Secrets And Impulses

Summary: Little Nobody learns what it means to be ‘Family’. Hobbs is reminded he isn’t a lone-wolf and has a phone for a reason.
Warning(s):  D/s; M/m; ‘public’ spanking as punishment; harsh spanking; explicit sex; fluff and serious discussions; injury due to bad guys; AU
Pairings: Han/Little Nobody; Hobbs/Shaw; Dom/Letty; Brian/Mia


The explosion had been all over the news. Despite the agency's best efforts to cover it up, it had spread like wildfire. So many of his fellow agents were dead...those that weren't were in the hospital with wounds that would be life-changing, even if they weren't fatal.

He was lucky he'd managed to escape the blast. It had occurred when he should have been in the building, at his desk. It was only the pure, dumb luck of his car breaking down that had delayed him from getting to the office on time...but even so, he'd been on the street outside when the explosion had hit, when the sirens had sounded.

He'd quickly disappeared from the scene before he could even be spotted, let alone recognized. He knew the position of the cameras well enough to stay out of sight. He needed to be off the grid, because for all he knew, he'd been one of the targets; and the last thing he wanted was to have it be known he was alive.

Reaching an alleyway, Little Nobody (he wasn't a fan of the nickname, but Dom's crew had started using it and it had stuck) took his cell phone out of his pocket and dropped it on the ground, grinding it underfoot. He then ducked into a small corner store, buying a hat and sunglasses. He paid in cash. One of the perks of being Mr. Nobody's second in command: he was prepared for every eventuality.

Even if that meant needing to go off grid.

Hat and sunglasses in place, his suit changed to a shirt and jeans that would allow him to blend in with the crowds, Little Nobody slipped out onto the street once more, moving to blend in with the crowd surging in panic at the scene of devastation.


The crew had...well, they wouldn't admit to being upset at the news, but Han could tell they were. A lot of good, if annoying, people had died in the blast; and all the news could say was that the cause was currently unknown. They'd all been around long enough and knew enough about what was actually in that building, to have a pretty good idea of what had actually occurred.

And they all had personal connections in that building, even if they couldn't be acknowledged. They all waited to hear from that connection. All day, they'd waited. Day had turned into night, had turned into days, had turned into a week... Finally, the crew realized. Their connection was one of the casualties. Little Nobody was gone.

They mourned in their own way, then returned to life as usual.


Weeks had passed...and he'd made very little progress in his investigations, hindered by the fact that it seemed he was one of those the enemy wanted to take out. At least, that's what was indicated by the flash drive Little Nobody had picked up.

He'd taken it to one of the few contacts he'd been able to trust...maybe not completely, not one hundred percent, but it was a man who owed him a favor. A computer expert who'd deciphered the contents of the drive, along with removing any nasties that could either infect his own machine or cause him to be tracked.

And now, he was staring at his own face...along with many others...on a computer screen. And so many of the faces had been crossed out with big red Xs. Not all, but most. And he recognized them all as agency workers.

The problem was...his own face had a big red question mark over it. Whoever had put the hit out wasn't certain that he was dead.

Letting out a tiny curse, Little Nobody closed the laptop, disconnecting it from the WiFi, and removed the flash drive. There were multiple places that could be hit to take out the remaining targets. He was going to have to hope that he figured out the right one.

There was no time to waste.


When the crew wasn't handling big, world altering jobs with Toretto, they tended to do their own thing. Han? Tended to keep to himself and watch and learn everything he could about anything that seemed 'out of place'. He'd been doing that since he'd pretended to die so many years before, and it was a habit he kept up. Considering how many enemies the team had made, both as a team and individually, he felt it prudent. He'd been studying the explosion that had killed their connection, their friend, and he'd noticed something off about it... Beyond it being a huge explosion (that had been blamed on a gas leak), that was. He just couldn't figure out (yet) what exactly was wrong with the picture he was seeing.


Taking a nondescript car that blended in easily with the other vehicles around, Little Nobody cruised the streets...checking each of the locations he knew his fellow agents on the 'hit list' worked. If he thought he could have trusted anyone in the buildings, he would have called in to report...but Mr. Nobody was off the grid (maybe dead, but who knew?), and he couldn't be sure anyone else wasn't on the payroll.

Everything seemed to be above board...until he came to the final location. Eyes narrowed, he watched as a white van pulled up outside of the building and two men dressed in the uniform of pest control got out.

Maybe it was nothing. Maybe. But his gut was telling him this wasn't right. And he'd learned to listen to his gut.

Pulling on his cap and glasses, Little Nobody got out of his car. He glanced from side to side, watching the street warily, before he crossed over to follow the two men inside the building.

He knew exactly where the fire alarms were. Agency buildings all had the same regulations, the exact same layout.


Han had finally put together enough information and odd occurrences that he realized it was a huge take down of agents. That was all he knew, though. He couldn't figure out a final target, or anything that might help him do anything to help anyone. So, he watched and waited and hoped it wasn't something that would come back and bite the team on the ass. Especially since it had taken out Little Nobody.


It didn't take long for him to realize the two men from the pest control company weren't here for any innocent reason. The men had been moving with purpose, towards the rooms that sensitive information was being stored. Little Nobody time to see a gas released from a canister into the room, sending the agents working there to the floor in unconscious, or maybe even dead, heaps.

Cursing quietly under his breath, Little Nobody ran for the main foyer and the fire alarm he knew was there. As he pressed it, he saw another vehicle pull up outside the window...more men who he guessed were goons exiting the vehicle.

This time, they were carrying guns.


Han was at home, doing mundane chores, unaware to the drama his friend was going through. Han had hit a dead end in his research and didn't know Little was even alive, so wouldn't have had any idea the other man needed help.


The shrill, high, piercing note of the alarm blared through the building and Little Nobody crouched down, gun in hand, as he watched the goons outside hesitate.

Eyes were turning towards the buildings...and it didn't take long before those outside quickly got back into their van and drove away...but not before Little Nobody took several pictures of the goons and their van.

By the time the agents filtered out of the building, taking no notice of the extra man there, the van with the goons in were gone. 

But that was just one location. And whoever was responsible wasn't going to give up so easily.

Quickly leaving the building and using his burner phone to call in an anonymous tip about the agents who were (hopefully only) unconscious in the building, Little Nobody reached his car and sat down, turning the burner phone over in his hand as he thought.

He was going to need help. But he couldn't run the risk of reaching out to any agency people. And Toretto and most of his gang were watched too closely for him to be able to reach least through the normal channels.

Shaking his head, Little Nobody brought up a familiar dating profile. He'd never thought he might need this route; had only created his own fake account on the off chance it could prove useful. But he didn't have many options left to him, not considering that he wouldn't succeed in scaring the goons off so easily the next time.

Shaking his head, Little Nobody swiped right on Han's dating profile.


Han watched the frozen burrito spin around in the microwave, a bored expression on his face. He needed to find a job. Soon. He was going to start crawling up the walls if he didn't find something to occupy him beyond dusting and laundry.

Sighing as the microwave dinged that his lunch was 'cooked', he pulled the plate out and sat down at the kitchen bar. Picking up the burrito, he bit in, only to begin the rapid short panting and waving a hand in front of his mouth that always accompanied scalding hot beans and cheese sticking to the roof of your mouth. There was a reason the package said let it sit for a minute. He hopped up and headed to the fridge, finally swallowing the bite as he got himself a cold bottle of water and took a healthy sip, holding the cool liquid in in his mouth long enough for the sting to ebb.

Walking back to the bar, he began to scroll through his notifications while waiting for his lunch to cool. "Oh... Someone matched with me on that stupid dating profile Letty made me sign up for. Joy..." he muttered under his breath, nearly ignoring the notice before boredom and curiosity got the better of him and he opened the app to see who had 'swiped right'.


Little Nobody had quickly driven away from the scene, parking outside an internet cafe and heading into the building. He paid in cash for a few hours and settled down at a spot where he could easily see the window. Then, he took out his phone.

His dating profile was very generic. Fake name (Toretto's gang might not know his real name, but better to keep it secret anyway), fake pictures...fake likes and dislikes. He'd filled it with the bare minimum to make someone's eyes pass over it as little more than 'young man looking for his true love'.

Ordering a can of soda, Little Nobody took a long drink and then tapped out a message to Han. 'Hi. I saw your profile and thought you looked intriguing! Want to meet up and get to know each other?'

He thought it was very unlikely that whoever the agency's enemy was would be trawling through dating apps looking for him, even if they did believe he might not have been caught up in the blast, but still. No harm in being careful.


Han had seen the name. The pictures. Everything. He wasn't really interested in the guy in the profile. He was content to ignore the 'interest' shown, not swiping right or left in response. That's why he was surprised when, a little over an hour later, his phone pinged that he had a message. Opening the app again, his eyebrows went up into his hairline.

"Intriguing?! I made it as boring and uninformative as Letty would let me get away with..." he muttered to himself, staring at the phone screen, and thinking. His profile was anything but intriguing. The one writing to him appeared as non-exciting as his own profile made him seem. Either this guy was as boring as he seemed, or something else was going on.

Thinking about it for another hour, Han finally decided. "Screw it. If it's something nefarious, I'll have my gun and my fast car. And Letty to sound the alarm if I don't check in..." he muttered to himself, before responding. 'Sure. Can you meet up in two hours?' he sent off.  He included the address for a bar he liked. It had numerous exits and was crowded enough to discourage anyone who didn't want to be on the nightly news from attacking outright. Just in case.


Little Nobody didn't respond immediately. After he'd sent the message to Han, he'd spotted the two goons who had originally targeted the agency building out on the street...looking around. While there were no obvious weapons in sight, there were telltale bulges at their waists. And they were right outside the cafe.

Moving casually, he quickly packed up and put money down, then went to speak to the person behind the counter. "Spotted a crazy ex just outside. There a back way I can use so I don't run into her?" he asked, his tone light...casual.

She quickly nodded, though the note he slipped her across the counter couldn't have hurt. He followed her out through the back door and into an alleyway, where she told him how to get back onto the street before going back inside.

Breathing in deeply, Little Nobody quickly circled back round the building...but he didn't go to the car he'd been using. If the goons had tracked him down here, there was every possibility that they'd seen and recognized his vehicle.

At least he wasn't too attached to it.

His phone had gone off while he was working on his escape route and Little Nobody took it out. Scanning the message and the directions, he didn't hesitate for long before he was tapping out a response. 'I'll see you then.'


Han had got ready in case he received an affirmative. Which was a good thing, because when his would be suitor responded, he was able to leave immediately to arrive at the meeting location early. He called Letty on his way there, so she could warn the others if something happened, then pulled into a spot that was easy to get to from the building and easy to get back into the road, if he had to make a fast get away. He went into the building and found a hidden alcove where he could watch anyone arriving, telling the hostess that he was expecting someone and when they got there, if she could send them in his direction, he'd appreciate it.

Thanks to his own paranoia and uncertainty (someone was responsible for sending out those goons; those men clearly weren't the brains, as they hadn't even attempted to hide their presence outside the Internet cafe), Little Nobody had also arrived at the bar early. He hadn't picked up a new car yet, so he was travelling on foot.

Taking a few moments to make sure he wasn't going to immediately draw unwanted attention, Little Nobody stepped into the bar. He assumed that Han wouldn't be sitting anywhere out in the open and surreptitiously glanced around, hat and dark glasses still in place.

With the casual clothing he was wearing, he no longer looked like a smart agent. Over the past few weeks, he hadn't bothered with anything more than a cursory shave, but that helped too, as the stubble added an extra layer to his disguise.

The hostess approached Little. “Hello, sir. Are you meeting someone, or do you want to sit at the bar?” she asked in a friendly manner. It was a popular bar in a visible area; and it wasn’t seat yourself.

"I'm meeting someone," he replied, staying relaxed and least on the outside. On the inside, he was prepared for anything.

“May I have the name of who you are meeting? We have three individuals waiting for someone now. If it is any of them, I can take you to their table. If it isn’t, I will get you a new table…” The hostess patiently waited for more information.

"His name is Han." Little Nobody didn't show her the picture on his phone. Either Han had used his real name...or he hadn't, and Little Nobody was back to figuring things out on his own.

“Ah yes! Mr. Seoul-Oh is a regular here. He is waiting for you at his usual table…” The hostess began to weave through the patrons, heading to what was obviously a secluded, protected, yet easily defensible or escapable area of the bar.

Little Nobody followed the hostess, forcing himself to stay relaxed, even though he was on edge. He did have his gun, hidden safely in its holster, but hoped he wouldn't need to use it. As long as he wasn't walking into a trap....

Han looked up, eyes widening slightly as he recognized the man moving toward him. Luckily, he was skilled enough not to react in any other way. Anyone watching him could assume that the eyes widening was a result of unexpected attraction, or something else. He thanked the hostess as she dropped Little off at the table with a quick, "The waitress will be by shortly for your order," and left them alone.

Turning toward Little, he let his eyes move up and down the other man's figure. It would look to outsiders as if he was ogling a potential lover; he was really taking in all possible injuries and making contingency plans in his head in case they had to leave very quickly.

Little Nobody let his breath out slowly as he sat down on the chair...still on edge, but marginally less so now that he was actually at the meeting. "I wasn't followed. Not here, anyway," he added, assuming that was one of the reasons for Han checking him over.

"I'd hope not. If you were, I'd wonder how I'd been fooled into believing you had mad skills..." Han smirked. "You hurt anywhere I can't see and wouldn't easily be able to notice?" He kept his voice soft, so only Little could hear him.

He shook his head. "No physical injuries. Can't say the same for many of my fellow agents...." Try as he might, though, he couldn't quite hide how tired he was. Constantly running and looking over his shoulder was taking a toll.

Han nodded. "Just glad you aren't with all your fellow agents..." he said somberly, considering all the agents he knew about were either dead or so seriously wounded, they'd be lucky to work again. He quieted as the waitress came to get their order. In a hurry to get her to leave, he ordered for both of them without thinking; he remembered some of the items Little had ordered in his presence in the past and ordered something similar. After the waitress left, he looked back at Little, thinking nothing of the fact he'd just ordered for the man. "Am I the first person you've let know?"

Little Nobody nodded. "Honestly, I didn't plan to let anyone least until I'd managed to figure out who was behind it and who I could trust. But I got hold of a flash drive with a hit list on it. A lot of the agents have been crossed off. But a lot are still on there. Still alive." He didn't comment on the fact that Han had just ordered food for him. It was a relief, almost, to let someone else make at least that decision.

"You want to stop whoever it is before more people die... or at least try and warn those who still live..." Han stated, with a nod. It wasn't a question. He knew that's what he would do in Little's position and had no doubt that's what Little would do. "Were you crossed off, or do they know you are still alive?"

"They don't know," Little replied. "My photo has a big red question mark on it. And their suspicions have probably been raised higher," he added. "The goons who took out the other agents tried to hit another building. Two of them got in dressed as pest control and gassed a group of agents. I managed to hit the fire alarm, but there was another van with heavy hitters outside. 

"So, they are likely looking to verify your existence and, if you are alive, kill you..." Han's voice was serious and his eyes were steely as he looked in Little's eyes. "And you can't trust anyone in the agency because you don't know who ordered the hit, or if they can be trusted. So... you contacted me. Because I hid for so long?"

"If I was going to contact anyone for help, it'd be one of Toretto's crew," Little replied. "But most of them have targets on their backs already. Like you said. You're the one who knows how to stay off the grid."

Han huffed slightly, a vaguely amused smirk on his face. "Can't say you're wrong about them..." he muttered. "If they aren't drawing trouble to themselves like flies, they go looking for it...."  He quieted again as the waitress set their food in front of them and refilled their drinks. Once she was gone, he continued, "You can stay with me. I doubt they'd be watching me, even if they were watching Dom and the others. Mostly because even after I returned, I acted as if I was still in hiding. If they know I'm alive, it would be because someone in the agency told them; and that would confirm your belief that you can't trust the agency.  Even if they know I'm alive, I doubt they know where I live. You'll be safe there. Can work on finding out what you need to find out without having to go out in public. I had our tech geniuses set it up so nothing I do online can be easily traced."

"That'd help," Little agreed. "Can't argue with you still seeming like you're in hiding. I was surprised you even had a dating profile set up." He began to eat, feeling hungrier than he'd realized. The nerves and stress had got to him enough that it had been affecting his appetite.

"Yeah. You can blame Letty for that one. Or thank her, considering it let you reach out to me..." Han snorted softly, beginning to eat himself. "She thinks I need to get back on the dating horse. She thinks I'm still mourning the loss of my relationship that ended with my 'death'. But that's not it. I just... I had my daughter to take care of and keep alive. And now, even if I don't need to stay hidden, I don't feel comfortable being out there. Most people don't want to date a recluse."

Little shrugged, even as he continued to eat. "I wouldn't have a problem dating a recluse. Of course, my whole life is about working in the shadows...staying out of the limelight...even without what's happening right now. So maybe I'm not the best one to give my opinion."

Han nodded. "Yeah. See... I shoulda had you talk to Letty. She figured I'd never meet anyone because of being a recluse, and the few people I did meet wouldn't want to date me because of it. So, she made me an online dating profile. Didn't even give me a choice. Showed it to me and said if I didn't use it, she'd accept dates for me and make me go on them..." Han pouted. "I tried to argue, and she guilted me, saying I owed her for letting her think I was dead for so long." He sighed in a long-suffering way, going back to eating.

"Sounds like she's just looking out for you...or trying to, anyway." Little finished his food and then sipped his drink, glancing around the bar...still a bit wary, even though he did trust Han.

Han nodded. "Once you're family, you're treated like family forever..." He smiled. finishing his own food and drink before throwing a wad of bills on the table; more than enough to cover the cost of the meal and a hefty tip. "Let's get out of here, Sunshine... cuddle close and act like we're together and if you were followed, it might confuse the situation."

Little snorted softly but didn't argue or protest the directions. Once Han was on his feet, he moved round to press against the other man, hiding his face like he was all intents and purposes acting like he was with his boyfriend.

Han wrapped his arm around Little so that he could 'guide' the other man out. He'd wrapped his own jacket around him to cover his shirt. With his shirt covered and his face hidden against Han, it would be more difficult for anyone watching to get a good look at him and realize who it was. He moved at a good pace; not so fast it looked like they were running, but not so slow it would draw attention for that reason, and led Little to his car, opening the door and helping him in before going around to the driver's side. The entire time, he was surveying his surroundings, making sure that they weren't being watched or followed. He carefully pulled out onto the main road and began to drive home, going the most roundabout way possible. If they were being followed, he'd pick up on that and lead them away from the house.

Little relaxed a fraction and let his head lean back against the seat rest. He didn't close his eyes, or lower his guard more than a little, but he was obviously more settled than he had been walking into the bar in the first place. "I'll show you the flash drive when we get back to your place. Is your daughter going to be okay with all this?" he added, belatedly realizing it wasn't just Han he was exposing to all this.

Han nodded. "She'll be okay. She'd be the first to insist I help if she found out first. Besides. What's happening to you? Can't help wondering if we're tied up in it anyway. Better to help you and find out than not help you and be caught unawares...."  He didn't say that he felt like he owed Little. The other man had helped him and Elle a lot and he genuinely liked him. Even if he didn't know his real name. "Just to be sure she stays safe, though, I'll help her find an apartment. She's been talking about moving closer to her school but held off because she didn't want me to be alone. This will give her the excuse she needs to spread her wings and fly without feeling guilty."

Little nodded. "Well, if you need any help, I can offer with her moving, just let me know. I doubt it involves either of you, but probably best to take any precautions anyway."

Han nodded. "Yeah. For sure." He finally pulled into his garage, making sure the garage door closed behind the car before he got out and motioned to Little that it was safe for him to get out as well.

Little quickly got out of the car as well. Since it was safe to do so, he removed his cap and sunglasses once more.

Han walked around the car and patted Little on the back. "Come on in... I'll show you your room." He led the way into the house.

Little snorted softly as he followed the other man into the house. "I hope I'm not taking the room from any of your family members who stay with you."

"You aren't. Only family I have tends to stay with Dom if they need a place to stay." Han smiled. "Elle? You home?"

Elle came out of the kitchen...and then paused in the doorway, eyes widening when she saw who was with Han. "You're alive...." She moved forward to hug Little.

"Yeah." He slowly returned her hug. "But someone wants me and a lot of my fellow agents dead. So, I've got to stay on the downlow."

She looked between him and her father. "Bad guys?"

"Yeah. He needs to be dead like I was. I know you've been staying here and commuting to school because you don't want me alone..." Han paused, "... But if you got a room or an apartment near school, no one would think anything of it. And I'd feel better if you weren't too close. At least until we figure out what is going on. You should be safer if you are at school."

Elle frowned, but more in concern than because she was upset. "You're not going to hide out in your room all day if I'm not here, right? You'll actually spend time with family?"

"Do you really think Letty and Dom will let me hide out? Hell... I'm pretty sure Hobbs and Shaw would come drag my ass over for family barbeque if Dom didn't come get me first..." Han sounded amused. "I'll have to figure out how to keep Sunshine's presence a least in public...but to do that, I need to stay as normal as possible. Speaking of... I need to call Letty and let her know my date wasn't a serial killer psycho." Han pulled out his phone to call Letty.

"What are you going to tell her?" Elle asked curiously, before turning to Little. "While Dad's doing that, I can show you to your room," she offered.

Little nodded. "Sure. Sounds good. I don't have a whole lot with me. I'll have to get more changes of clothes at some point." All he had was a small pack with just the bare essentials.

"We'll get you some stuff..." Han promised, just as Letty answered. "Hey, Letty. Just calling to tell you I'm back from the date and I'm alive, so no need for the cavalry."

"How did it go?" Letty asked.

"Better than I expected. Won't need to meet anyone else for a bit..." Han laughed softly. "I owe you one now."

"Really?" Letty asked, sounding impressed. "When are we going to meet them? Do I need to get Ramsey or Hobbs to run any background checks?"

"No background checks! And... We're playing it by ear. But I don't want to scare him off, so maybe not too soon, okay?" Han cajoled.

"This is really fast, Han. Are you sure he's on the level?" Letty was clearly concerned.

"Yeah. He's on the level. You do realize meeting the family indicates something, right? People don't normally introduce their family on the first date..." Han laughed. Of course, since it hadn't been a real date, it felt weird saying that... But then again, Letty was protective. He needed her to not worry or press for answers he couldn't give yet.

"I just want to make sure whoever you're seeing is safe and that he'll make you happy," Letty said. "Just make sure you do introduce him to us. If the relationship gets to that point."

"If it gets to that point, I will definitely introduce you," Han agreed. "The family barbecue still happening tomorrow?" he asked.

"Provided nothing else comes up," Letty answered. "You coming alone? Or is Elle coming as well?"

"Elle... Might actually be moving closer to campus soon, so she will likely be coming and will be asking for help to get her new place situated before school starts again..." Han warned. "Depending on if she finds a place she likes. I, of course, would appreciate any help vetting locations and potential housemates."

"You don't even need to ask," Letty replied. "You give us a list of places. We'll get them checked out," she promised.

Elle returned to the room, quickly signing to her father that Little was settled in the room.

