs.

Loki quickly followed, making sure the cloaking stayed in place.

The others weren't far behind.


The compound had been quiet as Werner snuck out. He wasn't sure what it said about him that he missed the noise that came from having so many people in one building, no matter how big the building was. He'd ended up ducking into one of the rooms to avoid Harry, feeing bad that the boy had been looking for him, but...if he couldn't find a way to be useful, what reason would they have for keeping him there?

It didn't take long for him to take one of the cars, following the directions he'd pieced together to another smaller location.


The mission had been a success and, due to the number of highly-trained agents, no one suffered from anything more than a few bruises. The compound was quieter than normal as the vehicles pulled up into the garage.

Steve got out and glanced around at the other family members, then frowned and cocked his head as he realised there were more vehicles missing. Looking around to see if anyone else had noticed, he quickly asked Friday to confirm if all the children were safely in the compound.

Friday paused for a moment and when she answered, there was a confusion that had never been in her voice before. "Masters Grant, Lance, Loki, St. John, Pietro and Peter Quil and Misses Wanda, Patsy, Pepper, Bobbi, Raina, Lorelei and Jessica are all missing, but I do not recall them leaving.... Master Werner left in a car about two hours ago. The rest of the children are watching a movie with Mistress Darcy and Master Ward."

Coulson stepped closer to Steve, eyes narrowing in worry. "Friday, do they have their phones on them? Can you track their whereabouts?" He had his phone out and was trying to call all of them.

Steve turned to Tony. "Could something have corrupted her systems?" He was fighting to keep his own sense of panic down. Werner leaving on his own meant that at least he hadn't been taken...but the rest of them could have been.

"Friday?! Self-diagnostic, please...and please have everyone who is still here come so we can talk to them. See if they know anything...." Tony didn't try and hide his worry. His son and his future wife were missing. He was just glad Harry wasn't among the missing. While Friday did a self-check, he did his own check on the systems on his phone.

It didn't take long for the remaining family to arrive in the foyer.

"Oki back?" Kara asked curiously, just as Friday confirmed that all the kids had their phones on them and turned on.

Trip blinked. "What do you mean, Kar-bear?" He kept his voice calm and non-threatening, so that she wouldn't worry about getting anyone in trouble...especially since she suddenly had a really guilty look on her face.

"I sowwy...I hid under bed and thpied..." she admitted reluctantly, obviously worried she was in trouble; she’d been told to stop hiding under the bed and listening to people when she'd nearly got blasted by Rocket, before he realized she was a 'baby humie' and not someone out to steal from him.

Fury gently picked up his daughter, holding her close. "What did they say?" he asked, keeping his voice gentle and calm.

Steve stepped away so Kara couldn't hear him. "Friday, are they all together, as near as you can tell?"

Werner had left his laptop open. It was password-protected, of course, but Skye was a hacker. She was good at what she did. She was delayed only for as long as it took her to figure out Werner's password and bring up what he'd been searching for. She came into the area in time to hear Steve's question. "I doubt it, unless they all decided to go seek out a HYDRA base too." She immediately handed the laptop over to Tony.

"Pepper wouldn't have agreed to going here...and since Friday actually remembers Werner leaving, I'm fairly certain he went alone. I need to get him..." He gave his father a tormented look. It was obvious he was worried about Pepper as well.

Kara bit her lip. "Oki was a pwetty girwel. Jeth said dey go dants!"

Friday answered Steve just as quietly. "All but Master Werner are in one location. I have marked their location on your phone, sir and have marked Master Werner's location on Master Anthony's phone."

"At the risk of over-stepping...if the parents of those at the club go to retrieve them, they are in a very public and mostly safe area. Everyone else can accompany Tony to get Werner and make certain HYDRA does not get hold of him...." Luke suggested.

Yo-Yo nodded. "I'm ready to help..." She couldn't help wondering why the teens would choose to sneak out when they knew they'd get into trouble, assuming they would be. Especially after that big reveal a few days before.

"I'll stay and continue to watch the kiddies..." Darcy offered.

"Thank you, Friday." Steve gently squeezed Tony's shoulder as he nodded to Luke. "It sounds as if they're all safe and that the biggest danger is Werner. I'll go with Phil, Clint and Bucky to collect them from the club, but if you need us, just send a message," he directed Tony.

Blake took a step forward. "I'd like to go with you, sir, to collect Pyro," he said to Steve. Even though he was a teenager, he was still worried about St. John; not just because the boy was close to his brother.

Tony swallowed and nodded, grateful that his father was able to direct everyone.

Mack looked at Odin. "Dad...if you'd like me to go get my siblings while you and Thor help with Werner, I will. Or if you want to go get them...I've been fighting HYDRA, it feels like, my whole life. And if Lorelei got drunk she may not use the best judgement...." His smile was crooked.

Kraglin cleared his throat. "On account of us not wanting to cause a panic among people...do you want us to help you fight off HYDRA? Should I go to get my baby brother...since I'm the closest to looking like I'm from earth?"

Odin turned to Mack. "We will go and retrieve your siblings while Thor will help rescue Werner from HYDRA," he decided.

Yondu clasped Kraglin's shoulder. "Yeah, you go get the kid. Meantime, your other dad and me'll go kick some ass."

"I am Groot."

"No, I'll go," Rocket said, before muttering under his breath, "Can't have another button mishap."

There was a period of dead silence for about ten seconds after Rocket's comment and then everyone was moving to get into the vehicle going to the location they were headed.

After everyone was gone again, Ward glanced at Skye. "I'm so glad I am not mixed up in that..." He sighed, before holding his arms open for Kara to jump into.

"I could have been. I know they weren't feeling useful and were bored," Skye commented, shaking her head with a sigh. "I can't believe becoming a teenager has made me more responsible."

Ward chuckled at Skye's comment, then directed her in front of him to join the others in watching a movie.


Since the kids weren't in any danger, Steve didn't break any speeding limits driving to the club, even if he did go as fast as safe would allow. It might not be dangerous, but they still had a lot of enemies out there. And the kids were potentially vulnerable, as Steve couldn't imagine any of them would have thought even to decide on a designated driver.

Pulling up outside the club, Steve...in full Captain America gear...was very quickly striding through the doors, knowing the others would follow.

Reflecting that his brother would get their attention, if nothing else, Coulson followed, walking alongside Blake. The policeman might have been deaged to a teenager, but Coulson recognised the look of worry and faint hint of fear on his face.

The bartender was shooting dirty looks at the bouncer. Yeah, she shouldn't have served them when she could tell that the IDs were fake, but the strawberry blonde had slipped her a hundred and it was obvious, from the way they were dressed, that they were part of the one percent and were slumming it. She figured they had a driver somewhere who'd be taking them home before things got bad enough for her to do anything. Except when she'd mentioned a driver to one of them, the girl had got a surprised look on her face and shrugged, saying they should have thought of doing that.

It was then she'd cut them off- she probably should have done so sooner really- and attempted to get them to sober up. The regular patrons were leaving because they could tell the group was underage and didn't want to get caught up in whatever legal drama was sure to unfold. Every time the bouncer walked over to throw them out, the tiny red head said something that convinced him not to. And the owner of the bar had come in to check on things. She'd be lucky if she wasn't fired; or she'd thought she would be anyway. He walked over to do the bouncer's job and that same tiny red-head said something and next thing she knew, he was buying shots for the room. Considering the only ones still in the room were those blasted kids, she knew it wouldn't completely sink him...but still.

And then Captain America was striding into the room.

"Thank God someone called you," she muttered, before noting how all the children stopped whatever they were doing; be it dancing, drinking, or throwing darts at each other...she shot a dirty look at those miscreants....and stared with wide almost frightened eyes at the good captain.

The room was silent, save for the music blaring from speakers; and the DJ quickly turned that off. And then through the room... "Daddy?!"

Steve looked around at each of his children and nieces and nephews, letting the full weight of disappointment sink in before he turned to the bartender. "I'm certain you could tell they were underage." He didn't raise his voice, but his words still carried through to each of the adults in the room. He hadn't missed the flash of money and directed a second disappointed look at Pepper, even though he left off actually scolding for the moment.

The other parents (and big brothers, in Blake's and Kraglin's case) were quick to head over to their charges, quietly checking if any of them had driven there and arranging who was going to drive who home.

The bartender had the grace to look ashamed of herself under the Captain's gaze. "I was the one who served them...Toby let them in, but he's not so good at spotting fakes..." she admitted. "Not sure about Bob, though...he'd never have let them in, let alone served them normally. Somehow that tiny red-head convinced him."

Pepper grinned at her father, as if she'd done nothing wrong. She and the rest of the kids were too far drunk to realize the seriousness of their actions. Luckily, because they hadn't wanted the cars to be tracked, they'd walked to the main road when leaving and called several taxis, so there were no vehicles to retrieve.

Steve had a few more quiet words with the bartender, bouncer and owner and then moved to join the rest of the family, who were guiding the drunk kids to the vehicles. "Blake, you and Pyro can ride back with me," he suggested to the teenager.

Pyro wasn't a bubbly drunk. He tended to the depressed melancholy. "You're gonna make me leave again..." he muttered. "You're gonna tell Deacon to stay away from me...."

Blake winced visibly, but placed a hand gently on Pyro's shoulder. "You're not going anywhere," he stated. "Except for back to the compound with me and everyone else."

"Promise?" Pyro looked up at Blake, all the uncertainty, low-self-esteem and neediness showing clearly.

Jessica came up to Steve at that moment, an arm slung around Pepper's shoulders. "Heeeeey, Daddio! I didn know you like clubs!"

Pepper giggled and listed to one side when Jessica tripped over her own feet.

Grant was busy doing a slow dance with a barstool, while Bobbi and Raina provided off-key music in the form of singing a very off-color limerick.

Blake squeezed Pyro's shoulder gently. "I promise. You're coming back home. I'm glad you're safe," he added, using his hand on Pyro's shoulder to guide him out of the club.

Steve turned to his daughters. "Club time is over. It's time we went back home."

Pietro had been one of those throwing darts, while his sister warped them in midair. They'd stopped when Steve and the others put in an appearance, but Pietro had got the bright idea to grab some more alcohol and ran at the bar at superspeed...or tried to. His balance was off and he crashed into the bar.

Coulson moved to his children, gently resting a hand each on Bobbi's and Raina's shoulders. "It's time to go home." He looked towards Grant, including his son in the direction.

Patsy stumbled over to her father. "Daddy!" she squealed, throwing her arms around him while her brother had the bright idea to juggle his knives.

Odin looked around for Loki and Lorelei, quickly heading over to them.

Pyro went easily. The same couldn't be said of the others.

Jessica and Pepper gave Steve twin pouts and Jessica said, in what could only be termed as a whine, "But we just got here!"

Clint about had a heart attack when he'd seen what his children were up to. Quickly, he moved to help Pietro up, making certain he wasn't hurt before taking his arm in a supportive, non-budging grip. "Come, Wanda, it’s time to go home." He motioned his daughter to join him and her brother.

Bobbi turned toward her father. "Daddy! Did you know there was a man from Nantucket?" she asked giddily. "Let’s dance!" she blurted, grabbing her father's hand and attempting to waltz with him, while Raina decided she wanted to be a curtain and hang off him and Grant decided now was the perfect time to wrestle with the bar stool.

Bucky quickly caught his daughter before barking out at his son to put the knives down. There was an 'or else' tone in his voice.

Loki and Lorelei weren't quite as inebriated as the others, so they realized immediately that they were in trouble and looked like they wanted to run and hide.

Blake led Pyro out of the club and towards the car, keeping in physical contact with the other teenager.

Steve wrapped an arm each around his daughters' shoulders. "I think you've been here for long enough," he replied firmly.

"Okay, Papa!" Wanda stumbled over to Clint, nearly tripping over her own feet, and threw her own arms around him. "I love you."

Coulson wrapped his arm tighter around his daughters' shoulders. "Grant. It's time to come home, son." he said.

Lance jumped and dropped one of his knives before turning an innocent look on his father. "I wasn't doing anything!"

Odin and Thor moved to Loki and Lorelei and Odin held an arm out to each of them. "It is time to return home," he said firmly.

"Maybe just a little longer?" Pepper cajoled, tugging away from her father.

Clint couldn't help but smile at the words, even if the situation was frustrating. "I love you too, princess. You too, speedy..." He looked at Pietro, wrapping an arm around both of his children and leading them out to the car.

"Do we hafta! I almost have him beat!" Grant protested, as he held his 'opponent' down.

"I know you didn't just try and lie to me, son..." Bucky admonished. "C'mon. Let's go..." He held a hand out expectantly.

Loki shuffled her feet awkwardly; then, unable to stop herself, ran into her father's arms. Lorelei was only a second behind her.

Kraglin was glancing around in confusion. "Peter? Where are ya, boy?!" he called out.

"Kraglin?" A voice came from up high. Kraglin looked to see Peter wedged up on top of a shelf full of liquor.

The bartender got a flummoxed look on her face. "How? When...? You don't belong up there!"

"Get down!" Twin voices yelled at Peter, one stern and unyielding, the other high pitched and scared.

"Okay, okay. Don't get. Your panties in a twist..." Peter grumbled, before rolling off the shelf and dropping ten feet onto the floor.

Steve simply snagged Pepper again, super speed and so much practise with Tony making him fairly quick to grab hold of one of his children. "No, now. Tony's worried." About Werner, too, especially since Pepper had only been in the club. Steve was just as worried, knowing Werner might well have been grabbed by HYDRA again. The kid already thought he was worthless.

"I think he's had enough," Coulson replied, somehow managing not to react to his son attempting to fight an inanimate object.

Lance sighed and stepped over to his father, taking his hand after putting his knives away.

Odin wrapped his arms around his...well, both of his daughters. He might not be used to seeing Loki as a female, but he didn't love her any less.

Pepper pouted playfully. "Why's Tony worried? I just decided to have a little fun..." She obviously didn't know about Werner.

Jessica giggled and snuggled up to her father on the other side. "Yeah...we just came to have a little fun...."

"If you say so...he seems to be asleeep!" Grant giggled, before standing slowly and staggering to Coulson's side.

Lorelei gave a nervous giggle. They may have been sober enough to realize they were in trouble, but they were drunk enough to not be able to control their tongues. "Isn't Loki pretty, Daddy? She borrowed some of Jess and Bobbi's clothes, so she thought maybe she looked weird..."

Loki blushed. "I don't think I look weird! I just can't believe I let you all talk me into this...." She looked down at her female form and blushed. "I haven't worn this form in a long time...." she admitted hesitantly.

Kraglin shook his head and helped Peter up, before carefully walking him to the car.

Steve tightened his arms around both of them. "Werner took the opportunity to sneak out as well," he replied quietly. "Tony and the others have gone to the HYDRA base he was headed towards."

Coulson had an arm each around his daughters, but he reached out and gently squeezed Grant's shoulder. "Let's go home," he said to all of his children.

"There is nothing wrong or strange in whatever form you wear," Thor said firmly. "Brother or sister, you are still mine."

Odin smiled at his oldest son and nodded his own agreement. "Thor is right."

Pepper may have been drunk off her butt, but she understood that clearly. "What?! Why would Werner go to a HYDRA base? That's danrous! Whatze thinkin?!" Her eyes and tone were panicked. Jessica didn't look all that calm herself at hearing her nephew was in danger.

"Okay, daddy..." Bobbi slurred and leaned on Coulson more strongly.

Raina stayed quiet, but let him lead her while Grant stumbled along behind.

Loki sniffled and nodded in response to her brother. He'd always felt that way and she knew she could count on him, no matter what, to believe that. She hadn't been quite as sure about her father and couldn't help giving Odin an anxious, self-conscious look. "You aren't mad?"

"He probably wasn't thinking." Steve's comment was muttered under his breath. He could imagine why Werner had taken off. The same reason that had driven so much of Tony's self-destructive behaviour. He began to lead his daughters out of the club. "The others are going after him," he reiterated.

Coulson guided his children out to his car and then helped each of them to get in and do their seatbelts up.

Odin gently stroked Loki's hair. "I would have preferred you not to leave home when it was dangerous to do so and certainly not to drink when you are aware of the consequences alcohol can have even when you and they are at your usual ages. But changing your form is not something I would ask or want you to stop doing."

Pepper nodded, relieved that Tony was going after their son. "Let's go, daddy..." she slurred, somewhat subdued.

Loki smiled and snuggled against her father. "Thank you, daddy...."


Pyro didn't fight Blake at all, instead talking about how he didn't want to be alone anymore...was tired of not having anyone. And fighting tears.

Truth be told, Blake had thought from the start that what Pyro needed was an authority figure. The amount of trouble the teenager had got into, he'd felt someone needed to step in. If it hadn't been for having to act the part of a dirty officer and knowing anyone he grew close to would be a target, he would have stepped in after the party.

Clambering into the backseat of the car with the youngster, Blake responded in exactly the same way he would if it was Deacon in so much emotional pain. He wrapped his arms around Pyro and hugged him tight. "You aren't alone anymore," he whispered, guilt stabbing him for not doing anything before.

Pyro would never had done it if the alcohol hadn't loosened his inhibitions. When Blake wrapped his arms around him, he latched on, gripping tightly and pressing as close as possible.

"Deacon's going to be worried as well," Blake said softly. "You tell me what you want to happen. Do you want to wait and see him tomorrow? You can stay in my room tonight." It was worded as an offer, but he didn't intend to accept no as an answer.

"Wanna stay with you..." Pyro said quietly, snuggling some more.

Blake gently stroked his hair, tightening his embrace. "That's where I'm going to keep you," he whispered. "I'm sorry it took me so long to step up, but I promise you aren't going to be alone. I promise I'm not going to change my mind." He wasn't sure how much Pyro was going to remember come the morning, but it didn't matter. He'd put voice to those promises then as well.


It took longer than it should have, possibly due to the inebriation causing them to move slowly, but finally, they were all in cars and heading home.


It hadn't taken long to reach the HYDRA base. It felt like it had taken much too long to Tony. His nerves were such he didn't feel capable of leading the group in. He looked toward his uncle Nick to take charge.

Fury was quick to take charge and organise the team into groups. He'd held out a little hope that they'd catch up with Werner before he got inside the base, but there was no sign of the kid. Fury wasn't sure if he'd been captured or if he'd sneaked inside, but either way, he did recon with Mike, Yo-Yo and Luke and then directed the teams into the various entrances they'd found that appeared to be under lighter guard.

"Any luck, guys?" Tony asked over comms. He hadn't found his son yet, despite running into several groups. He was worried perhaps Werner had been captured and moved before they even discovered they needed to rescue him.

"Nothing yet." Fury sounded as calm as it was possible to, given the situation they were in.

Werner had actually, so far, managed to evade capture. The HYDRA soldiers he'd encountered in the base hadn't known him, even if they'd known his father, and he'd been able to bluff his way in using the knowledge he'd gleaned from the ones who'd originally captured him.

Pretending maintenance, he'd found his way into one of the computer systems. Trouble was, he wasn't a hacker and he only had a few attempts at guessing the password before the alarm would be raised.

Tony could only hope that his son had found someplace safe to hide, because he wasn't finding any evidence of his presence at all. Until Veronica informed him of an out of the way computer room that might contain information. He'd quickly informed his uncle so that he could go there. He wasn't about to head that direction without Nick's go ahead, though. The man might need him somewhere else more and it would do no one any good if he went there, discovered a block to his communication and wasn't able to tell them what had occurred.

"Head there and I'll send Trip and Brock to cover you while you look inside," Fury directed over the comms to his nephew, before passing on that instruction to his sons.

"Yes, sir..." Tony quickly obeyed, heading toward the room Veronica had located. He could only hope his son was there, since he hadn't been anywhere else they'd looked.

It was purely an accident that Werner had managed to hit on the correct password. He'd heard commotion and even though the sounds were far away, he knew he should hurry. He bit his lip and glanced at the door as he waited for the files to copy over. Would he have time to somehow corrupt their systems before he had to leave?

Tony reached the room, but waited for Trip and Brock to get there before making a move. As soon as they were there, he was busting the door down, hands raised to fire his re-pulsars if needed. It didn't take him long to glance around the room and realize there was only one individual there and that they weren't a hostile. "Werner!" he said, in a low voice that managed to show all the worry and stress he'd been feeling the last hour or so and his disapproval of his son taking off. "We're going now. Come on..." He wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that what Werner had found might be important, though. Sticking what appeared to be a thumb drive into the computer, he said, "Get everything you can, Veronica and then burn it all...."

"As you say, Master Stark..." the AI answered him through his suit.

Surprised, Werner moved out of Tony's way. "Did you find the base's location too?" It never even occurred to him that they were there because he was missing. No one had ever worried about him before, so he didn't recognise that. Disapproval, though? He was more than a little used to that and his shoulders slumped. If he'd just stayed away, he wouldn't be in the way.

"Did we...." Tony did a double take, noticing the slumped shoulders. "...We only found it because we were looking for you..." Tony admitted, at the risk that Werner would view that as justification for just taking off without word. "I want to get you out of here before something bad happens to you...come...quick..." Tony held out a hand to encourage Werner to follow him. "Veronica will get whatever information you didn't already get and then she'll destroy all the electronics she is connected to and the thumb drive will self-destruct. It's a new prototype I was working on. She's much quicker than most hardware and it removes the risk of them catching you with incriminating evidence..." He was just rambling really by this point, trying to distract Werner so he'd stop looking like he thought he was in the way.

The look of confusion on Werner's face overshadowed anything else he might have been feeling as he hesitantly stepped closer to Tony. "I wasn't planning to tell them anything. I just wanted to help." That was the only other reason he could think of that they would have been looking for him. That they thought he'd defect over to HYDRA.

"I know that..." Tony popped his face-mask up so he could see Werner without the computerized filter. "...We never thought you were going back to HYDRA. We thought they'd somehow captured you...." Shaking his head, Tony gently took Werner's arm in his hand and began to lead him to the extraction point. "We were worried about you. Worried that HYDRA had decided to finish what they'd started when they took you the first time." He tried to keep his voice calm so that Werner wouldn't assume the worst and worked very hard to keep the hurt out of his voice that Werner would think he was only worried about a possible intelligence leak. He'd thought he'd done a better job of letting the younger man know his intentions.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Update, Veronica?"

"I have retrieved all data from that computer and all connected systems. I've left a Trojan behind so that if they somehow manage to salvage anything from the system, I will be informed and will be able to infect their new system. I've erased all the data from the system and have self-destructed the thumb drive, which has resulted in the machine catching fire. Soon, there will be alarms through-out the building and drawing the attention of any HYDRA operatives that didn't already know of our presence. I suggest you move more quickly, sir." The AI was precise and quick with the information.

"Well, alrighty then. You hear that, boys? We gotta run," Tony said to Trip and Brock, as he pulled Werner past them.

Trip didn't even bother to question his cousin, just grabbing Brock and turning around to follow, keeping guard of their six.

Brock relayed all the given information to Fury.

Werner didn't know how to respond to that. Didn't know how he was expected to respond to that. But Tony was moving fast and he was being pulled along and recovered himself enough to find his feet, so he wasn't being dragged or pulling back on Tony.

Fury reacted as soon as his son updated him, quickly getting in contact with the other teams and informing them to get out of the base as quickly as they possibly could.

Tony was more focused on getting his son out of the building without incident than on finding out why Werner had run off to gather intel. It wasn't like he couldn't hazard a guess anyway, but he wanted to hear it from the kid's own mouth. His uncle was quick and efficient and it hadn't taken long for everyone to be back in their vehicles and evacuating the now burning building. HYDRA had been dealt another blow. The trip back to the house was quiet.

Fury was quick to touch base with Steve as soon as they were back in the compound, relieved to find that all the missing kids were back safe. He quickly updated Steve on what had happened his end, informing his brother in particular of how Tony had handled the situation. His nephew needed to know that they were proud of him.

Moving back to Tony's side, Fury clasped his shoulder. "Everyone else is back, but from the sounds of it, they all managed to get drunk and I think they're being put to bed."

Tony gave his uncle a confused look at that information. "But....Pepper doesn't get drunk. She always hated it when I would get drunk... is... are... I don't get it..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes wearily. "Are we debriefing?" he asked wearily.

"We'll debrief in the morning, once everyone's had a chance to get some sleep," Fury replied. "It's been a long day." He glanced at Werner, who was standing like he wasn't sure where he should be going, looking lost and guilty.

"Thanks, Uncle Nick..." Tony said gratefully, reaching up and grasping the older man's hand that was still on his shoulder. Taking a silent sigh, he turned toward Werner. "C'mon, kid. You're going to stay with me tonight...." Tony didn't even think about asking Werner if he was okay with that. It was something the entire family did; stay with each other after something big had happened and one of the kids had been in danger... especially if the kid in question was in trouble and about to be disciplined for their actions. It was so common, Tony didn't even think about asking Werner if he was alright with staying in Tony's room.

Werner looked completely confused by that declaration. "With...you...?" He didn't remember the last time he'd stayed in someone's room, at least someone who wasn't a one-night stand. The whole day's events had confused him and he had no frame of reference for how he was supposed to react.

"Yeah...I want to make sure you're really okay. Plus, we need to discuss some things and after, I'd just feel better if I had you close enough to protect.... Even if this is the safest building in the world, I just...." Tony shrugged, not certain how to explain that he was feeling very anxious and paranoid about Werner's safety and the easiest way to calm that was to keep him close.

Werner didn't know how he should feel about Tony saying they needed to discuss some things. He remembered the big reveal a few days earlier, but figured it didn't really apply to him. He wasn't actually in the family, after all. But they'd let him stay and he'd upset Tony, so he owed him. "O-okay...." he whispered, waiting for directions.

"We'll drop by your room in case you want to pick some things up and then head to my room..." Tony smiled fondly at the boy. He could only guess what Werner was thinking...but he could tell the kid was confused. By the time they finished their talk, he hoped any confusion about Werner and the place Tony wanted him to hold in their life was cleared up.

Werner nodded slowly and began walking in that direction. It didn't take him long to gather what he needed from his room and then he stood waiting for further instruction, feeling awkward and almost shy.

Tony wrapped an arm around the younger man's shoulders and led him to his and Pepper's room. He had a feeling his fiancé would be spending the night with their dad, so there would be a bit more privacy to talk than normal. Due to the discussion he needed to have with Werner, he'd asked Pepper's parents to let Harry stay with them for the night. He figured the young boy would like to get to know his other grandparents better and it would help him feel like he wasn't being forgotten about. Soon, they were in the room and the door was closed. He led Werner to sit down on the bed next to him. "I think I can guess why you left like you did, but just in case I'm wrong, can you explain why you left the compound, without word to anyone, to...to..." He swallowed, not able to finish the sentence. All he could think about was Werner captured by HYDRA again and this time not having anyone there to break him free before he was killed.

It was embarrassing to think about admitting the truth to Tony, but Werner knew he had to, if only because the man had come after him...had admitted as much to him. He owed Tony that much. "I wanted to make myself useful," he whispered. "I don't...I figured I'd have to leave eventually and I don't want to." Swallowing, he admitted in an even softer voice, "I've never felt like I could eventually belong anywhere else."

"Yeah, well...you were wrong, you know. You don't have to leave eventually. Not unless you really, really want to. And if you did want to, I can guarantee the whole family would be doing everything in their power to change your mind. I would be trying to change your mind. We want you to stay, Werner..." Tony paused, drawing the boy even closer into what was more a hug. "I wasn't lying. I want you to be part of my family. My son. And I have every intention of adopting you. I'd planned to wait until your mother was back to her regular age before making it official, because I didn't want there to be any question that she wanted it as well, but if I need to prove my intentions by doing it earlier, I will. I'll call Foggy and get the paperwork all drawn up and we can sign in the morning. If that's what it will take to convince you I want you...."

Werner swallowed and couldn't stop himself from actually cuddling into Tony. Before coming here, he'd always been in control of any physical contact; and it had never been affectionate or familial. Harry had attached himself to Werner and it had been somehow easier to let the child in. Let Harry sit on his lap or hold his hand. "I don't know why...." he whispered, his voice shaking a little. "There's nothing...I can't do anything for you.... You're Iron Man. You don't need me."

"Kid... I do need you. I don't need you to do anything for me but be with me. That's the most important thing, though. You give me a reason to want to keep doing better and keep fighting harder. And yeah...I know I have Harry and Pepper and my dad and the rest of the family that helps with that..." Tony gave Werner a wry look, "...but they aren't you. I need you."

Werner closed his eyes, not sure what it said about him that those words made him want to cry. "No one ever did before...." he whispered. Almost of their own volition, his arms wrapped around Tony; not tightly, loose enough to pull away if it wasn't wanted.

"Well...I do..." Tony said gruffly, wrapping his arms more firmly around Werner and hugging him tight. "...Which is why you sneaking off tonight was doubly wrong...." He leaned back and gave Werner a stern if sympathetic look. "Even if no one cared, it would have been wrong to put yourself into a position where you could be captured and killed without letting anyone at all know what you were planning to do. The fact that I care what happens to you...your mother and brother and grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins... they all care as well. All of us would have been devastated if something had happened to you. Was there a reason you felt like you had to sneak out instead of letting any of the rest of us know? An acceptable reason?"

