Chapter Twelve

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Explicit adult/sexual situations. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m, F/f, M/f; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


Bobby sat back on his bed, holding a glass of water made cold by the frosting of ice he'd laid around the glass. It was weird. For the past several days, Logan had been acting weird. He kept staring at various people like he couldn't believe they were there. And he and Professor X seemed to have some big secret that only the two of them shared.

Snorting softly, Bobby rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He'd been holding some admiration for the older man; maybe even the beginnings of a crush. But it had been difficult to consider approaching him. But now?

Well, if Logan wasn't outright ignoring him, he was acting grumpy. Dismissive. All normal parts of his character, but there seemed to be more to it whenever Bobby saw him. The ignoring made him want to act out; to get the older man's attention. But given the only attention he then got was negative? Well....

The shattering of glass alerted him to the fact that his abilities, reacting to his emotions, had caused the temperature to reach freezing levels. "Damn it," he muttered, before heading out of his room to grab towels and a dustpan and brush.

Logan was exiting the kitchen, a bottle of beer in his hand when he saw Bobby. Averting his eyes, he grunted and made his way to the front porch, planning to get some fresh air.

Bobby planned to just proceed to the kitchen. He really did. But at the grunt, not even a hello (was he really that offensive?), he couldn't help but respond. "What's your problem with me?!" His tone was just on the wrong side of disrespectful.

Logan's eyes widened at the tone. While it was true, he'd been keeping himself aloof and had been grumpy- even for him- he didn’t believe he deserved the kind of attitude present in Bobby's tone. He might have not been overly friendly, but he hadn’t been cruel or even overly rude, and given the fact he had to ignore everything he knew about the future in an attempt not to mess up everyone else's present, he thought he'd been doing pretty good. "Hey. You want to try and ask your question with a bit less attitude or anger?" He said as calmly as it was possible. It was difficult. In the future, he and Bobby were in a relationship and the younger man would have never spoken to him in that way, even if he was angry or upset.

"You gonna actually tell me what the hell I did to make you ignore me most of the time when you're not actually snapping and growling at me?" Bobby should have backed down. Probably. This wasn't the kind of attention he actually wanted from the older man. But given the kind of attention he did want was so far away, it was pretty much impossible? Well....

"First of all, I haven’t treated you any differently than I have anyone else, and while I'll admit I haven’t been blowing sunshine and roses up anyone's butt, I haven't been so disagreeable as to deserve you jumping down my throat." Logan managed to keep from growling like bobby had accused him. Barely.

"Secondly, just because I haven’t gone into in-depth conversations with you about life, the universe, and everything in it- does not mean I've been ignoring you. Ignoring you would have been walking straight by you without any acknowledgement at all..." he pointed out.

"And third, and finally," Logan's voice turned stern. "Even if I had been ignoring you and being a right bastard, that does not give you free reign to be disrespectful and rude yourself. Last I checked, I was still a teacher here and you just graduated not long ago at all. You have issue with my behavior, you bring it to me in a civil calm manner so I can either explain myself or apologize if appropriate. And if you feel unable to do that, you go to Charles so he can talk with me. You do -not- confront me in the middle of the hallway, with a disrespectful and belligerent attitude that just begs me to step in and give said attitude a readjustment. Do you get me?" Sone how he managed to avoid raising his voice or saying anything that might hurt the younger man, given Bobby didn’t know what Logan did or what Logan was going through.

"You never ignored me before," Bobby said, his tone calming slightly; enough to allow a note of hurt to slip into his voice. "At least, not this much. And you're not giving me any clues about what I did wrong. I've been thinking about it for days and I'm coming up empty."

Logan frowned. If it hadn’t been for the younger man calming considerably, he would have thought every one of his points had been ignored. It was easy to hear the hurt in Bobby's voice though and it caused every protective instinct Logan had to kick in. "I wasn’t ignoring you now Bobby," he said calmly, a hint of worry in his tone. "A lot has been going on. Things I can’t tell anyone else who wasn’t there, because it's too dangerous. And I'll admit to spending a lot of time on my own. But have I ever once walked by you when you said something to me and not responded at all? Yeah. I've been grunting and growling a lot- and again... I've been that way with everyone, not just you- but have I ever walked by without doing anything at all to acknowledge your presence? Don’t confuse surliness and a desire not to talk with ignoring or avoiding, kid...."

Bobby sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "I'm sorry I got an attitude, I just...." His voice trailed off. Yeah. What was he going to say? That he wanted attention of the good kind? He snorted softly. "Never mind. I left a mess in my room. Better get to cleaning it up."

Logan frowned and reached out a hand, placing it on Bobby's shoulder to stop him. In the future when the kid got like this, it was almost always because he was feeling neglected. Like he hadn’t been given enough of Logan's attention. Just because they weren’t together now, didn’t mean the kid was going to act that much different "you were feeling upset for a reason- even if I don’t think your perception of things was correct, don’t mean your feelings aren’t valid. You were bothered enough to confront me. Now you have my full attention. Talk to me..." he smiled crookedly in an effort to seem non-threatening.

Bobby swallowed and couldn't stop himself from leaning into the touch. "Damn...." He winced as he realized he'd uttered the word out loud. "Don't think I can say anything without sounding like I've lost my mind." He smiled, but there wasn't much humor in it. "I'm just wanting something I know I can't have."

"And just how do you know you can’t have it, if you don’t ask? Seems a bit presumptuous of you to assume you know what my answer will be, when I haven’t even heard the request..." Logan chuckled softly, a hint of hope flaring in his heart. Their relationship in the future had begun much the same way, with Bobby letting him know he wanted more. It was a lot earlier than that had occurred originally, but the fact it might happen at all was encouraging.

"I don't know," Bobby admitted. "I... I want your attention in a good way. Not grunting or growling." Though now that he thought about it, he kind of liked the growling. As long as it didn't mean he was being ignored.

"So... you want me to treat you different than I treat everyone else?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. Of course, having been in a relationship with the younger man in the future, he knew what Bobby really wanted. The problem was, Bobby didn’t know. Not yet anyway. Logan would have to play dumb until the kid figured it out and could ask for what he wanted. Because until Bobby asked, it wasn’t’ happening.

Bobby frowned and shook his head, then nodded, his confusion clear. "I have feelings for you." He was bright red as he blurted it out. "I keep...well...fantasizing. About you."

"Fantasizing... about me?" Logan wasn’t trying to be mean or tease Bobby. He was feeling a bit giddy inside at hearing Bobby say that out loud. But he wanted to be one-hundred percent sure there were no misunderstandings because all he wanted was to pull the younger man into his arms and kiss him breathless, and if he was misunderstanding....

"Yeah...." Bobby darted a glance towards Logan's face. "But I don't know how you feel. And I've just been so confused, trying to see if maybe...and then the fact that we haven't spoken until now...." His voice trailed off. He was babbling.

"I'm going to need you to be more clear kid. Say exactly what it is you want. Because I think I understand- and I'm hoping like hell I'm right because if I am, I feel the same- but I'm more than twice your age on top of having been your teacher and we both need to be very sure...." Logan's voice was serious as he could make it, but also gentle. He knew this was difficult for Bobby, for a variety of reasons.

"I am. Very sure." Bobby looked into Logan's eyes, so that the older man would see his sincerity. "I want...I want a relationship with you." Growing more confident, he added, "If you need further convincing, I can go into details of my fantasies."

Logan let out a low groan at that, squeezing Bobby's shoulder. "I want a relationship with you too, Bobby. And I really want to hear those fantasies. Think those are prolly best shared in a less public place though." His grin was rueful.

Bobby grinned back at that. "Well, we can go to my room. But I still need to clear up the glass. Maybe we could use yours?"

Logan grinned also. "Yeah. We'll use mine. Less likely to get surprise visitors there, anyway. C'mon..." he gently led Bobby to his own room. "Get that glass cleaned up, then grab a few things to spend the night. We have a lot to talk about and I don’t plan on leaving till tomorrow. I'll get some food and drinks and let Charles know so he can run interference if anyone looks for us." He knew Charles would be happy for them.

"Sounds good." Bobby ducked inside his room, cleaning up quickly (but carefully) before grabbing what he'd need and heading to Logan's room. Pausing outside, he took a deep breath and knocked.

Logan hadn’t taken long to grab the food or to let Charles know (the man had been very happy for him and Bobby) so he was waiting for Bobby to arrive and quickly opened the door, ushering the younger man in. Closing the door, he'd taken the items from Bobby and set them to the side before turning to face the younger man. He knew they really should talk, but first... quickly striding till he was standing in front of him, he gripped Bobby's arms and pulled him tight against him, leaning in and kissing him in a way that was anything but chaste or innocent. By the time he pulled back so they both could breath, he figured it would be clear to his mate (that's what Bobby bad been and it's what he would be again,) how he felt.

Bobby had returned the kiss enthusiastically. When Logan pulled back, Bobby looked half-dazed. And his member was stirring just from that one kiss alone. "Wow." The word came out in a breathless almost-gasp.

Logan smirked in satisfaction at having caused such a dazed look in the other man's eyes. "Now... well, I think it's clear I want you..." he pressed himself against Bobby so his own erection could be felt, even with four layers of clothing separating them. "But before we go further, I want to hear it. Do you want a relationship with me Bobby? Exclusively, monogamous, you won't date or be with anyone else and I won't either? Do you want sexual intercourse with me? Do you want me to take you?" Those were the most important questions as far as Logan was concerned. He didn't want sex without a relationship, so if Bobby didn't want a relationship too, he needed to know before. He also needed to know for sure if Bobby was ready for a physical relationship. Anything beyond that, they could figure out as they went. He knew what they'd had before- but this wasn't then and might never be then. They'd work it out in this time.

"Which question do you want me to answer first?" Bobby wrapped his arms around the older man, shifting so he could better feel the erection. Know fully that he was the cause of it. "I guess it doesn't matter, cause the answer's yes. I want a relationship with you. And as for wanting you to take me...." He blushed. "Well, those fantasies I mentioned? A lot of them had you ravishing me."

"Once you're mine, I fully intend that you'll be mine forever..." Logan growled softly, his hands moving down to Bobby's hips and pulling the younger man tight against him- rubbing against him as if marking his territory. "I'm a very dominating, possessive sort- can't be otherwise. You ready for that?" he brushed a kiss against the corner of Bobby's mouth. "You ready to obey me? Because I can guarantee you if I give you an order I'll expect to be obeyed."  Logan had thought to bring that up at another point- just because Bobby had submitted to him in his past- the future- didn't mean he would this time around. But he knew himself and it was too easy to fall into habits from 'then'. It wouldn't be fair to spring it on Bobby after they'd been together for a while. His mate needed to know up front what Logan wanted. If he wasn't on board with it- then he needed to say so that Logan could readjust his thinking. It wasn't a deal breaker after all. He loved Bobby and would take him without the submission. But he needed to know either way.

Bobby shivered as the possessive actions sent a jolt to his own erection and he pressed closer to Logan, closing his eyes and breathing in the older man's scent. "It's not like I didn't already know you're possessive...dominating."

Logan smiled, seeing the reaction he was having on Bobby. Letting his hand slide around his hip to cup his backside, he squeezed firmly, then ran his hand up Bobby's back, gently letting his fingertips scratch over Bobby's neck until his fingers could tangle in his hair. He tightened his grip on Bobby's hair before carefully, gently, but firmly tugging Bobby's head back so that he could look into the younger man's eyes seriously. "Not just dominating. If I give an order, I expect obedience..." he said gruffly. "...Of course, I'd only ever give an order that's meant to keep you safe, but still. You able to handle that? Because if not, you need to say now. Otherwise, I will assume you are accepting that and if you disobey an order... well... There will be consequences."

The touches from the older man sent jolts like electricity running through his veins. Bobby pressed into every contact Logan gave him, obediently allowing the older man to tug his head back so they would make eye contact. "What kind of consequences?" His voice was husky. As much as he was trying to focus on the conversation, there was a big part of him that just wanted to beg Logan to take him. Here. Now.

Kissing Bobby's temple, Logan let his lips ghost over the side of the younger man's face until he was breathing softly against the shell of his ear.  "If I have to punish you for doing something that could harm or even kill you- something that I've specifically ordered you not to do... I'll put you over my knee, bare your disobedient butt, and spank you till I'm certain you've learned your lesson..." Logan said softly but clear.

Bobby twitched, a soft whimper escaping him at the words. A whimper that caused him to blush. "Just...a spanking? You won't leave me? Won't reject me?" He winced at the question that escaped, but he had to hear the reassurance. His family had already rejected him. He couldn't handle more.

Logan quickly moved his arms tightly around Bobby, pulling him in close and tight, kissing and nuzzling the side of his head as he reassured. "No... I won't leave you or reject you for disobedience. We'll either talk about why you felt the need to disobey- or if it's something that put you in danger, I'll blister your bottom before holding you on my lap so you can feel the sting while I cuddle you. But I won't ever leave or reject you. You tell me you want me... want what I'm offering... I am not about to throw that away. I've wanted you too long and need you too much. Even if you tell me you don't want to have things be like that- that you don't want to obey me, but you still want to be with me? I'll accept that, if it means we're together...."

Bobby hugged Logan back tightly, the words soothing something inside him that still stung from his family's rejection. "I think...I want to obey you," he whispered. "I want you in charge. Cause honestly? The thought of submitting to you feels good. Not sure I can promise I won't act out or be disobedient, but at least I know the consequences if I do."

Logan kissed the side of Bobby's head again, feeling himself relax. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted his relationship with the younger man to be like it had been before he'd gone through time until Bobby was saying he wanted it that way. "I love you... and I'll spend every day for the rest of our lives. Making certain you don’t regret putting your trust in me. You have no idea the gift you just gave to me."

The sound that escaped Bobby's lips was close to a sob; not because he was unhappy, but because he couldn't remember the last time someone had told him they loved him. He pressed himself closer to Logan, letting his face push into the older man's neck. "I love you too," he whispered.

Logan nuzzled and kissed, just holding tightly and snuggling. Several minutes passed before he said gruffly, "You'll stay with me tonight. I plan to claim every inch of you, over and over until I've memorized your shape, smell, and taste. And tomorrow night you'll pack up and move in with me. We're sharing a room." He didn’t even ask. Bobby had just agreed to obey him. He didn’t figure he'd get a disagreement about wanting his lover to live with him.

"Sounds absolutely perfect." Bobby snuggled in closer, his member stirring even more at the older man's words. "Feel like if I step away for even a moment, all this'll fade away," he admitted quietly.

"It won’t," Logan promised, sweeping the younger man up into his arms and carrying him to the bed before carefully laying him down and crawling up over him. "You're mine now..." he growled before leaning down and beginning to lay a trail of kisses and love bites around Bobby's ears and neck.

Bobby whimpered, letting out tiny moans at the kisses and love bites. "I'm yours," he responded happily, pressing into the contact.

Logan continued to nip and kiss until there was a chain of love marks forming a necklace around Bobby's throat. Growling again possessively, he pressed his lips firmly to Bobby's.

Returning the kiss enthusiastically, Bobby kept his head tilted back, his throat bared and vulnerable, some deeper instinct driving him. He let his hands roam down Logan's back, but even though he wanted to explore the older man's body, he didn't want to do anything without permission.

Logan groaned in appreciation, leaning up far enough to tug Bobby's shirt up and off, tossing it on the floor, then quickly removed his own short and tossing it after. "You can touch, love," he said in a husky voice.

Bobby let his hands run down Logan's back, exploring and touching. He pressed a kiss to the older man's shoulder, breathing in his scent and nuzzling him.

"Yes...just like that," Logan murmured, kissing the top of his head. "I'm yours as much as you are mine." His touch gentle as he let his own hands stroke over Bobby's chest, pinching his nipples slightly, then flicking them gently with his thumbnail.

A soft, whimpering moan escaped Bobby's lips and he arched his back so that he could press himself more fully into Logan. He breathed in deeply, stroking his hands along the older man's back with a bit more boldness now.

Logan let out a pleased, throaty chuckle at the noises Bobby made. It was satisfying and filled him with a hint of pride that he could cause those sounds to come out of the younger man. He continued to pinch and flick his nail over Bobby's nipples. As soon as the tiny nubs were hard, pink, pebbles he shifted down and licked, letting his tongue twirl around the flesh before he latched on completely, surrounding the nipple with his lips and sucking it into his mouth- hard.

Bobby cried out, his fingers clutching on Logan's back. His breath came out in short, sharp pants and he wrapped his legs around the older man's waist...feeling the need to cling onto him.

Logan stopped sucking and licked gently over the nipple he'd been agitating, before leaning up to look at it. "Swollen and red and completely mine..." he growled before beginning the same process of pinching and flicking on the other nipple with one hand, while the other hand gently pinched the swollen nipple every so often giving it a gentle twist.

Bobby's whole body writhed, and he panted, drawing in breath. More whimpers and moans escaped him, his member hardening and firming at the attention. It pressed against Logan's stomach.

Logan took the other nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking until it was the same swollen red as the first. Shifting so he was knelt between Bobby's thighs, he looked down at what he's done, giving a satisfied hum as he continued to gently squeeze and twist, just watching Bobby writhe under him. Grinning wolfishly, he slowly unzipped Bobby's trousers then grasping the waistband of both trousers and underwear, he pulled both down together, baring Bobby from the waist down. He got off the bed long enough to pull the clothing completely off, leaving Bobby naked, spread out before him like a buffet. He licked his lips and quickly shucked the rest of his clothing before climbing between Bobby's thighs again. He then took a firm grip on Bobby's member, beginning to squeeze and stroke it while he watched Bobby's face. "Gorgeous... and all mine..." he growled in a possessive tone.

"Yes...yours." Bobby gasped out the words, his member twitching in the older man's hand. "I... I can't hold back." A blush rose on his cheeks, as he knew his release wasn't far away. He was ashamed of the fact he was so close to release.

"Don't hold back. You have my permission to let go whenever you are ready. I want to watch..." Logan said huskily, leaning down and kissing the tip of Bobby's member before leaning back again so he could watch his member while still being able to see his face.

Bobby's whole body arched, and he let out a soft cry, his fingers tightening on Logan's body as his release hit him and hard, covering both of them.

Logan growled in satisfaction as he watched Bobby release, seeing how the younger man was affected left him hard and wanting to see how much more Bobby could handle. Using one hand to gently rub Bobby's chest and stomach, he reached over and removed a tiny bottle from the drawer beside his bed. Pouring a liberal amount of the lubrication onto his fingers, he began to gently massage his lover's entrance- not pushing in yet but getting him good and wet.

His fingers flexing on Logan, Bobby let out a quiet gasp. His member didn't begin stirring again immediately, but the contact felt so good, it was difficult to hold still. A tiny, whimpering groan escaped him. "Master...please...."