"We will definitely get that list to you! See you tomorrow, then .." Han said fondly, while motioning that he understood.

"We'll see you tomorrow. And I'm happy you've found someone you feel a connection to," Letty added. "I hope it works out."

"You and me both..." Han said, thinking about all the ways having Kittle Nobody in his apartment could go wrong.

"And if you change your mind about the background check, let me know. I'll see you tomorrow." Letty disconnected the call.

Han turned to look at Elle. "If you have that list of potential housing you were making, Letty will set the guys on checking out the locations, landlords, or roommates to make certain it is safe..." he stated.

He turned toward Little, who had come back into the room. "I let them think we hit it off on the 'date' so I didn't have to keep going on dates with strangers. Eventually, I'll have to say we didn't hit it off, though, or Lettie will insist on meeting you. Unless you are okay with the others knowing you are alive?  There's a barbeque tomorrow I'm going to. I'll keep an eye out. Make sure they aren't being watched or in danger.... If I see anyone, I'm gonna tell them, though. I don't want them blindsided by the agency."

"As long as it's safe to do so, I think I need to keep my survival a secret," Little answered. "The last thing I want is to put more targets on your family's back. This might only be about the agency, after all."

Han nodded. "I won't tell them unless not doing do puts them in danger. Otherwise, it's your choice."

"I appreciate it," Little replied.


Letty put her phone away and turned to the rest of the family. "Han says he and his date hit it off. Seems to feel a connection."

Jakob blinked. "So that site actually worked?" He sounded surprised.

"Sounds like it did," Letty answered.

"Did you actually sign him up to a dating site?" Shaw sounded bemused.

Hobbs laughed. "Surprised he actually went on a date, even if you signed him up."

"Prolly scared if he didn't, she'd accept a date for him and somehow get him to go on it anyway..." Jakob teased.

Hobbs smiled a bit more before casually asking, "He give you a name? So, we can check the guy out?”

Letty shook her head. "He seemed hesitant about going into detail. Said he didn't want to scare him off."

"Would probably be fairly easy to get a trace on him, assuming there were cameras in the bar where they met." Shaw gestured towards Ramsey.

"I'd do it, if I were you..." Hobbs's voice was a slight bit more serious. "I... I'm hearing a lot of rumors lately. And Victor Lock called me at lunch today. Said, me and those close to me should be vigilant. Couldn't say why. Just that something had gone down at the agency, and he didn't know how bad the fallout would be or its reach...."

Dom had approached by that point, holding a beer, in time to hear Hobbs' words. "So, this wasn't just random? Mr. Nobody's protégée was deliberately targeted?"

"Seems like an awful lot of targets if they just wanted to take him out," Letty said quietly.

"It might be a message," Shaw commented. "Take people out to flush someone else out of the woodwork.”

"Wasn't just Little Nobody that died in that explosion. And apparently a few other places have been hit since he was killed. If it wasn't him, they were after...." Hobbs shrugged uneasily.

Jakob frowned. "If they were after us, they would have moved by now. But that don't mean they won't try to use us if they think doing so will get their objective."

"Do you know what other locations have been hit?" Dom asked Hobbs.

"According to Victor, at least two others." Hobbs told them the other locations. "One of them apparently got interrupted by a fire alarm, so not quite as many casualties. Only two; and that was due to an allergic reaction to whatever gas had been used.”

"Maybe we'd better take a look," Shaw said. "Even if we're not involved, it's probably a good idea to find out what, if anything, they're looking for. Or why the agency is being targeted."

"If you get me close enough, I can hack into their computer system." Ramsey had moved over by this point, having extricated herself from Tej and Roman.

"This... stuff... Maybe it's just coincidence, but it was happening at the same time Han got matched with this date he went on... Maybe we should try and get a look at his date... just in case..." Jakob frowned faintly. "Then when you hack into the system to see if you find any other info... well, if this date is involved, it'd be better to know sooner than later."

Hobbs found himself nodding. "I don't believe in coincidences. And I know for a fact you registered him for that dating site months ago. Why go on a date now? For the first time ever?"

Ramsey nodded. "All I need is the name of the bar. So long as it has cameras, I can hack in. Even retrieve the footage, if it's already been deleted."

Letty told her the name of the bar. "It's an upscale place. It'll have cameras."

Hobbs moved behind Ramsey to look at the footage with her, noting everyone else doing the same.

"There's Han..." Jakob pointed out needlessly. Han wasn't attempting to hide himself.

Hobbs frowned. "That guy there... the one acting sketchy. Can you get a close-up? See if we can see his face?"

Ramsey frowned. "He's not positioned where any cameras can capture his face."

"He's deliberately trying to hide," Shaw said. "Knows where the cameras are and is making sure they only get his back. That's not someone looking for a date."

Dom leaned forward, focusing on Han. "Can you zoom in on his face?"

Ramsey did so.

"He knows who he is," Letty said, having noticed the same thing Dom had. To most people, it would look like interest...attraction. But they saw the recognition.

"So... We have an individual who is avoiding all cameras- and doing it well, I might add- and who Han recognizes. It is also obvious that Han trusts them; they've left together..." Hobbs pointed out. "So... that doesn't really tell us anything other than Han is hiding something. But with all the rumors and Little Nobody dying so recently... it's a bit worrying."

"And Han's helping him to hide his identity, whether from the cameras or from any potential observers," Dom said. "The question is, why is he hiding it from us?"

Jakob huffed. "Maybe whoever it is, asked him not to tell anyone? It's not like it is his identity being hidden. 

Hobbs laughed. "He has a point. Thing is, do we want to let Han continue trying to hide his friend without help… or let him know we know he is hiding someone and see if he decides to ask for help he knows the family will provide?"

"We should tell him," Letty said. "That way, he knows we'll help. And we'll help whoever he's hiding, too."

"Yeah, provided they let us," Dom agreed.

Hobbs nodded. "Better they know we know he's hiding someone, anyway. That way, even if he doesn't immediately ask for help, he won't be blindsided if somehow he has to tell us, and we aren't surprised."

Dom nodded. "We can talk to him about it tomorrow, at the barbecue. No need to call him back and talk over the phone."

"Especially if it's possible someone might have hacked into the phone lines," Ramsey commented.

"With that in mind... We might want to make certain anything we say over the phone doesn't give any specific information at any time beyond where we will meet up to see each other for family meetings..." Jakob said quietly.

Letty nodded slowly. "If anyone has tapped either of our phones, nothing was said that would raise any suspicions. And if someone else tapped into those cameras? Well, it looks very much like all that was going on was two men meeting for a date. That was clearly the role Han was going for."

"Yeah. And... hopefully, whatever is going on in the agency isn't spilling over onto us..." Hobbs sighed.

"If it does...if anyone comes for us...they'll quickly learn why they should stay far away," Shaw stated.

"Yeah. For sure..." Hobbs smiled at his lover, bumping shoulders against him.

Jakob smirked. "You two staying overnight?" he asked, glancing at the several empty beer bottles next to both men.

"I think we'd better. Since we don't want to get pulled over for drunk driving and all." Shaw's smile was slightly rueful.

"For sure not. I'd get fired... not to mention Sam would never forgive me for being a hypocrite. I've told her often enough to never get in a car if the driver has been drinking..." Hobbs shrugged faintly, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Good call." Dom nodded. "Feel free to use the same room as you did before."

 "Thanks, bro. It's appreciated..." Hobbs smiled.

Jakob stood. "On that note, I think I'm heading to bed."

"I think maybe we'd all better turn in," Letty commented, standing up. She looked towards Ramsey. "Do you need to stay?"

"I'm good. I already called an Uber." Ramsey smiled and stood, closing her laptop. "I'll see you all tomorrow."


Those who weren't staying all got into Ubers if they had been drinking and drove off if they were sober. Soon, it was only Dom, Letty, Jakob, Shaw, and Hobbs standing on the front porch.

"G'night..." Jakob said, heading upstairs to his room.

Hobbs smiled. "See you all in the morning..." he said, heading upstairs to the room he and Shaw often used.

Wrapping his arm around Letty's waist, Dom led her inside and to check on Little Brian before they too retired for the night.

Shaw followed Hobbs inside and to their room.

Upstairs in their room, Hobbs waited till Shaw had closed the door before stripping and putting on the sleep pants he kept there for nights where he didn't go home. When he finished, he sat on the bed and waited for his lover to join him. He had a thoughtful look on his face.

Shaw stripped off as well, just pulling on his sleep shorts before he walked over to join his lover. "What are you thinking of?"

"That I'm glad I'm on good terms with Victor, or we wouldn't have known this went beyond just Little Nobody dying..." Hobbs frowned, reaching out to wrap his arms around Shaw's waist and pressing his face against the other man's chest in an almost needy way. "It feels like my family is in danger and I don't like it."

Wrapping his arms around Hobbs, Shaw held on tight. "It might not be anything to do with the family or any of us," he pointed out. "The locations you mentioned were all linked to the agency. I didn't recognize any of them as being linked to those of us here. None of the others mentioned that either."

"Yeah. I know you're right. Just... it feels very wrong..." Hobbs sighed, relaxing as his lover's grip tightened.

"I know. But whatever happens, whatever's coming...even if it does involve us...we'll deal with it. Together," Shaw promised.

Hobbs nodded gently, nuzzling against his mate's chest. "I know you're right. I don't know why it got to me like this. Prolly all the beers I drank... Sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. And if you want to bring Sam here...if you want us all to stay here, with the family, until we're sure it's safe, we can do that," Shaw said.

"She's staying at a friend's tonight... but if you don't mind... Maybe it is a father's paranoia, but... I know our apartment is one of the safest in the area, but that's with normal grade criminals in mind. Whoever is going after the agency? Isn't normal grade. Even if here doesn't have all the hi-tech security, it has people who would die to protect her; and that's better, really..." Hobbs whispered.

"First thing tomorrow, we'll pick her up and bring her here," Shaw said. "It'll give her a chance to meet the rest of the family too."

"Yeah. Letty has been hinting that I need to bring her over... I know she and Dom won't mind her staying..." Hobbs bit his lip, looking up at Shaw, arms still wrapped around his mate's waist and head pressed to his chest. "I should let you get into bed now..." he said sheepishly.

"Nothing to stop you cuddling up to me once we're in bed," Shaw said, his voice gentle. "It's one of the things I'm here for," he added...teasing.

Hobbs blushed faintly, a goofy but adoring smile on his face. "I love you," he admitted quietly, before nuzzling one last time and then carefully letting go of Shaw so he could crawl back into the bed.

"I love you too." Shaw got comfortable in the bed and then stretched his arms out, inviting Hobbs back into his embrace.

Hobbs immediately moved into his lover's arms, head on Shaw's chest, holding tightly and nuzzling again. He didn't do anything else- just holding and touching his mate was helping- but he did lay in a way that would enable Shaw to do more if he wanted. It was less submission and more offering because he loved the man holding him. He gently kissed over Shaw's heart. "Thank you," he whispered.

Shaw brushed a kiss over the top of Hobbs' head. He gently grasped his lover's chin, raising it so that he could kiss his mate's lips. "You're welcome. I love you. Don't worry about this. Whatever comes, we'll handle it. Together."

Hobbs kissed back, smiling at his lover. "We will...." He sounded more reassured than he had in the beginning.

"Just try to relax. We're safe right now." Shaw rubbed his hands down Hobbs' back.

"Yessir..." Hobbs's voice was equal parts teasing and grateful. He did relax.

Shaw wrapped his arms tighter around his lover and closed his eyes. It didn't take long for sleep to overcome him, as he felt content with his mate.


It was the next day, the day of the barbeque, and Han and Elle were getting ready. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Han asked Little. "We could disguise you. I know the others would be happy to know you didn't really die in the explosion. And they wouldn't tell anyone. They could possibly help keep you safe."

"I'm just worried that the more people who know, the more danger there'll be. Besides. I want to see if I can determine their next target." Little nodded towards the laptop.

"Okay, well. You have my number. Anything fishy happens at all, you call me," Han ordered, before wrapping an arm around Elle and leading her to the door. "Your Aunts and Uncles will have vetted all the places you were interested in moving to for school," he said to Elle. "As soon as they tell you which ones are safe, you'll want to begin buttering up your uncles to help move you in. School starts in two weeks, after all." He smiled sadly at his daughter. Only the fact he knew she needed to spread her wings and gain some independence kept him from asking her to change her mind and go to school close to home.

"I don't think I'll need to do much buttering up." Elle smiled and leaned against her father. "You think he'll be okay on his own? Little Nobody?" She wrinkled her nose. "Maybe we should ask him what his actual name is. Calling him Little Nobody is going to get very awkward very quickly. Especially if he's going to be staying with you for a while."

"Agreed..." Han chuckled, before looking at Little. "Hey, Sunshine. Do you have a name we could use? On account of calling you Nobody or little Nobody just feels weird?"

Little paused, clearly thinking about it, before saying, "You could call me Scott. Especially if someone asks you the name of your date."

“Scott. I like it..." Han grinned. "See you later, Scott."

Scott nodded and settled in to use his laptop.


Not long later, Han and Elle were surrounded by the family making arrangements to pack Elle up and move her to her new space. Han watched as the family stepped up to help, making it so much easier. He smiled fondly at his daughter. "You're going to do great...."

Elle smiled at her father and the rest of the family. "With all of you helping, I wouldn't be anything else."

"Speaking of family and helping each other...." Dom moved a bit nearer. "We were worried about this date you were on yesterday. Ramsey hacked into the security cameras at the bar. We didn't see his face, but he was obviously deliberately hiding from the cameras. And it was also obvious you knew him."

Han's eyes widened and he swallowed before clearing his throat. "I do know him. And I trust him. I also told him he could trust you with his identity,'s his choice who to tell, and right now, he feels the less people who know, the better." He winced.

Shaw raised his eyebrows, overhearing. "He in trouble?"

At that point, Han's phone chimed with a message from Scott. 'I found the next target. I'm going to warn them.'

Han frowned at that, quickly texting. 'You should wait. I'll come back and help you form a plan.' "Not in trouble. Danger, though, especially if he gets found by the wrong people..." he said distractedly.

"Who are the wrong people?" Dom asked. 

There was no response from Scott, whether to agree or argue.

'Scott? Tell me you are waiting!' Han texted the order.

Han tried to think of how to answer Dom's question in a way that wouldn't divulge Scott's identity... But he was more focused on convincing Scott not to take off on a solo excursion.

Once again, there was no response.

Ramsey stepped over to them, carrying a laptop. "After what we talked about last night, I got the feed from street cameras." She quickly turned the screen so that they could see the scene, which was a van belonging to a gas company. "It could be a coincidence."

"I don't believe in coincidences." Dom quickly turned to Han. "This likely to be where your boy's headed?" He recognized the distracted look on Han's face.

Han blinked, glancing at Ramsey's computer. "Where is this?" he asked uncertainly. "He was supposed to stay hidden, damnit... Let them think he was dead. It's Little Nobody... Scott... And if that's what I think, that's exactly where he is going..." Han didn't bother trying to go figure out how or why Ramsey had information on one of the sites Scott would be going to.

Shaw's eyes widened a fraction, but all he said was, "I recognize that location. If we head there now, we'll be able to cut them off. Maybe figure out why they're hitting the agency."

Han nodded. "Elle... You watch the kids, okay?" he asked his daughter, knowing every available driver would be going with him to help Scott.

Elle quickly nodded. "Be careful," she said.

It wasn't long before they were all getting in their cars, preparing to head to the location.

"I should have told you all last night, even if he didn't want to. Maybe he'd not be trying to handle this on his own..." Han muttered through the comms as they drove.

"Let's just worry about getting him out of this mess first," Dom responded.

"What's our plan?" Shaw asked.

"Do we have a visual on the players?" Hobbs asked. "If we can figure out who is in charge, it might give us an idea of their goals."

"I'm sending you all the feed," Ramsey said into the comms.

"It looks like they're goons, probably sent by someone much higher in the food chain," Dom said, once he'd got a better look at the camera feed. "If we can isolate one from the group, we might be able to get some answers."

"Worth a shot, even if all they know is a name..." Hobbs muttered.

"Let's do this, then..." Han said.


Scott had slipped into building right before the goons had reached it. He hadn't ignored Han's messages exactly but had switched his phone to silent and put it away after the initial message.

While he hadn't revealed who he was to the agents, he'd managed to activate an alarm to alert them to an attack. By the time the goons, and Dom's team, had arrived, the agents were armed and ready for them.


Dom's team had made sure to not go after agents, focusing entirely on the goons and obviously so, in the hopes the agents wouldn't think Dom's team was attacking them.

Many of the agents recognized Dom's crew and were clearly grateful for the help.


Scott had headed to the restricted area. Mr. Nobody was off the grid, but he figured there had to be a way to get a message out to him...even if it had to go through multiple channels.


Han had no clue where in the building Scott was and decided it was better to continue fighting the goons and make sure no new goons arrived unexpectedly.


Scott stared at the information on the screen, stunned into inaction for a few precious seconds. It couldn't be possible. He refused to believe it.

Finally, the noise-or, rather, the lack of it-permeated Scott's mind. The fighting was dying down.

He grabbed the flash drive and put it away safely, then quickly left down the corridor he'd originally taken, still in his disguise.


They'd managed to route the goons. Many had been killed, but a few had been merely disabled.

Shaw walked over. "You want me to take care of the interrogation?" he asked.

Han nodded. He could do it, but he needed to find Scott first. "Thanks, man..." he said quietly, before looking at a security feed to see where his wayward houseguest was.

While Scott was doing his best to stay out of view of the security cameras, there were still a couple of images captured of him...heading towards the air ducts.

Han immediately went to head Scott off at the pass.


Meanwhile, another group of goons had started to come in at the North gate. Hobbs, realizing Han needed more time and the others already had their hands full with the goons currently in custody, grabbed some weapons and a big jeep and pealed out in their direction, aiming to slow them down, if not stop them.

While Dom and Shaw were busy with the other goons, Letty had noticed where Hobbs had gone. She quickly got hold of Tej and Roman through the comms, and the three of them went to help Hobbs.

With Tej and Roman's help, those goons were soon stopped as well. Soon, everyone was gathered around. The only one missing was Han, as he was still looking for Scott.

Finding Scott wouldn't be that hard; the air duct he'd been crawling through brought him out not that far from the other man's location. He was very careful as he climbed out of the duct...but his back was still to Han, not seeing the other man straight away.

"Hey. Scott. This way..." Han called out, so Scott would hear, but it wouldn't draw the attention of the agents.

Scott quickly turned to move in Han's direction, eyes scanning around warily behind his glasses.

Han quickly led Scott to his car, taking off behind the rest of Dom's group once the agents had everything under control. "They know you're alive now..." he said quietly.

Scott sighed and closed his eyes briefly. "Maybe that's for the best."

"Yeah. They've been watching all the agency spots after the explosion. Trying to keep an eye on things in case we got in the crosshairs of whoever is responsible. They noticed when you texted me about going in, and movement at the site occurred at the same time, and given I was coming here to help you and they were coming to help me, figured they needed to know." Han wasn't apologizing. It was the simple truth.

Scott blinked. "I wasn't expecting you to come and help me," he said slowly. "I just figured it was important to touch base with you. I only planned to raise the alarm at the building...see if there was any information, I could find about why the agency is being attacked. Maybe get a message out to Mr. Nobody...."

"I know you didn't expect it. But you contacted me. Brought me in on your secret. Allowed me to take you to a safe place. I wasn't going to have you killed because you went in alone. Which you would have been. The goons had a lot of backup." Han frowned.

"I didn't even get involved in the fighting," Scott said. "I kept to the air ducts, apart from when I sounded the alarm and tried to get some information." He bit his lip as he thought about the flash drive, currently tucked into his pocket with information he wasn't sure what to do with. Surely it couldn't be true....

"Yeah. Well, since you didn't share your plans with me... Or even acknowledge my concerns... I didn't know that did I?” Han's frustration was palpable.

"Concerns?" Scott looked confused for a moment...and then his eyes widened in realization and he dug his phone out, looking at the messages Han had sent. "I... didn’t see those. I sent you my original message and then I put the phone on silent." It hadn't even occurred to him that Han would be concerned...or want him to wait.

"Seriously?" Han shot an exasperated and incredulous look at Scott. "Even if all you planned to do was crawl through the vents, you were going to a potentially dangerous place. Leaving your phone off is unacceptable!"

"But it's normal." Scott seemed honestly surprised by Han's reaction. "If the phone is on, there's a chance it could ring and draw unwanted attention. I handle all missions I go on the exact same way."

"Yeah? Well from now on, your new normal is to put the phone on vibrate so you know if I am trying to reach you. Problem solved..." Han's voice didn't allow for argument. "Better yet, no more solo ops. Not until we figure out who wants you dead and why."

"I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one," Scott said. "This looks like it's someone targeting the agency." He didn't try arguing with Han. He probably could have, even if it didn't do any good. Han wasn't his boss, or his superior. But honestly, he'd been feeling adrift...without an anchor...since the attacks had started. It was comforting, in a way, to be given direction.

"All the more reason to keep people you trust in the loop and helping you," Han said somberly. Checking his mirrors and confident that they weren't being followed, he drove to Dom's place. Now that the secret was out, there was no reason for the others not to see Scott with their own eyes.

"All right. I'll make sure I keep my phone on vibrate in the future," Scott promised.

Han relaxed at what he viewed as a promise. "Thank you." By this point, they had reached Dom's house. Pulling up to the curb, Han looked around again to be certain and then got out, waiting for Scott before heading into the house.

By this point, everyone else was already gathering there. Dom came up to Han and Scott and reached out to lightly squeeze Scott's shoulder. "Really happy you're alive. Next time, don't wait weeks to let us all know you're alive."

"I hope there won't be a next time...." Scott said, with feeling.

"Can say that again..." Han smirked, wrapping an arm around Scott's shoulder.

A little surprised by the contact, Scott nevertheless found himself leaning into Han...almost without thinking.

Dom jerked his head towards the living room. "We're all gathering in here. Shaw got some intel we might want to figure out what to do with. If you've got anything to add, it'll help us figure out what's going on."

Han gently directed Scott into the living room, toward the couch. Once the younger man was sat down, he sat beside him. "What's the news?" he asked.

"According to the goons I was able to interrogate, they have been hired by a third party," Shaw said. "Most of it's done through an intermediary...but from everything that's been said, it sounds like Mr. Nobody's calling the shots."

"No." Scott said the denial immediately and vehemently. "That's not true. The agency was his whole life. He wouldn't...." He swallowed, his thoughts turning to the flash drive with the information he'd found, and his voice faltered.

"Did you find anything, Scott? You were looking for something..." Han asked gently.

"It...." Scott hesitated. "I didn't find anything." He told himself it wasn't a lie. Not really. What he'd found wasn't true, couldn't be true. Therefore, the information was wrong and invalid. Until he found the truth, there was no point in telling them what he'd found.

Han heard the pause and was suspicious about it but didn't push. "Okay. Well, if you do find something, even if it seems unrelated or unimportant or just stupid to you, share it with the rest of us. Maybe we can investigate further and figure out what is going on."

Scott nodded. "I will."

