Chapter Two

Warning(s): Disciplinary and erotic spanking (including semi-public; in front of family/friends); Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU; sexual situations in front of an audience; a somewhat graphic threat of bodily harm


Fury and Steve had met up for coffee, while Brock and Bucky were spending a couple of hours together at the apartment. The two men had been chatting casually, figuring out plans for their partners; how best to help them settle and things they could do with them, for instance.

It was partway through a sentence that Steve found his eyes drawn to the television screen.

It wasn't clear exactly what had happened. The set's volume was turned down. But the little line of text scrolling under the picture indicated what they were seeing was a robbery that had occurred an hour before. What was important, though, were two of the people seen being loaded onto the back of an ambulance.


"Told them it was just a graze..." Bucky grumbled. "It barely even scraped me...."

Brock snorted. "That was more than a graze, Buck. On anyone else, they would have needed stitches at the least. Not everyone has your healing factor."

Bucky sighed. "Yeah, yeah... well. While we're here, maybe we should go see Tony. He's been awake for a day now.... some of the others might be there...."

"That'll work..." Brock smiled as they began leaving the ER to find Tony's room.

Neither noticed they were being watched.


The news on the set wasn't live, at least as far as Steve and Fury could see. That didn't stop them from immediately rushing from the cafe, though; both attempting to frantically call their partners.


They'd both turned their cell phones off upon entering the emergency room, per hospital regulations. Unfortunately, neither of them had thought to turn them back on once out of the ER. And neither of them was in the habit of informing people of their health anymore. They didn't realize their faces had ended up on the evening news with a picture of a bloodied Bucky being loaded into the back of an ambulance.


Fury and Steve hadn't taken long getting into the car and beginning to drive, even as they frantically called the hospitals nearby, checking to see which one Brock and Bucky had ended up being taken to.


Bucky smiled crookedly as he walked into the room, a hesitant Brock behind him. "Hey, Stark..." he whispered uncertainly. He wanted to thank Tony. But the last time he'd seen the man hadn't been ideal.

Sam raised his eyebrows at seeing Bucky and Brock. He didn't know what the deal was with Bucky, but he was fairly certain that Steve wouldn't be too thrilled at having Brock in the hospital without him. Not to mention....

His frown deepened as he noticed the wound on Bucky's arm. It looked like it had been treated, but what had he been doing to get that wound?

Taking out his phone, Sam shot off a quick message to Steve; letting him know that Brock and Bucky were visiting Tony.

Tony glanced toward the door, stiffening slightly before forcing himself to relax. "Barnes. Where's the boy scout?" He managed to sound friendly and not derisively angry. Huh. Maybe he'd let go of more of his anger than he'd thought.

Bruce squeezed his shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile but not saying anything.

Stephen stepped back from the foot of the bed where he'd been doing something; Tony didn't have a clue what. "I can’t find anything wrong with you using any of the arcana," he said calmly. "And the doctors say all your scans and tests are coming back normal for the science end of things. Given enough rest, you should be back to pre-snap condition in a few weeks to a couple of months."

"See, Thor?" Peter Quill moved out of the shadows of the window. "He'll be okay. So, it's safe for us to call the Benatar back and continue finding jobs!" He smiled at Tony before looking out the window and muttering, "...Can't believe they listened to you and left us behind when I ordered them not to...."

Thor looked at Peter, speaking in a calm, even tone. "You cannot tell me you were not as worried as the rest of us."

"I think we were all worried," Clint put in. "If the messages I've got coming through from everyone is anything to go by."

Peter Parker was stood close by the bed, almost anxiously watching for the moment Tony might need something; so that the other man wouldn't need to strain himself. Whether it was drink or a nurse...he was so close, one might almost call it hovering.

Peter Q. sighed but didn't refute Thor's claim. The thought of even one more person dying to save his life, even if it was also to save everyone else's, hadn't set well with him. Especially when he was afraid part of the reason Thanos had won the first time was because Peter had let his painful emotions get to him instead of focusing on the plan. He smiled at Tony crookedly, then looked out the window. He never felt comfortable in hospitals.

Stephen nodded at Tony before smiling at Peter. "You can give him some breathing room, Mr. Parker. Having seen you move, I'm sure if he needs something, you'll get it before any of the rest of us are able to move."

"Why don't you come stand over here, kid?" Rhodey asked Peter. "You'll still have a direct line of sight towards Tony." But he wouldn't be crowding the other man quite so much.

Looking a little bit like a kicked puppy, Peter moved over to stand next to Rhodey, on the other side of Wanda. The two exchanged hesitant smiles.

Scott glanced curiously towards Bucky and Brock. Bucky, he remembered from the battle; the other man.... "Are you the guy Cap brought forward with him?" he blurted.

Brock looked at Scott. "... Er... yeah. You aren’t the one I... uh... " He blushed, not sure he wanted to remind whoever it was that he'd thrown up on his shoes.

"No... that'd be Sam you barfed on..." Bucky supplied helpfully, to Tony's apparent amusement, since the inventor began laughing so hard, he was wheezing.

"Hey, I'm sure I would have done the exact same thing if I'd ended up going through time the same way," Sam said.

"It was disconcerting, to say the least," Thor commented.

"Worth it in the end, though." A slightly sad look came over Clint's face, remembering who hadn't made it.

Tony sobered immediately. "Yeah. Her sacrifice meant something..." he whispered sadly.

Peter Q. swallowed hard but didn’t say anything.

Bucky cleared his throat. "I just wanted to say thank you..." he finally told Tony. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing...." He began to edge toward the door.

"Not so fast, Capsicle Deux. Where is Steve anyway? I didn't think he'd let you out of his sight..." Tony looked worried.

"Oh. He lets me out of his sight plenty..." Bucky grinned wolfishly. "It's Brock he keeps an eye on now...."

"He only lets you out of his sight cuz he knows Fury is watching you..." Brock retorted.

Tony looked confused. "So... neither of them came with you?”

Having received Sam's message, it hadn't taken long for Steve and Fury to reach the hospital room, in time to hear at least part of the conversation.

Steve wrapped his arms tightly around Brock's waist, drawing him back against him and beginning to check him over for injuries. "We were coming later," he informed Tony, attention divided between his lover and his friend.

Fury drew Bucky in close to himself, checking over the other man even as he said to Tony, "It's good to see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Bucky's eyes were wide as Fury began checking him. He hadn't expected the older man to come in when he did, and the fact he had been snuck up on shocked him into being quiet. It was automatic to immediately submit to Fury.

Brock hadn't expected Steve to come in either and squeaked loudly at suddenly finding himself in his master's arms. "Sorry, sir..." he said, with a blush to Steve's comment. "We didn't actually plan to come here without you. It just happened...."

Scott's eyes widened at the almost possessive actions of Steve and Fury and glanced uncertainly towards the others in the room. Was this a normal thing?

"How did staying at home in the apartment become getting put into an ambulance at a bank?" Steve asked.

Tony saw Bruce appeared as mystified as he felt. They'd never seen this type of behavior from either man. Bossy, yes. But not possessive. Stephen was taking it in stride, apparently not surprised at all, but given his looking into the future to see how it was possible to win against Thanos, Tony figured he’d known this would happen. Quill just looked amused, although given the way he'd been irritating and deliberately needling Thor the entire time they'd been here, Tony hoped he wasn't going to use this moment and say something else inappropriate.

"Well... we were listening to police scanners for fun... and when the alarm at the bank was set off and we realized it was the bank across the street from the apartments, we figured we were closer and might could help..." Brock began hesitantly, sensing the fact that Steve wasn't happy about the situation.

Bucky took over. "We walked in, like we were customers... got put in with the group of the other hostages. Then while the one was distracted watching the door for the police and the other was ordering the vault to be open... I jumped the guy holding the hostages while Brock went for the guy at the door. We figured once the guy in the vault knew he didn't have hostages anymore except for one and his buddies were caught and could roll over on him... he'd hopefully surrender and not make things worse for himself. But if he was stupid and didn’t do that, I'd offer myself as hostage so the last poor girl could be released and once the civilians were safe...." He didn’t have to continue. Everyone knew what the Soldier was capable of.

Bruce blinked at the story; not because they had gone after bank robbers, but because Bucky had been shifting closer and closer to Fury as he told it. By the end, he was next to Nick, head slanted away slightly so that his throat was bared to the older man, chest and belly turned toward the director, arms and shoulders positioned in the most submissive way Bruce had ever seen an adult male stand without him being broken, wounded or too weak to fight. Bucky didn't seem any of those things, despite the way he stood.

Fury responded to Bucky's movements by stepping closer to the other man, fingers beginning to graze and stroke over his partner's more vulnerable places. "We saw you on the news." His voice was calm, but his grip on Bucky was tight; tight enough that it would betray how he felt to everyone else, but most importantly to Bucky. The fear and the desperation. Not knowing if Bucky was safe....

Steve had already experienced one sense of loss with Brock. He'd survived it then; didn't think he could survive it now. His arms convulsively tightened around the other man as he fought the urge to answer those actions right there and then. To make sure there was no doubt that Brock was his.

Peter P. sidled a bit nearer to the bed, glancing uncertainly around the room.

"You look like you're about ready to pounce." It wasn't very clear who Scott was addressing with his comment; though from the looks of things, it could have easily been both of the 'alpha' males.

Brock could feel the tension and anxiety his actions had caused his master and he immediately felt regret and guilt. "Didn't mean to scare you..." he admitted. "Planned to tell you after everything was calm again, but they don't let phones on in the ER and we figured it could wait..." He winced as he said the words, realizing belatedly that they probably shouldn't have gone at all without permission. Not when they'd been told to stay at home.

Bucky sighed softly at Brock's words. He was more used to having to wait for permission and had known he shouldn't go. He'd felt out of sorts and irritable at being left behind and had decided to 'push' his limits because if it. But still... he hadn't wanted to scare Fury. Just irritate the man a little and see what he did.

Neither of them thought about how dangerous their actions had been.

Thor sidled a half-step closer to Peter Q. It was almost automatic...instinct. Like watching Fury and Steve was triggering something inside him.

"You shouldn't have gone at all," Steve said. "I lost you once, Brock. I'm not going to risk that again."

"Dangerous behavior isn't okay," Fury said quietly, the words uttered softly into Bucky's ear, but clear enough to carry to the rest of them.

"What are you going to do?" Clint spoke up. He figured there was no question this would be handled in front of all of them. After all, if Cap and Fury wanted to keep things private, they would have excused themselves to take care of it.

Quill didn't notice Thor moving closer at first... more interested in watching things as they happened in front of him. It wasn't turning into the fight he'd expected, though. "Why're you acting like two kids about to get a whooping from daddy?" he said, with a hint of snarky confusion.

Brock swallowed at Steve's words. "I'm sorry, sir... didn't think...."

"I did..."  Bucky shot Brock an apologetic look, since he probably should have at least reminded the other man. ".. And I know, sir," he said to Fury, his tone just as clear as his master's had been and making it clear he'd deliberately done something he knew he shouldn't. "I... I didn't mean to worry or scare you, though."

Bruce eyed Bucky in surprise. "So, you deliberately did something unallowed and dangerous, but you didn’t intend to worry or scare?"

"Just 'push'." Stephen snorted quietly from the corner he'd gravitated to.

"Push what?" Peter P. asked, an air of confusion hovering around him. He didn't know if anyone knew what was going on; he certainly didn't.

Steve settled his arm around Brock's waist. "I'm not going to deal with this when we get home," he stated. "We're going to handle things right here and now."

Scott's eyes widened. "You sound like you're about to turn him over your knee right here.”

"You wouldn't be wrong," Fury commented dryly.

There were two chairs in the room that hadn't been claimed and Steve began to lead Brock over to one, his grip tight on the other man.

Brock whimpered and slumped slightly; also, not what Quill expected; the other man wasn't fighting or arguing with Cap at all. "You're just gonna let him?!" His voice squeaked in surprise.

Brock followed Steve obediently, more upset that he'd upset his master than the fact nearly every one of Steve's friends and colleagues was about to see his bare butt blistered. "I really didn't mean to upset and worry you... " he whispered.

Bruce's eyes widened and he moved to the same corner as Stephen so he wouldn't be in the way. His actions also cleared the view so that everyone had a good line of sight to both chairs and wouldn't miss anything.

Tony reached over and drew Peter P. to his side, wrapping an arm around the teen protectively. "This is what happens when you break rules and do things that deliberately endanger you..." he said calmly, making it clear this was how he'd handle Peter in the future if he misbehaved. He'd lost the kid once... nearly died getting him back. It wasn't happening again.

Bucky shifted so he was closer to his master. Yeah, he'd been pushing, but he hadn't meant to upset or worry Fury either. Now? He was a bit nervous. Fury was always gentle and careful with him, but after deliberately messing up so badly, he deserved to be punished and punishment, in his experience, was never gentle. The only question was if it would be crippling like he'd had in the past. He didn't think it would be; he trusted his Moy, but it was hard not to be nervous.

Peter P. couldn't help but turn a wide-eyed look onto Tony, even as he snuggled into the man's arm. "Me too?" His voice squeaked on the word and he went red, before hiding his face against Tony's shoulder.

Fury tightened his hold on Bucky, taking the other man's hand and giving it a quick kiss. "Everything will be all right," he whispered reassuringly, before guiding Bucky over to the chair opposite the one Steve had claimed.

"I know." Steve squeezed Brock's hand as he carefully drew the other man down across his lap.

Rhodey automatically moved out of the way, unable to tear his eyes from the sight. It wasn't so much of a surprise that Steve was about to spank Brock; but he hadn't thought Fury would utilize a method of punishment that old-fashioned.

Scott glanced at Clint and then at Wanda. "Is this normal for you?"

"Hey, like Stark said...." Clint shrugged. "Breaking the rules and putting yourself in danger has consequences." He patted Wanda's shoulder.

"Consequences that demonstrate you care about the other person," Thor commented, shifting position so that he was that bit closer to Quill.

"You too, kid..." Tony squeezed Peter against him, eyes on the two pairs, center stage in the room. He felt an odd sense of satisfaction watching Steve and Fury dominate the others...more so Fury with Bucky. He'd always felt like Steve made excuses for anything Bucky did wrong. Fury obviously wasn’t going to do the same.

Bucky leaned into his master with a quiet, "I know, Moy...." He paused. "My shoulder is okay..." he whispered, so Fury wouldn't have to worry about hurting the wound.

Brock blushed slightly as he found himself over Steve's knee, but didn't try to get away. He reached down to brace himself on the floor.

Quill startled, not having noticed Thor moving so close. "Funny way to make sure someone isn't hurt... making their butt sore," he muttered, but it was without conviction. Yondu had spanked him up until he took the Milano and set out on his own. How he'd not realized the man was his father at that point was beyond him, but still.

Steve gave Brock's back a few gentle rubs and then tugged the other man's pants down, baring his backside. His focus was entirely on Brock, hardly seeming to be aware of the others in the room now.

Fury nodded, gently squeezing Bucky's hand before settling him in the same position as Brock, across his knees. Making sure that Bucky's body was well-supported, he tugged the other man's pants down, taking a few moments to rub and almost pet the naked backside across his knee.

Scott jumped, eyes going wide as Steve's hand landed in a firm swat that echoed through the room.

"Better a sore butt than any number of other things," Thor commented, letting his hand rest lightly on Quill's waist.

Brock whimpered as the first swat landed. His attention was fully on Steve, the presence of all the others moving to the back of his awareness.

Bucky found himself relax as Fury began his punishment with gentle affection, some of his nervousness ending.

Stephen, Bruce and Tony were watching closely, tiny smiles on their face. It was obvious how much Steve and Fury loved the two men. As odd as it was to witness the punishment, it felt good too.

Quill looked up at Thor, confused as he realized exactly how close the Asgardian was. And his words were difficult not to take personally, even if they weren't. At least he thought they weren't.

Wanda shifted a bit closer to Clint as Steve began swatting Brock in earnest, his grip on the other man tight and secure. The swats were firm, even if they weren't as hard as Steve could give out.

In contrast, Fury rubbed and stroked for a bit longer before he gave a couple of firm pats and then resumed the rubbing, squeezing and stroking; interspersing affection with the light swats.

Scott shifted, wondering why he didn't feel more uncomfortable. It wasn't as if he'd expected to watch two grown men getting their butts spanked, after all. But watching didn't feel wrong. He'd never had any personal experience with either of the two men, but the affection and care were glaringly obvious.

Sam, as he watched, couldn't help feeling a tiny bit of satisfaction. After all, he'd fought both Bucky and Brock when the two of them had been bad guys. It was a relief to see they were both well in hand; taken care of by Steve and Fury.

Rhodey had sidled nearer to the door, just in case there were any prying eyes drawn by the sounds of flesh against flesh. His own eyes were focused on the two couples, knowing how much trust it took for them to take care of this in front of their friends.

Peter whimpered softly and cuddled a bit more into Tony, even though he couldn't pull his eyes from the sight. Would Mr. Stark really do that to him? He thought he should protest it; but after wanting to latch onto the other man so badly and having Tony back-peddle strongly, he didn't want to pull away.

Thor moved a bit nearer to Quill, his hand still settled on the other man's waist. If Quill didn't move out of the way, they'd end up pressed close together; a position Thor found himself almost unconsciously moving into.

Brock didn't even attempt to be stoic, even though they were being watched. His reactions belonged to Steve and if Steve felt he deserved to be punished in front of the others, then he did. It was that simple. He started squirming as his backside began to sting, tiny whimpers escaping.

Bucky found himself relaxing as Fury continued the affection. The swats didn't hurt, but he knew once his master began punishing in earnest, and not just reassuring both of them that Bucky was safe, they would. He was beginning to feel guilty about his actions, so he thought he might not be upset at it hurting.

Tony kissed the side of Peter's head. "You stay safe for me, kid. You understand?" he whispered.