It was hard, but Werner forced himself to look at Tony. "N-no...." He cleared his throat and had to look down. "I thought...at the time...but you said...." His voice trailed off and he took a deep breath. "Not knowing what I do now," he finished with.

Tony nodded and tightened his hug, pulling Werner in close enough that he could kiss his forehead. "Okay. Well...while the way you found out wasn't ideal, you know how unnecessarily dangerous behavior is handled in the family. Leaving without telling anyone that you are going, let alone what you are doing and where, is unnecessarily dangerous. If something had happened to you, we wouldn't have even known we needed to come look for you, let alone that you needed help. From now on, if you find something out that you believe needs to be checked out, you come to me or your grandfather or one of your uncles and let them know, so that we can get a team together; or at least be prepared to come after you if you don't come home when expected. Understood?"

Werner nodded before answering verbally, "Yes, sir." Hesitantly, he asked, "Are you going to...? What should I do...?" He knew, in theory, what a spanking was, but had no real idea what it was going to entail. A belt? He wasn't wearing one and didn't think Tony was either...but he glanced at the older man's waist to check. Not, of course, that not having one immediately to hand made a difference.

Tony smiled crookedly, trying to be encouraging even if what was about to happen was a bit nerve-wracking. "What will happen is I will put you over my lap. Once I have you secure enough that you won't fall on the floor, I'll bare you; and then I'll begin swatting you with my hand. I don't plan to use a belt or any other implement...I believe implements should only be used in the most extreme circumstances, when nothing else is getting through- and I don't think we are at that point right now. Do you?"

"No," Werner whispered. "But...you're in charge. You decide..." It was difficult to say whether his words were a statement of fact or a question.

"I am in charge, kiddo...but if you ever disagree with my assessment of anything, you have every right to protest and even refuse..." Tony said quietly. "...It just so happens I agree with you that we are not at a point where extreme measures need to be taken to ensure you learn. And I will only be using my hand." Having said that, he gently pulled Werner over his lap; he quickly lowered Werner's pants and underwear before raising his hand and letting it fall in the first firm smack. As always, he kept the strength to the minimum necessary to get the needed result- and watched carefully to make certain he wasn't harming the younger man. "You're my boy, Werner, soon to be legally, and I will never allow you to do anything that could take you away from me if it isn't necessary and there is something I can do to prevent it. And if you do something unnecessarily that could take you away from me... this is where you'll end up. Every time." He'd continued smacking as he spoke, the punishment used to emphasize his words.

Werner whimpered as he was positioned and bared and then blushed at the whimper. He shifted slightly, the swats stinging but not truly painful. He'd been hurt by HYDRA and knew that this barely registered on the pain scale. And yet...tears were filling his eyes already. Not because of the pain, but because of the feeling of being wanted. Of being treated as family. It overwhelmed him and he let out a quiet sob.

Tony knew he wasn't smacking that hard; he knew it was the emotions that had caused the near immediate crying. He wanted to stop immediately and pull Werner up into his arms and hold him tight, but he also knew he had to see this to the end or he ran the risk of the kid thinking what he did, didn't matter- that he didn't matter- and Tony couldn't allow that to happen. So he continued smacking in no particular pattern, but covering all of the boy's bottom and sit spots; once, twice and then a third time.

Werner's crying became sobbing; again, not because of the effects of the spanking, but because no one had ever stepped in with him. No one had cared. Not until now. The tears nearly blinding him, he reached down to grip onto Tony's ankle. "I'm sorry." It was a heartbroken whimper. "I didn't think...I didn't know I would...." He stopped, not knowing how to continue. He didn't know he would worry Tony. He didn't know his actions would hurt so much. Another heartrending sob escaped.

"I know. You didn't think I'd care. You didn't think it would matter if you were hurt or lost to me. But I'm telling you it does matter. It will always matter. And you will never again go on an unsanctioned mission, by yourself, with no way for anyone to track you or contact you or for you to contact them. You will never again leave without at least letting someone know where you are going and how long you plan to be gone. I will do my best to protect you, but I can only do that if you work with me, son." Tony's voice was firm but loving. He'd lessened the swats so that they emphasized his words, but weren't overly hard.

"I will...." Werner sobbed out. "I will...I'll do what you say." His tone might as well have been saying 'whatever you say'. He was so desperate to belong, to have what Tony was offering, he would do anything.

Tony winced at the tone and had to stop. He couldn't continue when his son sounded so desperate. That wasn't the response he wanted to draw out. He quickly pulled Werner up into his arms and held him tightly. "Hey...it's okay...you're okay...I've got you...and even if you don't do what I say, that won't change. You're mine now and I'm not letting you go, no matter what...even if you never listen to me!" Tony kissed the top of Werner's head. "The only risk you run by not listening to me when I tell you not to take unnecessary chances is getting a sore backside...I'll never leave you." Tony's voice was firm and certain. He meant every word.

Even if he'd wanted to resist, Werner couldn't have when Tony held him so tight. Whimpering, tears running down his cheeks, he wrapped his own arms around the older man and held on tight. He tried hard to stop crying, but his emotions were all over the place and it was hard.

"I love you, kid...and I'm so thankful you are alright..." Tony whispered. He held him for a few more minutes, before righting Werner's clothing enough that he could walk; then, going to his dresser, pulled out a pair of pyjamas and handed it to his son. "Go on and get changed. I think we could both use the rest and I want you with me tonight."

Werner took a deep breath, blinking back the remnants of his tears, and took the pyjamas. He didn't protest going and getting changed and he didn't protest Tony insisting he stay with him. In seconds, he returned, dressed in the pyjamas and fidgeting uncertainly.

Tony had changed in the amount of time it had taken Werner to get ready. He had already turned down the sheets and was sitting on the bed. He motioned Werner to join him. "Let's get some sleep...we have to debrief tomorrow."

Werner stepped over to the bed, carefully sitting down, still not entirely certain he was wanted here...but he hoped.

Tony just crawled under the sheets and held an arm out for his son. He'd understand soon enough.

Werner couldn't stop himself from quickly cuddling into Tony...into his father. He felt a stab of awe at being able to think that and pressed a bit closer as he tried the name out loud. "Dad...." He blushed at the needy tone in his voice.

"I like the sound of that..." Tony's smile could be heard in his voice. "Good night, kid, get some sleep." Tony pulled Werner in more tightly, then closed his eyes to sleep.


"Kraglin? Why did everyone seem scared? I mean...we just went to a bar and nothing happened..." Star Lord asked in confusion.

"Werner disappeared too...only he went to try and get info from a HYDRA base. They was worried for him ...but we was also worried bout y'all. You didn't know if that bar was safe. There coulda been had people there that'd grab all of ya and since yer all shrimps right now..." Kraglin chuckled.

"Is Daddy and Poppa mad at me?" Peter's voice was nervous and worried.

Yondu and Drax had quickly returned to the set of rooms they had after learning the debrief would take place in the morning. They reached them in time to hear Peter's worried question.

"Kid, we was worried." Yondu reached out to hug Peter, then let Drax do the same. "Just like when ya tried to disappear back on the ship. Only now, you know how important you is."

"I din mean ta worry you..." Peter mumbled, shuffling his feet and looking at the ground. He wasn't feeling too hot; between having drunk just enough to make his head swim, he was thirsty and now he felt guilty for having worried everyone. "Jus wanted ta have fun.... S'na like I didn't go to bars before...I went ta bars before when I was in space with ya...." He looked up defensively at Yondu.

Kraglin shook his head and went to get his little brother a bottle of water, figuring their fathers would handle the explanation, but Kraglin knew full well that even if Peter had gone into bars with the Ravagers by the time he turned fifteen, Yondu hadn't allowed him to drink any alcohol until the kid was closer to nineteen and had done most of his growing- since the older man hadn't been sure what alien spirits would do to the boy’s body or ability to grow.

"With me, kid," Yondu replied, taking note of Kraglin going to get the water. "Ya know full well you wasn't allowed to go off on your own. Not taking the time to tell anyone where you was going or when you'da be back."

"There are enemies here, even without those we had outside of this galaxy," Drax added. "You could have been taken. Hurt. Been in a fight you lost because your body would not do what you wanted it to."

"I..." Peter blinked at both explanations and realized he didn't have any good arguments against either of them. "You always said I couldn't go off alone cuz you didn't want me falling asleep and not getting back to the ship in time and you having to waste time looking for my lazy ass...!" he accused, just starting to realize the real reason was because Yondu was worried about him being hurt.

"And...I didn't think there'd be any enemies in a club like that..." His protest was weak and he couldn't help but wince as he looked from Yondu to Drax and back again. He didn't want to acknowledge his body not cooperating. He'd been tripping over his own feet enough since de-aging, he knew it was a valid concern.

Yondu reached out, drawing Peter firmly back into his arms and touching the boy's cheek. "If I'd let it be known jus' how much I cared for you, it woulda been easy for any enemies to know who to target," he said gruffly. "I tried ta make it clear every time I could, but the others woulda seen it a weakness. Not now. Now, it don't matter who knows."

"You have a high tolerance for alcohol," Drax said. "As an adult. As a teenager, your reactions could be slowed right down. Just because something seems safe doesn't mean it is."

"Aaaaw..." Peter whined, but didn't argue or say anything further, instead letting himself lean against Yondu and giving Drax an apologetic look. He knew they were both right and his excuses were just that. Excuses. He had no real defence for his actions and he knew he deserved to be punished for them. "Don't wanna be in trouble..." He pouted, though they all knew he meant he didn't want a spanking.

Kraglin stepped into the room long enough to leave the bottle of water and a bottle of pain-reliever on the nearest table. "Do you all need me for anything else? If not, I figure I'll jes go to bed now...."

"Do you need anything?" Since Yondu was cuddling Peter, Drax reached out and wrapped his arm around Kraglin's shoulders. He knew Mantis was asleep, which meant he could devote his attention to Kraglin and allow Yondu to deal with their other son, since Drax and Kraglin were still feeling their way round each other.

Yondu wasn't unobservant by any means and he figured it would be good for Drax to take care of Kraglin while he handled Peter. Stroking his boy's face, he reached out to pick up the bottle of water. "Ya need ta drink something."

"Naw, Dad...I'm good..." Kraglin smiled. "Just figured I'd prolly wanna be elsewhere in a few minutes..." He paused, noting that Yondu seemed to have Peter under control. "...Maybe you and I could go get a snack and talk a bit more, though...."

Peter looked at the door to Yondu's room longingly. "Can I jus go to bed?" he asked semi-hopefully, giving Yondu his pleading 'puppy-eyes' look.

Drax nodded, reaching out to ruffle Peter's hair with his free hand before he guided his other son from the room.

"No, kid. Yer getting a spanking and you didn't drink enough that it needs ta wear off before we deal with this." Yondu opened the water bottle and held it to Peter's lips, clearly going to insist on his boy drinking.

Peter gave Yondu a muleish look before his shoulders slumped and his eyes changed from belligerent to resigned. "I can hold the bottle m'self..." he muttered, before beginning to drink from the bottle his father held. He was in enough trouble without arguing about rehydrating.

Yondu kept one hand on Peter's shoulder while he encouraged his son to drink from the bottle in his other hand. His hand shifted from Peter's shoulder to gently stroke his hair.

Peter obediently continued to drink, relaxing despite himself as his father 'pet' his head. He didn't gulp the water, having learned that doing so would upset his stomach. Besides which, Yondu was controlling the bottle and anytime it looked like he might be drinking too fast, his father moved it just enough to slow the release of water. It made him feel like a baby really, like he wasn't even able to 'feed' himself (or at least give himself a drink), but rather than cause him to become stroppy and argumentative, it had the opposite effect. He was relaxing and becoming more open to listening to his father. That had been happening a lot lately; and it was confusing, but he was too drunk to figure things out and not drunk enough to ask Yondu for his opinion on the matter.

"Good boy," Yondu said, as Peter finished the contents of the bottle. "You need some more?" he asked, his tone of voice indicating he expected an honest answer.

Peter blushed at the praise, looking at his feet. "No, sir..." he said quietly, shifting nervously.

"Okay. How's your head? Ya need ta take any painkillers yet?" Yondu touched his cheek to encourage him to look into his eyes.

Peter looked up again, letting Yondu see his eyes and not looking away despite wanting to. The alcohol was wearing off fairly, quickly and no longer affecting his emotions. Guilt was settling heavily onto him as he thought about everything he'd done that night, but as much as he didn't want to face his father- giving Yondu opportunity to read the shame and guilt on his face and in his eyes- he couldn't disobey the non-verbal command. "It don't hurt yet, sir...prolly soon, but not yet...." he whispered.

"I want ya to tell me when it does. No trying to tough it out. That ain't gonna fly with me anymore, kid." Putting the empty bottle down, Yondu led Peter over to the bed, gently tugging his son to sit down next to him. "What were ya thinking, kid?" he asked outright.

"Yessir...no toughin it out..." Peter sighed as he was pulled to the bed. Once sat down, he had an excuse not to be looking at Yondu fully and used it to stare at his feet again. "I...I dunno what I was thinking..." he admitted almost sullenly, embarrassment clear in his tone. "Jess mentioned they were doing it and asked if I wanted to come and be part of the gang and...I wanted to be part of the gang..." he whispered. "I...I know everyone here's accepted me...but until tonight, I didn't really feel like I belonged here. Belong with you and Poppa and Krag, sure...but not really here." He sighed softly, his shoulders slumping.

Yondu wrapped his arm around Peter, drawing him close enough it would only take a tiny shift to settle his son on his lap. "Belong wit' them, or belong here? On Terra?" he asked, stroking his boy's hair and the side of his face. On the Ravager ship, Yondu had only been able to be physically affectionate when they'd been alone, for fear of the crew seeing it as a weakness on either or both of their parts. Now that Peter was fully aware of his place in Yondu's life, he didn't have to hold back anymore.

"Terra ain't my home no more..." Peter pressed his head against Yondu's chest, relaxing further at the affection. He was under no delusions that he wasn't in trouble with his father, but he also knew Yondu wouldn't punish him until everything was out in the open and he understood why Peter had acted the way he had; and hopefully could help Peter understand. "Belong with the resta the family..." Peter admitted softly. "For all that they fight and retrieve things and do all kinds of stuff that I can do, I'm the only one that's really...well...like me. Cept that Wade guy. He seems a bit like me, if I didn't have any filters at all..." Peter snorted "...But he don't live here full-time...."

"Ya always been the only one like you," Yondu said, continuing to gently stroke Peter's hair and neck. "Ya do belong. Ya don't have ta prove it. To them or yourself."

Peter shifted just enough to look up at his father hopefully. "I don't?"

Yondu let his thumb gently stroke Peter's cheek, his fingers settling at the back of his son's neck. "You belong here. You belong with them as much as you belong with me." He'd almost said 'to me', but that wasn't entirely accurate and he wasn't sure that Peter would see it the way it was meant; that they belonged to each other.

Peter nodded and snuggled a little closer. "This is like that time on Knowhere when I turned fourteen and wanted to prove I could go on bigger missions with the rest of the Ravagers..." he said hesitantly. As he thought about that time, he remembered it hadn't turned out so well for him; he'd got the object in question with no problems at all, but had got trapped on his escape, not taking into account his short size and the fact he would need help getting over the wall blocking him. He'd thought he'd been caught for sure when Yondu had come out of nowhere, reached down and pulled him up and over the wall by the back of his jacket and trousers. His father had not been happy at all and let him know it in no uncertain terms. "You always came for me, even when I screwed up. Shoulda known then that I was more than just cargo turned crew..." He sighed and wrapped his arms around his father, hugging tightly. "...Shoulda known I belonged to ya...." Peter's whisper was innocent; he didn't even notice he'd changed Yondu's words. He just said what he felt.

Yondu tightened his arms around Peter, deciding not to hold back and moving his son onto his lap. "I'd always come for ya, kid. Will always come for ya. I love you. You was never just cargo ta me. Never just crew. Always my son."

Peter sniffled as he just cuddled as close as he could. When an adult, he tended to try and remain aloof; only allowing so much affection when he was alone with his parents and usually not until after he'd been punished. His younger, emotional state caused him to not hold back at all. He was like a barnacle, clinging to Yondu greedily. "...Love you, daddy...."

Yondu kissed the top of his head. "I love you," he reiterated. "I ain't never gonna give you cause to doubt that. To doubt me."

Peter cuddled some more, then sighed dramatically. "I don't wanna stop cuddling...but I don't want the spanking hanging over my head either..." He pouted. He could have begged to not be spanked, but that had never worked in the past and he knew it wouldn't work now.

"Well, kid, once the spanking's out of the way, you can sit back on my lap and cuddle again." With that, Yondu gently turned him over his lap.

"Oh...but..." Peter began to protest, but Yondu was quick, even with being gentle, and he was facing the ground with his bottom in prime position before he'd even begun the complaint. Groaning softly, he just reached down and wrapped his hands around his father's ankle. "..On...on a scale of one to ten, how bad am I in trouble?" He whimpered out the question. He figured anywhere from one to five, while the spanking would hurt, it wouldn't do much more than sting and even if he cried, he'd still be able to talk and not completely lose it. Anywhere from six to nine and he'd be having a hard time talking and the tears would last a bit beyond the punishment. If it was a ten? He may as well kiss his pride good-bye, because he wouldn't be getting out of this without losing the ability to speak, sobbing like a baby, needing to be held for at least an hour after and not being able to sit comfortably for at least thirty minutes to an hour after Yondu finished. Not that sitting would be an issue. If he'd messed up that badly, chances were he'd wear himself out crying and fall asleep in his father's arms with his britches still down around his ankles and Yondu would have to re-clothe him and put him to bed like a toddler.

Since nothing overtly bad had happened, he thought maybe it would be one to five level of trouble. The problem was, this wasn't the first time Peter had snuck off to do something that could possibly get him into danger. It wasn't even the second time. Because of the fact he constantly repeated the same action? He was afraid maybe it was a ten.

Yondu ran a hand gently over Peter's back and then proceeded to bare him. "Kid, this was a constant issue we had ta deal wit on the ship. Ya didn't know your importance then. Ya do now. Ya know you ain't told not to do something cause of yer safety. Ya know leaving...without a word...is wrong. An enemy coulda come after ya. Yer reactions mighta been slowed and you coulda been hurt. Or one of the others coulda been."

Peter slumped and whimpered at the words. "A ten, then..." he said sadly, but didn't protest. He knew every word his father said was true. He'd known better. He'd still done it. "...Was wrong..." he admitted with a sniffle. "...Knew better..." He swallowed and tentatively reached a hand back; not to cover his bottom, but so that Yondu could hold it while punishing him. He thought it might help him not fight if he could feel his father's tight grip. "I'm sorry..." He whimpered again.

"I know, kid." Yondu took Peter's hand in his, holding it tight. "What ya did doesn't change anything with us. Doesn't change how I feel about ya." Rubbing Peter's back gently, he then lifted his hand and brought it down in the first firm swat.

Peter didn't even try to stop the tiny yelp from escaping, tightening his grip on Yondu's hand and ankle and forcing himself to hold still.

Even though he held back on using his full strength, the swats were still among the hardest Yondu had ever given his son. They had talked about this before. Peter's behaviour wasn't acceptable. He continued down to his son's thighs and then began again from the top.

Peter tried to remain stoic...he didn't want to be so weak...but it proved impossible. All of Yondu's declarations of love, acceptance and promises never to leave had already weakened his resolve. The knowledge that he'd screwed up yet again, for no good reason, made him feel his guilt keenly, before the spanking even started. Soon, he was squirming uncontrollably; the only thing holding him on his father's lap was Yondu's strong grip. "Ooooow....ow...daddy! Please...I'll be good! I will! No more!" he whined pathetically, a tiny sob escaping.

"I believe you, kid." But Yondu couldn't stop the spanking before the necessary point, even though he hated causing his son any form of pain; even when that pain was supposed to teach a lesson. "But ya could have got yerself taken away from me. Ya could have been hurt. Or worse. We didn't know where yer were."

Yondu's words made the guilt stronger. Peter's whines and mostly soft crying turned into full-fledged sobbing as he began to plead for the punishment to end. It wasn't even that it was so painful he couldn't stand it. It was that he felt so guilty, all he wanted was to be held and told he was forgiven. "Da...da...daddy..." His wail was choked. "...I pr...promise...be good! Wo..won't sn..sneak off ever 'gain! Wo...won't be ba...bad. Won't be nau...naughty...." He continued to writhe, kicking his pants and underwear off in his attempts to escape deserved punishment. He was nearing the end of his stubbornness, though.

Yondu forced himself to continue a new circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster. "I know you mean that, kid. Even if yer are, won't make a difference ta how I feel about ya. Ya might find yerself over my knee more times than ya'd like, but I ain't gonna let ya go. I ain't gonna change how I feel."

The faster, harder swats, accompanied by Yondu's words of belief and promise to hold onto him and never let go, was the last straw. Stiffening up, his legs giving one last feeble kick, Peter slumped boneless over his father's lap and just sobbed. He wouldn't beg anymore. He wouldn't struggle or fight anymore. He'd lie over his daddy's lap and just accept whatever Yondu chose to do and hope that, when punishment was over, his daddy would hold him close and tight and not mind him crying like a baby.

Yondu couldn't force himself to carry on, not able to listen to his son's tears. He brought the spanking to a stop and quickly gathered Peter into his arms on his lap, hugging him close and tight.

Peter buried his head under his father's chin, against his chest, and wrapped his arms around his waist with a death grip. Between sobs, tiny, "I'm sorry"s could be heard.

Yondu hugged Peter tightly to himsef, stroking his hair. "Yer forgiven, kid. I love ya," he said, voice quiet but filled with sincerity.

"Love you, daddy..." Peter continued to cry, though it wasn't as hard and wasn't as heartbroken, his father's forgiveness easing the fear he had. He continued to snuggle close, crying quietly until his tears wore him down; and just like he'd suspected would happen, he fell asleep in his father's arms.

Yondu held his son close and tight until he was certain Peter wouldn't wake. Then, he carefully replaced Peter's clothing and moved his son onto the bed, gently tucking him in.


Bucky had waited long enough to make sure everyone else had returned home safely before gently taking his son and daughter by the arm and leading them to his room.

"Hey, Dad, can you get drunk?" Lance asked, as if the thought had only just occurred to him. "Or does your me-met...you know...just burn through the alcohol?"

Patsy hadn't turned to drink like Jessica and her tolerance for alcohol was very low. Unlike Lance, who seemed able to stay on his feet under his own power, she was stumbling along.

Bucky sighed before gently picking Patsy up into his arms and carrying her, standing close enough for Lance to keep hold of him if needed. "My metabolism makes it difficult to get more than relaxed," he admitted. They reached his room and he motioned Lance to open the door and enter. He followed behind, carefully carrying his daughter in.

"Okay." Lance opened the door and stepped inside, moving out of the way.

Patsy had just wrapped her arms around her father's neck and nuzzled in close.

Carrying Patsy to the bed, he sat and put her on his lap before looking at Lance. "Close the door, son and come here...."

Lance closed the door and stepped over to the bed, not entirely sure if he was expected to sit or stand.

Patsy nestled in to her father, feeling safe when he had hold of her.

Bucky gave his son a tired smile. "Sit down, son." He motioned with his head to the spot beside him.

Lance quickly sat next to his father.

"Are you mad?" Patsy asked quietly, still huddled into her father.

"I'm...not pleased. But no. I'm not mad..." Bucky said gently, though his voice was gruff. "I am disappointed that you chose to sneak out when our enemies are being so active lately and are more than ready to grab you if given the chance. Especially when you aren't your normal selves and are having more difficulty with things you could normally do...it makes it easier for them to grab you and subdue you. You know that wasn't right. Even when you aren't physically de-aged, it isn't right. You don't sneak out. You both know this." He shifted her enough that he could still hold and cuddle her but could also reach over and put an arm around his son.

Patsy whimpered, pressing in close to her father. "I'm sorry...." she said remorsefully. "I knew it was a bad idea, but...let Jess talk me into it," she admitted, dropping her voice even lower.

Lance didn't waste any time leaning into Bucky. "I'm sorry too, Dad," he mumbled. "It's just...not being able to do anything is so frustrating. I'm tired of feeling like a coddled baby cause my body won't obey me."

"I know it's hard..." Bucky sympathized with his son. "But putting yourself into a dangerous situation isn't the answer to your frustration and you know that.... And letting Jess talk you into something you know is wrong? Instead of talking her out of it? I realize it's difficult given the way your body and emotions are reacting just like a teenager, but you know that's not an excuse that will get you off the hook." He gave his daughter a stern look.

"I know...." Patsy whispered, cuddling even closer. "I'm sorry. I said no the first time...should have said it again."

Bucky kissed the top of her head. "I'm just glad nothing worse happened..." he said softly, his relief clear in his voice. "C'mon, sweetie. Why don't you sit back on the bed while I get you and your brother some water? You'll want to drink enough now to fight the hangover you'll get later." He carefully stood and then put her on the bed next to Lance before heading to the tiny fridge he kept in his room that held bottles of water for when he didn't want to leave his room in the middle of the night for a drink.

Patsy nodded and reluctantly uncurled from her father's lap. "Room's spinning...." she muttered unhappily.

Lance winced in sympathy and wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders. "I know. It isn't fun. Can't remember why I thought it was a good idea to do in the first place." Drink a beer occasionally? Sure. But after getting drunk enough to get married to Bobbi again, Lance tended to watch what he drank.

"I'm sure it is..." Bucky had returned with the water and, opening it up, helped his daughter drink. Lance seemed a bit more able to drink on his own, but he still watched carefully.

Lance opened his bottle and began to drink, taking small sips rather than gulping it down.

Patsy had her eyes half-closed while her father helped her drink, looking like she might drift off into sleep any moment.

As soon as the bottle was empty, Bucky set it to the side and helped his daughter lay down. "We'll talk more tomorrow," he said gently, waiting for Lance to finish drinking so he could help him settle down.

Lance finished his water and set the empty bottle down, while Patsy obediently snuggled down in the bed.

Once he'd disposed of the bottles, Bucky came back and helped them into the bed, placing one on each side of him. Once they weren't so drunk as to be a hazard to themselves, he'd help them clean up and get changed. Until then, he'd bring them water and pain reliever. "Try to get some sleep..." he said quietly, as he snuggled them both.

Patsy yawned and nestled in on one side of her father, while Lance did on the other. It wasn't long before the two of them slipped into sleep, tired out by the day's events.


As soon as they parked in the garage, Blake didn't waste any time in helping Pyro out of the backseat, saying a quiet good night to his family members before wrapping his arm around the teenager's shoulders and heading to his room.

"Please don't make me leave..." Pyro whispered hopelessly. "I know I shouldn't have helped them sneak in the bar...I know it. Just… They were all being friendly and needed me around and...and Deacon is my best friend. Please don't forbid him to hang out with me...."

Blake winced at Pyro's words and tone, tightening his arm around him. "I'm not going to make you leave," he whispered. "Or tell Deacon not to spend time with you." He guided Pyro into his room and retrieved a bottlle of water from his minifridge. "I'm sorry, kid. I should have stepped in with you earlier...."

Pyro swallowed hard. "What could you have done? I'm a bad element...I know. Deacon'd be better off without me...."

"That isn't true." Blake guided Pyro to the bed, gently pulling him to sit down next to him. "You aren't bad. Even from the start, I knew you needed someone to give you boundaries." He sighed, arm still around Pyro's shoulders. "Deacon was already at risk because of Fisk. I couldn't give him any more people to hurt, otherwise I would have acted long before now." He opened the bottle and carefully gave it to the teenager.

Pyro listlessly but obediently took the water and drained the bottle. He knew he needed to hydrate. He gave Blake a bleak look. "How?" he asked faintly. "I wouldn't a listened. I don't learn...too stupid..." he huffed out sadly. "Wouldn't a done what I did tonight if I was smart...."

"Not stupid," Blake disagreed. "In serious need of boundaries. Someone to rein you in and care about you. That's what I'm going to do. I've handled Deacon in the same way the family handles things. I'm going to spank you. But more than that, I'm going to be in your corner from now on. I know going straight hasn't been easy on you. I don't expect one spanking is going to be the only one I give you. But I want to be the same thing for you I am for Deacon. A big brother. Someone to look out for you and take care of you."

Pyro looked up at Blake uncertainly. Part of him felt he should protest what Blake planned, but all he could focus on was the promise of not being alone. "You want me in your family?" He sounded hesitantly hopeful. "You want to be my big brother?" He blinked as tears started running down his face, but didn't attempt to stop or hide them.

"I do," Blake replied, without any hesitation at all. "I want you." He wrapped his other arm around Pyro in a hug. "I'm not going to let you be alone anymore."

Pyro wrapped his own arms around Blake and held on tightly. "I'm sorry I did illegal stuff again..." he said softly. "I'll try not to do it anymore..." he promised and hid his face against Blake's chest.