"Okay, well the information we currently have is that Mr. Nobody is involved in this somehow." Dom held up a hand to forestall any protests Scott had opened his mouth to say. "That doesn't necessarily mean he's turned."

"Could be he's got family being held over his head," Shaw commented. 

"That's not it." Scott's mutter was barely audible.

"What? Gonna have to speak louder if you want a response... Some of us have old, tired eardrums..." Han teased.

"Just saying. He doesn't have any family being used against him," Scott said.

"How do you know? A lot of times, people in his line of work keep their family connections secret, for this exact reason..." Hobbs pointed out.

Scott just shook his head. He was clearly thinking deeply about something, though.

"In any case, Mr. Nobody's potential involvement is the only lead we've got," Dom said. "We just act as if he's a victim, until we know for sure otherwise."

Hobbs nodded. "Works for me. It explains some of what Victor was telling me too. He said what was seemingly happening made no sense and he was going to look deeper. Having seen the lengths these people are willing to go..." He couldn't help sounding worried for his annoying friend.

Jakob snorted. "The rate we're going, maybe it's time to uproot the family. Go to a deserted island somewhere..." He was joking. Sort of.

"Yeah. We'll keep that as a last-minute plan." Dom wasn't joking about the possibility. "We don't have a lead on where anyone is yet, though Ramsey is looking." He turned to Hobbs. "You want to invite Victor here? If he's poking into dangerous situations, he'd be safer with the rest of the family close by."

"I'll make the offer. Not sure where he currently is, though. He always calls me using a burner phone, so I need to wait for him to make contact. As paranoid as he is, he's probably safer than us, though..." Hobbs smiled crookedly.

Brian cleared his throat. "I know we're moving Elle to a safer spot close to her school, so she can start on those summer courses. The kids will all be on summer break in another week. Maybe we should consider them going on a vacation to someplace safer.... Or at least have a spot ready, so we can get them there quickly if needed."

Letty nodded. "That's a good idea." She agreed with her 'brother'. "We always have contingency plans in place anyway, but as the agency is being targeted and we don't know if we're next on the hit list..." She didn't finish her sentence. She didn't have to.

All of the adults in the house could handle whatever came at them. But they couldn't let the children be used as weapons against them.

Hobbs nodded his head. "Yeah. We need to be ready. Just in case."

"We have other contacts," Dom commented. "People I can ask to be on standby. Ready for if we need the children evacuated fast. People who aren't directly affiliated with us."

"If they have to be evacuated fast... We can send them to my Mama and brothers. They are off the grid and all able to defend if necessary. Your kids would be just as much theirs as Sam is..." Hobbs said, making it clear family was important on his side too.

"Appreciate it, thanks," Dom said. "If you can make them aware it might be a possibility...anything else we need to cover?" He looked around at them all.

Hobbs nodded, pulling out his phone so he could do that.

Han glanced around. "Until we have more info available, not much else can be done. Why don't we get a late lunch going? Relax while we have the option."

"Luckily, we hadn't really started on the food. And there's plenty for the newest family member." Dom stood up and nodded to Scott. "We can have the food and beers inside. So, you don't need to worry about anyone driving by and spotting you."

"Okay...." Scott sounded a bit confused that he was being included but didn't argue.

Han grinned at the confusion, standing to help get everything ready. "You can make the potato salad, Sunshine." He wrapped an arm around Scott's shoulder and led him inside.

"Yeah...okay." Scott sounded a bit bemused, but let himself be led, leaning on the older man.


Luckily, the rest of the day and evening was uneventful. Hobbs had got hold of his mother and warned her that they might need a haven for the children. She had, not to his surprise at all, not only agreed, but had insisted that as soon as school ended, all the children come for a summer visit before anything happened to make it necessary. He'd relayed that insistence to Dom, Letty, Brian and Mia and it was decided that it was a wise move.

Han had helped Elle make her final preparations to move closer to her school. They had secured the housing for her and made plans to move her in within two days' time. Hobbs called in some favors with law-enforcement friends to keep an eye on her and give her some people who would be close by to help her immediately if needed, giving Han the time to make the drive to her, since her school was several hours away.

Brian looked around at everyone as they sat by the fire, drinking beer and chatting quietly so they wouldn't accidentally wake the kids. "I don't think the rumors are right..." he said to Scott randomly. "Are you sure you didn't find anything? Even if you found something that repeated the rumors... Whoever put the information in might have left other clues. Or at least give an idea of who we need to talk to next...."

Scott shook his head, fiddling with his beer bottle. "There wasn't anything." He told himself it wasn't a lie. Not exactly. The information he found corroborated what the goon had told Shaw. There was nothing new in it.

But he knew Mr. Nobody wasn't behind this. He knew that the older man couldn't be the head of this snake. Not unless they convinced him that Scott was actually dead and that his sister was in real danger, instead of so deep under cover that no one but her trusted handler knew where she was.

Mr. Nobody wouldn't believe he was dead. He wouldn't take someone else's word for it. He'd have to see the body and identify it for himself to believe it.

"Guess it was a long shot we'd get useful information, anyway." Brian sighed.

"We keep at it," Shaw said, overhearing. "Tug at each thread till it unravels and we find who's responsible."

"Yeah. We will." Brian smiled crookedly.

"I'll drink to that." Scott raised his beer and then drank it down.

"You both heading back to your place tonight? Or would you rather stay here?" Dom asked Han quietly.

"Given everything that has happened the last few days, I think we should stay here. If that's okay..." Han said quietly.

Dom nodded. "Of course. You can use your normal room, if you'd like."

"Thanks, man..." Han smiled. "C'mon, Sunshine. We're sleeping over..." He motioned to Scott.

"Okay." Scott put away his empty beer bottle and stood up. "Where am I sleeping?" he asked.

"We don't want to put anyone out of their rooms, so you can bunk with me," Han stated.

"Okay." Scott shrugged. "I can grab a blanket and pillow. Make up a bed on the floor."

Han shrugged. "If you want. Bed's big, though. No need to be uncomfortable."

"I haven't shared a bed with someone since I was a kid." Maybe there was a slightly wistful note in Scott's voice.

Han blinked at that. "Never stayed over with your lovers? Ever?" He couldn't help sounding skeptical 

Scott snorted softly. "I don't tend to get close to people. Mostly, it's just been about scratching an itch when I end up with someone. So, no. I don't spend the night with people."

"That's really sad..." Han said, though he said it in a teasing voice, so Scott wouldn't be offended. "Which side do you prefer?"

Scott shrugged. "I don't have a preferred side, can pick, and I'll take the other one."

Han nodded, taking the side closest to the door out of habit. Changing quickly into sleep pants, he got into bed and patted the spot next to him. "Time for bed, Sunshine," he ordered. He doubted Scott wanted to stay up any later, but just in case, he was heading him off at the pass.

Scott didn't argue. He didn't have any sleep pants, but he took off his shoes and shirt before he got into bed next to Han, leaving his pants in place.

"Just sleep in your underwear, it will be more comfortable. I promise to keep my hands to myself... Unless you ask nice." Han yawned.

Scott snorted softly but slipped out of his pants as well. "Wouldn't complain if you didn't keep your hands to yourself."

"I'll remind you of that when I use you as a teddy-bear while snoring in your ear..." Han joked.

Scott shrugged. "It'll be a change, at least," he joked a bit.

Han smiled, crawling under the sheets. "Night, Scott..." he said softly.

"Good night." Scott closed his eyes. He was surprised to find himself relaxing fairly quickly.


In another room, Hobbs had stripped completely. He had his sleep pants close by, just in case, but he needed skin on skin contact. As soon as he and Shaw were in bed, he was pressed tight against his mate. "G'night. Love you," he whispered.

Shaw had stripped down as well and he wrapped his arms tightly around Hobbs, brushing a kiss against his lover's head. "I love you," he murmured.

Hobbs let out a happy rumble pressing tight against his lover before falling asleep.


In another room, Brian was kissing Mia goodnight and pulling her close into his arms. "How long do you think before Han takes over and Scott joins the family completely?"

Mia snorted softly and relaxed into Brian's arms, kissing him back. "I was surprised he didn't take over after what happened least to make it clear what the expectations are. Somehow, I don't expect this to be the only time Scott tries to do it alone." She was more than used to the hard-headedness from family members.

"Yeah. Not sure why he held back, to be honest. Could tell he was frustrated..." Brian snorted softly.

Mia shrugged. "Maybe it's worth talking to him about it. See if he needs any advice...or just someone to talk his feelings through with. At the very least, how the family handles things isn't going to be a secret from Scott for long, even if he does avoid getting into trouble again."

"Yeah. Or suggest he talk to Dom. Since I'm not really the... Domming... type." His pause made it obvious he was deliberately making a very horrible pun.

Mia snorted softly at the pun and pressed closer to him. "That might be the best."

Brian grinned at her, kissing her forehead. "G'night, sweetheart "

"Good night." She kissed him again before closing her eyes.

Brian smiled, closing his eyes too. Soon the whole house was asleep.


Scott woke up fairly early, though he didn't immediately get up. He lay awake, trying to figure out what his next move should be.

Han wasn't certain what woke him, though he could immediately tell Scott was awake. "Why you thinking so loud...?" he mumbled, before rolling over and wrapping an arm around Scott and tugging him closer. "Go back to sleep...."

"Can't help it," Scott mumbled. "Brain's working overtime." He let himself lean into Han, though...almost snuggling.

Noting Scott was snuggling instead of pushing away, Han held tighter, impulsively kissing the top of the younger man's head. "Want to talk about it? Maybe if you get it out in the open, it will stop rattling around in your head."

"I need to figure out where they're going to hit next. How to stop them. Why they're framing Mr. Nobody..." Scott's voice trailed off before he could add that he needed to find Mr. Nobody and why. He'd spent so long hiding his relationship to the older man, even telling people they both trusted was daunting.

Closing his eyes at the kiss, Scott gently let his head rest against Han's bare chest...almost hiding his face. At the moment, he didn't feel ready to face any of what he needed to do.

"Okay. We’ll work on all that tomorrow with fresh eyes. We'll also try to find Nobody… if he wants to be found. You know he's too good at hiding..." Han smiled. He couldn't help wondering if there was something Scott wasn't saying but didn't push. Instead, he tightened his embrace around the other man and kissed his head again.

"Yeah. Really good..." Scott mumbled, almost to himself. He felt himself relaxing even more...and nuzzled against Han's chest before he caught himself and stopped.

"You don't have to stop. I like that..." Han whispered. "You know, my telling Letty I was attracted to you wasn't just to keep a cover for our meeting on a date app... Or an excuse not to meet anyone else. I really am attracted to you."

At those words, Scott smiled and nuzzled gently against Han's chest again before lightly kissing it. "I'm attracted to you as well," he confessed softly. "I actually had your dating profile saved even before I had to pretend to be dead."

"Yeah?" Han sounded pleased at that, loosening his grip enough to begin gently stroking over Scott's arms and back. "I'm glad...means it isn't just the situation encouraging us...."

Scott let out a quiet sound as Han began stroking him. "Not just the situation," he whispered, before kissing Han's chest again. He gave a tiny lick...tasting the older man.

"Good. Because once this mess is cleared up, I don't intend for this to end..." Han said firmly, before tugging Scott up and kissing him deeply, his hand sliding down the younger man's back, under the waistband of his underwear, and cupping his bottom, squeezing.

Scott whimpered softly into the kiss before returning it. He wrapped his arms around Han, rubbing the other man's back...exploring what he could of Han's body.

Han deepened the kiss, even as he continued rubbing Scott's back with one hand, while rubbing and squeezing his bottom with the other.

Scott's moan was audible, even though it was muffled by Han's lips on his. He pressed deeper into the kiss, even while pressing what he could of his body into the older man's touch. His body was warming and growing flush with arousal, quickly responding to the other man.

Han growled softly, his movements at once gentle but controlling. He moved his hand from Scott's backside long enough to push the underwear down, exposing the younger man completely. Pulling back from the kiss, he took a long, leisurely, appreciative look at Scott's body, seemingly memorizing what he saw. Quickly removing the underwear and tossing it on the floor, he began to massage Scott's bottom again while letting his other hand move around to grip Scott's member possessively. "You're mine now..." he stated calmly, in a possessive tone.

Scott's eyes widened a both the words and the actions...but as his member was gripped, his expression became needy...and his entire focus, his whole being, was on Han. "Yours." He licked his lower lip as he whispered the word, his tone entirely submissive; entirely needy.

Growling softly again, Han captured Scott's lips in forceful kiss, sliding his tongue into the younger man's mouth as he began to firmly stroke Scott's member. He wasn't rough, but the touches were too possessive and firmly controlling to be called gentle.

A low whimpering almost whine escaped Scott's lips at the forceful kiss. He gave himself entirely, opening his mouth submissively to let Han do whatever he wanted. His member twitched in the older man's hand, beginning to fill and harden.

Han gentled the kiss only slightly, continuing to lick inside Scott's mouth in an almost thrusting motion. While doing that, he shifted both Scott and himself until he was between Scott's legs, pushing them up and spreading them so he had access to Scott's entrance. He quickly found a bottle of lube in the bedside drawer and coated his fingers before gently rubbing at the tight ring of muscle.

Scott groaned at feeling Han's fingers at his entrance. His hands rose to grip the older man's shoulders, the action more of a need to hold on than an attempt to hold Han still. The kiss was leaving him nearly breathless, but he didn't want it to stop...even to draw in a breath.

Han withdrew for a few moments to allow them both to breathe, saying, "I want to take you, claim you as mine, fuck you into the mattress so that every time you move tomorrow, you feel me and know who you belong to..." He paused, waiting for Scott to agree or tell him no.

Scott's eyes were a bit glazed over from pleasure and arousal, so it took a few seconds longer than it would have normally for him to register what Han was saying. When he did, he whispered, in a voice hoarse with arousal and need, "I want that too."

Moaning softly at seeing Scott's arousal, Han leaned forward, thrusting his tongue back into Scott's mouth at the same time as he inserted a finger into his tight hole.

Scott gasped into the kiss, his body tensing slightly at the feeling of Han's finger inside him. It didn't take long for it to feel good, though, and he was soon moaning, hands gripping onto the older man tighter.

Han slowly moved his finger around, gently thrusting his finger in and out. When he thought Scott had relaxed enough to take more, he slid a second finger inside, scissoring and twisting his fingers to coat the lube inside Scott.

Scott groaned loudly, his member quickly growing harder...showing how close he was to release. He was almost panting into the kiss; not just because it was harder to breathe, but due to desire and need as well.

Han pulled back from the kiss, moving his mouth to Scott's ear, gently biting on his earlobe as he added a third finger, pressing in deep to find the spot that would set Scott off. "Let go when you need to," he ordered softly, before sucking Scott's earlobe into his mouth.

Scott groaned, his arousal spiking to a point where it was nearly painful. He gasped and his fingers gripped tighter onto Han when the older man found that particular spot inside him. Only a few seconds later and his orgasm was ripping through him, causing his vision to white out.

"Good boy..." Han whispered, his satisfaction at having brought Scott to that point very clear. Carefully removing his fingers, he coated his own arousal in lube and pushed into his younger lover with one hard, smooth thrust until his balls were squeezed tight against Scott's cheeks. He moaned softly at how good it felt. "You're so hot and tight..." he whispered, his need to start thrusting hard and fast spiking. He forced himself to hold still; both to give Scott time to adjust to the stretch, but also to enjoy just feeling.

Scott groaned loudly at the feel of his older mate inside him. He wasn't visibly aroused again, but the feel of Han inside him was so very good. He was on the verge of dropping to a point where nothing existed except for Han.

Groaning softly again, Han gripped Scott's hips to hold him in place and began to thrust. At first, he moved slowly, but shortly, he was moving more quickly, forcefully, going as deep and hard as he was able. Whenever he was fully seated inside his mate, he rotated his hips slightly, grinding into the other man so that every part of Scott would be stretched and rubbed. He intended his lover to feel him long after he was done.

Scott gasped, soft whimpers, moans and cries escaping his lips as Han took him hard and forcefully. He had to hold onto the older man more tightly, almost clinging, as he dropped. He wasn't even aware of his member hardening once more.

Han watched Scott's face carefully, realizing the other man was dropped and couldn't inform him if he hurt or needed to stop. He continued the hard thrusting and grinding. It felt so good, the tight, hot pressure combined with the sharp sting as his hips and balls slapped against Scott's bottom with each thrust. But even with as forceful as he was being, he was watching closely in case he needed to slow down or stop.

While Scott's eyes were glazed and he was clearly only focused on Han, it was also obvious that, despite being dropped, he wasn't in pain. Far from it. His body was almost unconsciously shifting towards Han...making it easier for the older man to go deeper; almost like his body was an offering.

Han groaned again softly, his fingers tightly gripping Scott's hips, holding him in place while he pounded into him. Scott's complete submission was heady and had aroused him further than he'd ever been aroused before, enabling him to continue for longer without release. He knew they both would be sore after, but it felt too good to stop and as long as Scott wasn't hurt, Han had no intention of stopping.

By this point, Scott wasn't just flushed with arousal...his member was hard and nearly purple, leaking with precum. He was panting softly, fingers gripping Han as he clung to the older man...needing to hold onto Han, because if he didn't, a part of him was worried he'd drift away.

Han was panting by this point as well, finally reaching the point where he knew he would release very soon. Gripping Scott's hip hard enough to leave marks with one hand, he gripped Scott's member with the other. Squeezing the purple shaft and beginning to pump it vigorously, he ordered, "Give it up for me, Sunshine...." His voice was nearly breathless.

His body reacted without conscious thought or decision. At Han's order, Scott released with a loud cry...nearly a wail. He wasn't capable of holding back his reactions at this point.

As soon as Han felt Scott release, the younger man's body tightening around his own shaft like a vice, Han slammed home one last time, pushing as deep as it was possible to go and shooting his own release into his lover's body for several very long moments. When it was finally over, Han let out a very satisfied sigh. He knew he'd filled Scott up. He wished he had a way to plug his lover up so Scott would feel his release once he withdrew. "Next time..." he finally whispered to himself, before carefully and gently pulling out. "Scott?" he whispered to his mate. "Scotty? You need to come back to me, Sunshine. I need to go get some washcloths to clean us up, but I don't want to leave you alone like this. Can you look at me, Love?"

It took several moments, but Scott finally began to come back to himself. He blinked rapidly and focused fully on Han, giving the other man a slightly goofy smile. "Feels good...." he whispered. He knew that he'd feel the soreness eventually, but for right just felt good to him.

"Yeah. It does..." Han smiled back, giving Scott a gentle kiss. "I'm going to go get something to clean us both up, unless you feel up to sneaking to the bath?" He didn't say that everyone in the house had likely heard Scott's wail of release. No sense in embarrassing his lover. He was proud to have drawn out that reaction.

"Not sure I do," Scott admitted. "I don't think I'll feel up to doing much of anything for a little while. Maybe we could just cuddle for a bit after we're cleaned up...." The suggestion was made with a hopeful note to his voice.

"I wouldn't accept anything else," Han said with a smile, kissing Scott again. "I'll be right back."

Getting up and throwing on his sleep pants, he quickly slipped out of the room. He reached the bath just as Hobbs was leaving. The larger man gave him a smirk, but didn't say anything, just nodded. Han smirked back, slipping into the bath and quickly washing himself before getting a clean cloth and wetting it down to clean Scott up.

Returning to the room, Han stripped again as soon as the door was closed, then began to gently wash Scott. He also cleaned the bed as much as possible, a bit surprised it wasn't more of a mess. As soon as Scott and the bed were cleaned as much as he was able to do, he got back into bed and pulled Scott into his arms, kissing his forehead. "Sleep now. We can figure things out further tomorrow."

"I think it already is tomorrow...technically," Scott murmured sleepily. He snuggled into Han's arms, feeling warm and safe and comfortable. His head on the older man's chest and cuddled in as close as it was possible to get, it didn't take long before he was asleep.


It had been several days since Han had laid claim to Scott and made him his. They had discussed their relationship the next day and while Han didn't say he expected Scott to submit to him- he really didn't, despite his extremely domineering behavior in bed- he did tell Scott he expected him to follow family rules. He explained in exact details what that meant, and he explained in exact detail what his response would be if Scott broke those family rules. "I won't lose you now that I finally have you in my life..." he whispered, giving Scott a gentle kiss. "What you did at the agency last time? Will get you in big trouble if you do things that way again. You don't do things without telling the family. We need to know what is going on so we can help if possible, even if it is only to be on standby if something goes horribly wrong."

Several of the family were nodding at that.

Scott glanced around at the other family members, noticing they all seemed to be in agreement...and none of them were surprised at what Han was saying. Swallowing, he looked back at Han. "I'll do my best. I'm not too used to answering to anyone...." he admitted quietly.

Han snorted. "You aren't the only one that's had to adjust. Just letting you know, because if it happens again... You aren't going to be sitting comfortably after."

Yet again, Scott thought he should tell them...or Han, at the very least...about his relationship to Mr. Nobody; about the information he'd found and that he was worried about his father. It was really tempting to lean on the family...but once again, he found himself faltering. Reluctant to spill what he'd kept from his colleagues at the agency. "I understand," was all he said in response.

"Good!" Han leaned back in his chair.

At that moment, Hobbs got off the phone. "Mama said she is looking forward to all the kids visiting. I can arrange flights for all of them to head out tonight, along with Mia, if that's acceptable? If Letty wants to accompany them too, I can get her a flight too...." He left it to the two women and their husbands to decide if having two of the adults accompany the kids to Samoa was a good idea or not. He moved to sit next to Shaw.

Shaw wrapped his arm around Hobbs, drawing in the other man close and tight. He couldn't help but feel like Scott wasn't being entirely honest with them. He couldn't have said why he felt like was a gut feeling, and he trusted his gut the majority of the time.

"I'm going to be staying," Letty replied. "We still need to figure out what's going on with the agency...and how Mr. Nobody's involved."

Hobbs nodded, already dialing his contact to arrange for the kids and Mia to get tickets to Samoa as soon as possible. Even having an 'inside man' and the fact said man knew it was urgent didn't prepare Hobbs for how quickly he got what was needed, however. "Dinkley got tickets for Mia and the kids to fly out early tomorrow morning..." he said, once he'd hung up the phone.

"Guess that's my cue to go pack and make sure all the kids are packed. Plus get our passports out of the safe..." Mia stood, kissing Brian, and then heading to do just that.

"Once the children are safely out of the country, we can focus on the agency," Dom said. "Ramsey's using that hit list to triangulate the possible places that could be hit. And there are some people keeping watch over the areas, who can warn us quickly if anything does go down."

Hobbs nodded. "I informed my boss what was going on," he admitted quietly. "He's in agreement that he thinks something is fishy; that Mr. Nobody wouldn't be behind this. He's going to get some agents he trusts to do some snooping. Maybe having an outside agency looking into it will help."

"Just make sure your own agency doesn't come under fire," Dom said. "Whoever is really behind this...they've got a lot of firepower on their side. We don't want to risk them coming after someone else. Especially because we don't know why."

Hobbs nodded. "I made sure my boss knew everything we did; that it could be risky. He's taken it as a personal affront that someone inside the agency would be targeting good people. He'll be careful."