Quill was confused. Part of him felt Thor being so close was dangerous for him and he should move away. He and the Asgardian had been butting heads since they met; Thor acting like the prince he was (large and in charge) and Peter acting every bit the rebellious outlaw. Problem was, there was a small part of Peter that reacted to the authoritarian behavior of Thor in a needy way. That part was urging him to move closer to the larger man. As a result, he was frozen in place while they all watched Brock's bottom changing to a pleasant rosy color and Bucky be settled like a skittish colt.

Steve covered Brock's entire backside in the swats, down to his thighs, before beginning again from the top and starting to speak. "I lost you once. I can't lose you again, Brock. That would destroy me." His voice was quiet, but the emotion in it made his tone hoarse.

Even when Fury began to swat a bit more firmly, he still interspersed the affection. "It doesn't matter how many times you 'push'. Each time you do, this will be exactly where you'll end up. Over my knee. But I won't let you go. I won't give up on you. I won't stop loving you."

Peter swallowed and nodded, leaning into the kiss. "Okay, Mr. Stark," he answered obediently.

Since Quill wasn't moving away, Thor allowed himself to move that much closer to the smaller man, his fingers gently grasping Quill's waist; brushing over his hip.

"I'm sorry, sir..." Brock had to answer. The tone in Steve's voice hurt worse than the swats. He began to squirm more, trusting Steve could hold him.

"I love you too, Moy..." Bucky's voice caught. He still held still; the swats weren't painful yet and the gentle affection wasn’t something he wanted to get away from.

Quill shivered slightly. He'd done things more dangerous than they had and no one had stepped in. He was surprised that he was jealous of the two men. When Thor's hand shifted to a tighter grip and closer to his hip, he darted a look up into the Asgardian's eyes...  his own confused and needy, though he wasn’t aware of broadcasting his feelings so clearly.

Stephen straightened as he watched the punishment. He could tell this was about more than disciplining a bad decision. It was a public claiming and affirmation of their relationship among their friends. He felt pleased and honored to be included among the group witnessing. His eyes never left the scene in front of him, watching Brock's bottom turn an increasingly darker red, watching Fury rub and squeeze Bucky's cheeks until they were also pink, just from the affection.

Steve's grip on Brock was tight and secure, pulling the other man tight against his stomach even as he kept swatting; not at anything like full force, but these were definitely punishment swats rather than the erotic ones. "I won't let anything take you away from me. That includes you."

Fury started to smack Bucky's backside a bit harder; still not with a lot of force behind them, but enough so that the swats would continue to sting. He rubbed and squeezed as much as he swatted, though. After all, he'd made Bucky a promise.

Thor met Quill's eyes, letting his arm wrap around the other man's waist, drawing him closer against his chest. He gave Quill's hip a gentle squeeze.

Clint found himself watching the reactions of the others as much as the scene in front of them. It was obvious that they all accepted this...that it said a lot that Fury and Steve were showing their relationship with Bucky and Brock; making it clear they trusted those in this room with seeing their relationship.

Tony kissed Peter's head again, snuggling the younger man. He knew what was happening was more than just a punishment. He wasn't sure if Peter realized, though. He was preparing to answer questions about it once the younger man felt comfortable asking.

Quill looked up into Thor's face, still confused, but he didn't pull away. At the squeeze to his hip, he relaxed, leaning into Thor. He'd been acting like a spoiled brat to the older man for several days. If Thor could overlook that and show affection, he wasn't going to pull away.

Peter pressed closer to Tony, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the man. "I don't understand, Mr. Stark." He left it unsaid whether he was talking about what was going on with the two couples, or if he meant how physical Tony was being. It was probably both.

Thor automatically pulled Quill closer, his other hand settling on the man's other hip and drawing him in closer.

Brock began to whimper, soon after Steve's promise- that's what it felt like, a promise- and his squirming became more frantic. He didn't like being punished, even if he felt like he deserved it. The fact this was a punishment kept his libido from reacting and without the feelings of arousal, the pain was more intense and unwelcome. "I'm sorry, sir. Was naughty to just leave... to take chances. I'm sorry!" His voice caught and a tiny sob escaped.

Bucky whimpered softly as Fury began to swat harder. His master was being gentle, so he wasn't scared. He knew he deserved for it to hurt, but Fury was taking his time. Bucky appreciated that.

Tony looked into Peter's face. "I know, kid. I'll answer your questions when they're done," he whispered.

Quill shivered, letting himself lean more into Thor. Watching Brock and Bucky be punished and being so contrite and apologizing made him feel small and petty with how he'd treated Thor. "...I'm sorry I was a brat..." he whispered to the larger man.

"It was. Very naughty," Steve said, beginning to swat a bit harder and faster. "You shouldn't have left without saying a word. You could have been hurt. Or worse. You could have been taken away from me." He began to focus more swats to Brock's sit spots and thighs.

"You were lucky you weren't hurt worse," Fury said seriously. "I can't lose you, Bucky. And I'm not going to let that happen."

Peter nodded and then slowly, hesitantly, let his head rest on Tony's shoulder.

"Thank you for apologizing." Thor squeezed Quill's hips. Putting his mouth close to the other man's ear, he murmured, "Though maybe you'd also benefit from a sore butt."

"I don't want to take myself from you... didn't think of that... didn't think I was in danger..." Brock began to sob. The words hurt worse than the spanking and he knew he'd be feeling that the rest of the afternoon. "...Didn't think..." he choked out.

Bucky began to cry quietly from Fury's words. "I'm sorry, sir. I shouldn't have done it. Shouldn't have tested you that way..." His voice caught.

Tony gently carded his fingers through Peter's hair.

Quill swallowed hard at Thor's words. He felt it best not to respond to the comment. Especially since part of him couldn't help thinking Thor was right.

"I can tell you didn't think," Steve stated, tightening his hold on Brock. "Your life is far too important to risk yourself in that way. If it happens again? This is exactly how I will react," he promised.

"I know why you were testing me," Fury said calmly. "That doesn't mean I won't respond each and every time you do, but I do understand."

Thor wrapped his arms a bit tighter, almost possessively, around Quill's waist, drawing the smaller man back tight against him.

Stephen might be paying attention to the punishment in the center of the room, but that didn't mean he wasn't noticing everyone else's responses. He nodded at Thor. He'd watched Quill being a right pain in the butt to the larger man. It didn't appear that would be overlooked in the future.

Brock couldn’t say anything but, "Yes, sir... sorry, sir," as he squirmed frantically and sobbed.

Bucky found himself letting go at Fury's words. Lying limp over the older man's lap, he cried softly. "I'm sorry, master..." he said, loudly and clearly enough everyone would hear and there would be no question of their relationship.

Quill let out a tiny sigh, leaning back into Thor.

Sam blinked, glancing at Fury and Bucky at the latter's words. The name was surprising; but what surprised him even more was the fact that it seemed to fit. That Fury was Bucky's master; his Dom.

Fury brought the spanking to a stop and then rubbed Bucky's bottom a bit more before he moved the other man into his arms onto his lap, hugging him tightly.

Steve completed one last circuit of swats and then also stopped, drawing Brock into a close, tight embrace and pressing a kiss to the other man's head.

Thor inclined his head to Stephen, his hands gently stroking over Quill's hips.

Bucky curled up into Fury’s arms, snuggling close. Tony thought he looked young and helpless, but it was obvious Fury was his protector.

Brock didn't look quite as helpless, but it was obvious he needed Steve just as much. "I love you, Master..." he said, just as clearly as Bucky first had. He wanted everyone to know as well.

Quill let out a tiny mewling noise. "Aw... guys... you're so cute together!" he blurted, before thinking about what he'd just said and who he'd said it to.

Bruce snorted into his hand, trying not to chuckle at Quill.

"I love you too." Steve kissed Brock firmly, hugging him tightly.

"Can't argue with that," Scott commented, glancing at Quill before looking at the two couples. "I mean...seriously."

"Thank you for sharing this with us," Clint said, his voice serious. "I know you wouldn't have if you didn't trust us. It means a lot."

Brock snuggled against Steve but spared a teary-eyed glance and nod for Clint. "You're important to Cap and Director Fury. We want you to know everything...."

Quill smiled crookedly. He suspected he'd only been included because he was hanging out with Thor. It felt nice being included, though. He found himself wishing he could fit into this group better.

"So... you're not just friends or adopted family, right?" Peter asked. "You're actually partners? In the romantic sense?"

"Yeah, Queens." Steve grinned at Peter and then looked at Tony. "Sorry that we kind of derailed coming to see you, but it's really good to see you awake," he said with feeling.

"Hey. It's all good. My hospital room is your hospital room..." Tony waved off the apology. "It's actually nice to see life moving on and everyone acting like I'm not going to keel over immediately... " He grinned.

Rhodey snorted softly. "Anyone would say you're indestructible," he commented.

"How did you know to upgrade your suit?" Steve asked. "I could have sworn there wouldn't have been enough time for that, given how fast everything moved."

Peter made a quiet, almost whimpering sound and pressed a bit closer to Tony, remembering how scared he'd been that the older man was going to die.

"Yeah... funny story, that." Tony gave Steve and Scott a sheepish look. "See... back in 2012... when we were turning the Tesseract over to the secretary...  I had an arc-reactor malfunction. And while I was laying there, thinking I was going to die... I heard voices talking. About power and radiation and surviving. And I could swear one of those voices was my own..." He grinned. "So being the paranoid bastard I am, I made sure all my suits were equipped to handle an extremely powerful gamma bomb. I had no clue why or if it would be useful. I had no clue if it would work. But... I made sure...." He chuckled. "Of course, now I know why I was having an arc-reactor malfunction and why I heard the voices, but...."  He tightened his arms around Peter.

Scott blinked and then grinned. "Well, I'm very glad some good came from you telling me to stop your heart," he said.

"I'm glad you made sure," Peter stated empathically.

"We all are," Bruce said quietly.

"Too many people have been lost," Wanda whispered. "It's a relief that you didn't need to be counted among those."

Tony looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save everyone..." he admitted, in a whisper.

Quill swallowed and rubbed his eyes as he thought of Gamora. "You could only do what you knew. There's prolly all kinds of laws about changing time and stuff..." He swallowed again.

"We can be happy for those who were brought back while mourning those who we lost," Thor said quietly, remembering Loki. He tightened his arms around Quill's waist, stroking his fingers over the smaller man's hips.

Quill nodded. "Yeah. We can do that." He relaxed back into Thor, not realizing that he'd started cuddling with the larger man.

Bucky let his head rest on Fury's shoulder. He didn't even attempt to fix his clothing, although he did give a hesitant look in Peter's direction. While he had no problem with everyone knowing what he and Fury were to each other, he wasn't comfortable being completely out there in front of a minor.

Thor held Quill close and tight against himself, barely realizing he was doing so.

Fury carefully replaced Bucky's clothing, noticing Steve doing the same with Brock. Neither released their partners, though.

Once both men were re-clothed and Bucky had calmed enough he felt able to speak, he whispered, "Do you have questions?"

Sam shrugged. "I think it's fairly straightforward. You've clearly found each other. You and Fury. Steve and Brock."

"But weren't you one of HYDRA's?" Scott looked at Brock with some confusion.

Brock winced. "I was deep undercover... I really don't have memory about what happened... that was my... future self?" He glanced at Steve uncertainly.

Steve nodded. "I got you out before HYDRA made their move. So, I didn't lose you." His arms tightened around Brock.

"All of this time travel's making my head spin," Peter admitted. "But maybe that's also ‘cause I'm just confused generally. I mean, five years went by in the blink of an eye. And now Mr. Stark's acting like a... like a...." He faltered, not sure how to finish that sentence; whether he was misreading things entirely.

"Like a dad?" Tony had no problem copping to his feelings and behavior. "Five years of missing you made it clear to me that you were more than just a kid to mentor. Now that you're back, I'm not going back to the way things were before...."

"What does that mean?" Peter asked, a bit uncertainly.

Tony huffed slightly, muttering to himself that he must have been a right bastard if his usually genius fifteen-year-old was afraid to see what was right in front of his nose. Tightening his grip so Peter couldn’t squirm away, he answered, "It means that you are important, kid. And while I won't be adopting you and moving you into the cabin with us- because I won’t do that to poor May, who was lost without you these last five years- in every other way, I fully intend to treat you like you're my kid. Including turn you over my knee if you deliberately do dangerous stuff you know I'd take issue with." He paused before a stern note crept into his voice. "Things like sneak aboard alien space craft after you've been told to get back on Earth...."

"But I would have been completely useless if I'd stayed back on Earth," Peter protested, actually finding himself snuggling closer to Tony, despite the words making him half-afraid of what was about to happen. "And it was five years ago," he added; though, of course, it had only been a few minutes for him.

Steve couldn't help but chuckle at that response. "I think you'll find there's no statute of limitations, kid."

"No." Tony gently swatted Peter's backside; not hard enough it would hurt, but hard enough to sting. "No statute on getting into trouble for endangering..." Tony said, giving three more swats at the same level, before hugging Peter tight and kissing him on top of his head. "You are never useless, kid. And what happened would have happened if you were with me or on Earth. But I can't help but feel lucky that you were one of the ones we could bring back. Because you could have been one, of the ones we couldn't...." Tony's voice caught and tears pooled in his eyes as he thought about those lost.

Bucky smiled crookedly at Peter. "They know they can't wrap us up in cotton and set us on a shelf, kid..." he gave Fury a small, apologetic grin, "but if you do take chances or do dangerous things, it's better to get permission first. That way, someone knows and can keep an eye out if you need help or something goes wrong."

Quill huffed and gave Peter an exaggerated wink before saying, "So who gets after the ones making the decisions? Eventually, the kid will grow up. You saying he can still get into trouble for being dangerous, even then? You two are in unique situations. His is different...."

Stephen smirked. "I imagine that depends on if he is responsible or irresponsible as an adult. If, overall, he tends to make choices that minimize danger and keeps his friends and family informed, he won't have to worry. If he does things like you...."

"Hey! That's not... who you been talking to?!" Quill protested with a pout, not exactly able to refute Strange's assumption.

Peter swallowed hard and hugged Tony tight. The swats might have stung, but it didn't last for long with his accelerated healing and he couldn't help but respond to the emotion. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark," he said earnestly. "I'll be more careful."

"You are easy to read," Thor commented, squeezing Quill's waist gently. "And you will no longer be left to flounder alone, with no one willing or able to step in."

Tony snorted at Quill's deer in the headlights look.

Brock outright laughed. "Looks like there'll be another like us soon..." he whispered to Steve.

"Wait... what?!" Quill finally found his voice and twisted around to look up at Thor, his voice giving away his nervousness.

"I am certain you heard me," Thor said calmly. "And you cannot be that unobservant. If you were uncomfortable with my actions, you would have responded before now."

Steve smiled and kissed Brock's cheek. "I think you're right," he agreed.

Quill swallowed hard at that declaration. Again, he couldn't say what was said, was wrong. He'd been responding instinctively, though, not really paying attention. He admitted as much in a whisper. "Not unobservant... just not really paying attention to my observations. Felt safe here, so didn't feel like I had to watch every little thing to make sure I didn't react...."

"You're safe here," Thor commented; though perhaps he meant more 'safe with me' than anything else.

"If you want to have a more private discussion, there's an empty room next door," Rhodey said.

Quill bit his lip. ".. I know," he whispered, but not doing anything else. He didn't even pull away from Thor. He blushed as he realized the older man was right. He liked what Thor had been doing.

Thor squeezed Quill gently. "Then perhaps we should have a more private discussion." He began to steer the smaller man towards the door.

Quill followed quietly... quieter than he'd been since Thor had started interacting with him. Quieter than he normally ever was, even when nervous. He had a feeling his life was about to drastically change in a way he never expected, and it felt better to not start babbling like he usually would.

Bucky gave Quill an encouraging smile before snuggling against Fury.

Leaving the rest of them in the room, Thor led Quill into the empty room. Closing the door behind them, he drew the smaller man over to the bed and sat down, drawing Quill down onto his lap.

Quill shivered as he ended up on Thor's lap. "I've been arguing and needling and being bratty to you since we finished Thanos. How can you even think of wanting...?" He looked down.

"I believe you have been arguing with me because you feel the same thing I do and you fear it," Thor said honestly. "Seeing Steve and Fury with Brock and Bucky has made me bold enough to go after what I want."

"You... want what they have?" Quill swallowed. "With me?"

Thor nodded. "That is what I want," he replied.

"I don't know what I want..." Peter admitted. "I... I know it's been five years, but it only feels like a few days since Gamora was murdered by Thanos... and everything else... and... I feel drawn to you and like I need you, but it scares me...."

"I feel drawn to you, Quill." Thor's words were spoken with complete honesty. He let his thumb stroke lightly over the smaller man's cheek; down over his neck. Leaning in close, he whispered in Quill's ear, "I'm going to turn you over my knee."

Quill shivered, giving a faint nod of assent. "Yessir..." he whispered.

Thor stroked his fingers along Quill's neck and then moved the smaller man across his lap. Letting his fingers stroke over the other man's backside, he then began to tug Quill's pants down.

Peter whimpered softly, reaching forward to brace himself. He wasn't sure what to expect. Was he being punished? Was he being claimed? Was this both?

Baring the other man's backside, Thor let his hands rub over Peter's bottom, gently squeezing each buttock in turn. "You are mine now," he stated firmly, delivering a firm smack to each cheek before he began to rub once more.

"Yours? Wh... what does that mean?" Peter didn't fight the position, little yelps escaping at the smacks and whimpering at the rubbing and squeezing.

"It means that you belong to me now." Thor delivered a few more firm smacks before he began to rub and squeeze once more. "Like Steve and Brock. Fury and Bucky. I feel the same draw you do."

"So... I obey you? And listen to you? And don't do things without your permission? And if I'm naughty or a brat and don't do what I'm supposed to... you spank me? In front of everyone?" Peter's voice had gotten progressively higher in pitch as he spoke.