Blake tightened his embrace. "Even if you make a mistake, it won't change anything," he promised, gently stroking Pyro's hair. "I won't give up on you. I won't turn my back on you. You've got me, kid. For good," he promised.

"Okay.." Pyro whispered, snuggling close. "Other...other than not doing illegal stuff, and not doing dangerous stuff, and not going off without word...are there any rules I need to follow?" he asked.

"That probably about covers it," Blake replied, still gently stroking his hair and back. "Except to perhaps stay away from people and places you know might influence you to do something you shouldn't."

"That's what the truant officer said, 'fore I got too old for him to have any control over me..." Pyro admitted.

Blake kissed the top of his head. "I'm not going to let go of you, kid. No matter what happens. Or how old you get," he added, with a trace of amusement. "Besides," he continued, hugging his little brother tighter, "I think your age wouldn't have had anything to do with it if he'd been able to get through to you in the right way."

"Li...like you plan to?" Pyro's voice caught.

"Yeah. It's not as bad as you're probably thinking it is," Blake said softly. "It hurts, but the pain generally doesn't last that long. I think maybe the emotions are what makes it more effective."

"Yeah..." Pyro whispered. "I'm so sorry for what I did..."

Blake tightened his embrace. "Getting spanked...getting punished...for what you've done helps with the guilt. You get forgiven. Start over. Clean slate. I'm not going to keep bringing it up or assume you'll do the same thing again."

"I need that..." Pyro admitted. Snuggling a bit more, he asked, "...When...?"

"Do you feel up to taking care of it now?" Blake asked gently.

Pyro nodded against Blake's chest. The other man currently wasn't any older or bigger than he was, but he remembered what he normally was like and he responded to the care and concern and sternness in his voice. "Yessir..." he said.

Blake held Pyro close for a few more moments and then gently moved the teenager across his lap. Just like he did with Deacon, he gently secured his new brother with an arm wrapped around his waist, rubbing his back gently before he bared him. "Once this spanking is over with, you get a clean slate. Completely forgiven. That doesn't mean you shouldn't feel like you can talk about anything to do with your past with me, but it means you don't need to feel guilty about anything. That you know I don't blame you." Lifting his hand, he brought it down in the first firm swat.

Pyro didn't try and pretend he wasn't affected. He'd passed the time where he could convincingly pretend and he didn't want to. He was already crying by the time Blake pulled him over his lap. Being bared was a new situation he hadn't ever faced and he couldn't stop the whimper that escaped. The first swat, however? He gasped, his whole body tensing before he went boneless in relief. Despite all Blake's assurances, he'd half expected to be beaten. While he knew it would hurt-did hurt- he knew he could handle it. Reaching down, he grasped Blake's ankle, forcing himself to relax and accept the punishment while he continued to quietly cry.

Blake continued the swats down to Pyro's thighs and then began again from the top. "I know you're a good kid," he said gently. "You made some wrong choices. They don't make you a bad person. They don't define you. And I still want you."

Pyro held more tightly to Blake's ankle, managing not to squirm, but the words got through to him and he couldn't keep from crying harder. The position made him feel so vulnerable and Blake's words made him feel wanted and safe. The combination broke the few remaining walls he had built up. "I want to be good...I want to make you proud...I'm so sorry...." He sobbed.

"You are good, kid," Blake replied. "You only lost your way for a while. No one was there to draw you back to them. That's no longer the case." He slowed the swats and lessened the force, enough for them to be more of an emphasis of what he was saying.

"You'll draw me back? And won't let me be lost anymore?" Pyro's voice was so hopeful, it was painful. He realized that Blake was offering what he'd wanted and needed for so long. "I'll be so good for you! I'll do whatever you say!" he promised eagerly, the tears he still cried giving the words a frantic sound.

"Kid...." Blake gently stroked his back. "Your place in my life isn't dependant on how well you behave. There might be mistakes made, but they won't change anything. Not how I feel about you. Not how much I want you."

"You'll keep me even if I mess up?" Pyro's voice caught and he began to sob. He still lay limp over Blake's lap- he'd submitted before the spanking had even begun- but he couldn't control his tears any longer. They weren't just hard...they left him unable to breathe.

Blake immediately brought the spanking to a stop and quickly gathered his little brother into his arms on his lap, gently stroking his hair and back. "Breathe, little brother. I've got you. I won't let you go," he whispered.

Pyro gripped onto Blake tightly, pressing as close as he could. And he attempted to obey his brother and breathe.

Blake tightened his embrace. "I've got you," he repeated. "I'm not going to let you go. Not ever. I love you."

Pyro didn't know how long he sat on Blake's lap, just crying and snuggling and making himself breathe, but finally, he calmed enough for the sting in his bottom to catch his attention. Shifting reminded him that he was bare as the day he was born from the waist down. Blushing slightly, he snuggled a little more before asking, "Am I allowed to pull my pants up?" a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

"Go ahead," Blake said, loosening his hold just enough to allow Pyro to replace his clothing while still keeping in contact with him.

Pyro quickly yanked his clothing back into position with a hiss, before crawling back onto Blake's lap without thought.

Blake immediately wrapped his arms around Pyro once more, hugging him close and tight. "I love you, kid," he reiterated.

"Love you too..." Pyro whispered, relaxing in his brother's arms.


Clint had kept close watch on his children. They had never got this intoxicated since he'd adopted them. He didn't envy them the hangover he knew they'd have. To that end, he'd got them both bottles of water as he took them to his room. And he watched to see how long it would take for the drink to work its way out of their system.

It didn't take either of the twins long to sober up. While they'd both been intoxicated, their abilities meant that the drink worked its way out of their systems very quickly. Of course, on the other end of that, they were both beginning to feel the effects of the 'morning after'.

Wanda drank her water and groaned, leaning against her father. "My head hurts, Papa."

"I'm sure it does, Princess...here. Take these..." Clint handed her and then Pietro some aspirin. "Drink the full bottle," he added, nodding at the water.

Both did so, taking the aspirin as well, and Pietro added his own groan to his sister's. "I can't believe we drank so much...."

Wanda cringed. "I can't believe I let you throw those darts...."

"I can believe it. And I'm not very happy about it..." Clint gave them both an extremely stern look.

"I'm sorry, Papa. I was just...." Wanda's voice trailed off helplessly. She knew none of her reasons were good ones.

"Bored. Feeling useless. Everyone else was doing it," Pietro supplied - not because he thought the reasons were good, but because he knew their father needed an explanation.

Clint sighed. He understood. Boy did he understand. Still... "You know none of that excuses sneaking out without word, putting yourself in danger of being found by HYDRA. It certainly doesn't excuse taking chances with your lives with weaponry!" He managed to keep his voice calm...barely.

"I know, Papa." Pietro's use of the same name his sister used showed the state of his own mind.

"We didn't think about the danger when we jumped on the idea," Wanda admitted quietly. "Not until now...."

"That's what worries me. You didn't think of the danger. Although it wouldn't help me feel any better if you had thought about it and still did it..." He sighed. "You know the consequences of your actions..." he added softly.

"Yes, Papa," Wanda replied.

"I think we've both learned not to get drunk, at least," Pietro muttered, shifting slightly.

Clint's look at Pietro's joke wasn't impressed, but he still gave a small smile. "I don't think there is a reason to drag this out any further, then." He took Pietro's arm gently and carefully led him to the corner of the room. "Stay here and think about what you did and what you should have done."

Pietro looked uncertainly at his father. "Facing the wall?" he asked.

"Yes. I will come retrieve you when it is your turn." Clint left unsaid what it would be his turn for. It was obvious. Waiting long enough for his son to face the corner, Clint returned to Wanda's side, sitting on the bed beside her. "You do not leave without telling anyone where you are going. They need to know where and when to begin looking for you if you don't return. And you don't go to places or do things that put you into danger. We have enough of that on missions." His voice was soft and concerned, even through the stern cadence.

"I know, Papa," Wanda replied quietly, making herself look into his eyes rather than looking down. "And I'm sorry. I know just saying sorry isn't enough, but...I am."

"I know, princess. I appreciate that," Clint responded. "I love you too much to just let it go, though." With that, he carefully tugged her over his lap. As soon as he was assured that she was secure and wouldn't fall, he bared her, then raised his hand and let it fall with a firm smack.

Wanda whimpered softly, more from the fact she didn't like disappointing her father than because of the pain from the smack. She tried to stay still, not wanting him to think she was trying to squirm away from the punishment.

Clint heard the whimper, but forced himself to ignore it. Behavior such as had been displayed by all the 'kids' involved couldn't be brushed aside and they all knew it. Letting his own kids go with little more than a 'slap on the wrist' would help no one, especially Wanda and Pietro. He continued the firm smacks from the top of her bottom to the crease where her thighs began. There was no particular pattern, so it was impossible to tell when one circuit had ended and another begun. It was just one smack after relentless smack, while he watched her reactions and paid attention to the color of her backside (not wanting to harm her in his attempt to teach her).

Despite her intentions to stay still and not 'fight' the punishment, Wanda couldn't help but shift slightly in response to the swats. Tears were already running down her cheeks and with a quiet sob, she threw her hand back; not so much to protect herself, but because she needed her father to hold onto her.

It was only a few seconds' reprieve as Clint took her hand and moved it to her lower back, gently holding it in place while he continued the relentless smacks. When her entire bottom was a rosy pink color, he finally spoke. "You left without word of where you were going- or letting anyone know you were going. HYDRA could have taken you and none of us would have known we needed to worry. You got drunk in a public place; not recommended even under normal circumstances, but given the fact you were deaged, even more dangerous. You allowed your brother to throw dangerous weapons at your head. If you had lost even a small bit of your control, you could have been hit and killed." At the last bit, he increased the force of the smacks, indicating how upset he was at the close call.

Wanda had managed to hold back apart from that one sob, until he started to speak. She began to cry more heavily, her body going limp over her father's lap. "I'm sorry, Papa...." Her voice was heartbroken. She was always affected when her father had to take her in hand. She never liked disappointing or upsetting him.

As soon as Wanda went limp, no longer holding back, Clint ended the spanking. Gently, he replaced her clothing, then lifted her up into his arms, holding her tightly. "I love you, Princess. I can't lose you. I just can't."

Wanda wrapped her arms just as tightly around her father, pressing as close to him as she possibly could. "I'm sorry, Papa," she said again. "I won't do it again. I promise."

"I know. You're a good girl. I love you so much..." Clint whispered in her ear, before kissing the top of her head.

Wanda nestled in closer to her father. "I love you too," she whispered, before glancing at her brother. She couldn't see his face, but she could tell by his stance that he was affected. And she knew her father was observant enough to see the same. Reluctantly, after one final hug, she began to pull away so he could deal with Pietro.

Giving Wanda one last hug, he gently led her to the corner, where he tugged Pietro out before carefully placing her to face the wall. "Stay here until I come to get you," he directed, before leading Pietro to the bed.

Wanda turned obediently to face the wall, while Pietro let their father lead him to the bed, shifting a bit closer to Clint as if seeking reassurance.

Clint put an arm around Pietro's shoulder as he led him to the bed. Sitting down, he pulled his son down to sit next to him. "Is there anything you'd like to say before we address your behavior?" he asked quietly.

Pietro sat down next to his father. "I don't have any excuses, Papa," he replied quietly. "Just...I am sorry."

"I know," Clint said. It didn't need to drag out any longer, so he gently tugged Pietro over his lap, then bared him. Lifting his hand, he let it fall in the first firm swat, then continued swatting in a random pattern.

Pietro winced, but tried to hold himself still over his father's lap, reaching down to grab onto Clint's ankle as he tried not to whimper.

Clint mentally sighed as his son tried to not show any responses. He knew it was typical of everyone when punished to try not to cry and carry on; whether it be from pride, or from a sense of not wanting to upset their parent worse. But now that he was on the giving side of the situation, he realized that things would be a lot easier for everyone involved if the kid would just react immediately when they felt the need to.

Like with his daughter, Clint didn't begin to speak until his son's backside was a uniform light pink. "You do not leave home without letting someone know where you are going. You do not go to a location where HYDRA is more likely to have people watching and waiting to grab you...especially if you've gone without letting anyone know where you are going. You most certainly do not go to such a place and then deliberately do things that impair your judgement and ability to protect yourself, such as drinking to the degree you did." Clint's words were emphasized by the continued smacks. Increasing the force and speed slightly, he continued, "You may be an adult chronologically, but physically, you are underage. Alcohol affects you differently and can be even more dangerous when drunk to excess. Not to mention being illegal! And then you threw knives at your sister! If she'd missed one and it got through and hit her? She could have died and I don't doubt you would have blamed yourself...you would never have done such a stunt if you hadn't snuck out to drink." Clint let his initial fear and worry show through again when he said, "I won't lose either of you to something that not only shouldn't have happened, but could be avoided if you followed our family rules. If I have to do this hundreds of times till it sinks in and you take your safety as a priority, I will! Any time you put yourself at risk like you did tonight? You'll find yourself in this position."

Pietro had been trying to stay still and remain unaffected, but it was harder the longer the spanking went on. Add his father's scolding to the mix and it didn't take much for him to begin crying outright, his body shifting as he subconsciously tried to move out of range of the smacks.

Relieved to see the response, Clint tightened his hold on Pietro. Tipping him forward slightly, he began to target all the swats to the boy's sit spots. "I love you, son. You and your sister. I won't lose you." His words were a solemn promise.

"I'm sorry, Papa. I love you too." Pietro's response was a hoarse whisper, the tears overwhelming him after the last words. He slumped over his father's lap, beginning to sob.

As soon as Pietro went limp, Clint ended the spanking, fixing his son's clothes, then pulling him up into his arms and snuggling him close, kissing the top of his head. "Be more careful for me..." he whispered. "...I can't lose you."

Pietro immediately wrapped his arms around his father and hugged him tight in return, leaning his head against Clint's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Papa," he whispered again.

"I know...you're forgiven..." Clint reassured him, continuing to hold him close. He held him for as long as he'd held Wanda before gently pulling away and calling to his daughter. "Come here, Princess..." He gently repositioned Pietro so Wanda could join them. "Both of you will be staying with me tonight, so as soon as you are both ready for bed, I want you each to drink a bit more water and then I think it's time for sleep."

Wanda didn't waste any time in moving back to their father and snuggling against his side. Leaning up to kiss his cheek, she whispered, "I'm ready now."

"Me too, Pop." Pietro had settled back into 'normal', for him, though he pressed close a little longer before shifting so their father could get up.

Clint carefully pulled the covers back and motioned to the bed. "I'm going to get changed. Both of you crawl in and I'll be back soon."

Wanda and Pietro didn't waste much time in getting into bed after getting changed, though they left enough space for their father to get in comfortably.

Clint didn't take long either and soon, he was sandwiched between his children, holding them close as they all fell into sleep.


Pepper glanced at Jessica nervously. When she'd agreed to their little 'trip', she hadn't thought past the how's of getting out and away. She hadn't thought of the why's and the repercussions that were certain to follow, because they all had known on some level they'd never get away with it and would be found out.

Jessica couldn't say or do anything...too busy trying to come up with something that would get her and Pepper's ass out of the line of fire.

Steve had an arm wrapped around each of his daughters' shoulders, keeping them close as he guided them to his room, stopping along the way to pick up a bottle of water each for them.

Pepper knew what was coming. She couldn't help but know after the rather loud family conversation of a few nights before. Her adult mind was telling her she deserved it. Her teenage emotions were telling her that it was completely unfair and she needed to get away. To her adult mind's horror, it was the emotions she listened to. Yanking free of her father's arm, she ran for the stairs.

Jessica, seeing her sister bolt, didn't want to be the only one in trouble and yanked free as well, running for the stairs opposite the ones Pepper was heading for, leaving Steve with the dilemma of which daughter to go after.

It was only a moment's hesitation before Steve, remembering Pepper's doubts about her worth and place in the family, went after Pepper. Even with that moment of decision, he was faster than his daughter.

Pepper wasn't terribly steady on her feet and knew it. Even so, it came as a shock when she felt Steve's arms wrapping around her from behind and pulling her back close against his chest. "Nooo...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'll never do it again...I'll be good!" she whined softly. No one but her father would hear her...she hoped.

Jessica was surprised at her good fortune, though she felt a momentary pang of guilt for continuing to run when Pepper had got caught; but not guilty enough to stop and return.

Steve tightened his arms around his daughter and kissed the top of her head. "Come on. You're going to need to drink some water, at least." He knew she'd have a hangover anyway, but hoped he could save her from the worst of it.

Pepper huffed but didn't try to escape again. In fact, she was unsteady enough on her feet that she ended up listing into Steve. "Carry me, daddy?" she whispered in a sheepish tone, even as she snuggled close.

Giving an affectionate smile, Steve swept his daughter into his arms and carried her to his room.

Pepper wrapped her arms loosely around Steve's shoulders and hid her face in the hollow of his neck. "I really, really, am sorry...." she whispered sadly, before swallowing hard on the sudden bout of nausea she felt. She normally didn't drink much- even when an adult- so the amount of alcohol she'd consumed in her teenage form was too much.

Noticing she was close to being sick, Steve snagged a bucket on the way to his room. He carefully placed her on the bed, handing her the bucket and then retrieving a bottle of water.

Pepper's face was flushed, but she managed not to throw up. Still... "Don't feel good, daddy..." she whimpered, clutching the bucket to her chest mournfully.

"I know." Steve sat on the bed next to her and gently tugged her into his arms. "Water will help. I got you some painkillers, too." He kissed her forehead. "I love you," he whispered to her.

"Love you too..." Pepper snuggled closer. When he handed her the water and painkillers, she took both obediently, making certain to drink the entire bottle. She may have been drunk, but she'd sobered up enough to remember she needed to re-hydrate if she didn't want the symptoms to be worse.

"Good girl," Steve murmured, gently stroking her hair. He still kept hold of her, but was careful not to stop her from drinking, or if she did need to be sick.

Pepper tried to keep her eyes open, but once the medication finally kicked in, the alcohol did the rest. Soon, she was snoring and drooling on Steve's chest. She'd have been mortified if she'd been awake.

Steve held onto his daughter until he was certain she was fully asleep and then gently tucked her into the bed.


Coulson carefully helped each of his three kids out of the car and into the compound, watching each to make sure they weren't having a lot of trouble walking.

Grant hadn't been drinking much, if anything, since the episode with the Asgardian staff; he'd discovered soon after that alcohol just allowed the feelings of rage that the staff had unearthed to become stronger and uncontrollable. As a result, his tolerance wasn't terribly high and he kept tripping over his own feet, needing to lean on his father more than he would have liked had he been more sober.

Raina and Bobbi were able to walk a bit more steadily, but not because they were more sober. They were just moving a bit more slowly and carefully.

Coulson wrapped his arm around Grant's waist to help keep his son upright, but still watched his daughters carefully in case they did need him to step in and help.

Raina swallowed nervously as she walked in front of her father. She was in trouble. Again! She'd avoided getting into trouble at all since being taken in by Coulson. However, within the span of a couple of weeks, she had managed to not only get into trouble, but get into trouble badly enough to be spanked. She didn't want another spanking. It didn't take much thought at all (and truthfully, she wasn't thinking, or she wouldn't have done it) to suddenly bolt for the nearest stairs and attempt to escape what she knew was coming. Even if she wasn't steady on her feet and was more than slightly tipsy, she'd refrained from drinking as much as some of the others and was still able to move quickly for her condition.

Bobbi blinked owlishly as she saw her sister disappearing up the stairs and then she was following.

Grant grunted. "Huh...Silly girls...ain't gonna get far...you always catch us..." he mumbled, semi-coherently.

Coulson realised he couldn't chase after his daughters and help his son to bed, so after asking Friday to let him know if either Raina or Bobbi tried to leave the compound, he continued guiding Grant to his room.

Grant didn't fight his father at all.

Coulson picked up a bottle of water and some painkillers on the way. Inside the room, he guided his son towards the bed and helped him to sit down. "How are you feeling, son?" he asked gently, trying to see if Grant might need him to grab the waste basket.

"Dizzy...other than that, I'm okay..." Grant slurred tiredly. He was close to falling asleep.

Coulson gently squeezed the nape of his neck. "I know you're tired, son, but I need you to drink some water before you sleep. It'll help you feel better." He opened the bottle of water so he could help Grant drink.

Grant obediently drank the water, not even trying to hold the bottle himself. He didn't even think to be embarrassed; after all the times his father had taken care of him, he was past being able to feel embarrassment at his father holding a bottle to his lips like he was a toddler.

Coulson made sure Grant took small sips until the water was all gone. He kissed his son's forehead and then held him. "I love you," he said softly in his ear.

"Love you too, daddy..." Grant mumbled, just before falling asleep.


Raina had only slowed down when she reached the floor where the visitors' lobby was. At this time of night, the area was deserted. She was tempted to go outside, but knew that the building's alarm would go off if she opened the door. She turned as her sister caught up to her. "You ran too?" she asked Bobbi.

Before Bobbi could answer, an amused, "Looks like three of us did," floated to their ears, followed by the voice's owner. Jessica gave her two cousins a sheepish smile. "We've likely made things more difficult for ourselves."

Bobbi could only nod in agreement.


Once certain their respective children were asleep, Steve and Coulson both met up in the corridor, having been informed by Friday that their daughters had ended up together. They quickly headed in the direction indicated by the AI.

Jessica had wandered over to the seating in the visitor section, sinking onto the chair, Raina and Bobbi following behind and slouching on the sofa. All three had sobered up enough to realize running had been wrong, the adrenaline counter-acting some of the alcohol. Of course, adrenaline didn't help upset stomachs and all three were slightly green.

Coulson and Steve quickly appeared in the visitors' lobby and didn't waste any time in heading over to their daughters.

Coulson crouched in front of his daughters and reached out to stroke their cheeks. "Come on. You both need to drink something," he said gently, trying to see if he needed to grab a bucket for them.

Steve wrapped his arm around Jessica's shoulders. "How are you feeling?" he asked, just as gently.

"Alright, Baba..." Raina answered for herself and Bobbi. Swallowing hard, she took a deep breath and slowly stood, letting her equilibrium stabilize before attempting to walk.

Bobbi leaned into her father's hand briefly before also carefully standing. "Sorry I ran, daddy..." she whispered.

Jessica snuggled into Steve, her face turning slightly pink. "...Stupid..." she answered, embarrassed at having run like she did. Especially when she wasn't in good enough shape to ever hope to outrun her father, even if she'd truly wanted to.

"I know." Coulson wrapped an arm each around his daughters' shoulders, kissing their cheeks. "I'd like you both to try drinking some water before I put you to bed. It'll help you feel better."

Steve kissed Jessica's forehead. "You don't need to feel stupid. Your emotions are all over the place as it is, what with being deaged. Add alcohol into the mix and you definitely aren't going to be thinking clearly."

"Okay, daddy..." Bobbi quickly agreed, while Raina nodded her agreement.

"You aren't going to spank us?" Raina couldn't help but ask.

"All we're going to worry about right now is getting you both rehydrated and into bed," Coulson replied tenderly, guiding the two of them from the visitors' lobby and towards his bedroom.

"Yes, Baba..." Raina leaned on her father gratefully. While she knew a reckoning was coming, she was thankful he was planning to wait till she could face it without a spinning head.

Bobbi nuzzled against her father and didn't say anything. At this point, she would have drunk an unknown concoction that tasted like dirt if he told her to. Drinking water would be easy and bed sounded heavenly. She wasn't even going to think about what she had coming to her.

Retrieving two bottles of water, Coulson guided his daughters into the bedroom, helping them to settle comfortably on the bed before he began to help each of them in turn drink the water, gently stroking their hair and kissing their cheeks.

The gentle affection combined with the over-indulging of alcohol led to Bobbi not being able to keep her eyes open much past the moment when she finished drinking the water her father was giving her. She didn't even bother to change.

Raina hadn't drunk quite as much as her sister, so after finishing the bottle, she snuggled a bit more with her father before asking quietly, "Do I have any pyjamas in here, or do I need to go to my room to change?"

"I think you've got some in here." Coulson kissed her forehead and then moved over to his chest of drawers, picking out a pair of her pyjamas that he then handed to her.

Raina smiled and took the pyjamas before turning to go to the tiny changing area that had been set up in the corner of the room. "Do you need me to help with Bobbi?" she asked quietly, giving her sleeping sister a fondly amused look.

Coulson smiled and whispered back, "Thank you for the offer, but I can take care of your sister." Finding a pair of Bobbi's pajams, he began to carefully get her undressed for bed.

Raina nodded and went to the side of the bed Grant already was, crawling in next to her brother. She blinked when she suddenly found Grants arms wrapped around her tightly, then smiled crookedly. "Goodnight, Baba," she whispered, closing her eyes and quickly following her siblings into sleep.

Coulson slipped into bed with his children, reaching out so he was in contact with all three of them. "I love you," he whispered, hoping they'd all hear it, even if it only came through in their dreams.


Jessica snuggled closer at the affection. "S'why I feel stupid..." she admitted. "...Shoulda known not to drink when I'm already having problems controlling myself...."

"This hasn't been easy for you." Steve helped his daughter to stand, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to draw her closer to himself.

Jessica wrapped her own arms around Steve and hid her face against his chest, letting him lead her back to the elevator and toward his room. "It's been hard..." she admitted reluctantly, before asking in a semi-hopeful, semi-teasing tone "...Can we just forget I did anything wrong? Since it's been so hard? And not have to introduce a sore butt into the mix?"

"I'm afraid not." Steve kissed her cheek. Making the decision that she was, more than likely, sober enough not to have to wait, he retrieved a bottle of water and guided her to her room, planning to take her to his once they were done.

Jessica sighed softly, but didn't pull away from Steve's grip this time. "...Ca...can I stay with you? After, I mean?" she asked hesitantly and gave her father a nervous look.

"Of course. I'd insist anyway." Kissing her cheek, Steve led her into her room and gently encouraged her to drink the water.

Jessica obediently went with Steve and drank the water he gave to her. Once she was done, she fidgeted slightly. "Should I put my nightshirt on first? Or after?" she whispered.

"However you feel most comfortable," Steve replied, with a warm, affectionate smile.

Jessica bit her lip, then retrieved a nightshirt, quickly changing. She knew how guilty she felt and also knew she wanted to be held. Changing first would allow her to not have to leave her father's arms once he had her.

Steve waited for his daughter to change, then wrapped his arm around her shoulders to lead her to the bed. Taking a seat, he gently tugged her across his lap.

Jessica swallowed hard and quickly reached down to grab hold of her father's leg, afraid she'd throw her hand back over her bottom if she didn't. "I'm sorry, daddy..." she whispered. Her voice was full of regret and apology.

"I know." Steve gently rubbed her back a moment or two before he bared her. He knew Jessica knew already what she'd done wrong, but to focus her, he asked, "Can you tell me why you're getting this spanking?"

"I snuck away from home to go someplace I shouldn't...leaving me vulnerable to being kidnapped, or hurt, or worse.... and I got drunk. You don't let me drink anymore and I know better...." Jessica sniffled. She wasn't emotionally able to recognize why being over her father's knee with him holding her tight had helped her feel safer and better than she had in days. She just knew it did and it was confusing. That confusion was obvious in the way she spoke and held her body. Her confession from before the de-aging didn't cross her mind, or she would have had to admit she'd likely done what she did so that she'd end up over his knee.

Steve remembered his daughter's confession, but figured she wasn't currently in the right place emotionally for them to talk about it. "If something had happened, had gone wrong, I might have lost you." His voice was low, but there was still a haunted note in it.

The tone of his voice was all it took for Jessica to slump and start crying. "I'm sorry, daddy! I'm sorry...!" She hadn't wanted to hurt him.

"I know. I love you. I forgive you. You are so important to me." Rubbing her back a moment or two longer, Steve lifted his hand and brought it down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Jessica didn't tense up or squirm. She'd hurt her father. She deserved what she was getting, even if she didn't want it (at least she thought she didn't want it; the sense of relief she felt was stronger than her urge to get away). She lay limp and pliant over Steve's knee and just focused on the swats and how much they stung; and focused on her father and how loving he was, even though she'd upset him; and focused on keeping her crying soft and quiet, so that she didn't start sobbing like she really wanted to do.

Steve continued the hard swats down to Jessica's thighs and then started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know you realise the potential danger now, but I need you to start thinking of it before you choose to do something that could cause me...cause the rest of your family...to lose you."

"I'm....I'm not used to thinking about that...." Jessica winced and couldn't help but shift slightly. Her voice caught in her throat; it was becoming increasingly more difficult not to be vocal in her distress, no matter how much she was trying to accept the punishment without fighting. "I...I'm sorry..." she repeated again, more tears streaming from her eyes as she tightened her grip on Steve's leg. She shifted again, but managed to still stay limp and pliant for her father, not wanting to cause any further problems. She swallowed hard to control her crying.

"I know," Steve replied, starting a third circuit of swats and going a fraction harder and faster. "Even with your enhanced strength, you can still be overwhelmed. Hurt. Captured. Taken." His voice dropped to a low, haunted whisper. It was hard not to think about the potential risk and danger.