"You like that, love? Like my touching and rubbing your most private spot? Like that I can see every reaction and feeling on your face while I do so? That I can see every twitch of need?" His voice was husky, and he bent down enough to lick the tip of Bobby's member. "Like that I can taste you whenever I want? And all you can do is lie open for me and let me take what I want?" His voice was very possessive. As he spoke, he continued to massage the oil in, his other hand shifting to squeeze Bobby's buttocks. First one cheek then the other, gently parting them so more of his fingers could reach and rub the entrance.

It was difficult to form words. Difficult to do anything but squirm and moan at the possessive tone and touch. Bobby wanted to close his eyes, so all he could do was feel and experience. But he also wanted to keep them open. Look into his master's face. He hugged onto Logan, like the older man was a raft keeping him afloat in a rough storm.

"Gorgeous. So perfect for me. Could touch you all day..." Logan breathed out, leaning over and kissing Bobby's hip bone before licking him again, sucking him into his mouth long enough to clean the release off him. Letting go with a tiny 'pop' as Bobby slid out of his mouth he grinned and gave tiny nipping bites to his inner thighs before saying firmly, "I want to touch inside you love. Do you agree?"

Bobby's groan sounded so wanton, it made him blush. His member grew half-hard again at Logan's actions and words and he slanted his head back. "Yes, master," he whispered. "I agree. I want you...inside me."

Growling again and nuzzling against Bobby's inner thigh in a possessive hungry manner, Logan carefully, very slowly, pushed one finger past the tight ring of muscle he'd been massaging. He held his hand still for a few moments so Bobby could adjust before beginning to rub his finger around in tiny circles and up and down, trying to encourage him to loosen up for him but also enjoying feeling his lover and memorizing how he felt.

A whimper escaped Bobby's lips at the initial intrusion, and he clenched his fingers for a moment on Logan's back. He did begin to slowly relax as Logan moved his finger, breathing in deep and breathing out a tiny moan.

"That's a good boy... being so obedient... I'm going to make you feel like you've never felt before... " Logan promised in a gruff whisper against Bobby's hip as he continued to press open mouthed kisses over his belly, hips, inner thighs, and groin area. He continued to move his finger gently, pushing deeper.

Warmth pooled in Bobby's belly at the words. He wanted to be Logan's good boy. Now that he was past the initial discomfort of being breached, the finger inside him felt good and he groaned, clinging onto the older man.

"I'm gonna give you more, love. Gonna give you more and I know you can take it, you're such a good boy for me..." Logan encouraged in a low voice before carefully inserting a second finger. He held still for a few moments so Bobby could readjust, then began the same gentle in and out, tiny circular motions, massaging inside his lover.

Bobby closed his eyes, allowing himself to just focus on the gentle movements from Logan's fingers. While it felt tight and a little bit uncomfortable, his body relaxed in response to the contact. He breathed slowly in and out, just focusing on the older man touching and claiming him. "Your good boy?" he whispered, an uncertain, hopeful note in his voice.

"Oh yes," Logan breathed out in a possessive, proud voice. "You're being a very good boy... my good boy..." he shifted slightly so Bobby could feel his erection. "I'm so proud of you love... taking what I give you so willingly..." he carefully, slowly, slid a third finger in. He allowed a little more time to adjust- Bobby was very tight- but eventually he began the same gentle in-out, circular massaging. This time though, once his fingers were as deep as they could go, he curved them slightly and pressed areas he'd ghosted past before, searching.

Bobby gasped, loudly, as Logan's fingers brushed against a very sensitive spot inside. His hands clutched tighter at the older man as he drew in a sobbing breath. "Please...." His voice was merely a groan.

Hearing the need in Bobby's voice, the begging for him, put Logan right at the edge. Withdrawing his fingers, he quickly coated his member in lubricant then lined up and pushed in as slowly as he could. He wanted to make it last as long as possible and he knew that wasn’t going to be very long at all, he was so close. He didn’t stop pushing in until his hips were pressed tight against Bobby's buttocks. Leaning forward so he blanketed the younger man, he pressed a kiss just above his lover's ear then whispered, "you're mine. No one else's. I'm going to own you... by the time I empty into you- fill you up with my seed- your insides will feel me the rest of the day and night. Your body will memorize mine. All I'll have to do is look at you and you'll be ready to take me inside. You won’t be able to go a day without needing me inside you, begging for me. I -own- you...." he growled the last and then began to thrust. Slowly at first but increasing strength and tempo as Bobby's body adjusted.

His breath coming out in panting gasps, Bobby clutched at the older man. Logan was big and he tried to catch his breath as he adjusted to the older man's size. "Yours, master," he agreed, his voice shaky but still certain. Desire thrummed through his veins, causing his member to grow and swell, hardening once more for his master.

Logan growled possessively his hands reaching under Bobby to cup his backside, squeeze his cheeks firmly, parting his lover’s legs to open him up further so he could push in deeper. "Mine!" His voice was rough, and he was panting by this point, his own need for Bobby clear. He angled the younger man just enough, pushing his knees up toward his shoulders, so that he was able to stroke the bundle of nerves inside Bobby with each thrust. He was so close, but he wanted to take Bobby over the edge. Wanted the younger man to never forget this moment. Wanted to make it so Bobby would never want to belong to or be with anyone else, ever.

The sound Bobby made could really only be termed as a wail. Somehow, every thrust Logan made sent shots of pleasure like electricity through his body. He whimpered, loudly, as his member began to leak. Instinct had him arching his head back, exposing his neck...the most vulnerable spot on him.

Hearing the wail and seeing the total submission of his mate to him spoke to some primal instinct in Logan. Growling, he thrust in one last, hard, time and then held himself there, buried deep inside Bobby's heat. His own sweat slicked body blanketed the younger man, pinning him in place and Logan latched onto Bobby's throat with his mouth- not biting down, but making it very clear he could- his lips sealing against the vulnerable flesh and forming a suction that would leave a lurid hickey when they'd finished. Bobby was completely at his mercy.

Bobby gasped, fingers clutching at Logan. The thrusting had had him so close it had been difficult to hold back. But Logan closing his mouth over Bobby's throat? That was enough to send him over the edge. He cried out as his orgasm overtook him, clinging to Logan like he was the only calm port in the storm.

Feeling Bobby clench around him in release was all it took to send Logan over the edge. Growling again in what sounded more like a groan, his hips stuttered slightly and then he was thrusting again, shallowly as if trying to push the seed he was pouring into Bobby as deep as possible. When he'd finally completely spent, he held himself still, buried deep in his lover, and tried to catch his breath. The only pulling away he did was to release Bobby's neck and brace himself on his forearms so he wouldn’t accidentally suffocate his lover. "Are you okay?" He finally asked in a wrecked voice.

"I broke me," Bobby whispered, raising his hands to cup the older man's face. His voice was hoarse. Filled with emotion. "Can't believe I waited for so long. Should have just confronted you sooner."

Logan chuckled softly, his eyes adoring as he looked down at Bobby before turning his face to kiss one of the hands holding it. "Not that I'm not exceedingly glad you did, but what made you decide now, of all times?" His voice was gruff but amused and full of affection.

"I just...." Bobby paused. "I guess I was tired of just waiting around for your attention," he admitted sheepishly. "Even if I only got it in a bad way. Figured waiting doesn't get me anything, so...."

Logan smiled at that, nuzzling Bobby's neck and ear before giving him a gentle kiss. When he finally let go long enough to breath, he whispered against Bobby's lips. "You nearly got yourself a sound thrashing for attitude...." snorting slightly he continued, "I'm not sure you'd have wanted that, no matter if you thought bad attention was better than none."

"Probably not," Bobby agreed, having returned his master's kiss. "I'm really happy with how things turned out, but I'll try not to speak to you so disrespectfully again." He still held onto Logan, his hands stroking over the older man's back. Just feeling and touching his mate. "I love you." His voice carried a hint of awe.

"I love you too, kid..." Logan said softly before giving Bobby a cocky smile and leaning in to kiss him soundly again.

Bobby kissed back, closing his eyes and letting himself feel. The contact against his lips. The stubble scraping along his chin. He let out a tiny mewling sound of contentment.

Smiling against Bobby's lips at the sounds the younger man was making, Logan carefully wrapped his arms around his lover and shifted them, so Bobby was on top of him, cuddled tight in his arms. He was still impaled deep inside his mate and couldn’t help but give his own contented sigh at feeling Bobby's weight on him, his heat still sheathing him, the solidness in his arms. "Mine... forever..." he said in the most serene tone he'd used since returning with Charles. Everything was finally the way it was meant to be.

Bobby curled up, his head resting against Logan's shoulder. "Yours," he whispered, before kissing there. "I'm so glad." He tucked his head under the older man's chin.

"I am too kid," Logan admitted. "More than you'll ever know." He nuzzled the top of Bobby's head but made certain to stay still otherwise. He was soft now and knew it would not take much to slide out of his love. He wanted to stay connected until Bobby was ready for them to separate.

"I think this is the first time in a long time I've ever felt so happy and contented," Bobby whispered. "And wanted," he added, nuzzling into the older man's neck.

"I've wanted you for a long time. I just didn't feel it was appropriate for me to act on that...  I was already in a position of authority. Didn't want you to feel forced or coerced into giving yourself to me," Logan admitted.

"I wouldn't have felt coerced or forced." Bobby kissed the underside of Logan's chin. "Would have felt wanted instead of wondering why you barely gave me the time of day," he admitted.

"Yes. Well, I had no way of knowing that, did I?" Logan glanced down at Bobby with a hint of amusement. "Until today, I had no clue you wanted attention from me. If I'd have acted without you giving me any idea you wanted it, and you actually didn't want it... well. It wouldn't have been right."

Bobby thought about that and then nodded. "Yeah. Makes sense," he agreed. "But I'm yours now. Right? No holding back. No hiding. No keeping it secret." His voice was questioning. He wanted everyone to know who he belonged to now. He just wasn't sure if Logan felt the same.

"Yeah. You're mine and everyone you want to know, will," Logan agreed, making a distinction that it was up to Bobby who knew, because it was Bobby that most likely would be ridiculed or looked down on if the wrong people found out. They were too scared of Logan to say anything negative to him. And while Logan would quickly step in and defend his lover if necessary, it wouldn’t stop any initial cruelty. He didn’t want Bobby hurt at all.

"I want everyone to know," Bobby admitted. "Even though I know some people might not understand. I don't want it to be a secret." He nuzzled into Logan's shoulder.

"Then everyone will know," Logan stated firmly. He kissed the side of Bobby's head and breathed in his Sent, just the act of being able to hold his mate again giving him a comfort he hadn’t realized he needed.

"I love you." Bobby nuzzled into his shoulder. "I'm yours now. You're my master...unless you'd prefer, I call you something else?"

"I am your master... and if that is what you feel comfortable calling me, want to call me, I would be very happy to be called that. I love you so much and I just want you to feel right with whatever it is," Logan said as he cuddled him close.

"It feels right," Bobby stated firmly. "You are my master." He closed his eyes and breathed in Logan's scent. "Being held by you feels so right," he whispered.

Logan growled softly as he nuzzled the top of Bobby's head. "It all feels right," he murmured, feeling himself begin to swell again from Bobby's words and actions. Bobby was his and just knowing that was enough to arouse him.

Bobby felt his master rousing again and he smiled. Pressing a kiss to Logan's chin, he darted a quick glance at the older man's face, seeking permission as he reached down and allowed his fingers to graze over the other man's erection.

"I'm yours just as much as you're mine," he said softly. "You can touch if you want," he said in encouragement.

Smiling happily, Bobby began to touch a bit more boldly, eyes watching Logan's face to read how his master felt and if he was doing it correctly.

Logan looked up at Bobby, his eyes crinkling happily as he saw Bobby's happiness. It didn’t take long before what Bobby was doing had him fully aroused and the look on his face turned needy.

Bobby's grin grew wider at his master's reaction and he began to stroke a bit more firmly, leaning up to kiss Logan's lips.

Groaning softly, Logan kissed back, letting his hands curl around Bobby's arms in an effort to not take over- wanting to let the younger man take initiative.

The strokes became firmer...surer...Bobby growing more confident the more Logan reacted.

Logan drug his mouth away with a gasping moan. " kid, you're gonna kill me with pleasure..." he gasped, pushing into Bobby's hands.

Bobby grinned and kissed his master's cheek. "You made me feel good. I want to make you feel just as good." He moved down the older man's body, taking Logan's member into his mouth.

Logan's gasp was almost a gurgle and his hands tangled in Bobby's hair, tugging on it slightly rougher than he intended, but not so hard as to tear it or harm. "Kid..." he gasped. "If you don’t want a mouthful, you need to go back to your hand. I'm 'bout to lose it...."

Shaking his head, Bobby determinedly gave his master's member a lick and moved down as far as his mouth could go without choking himself.

Logan held out as long as he could, but the wet heat of Bobby's mouth was too much- especially when he determinedly kept latched on even knowing what would happen. With one last low groan, Logan stiffened before his release shot out of him and into his young submissive.

Bobby stayed in place all through his master's release, only letting go when he was certain Logan had finished. He crawled up the older man's body and nestled his head under Logan's chin. "I love you."

Wrapping his arms around Bobby, Logan held him tightly to himself. "I love you too... so much." He gently kissed the top of his head and squeezed before whispering, "let's sleep."

"Yeah...." Bobby agreed happily, closing his eyes and pressing a kiss to the underside of his master's chin.

"Good boy..." Logan growled affectionately, kissing the top of Bobby's head and then closing his own eyes.  Soon they were both asleep.


Everything should have gone according to plan. The illusions had been perfect. And if it wasn't for the fact that Stark was alive, out of hospital and with a fully functioning brain...yeah, it would have worked.

Beck had barely been given enough warning that the Avengers were closing in. His colleagues had insisted that the work be destroyed, so that it couldn't be used by Stark Industries or anyone involved with the billionaire. But he was reluctant to just get rid of millions of dollars work, so he was trying to salvage what he could...using his bots to tell him when anyone was closing in.

Normally, Happy would be far away from these types of events... but Tony had charged him with keeping an eye on Peter, whose class was on a trip to Venice. He'd gotten a frantic call from Tony about thirty minutes before the attack... and had managed to evacuate all targeted areas just in the nick of time- as well as keeping Peter out of the line of fire. He'd only managed to do that by informing the kid that Tony knew what was happening and he and all the other Avengers were on their way to stop the very human instigator of the disasters. When it was all over and the BARF Bots (as he secretly referred to them in his head- he didn't think Tony would appreciate the terminology) were lying on the ground waiting for SHIELD to pick them up for inspection, he had walked carefully toward a tavern that had held a closed sign in its window for the better part of the day- that he'd not seen anyone going in or out of- but he could have sworn he saw movement in. He quickly radioed in his position before carefully slipping into the building. He hadn't been acquainted with SHIELD and Avengers members for the last ten years only to learn nothing. He snuck like a pro.

He only needed a few minutes to salvage what he could.

Beck had kept a careful eye on the proceedings outside, so he'd seen when the robots were taken down. That was okay. He and his team could build more. He didn't see anyone approaching his base, but he had to hurry. He checked the transfer.

Ninety seconds and counting.

Happy didn't know what exactly Beck was doing at the terminal. To be honest he had no clue what the man had been thinking at all, building these things to fool the world into thinking they were being attacked again. Hadn't the world gone through enough without having to be afraid once more? He didn't remember the kid being so uncaring or cynical in the past. He didn't know what Beck was doing, but he had learned a thing or two working for Tony Stark.  The first thing he did was pull the plug on all the power to the terminal. He then pushed a button on a tiny gadget Tony had given him once upon a time. It was meant to help him slow down potential kidnappers and such so that Iron Man could reach him quickly if someone decided to use Happy against Tony- all of Tony's closest friends and family had been given one.  He figured it would work just as well here though. Pushing the button sent a tiny EMP blast that fried everything still working that the power un-plug hadn't stopped. Whatever Beck was doing should stop in its tracks.

"Fuck." Beck couldn't stop the curse as everything went black. He immediately whirled to face the new threat, reaching for his gun. He didn't have it intending to use it, but he was cornered and was going to need to get out.

The sight of the older man had him narrowing his eyes and taking a step back, loosening his hold on the gun. He couldn't...wouldn't...shoot Happy Hogan, but the man was here to take him in. And then everything would be for nothing.

"What were you thinking Quentin?" Happy asked, a sad tone in his voice. He hadn't seen the younger man in years- but the man he remembered would have never put innocent people in harm’s way for any reason. And as far as he could see, whatever Quentin had been attempting to do- the reason wasn't good. What had happened to make the other man think doing something like this was the right course of action?

That note...the question...reached something inside Beck he'd thought long since buried. He immediately became defensive. "Stark's destroyed not only my life, but the lives of countless others. Stealing our technology. Firing us as soon as we speak out in protest. You think anyone would hire me again after that?"

Happy frowned at that. He didn't even think Tony knew who Beck was to be honest. Happy had known him because Happy tended to know more of the 'underlings' that worked at Stark Industries, having started as an underling himself.  Tony? Not so much. His boss and close friend only knew key people who he dealt with personally, on a daily basis. He wouldn't have paid enough attention to Beck to have him fired. "Tony doesn't hire or fire anyone except the ones who work directly under him and for him personally. You didn't. If you were fired, it wasn't Tony that did it.... And accusations of stealing are serious. If that were true- if you had proof- then why not take it to the proper authorities? Instead of endangering thousands of innocent people who have nothing to do with Stark Industries or you?" His voice was firm and certain in his belief that Tony hadn't fired Beck. It was skeptical of Beck's claim of theft- but if Beck could prove it, then Happy would confront Tony about it himself. He believed his boss might make mistakes, but he'd never knowingly steal from someone and if that had happened, Tony would want to make things right. There was also a hint of disappointment in Beck- that the man would hurt so many people because of his own anger at one man.

Beck shook his head, hearing the note of disappointment and wincing as it cut. "I'm not the only one it's happened to. And taking it to the authorities? Who would be on Stark's side?" He didn't comment on the firing. Yes, it hadn't been Tony directly; but the supervisor had still been working for Stark.

Happy didn't get a chance to respond to that, as just as he opened his mouth, a unit of Shield agents led by Grant Ward stormed into the building, surrounding Beck and handcuffing him, leading him out. He stood there, a worried look on his face as Tony landed beside him in the Iron Man suit.  "Did you hear all that, boss?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah..." Tony's voice was worried. "...I'll look into it. See what happened. They've rounded up all the others that were working with him. I've got all their names. Apparently, all of them have a grudge against me and I'd like to know why. If it's a justified grudge, then... well... I'll have some things to set straight." He sighed softly, sounding very tired.