"Yes, to all of those things. I'll spank you and I'll claim you until you know who you belong to," Thor promised. "It'll happen in front of others if it needs to." He swatted a bit more, before returning to rubbing and squeezing the warming skin.

"I... I…  I can't help being naughty..." Peter whimpered. "I'm gonna always be over your knee..." He let out a tiny cry.

"It doesn't matter," Thor stated. "You're mine now. And you will always be mine."

"I'm yours..." Peter let out another choked cry, squirming slightly. "Forever..."

Thor tightened his hold on Peter, holding the smaller man close and secure against his stomach. He stroked his hand down Peter's back, rubbing and squeezing each of his buttocks in turn before giving each another firm smack.

Peter felt himself relaxing as Thor took over; his bottom felt warm and stingy. And every time Thor squeezed and rubbed, Peter felt himself wanting to give in and obey that small bit more. "Yours... need. Need to obey you... nor argue with you..." He sniffled. "You o... own me. M... master...." He blinked his eyes, fighting back tears. It felt like this was happening so fast. And yet it felt like he'd been waiting his whole life for this claiming.

"I own you," Thor agreed. "You're mine." He delivered a series of firm smacks and then began to rub, squeeze and stroke. Peter's bottom was getting pink under his hands and he gave one thigh a gentle squeeze. "When we are finished here, you'll remember who owns you when we return to the others."

"Promise? I won't forget?" He didn't think he'd forget, but it helped to know he'd feel it. It would feel more real.

"I promise." Thor delivered a swat to each sit spot and thigh before pausing once more to rub and stroke. "But I also won't hesitate to claim you in front of anyone else."

"I... I want them to know..." Peter admitted. "Want to be yours and not hide it...."

"We won't hide it." Thor delivered a firm swat to emphasize each word and then paused once more to stroke and rub Peter's bottom. "There's no need to hide, considering the others haven't hesitated in demonstrating their relationship.

"Do... do you want all of me?" Peter had to ask. It was fairly obvious that the other men were lovers. Peter wasn't sure Thor saw him like that, even if he saw him as a submissive.

"I want all that you want to give me," Thor replied. "Everything."

"Then... I want to give you everything... Master...." Peter whispered.

"And I will take everything," Thor stated. "I want you."

Peter relaxed at the words. "Tha... that's good. Thank you, sir..." Peter squirmed slightly.

"I've got you," Thor said seriously. "You're mine now. And I love you," he said seriously.

"You love me? Already? Even though I was a pain in the butt?" Peter asked, sounding happy at the thought.

"Already, even then," Thor promised. "You could be the worse pain in the butt and it still wouldn't change anything."

"...Love you too..." Peter whispered hesitantly, as if afraid admitting it would cause it all to disappear.

"Good." Thor rubbed his hands over Peter's back and bottom. "I'm not going to let you go," he promised.

"I won't let you go either. I'll follow you into death if I have to, but I can't lose you..." Peter swallowed. He'd lost too many, said goodbye too many times. He wouldn't do it again.

Thor rubbed and stroked a bit more firmly, putting a bit more pressure behind the contact. "You're mine now," he whispered.

Peter sniffed before letting out a tiny laugh. "Guess this means you're in charge of the Benatar," he said softly. "No more trying to boss you around." He blushed faintly. Of course, now he knew part of his belligerence about him being Captain was because he had felt the urge to give in and obey Thor from nearly the very first... but he'd still been a complete brat... nearly an ass to the older man. "I really am sorry for how I treated you," he whispered, in a very guilt filled voice.

Thor gave his backside a firm squeeze. "I know you are, but I forgive you. And I love you," he promised. "And now...if you fight me again, I'll turn you over my knee and blister your backside. But I won't change how I feel about you."

"...Okay..." Peter squirmed a slight bit, but it was more to test Thor's grip on him than because he wanted to get away. "...Feels good..." he admitted quietly, with a blush. He meant the squeezing, but he also meant knowing that Thor had him, was taking over and would keep him despite his behavior. It was a relief to know that, even if he messed up, Thor wouldn't leave him or give up on him.

"You feel good," Thor said honestly. "And it feels good to finally have you. That you know now who you belong to."

"Would... Would you have acted on wanting me... if we hadn't seen Cap and Director Fury acting?" Peter bit his lip. He knew he'd never have acted on it. He had pushed his feelings so far down, thinking they were inappropriate given everything that had happened, that he'd never have even thought to act on it.

"I believe I would have, eventually," Thor said. "But it might have taken longer than it did if it wasn't for seeing the others."

"I'm glad we were there..." Peter said softly. "...The thought that... well, I'd never have figured it out, let alone admitted it. I was denying it to myself too much to admit it to you..." he admitted. "The thought I might have missed out because I'm an idiotic coward, hurts." He sighed. He'd taken a lot of emotional hits the last several years and his self-esteem wasn't terribly high, even if he acted like a cocky, self-assured, prick a lot of the time.

"I knew my feelings for you ran a lot deeper than I'd first assumed." Stroking Peter's back, Thor continued, "And then Thanos took away everyone, including you. I'd given up any hope of seeing you again. When I did...I didn't want to assume you would respond well to how I feel about you."

"Because I acted so badly toward you?" Peter asked hesitantly, afraid that his typical behavior of defiance toward authority had given Thor the wrong idea.

"I wasn't sure you felt a similar way and I did not want to push you into something you weren't ready or prepared for," Thor said. "I thought I would be happy just being with you, but it appears it takes me laying claim to you to make that happen."

"Because I'm a hot mess and do everything the opposite what I should..." Peter sighed. "...Thank you for claiming me..." he whispered. He knew if Thor hadn't taken the bull by the horns, they would have been dancing around each other, with Peter being argumentative, for the rest of eternity.

"You're mine now. There's no way I'll let you go." Thor gently ran his hand over Peter's back, down over his bottom and legs, giving a slight squeeze every so often.

Peter relaxed both at the words and the gentle affection. "I like the sound of that... that I belong to you and won't ever be let go...." he admitted.

"Both are true." Thor continued gently rubbing and squeezing. "And I won't stop giving you affection in front of the others," he added.

"Even when I don't deserve it?" Peter shifted so he could hold onto Thor's leg in a tight hug, needing to show his own bit of affection.

Thor gently squeezed each of Peter's thighs. "That's not true. There'd never be a time you didn't deserve affection.

"Even if I'm stupid and make things difficult?" Peter sounded hesitantly hopeful. He knew Yondu had cared about him, loved him even in his own way. And looking back, Peter could see the older man had done what he could to be a father to him. But Yondu hadn't been overly affectionate on the best of days and on days when Peter was a real pain in the ass? If Peter was lucky enough to get affection, it was usually in the form of a smack on the back of his head. It was hard to believe that on those days when he was being exceedingly annoying, Thor would want to have anything to do with him, let alone be affectionate.

"Not stupid," Thor disagreed. "And I will always give you affection. Whether it's holding you in my arms, or over my knee like this, where I can touch and stroke and squeeze." He demonstrated this exactly by doing those three things.

Peter shivered. "I... I like when you touch, stroke and squeeze..." he said quietly. "...Like belonging to you... Didn't think I should like or want it, but I do..." He swallowed. "...Wanna belong to you completely."

"When we get back to where we're staying, I can claim you completely," Thor said, running his fingers over Peter's bottom and down over his legs.

Peter let out a slow breath, going limp over Thor's lap and accepting whatever the older man chose to do. "...Yessir... I'll try not to be impatient..." He shivered.

Thor removed Peter's clothing entirely, deciding there were too many layers, and began to stroke and rub over the other man's entire back side, squeezing every so often.

Peter whimpered as the last of his clothing was removed, but he didn't protest or try to stop Thor's actions. He hoped none of the nurses or doctors walked in and discovered them; but then, if they were discovered, he figured it was just part of belonging to Thor and letting everyone know. It wouldn't bother him except if they got thrown out of the hospital.

"You're mine," Thor whispered. "I'm not going to let you go." He rubbed between Peter's shoulder blades; down to his hips, squeezing possessively.

"...And... you're mine..." Peter said uncertainly. He would willingly and completely belong to Thor and only Thor, but Thor was the one in control. Maybe he didn't want to belong to Peter the same way.

"I'm yours," Thor agreed. "Completely and only yours, the same way you're completely and only mine."

At those words, Peter relaxed completely, just going limp over Thor's lap. "...Love you, sir..." he whispered, contented for the first time in what felt like years, ready to accept whatever Thor chose to do next.

"I love you," Thor responded, letting one hand shift up to gently squeeze the nape of Peter's neck, while his other rested on the other man's bottom. While he didn't smack, he did rub and squeeze possessively.

"...How... how long can we stay here, sir?" Peter asked quietly. He wanted to stay long enough that it was made clear to everyone that he now belonged to the Asgardian.

Thor let his fingers stroke gently through Peter's hair. "A bit longer, but we'll need to head home if we want more privacy. But when we join the others, I'm going to hold you tightly to me; so tight, you won't be able to move without my permission."

Peter flushed, turning just enough that he could look up at Thor with a happy smile. "...I like that, sir.... Tight enough I can't move without permission and everyone can see you are in control..." he whispered.

Thor stroked his thumb over Peter's lips. "And so, you know I'm not ashamed of how much I love you and want to keep you with me."

Peter kissed Thor's thumb gently before turning to face down again. "I'm not ashamed to be kept by you... it... it feels right...."

"You belong with me and to me." Thor gently squeezed his waist and then over his hips again.

"...I'll obey you from now on..." Peter whispered. "...At least I'll try to..." He wrinkled his nose. He had no doubt that, good intentions aside, there would be times when he'd disobey because he was stubborn and sometimes needed reminding of who was in charge.

"I know you'll do your best," Thor replied. "And if you disobey or are naughty in any other way? Well, we'll deal with that." He gave Peter's bottom a light pat for emphasis.

Peter shivered. "I'll try really hard not to be naughty..." Peter said hesitantly. He liked the attention Thor was giving him, but the idea of a full-fledged spanking for being naughty was a little scary to him. He wasn't sure how he'd react, but he suspected it wouldn't be in a very adult manner.

Thor gently squeezed one cheek. "It won't matter even if you are naughty. I won't decide you're too much trouble. I won't change my mind. I'll still want you."

"I know, sir. I just... I'm afraid if I actually get a real spanking, I'll be a big baby about it and make you ashamed of me..." Peter admitted, in a tiny voice.

"I wouldn't ever be ashamed of you," Thor promised. "And if you did get a real spanking, we'd get through it."

"Yeah... I know we would... my ego might not, but we would..." Peter huffed softly. "...Then again, guess I don't really need an ego with you," he said, thinking that to have an ego, he'd have to keep an awful lot about himself and what he was feeling or thinking to himself; and he didn't want to do that with Thor. If he couldn't be open and honest with the Asgardian, then he really shouldn't be giving himself over to the older man so easily.

"No." Thor gently parted Peter's thighs, gently stroking, rubbing and squeezing his inner thighs. "Your ego doesn't have a place in our relationship."

"...Cause you want all of me... even the insecure, childish parts?" Peter's voice was hesitant again and he winced. He'd never thought of himself as insecure but turned out he was one big bundle of insecurity. He probably would have realized it sooner if he hadn't always been pretending to be in control of everything. Thor wasn't allowing that; at least not anymore. The fact the Asgardian had humored his attempts to seem in charge with the other Guardians said more about Thor's compassion in not upstaging him in front of his friends than any control or self-assurance Peter had. "Won't have to pretend anymore..." he realized. If everyone knew who he belonged to, then he wouldn't have to do anything but obey Thor. And no one would think less of him for it. At least no one whose opinion mattered to him, at any rate.

"I want every part of you," Thor said. "Now that I have you, I won't let you go. I won't ever let you go. You're mine. And no one will think less of you when they see it. After all, they haven't thought less of Brock or Bucky." He glided his fingers over Peter's legs and between his thighs, taking full opportunity to caress and stroke the other man.

"...Oooh... master..." Peter's voice caught and he quivered, opening his legs further without thought. "...Feels good..." He whimpered, feeling his body begin to respond to the more intimate affection. He tried to hold still and will the reaction away; Thor had said he would fully claim him later. He didn't want to seem impatient.

Thor gently squeezed Peter's inner thighs, leaning down to press a kiss to the back of the other man's head. "I know," he whispered in one ear. "And when we get home, I'll stretch you out on my bed. Have you completely at my mercy."

"Yessir..." Peter whimpered again, his voice tight. "...Try...." He took a slow breath. "I'll try to be good..." he said, his voice sounding more whiney and pained than he'd have liked, but it was what it was. It was obvious he was aroused, so there was no use trying to keep his voice under control when it was all he could do to keep his body under control.

Thor reached under Peter, gently grasping the other man's erection. He began to stroke and rub, his other hand squeezing down Peter's bottom and thighs.

Peter's breath caught as his master took complete control over his body and then he began to sob softly, squirming just enough that it was obvious he was holding on by a thread. "....Master... please... please... please..." he began to babble softly; not so loudly it would draw the attention of doctors or nurses, but loudly enough Thor would be able to hear how affected he was by the older man's actions (and possibly loud enough Steve would hear, with his enhanced hearing).

Thor leaned down to kiss Peter, gently and lingeringly. "I want you to let go, my little star-lord," he murmured against the other man's lips.

Peter returned the kiss with a fervor that bordered on desperate; and when Thor told him to let go, he did. He climaxed harder than he'd expected, shuddering over his master’s lap, mouth millimeters from Thor's, and then he slumped as the last of his release left him with a tiny, whining sigh, his breath ghosting over Thor's lips.

"I love you." Thor cupped the side of Peter's face, thumb stroking over his cheek.

Tears ran down Peter's face as he looked up into Thor's eyes and pressed his face into his master's hand, searching for something that would show Thor was speaking true. He smiled with almost childish delight when he found it. "I believe you, Sir..." he whispered. "I love you too..." he said earnestly, making sure he didn't look away. He wanted Thor to see what he'd seen; it had made him feel so good and he wanted his master to feel just as good.

"I know. I believe you too." Thor kissed him again, stroking his fingers gently over Peter's cheek. "I'm going to keep you forever," he promised.

Peter grinned at that. "That makes me happy..." was all he could think to say. He might think of something smart-aleck later, but the moment was too deep for smart-aleck.

Thor smiled. "When you're ready, I'll clean you up. We can rejoin the others. But I'll still keep holding you. Everyone will see me being affectionate with you," he promised.

"Okay, Master..." Peter smiled shyly. "...I'm ready now. As long as I can still be held by you; I want everyone to see..." he admitted.

Beginning to clean Peter up, Thor commented, "I won't let go of you. Though I am tempted to carry you back into the room over my shoulder."

Peter grinned at that. "Show everyone I belong to you?" he asked, in a husky voice, holding still while Thor cleaned him.

"Exactly that," Thor answered. He finished cleaning Peter off and then began to dress him, touching and stroking everywhere he could.

Peter was flushed and shivering by the time Thor finished dressing him. Only the fact that he'd climaxed only minutes before kept him from becoming fully aroused again. "Wow..." he said, a bit breathlessly. "...Never knew being taken care of would be something that turned me on..." He blinked at the realization.

Thor clasped the back of his neck, drawing the other man in close and kissing his head firmly. "When we get home, I'm going to strip you naked again before I claim you fully."

"Yes, sir.... looking forward to it. A lot..." Peter managed to say. He pressed close to Thor and kissed the underside of the Asgardian's jaw, as that was the spot closest to him.

Thor held Peter a bit longer and then gave in to instinct, sweeping the other man up and over his shoulder, arm settling around Peter's legs in a manner that could only be termed very possessive. He then carried Peter into the other room.

Peter managed to keep his yelp down to a decibel that wouldn't carry past Thor's ears and reached down, holding onto the waistband of Thor's pants. It wasn't that he was afraid Thor would drop him on his head, but instinct had him trying to hold on and that was what he could reach.

Steve couldn't help but smile at the sight of Thor carrying Peter into the room; making it clear that he'd been fully claimed by the Asgardian.

"So, can we expect more of these caveman-like claiming tendencies?" Rhodey asked wryly.

"Don't look at me. As strong as Pepper is, I don't think she could put me over her shoulder..." Tony teased.

Stephen blinked and looked at the other man. "That explains so much..." he said drolly. There was an amused gleam in his eye.

Bruce snort coughed into his hand.

Peter P.'s eyes widened. " everyone pairing off?"

"Just the ones who belong together, I expect," Sam commented.

"You aren't allowed to pair off until you're 21..." Tony said preemptively. It wasn't clear if he was joking or not.

Bucky chuckled.  "I suspect a lot of people have realized how waiting for the 'right moment' could cause you to lose your chance... and they decided to do something about it..." His voice was low and rumbling affectionately as he looked into Fury's eyes.

Fury wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Bucky, caressing the side of his face. "I know I wasn't going to wait anymore."

"I already saw what waiting got me," Steve commented, drawing Brock closer to himself.

"I'm happy for you..." Bruce said quietly, a hint of wistfulness in his voice.

Stephen nodded, a faraway look in his eye.

Thor almost casually leaned gently against the wall, angling himself so that his dangling Star-Lord could see the others in the room without having to strain himself. His hand was clasped possessively around the smaller man's legs.

Quill waved sheepishly from his position of looking upside down. He didn't appear upset about being manhandled by Thor in the least, though.

"Ugh. I'm getting dizzy just looking at you..." Tony complained. "There's another folding chair in the closet. Why don't you use it, Point Break? Sit your brat on your lap before all the blood rushes to his head...."

"I'll get it." Eager to please, Peter P. quickly headed to the closet and took out the folding chair, setting it up and then quickly returning to Tony's side.

Thor sat down and deposited Quill on his lap, wrapping his arms possessively around the smaller man's waist and drawing him back close and tight against his stomach.

"Thanks, kid..." Quill smiled at Peter.

Bruce glanced around the room, surprised they hadn't been kicked out so Tony could rest.  His science brother looked about to fall asleep. "How about we go down to the cafeteria and grab some dinner? Give the invalid time to rest. Come back later." He gave Tony a gentle smile to show he was teasing.