Jessica had no words to refute what he said; she knew he was right. She couldn't stop the whimper that escaped shortly after he started the third circuit, the harder, faster attention causing the burn that she'd already felt to turn into a non-ending flame. She bit her lip hard to keep the tears from becoming vocal, though...some stubborn part of her not wanting to surrender just yet. She didn't know why. She didn't know what she was pushing for. Steve had already proven he'd never give up on her, so being stubborn really wasn't going to garner her anything but a very sore bottom. Still... in direct contrast to her stubbornness in refusing to cry and give in fully, she found her body relaxing even further. She was a rag-doll over her father's knee. He could shift her however he needed to target wherever he needed and she provided no resistance. There was some sense of relief with that.

Steve noticed his daughter was holding back on releasing her tears and he paused to pull her closer and tighter against him, gently rubbing her back. "Can you tell me what you were thinking?" he asked, his voice soft, but still firm, expecting an honest answer.

"I...I don't like...like not being in con...control of myself..." Jessica admitted through clenched teeth, unable to refuse her father's unspoken order to answer truthfully. That was all she could say, though, because she didn't understand any of her feelings and there really hadn't been much thought. If she had a moment of quiet time to reflect, she might consider that she'd wanted to push him to control her, since she wasn't currently able to do so... but she hadn't a moment like that and even if she did, that thought would be far down the list of things she'd consider.

"I understand that, but it doesn't give you an excuse to disobey the rules and put yourself at risk," Steve said. "There was a whole group of you and not one was paying attention. Things could have gone so much worse."

"Didn't care bout the rules," Jessica reluctantly admitted. "Just wanted some control over something."

"Drinking as much as you did didn't leave you in control," Steve pointed out, his voice gentle but serious.

"Didn't say my goals made all that much sense..." Jessica snarked, before darting a sheepishly apologetic look over her shoulder for the attitude.

Steve gently stroked her back. "Maybe not, but I know it hasn't made you feel any better."

"Doubt anything would make me feel better bout being a scrawny teenager again..." Jessica muttered. "Every single bad habit I had the first time just begs to be done again...."

"That might be true, but even if you do everything you did the first time, it won't change anything," Steve promised. "I'm never going to let you go. No matter what."

Jessica was surprised at how relieved those words made her. "Okay..." she finally whispered, wrapping her arms more tightly around his leg in a snuggle.

"I love you," Steve said. "That won't change. You're my daughter. I only want to take care of you. Keep you safe. Protect you."

"I love you too, daddy..." Jessica said, subdued.

After rubbing her back a moment or two longer, Steve resumed swatting, a fraction harder now and targeting more to her sit spots and thighs.

After the few minutes of just talking and gentle affection, the hard swats were a shock, if not a surprise. Jessica couldn't stop the pained yelp or the immediate squirming. Or the tears that immediately sprang from her eyes and streamed down her face. Now she was tense, trying valiantly not to lose complete control and holding on by a thread. "Daaaaaddy..." Her whimper was strained. Underneath, he would hear her regret for her actions, her remorse and her relief that he was handling her.

"I've got you. I love you. I won't let you go," Steve promised, still delivering the harder smacks.

Jessica closed her eyes tightly at the declarations of love, the swats on her already sore bottom becoming too difficult to take along with the gentle words. She didn't even remember why she wanted to go out now, talk her cousins and sister into going, let alone remember why she'd thought it was a good idea. The fact it had been her idea added on another layer of guilt and she couldn't ignore her conscience any longer. "I...I'm...I'm sorry! Was my idea. Was a bad idea...was very bad..." She whimpered as she clutched at her father's leg desperately. "Was my fault…didn't think...didn't want to think...sorry, daddy....so sorry!"

She wriggled around in an attempt to ease the ache, but it wasn't working. All she knew was any lingering desire she'd had to 'do her own thing'; any urge she'd had to continue fighting her father's authority and be disobedient; any urge she'd had to be wild and reckless and not think...was gone. All she wanted now was to be held by her father, forgiven and be as obedient as it was possible to be. Letting out a tiny choked sob and then a second, she slowly began to let go of the tension in her body, each smack helping her let go, bit by tiny bit, until she was limp over Steve's lap and just crying softly.

As soon as his daughter surrendered, Steve didn't waste any time in drawing the spanking to a stop, bringing his daughter up into his arms and cuddling her close and tight on his lap. He pressed a kiss to her head and just held her tightly, reiterating how much he loved her.

Jessica curled into her father, gripping the front of his shirt tightly and just continuing to sob softly against his chest. Slowly, all the anxiety from what had occurred drained out of her to join the resistance that had seeped out of her from being spanked. Eventually, there were no more tears to cry and she could only lean weakly on Steve, trusting him to hold her up and protect her, like he had been doing from the beginning.

Her backside burned...ached...from the punishment, but she couldn't be upset about it. "Why's it take me so long to learn and give in?" she asked plaintively, in a tiny voice. "It's not like I actually thought I was right or that I didn't deserve to be punished. I know how wrong I was and deserved every swat..." She sniffled, before nuzzling against her dad.

Steve tightened his embrace, gently stroking her hair and back. "You aren't the only one to act stubbornly," he answered gently. "There could be all sorts of reasons, including that it's harder for you right now due to the deaging. And there are a lot of new people joining the family too."

"There's so much happening..." Jessica tried to keep her voice steady, but the unspoken nervousness she had was still clear. "...What if I have to grow up the normal way again? What if I don't ever grow up again at all and am stuck like this forever?" Jessica's eyes widened as her thoughts progressed and she blurted, without thought to language or loudness, "FUCK! What if poor Kara is stuck and doesn't grow up!?" Her face took on a guilty look as she realized there were at least three family members worse off than herself. She felt guilty and selfish for even thinking of herself.

"Those are valid fears." Steve stroked her cheek as he continued, "But we've gathered a lot of people in different fields. You don't need to worry about giving up. Not until we've exhausted every possibility. And we have so many friends and allies here, all working on this problem, that we've got a long way to go before we've exhausted every avenue open to us."

"Ok..." Jessica's voice quivered. She was trying hard to be brave, but the fact was, she was terrified. "You'll have me no matter what...?"

"No matter what." Steve kissed her head. "I love you."

"Love you too, Daddy..." Jessica's voice was subdued. "Can I stay with you?" she hesitantly asked.

"Of course," Steve replied, without hesitation. "As soon as you're ready, I'll take you through to my room. Your sister's there already, but she should be asleep by now."

Jessica nuzzled against him a little longer before reluctantly standing and pulling up her panties with a whimper. The nightshirt was modest and reached her knees, so no one could see evidence that she'd been punished; and the looseness of it prevented it from rubbing against sore skin, which she was thankful for, but underwear chafed. She wasn't certain she'd be able to sleep, even if she was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. "Why do I have to be so stubborn?" she lamented softly, leaning against him so he could take her to his room.

Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. "You aren't the only one," he said, before guiding her out of the room and towards his own room, leading her inside.

Soon, Jessica was snuggled close, fast asleep, only the occasional whimper when she shifted wrong any indication she'd been punished. She slept more peacefully than she had in days.


Lorelei bit her lip as Odin led them to his room, noting that Loki was doing the same. She also noticed that Loki hadn't changed back to his male form yet. She wasn't sure what the reason behind that was.

Loki, for her part, was feeling too guilty to do anything but follow their father. Even asking if they would be going back to their own rooms to change first was beyond her...and she couldn't change back to her normal, preferred form if she couldn't change clothes. Not only were the ones she was wearing too small, but it didn't feel right not wearing her normal clothes in her normal form. She didn't know what that said about her- that she didn't mind completely changing her physical sex, but balked at wearing female clothing while in male form- but it was exactly that. She didn't say anything, though, too guilty to bother her father with such trivialities.

Odin turned to both his children, keeping in contact with them. "Would you prefer to get changed first?" he asked, even as he passed them each the bottles of water he'd retrieved on the way. His question was addressed to both of them, not wanting to single Loki out or make her feel uncomfortable. It didn't make a difference to him if she wanted to change to her male form or stay as female.

Loki quickly nodded. "Yes, please, daddy...I feel more vulnerable in this form...out of control..." she admitted hesitantly. There was still a part of her that feared her father disproved of her ability to change form and was less fearful as her normal male self. Although if her father indicated she should stay in the form she misbehaved in for her punishment, she'd obey.

Lorelei frowned at the words, but didn't say anything. She knew that the vulnerability and lack of control was due to Loki's own insecurities in her ability and not because of being female.

Odin reached out to stroke Loki's cheek. "If you change or not is entirely up to you, but please don't think I would rather have you in any form other than the one you feel most comfortable in," he said honestly.

"I don't know..." Loki admitted. " ...You never punished me when I was like this...only Thor has." She fidgeted slightly, uncertain if she should go change to something safe and familiar, or take a chance. She'd been in this form when she had misbehaved after all. Maybe she should stay in the form she disobeyed in to be punished.

Lorelei bit her lip. "May I change into pyjamas and then wait in your room, daddy?" she asked, realizing it might take Loki a little while to get over her worry about Odin accepting her no matter what her appearance.

Odin nodded and smiled warmly at Lorelei. "Of course. I'll be there soon." He reached out to stroke Lorelei's cheek with his other hand, then gave her a quick hug.

Loki watched her sister disappear to change, then turned toward her father. "I don't know what I should do, daddy...." She hadn't been self conscious or worried when Thor had taken her in hand in her female form. Granted, Thor had just acted and she hadn't had much chance to protest, even if she'd thought to. She'd never felt self conscious about her ability around Thor at all...until they'd grown apart and Loki realized exactly how different she really was.

Part of her thought if Odin chose to discipline her in this form, maybe it would prove he didn't care about what form she chose to use. The other part thought maybe if he wanted her to be her male form, it would show that he cared about her comfort and the fact that she wasn't as comfortable in her female form, even if she had enjoyed employing it more frequently when younger. "What do you want me to do?" she finally asked.

Odin reached out to draw Loki into his arms, kissing her forehead. "I want you to do whatever you feel comfortable doing. It doesn't matter to me what form you choose to wear, as long as you're happy with it. I love you no matter what."

"I don't know, daddy...I used to be comfortable both ways. Until..." She sighed. "...This is the first time in a very long time I chose to be this way. I've been too scared...."

Odin tightened his arms around Loki. "Scared of what?" he asked.

"Everyone already viewed me as odd and not masculine enough. They thought my magic made me weak and untrustworthy. If they'd known how I can change myself so completely..." Loki's voice quivered. "...And I know you said it did not matter, but..." She shrugged her shoulders and looked down, ashamed. "...If everyone else did, you'd have to just because you're king....."

Odin sighed, aware of how difficult things had been for her on Asgard and hating that it had caused his child so much damage. "You were not treated well on Asgard and I regret that more than anything. But it is not how they view you that is important, because they are not here. I am here. And I love you, no matter what form you wear. As does the rest of our family here."

"I....I want to believe you..." Loki said quietly. "I've been scared so long, I truly feel safer in my usual form. I can't fathom how I let myself be talked into this form..." she admitted, with a sigh.

"Perhaps because you no longer need to deny that part of yourself, or at least feel you no longer need to?" Odin suggested.

Loki slanted her head. "Maybe..." she said hesitantly. "Do...do you think it better to be comfortable when you...uh...make me uncomfortable? Or face my fears?" The pause with the completely Midgardian phrasing showed not only Loki's lingering insecurity about her ability, but also the fact that she felt more at home on Midgard than she ever had on Asgard.

"I think I would rather you decide what to do, but perhaps it would help to consider that you are uncomfortable in this form because you feel you've been unable to take it," Odin said. "In which case, using the form for longer periods of time will help you grow used to it."

"If I become used to it...maybe I can use it to help the family on missions..." Loki brightened considerably at the thought of being useful to those she loved. "Maybe I could get used to some of the others as well..." She gave Odin an impish look, reminding the older man that it wasn't just her gender she was able to change.

Odin smiled and kissed her forehead, gently running his fingers through her hair. "It would be good to see you comfortable and happy in every aspect of yourself and what you can do," he said seriously.

"That would be a novel feeling..." Loki admitted quietly. "I...I think, even though I am not as comfortable in this form, that I will keep it until my punishment is over. I did misbehave in this form, after all. At the risk of sounding like I have a split personality, it probably is not fair to make male Loki pay for my misdeeds...and it will give me more time to interact with you in this form..." she finally decided, with a hint of nervousness.

"Very well." Odin kept in contact with her as he gently guided her to his room, kissing her cheek. "I love you," he said again.

"I love you too, daddy." Loki snuggled close. "I think I left a pair of sleep clothes in your room, so I won't have to come back to my room and change...if that's alright? I do not wish to leave you...."

"That's fine," Odin replied. "I don't wish to have you leave me either." He led her into his room.

Lorelei was waiting outside the door and gave her oldest friend and sibling a tiny smile. She understood Loki's reluctance to use her abilities or let too many people see them, having her own insecurities in her own abilities.

Loki smiled at her sister sadly. While she felt comforted by her father's love and acceptance of her, the fact was that they'd still been disobedient, wilful, and foolish, and had repercussions coming their way. She didn't argue, though and let her father lead her into his room. Lorelei followed.

Odin closed the door and then reached out, drawing both his daughters close and tight to himself. He pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads and then gently led Lorelei towards one of the corners.

Lorelei quickly threw her arms around Loki in a tight, supportive hug before going to the corner with her father, who she then gave a tight hug and apology. "I'm sorry, daddy. I keep making you punish me. I don't mean to be so bad," she whispered.

Odin kissed her head. "You aren't bad," he whispered back. "Neither of you are 'bad'. This is only temporary naughtiness that will be dealt with."

Lorelei gave him a grateful smile, then turned to face the corner he'd placed her.

Odin stepped over to Loki. Reaching out, he took her hand and guided her over to the bed. Taking a seat, he gently pulled his daughter across his lap.

Loki went easily enough, feeling guilty that she was in trouble again. She was beginning to think she needed to make a standing appointment with her father to spank her, as often as she was getting into trouble lately. Sniffling a tiny bit she said, "I'm sorry, daddy...."

"I know. I forgive you. I love you," Odin replied, settling her in place and then baring her. He brought his hand down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Loki winced then whimpered, but otherwise didn't make a sound, reaching down and taking hold of her father's ankle tightly. She had no plans to try and be brave- her emotions were too close to the surface and raw to attempt that- but she wasn't going to start blubbering before he'd even started. Not when she knew she deserved what she was receiving. She tried to determine if it felt different this time than the last two times, but couldn't notice any discernible difference; except perhaps her father's hand being able to cover more territory with one swat. Although that was likely because she was smaller in size from deaging, not because she was currently a girl. She felt very small and vulnerable at the moment. Ironically, her father holding her over his lap made her feel safer, despite the punishment, so she knew it wasn't the punishment making her feel small or vulnerable. It was the fact she was smaller and younger and less in control of her emotions. She hated feeling like this, but knowing it was her own fault didn't feel right complaining to anyone about it. She swallowed hard and tried to focus on what her father was doing...it wouldn't do to be distracted. He'd have to resort to harder smacks if she wasn't paying attention.

Odin continued the firm swats down to Loki's thighs and then started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I understand this has been difficult for you, but there was still no excuse for you to sneak out with everyone else, knowing many of your cousins can't fight and protect themselves or each other with the changes in their physical forms."

"No, daddy...I know there isn't...I didn't think of the danger to them...I was too selfish!" Loki's voice broke as she thought of how her cousins could have been harmed or worse and that was all it took for her to begin sobbing. She squirmed a little, but mostly, she shook from guilty tears of remorse. If something had happened, she would never have forgiven herself.

"It's not about being selfish," Odin replied gently. "You were bored and feeling out of control. You should have come to me. We could have found a safer way."

"I should have come to you..." Loki agreed quickly. "I shouldn't think I can do everything on my own...."

"You don't need to do everything on your own," Odin said. "You have a whole family around you who love you. Your uncles and aunts. Your cousins."

Loki let out a tiny sob. "I know...just hard to remember...did stuff on my own for too long so hard not to automatically do that. Hard to not just do what I want without thinking...."

"I know," Odin replied gently. "But that's one of the reasons I'm here. To be your father. To pull you back when you need to be. To protect you from what you need protecting from. To make up for how much I failed you in the past...."

"W...wasn't all your fault..." Loki found herself protesting. "...I shoulda...shoulda told you what was goin on..." She sobbed again. "...Stead of being so horribly bad...Y..you woulda helped me if I'd told you..." Loki could admit that now, though at that time, she hadn't been convinced of the fact.

Even though he was still swatting, Odin moved his other hand to Loki's lower back, rubbing gently. "It was my fault you doubted me, but I am going to make sure you never have cause to do that again," he promised.

Loki closed her eyes tightly at the show of support and affection. The spanking by now had reached a point of achy burn that didn't go away when Odin wasn't swatting. It was continuous and Loki found herself wriggling around in a futile attempt to ease the pain. Her father holding her tightly in place was all that kept her from wriggling onto the floor. She began to cry harder, though this time, the tears were more a release of pent up emotional anxiety and frustration than of guilt being met and relieved. Not that she didn't feel guilty- she always felt guilty when she disappointed her father and made it necessary for him to punish her- but the guilt wasn't soul crushing and had pretty much been addressed before she ever went over Odin's knee. No....while she couldn't say she wanted a spanking or liked it, she had to admit that she felt more at ease than she had since being de-aged again. Having her father confirm that he loved her no matter what shape or age she was, was a relief.

"I love you," Odin reiterated, still continuing the firm swats. While he didn't increase the force and speed at all, he began focusing more to her sit spots and thighs. "I can't change how you felt in the past, but I hope that now, and in the future, you know how much you are wanted, no matter what form you wear. No matter what happens."

Loki choked back another sob, but Odin's words were heard. And she believed them. Completely. Going limp over his knee, she finally let herself cry without trying to stop it. "Love you, daddy...love you so much...so sorry I di..disbeyed...sorry I dis...dispointed you...."

Bringing the spanking to a stop, Odin wasted no time in bringing his daughter up into his arms, hugging her tightly on his lap and pressing a kiss to her head. "I forgive you. I love you," he repeated, over and over.

Loki just snuggled closer, abandoning any pretence of not wanting her father to hold her close. Loki hadn't been shy in accepting affection ever since Odin had re-entered the picture, even when male. Even so, it seemed that being in female form caused her to accept when she wanted or needed to be clingy and not fight it, instead of thinking she had to hold herself strong. It was a slight difference, but it was still noticeable.

Odin tightened his arms around Loki, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head. While he knew he needed to deal with Lorelei, he didn't want to let go of Loki until she was ready.

Loki snuggled for a bit more before slowly withdrawing with a sigh. "I love you, daddy..." she whispered with a tiny smile, the tear-streaks on her face giving her an even younger appearance than she already had.

"I love you too." Odin reached out and gently stroked her cheek before he stood up.

Loki leaned on her father and meekly let him lead her to the corner, where she traded places with Lorelei.

Lorelei unabashedly threw her arms around her sibling in another tight hug, before shifting closer to Odin so that he could take hold of her. Her face was already tear-streaked and she was still crying, Loki's punishment having affected her as much as if it were her own.

Odin gently guided Lorelei out of the corner and over to the bed. Taking a seat, he gently tugged her across his lap, securing her with an arm wrapped around her waist.

"I'm sorry, daddy...so sorry..." she cried softly. "I did everything wrong...shouldn't have snuck out...shouldn't have gone drinking when's illegal here...shouldn't have used my powers to get everyone into the club when the door guard would have sent us away if I hadn't..." She winced as she added the last bit, not entirely certain Odin had known of that particular misdeed. If Loki had used powers to obfuscate their departure from the compound and make it difficult to easily track them, she had done her part by befuddling anyone who might have tried to stop them entering the club. Granted, some of those who went along were women, but the door guard wasn't and she'd influenced him in a way she shouldn't have.

Odin gently stroked her back before he bared her. "You have a power that's very easy to abuse and you know how I would expect you to act," he sad seriously. "But none of what happened has changed how much I love you."

"I know, daddy..." Lorelei cried. "I...I just feel ashamed of myself. I hate that I've given you reason to be ashamed of me...." She reached down and gripped her father's leg tightly and just cried, not arguing or even trying to give excuses, just wanting the punishment to be over so she could hopefully feel better about herself.

"I'm not ashamed of you," Odin replied honestly. "I love you and I know how much better you can act."

"I can act better..." Lorelei acknowledged. "...I should have acted better. I'm sorry, daddy...."

"I know. And I forgive you." As he had with Loki, Odin began to gently rub Lorelei's lower back, even as he kept on spanking.

It didn't take Lorelei long to begin squirming. She was already crying, so that just increased in strength. She saw no reason to try and be brave; she knew where she had gone wrong...what she had done wrong...and the fact her father forgave her was a relief. She hadn't even realized she'd been worried he wouldn't until he offered his forgiveness. "I'll be good, daddy..." she promised, in a tiny, distressed voice, afraid he wouldn't believe her; or at least wouldn't believe her capable of it.

"You are good," Odin replied, immediately and without hesitation. "Being temporarily naughty doesn't change that."

Lorelei was surprised at how the term 'naughty' made her feel so young and even more vulnerable than she already was. But it did. It also made her feel safer in her father's arms than she thought she had a right to. It was odd. She didn't focus on that too much, though. The spanking had reached a point where her bottom burned and she was crying too much to speak. It was time to give in. Slumping over her father's lap, she just cried and attempted to focus on her father and his hands and his words.

Odin immediately brought the spanking to a stop, bringing her into his arms and onto his lap, hugging her tightly to himself and gently stroking her hair, kissing the top of her head.

Lorelei snuggled close. "I love you, daddy..." she whispered.

"I love you too." Odin gently stroked her hair, tightening his arms around her.

Lorelei snuggled for a bit longer before kissing her father on the cheek and standing, fixing her clothes. "I'm already dressed for bed. Shall I wait in the corner while you and Loki change, or wait in bed?" she asked.

"You can wait in bed," Odin replied with a warm smile, stepping over to the corner so he could draw his other daughter out.

Giving her father a bright smile, Lorelei quickly went and crawled onto one side of the bed, snuggling into the covers and waiting for the rest of her family to join her so she could snuggle.

Loki sniffled slightly, but turned to face Odin as he came back to retrieve her. "I'll change really quick..." She gave a crooked smile. She was obviously still feeling needy, but any guilt she'd had was taken care of and she seemed at peace.

Odin kissed Loki's forehead and then picked up her pyjamas that he then handed to her. "You can change in here if you'd prefer," he said gently.

"Yes, daddy..." Loki nodded and quickly began to do just that.

Lorelei shook her head at Loki's lack of modesty when it came to changing in front of family, but didn't say anything, just closing her eyes in amusement. It wasn't like this was the first time Loki had changed or run around half-naked in front of her, even when in male form.

Odin didn't take long to get changed, but he waited for Loki to settle herself comfortably in bed before he joined his daughters.

Loki squirmed a bit until Odin was settled in and then she was plastered against her father like a barnacle to a ship. "Feels weird..." she admitted in a sleepy voice, but didn't pull away.

"What does?" Lorelei asked in confusion, having plastered herself to Odin's other side in nearly as clingy a grip.

"I was already shorter and smaller cuz of the deaging...which was hard to get used to...but being female made me shorter and smaller yet and I fit against daddy differently..." Loki sounded befuddled; not exactly confused, because she understood why she fit differently, but finding the perfect spot where she could snuggle and still sleep was eluding her.

"Take your time finding the most comfortable position for you," Odin suggested, wrapping an arm around each of his daughters and kissing their cheeks.

Lorelei made no further comment, snuggling closer to her father and was soon asleep.

Loki shifted a bit more, honestly surprised that her father wasn't getting irritated at her squirming, but finally, she found the perfect combination of snuggle and needed space where she could breathe and not be mashed in uncomfortable places. Letting out a tiny, contented sigh, she whispered, "Love you, daddy..." and then was fast asleep.

Odin cuddled his daughters close to himself and then slipped into sleep quite quickly.


The excitement was over and Robbie was relieved that everyone had been returned safely. He turned to Gabe and smiled at his brother. "Ready for bed now?" he asked.

Gabe nodded. "Yeah. Things are really busy round here. It's tiring..." He laughed quietly, not wanting to wake anyone who might actually be asleep. Steering his wheelchair in the right direction, he began to push himself toward the room he'd been given.

Robbie walked next to his brother. "What do you think about the people here?" he asked curiously.

Gabe slanted his head thoughtfully and stopped pushing as he gave his brother's question some thought. "They are an interesting group. Aliens, shape-shifting magicians, mad-scientists..." His tone was teasing, even if the comments weren't far from the truth (at least in regards to the scientists being mad <at least he hoped they weren't mad>).

Robbie stopped when his brother did, placing a hand on Gabe's shoulder and squeezing gently. "You think you'd still like to stay even once things have settled down?"

Gabe looked up at his brother, considering the question. "You want to stay?" he finally asked seriously. "Because I can be happy anywhere as long as you're there...and I can transfer my credits to a new university and take classes there just as easy as stay where I am. I still haven't chosen a major, after all and was only taking generals...."

"I think it might be good for both of us," Robbie said. "But you know I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with. And I'm not gonna stay anywhere that means I'd need to be separated from you. I don't want you to decide based on what you think I want."

"Hey, bro...someday you gotta cut the apron strings, ya know?" Gabe teased his brother gently, before straightening and saying, "I wouldn't make my decision based solely on what I think you want. But honest truth here: it's just you and me for forever. I'm taking classes, but I can take those same classes at the university the rest of this group goes to, assuming they are taking classes. I have no preference on where I hang my hat, as long as you're there. If you think you'll be happy here...I'll be happy here. Who knows. I might decide I really like it here and want to stay even if you decided to leave...once I get to know everyone, anyway."

Robbie smiled. "I think it might take a long time to get to know everyone," he joked. "But Fury and Trip already talked to me about us staying here. I wanted to talk to you first before anything else."

"They move quick." Gabe laughed. "I'm fine with it, bro. I think it will be good for us." He didn't say good for you, knowing Robbie might take issue at Gabe worrying about him like that; but Gabe was happy at the thought that someone other than just himself would worry about and take care of his older brother. "Let's do it."

Robbie's grin grew wider. "Great. I can let them know we'll be officially moving in...we can take a look at nearby universities in the next day or so."

"Cool. Maybe we can go talk with them now. I haven't really had a chance to get to know them. Everything's been so busy. But I'm pretty sure the little one was put to bed by Darcy, so her dad might be available to talk." Gabe smiled.

Robbie nodded and addressed the AI. "Friday, where are Fury, Trip, Brock and Ward?"

"I believe they are relaxing in the common area and trying to decide if they are heading to their rooms to sleep or not," Friday answered.

Gabe grinned at his brother. "We'll get there quicker if you push me...."

"Thanks, Friday." Grinning back at his brother, Robbie began pushing the wheelchair towards the common area. Even if they were going faster, he was still very careful to make sure he didn't jerk his brother too much.

Trip glanced up as Robbie came into the area, pushing his younger brother ahead of him. He moved over so that Robbie could put the wheelchair next to the couch and then sit down next to him. "Hey, bro! Can't sleep either?"

Ward smiled crookedly at the words. He couldn't sleep because of worry for the young woman, currently in toddler form, asleep in her bed not too far away. The whole family had grown on him quickly and he knew they were all worried about their sister, so he suspected none of them could sleep for the same reason. "It was a busy night...." he said, by way of agreeing with Trip.

Robbie settled Gabe's wheelchair in place, then sat down on the couch. "It really was," he agreed. "I can't imagine it's like that all the time."

"A lot of things have happened all at once." Fury smiled at Robbie and Gabe, from his seat next to Ward. "Kara's managed to sleep." He didn't voice his worry that she was slipping further and further away from them, even though it was a worry.

Brock's smile fell slightly at Fury's words. "I...I can see she's scared. That she's losing herself. I can't help but be scared of that too. I mean...I know we'll always take care of her and you'd raise her again in a heartbeat if it came to it, but she already lost so much with the brainwashing...."

Ward winced, his own look worried. "I know she has a hard time forming words, even though you can see in her eyes she knows what she wants to say. Maybe...Maybe we are looking at it wrong. She can't communicate with words and so she hasn't been communicating and it's contributing to her regression...maybe she doesn't actually need to speak the words to communicate, though...."

Gabe looked intrigued. "I know you don't mean by writing...you thinking about sign language? Friend of mine's mom had a baby...they taught her to sign as soon as she was able to recognize things. She was telling them when she was hungry, wanted a drink, or needed to be changed before she was on solid food...."

Fury nodded. "It would be a good idea. A lot of us here use sign language if we can't communicate out loud for whatever reason. Even if we find out how to reverse this soon, it could still work to keep her mind active."

Trip nodded at that. "We should have considered it sooner, really. It isn't like it's an unknown concept. My sister talked about using it with my nephew when he was born..." He looked ruefully at his father. "Guess we've all been so busy being worried, it caused us to overlook some of the obvious...."

