Seeing Things Differently

Summary: Follows A Release. Mileena feels guilty for what she did to Kenshi in taking his eyes. Kenshi, having helped Syzoth with his feelings of guilt, decides to help Mileena in a similar way
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the game of Mortal Kombat; references to canonical violence; AU


"I'm sorry. For taking your eyes. I'm sorry for what I did to you."

Kenshi looked up as he heard the voice...the note of remorse in the princess’, she wasn't a princess anymore. She was the new Empress of Outworld. And as part of her new role, she'd extended the hand of peace to those of her people who had suffered from the Tarkatan virus...helped along by the fact that she too had fallen to it.

And she'd invited Earthrealm's champions back to Outworld, so that they could become allies. So they could get to know each other better. And, apparently, so that she could apologise to Kenshi. It surprised him that it had taken her so long to do so. He didn't truly blame her for what she'd done, aware that she'd had no real control over her actions. Still, it surprised him that she seemed to be so hesitant and unsure around him.

Smiling, Kenshi patted the bench next to him. "Why don't you sit down?" he suggested. "We can talk. Unless you're busy with your duties?" he added, belatedly realising that she might have other responsibilities and not be able to do anything more than a quick apology.

After a brief pause, Mileena slowly lowered herself onto the bench beside him, letting out her breath slowly. "I don't have as many duties as I could be performing," she admitted. "If my mother and father taught me anything, it was that I can delegate duties to those I trust."

"Like Tanya?"

Mileena turned her head away. "Kitana noticed how we felt about each other too. concerning that we haven't been able to hide as much as I would have liked to," she admitted.

"But you're Empress now." Kenshi frowned. "Surely you can change whatever rules there are in place that would stop you both being together."

Mileena gave a self-deprecating laugh. "I wish it were that simple," she admitted quietly. "Unfortunately, changing the law that forbids our love is easier said than done. Even with the help of my father and my sister. And, of course, there are other responsibilities I have that I should be focusing on. Instead of trying to decide how I can be with the woman I love."

"There is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy, Mileena." Kenshi hesitated, wondering if he should have avoided using her name. Perhaps it was too familiar, now that she was the Empress. "I apologise for overstepping..." he began.

"Please. Don't apologise," Mileena said. "You are one of Earthrealm's greatest fighters. You have every right to call me by my name. Especially considering my actions in taking your sight." A heavy note of guilt had crept into her voice by this point.

Almost unconsciously, Kenshi raised his hand to touch the blindfold that covered his eyes. They didn't hurt anymore, thanks to Syzoth's aid. But his sight would forever be changed, even if he hadn't lost it entirely. He tried to explain how he felt to her. "My physical sight might have been taken, but it has enabled me to connect to my ancestors' souls that are within my sword. Even though I cannot see in the same way I used to, I can still see. You don't need to feel guilty for actions that were outside of your control."

"The actions that led to me blinding you were outside of my control," Mileena allowed. "But the actions that I took that left me in this state were in my control. And ultimately, that led to you losing your sight. If I hadn't been so foolish...."

"Don't blame yourself for being foolish. All of us have been fools at some stage in our lives. Some more so than others," Kenshi added, unable to help a note of amusement creeping into his voice.

"I wish I could make it right, somehow," Mileena said softly.

Her response wasn't a surprise. The guilt radiated from her as clearly as it had done from Syzoth, when Kenshi had given him a catalyst to help him let go of grief and guilt. Kenshi didn't think she'd spoken to Syzoth. If she had and realised what Kenshi had done, he suspected she would have asked for his aid outright...if she thought it could help her.

Would it help? Kenshi had punished Syzoth. He hadn't hesitated to do so. But that had been because the guilt was strong enough that Syzoth would have got himself killed, if he hadn't been helped. Kenshi hadn't seen anything in Mileena to suggest she felt the same self-destructive tendencies, and yet....

"I don't blame you for what happened." Kenshi cleared his throat before continuing, "But if you feel guilty, and if you cannot let go of this guilt yourself, I do have a way that could perhaps help you."

"What do you have in mind?" A note of hope crept into Mileena's voice...almost painful to listen to.

"I helped Syzoth with the guilt he felt after being forced into servitude by Shang Tsung." Kenshi focused what sight he had on the garden surrounding them, wishing he could see the beauty and colours once more. "I helped him by giving him a catalyst to release the negative emotions he felt...a way to let go of the guilt plaguing him. If you think perhaps it could help, I could do the same thing for you." His voice was very hesitant, as he wasn't sure if she'd find his offer insulting or not.

"How did you help him?" Mileena asked quietly.

Kenshi took a few moments to respond, aware that someone could easily approach them in the garden and overhear what they were talking about. "Perhaps this conversation is better had in private," he suggested. "We could continue in my own room."

"Would you like my help in getting there?"