"Let me know what you find out. I want to help..." Happy put a hand on his friend's shoulder and squeezed gently. "You always do the right thing in the end. Once you know what that is."

Tony smiled crookedly. "Thanks for the vote of confidence...." He glanced over as Steve and Brock entered. "We get everything dangerous out of public domain?"

Steve nodded. "Everyone's safe. How are you doing?" He eyed his friend with obvious concern. This was the first time 'in the field' since Tony had recovered from his stint in hospital. And while the other man seemed more or less okay, Steve couldn't help but feel worried.

"About as good as can be expected after finding out this was all about me and the fact that they hated me and wanted to ruin my legacy." Tony sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Happy shook his head. "Not sure it was entirely about that boss. I mean- yeah. Plenty of hate for you- but I got the idea his overall intent was to become a 'hero' to the masses. To what end, I'm not sure, but..." Happy shrugged.

"Well... whatever the intent, I've got to go through company files to see if what he accused me of is true or not..." Tony rubbed at his face wearily. It was obvious he needed to go home and rest.

"If you give me access, I can look everything up for you, boss..." Happy said with a note of worry. "...Me and Pepper can find out what exactly happened and let you know if anything needs to be done about it. You should go home and be with Morgan...."

Steve nodded his agreement. "You should go home, Tony. Be with your daughter. Let your friends handle this situation and figure out exactly what happened. Then we'll work with you to do whatever needs to be done to fix it." He squeezed the other man's shoulder, adding, "I think we plan to stick around for a while. Nick received a message from an old friend who's coming here in his own spaceship."

Tony looked like he wanted to argue- but then he yawned. Giving both men a sheepish look, he nodded. "Yeah. I probably should. Just... let me know as soon as possible if I owe people apologies and any kind of financial recompense. I don't want to think I stole anything but given the state of my mind the last decade..." he slumped faintly. "It will be good to have you all planet side for a while. I missed you. So did Morgan. She keeps asking when Uncle Steve and Uncle Thor are coming back with their boyfriends... not to mention Grandpa Nick." He grinned impishly.

Happy shook his head, chuckling. "Can't wait to see Grandpa Nick's face when he hears that one..." he muttered.

Steve smiled. "We'll come by for a visit later," he promised. "Give you enough time to rest and recuperate." He wrapped his arm around Brock's waist, squeezing possessively. "There's probably a lot more going on beneath the surface. If you don't remember the people specifically, then it could be other things went on that weren't ultimately your responsibility."

"I hope so. Feel like I caused so many things to go wrong in the past. Was hoping that had ended finally..." Tony shook his head and smiled. "Is there room on the Quin-jet for me to go back with, instead of flying myself? The way I'm yawning, I'd have to let Friday take over the controls because I'll probably be asleep half-way over the Atlantic...."

Happy frowned at that.

"Of course," Steve replied, a note of worry in his voice. "We'll take the Quin-jet now," he promised.

"Thanks, Cap. Pepper's gonna be so mad at me. She thought I wasn't ready, but I just... Peter was in danger again, you know?" he hoped the other two men would understand. He was pretty sure he was going to get an earful from his wife- even as she took care of him.

"I know, boss. I was watching out for the kid though, you know? You can trust me to take care of him when you can't..." Happy said softly, not wanting to scold but to remind Tony that he wasn't alone.

Tony gave Happy an apologetic smile. "I know, Happy. You did great, taking care of him. I trust you to take care of him. Still...."

"It's not the same to know someone else is taking care of him, as it is to take care of him yourself and see he's alright with your own eyes." Happy finished for him, understanding completely.  "Let's get you to the jet, Boss. Before you fall asleep here in your suit and the Captain has to carry you."

"Maybe I should anyway," Steve commented, only half-jokingly. Even as they headed to the Quin-jet, he stuck close to Tony's side...making sure he was there in case the other man needed support.

"Well, that'd be one way to convince the world our feud was over... you carrying me to the Quin-jet," Tony teased, beginning to walk that direction.

Happy and Brock both snorted.

"True, but I'm more concerned with keeping you safe and healthy," Steve commented, reaching out to draw his lover to his side once more as they reached the Quin-jet and settled in place.

Brock sat as close to Steve as safety allowed, considering they had to buckle up for take-off.

Happy made sure Tony was secure on the plane, safety belt in place before asking, "Do you need me to keep shadowing the kid? His class is heading to Germany… or was it Czechoslovakia next? Anyway- I can keep following him if you need. Or I can come back and start looking up what was going on with Beck and the others and let Peter have a little bit of independence..." he smiled.

"He's a good kid. And he knows to contact us if something is going down..." Tony admitted. "We'll give him a little independence and you come home and research for me?"

"You got it boss." Happy sat down next to him and buckled up before saying, "Karen, could you let Peter know I'm accompanying Mr. Stark back to the compound but if anything at all happens, he is to let you and Friday know so that the appropriate people can be mustered?"

"Of course, Mr. Hogan," Peter's suit's personal AI chimed through the Quin-jet.

Happy turned to ask Tony if he wanted to tell Peter anything else only to find the other man sound asleep. Shaking his head, he said, "And Karen? Let him know I'll take care of his dad."

"Of course, Mr. Hogan," Karen's voice sounded fond.  And then it was quiet except for Tony's snoring and the engines of the Quin-jet starting up.

Steve took Brock's hand, squeezing and stroking it gently all through the trip back, every so often pressing a kiss to the knuckles.


Fury checked his comms and then ran his fingers down Bucky's arm. "Seems you'll get to know two of my older friends," he commented. "I don't know how much of Carol you saw during the final battle, but she's coming to see Talos as well."

Bucky grinned at that. "She was that lady that destroyed that spaceship all on her own, right? How'd you get to be friends with her?"

"She came to Earth believing she was part of an alien race called the Kree," Fury answered. "Turned out she actually was from Earth but had been convinced she was Kree and even given a blood transfusion. Some good people died...and still are dying. Talos’s people have been at war with the Kree. He indicated his wife had died, but mentioned he had a new partner." He paused before adding, "He was reluctant to tell me much about his new partner."

"Maybe he thinks you won't approve of him finding someone else... were you friends with his wife?" Bucky asked curiously.

"I didn't really know her," Fury admitted. "But I think you're right that he thinks I won't approve, though I suspect it might be to do with who his partner is." He settled Bucky more firmly on his lap. "I suspect he doesn't want to tell me because his new partner is Kree." He didn't really have much to base that assumption on, other than that Talos had been very evasive about answering questions about the person he was now with.

"Sleeping with the enemy, huh? Could say a lot of that seems to be going around... of course, the enemy almost always has been converted over to ally before that happens, so I suspect it won't take long for you to convince him you won't be upset with his choice..." Bucky grinned and leaned in, kissing Fury gently.

Fury kissed his lover back, cupping Bucky's head tenderly. Feelings of love and desire came through the bond vividly. He let his other hand slide up under Bucky's shirt, so he could touch the bare skin of his lover's back.

Bucky whined softly under his breath, opening his mouth to his lover. How much time till your old friend arrives? he thought, his breathing increasing.

Maybe not enough time to claim you fully...but certainly enough time for this. Fury let his hand drop down to Bucky's pants, undoing them and pushing them and his underwear down, freeing the other man's member to his touch.

Bucky's breath caught in his throat and he hid his face against Nick's neck with a quiet sigh, automatically shifting so he was more open and easier to touch and manipulate. Yours, Moy... he thought, feelings of love, contentment, and of safety flowing through the bond.

Mine. Forever. Fury began to stroke and caress his lover's member, pressing kisses to Bucky's head and shoulders at the same time.

Bucky just snuggled, leaving his lower body completely open and vulnerable to whatever his master chose to do. He nuzzled against Nick's neck and let out tiny sighs of happiness. "Love you Moy..." he whispered in a husky voice.

"I love you. So much." Fury stroked and rubbed the rest of Bucky's body with his other hand, while he continued to stroke and caress his lover's member.

Bucky wasn't terribly surprised that he wasn't able to hold out that long. Any time his master touched him he was pretty much ready for anything. Fury was always so gentle and loving and it was a big turn on, knowing that the older man could hurt him badly if he wanted, but that he wouldn't- because he loved Bucky and wanted him to feel good. Within a minute of Fury beginning his ministrations, Bucky was hard and leaking. His tiny whines turned into soft moans of need.

"Any time you're ready, my soldier," Fury whispered into Bucky's hair. "You can let go at any point." He began to stroke and rub a bit more firmly, wanting to make sure his lover felt as good as possible.

And just like that- as always- receiving his master's permission was all it took for Bucky to release. Hard. By the time his body stopped shaking and his breathing had slowed enough that he didn't sound like he was panting any longer, his and Fury's shirts were covered with a pearly wet that could not be mistaken for anything but what it was. Bucky blushed darkly. "We're gonna have to change..." he said softly. "Unless you don't mind everyone seeing..." he glanced up hesitantly. He was typically more private, so it wasn't often that Fury claimed him or did anything too personal with him when others were present. There had been a few times of course, but normally his master took him back to their room if he was going to pleasure Bucky- or take his own pleasure. Part of Bucky was hoping he'd leave them messy so all the new arrivals would see that he belonged to Fury. The other part of him was embarrassed at having made such a mess.

"I don't mind everyone seeing," Fury replied, his voice just as soft. "But I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Whatever you want to do is how we'll handle it." He drew his lover into a deep, lingering kiss.

Bucky returned the kiss, opening for Fury to deepen it further if he wanted. You don't think they will be offended? he asked with a hint of worry bleeding through the bond. I want them to see, but I don't want to offend, he admitted.

Our friends won't mind, Fury pointed out. The people who care about us won't mind either. I'm happy to show off that I own you, my soldier. To demonstrate just how much, I love you to everyone else.

Then leave the mess on our shirts. Bucky shifted his arms to hold onto Fury tightly. Hell... I'd be happy if you collared and leashed me and kept hold of the leash so everyone could see that I belong to you. Your soldier.

Fury kissed him deeply, hugging the other man tightly to himself. The mention of a collar and leash sent a spike of arousal through the bond. Maybe that's something we can look at for you. He shifted as his comm beeped and took it out, checking the screen. "Carol's arrived," he said out loud. "Seems Talos isn't too far behind her."

Bucky kissed back and hugged tight but as soon as he heard of Carol's arrival, he carefully stood and fixed his clothing. He didn't mind her seeing him messy, but he'd rather not show off his goods to her. Those were for Fury only- unless the older man wanted everyone else to see. He turned toward the door of the common area as it opened. Part of him wanted to sit on Fury's lap again. The other part knew the older man would probably want to hug his old friend and it was easier to stay standing.

Fury grinned at Carol as she came into view and stepped over to give her a hug. "Hope everything's still going okay for you."

"With all of the population being returned, it's been a lot easier," Carol admitted, giving Fury a tight hug back and then glancing curiously at Bucky.

"This is my partner, Bucky." Fury reached out to draw the other man into his arms. "Did you tell your niece you were coming back?" he asked.

"I did one better." Carol glanced back over her shoulder. "I invited her with me."

"Uncle Nick!" a squeal could be heard as a young woman ran through the door and barreled into both Nick and Bucky- hugging them both, since Bucky was firmly against Nick's side.

Bucky's eyes widened and he gave Fury a questioning look, his eyebrows rising toward his hairline.

Fury wrapped his arms tightly around Monica, hugging the young woman. "This is Monica," he explained to his lover. "My niece."

"I noticed Talos’s spaceship coming in, to land," Carol said. "Maybe we should go outside and meet him?"

Bucky grinned at Monica. "Nice to meet you..." he said cheerfully.

"You too! You'll be good for my uncle… treat him right?" she said, not realizing the exact nature of their relationship.

Bucky chuckled. "Yeah. I'll be as good for him as I can be..." he said seriously, a sparkle in his eyes.

Monica nodded with a grin, then turned at Carol's words.  "She's here!" her grin grew and it was obvious only the fact she didn't want to seem like the little girl Nick and Carol both remembered that she didn't go tearing out of the room and heading toward the landing strip without them.

Laughing softly, Fury took Bucky's hand and led his lover outside, towards the landing strip.

Smiling at Monica, Carol followed her friend, keeping her steps slow so that her niece could easily keep pace.

Bucky squeezed Fury's hand as he was led out to where a ship was now landing beside their own ship.

Monica bounced in place as she waited for her childhood best friend to exit the shuttle.

Watching outside, Talos turned to his daughter and smiled, nodding to her. "Go and see her. I know you want to."

Lyja didn't need a second piece of encouragement. She exited the shuttle and all but ran towards Monica, throwing her arms around the other woman.

Talos turned to Yon. "Carol is out there with Fury. I didn't tell Fury the identity of my partner, but I can't imagine he hasn't worked it out. But I think your appearance might come as a shock to her." He held his hand out to his submissive. I would want to hold onto you anyway, but I believe this might put her more at ease.

Yon swallowed hard and nodded. "Yes sir..." he whispered hesitantly, a frisson of nervousness carrying through the bond. The last time he and Carol had seen each other, she'd left him barely able to walk and had dragged him back to his shuttle, sending him back to the main ship on autopilot. He gripped onto Talos’s hand tightly, standing slightly behind the other man, ready to follow him wherever he led, but not willing to step foot outside the ship without him.

Monica squealed and wrapped her arms around Lyja. "I've missed you so much!"

"Me too." Lyja hugged Monica tightly. "And you get to meet my daddy, too...."

"Your daddy?" Carol asked.

"Momma died." Lyja's voice was steady, even though it carried a hint of grief behind it. "But papa has someone new now. He saved my life and... well...." She swallowed, darting a quick glance towards Fury and then back again.

Carol noticed and raised her eyebrows. "You don't think I'll be happy to see who your father's with now."

Lyja bit her lip before she blurted, "He's not who he used to be. He's changed."

It's a Kree, Fury spoke the words in Bucky's mind. We might have to be ready to run interference.

It was that moment that Talos exited from the shuttle, leading Yon-Rogg by the hand.

Carol's face turned flat...expressionless. Her hands began to glow, an almost subconscious reaction to seeing the Kree she'd trusted...considered a friend.

Monica looked toward where Talos was exiting as well. She didn't recognize the man behind Lyja's father, but she could see her Aunt Carol's reaction and she found herself stepping back a bit, standing in a defensive position- just in case.

Bucky nodded at his master to show he understood, his own body language shifting into a more defensive stance- ready to move at a moment’s notice.

Yon swallowed hard, his grip on Talos’s hand tightening enough for his own to turn white with the tension. "...Vers..." he whispered in as non-threatening a voice as he could muster. Not difficult given how plain it was for all to see how nervous he was.

"It's okay." Lyja rushed to try and reassure them. "He saved my life. He's not your enemy. He's my dad." She quickly went up and hugged Yon, making it clear what she felt about him.

Carol slowly lowered her hands, but they didn't lose their glow. She gave a sharp shake of her head. "There must be some kind of trick."

Talos snorted softly. "You're putting voice to the exact same thoughts I had when first bringing him onto my ship. But there's no deceit here. It would be impossible to hide. We're bound."

"Bound?" Carol repeated, her confusion clear.

Yon sent a questioning feeling toward Talos, asking for permission to speak. While Carol would trust Talos, he thought if he admitted how thoroughly he was owned by Talos- something he would have never admitted to when she knew him (he was too aggressive and 'in charge' to ever belong to someone else let alone obey them), maybe it would help convince her.  He hugged Lyja, but noticeably moved so that he was in front of her. If Carol decided not to listen, he didn't want Lyja to be hit by accident.

Talos responded with acceptance, giving Yon permission to speak.

Like us. Fury sent the words to Bucky, noticing the look that came from those who were bound together.

"I am his..." Yon said softly. "...completely. He feels whatever I feel, speaks to me in my mind... listens to me in his. And I belong to him fully. Whatever he says is what I do. What happens to me. He is in charge and... I need him to be..." he didn't go into detail about punishment. He felt the most important part was that Talos was in control. But if Carol asked, he'd go into more detail. It seemed as if Nick Fury and the man next to him understood at least.

"He's your master?" Confusion was rapidly being replaced by worry. The glow faded from her hands and she turned a semi-accusing glance onto Talos.

Talos raised his free hand, palm up. "Not like the Kree." He glanced at his daughter and muttered, "Last thing I need is two of you accusing me of mistreating him."

Yon, quickly realizing what Carol thought, even if he hadn't heard Talos’s response, quickly interjected. "Yes... he is my master- but he isn't like the Kree! He... he loves me. He takes care of me. He's teaching me how to be a better man..." his voice caught and this time he moved in front of Talos. If Carol attacked anyone it deserved to be him. He wouldn't hide behind his master if the chance his master would be hurt was present.

Bucky cleared his throat. "I think it's more like Nick is my master. Talos is in control- is dominant. But Yon isn't a slave...."

"He's my dad," Lyja interjected softly, moving up beside Yon and wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his shoulder. It wasn't dissimilar to how she'd placed herself between Yon and Talos when her father had first found them. It was very clear that she loved the Kree.

Carol looked uncertain, like she didn't know what to think, her gaze wavering between Yon and the two Skrull.

"There's a lot that needs to be said, I think," Fury said. "Why don't we head inside? Sit and talk? No one has to fight."

"That sounds like a good idea, Aunt Carol..." Monica spoke for the first time since the two men had stepped off the ship. "You're always telling me I should use my head more and my fists less..." she reminded the older woman.

Lyja glanced towards Monica, tilting her head to one side as if she wanted to ask more about it.

"Go. Join your friend." Talos waved his daughter in the direction of the others. "Nothing will happen to your Dad. I promise."

"Okay." Lyja kissed Yon's cheek, hugged her papa and then headed over to join Monica.

Carol nodded slowly to Monica's response, though she still looked a bit torn.

"You can follow us." Wrapping his arm around Bucky's shoulders, Fury led the way.

Talos squeezed Yon's hand and led the Kree after the others.

It was difficult walking past Carol to follow Fury and his mate. It meant she was at his back. But he did it because Talos was leading him and if Talos was willing to risk it, then he needed to put his trust in his own mate.

Monica grinned as Lyja came closer and took her friends hand. "I'm so glad to see you again!"

Bucky went with Fury quietly. He'd let them see whatever Fury felt it necessary to show them if it helped calm this situation down. Maybe she needs to see how a non-Kree master treats their submissive? he thought.

Sensing Yon's apprehension, Talos gently guided his submissive in front of him, wrapping his arms around Yon's waist so that the Kree's back was to him. I love you. The words were filled with reassurance. You're safe. You're with me. We knew it would be difficult, but I'm so proud of you for trying.