"Well...I get the idea she was a good agent and she likely already knows at least some of the signs. Maybe all we need to do is remind her of what she knows and get her to start talking that way...if nothing else, it may help you gauge exactly how her deaging is affecting her mentally." Ward said quietly.

Gabe nodded, even though he wasn't certain if he'd play a role in what was happening. "Oh! Robbie wants to stay. And I figured I'd stay where he stays. That alright?" he blurted out.

Even though he was worried about Kara, Fury still smiled at Gabe. "We knew you'd come as a package deal. And the two of you get on with my other children."

Robbie blinked, noticing the use of the word. Did that mean Fury was already considering adopting them? He was intelligent enough to have already realised it might be possible, but it hadn't been outright stated yet.

Gabe slanted his head. "You sound like you plan to adopt us..." he said hesitantly. He hadn't even considered the possibility, having not spent as much time with the other man. He'd just assumed they'd be moving into the compound and maybe gaining a non-official family.

"I would like to," Fury replied honestly. "You've both actually spent a lot longer here than many of the others who have been adopted in less than a day." He couldn't help smiling, remembering Coulson's two new daughters, who had taken him less than an hour to choose to adopt.

Robbie wasn't as surprised and he gently placed a hand on Gabe's shoulder, squeezing lightly. "We can talk about it," he said softly to his brother.

Gabe glanced at his brother. "I...I'm not against it. If that's what you want. I mean, yeah; part of me feels like I should be more hesitant at the offer, cuz it feels like it would be forgetting Papi and Mami... but then I know they would always want what was best for us....and if being part of the family is what's best for you, I'm all for it. So really...there doesn't really need to be a talk about it. You just need to figure out what you want. Cuz I'm good either way...." Gabe gave his brother a crooked smile.

Robbie smiled at his brother and gently squeezed his upper arm. "It isn't like we'd forget about them...." He glanced at Fury and then at the others...the men who would be his other brothers. "Is there anything else we need to know?"

"It wasn't the ideal way you found out, but you already know how the family deals with things," Fury said.

Gabe grimaced. "That was obviously not a joke..." he said hesitantly. "I don't tend to get into trouble, so I doubt I have to worry about it...still... do you give warnings? If we look to be heading down a path that will get us in trouble? So we can like, stop? And not do whatever would get us in trouble?"

"If it's at all possible to stop anyone from getting into trouble, then yes," Fury replied. He didn't say they'd had times when the kids had been deliberately pushing to get their parents' attention...even if that attention was getting spanked.

"I don't always have a lot of choice," Robbie said, thinking about the demon that took him over.

Gabe bit his lip, giving Robbie a side-ways glance. It wasn't his place to bring up his brother's 'alter ego'. At the same time, it wasn't really fair for Robbie to be blamed if 'flame-head' decided something needed to be done and took over the reigns, was it? "What if...what if I did something that was against the rules, but I didn't really have a choice and I couldn't stop myself?" he asked hesitantly, hoping that the answer would help his brother without telling more than he wanted told.

"You wouldn't be punished for something outside of your control," Fury replied seriously. "Neither would you be punished without taking the time to listen to your side of the story first. Doing something dangerous with a good reason is unlikely to get you punished."

"Gabe's asking for me." Robbie figured, if they were going to be adopted, he needed to be completely honest with his new family. "I've got an alter ego that takes over. I don't really have a lot of control over when and where it happens."

Trip blinked at that. "By alter ego, do you mean a split personality?" he asked hesitantly, not sure if he was being offensive with the question, but not knowing how else to phrase it, since he wasn't a psychologist.

Robbie gave a wry smile. "Sure, if it also comes with a flaming skull for a head. And I mean that literally. Mike and Werner both saw me like it, but I guess they figured it was my secret to tell too."

"I think I've heard some rumours about that," Fury said. "The Ghost Rider, correct?"

Robbie nodded. "Yeah."

Brock's eyes widened. "Isn't Ghost Rider some vengeance seeker or some such?" he asked. "Only goes after those whose hearts aren't pure? Least the rumors I've heard said he only goes after bad guys...."

"More or less," Robbie answered. "Trouble is, I don't have a line to how that criteria is measured. If the Ghost Rider's coming out, I can't stop it. And it'll make me go after a bad guy without hesitation. I can promise that, when I'm in full control of myself, I'm unlikely to take any risks or chances. I can't make the same promise for him."

Trip nodded, glancing at his father and other brothers. "From what I hear, when he's in control, you can't be hurt anyway. So....if he takes risks or chances, it's anyone you're with who'd have to look out."

Fury nodded. "Thank you for trusting us with that information. Would it be all right if I discussed it with your aunts and uncles? It might be we need to take that into consideration in the future."

Robbie nodded. "We're going to be a part of the family, so...yeah. Okay. I trust you all not to use that information to hurt either of us."

Ward smiled at that comment. "They're good at keeping secrets if that's what's needed..." he said, remembering that he'd confessed everything to Fury and not only had Fury forgiven him, but he hadn't turned him in to the police or used the information to hurt him.

Fury wrapped his arm around Ward's shoulders affectionately. "There are a lot of people with secrets here. No one is going to break or abuse the trust you place in us."

Robbie smiled gratefully. "Thank you." He glanced sideways at his brother, to see if Gabe needed to say or ask anything.

"Robbie's happy. And not as stressed as he's been for forever. So thank you..." Gabe added his own thanks into the mix. He didn't know if he'd ever form as close a bond to the family as his brother had seemed to, but he wouldn't rule out the possibility.

Fury nodded and smiled at them both. "It's a bit late to draw up the paperwork now, but I'll get that rolling first thing in the morning."

Ward chuckled. "I have it on good authority that Foggy has the legal work on computer and constantly available in his office; the only thing necessary is to fill in the names, print and sign."

Fury smiled at Ward, but his comment was addressed to all of them, really. "With the way our family keeps growing, that's probably just as well."

Gabe smirked. "Can it get much larger?"

"I'm sure it could," Fury replied. "And I suspect there are other people who are going to become permanent residents here."

"Yeah?" Trip looked interested. "Who?"

"I'm not sure I should name specific names until a concrete decision has been made," Fury replied. "But one I can be certain of is Werner."

"He's been pulled into Tony Stark's family, right?" Robbie hadn't failed to notice that, even if Werner had seemed completely clueless about how to react.

"Yeah. Something about him drew Tony to him. It happens like that a lot..." Trip nodded.

"None of us normally hold back when we feel drawn to someone," Fury commented. "And sometimes it does seem to move fast, but at least it means people know they're actually wanted."

Gabe shrugged. "I think it's pretty obvious everyone in the family wants to be in it; and wants the people they've adopted in it."

Fury nodded. "It's harder for some people to believe than others, but even people who have homes and families already are still welcome here at any time." Smiling at Gabe, he continued, "If you want to have a look at universities close by, we can arrange a time to do that in the next day or so, unless you want to wait until Peter and Harry have reached their proper ages, as I know they were looking into universities before this."

"I'm not in a hurry; I can wait for them to grow up again," Gabe said amicably. "Like I told Robbie, I haven't chosen a major yet, so everything I'm taking will be generals anyway...."

"If you want to talk about potential majors with me or anyone else, you're always welcome to do that," Fury said.

"Really? I'd like that..." Gabe said, with a hint of surprise. It had been Robbie that had bonded with the other men, after all; not him. That they would readily welcome him along with his brother was one thing- that they'd want to jump into helping him like any other family would, was something else entirely.

Fury smiled warmly at him. "Joining SHIELD is always an option; I know you've been a valuable help to Skye. But no matter what you'd like to do, we'll help and support you." Looking between Robbie and Gabe, he added, "That's what else you get here. Help. Support. People to look out for you, even when you don't think you need that."

"Good. Robbie needs someone watching his back with all that he's been getting up to recently. Even if the 'other guy' is seemingly invincible, Robbie isn't...." Gabe let some of his worry and concern for his brother that he'd been hiding show.

"Hey...." Robbie wrapped his arm around Gabe's shoulders, hugging his brother. "I know you worry, but I do my best to make sure I come home to you." Maybe it wasn't always in one piece....

"We can work on perhaps you getting enough warning that you can tell us if you think you're about to change," Fury suggested.

"That would be wonderful!" Gabe inserted hopefully.

Robbie wasn't sure that would always be possible, but he nodded anyway, not wanting to worry his little brother more. "I can certainly try."

Trip nodded. "That's all we can ask, I guess...until you figure out signs of when he might be coming or situations likely to attract his attention."

"On occasion, it might be a good idea to have someone else with you, especially going into an unknown situation," Fury commented. "Someone else might be able to spot any outward signs."

"I could go with." Trip agreed with his father. "Or maybe Mike. He already knows, or at least has seen him."

"It'll probably be a shock for most people to see him for the first time," Robbie said. He was fairly certain Werner hadn't reacted because the other man had already been suffering shock.

"I dunno...after you've seen mild-mannered Bruce turn into Big Green and Grouchy...people changing into other shapes/beings isn't that shocking..." Brock muttered in amusement.

"I suspect we might be seeing more changes," Fury commented, thinking of seeing Loki as a teenage girl.

"Yeah?" Brock asked, having not seen his cousin in female form. "You know something we don't?" he teased his father.

Fury smiled. "It's perhaps something I should let your cousin tell you about himself."

"Now you have my curiosity peaked. I'll have to hunt him up in the morning..." Brock smiled back.

"Speaking of the morning, I think it's about time to start going to bed." Fury paused and waited, in case any of his sons wanted or needed to stay with him.

Trip nodded. "Get some rest, dad."

"Yeah," Ward added. "Kara might need you later, so get sleep while you can..." he said, with a crooked smile. "I'm pretty sure she fell asleep in Darcy's room, but she was looking for you while you were gone."

Fury smiled and moved to give each of his sons a hug, including Robbie and Gabe in the affection. "In the morning, we'll get the paperwork completed," he promised them.

Robbie nodded and stood up, though he glanced at Gabe to check if his brother needed anything.

Gabe smiled at how quickly they'd been accepted and taken into the family, returning Fury's hug with a strong grip. "Thanks, sir..." he said serenely. Turning toward Robbie, he grinned. "I'll see you in the morning, bro," he said, before beginning to wheel himself to his assigned room.

Brock nodded at everyone before taking off for his own room, Trip and Ward following his example seconds later.

Robbie retired to his own room and it didn't take too long before he was asleep, feeling much lighter now that the people he'd fallen in with knew his secret and still accepted him.


Sam watched everyone head off to bed and then turned to Luke and YoYo. "It isn't normally as fast-moving as this," he commented with a smile.

Yo-Yo chuckled. "Seems too well-oiled and prepared for, for that to be completely true," she teased.

Luke grinned. "I date Jessica. I know from her own words that she was the only reason things didn't move fast for her to become part of the family. Or did you mean it doesn't normally happen within one day of meeting someone?"

Sam laughed at that. "I was actually thinking more of having to go and retrieve lost family members, though adopting someone in the space of a day is a little more unusual. But when you know...when you feel drawn to someone...." He shrugged. "You don't want to wait."

"I don't suppose you do...not if they're alone and need you especially...or, in the case of the adoptee, if you're alone and need someone..." Luke nodded. He knew Jessica was much happier for being part of Steve's family, after all.

"Exactly." Sam remembered how both Matt and Karen had needed someone, albeit in different ways. At the risk of scaring either of them off.... "I've learned to recognise when I feel that way."

Yo-Yo looked wistful. "How does it feel?" she had to ask, unable to hide the envy she felt that others had found something to fill the empty parts of their life. She loved Mack, but sometimes she needed something a boyfriend or lover couldn't give, no matter how loving they were.

"Wanting someone in your life. No matter what." Sam smiled at the two of them. "That's how I feel about you both," he said, wanting to be honest, even if it meant they might be scared off.

Luke blinked. "I guess I should have seen that coming...." He sounded equally amused and pleased. "I actually like the idea. I've been a bit envious of Jess, all things considered."

"You're okay with it? Just like that?" Yo-Yo blinked. She blinked again when she realized, "I actually like the idea too...." She sounded shocked at herself.

"Like I said...when you know, you know," Sam replied honestly. "I'd like to adopt you both." He had, in fact, already talked his feelings through with Matt and Karen, not wanting either of his other children to feel pushed out.

Luke looked at Yo-Yo with a raised eyebrow. "It would be nice...having family I can trust at my back again. And there's no denying I'd fit in better with them than anywhere else."

"I like being here..." was all Yo-Yo said, though she did look like she wanted to throw her arms around Sam in a hug.

"I like you both being here," Sam said with a smile. "Matt and Karen are already aware of how I feel...I was just waiting for the right time to bring it up with you."

"They don't mind?" Yo-Yo asked hopefully. She missed having family that wanted to be with her. Having sisters.

Luke waited to hear the answer, although he got on well with Matt and couldn't imagine that the two of them didn't want Yo-Yo and him around.

"They feel the same way I do," Sam replied. "That you belong in our family...that you have a place with us, both of you, if you want it." With a quick grin, he added, "And you already found out how things tend to get dealt with when one of the kids misbehaves, so we don't have to have that potentially awkward conversation."

Luke and Yo-Yo stared at each other a moment before looking back at Sam. "We do want it," Yo-Yo answered for both of them.

"Rules, consequences and all..." Luke added.

Sam grinned and pulled each of them into a hug, allowing his relief and happiness to show through. "I'm glad," he said with feeling. "First thing tomorrow, we can get the paperwork dealt with."

Luke smiled. "Sounds good. Sleep now?"

Sam nodded. "I'll see you both in the morning." He kissed both of their foreheads.

Luke leaned into the affection briefly, before giving Sam a side hug as walking to his room. "See you tomorrow morning, 'old man'," he teased gently, before disappearing.

Yo-Yo was a little more reluctant to pull away.

Sam smiled at Yo-Yo, stroking her hair gently. "Want to stay with me tonight?" he asked her softly.

"You don't mind?" she asked hesitantly.

"Not at all," Sam replied. "It's normal here."

"Then, I'd like to..." She smiled. "I'll change quickly and come to your room?"

"Of course." Sam drew her closer, pressing another kiss to her forehead, before gently releasing her. "I'll see you in a few minutes."

It didn't take long and soon, Yo-Yo was knocking on Sam's door, coming in when he gave permission. It didn't take much longer for them to fall asleep.


Gamora had watched all of the proceedings, noting when the man who wanted her and Nebula in his family had gone to retrieve the younger members of his family. She also noted that he kept all three of them in his room with him, though she wasn't certain if it was due to worry about their health, or worry that they would sneak off again. Sighing, she tried to figure out what to do.

Nebula stood next to her sister. "They are not injured, I hope...."

Natasha moved over to her sisters, having already made sure her son was sleeping and didn't need her close to him. "They aren't injured," she replied to Nebula's comment. "But they have had a bit too much to drink. Dad will take care of them and keep them close."

"Ah, the implants make drinking too much an impossibility for me..." she said in a non-impressed tone. It seemed to bother her a little bit, but it wasn't clear if it was her inability to get drunk, her siblings getting drunk, or the fact she had implants that bothered her.

"Silly children." Gamora sighed, well aware that her boyfriend was among those 'children'.

"There aren't normally so many of them who get into trouble," Natasha commented. "This is something of a unique situation."

"If they are anything like Peter, they were looking for attention in all the wrong ways..." Gamora said knowingly. "I have told him he does not need to try so hard for my affection; he already has it. But...I must admit I likely don't show it the way he needs. I'm not good at emotion. Although, it seems his fathers are better at it and I can't help thinking it was their attention he was seeking this time...." She frowned slightly, wondering if she was wrong in her thinking, but reluctant to just ask Peter what he was thinking. "This is why it is better to remain aloof!" She actually pouted, though if anyone had accused her of such, she would have knocked them flat for their effort.

Nebula snorted. "Like you have remained aloof, sister?" Her voice was dry.

Gamora narrowed her eyes and took a step toward Nebula. "What are you suggesting?" she said in a low growl.

"I am suggesting nothing. I am outright saying it.... You are as aloof from your friends and family as I am calm and serene and peaceful..." This time, the teasing was clear in her voice. She didn't even attempt to move out of the way when Gamora pounced.

"Remaining aloof and unaffected can be helpful when the only thing you need to do is survive," Natasha commented. "But it's not living. Not in the true sense of the word. I didn't understand that until Dad took hold of me and didn't let go."

"He took hold of you?!" Gamora asked, while clamoring on her sister in an attempt to knock her down.

Nebula, meanwhile, was doing everything in her power to stay standing and knock Gamora to the ground. "Of course he took hold of her! Just like he took hold of me...and you, even if he didn't actually grab hold of you physically..." She grunted as Gamora's elbow found her stomach at the same time her hand found a fistful of her sister's hair.

Natasha didn't make a verbal response, instead reaching out and grasping her sisters each by an arm, aiming to tug them apart. "We spar, but we don't fight each other." Her voice was firm, even if she didn't raise it.

Nebula reluctantly let go of Gamora's hair, while Gamora allowed herself to be pulled off her sister. They both gave Nat looks of uncertain confusion, though.

"What if she deserves or needs to be fought?!" Gamora asked indignantly, while Nebula just nodded.

"That isn't how we deal with things here in the family," Natasha replied.

"How do you handle it?" Nebula asked. She didn't think disagreements were handled the same as punishments, but just how they were handled hadn't been explained to her.

"It depends on the nature of the disagreement," Natasha replied. "A lot of things can be dealt with through talking with another there to act as mediator."

"Talking!" Nebula scoffed. "That sounds like something the Star Lord would say!"

"He is often right!" Gamora defended. "Though I would appreciate you not telling him I said so..." she said in an aside to Nat.

Natasha smiled at that. "Talking is better than physically fighting," she said. "We are all family here. We don't need to hurt each other."

Gamora nodded, if reluctantly.

Nebula rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fighting's fun..." she muttered, but didn't argue further.

"Then I'm sure you'll enjoy a sparring session," Natasha commented, figuring the different fighting style her new sisters brought to the table would help give them an advantage over their enemies.

Nebula's eyes narrowed as she thought about it, then she nodded. "Very well. We will spar..." She got a wolfish grin on her face, but said nothing more.

Gamora snorted. "You've done it now. She will not rest until she has bested everyone in sparring...."

"But there are many of the youngsters who will not be on the same level as you in ability," Natasha said. "Sparring is as much about teaching and learning as about staying in shape and competing."

"I will teach the younglings..." Nebula decided emphatically.

Natasha nodded. "Tomorrow, we can sit down with Dad and the other family members to figure out when that could take place." And also so their father could ensure he put in limits in case things went too far.

Nebula wrinkled her nose. "Dad makes all decisions like that? We do not decide on our own?"

Gamora listened attentively for the answer.

"He doesn't make all of the decisions," Natasha replied. "But sometimes there are things that might not be known, or that might not have been taken into account. It helps to talk through decisions with someone else who might see things in a different way to you."

"That makes sense..." Gamora nodded.

Nebula looked reluctant to agree, but she didn't disagree either. "I swore when I left Thanos I would not let another man rule me..." she muttered uncertainly, not sure how she'd so easily and eagerly accepted to put herself in a position where another man - Coulson - would be able to tell her what to do.

"Is that what you think Dad's trying to do?" Natasha asked her.

"I do not know that he is trying to do so, but the end result is the same..." Nebula sighed. "...Just because I might choose to obey his ruling does not make it any less his rule...."

Gamora frowned. "I think you are looking at it wrong..." she said to her sister. "It is necessary for there to be people in charge or there would be chaos. The man we have chosen as father is one of those in charge. It is our choice to follow...Thanos never gave us a choice...."

"He didn't force you to become his daughters," Natasha said. "The choice was yours, just as it was for our other siblings."

"I know." Nebula glanced away. "I do not regret my choice. I just...I promised myself I would never follow ever again. It is...I do not know how I feel about it." She shrugged faintly. "It does not matter. I have made my choice and I know what is expected."

"I do not think following the orders of someone who has our best interest at heart will be so difficult. Not like Thanos..." Gamora consoled her sister. She knew how Nebula felt. At the same time, she knew they were safe here and had a chance for a happiness they'd not had a chance at before. Obeying the one or ones in charge was a small price to pay.

"I understand," Natasha said. "What you describe isn't entirely different to how I myself felt when I was first brought into his family. It gets easier with time."

"It doesn't bother you? Letting Dad be in charge?" Gamora asked, for herself as much as her sister.

"I trust him," Natasha replied simply. "I love him and I know he loves me. He only acts with my best interests at heart. He doesn't want to change me."

"So when he...corrects us...he doesn't want to change us?" Nebula asked skeptically.

Natasha smiled. "He'd be changing what drew him to you in the first place. He only wants to keep us safe and help us thrive. Some family members have been able to grow into who they truly are under this kind of guidance."

Gamora nodded. "I can see how beneficial it has been to Peter...it likely won't hurt us..." she said, by way of encouraging Nebula; who seemed to be suffering from a bout of second-guessing her original decision.

"It's late now, but perhaps tomorrow, both of you would feel comfortable sitting down and talking with Dad about what's going to be expected and how you feel," Natasha suggested.

"I think we should..." Gamora nodded in agreement. The fact Nebula didn't protest was agreement enough on her end. "Until then, we should probably get some sleep."

"I agree," Natasha said. "Some of us will be meeting in the morning to do some sparring. Feel free to join." She smiled.

"I will." Nebula smiled faintly. Gamora nodded in agreement.

"I'll see you in the morning." Natasha headed to bed, though she quietly checked in on Lincoln on her way.


Despite everything, the night passed fairly uneventfully and soon, the youngest members of the family were awake and waking up their parents for food. Trip hid his grin of amusement when Kara began urging their father to the kitchen with tugs and high pitched pleas of, "Hungryyyyyyy."

Fury, always alert to his children's needs, didn't waste any time in taking his daughter to the kitchen to get her breakfast. While feeding her, he asked Friday to send a message to Foggy, asking his honorary nephew to meet him when he was free, so he could get two more copies of the paperwork.

Foggy had been watching proceedings closely and had been aware of the new arrivals and potential family. He prided himself on paying attention. Because of this, he had more than a few documents already drawn up and waiting for signatures. He was just waiting for the requests. When Friday alerted him to the first one, he grabbed his briefcase and quickly headed to the dining area. "Hello, Uncle Nick..." He smiled. "I've got the documents you wanted in my briefcase, if you'd like to go to one of the offices after breakfast and look them over. We can get signatures and I can file them at the courthouse when I take the helicopter into the city tomorrow. Since I have a court appearance then."

Fury smiled and nodded. "As soon as Robbie and Gabe are up, we can take care of signing them. I suspect there'll be a few more requests as well."

"Gabe is up..." Gabe smiled as he rolled into the dining area. He smiled at Kara. "And how is my adorable sister?" he asked, making sure not to say baby or little, or anything else that might upset her, since normally she'd be older than him.

Kara grinned at the younger man and waved from her position in Fury's arms.

Fury smiled warmly at Gabe. "Do you want to have breakfast before we take care of the paperwork?" he asked his son.

Robbie wandered in at that moment, grinning when he heard Gabe addressing Kara. "Breakfast first sounds good," he agreed. "Do you want to sit with me, Kara, so Dad can get something to eat?" He addressed his baby sister.

Kara slanted her head, thinking about it, then nodded. "Okay!" She reached toward her newest brother. It was harder and harder to react like an adult; even though she recognized that she wasn't really a child, her thoughts were becoming more and more childish the longer she stayed in child form. She'd be scared about it, but had given up thinking about it. Bruce would find a cure. Or someone would.

Robbie carefully lifted his sister into his arms, settling her on his lap so she could eat, leaving Fury free to not only prepare his own food, but prepare food for the other family members as well.

Kara was able to feed herself just fine, since Fury had made certain that everything was in bite-sized portions and was something she could pick up with her hands (since she was a bit sketchy with her manual dexterity when it came to utensils). She was very dainty and careful with her eating, though, wanting to impress her new brother.

Robbie stroked her hair gently and then gave a quick grin towards his brother and father. "Maybe later, we could have a picnic outside?" he suggested. While he knew they'd have to watch his toddler sister, he also thought she might be a bit happier to go outside for a while, even though it would have to be under supervision.

Kara perked up at that, turning wide, hopeful eyes toward her father. "Wanna pinic!"

"I don't see why not." Fury smiled at his daughter's enthusiasm, glancing up as other family members began to filter through...though the kids who had been drinking the night before were conspicuously absent.

Kara grinned and snuggled closer to Robbie, continuing to eat.


Scott had got ready quickly so that he could go check on Cassie. With everything that had been going on lately, he wanted to be certain she felt comfortable and had been able to sleep. He needn't have worried. She was already up, dressed and sitting on the floor in front of Hank's room playing 'Go Fish' with Ace. Scott smiled at the sight.

"They've decided that they're cousins now and should take advantage of any time they get to spend together before Cassie goes home to her mom..." Mike said, with a hint of amusement. "Although since I heard Cassie begging to be allowed to stay here with everyone else and go to school in town...."

Scott blinked at that. "She called Maggie and was asking that? I hadn't even allowed myself to think of it as an option, because I figured there was no way Maggie would allow her to be in my custody more than holidays and weekends...and I didn't think Cassie would want to leave her mom. But if she's asking to do that...maybe I should talk with Maggie about it...."

Hank took that moment to come out of his room. He smiled as Cassie jumped up and threw her arms around him, greeting him with a happy, "Hello, Grandpa!"

Ace sat back on his heels with a grin, then glanced towards his father, tilting his head slightly as he tried to look for any signs Hank's 'upgrades' were making Mike's life easier.

Mike walked closer to the tiny group, his step sure. He smiled at Ace, letting his son know without words that the upgrades were helping him immensely. "Hey, kids...you all ready for breakfast?"

Scott moved closer to the group as well, grinning at Cassie and Ace and then grinning even more broadly at his father. "Morning, dad..." he said fondly. "Hope should be out soon and then we can all go eat!" He said this in a sort of agitated excitement meant to amuse the children.

Ace's grin widened and he nodded vigorously, looking obviously relieved and happy that his father was being helped.

Cassie let go of Hank and grabbed onto Ace instead. "Do you want to sit next to Grandpa?" she asked him.

Having just showered and dressed after finishing up a last-minute business call, Hope stepped into the room, hair slightly damp from her shower.

Scott's grin only grew as his daughter so obviously connected to his father. He shifted closer to Hope and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I think the kids are kidnapping dad..." he whispered loudly, with a wink in Hank's direction.

Mike chuckled softly, still having a hard time believing that he and Ace had been drawn into this family so quickly.

Ace nodded with a grin. "Okay."

Hank moved over to his daughter and his sons...even if only one of them was officially his, he knew he still wanted Mike. And Ace too, of course. "I don't know if this is moving too fast for you, but I would like both you and Ace to be an official part of my family," he said to Mike.

Hope smiled, having been wondering when her father would get to that.

"If it means we get to stay here and Ace is safe and happy...I don't care how fast you move..." Mike replied somberly.

Hank reached out and gently squeezed Mike's shoulder. "You would get to stay here either way," he replied simply. "But I'm asking if you feel the same way about me as I do about you. I'd like to make it official. I want to adopt you."

"I think...I think I'd be a fool not to want that...I've been on my own too long, even with Ace. I need you, I think..." Mike admitted.

Hank smiled. "The feeling's entirely mutual." He drew his new son into a close embrace.

Mike leaned into the embrace.

Scott clapped his hands together. "Great! I think Foggy was planning to head to breakfast, so we can let him know there!"

Hank held Mike close a few more moments, then nodded to Scott...though he kept one arm around Mike.

Cassie headed over with Ace in tow and grinned at Mike. "Can I call you Uncle Mike officially now?"

Mike chuckled. "Sure thing, Munchkin"

Scott grinned at Ace. "And you can call me Uncle Scott."

"Okay, Uncle Scott!" Ace let Cassie grab his hand and begin tugging him in the direction of the dining hall.

Mike watched the kids go, then turned to his new family. "This will be good for him. Good for both of us. Thank you."

"I think it'll be good for us, too." Hank gently squeezed Mike. "We can get the paperwork done as soon as we've had breakfast," he added; though to be honest, all that was needed was for them to sign it. To the best of his knowledge, none of the parents actually read it now.

"Let's go eat then!" Scott urged, leading his family toward the dining room.


Ben sighed and slowly walked to each of his family's rooms and knocked to get them to come out for breakfast. He'd stayed the night with his wife, but she was having another one of her moments and had not recognized him at all this morning. It was difficult.

Deacon had come out immediately. "I think John stayed with Blake last night," he said hesitantly. He knew Blake had decided to take his friend under his wing, so to speak, and had a feeling Pyro would be squirming in his seat.

Ben nodded. "I think you are right," he said with a smile, leading the younger man to Blake's room and knocking.

Blake had woken fairly early and showered and dressed. As he heard the knock on the door, he gently placed a hand on Pyro's shoulder. "Come on, kiddo. Time to get up," he said gently.

Pyro groaned slightly (even though he hadn't got as spectacularly drunk as some of the others, he'd drunk enough to regret it in the morning) and carefully crawled out of bed. The tiny wince was the only evidence his head hurt, or that he'd been spanked. "Do I have time to shower before getting dressed?" he asked quietly.