"I thank you for the offer, but even if my sight has been taken, I can still see in a way." Kenshi carefully pushed himself up off the bench. "Please follow me." He paused, just long enough to allow her to voice a protest if she wanted. When none was forthcoming and she instead motioned forward, he began to carefully pick his way back inside the large, impressive building.

It didn't take long for Kenshi to reach the room he'd been given. He opened the door and stepped inside, moving to allow Mileena to enter behind him before he closed the door and addressed her in a calm voice. "I didn't want to bring this up outside, where anyone would be able to hear it, but I helped Syzoth to get past his grief and grieve properly by punishing him. I spanked him."

"Spanking." There was a strange note in Mileena's voice; almost but not quite wistfulness. "It has been a long time since I was in that kind of position.

"You've experienced it before?" Kenshi didn't know why he was surprised. Princess she might have been...Empress she now was...but Mileena had to have been a child once. Even if that time had been many centuries before he'd ever been born. "I don't believe you deserve to be punished, but I'm willing to help you with your guilt. If you would allow me to."

"You are far kinder than I deserve," Mieena said quietly. "Most people would hate me for what I did to them. People have hated me for doing far less to them than what I did to you."

"Those people are fools." Kenshi slowly walked over to the bed and took a seat on it. Turning his face towards her, he gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "You don't have to submit to this punishment. But as I said. If you feel guilty, it can help you."

"Are spankings in Earthrealm delivered the same way as they are here?" Mileena asked. "Positioned over the knee, with the undergarments removed?"

"Yes." Kenshi left unsaid that sometimes, a person might be in a different position for a spanking. After all, some crimes required more than a simple over the knee spanking with just the hand. But considering Mileena had only attacked him due to the mutation she suffered and had no control over those actions, he didn't think it was necessary to use anything more severe.

Mileena nodded. She looked at his lap for a moment or two, as if measuring the distance it would take her to reach him, and then strode forward. When she reached his side, she didn't hesitate. She positioned herself across his lap, shifting slightly to get comfortable, and then reached back to lower her own suit in back, exposing her bottom.

Kenshi let his hand rest on her lower back, rubbing gently, even as he raised his other hand and brought it down in a smack that was firm, though not too hard. He paused, but when Mileena didn't react...or didn't protest...he raised his hand and brought it down a second and third time, swatting first one cheek and then the other. He continued in that vein all the way down to her thighs and then began to smack again from the crest of her backside, beginning to cover skin he'd already paid attention to.

Partway through the second circuit, Mileena began to shift slightly. Tiny little huffs of air escaped her lips and her legs began to jerk; not quite kicking, but responding to the sting that was building.

Noticing that she was beginning to react, Kenshi began a third circuit of swats...but he began to smack her bare skin a fraction harder and a bit faster. He could see the shade of her backside darkening a fraction and his mind filled in the pink colour he was certain was staining her bottom. He continued to rub her back as he began speaking, pitching his voice so that she'd be able to hear him over the sound of his hand connecting to her backside. "I understand that you feel guilty, but you don't need to. You weren't under your own control when you attacked me. I don't blame you."

"I blame myself." Mileena's voice was strained. Her breaths were coming fast and heavy, nearly panting, and it sounded like the tears weren't far off.

"Don't," Kenshi said seriously. "Don't blame yourself. I won't lie and say that it didn't hurt, that it didn't make things difficult at first. But if I hadn't lost my eyes, I wouldn't have been able to bond with my sword. I have the chance now to bring my clan back to the place they should be. And I'm grateful to you for giving me that opportunity."

Mileena's breath hitched and then she was crying, slumping over Kenshi's lap. Her body was completely still and limp, accepting of the punishment.

Kenshi delivered one last smack and then stopped. He resumed rubbing her back gently, speaking in a soft tone. "I don't blame you for what you did. I know you would never do that in your right mind. I forgive you."

It took a little while for Mileena's tears to slow and then stop. Kenshi continued to rub her back until she slowly pushed herself up off his lap, reaching back to pull her clothing back into place and give her backside a quick rub. Then, she wrapped her arms around Kenshi and hugged him. "Thank you," she whispered.

"You're welcome.” Kenshi wrapped his own arms around Mileena and held on tight to her. "You're welcome," he said softly. "I'm sure things must be difficult for you at the moment. I know I'm only a warrior from Earthrealm, but I would still like to offer you my help. While I'm here. If it would help."

"It would help. Thank you." Mileena pulled back slowly and gave him a trembling smile. She wiped a hand across her eyes and then stood up straight, abruptly calm and composed. "A good Empress listens to those around her who offers advice. My mother taught me that."

"Your mother was a very wise woman," Kenshi agreed, standing as well. "Please show me what I can do to help."

Mileena gave a nod and turned, walking out of the room, expecting Kenshi to follow her, which he did without hesitation.

The End