"We can bring you up some food and drink...some things to keep you occupied so you don't happen to get bored while left alone," Rhodey commented.

"Not much chance of being left alone," Sam commented, with a quick grin.

"Sounds good..." Tony didn't even attempt to stifle his yawn. Turning to Peter, he nudged the teen gently. "Go on with Rhodey, kiddo. Get some food. I know you have to be starving with your metabolism...."

"Okay." Peter had relaxed quite a bit now that he knew Tony was going to be okay and he smiled at the man before walking over to join the others.

Tony was asleep almost before Peter got off the bed.

Bruce began ushering everyone out.

Stephen was smirking as he left, darting glances at the three newest couplings. He was happy for them all, really. But he found it amusing that all three were Dominant and submissive pairings.

Quill wrinkled his nose at Stephen's smirk but didn't say anything for once, instead snuggling closer to Thor, as if seeking reassurance, it was okay to give in and let the older man be in charge. He'd fought authority nearly his whole life, after all.

Steve kept a tight grip around Brock, needing to feel the other man close. Fury did much the same with Bucky, enjoying the contact and the feel of the other man pressed against him.

Thor gently squeezed Quill's waist and gave him a reassuring smile, leaning in to whisper, "I love you," into his ear.

Scott shook his head, feeling like he'd been witness to something fairly monumental. He couldn't help sneaking a few glances at the couples.

Stephen followed Bruce down to the cafeteria. "So how long do you think it will take for them to stop making dove eyes at each other, realize Stark is asleep and make their way down here?" he asked the group that had immediately followed Bruce, a hint of snark in his tone.

Rhodey shrugged. "Probably as soon as they realize they're hungry. Or that their charges are," he added.

Stephen nodded, then chuckled. "Which means they should be right along. I'm pretty sure I heard one of their stomachs rumbling, though I'm not sure which one it was...."

As if on cue, the three couples joined the rest of the group in the canteen. While Fury, Thor and Steve didn't sit their partners on their laps, they did make sure Bucky, Quill and Brock were sitting as close to them as possible.

Bruce walked over to the manager, arranging for a tab to be kept, then motioned for Peter to go through. "Make sure you eat enough..." He motioned for the rest to follow the kid.

It didn't take long for everyone to join the youngster at the food.


Five years had felt like a long time. One of the few who hadn't been taken by the snap, Mordo had spent much of the time wandering; a lost soul filled with regrets. With the return of everyone, he finally made his way back to the building that had been his home for so long; not sure what he was looking for but knowing staying away was no longer an option.

For Wong, it had only been a few days since Thanos had first arrived on Earth, as he had been part of the group snapped away. Still, it was unsettling to see everything that had happened in the five years he and Stephen were 'missing'. The Sanctum's Magic had protected the building from looters and the like, but the streets outside of it weren't so lucky. What once had been a tidy, well-kept street looked like a war had hit it. He supposed a war had hit it. Still. Knowing so much had gone on without him left him feeling unsettled. He was doing his best to clean up and help those around him readjust to either being back or having their loved ones back. Five years was a long time, after all.

Seeing how everything had been hit by the disappearance of half of the world's population was difficult; more so that Mordo could see how badly his home had been left. It wasn't difficult to spot Wong, right in the middle of everything going on. Breathing deeply, Mordo approached the other man, painfully aware that he'd left with barely even a goodbye.

Wong finished giving instructions to a construction worker that was helping to replace siding on the building. Magic protected from looters and outright destruction, not the elements. He noticed Mordo immediately, though. Turning, he gave the other man a considering look, before smiling serenely. "You have aged. You must have been one of those left behind..." he said matter-of-factly, no censure in his voice for how the other man had left. "It is good to see you again, my friend..." he said, genuinely happy that Mordo was there.

Mordo nodded and held his hand out to Wong in greeting. "It's good to see you too." His voice was filled with sincerity. His eyes moved around the area without him even being aware of it; seeking out one man in particular.

"Are you one who is trying to catch up to the world? Or trying to readjust to having what was lost returned?" Wong asked curiously, not failing to notice Mordo looking around the area, but giving the other man the courtesy of not asking about it. Mordo would confide in him if he felt able.

"Perhaps a bit of both," Mordo replied. "Stephen is not with you?"

Wong smiled briefly at the question, not surprised that Mordo sought out Stephen immediately. They hadn't parted on the best of terms. Five years with half the world gone would give a person a different perspective, he imagined. Still. "It wasn't his fault, what occurred. He saw billions of futures, but only one in which half of all life was not destroyed. He did what he needed to keep a great evil from befalling the universe...." he said, both by way of defending Stephen should Mordo be here because he disagreed with how Stephen had handed over the Eye... and by way of seeing if perhaps Mordo's viewpoint had changed enough to forgive Stephen for how he had used the Eye in the past.

Mordo nodded slowly. "The Eye is a true burden to bear." He hesitated, but there was no use in hiding. No point in pretending. "Five years is a long time. I realized I didn't want to leave things the way they were between us almost too late to act." He looked into Wong's eyes. "Will you tell me where he is?"

"You've forgiven him for choosing a way you did not agree with?" Wong asked seriously. He saw no benefit in sending Mordo to Stephen if there was no forgiveness on Mordo's part. Stephen had been hurt by what he felt was unfair censure, disappointment and distrust. Even if he hadn't said as much, Wong had been able to tell.

"Yes." Mordo's response was given immediately and without hesitation. Five years was too long a time to live with that guilt. In a slightly lower voice, he added, "I can only hope he will be able to forgive me my reaction."

Wong nodded. "I think his forgiveness will be freely given. His trust might be another matter..." he warned gently. "He is currently at the hospital, watching over Tony Stark, as are all the Avengers, Guardians and various people who fought by Iron Man's side to bring everyone back. I think they fear if they leave his side, he might perish...." He sighed softly. He wasn't too sure that they wouldn't be right, so he hadn't argued with Stephen about spending entirely too much time there.

"Thank you." Mordo didn't comment on Wong's statement about Stephen's trust. The other man was right. He handed over a card with his number on it. "If you need to contact me. I know there's a lot of rebuilding to do. Once I have started to repair things with Stephen, I'd like to help you rebuild here."

Wong grunted and nodded, taking the card. "I will look forward to your help..." he said calmly, giving Mordo a brief smile.

"I will see you soon." Mordo left, heading to the hospital.


While Stephen had been with the others in Tony's room, Mordo had kept his distance. Not spying, not exactly...but he hadn't failed to see the relationships formed between others of the same group. He lingered as the group entered the canteen to eat, watching Stephen with an intensity that came as a bit of a shock. Absence made the heart grow fonder, or so the saying went; but this was a lot deeper than anything he'd experienced before.

Stephen fidgeted as he ate the salad he'd bought. He felt like he was being watched, but every time he glanced around himself, there was no one there. "Anyone else feel like they're being stared at?" he finally broke down and asked, hoping that maybe the feeling was just residual effects from having gone into space and then being snapped out of existence. If he was the only one feeling this way, then... well, he wasn't sure what to think.

Bruce frowned, glancing around and not seeing anyone. "Nooo... Not anymore than I usually am, at any rate. Maybe you're just getting residual stare-by's from people noticing me?" He tried to soothe what were obviously ruffled feathers.

Peter blinked and glanced at Stephen. "Maybe someone is watching from one of those portals you guys can open?" he suggested, before frowning. "Or does it work like that? Can you use the portals to spy?"

"Even if you could, what would be gained from just watching?" Steve asked.

"Unless one of the Sanctum's enemies doesn't like the fact I am back and wants to remove me permanently... I can't think of any reason..." Stephen said with a frown, his usual snarkiness absent with his unease.

Bucky frowned at that. "With all of us here? I don't think they'd be foolish enough to try something..." he said uncertainly.

"It depends on who it is..." Stephen muttered, finally standing and leaving his salad half-finished. "But if it is someone that would attack, despite you being here, I would be happier out of the hospital, where those who are too sick or injured are unable to get to cover should a fight break out." He sighed. He really had been hungry, but now his appetite was gone. "I will call you later to make sure Stark is still alright, yes?"

Steve quickly stood up as well. "I can come with you for backup," he offered.

"I could come too," Scott said. "I could shrink right down and stay on your shoulder. No one would even know I was there until it was too late."

"If you take a comm with you, you can call the rest of us if you need more backup," Sam offered.

Stephen blinked at all the offers of help. "I... thank you, but since I don't actually see anyone and I'd hate to ruin your evening for something that is probably nothing at all, I don't think having any of you accompany me will be necessary. But... I will take a comm with me and if I am wrong, I will immediately let you know." He smiled. "Enjoy your dinner and give Stark my regards. I will join you all again tomorrow. It is probably just weariness making me paranoid."

Rhodey handed over one of the comms. "You make sure you use it the moment anything goes down. Even if it's just you are getting a bad vibe from someone."

Stephen took the comm and nodded. "I will. Thank you." Nodding again at everyone else, he tucked the comm into his ear so he could activate it immediately if needed, then handed his nearly untouched salad to Peter. "You can have this, kid... no sense in it going to waste.... I will see you all later..." He smiled and turned, leaving the cafeteria exit closest to the outside. He could portal back to the Sanctum. It was where he was living, after all. But he needed to think; and if he was being watched, he'd rather not draw the person's attention to there until its defenses were shored up.

Mordo had been reluctant to leave Stephen with the sense that he had an enemy watching him; at the same time, he'd thought they had things they needed to say to each other privately. He followed Stephen outside and finally made himself known to the other man. "Stephen."

Stephen spun around, hands half-way raised, but otherwise staying in a non-threatening pose. "Mordo..." he whispered, a second of hurt flashing in his eyes before he gained control over himself and was able to appear curious but unaffected. "It's been a while..." he said hesitantly, his impulse to end the comment with 'my friend' dying a quick death as he remembered how Mordo had left. "...Have you been watching me?" His nose and forehead wrinkled as he asked the question.

"Yes." Mordo stepped nearer to Stephen. "I would have come to you earlier, but I believe we have things to say to each other that we don't need an audience to." His gaze swept over Stephen's body, from head to toe. "You look well."

Stephen gave a snarky smile. "I should. I haven't aged a day in five years..." He snorted. He turned to walk toward the Sanctum, figuring Mordo would follow. "What do we need to talk about? I figured you'd said all you cared to say when you left...."

"I was wrong." Mordo fell into step beside Stephen. "It might have only been a few days for you. I've spent five years regretting how things ended between us. I know I can't take it back, but I will ask you to forgive me for hurting you."

Stephen swallowed. That Mordo had sought him out to apologize and admit he'd made a mistake was big. And the older man was right; he'd had five years to work through things and figure it out. Just because Stephen hadn't had that time didn't make it less true. In any case, Stephen couldn't see a reason not to forgive him, even if he was hesitant to do more than that. "A lot has happened and holding on to past hurts doesn't do anyone any good, let alone me. So yes. I forgive you. Was there anything else you needed to say?" He tried to keep his tone light and unaffected, but it wasn't easy.

Mordo stopped walking and reached out to grasp Stephen's arm, so that the other man would stop too. "I'm not here only to apologize, Stephen. I care about you a great deal. I only realized just how much when you were gone."

Stephen glanced at Mordo's hand uncertainly, turning to face Mordo and pulling away slightly at the same time. "It took me being gone to realize that? We hadn't spoken to or seen each other for several years before Thanos even made himself known... why did my being snapped away suddenly make you realize that?" If he sounded upset, it was because he was upset. Why hadn't Mordo cared when he was still around and not snapped out of existence? "...For that matter, how did you even know I was one of the missing?!" His voice raised.

Letting his hand drop, Mordo said quietly, "I let one mistake snowball into more. I was too proud...too admit how wrong I'd been, to myself let alone to you." He met Stephen's gaze as he continued, "When half of the population vanished, I knew things were bad. I wanted to see be with you. I came to the sanctum, but you were gone. I didn't want to believe that you were missing; that I'd missed my chance."

Stephen's gaze dropped and he swallowed hard. "Do you know how many times I've... I've gone over what I did that night? To stop Dormamu? To try and make certain that he didn't escape and... wonder if maybe you were right? And I shouldn't have done what I did? That... maybe there was something I hadn't seen? That could be done... but because I was too arrogant, I didn't even try and think of an alternative? That you leaving me was right and I deserved everything you'd said, even if everything turned out okay in the end?" His voice caught and it was obvious that Mordo's words had cut into him deeply; deeply enough he was still second guessing the choice he'd made, years later.

"I'm sorry." Mordo couldn't ignore the words or the tone and he hesitantly lay his hand on Stephen's arm once more. He took a step closer, moving right into Stephen's personal space. "But it wasn't right. I wasn't right. You didn't deserve anything that I said to you. I know I made mistakes and that you have no reason to trust or believe in me again. But I'm not going to leave you again. Where you go, I go. From now on."

"I trusted you... I... I loved you..." Stephen admitted, in a lost voice. "How do I know you won't leave again? I'm one of the most irritating people on the planet and I know I'll do things you don't approve of. How do I know you won't leave me when that happens?" He turned his face away. He hadn't meant to admit any of that and he certainly hadn't meant to make himself vulnerable by asking such a question, but he'd pushed all those feelings down deep inside when Mordo left and seeing the man now was bringing them frothing and bubbling back to the surface.

Mordo did wrap his arms around Stephen, holding the other man tightly. "I love you." Even if he'd lost Stephen's trust and love, it didn't change how he felt about the other man. "My life was worth nothing without you in it," he whispered. "I'm sorry...for how much I hurt you. For leaving you. I don't know how to convince you outside of giving you my word. Telling you that I'll wait for as long as it takes for you to be able to give me another chance."

Stephen stiffened as he was pulled into Mordo's arms, but then just slumped against the other man. It felt so good and right being held by Mordo; and he was too tired to fight himself. So much had happened the last few days and he hadn't been sleeping. "I've got to give you another chance. You were the one who gave me one when we first met..." he whispered. "Just... maybe we can talk back at the sanctum? Before I embarrass both of us in public?" he snarked. He was close to crying.

Mordo tightened his hold on Stephen. "You wouldn't embarrass me," he whispered. "But yes. We can go back to the Sanctum. However. Now that I can finally hold you in my arms, I won't let you go."

"Yeah... okay..." Stephen agreed, leaning against Mordo. "Lead the way..." he said, in an attempt to be bossy, but it just sounded tired.

Mordo kept his arms tight around Stephen as he led the other man towards the sanctum. His hand stroked continually over Stephen's hair and down his back. He clearly wasn't prepared to let go or stop touching any time soon.

"Just... how much were you observing?" Stephen asked suspiciously. Mordo had never been this affectionate with him before; and while Stephen found he liked it; he couldn't help but wonder what had encouraged such behavior.

"A lot," Mordo replied honestly. "I saw that some of the others had paired off. I also noticed you turned down an offer for backup when you thought an enemy might be watching you."

"Figured I was being paranoid. I did take the comms... " Stephen frowned, suddenly feeling defensive, though he couldn't figure out why.

They'd reached the sanctum by this time and Mordo led Stephen to his room. "With everything happening, you should be paying more attention to your instincts. Especially since you were being watched."

"It ended up being you, so I was fine anyway!" Stephen had no idea why he was arguing. He knew Mordo was right.

Mordo led Stephen into the room and closed the door behind them. He then walked over to the bed and sat down. "You didn't know that. You didn't know it was safe." He drew Stephen down over his lap.

Stephen shook his head as he found himself staring at the ground. Mordo really had been watching. "I never agreed to... to..." He paused. He found himself unwilling to argue against it or try to get up. Mordo was right. He hadn't known. On top of that, had Mordo still been angry and intending harm to him, he hadn't called the others on the comms either.

"You didn't have anyone else there if anything went wrong." Mordo rubbed low down over Stephen's back and over his bottom before he then tugged the other man's pants down. "You are important and valued, Stephen. You shouldn't take risks with your own safety."

"I could have called them on the comms..." he said defensively, but not very forcefully. He knew he'd handled things dangerously. And Mordo had never liked when he did that. Part of him wanted to see how far Mordo was going to take this newfound caring for him. He'd never done anything in the past.

"You didn't," Mordo pointed out. "And it wouldn't have taken much to agree to at least one of them to accompany you outside. Because you do have enemies. Even if I am not counted among those." He gave Stephen's bared backside a quick rub and then brought his hand down in a firm smack that he then repeated, rubbing the spot he'd just swatted.

Stephen's breath whooshed out in a tiny whine at the first swat. After the second, he threw his hands back to block. It hurt a lot more than he'd thought it would. That and he was feeling very confused at his conflicting emotions. As much as he didn't want what Mordo was doing (he never did like being told he was wrong), he also did want it (it meant Mordo cared).

Mordo took hold of Stephen's hands, holding them out of the way against his back. "This dangerous behavior is going to stop." He delivered a swat to emphasize each word and then paused to rub a bit more. "I'm here for you now. And I'm not going to leave you again."

"Promise! Promise you will not leave again!" Stephen demanded, almost childishly. He grasped Mordo's hand and began to squirm as the older man swatted then rubbed.

"I promise." Mordo squeezed Stephen's hands. "I love you. I'm not going to leave you again. Never again." He swatted for a full circuit and then paused once more to begin rubbing.

"Okay...: Stephen's voice caught in his throat. He wanted to believe Mordo so badly, so... he did. "I missed you. Felt like I lost part of me when you left..." he whispered, squirming a bit more as his backside became hot and stingy.

"I'm sorry it hurt you so much, but you won't ever have to go through that again," Mordo reassured him. He rubbed a bit more and then resumed swatting, going a fraction harder and faster before he began to rub and stroke and caress once more.

"I couldn't take it if you don't mean it... I needed you... I do need you... this... this isn't a dream, right?" Stephen asked, in a shaky voice. He was squirming non-stop by this point.