"I'm sure we can wait a few minutes." Blake hugged him gently and then moved over to his minifridge to retrieve a bottle of water and then to grab some of the painkillers from his cabinet. Both he handed to Pyro.

Pyro obediently took the medicine, swallowing it down with the water. As soon as he'd emptied the bottle, he took a deep breath. "I'll hurry..." he promised, before leaving the room to go get a change of clothes and take a shower.

Deacon watched as his friend disappeared down the hall, then turned to his brother. "He did stay with you..." He sounded surprised.

Blake nodded and reached out to gently squeeze Deacon's shoulder. "Before I had to start acting the part of a dirty cop, I was aware he needed someone, but I couldn't give Fisk anymore people to use against me. Now, I can be what he needs."

Deacon nodded. "I'm sorry I made that harder for you. For both of you. I'm glad you can help him now...."

Ben gave Blake a considering look. He had been thinking that adopting Deacon so that he'd have official ties to the rest of the family would be a good idea, so that Blake could actually keep his little brother his little brother. He didn't think Pyro or Deacon would care if they were brothers or uncle and nephew, but Blake might. He'd need to ask his son if he wanted to take full responsibility for the younger man, or if he'd prefer Ben take on the legal responsibility. He thought maybe Pyro would do better with physical legal proof of Blake's affection, but just being pulled into the family, no matter who was legally his father, would do wonders for the young man's confidence and self esteem.

"Why don't you go into the dining room and save some seats next to each other? Let our chef know we're coming soon..." Ben said to Deacon, after a look at Blake that let the younger man know he wanted to speak with him.

"Yeah, sure!" Deacon quickly agreed. "You called Luis our chef. Does that mean he's staying?"

Ben smiled. "You'll have to ask him...." He waited till Deacon had nodded and disappeared around the corner to turn toward Blake. "You want to make John a legal part of the family..." he stated knowingly. "Do you want to adopt him?" He didn't ask if Blake wanted him to adopt him. The kid was family now. If Blake didn't feel like it was a good idea to adopt the kid himself, then he would.

Surprised by the question, though he really shouldn't have been, Blake gave it the consideration it needed; which wasn't all that much. "I do, Dad," he admitted. "He needs someone. I want to be that for him." He sighed. "I know I should have stepped up before now. He was drunk enough that he didn't hide anything last night...and he's been alone a long time."

"Good," was all Ben said, though his tone was proud. "You make him officially yours. Meanwhile, I'll make Deacon officially mine; provide him legal protections he doesn't currently have. Even if he doesn't really need me as a father figure."

"He'd still appreciate you," Blake replied with feeling. "Do you want to go ahead and join Deacon? I'll wait for John and talk to him one-on-one."

"I'll do that. Talk to Foggy about the paperwork. Let Deacon know what I have planned." Ben clasped Blake on the shoulder, then moved toward the dining area.

Not more than five minutes later, Pyro was returning to Blake's side. "Sorry I took so long." He grimaced.

"No problem." Blake wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I wanted to talk to you anyway."

"What about?" Pyro couldn't help giving Blake a nervous glance. Had the older man decided he was more trouble than he was worth after all?

"I want to adopt you." Blake went straight for it, not holding back. "How I feel about you...it's more than just as a big brother."

Pyro's mouth dropped open and he blinked as he tried to gather his thoughts through the fuzzy remnants of the hangover. "Yo...you want to be my dad?" He didn't sound upset at the idea. He couldn't keep a tiny note of hopeful excitement out of his question. "I wouldn't have to leave here?" His voice became a whisper, as if he were afraid that asking would insure that he would have to leave.

Blake wrapped his arms around Pyro and hugged him tightly. "I want to be your dad, kid," he whispered. "I don't want you to leave. I want you here. I want you."

Pyro hid his face in Blake's shoulder and held on tightly. "Thank you," he whispered.

Blake tightened his arms around Pyro and kissed the top of his head. "Is that a yes?" he asked hopefully. "Because we can get the paperwork done as soon as we've finished breakfast."

"Yes..." Pyro laughed through a set of fresh tears that he didn't even realize he was crying. "Now I feel even worse bout what I did last night...I hope you don't regret this...taking me on...."

"I'm not going to regret it," Blake promised, hugging him tighter to himself. "No matter what happens. I'm not going to let you go." He stroked Pyro's hair gently. "My dad...your Grandpa...is going to adopt Deacon. Effectively making him your uncle."

Pyro snorted at that in amusement. "Now when he's bossy and over-protective, he'll have a built in excuse!" The grin came through in his voice.

Blake laughed at that. "I'm glad to hear he's following my example," he teased. "I'm sorry I couldn't hold onto you before," he added, a bit more seriously. "I'm going to make up for that failure from now on."

"I understand why...now. I'm sorry I made things so much harder for you than they needed to be...." Pyro but his lip. "Even if you had to keep your distance, maybe you wouldn't have needed to worry so much what I was dragging Deacon into...."

Blake kissed his head. "Neither of you were responsible for anything that happened. But I would really like it if you both kept the dangerous actions to a minimum. I don't want to lose either one of you. I love you."

"I'll do my best..." Pyro said quietly. "I love you too. Don't want to worry you. Sides...I know what happens when family does unnecessary dangerous stuff...." he teased lightly.

"And now you know it first-hand." Blake smiled. "But it's not going to change anything about how I feel about you. No matter what happens. I promise."

Pyro smiled and nodded, shifting so that he was still hugging Blake but they were both facing the same direction and able to walk. "How soon do you think it can happen?" he asked.

Blake kept hold of Pyro as they walked in the direction of the dining hall. "I suspect Foggy already has the documents ready for printing. All that'll be needed will be our signatures."

"Yeah...I can see that he's well prepared." Pyro smiled as they entered the dining room.

Blake steered his son towards Deacon and Ben, glancing at his brother to see what Deacon thought of this.

Deacon's grin was huge, showing that he was completely on board with what was occurring.

Blake guided Pyro to the chair next to Deacon and then took the seat on the other side of his son, giving both Pyro and Deacon an affectionate smile before he reached out to start picking at the food.

Pyro forced himself to eat, even though the hangover made him feel queasy.


Werner had slept better and deeper than he had in a long time. Even since moving into the compound, he'd often woken up in a cold sweat, dreaming that he was back in HYDRA's clutches. But sleeping next to Tony...his father...had helped him in more than one way. Still, even though he woke up, he was a little bit reluctant to actually get up, worried everything would come crashing down around him.

Tony had lain awake for awhile, reluctant to disturb his sleeping son. Having experienced unrelenting nightmares himself in the past, he knew how important it was to be allowed to sleep when able. But he had been aware when Werner woke up and eventually, he knew he'd have to encourage movement. There was a difference between needing sleep and being afraid to face the day. Slowly, carefully, he extricated himself from Werner and got out of bed. "I'm going to take a shower and get dressed, kiddo. You can sleep a bit longer if you want, but once we're both ready, I figured we'd go get your brother and check on getting breakfast." He didn't say they'd check on his mom, though he was concerned about her. He knew Steve had her, so she was safe and she would be well on her way to mortification at her actions and not wanting to see anyone. It was better to let Steve bring her out than to hunt for her.

"Okay." Werner sat up slowly, searching Tony's face for clues on how he was supposed to act now. His blood father hadn't ever treated him like a son, so he had zero frame of reference for how he was now expected to act. Uncertainly, he ran a hand through his hair, not sure if it was appropriate or right for him to ask.

"Why don't you take a shower, get changed? It might help you wake up the rest of the way and feel better." Tony smiled. I'll meet you back here in twenty minutes."

Werner nodded and slipped out of the bed, heading to his own room to grab a change of clothes and then going to get showered. He couldn't help but feel confused and uncertain of what he was supposed to do now.

Tony watched Werner as the younger man slipped out to get ready for the day. He couldn't help but pick up feelings of uncertainty from the younger man and hoped he wasn't having second thoughts about joining the family. Maybe he and Pepper needed to talk and arrange to have it made official as soon as possible, even if she wasn't her normal age yet. Maybe if it were 'real', then Werner wouldn't second guess himself. Tony didn't want to imagine the younger man deciding that he didn't want to belong to the family and leaving. Sighing softly to himself, he quickly grabbed his own clothing and headed to the showers.

Werner showered and dressed fairly quickly, then hesitantly returned to meet Tony. He really wasn't sure if what had been true last night was still true now and he didn't know how to ask that.

Tony didn't take long either and shortly, he was walking back to meet up with Werner. He smiled brightly. "Let's go see what they have for breakfast. Maybe those who were out late last night will be awake enough to come join us..." He hadn't had a chance to check on Pepper, so he hoped that he was right and they all would feel up to joining the group. The sooner he talked to Pepper, the better.

"Okay, sir," Werner replied agreeably, figuring he was 'safe' with that term of respect. He'd called Tony 'Dad' last night, but now he was considerably less certain if that need would be welcome or allowed.

"Aw...I'm 'Sir' again? I rather liked 'Dad' personally..." Tony gently teased, not sure if Werner's return to the less personal term of respect was due to changing his mind about wanting to join the family, or if he just needed more encouragement to view Tony as his father.

Werner found himself studying Tony's face, not sure if the comment was serious under the teasing. "Really?" He winced at the hopeful note in his voice; the needy tone he wasn't sure he could hide.

Tony's voice when he responded was completely serious. "Really. I meant it when I said I want you to be my son. If you're having second thoughts, I won't force you, but...I will be very disappointed. And I know Pepper will be as well. Are you having second thoughts?" The question was worried.

"No." Werner looked down at his feet, the rest of his sentence whispered. "I thought maybe you were."

"Well, I'm not." Tony spoke matter-of-factly, not wanting Werner to feel badly about questioning his reliability in keeping the promise he'd made. It was only natural the kid might have doubts and question after the upbringing he'd had. At the same time.... "I have every intention of adopting you if that's what you still want. I haven't changed my mind."

"I do." Werner took a deep breath and spoke with a surer tone to his voice. "I do want that."

"Good. I'm very glad about that." Tony's smile brightened and he put an arm around Werner. "Why don't we go get something to eat? I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" His stomach growled loudly, as if to confirm his statement. Tony didn't even look sheepish.

Werner nodded and leaned into Tony, taking a deep breath. "Me too, Dad," he said shyly.

Tony's grin grew as Werner addressed him in the more familiar term. "Great! That's good...." he said, his happiness clear in his voice as he led Werner to the dining room.


Stephen sighed as he ran into yet another brick wall in his quest to find a reversal to the age-regression of his family. (While Mordo, Wong and he had only been in the facility for less than a week and he hadn't really had much interaction with anyone outside of Bruce Banner, he'd still found himself thinking of the large group of people in the same terms they thought of themselves. And if he included himself in the description of 'family'; well, he wouldn't examine his reasons too closely.) He'd thought he'd nearly found it...the cure they needed...but he'd been wrong and now he'd have to start from the beginning again; see where he went wrong in his calculations. He rubbed at his eyes wearily.

"Friday...Are Wong and Mordo still sleeping? Is it time for me to move labs again?" He'd woken up shortly after going to bed the night before, when he'd heard the group of 'teenagers' and their guardians returning from whatever misadventure the 'teens' had snuck out on. Not able to sleep, he'd snuck into one of the labs and begun to work, changing labs every hour or two in the hopes that if either of them came looking for him, he could honestly tell them he hadn't been in that lab for very long. It was a phrasing of words that would certainly get him into a lot of trouble if either of his care-givers were inclined to investigate more deeply, but he had hope that he'd be able to 'truthfully' walk his way through any verbal minefields and get out unscathed. That would only work as long as he moved often enough for his words to be technically true, though.

Quickly cleaning up his work area, gathering his notes and turning off any equipment, he prepared to sneak into the next nearby available lab.


Neither Mordo or Wong had slept late, though both had slept longer than their charge. It hadn't been too much of a surprise to wake and find that Stephen was long gone; nor was it a surprise when Friday took it upon herself to tell them what Stephen had been up to, the AI's disapproval of a considered family member working himself to exhaustion clear.

"I think we should both confront him this time," Wong said, as soon as they'd found out where Stephen was.

It was a bit more difficult for Mordo to stay patient and he was quick to agree, knowing he was more likely to keep himself calm with Wong's own calming influence there.


Stephen had just settled in to the new lab and begun his calculations again when Friday informed him he was about to have visitors. Quickly running a hand through his hair and rubbing his eyes in an attempt to look more awake and rested, he faced the door.

Mordo entered the room first, instantly seeing that Stephen looked tired. He frowned, but it was Wong who spoke up, coming to stand next to Mordo. "We are aware of how long you have been awake and working for," Wong said seriously.

Stephen didn't even try to deny it. While he may have been willing to 'stretch' the truth with technicalities, he was less willing to lie directly. Instead, he looked at the ceiling and said, in an aggrieved tone, "You told them!?"

"You are family and you were doing something detrimental to your health. My parameters allow me to tell whoever is necessary to remove that detriment." Friday's voice was haughty.

"I think this is a conversation we have had many times over." Mordo stepped closer to Stephen. "We have both made it clear that you are not to overwork yourself. And certainly not to continue working without taking the time to speak to one of us."

Even though Mordo wasn't raising his voice, the hint of frustration was enough for Wong to step close enough to him to lightly touch his shoulder.

Stephen had the grace to look ashamed of himself, even if he was still stubbornly refusing to admit he had a problem with overworking. "Do you want me to go to your room?" he finally asked, with a hint of reluctance. As much as he disliked being in trouble with his mentors, he'd rather face up to it in private than to risk a public scolding, or worse.

For a moment, Mordo looked like he might be tempted to take care of things right then and there. It was Wong who nodded. "We will go there now," he decided.

Stephen might be stubborn, but he wasn't unobservant. He could tell he'd pushed Mordo too far and couldn't help but give Wong a grateful look for saving his reputation with the non-family members. He'd quickly moved toward the door, stopping at Wong's side, knowing that just rushing ahead wouldn't save his butt.

Mordo was very quick to start heading in the direction of their rooms. While he didn't walk faster than the other two, he was still clearly bothered by it.

Wong, on the other hand, walked next to Stephen, his face and posture calm.

The closer to the room they got- and the more and more obvious Mordo's displeasure became- the more withdrawn and sullen Stephen became. He hadn't expected to feel guilty about his actions; after all, he was attempting to help the family. But Mordo had been correct; they had been over Stephen's tendency to work himself too hard many times. And Stephen knew it was only a desire to keep him safe that caused them to worry and insist that he not do so. The fact that his intentions were good didn't really matter. So… he felt guilty and wasn't sure how to express that feeling in a way that was or would be acceptable to the other two. As upset as Mordo was, Steven doubted an admission of guilt and an apology would mend the slight rift that his actions had caused. He swallowed hard and gave Wong a worried look.

Wong, responding to the worried look, placed a hand on Stephen's shoulder and squeezed gently. But neither he nor Mordo spoke until they were inside the room...and then Mordo did, an edge of frustration that didn't hide his worry to his voice. "Perhaps I should start requesting Friday tell us the moment you wake."

Steven looked up at that, his eyes wide. "...You don't need to do that..." he whispered uncertainly.

"If you can't stop on your own, I don't see that we have a choice," Mordo responded.

"How early did you wake up?" Wong asked.

Stephen swallowed again, not wanting to answer the question, because he was certain it would just anger Mordo more.

"Answer the question." Mordo didn't raise his voice, but it was clipped.

"I woke when the group of teenagers was retrieved and brought home last night," Stephen reluctantly admitted.

"And you've been in the lab since then?" Wong was quick to ask for clarification, but also, he thought that by taking over the questioning, it would give Mordo a few minutes to settle. He knew the frustration was borne out of worry and fear of Stephen making dangerous mistakes that could hurt him due to tiredness and overwork...he wasn't as sure if their charge realised the same.

Stephen's glance at Wong was nervous. "Yes, sir..." he whispered, just loudly enough to be heard in the nearly silent room. He could tell Mordo was upset with him and wasn't sure if this would be the point that the other man would just wash his hands of him and say he'd had enough; that Stephen was on his own and could destroy himself, if that's what he really wanted. By this point, Stephen had got used to the other men caring, however, and the thought of Mordo withdrawing was more frightening than he wanted to admit to himself, let alone the other two. If Wong became angry as well? Stephen wasn't certain what he'd do.

Wong could tell that Stephen was nervous and he gently squeezed the other man's shoulder. A glance at Mordo's face and he made a quick decision, using his hand on Stephen's shoulder to guide him over to one of the corners. "Stand here," he directed.

Stephen darted a startled look toward Wong- was the man really making him stand in the corner like a naughty child? - but he didn't argue. He didn't say anything, he just obediently stood where he was placed and, after giving one last questioning glance toward Wong, he put his nose against the corner and closed his eyes tightly, trying to keep control over his emotions. He felt very close to losing control over them and starting to babble.

Satisfied Stephen was doing as he was told, Wong walked over to Mordo; who, now that he'd given a breather, was more upset than really angry. "I think it might be better if you take him in hand this time." While his voice wasn't loud, it would probably carry easily to their charge.

Wong was shaking his head almost before the final word was out of Mordo's mouth. "This is not about him defying only one of us." He didn't comment on the worry he could see gnawing at Mordo; that he didn't think he was calm enough to see to their charge's needs. No matter how much Stephen might vex them, Wong knew there was no chance either of them would give up on him. Or decide he was too much trouble. "The correction would be more meaningful if it comes from both of us."

Stephen had huddled in on himself when he'd heard Mordo's words, a feeling of confusion and loss coming over him. Mordo didn't sound angry any longer, but his voice was obviously upset and Stephen couldn't help but feel like he'd gone too far...that he'd ruined his relationship with his teacher and friend irreparably. Closing his eyes tightly, he tried to contain the sudden tears that had filled his eyes, but it was impossible. His face quickly became striped with wetness and he had to force himself to breathe normally and not begin crying at what he believed he had caused to happen. Because of this, he didn't hear what Wong said.

Mordo took a deep breath and closed his eyes, nodding. Opening his eyes again, he focused immediately on Stephen, taking in his charge's posture. He winced, realising how his words and emotions must have affected the man, and walked quickly over to him. Drawing Stephen out of the corner and into his arms, he whispered, "I'm not walking away from you or turning my back. I swear."

Stephen's shivery breath told his state of mind better than anything. That and the way he'd quickly latched onto Mordo with a death grip, pressing as close as he was able. "Wouldn't blame you if you left me..." he finally whispered. "I'm disobedient and unruly and more trouble than I'm worth...."

Mordo hugged him tightly. "Being angry or frustrated or upset at your actions doesn't mean I've chosen to give up on you," he said seriously. "If I did that, I wouldn't care. But that won't happen."

Stephen nodded to show he'd heard and understood. He continued to hold tightly to his friend, though, guilt at the fact he'd upset Mordo in such a way not leaving at the words and in fact growing. "I wish I could say I was sorry for working all night and that it would never happen again," he said in a subdued voice, "but I'm not sorry for it and I know it likely will happen again." He paused. "I am sorry that my actions worry and upset you and Wong," he continued. "...And I'm sorry I am unable to find a way to keep myself in check so that I can do what I need to do without worrying, upsetting and disobeying you. I can't ever seem to find a way to do that when I'm working on something I think is very important." By the end, his voice was hesitant and tiny like a child, as he knew he had no excuse and really had no defence, however important he thought what he was working on was.

"I know." Mordo didn't release Stephen, instead holding onto him more tightly. "Which means this is something we need to work on," he said seriously. "We've both told you the same thing. Wong feels, and I agree, that this time, the correction will be more effective if it comes from both of us."

Stephen blinked and leaned back far enough that he could look Mordo in the eye and see Wong, but he notably didn't pull away from Mordo's grip; and he didn't argue against being corrected. "How? Will...will I be getting two spankings?" He sounded slightly worried along with the confusion. He wasn't certain he could handle one spanking, let alone two. He was already close to tears from his worry about upsetting Mordo so deeply and because he was so tired.

Mordo could tell Stephen was tired and he looked into his charge's eyes. "I think we'd be better off continuing this conversation after you've had a nap." The note of worry in his voice was clear.

"Yessir..." Stephen looked down, ashamed. Stephen might argue a river off course, but if it was absolutely clear the other person was correct, he wouldn't fight against it; not if it was his brother, anyway. He couldn't help feel like a child having Mordo and Wong stepping in and telling him what to do, though. It scared him to feel so vulnerable and subservient to someone else. (Although maybe that wasn't the word).

Wong and Mordo exchanged a glance and then Wong left the room, heading to Stephen's so he could get a pair of the other man's pyjamas.

"I think it's for the best if you nap in here, with us." Mordo had regained his calm and still kept in physical contact with Stephen, but he was aware of the effect his emotions had had on his charge. He regretted deeply that he'd let his frustration and upset show through and have such a negative impact on his charge.

"Okay..." Stephen whispered. He could tell Mordo was calm now and his initial fear that he might have pushed his friend away, as he had pushed so many others away in his past, was lessening. He was grateful that Mordo wasn't just sending him to bed, though. If he was in Mordo's room, his friend would return after breakfast, he was certain. "I...I don't mean to push you away...I don't want to push you away..." he admitted quietly.

"I know. And you won't," Mordo replied reassuringly. "There are times I might get frustrated or upset, but no matter what happens, I won't leave you. Just like the people here are family, you and Wong are mine."

Stephen slumped in accepting relief. He hadn't pushed his family away; and Mordo said he wouldn't. Mordo was always honest, so he could believe him about that. "I wish I could be sorry about what I did...I could stop doing it if I were sorry. I'm only sorry about how it makes you feel..." he said in frustration, clearly at himself.

Wong had arrived back in the room by now, carrying a pair of Stephen's pyjamas, and heard what he said. "If you can't change your behaviour for yourself, perhaps you can change it for your family."

"What do you mean?" Stephen asked softly, as he took the pyjamas. He changed slowly, too tired to rush.

"You don't care about how it affects your own health, but it bothers you more that your actions have upset us," Wong said calmly. "That's what you need to start considering."

Stephen slanted his head, then nodded. "You are right. I…I will try to do that." He swallowed, not wanting to make any promises in case he was unable to keep it.

"Rest for now," Mordo said gently. "We won't leave you."

Stephen gave one last reluctant look toward his brothers, but didn't argue. Crawling into the bed, he shifted until he was in the middle and pulled the sheets up. "How long...?" He whispered, wondering how long he'd need to stay in bed. He normally slept very little- five hours at most- but having skipped sleep entirely the night before, he wasn't certain what Mordo or Wong would expect.

Mordo sat on one edge of the bed, while Wong sat on the other. "We'll make that decision based on how quickly you fall asleep," Mordo said. "It's not in your hands."

Stephen blinked at that loss of control and bit his lip, but still didn't argue. Having Mordo so upset with him had cowed him for the moment and he found himself not wanting to push. "Yessir..." he quickly agreed and shut his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep quickly. He reached out toward both men, as if seeking reassurance that they would not leave him.

Mordo didn't waste any time in grasping Stephen's hand, noticing Wong doing the same out of the corner of his eye. "Sleep, little brother," he murmured, just loud enough for Stephen to hear. "We won't leave you."

Reassured that his brothers had him, it didn't take long at all for Stephen to fall asleep.


Natasha woke up fairly early, despite having been up late, and moved to her son's room after showering and dressing, knocking on the door.

Lincoln hadn't been up quite as early, but he was still showered and mostly dressed when the knock on his door occurred. "Come in," he called out, as he sat on a nearby chair to put his shoes on.

Natasha opened the door and stepped into the room. "Morning. I think most people are headed to the dining room for breakfast." Most being the ones who weren't likely to be sleeping off the effects of too much alcohol.

"I'm ready...and famished!" Lincoln grinned. "I'm back to always being hungry, it looks like..." he said sheepishly.

"Your body's still a teenager, even if your mind's an adult," Natasha said gently. "And I think all of the others are in the same situation." She reached out to wrap an arm around his shoulders.

Lincoln nodded. "I know that mentally. It's still hard to get used to." Lincoln shifted so he was leaning into his mother. "I hope the others are alright after last night...."

Natasha wrapped her other arm around him in a hug. "They might be feeling the effects of drinking too much alcohol, but I'm sure they'll be fine. They might not all be up to coming to breakfast, though."

"Yeah. I'll be surprised if I see them..." Lincoln sighed. "Is it odd that I can't decide if I'm glad I wasn't with them or if I'm upset I wasn't invited to go?" He snorted softly.

"I wouldn't say it's odd, but I'm glad you weren't with them," Natasha said honestly. "I don't think they were holding back."

"Yeah. I don't think they did what they originally set out to do...they drank too much." Lincoln sighed.

"Things have been difficult. For everyone involved." Natasha kissed his head. "But I'm glad you're safe."

"Yeah. I'm glad you're safe too..." Lincoln smiled and snuggled closer before pulling away to step into the dining area. He noted who all was and was not there. "Morning!" He smiled at those already there and eating.

Natasha quickly found herself and her son seats near to her new sisters, so they could start eating.


Laura had been doing better at sleeping through the night, curled up in her father's room with the nightmares having taken a backseat. Unfortunately, this time, Charles' constant watch on the child's mind faltered long enough for a nightmare to spark...and while Laura had got better and was no longer quite as wild as she had been, when she woke up, it was without immediate awareness of where she was.

Logan was immediately aware when the nightmares started. He was a light sleeper and he'd witnessed enough to know the signs. Because of this, soon after they started, he was gently attempting to wake her. "It's alright, sweetheart, wake up. It's just a bad dream...."

Laura scooted back, but unlike the previous nightmares, she managed to calm herself quite quickly, this time without resorting to a bad reaction and releasing her claws.

Logan smiled. "Good girl...good job. You controlled yourself even when scared and asleep! I'm proud of you!" Logan encouraged, even as he tugged his youngest into his arms and held her close.

Laura slowly relaxed as she began to realise she was safe and secure. After a brief hesitation, she wrapped her arms around her father, holding on tight.

Logan smiled, pressing a kiss to her head. "It's almost breakfast time. Do you want to try and relax for a few more minutes, then get up and ready?" He was perfectly happy snuggling her for as long as she needed, but sometimes the best way to get rid of the remnants of a nightmare was to do something else to occupy your mind. He knew spending time with the other children did that for her.

Laura nodded and glanced towards the door. "Grandpa and Uncle Remy are up," she said quietly, reacting to Charles' touch on her mind.

"Good...you want to join them?" Logan asked with a smile.

As answer, Laura loosened her arms from around her father.

Carefully setting her down, Logan took her hand. "Let's get you dressed and then we'll meet up with them in the dining room." He walked with her to her room, then waited for her outside.

Laura headed into her room and began to dress, calm and settled now that she was awake.


Old habits die hard and Yo-Yo wasn't an exception to that. She'd woken early and while she hadn't really needed to get up yet, she was so used to rising early, she wasn't able to go back to sleep. So she'd quietly got up, got dressed and went to work out. She wasn't surprised to see she wasn't the only one in that situation. She was surprised that Luke was one of the early risers.

"I had an early morning job in prison," was all he said in response to her surprised smile. He began to train with her.


Sam had woken up shortly after Yo-Yo had left. Showering and dressing quite quickly, he checked in with Friday and then headed to the training floor, tracking down his two new children.

Yo-Yo was in the process of trying to take Luke down when she noticed Sam entering the training area. She grinned. "Hey, Papi! Have you come to train too?" she asked curiously, not having realized they'd been training for over an hour.

Luke glanced at their father and smiled. "I think he's more likely come to retrieve us for breakfast...It's a lot later than you might think, sis..." he teased gently.

Sam smiled. "You've been training for quite a while. Maybe later, we can have a training session together?" he suggested. "But I think the first order of business is breakfast. And then taking care of the paperwork."

Yo-Yo blinked, then grinned. "Yes! I am very hungry I think. Maybe I should shower first, though...?" She glanced at both men to see if they were willing to postpone eating for the fifteen minutes it would take for her to shower, change and get to the dining area.

"Can't say I don't need a shower..." Luke snorted in amusement.

Sam smiled. "I'll wait for both of you to be ready, so we can eat together. I'll ask Matt and Karen to join us too."

Luke nodded, pausing just long enough to ask, "Do they know about us, you know...signing today?"

Yo-Yo waited to hear the answer.

"They do," Sam confirmed. "They're both looking forward to this being official."

Both Yo-Yo and Luke seemed pleased at that news.

"I'll just hurry up then..." Yo-Yo smiled and quickly left to shower and change.

"Me too..." Luke hung back enough that Sam could walk with him back to the family quarters if he wanted.

Sam walked with Luke, checking with Friday to see if Matt and Karen were awake, or if he needed to wake them up for breakfast. Karen probably would be, but considering Matt was currently a teenager, it wouldn't surprise him if his other son was more reluctant to get up.

Luke headed to his room for a change of clothes and then headed to the shower. He smiled at Karen on his way past.

Karen gave a tiny wave at her newest family member, then smiled at her father and moved over to give him a big hug. "Friday said you were looking for me and Matt to go to breakfast. I think Matt's still asleep...."