Lyja slipped her hand into Monica's and squeezed it gently. "Me too." Her voice was filled with sincerity. "I was hoping I'd be able to see you again."

Fury squeezed his lover gently. It doesn't necessarily have to be you. In fact, I believe Steve and Brock are due back soon. They seem much more comfortable showing their relationship in front of others.

Yon relaxed at Talos’s actions and words, letting himself be directed, even as he leaned slightly on the other man.

Monica grinned. "We have so much to catch up on!"

Bucky smiled. That is true. And if Stevie realizes that they need to see a relationship like this that is positive, he'll have no qualms about showing it immediately.

In fact... Fury took out his comm and tapped out a quick message, requesting that Steve and Brock join them in the common room.

Carol followed along, taking in the way Talos held onto Yon and Yon cuddled into the Skrull; a far cry from the arrogant man she'd known on Kree. Then again, the Kree weren't known for treating their people well.

Lyja smiled, her eyes searching Monica's face. "I have time."

Yon glanced around the common room as they followed Fury and Bucky into it.

Bucky let Fury lead him to the sofa where they usually sat, waiting for his mate to either pull him down next to him or sit him on his lap.

Monica's smile grew if that was possible. "That makes me so happy."

Fury sat down and pulled Bucky onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his lover's waist and kissing his shoulder. "Make yourselves comfortable," he said to the others. "We have another couple joining a relationship similar to the one I'm in and that you've indicated you both are in." He glanced at Talos and Yon.

Talos led Yon to one of the other couches and sat down with the Kree cuddled on his lap.

Carol stood nearby but didn't sit down immediately.

Lyja smiled happily at Monica and waited for the other woman to indicate where she wanted to sit, so they could sit together.

Monica pulled Lyja to an empty couch and plopped down onto it, patting the cushion next to her.  "So... how long did it take you to get here?" she asked, eyes wide.

Bucky snuggled into Fury. He normally tried to keep his shows of affection moderate, but he wanted to draw a little of the attention off of Yon and Talos - at least until Steve and Brock arrived- so he nuzzled against Nick's neck, shifting just enough that Nick could rub his bottom if he thought it was a good idea.

Yon cuddled into Talos and had a hard time looking at Carol. He felt a great deal of guilt for what he'd done to the human woman, but it felt like it wasn't appropriate to apologize or ask forgiveness at this moment in time. She was too angry. It would only seem like he was trying to make things easier on himself and he didn't want that. He wanted to make things easier for her. To make up for what he'd done.

Chattering could be heard from the hallway and seconds later Brock bounded into the room, tugging an obviously amused Steve behind him. "I can't believe he thought he'd actually get away with that! Maybe if Tony wasn't alive to figure out what was going on, but he was using technology developed in Stark Industry labs. Did he honestly think it wouldn't be noticed?"

Lyja sat down so close to Monica, she was in physical contact with the other woman. "We started a route here after Papa brought Dad onto the ship," she answered. "It took a couple of months...long enough for Papa to realize they were meant to be together." She grinned broadly at her fathers, before adding to Monica, "We also found out that Dad purrs."

"Purrs?" Carol looked interested, in spite of herself.

Lyja nodded enthusiastically. "Like a Flerkin."

"What's a Flerkin?" Steve had followed his partner in, arm slung around Brock's shoulders. Noticing one of the spare chairs, he walked over and sat down, drawing his lover into his arms.

"Like a cat." Fury nuzzled into Bucky's shoulder. "But they have tentacles."

"And they're one of the more dangerous creatures in the galaxy," Talos said.

Yon blushed. "I don't sound like a Flerkin..." he protested weakly because he knew he really did. Through the bond, Talos could tell he wasn't really upset about them talking about it, it was only mild embarrassment that was filled with a great deal of fondness for their daughter and her enjoyment of the fact he purred.

"When does he purr?" Monica asked curiously, wondering if they might see it in action.

Bucky sent through waves of love, relaxing further into his lover's arms. He might not be the type to be overly demonstrative in public, but he was becoming more used to it the more he saw it in others. He was enjoying the affection Fury was giving.

Brock, as incorrigible as ever, squirmed off Steve's lap only to place himself over it, then promptly imagined Steve baring him and warming his backside with smacks and rubs till it was ruby red.

"When he's happy," Lyja said softly, before adding, "But he likes having his ears scratched." She smiled brightly at her papa, as if expecting him to demonstrate.

Talos smiled at his daughter but didn't scratch behind his lover's ears. It was very clear, through his own emotions, that he didn't want to make Yon uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Fury clasped his hands gently against Bucky's stomach, stroking him there.

Steve let his hand rub gently over Brock's back before he lowered his lover's pants and underwear, baring Brock's bottom which he then began to rub.

"You're all very demonstrative in your affection," Carol commented, with maybe a hint of wistfulness in her tone.

It is okay, master. If it will make her happy, I will accept you baring me in front of everyone as the large blond has done to his mate. Scratching my ears is simple- Yon thought, a grateful, feeling of love and trust carrying through the bond.

Bucky sighed happily, letting his head rest on Fury's shoulder.

Brock wriggled a little, so his bottom was more prominent and grinned unrepentantly over his shoulder at Steve.

"Some more than others..." Monica agreed with her Aunt Carol, eyes wide as she watched Steve rubbing Brock's bared bottom.

Talos brushed a kiss over Yon's hair, letting his fingers scratch gently behind his submissive's ears.

"If you love someone, you shouldn't just give them affection where no one can see," Lyja said. "I don't hide how I feel about people. I'll hug Papa or Dad whenever I want to, or it seems like they need a hug."

"That's something I can get behind," Steve commented, smiling at his mate and then towards Lyja. "I'm Steve, by the way. This is my partner, Brock."

"I'm Lyja." She smiled brightly. "And my Papa's Talos. He has my Dad, Yon, sitting on his lap."

Yon couldn’t help himself. He loved and trusted Talos, and as nervous as he had been at Vers - Carol's- reaction, he had to respond to the gentle scratching. A very audible purr carried through the room. Yon blushed but leaned into the affection, seeking more of it.

Monica nodded at Lyja's words as if they were profound. "I agree...." she nodded at Steve and Brock. "I'm Monica."

Steve smiled at the two young women. "You seem very close." He continued gently rubbing his lover's bottom, interspersing a light swat every so often.

"We were best friends when we were children." Lyja smiled. "I was looking forward to seeing her again."

Talos brushed a kiss over Yon's head, continuing to scratch behind his submissive's ears, smiling at the sound of the purr.

Carol found herself watching. For all that she'd considered Yon her friend back on Kree, she'd never seen this side of him. Had never thought it was possible that two men on opposing sides of the war would develop this kind of relationship.

Brock moaned happily at the swat and rubbing, letting himself lie limp and accepting. He knew he was a shameless exhibitionist, but he loved that people could watch his master take control over him.

"It's been forever since we could be together. I'm just so glad to see Lyja again..." Monica beamed.

Yon smiled almost shyly at the kiss, continuing to purr. He nuzzled against Talos’s shoulder.

Steve continued to rub and swat, glancing towards Carol. "You can take a seat, if it's easier," he invited.

Carol sat down on one of the chairs. "Are there more of you in this kind of relationship?"

"A fair few," Fury answered. "We were on a spaceship, planning to explore the galaxy, when Tony asked us to come back and help out. You'll meet some of the other couples too."

Monica gave her uncle a curious look. "Help out with what, Uncle Nick? I've missed a few memos..." she asked without going into detail about why she'd missed memos.

"From my understanding, it was something Tony only realized was a different threat to what was assumed very recently," Fury answered.

"How did you get here so fast?" Talos asked, continuing the gentle scratching behind his submissive's ears.

"We have two sorcerers on our ship who can open portals," Steve explained, giving each of Brock's thighs a gentle squeeze. "Makes it easier to come back if we're needed."

"Normally, they only open a portal large enough for people, but this time they opened one for the ship itself. They figured with as many of us as there were, it'd be quicker. Plus, it will let us add things to the ship that we didn’t realize we'd need..." Bucky said quietly.

"That's why you might not see Stephen or Mordo for a while." Brock groaned as his thighs were squeezed. "They are exhausted from the energy needed to open the portal."

Talos let his lips rest against the back of Yon's head. Is there anything you'd like to say or ask? You don't need my permission to speak, he sent to his submissive.

Yon sent through a feeling of understanding and thankfulness before he looked at Carol. She seemed calm now at least and he might not get another chance if she left. "Vers..." he began then had to stop to clear his throat. "I... I was wrong about so many things... on so many levels. I'm sorry..." he swallowed. "It took me entirely too long to figure out, but... I'm sorry..." he finished weakly. He wouldn’t ask her forgiveness. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t even deserve his own mates yet, so how could he expect hers.

"You took my life." There was a note of bitterness in Carol's voice, but underneath that was sadness. Grief. "I thought you were my teacher. But really, you stole me from my home. Took my memories. Made me believe things that weren't true."

"I did." Yon didn’t try and defend himself or spin it into a less damning story. "I can’t undo any of it, but if I could..." he shook his head. "I know it does not help and you likely won’t believe me, but I did view you as a friend. I cared about you, as much as I was able to in that time."

"As in not at all, really. At least a lot less than you cared about following the Supreme Intelligence," Carol said. "You betrayed me. As a friend." Her voice shook, the note of hurt obvious.

"I did what was expected of a loyal Kree. It was not until... until half of life disappeared, and everything fell apart that my beliefs were challenged. I realized how wrong I was..." he looked up his eyes full of guilt. "I am sorry. I wish I could make it right...."

"I don't know how," Carol whispered.

What about punishment? Talos asked the question privately of his submissive. I know you would prefer only I punish you, but Carol is different, isn't she? Your guilt about her is separate to your guilt about me.

Do you think she'd accept that as a way for me to atone? I would submit to punishment from her, if it aided in helping her feel better. I would prefer you remain present, but... I harmed her a great deal. I harmed Fury as well. But especially her... Yon thought.

If she didn't still care about you, she wouldn't be so hurt by what happened between the two of you, Talos pointed out gently. It might be what you both need to move past this. And I would not leave your side for anything, he promised.

I... I do not know how to ask her to punish me. If she feels it would help her. Yon admitted.

"Are you talking to each other privately?" Carol asked.

"Yes." Talos gave the response without hesitation. Squeezing his submissive gently, he added, "We were discussing whether it would help repair things, at least a little, if you were to punish him."

Yon looked down, unable to face Carol... face anyone really... his guilt and shame clear for all to see.

"How would Aunt Carol be able to punish him? She doesn’t have a jail..." Monica said.

"Between our partners, we often use spanking as a form of well as through claiming, like Steve with Brock," Fury commented. "It's a personal punishment also used by family members."

Carol hesitated, glancing at Yon. "What did you think?"

Yon looked up confused. "It is not my place to decide," he finally said softly. "I hurt you, hurt your friends... as the one I wronged- if it doesn’t help you feel like I've paid at least a little, there is no point." He sounded depressed. His guilt about what he'd done to her had been bothering him a while.

Carol glanced at Talos’s face, as if seeking his permission. In response, Talos loosened his hold on his submissive and gave her a nod. She reached out and grasped Yon, drawing him over her lap, positioning him so his head was resting against Talos’s stomach, where the Skrull could stroke his hair.

Yon tried not to tense up, but it was difficult. Even though he knew he deserved this- deserved worse- he still wasn’t sure what she'd do. She was quite capable of killing him if she chose, even if Talos and Lyja defended him. Still, he had to trust that she wouldn’t do that. It also didn’t help that there was an audience. It might be necessary- he'd hurt them all and watching would prove to them he was sorry and trying to be better. It was difficult though. It helped that Talos was cradling his head. His master holding onto him helped calm him when his nerves might have urged him to pull away and run.  "I am sorry..." his voice caught on a sorrowful note.

Carol didn't reply. She wasn't sure what she could say. She believed he was sorry. Believed he'd changed. But she still carried the scars of losing someone she'd cared about. Someone who'd been a friend. She let a hand rest on his back, her other baring him...and then she paused, seeing the welts left behind from a caning. She glanced at Talos and then at the back of Yon's head, before swallowing.

Talos let his full attention stay on Yon, stroking his submissive's hair in much the same way Lyja had done earlier. Through the bond, he allowed calm reassurances of love and care to flow through to the Kree.

Monica winced at seeing the cane marks but didn't say anything. She awkwardly looked away. She wasn't used to being a visual participant (or a participant at all really) in other people's punishments.

Yon shivered as he was made bare, hiding his face against Talos’s stomach. A sense of deep shame went through him- not that Carol could see that he'd been punished already, but that it was still necessary that Talos punish him. That his actions had been so horrible that he needed daily punishment to atone.

Carol hesitantly lifted her hand and brought it down in a swat that, although firm, was more stinging than truly hard.

Lyja took Monica's hand and turned to face the other woman, beginning to ask her questions about how her mother was and what she was doing now.

At Carol's hesitant swat, a feeling of confusion carried through the bond. It only stings master. It isn’t truly punishing. It is as if she really does not want to do this...  His confusion turned to guilty worry as he fretted that maybe she had felt pushed into doing this. That she hadn’t wanted to. That she would be more comfortable holding onto her hate and anger.

Monica happily kept her eyes on Lyja and told about what Maria was up to.  "I think she was happy I joined Shield instead of the Air Force," she said quietly. "I know with as often as I get chewed out for doing my own thing, I probably would be out on my ass otherwise..." she snorted.

Talos stroked his fingers through Yon's hair. She cares for you. I believe she worries about harming you. Out loud, he said, "If you only give out a half-hearted punishment, it will not allow either of you to heal and move past what happened. Either commit fully or choose a different method to heal the wedge between the two of you."

A more focused look came into Carol's eyes. Talos was right. And she wanted things to be better between her and Yon. The next swat she delivered was harder and she landed several more at the same force. "You were my best friend, Yon. I trusted you."

"Is it so very dangerous?" Lyja asked, tilting her head to one side.

Yon didn’t want to talk, but he couldn't not respond to her words. "I know. What I did was unforgivable. It doesn't matter that I didn't realize how horrible it was till I turned on them. I wish so much I could undo the hurt I caused you...." he whispered in a broken tone. He wasn't fighting at all, even though it stung badly.

"They say it is. It's why they get so upset with me when I go off script. But I haven't got hurt yet and everything I've done always turns out better than they expected the original plan to work, so..." Monica seemed completely unconcerned about the fact she was admitting to disobeying orders and doing dangerous things.

"I... believe you." If nothing else, the fact Yon had submitted to this and was clearly firmly in Talos’s control made it obvious he had changed. Carol completed a second circuit of swats and began a third, going a bit harder and faster.

Lyja frowned at that. "Sometimes orders are given for a good reason. Just because things haven't gone wrong so far doesn't mean they won't ever go wrong."

Yon tried but couldn't stop the whimper at the harder, faster swats. Even if Talos was always careful not to injure, he'd received another caning that morning and was still tender from it. And once Carol had gotten over her initial hesitation and decided to truly punish him, her swats hurt- even if she only used her hand. He blinked back tears and attempted not to cry vocally- even if he was submitting to punishment, it was still difficult to surrender his emotions to anyone but Talos. Even if he felt like slumping over her knee and sobbing, it felt wrong somehow. So, he held it all inside, his body tensing up with the effort. It was obvious to both Carol and Talos what he was doing, although only Talos understood the why.

"Well... yeah..." Monica's nose wrinkled. "I don't ignore them all the time."

"...Only when following them gets in the way of what she wants to do," a highly frustrated voice carried through the room as Maria Hill walked into the common area, Kara Palamas behind her. Her eyebrow rose faintly at seeing Carol Danvers spanking a grown man over her knee, but she didn't say anything. She'd had a few talks with Fury and Coulson about how things were done at the compound, so it wasn't really a surprise. She turned toward Monica, directing a severe frown toward the younger woman. "Is there a reason you decided three weeks unpaid leave meant you could just leave your post without filling out the proper paperwork and getting permission?! Luckily for you, I knew Nick had called you and was able to figure out where you had gone and retroactively sign permission. Otherwise you'd find yourself demoted to janitor if not completely out of a job. You were warned. This was your last chance to prove you could follow orders."

Monica's eyes had widened when Maria walked in, but she'd begun to look worried by the time the older woman had finished speaking. "I was on leave! I figured it wouldn't matter where I took it..." she couldn't stop herself from protesting, even if she knew she was in the wrong.

"No." Maria interrupted. "This is where you thank the adult who saved your job and pulled your ass out of the fire, not that you wouldn't deserve a heated backside," she glanced toward Carol and the man with the ruby red butt before looking back at Monica. "You do not get to try and play the wronged party here."

Monica swallowed hard at the words and the implication she wasn't acting like an adult. She then glanced nervously toward 'Uncle Nick' and 'Aunt Carol'   Carol was focused on Yon still (though she was certain the older woman had heard everything) but Nick was paying very close attention. She swallowed again, shrinking back into Lyja, assuming her childhood friend would be sympathetic.

Fury was cuddling his mate on his lap but was also paying very close attention to what Maria was saying. He turned his very disappointed gaze onto Monica. "I think a lack of following orders seems to be a fairly common problem among certain people." His voice was heavy with disappointment.

Lyja frowned and slid her hand up Monica's arm, grasping her friend by both her forearms. "You shouldn't be disobeying orders from your superiors," she stated, her voice serious...nearly stern.

Talos stroked his fingers through Yon's hair. You don't need to fight your reactions. It's not right to fight your reactions. Let yourself feel. Let yourself react, he ordered.

Hearing Talos’s gentle admonishment was all it took for Yon to let go. Slumping over Carol's knee, he began to sob brokenly sputtering out apologies whenever he was able to catch his breath. It was obvious that he felt great regret and remorse for what he'd done to her.

Monica looked from Maria, to her uncle, to Lyja, and back again. Guilt flashed briefly across her face and in her eyes before she schooled her face into stubborn determination. "I only do so when my idea is better, and they won’t listen to me!" She tried to seem confident but was pouting.

Carol stopped the spanking and then didn't hesitate. Yon had been her best friend and she couldn't...wouldn't...believe it had all been a trick. Glancing at Talos’s face, making certain it was okay to comfort his mate, she moved Yon into her arms and hugged him tightly.

"You don't always have all of the information," Fury said. "Your idea might seem better on the surface, but there are other factors you don't take into consideration."

At feeling Carol's arms wrap around him, Yon held to her tightly and cried. A sense of relief carried through the bond though. If she was hugging him, then maybe eventually she could forgive him. "I should have sided with you. If I could change my mind and do it again, I'd side with you..." he whispered hoarsely. If he could redo that one choice, he wouldn’t have done all the other horrible things he'd done to everyone. He wouldn’t have pushed his best friend away. He wouldn’t have hurt his lover so deeply.