"It's not a dream," Mordo promised. "And I'm here. I'm going to hold onto you and never let you go." He began to swat Stephen's sit spots and thighs, adjusting the other man's position to make it easier.

Stephen went limp at the words, choosing to believe Mordo. His backside was burning by this point. "I... I was bad to take chances..." He whimpered, tears beginning to pool in his eyes.

"You weren't bad," Mordo disagreed, once more beginning to stroke and rub over Stephen's bottom and thighs. "But you shouldn't have taken chances. You're too important to risk your life."

"I'm sorry..." Stephen's voice caught again.

"I know you are, and I forgive you." Mordo began to swat a bit more. "I love you. I'm not holding back anymore."

Stephen let out a tiny whimper as Mordo continued to swat while declaring his love. By the end of the newest circuit, he was vocally crying.

Mordo paused once again, caressing and stroking the heated flesh. "Coming to find you was the first thing I did after everyone was returned. I had to find you. I couldn't have done anything else. These past five years were torture, knowing that you were gone and that I'd made everything so much harder for you."

"You came back for me?" Stephen choked out, his tears getting harder. He shivered as Mordo rubbed and stroked.

"For you," Mordo replied. "Because I want you. I need you. I love you." He gently squeezed Stephen's hands.

"I love and need you too, Mor'... so much!" Stephen began to blubber. "'Ove you so much...." He squeezed Mordo's hand back tightly. "'Long with 'ou. 'Orever!"

Mordo carefully moved Stephen into his arms, cuddling the other man tightly on his lap. "You belong with me and to me," he whispered, stroking his hand up under Stephen's shirt to get to bare skin.

Stephen shivered at the more possessive declaration and snuggled close, sighing softly as Mordo moved his hand to rub the skin on his back. He couldn't help but think the words were indicative that Mordo did more than see how the other three handled misbehavior. He'd seen what the couples were to each other... and seemed to want that with him. "You own me?" he asked, in a whisper, to be certain he hadn't just misunderstood. He wasn't sure how he felt about a declaration that he was owned, but he didn't want to react only to find out he'd misunderstood.

Mordo nodded, pulling Stephen closer and tighter. His other hand slid down to gently rub Stephen's bottom. "Yes. I own you and I love you."

Stephen shivered again as his bottom was rubbed, pressing close and putting his head on Mordo's shoulder in a submissively needy way. The declaration had made him feel warm and safe inside, so it wasn't abhorrent to him.  "...I think I want that..." he admitted shyly, letting his arms wrap around Mordo's shoulders, loosely enough the older man could move him if he wanted, but tightly enough it couldn't be mistaken for anything but a hug. "I'm not sure what shape your room is in. Mine still needs repairs, but it's live-able... Are... are we going to be staying together from now on?" he asked. If they were staying together, he'd show Mordo the two rooms and the other man would pick which one they stayed in.

"Together. From now on," Mordo promised, tightening his embrace. "We won't be separated again." He kissed Stephen's head as he continued stroking the other man's bottom.

"Th... then maybe you'd like to look at the rooms... decide where we will be staying?" Stephen glanced up hopefully. He'd not given the behavior of Bucky, Brock or even Quill all that much thought, other than to be vaguely amused and sarcastic, because he'd thought his chance with Mordo was over and never coming back. Mordo had been the only one he'd ever felt inclined to submit to. Now that Mordo was back? It wasn't lost on him that he was behaving almost as needy as the other three men had. He found he didn't care. If Mordo stayed, he'd happily submit in front of everyone.

Kissing Stephen's forehead, Mordo murmured, "I will look at the rooms. But it won't matter to me which one we stay in. The most important thing is for us to be together." He kissed the other man's shoulder. "I won't mess things up again," he promised, before brushing a gentle kiss over Stephen's lips.

Swallowing hard, Stephen looked into Mordo's eyes. Believing the other man was telling him the truth, he leaned in and returned the kiss, lingering as the rest of the world disappeared. For a few moments he poured his heart into the kiss, leaving no doubt that he was where he belonged.

Mordo gently cupped the back of Stephen's head, pressing to deepen the kiss. His other hand stroked down the other man's back and down over his bottom, squeezing possessively.

Stephen would have stayed in that position all night, just kissing his master and being kissed in return; but his body had other ideas. He hadn't fully caught up on his sleep from the battles he'd fought, and the snap hadn't brought him back fully revived... it brought him back exactly as he'd left. He began to lean more heavily against Mordo as his weariness grew.

"You need to sleep," Mordo whispered against Stephen's lips, moving back onto the bed so that he could cuddle the other man more fully. "I'll be right here while you do. I won't let you go."

Stephen smiled, nuzzling into Mordo. It was easy enough to kick his pants and underwear off the rest of the way as Mordo drew him onto the bed. The shirt was rucked up under his arms, so he gave Mordo a tiny smile and raised his arms up for help.

Mordo carefully pulled the shirt free, letting it fall with the rest of Stephen's clothes. Kissing the other man's cheek, he murmured, "I love you. I'm here and I won't let you go. I'll be the first thing you see when you open your eyes again."

"That feels good..." Stephen murmured, already close to sleep. He felt so safe with Mordo, he was asleep within moments, squirming as close as he could get to feel Mordo's body warmth.

Mordo didn't so much as loosen his hold on Stephen, holding the other man close and tight against himself. Knowing how much they needed each other, guilt stabbed through him at the memory of how they had left things. But he was determined that Stephen would never suffer at his hands again.


Quill looked around the table as everyone finished eating their dinner. "I guess since he hasn't called on the comms, that means there wasn't anyone following him. Or, at least, not anyone dangerous?" he wondered out loud. He stifled a yawn.

Bruce shrugged. "Would seem that way. I'm going to check in on Tony one last time before leaving for the evening. He needs rest if he's going to get better and having all of us hovering can't be helping him do that."

"And most of us need to rest," Thor commented, sliding his hand down Quill's shoulder.

Peter looked a bit reluctant. "What if he needs something during the night?" And a big part of him wanted to stick close to Tony, given the older man had pretty much given Peter what he'd always wanted from him.

"I'm guessing they'll have nurses that will help..." Bruce assured the young teenager. "We need to get our rest so that if something comes up that only we can handle, we're in shape to do so. If Tony is worried about us, it won't help him..." he added.

Peter nodded slowly, looking a bit downcast. "Okay."

"Is your aunt picking you up?" Steve asked the teenager. "If not, I can give you a ride."

Peter's eyes widened. "Yes, sir. I'd really like that!" he said, quietly but with enthusiasm.

Brock smiled at the response. "Is your enthusiasm because Steve came on his bike and you get to ride it? Or is it the fact Captain America is giving you a lift?" He chuckled, though it wasn't meanly.

Bucky smiled. "Brock can come with us while Stevie drops the kid off, right, sir?" he asked Fury.

"Both," Peter replied with a grin.

"Of course," Fury answered, wrapping his arm around Bucky's shoulders and squeezing gently.

"I'd better head back and let Cassie and Hope know the updates." Scott stood up. "They'll be happy to hear Stark's still alive. Even if he's not exactly kicking yet."

Bruce nodded. "Thanks, Scott. If you or they need anything..." he added on.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks. Same goes for me. Hope you guys know that." Scott smiled and waved and then left the building.

Sam and Rhodey both excused themselves, planning to come back the following day to check in on Tony.

"So... are we going back up or coming back later?" Quill asked Thor uncertainly.

"We'll come back later." Thor stood up, helping Quill to his feet and wrapping an arm tightly around his waist.

"See ya later, guys..." Quill gave a tiny wave as he was pulled to his feet and snuggled close to Thor. He let the larger man lead him out.

"Well, I'd like to get home at a decent time myself, so I'm going to drop this piece of cake off for Tony, since I promised him one... and then I'm leaving too. I'll see you all tomorrow."  Bruce smiled, picked up the cake he'd bought for Tony and headed back upstairs.

Brock hugged Steve, before shifting so he could follow Fury and Bucky out to Fury's car. "You be good, kid. Get some sleep and we'll see you tomorrow after school..." He nodded at Peter.

Steve snagged Brock into a tighter embrace, giving him a deep kiss before murmuring in his ear, "I won't be long. Be good for Fury."

"Yes, sir..." Brock smiled, nuzzling against Steve before stepping away and walking to stand next to Fury and Bucky.

It wasn't long before everyone dispersed, either heading home or to other commitments they had.

Quill didn't have a home, perse. He'd been staying at the compound because that's where Rocket and Nebula had been staying and it was easier than trying to figure out where to go. He knew Thor had his own place in New Asgard. He didn't know if the Asgardian planned to return there for the night or not, though. If he planned to return to see Stark in the morning, that was a long way to fly. Come to think of it, he wasn't sure how Thor had got to the hospital. Quill had caught a bus. He glanced up at Thor, a questioning look in his eye. "A...are we staying together, or should I head back to where I'm staying and meet you in the morning?" he asked hesitantly.

"We'll be staying together," Thor answered, his arm wrapped possessively around Quill's waist. "Are you at the compound? I will accompany you back there."

"Yeah... didn't have anywhere else to stay..." Peter answered.

"It is likely too far to fly back to my own place and back here tomorrow, but after tomorrow, I will take you home with me," Thor stated.

Peter looked up at that. "I'd like that...."

"Your place is with me." Thor squeezed his waist possessively. "If you feel comfortable enough doing so, we will fly back to the compound."

"Yeah... I like flying..." Peter grinned bashfully.

Thor drew him in for a deep kiss before making sure his grip on Peter was secure. He began to spin his hammer, the momentum lifting both of them into the air.

Peter wrapped his arms around Thor's shoulders tightly, returning the kiss. He didn't let go when the kiss ended, though; he put his head against the larger man's chest and held on tight, letting out a delighted squeal as Thor took off.

Thor still held Peter tightly even as he landed outside the compound. Squeezing the other man's waist possessively, he directed, "Show me to our room."

Peter shivered at the word 'our' and smiled happily at Thor, taking his hand and leading him through the halls toward where he was staying. He passed several people, but he was so focused on Thor and their destination, he didn't really notice them; giving distracted waves and hellos as they passed.

Thor nodded in greeting to the others, staying close to Peter. He squeezed the other man's hand, stepping close enough to press their bodies together. His other hand stayed possessively at Peter's waist, heedless of who else might see.

Once at the room, Peter opened the door, but then stepped back so Thor could enter first. "I'll have the door coded to you so you can get in when you need..." he whispered

Thor nodded. "Thank you." Leading Peter inside the room, he closed the door and then guided the other man to the bed. Sitting down, he drew Peter onto his lap, kissing him thoroughly as he began to strip him.

Peter let out a needy little moan, leaving himself loose enough for Thor to handle, but still returning the kiss eagerly.

As soon as he had stripped Peter entirely, Thor carefully lowered the other man to the bed. He began to press kisses to Peter's skin, his hands gliding over the same path his lips took.

Peter let his hands roam over Thor, letting out tiny sighs and whimpers as he was kissed and caressed. He tugged experimentally on Thor's clothing, wanting to feel skin-on-skin, but not certain how Thor would feel about him being bold, given the fact the Asgardian had declared Peter belonged to him and indicated he was in control of everything.

Thor pressed a deep kiss to Peter's lips, whispering, "You have permission to remove my clothing." He let his hands squeeze the other man's hips possessively.

Peter smiled against Thor's lips and began to do so. He was careful so that he managed to undress Thor without breaking contact or their kisses except for a few seconds at a time; and he used that time to catch his breath. Soon, they were both naked and he could press closer, with a contented sigh. "...Love you..." he mumbled against Thor's neck, as he nuzzled and kissed under the Asgardian's chin.

Thor kissed Peter, deeply and lingeringly. "I love you," he murmured, beginning to trail a line of kisses down over the other man's chest and stomach. "I'm glad we were able to bring you back."

Peter shivered as Thor kissed down his body. "I... I feel like I missed so much... like I didn't do enough to help..." Peter admitted. His voice caught as Thor kissed a particularly sensitive area. He didn't say anything else, not wanting to ruin the mood. Telling Thor he felt like it was his fault Thanos was able to make the snap in the first place wouldn't do anything but upset the other man... and right now, he just wanted to feel how much he belonged to the Asgardian, not upset him.

"You are far more important and useful than you seem to think," Thor whispered, stroking down Peter's legs. "And you are mine. Whatever you missed; I will help you catch up on. I will take care of you. Look after you. Keep you."

Peter shivered, his legs falling open slightly so Thor could stroke them easier. "I... I belong to you?" he asked in a tiny voice; not arguing about it. He was seeking confirmation and reassurance.

"Completely and utterly," Thor replied, his voice filled with reassurance. His fingers stroked and gently squeezed along Peter's inner thighs, following the same path with his lips.

Peter whimpered as Thor kissed his inner thighs, opening his legs further so the larger man would be comfortable and able to breathe. His own breathing was becoming ragged as the areas Thor was stroking and kissing were becoming more and more sensitive.

"I won't let you go," Thor whispered. "I love you so much. I went five years without claiming you. Now that I have the chance, I won't waste it," he promised.

"D... didn't even know you noticed me like that five years 'go..." Peter quivered. Of course, Thor likely hadn't made a move because at the time they first met Thor, Gamora was still alive and Peter was infatuated with her. Now his Gamora was dead and the other Gamora hadn't developed feelings for him yet. And had gone back to her own time on top of that, so... yeah. There was a reason they wouldn't have connected five years before. He was glad Thor wasn't holding back now.

"There was a lot going on five years ago, with Thanos attacking," Thor whispered. "I have the chance to take you now. To claim you now. Without being interrupted by battle."

"And then I'll be yours completely..." Peter's whisper was needy and a little nervous.

Thor stroked and kissed along Peter's inner thighs. "I love you so much. And I need you so much. You're mine."

"Love you too... so much... need so much..." Peter whined softly, opening his legs a little bit more. He was fully aroused by this point.

Thor gently grazed his fingers over Peter's member. "I'm here. Tell me how you feel. What you need."

Peter quivered as Thor touched him. "Feel... feel like I'm sinking under water and you're the only reason I'm not drowning..." he admitted, in a tiny voice. Taking a shaky breath, he continued, being as honest as he could possibly be, his tone betraying how much he needed Thor. "What I need is... is to belong to you completely, nothing held questions or confusion about who I belong to or with..." He swallowed hard. It was a bit scary to think of giving himself to Thor in that way; it was more than just a physical claiming, after all. What he wanted was deeper than physical and would require him to lean on- rely on- the larger man completely in all things physically, mentally and emotionally. Even if Thor wanted that and agreed to it, it was still scary.

"The physical and emotional signs of being controlled and owned." Thor's thumb stroked over Peter's lips. "I won't stop being in charge of you just because there are others around. Even if there are people we don't know."

"Everyone will know?" Peter whispered, opening his mouth for Thor instinctively.

"Everyone will know." Thor let his thumb slide into Peter's mouth, exploring the inside, even as he stroked over the other man's member.

Peter whimpered, latching onto Thor's thumb and tentatively sucking, eyes looking into the older man's to make sure Thor wouldn't mind. It made him feel a bit childish, sucking on Thor's thumb- small and needy- but at the same time, it made him feel good. It was a possessive action on its own and let him feel that if Thor owned him, he owned Thor too; at least a little bit.

Thor smiled reassuringly at Peter. "Good. You're doing very good," he praised softly. "You're mine and I'm yours. No one else has that claim on me," he promised.

Peter's hesitance eased and he became braver, beginning to lick along with the gentle sucking he was doing. He let out a tiny sigh of happiness at Thor's words.

Thor stroked his other hand along Peter's member, gently stroking and rubbing it. He trailed kisses along the other man's chest and stomach, beginning to gently nip.

Peter began to whimper and squirm as Thor stroked, sucking harder when Thor began nipping.

Making sure he paid attention to the entirety of the front of Peter's body, Thor finally turned the other man over. He began to pay the same kind of attention to the back of Peter.

Peter groaned and shivered as Thor kissed and nipped his way over his body. "Yours..." He whimpered softly.

"Mine." Thor kissed the nape of Peter's neck, his hands squeezing the other man's hips and then possessively squeezing his backside.

"Feels so good..." Peter groaned softly, shivering when his bottom was handled.

"Good. I want you to feel good." Thor whispered the words into Peter's ear before kissing it, his hands moving a bit lower to squeeze the other man's thighs.

"Want you to feel good too..." Peter whimpered as his ear was kissed.

"You make me feel good," Thor murmured. "Claiming you feels good."

"You'll claim me fully?" Peter's question was more begging than curious. "Wanna be fully yours..." he whispered.

"Do you have anything I can use?" Thor asked, squeezing his hips.

"I... uh..." Peter blinked, then blushed in embarrassed annoyance at the answer he had to give. "...No, sir... anything I had was on the ship and after five years...." He reached out and pulled open the bedside drawer. "Maybe someone left some lotion or something?" He felt like crying in frustration. He wanted, needed, to have Thor claim him. He'd have a hard time believing it was real otherwise.

Thor kissed Peter's shoulder. "I can go and grab something. It won't take me long. I imagine there must be something within the compound."

Peter slumped into the bed, "Oh, thank frik... " he said, in a shaky voice. "Was gonna suggest spit..." he said sheepishly and gave Thor an incorrigible grin.

Thor smiled. "I'll be right back." He kissed Peter's shoulder and then quickly pulled some clothes on.

Peter flopped onto the bed and waited for Thor to return. While waiting, he thought about what he was about to do. It may have been five years, but in his life, it was only a week since Gamora had died. Thor had time to think about how they'd met and to know what he wanted. Peter? Not so much. He felt drawn to the Asgardian and did love him. But was he rushing into things too soon because of the loss he'd had? Was he being disloyal to Gamora? They'd never slept together, but still.

It wasn't long before Thor returned with a bottle of oil in his hand. He stretched out on the bed next to Peter after stripping off once more, wrapping his arms around the other man and kissing the back of his neck. "I love you so much."