Sam wrapped his arms tightly around Karen and kissed the top of her head. "Do you want to come with me to wake your brother? Or wait here for your new brother and sister?" he asked.

"I'll come with you..." Karen smiled, snuggling close. "It'll give us a moment to chat."

"That sounds good to me." Keeping his arms wrapped around his daughter, Sam guided her to Matt's room. He knocked lightly on the door and then opened it. "Morning, son. It's breakfast time," he said gently.

"Uuuugh...can't I just skip breakfast and eat a Pop Tart later?" Matt grumbled from under his blanket. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but ever since he'd lost several years, he was constantly tired.

Karen blinked. "I thought you hated Pop Tarts..." she said, barely hiding her amusement.

"I'm afraid not." Sam stepped over to the bed and placed a hand gently on Matt's shoulder. "You don't want to miss getting your brother and sister officially, do you?"

Matt's squirming stilled for a second and then he was throwing the covers off and nearly jumping out of bed in the same movement. If Sam hadn't have been there to catch him, he likely would have fallen on his face, since his body hadn't quite caught up to what his mind wanted him to do. "Why didn't you say that first!? Of course I want to be there!" he blurted, sounding almost affronted at the idea that he'd want to miss the occasion. "Where're my clothes?" He spun around and felt for his dresser. He'd already showered the night before, so didn't feel like he needed to do that again.

Karen bit her lip to keep from laughing. "I'll just go wait outside your room while dad helps you, Matty..." she said quietly, before slipping out.

Sam smiled and steadied his son, then helped him over to his dresser. "Slow down. They're showering and dressing, so you've got time," he murmured, kissing Matt's head.

Matt blushed, but grinned at his father. "Sorry...just excited. You'd think with all the family that gets adopted regularly, I'd be used to it by now...." He opened the dresser and began to feel for the markings in the tags that would tell him what matched and what didn't.

"It's different when you're getting a sibling," Sam commented.

"Yeah. True. Foggy has all the papers?" Matt asked, just to hear himself talk. He knew his best friend would have taken care of everything needed. He quickly changed from his bedclothes to his regular clothes, then stood still so Sam could make certain he had everything on correctly and wasn't going to walk out and embarrass himself with a shirt being on inside out, or mismatched socks, or something else equally annoying.

"He does," Sam replied, quickly checking over his son to make sure everything was in place. He kissed Matt's cheek. "You look fine, son."

Matt's grin grew and he impulsively threw his arms around Sam in a tight hug. "Thanks, dad... Let's go get Yo-Yo and Luke!" He tugged his father toward the door, knowing that Karen was waiting on the other side.

Sam let himself get tugged along, smiling as they exited out of the room and he saw Karen stood out there. "I expect Luke and Yo-Yo will be ready soon."

"And you would be right...about Luke, at least..." The soft spoken man came up behind the trio, smiling at his new family.

"Hey!" a teasing voice came from the other direction. "They're right about me too! I'm here!" Yo-Yo protested, as she moved to stand next to Karen.

Karen laughed happily. "Let's go grab Foggy, then!"

"I suspect he's already at breakfast." Sam grinned at his children and then began heading to the family dining room.


Pepper had slept fitfully through the night, but eventually, despite being very tired, her guilty conscience and her queasiness wouldn't let her rest any longer. Carefully crawling out of the bed so she wouldn't disturb her father, she tiptoed out of the room and went to her own room, grabbed a change of clothing and went to take a quick shower. Then she dressed and snuck upstairs, heading toward the outside and fresh air. It wasn't that she was attempting to avoid her father and the consequences she knew she had coming. She just didn't feel up to facing anyone or anything, at the moment, and felt like hiding out for a few hours was the best course of action.

Remy had been on his way to join Charles, Logan and Laura in the dining room, when he spotted Pepper on her way out. He quickly sped up his steps to catch up with her. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I...uh....oooh" Pepper startled at Remy's sudden presence, faltering at his question and then putting one hand over her stomach and the other on her forehead as her rapid movement caught up with her and made her lightheaded and queasy. "J...just going out for some fresh air," she finally answered in a near whisper, her face turning red in a mixture of shame and embarrassment.

Remy raised his eyebrows in clear disbelief at her response. "I'm surprised you were able to sneak past Steve," he commented. "I don't imagine you were 'just' heading out for some fresh air."

Pepper blinked uncertainly. "I...I didn't immediately head this way. I took a shower and got dressed first..." she admitted. "He probably thinks he'll find me in my room or at breakfast..." Her voice dropped as she felt a stab of guilt that she'd let Steve believe something that wasn't true, even if she really was just going outside...for a few hours...to think.... Swallowing then biting her lip, she gave Remy a nervous look. "I...I'm not ready to talk about what I did. I know he's going to want to talk..." she whispered.

"I don't imagine you feel ready to talk about it," Remy replied. "But running away isn't going to stop it from happening. All it'll do is postpone it. And the longer you stay away, the harder it will be to face up to it."

"I...I know you're right," Pepper sighed softly. "Wanna walk me back to my daddy?" She gave him a crooked smile, blushing slightly. It was embarrassing having anyone know what she did, but Remy knew her background with drinking and he couldn't have been impressed by her actions. "Are...are you disappointed in me too?" she finally asked in a whisper. She couldn't imagine that Steve wasn't disappointed in her, but if everyone she looked up to and respected was disappointed in her, then she didn't know what she'd do.

Remy smiled at her. "I still remember what it was like to be a teenager. And I know this has been hard on all of you who have been deaged so far. I'm not disappointed, but I know you can act so much better." He held his arm out for her to hang onto, just in case the hangover caused her to become dizzy and lose her balance.

Pepper sighed and took his arm, leaning against him. "I'm disappointed in me..." she whispered, as she let him lead her back to her father's room.

"I'm sure, but everyone makes mistakes." Remy reached Steve's room just as he arrived and smiled at his nephew. "I think I know who you're looking for."

With a relieved smile and nod to his uncle, Steve simply held out his arm to Pepper.

Pepper gave Remy a quick hug before throwing herself into Steve's arm, snuggling close and hiding her face. If she didn't have to look him in the eye, she could pretend she was just snuggling with him because of how much she loved him and not because she'd done something wrong and was afraid he was upset with her.

Steve wrapped his arms tight around his daughter, hugging her close and kissing the top of her head. "I'll see you at breakfast, Uncle Remy," he said, waiting for an acknowledgement before guiding Pepper into his bedroom.

"Sorry, daddy..." Pepper whispered, not offering any excuses for herself; it was obvious she'd been attempting to sneak out and hide and likely would have, if Remy hadn't found her before she could.

Jessica was sat on the bed, legs crossed and hands folded on her lap. She glanced up long enough to give Pepper a sympathetic and entirely too understanding smile. She'd thought of trying to sneak out as well, but she'd slept in too late and Steve was already up and looking for Pepper before she'd even stirred, so she'd decided worrying him further was unnecessarily mean.

Steve smiled warmly at Jessica. "Do you want to go on to breakfast?" he asked. Since she'd already been punished, he didn't intend to make her have to listen to her sister's punishment.

"Yes, sir..." Jessica answered respectfully, quickly hopping off the bed and heading toward the door. She paused just long enough to give Pepper a quick hug, then left, the door closing with a firm click behind her.

Pepper swallowed hard and stared at the floor, unable to meet her father's eyes.

Steve gently led her to the bed and took a seat, pulling her down to sit with him. "Do you want to tell me what you were thinking about?" he asked softly.

"At which point?" Pepper snorted faintly, her unhappiness with herself and the situation she now found herself in obvious.

"Either. I just want to understand." Steve wrapped both arms around her, hugging her close to himself.

Pepper snuggled closer and sighed softly. "This morning...I just didn't want to face you...face what I did and see how disappointed in me you were..." she admitted quietly. "...I wasn't planning to run away or anything, just...postpone having to...to face everything. Then Uncle Remy found me and reminded me that avoiding it wouldn't make it go away or be any better and I'd just feel worse after...so I turned around and came back with him..." She bit her lip and waited for him to respond to that confession. Out of everything, that was likely the least problematic of her actions, since she never even made it outside.

Steve nodded in understanding. "You aren't the only one to run from the consequences of your actions. I'm sure you remember how often Tony ended up running."

"I know. I'm just not used to being the one to run. Usually I face things better..." she whispered.

"You're also not used to being in trouble after having been deaged to a teenager," Steve pointed out gently.

Pepper nodded. "Even when I was a teenager the first time, I never acted out this badly..." She whimpered, suddenly close to tears and not able to figure out why. She felt so terrible for what she was certain she'd put Steve through, her adult mind realizing how dangerous it had been and how worried she would have been if her children had snuck out during such a time and put themselves in a situation where they were even more vulnerable than usual due to inebriation.

Steve tightened his embrace. "Things have been overwhelming for everyone, even when there have been good things happening, such as forming a relationship with a new son," he said gently. "You haven't been able to do the things you're used to being able to do."

“I...I know that's a reason for it, but it's not a very good excuse. I knew better. I knew sneaking out of the compound was wrong and dangerous. I knew sneaking into the club and drinking was wrong and dangerous. I just can't seem to control myself very well right now..." She sniffled, tears running down her cheeks.

Steve kissed her head. "It's understandable, since you're effectively going through puberty again. It's unsettling and confusing. It doesn't change your place in my family. In this family."

Pepper choked back a tiny sob. "I'm so sorry, daddy..." she whimpered, snuggling close again. She felt miserable knowing how badly she'd messed up.

"I know. I love you. That's never changed," Steve promised. He hugged her close for a few moments more and then gently moved her over his lap.

Pepper didn't struggle at all, allowing herself to be moved to where Steve wanted her. Once she was in position, she wrapped her arms around his leg in a hug that was tight enough to leave no doubt at how unsettled and needy she was feeling. Closing her eyes, she waited for what she knew was coming.

Steve wrapped his arm around Pepper's waist, pulling her close against his stomach, and then proceeded to bare her before he brought his hand down in the first hard smack that he then repeated.

Pepper let out a tiny whimpering gasp, but otherwise didn't do anything that would even be construed as trying to change Steve's mind. She felt so guilty for letting her emotions and hormones control her and Steve stepping in was the first time since being deaged that something actually felt normal. She blinked back tears of remorse and pain and held more tightly, focusing on her father's hand.

Steve continued the hard smacks down to her thighs and then started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know things have been hard for you, for all of you. But nothing you could do would change how I feel about you. Or how much I love you."

"I...I know, daddy." Pepper winced and whimpered a little more, unable to stop the slight shifting of her bottom as he began over. "I'll never ever doubt your love for me!" Her voice was high pitched and caught on a tiny sob. "I...I don't think I was testing that..." She sounded confused and uncertain and sniffled again.

"But maybe you were testing to see if things had changed," Steve replied gently, completing the second circuit and beginning a third, going a fraction harder and faster.

"To...to see if you still had me?" Pepper choked again, then went limp over her father's knee and just cried. By this point, it didn't matter to her why she did what she did. She was just sorry she'd done it. "I'm sorry, daddy..." she said softly through her tears.

Steve brought the spanking to a stop and wasted no time in gathering his daughter into his arms and onto his lap, hugging her close and tight to himself.

Pepper clung to Steve, burrowing against him and hiding her head under his chin. "I don't understand why it's so much harder for me to act right now..." she murmured. "It's so much worse than the first time I was growing up...doesn't make sense...."

Steve kissed her head and cuddled her tightly. "I've noticed that everyone's been acting differently," he commented.

"Even the 'still' adults?" Pepper asked helplessly, snuggling even more. The fact she was snuggling and not attempting to be in control of herself was proof that she was being affected strongly. While she loved affection from her family, it was seldom, if ever, clingy and needy to the degree she was currently showing.

"This is new territory for all of us," Steve replied gently. "I think everyone's been affected in different ways."

"I love you, daddy...and I'm really, really sorry I snuck out. I don't even like drinking that much..." Pepper admitted with a flush.

"I know," Steve said. "And I know you're sorry. I forgive you. I love you."

Pepper sniffled a bit more, reluctant to pull her clothes back into place because it would mean she had to step away from her father. She didn't want him to stop holding her.

"You can make yourself more comfortable and then come back and cuddle some more," Steve suggested gently.

Pepper blushed that Steve had been able to 'read' her so well, but quickly listened, standing long enough to fix her pants then crawling back onto his lap and snuggling close with a contented sigh. "I guess we should go to breakfast soon..." she whispered. "I think I heard there's to be several new additions to the family...."

Steve wrapped his arms tightly around her once more. "That's my understanding as well."

"I know Tony and I were planning to wait until I was older to adopt Werner." Pepper sniffled again, letting out a tiny sigh. "If I have to re-age normally though, that could take a while. Maybe I should tell him to adopt without me and if I ever grow up again, then I can adopt him...." She couldn't help but sound dejected.

"I don't know if you have to wait," Steve commented. "I suspect there's a very good chance Blake will be adopting St. John; and he was deaged to a teenager as well." When he'd left to look for his daughter, Steve's super-hearing had allowed him to overhear some of the conversations.

"Really? It...you don't think it would cause problems?" Pepper bit her lip, unable to hide the hope in her eyes.

Steve gently stroked her hair. "We're not necessarily a conventional family here, but we're still a family. And I think you and Tony taking that step now will help Werner to feel valued. And potentially less likely to rush off into danger. Slightly," he added wryly.

"Did something happen last night?" Pepper leaned back, her face a picture of worry and confusion. "I vaguely remember Tony coming in with Werner, but it's all blurry...."

"Werner thought he'd try and go after a HYDRA base alone," Steve replied. "He was brought back safely. I need to talk to Tony, too. Your uncle Nick told me he handled the whole thing very well."

Pepper smiled at that. "He's handled this entire mess so good. I know it's been hard on all of you..." She snuggled some more, then leaned up and kissed Steve on the cheek. "Lets go find them. I want to let Tony know...maybe it will make things easier too."

"I expect they've headed to breakfast," Steve commented. "I think everyone's gathering there anyway."

Pepper nodded and stood up. "Do I look alright, daddy?" She glanced up at him with a smile. While her face looked a bit more wan than usual and her eyes were red, that could easily be attributed to the hangover everyone expected her to have.

"You look fine." Steve kissed her head.

Pepper beamed at her father, giving him a quick hug before tugging him toward the door. "C'mon, daddy! We have to make your grandson official!"

Smiling, Steve allowed himself to be pulled along behind his daughter, happy and relaxed now that this was behind them...even if there was a bit of a gnawing worry.


Clint had woken before either of his children and quietly gotten up, retrieving two more bottles of water and a bottle of pain reliever in case it was needed. He then sat in a chair by the bed and waited for them to wake up.

It didn't take long for Wanda to stir, whimpering and pressing her hand to her forehead. "My head hurts...." she whined.

"Here, Sweet Pea." Clint took a pain tablet and opened a bottle of water, handing it to his daughter. "Take this and drink the whole bottle. You need to rehydrate and it will help with the headache." He quickly got a tablet and bottle of water ready for Pietro as well, handing them to the younger man when he sat up. "As soon as both of you are dressed, we'll go join the rest of the family for breakfast. We'll be getting a few more family members this morning, if I'm not missing my guess."

Wanda didn't waste any time in taking the tablet and the water, surprised to find herself draining it so quickly. Her twin was quick to follow suit.

"I don't suppose we could just eat breakfast in here?" Pietro's question wasn't really serious.

Clint took the question seriously, even though he could tell it wasn't serious. "We could, if you truly feel too ill to go out with everyone else. But I figured you'd want to be there to welcome your new cousins into the family."

"I want to," Wanda stated firmly.

"Yeah, I guess I can manage. Besides, it's our own fault," Pietro commented.

"If it makes you feel better, I know for a fact you won't be alone in your misery..." Clint said gently, as he took both their arms and walked with them to their rooms so they could change. Soon, everyone was dressed and ready to go and they headed to the dining room.


Bucky had only been a few minutes behind Clint in gathering bottles of water and pain reliever for his two miscreants. He'd taken a moment to check on Bakshi and see if he needed anything, before going back to his room to take care of his older son and his daughter.

Lance didn't take long to wake, wincing in the brightness and pushing himself up. Next to him, his sister whimpered and pulled the pillow over her head, shutting her eyes tight. "Too bright."

"Up and at 'em, sleepy heads..." Bucky said as he entered the room. He kept his voice at regular volume. While he didn't want to cause too much stress and pain, he wasn't going to pussy-foot around and shield them from consequences of their bad choice either. "Time to drink some water, take some pain meds and then explain to me exactly what the heck you were thinking when you snuck out last night."

Patsy pushed herself up, squinting in the bright light that made her head and eyes hurt. "I'm not so sure I was thinking," she admitted, her voice hoarse because of the cotton-wool taste in her mouth.

"I certainly wasn't thinking about why it was a bad idea," Lance muttered, in slightly better shape than his sister.

"Yeah. That seems to be the consensus, from what little I've heard the others say." Bucky sighed, handing out water and pills.

Both Patsy and Lance took the water and pills without arguing or protest, though Patsy fought to keep hers down as her stomach rolled for a moment.

Bucky watched both carefully, trying to determine if they could handle being disciplined yet, or if he needed to postpone it till later.

Lance put his empty bottle down and looked at his father. "So, Dad, are we going to breakfast first? Or taking care of business?"

"I'm not sure I can eat right now," Patsy admitted quietly, knowing she wouldn't feel right until things were taken care of.

Bucky gave his children a tiny smile. "We'll be taking care of things now." He moved so he was sitting between the two of them. "You both know sneaking out was the wrong thing to do. It was dangerous, not only because of the enemies we have that we constantly need to watch for, but because if those enemies got hold of you, we would not have known you were even in danger until much later. You know drinking illegally was wrong, not just because you put those people's livelihoods in danger...if the police raided, they could have lost their license and they'd all be out of jobs...but more importantly because your bodies are changed and can't handle what you were able to drink as adults. You could have accidentally poisoned yourselves! And since we still aren't sure what happened to you, the drink could have triggered another reaction. You could have deaged further...maybe so far that you'd die...." Bucky swallowed hard at that and took their hands, squeezing hard enough it was obvious that any of those possibilities scared him.

Patsy whimpered and pressed close to her father. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she said mournfully. "I should have known better."

"I'm sorry too." Lance squeezed his father's hand in an attempt at an apology.

"I know," Bucky reassured them. "Do you have anything else you need to say before we handle this?"

Both shook their heads.

"Very well." Bucky stood up and put a hand on Lance's shoulder to encourage him to stand. He then led his son to the corner of the room. "Stand here until I come to get you," he ordered softly.

"Yes sir." Lance turned obediently to face the corner.

Once certain that Lance was in position and not moving, Bucky walked back to Patsy and pulled her up to her feet, taking her spot on the bed. "I don't think we need to drag this out," he said quietly, before tugging her over his knee, divesting her of protection, raising his hand and letting it fall with a firm smack all within a minute's time.

Patsy let out a quiet sob, though it was more the emotions she was feeling that caused the reaction than the swat itself, even though that stung. She didn't even try to fight, limp over her father's knee.

Bucky had to firm his resolve, the fact Patsy was already limp and accepting and the fact she was already crying making it near impossible to continue. She needed him to be consistent, though, so he continued. It wasn't nearly as hard as he could have made it, though and wasn't even as hard as he usually dealt out. If she was already regretful and remorseful, he saw no reason to be over harsh. Soon, he finished the first circuit and began a second, looking for that one thing he needed that she'd reached the point needed so he could stop.

Patsy continued to cry, feeling all kinds of out of sorts, even though the spanking wasn't anywhere near as hard as it could have been. She felt that. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she whimpered.

"I know you are, sweetie..." Bucky continued to the end of the second circuit, but couldn't force himself to continue. With one sharp smack to each sit spot, he pulled her up into his arms and just held her. He could tell how out of sorts she was, even if she wouldn't voice it. And he knew the uncertainty and physical changes had as much to do with her actions as wanting to fit in with the rest of her family. She normally stood up to Jessica's whims a bit better than she had, especially if she knew there was no reason to do it, good or otherwise. "I know you're sorry," he snuggled her close, "and I know you normally wouldn't do something like this. Things have you unsettled. But until we find a way to get you all back to normal, you have to think longer and harder than you usually would when making decisions. And even then...I want you to double check with me or one of your uncles just to make triple sure. Okay?"

Patsy clung tightly to her father, taking deep breaths to try and calm her tears. "Okay," she whispered back, nodding vigorously. "I'll be good," she promised, her voice slipping into a more childlike tone.

"You are good." Bucky kissed the top of her head and hugged more tightly. "Making the wrong choice doesn't make you bad...it just means you need to learn to make a better choice next time...."

"I will." Patsy wiped at her tears, managing to calm down. She sniffled and hiccuped, then glanced at her brother. She wanted to cuddle with her father for longer, but knew Lance was likely affected by the wait.

Kissing the side of her head and hugging her tightly once more, Bucky helped her stand. "I want you to stand where Lance is now." Bucky led her to the corner. "After, we can spend the day together."

Gently, he directed her into the corner as he drew Lance out.

Patsy hugged her father and then turned to face the corner.

Lance allowed himself to be drawn out, his posture tense and unhappy. He looked down, feeling guilty.

Bucky led Lance back to the bed and sat down before gently tugging him over his knee. "I know you realize what you did was the wrong thing to do...and why. You are so important to me. I don't want to lose you." Quickly, he bared his son, then raised his hand and let it fall with a firm smack.

Lance jumped, but did his best not to make a sound, clamping his lips tightly together. While he wasn't actively fighting, he wasn't quite limp and accepting either.

Bucky carefully and methodically covered every inch of Lance's backside with the firm, hard swats. When he reached the top of his son's thighs, he began a second circuit. Hunter wasn't fighting, exactly, but he wasn't giving in, either, so Bucky had no choice but to make the swats a bit harder in an attempt to get Lance to give in.

Lance couldn't help whimpering softly as the harder swats continued. He didn't really know why he was resisting, except...he just felt so guilty. Somehow, he felt that the sooner he gave in, the sooner the punishment would stop; and he didn't deserve that. Not yet. Still, he couldn't help but begin to shift in reaction to the swats.

Bucky felt some relief when Lance began squirming. There was hope he'd stop being stubborn soon. To speed that up, he increased the force of the swats a fraction and swatted a little faster when he began a third circuit. "You know better than to do what you did. Doing unnecessarily dangerous things will get you in this position every time. Because I love you. I will always love you. I will always do whatever is necessary to keep you safe, even from yourself."

Lance let out a quiet sob, going limp over his father's lap. His surrender came as much from his father's words and reiteration of his love than from the spanking itself.

As soon as Lance had stopped fighting, Bucky quickly finished the spanking and pulled him up onto his lap. Kissing the top of his head, Bucky whispered, "I know this whole situation is difficult, but until we get it fixed, whenever you aren't certain if you're doing something you shouldn't, ask me or one of your uncles. I don't want to lose you, kid...."

Lance wrapped his arms tightly around his father, clinging on. "I'm sorry," he whispered, cuddling in close. "I love you. I'll think twice, more than twice, next time," he promised.

"Thank you, Sport...that makes me feel a lot better. I really can't lose you," Bucky kissed the side of his head.

Lance sniffled, loosening his hold a fraction on his father as he began to calm down.

Bucky just continued to hold and snuggle his son till he was calm enough to fix his clothes.

After a few minutes, Lance quietened enough to lean back, tugging his clothes back into place and wiping at his eyes.

Hugging Lance again, Bucky called out, "Patsy...come join us, sweetheart."

Patsy didn't waste any time in coming out of the corner and heading over to join her father and brother for more hugs.

Bucky pulled both his children close and just snuggled them. "When you're ready, we can head for breakfast. Welcome the new family..." He smiled and kissed each on the head.

"I'm ready now," Lance said.

"Maybe we can pick up Bakshi on the way?" Patsy suggested.

"I planned to stop by his room and check...see if he hasn't already gone to join the others." Bucky smiled and stood carefully. Hugging each of them tightly once more, he led them out of the room in search of their brother.

Bakshi had showered and dressed and was coming down the corridor just as his father and siblings left Bucky's room. He quickly moved to join them.

Bucky quickly pulled Bakshi into the group, hugging him tightly. "Lets go get breakfast, kids..." He smiled.

The three siblings were quick to agree and it wasn't long before all four were settled in the dining room.


Coulson woke up fairly early, which gave him the opportunity to pick up bottles of water and painkillers for his children, all before they woke up. It wasn't long before he was back and next to the bed, waiting.

Raina was the first to wake. Years of living on her own on the street and then working for HYDRA had her quieting her whimper before it escaped her lips as she tried to think through the pounding headache and remember where she was and why she might feel like crap. Her tiny gasp as the events of the night before finally came to recollection woke her two siblings.

Bobbi didn't try and stifle her whimper of pain and Grant's groan would have woken anyone not already awake.

Coulson reached out to gently stroke each of his children's hair before he passed them a bottle of water and a tablet each. "Make sure you finish all of the water," he directed quietly. "It'll help you feel better."

"I don't know how anything will help me feel better," Grant muttered morosely. "...I didn't even do what I had intended to do when I went there, so it was entirely pointless...."

Bobbi winced. "Yeah...somehow our big plans of 'investigating' and asking the patrons questions didn't even occur to me when we were there. It's like some annoying part of my brain decided 'PARTY!' was the only thing to do...."

"Why did we listen to that 'PARTY!' part of our brain?" Raina whimpered this time, even as she took the bottle from her father and obediently began to drink.

"You've all been feeling out of sorts and useless," Coulson commented gently. "This has been an entirely new situation, even with you having experienced being deaged before, Grant. And even if you'd planned to investigate and ask questions...you all knew you shouldn't have been, otherwise you wouldn't have kept it a secret."

Grant looked up from under lowered lashes, his reddening face indicating that he knew his father was right, even if he didn't want to admit it yet.

Raina sighed.

Bobbi sighed.

Grant sighed and slumped a little more, still not able to refute his father's words. None of them were able to refute them. They had known they shouldn't be going and that was why they had snuck out.

"Do you have anything else to add?" Coulson asked, looking at each of them in turn, as he considered whether they needed breakfast first, or to get the consequences out of the way.

Grant finally looked up, his face red and discontented. "Yeah. We didn't really do anything that wrong! I mean. Teenagers 'round the world sneak out and try and drink when or where they aren't sposed to all the time and no one got hurt! So...I don't know why such a big deal has to be made. I mean, I understand if you grounded us since we snuck out and all, but there's no need for anything else..." He fidgeted, not able to keep his eyes on his father as he made his complaint.

Bobbi bit her lip. "He's right, daddy! Nothing bad really happened and this headache and stomach-ache from hell is so bad, I'll never want to sneak out to get drunk ever again! I learned my lesson already!"

"I won't ever do it again, I'm positive of that!" Raina added in hesitantly, not entirely certain arguing with their father about what he would and would not do in response to their behavior was such a good idea.

Coulson listened to each of them without comment. Certain that they'd each said what they wanted to, he then spoke himself. "While it's true teenagers do sneak out and nothing happens, most of those teenagers aren't facing an organisation that wants them dead. Or worse. You went out. You got drunk. If any HYDRA operatives had been there, how could you have spotted them, much less fought any off?"

Grant smirked. "I still have my leet ninja skills! It'd just take me a few minutes longer to take them down!" he bragged with a smirk, before his brain caught up to what his mouth was saying and he got a sheepish look on his face, obviously wishing he hadn't smarted off and said what he said, but not quite ready to take it back.

"I'd help him!" Bobbi added unhelpfully.

Raina just rolled her eyes and put a hand over her face. "We're doomed..." she muttered under her breath.

"Grant...when I got to the pub, you were dancing with a bar stool and then fighting it," Coulson said. "Bobbi, you and Raina started hanging off me the moment I got there. Lance was juggling his knives. Pietro was throwing darts at Wanda...so many things could have gone wrong."

"No I wasn't!" Grant protested indignantly, then got a confused look on his face. "Was I?" He glanced at his sisters with more than a hint of worry.

"I...I don't remember that..." Raina said hesitantly.

"Me either!" Bobbi added, her tone worried. If they were doing that, the chances of talking their father out of his decided course of action would be next to impossible.

"I think you were too drunk to remember much of anything," Coulson said gently. "Do you even remember coming home last night? Or running from me?" He addressed this last question to Bobbi and Raina.

Raina blinked, her mouth falling open.

Bobbi's look was more akin to horror. "I ran from you? Again?" she whispered.

Grant didn't say anything in regards to remembering. He didn't remember much, if anything and he knew it wouldn't help his case at all

"Only in the compound," Coulson was quick to reassure Bobbi. "I don't think you were thinking clearly at all. Any of you. But do you see why your actions were so concerning? If you need to have an idea, I'm sure I can ask Friday to bring up the video feed...."

Bobbi quickly shook her head before holding a hand over her mouth because the rapid movement made her queasy. "No, daddy...I believe you. I don't particularly want to see myself acting like a little fool...." she whispered.

Raina slumped, a pout on her face. "I can't believe I ran..." she muttered.