Monica couldn't look anyone in the eye. She knew her uncle was right, just as she knew she had disappointed him immensely. And Maria had been kind and not given the full story. If her uncle knew the full story, she had a feeling she'd be going over his knee. She hadn't been in that position in over ten years when she was a rookie and nearly got killed because she'd forgotten to turn her coms on and didn't get important instructions to retreat.

"I know." Carol hugged Yon, feeling a weight lift from her that she hadn't even realized she'd been carrying for years. "Maybe you hid from me who I was and where I came from, but I know you weren't lying about our friendship," she said honestly, before adding quietly, "The only thing I missed from learning I wasn't Kree was my best friend."

Kara stood close to Maria's shoulder; not exactly touching, but also not keeping her distance, either. She wasn't entirely sure where to look, given the various stages of undress people were in (and the very suspicious stains covering Director Fury and his partner), so she let her gaze focus on the two women sitting on the sofa, closer than just mere friends might warrant.

Lyja was frowning, looking quite bothered...almost learning about this. She was still holding Monica's arms, but she'd also paid attention to Carol and her dad. She still didn't agree with her papa's continual punishment of Yon (couldn't he see how sorry the Kree was?), but caring, affectionate punishment with comfort given afterwards? It was somewhat gratifying to see Terrans weren't so different to her people. "You shouldn't have disobeyed," she said out loud. "What if you'd been hurt? Or someone else had been hurt?"

Fury's eyebrows rose. Those were both things he would have pointed out to his niece. That the Skrull woman was doing exactly that didn't bother him; it was quite clear, in fact, that he was watching another relationship form. Just like his and Bucky's. Like Steve and Brock. So, he didn't speak and allowed Lyja to take control of the situation...a hint of amusement carrying through the bond.

Steve still had his lover draped across his knees, alternating between rubbing and squeezing Brock's bottom and thighs. Occasionally, he'd give out one or two light swats...just to keep his lover's backside warm.

"I would never allow myself to think on it, how much I missed you. It hurt too much," Yon admitted, tightening his grip. Soon he would return to Talos’s arms, but he needed Carol to feel how important she was to him.

Maria pulled Kara closer to her. She wanted to introduce her daughter to those who hadn't met her yet, but the time didn’t feel right. Instead she focused on what Lyja was saying, sensing another ally in keeping her young friend safe. "That's why she was put on unpaid leave. Her last foray into ignoring orders nearly got her blown up. Only the quick response of her team lead enabled us to get her out in time." She turned accusing eyes onto Monica. "And then you just take off without word to anyone, when you know damn well you were expected to stay on base and do whatever tasks that lead assigned. She was so worried you'd somehow gotten caught by our target- who is still looking for you by the way- and so frustrated that you ignored rules yet again, I had to talk her out of quitting herself. She was taking the blame for being an ineffective team lead, when it wasn't her fault at all!"

Monica glanced around at all the frustrated, disappointed faces looking at her and shrunk back.  "Sheesh...  I'm sorry. I didn’t think she'd blame herself... I'll apologize next I see her..." she finally mumbled, completely ignoring the fact she was in danger and had broken more rules.

Bucky had been listening closely and upon hearing Maria's explanation thought to Fury, Maybe, she should come on the ship with us. Until she learns how to obey and isn’t being hunted on earth anymore.

Brock was content being handled by Steve. He caught the looks Kara was giving though and mentally asked his mate if maybe he shouldn’t pull his clothing back up and just snuggle... at least until she'd been properly introduced and wasn’t so nervous.

Carol tightened her own embrace around Yon. "What happened?" she asked, unable to hide her worry. "What made you change your opinion so drastically? Did they hurt you?" Knowing first-hand how the Kree toyed with people, she wasn't able to hide her concern...not now that she had her best friend back.

That's probably a good idea, Fury agreed. We could invite Lyja, Talos and Yon too...I can't imagine the rest of the Skrull are that happy with him walking around freely on the ship. And I'm guessing Lyja isn't likely to let Monica out of her sight any time soon.

Don't feel like you have to stop, Steve sent to his lover. I want you to freely have what you need. You know I don't have a problem handling you in front of everyone else.

Kara pressed closer to Maria, relaxing at the contact, but still saying nothing. She wasn't really that used to speaking up for herself, especially in front of so many famous people.

Lyja had listened to Maria's comments with a frown. And then, looking directly into her best friend's eyes, she said firmly, "You will not put yourself in any kind of danger. You will not cause your family to risk losing you." And she gave a sharp tug, pulling Monica across her lap.

"The snap. Or the Blip, or whatever they are calling it now. It took out the supreme intelligence. Without it guiding my decisions... I was finally able to think for myself," yon said softly. "That let me see how wrong it all was. When they sent me to... to kill Lyja, I couldn't do it anymore. I would rather die than be who I was again."

I know Cap. But she seems so nervous... Brock thought worried about the younger woman.

"Lyja!" Monica squawked. "What?!"

"I'm glad that you turned back. That you found a different way," Carol said honestly. "I have my best friend." She glanced at Talos and then at Yon. "Are you happy? I saw...that you'd been suffering." She didn't say exactly what the marks were, not wanting to embarrass Yon.

We can cuddle for now and continue this later, if you think it might be better, Steve said.

"It seems our two people have very similar ideas on how to handle disobedience and dangerous actions." Lyja settled Monica in place before baring the other woman, tightening her grip.

"I am very happy..." Yon said quietly, blushing faintly that she knew he'd been punished and was worried. "Talos takes good care of me, treats me well... helps me atone so I do not have to feel weighed down with guilt for what I did to him and his people."

I get the idea she is an innocent. Until we know her better and can know for certain, perhaps it is better to be more circumspect around her. Like we are with Peter, Brock thought.

"Lyja!" Monica squealed this time. And belatedly threw her hands back in an effort to cover her bottom, not so much to stop Lyja because it was too late to do that by- the- time she thought of it, but to keep her modesty such as it was. The thought of having everyone see her spanked was worse than the idea of being spanked if she were honest with herself.

Carol nodded. "I'm glad that he takes care of you. That you belong to him and he's not like a master would be on Kree."

Talos frowned. "A master's responsibility is to treat his or her submissive well and allow them to grow and thrive. Not to mistreat them."

Pulling Brock's clothing back into place, Steve cuddled his lover on his lap, warm waves of love flowing from him to Brock.

Lyja grasped Monica's hands, moving them out of the way and holding them against her back. Lifting her hand, she brought it down firmly. "You should not disobey orders, especially when doing so could end with you or someone else getting hurt." She continued swatting as she spoke, covering Monica's entire backside down to her thighs.

"He is not like the Kree at all... and... and he has been teaching me what a Master and submissive's relationship should be like." Yon smiled crookedly before admitting. "I love him...."

Brock smiled happily at Steve and proceeded to cuddle as much as possible.

Bucky couldn't help but smile at the way Lyja had so quickly and determinedly taken over Monica and correcting her. Looks like you don't need to worry about your niece as much now. Seems like she'll have her own guardian.

"Ow! Lyja! That... that hurts!" Monica complained, beginning to squirm almost immediately. She sounded slightly dazed. It was obvious she hadn't expected her childhood best friend to take her in hand. She heard Lyja's words, but they weren't impacting her yet.

"We love each other," Talos said. "And our bond allows us to experience each other's emotions. It means there are no secrets. No deceit."

"But still punishment," Carol said quietly.

"Yes, well...." Talos glanced towards his own daughter. "Punishment given to correct and for atonement rather than to harm is very different to giving pain for the sake of it." A small measure of regret came through the bond. The first time, he had allowed his anger to dictate how he had punished Yon. And while he hadn't gone too far, it disturbed him to think of how easily he could have.

She needs it, Fury said. Maria's right to worry about her. He turned his gaze towards the younger woman accompanying Maria and smiled at her. "Kara Palamas?"

Kara immediately snapped to attention. "Yes, sir."

"It's a punishment," Lyja said, her voice calm. She kept a tight grip on Monica, starting a second circuit of swats. "You know that you weren't to disobey orders. If you truly thought you were doing the right thing, you wouldn't have hesitated in saying so."

"Punishment that allows me to move forward instead of dwelling on what I did wrong." Yon said quietly, sending feelings of trust and love to his master.

"I... I didn't try to..." Monica faltered, not knowing what to say that wasn’t an outright lie. She'd been wrong. She knew she had been.

Talos reached out, stroking his fingers down Yon's arm. His own feelings of love and care came through as he took his submissive's hand.

"Really? Because I don't think you can claim ignorance, since it sounds as if this is a pattern of behavior." Lyja began a third circuit of swats, going a bit harder and faster.

Yon squeezed Talos’s hand back.  He was at peace and very happy. He gave Carol a sheepish look. "I can move if you wish..." he said quietly.

"I don’t mean to be... I have good ideas! I don’t always have time to tell them before acting!" She tried to defend herself, but it was obvious she didn’t fully believe her own words. She knew how close she'd come to dying, and how many times. She was beginning to feel guilty about the troubles she'd caused.

"I'm not uncomfortable, but if you need to move to be closer to your master, I won't be upset," Carol said.

"Good ideas need to have a good plan of execution. Without that, even the best ideas can get you or someone else killed." Lyja began focusing more swats to Monica's sit spots and thighs.

Yon smiled, squeezing Talos’s hand. "I am alright for the moment..." he said quietly. It was comforting being held by his best friend- knowing that she accepted him and his new life.

"I didn't mean to cause problems!" Monica finally wailed, the spanking finally building up in sting so that her backside felt like it was sunburned. It didn't help that she knew Lyja only did this because she was very worried. They all were. She began to tremble. Tears were already streaming down her face, but the first indication that she was going to give in started to show. She just wanted to be right with her family.

You need this to reconnect and be right with each other, Talos sent to his submissive. I am very happy to see you both as friends again. He stroked his fingers over Yon's palm, raising the other man's hand to his lips to gently kiss it.

"No one here wants to lose you," Lyja said. "I don't want to lose you. If you carry on endangering yourself, that makes it more likely to happen."

I knew I needed to make things right with her, but I did not know how much until I saw her, Yon admitted. Thank you for helping make this possible.

Monica's breath caught at those words and a tiny sob escaped. "I... I'm not trying to be lost. I don't want to be lost..." another tiny sob escaped and then the dam burst, and she was sobbing like her heart was breaking. Slumping over Lyja's knee, she couldn't stop crying. She'd known she was wrong, and she'd known everyone was worried, but having her best friend feel the same way after only being back in her life a few hours at most? Maybe she had been doing everything wrong. And if that was the case, she owed everyone a huge apology. She was lucky she hadn't been sent away. "I'm sorry!" she choked out between sobs.

I love you, Talos sent to his submissive. I know how much she means to you. How much it hurt that you were no longer in each other’s lives.

Lyja stopped spanking, replacing her best friend's clothing and then drawing Monica up and into a tight embrace. She held the other woman close, as if she was too afraid to let go.

You know everything about me and do your best to help. I am grateful and lucky to belong to you. I love you, Talos.... Yon thought.

Monica couldn’t stop crying. Now that she'd been forced to look at her actions from everyone else's point of view, she also had to face the pain, frustration, fear, and disappointment she'd caused her loved ones. Her bottom felt like it was on fire, but that didn’t feel like nearly enough to make up for her actions. "I'm sorry," she continued to cry, even as she twisted around to cling to Lyja, nearly crawling back onto her friend’s lap.

Maria, calm and a bit more satisfied than she would have thought she'd be at seeing the younger woman's bottom spanked so thoroughly, relaxed and turned toward Fury. "Officially, I am writing up that she has three more weeks of unpaid leave added onto the first three for absence without leave. And then she is being transferred to work on the new Avengers ship under Coulson's command. Everyone knows he works with the problem agents." She smirked faintly. "in reality... she needs to be with you all. If that is acceptable sir?"


At that moment, Grant rushed into the room, bandage on his arm and his father trailing behind with a fond smile. "You'll never believe what happened!" Picking her up, he twirled her around, overjoyed to see his best friend in the world, outside of his father.

"I love you." Talos spoke his response out loud, so that everyone would hear and know. The feelings coming through the bond matched the words he spoke.

Lyja hugged Monica tightly, holding onto her friend. "I know and it's okay. It's over. You're forgiven," she soothed.

Fury smiled and nodded to Maria. "You're right. I doubt very much she'll be coming on board without Lyja and Lyja's fathers...I believe it's a good thing we're here, since we'll need to look at expanding the ship."

Kara quickly hugged Grant in return, smiling happily...until she saw the bandage on his arm and worry mingled with the happiness. "You're hurt."

Yon smiled at the vocalized acknowledgement of love. "And I love you, master..." he said softly, wanting it to be clear that he was Talos’s in every way, including submission. His clothes covered it mostly, but he was still slightly puffy with his master's seed in him. It was slowly absorbing into his body, each extra bit binding him closer and more tightly to the older man.

"I'm not trying to be bad..." Monica finally managed to calm her sobs to gentle crying and soft sniffles. "I just don't think of how bad it is till I've already done it," she said mournfully.

"That explains Stark hiring more engineers and construction crew..." Maria was amused.

Grant blinked and then shook his head. "Oh, no! That's just from drawing blood so they can run some tests. I got bond to daddy and somehow it changed my DNA, so I really am his!" He was excited.

"I'm glad that you're together," Carol said. "It seems like you're good for each other. And someone needs to take care of you." She smiled at Yon, adding, "You were doing so much on your own...I know you didn't trust anyone, even me, to watch your back."

"You're not bad," Lyja disagreed, kissing her friend's forehead. "Maybe a little thoughtless at times."

Kara smiled, truly happy for her best friend, and hugged him. "That's such good news!"

Yon's smile was rueful. "I couldn’t. To rely on others more than necessary was considered weakness. And I had to be the example to all others under my command."

"Maybe," Monica said in a sad tone. Sighing, she glanced toward Maria and her uncle. "I'm sorry deputy director, Uncle Nick. There aren’t any excuses."

Grant grinned. "Have you and Maria become official family yet? I know she was working on paperwork last time we were together," he nuzzled gently against the side of her head.

But now, you know better, Talos pointed out. You belong to me now. Not to the Kree. Not any longer.

"There aren't," Fury agreed. "And if Lyja hadn't just spanked you for it, you would be taking a trip over my knee."

Kara hesitantly glanced towards Maria, not sure if her mother was ready for her to share the news or not.

I do know better now. And I'm happier now, Talus thought.

Monica blushed. "Yessir..." her voice was subdued.

Maria nodded at Monica. "All I'm interested in is improved behavior. The rest is water under the bridge if you've learned your lesson." She turned toward Kara and smiled warmly. "You can tell anyone you want to sweetie. I don't want it kept secret from friends or family."

Good, Talos replied, his look fond and loving.

"It's a good look on you," Carol said quietly. "Happy and peaceful."

Kara smiled back before nodding to Grant. "Yes. It's official now." Her eyes were lit up. She sounded happy.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" Grant hugged her tightly.

"I am," Yon replied. "I never thought it was possible to feel this way before.

Slowly other members of the team were wandering in. Frank glanced around nervously when he walked into the room.

Talos glanced up as the others began filtering in, stroking his hand down Yon's arm.

Yondu wrapped his arm possessively around Frank's waist and guided him towards one of the chairs, sitting down and pulling the Terran down onto his lap.

Maria's eyebrows rose slightly. "News reports said you were dead..." she said bluntly to Frank.

"Guess the ruse worked then..." Frank answered, giving Yondu a wry look.

Monica sniffled, putting her head on Lyja's shoulder, taking her cue from Yon who had done the same with Carol.

Maria moved over to Coulson, since Grant and Kara were talking... and beginning to snuggle if the way Grant was moving closer was any indication. "She missed him," she said to her longtime friend.

"Easier to move around if everyone thinks you're dead," Yondu commented.

Lyja cuddled Monica tightly, stroking her fingers through her friend's hair and nuzzling against her head.

"He missed her too, just as much," Coulson said honestly. "Even if the two of you hadn't come here, I would have made sure he could still see her."

"Safer for my few friends that are known by my enemies too..." Frank said gruffly.

Monica nuzzled back whenever she could, letting out tiny sighs of contentment.

"I know she'll miss you all more when you go back into space. It makes me wish we could go up too, if only so they wouldn't have to be apart again for so long," Maria smiled. "I have to admit, not having to say goodbye to my two oldest friends again, would be nice."

"You can come with us," Coulson said. "I assume you've had a glimpse of how people tend to handle things. If you think you and Kara will be comfortable with a lack of personal boundaries...I'm sure everyone will be more than happy to have both of you along. That's definitely true of both me and Grant."

"I've seen and done too much over the years to be bothered by anything that isn't harming another person. As long as it is consensual and sane, I'm fine." Maria paused. "Kara... I think if she's warned ahead of time, she'll be fine too. She was caught by surprise this time and wasn’t sure how she was meant to react- whether she should pretend not to notice, make sure they knew she noticed but didn’t care, or avoid looking all together... but I'm sure you know how it is. Having adopted someone with a very similar background as far as Hydra goes." She kept her voice soft so only Coulson would hear.

Coulson nodded. "I think it would be good for them. And it's not like we can't easily ask for an extra room or two to be added onto the expansion. Most of us have just one room for the two of us, but if you think you and Kara might be better off with a room each, we can just as easily arrange that."

"I don't think she'd have a problem sharing a room with me, and she most likely wouldn't want to be one of the few people on board who had her own room. I'll ask her though..." Maria said thoughtfully. "Given their relationship, I'd be surprised if she or Grant didn't ask for us all to move in to one area so they don't have to be apart..." she smirked, noting how close Grant had moved to her daughter.

Coulson glanced towards his son, an affectionate smile on his face. "If that's something we all want and are happy with, it should be easy enough to ask the engineers to make the area big enough," he commented.

"A small suite of rooms instead of one room? Are you sure you want to share space with me? After Rome, I didn't think you'd ever want to share a room ever again..." she laughed in amusement.

Keeping a completely straight face, Coulson commented, "Ah, well, if it was just me involved, I wouldn't share the space. But as I'm sure you're right our children will want to...we all have to make sacrifices," he joked.

Maria couldn't help but laugh outright at that, drawing the attention of a few of the Avengers who hadn't been around to witness her sense of humor.

Tony had come in by that point and seeing the surprised looks on some of the faces joked, "Did you break my head of HR, Agent Agent?" he teased Phil and Maria, referring to her brief stint working for Stark Industries after everyone in SHIELD had gotten burned due to Hydra. She had gone back to her original SHIELD post once things had gotten settled, and SHIELD was once again a legal agency, but for that short period of time he'd allowed her to 'hide' in his company and done everything he could to protect her and those who had come with her from SHIELD.