Peter turned so he could press fully against Thor, snuggling close. "I love you too, sir..." he whispered quietly. "Do you think I'm moving too fast?" he asked worriedly.

Thor tightened his arms around Peter. "Does it feel like you're moving too fast?" he asked gently, stroking the other man's hair.

"It feels like I can’t wait to be completely yours... it's my head wondering if my feelings are... if..." Peter swallowed, not sure how to explain.

Thor cupped his face in one hand. "We won't go any further than you're happy with," he promised. "If all you want to do right now is lay in my arms and cuddle? I would be happy with that."

Peter smiled crookedly. "That's not all I want... wanna be claimed by you. Just... I know it's been five years, but it feels like Mora has only been gone a few weeks to me. Am I wrong for moving on so quickly? Is it... is it wrong to want to belong to you so much? Already?" He sounded confused and worried.

"It's not wrong," Thor said gently. "I felt drawn to you the first moment we met, but Thanos had attacked my people and you had eyes only for Gamora. Even so, sometimes you don't need long to know. I have waited five years for you, but it is not wrong that you have waited for a shorter period of time."

"It isn't disrespectful to Mora?" Peter looked into Thor's eyes. He trusted the older man would be honest with him and let him know. Thor was over a thousand years older, so his perspective was likely different, but Peter knew instinctively that Thor wouldn't lead him wrong.

"I believe she would want you to be happy." Thor stroked his fingers along Peter's cheek.

Peter smiled at that. "Yeah...she would have." Leaning forward, he kissed Thor chastely, lingering as if wanting to kiss more deeply, but waiting for permission.

Thor pressed a deeper kiss to Peter's lips, sliding his hands down the other man's back, squeezing and stroking over his bare skin.

"What... what do I call you?" Peter suddenly asked. He'd heard at least one of the other two men use the term master. Would Thor want him to call him that?

Thor stroked his fingers along Peter's backside. "There is a word in the Norse language that has a similar meaning to master. Drottinn."

"Drottinn..." Peter said softly, testing the word out. "It... feels right. Drottinn..." He whispered the word again, this time clearly referring to Thor. He smiled bashfully.

Thor smiled in return. "It sounds right." He brushed his lips over Peter's, kissing deeply.

Peter returned the kiss eagerly, sinking against Thor. "Drottinn..." he whispered against Thor's lips. "Belong to you..." He continued to kiss.

Thor squeezed his thighs. "You're mine," he whispered against Peter's lips. "I won't ever let you go."

Peter sighed then whimpered, opening his legs so Thor could squeeze and rub easier. "Belong only to you... you can do whatever you want...want to give myself to you...."

Kissing his neck, Thor began to stroke, squeeze and rub along Peter's thighs, encouraging the other man to wrap them around his waist so that Thor could get to the more sensitive parts easier.

Peter obeyed Thor's directions and soon, he was lying under the larger man, his legs wrapped around his master's waist. The position opened him up fully for Thor to touch and take whatever he wanted. Completely vulnerable.

Thor began to kiss down Peter's chest and stomach, his hands squeezing and stroking over the other man's hips and down his legs.

Peter couldn't help but shiver and squirm for his master. "Love you, much..." he whispered.

"I love you. So much." Thor kissed Peter, deeply and lingeringly, and then coated one of his fingers with lube before pushing it inside the other man.

Peter whimpered softly and clenched around Thor's finger, slightly nervous. He wanted this... he did... but this was his first time and as much as he trusted his master, it was hard to relax.

"We'll go slow," Thor promised. "Everything will be okay. I love you. I'll take care of you."

"I know..." Peter whispered, looking into Thor's eyes. "I trust you." He took several slow breaths until he was finally able to relax enough for Thor to move his finger.

Thor kissed him, beginning to move his finger, carefully and gently. "I love you so much."

Peter returned the kisses, smiling against Thor's lips. "I know you must.... if you didn't, you would have wrung my neck for how I acted toward you..." he chuffed softly. He sighed at the movement inside him. "Feels good..." he admitted, with a blush, his member beginning to react to what Thor was doing.

"You were pushing because you felt the same draw to me as I did to you." Thor kissed him a bit deeper, slipping his tongue into the other man's mouth.

Peter opened his mouth wide, accepting Thor's dominating claim. He knew his master was right. He'd been pushing. He let out a tiny sound of satisfaction at having his master inside him at two points. He drew his knees up toward his chest to make it easier for Thor to kiss and claim at the same time.

Thor coated another finger with the lotion, pushing the second inside Peter as he claimed his mouth thoroughly. His other hand began to draw slow circles around Peter's nipples.

Peter groaned softly into Thor's mouth opening his legs wider and higher, instinct making him want to offer everything as much as possible.

Thor took his time, wanting to make Peter feel as good as possible. He moved his fingers inside the other man, exploring and claiming; at the same time, kissing deeper and harder. He began to stroke around Peter's other nipple, giving a gentle squeeze.

Peter gave a needy little whine, continuing to eagerly kiss, but starting to shiver and squirm under Thor, clenching and unclenching when Thor squeezed his nipple. His member was fully hard, red and beginning to glisten at the tip.

Thor kissed Peter deeply, withdrawing his fingers from the other man and then beginning to coat his own member with the lotion. He then pushed carefully inside the other man, kissing deeply and passionately.

Peter took in a ragged breath, tensing up as he felt Thor claiming him. Whimpering softly, he kissed desperately and tried to relax.

"It's all right," Thor whispered against Peter's lips. "I've got you. It's your Drottinn inside you."

Shivering at the words, Peter took another slow breath, nuzzling against Thor and slowly relaxing so the larger man could begin moving. "Drottinn," he whispered raggedly, as he felt Thor slip in a bit further.

Thor squeezed Peter's hips and then his nipple before gliding his hand down to Peter's member, beginning to stroke and caress it.

Peter whimpered at the action. Every part of him felt like electricity was sparking against and in him. "Drottinn, please..." He let out a needy sob, thrusting shallowly into Thor's hand.

"I love you," Thor whispered. "You're mine. You're so important to me."

"You... you're important to me too..." Peter gurgled, somehow managing to keep his eyes open enough to look into Thor's. His neediness was clear, but under that was complete submission. Peter truly did belong to the thunder god.

"Mine." Thor began to thrust into Peter, going carefully and gently, repeating the possessive word with each thrust he made.

"Yours..." Peter began to gasp out after each claim Thor made, widening his legs further. His focus became centered on Thor's voice and the feel of the larger man moving inside of him.

Thor kissed, caressed, stroked and rubbed along Peter's body, beginning to thrust a bit deeper and harder.

Soon, Peter wasn't able to do anything more than whimper, moan and sob out, "Yours, Drottinn," and, "Please," in a desperate, needy voice. His member was weeping pre-come and looked painful with how aroused he was.

Thor broke the kiss, murmuring softly, "What I'm about to can let go any time." He moved lower, kissing down Peter's stomach, and then took the other man into his mouth. He felt himself growing and swelling inside the other man. He began to thrust a bit deeper and harder.

The hard, deep thrusts combined with the warmth of Thor's mouth nearly sent Peter over the edge. It was the whispered words of permission that tipped him over. His Drottinn controlled every aspect of his body and it was a heady feeling. Peter clung to the edge for a few more strokes, a few gentle tugs of Thor's lips and then he was spilling his release through nearly violent shudders of his body, sobbing out Thor's name.

Thor's own release followed quickly after. He kept his mouth firmly in place for the whole of the other man's release and then let go. Still staying inside Peter, he licked his lips and then kissed the other man deeply.

Peter clenched and quivered around his master's member, his body trying to keep the larger man deep inside for as long as possible.

Thor didn't pull out, pressing a kiss to the other man's jaw. "I love you so much," he murmured against Peter's skin. "You're mine."

"Always," Peter whispered, in a wrecked voice. "Love you forever, Drottinn..." He shivered, a blissful smile on his face.

Thor kissed his lips again and wrapped his arms tighter around Peter. "I'm going to keep hold of you. Keep you with me. Forever."

Peter relaxed at those words, snuggling tight against Thor. "Always and forever yours, sir..." he whispered against Thor's chest, drowsy from his claiming and the long day.

Thor kissed the top of his head. "Sleep, my star-prince," he murmured. "I won't let you go."

Peter almost corrected Thor... 'It's Star-Lord,' but didn't. Thor could call him whatever he wanted; it was his right. Besides. He kinda liked the sound of Star-Prince. Nuzzling into Thor's chest, it didn't take long for him to obey and fall into a peaceful sleep.

Thor held the other man close and tight, stroking his fingers through Peter's hair. Just being this close to Peter made him feel good. Really good.


Stephen wasn't sure what to expect. What was occurring, between he and Mordo, was unfinished business. Mordo had had five years to get used to the idea and what he wanted, that Stephen hadn’t had, but Stephen knew he wanted it as well.

Just as he had promised, Mordo hadn't moved. He held Stephen tight to himself while the other man slept. He'd told Stephen that he'd be the first thing the other man saw when he opened his eyes.

Stephen hadn't needed to open his eyes to know Mordo was there. He knew who was holding him so tightly. Nuzzling close, he whispered, "You stayed with me...."

"I promised I would," Mordo whispered, tightening his embrace. "I won't leave you again. I swear it."

Stephen relaxed, finally opening his eyes and looking up into Mordo's face. "I love you, Baron..." he whispered.

"I love you." Mordo cupped Stephen's cheek in one hand. Leaning forward, he let his lips brush against the other man's. His other hand stroked down Stephen's back, rubbing down his bottom and over his legs. Touching and stroking.

Stephen shivered and sighed, pressing closer to Mordo.

Mordo kissed a bit deeper and harder before whispering against Stephen's lips, "I'm going to dress you and then we'll get something to eat. After that, we'll come back here. Continue what should have happened much earlier."

"Yes, sir..." Stephen said quietly then swallowed hard. He'd had to make some very hard decisions in the years before Mordo returned. It was unsettling to suddenly be told what was going to happen and what he was going to do. It felt right, though.

Pressing one more lingering kiss to Stephen's lips, Mordo began to dress the other man, touching and stroking almost continually.

By the time Mordo finished dressing him, Stephen was feeling very unsettled, but not scared. Being dressed made him feel increasingly young and helpless. The continuous caressing made him feel needy and eager for more. He wanted to make Mordo happy.

Mordo wrapped his arm tightly around Stephen's waist, drawing him in for a deep kiss before he led the other man out of the room, still holding onto him possessively.

Stephen followed quietly. Even though he wasn't one to continually talk- he wasn't like Tony Stark, after all- he normally wasn't so quiet either. He usually was in control of the conversation and what was happening, or at the least vying for control (again, Tony Stark...although apparently, the man had changed a great deal in the five years Stephen had been gone). He was very quiet now. He wasn't sure why, but some inner sense was telling him to let Mordo direct the conversation, just as Mordo was directing their actions.

Mordo held Stephen tightly to himself, even as he guided the other man to the canteen and collected food for both of them. Sitting down, he didn't pull Stephen onto his lap, but he made sure their chairs were close enough together that they'd be constantly touching with every movement.

"The Sanctums can really use your help right now... I'm... I've done the best I can but being gone for five years... Wong is done admirably, and I've been leaving most of the day-to-day decisions to him. He knows what's going on and what is needed more than I do..." Stephen's voice trailed off as he realized he had begun to babble. He wasn't a babbler. It must be from hanging around Quill and Parker, he thought to himself, blushing faintly as he gave Mordo a sheepish look.

Taking Stephen's hand, Mordo squeezed it gently. "I have offered my help in rebuilding and repairing. But make no mistake, you are my first priority. Repairing our relationship and reassuring you I will not abandon you again is my foremost goal."

Stephen nodded at that, giving Mordo a tiny smile. "You never lied to me before. I have no reason not to believe you now..." he whispered. "What are we doing first, then, sir?" he asked, quietly and respectfully.

Mordo raised Stephen's hand to his lips, gently kissing the knuckles. "After we have eaten, I believe there is at least one stop to make before we decide which room will be ours. I would prefer to be prepared for claiming you to reach the furthest point."

Stephen blinked at that but nodded. He hadn't really thought much beyond the whole 'Mordo is back and I belong to him' aspect. "Okay..." he whispered.

Keeping Stephen's hand 'captured', Mordo lifted a forkful of food to the other man's lips, encouraging him to eat.

Stephen obediently opened his mouth and ate what he was given. It wasn't something he'd normally eat (then again, he was lucky to have more than coffee for breakfast, normally), but it wasn't something he found distasteful, so it was easy enough to chew, swallow and open his mouth for another bite when Mordo continued to feed him.

Mordo smiled as Stephen ate what he was given, every so often squeezing or kissing the other man's hand. "Good," he praised softly. "I love you," he added.

Stephen smiled at both the praise and the affirmation that he was loved. "I love you too, sir..." he said quietly, before clearing his throat and looking for a glass with drink in it.

Mordo lifted the glass to Stephen's lips, stroking his hand.

Stephen drank from the glass he was offered, blushing slightly at the fact he was being cared for so thoroughly. He liked it, though, so didn't argue.

As they were both nearly finished, Mordo glanced around to see if Wong was nearby. After all, he knew how protective Stephen's 'big brother' might become.

Stephen noticed him looking around. "Do you need to see someone, Baron?" he asked quietly, glancing around as well.

"I just wondered where your big brother was." Mordo squeezed Stephen's hand gently. "I haven't seen him since he told me where to find you."

Stephen blinked at that and began to look around a bit more worriedly. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Wong since before he left to go visit Stark in the hospital. And the other man was seldom far from the Sanctum, as he was overseeing so much of its repair. "I... That is a good question. He didn't say he needed to run errands and he usually tells me if he is going to do so because he likes for one of us to always be on premises to answer any questions the construction crew has..." His voice trailed off in worry.

Mordo stood up, drawing Stephen to his feet and wrapping an arm possessively around his waist. "Perhaps we could go and see if he needs any help before we retrieve what we will more than likely need." He squeezed the other man's waist.

"That would be good..." Stephen said quickly, leaning into Mordo's embrace, even as he glanced around the area to see if Wong might be hiding in a corner somewhere.

Mordo began to steer Stephen out of the room, allowing his hand to rest low down on Stephen's back, nearly on his backside.

Stephen bit his lip, feeling himself heat up at the possessive, almost intimate touch. Granted, the way Mordo had held him as he slept, naked, in his arms had been more intimate, but this was in public. He couldn't focus on that too long, though, as one of the foremen was quickly heading in his and Mordo's direction.

"Excuse me... the other guy in charge wanted me to relay a message to you... he got called to an emergency meeting, so he needs you to stick around until he gets back?" The man scratched his head. "Yeah. I think that's what he said... We've actually not had any questions or problems yet today, though... granted, it's still early... knock on wood..." The man chuckled at his own joke and headed back to where his crew were working.

"Well... I guess that answers that question..." Stephen snorted.

Mordo nodded. "It seems everything's holding together right now." He let his hand move a bit lower, cupping Stephen's backside possessively. His other hand pushed up under the other man's shirt, to rest against the bare skin of his back.

Stephen shivered and glanced around to see who was watching. "...Sir..." he hissed softly, blushing dark. He notably didn't move away or try and push Mordo's hand into a more 'appropriate' place, though. Part of him liked Mordo being so possessive and showing everyone who he belonged to. Most of his protest was based on what he felt he should do, not what he actually wanted to have happen.

"You're mine," Mordo whispered in Stephen's ear, giving his bottom a possessive squeeze. "And I don't care who knows it or sees that I own you, because it won't stop."

Stephen swallowed hard at both the words and the possessive squeeze, barely managing to keep the whining whimper he wanted to expel inside, where it wouldn't embarrass him. Most of the workers seemed to be ignoring him and Mordo, although a few were staring unabashedly; it wasn't clear if they were amused, offended, or wanted to see more and Stephen wasn't about to ask them.

A throat clearing behind them caused him to jump slightly, Mordo's hand sliding on his backside in the process. This time, he couldn't stop the whimper.

"If you are going to molest my little brother's bottom, could you at least do it in an out of the way place and not in the middle of the main hallway?" An amused voice carried to the two.

Mordo looked towards Wong. "I planned to take him to our room, but since we weren't sure where you had gone...." He didn't move his hands from Stephen. As he'd told the other man, he didn't care who saw that he owned Stephen.

Wong noted that Mordo still had his hand on Stephen's backside and snorted. "Did they not give you my message?" He glanced toward the construction crew a bit irritably. "And I don't care if you touch him in public..." He waved his hand, as if it was an everyday occurrence to see such a thing. "My complaint is the fact you are blocking progress standing there. Half the workers are so focused on watching to see how far you will take your display of ownership, they've stopped working!" He shot a glare toward two such offenders, causing them to jerk to attention and studiously begin working again. "Either take it as far as you are willing to so they'll get it out of their system and stop looking, or stop being so damn possessive in front of the hired hands!" he grumbled, though the hint of affection in his tone made lie to any pretended upset. It was obvious he was just teasing, because Stephen was turning a darker shade of red by the minute and he obviously enjoyed embarrassing his brother.

"Ta..take it as far as..." Stephen stammered in a whisper, shooting Mordo a worried look. How far exactly would Mordo go to show everyone who he belonged to?

"They gave the message shortly before you got here," Mordo answered, a bit wryly. He tugged Stephen a bit tighter towards himself, letting his hands squeeze the other man's bottom a bit more firmly. He then gently kissed the other man's lips, pressing deep and lingering.

Stephen didn't even think to protest, the kiss short-circuiting his brain. All he could do was bring his hands up to Mordo's shoulders, holding on for balance, and return the kiss, opening his mouth so Mordo could claim as deeply as he wanted. He whimpered again at the possessive squeezing of his bottom.

Wong's eyebrow rose at Stephen's response and his irritation eased as a happier smile crossed his face. "Ah... I hope it was because you did not leave your bed until late and not because they are forgetful..." Wong said, so that he wasn't just staring at his best friend sticking his tongue down his little brother's throat. As happy as he was for Stephen, there were limits to what he wanted to see. Although if Mordo was being this possessive in front of strangers, he had a feeling he'd be seeing a lot more of his little brother's bottom than he'd ever thought he would, once they were in a more private setting.