Grant swallowed. "I...I think we all agree our actions weren't the best. And we fully expect to have some type of response...but...isn't the hangover and embarrassment enough pain? Can't...can't you just ground us? Or...put us in the corner or time out or something? It isn't like we don't already know we were wrong. We've learned our lesson!" He wasn't quite belligerent, more irritable, but he still couldn't face his father.

"You know how we deal with things here." Coulson focused on Grant, though his response was directed to the three of them. "I suspect the others will be facing consequences the same as the ones you're about to. Do you think it's fair that you be treated differently to them?"

"It's not fair that we have to deal with things this way at all!" Grant whined. "Nothing happened! If we were our normal selves, it wouldn't even be an issue!" he protested faintly.

"We wouldn't tell them if they got into that kind of trouble and we didn't..." Bobbi added.

Raina kept silent, knowing that nothing she said would help the argument and might make things worse. She also couldn't help but think if they'd been their normal selves, they wouldn't have snuck out to get drunk, but that was beside the point.

"If you were your normal, adult selves, do you think you would have sneaked out and got drunk knowing HYDRA's out there?" Coulson asked. "What if Peter or Harry had sneaked out? They might not get drunk, but does that make their behaviour right?"

Grant blinked. "Peter and Harry are too young to drink..." he argued, ignoring the first question entirely and also ignoring the fact that even if they technically were old enough to drink, they physically should not have been doing so.

This time, Bobbi kept silent, the question having given her pause.

Raina hid her face in her hand, realizing that not only were Grant's arguments not going to work, but by this point, she wasn't really certain she wanted them to work.

"That wasn't the main question," Coulson pointed out. "Apart from anything else, you all know your behaviour was wrong. And you know I expect better from each of you."

Raina and Bobbi both looked at their feet, shame and embarrassment warring for top place in their emotions.

Grant was embarrassed and ashamed too, but something wouldn't allow him to back down and admit it. "Maybe our behavior wasn't right, but it wasn't that wrong..." he continued to try and argue. "...Not wrong enough to...to...I don't want...." He swallowed, allowing his own gaze to fall towards his feet.

"I know." Coulson's voice was very calm, but there was still a faint hint of disappointment in it. "I know you don't want a spanking, but there was no reasonable excuse or reason for your actions last night. Nothing that would be a mitigating factor, because there was no good reason for it."

Grant opened his mouth again, but nothing came out. He really had nothing to say to that declaration, because he knew, deep down, it was true. There hadn't been a good reason for what they did. On top of that, he'd heard the disappointment in his father's tone and it was enough to derail him from further arguing. He wouldn't admit he deserved it, not yet, but he wouldn't argue any longer.

Bobbi bit her lip at the hint of disappointment she heard, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Sorry, Baba..." Raina whispered contritely.

"I know." Coulson took a moment to consider his next move. Then, standing, he moved over to gently grasp Grant and Bobbi's arms, guiding them each to a corner. "Stay here until I come and get you," he directed softly.

"Yes, daddy..." Bobbi whispered, facing the corner and slumping.

Grant didn't fight as he was put into position. He didn't verbally agree, but he stayed where he was placed, making it obvious that he wasn't going to run or do anything else to defy his father's orders. Not at the moment anyway.

Coulson gently squeezed each of their shoulders and then moved back to the bed. He sat down and then gently guided Raina across his lap, securing her with an arm wrapped around her waist.

Raina sniffled softly, reaching down and taking hold of her father's pants leg. "I'm sorry, Baba..." she repeated softly, keenly feeling the fact that she'd disappointed him with her recklessness and hating that she'd worried him.

"I know. I love you." Coulson rubbed her back gently and then proceeded to bare her before lifting his hand, bringing it down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Raina closed her eyes and gripped her father's pants' leg tightly and hoped that the whine she expelled at the first swat wasn't as loud as it sounded in her head. She couldn't help but tense up in anticipation of the swats to come, despite her efforts to relax herself and accept the punishment without fight.

Coulson continued the swats down to Raina's thighs and then started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know you know better than to do what you did last night. If any of our enemies had tracked your whereabouts, I could have lost you."

"I know, Baba!" Raina squeaked out, beginning to squirm as he began a second circuit of swats. Despite her best intentions, holding still was beyond her. "I know and I'm sorry!"

Completing the second circuit, Coulson began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. "There is no excuse that would make it worth losing you."

At those words, Raina just went limp and began crying. She knew what she'd done was wrong the moment she'd decided to do it. Having her father repeat how he didn't want to lose her and knowing that she'd scared and disappointed him was too much to handle with the discomfort of the spanking. And she hadn't really been trying to fight it in the first place, even if she'd vaguely argued against it in the beginning. "I'm sorry, Baba," she repeated, her tone repentant, sorrowful and hurting, because upsetting her father always hurt her, even if she didn't verbally acknowledge it; and the complete chaos that had become her life since the experiment had gone so spectacularly wrong hurt almost as much.

Coulson brought the spanking to a stop and replaced his daughter's clothes, then moved her onto his lap so he could cuddle her close and tight, stroking her hair and whispering soft words of love and reassurance.

"I didn't mean to scare you..." Raina whispered as she snuggled close to her father. "...I know it was bad and there's no good excuse, but I didn't mean to scare you...."

"I know." Coulson kissed her head. "I love you. I forgive you," he soothed, still stroking her hair and hugging her tight to himself.

Raina snuggled as closely as she could, soaking up the affection and calming down at the words of forgiveness. She hadn't realized, until she was over her father's knee, how out of sorts and in need of his strength she was. Now that he had hold of her, she knew she'd been hanging by a thread for too long and she was lucky she hadn't done worse than sneaking out to drink. "Can I stay close to you till we're grown-up again, Baba?" she whispered.

"Of course." Coulson tightened his embrace. "You never even have to ask." His voice was soft, but still carried through to his other two children; reiterating the same thing he was telling their sister.

Raina relaxed even further at the words, knowing that even if it became too difficult for her to handle the situation they currently faced without doing something to get into trouble again, her father would be watching and would help her. "I love you, Baba..." she said with a tiny sniffle, before leaning up and kissing him on the cheek. Wiping her eyes, she carefully stood and waited for him to take her to whichever corner he wanted her in. She knew her siblings needed to have things addressed sooner rather than later, especially if they had felt anywhere close to what she'd felt (and she was fairly certain they did feel that way).

Coulson stood, kissing her cheek before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "I love you," he reiterated, then guiding her over to Bobbi's corner. He gently drew her out and guided Raina in.

Raina quickly and obediently went into the corner, while Bobbi just as quickly and obediently moved into his arms. Both girls had got their fill of running and fighting the night before. They both just wanted the whole sorry mess to be over so they could be right with their father again.

Bobbi wiped at her eyes and smiled forlornly and sniffed. "I'm sorry, daddy," she whispered.

Coulson kissed her cheek. "I know. I love you." He led her over to the bed and, taking a seat, gently guided her across his lap, securing her with an arm wrapped around her waist before baring her.

Bobbi closed her eyes and let herself relax. While she knew this was a punishment- not a reminder meant to settle her- she couldn't help but feel safer and more secure the minute her father had her under his control. It made her feel guiltier at what she'd put him through when she remembered that she could have gone to him with her feelings of restlessness and being useless. She could have, but didn't. She deserved what she was about to get and knew it.

Coulson rubbed Bobbi's back gently, just like he had with Raina, and then brought his hand down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Bobbi couldn't stop herself from whimpering as her father began to swat, the sting painful enough that she couldn't ignore it and knew that she'd be feeling the punishment after it was over.

Coulson continued the swats down to Bobbi's thighs and then started over from the top, speaking partway through the new circuit. "I know you understand why what you did was wrong. When you feel out of sorts, you need to come to me or one of the other family members. Not do something you know is dangerous and could result in you being taken away from me."

"Yes, daddy...I know. I should have come to you... I'm so sorry..." Bobbi's voice wavered. The swats hurt, but not as much as the knowledge she'd hurt and disappointed her father. Despite welcoming the correction, she couldn't help but begin to squirm as he continued.

Coulson tightened his hold on his daughter as he completed the second circuit and began a third, going a bit harder and faster. "I don't want to risk losing you. I love you," he said, his voice soft, but still audible above the sound of the swats.

"I know..." Bobbi's voice was high pitched and tight. "I'm sorry, daddy...so sorry..." she whimpered out again, before choking on tears that she could no longer hold back. Within moments, her face was drenched and it was all she could do to breathe as she tried to regain control over herself but failed.

"I know you are. And I forgive you. I will always forgive you, no matter what." Coulson's voice was soft and sincere, in stark contrast to the firm, hard swats.

Bobbi couldn't stop from squirming at the hard swats and she lost all attempts at keeping herself from crying. She began to sob, even as her squirming became more frantic. Her father's words of love and forgiveness eased her fear that she'd separated herself from him. His actions proved that she hadn't. His actions cemented everything he'd ever promised her about always being his.

The spanking hurt. It hurt badly...but the pain reminded her that he was in charge. Her father was in control and all she needed to do was obey and let him take care of her. As she thought of this, remembered her position, a sense of profound relief overcame her. Her father was in control. He was safety, and security, and caring concern, and love and how could she have forgotten? Her sobbing quieted slightly...or at least it took on a more calm and accepting tone instead of a fearful one.

Bobbi felt relief once she remembered that Coulson had her...and that relief was audible in her tears. It was visible in the way she suddenly went limp over his knee, welcoming the smacks, letting herself slide forward just enough that he'd have no problem smacking her sit spots along with the rest of her bottom. The tiny squeeze she gave as she gripped his ankle indicated she'd moved past fighting the punishment to accepting and even needing it. (In fact she had a feeling she'd be searching her father out a bit later to 'remind' her again.) This was the first time since being deaged that she didn't feel out of control and scared...and it was entirely because her father had taken complete control.

Coulson finished up with a final few smacks and then stopped, wasting no time in bringing his daughter up and into his arms, cuddling her close and tight on his lap. He kissed the top of her head and simply held on. "I love you," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, daddy..." Bobbi whispered back, snuggling as close as possible and nuzzling into his chest like a needy toddler. It didn't take long for the sobs to subside, even though she continued to sniffle and shiver from the high emotion.

Coulson kissed the top of her head and just held her close and tight, rocking her gently in his arms.

Bobbi would have been happy to remain in her father's arms the rest of the day, but she knew Grant still needed to face their father and the longer he had to wait the more difficult it would be. Reluctantly, she pulled her clothing back into place with a wince, then carefully stood up. "I...if I start getting restless again, Daddy...." She tapered off, not sure how to ask if he'd handle her like he had in the past. Not with her brother and sister in the same room with her. Not that they likely didn't already know, but getting into trouble with your siblings was a far cry from asking your father- while your siblings were listening in- to give you spankings so that you wouldn't get into trouble.

Coulson reached out and gently stroked her cheek. "I'll keep an eye on you," he promised, without going into detail of what exactly he would do. His voice and touch were entirely reassuring.

Bobbi visibly relaxed and she gave Coulson a trembling smile. "Thanks, daddy..." she whispered, hugging him tightly one last time before stepping back so he could lead her to the corner and retrieve Grant.

"I love you." Coulson kissed her cheek before gently guiding her to the corner Grant was standing in. He reached out to draw his son out and move Bobbi into position.

Grant only cooperated long enough for Bobbi to be put into place. As soon as he was far enough away from his sister not to accidently draw her into any physical scuffle, he stiffened his legs and dug in his heels, refusing to move any further. "No..." He attempted to sound firm in his refusal, but to his embarrassment, he sounded more like an obstinate child.

Coulson wasn't that surprised by Grant's resistance; had halfway been expecting it, in fact. He moved next to his son and wrapped an arm around Grant's waist, almost as if he was prepared to physically lift him where they needed to go.

Grant did his best to become dead weight, while at the same time pulling away. "It's not fair!" he mumbled.

Coulson wrapped his arms around his son. "Why?" he asked, while at the same time gently tugging Grant in the direction he needed to go.

Grant would be embarrassed to admit it later, but when digging his heels in did nothing to stop him moving the direction Coulson pulled, he grabbed hold of a nearby dresser and held on tight. "I was just being a normal teen! That's not bad!" He refused to think about why his actions were wrong.

Coulson reached out, gently stroking Grant's fingers to 'encourage' them to loosen their grip. "And if we all hadn't been deaged? If Peter and Harry had been the ones to sneak out? Would that be all right?"

Grant pouted, not wanting to answer the question, since he knew it wouldn't have been and he would have been just as upset as any other adult if that had occurred. He bit his lip at the gentle touch. It was hard not to loosen his grip at the encouragement, but he stubbornly forced himself to continue holding on. He didn't even know why he was fighting, if he were honest with himself. It wasn't like he hadn't expected this to be the outcome. It wasn't like he didn't know he deserved it. And he really didn't think it was unfair. He just couldn't give in. Everything in this whole mess had left him feeling out of sorts and out of control and he didn't like it. He didn't like it at all.

Coulson wrapped his arms tightly around his son. "I lost you when you were just a baby," he whispered in his ear. "HYDRA took you from me. If they'd found you, I could have lost you to them again. And I don't know what I would have done then." His voice was low, but almost raw with the emotion he'd originally experienced when he'd first lost Grant.

Grant closed his eyes tightly and huffed as guilt slammed into him. "That's not fair, daddy..." he whispered in not quite a whine. It wasn't clear if what he thought wasn't fair was Coulson using that event to get him to cooperate, or if it was the fact the event had happened at all. It was obvious that he now felt very guilty about fighting with his father, though and wasn't certain what to do about that guilt.

Coulson tightened his embrace around his son. "I lost out on all of your childhood. All of your teenage years. I only got you back in my life when you were an adult and barring the last time you were deaged and this time...I missed out on everything." His voice was very quiet; a whisper in Grant's ear. "You would have let them take you from me again."

Grant twisted just enough that he could wrap his arms around his father and hold on tightly to him. "No I wouldn't have, daddy...I woulda fought till I got back to you...I'd never let them take me from you..." he said in a tiny voice. He understood taking chances like he had was as bad as if he'd let them take him. He still couldn't bring himself to admit it, or to walk to where he knew his father was going to be punishing him, but he wasn't holding onto anything other than his father now, so it would be much easier for Coulson to lead him.

Coulson kissed the top of his son's head and gently led Grant towards the bed. "I love you," he whispered, before taking a seat and gently guiding his son across his lap, securing him with an arm wrapped around his waist.

Grant slumped once he was over his father's lap. This was going to happen, no matter what he said. He knew this. He also knew he couldn't continue to argue and fight his father on it, not when he deserved to be punished for his actions. All fight drained out of him once he was in place and all he could focus on was his father's legs under him, supporting him. Shivering slightly, he reached down and grasped hold of his father's ankle, taking a deep breath.

"I love you, Grant," Coulson reiterated, rubbing Grant's back gently before he proceeded to bare his son. He tightened his grip and then brought his hand down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

"I know..." Grant gasped out feebly, squeezing his father's ankle before clenching his teeth together so he wouldn't begin bawling right away. "...I love you too..." he whispered in a tiny, broken voice. He was tired of arguing and was fast reaching the point where he'd be begging for his father to spank him however long he felt like if it would stop his father from worrying about him and take that scared tone out of his voice.

Coulson settled into the same pattern of swats he had with his daughters, going down to Grant's thighs before starting over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "You don't need me to remind you of how much we lost. Time we'll never get back. I can't lose you again, son." He couldn't lose any of them, but he'd experienced that painful loss with Grant already. He wasn't strong enough to go through that again.

Grant closed his eyes tightly at the words. The guilt he'd already been feeling twinges of formed a tight hot ball in the pit of his stomach and he couldn't not respond to his father's pain. "I'm sorry, daddy..." he whispered, his voice catching before he began to cry vocally. He lay as limp and still as possible so his father would have no problem correcting him. With just a few words, he'd gone from wanting to avoid consequences of his behavior to wishing the consequences would be more harsh. He hadn't thought of his father's fear or feelings at all when he'd snuck out and now that's all he could think about. He felt horrible.

"I know, son. I forgive you. I love you." Coulson's voice was gentle, a stark contrast to the firm swats he was delivering, but still filled with love and emotion.

"I love you too..." Grant choked out, his tears becoming a slight bit harder. He still managed to lay limp and accepting over his father's knee, although there were minute twitches each time a swat landed, so it was obviously becoming difficult for him to do.

Completing the third circuit, Coulson finished with a final few to Grant's sit spots and thighs and then, just like he had with his daughters, wasted no time gathering his son into his arms, hugging him tight.

Grant hid his face against his father's neck as soon as he was right-side up. He continued to cry softly and shifted every so often because his backside truly stung, but he didn't attempt to get away and pressed as close as he was able. "I'm sorry I was such a naughty brat..." he muttered, so only his father could hear him.

Coulson kissed the top of Grant's head and tightened his embrace. "You've been affected by what happened. I know it's left you feeling out of sorts," he whispered back. "This time, you've got the full memories of being an adult to contend with."

"I wish I didn't...it wasn't so hard before...now my memories don't fit with my body..." He sniffled then sighed, carefully fixing his clothes. "I'm beginning to think I may need to follow Bobbi's example and come tell you when I feel like I'm going to go off the rails so you can stop me before it happens..." He pouted.

Coulson stood and kissed his cheek. "You can come to me at any time and about anything. I hope you know that," he said, gently and affectionately.

"I know, dad..." Grant smiled. "Just...I hate admitting I have no control over myself right now..." he admitted with a sigh.

"I know it's hard." Coulson reached out and stroked his cheek. "We have a codeword to help with something else...maybe it would also help to have a codeword for when things get to be too much?" he suggested. "Raina, Bobbi...you can come out of the corner now," he added to his daughters.

"I...yeah. It would help..." Grant looked relieved that his father had thought of something.

"We can have a think about potential code words," Coulson commented, thinking that it might be helpful for other members of the family too.

"Maybe after breakfast?" Grant asked quietly.

Raina and Bobbi had joined them by this point. "Maybe I could have a code word too." Raina's voice was soft.

Coulson smiled at all three of his children, reaching out to hug each of them in turn. "Whatever will help each of you," he said.

"Do I look okay to go to breakfast now?" Bobbi asked curiously, looking down at the pyjamas she was wearing. Normally, she'd want to change, but for some reason, she thought she might go back to bed after breakfast.

"It won't be a problem for you to go breakfast in your pyjamas," Coulson replied gently.

"Well, if Bobbi's doing that, I will too!" Raina decided, in favor of solidarity with her sister.

Grant shrugged. "May as well. I need a shower, but I can get that after we eat. We can pick up Nebula and Gamora on our way to the dining room, if they aren't already there."

Coulson nodded. "I understand the rest of the family are headed there. I think there are going to be some announcements."

Nodding, all of Coulson's children let him take the lead to go gather their two newest sisters and head to the dining room. Gamora and Nebula met them half-way and began following him like their siblings, so that when they entered the dining room, they resembled a father duck with all the ducklings following behind.

Bucky couldn't help but smile at the impression. He glanced around. The only ones missing from the group were Steve, Tony and his brood and the sorcerers. Jessica plopped down next to him. "Dad went with Pepper to get Tony, Harry, Werner and her parents. They should be here soon." Her voice carried to all the others.


Harry hadn't woken up too early. As he was acting more and more like the age he'd been forced into, his body was needing a lot more sleep. Eventually, though, he did wake up. He sat quietly reading, or trying to, until his stomach started growling; and then he clambered onto his grandparents' bed, waking them up.

Pepper had gone in search of Tony first, wanting to be certain he knew she was ready right at this moment to adopt Werner. Steve had stayed by her, offering encouragement, but the proud and happy look on Tony's face was what had convinced her she'd made the right decision. The three of them had decided to pick Harry and Pepper's parents up first before retrieving Werner. She wanted his sibling to be there when they informed Werner.

Harry knew, or at least was aware enough, to quieten the childish enthusiasm that made him want to run around and get rid of some of his energy. Still.... "Gran'ma! Granda'! I don't want all the food to go!" His complaint was close to a whine.

His grandmother chuckled and reached out to ruffle his hair. "I'm sure there will be plenty of food left even by the time we get there," she said gently.

Pepper knocked on her parents' door and called out, "You all ready to come out for breakfast?"

Pepper's father opened the door. "We're ready." He looked her over with concern. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better..." Pepper said softly, blushing. "Not even a headache.... We're going to pick Werner up next and then we have some news for everyone," she added, in an attempt to take attention off of herself.

Harry hopped over to the door, pulling his second sock on. "Am I getting a brother?" he asked excitedly.

Tony leaned around Pepper and grinned. "You are very perceptive. We want to tell Werner before we announce it to anyone else, though!"

"Okay!" Harry held his hands out to his parents, just like a true seven-year-old might expect his parents to lead him by the hand. "Can we go out for a picnic later?"

"I don't see why not," Tony agreed, as he took Harry's hand.

Pepper took his other hand and looked toward where she expected Werner would arrive from.

It probably shouldn't have been such a surprise that he was in real danger of failing his course. Even before being kidnapped by HYDRA, Werner had missed a lot of his lectures. As he uncertainly approached Tony, Pepper, Harry and Pepper's parents, he wondered if he should mention it to Tony and Pepper. Ask for help.

Pepper grinned as soon as she saw Werner. "There he is!" She blushed as she sounded exactly like an excited teenager (when they weren't trying to act unexcited).

Werner smiled, a bit nervously. "Sorry, had to take a call...." His voice trailed off and he ran a hand through his hair.

Tony slanted his head. "Everything okay, kiddo?"

Werner hesitated. "I just...what with one thing or another, I've missed a lot of class," he admitted. He was fairly sure he was almost at failing, if not there already.

Tony's eyes widened in understanding. "Close to failing or failing? We might be able to talk to the dean of your university. Head of your department. Work something out where you can make up the missed classes, or retake them without having it affect your standing. Extenuating circumstances and all. You'll probably need to sign a contract of some sort listing your obligations as a student. We can go talk to them when things are settled, but until then, I'll call them and ask them to mark things as incomplete until it is safe for everyone to meet up." He smiled brightly. "But first, we have to sign the paperwork making you officially mine and Pepper's son so we have a bit more legal standing. We want to do that this morning."

Pepper smiled crookedly, hoping Werner would be happy at the news.

Harry grinned excitedly at Werner. "We're going to be brothers properly!"

Werner looked surprised and hopeful all at once. "But what about the deaging thing?" he asked, though there was a happy sheen in his eyes at the news.

Pepper's grin was crooked. "It can't last forever, right? And I want you a full member of the family sooner than later. I don't want to wait...."

Werner's smile was hesitant but still sincere. "I'm glad...." he said quietly.

Pepper's mother smiled. "We are as well." She stepped forward to hug her newest grandson.

"Well, let's get this show moving so we can get those papers!" Tony gathered the family and led them to the dining room where everyone else was meeting.

By now, everyone apart from Stephen Strange and his two brothers were at breakfast. The children - Peter Parker, Harry, Laura, Ace and Cassie - were sitting all together. Coulson was sitting with his children as close to him as possible, at least the ones who were in trouble, but he caught Melinda's eye across the table and smiled at her.

Colossus now had a chair that was suitable for his size, specially made, and was sitting next to his brother with Soni on his other side and Vanessa next to Wade.

Leo sat next to Jemma and grinned at the family members. "So who's making the first announcement?"

"I will!" Tony grinned. "Pepper and I are adopting Werner into our family, as I'm sure most of you know. We decided not to wait, though, so as soon as breakfast is over and Foggy can get the papers together, we plan to sign. If you all want to witness."

"I'm going to be adopting John." Blake smiled at his new son.

Sam grinned. "I'm going to be getting two new additions...Yo-Yo and Luke."

"Same here," Fury commented. "I'm adopting Robbie and Gabe." He smiled at his two newest sons.

Melinda smiled at Phil. "I already made it official with Danny, but I wouldn't mind celebrating with everyone else, since we really haven't had a chance to do that yet."

Nebula looked around with a hint of nervousness. "You celebrate?" Thanos hadn't celebrated anything that did not directly involve him and only him; and he only celebrated in ways that made anyone not him miserable and fear for their lives.

Gamora knew what her sister was thinking and reached over to squeeze her arm to calm her. "They are not like him..." she whispered.

Ben nodded and spoke up to deflect all the attention suddenly being paid to the blue woman; she was beginning to look upset. "I think a celebration to welcome all the new family members is a wonderful idea." He smiled at Blake and John. "Has everyone been officially introduced to the family so we know who belongs to who?"

Coulson didn't hesitate, reaching over to gently squeeze Nebula's shoulder. "You don't need to worry," he whispered to her. "You're safe here. Free from harm. I promise."

Nebula nodded, giving a hesitant nod.

Grant smiled crookedly at her, recognizing another survivor of a bad childhood. "If I'm not wrong, I've got two new sisters...."

Coulson smiled. "You do," he replied. He kept his hand on Nebula's shoulder, trying to offer some comfort.

"So...Nebula and Gamora are yours now?" Peter asked curiously.

"Yes," Coulson replied with a smile.

"I am Groot," the tiny tree said.

"Should be easy to arrange." Rocket shrugged. "I could create us all identities here on Terra. The 'firewalls' are pitiful."

Peter blinked again. "There are enough enhanced and different people now, it shouldn't be too much of a shock..." he said hesitantly, not entirely certain mutants were accepted any better than aliens were, but hoping his friends could go out just the same.

Scott grinned. "Well, I have a new brother and nephew with Mike and Ace, so that's good."

"Waaad!" Kara clapped her hands and pointed at her other newest brother.

Logan chuckled softly. "Looks like everyone is accounted for and a member of the family now. Are the sorcerers planning to join the family as well?" He looked around, noting that they were the only ones not in attendance.

Steve frowned. "I noticed Stephen Strange has a tendency to overwork himself," he commented, with a fond look of remembrance at Tony. "It could be he's resting. Or one of the others is."

"I have taken the liberty to speak with Master Mordo, sir...and he has indicated that he, Master Wong and Doctor Strange will not be attending breakfast, as the doctor was in dire need of rest, but that they would most likely see everyone at the noon meal. Doctor Strange apologizes that they are missing welcoming the newest members, but he 'screwed up' again. Or at least I believe that is what his mumblings to me indicated." Friday sounded confused at the end, if it was possible for an AI to be confused.

Tony blinked, then chuckled slightly. "No Friday, that's probably exactly what he said. Dad's right. Strange has a bad habit of overworking...just like I used to. Although, I somehow doubt he's allowed to get away with it anymore than I'm allowed to get away with it...now at least. They'll be alright, I'm sure, but please let them know, if they need anything at all, to please let us know?"

"Of course, sir," Friday agreed placidly.

"Friday, could you check if they'd like one of us to take food to them, please?" Steve requested, figuring that even if Stephen was sleeping, Mordo and Wong might not be.

"Of course, Captain..." the AI answered.

"I know they have their Sanctum or whatever they call it in New York City. But part of me hopes that maybe the three of them stays here with the rest of us. Stephen and I never used to get along, but we've both changed a lot. And it isn't like they can't just make portals to wherever they want to go and get there quickly...They could pretty much live anywhere they wanted...." Tony mused out loud.

Pepper slanted her head. "Do you think they could make a 'permanent' portal between here and the Tower in the city? Even if they don't stay here permanently? It'd make it very convenient for those of us with jobs or schooling or obligations there. I know how much Matt worries about Hell's Kitchen now that he's here, even if he and Foggy do their best to keep in touch with their bar owning friend. If they had a way to go back and forth easily...."

"Dunno. Could ask. I'm not sure if you'd have to be trained like Strange was to access it or how they do it." Tony shrugged. "You know I made you your own armor so you could fly back and forth... Although if a lot of people are going back and forth, just upgrading the Quinjet to go more quickly is probably most feasible. If a portal isn't an option." He grinned crookedly.

"Perhaps a few of us can approach them about either staying here or making a semi-permanent base or portal here?" Fury suggested.

Steve nodded. "I think that would be a good idea." Breakfast was finishing and people were beginning to clear up after themselves. Steve leaned over and placed his hand on Tony's shoulder. "Nick and I would like to speak to you," he said softly.

Tony got a wide-eyed nervous look on his face. "What'd I do?" he asked in a semi-teasing, semi-nervous tone. He didn't think he'd done anything recently to get into trouble...but things had been chaotic of late and he couldn't rule out the possibility.

Foggy had cleaned up his plate and had gathered his briefcase. "Since there are so many needing to sign papers this time, do you think we should do the signing in here instead of in the office? We can clean off the table and then have all those signing gather around it...."

Steve gently squeezed his shoulder. "You haven't done anything, Tony. You're not in trouble," he said reassuringly.

Sam smiled at Foggy's suggestion. "I think that would be a very good idea."

"That's a relief...because I honestly couldn't think of what I might have done..." Tony admitted, with a soft laugh.

Foggy smiled and nodded at Sam. "I've got everything in my case...As soon as everyone else is ready."

It wasn't long before the table was cleared and the signings taking place, with those who weren't adopting or being adopted acting as witnesses for those who were.