"So, everyone who might be vulnerable is taken care of?" Han asked. "Elle is heading to school. Mia and the kids are heading to Hobbs' family. The rest of us are staying in one house?" He glanced around. "Not that some of us don't have our own apartments nearby...."

"It might be easier for all of us to stay in one place," Dom replied. "One place is easy enough to defend. And there's a much lower chance of someone being targeted if they're not on their own."

Han nodded. "Kinda figured that. Thought I better confirm." He chuckled. "Luckily, I have three days of clothes, so can easily do laundry."

"Not like we can't take a few quick trips to pack clothing and stuff you all might need..." Brian said. "I'll be surprised if Mia doesn't want to take a quick trip home to get some things for her and the kids. And if there is anything Sam might want...."

Hobbs nodded. "There probably are some things she'll want. When we came here, we hadn't realized she'd be going to Samoa spur of the moment...."

"I'd suggest we go back to collect items of clothing and anything else we might need in small groups," Shaw said. "Maybe four people at a time. That way, if anyone drops by, we'll at least be prepared."

"It'd be good if I could at least get some clothes ordered in, even though it's still not safe for me to return to my own apartment. I'm getting kind of tired wearing the same couple of outfits." Scott shifted slightly.

"Amazon it is..." Han teased, pulling the app up on his phone and doing a search for men's clothing. "You should probably pick what you like, unless you want me to dress you..." he mumbled under his breath to Scott. "Elle was expecting to go to school from here, so she packed all her stuff. I can order Amazon for me too."

Hobbs glanced at Brian. "Shaw and I can accompany you and Mia to get your kids and Mia's things. Then you can come with us while we get Sam's and clothes for us...."

Scott shrugged. "I'm more for comfort than style...if you want to pick out clothes for me, I'm not going to complain."

"Uh huh..." Han began looking through the available items once he'd got Scott's size. He spent thirty minutes perusing, occasionally adding items to the cart until there was enough clothes to last two weeks without washing. He handed his phone to Scott. "Look at what is there and if it is okay to you, I'll order it."

Scott glanced through the clothing items before handing the phone back to Han. "I'm good with all of that."

"Great..." Han quickly submitted the order, then looked toward Brian. "You might want to leave sooner than later, so it isn't dark when you get there."

Brian nodded. "Yeah. You ready now?"

Mia had returned by that point.

"Yeah. Let's go..." Hobbs said, glancing at Shaw to make sure he agreed.

Shaw nodded and stood up. "No time like the present," he agreed, making sure his gun was within easy reach. There was no reason to think he'd need it...but he'd prefer to have it with him just in case.

Soon, the four had left to retrieve what they needed for extended stays at either Dom's place or Hobbs' mother's place.

"Do you need to get anything else from your place?" Scott asked Han.

"Nope. I had already planned for a few days stay when we came here and with the extra stuff I've added, I should be fine." Han smiled.

Overhearing, Dom commented, "And there's plenty you can borrow if you do end up running out."

"Thanks, bro." Han nodded at Dom in appreciation.

"Of course." Dom stood to refill their drinks. 

Scott leaned back in his chair, a pensive look coming over his face.

Han slanted his head. "Something on your mind?" he asked Scott.

Scott shook his head but answered anyway. "I'm just not sure where to go from here...what thread to pull at to hopefully make this all unravel. To make it make sense." He sighed.

"Yeah..." Han sighed. "Hopefully, Ramsey can find something, however small, that will give a direction."

"She's looking." Dom had returned with drinks for all of them and handed them out. "Thing is, anything in regards to Mr. Nobody's private life is locked down like Fort Knox. Her words, not mine. Even for an expert like's taking time."

"Not surprising. Someone in his position, he wouldn't want his personal connections in danger." Han took the drink with thanks.

"Yeah...." Scott voiced his own agreement as he took his own drink from Dom... but he didn't take a sip, instead just staring at the contents.

Dom raised his eyebrows, noticing the slight twitchiness, but didn't comment on it. He did glance towards see if his 'brother' had noticed the same thing.

Han had noticed but wasn't entirely sure what was causing it. He'd already asked Scott what he was thinking, an open invitation to talk. If the younger man didn't want to talk....

Frowning, he said quietly, "Seems like it is a little bit more than just not knowing what is going on with Mr. Nobody...."

"I'm worried about the whole situation." It wasn't the entire truth...but it was close to it. Scott was worried...about his fellow agents; about his father; and about his sister. He didn't even know how to get a message to her.

"You got other family you're worrying about?" Dom asked.

Scott blinked at the question. "Not any that's close by..." he answered, which was at least partly true.

"You got a way to get hold of them? Warn them?" Han asked in concern. "If so, we can contact them. Maybe Hobbs' people can provide protection.” 

"No," Scott admitted quietly. "They...they've been impossible to contact for a while." He told himself that at least he was sticking mostly to the truth. Nothing he said was an outright lie. He just wasn't telling them who his family was.

Han frowned at that, attributing Scott's unease to the fact he couldn't contact loved ones to see if they were safe. "Is it possible for the agency to know who they are? Are you afraid they are in danger?" he asked softly.

"The agency isn't going to know," Scott answered. It was locked up too tight, after all. "My sister, I'm pretty sure is safe. My father...." His voice trailed off. "I don't know about."

"What are their names?" Han asked. "If Ramsey sees anything about either of them mentioned in the files she is scouring, at least it would let you know if the agency does have info on them," he added.

Scott paused...but honestly, there was no harm in giving out the names. Both of them were locked down tight, after all. "Tess Larson. Kurt Larson."

Han nodded. "Ramsey? Can you keep an eye out when looking through those files? If you see anything at all about a Tess or Kurt Larson, let us know?"

"Will do," Ramsey responded immediately.

"If there isn't anything else I need to do...I might just get on my own laptop. See if anything has come up from those feelers I put out." Scott stood up.

"Yeah. Okay. Let me know if you need anything." Han smiled at his lover, before turning to talk with Dom.

Scott retired to the room they shared and began to check his contacts...the impossible to trace email accounts he'd set up.

There was nothing communication.

And then he thought about his first email account. The very first one he'd ever set up. He and his sister had set them up at the same time, when they were still in high school. And they'd only ever shared it with each other. It had been a long time since he'd last used it...but the account was still active. And when he logged in, he found a new email.

It was in code, but it didn't take him long to decipher it. They'd developed the code, too, when they were younger. With a father in the spy business, there was nothing else they could have done.

The message was simple, even once he'd deciphered it.

The rumors are saying that you're dead. But on the off chance you aren't...I think I know where Dad is. Meet me at the usual place?

Scott read the message a couple of times. He didn't immediately trust it, of course. He ran the checks. He did everything possible to prove that the email was a lie, a fake...because if he went in with that assumption, if he went in trying to prove that fact, there'd be less chance of him cutting any corners.

There was no sign of a trick. No indication that someone else had hacked into her account or his. After every check he'd run...he had to assume it was true.

She was asking him to meet her. He could do that and just find out what she knew. Then he could let the rest of the family know. But until then...there was no point in disturbing the others. He'd been sneaking around for weeks before he'd reached out to Han and the older man had stepped in. And he wasn't planning on going to any of the agency buildings.

He grabbed the clothing he'd used as a disguise before and slipped out of the house, heading towards the meeting place Tess had indicated.


Han had debated going back and checking on Scott after the younger man had been sequestered in their bedroom for an hour, but he'd refrained. His new lover seemed to need a bit of alone time and given how it was difficult to have such a thing in a house with all the other couples around, he decided to let Scott choose when to come back out.

Hobbs, Shaw, Mia, and Brian had returned with all their needed items and gone to pack. Then Letty had roped him into helping get dinner together. It wasn't until food was on the table and everyone but Scott was sitting around the table, despite the rather loud call to bring everyone in, that Han realized there might be a problem. "He may have fallen asleep. I'll be right back..." he said, before taking the stairs two at a time and heading to their room. Knocking gently on the bedroom door, he opened it and peered in. "Sunshine? Dinner's ready..." he said, realizing belatedly that the room was empty.

A feeling of dread pooled in his stomach as he ran back downstairs. "He's gone!"

Dom stood up immediately. "He leave a note? Anything that might have said where he was going? Any sign of a struggle?"

Ramsey had been focused on helping to lay the table...when her laptop abruptly chimed, and she went over to check the screen. Then, she looked up at the others. "So... he never mentioned who his dad actually is, right?"

"What do you mean?" Shaw immediately moved round to get a better look at her screen.

"He said his dad was Kurt Larson...” Han said, obviously worried. At Ramsey's words, he moved to stand next to Shaw, looking at her screen. “Why? Did you find something on him?"

"That picture...." Ramsey gestured towards the image on her screen; that was of Mr. Nobody. "That's Kurt Larson."

"So Little Nobody is...actually Little Nobody?" Tej asked.

Han snorted. "Explains so much...." He sighed softly, realizing from the looks everyone was giving him that he'd sounded more frustrated than he'd intended. "Any clues where we can begin looking for him?"

"I'm checking in on traffic and security cameras now...." Ramsey said.

"He took off without saying anything. Means he's likely going to be hiding. It'll take a while to figure out his location." Dom rested a hand lightly on Han's shoulder. "We'll find the meantime, we'll carry on with what we were planning. Get the children to safety. Follow our own leads. And something will come up."

Han nodded. "We'll get the kids and Mia on the plane to Samoa tomorrow morning. Luckily, Elle is all packed and ready to move, so I can take her to her new apartment after we drop them off. Since it's a three-hour drive, it will give Ramsey time to turn over every rock she can...." Han tried to look hopeful when he smiled, instead of scared. "Maybe all she needs is a day to look and we'll be able to find him quick."

"I'll turn over every rock. Search every nook and cranny," Ramsey promised. "And if I can't find him...I'll get some of my contacts on the case."

"Thank you..." Han's voice was rough and his smile was grateful.

Brian cleared his throat. "Well.... I'll be sending my wife and kids off to another part of the world tomorrow, so if you don't mind, I'm going to make an early night of it and spend time with them."

Han nodded, glancing at Elle. "Want to watch a movie?" he asked his daughter.

Elle nodded. "Sure. We can try and concentrate on that, rather than Scott being missing." She linked her arm through her father's.

Han's smile brightened a little and he leaned over and kissed her cheek, before leading her into the living room to watch the movie.

"I'll help clean up from dinner!" Sam blurted, before looking at her dad. "That way, Daddy and Papa-Dek and I can talk before I leave tomorrow...."

Hobbs hugged his daughter, kissing the top of her head. "Sounds like a great idea, Sweetheart."

Shaw smiled at his adopted daughter and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, squeezing gently. "It does," he agreed.

Soon, everyone had separated to do their own thing for the night, spending time with those who would be leaving the next day.


The next morning, the parents accompanied their children to the airport to say goodbye...even those who weren't flying. Then Han went to drop Elle off at school, while those who remained behind continued searching; for Scott's whereabouts, and any leads on what was happening with the agency.

The day had gone by very quickly, but by that evening, everyone was around the dinner table again, minus Mia, Elle and the children. They had called just before dinner, though, to let those who hadn't left know they were safe at their final destinations.

After cleaning up from dinner, Han had joined Ramsey to continue researching where Scott might have gone.

Hobbs was staring out the window.

Ramsey quickly positioned her laptop so that Han could easily see in case he spotted or thought of anything she didn't.

Shaw moved over to Hobbs' side and stood next to his lover. He didn't say anything...just stood there, shoulder to shoulder, letting the other man feel his presence.

Hobbs slumped a little. It wasn't the first time Sam had left him to visit his family, but he always missed her when it occurred, and the fact it had been a necessity this time made it harder. Having Shaw next to him, offering support, helped, though. Turning slightly, he smiled at his lover. "Thank you..." he whispered gruffly, leaning in, and giving his mate a chaste kiss- although it was only chaste because they were in the main area of the house, where everyone else was.

"It won't be long before she's back," Shaw promised, returning the kiss...just as chastely, for the same reason Hobbs had kept it chaste.

"I know. And she's safe. They're safe. That's the most important thing..." Hobbs wrapped his arms around Shaw and held tight. Part of him wanted to retreat to their room...but he didn't want to make everyone else worry.

"Do you want to go upstairs to our room?" Shaw asked, softening his voice enough so that it would only carry to Hobbs' ears.

"Please?" Hobbs's voice was soft and pleading.

No one else seemed to be overly concerned. Brian had already gone to bed. Han was huddled with Ramsey. The only two still around who might object were Dom and Letty.

"You need us to stay up?" Shaw looked over towards Dom and Letty. "Thinking we might get an early night."

Dom nodded. "Go ahead. If there are any hits, or we have something for you to do, one of us can come wake you up."

"Thanks." Wrapping his arm a bit more tightly around Hobbs' shoulders, Shaw led his mate up the stairs to bed.

Hobbs let himself be led, leaning on his mate more noticeably the closer they got to their room.

Once they were in their room, Shaw closed the door and then began to strip his mate of his clothing, allowing his hands to stroke and rub over bare flesh as it was revealed.

Hobbs shivered, letting his hands stroke and rub over Shaw's body, though he didn't undress his lover. He needed Shaw in control.

As soon as Hobbs was completely naked, Shaw took a long, leisurely look at his lover's body. Then, he removed his own clothing and guided Hobbs towards the bed. His member was already half-hard, turned on as he was just by looking at his mate.

Hobbs was fully aroused, between feeling his lover's appreciative gaze on his body, the feeling of Shaw taking over, and his own visual attraction to his mate. He obediently followed where Shaw led, waiting to get onto the bed; waiting to find if Shaw wanted him facing him or facing the bed, so his backside was more easily available.

Kissing Hobbs deeply, Shaw gently guided the other man onto the bed, settling him so that he was on his hands and knees, his bottom easy for Shaw to get to. Settling himself on the bed, kneeling with a leg on either side of his mate's body, Shaw retrieved a bottle of massage oil from the bedside table. Pouring a liberal amount onto his hands, he began to rub it into Hobbs' backside and upper thighs.

Hobbs shivered as Shaw positioned him. He always felt so vulnerable when he was exposed, unable to see what his mate was doing but completely open and available to Shaw's whims. He loved feeling vulnerable to his mate. When Shaw began to rub and squeeze, to massage him, he whined softly with need, the sound submissive and accepting. He dropped slightly, already giving up and giving in to Shaw.

"Good boy," Shaw murmured, his voice husky with desire and need. He finished rubbing the oil into Hobbs' bottom and thighs, making the skin glisten. Then, he let his hand fall in a fairly light swat, before he then rubbed the spot he'd just smacked.

The tiny huff of air and soft whine Hobbs expelled at the gentle swat let Shaw know it was felt, and that Hobbs liked it. Feeling his lover take complete control over him and decide when, where and how to touch him eased something in him that he hadn't realized needed easing. Giving his entire being over to Shaw to do what he wanted to and with? It was helping to remove the stress and helping him feel safer and more reassured that everything would be okay.

Able to tell that his mate liked the sensation, Shaw used one hand to rub low down on Hobbs' back, while the other continued to lightly smack his lover's backside. Every so often, he'd pause to rub or gently squeeze.

Hobbs shivered lightly, soft moans that only Shaw could hear escaping his lips. "Yours..." he whispered, trying to submit in every way he could think of; let Shaw know he'd accept whatever his mate wanted to do.

"Mine." Shaw leaned over to press a kiss to the back of Hobbs' neck, gently nipping at the skin. He was continuing to gently smack, squeeze and rub, but with his other hand, he found the lube and coated his member in it. He then pushed slowly, inch by inch, into his lover.

Hobbs groaned in obvious pleasure as Shaw pushed in. He was tight, stretching around his mate, and he quivered in place, accepting his mate's shaft into his body. The urge to push back, push himself further onto his lover's erection, was strong, but he held still. Shaw was in control and would decide how fast or deep he went.

Shaw gripped Hobbs' hips tightly, pulling his mate back enough to allow him to go as deep and hard as possible. Then, once he was fully sheathed inside his mate, he began to thrust hard.

Hobbs whimpered at the rougher treatment, falling forward onto his elbows as a feeling of being owned overcame him. The new position opened him up further to Shaw's thrusts. All he could do was moan and groan softly as his mate took what belonged to him. It was exactly what he needed... to be controlled and taken without question.

"Mine." Shaw closed his teeth around Hobbs' neck once more; gently nipping the skin. He continued to thrust deep and hard inside his mate, groaning softly as his own arousal drew close.

Hobbs was fully hard, leaking precum, but hadn't yet reached the point where he would release. He wasn't after release though. He was after the comfort of being pulled close to his lover and taken and owned. Feeling Shaw's teeth on his neck while his lover pounded him inside was what he was after. Shaw using his body for his own pleasure was what he was after. Knowing that Shaw desired him despite all his faults and loved him and didn't find his need to be controlled bad or wrong was what he was after. Release would be a pleasant gift, but it wasn't necessary... Although if Shaw decided to play with his body until he was so sensitive, he had to release? Being played with fit with all the other things he was after and needed.

Shaw kissed the back of Hobbs' neck, gently grazing his teeth along the sensitive skin. He moved one hand in front of his mate, beginning to tweak and gently twist his lover's nipples. At the same time, he continued to thrust inside Hobbs...forcefully enough that his body was all but slamming into his lover's.

Hobbs groaned as his nipples became hardened pebbles under his mate's fingertips. Inside, the hard, pounding thrusts were beginning to cause sensitivity, bordering on soreness. He groaned louder in obvious need and enjoyment. He needed the rough claiming...needed to be broken so Shaw could pull all his pieces together and hold him close and tight and protectively through the night and Hobbs be able to let go and accept the care. He was too wound up and agitated to let go without help.

Shaw didn't gentle or slow his thrusts at all. Hobbs' submission was turning him on even more and he continued to twist and tweak his mate's nipples, ensuring they were as sensitive as possible. He began to gently bite along other parts of Hobbs' skin; not enough to break the skin, but enough that the sharpness of his teeth could be felt.

"Y... Yes... Please... N... Need to feel you... Inside and out... All night and day... Please..." Hobbs begged, in a small, trembling voice. He trusted Shaw, but it was still hard sometimes; believing that his lover could understand and accept his need to be taken apart and controlled so thoroughly.

Shaw responded to Hobbs' pleas, continuing to gently bite and mark the skin. His mate's nipples were hard nubs and Shaw now moved his hand towards Hobbs' member, grasping it firmly and beginning to stroke it. All the while, he was pounding hard and fast and deep inside his mate.

Hobbs groaned softly as Shaw's hand surrounded his member, beginning to squeeze and tug as he stroked it. He'd already been hard. The actions caused him to leak more pre-cum, until Shaw's hand was gliding over a slick-wet shaft. Hobbs had slowly reached the edge and now hung at the precipice, only his need to give Shaw everything keeping him from falling. Shaw would decide when he could let go.

He wanted so much for Shaw to tell him no; that he couldn't let go yet. For Shaw to release in him and then keep toying with and teasing his body, smacking, rubbing, and squeezing his bottom (outside and inside); smacking, rubbing and squeezing his thighs (outer and inner); smacking, rubbing, and squeezing the tender, vulnerable parts of him that only Shaw got to see or touch....

He retained enough awareness not to ask for that, though. That would likely leave it difficult to move for at least a day later, and he needed to be ready to act until there was no longer a threat to his family. Even so, what Shaw was doing was helping him. Shaw had control of everything, even if he wasn't using Hobbs as harshly as Hobbs imagined he wanted. Shaw was helping him and was in control and Hobbs knew he was safe (even from himself).

Hobbs groaned again, his member twitching, as Shaw shifted just slightly and the relentless pounding and rubbing against his prostate became even more targeted. And then, what felt so good inside finally went over the line into over-stimulation. Tears began to run down his face as his channel clenched tight around Shaw's member; his own member pulsing, spurting, out his release; his body nearly quaking under Shaw. He'd failed to hold on. He hadn't been able to wait for permission. A tiny, soft sob escaped as his orgasm continued to tear through him.

Shaw grunted, the sound one of pure satisfaction, at feeling and seeing Hobbs' release; at knowing that he was the one who'd pushed the other man over the edge. And then he too was releasing, hard, inside his mate. His fingers gripped Hobbs' hip; clenched around his shaft, as the force of his own orgasm tore through him.

When it was over, when he was laying in a sated heap on top of his mate, Shaw pressed a kiss to Hobbs' shoulder. "I love you." He didn't pull out, not yet. Instead, he reached for the drawer and opened it, pulling out a of the many items they'd bought to use between them. And he used that once he withdrew from his mate, plugging Hobbs up to ensure that his release would stay inside the other man.

Hobbs closed his eyes, shivering at the words, dropping slightly as he felt the plug pushed in. As soon as he felt able to talk, even if he wasn't fully in control of his emotions and was still softly crying, he whispered back, "I love you too. So much...." He waited a few moments before pressing back, snuggling, into Shaw. "I'm sorry I couldn't wait for permission..." he whispered. Even if Shaw didn't care, Hobbs couldn't help feeling like he'd failed.

"If I'd wanted you to wait, I would have told you to. You didn't fail." Shaw wrapped his arms tightly around Hobbs, kissing his shoulder. "You did exactly what I wanted you to."

Hobbs closed his eyes, relief spreading through him, the feeling of failure easing with his mate's words. He held onto Shaw's arms, snuggling back even more. "I wanted to do what you wanted me to ..." he admitted, happy that Shaw believed he had. "Felt good... Feels good..." he added. Being plugged wasn't something they did often, but it always helped him feel closer to his mate, having Shaw's release unable to escape and having to absorb it into his own body.

Shaw gently kissed Hobbs' shoulder and wrapped his arms tighter around his mate. "You feel good," he murmured. "It feels so good when you submit to me...when you let me take you. You're so good for me..." he whispered.

"I love you... It's easy to submit to you. I feel safest when I'm with you...," Hobbs admitted. He shifted only enough that he could hold on to Shaw more easily. He kissed his mate's shoulder and then kissed him again over his heart, snuggling as close as he could get. "I couldn't be this way with anyone else... Wouldn't feel safe.  Wouldn't feel right. I'm yours forever and completely...."

Pressing a gentle kiss to Hobbs' lips, Shaw murmured, "I'm glad you trust me enough to be vulnerable to me. It makes me feel good. I know things are feeling a bit off-kilter right now, but we'll get through this. And it won't be long before Sam's back...or we can go join her. That's always an option."

Hobbs gave Shaw a grateful smile, returning the kiss just as gently before giving him an adoring look. "How'd I ever deserve you?" he whispered.

Shaw snorted softly and stroked the side of Hobbs' face, giving his own adoring look. "Could say the same thing to you."

Hobbs grinned at that before leaning up and giving Shaw a loving, deep kiss. A kiss just for the kiss's sake, to let Shaw feel how much he was adored and loved without expecting anything else to happen.

Shaw returned the kiss, letting his hands slide gently down Hobbs' back. "Sleep now," he said softly. "I'll still be right here. Holding onto you."

Hobbs gave a crooked grin at that. "Yessir ..." he breathed out, soothed by the fact Shaw wasn't letting go of the control yet. He nuzzled and snuggled close, falling into a peaceful sleep, knowing he was loved and protected.