Mordo kissed Stephen deeply and thoroughly, hands gently squeezing and caressing the other man's backside. When he broke the kiss, he didn't move away or loosen his hold, instead addressing Wong. "Your little brother needed rest."

"I agree. I have been attempting to get him to sleep more since the day you left. If you squeezing his bottom is what it takes to accomplish that, then by all means, continue..." Wong chuckled. "...In the office, please, though? I really would like to see this portion of the repairs finished today." He motioned toward a private room off to the side that he'd taken for his office.

Stephen cleared his throat, his face heating. "...I am here, you know..." he muttered to Wong.

Wong blinked innocently. "Of course, you are. I figured if you truly objected, you would have moved out of his arms by now. You haven't. Ergo, you are enjoying his possessive behavior and do not really want him to stop, blushing aside...."

Stephen slumped, his head falling forward onto Mordo's shoulder, as he realized Wong was right.

Nodding to Wong, Mordo kissed the side of Stephen's head and then guided the other man into the office. Taking a seat on the chair, he brought Stephen down onto his lap and then proceeded to tug the other man's pants down.

Wong's eyes widened slightly at Mordo's actions and he quickly closed the door before anyone could look in. "Mordo... I am very happy for you and Stephen- I think it has been too long coming that you two realize what you are to each other and act on it- but I don't think the both of you being arrested for indecent exposure or behavior is really how you want to begin your life together..." he chided good naturedly. "...At least give me time to close the door so anyone looking in and seeing can't claim you were in a public place and file a complaint...."

Stephen wasn't able to say anything, his own eyes as wide as they would go; not only because he was now sitting bare on Mordo's lap, but because Wong seemed happy at seeing it.

Mordo brought Stephen closer and tighter to himself, his hands alternating between rubbing up under the other man's shirt and over his bottom. "I knew the door would end up closed one way or another," he commented.

"Oh, you did, did you?" Wong snorted. "I could be offended that you think you know me so well after being gone for so long, but then, I have to admit I haven't changed much in five years, so perhaps you do." He smiled encouragingly at Stephen, as the younger man seemed torn between giving in to Mordo completely and asserting a bit of independence in front of 'big brother'.

Stephen shivered, shifting forward a slight bit so that Mordo could rub easier, both his bottom and his back, and pouted at Wong. "You egged him on deliberately..." he accused.

"Yes. I did. And you do not seem overly upset with the results, so I'm not sorry..." Wong's smile grew into a grin. He looked at Mordo. "You plan to stay?" His smile remained in place, but his eyes and voice were completely serious.

Mordo gently squeezed Stephen's back and bottom, even as he answered Wong. "I'm not going to leave him. Ever again. My place is at his side. It took me too long to realize, but I won't make the same mistakes again."

Wong nodded, seeing in Mordo's face that he told the truth. "Good. If you hurt him again? I will hunt you down, slit your throat and pull your still beating heart out of the cut."

"Wong!" Stephen protested in a horrified tone. "Was that necessary?!"

"You spent weeks after he left questioning yourself and if you had handled things correctly. Even after you finally admitted that there was no other way you could have handled it and succeeded in saving the world, you still did not sleep. Last night was the first real sleep you have got since his departure." Wong's voice and face were calm but serious. "I think it is very necessary he understand how strongly he influences and affects you. And if he hurts you again, I may not do exactly as I said..." He paused briefly, before adding on, "...I'd likely do worse."

"If I ever hurt him again, I'd deserve everything you did," Mordo replied. He looked into Stephen's eyes, stroking and caressing over the bare skin of his back and bottom. "But I won't ever hurt you again. I won't ever leave you again."

"...I know..." Stephen answered quietly. He was able to see Mordo was being honest just as easily as Wong was. He leaned forward and hugged Mordo tightly, hiding his face against Mordo's shoulder. It left his back and bottom even more exposed and easy to reach.

Wong shook his head at the action, realizing Stephen probably didn't even realize what he was doing. He felt safe giving Mordo an amused look, knowing Stephen wouldn't see it.

Mordo hugged Stephen just as tightly in return, kissing the side of his head. "I love you so much," he murmured into the other man's hair, giving Stephen's backside a firm, possessive squeeze.

Stephen shivered and let out a tiny sigh. "...Love you too, sir..." he mumbled against Mordo's shoulder. It was obvious the squeezing was soothing him.

Mordo pressed kisses against Stephen's head and along his neck, giving his bottom a firmer squeeze. "You're mine," he whispered in the other man's ear. "I will never let go of you again."

Stephen shivered a bit more and tightened his hold on Mordo, even as he arched his back, so his backside pressed more firmly into Mordo's hand.

Wong couldn't help but grin at the action and shake his head again before he leaned back into his chair. "So, you will be living here? I am assuming you have no intention of having separate rooms this time, so I suggest you take the larger of the two rooms and we can have the crew remodel it to suit the two of you..." he said calmly. Even if they hadn't stated as such, he knew the two were on their way to becoming lovers and they would want to share quarters.

"That sounds good," Mordo agreed, gently squeezing down Stephen's bottom and over his thighs. He gave the other man's bottom a firm pat.

Stephen whimpered at the pat and stuck his bottom out a little bit further. "...Baron..." He whined softly, not quite forgetting that Wong was there, but feeling comfortable enough around his big brother that his master taking control over him in front of the other man didn't bother him like he thought it might.

Wong raised his eyebrows slightly at that. He knew Mordo and Stephen were getting together, but he hadn't realized that they'd both realized that Mordo would be in charge, or that Stephen had submitted to that. He relaxed at discovering that bit of news. Things would go much more smoothly if they weren't fighting what he'd known from the start. Mordo was going to dominate Stephen completely. He nodded at Mordo to show the other man that he was accepting their relationship as well.

Mordo smiled at Wong, a slightly relieved look coming over his face. After all, it was important to both of them that Stephen's older brother understand and accept their relationship. He gave Stephen's bottom a squeeze and then a firmer pat.

Stephen whimpered and couldn't help but squirm slightly at the pat, instinctively pushing his bottom out again to meet Mordo's hand, then realizing what he was doing and the fact he was doing it in front of Wong. Blushing slightly, he stopped himself from pushing his bottom out and tried to move it back, which would move it out of range of the pats. "...Sorry, sir..." he whispered.

Wong frowned at that. "No reason to be sorry..." he said calmly.

"Don't resist," Mordo said seriously. "I am the one in control here. And you will let me take complete control of you." He gave Stephen's backside a light smack.

Stephen was caught by surprise, if the tiny yelp he gave at the smack was any indication. Wong smiled faintly at the sounds. If Stephen had been in any real distress, he would have put a stop to the proceedings immediately, Mordo being in charge or not. But it was obvious Stephen wanted Mordo to control him like this; to handle him like this. He was fighting himself because Wong was there. Wong knew if they had been alone, Stephen would have most likely continued pushing his bottom into Mordo's hand and would even be begging him to smack.

Stephen flushed at the mild rebuke and immediately pushed his bottom out again for Mordo to 'correct'. "...I'm sorry, Baron..." he whispered contritely. He hadn't been trying to resist, really. He'd just been attempting not to be so responsive. Maybe that was the same thing, though, if Mordo wanted his responses.

"Your responses belong to your master, Stephen..." Wong said gently, able to see the confusion in his little brother's eyes and realizing what it stemmed from. "...When you try and keep from reacting a certain way, you are resisting and trying to control yourself. And you are taking what does not belong to you...."

Stephen blinked at those words, whimpering softly as he pushed his bottom out, as if seeking Mordo's hand. "...Baron, sir?" He asked for Mordo to confirm if that's what the problem was...not certain it wasn't something else.

"Everything about you belongs to me," Mordo said seriously. "You don't have any right to hide your reactions from me. And if you continue to do so, I will not hesitate to put you over my knee and redden your backside until there is no doubt in your mind who exactly you belong to."

Stephen stiffened at the words uncertainly. Would Mordo really do that? In front of Wong? Whining faintly, he tensed and shifted his bottom out of the way again, testing despite the fact that he really didn't want a spanking; and he certainly didn't want one in front of his big brother.

Wong just shook his head in fond exasperation. Stephen always did do things the hard way. He didn't particularly want to watch his brother get his backside roasted, but if pushing Mordo to handle him in front of Wong was what Stephen needed to feel secure, Wong would sit back and watch.

Mordo didn't hesitate. He turned Stephen over his knees, settling the other man in place. Wrapping his arm around Stephen's waist, he drew the other man against his stomach and lifted his hand, bringing it down in a swat more stinging than truly hard.

"Ow!" Stephen whimpered, throwing his hands back over his bottom. "....Baron..." he whined, darting a look toward Wong and blushing.

Wong raised an eyebrow at that. It was obvious Stephen wasn't as upset as he wanted to believe himself. If he were, he would be calling Mordo by his name instead of by his title. And he'd be more actively fighting to get loose, not just putting his hands over his bottom. Sighing, he said gruffly, "You asked for it, Stephen. Don't you dare act offended or embarrassed now." He refrained from telling his brother to remove his hands from his bottom. That was up to Mordo.

Stephen turned wide eyes onto his big brother. "Wong?" he asked, in a tiny voice.

"You heard me, just as easily as I could see you. You asked for it. Don't try and tell me you didn't..." Wong admonished sternly. He nodded and relaxed back into his chair again when Stephen bit his lip and gave a short nod before looking at the ground.

"I didn't mean to ask for it..." Stephen said in a small voice, his hands shaking as if he was trying to decide if he should move them back out of the way or let Mordo decide where they went, since he was obviously reacting without thinking.

Mordo grasped Stephen's hands, holding them in a firm grip against his back. "Maybe you didn't consciously mean to, but I only came back into your life last night." He delivered a stinging smack with each word and then paused to begin rubbing the other man's backside. "It's not a surprise that you'd feel the need to test me."

Stephen's breathing was slightly ragged by the end of Mordo's speech. His eyes were watering already too. The smacks were stinging more than he'd thought they might. "Why would I test to see if you'd spank me?" His voice caught. He was surprised at how quickly Mordo had brought him to tears. Although maybe part of that was feeling like he'd disappointed his master and his big brother by doing so.

"To see if he'd follow through on what he says, Stephen." Wong looked into Mordo's eyes while continuing, "I have to admit, I needed to see if he would as well." He let his gaze linger on Mordo a little longer before letting it drop back down to look at Stephen's bottom.

"You need to know that I'll keep my promises to you. That I won't go back on my word." Mordo completed another circuit of swats, working from the crest of Stephen's bottom down to his thighs, before he paused once more to start rubbing again. "I will keep every promise I make to you."

Stephen whimpered, part of the tenseness draining from his body at the words. Only part, though. He hadn't submitted completely yet. He still wasn't sure if doing so in front of Wong was a good idea.

Wong did relax at the words; and at the actions. For every bit of pain (however slight) Mordo was causing his little brother, he was providing comfort as well. And he could tell by looking in Mordo's eyes that whatever had sent the man off the first time was no longer bothering him. Mordo wasn't going to just take off again. He could feel that instinctively. It remained to be seen how long it would take Stephen to feel it. He kept quiet this time. This was something that needed to be worked out between Stephen and Mordo. Hopefully, Stephen would understand before his bottom became too sore for him to sit comfortably, though. He winced slightly as the pale globes turned pale pink and then increasingly darker pink as Mordo smacked and rubbed.

Mordo tightened his hold on Stephen's body, rubbing a bit more before he resumed swatting again, this time going a bit harder and faster. "You're mine," he promised. "You belong to me. And no matter what happens, I will keep every promise I make to you. I will never leave you. I will never let go of you."

"...E... even when I'm difficult? Even if I do something you disagree with or are disappointed at?" Stephen managed to get the words out, which wasn't easy, because he was very close to crying. He needed to know the answer, though.

Wong winced again at the words, knowing why they were asked. Mordo would know as well, he knew. He glanced up at Mordo to offer a bit of encouragement to the other man. Stephen needed Mordo to convince him it didn't matter what he did, he'd stay. It didn't escape his notice that the way Stephen needed Mordo to prove that was by having the older man blister his bottom for him, but again... Stephen. His little brother's bottom was turning from dark pink to red by this point. He really hoped they weren't planning on going out after this. He feared Stephen wouldn't be able to walk straight and it'd be obvious to anyone on the street what had happened. He wasn't sure Stephen's ego was trained enough yet to handle that.

"It doesn't matter what happens," Mordo promised. "I won't ever leave you. I won't ever abandon you. I'm sorry I did leave. I'm sorry I hurt you. I won't ever again. I love you. I lost you for five years. I can't go through that again." He rubbed a bit more and then resumed swatting, focusing more swats to Stephen's sit spots and thighs.

Stephen took in a shivering breath, his body slowly relaxing until he was limp over Mordo's knee. "...I'm sorry, master... didn't want to be bad and push... was... was just scared..." he admitted, in a very small voice, before a tiny sob escaped. Soon, he was quietly crying over Mordo's lap.

Wong let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as Stephen finally gave in and submitted. The younger man's backside was bright red by this point and even though he knew it was always possible to go a deeper shade of red and for Stephen to be really sore, he was glad that it hadn't reached that point.

"I know," Mordo soothed, bringing the spanking to a stop and lifting Stephen into his arms. He situated the other man carefully, rubbing down over his back and his bottom. "You don't need to be scared," he whispered in the other man's ear. "I will never stop trying to make it up to you. I won't ever stop working to convince you that I'm here to stay. That my place is with you."

Stephen wriggled around until he could wrap his arms around Mordo, hiding his face against his Dominant's shoulder and continued quietly crying. He'd needed Mordo to take control and he'd needed it to happen in front of Wong; because if Mordo was willing to share what they were with his big brother, then maybe he'd be more willing to stay. It was still hard to believe he wouldn't push Mordo away at some point, but it was easier to believe after Mordo had taken control over him and made his bottom red.  "...Stings..." He sniffled softly. "...Gonna hurt to walk and get what you wanted to get..." he whispered uncertainly. If Mordo said he'd be going, then he'd go and accept the pain as part of what he deserved for defiance.

Wong watched as Mordo comforted Stephen. He was glad to see that Mordo didn't just impose his will and leave the younger man to self-comfort. If Mordo had done that, Wong would have sent him packing, even if it meant helping Stephen pick up the pieces and putting himself back together again. Luckily, that wasn't what had happened, though. "What did you want to get? Maybe I could go out and get it for you?" he offered Mordo cautiously, not wanting to intrude on their moment, but wanting to help.

Mordo kissed the side of Stephen's neck, tightening his hold on the other man as he answered Wong. "I wanted to be prepared. In case things progressed to the ultimate level of claiming." He stroked his fingers through Stephen's hair. "I love you," he reiterated. "It doesn't matter what happens. You can't push me away. I won't yield."

Wong's eyes widened and he nodded, before he opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a bottle. "Will this do?" he asked quietly, not wanting to disturb them, but also wanting Mordo to have what he needed. As far as he could see, the sooner Stephen was completely and fully claimed, the better. It would help the younger man accept what Mordo was telling him a lot easier.

Mordo nodded his thanks. "That will be perfect." Kissing Stephen's ear, he murmured into it, "We won't have to leave here."

Stephen shivered and nuzzled against Mordo before giving Wong a thankful look. "Thank you...."

Gently squeezing one of Stephen's buttocks, Mordo touched the other man's cheek, drawing him into a deep, lingering kiss.

Stephen was through pushing or trying to pretend he didn’t want Mordo in charge. If his Master wanted Wong to witness, he wouldn't fight. Wong was an adult. He could leave if he was uncomfortable. He whimpered softly as his sore buttock was squeezed but pressed closer and submitted to the kiss completely... even a bit eagerly.

Wong gently placed the bottle next to Mordo and settled back into his chair, watching carefully. Stephen seemed very unsure of himself and that wasn't like him. He trusted Mordo would stop if he needed to, if Stephen let him know he needed to. He wasn't so sure Stephen would let Mordo know. If they wanted him to leave, he would. Otherwise, he would stay as a second set of eyes to warn Mordo if Stephen seemed in distress but was hiding it.

Mordo let his tongue slip into Stephen's mouth, both hands cupping the other man's bottom possessively. After kissing Stephen completely and thoroughly, he began to strip the other man of his clothes.

Stephen whimpered softly but cooperated and helped as much as he was able, making it clear he wanted Mordo in charge like this... that he wanted to obey.

Wong watched silently, relaxing slightly at the signs Stephen needed this.

Mordo didn't ask Wong to leave, his entire focus on Stephen; on making sure the other man finally knew who he belonged to. Leaning forward, he kissed deeply, only moving back long enough to whisper, "Mine," and then he was kissing down Stephen's chest and over his stomach.

Stephen whined and arched his back so Mordo could reach easier. "Yours, Baron..." he whispered, his voice catching.

Mordo stroked and squeezed down Stephen's chest and stomach, shifting the other man to make it easier to kiss and caress.

It didn't take long before Stephen was quivering and begging. The fact that Mordo was taking over completely and he'd submitted to the older man made it impossible to not react immediately.

Making sure Stephen's body was well-supported and he wasn't uncomfortable, Mordo stroked down towards his groin, fingers gliding over his member.

Stephen didn't attempt to hide his reactions this time. He belonged to Mordo; the older man was allowed to see; he was allowed to share, if he chose. When Stephen's member began to grow and harden from the ghosting touch, he began to shallowly thrust upward, emitting needy little whines. He felt shameless, begging to be touched, but it felt good and he'd just been punished for trying to control himself when it was Mordo who had the right to control... he wasn't going to try and control again. Not so soon.

Wong glanced at Stephen's face. The whines had sounded pained. Looking into the younger man's face, he couldn't see any sign he needed to stop them. It was obvious it was a 'good pain'. Glancing down and seeing the arousal and the way Stephen was pushing his hips upward toward Mordo confirmed that Stephen was okay.