"We were just making plans for the ship." Coulson smiled at Tony. "Got a few more people joining us." He nodded towards the newcomers. "We may end up with more."

Steve glanced over Tony his look of concern obvious. "How are you feeling?" he asked the other man.

Tony slanted his head and paused as if he were about to deal with the media instead of his friends and then blinked and sighed. "I don't feel sick exactly, but I'm still tiring out a lot faster than I'm used to," he reluctantly admitted.  He'd been working with Peter about being honest about how he was feeling and not trying to 'protect' people from his problems. He couldn't very well expect the teenager to do as he said if he wasn't willing to do it himself. He glanced at Coulson.  "The ship itself can't be made bigger- but there was a huge section of it that was left as open space for storage and such. I've got the engineers here to reconfigure a few things and make it more comfortable as well as more aerodynamic, so..." he glanced around the room, "...if any of you would like to request specific things for your own quarters, now is the time to do it. As long as it doesn't change structural integrity, we can pretty much move any wall inside the ship itself."

Would you like to expand our quarters so we can share with Maria and Kara? They're going to come on the ship with us. Coulson sent the question to his son, hoping it would not only make Grant happy, but give the younger man the opportunity to say how he really felt - if he'd prefer some space - without having to admit that out loud.

Grant blinked and glanced toward his father, then smiled. If they are agreeable to the idea, I wouldn't mind that. I'd like to have Kara nearby... he thought, a sense of happiness surging through the bond.

Maria, seeing Grant's look, guessed that Coulson had just asked him about sharing quarters. "If you wouldn't mind, have him ask Kara if she'd be interested in sharing? Otherwise, I'll have to walk over there and potentially interrupt them. And then you can explain how this bond works that enables you to speak with him telepathically." She smiled.

"Of course." Coulson smiled warmly at Maria and then sent the message to his son. Do you want to see how Kara feels about sharing?

Of course, daddy! Grant grinned and turned back to Kara. "How would you feel about your mom and you sharing quarters on the ship with us?"

Kara darted a glance towards her mother and then focused on Grant. "Really?" she asked happily. "We can go with you?"

"If you want to... I think my Dad and your Mom are working out the finer details, but... we don't have to be apart any longer..." Grant said just as happily, tugging Kara into his arms and snuggling her.

Kara hugged him back tightly, letting her head rest against his shoulder. "Good. I'm glad," she said firmly.

"I am too. I didn't realize how much I missed you until I was able to see you again. I just knew something was missing..." Grant admitted, kissing the top of her head. She was happy with the idea, daddy....  he sent back to his father.

Kara snuggled, happy to be able to hold onto Grant and be with him.

"Grant's told me she likes the idea," Coulson said to Maria, before proceeding to explain the bond between him and his son.

By the time Coulson had finished explaining, Maria was determined that she wanted that for her and her daughter. She felt it would help Kara immensely to realize that Maria had taken her in because she loved her and wanted her- not from a sense of obligation because of what had happened to her. "Do you think they'd be able to help Kara and me form a bond like that, Phil? I'm 100 percent positive she'll say yes if I ask her, but I don't want to get her hopes up if they can't do it...."

"I don't see any reason why not," Coulson replied. "It wasn't difficult at all to form the bond with Grant. You'll need to be prepared for a lack of privacy while you get used to it, though. Thoughts and feelings tend to bleed through even when you don't intend them to."

"We don't tend to require a lot of privacy between us anyway. Kara had to give up a lot of hers for me to help her and I didn't feel right her having to be so open and exposed if I wasn't willing to reciprocate, so..." Maria smiled crookedly. "Who is it I should ask though?"

"Stephen and Mordo," Coulson answered. "They're still recovering from having opened the portal back here, but once they're up and about, I'm sure they'll willingly help you with the ritual."

"I suppose I should ask them and then have them let me know when the best time for them is..." Maria nodded. "I might go look for them now, actually. You want to come with? We can stop by and talk to those architects Tony has hired to redo the ship and give them input on what we need."

Coulson nodded. "That would be a good idea. If either Kara or Grant think of anything they'd like to include, Grant can pass that on to me."

"Shall we go then? Go and tell Grant and Kara what we are doing and then leave the kiddies time to reconnect on their own?" Maria grinned and took Phil's arm.

"Sounds like a plan." Coulson guided her towards the two youngsters, so they could tell Grant and Kara where they were going.

Monica watched quietly as Phil and Maria walked over and spoke quietly to Grant and Kara before disappearing out the door.  She noted that both Grant and Kara seemed very happy with whatever they'd been told, but she didn't ask what was going on. It wasn't any of her business what her director did in her spare time, and she was already in enough trouble without getting the woman upset at her for being nosy. Sighing softly, she snuggled that much closer to Lyja. She felt a bit childish sitting on her best friend's lap and snuggling so much- but then again, her best friend had put her over her lap and spanked her bare bottom, so she supposed she was allowed to be a bit childish.

Lyja let her head rest against Monica's, snuggling her best friend. "We've only just seen each other again after so long," she whispered. "I don't want to lose you. I love you."

"I don't want to say goodbye after only being able to see you again after so long..." Monica admitted in a tiny voice. "I don't know what I'll do when you have to leave again."

"Maybe I don't need to," Lyja said. "Papa and Dad were talking about joining Fury and his partner...we could all join them on the ship."

"I don't know if I'd be allowed... I already got into trouble for leaving my post. I don't think they'd willingly give me an extended leave to go off-world..." Monica tried not to be hopeful. After everything she'd recently done, she figured she was lucky to still have a job. The chances of her being assigned to joining the group going into space was not very high.

"It's not extended leave," Fury commented, having been listening to the conversation between the two younger women. "Officially, you'll be transferred to my command. Of course, unofficially? You've got someone else looking out for you, who I trust has your best interests at heart." He smiled at Lyja.

Lyja returned the smile and hugged Monica that bit tighter.

Monica turned startled eyes onto her Uncle Nick, hugging Lyja back more tightly in response, though her attention was split between her friend and uncle. "You mean... I can come with you?"  This time she didn't try and hide the hope in her voice. And then his words really registered. "Wait... if I'm officially under your command, why does it sound like I'll be answering to someone else?" she blinked as she began to realize who he meant and turned to face Lyja. "'ll be in charge of me?" she asked hesitantly, not certain how she felt about that news. This was her best friend and if Lyja was in charge, that changed their dynamic enough that it was a bit unsettling- even if the idea of Lyja being in charge of her didn't bother her as much as she would have thought it should.

"You're my best friend, but you're also a whole lot more than that," Lyja said. "You're important to me. I love you." She said the words again, not sure Monica had actually heard her the first time.

Monica looked into Lyja's eyes and bit her lip. Did Lyja mean what she thought she meant? "Of course, you love me... we're best friends. I love you too..." she said hesitantly, not wanting to assume she was right and Lyja did mean it that way she thought. If Lyja loved her that way it meant that one of her deepest wishes was coming true; but she was afraid to admit it to Lyja until she knew for certain. If she was wrong and Lyja meant she loved her in a purely platonic way, she could ruin their friendship if she said anything.

"Not just as friends," Lyja said honestly. "Like my Papa loves my Dad. I love you in that way." She'd considered waiting until they were in private to admit that, but what better time to admit her feelings than when surrounded by their family and friends?

Monica bit her lip, quivering at finding out that she hadn't misunderstood. Lyja really did love her the way she wanted to be loved. Impulsively, she tightened her arms around her friend and leaned in, kissing her full on the mouth, trying to put all the love she felt for Lyja into the kiss. She didn't think she could say anything now, so acting on her feelings was all she could do.

Lyja didn't hesitate in returning the kiss, hugging Monica tightly to herself. She did her best to pour all of her own emotions into the kiss, wanting to make sure there was no misunderstanding. That Monica knew how much she meant to Lyja.

Finally, Monica had to pull back so she could breathe.  "Wow..." was all she could say, as she gave Lyja a wide-eyed, semi-dazed look. It wasn't a look she wore often, and it was clear to everyone in her vicinity that the events that had just unfolded had knocked her feet out from under her.

Maybe we should suggest they move to one of the guest rooms to work out their relationship in private- or at least give Monica time to adjust to her new situation. Looks like she's had one surprise too many- even if most of them were good surprises... Bucky thought to his mate.

You're probably right, Fury agreed. Out loud, he added, "I know it's been a long day for a lot of us. There are plenty of rooms in the compound where you can all out any changes you might like to make, or things to add into your quarters in the spaceship."

Tony was laying back into the couch, only half paying attention to what was going on around him. At Fury's words though, he quickly sat up. "Nick is right. Friday? If you could please direct any of our newer guests to the rooms that have been set aside for them?" he turned back to the group. Talk amongst your partners and family, decide what kind of accommodations you need on the ship. We're pretty much gutting it except for the outside shell and anything that is integral to the ships function. When you know what you need or want, give those plans to Friday. She will deliver them to the engineers and architects so that they can implement it into the ships interior design. Meanwhile- all your possessions have been moved to your rooms here in the compound. If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell Friday- or if I'm in the area, tell me..." he grinned manically; a look he only normally got when he was overworking himself.

"Very well sir. While I am showing them to their rooms, perhaps you should go lay down for that nap your doctor ordered you to take an hour ago?" the AI sounded slightly smug, as if knowing she'd just told on her boss to numerous people who would ensure he did as the doctor directed.

Tony shot a dirty look up toward the ceiling. "I'm not sure I like you being so sassy, Friday..." he grumbled, though his tone was fond.

"I promised Miss Pepper that I would watch out for you while you were here, until she and Morgan are able to come down and join you," the AI said primly. "Please, if everyone who has not yet seen their rooms would please follow the purple lights on the floor, I will direct you to your quarters..." she continued on, a purple glowing path suddenly showing on the floor and leading out of the common area and into the section where private rooms were.

Yon slanted his head curiously, before standing slowly, making certain his clothing was straight, and then waiting for Talos to take hold of him to lead him out.

Monica hesitantly stood as well, still a bit dazed at the revelations that had been made.

Why don't you go on ahead, Brock? Steve sent to his lover. I want to make sure Tony actually gets some proper rest. I'll join you in a bit. He drew Brock in for a firm kiss.

Kara glanced uncertainly at the lights and then at Grant. "Can we continue our conversation, do you think?" she asked.

Talos stood, wrapping his arm around Yon's waist. Would you like it to be just us, or would you like me to invite Carol back to our quarters as well?

Lyja stood up and reached to take Monica's hand, smiling warmly at the other woman.

Brock returned the kiss just as firmly, then stood to head to their room. Tell him if he doesn't follow orders, you'll turn him over your knee. I don't think he'd like that as much as I do and would probably listen immediately... Brock thought back impishly before pulling away and heading out of the room to head to his and Steve's room.

"I'd like to... and Friday can show your mom where to come when she and dad are finished talking to whoever they're talking to," Grant said, taking her hand and squeezing it gently before leading her out of the room and toward his and Coulson's room.

Maybe she can find out where her room is, then come back to our quarters so we can talk a little more? Yon asked hopefully, leaning into his mate.

Monica took Lyja's hand and gripped it tightly, almost nervously, even as she returned the smile.

Do you need to take care of Tony? I can wait for you in our room... Bucky asked as he carefully stood.

Maybe I'd better, Fury replied wryly. Me and Steve can tag-team him. He kissed Bucky firmly and then walked over to join Steve.

Lyja led Monica to their own room, following the directions.

Talos nodded and relayed the suggestion to Carol.

She nodded and smiled. "I'll see you both in a bit," she said, before following the arrows to her own room.

Tony grinned as he watched everyone in the common room, wandering off to their own private quarters- either from memory because they'd been there before or following Friday's directions. Soon it was just him. Glancing over, her winced. Correction. It was just him, Steve, and Nick. "Uh... did you have something you needed?" he asked in a cheerful voice, just in case they weren't staying behind to 'put him to bed like a tired toddler'.

"You need to rest, Tony," Steve said seriously, the note of concern was clear in his voice.

"You've been overexerting yourself a lot," Fury commented. "Today's just been added stress on top of your recovery time."

Tony sighed. "I know... it's just... there's so much to do and really... there aren't that many people left here at the compound that I feel safe entrusting it to... most the people I trust enough to handle it are elsewhere with their families or... or up in space." He slumped and walked over to the other men, fully expecting that they'd want to walk him to his own room and make certain he was 'taking that nap' his doctor ordered. He wasn't going to pretend they didn't have any amount of sway or control over his actions. He respected them too much to not listen to their concerns and they were right. So, what was the point in arguing?

Steve placed his hand on Tony's shoulder and squeezed gently. "Even when we're in space, we're not so far away that you can't reach out if you need us."

"There's nothing really to say you can't come visit us, either," Fury commented. "The portal works both ways. You can come through easily, if you want a break. Just warn us if either of your kids are coming with you."

Tony chuckled at that. "Yeah. I will definitely warn you if the kids are coming with... Thanks. I'll remember that. I might even take you up on that offer. I'm trying. I know Pepper and everyone else worries." He smiled crookedly.

"We worry too," Steve said, as he and Fury walked the other man to his room. "You work yourself far too hard. You've got a who depend on you to be there for them."

"You've got a responsibility to those who love you to keep yourself healthy for them," Fury commented.

Tony stopped outside of his room and opened the door, before giving them both a sheepish look and nodding. "Yeah. I do have that responsibility. I don't mean to, you know... worry you I mean..." he said hesitantly.

Steve stepped forward and hugged Tony. "We worry about you because we love you. Because we came so very close to losing you and I think I can speak for both of us when we say we don't want to go through that again."

"You're far too important to us," Fury agreed, giving Tony his own hug.

Tony held onto both men slightly longer than a normal hug, giving away just how stressed he was. "I love you both too..." he finally said, his voice sounding close to tears. "I think... I think I'm going to take that nap and then I'm going to see if Pepper and Morgan can come back down. Get Pepper to help me pick some people to delegate to. She was always good at that..." he said softly.

"Later on, once you've delegated, maybe you can meet us for a board or a card game," Steve suggested. "We can spend a bit more time together doing fun stuff, rather than just fighting or solving problems together."

"I'd like that..." Tony smiled a bit more brightly. "Until then... I probably should let you get back to your fellas... and get on with that nap..." he chuckled slightly as he found himself yawning.

"No calling anyone for at least three hours," Fury said, his stern voice tempered with affection. "I will be checking with Friday."

Tony blinked owlishly at that order, his smile brightening even more. "Yessir..." he said, his own voice happy and filled with affection, the implication that Fury would do exactly as he said and there'd be repercussions if Tony didn't listen understood- and appreciated.

Both Steve and Fury hugged Tony once more, each letting him know that they loved him, before ushering him into his bedroom so that he could rest.

Tony didn't say anything about them following him. He just undressed to his undershirt and boxers, then crawled into the bed and under the covers. He barely had time to whisper, "See you later..." before he was out like a light.

The two men lingered just long enough to make sure Tony was out and then they quietly left his room, each heading to join their partners.


Everett Ross was extremely frustrated. It had been nearly ten years since the fiasco with Barnes being framed for murder, but it had just come to light that Sharon Carter had aided Steve Rogers in finding Barnes before the authorities could- and that had enabled Barnes’s escape which had led to multiple injuries and enormous property damage. His superiors had told him in no uncertain terms that her actions were cause for her to be arrested and tried for treason. He didn't believe that himself- had told them as much- but they were adamant that she would receive a harsh punishment for what they perceived as her betrayal of them. They'd finally come to an agreement. They wouldn't prosecute- he'd fire her.  In the end, he'd realized what had just gone down was less about Sharon and her actions than it was about him and the fact that he'd become friends with the King of Wakanda and they didn't believe his first loyalty was to them anymore. They were forcing him to fall into line as it were. Proving that they held all the cards and that his friendship with T'Challa had no bearing on his job or what he was or wasn't allowed to do. It was so much bullshit. As soon as he had it in writing that Sharon was safe from their machinations- a couple of days after he'd fired the younger woman- he effectively gave them the middle finger and quit. 'Make me do something I don't agree with in a show of muscle because you don't like that I have influential friends more powerful than you? Congratulations. You don't have any influence over me at all now. And you've lost one of your best agents to boot...' he thought to himself morosely, as he finished packing up his desk, left his office, and handed his letter of resignation to his secretary to deliver for him. He had no intention of sticking around just so they could try and threaten him into staying. He had enough evidence that if they attempted to do that once he'd left the building, his very influential friend would be getting a package with said evidence.

Ten minutes later he was in his car and exiting the car park. He didn't let out a breath of relief until headquarters was two blocks in his review mirror though.  As soon as he was on the highway, he made his call to Sharon.  "I've quit. I'm heading to my 'vacation' spot that no one knows about until things calm down. Don't go back there. It's currently hostile territory. We still need to talk about what you did- and how you kept it a secret from me for so long..." he ended the call, figuring she'd check her messages eventually. Hopefully before she decided to try and go back to the CIA to convince him to rehire her.


Sharon hadn't really been too surprised at being fired; didn't even really blame Everett, to be honest. She'd weighed the pros and cons of helping Captain America and decided doing the right thing was far more important than doing the right thing.

Of course, that now left her at loose ends. She didn't know what to do with herself, now that she'd lost her job. Maybe she could persuade Stark Industries to hire her. After all, Steve owed her a favor.

Before she began heading to the compound, she checked her messages. Noticing the one from Everett, she listened...then downed her soda, hopped into her car and started driving.

There was only one place she knew he'd be.


Ross looked out from his back porch at the tiny lake. His vacation home- really a safe house to protect him against his ex-boss should they decide he was a liability alive- was peaceful and quiet and relaxing. He fully expected to be climbing the walls within the week. Two weeks at most. He'd need to build himself a new identity. Then he could find another job.

He was mulling over name choice for the new identity- Martin or John were top contenders- when he heard tires on the gravel road. Which was specifically why he’d chosen gravel. No one could drive up and surprise him. If they wanted to surprise him, they'd have to come on foot, and he had other early warning systems for that possibility. Standing, he moved back into the building and got his weapon, watching outside the window. Only one person knew where this place was. If it wasn’t her....

Sharon didn't immediately get out of the car. She didn't even stop the vehicle. She just let it idle in front of the building, on the gravel outside, and took out her phone. She dialed Ross' number.

Just in case something had gone wrong...something else, for that matter...she wanted to be prepared.

Ross took his phone out of his pocket. "Yeah...?" he said in a calm voice. He recognized Sharon's car, but if she was here under duress, she'd find a way to let him know. Otherwise she'd say the words that let him know all was clear.