It didn't take long for Shaw to follow Hobbs into sleep, holding on tight to his mate.


The next day, everyone was looking for information. While waiting for something that would enable him to help, Hobbs got a call from his bosses, calling him in to work. "They have me on a flight as soon as I get in. They haven't told me where I'm going, though..." he told his lover quietly.

Shaw nodded. "As soon as you know anything, you get in touch with me," he ordered. "Especially if it's something about what's going on here."

"Of course..." Hobbs smiled, leaning in and kissing Shaw deeply before heading back to their room to pack a go bag.

Han glanced at the others. "I don't know whether to be hoping his job is connected, if only so we can get more information, or hope it isn't, so that at least one of our family members is out of this mess."

"We'll wait and see what intel there is, if anything," Dom said. "And we'll figure out our next move based on that."

Han nodded. "Hope we find something out soon. I'm not good with the sitting around doing nothing.... 

"None of us are," Dom said sympathetically. "But we're all looking out for anything. As soon as we know something, we'll be there," he promised.

By that time, Hobbs had returned downstairs with his bag. “I’ll call you…” he promised Shaw, kissing his lover one more time before moving toward the door. There was a car waiting to pick him up and take him to the airport.

Shaw moved to the door, so that he could watch his lover leave. He was more comfortable around everyone here than he had been when he and Hobbs first got together, but he still felt better with the other man around.

Giving one last wave toward Shaw before he got into the car, Hobbs was soon gone from sight.

Brian came up to stand next to Shaw. “He’ll be okay. He knows he needs to come home to you…” he said soothingly.

"Yeah." Shaw sighed. "Just hope this isn't a bad sign." He stepped away from the window as his lover disappeared from view.


Scott really hadn't intended to disappear from the Toretto household and not return...or even let them know what was going on...but since meeting up with Tess, everything had happened really fast. She'd indicated that a lot of those higher up in the agency couldn't be trusted...had seemed reluctant to bring anyone else in to try and find their father...and he hadn't been able to say no to her wanting his help. So, he'd ended up joining her at her 'base'.

Right now, she was leaning over the computer screen, reading a message from one of her contacts. "I think they're going to be moving him."

"The people with Dad?" Scott moved to see the location in the email.

She gave him a sharp look. "The people who have Dad."


Back at the Toretto house, Han was pacing in agitation. “Cameras haven’t caught a sign of him either? He should have called by now if he knew he wasn’t coming back. If he was in trouble. What if he can’t call? What if they got him?” He tried not to let his worry turn into fear, but it was nearly impossible. He was afraid. He’d just finally found Scott. He didn’t want to lose him.

"There's no signs of any other agency building being hit," Ramsey said. "Those goons weren't exactly trying to hide their presence before. They just blended into the background. I've been searching. I don't think they know enough about the location of the cameras to keep hidden from them."

"Scott does. And if he went to meet someone, they'd likely know too." Dom frowned in thought and then looked towards Ramsey. "What about dark spots? Areas that won't show up on the cameras at all?"

"Those could be worth looking into," Ramsey agreed, beginning a new search.

Han slumped slightly as he realized they were realistically doing all that they could do. “When I get my hands on that boy…” he muttered. “He better have a good reason for not contacting me, because if not….”

Dom gently squeezed Han's shoulder. "We'll get him back," he promised. "And we'll make sure it's all in one piece. Then you can deal with his actions."

“Thanks. Dom. I appreciate it…” Han said wearily, giving a tiny smile to his brother. He turned toward Shaw. “Has Hobbs contacted you since he arrived to where he was going? Did they allow him to tell you where he is?"

Shaw shook his head, pausing in his pacing. "Haven't heard from him yet," he admitted. "Maybe he's still in the meeting." He took his phone out to look at the screen.

Han frowned. “He left yesterday… surely, he’s arrived to wherever he was going by now. Would they prevent him from contacting you?”

"Could be he's been told not to contact you and is trying to figure out a way around it," Letty suggested.

"Maybe." Shaw sighed and put his phone away. "I'd feel better if we could do something instead of just hanging around waiting," he muttered.

Han nodded. “Me too. If I wasn’t trying to be a good example to Elle and Scott, I woulda probably snuck off on my own when Scott took off and didn’t call me.”

Dom snorted softly. "Yeah, I think we could do without worrying about you as well."

Han’s grin was sheepish. “Yeah. I know. And I can do without a sore ass. So, there’s that….”

Brian laughed. “And on that note, I’m going to go and get dinner started. Mia said she’d call and let all the kids talk to us after dinner our time… so….”

"Call if you need any help," Dom said.

“Of course…” Brian smiled and headed into the kitchen.


Scott was pacing up and down, pulling out his phone and staring at the screen. It was a burner phone, but it wasn't like he didn't have Han's number memorized. He could call. Or send a message. His finger even hovered over the Call button for a few seconds.


From the tone of her voice, she'd been trying to get his attention for a while. He glanced up and made eye contact with her. "Yeah?"

Tess frowned. "You needing to get in touch with someone? You're acting twitchy."

"I...." The response went through his head. Yeah, I kind of fell into Toretto's group. And now I'm with one of them. Like sexually. And I shouldn't have left without a word and really ought to call him, since I'm pretty sure he'll be pissed at me for taking off without a word and.... He shook his head and put his phone away. "Nothing. You got a lead yet?" He stepped over to look over her shoulder.

"Maybe." She pushed the chair back and grabbed her gun. "It could be him they're moving to this location. Let's go check it out."

He nodded and followed her from the building, his own gun in hand and at the ready.


Hobbs looked at his own phone in frustration. When he’d first got to the airport, there hadn’t been time to call Shaw. Then once they were in the air, to his annoyance, he hadn’t had reception. Then as soon as they’d landed, he’d been told he couldn’t tell anyone where he was. He’d almost called so that he could at least let his lover know he’d landed safely, but then they’d got intel that needed to be acted on and he was back on a plane again and… and now he was looking down the scope of his rifle, straight at Mr. Nobody. Scott’s father. And had to ask himself: did he disobey his orders and call Dek and Dom and the others and let them know what was going on and where he was? Or did he obey his orders from work but disobey Dek’s request that he let him know if his op ended up connected to what the family was looking into? And then he wasn’t worrying about disobeying either of the orders. He’d noticed Mr. Nobody being moved into a truck that was rigged with explosives and he knew he needed to get the older man out before it was too late. He just needed to figure out a way to do it.


Tess and Scott had ended up in Tess' car, driving swiftly down the street and towards the edge of town...heading in the direction that the truck they thought held their father was heading in.

"We need to head them off at the pass," Tess was saying. "The truck's big, so it won't be easy to move. We hit it in the right spot, we'll be able to slow it down."

"We don't know what else might be in the truck," Scott pointed out. "The people who have him...we don't know how unhinged they are. What if the truck's rigged to explode? We'd be better off holding back. Just follow them. Bide our time."

Tess didn't respond verbally, but she nodded slightly...letting him know he'd been they drove out of the city limits.


If he’d been with Toretto’s group. Hell… even if he’d only been with Shaw… Hobbs would have known that he could stop that truck and get Mr. Nobody out without any danger. He was alone, however; and had pretty much just gone AWoL from his post to follow the truck. He couldn’t do anything until either the truck was stopped and those in it weren’t paying attention, or he had to somehow get the truck to stop without them realizing that it was deliberate and spooking them into setting off the explosives.

His chance came at an area where they were doing road construction. The truck had stopped to wait their turn to continue forward, and Hobbs had used that opportunity to ditch the motorcycle he’d nabbed to follow the truck and sneak onto the back of the truck itself. He began dismantling the explosives that he could see, hoping that if he got rid of at least some of them, it would give slightly better odds to Mr. Nobody to get out alive.

They'd found the truck...and were stuck behind it as it stopped at the area where road construction was taking place. And Scott had glimpsed a familiar figure on the back of the truck. "Stay on its tail," he ordered his sister, as he opened the car door and clambered out.

The car was close enough to the truck that he could easily move onto the truck itself, close to where Hobbs was positioned. While he moved as quietly as possible, he made sure the other man could see him coming.

Hobbs only glanced at Scott long enough to be certain there were no goons following him, otherwise continuing to dismantle the explosives he could see. “The others on their way?” he asked hopefully, as he disconnected the wire to the timer that would set the entire truck up. Now they only needed to worry about the explosives being set off due to fire or an accident. He began working on the lock to the back of the truck. If they could get it open, get inside and free Mr. Nobody, then get him off the truck...well, that was the ideal. Hobbs had a feeling they wouldn’t get the ideal, but he’d aim for it anyway.

Scott's eyes widened a fraction at the words. "They're not with you?" He quickly moved to help Hobbs with the lock on the back of the truck.


Ramsey's eyes widened when she spotted the movement on the traffic cameras. "Scott just pinged up on my radar," she informed the others.

Dom quickly moved. "They're heading out of town. Can you keep a lock on their location?" he asked.

Ramsey quickly nodded. "Now that I've got them."


“No… I got called in for a mission and it just so happened that it merged with whatever is going on with your father…” Hobbs grunted as the lock broke, and he was able to open the back of the truck.  He was beginning to regret following his orders and not letting Shaw know he was back in town and why. He wasn’t regretting going against his orders for his mission so much; he figured he could talk his way out of being fired when it was all said and done, but he did regret not having more back-up.

As the lock on the van broke and the back was opened, Scott quickly readied his case they drew any attention from the driver, or there was someone else in the back of the truck, guarding his father.

There was no one but Kurt in the back. He’d obviously been worked over, though. He was tied up tightly enough he had no hope of getting himself loose. He looked over as the two men entered the back of the truck. “Scotty? Hobbs?”

“Nobody…” Hobbs nodded as he quickly took out his knife and began to cut the ropes binding Scott’s father.

"Tess is in the car behind us. Hopefully, we can get you freed and all of us out without them being any the wiser." Scott was clearly on his guard.

By that time, Hobbs had removed the last of the rope from Mr. Nobody and was helping him to stand. "Can you let Tess know what is going on so she can be ready to get her dad in the car?" he asked Scott, before looking at Kurt. "Are you able to jump onto a moving car and then get inside? I don't think we'll be able to get them to pull over and let us out normally."

Mr. Nobody snorted. "Don't be a smart-ass, son. And yeah. I can do it if that's the only way to get my freedom. We probably want to do it soon. I overheard them talking about meeting up with a larger group."

"Already done," Scott replied, holding up his phone. "She's as close to the back of the truck as she can get. Shouldn't be too far to jump." He quickly moved towards the open back of the truck, still with his gun in hand...still prepared in case something went wrong.

Hobbs stayed to the back. "If you go first, you can help grab him if his wounds cause him to lose his grip..." he said to Scott. "I'll go last, in case one of them notices and comes back."

Scott nodded. "Once we're all safely off the truck, we can get those injuries looked at," he said to his father. He put his gun away so that he had both hands free to carefully jump onto Tess' car, then turned to help his father off the truck.

Hobbs was relieved that Scott and Kurt both managed to get into Tess' car before the goons realized exactly what was occurring. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get off the truck as well. Instead, it sped up and began weaving to make certain jumping would be a death sentence for him. Meanwhile, other cars were speeding up to try and intercept Tess and capture all three. "Go! Get out of here!" he yelled, even as he grabbed onto the truck's door to avoid being thrown under the tires.

Scott quickly helped Kurt to get into the car with Tess, but he stayed outside of the vehicle, aiming his gun at the drivers of the other cars and firing off shots.

By this point, Dom and the rest of the family had arrived on the scene...though the other cars meant they couldn't get close to the truck that had Hobbs on the back without first taking out the smaller vehicles.

Han was the first to get to Tess' car, blocking her pursuers so that she could get to a safer location in the middle of the pack of cars driven by the Toretto family.

Jakob was running interference for Shaw, trying to enable to other man to reach the truck and his mate. Nothing they were doing was enabling them to get close enough to the truck for Hobbs to jump off and onto a car, though. "Shit! They've jumped out!" He yelled a warning to Hobbs as suddenly, the truck was driverless and careening toward a crane.

Hobbs only had a few seconds to think about it. It was either take his chances jumping and hitting the ground or be in the truck when it hit the crane. He jumped.

With the help of Han blocking the pursuers, Tess was able to move her car into the middle of the group...away from the pursuers, which meant that Scott could quickly clamber back into his sister's vehicle.

Seeing Hobbs jump, Shaw quickly wrenched the wheel of his own car and turned past one of the vehicles coming towards him, heading straight for his own mate.

Hobbs hit the ground rolling and somehow managed to get himself into a position where he wouldn't be run over by a car. He groaned softly to himself, "This is gonna suck..." Then, he passed out.

Han, seeing Scott back inside the vehicle where he belonged. began to block and slow down the cars chasing Tess so that she could get her car away.

Jakob and Brian stuck close to Shaw, making certain he could focus on finding and retrieving Hobbs without any of the goons catching them.

And then Hobbs' team arrived, his boss leading the way. Seeing another federal agency bearing down on them, the goons who had been holding Mr. Nobody hostage quickly scattered like roaches, leaving Dom and his group to deal with the law. 

Shaw quickly headed to Hobbs' side, moving over to check on his mate now that the goons had been chased away and those who were left were the good guys. After making sure Hobbs was in no danger of bleeding out and that there were no obvious broken bones, he carefully moved his mate into the car. "I'm taking him to the hospital," he said into the comms. "Anyone else requiring medical attention?"

Scott immediately glanced towards his father. "Maybe you should get checked out too...." he said worriedly.

Hobbs' boss noted Shaw carrying his agent to the car. "Which hospital are you taking him to? I will need to debrief him when he is cleared to talk. Among other things..." he said, making no move to stop Shaw, but making sure the other man knew he had to be kept in the loop.

Mr. Nobody nodded. "I will. But I want to be sure it is safe for me to go to where he is taking Hobbs. I won't put innocent people in danger with my presence." He looked toward the man who appeared to be the agent in charge. "I can give you all the information I have about what is going on and why, if you want to accompany me to the hospital...."

"I'll do that, then..." Hobbs' boss agreed, moving to join Scott and his father at Tess's car. He was talking into his own comms, giving orders to the rest of his agents, even as he moved.

Shaw had quickly given the details of the hospital but hadn't paused in taking his mate. As soon as Hobbs was safely in the car, with no chance of being jostled or otherwise get any injuries made worse, he began to drive his mate there quickly.

Dom prepared to follow the rest of the family to the hospital. He assumed the others would want to make sure Hobbs and Mr. Nobody were safe...and had no doubts that Han didn't intend to let Scott out of his sight.


Mr. Nobody had been checked out and cleared to go home, after being given pain medication and antibiotics. He'd been in a meeting with Hobbs' boss, giving all the information he knew about what was happening and why. Now that another agency was involved, it would be more difficult for those in his own agency to act without repercussion. It meant he'd be safer, at least. Finally, giving the agent taking his information Dom's phone number, he went to check on his children.

Han had stayed with Scott while the younger man was being examined. He was happy to know that Scott hadn't been injured and had only got a few scratches. As soon as Scott had been cleared, they'd gone to sit with Shaw while he sat vigil beside Hobbs' bedside. Dom and the rest of the family were scattered around the room as well, just waiting for their friend and family member to wake up.

"What'd the doctor say?" Mr. Nobody asked, as he quietly came into the room.

Brian glanced over and answered somberly. "He has a concussion. A broken rib. And swelling that is making it difficult to determine if there are worse injuries. They have taken several scans that indicate there isn't anything life threatening, but they want to keep him overnight just to be certain. They'll do more scans tomorrow, when the swelling has gone down, and if the scans still don't show anything, they'll let him go home."

"I don't know if anyone else is planning to stay overnight. If anyone is intending to go back to the house, I'd appreciate some sleep pants and toiletries." Shaw assumed they'd all take it as a given that he'd be staying by Hobbs' side. He didn't intend to leave even long enough to grab what he needed for an overnight stay.

"Tell me what you need and where it is and I'll pick up the items for you," Tess offered. She'd noticed her brother opening his mouth, presumably to make the same offer...but she'd also noticed Han sticking close to his side. There was no point in two people heading back if it wasn't necessary.

"They'll only allow one person to stay overnight with him anyway... So, the rest of us can head back home. Make a quick dinner. Tess can return with your stuff and something for you to eat..." Brian suggested to Shaw. "Then we can all return tomorrow, when we're allowed to be here again."

Han nodded. "We'll keep our phones next to us at all times, just in case." He'd wrapped an arm around Scott, drawing him closer.  "Reynolds said that he can debrief Hobbs when he's back home recuperating. Just give him a call when that happens."

"Okay." Shaw nodded. "I'll call if anything changes." He sounded worried still, but much calmer now that he knew exactly what was going on with his mate. Hopefully, once the swelling had gone down, there wouldn't be anything more serious wrong with Hobbs.

Almost automatically, Scott allowed himself to lean into Han. It didn't really seem like the right time to apologize for taking off without a word, so he kept quiet...figuring he'd make his apology when things weren't as strained.

Kurt wrapped an arm around his daughter and led her out, then waited for the others. Dom had already indicated he and Tess could stay at their house until everything had calmed down more. He leaned over and whispered into her ear, "When did that happen?" nodding toward Han and Scott.

"I think it must have happened after the agency was hit and Scott was presumed dead," Tess answered, her voice just as low. "He didn't tell me when he came to meet me...but he did look at his phone multiple times. I figured then he thought he should be calling someone."

Kurt nodded. "Knowing how Toretto is with his family and how all of them follow his lead when it comes to dealing with each other, he should have called."

Tess blinked and glanced at her father. "I knew you'd got friendly with them...I didn't realize how friendly." After all, she'd been working deep undercover for quite a while by this point.

"They're good people, even if they skirt the law a lot. We skirt the law a lot too; just we get excused for it..." He snorted softly. "Han is a good man and if Scott is with him, he'll be taken care of. That's important to me for both of you, given our occupations." By this point, they'd all reached the garage and were getting into their individual cars to head to Dom's place. "I'll navigate," Kurt smiled at Tess and got into the passenger seat.

Tess got into the driver's seat and put her seatbelt on. "I assume Scott is going to be heading back with Han," she commented...although she did wait before immediately putting the car into gear and driving. Just in case her brother joined them.

Noticing Scott getting into the car that Han was driving, Kurt nodded. "Yeah. He's already with him... I'll introduce you a bit better once we are at the house."

Tess just nodded and began driving the car, following her father's directions along with the rest of the vehicles that belonged to Dom's clan.

Brian was already starting a quick dinner by the time Nobody and Tess walked in the door, and Han had gone upstairs to get a bag with a change of clothes and toiletries for Shaw and Hobbs.

Kurt glanced around. "Dom... I can't thank you enough for coming to help rescue me. I don't think you've met my daughter yet. Tess... this is Dom Toretto."

Dom nodded. "It's good to meet you, Tess. We already know your son," he continued to Kurt. "Although he kept quiet about the exact nature of your relationship for quite some time."

Scott winced at the comment but didn't try to refute it. They'd only discovered the truth due to Ramsey finding out, after all.

Kurt nodded. "Yeah. Hazards of the job. If he'd known I knew and trusted you enough to know the truth, he probably would have told you who I was... Of course, now the job is pretty much done for. I don't think I could trust anyone in charge at the agency and I'm too old to jump to a new one..." He sighed. "Retirement sounds good...."

"You're more than welcome to join us," Dom commented, his voice sincere. He obviously meant the offer.

Kurt slanted his head. "I might just take you up on that. I could be the guy at home that feeds you all the information you need, or wires you money..." He chuckled. "Or the grandpa. I think I'd like to be a grandpa."

Han caught the last comment and grinned. "Plenty of kids running around that need a grandpa...."

"Definitely that," Dom agreed, sharing an easy smile with his brother. "I'll go see how Brian's doing with the food." He went to help his second brother.

"Here's Shaw's bag, along with a change of clothes for Hobbs if they let him out tomorrow." Han handed the bag to Tess. "You want someone to go with you?"

Tess shook her head as she took the bag. "There's little danger for the moment. I'll be fine for a trip to the hospital and back."

"Give me your phone..." Han demanded, not expecting an argument. As soon as she'd handed it to him, he put his phone number into her contacts.  "If anything at all happens, call. We'll be there as fast as possible."

Tess nodded. "Of course." She slipped her phone back into her pocket and headed out of the house, back to her own car.

The rest of the family gathered around the dining room table to eat the soup and sandwiches Brian had made.


Back at the hospital, Hobbs had woken, though he wasn't feeling overly talkative and had to keep his eyes closed because the light hurt. "Everyone got out, okay? No one else was hurt?" he asked in a whisper.

"No one else was hurt. Only you." Shaw gently gripped his mate's hand. "You need more pain medication?" He prepared to call the nurse.

"N... not yet. It will make me sleep..." Hobbs squeezed Shaw's hand back. "What... what happened?" he asked, in a bleary voice.

"You jumped off a moving truck, onto the street. Do you remember what happened before then?" Shaw was obviously worried.

"I... I was trying to get Nobody out of the truck... he and Scott made it to the car b... before the goons realized and made it so I couldn't get out..." Hobbs paused, thinking. Grimacing because it made his head hurt, he asked, "They jumped out of the truck and were going to let it crash... and there were explosives? I... I think that is why I jumped...."

Shaw nodded. "The explosives didn't go off. No one was seriously hurt apart from you." He made no attempt to hide just how worried he was for his mate. "You need to rest as much as possible. They want to keep you in overnight for observation. Everyone else has gone home for the night, but they'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay..." Hobbs tried to smile, though it looked more like a tired grimace. It said something to his level of exhaustion and pain that he didn't argue with his mate at all. When the nurse came in and checked his vitals, she gave him more medicine. He was asleep within moments.

Turning toward Shaw, the nurse asked, "Would you like me to bring you a blanket and a pillow? The couch is able to turn into a bed, so you will be here if he needs you, but you can get some rest too."

Shaw nodded. "Yeah. Someone's coming by with toiletries and sleep clothes...blanket and pillow would be nice too," he admitted.

"I'll bring it right here," the nurse promised. Twenty minutes later, she had returned, holding the promised items. "The doctors are doing everything they can." She smiled, trying to ease his worry.

"Yeah...I appreciate it." Shaw moved to set the couch up, although he knew he wasn't going to get much sleep. He was worrying too much about his lover.

"If you need anything at all..." The nurse paused, then went to finish her rounds.

It didn't take long for Tess to arrive with the bag that she handed over to Shaw. "You want me to stay?" she asked. "I know it's not technically allowed, but I can be sneaky."

"Nah." Shaw took the bag and dinner from her. "You should go back to the house. Spend time with your father and brother...the rest of the family."

Hobbs made a tiny sound in the back of his throat, almost a whimper.

Shaw immediately moved back to Hobbs' side, gently squeezing his mate's hands. "I've got all of your numbers. I'll call if I need anything," he promised.

"Okay." Tess lingered for a few moments longer, just in case he changed his mind before she slipped out and began heading back to the house.

Hobbs immediately calmed at feeling Shaw holding his hand, whatever dream he'd been having shifting into more calm settings.