Wong glanced at Mordo's face. He might be more concerned with protecting Stephen from being hurt, but he cared about Mordo as well. If Mordo looked as if he was only doing this for Stephen's sake, he'd be stepping in for him instead. He knew both men tended to ignore what was best for them, even if they tried to protect those they cared about.

Gently squeezing and caressing Stephen's member, Mordo lifted the bottle and coated his finger in the lube, shifting position slightly as his own actions caused him to harden and stiffen. He moved just enough to remove his own trousers and then gently pushed his coated finger inside Stephen, using his palm to brace and hold the other man up.

Stephen groaned as the finger breached him, thrusting more firmly into Mordo's hand. He looked into Mordo's face, his eyes needy and begging for more. "Please, Baron... master... please... claim me. Make me fully yours..." he begged.

Wong was torn. Part of him felt he should avert his eyes now. Give them at least a little privacy. The other part wanted to see Stephen claimed... needed to see that Mordo would truly take over and care for the younger man.

"I love you," Mordo whispered, kissing Stephen's lips firmly; swallowing the moans and pleading. He added a second finger in to join the first after coating that one too with the lube, exploring and carefully moving inside the other man.

Stephen's groan was longer and deeper at the second intrusion. "Please, master... more... please..." he moaned in a throaty voice, before kissing deeply, leaving himself open for Mordo to control.

Mordo explored and claimed a few more moments and then carefully withdrew. Lifting Stephen into his arms, he carried him towards the desk, placing him bent over. After coating himself with the lube, Mordo then carefully pushed inside the other man, allowing his weight to rest on Stephen.

Stephen whimpered as Mordo's fingers withdrew, but he didn't try and stop the older man. He snuck a kiss to Mordo's chin as he was carried to the desk; as soon as he was bent over the desk, he reached toward Wong to help hold himself in place.

Wong blinked at finding Stephen on the desk in front of him. He was further surprised when Stephen reached toward him, but he took hold of Stephen's hand and gave a gentle squeeze. He was in position to see everything as it happened, and he was surprised he hadn't been asked to leave yet. It felt good that he hadn't been.

Mordo kissed Stephen's neck and shoulders as he began to thrust into the other man, going soft and gentle at first. This had been a long time coming - too long - and he wanted to savor it. To make sure Stephen felt good too.

Stephen's breathing became ragged as Mordo thrust in him. Each thrust inward ended with the older man's hips smacking his sore bottom, causing him to moan softly. It also caused him to rub against the desk, the friction against his member leaving him hot, achy and needy. He whimpered, whined. And groaned, still clutching Wong's hand.

Wong hadn't been attracted or interested in either of the men in front of him. He had thought watching the younger man be taken by the older would feel uncomfortable. To his surprise, he felt a deep warmth spread through his body as he watched Mordo push into and begin thrusting inside Stephen. It wasn’t attraction, exactly; but he couldn't deny the sight was pleasurable and, if asked, he'd have to admit he'd like to watch again.

Mordo slid his hands down a bit lower, grasping Stephen's hips and squeezing possessively. He continued to kiss and gently nip at the skin of the other man's back, trailing a line down his spine before working his way back up again.

Stephen shivered. He squeezed Mordo inside of him while one hand gripped the opposite side of the desk with whitened knuckles. The hand holding Wong's didn't squeeze quite as hard, but the grip was tight.

Wong let out a low sound of approval as he watched Mordo work Stephen over. "...Beautiful..." he whispered.

"I love you." Mordo whispered the words into Stephen's neck. "You're mine. You are never going to doubt that again." He began to thrust a bit harder and faster, pressing a harder kiss to the side of the other man's neck.

"Yours, Baron... master... only and forever yours... " Stephen groaned as Mordo pounded into him. He pushed up onto his toes in an effort to open himself up further. His member was fully swollen, leaving tiny streaks of fluid on Wong's desk with each thrust that pushed him forward.

"You should mark him... with your magic..." Wong found himself suggesting quietly, as he continued to focus on where Mordo's erection slid in and out of Stephen's bright red bottom.  Mordo moved fluidly, like a machine... like a piston.

Mordo nodded, indicating he'd heard Wong, squeezing Stephen's hips gently as he allowed his magic...his sink into Stephen's skin, leaving behind the marks of his control. Of his claiming.

Stephen gasped as he felt Mordo's magic wash over him... mark him... and he clenched tight, tensing up before he began to shudder and spasm.

Wong had been watching and just before Stephen could release all over his desk, he pushed a flask onto Stephen's member. He smiled as he watched the glass container fill with Stephen's seed.

Mordo's grip tightened on Stephen's hips as his own release came over him. He kissed Stephen's neck, whispering loving words into his ear.

Stephen continued to clench and spasm as he felt Mordo's release flood into his body. He moaned at the warm feeling, trying to keep and hold his master inside so the release would stay in him. Eventually, though, his own climax would end, and he collapsed onto the desk. "Love you, master..." he whispered.

Wong pulled the flask away just in time to prevent Stephen from falling on it and spilling it. He put a stopper in the top, then conjured a tiny bowl with warm water and a washcloth, making sure they were next to Mordo.

Mordo kissed Stephen's neck. "I love you so much," he murmured into the other man's ear. Carefully withdrawing, he used the water and washcloth to clean them both up, thanking Wong.

Stephen stayed in place, not moving as Mordo cleaned him. He blushed slightly, as cleaning him was very intimate, but he didn't argue he could do it himself. It was up to his Baron.

Wong waited until Mordo finished cleaning them both up before handing the other man the stoppered flask. "This belongs to you..." He smiled serenely.

"Thank you." Mordo took the flask, putting it safely away before he settled both him and Stephen back on the chair, cuddling the other man tightly on his lap. He kissed and nuzzled into Stephen's neck.

Stephen was shattered. He snuggled as close to Mordo as he could, burrowing into the other man. "...Yours, master... need you so much... love you so much..." he whispered.

"Thank you. You've entrusted me with something precious..." Wong responded.

"You're important," Mordo said to Wong. "To both of us." He tightened his arms around Stephen, murmuring, "I'm never going to let you go again."

"I want to be with you and feel you all the time..." Stephen admitted.

"You both are important to me too. That's why I caught that for you..." Wong nodded at the flask.

Mordo smiled at Wong. "You understand and support us and that means everything." He kissed the side of Stephen's head. "You're going to be with me forever."

Wong smiled at the affectionate behavior, standing and going to a bookshelf, removing a tome. "I think you might find a use for Stephen's release that you both will like and consider useful." He opened the tome to a particular page, showing Mordo the spell inside.

Mordo looked through the spell and then kissed Stephen's cheek. "What do you think?" he asked softly, squeezing the other man's waist possessively.

Stephen glanced down at it. "If it means I'm completely yours, I want it..." he whispered, continuing to cuddle.

"You will be. Completely mine," Mordo promised. "We won't be able to be separated again."

"Then please, master. Please do it and tie me to you permanently..." Stephen begged.

Mordo kissed his neck. "Are you comfortable enough to do the ritual here? Or would you prefer to go to our bedroom?"

"Now..  please... want soon as possible..." Stephen said, in a small voice. He saw no reason to move now. Wong had just watched Mordo take him the deepest he'd ever been taken... had even participated minimally. What point was there in moving? They could go back after and nap, after all.

Wong cleared his throat. "I'm perfectly fine with you staying here and witnessing this final step won't bother me; I'd actually like to witness you tying yourselves together, but when the ritual is complete, chances are very high Stephen, if not both of you, will pass out from exhaustion. You might want to be somewhere comfortable, so you aren't more sore than necessary."

Mordo nodded to Wong. "You're right." He ran his hands over Stephen's arms, squeezing gently. "I'll dress you and take you to our room. So that you'll be more comfortable." He raised his eyes to Wong once more. "You can still witness the ritual."

Wong glanced at Stephen. His younger friend wasn't exhibiting any signs that it made him uncomfortable to have Wong watch him be taken and owned. And the chance to see this ritual that he'd only read about was too good to pass up. Especially when it involved two of the most important people on his life. "If you just gather your clothing and the oil, I'll bring the flask and other ritual items and open a door for you straight to your room." No need to run into construction workers that way, he thought.

"Thank you." Mordo picked up the items that they needed, tightening his hold on Stephen possessively and pressing kisses to the side of his head and neck. "I love you so much," he whispered.

"Love you too, Baron," Stephen whispered, leaning heavily against the older man.

Wong picked up the flask and ritual book, then opened a door from his office directly into their room.

Mordo kept his arms tight around Stephen as he guided the other man through the door to their bedroom. Once they were inside, he kissed Stephen deeply.

Stephen returned the kiss with needy fervor. He couldn't seem to get enough of the affection Mordo gave.

Wong followed quietly, letting the door close behind him.

Mordo deepened the kiss, letting Stephen feel how much he was wanted; how deep the passions ran. He only moved enough to strip himself of his own clothes.

Stephen's breathing was becoming ragged again and he was giving tiny, needy whimpers as he watched Mordo.

Wong closed the door, then made some wards to contain magical outburst and noise from carrying outside the room.

Mordo drew Stephen back into his arms, kissing him deeply, sliding his hands down over the other man's body. He then led the other man towards the bed, stretching Stephen out onto it and beginning to trail kisses over his body.

"...Mordo... master..." Stephen breathed out in a begging tone, immediately splaying his arms and legs, opening himself up for the older man to take and use however he wanted. "...Yours..." he whispered.

Wong quickly set up the ritual tome in a position where Mordo could read from it as he took his submissive, the flask open and ready beside it.

Mordo kissed and caressed his way over Stephen's body, squeezing possessively and giving gentle nips with his teeth. He shifted positions to allow himself to read easily from the tome while he claimed the other man.

Wong moved to the corner, so he could watch the magic work when the spell was read.

Stephen hadn't thought he'd be able to have enough energy to arouse again so soon after Mordo had first claimed him, but the thought of being magically tied to the older man was enough incentive for his flagging energy that it wasn't long at all before he was swollen and hard again. He didn't try and hide the evidence of his attraction or need, continuing to leave himself open both to his master's touch and to the eyes of both men.

There was little need to prepare Stephen again, so Mordo just coated himself with the lube once more and pushed carefully into the other man, beginning to read from the tome as he did so.

Stephen wasn't able to contain the moans of need he whimpered out. He was able to keep the volume low enough they didn't disrupt the spell Mordo was chanting out. He couldn't help but begin to squirm under his master, clenching around Mordo's member as if trying to pull him deeper inside. He was relying on Mordo to hold him in place.

Wong watched carefully, in case Mordo needed assistance with anything.

Mordo grasped Stephen's hips firmly, holding the other man still so that he wouldn't squirm away and hurt himself. He continued to chant, stroking and touching, beginning to thrust a bit harder and faster into the other man.

Stephen arched his back and pushed his bottom up just enough that Mordo could thrust in as fast, hard and deep as possible. His whimpering moans had devolved to breathless, grunting moans each time Mordo was pressed deep inside him. Every other thrust, Mordo slid against a section of nerves that caused him to gasp out in tiny, needy sobs and his own member to twitch.

Mordo continued chanting, kissing Stephen every so often between the words he was saying. Stephen's movements allowed him to go harder and deeper and he took full advantage of that.

The continual thrusting, along with Mordo's firm grip and sporadic kisses, served to make Stephen feel possessed. He belonged fully to the older man. He could feel Mordo's member moving, sliding in him and his channel was becoming more and more sensitive with each thrust. His body began to tense slowly, each time his master pushed in, hips smacking against his still warm bottom and pressing, holding in place for mere seconds before sliding away again. He was a watch and Mordo was slowly but surely winding him tight.

Mordo gripped tighter on Stephen's waist, pressing kisses to his neck, chest, shoulders and stomach every time he could pause the chanting to do so. He leaned down, allowing his weight to pin the other man to the bed.

Stephen sobbed, letting his head fall back to expose his neck and opening his legs as far as he could before pulling his knees up toward his shoulders. "...Please..." He whispered, so as not to interrupt the chant. "...Pound me...split me in two... remake me so everyone knows who I belong to..." he babbled, in a near silent but begging voice.

Mordo pressed their bodies as close together as possible, taking a brief pause in the chanting to kiss Stephen, deeply and passionately, before he resumed. His member began to grow and swell inside the other man.

Stephen shivered as he felt himself stretch around Mordo, accommodating the growing length and size of his master as he was filled and stroked inside. He continued to make his pleas for complete possession under his breath between needy sobs. As the tension in his body mounted, his hole slowly tightened around Mordo's member.

As the chanting and their joining reached a crescendo, the contents of the flask began to rise up. The magic of the ritual drew Stephen's seed into Mordo's skin, which began to absorb it. At the same time, a mark began to form on each of their dominant hands.

Stephen watched as Mordo's skin absorbed his offering with glazed eyes.  He felt a tingling, almost burning feeling on his hand and held it up, staring as a mark began to form. Realizing this meant the magic was binding him to his master, Stephen smiled up at Mordo. His eyes were still glazed, still needy and were full of not only his love for Mordo, but his acceptance of the binding. And then Mordo brushed the nerves inside again and he clenched tight, beginning to shudder and spasm around his master while his body attempted to pull Mordo in deeper and hold him there.

Mordo leaned forward and kissed Stephen once more, deeply and passionately. His tongue slipped into the other man's mouth, claiming him as thoroughly there as he was the rest of Stephen's body.

Stephen opened his mouth, submitting as fully to the kiss as he submitted to Mordo taking him. He moaned and whimpered into his master's mouth, still spasming under and around Mordo. He only wished he could submit further and give more.

Mordo's own release filled Stephen and his body slumped forward over the other man's. He still kissed, but the kiss turned a bit gentler. Still inside Stephen, his arms slid around his waist, holding on tightly.

As the last of his release sprayed Mordo's and his own belly, Stephen shuddered and tightened one last time before his body just went loose, all tension bleeding from him, and slumped under Mordo. He returned the kiss, submitting fully, letting Mordo control the intensity and depth.

Wong had been watching intently as Mordo had claimed. As a result, he'd seen Stephen's seed soak into Mordo's skin. He'd seen the marks form on both men's hands. And as Stephen collapsed under Mordo and Mordo collapsed onto Stephen, he saw both men's auras begin to glow; Stephen's yellow beginning to bleed into Mordo's silver. By the time the glow began to wane, and the aura began to sink back into both men's skin, the colors had meshed into a beautiful swirl. It was clear which color originated with each man. It was also just as clear who was dominant, Mordo's silver surrounding Stephen's yellow completely.

Mordo kissed and caressed slowly and gently over Stephen's body, nuzzling into his neck. "I love you so much," he whispered against the other man's skin.

Stephen slanted his head so his neck was vulnerable to Mordo's lips and teeth. "Love you, master... with all I am..." he whispered.

Wong cleared his throat. "The binding took. Your auras are connected. I'll leave you to adjust to your new status..." he said quietly, walking over and gathering the flask and spell book before smiling at both men. "I expect you to stay here for the next several hours at least. I'll bring you food later." He couldn’t help but notice Mordo was still buried in Stephan and, not wanting to interrupt further, he quickly opened a door to his own room, stepped through and let the magic go. Mordo and Stephan were alone.

Mordo kissed and gently nipped the other man's neck. "I won't ever let you go," he promised. "And now there's no chance that could ever happen." He lifted Stephen's hand to his lips, gently kissing the mark that had formed. "I need you so much," he whispered. "Thank you for giving me a second chance."

"I had to... being apart from you hurt too much... giving you a second chance was giving myself one..." Stephen whispered, smiling as the mark began to tingle at the touch of Mordo's lips. He licked his lips and swallowed. "I know the spell bonded us... but do you know what we can expect because of that?" His voice was curious.

Mordo cuddled Stephen a bit tighter. "It seems that we'll likely be able to feel each other's emotions. Perhaps develop a rudimentary form of telepathy. And anyone with the ability to see will know that we're entwined now."

Stephen smiled at that. "That will be nice..." he said, before hesitantly admitting, "I'm feeling more inclined to obey you and ask for your direction before doing anything. Even more than I was before. Is that normal, do you think?"

"I suspect that the ritual enhances the emotions that were already there," Mordo answered. "You submitted to me when I claimed you. I feel much the same way; more inclined to take control. To make sure everyone can see who you belong to."

Stephen nodded. "That makes sense. Especially given I want to wrap my legs around you and beg you to take me hard again..." he said sheepishly. "Amplified feelings of submission. Amplified lust. Amplified need to belong to you...."

Mordo kissed the side of his neck. "As much as I agree with the sentiment and would like nothing better than to take you hard again, I'm also aware that both of us are tired. You had a long battle not even that long ago; and this ritual has taken a lot out of both of us. I still feel the need to hold you tightly; to remind myself I have you and did not lose you, in spite of my actions."

Stephen smiled. "Are you giving me an order to rest, Baron?" he asked hopefully. If he was obeying, then the other urges could be ignored for the moment.

"I am." Mordo kissed him gently and lingeringly. "I won't let go of you. Like I told you before, I will be the first thing you see when you open your eyes again."

Stephan nodded. "How do you want me to lay, master?" He loved having Mordo inside of him, but lying on his back, knees drawn up to his shoulders, wasn't really conducive to sleep (and, in fact, was becoming a bit uncomfortable, now that the heat of arousal had cooled.)

Mordo carefully withdrew from Stephen, guiding him into a more comfortable position. "Like this." He wrapped his arms tightly around the other man, kissing his head.

Stephen snuggled into Mordo, sighing happily at being surrounded by his arms and being kissed, even if it was on the tip of his head. "I love you, Mordo..." he whispered, making sure to use his master's name, so it would be clear it was all of Mordo he loved, not just his being master. Closing his eyes, he quickly fell asleep.

"I love you so much," Mordo whispered in Stephen's ear, tightening his arms around the other man. It didn't take long before he too fell asleep.