"It's me." Sharon's voice was calm and even. "Should I be expecting any traps? Or is it safe to approach?" she asked, with a small amount of humor.

Ross snorted before saying in his own amused tone. "You remember where they were set? If not, I'll come out to walk you through them."

"Only if you didn't add anymore while I wasn't here." Sharon got out of the car and headed to the front door, carefully avoiding the traps she knew were there.

"No new ones," Ross chuckled as he opened the door and stepped back for her to enter.

Sharon stepped inside. "Only because you haven't been here in a while, I'm sure."

"There is that... " Ross smiled faintly, closing the door behind her before motioning at the couch. "Can I get you some tea?" he asked, going to take the kettle off the stove.

"Thank you." Sharon took a seat on the couch, glancing around. "Are we still the only ones who know about this place?" she asked, wondering if it was likely they'd end up with company. And not of the good kind.

"As far as I know. Unless one of us was tracked. We should be on our own," he answered as he poured two cups of tea and walked to sit next to her on the couch. Handing her one of the cups he took a sip before saying, "You could have told me, you know. Maybe not the minute you did it, but after it came out that he had been framed...  you could have told me. I could have done things then that would have kept you safe if they found out."

Sharon took a moment to sip her tea and gather her thoughts. "I didn't not tell you because I didn't trust you," she said. "Telling you would have put you in the same position as me. I know you did what you could to protect me now that it did come out and I am grateful, but I wouldn't have willingly put you in the position of having to protect me."

"I was in charge. In the end, even if I didn't know, I'm still responsible. You didn't really protect me as much as you'd hoped," he said calmly.

"But they couldn't have gone after you for treason," she said.

"And had I known... been able to handle it within a few days of when it had occurred... I could have made it so you wouldn’t have been accused of treason either," a hint of his frustration and feeling of betrayal seeping into his tone.

She winced at the note in his voice. "Maybe I mishandled things, but I didn't want to put you in the same position as me. I was trying to protect you...even though you're saying I didn't do what I hoped."

"I was in charge. Your boss. It wasn’t your place to protect me. It was your place to keep me informed. To trust me to do my job and protect you " this time he sounded tired. He'd done his best, kept her from being executed for treason or thrown in jail for life... but they were both jobless now and he didn’t trust those who had forced his hand as far as he could throw them. He had no doubt if they had a chance, Sharon and he would be dead.

"I was going to go to the compound," she said. "See if Stark Industries has an opening there." She cast a sideways glance at him. "We could see if there are two."

Ross huffed, giving her a wane smile. "We can do that. If there aren’t any openings there, I can see if King T'Challa has any room for burned agents."  He paused. "Even if I'm frustrated you didn’t tell me, I'm proud you did what you did. I would have appreciated being given the chance to help so that this," he waved his hands around aimlessly, "didn’t happen. But I'm proud."

"Thank you," Sharon said quietly. "And for what it's worth...I'm sorry that you got put in that position. I know you did what you could to help protect me anyway and I'm grateful."

"Yeah. Well. I'd do anything to protect you. You're important to me," Ross whispered, finally able to admit it now that she wasn't his subordinate at work.

Sharon glanced at his face, wondering if he meant that the way she thought he did. "You're important to me too."

Ross could tell she wasn't entirely certain she'd understood him right. Smiling a bit, he said a little more firmly. "You've very important to me. I would have tried to save your life had you been anyone else- simply because the accusation of treason was ridiculous. But I wouldn't have worked so hard to keep you out of jail. I know I never said anything. It wasn't appropriate to. But... I've fallen for you hard, Sharon. I don't expect you to feel the same- of course I don't- but... I just wanted you to know. I think that's what hurt the most. I can't help believing that if you had any feelings for me, you wouldn't have hidden what you did for so long."

"I do feel the same." The words came out much softer than she'd intended, as if she was uncertain. Shaking her head, she said a bit more firmly, "That I didn't tell you what was going on...I didn't set out deliberately to deceive you or keep things hidden. But that I did doesn't mean I don't feel the same way about you. It... I made a mistake," she admitted quietly.

Ross slanted his head, his glance equal parts hope and hesitant understanding. "I appreciate that... it helps that it wasn't deliberate against me... even if you did choose to keep things hidden. I suppose in a way, the results aren't all that terrible. I would never have been able to tell you how I feel if we still worked for them..." he slowly moved closer, giving her ample opportunity to pull back if she didn't want him so close.

Sharon moved closer to him, setting her tea down and reaching out to take his hand, lacing her fingers through his, all the while looking into his face. Just to make sure he was okay with her taking some of the initiative.

Finally convinced that she wanted what he wanted, her taking his hand the sign he was looking for, he reached a hand up and stroked her cheek before gently wrapping his hand around the back of her head and drawing her further forward, leaning in to kiss her.

Returning the kiss, she pressed in closer to him, so that their bodies were nearly perfectly aligned together, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug as her body responded to his.

Ross kept the kiss gentle and chaste- they had much to discuss and after years of keeping quiet, he wanted to relish each moment as it came- not rush through everything. He did tighten his grip on the back of her head though, holding her still and making it clear who was in charge, even if he was welcoming her reactions and would stop if she indicated she wanted him to.

She didn't fight him holding her still, or try to stop him, content to let him dictate the flow of the kiss, even as her body responded. Her cheeks became flushed and warm and she pressed closer to him, seeking more contact.

Ross finally broke the kiss and gently pulled back, smiling crookedly as he let his hand shift to run through her hair. "There's time for that later, but right now, we need to plan my love."

Gently squeezing his hand, she nodded. "Maybe the first thing is to head to the compound...see if we can get jobs with Stark Industries. If not, consider our next move?" She was deferring to him; making suggestions but would ultimately go along with what he decided.

"I agree. We will check there first. We can keep Wakanda a secondary option, but given that going there would be more a favor on T'Challa's part- since he doesn't really need me to work for him in any capacity- I'd rather try and get a job with Stark." He took a slow breath and looked around. “I don't have much to pack up, so if you give me a few moments I can be ready to leave. I actually hiked into the cabin after taking a bus into the nearby town, so if you don't mind driving?"

"I don't mind at all." She watched his face. "You want me to help you pack up anything?"

"No... I can get it easily enough. If you wouldn't mind cleaning up the tea though... I'll turn the generator off when we leave." He smiled and carefully stood, heading to the back room where his stuff was kept.

Sharon moved to begin cleaning up the cups, constantly checking out the window in case anyone else had managed to track them down.

It didn't take Ross long to pack up his few belongings. Sharon had just finished rinsing the last cup and putting it on the drain when he came back out with his two bags and holstering his weapon. "Let me just go out back to turn off the generator and I'll meet you at the car..." he said firmly, going out the back door and locking it behind him. As soon as he'd turned off the generator, he made his way around the outside of the cabin and made sure to lock the front door as well before going to the car and putting his bags into the back seat. "Do you know how to get to the compound?" he asked as he got into the passenger side.

"I know the way." She cast a sideways glance at him as she set the car into gear. "I was planning to head there when you called. I'm glad you did," she said honestly, as she began to drive.

"Well. You needed to be warned. I don't trust them. They didn't have to go after you the way they did- but they chose to do so because they knew I would try to protect you. They planned to make it, so I was under their control- their thumb- if they 'gave in' and let you go. Of course, they never dreamed I'd quit as soon as you were safe, but having their plans thwarted... I just don't trust them." Ross sighed, as he began the task of watching everything around them in case someone began to tail them.

"I'm glad you called for other reasons than just warning me." She kept most of her attention on the road, taking a less well-known route to the compound; just in case anyone was watching from a distance and believed they'd know where the two of them ended up.

"Yes well. I hope you know that I never wanted things to go this way. You were good at your job. Are good at it. But there weren't any other options...The only good thing to come from this mess is I don't have to pretend not to love you any longer," he said softly, realizing what he'd just told her and waiting to see how she responded.

Sharon paused a brief moment before saying, quietly, "You say something like that and I'm gonna want to pull this car over to continue what we started back at your safehouse." She looked towards him. "I love you too. Neither of us have to hide anymore."

Ross relaxed slightly at her words and turned to face her, smiling. "I fully intend to continue once we're safe at the compound."

"Sounds more than good enough to me." She returned the smile and then turned her attention back to the road ahead.

It took several hours of driving before they finally pulled onto the road that led up to the compound. Ross couldn't help but release a tiny sigh of relief when the gate closed behind them. They'd made it without picking up any tails. He hadn't realized how stressed he was at that possibility until they had reached safety and didn't need to worry about it any longer. As soon as Sharon had parked the car, he'd gotten out and grabbed all his bags, then watched and waited as a small group exited an elevator, heading in their direction.

Sharon stood closer to Ross; not quite touching, but close enough to make it clear she was on his side. Most of those exiting from the compound, she recognized as friends...but she didn't let her guard down, just in case her former superiors had called ahead.

Ross relaxed as Tony Stark exited the elevator and joined the small group walking to meet them. "Everett... Sharon... Weren't expecting either of you, but of course you're welcome. Come... we can talk in the common room unless you need privacy?"

"No... what we have to say can be said in front of everyone..." Ross stated, wrapping an arm around Sharon's waist, drawing her closer while making it clear to everyone that they were together.

Tony saw and grinned. "So, it's like that, is it? Congrats, Cousin... Aunt Peggy would be very pleased..." Tony teased Sharon gleefully.

Sharon smiled and let her body lean against Ross', her head resting gently on his shoulder for a moment. "I think so too," she commented, choosing to respond a bit more seriously. Her aunt would definitely have approved of Ross.

Only moving so that the two of them could enter the building, Sharon took Ross' hand once more.

Tony led them to the common area. "Friday... if you could please have Agent Agent, and Director Pirate, and well hell... just have the whole group show up to the common room? We'll have everyone who is in position to make a decision present then."

Ross blinked and then smirked at Tony. "Do they let you call them that?" he asked with a hint of incredulous amusement.

Sharon snorted softly. "They probably don't have much of a choice." She waited for Ross to choose where to sit, so she could settle in next to him.

Ross raised an eyebrow at that. "I think they'd be able to stop it if it bothered them..." he chuckled, leading her to one of the couches near the door, but facing it. He waited till she had sat down before sitting down close to her, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into him.

"They know what they need to do if they want me to stop something..." Tony grinned.

It was at that point that the group began filtering in, Nick raising his eyebrow at Tony's comment. "I'm sure we do." He walked over to one of the chairs and sat down, drawing Bucky onto his lap.

Having been informed that his friend was here, T'Challa stepped into the room, his arm around Loki, and smiled at Ross. "It is good to see you," he said.

Tony made a squeaking sound and spun around to pout at Nick. "Why do you all always sneak up on me?" he said in a teasingly grumpy mood.

Ross nodded at T'Challa, blinking at the possessive way the king held Loki. He'd been so caught up in trying to keep Sharon safe and then getting out of the mess they were in himself he hadn't kept up with anything going on at the compound. It appeared a lot had changed since he'd last talked to any of the people living here.  "It's good to see you too, Highness... um..." he glanced around. "Why do I get the feeling things have changed?"

"Lots of things have changed." Steve sat down, settling Brock on his lap...though he sent a mental feeling through the bond that he would be more than happy if his lover wanted to be a bit more demonstrative.

"A lot of us have formed relationships somewhat outside of the norm," Fury commented.

Ross slanted his head. "How much outside the norm?" he couldn't help but wonder out loud.

Brock, recognizing Sharon from when she was a rookie- and remembering that she wasn't one to be overly conventional or shy- grinned at Steve. I remember both of them and I don't think they'd be upset if you got possessive in front of them, he thought before imagining Steve flipping him over his knee, baring him, and spanking him hard and fast enough to quickly redden his backside before reverting to gently rubbing and massaging the stinging skin.

Tony shook his head. "Oh, you've done it now. You're gonna get a demonstration..." he joked almost gleefully before turning toward the bar in the room. "Anyone want a soda?"

"A demonstration? What kind of demonstration?" Sharon asked, more curious than concerned or worried.

Steve ran his hands down his lover's back before he quickly flipped Brock across his knee, tugging his lover's pants and underwear down before beginning to spank the other man; hard and fast like Brock had pictured.

"Aaaand... that would be the demonstration..." Tony muttered as he made it to the bar and began to pull cold drinks out of the fridge. He nodded in thanks as Grant came over and loaded a tray with the cans, taking them to pass out to everyone.

Ross's eyebrows had risen slightly at the very visible demonstration. "So... a lot of you are into Domination and submission?" he was surprised to find himself intrigued by the idea, his grip around Sharon tightening slightly and pulling her closer in a more possessive way.

"Try almost all of them. I think Pepper and I are the only ones that aren't... but that could be because Pep has been bossing me around since I hired her eons ago." Tony laughed.

"I'm not sure there's any other couple who aren't in that kind of relationship, even our relative newcomers," Fury commented. "Of course, some are more demonstrative than others."

"Depending on our partners," Steve commented.

Sharon automatically leaned into Ross, her body responding to his more possessive actions without her having even really, consciously thought about it.

Tony was very perceptive, and he noticed, even if Ross and Sharon didn't. "Yeah. I swear it's contagious..." he muttered under his breath and went to sit on one of the empty chairs, ignoring the rather loud moans that were now coming from Steve and Brock's direction. "As nice as it is to see you cousin... I'm sure you didn't come here just to shoot the breeze..." he prodded gently.

Brock, even though he wanted what Steve was doing- made sure his master could feel how much he wanted it through the bond- he couldn't hold still. The hard spanking had quickly gone from sting to ache and all he could do was squirm helplessly as Steve heated his backside. His member was quickly hard from both the complete domination and the friction from the squirming.

Ross swallowed at hearing the moans and pulled Sharon even closer, so she was almost sitting on his lap like all the other subs were sitting on their masters. "Sharon and I are currently without jobs. She suggested coming here and seeing if there were any openings...."

Steve paused to begin rubbing his lover's bottom, soothing the stinging burn he knew was radiating from Brock's backside, sending warm feelings of love and possession through the bond.

"If you need a job, there will always be one for you with me," T'Challa said. Glancing at Sharon, he added, "For both of you."

Sharon automatically leaned into Ross, shifting that last little bit so that she was actually on his lap. It was hard to tear her eyes from Captain America and his partner, but she managed to focus on the conversation. Just.

"We would very much appreciate it. I have to warn you, we both potentially have targets on our back. I upset a few people when I quit, rather than let them hold me under their thumb..." Ross said hesitantly. He didn't see any need to go into detail about why he'd felt the need to quit.

Brock whimpered as the aching sting suddenly began to be smoothed by gentle rubbing, his squirming easing as he slumped over Steve's lap to accept the affection. Feels so good master... he thought with his own deep feelings of love and submission.

Bucky shifted on Fury's lap so his head could rest on the older man's shoulder. "If he's working for you personally T'Challa... he'd need to be where you are, right?"

You feel so good, Steve sent back. So completely and utterly good for me. You're mine. I won't ever let you go.

T'Challa nodded. "We're expanding the ship anyway," he commented.

Wanna be good for you. Wanna always be so good for you, Brock thought back his feelings becoming a bit muddled. It didn't happen often, but occasionally the right combination of pain, pleasure, and Steve's domination of him caused him to become fully focused on what Steve was doing to the exclusion of all else. That was occurring now as his focus on Steve's rubbing eased him slowly down into a space where no one or nothing else existed for him.

Ross blinked as he saw Brock's eyes fade into a hazy look, then looked at T'Challa.  "Ship?"

Tony grinned. "Yeah. A large portion of the members of this compound and other heroes have formed a group that lives on a spaceship built by yours truly." He glanced around the group fondly. "We're refurbishing it to be more comfortable for long voyages. They're going to be like the 'space Avengers'. "

"So... we'd be living on this spaceship with you all? Working for this group of space heroes?" he asked for clarification. He held Sharon closer, tighter, his hand beginning to rub up and down her back gently without a thought. It was natural. Frowning faintly, he tugged her shirt loose of the waistband of her pants so he could slide his hand underneath and rub bare skin. There. That felt even more natural.

Steve's entire focus was on Brock; on making sure his lover felt good and was safe. He didn't need to be 'on' and watching the rest of the group; he could focus entirely on Brock and making sure his lover could drop in as safe a space as it was possible to.

"Working for and with," T'Challa confirmed. "We have a couple who can open up a portal for if we need to get back to Earth without turning around and retracing our route."

Sharon relaxed as Ross took the contact further, letting her head rest gently on his shoulder, moving just enough to make it easier for him to touch her.

"Would our skill set really be useful to you all, out in space?" Ross asked quietly as he continued to rub Sharon's bare back with one hand, the other hand shifting to her hip and pulling her in closer to him and then squeezing gently.

Brock did feel extremely safe and so he lay limply over Steve's lap, accepting all of Steve's affection without any movement or sound. Through the bond, his complete love and trust in his master thrummed, making it clear that he was at his most vulnerable.

"We'll be doing a lot of exploring," Fury commented. "A lot of visiting other planets. Some of them might be more hostile. Others might need more of a diplomatic touch. I believe having you both along will be quite beneficial."

Sharon let out a quiet, barely audible sigh and shifted in closer to Ross, her eyes half-closing at the contact.

"What do you think, love?" Ross asked Sharon. As much as he felt the need to dominate, he had no intention of her being a 'yes-girl' only existing to do what he wanted to do. He valued her opinion and wanted to make important decisions with her input. He squeezed her hip gently again.

"I think we'd be safer on the ship, with the space-Avengers, than we would be here on Earth," Sharon answered honestly. "At least until things here have something of a chance to calm down."

"That was my thinking as well... so if you agree..." he smiled at her then turned toward T'Challa, "We appreciate your offer of a job and gratefully accept it. I feel like we will fit in on your ship well..." he said quietly. If he had his way, they'd fit very well.

"I am certain you will as well." T'Challa smiled at Ross and then included Sharon as he made it clear, "Both of you."

"I think we're taking a few days before we leave again," Coulson said. "You'll have time to familiarize yourselves with the ship. Ask for anything extra you think you might need."

"And let the architects know of any special requests you have for room layout..." Tony said.

Brock had been laying quietly over Steve's lap, breathing slow, shallow, quiet. His eyes were glazed.

Ross pulled Sharon closer yet and moved his hand from her hip up into her hair, tangling his fingers in her hair and tugging her head down to give her a very thorough kiss.

I've got you, my heart, Steve sent to his lover. I love you. You're mine. I won't let you go. You're safe with me.

Sharon responded to the kiss, letting her hands raise to cup the sides of Ross' face and pressing in close.

Brock shivered, focusing on Steve entirely.

Ross deepened the kiss, taking charge, his hand sliding through her hair and onto her shoulder, before sliding down to cup her breast and squeezing gently.