Back at the house, Mr. Nobody, Kurt, was watching the family interact. He couldn't help noting how on edge they all were. "I've seen you all in horrible fire fights and chases... this time seems worse somehow. Which, considering you rescued me, and everyone got out alive has be a little baffled. Hobbs is going to be alright... he's strong...."

"It's not just everything that happened with Hobbs." Dom's voice was wry. He wasn't the one directly responsible for Scott...Han was the one who'd taken on that responsibility, when they'd formed their relationship. It didn't stop him from saying, "Before Hobbs was called away on his mission, we were already dealing with the fact that Scott had taken off without a calling to tell anyone where he was, or how long he was going to be away for."

Scott winced at hearing what he'd done laid out so plainly and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "That's because...I didn't intend to just take off. I was just going to meet Tess to begin with...."

Kurt's eyes narrowed and he looked at his son with a hint of exasperation and disappointed Dad face. "I thought you'd outgrown that tendency to just take off and do without informing those who need to know what you are up to..." he stated, making it clear Scott had been having difficulty with this behavior for a long time. "Even if Tess didn't trust them enough for you to tell them everything, you could have called and at least given them enough information they wouldn't be wondering where you were and if you had been captured or were alive or not...."

Scott winced again at the scolding from his father. "I just...with the agency being hit, I had no clue who I could trust." And it wasn't normal or automatic for him to reach out for help. It never had been. Even reaching out to Han when he did had gone against a lot of what did come naturally to him.

"We aren't talking about you contacting anyone in the agency and trusting them not to be working against me, son... We're talking about you trusting your lover to have your back and doing what little you could possibly do to make certain he wasn't worried sick about you and could get to you if needed." Kurt didn't sound overly impressed with his son's excuse. He glanced around at the others present. "You still deal with things the same way I remember you dealing with them before?" he asked curiously.

Dom snorted softly and nodded. "That's one of the things that hasn't changed." One of the many things, if he was entirely honest.

Kurt nodded. "Good." He turned toward Han. "I have a few things to say to my son when the time comes. If it's alright with you, I'd like to go first so that he doesn't have to leave your side when you're done with him." He figured, even if he was the father, Scott's relationship with Han gave the other man more say now, so he'd defer to what Han wanted.

Han looked at Kurt for a few moments before nodding himself. "Yeah. You can go first. I appreciate that you're backing me on this and not trying to talk me out of it...."

"I wouldn't try and talk you out of it. As grateful as I am to have been saved and thankful to those who saved me... there are certain things you just don't do to family. Scott knows this..." Kurt looked at Scott again. "Tess would have backed down if he'd told her what you all mean to him. Even if she grumbled about it."

Scott couldn't help but squirm a little in his seat. He knew, on paper, what they were talking about...but had never experienced it himself, so his anxiety was probably obvious. "I didn't...." His voice trailed off, cutting off whatever excuse he'd been about to make. Because that's all it would be. An excuse. He did know better...they were right.

Han glanced at Scott, waiting for him to finish his thought. When he didn't continue, he sighed and looked at the others. "I think we all need a good night's sleep before dealing any further with any of this. If no one has anything else that needs to be discussed, I'm taking Scott to bed." He didn't even leave the option of not going available to Scott. He was taking charge now.

Kurt snorted but was grinning. "You do that, son," he said to Han, making it clear that he considered Han to be his just like Scott. "I think I'm going to get some sleep too. Haven't really had much chance since they took me; too busy watching to make sure I didn't miss my chance to escape, or they didn't do something to me that would make escape impossible."

"I'll show you to your room," Brian said quietly, leading Kurt upstairs.

"It won't be long before Tess comes back. I'll wait up for her. Make sure she eats something and then show her where she can sleep," Letty that Kurt and Scott didn't need to worry about her.

Scott blinked but didn't try to argue or protest that he should stay up and wait. Instead, he stood up...but waited for Han to take the lead. He felt bad about how he'd acted but couldn't think of any other way to make things begin to be right other than submitting to the older man and letting him take control. Even though he was still in trouble.

"Thanks, Letty," Kurt said, before following Brian.

Han took Scott's arm and gently but firmly led him upstairs to their room. Once inside with the door firmly closed, he looked at his lover. "You don't have any wounds that need tending? Other than the scratches and bruises you already admitted to?"

Scott shook his head. "Nothing else." He hesitated. "I... I am sorry. I know it doesn't change how much trouble I'm in, or what's going to happen, but I am. I real excuse or reason." His voice was soft, hesitant, for all it was still sincere.

Han smiled faintly at the words. "I know you are. And we'll take care of it and put it behind us... I love you." His face took on a sterner look. "Now strip. I'm going to make sure there isn't anything to be concerned about that you are ignoring because you don't think it is serious enough to worry about."

Swallowing hard, Scott obeyed without conscious thought. His fingers moved to his shirt, unbuttoning, and then removing it. He followed up with his pants and underwear, folding his clothing neatly out of the way.

"Come here..." Han ordered softly. He was standing by the bed. "Lay down so I can look at you...."  He had a first-aid kit on the bedside table, just in case.

Slowly, Scott did as he was instructed. He lay down on the bed in such a way that he was completely exposed...completely Han. He didn't try to cover up or hide any part of his body. His first instinct was to submit that's what he did.

Smiling again, pleased that Scott wasn't fighting him and was obeying, Han began a careful examination of his lover. He took his time, wanting to be certain he didn't miss any spot. Gently, he ran his fingers over Scott's scalp and face, watching to see if Scott winced at the gentle touch. He slowly worked his way down Scott's front, gently running fingers over skin, pressing softly in areas where there might be something wrong other than just a scrape or two... always watching Scott's face to be certain there was no sign of pain.

Scott didn't wince or seem like he was in any pain. He couldn't help but press a little into the touches. While it wasn't arousing, exactly, the feeling of being taken care of felt good...and his body was reacting to the touches of his mate, of the man he loved, without conscious thought.

Finally satisfied that there were no injuries on Scott's front, Han gently turned the other man over onto his stomach and began the same slow, gentle examination on his back.

Scott didn't fight or protest being moved, only shifting enough to make it easier for Han to roll him over. Otherwise, he was still and submissive...not resisting in the slightest.

Han took his time, but still, fifteen minutes later, he was reassured of Scott's health. He wasn't in the mood for sex. However, he'd nearly lost his lover, or at least, it had felt that way to him when he had no clue where Scott was or if he was alright. And Scott's easy submission to the examination, while easing some of the anxiety, hadn't eased his need to be close to his mate. Carefully, he raised Scott's hips off the bed and widened his legs, just enough for Han to fit between. Taking the lube from inside the bedside table, he carefully coated his member and then immediately pushed in as deep as he could. Finally settled inside Scott, he wrapped his arms around the other man and shifted them, so they were laying on their sides, Han behind Scott, possessively holding the younger man to his chest, his cock buried deep. "You are mine..." he growled out. "You are not allowed to take yourself away from me." He thrust his hips forward slightly so that his shaft rubbed Scott's prostate a few times before holding still again. "I won't lose you..." he whispered, kissing the back of Scott's neck before nuzzling. "Go to sleep now..." he finished quietly, happy to stay where he was, inside his mate, just holding tightly. It wasn't about sex or release. It was entirely about possession and feeling that his lover was here with him and not gone.

Scott whimpered quietly as he felt Han inside him. The action had aroused him a little, but not enough to push him towards release. He slumped back against Han's chest, into his arms, his body relaxing. "I'm sorry," he whispered again, his eyes closing. "I'm yours..." he added, his voice barely above a whisper...submitting as much as he could, because he hoped that would help Han not hurt so much. "I love you." The words were barely audible...but he needed to say them. He just hoped Han could believe him, despite his actions not truly proving as such.

Han nuzzled and kissed Scott's neck, thrusting just a little more so that Scott would feel him more fully. "I know. I love you too... so much..." he whispered back, settling into place and holding Scott tightly. It felt good being wrapped around his lover and holding onto him. It felt good being buried deep in Scott, even if he wasn't trying to take either of them to completion. Just being with and in Scott settled him. Scott was his and he hadn't been lost or hurt. Scott was safe.

Another tiny whimper escaped Scott's lips and he let his head fall to the side, automatically making himself more vulnerable and exposed to Han. He didn't push for or demand anything, just found himself relaxing even more against the man he loved, the longer Han held onto him and stayed inside him. It had felt wrong not to be with Han, but he hadn't been able to recognize that until now, when things finally felt right.

"I love you, Sunshine." Han gently rotated his hips, continuing to kiss and nuzzle Scott's neck and shoulder. "Love you and need you. Don't ever leave without word like that again..." he ordered, continuing to gently rotate and thrust, rubbing Scott's prostate every time.

Scott groaned softly at the feeling of Han moving inside him. His member was beginning to respond, hardening in response to the older man's actions. "I won't...m'sorry." His voice hitched, just a little. He pressed into the kisses...into Han's touches. His body was growing warm as arousal began to spear through him.

"Good boy..." Han praised softly, increasing the tempo only slightly, just enough to put pressure on the sensitive gland he was aiming for... just enough so that his mate would feel the stretch a little more and know who he belonged to. He was in no hurry to release, though... "Release when you are ready," he ordered.

It was almost embarrassing, how quickly Scott's release came over him once he'd received permission. He didn't wail this time, but the cry wasn't easily able to be stifled. Most of those in the house would know what had just occurred.

Han let out an appreciative humming sound at the fact that Scott had just announced to everyone what was happening; and how much he belonged. He gently nipped his mate’s shoulder, not leaving a mark, but hard enough to be felt. He was still gently thrusting inside Scott, just enjoying the sensation of his member being surrounded by hot, tight, wet and feeling the vibrations as his mate's orgasm went through him. "Good boy..." he nearly purred into Scott's ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth for a few seconds before moving to kiss Scott's neck again.

Scott whimpered softly, slanting his head to allow Han easier access to whatever part of his body the older man wanted. Even when his orgasm had finished and his member was no longer hard, he still felt like he belonged, just feeling Han moving inside him and doing whatever he wanted on the outside.

"My very, very, good boy..." Han whispered. Growling softly, he began to thrust harder and faster, taking his own pleasure in his mate's body. "You feel so good around me..." He gently bit Scott's neck as he continued to pound into Scott's tight channel. "So, so, good and perfect..." He kept up the thrusts for at least five minutes before he finally reached the edge of his own climax and spilled into Scott, filling him up with his seed. When he finally settled, he didn't withdraw. He liked the idea of plugging Scott with his shaft so that not only would Scott keep his release deep inside of him, but if he moved, he'd feel Han's ownership immediately. "Sleep now..." He licked the spot he'd bitten to soothe.

Scott breathed out slowly and let his head rest against Han's neck, tilting his head to the side enough so that he could brush a kiss against the older man's lips. "I love you," he whispered. "Thank you for claiming me...and not giving up on me when I acted like an idiot." His voice was slightly sheepish. He closed his eyes, obviously much calmer and settled now that Han had taken him and was still inside him. It didn't take long for him to slip into sleep.

Han just continued to gently nuzzle and pulled Scott as tight and close to him as it was possible to be. Closing his eyes, he was soon asleep also, still buried in his lover, contented and happy.


The next morning, Dom was up bright and early...preparing breakfast and waiting to see if Shaw messaged or called to let them know if there had been any changes with Hobbs. After all, he knew Shaw wouldn't be able to sleep or even rest while his lover was in the hospital.

"Need some help?" Tess appeared in the doorway, freshly showered and dressed.

Dom nodded. "Just preparing fillings for pancakes." He moved to allow her to join him. "How long are you intending to stick around for?"

"A few days." She shrugged as she began to chop up pieces of bacon. "I've still got a job going on I need to get back to, so I can't stay long."

Brian had come in by that point. "Now that we know about you, and Scott and your dad have joined the family... you should come around more often..." he said quietly.

Kurt came in on the end of Brian's statement. "I hope you do..." he said quietly. "I know we haven't spent much time together in the last few years, but... I'd really like that to change."

Tess nodded slowly. "I've got a couple of things I need to be there to finish...some missions I can't hand off to anyone else. Once those are taken care of, maybe I can look into jobs that are closer to here."

"I'm glad to hear that. I think it might be good for Scott to do the same; find jobs closer to home..." Kurt nodded.

Brian smiled crookedly. "It'd be nice if all our family could stay close to home..." he said, thinking about Hobbs and how he had to frequently travel.

Dom nodded in agreement to what Brian said. "I suspect Han might have a conversation with Scott about job locations," he commented.

Kurt nodded. "After what happened to Luke, Shaw might want to consider doing the same with him. If he hasn't already. Speaking of which... are we all going over to see him this morning, or waiting for him to be brought home to see him?"

"Pretty sure the plan is to go over there once we've had breakfast," Dom answered. "It's nearly ready. I think we're just waiting on Jake, Han, and Scott to come now," he added, as Letty was already awake and setting the table.

"Yeah. Jake is here..." Jakob said in amusement, as he got glasses out to put on the table, and a pitcher of juice.

Han came down a few moments later, leading Scott. He looked a lot calmer than he had before going to bed, even if he was still being very possessive.

Dom nodded and looked around at everyone. "Put your orders in for the pancakes. Once breakfast has finished, we'll head back to the hospital. Check how Hobbs is doing."

Everyone gave their orders and soon, everyone was sat around the dining table eating.


Hobbs was eating the breakfast the hospital had brought to him, but he was too anxious to go home to be able to taste it. Only the fact he knew Shaw was worried and wanted him to eat enabled him to eat.

Shaw sat and watched his lover with obvious worry, clearly anxious to make sure Hobbs was all right. He'd barely tasted his own food, although he had eaten it...knowing that he needed to take care of himself, so that he could take care of his mate.

"I'm okay..." Hobbs whispered, giving his mate a small smile, and reaching over to put his hand on Shaw's hand, squeezing gently. "The swelling has gone down and the scans they took early this morning are all good... They said I could go home."

Turning his own hand over, Shaw gently gripped Hobbs'. "I'll still feel better once we are home," he admitted quietly. "You want me to call the others and tell them they don't need to come all the way here? Or do you want to milk the hospital stay a little bit more?" His smile was faint...more of an attempt to joke than anything else.

Hobbs laughed softly. "Even if I told them not to come, they'd come. You know they would..." he said fondly. "And past experience tells me that even though they've cleared me to go home, there will still be several hours before I'll actually be free to go."

Shaw nodded. "Good point. Tess did bring a change of clothes for you. In case you don't want to greet them all in a hospital gown."

"What do you want me to do?" Hobbs asked quietly. He could tell Shaw was still anxious, despite the good report from the doctor. Maybe if he gave his lover more control over his actions, it would help.

"If you're dressed, it'll at least give me hope you'll be coming home soon," Shaw admitted quietly.

"Help me get dressed, then?" Hobbs asked, with a semi-flirty tone. He didn't really need the help but figured it might help Shaw feel better. He wanted to do whatever he could to help Shaw feel better.

Shaw smiled at the request. After checking to make sure that his lover had finished eating his breakfast, he moved over to help Hobbs get dressed...mindful of his lover's injuries.

Hobbs made it as easy as possible for Shaw to help him, sneaking a kiss every chance he got. "I love you," he murmured, as the final article of clothing was pulled into place.

"I love you too." Shaw kissed him tenderly. "I'm relieved you're getting out today." He left unsaid that it shouldn't have happened at all. Scolding could wait until they were safely back home.

"I am too..." Hobbs leaned forward, resting his forehead against Shaw's. He heard what wasn't said and knew he would be thoroughly scolded when he got home, but he wasn't upset at that. Even though he'd done a lot of what he'd done because of orders... rushing off like he had hadn't been following orders and had put him into danger. And in the end, he hadn't been able to help any better than he would have been able to if he'd waited long enough to get backup. 

He glanced at the door as he heard the voices of their family all arriving. "Gang's here..." he mumbled.

Shaw nodded and sat back slightly...although he was still perched on the edge of the bed, his lover's hand in his own, as the rest of the family came in. After all, he wasn't going to hide what he and Hobbs were to each other.

"He's up and dressed! That means good news, right?" Jakob asked, with a grin.

Shaw nodded and smiled at Jakob. "He's been given the all-clear for release today."

"I suspect it'll still be a few hours before you're actually free to leave, though." Dom smiled at Hobbs.

"Yeah. Got paperwork to sign. Instructions they'll want to give me. If I'm lucky, I can be home for lunch, though. Maybe." Hobbs sighed, shifting closer to Shaw, and snuggling in front of everyone else.

Brian smiled. "Hopefully, we'll be able to bring everyone else home soon too..." he said quietly. It was obvious he missed Mia and his kids.

"We might be able to video call them," Letty suggested. "They're not aware of what's happened...but I don't think it'll worry them too much to see you here, as you're dressed and clearly in a better state than you were yesterday," she said to Hobbs.

"Yeah... I was going to wait till I was at home. Figured that way, it would be obvious I was ok and hopefully prevent worry..." Hobbs admitted.

Dom nodded in understanding. "We did bring more items with case you were staying here for longer. You probably don't need those now, though."

"No... but thank you for thinking of me..." Hobbs smiled widely. 

They spent the next thirty minutes chatting, the nurses bringing in paperwork for him to sign, as well as instructions for his release. And then Shaw's phone started ringing, alerting him to an attempt at a video call.

Frowning a little in concern, Shaw took out his phone to check who was calling before he answered it.

Immediately, Sam's scared face was staring back at Shaw, her grandmother in the background trying to soothe the girl. "Papa Dek! Mr. Viktor said Daddy was in the hospital! Is he going to be okay?" the young girl blurted in worry.

"He's fine, Sam." Shaw's voice was immediately soothing. He shifted closer to Hobbs, turning the phone so that his daughter could see that her father was fine and well...even if there were some traces of bruising left behind.

"Hey, Pumpkin... So, Mr. Viktor told you I was in the hospital? But he forgot to tell you that I was only kept overnight just in case? I'm okay and can go home as soon as I finish all this paperwork..." Hobbs tried to make it seem like he hadn't been hurt badly at all. Her knowing every detail wasn't going to help her. He could tell his mother didn't fully believe his injuries were as negligible as he was acting, but she didn't contradict him, knowing Sam would imagine the worst if she couldn't believe he wasn't hurt badly.

"Are you sure? Papa Dek, he isn't lying, is he? He's really gonna go home right away?" Sam looked toward her other parent.

"He's coming home today," Shaw confirmed. "Your Dad's tough." With a genuine smile he only wore when he was with members of his family, he continued, "I'd tell you not to worry, but I know you'll do that anyway. But he'll be okay. I'll be keeping a close eye on him."

"And spanking him? Right?" Sam's face took on a mulish, determined look that Hobbs had only seen on his mother's face when he'd done something spectacularly dumb when he was younger and still lived with her. He must have had a surprised look on his face because she continued in a very scolding manner, "Mr. Viktor said you probably wouldn't have got hurt at all, but Papa Dek wasn't with you cuz you were on your job and couldn't tell him where you were, but then you ran off to save Mr. Nobody and didn't even tell Reynolds!"

Yep. There it was. "You sound just like your Grandmama..." he said in a faint voice, not arguing with her. He'd lost one too many arguments with his mother when she sounded like that to bother arguing with his daughter. Besides. She was right.

"She is right!" His mother started in. "You are lucky I am not there, or you'd be getting this!" She held up the thong slipper so often thrown at his head when he'd done boneheaded things in the past.

"Yes, Mama..." Hobbs immediately fell into line, unable but to respond any other way. He was bright red, though.

"You will spank him, Papa Dek? I know Uncle Dom and the rest of the family don't allow that kind of behavior!" Sam turned her mulish, determined glare on Shaw. Underneath, it was obvious the girl was terrified that something much worse could have happened and she wasn't there to be with her family. She wasn't there to say goodbye.

"I'm gonna wring Locke's neck..." Hobbs muttered under his breath.

Big mistake. Both his mother's and daughter's attention was back on him again. "It's not his fault!" Sam declared. At the same time his mother declared, "He didn't tell us to face... He was on phone to boss and Sam heard. He tried to keep it secret. He now knows error of ways."

Hobbs winced. Now he felt sorry for Locke. He glanced nervously around the room. Everyone could hear the conversation; including the nurse, who had just returned with the final paperwork for release and a wheelchair to push him to the car. She had an amused look on her face.

Shaw could have tried to avoid embarrassing his mate any further. He could have just told Sam he'd deal with it and to leave her father to him. But truth be told, he'd been just as frightened as their daughter. Even with the doctor's prognosis, Hobbs had been unconscious...and that was never a good sign. He was supremely lucky that things hadn't gone even worse...that the explosives hadn't gone off after the truck had crashed. Shaw didn't want to even think about how bad the damage would have been to his mate if those explosives had gone off.

"Yeah, sweetheart." Shaw turned the phone so that he could look into Sam's eyes...and she could see how serious he was. "Soon as he's safe back home? He's getting the spanking of his life." His voice wasn't loud...not by any means...but he wasn't whispering, either. He could see that Sam was still scared, despite their efforts to reassure her. If she knew her 'Papa' was going to handle things...maybe it would help her feel slightly less scared about what had happened and could have happened.

Hobbs flushed dark as the entire room could hear, including the still amused nurse, but he didn't offer any protest. He'd scared their little girl and it hadn't been necessary. He'd scared his mate and it hadn't been necessary. By the looks on everyone's face, he'd scared his entire family, blood and chosen... And it hadn't been necessary. He deserved the spanking of his life.

Sam seemed to calm at Shaw's response. If her papa was handling her daddy, that meant Hobbs truly was doing okay and getting better. Shaw wouldn't spank him if he was still wounded and in danger. "Good..." she said in a small voice. Biting her lip, she added, "I know I can't come home immediately... Mr. Viktor says they are still trying to find all the bad guys, so it isn't completely safe yet... but I miss you all. I love you!"

"I love you too, Princess," Hobbs said softly. "So much. Be good for your Grandmama...."

"I love you, kiddo." Shaw smiled at Sam. "And as soon as it's safe to do so, you can come home and see with your own eyes that your daddy is fine. And if you need or even want to talk, you know how you can reach either of us." That was one of the main reasons he kept his phone on him, after all.

"Okay, Papa Dek. Thank you. I love you! I love you too, Daddy! Be good for Papa!" Sam said innocently.

Hobbs was still blushing, but he gave his daughter a loving smile. "I will, Princess. I love you..." He swallowed hard as the call was disconnected. Looking around at everyone who'd heard the conversation, minus the nurse who'd left the wheelchair with Dom and the paperwork with Letty, he cleared his throat. "Didn't realize she'd noticed so much..." he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck, wondering if he was doomed to be pink for the rest of his life, because it didn't feel like he'd stop blushing any time soon.

Dom snorted softly. "I suspect it's hard to miss how the family deals with things." Certainly, Mr. Nobody, or rather Kurt, had picked up on it. He smiled at Hobbs. "We figured you'd want to ride back with Shaw, but the rest of us will be on standby if you need anything."

"Yeah, I appreciate it. Looks like I can go now... Soon as I sign that last bit of paperwork." Hobbs glanced at Shaw, to make sure his lover was okay with that.

"We can have a big family pow-wow once everyone has got home," Kurt said quietly.

Shaw nodded. "The doctor's cleared you. But I'm still keeping an eye on you," he informed his mate.

Dom indicated the wheelchair. "I'll take you out to Shaw's car, soon as you're ready."

Hobbs nodded, reaching for the paperwork Letty held out to him. It took little time at all for him to sign where needed.

"I'll just take the paperwork to the discharge nurse," Jakob said, taking the papers and leaving the room.

"I'm ready, then..." Hobbs said, carefully getting out of the bed and moving into the wheelchair. He didn't argue that he could walk. He'd worried his family enough.

Dom carefully wheeled Hobbs out of the hospital, making sure he moved slowly enough that Shaw could easily keep pace. He then helped Shaw to get Hobbs into the car.

Hobbs didn't say anything about both men helping him into the car, either. He figured after scaring the entire family like he had, being cooperative, even if they were doing things he could do himself, was the least he could do.

Once he was in the car, it took very little time for everyone to start driving home. It was nearly a caravan of family trailing behind Shaw's car.

Shaw drove to the speed limit, much more carefully than he had when driving his mate to the hospital. "In the next day or so, you can call to update Reynolds. But that isn't going to happen straight away." He was automatically taking charge. Being in control. For as much as their relationship was often times like this, Shaw was very obviously in charge.

Hobbs blinked, giving his lover a cautious look, then nodded. "Yessir. He'll likely call you first anyway... To make sure I'm able to answer questions. He doesn't trust me not to ignore my health and jump right into things..." He sounded chagrined at that. Even if it would make it easier to obey his lover, which he knew he needed to do. At least until things had calmed down and no one was scared for him any longer.

"Yeah, considering your penchant for doing exactly that...." Shaw sighed. He wasn't angry; fear had been the prevalent emotion since Hobbs had first been in the hospital, so that had overshadowed everything else. But he wasn't happy.

Hobbs winced at the tone of Shaw's voice. He felt extremely guilty for what his family had gone through. Especially since he knew it hadn't needed to occur in that way. Apologizing wasn't enough, though. "I'm sorry..." he whispered contritely. "I know it isn't enough to make it better, but I am...."

"I know we generally keep punishments private between us, but this isn't just me your actions affected. It's the entire family," Shaw said. "They all know what's going to occur anyway. I don't see any reason to keep it hidden from them."

Hobbs swallowed and nodded. "Yessir. I scared and worried everyone. Deserve for them to see."

Taking a deep breath, Shaw reached out and gently gripped Hobbs' hand, squeezing it. "Even if you're in trouble...I am glad you're still here. With me," he said quietly.

"I'm glad I'm in trouble..." Hobbs admitted. "Means you still want me, even if I'm a pain in your butt...." He smiled crookedly, squeezing Shaw's hand. "I love you."

"I love you too. And I would always want you. No matter what." Shaw continued to hold Hobbs' hand, all the way through the journey and as they reached the Toretto house.

Once they had arrived and Shaw had parked the car, Hobbs waited for his lover to come around and lead him inside. He noted that everyone else was already there.

Shaw got out of the car and moved round to the passenger side. He opened the door and helped Hobbs out, wrapping his arms around his lover to lead the other man into the house.

When they entered the house, everyone was in the living room. There was one smaller couch opposite all the couches and lounge chairs, facing everyone else, and one small loveseat. Shaw led him to the loveseat, helping him sit before sitting next to him. The small couch was noticeable for its prominence in front of all the others, as if it was meant to be the center of attention. Hobbs' stomach twisted up as he realized it was. He swallowed hard, getting ready to ask when Shaw was going to blister him for his stupidity, when suddenly, Mr. Nobody- Kurt- stood and walked to the couch and sat down.

Kurt gave Scott a stern look. "No sense putting this off any longer. Come here, son," he ordered.

Scott let out a tiny, distressed sound...though he didn't argue. He'd already determined he wouldn't, knowing he'd disappointed both his father and his lover with the actions he'd taken. Still, though, it was a daunting prospect to be punished in front of everyone. Was this how it would go every time he screwed up?

Slowly, more because he didn't really know what was expected of him than out of an attempt at being defiant, Scott moved over to his father.

"Normally, this would just be between you and Han, even if everyone knows... " Kurt could see the look on his son's face and wanted to reassure him, even if he wouldn't let it go. "But what you did? Scared the whole family unnecessarily. And put you into danger that you didn't have to be in if you'd told everyone what was going on. You could have had help and been safer. I know we haven't been able to spend much time together and that's a regret... But that don't mean I'm okay with losing you entirely." By this point, Scott had got close enough Kurt was able to take his wrist and pull him over his lap. He quickly tugged him in tight against his stomach, then bared him. He knew everyone had a perfect view to watch. Putting his hand on the small of Scott's back and rubbing gently, he asked, "Is there anything you want to say before we begin?"

Scott shifted position slightly, his heart rate increasing a little before he was able to calm himself. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I know better. I'll try and be better."

"That's all we ask, son... I've talked with you before about keeping your family informed and not running off to handle things on your own. I hope this will be the last time," Kurt said sternly and rubbed a few moments more, before raising his hand and letting it fell in a firm, hard smack. He didn't hesitate to begin peppering Scott's bottom, his hand moving quickly over the younger man's backside from crest to mid-thigh with the firm, hard smacks.

Han could tell Kurt wasn't going easy on his son, his mate's bottom pinking rapidly. He felt bad for Scott and hoped it made a difference. Maybe he wouldn't need to be quite as harsh.

Scott's initial reaction was whimpering softly. The spanking hurt. It hurt a lot more than he was expecting it to, to be totally honest. Especially considering that in his line of work, he didn't succeed in escaping injury.

But there was something infinitely different to being hurt in a physical fight as opposed to being across his father's lap, having his bare ass smacked. For one thing, it made him feel like he was so much younger than he really was. For another, the repetitive nature of the punishment made it impossible to raise the normal shields he would have...and knowing that he'd disappointed and worried his family made it even harder to raise any defense against the spanking.

Even so, it was something of a shock at how quickly tears sprang to his eyes. It wasn't even the pain that brought them forth. Not really. It was more to do with the high emotions.

Kurt continued to smack, not slowing down, or lessening the strength at all. After three complete circuits of the admonishment, when his son's bottom and thighs were a uniform hot pink and beginning to shade to red, he finally spoke again. "We don't want to lose you. The thought that you could be taken from us... That you could die, alone, with us unable to do anything to help you... To protect and save you... It hurts worse than any physical pain ever could. Do you understand what I'm saying, boy?" His voice was gruff, and it was clear Kurt was close to tears himself, as he thought about the fact he could have lost his son.

Han watched Scott's face closely.

By this point, Scott was outright crying, his breath hitching as he began to sob. "I'm sorry," he said again, voice broken by his tears. "I... understand. I'll do better." His body was shifting slightly, more in a reaction to the pain than to get away.

"Good..." Kurt said softly, tilting Scott forward and peppering his sit spots with a rapid onslaught of sharp smacks. He finally stopped when the creases were the same hot pink as the rest of Scott's bottom. He then gently placed his hand on his son's hot, stinging backside and gently squeezed. "I hope we don't need to revisit this issue...." He glanced toward Han and nodded.

Han carefully stood and moved to the small couch, helping his lover to stand.

Once Scott was standing, Kurt got up and pulled his son into a tight, protective hug while Han sat in his place. Kissing the side of Scott's head, he whispered, "I love you, boy..." then helped his son go over Han's knee.

Han immediately began to gently rub and squeeze the pink globes in front of him, keeping Scott's bottom sensitive while he questioned his lover. "Why am I about to spank you, Sunshine?" His voice was gentle.

Scott was still crying when he was helped over Han's lap, though the tears had lessened somewhat with his father holding him. He sniffled sadly as he lay over his mate's lap. The rubbing felt soothing, to an extent, even though his bottom was really too sore and sensitive for it to feel good. His breath hitched as he whispered, "I left without a word to you. I didn't tell you where I was or try to contact you. I'm sorry...."

"I know..." Han kept his voice at the same gentle, soothing cadence. "You'll be punished and then it will be behind us. You're forgiven. I love you." He steeled himself for what he needed to do; he'd promised Scott this was what would happen if he took dangerous chances with his life and 'hid' information that would let Han protect him. Raising his hand up, he let it fall with a firm smack, though it wasn't as hard as it might have been, since Scott had already been thoroughly punished by his father. He covered every inch, from crest to mid-thigh, slowly turning the hot pink flesh to a deep, ruby red. "I hope we don't have a repeat of this behavior," he added. It was clear he didn't like punishing his lover.

Hobbs was cringing in on himself, unable to stop watching, even though he didn't want to be watching. If Scott was being spanked this hard for a first-time offense with the family... he'd be lucky to be able to sit when his own punishment was over.

Scott was already crying, but as Han began spanking, his tears quickly became vocal...and soon, he was sobbing outright. He hadn't been resisting before, but now, he was slumped limp over his lover's lap, crying like a very young child.

It had been a stressful, trying few weeks. And despite the pain of the spanking, something within him felt almost lighter.

Han forced himself to finish one final circuit before he couldn't continue. Scott had submitted, had given up all control, and was crying. All Han wanted to do was comfort. Carefully, but quickly, he pulled his lover up so that he was no longer over his lap but was sat on it. Han wrapped his arms around Scott tightly, gently kissing his head and neck. "It's done now... You're my good boy..." he whispered into Scott's ear, the praise only for his lover to hear. He didn't want Scott to feel embarrassed in front of the others or feel like Han was treating him like a child.

Scott immediately wrapped his arms around Han and cuddled in close, his breathing still hitched but slowly calming. He pressed into the gentle kisses, calming slowly, but still snuggling. After the emotional upheaval of being punished, he desperately needed the comfort.

Han continued cuddling Scott, though he did pull the younger man's clothing back into place. The punishment was over. No need to continue exposing him to everyone else's view. Making a quick decision, Han shifted his hands under Scott and stood up, carrying the other man to an empty spot on one of the couches, sitting down and continuing to cuddle him on his lap.

Jakob swallowed and cleared his throat, breaking the silence everyone had fallen into at witnessing the punishment.

Hobbs was bright red by this time, realizing that he was likely next. Everyone was going to see him punished. Which...was a big indicator of how badly he had messed up. The family tended to keep punishments private. That they hadn't this time meant they'd truly been frightened. Guilt speared through him at the realization.

Breathing in slowly, Scott leaned into Han's embrace, wrapping his arms around the older man, and just cuddling. His bottom was stinging, but he knew it had been deserved. He was just grateful that Han cared enough and loved him enough not to let it come between them.

Before Shaw could take Han's place, Dom cleared his throat. "I know you're responsible for him, Shaw. But he scared the whole family. Not just you. I think it would be more memorable if I punished him first."

Shaw paused and glanced at his mate. This wasn't something they'd ever talked about before, but he wasn't going to make the decision without making sure Hobbs was okay with it first.

Hobbs visibly startled at Dom's suggestion, an almost 'deer in the headlights' look on his face. And then all the guilt he'd been feeling for worrying his mate and family came to the surface; he couldn't hide it any longer. Swallowing hard, tears pooling in his eyes at knowing how he'd hurt those he cared about, he nodded, before looking at his feet and admitting, in a hoarse voice, "I deserve it...." Scott had been punished by family and lover, after all and he hadn't been with the family that long. Hobbs had been around long enough, he not only knew better, but he’d also got into trouble for similar actions several times already. He had no excuse, and he certainly didn't deserve less punishment than Scott.

Shaw looked his lover over carefully before he nodded. "Yeah. Hopefully, being punished by family as well will make the lesson stick this time."

Dom nodded and stood up, walking over to sit down on the couch still in the middle of the room. It wasn't big, but it was enough to make sure Hobbs' entire upper body would be supported, so his head wouldn't be hanging down and make more than just the spanking painful. He then waited, figuring Shaw would bring Hobbs over to him.

Letty settled back into the spot Dom had taken. None of this was a surprise to her. How Dom dealt with things was far from a secret. And Hobbs had done the same thing so many times.... She just hoped this time would stick in his mind.

Roman shifted slightly, eyes watching as Dom took center stage on 'THE COUCH' and waited. He was a bit surprised that Hobbs hadn't protested. Then again, he wasn't. As proud as Hobbs was, he was also fair; he wouldn't argue against something when Scott had taken it. The fact he obviously felt guilty would aid in him not arguing. He hoped it worked, though. He wasn't finding witnessing his friends being punished as therapeutic and satisfying as he'd thought it would be when he originally decided to watch.

Brian shifted so he could get a better view. He wanted Hobbs to feel him watching. Wanted his brother to remember every second of this punishment. Maybe then he'd stop taking chances he didn't need to take.

Hobbs whimpered softly. It was one thing to agree he deserved it. It was another to stand up, walk to his disciplinarian and put himself over Dom's knee while everyone watched. He didn't know how Scott had got the guts to do so when his father had ordered it... Other than Scott probably didn't fully comprehend what was going to happen. Hobbs knew.

Shaw reached out and gently grasped Hobbs' shoulder. He guided his mate to his feet and led him over to Dom's side, helping him to lay over Dom's lap.

Tej shifted position slightly. He thought about making a snarly comment, but while he wouldn't have normally held his tongue, this situation felt far too serious to make jokes about.

Hobbs was only able to cooperate because Shaw was leading him. As much as he trusted and respected Dom, submitting to being punished in front of every other member of the family was daunting. It went against every proud instinct Hobbs had. Shivering as he found himself draped over Dom's lap, he had to reach down and hold onto Dom's leg to keep himself from bolting. He whimpered softly, the sound carrying through the room.

Kurt watched calmly, a stern look on his face.

Han watched quietly as well. Hobbs had seen Scott punished. He figured it would help reinforce the punishment for both men if Scott saw Hobbs punished too.

Once Hobbs was settled in place, Dom wrapped an arm around his brother's waist to hold him steady. Then, he proceeded to bare the other man. "This isn't okay, Hobbs. What you did...what you keep on doing. You'll end up taking yourself away from the family. Worse, you'll take yourself away from Sam." He began to smack as he finished speaking, covering Hobbs' entire bottom, from the crest down to mid-thigh, with firm, hard smacks. He didn't deliver them in any particular discernible pattern, sometimes swatting several times in one spot before smacking a different spot the once and moving on.

Scott was positioned to see Hobbs' spanking and while it was difficult to watch, he didn't try to look away, figuring his mate had a good reason for making sure he could see it. He did whimper softly and cuddle tighter against Jan, taking comfort in the older man's presence.

"I... You're right. I know I shouldn't... I was wrong..." Hobbs gasped out, nearly immediately having difficulty talking because he was already crying hard. He wasn't even halfway through what he knew he had hadn't yet reached the pain level he knew it would...but the guilt about what he'd done to his family, how he'd scared his little girl, made it impossible to keep his emotions controlled. He lost that control nearly immediately. Dom currently, and Dek eventually, were in complete control.

"We're not going to risk losing you, Luke. It doesn't matter what happens. Or what you do. You're one of us. Part of my family. Part of this family. And I won't let even you take yourself from us," Dom promised. He was still smacking, hard and firm. He was serious about making sure this would stick inside his brother's mind.

"Y... Yessir..." Hobbs had to respond, even if he couldn't say anything other than a watery agreement. He had to let his brother know he was heard. His grip on Dom's leg tightened, both because the spanking hurt, but more because his emotions hurt. He hadn't meant to scare his family. Hadn't meant to worry them so badly. But he had. If all they did was make it hard for him to sit, he considered it less than he deserved, and he'd be lucky... grateful... that they didn't give up on him. Especially since this wasn't the first time he'd got into trouble for taking chances, or rushing in without backup, or telling anyone what he was doing. Realizing how badly he'd messed up, Hobbs slumped over Dom's knee, fully accepting the punishment, holding himself still even though his body instinctively wanted to squirm away from the painful swats.

"This dangerous, reckless behavior needs to stop, brother." Dom shifted Hobbs enough to expose his sit spots and began to include those in the firm smacks. "I don't care what excuses you have for it. I know damn well you wouldn't accept that kind of behavior from the rest of the family, from any of the rest of the family. And I sure as hell ain't gonna accept it from you. If it means tanning your ass again, that's what'll happen. Because you're part of my family. You're important, Luke. Not just to Dek, but all of us. You wouldn't be here if you didn't belong."

It was the words, more than the pain, that caused Hobbs to begin crying vocally. He wasn't sobbing, not yet, but it was obvious he heard Dom and was taking his admonishment to heart. "You... You'right," he gasped out, in a small voice. "Wouldn't accept it from anyone else... Hafta do better... Be better..." He shivered slightly, shifting as it became too difficult just to lie still and take it. He felt too guilty, and it stung... It was guilty wriggling.

Shaw noticed the way his mate was wriggling, and he moved forward, wrapping his arms around Hobbs' chest and shoulders...holding his mate still, so that Hobbs couldn't wriggle away. So, all he could do was focus on the smacks.

Dom began to smack a bit faster and put a bit more force behind the swats. His palm was stinging...but he had no intentions of switching to an implement. For one thing, Hobbs already had a second spanking coming from his mate. For another...his hand was about as personal as Dom could get.

Hobbs could feel Shaw holding him in place so that Dom could punish him. It didn't help with the guilt or the wriggling. He could feel how everyone was in agreement that he deserved this for his actions, and he knew they were right. The guilt made his heart hurt. Shaw holding him still to be able to take the punishment was mercy on his lover's part.  It enabled him to let go that last tiny bit and just accept. The vocal crying became broken sobs, and he began to apologize. '"Sorry, brother... So sorry... " His voice wasn't that of the always in charge grown-up who took everything stoically and bravely. He'd dropped for Shaw before, becoming needy, clingy and vulnerable. He dropped this time for his entire family, but not in an unaware way. He was still fully aware. And it was frightening how intensely he needed to give up and put his life in his family's hands. His struggles became feeble twitches, until he was limp over Dom's knee, sobbing like his heart would break, accepting every stinging swat without fight.

Jakob swallowed hard and had to look away at seeing Hobbs break. Hobbs never broke in front of anyone else, except maybe Shaw, and to see and hear it happening now, to see how his big brother had taken their other brother apart to teach him a needed lesson...was very difficult. Especially when he could see how vividly red Hobbs' bottom was and everyone knew he still had punishment coming from Shaw. He could only hope the larger man learned from this and altered his behavior. No one wanted to lose him.

Brian took a slow breath as Hobbs finally began to give in. He snuck out of the room for a few seconds to retrieve a jar of ointment. From the looks of Hobbs' butt, he would need it. He also grabbed several bottles of water and the medication Hobbs was required to take for pain. He knew Shaw would want to take care of his lover as soon as possible once done punishing. He was quick and returned to see Dom still spanking and Hobbs just sobbing brokenly, having finally given up.

Dom finished up with two final circuits of swats after Hobbs had broken down fully and then he stopped spanking, his hand resting on his brother's lower back and rubbing gently. "I can't lose you, Luke. None of us can," he said quietly. "I don't want to be in this same position again...but I will be if it's necessary. If the alternative is risking losing you, I'll do this again. Because I won't let even you take yourself away from us."

Shaw waited until he was certain that Dom had said his piece and then he helped Hobbs to stand, gently guiding his mate into Dom's arms as he then took Dom's seat.

Wrapping his arms tightly around Hobbs, Dom held on tightly...tight enough that it probably gave away just how he felt, watching his brother take dangerous chance after dangerous chance. He held and hugged Hobbs for several long moments, then helped him to lay across Shaw's lap.

Shaw could see that his lover's bottom was a bright red. He knew it was very sore. Dom hadn't gone easy; had clearly intended to make sure the chances of this happening again were as low as he could make them. And on a lot of other occasions, Shaw might have only given out a token punishment and called it done.

But this was something they'd dealt with numerous times before. And Shaw couldn't go easy on his mate. Because if he did, it might not stick in Hobbs' mind. And they might be dealing with a repeat of this behavior. So, steeling himself, he began to remove his belt.

Scott winced at the sight and had to hide his face against Han's chest. He'd managed to sit through Hobbs' spanking...but he wasn't sure he could force himself to watch a belting. Hobbs had already broken, after all. It felt wrong to continue watching.

Luke had clung to Dom tightly when his brother had held him. He needed to be held tight and close...needed to feel he was forgiven. He couldn't stop crying, even if he wasn't sobbing as hard and loud. His tears could still be heard around the room. And then Dom was helping him to lay over Deckard's lap. Hobbs could hear, as well as feel his lover removing his belt and couldn't help himself. He began sobbing anew, even if softly, and threw his hands back over his bottom. "... Ca... Can't, Dec... Can't hold still..." he sobbed, in a pathetically small voice, sounding almost childish in his brokenness. "...n… need help..." he finished, sounding ashamed of himself, but also making it clear he wasn't protesting the punishment. He was asking to be held in place so he could take the punishment.

Han winced and tugged Scott more firmly into his arms. He didn't particularly want to watch anymore either, but he felt it was necessary.

Dom moved so that he could position himself in a similar way to how Shaw had been while Dom had been punishing Hobbs. He reached out and gently grasped Hobbs' hands, pulling them out of the way and holding them tight. And he used his other arm to wrap around Hobbs and hold him in place. "I've got you, brother," he whispered. "I won't let you go."

Hobbs took a shivering breath, gripping onto Dom tightly and looking into his brother's face with glassy, pain-filled but trusting eyes. "You got me..." he repeated back in acknowledgement, relaxing. As much as he much as he knew it would hurt worse...his trust in his family was secure.

Dom nodded, moving close enough that Hobbs could feel him. "We all love you," he promised, making sure Hobbs could see and hear and feel the sincerity and emotion.

It was hard...but Shaw forced himself to double over his belt. he lifted it and let it fall against Hobbs' backside. He was using barely any strength...but he knew it would still be felt. He only hoped that, after this, they'd never have to deal with those actions again.

Hobbs tried to be brave; he'd been hurt worse on ops before and the pain of the harsh spanking and the belt on top of it didn't really reach those levels of pain. It wasn't the pain causing the tears, though. It wasn't the pain that broke him. It was the emotional hurt from realizing how deeply he had hurt his lover and family. How scared he'd made them. It was the guilt that made it impossible to take the punishment with any sense of bravery. The first lash of the belt landed and, despite his efforts not to, Luke wailed. It was soft and obvious he was trying not to... was trying to accept the punishment like an adult... but it was impossible. He felt too guilty and knowing Dec felt like he had no other options- Luke had left him no other options- hurt his heart so bad, he couldn't be adult. He couldn't be brave. "Sorry... So sorry..." he said, in a small, contrite voice between sobs.

"I know, love." Shaw spoke softly, even as he continued to bring the belt down; still carefully controlling his strength but knowing the strokes would still be painful. "I forgive you. I know you're sorry." His soft voice was a stark contrast to the loud snap of the belt.

Hobbs was limp over his lover's lap. His body jerked with each snap of the belt, but Dom's grip was strong and kept him in place. Kept him safe from hurting himself. Shaw's forgiveness eased his fear. He was still sobbing brokenly over his mate's lap, but his guilty tears full of fear that he'd pushed too far and couldn't be forgiven had changed to tears of acceptance, with a decided lack of fear. He still felt guilty and hurt inside, but he trusted Shaw. He trusted in Shaw's forgiveness. He trusted his mate would give him exactly what he deserved and take care of him, not leave him alone and floundering.

Mr. Nobody shifted closer to Little Nobody and gently squeezed his shoulder, able to tell that Hobbs's punishment was affecting him almost more strongly than his own had.

Roman was looking at the floor by this point. Hobbs' butt looked horribly painful, but it was hearing the normally boisterous man, who didn't even flinch at a bullet wound, sobbing like a child that made him regret witnessing. Even if it was important that Hobbs know the entire family was worried and scared for him and agreed he needed to be punished.

Scott relaxed at his father squeezing his shoulder, although he couldn't quite bring himself to look up from Han's chest...not wanting to witness the punishment, even though he could still hear the snap of the belt and the sound of Hobbs' crying.

Ramsey couldn't help but look away, although she wished she could close her ears as well. As much as she understood why first Scott and now Hobbs were being punished in front of them was still difficult to watch.

Finally, Shaw stopped. He dropped the belt and, with Dom's help, moved Hobbs up and into his arms, cuddling his mate tightly on his lap, arms wrapped tightly around him.

Dom gently squeezed Hobbs' shoulder and then went to retrieve the water and ointment from Brian, figuring it was easier to bring them over to Shaw, rather than the other man needing to let go of his mate to grab them himself.

Hobbs didn’t seem to realize that his punishment was over. If Dom hadn’t been helping Shaw to move him, readjust him, he likely wouldn’t have been able to move at all. He couldn’t stop crying. Couldn’t stop sobbing or softly repeating the word, “Sorry,” over and over, in a guilt filled, broken voice. As soon as he was sitting on Shaw’s lap with his lover holding onto him tightly, cuddling him, Hobbs had gripped onto the other man just as tightly and burrowed into him, his whole body shaking from the high emotion as well as the pain.

Brian quickly gave the ointment, water, and medicine to Dom, then slipped out of the room to begin making dinner.

Roman and Jakob, seeing Brian leaving, took that opportunity to sneak to their own rooms. They couldn’t help provide comfort, and maybe it would be easier on Hobbs if he didn’t have to face everyone at once after having everyone witness his being brought low.

Mr. Nobody stayed in place; mainly because he was one of those who had provided discipline. He wouldn’t leave until he was certain he wasn’t needed.

Han stayed for the same reason; he knew what Shaw and Dom were going through and wanted to provide support.

Ramsey and Tej quickly left to their own rooms...though Letty stayed, for a similar reason to both Kurt and Han. While she hadn't been on either side, of giving or receiving discipline, she could see how hard it was for all involved.

Shaw took the ointment from Dom and wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Hobbs, situating his lover so that he could carefully rub the ointment into Hobbs' bottom and thighs.

Dom shifted slightly and uncapped one of the bottles of water, so that he could encourage Hobbs to drink once the crying had calmed a little.

Hobbs let out a tiny whimper and gripped his lover tighter as Shaw began to rub in the ointment, squirming slightly away. It was instinctive, his bottom so sore that any touch hurt, even touch meant to sooth. He obediently drank the water Dom offered, though.

"You'll want to let him rub the ointment in, son..." Kurt said somberly. He could see the color of Hobbs' backside: angry dark red mottled to almost purple in places. He would be bruised and feeling raw for at least a few days.

"I know it hurts right now, but ultimately, you'll feel better for it." Shaw agreed with Kurt's words. He brushed a tender kiss against Hobbs' forehead, even as he continued to rub the ointment in.

Dom rested a hand on Hobbs' shoulder, encouraging the other man to hold still, even as he continued to hold the water so Hobbs could drink.

Hobbs shook from the effort, but he did manage to obey Shaw and hold still. He continued to drink from the bottle Dom offered, his sobbing easing into gentle crying. By the time he'd drained the bottle, he was mostly just sniffling sadly, still clinging tightly to Shaw, as if afraid if he let go, his mate would disappear. He knew Shaw wasn't going to leave him, but his emotions were too raw, and he'd dropped enough to be extremely needy.

"I've got you. I'm not letting you go," Shaw promised, tightening his grip on his lover. He pressed gentle kisses to Hobbs' head and his neck, his hand rubbing up and down his mate's back, even as his other hand continued rubbing in the ointment.

"I'm sorry, Dec...Dom... didn't mean to hurt everyone... didn't mean to scare everyone..." Hobbs finally whispered, in a very small, tiny voice, his throat sounding raw from all the sobbing he'd done despite drinking the water. "Didn't mean to be so horrible..." he finished. Even if he didn't say it, it was obvious he felt like he was very bad and didn't deserve Shaw's affection or love.

"Hey." Dom gently gripped his shoulder. "You've been punished. You've been forgiven. Only thing left now is to learn from it. But you don't need to apologize again.” 

"Dom's right." Shaw hugged his mate a bit tighter. "I know it's painful, but the worst part is over. Now we just work on you doing the right thing the next time...until reaching out to us, to me, to our family becomes second nature."

Hobbs quivered, snuggling as close as possible. "Need to call you first... easier to do when I can let you know where I am..." Hobbs acknowledged and admitted in the same breath. "...When gotta keep secret, I get too usde to not sharing..." he admitted, in a shamed, tiny voice. He was referring to his job and the fact he'd not been allowed to let Shaw know where he was or what he was doing. He knew he should have called the minute he realized where he was and that Mr. Nobody was there. Doing so wouldn't have given away what his job was. He just didn't think of it in that way until it was too late.

"You don't need to tell us those kinds of details when it's about your job," Shaw said. "But you also didn't tell your boss what you were planning to do. Not only should you have called one of also should have informed Reynolds before you acted. If he'd known, he could have arranged for backup. Hell, he might even have called us himself." Since the family had worked with Hobbs' agency before.

Hobbs shivered and whined softly. "I didn't think to tell him... I might not need to worry 'bout keeping secrets... he might fire me..." He nuzzled against Shaw's shoulder forlornly.

Dom snorted softly. "You're a good agent. I doubt he'd fire you. But I suspect you might be on desk duty for a while, unless you can convince him you'll do better."

Hobbs sniffled. "Tell him you tanned me good and promised another if I'm ever that stupid again, he might be convinced I can do better..." He pouted, slowly calming, and beginning to react more like his typical smart-ass self. He was still clinging to Shaw, snuggling tight, though he did give Dom a tiny smile, appreciating his brother helping him. He wasn't shifting away from Shaw rubbing in the ointment any longer, though he did whimper every so often; usually when his mate rubbed over one of the belt stripes.

Kurt snorted at that. "I'll talk to him. Make sure you are on desk duty for a while. You have a concussion to recover from, after all."

Shaw nodded appreciatively at Kurt, even as he commented wryly to Hobbs, "Can't say that idea isn't tempting. Might save you from getting into official trouble, too." He was mostly joking...although it would likely be easier for him to take care of his mate if Reynolds did know a few more details...even if they kept the exact nature of the discipline to themselves.

Hobbs sniffled and snuggled. "If you think he should know, you should tell him..." he whispered, giving Shaw control over what happened to him at work. He wasn't feeling up to facing his boss yet and part of him realized that he wasn't happy working in a job where he had to hide things from his lover anyway. It hadn't been a problem keeping secrets in the past, but he couldn't help feeling it wasn't a good thing now.

"Maybe talk about it when things are a bit more settled," Dom suggested. It might well help to have Reynolds be aware of some of what went on, but he didn't want his brother making a suggestion he might later come to regret once he felt more emotionally secure.

"Do I hafta talk to him today?" Hobbs asked in a whiny voice, then blushed as he realized he was whining. He shivered again and reluctantly admitted, "...Head hurts."

Kurt looked at Dom and Shaw. "If it won't be stepping on any toes, I can talk to Reynolds. I need to let him know what is going on with the agency anyway. I can let him know that Hobbs will need at least two weeks leave to heal and then, after that, he can talk with Hobbs and figure out what is best from there. And if he needs to talk to either of you two, he can let me know and I can arrange for a time and place. With your permission, of course."

Hobbs looked imploringly at Shaw, hoping he agreed to Kurt's suggestion. He was dreading facing his boss. Good agent or not, he didn't think his job would be safe if he'd upset Reynolds enough. And the fact he wasn't certain he wanted to stay in the job anyway, if he talked to him right away, he might talk himself out of the job, even if Reynolds hadn't decided to fire him.

Shaw took note of Hobbs' pleading look...and listened to Kurt's suggestion...and nodded. "I think that would be a good idea," he agreed. "Two weeks will give you enough time to start healing properly...even your broken rib," he said to Hobbs. "And you won't be as emotional talking to him then as you might be trying to talk to him today."

"That sounds like a very good idea," Dom agreed. "Besides. By that point, the children will be back. And I'm sure Sam will be happy to see with her own eyes that her Dad is safe and well."

Hobbs' face fell at that, looking sorry and guilty and sad. "I really scared her..." he whispered. "She never woulda asked if I was gonna be spanked if she hadn't been so scared...."

Han snorted, reminding everyone he was there. "Bro. I hate to tell you that isn't the first time she's been scared. It's just the first time she wasn't with you to see immediately that you were out of danger."

Shaw nodded. "Another reason that we'll take these two weeks to figure out what's going to happen. How we can all help you to do better." He gently squeezed his mate.

Hobbs sniffled once more and snuggled close. By this point, the crying had stopped. His bottom still ached, but he was able to ignore the pain for the most part. The pain in his head was harder to ignore. "Feel a little queasy..." he admitted softly. "...Can I go lie down?" He didn't know who he was asking. At this point, both Dom and Shaw had taken control over him, so he figured either one could give him permission or forbid him. Though he suspected neither would forbid him.

Han squeezed Scott to him. "I know Brian went to make dinner. Maybe a short nap would be good and when it is ready, Kurt could let us know..." he said. He figured Scott could do with a nap as well, and he knew Hobbs was supposed to be taking medication that made him tired.

Dom handed the pain medication to Shaw, who carefully helped his mate to drink it before he said, quietly, "I'll take you upstairs and we can have a nap before diner's ready. Then I think an early night is in order."

Scott just leaned into Han, not arguing, and letting the other man take control. It was soothing, in a way, to let his lover be in charge. At least at the moment.

Hobbs nodded weakly, carefully standing- with both Dom and Dec's help- and righted his clothing with a whimper. He then leaned on Deckard, needing his lover to help him up the stairs.

Han led Scott upstairs.

Wrapping his arm around Hobbs' waist, Shaw gave his lover complete support to get him up the stairs and to their room.


In the kitchen Brian was quietly cooking dinner while the others sat around the dining table, a somber mood having overtaken everyone.

"Do you think they learned? I don't wanna lose them... But I really don't wanna have to watch that again either..." Roman muttered.

"I hope so," Tej muttered. "It's not exactly a secret here...but there's a huge difference between knowing and seeing."

"If it does have to happen again, I think I might just have a hacking job. One that requires me to be in a different room. Maybe a different building," Ramsey added.

Brian smiled at the three. "Yeah. I don't think that would be a problem..." He smiled at Ramsey, before looking at the others. "This time was about making as big an impression on them as possible, as well as reminding everyone else of expectations. But I don't think it would be overly helpful to have everyone there any time someone got into trouble. And I'm pretty sure the others agree."

Jakob nodded. "I know Dom prefers keeping it more personal usually. But... Hobbs almost got blown up. And there wasn't a good reason for it to be that way. And well... even as hard as it was to watch, I think we needed to see it, at least this time. And Seeing Scott too? Well, it wouldn't have been fair to treat him differently, so...."

"These were both actions that affected the family as a whole," Letty commented, having walked in and heard what her brothers were saying. "I think it was as much about showing them that their actions had an impact on the family as a whole, rather than just an impact on their lover. Or father or brother." She walked over to see if Brian needed any help.

"Yeah." Tej sighed. "Still. I figured we'd get some sense of satisfaction, at least, out of it. We've all seen Hobbs act so recklessly and dangerously...and I know all of us were affected when we thought Little Nobody had died. But I just kind of feel guilty for watching."

"Like we were intruding." Ramsey nodded. "Something that's meant to be a private matter. Even though it's obvious why it was done in front of us."

Kurt had followed Letty in and quickly understood what was being talked about. "Are any of you likely to do something so reckless with your health that would terrify your family?" he asked curiously. "Because if the answer is no, having you witness served a third purpose. Yes, it will be more memorable; especially for Hobbs, who has had difficulty 'remembering' in the past. And it will remind them the whole family cares and worries. It also serves as a warning and reminder to all of you."

Ramsey's eyes widened a bit. "So, this isn't just for those directly a part of the family? It could involve any of us?" Somehow, she'd missed that in everything going on.

Letty shook her head. "Everyone here is part of the family. Even if you haven't been outright adopted by anyone."

Kurt looked around at those gathered and said firmly, "I know Dom considers each and every one of you family. And when I started working with you all, I soon began to do the same. So yes. If any of you takes risks like that and does so without telling the rest of the family what is happening so they can help... Or worse, tries to hide what you are doing? I will be handling you the same way if Dom doesn't. And possibly even if he does." Scott and Hobbs had both been punished by two people, after all.

"Okay...Dad." Tej's grin was open and accepting, maybe even somewhat grateful, underneath the obvious teasing. "I take it you're definitely planning to stick around here, then?"

"Yeah. That's the plan..." Kurt smiled faintly.

"Good." Brian said the word emphatically, if calmly.

Letty nodded her own agreement with what was being said. "I think everyone here could do with a Dad."

Dom, coming in behind her at that point, raised his eyebrows and looked towards Kurt. "Take it you're figuring out your role in this family."

"Figured the tole of Big Brother was already taken and I'm not the fun uncle type..." Kurt teased.

Jakob snorted, coughing into his hand to hide the fact he'd just snorted.

Dom chuckled softly and went to get himself a drink. "You're more than welcome to stay here. The house is a bit full at the moment, but Shaw and Hobbs have their own place. So does Han; he and Scott were just staying here while things settled. 

Kurt nodded. "I appreciate it. Han mentioned me staying with him and Scott so I could spend time with Scott. It's been a while. But if we start driving each other up the wall, it would be good to have alternatives available." His smile was teasing. He didn't think it would reach that point.

Brian smiled crookedly. "As often as everyone crashes here, we should look into buying all the nearby houses. Get everyone living on the same street...." He was joking, thought his tone was serious. Sometimes jokes turned into good ideas.

"I know you're joking, but that might actually not be such a bad idea," Dom commented. "It'd keep the entire family much closer together. It'd be good for all of us...not just the children. Though it would be good for them too."

"I noticed several houses on this street are for sale. Even if they aren't right next to this house, they are within a minute's walking distance," Kurt suggested. "Might be worth looking into."

Dom nodded. "I think it's definitely worth bringing up to the rest of the family...taking a look at what's available. Seeing what everyone thinks."

"You sure it's not just to keep an eye on what we're doing?" Tej teased. He had to admit, the idea had a certain appeal.

Jakob chuckled. "You don't think he does that already?" he teased.

Brian was nodding. "Mia and I actually discussed it before everything went down. When she and the kids get back... We were looking at the house directly across the street..." he admitted.

"It'd be good," Letty agreed. "The whole family staying close. I think we'd all like that."

"Probably won't take much convincing... Bring it up at dinner...." Roman shrugged.

"That was my intention." Dom walked over to Brian. "You need some help there?" he asked.

Brian smiled. "I'm almost done. Decided to keep it simple. Didn't think Hobbs would be up for anything too heavy and everyone else was feeling subdued after watching and didn't seem to be that hungry, either..." He shrugged. "If you want to get everyone moving, setting the table, getting drinks and retrieving the rest of our family, though. Assuming they are joining us...."

Dom nodded. "Hobbs might not feel up to coming down to join us. If not, I'll take some food up for them." He began to organize the others to lay the table and sort out drinks...then went upstairs to check on his other family members and see if they were up to coming down to join the others.


Han had led Scott into the bedroom and then gone to the bath and retrieved a wet washcloth. He'd washed Scott's face and then pulled the younger man down onto the bed with him, making sure he was lying on Han and his bottom wasn't touching anything. Then, he'd just cuddled Scott close.

Scott curled up against Han's chest, his head resting on it. He could feel and hear his mate's heartbeat under his ear, and it was soothing him. "Would you ever use a belt? Or another implement?" He broke the silence after a while of lying there, soaking up the peace and comfort...his raw, all over the place emotions soothed by the affection.

"Would you need me too?" Han asked quietly. "I wouldn't want to, and it isn't what I would lean toward, but if you needed it, I'd find a way to give you what you need and still live with myself." He was honest. He didn't comment on Shaw using a belt. He suspected there was a very good reason for his use of an implement, but it wasn't his place to ask. It had been obvious Shaw didn't enjoy using it.

"I think...." Scott hesitated, trying to figure out how to put what he wanted into words. "Being you and felt really personal. More effective, maybe? I've been in fights before...I've been hurt before. I think...maybe if you used an implement, I might not be able to disconnect you from other situations I've been in." He was honest too. While he couldn't say anything for certain without actually being in that situation...he didn't think he could avoid panicking or lashing out if there wasn't that personal element.

Han nodded, kissing the top of Scott's head. "That's why I don't want to use an implement. Feels too far removed and when I punish you, I only want to pull you closer," he admitted.

"I think you did that," Scott whispered. "Now I feel like I don't want to be too far away from you. Maybe like I'll drift away if you don't have hold of me." It was a slightly unsettling feeling...but as long as he could stay close to Han, he could deal with it.

Han kissed Scott again. "We're still settling into our relationship. I'm sure eventually, that will ease a little, once you are more confident that I'm not going anywhere. You always have me to come home to."

"Maybe I also feel unsettled because I realized how easily I could have taken myself away from you." Scott closed his eyes at the kiss, pressing into the affection. "I am sorry." He still felt a tiny sliver of guilt, although being punished had taken care of the majority of it. Maybe that also contributed to his need to be held close and tight.

"I know. I forgive you. And if you remember how much it will wound me if you take yourself away... That can only be good. It means you'll be careful..." He gently patted Scott's bottom. "And if you forget, I will remind you." He gently squeezed his mate's left cheek, then his right cheek.

Scott whimpered softly, the squeezing and patting reigniting the sting a little, but didn't pull away. He pressed closer against Han's chest, nuzzling over his mate's heart. "I really hope it won't be necessary...I'd rather make you happy. Not hurt or disappointed," he admitted.

"You do. You make me very happy..." Han put a finger under Scott's chin, gently tilting his face until Han could kiss him deeply.

Scott pressed into the kiss, his mouth falling open...not asking for or demanding anything, but in an act of submission that made it clear he would take whatever his mate gave him.

Han continued to kiss, but he kept it gentle and almost chaste, not deepening it. He knew Scott was sore from being punished and wasn't going to do anything overly strenuous. He was content just to snuggle and hold his lover.

The kiss...the contact...being held felt good, although none of it was turning Scott on. As Han kissed him and held him, his body relaxed even further, what little tension there had been seeping out of him. With each passing moment, he was leaning more on Han...physically, but also emotionally.

Han held Scott close and tight, gently rubbing, squeezing, or kissing, until they heard a soft knock on the door, along with an announcement that dinner was ready if they wanted to join everyone.  "How about it?" Han asked quietly. "You feel up to being around the others?"

"I'd need to face them eventually. Better to get it over with, I guess." If Scott sounded a little reluctant, it wasn't because he was unwilling to face the rest of the family, but more so because he was enjoying the affection and being close to his mate.

Han smiled and nuzzled his mate. "We can come back here after dinner and continue..." he promised. "...Without clothes being in the way." He playfully patted Scott's bottom. "Let's go eat, Sunshine."

"Okay." Scott looked happier at the idea they'd be able to continue after eating. He kissed Han's chest, over his heart, and then slowly stood up...but waited for his mate to lead the way.

Han got up and led Scott out of the room and downstairs to eat.


In their own room, Shaw only left Hobbs' side long enough to collect a sponge so he could gently wash the tears from his mate's face once they were settled down on the bed. He wrapped his arm around Hobbs and gently rubbed the other man's back.

Hobbs shivered slightly. He hurt. He also still felt exceedingly guilty, even though he'd been punished. He'd almost taken himself away from his family... from his lover. That was bad enough. But to risk making Sam an orphan because he didn't let anyone know what he was doing? That was unforgivable. It made the pain and guilt worse and hard to let go of and it made him feel sick. "How can you still love me?" he asked, in a broken, rough, scratchy voice that gave away how horrible he was feeling, physically and emotionally.

"That's easy. You made a mistake, but we've handled it. You've been punished and forgiven. Now we just work on you changing your behavior for the better." Shaw picked up one of the water bottles he'd brought with him and uncapped it. He held it to Hobbs' lips, encouraging his mate to drink.

Hobbs obediently drank, too heartsick and physically hurting to argue or try to retake control. He wasn't even in one of his submissive moods. He was so wrung out that he had to submit and obey, or else he would fall apart. "I love you so much. Love Sam and the family so much... I never wanted to hurt you..." he said, in a tiny voice.

"I know," Shaw replied. "We all know you never wanted to hurt any of us, Luke. But it's really important that you think about us, about all of us, next time you think about doing something like this. We don't want to lose you."

"I know..." The heavy sense of failure carried in his tone and in the way he slumped against Deckard. "I know and I always mean to do what I should and then... I just don't. I need help..." he admitted, in a whisper.

"That's what I'm here for. That's one of the reasons why I'm here," Shaw said. "You're going to take those two weeks leave. And during that time, we're going to talk about how you can act different, better, the next time."

Hobbs nodded sadly before pressing closer to Shaw. "Thank you for not leaving me..." His voice caught. He needed to feel close to his he belonged...but he didn't think Shaw could possibly want him in the state he currently was. Even if he did somehow find him attractive, while he was a mess, he knew his lover would be reluctant to do anything to aggravate his wounds. Or anything that might make his tender backside sorer.

"I'd never leave you," Shaw answered. "Without you, my life wouldn't be worth much. Thanks to you, I feel like I can be more than just the 'bad guy' role I played for so long." The role that he'd been forced to play...because someone needed to get their hands dirty. And he hadn't had the whole family around him when it had first been necessary.

Hobbs smiled at that. "Deep down, I always knew you weren't bad. Think that's why I clashed with you so much. It felt so wrong, seeing you that way when my instincts were screaming at me that I could trust you completely." He swallowed and snuggled close, the pain medicine finally beginning to work.

"We did clash a lot," Shaw agreed. "But I know I have you in my corner now. Just like you know you have me in yours. And if I hadn't been with you, I wouldn't have this whole family now. Plus, a daughter and a lover who I adore and would give the world to."

Hobbs sniffed, suddenly fighting tears again. "Damn pain meds always make me emotional..." he joked, wiping at his eyes. "I love you and need you so much. Both Sam and I do... I'm so lucky..." He cuddled closer, fighting yawns.

"Go to sleep if you need to," Shaw gently encouraged, rubbing down Hobbs' back. "I'll wake you up when it's time for dinner. And you can decide whether you're up to eating with everyone else, or if you'd prefer, we eat here in our room."

Hobbs smiled, almost bashfully. "Okay..." Putting his head on Shaw's chest and nuzzling a little bit, he closed his eyes. He was soon asleep.

The End