T'Challa shifted slightly and wrapped his arms a bit more firmly around Loki's waist. The sight of the others going further made him want his lover more, but apart from letting his lips rest against the other man's hair, he didn't do anything more than pull his lover closer.

Fury kissed Bucky's cheek and just snuggled his soldier.

Sharon's gasp was nearly soundless, escaping into Ross' mouth. She pressed in closer to him, her body sinking against his in response to what he was doing.

Ross finally pulled back when they needed to breathe, squeezing her breast gently one last time before moving his hand to a 'safer' spot. "Let's save this for a more private area. At least for our first time..." he whispered into her ear before kissing the shell of it then kissing her forehead.

Bucky snuggled close to his master, feeling of contentment carrying through the bond.

Loki could feel his king's desire and he leaned back into his mate, his own feelings of desire carrying through.

"Maybe it would be better to move to more private quarters, now that we've established what's going to happen," Fury said, before pressing a kiss to his soldier's shoulder.

"Right," Tony clapped his hands together. "Friday, if you could show our newest guests to a room?" He turned and head back out if the room. Calling over his shoulder "I have to return a call to our local telepathic bald guy...."

Sharon blinked and glanced inquiringly at Ross, wondering if he knew who Tony was talking about.

I'm going to pick you up and take you to our room, so we can continue there, Steve sent to Brock, before carefully lifting his lover into his arms.

Ross just shrugged faintly his confusion clear.

Brock didn’t do much, just shifted so that his head was on Steve's shoulder. Feelings of contentment and belonging coursing through the bond.

"I think we will all be retiring to our rooms for a while," T'Challa commented. "But perhaps we could all meet together for the evening meal later. It will allow you both to meet the rest of the couples."

"That sounds good. Thank you," Ross said, carefully helping Sharon to her feet before standing himself.

"If you would please follow the purple lights, I will direct you to your room," Friday announced clearly.

Sharon leaned on Ross, waiting for him to take the lead as the other couples began to filter from the room.

Wrapping his arm around Sharon's waist, Ross led her out of the room, following the purple lights to their temporary quarters. He smiled as he saw their bags had been deposited inside the room, by the door. As soon as the door was closed and they had privacy, he immediately spun her around to face him, kissing her hard and deep, his hands moving down to cup her backside, tugging her in tight against him so she could feel how seeing Brock handled had affected him.

Closing her eyes, Sharon kissed him back just as hard and deep, her mouth yielding under his. She shifted closer to him, so she could feel his body's reaction, pressing herself flush against him. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly against if she could merge their two bodies into one.

"I wasn't the only one affected by that little show Steve Rogers put on?" he managed to gasp out between kissing along her jawline and neck. "Seeing how he took complete control over his submissive..." his fingers flexed against her buttocks, squeezing them. "Would it bother you to learn the thought of turning you over my knee was very appealing? The thought of spanking you till you never thought of hiding anything from me ever again... till you remember that you can rely on me...."

She shuddered, pressing her face into his neck, nuzzling into him. "No." She whispered the word against his skin. "It doesn't bother me. And no. You weren't the only one affected." She pressed alternately against his chest and back into his hands, seeking more of his touch. Of his possessiveness.

Growling, Ross nipped gently at her neck, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to leave faint marks. "You'd be mine completely... no one else's..." he promised, squeezing her butt just a slight bit harder. "Say you want that..." his growl was faintly begging, and it was obvious he was holding himself in check till he received her answer. "Say you want to belong to me, to obey me, to be controlled by me. Say you want that..." his voice was raspy with need.

"I want it." Her response was given without hesitation. "I want to belong to you." Clutching at him a bit tighter, she whispered, "I always wanted it. But I figured as long as you were holding back, I couldn't act."

"I couldn’t act as long as I was your superior officer. It wouldn’t have been right. You might not have felt like you could say no." Ross pulled back enough to give her a serious look. "You should know that while I plan to dominate you completely... you aren’t a slave. If you ever feel something isn’t right, if it feels wrong. You not only have a right to say no... I expect you to. Is that clear?"

"You saying that only makes it clearer to me that I'm making the right choice giving myself to you," Sharon said. "I'll have no hesitation speaking out if something feels wrong. If you go in a direction, I feel uncomfortable with."

"Good girl," Ross said gruffly, leaning in and kissing her hard again. He continued to kiss, holding onto her tightly, allowing his hands to roam over her back and bottom.

She let her own hands trail over his body, exploring and touching, kissing him deeply and passionately, but content to let him take the lead.

Continuing to kiss, Ross began to slowly remove her shirt, tugging it up and over her head before kissing the areas now exposed- shoulders, cleavage, belly button. Reaching behind her, he unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, even as he knelt in front of her to kiss her belly. It was while he was knelt, kissing her belly, that he undid her jeans and taking hold of them, with her panties, he dragged the material down her legs exposing her to his gaze. He carefully removed her shoes and socks, helping her step out of the puddle of material, letting his hands caress her legs and just looking at her now naked form- memorizing it. "Beautiful..." he breathed out.

Sharon smiled, standing so that he could look as much as he wanted. She held her arms slightly out to the sides, leaving herself exposed. Inviting him to touch.

Growling softly in appreciation, Ross slowly kissed his way back up her body before sweeping her up into his arms and carrying her to the bed. As soon as he'd laid her down, he was shucking his own clothes quickly. As soon as he was naked. He gently parted her legs so he could settle between them, blanketing her. He began to kiss her mouth again, firm and deep, while he fondled one of her breasts with one hand, pinching and rubbing her nipple into a hard nub, while his other hand began to stroke the folds that hid her womanhood. Searching gently until he found the tiny mound of her clit and began to focus gentle rubbing pressure to the sensitive spot.

Groaning, she let her head fall back as her hands stroked down his back, holding him clasped to her. Her nipple quickly responded to his touch as her mouth opened to him, lips yielding to the kiss as her body yielded to his touch.

Ross continued to explore her mouth with tongue, while he alternated between her nipples, rubbing and pinching gently until both were red, swollen, pebbles. His other hand continued to stroke between her legs, paying attention to how wet she was becoming. Carefully he slid a finger into her, testing to see if she was slick enough. Sliding a second finger in to join the first, he crooked his fingers so he could rub inside while his thumb rubbed her clit outside. His hand almost formed a pincher, catching her most sensitive areas between thumb and fingers. Squeezing and rubbing.

Sharon gasped into his mouth, fingers clutching tightly on his back. She couldn't help but moan, arching against his fingers...pressing against him every time he touched her. Tiny little pants of breath escaped as she clung to him, whimpering and moaning as her body grew more sensitive.

Dragging his mouth away from hers he kissed down her throat, latching onto a nipple, sucking it into his mouth and beginning to lick and tug at it- gently at first, but with progressing strength the longer he held it in his mouth. Finally satisfied at the state he'd reduced it to, he withdrew from it giving it a gentle nip before lathing attention on her other nipple.

She drew in a deep, shuddering breath, her whole body reacting and responding to the contact. Jolts like little sparks of electricity thrummed through her whole body, reducing her to only making tiny groans and moans. She was incapable of speech.

Finally releasing her other nipple, his kissed and licked his way down her belly, gently parting her legs further. Kissing each of her inner thighs once, he separated her folds, exposing her to his gaze. Then slowly, very slowly, licked from the bottom, letting his tongue dip into her entrance several times in a 'thrusting' motion before continuing to the top where he latched onto her clit and began to lick and suck on it like he had her nipples.

She cried out, her whole body arching in response, her fingers tightening on his back. Her cry became a tiny, whimpering moan as she drew in a sobbing gasp of breath.

Growling softly at the sounds she was making, Ross continued to taste her, increasing the pressure and speed of his actions slightly.

When her orgasm hit, it was enough to take her by surprise. Waves of intense pleasure rolled over her and her whole body arched into him. Her fingers flexed and tightened as she whimpered from the force of it.

Ross kept his mouth on her until her orgasm subsided, then continued to gently lick her most private area, the action more soothing than an attempt to arouse. He hummed quietly in satisfaction at how he'd taken her apart. He didn’t have to say anything for it to be obvious he was feeling a bit proud at the noises he'd caused her to make.

Sharon still held onto him, but a bit less frantically now that her orgasm had subsided. She let out a quiet, whimpering sigh and let her fingers trail over his back and shoulders, exploring and touching.

Finally, Ross pulled away and kissed his way back up her body before shifting to the side so he could tug her in close and tight, her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head. "Mine..." his growl this time was gentle, and affectionate. Though it was still very possessive. "No one else gets to taste you but me." He smirked as he heard the possessive pride in his own voice.

"No one else." Sharon snuggled in close, her head resting on his chest, just over his heart. "Yours," she whispered, her own voice happy and contented.

" you..." Ross snuggled and kissed the top of her head. "...let's get some sleep. I have a feeling the next few days are going to be hectic..." he whispered softly, his own weariness catching up to him suddenly now that they were in a truly safe location.

"I love you." Sharon snuggled in close, her head resting on his chest. "Sleep sounds good." She yawned, her eyes closing.


Happy wasn't sure why- it certainly wasn’t in his job description to babysit criminals after they'd been handed over to the proper authorities- but he found himself sticking close when Beck was hauled into the cellblock section of the compound. What the other man had done didn’t make any sense and he felt this need to set him straight- so he came with a tablet and every bit of information about Beck he had at his disposal, including the projects he'd worked on. He'd figure out why someone he'd always thought of as very intelligent and well-grounded would make such a colossally egregious mistake.

Beck barely cooperated. He didn't fight, exactly, but he didn't just go along with things either, choosing instead not to so much as respond to any questions asked of him. He wouldn't admit that he was beginning to feel the first twinges of shame.

Happy wasn’t impressed by the attitude any more than he'd understood Beck's actions in the first place. "You know. A little cooperation and answers could go a long way in helping your situation," he said, staring at the man handcuffed to the interrogation table.

Beck raised his eyebrows and then nodded to the handcuffs. "Can't think of a single thing to say that'll make my situation any better."

"Might help them not attribute more sinister motives to your actions if you tell them why you did it. Speaking of which. I looked into e everything you said to me. You were wrong about pretty much all of it. And I have the proof." He held up the tablet.

Beck frowned, narrowing his eyes slightly. He wasn't really willing to believe he was wrong, but he wasn't willing to call Happy a liar, either. He looked away and said nothing.

Happy wasn't dissuade by the lack of response. He just rearranged the monitor that hung in the corner of the room. Clicked a few options on his tablet, and soon several windows were showing on the screen. "I figure the first accusation to deal with is your assertion that Stark stole his ideas from you and others. This document is the contract you signed when you began work with Stark industries that any inventions or discoveries made while working for Stark Industries, using Stark Industries’ supplies and equipment, on Stark Industries’ dime- i.e. they were paying you to make those discoveries or inventions- belongs to Stark Industries. As the items you accused Stark of stealing were made in S.I. labs during work hours, using materials bought by S.I., it is clear that they had and have all legal rights to the item in question." He waited a few moments to see what Beck said.

Despite his actions more recently more than proving otherwise, Beck wasn't stupid. He knew the contract he'd signed. If it hadn't been for everything else snowballing, he wouldn't have fought on that. He didn't say anything, but he closed his eyes.

Truth be told, he'd acted rashly and allowed anger to dictate his actions. Anger and a sense of injustice. Now that he was here, locked up? Well, a big part of him was convinced it wasn't anything less than he deserved. People had got hurt. Died. If anyone else had done those things, he would have agreed they should be locked up where they couldn't hurt anyone else again.

He couldn't honestly believe anything less about himself.

"No response to that? Okay then," Happy nodded, not really surprised. "What was the second complaint? That Stark took credit for things he hadn't done?" He barely paused, but the pause was there. "Yeah. So, I suppose the fact he was the one in front of everyone, explaining the inventions, receiving the accolades, would make it seem like he was taking all credit. If you'd bothered to read all published material handed out at these demonstrations, looked closely at the power points or even listened to every word Stark said when giving his thanks, you would have noticed that your name was always listed as a contributing inventor. As were all your colleagues who helped- and who you apparently forgot had just as much invested in the invention as you did."

"I didn't forget." Beck's response was short, but it was still a response. He wanted to continue; to point out that his colleagues hadn't lost their jobs. Been fired because they wanted credit for the work, they'd put in. But he hadn't intended to respond at all and so he didn't continue, just leaving it at that short, terse response. It didn't matter what he did or said now. All he was waiting for was the final hammer to fall.

"Odd. Considering a large part of your complaint was that you and your colleagues hadn’t received credit." Happy smiled crookedly, refraining from snorting. "So, now we have proven that not only did Stark not steal the inventions, but he actually did give credit where credit was due."

He paused again before continuing. "So that just leaves the third complaint. That Stark was responsible for you being fired, because he didn’t like the accusations." He looked at Beck. "That, unfortunately I can’t show you proof because the documents are protected and quite honestly, I'm not sure you can be trusted not to go after the people involved. Given you went after completely innocent people already. But Tony? He hires people to be in charge of the different think-tanks and inventions. He wasn’t directly in charge of hiring you and I can guarantee he wasn’t in charge of you being fired. You'd be lucky if he even recognized your face, let alone your name or anything you would have done that might have gotten you fired. If you were fired for your complaints, it was done by someone lower down the chain than Tony Stark."

"Why are you here?" The question escaped Beck before he could stop it and he glanced away quickly. His voice hadn't even sounded as confident as it could have. He shook his head, opened his mouth and then closed it again. He felt like he was floundering. Happy was right. Everything he was saying...Beck knew it. Again, he wasn't an idiot. Just let everything spiral out of control and now it was too late to even attempt to fix things.

Happy turned off the monitor and his tablet before just staring at Beck with a very serious expression. "I'm here because what I knew about you didn’t mesh with what you did. And when I talked to everyone you worked with it didn't mesh with their view either. Which left me with a problem. It was obvious you were responsible for what you did, but... if it was a crime based on misconceptions and anger, it was possible you might regret your actions and might have chosen not to do what you did. If someone had caught you sooner and pointed out what I just did."

"Does it even matter?" Beck's voice was toneless. "No matter how I feel, I can't go back. I can't undo anything. All that's left is waiting to see just how long I'll be locked away for."

"It matters because if you truly regret what you did. Realize how wrong you were. I might be able to help you," Happy said quietly.

"I don't know why you'd want to," Beck whispered. "I screwed everything up. I hurt a lot of people. I don't think I'd want to be sitting here, with me, in your position."

"Yes. You hurt a lot of people, but... thankfully... no one died." Happy looked at Beck seriously. "You could spend the rest of your life in jail. It would certainly be a punishment. But it really wouldn’t help make things right. If you are sorry for your actions, with your intelligence, you could do a lot to help- which as far as I can see would be more making things right than sitting in a cell would be."

"I don't think anyone's gonna want to offer me a job after all of this," Beck said. "No matter what my intentions are." No matter that he so desperately wanted the second chance Happy was offering, he couldn't keep the wall around himself.

"It wouldn’t be a normal job. Not at first. And I have to get it approved by everyone else involved first. But if you are interested, I will attempt to get their approval. You would be accountable to me. What I say would be your law. You do anything you aren’t supposed to or disobey me? I would punish you. But... you would be free to help on missions that have potential to save the world." Happy waited for a response.

Beck frowned. "And if I do disobey you or do something else, I'm not supposed to? I'll get thrown into prison?" He figured that was the only real form of punishment. One screwup and this chance would be taken away from him.

"Nope. If I get the other's agreement, we'd be in space. No jail. I'd turn you over my knee and blister your ass." Happy sounded far too, happy with those words.

Beck stared at him for a few moments. "Somehow, I get the feeling you're not joking," he said finally.

"Oh no. Given the group we'd be joining, you best believe I am entirely serious," Happy grinned.

"What group would that be?" Beck asked.

"I think they're calling themselves Space Avengers if what I overheard is correct." Happy slanted his head. "So. Are you interested?"

Beck lowered his head. "I don't know why you want to take that kind of chance on me, but yeah," he admitted quietly. "I'm interested."

Happy nodded. "Good. Glad to hear it. They might want proof that you are really willing to accept me being in control." For the first time since stepping into the room, he looked hesitant. "If they do require that proof, I might be returning with at least two of them where I will spank you in front of them. Just... be prepared, just in case."

"I'm guessing that will happen anyway, with or without witnesses," Beck said. "Either way, it'll be better than rotting away in prison the rest of my life."

Happy raised an eyebrow. "You planning to disobey my orders already?" He sounded amused.

"I'd like to say it wouldn't happen, but I'd be a fool to believe I could be perfect and obey you straight away," Beck answered, a bit wryly, before adding, "I figured you'd be punishing me anyway, considering what I've done so far."

Happy nodded. "You'd be right. But I figured I'd wait until we got the go ahead to bring you on board before handling that. It wouldn’t feel right to punish you like that and then have you going to jail anyway."

Beck nodded and took a deep breath. "Well, I'm not going anywhere," he said quietly.

"I'll find out today. I’ll come back and let you know as soon as I do know." Happy promised.

"Okay." Beck hesitated. "If it's worth anything...I know you're sticking your neck out for me. If you get me a second chance, I won't let you down," he promised.

"I know you won't." Happy reached over and clasped Beck on the shoulder. "I'll be back."

"I know." Beck leaned into the touch briefly.

Nodding quickly, Happy gathered up all his belongings and left to find the others.

As it wasn't long before dinner, most of the couples had found their way to the common area, sitting with their partners either on their laps or curled up next to them, so close they might as well be on their laps.

Happy stepped into the room and glanced around, suddenly realizing he didn’t know who he should ask about Beck.

Steve glanced up and towards Happy. "You looking for Tony?" he asked curiously.

"No... he's with Pepper and Morgan. Took a quintet to meet up with them a couple hours ago. I actually need to speak with your group..." Happy said, clearing his throat.

"Something wrong?" Fury asked, a note of concern in his voice.

"No... I just. I need to get your approval for something..." Happy responded, waiting a few seconds before continuing on to tell the group of Beck, his regret for his actions, and his own idea to help redeem the other man. "If it's acceptable, I've got the paperwork that would transfer him into my custody...."

Steve glanced around at the other couples in the room and then focused on Happy. "I'm not sure any of us would be in disagreement about giving him a second chance."

"Many good people do bad things they regret," T'Challa said. "If you believe he truly regrets his actions, then of course you may bring him."

"Thank you. I... if it's alright, I'd like to retrieve him now. It will give everyone time to get to know him before we go into space..." Happy waited for their response.

"I don't think anyone has a problem with it." Fury glanced around at the others, checking to make sure.

"Do you want me to talk to Tony about it?" Steve asked, not sure if Happy had already indicated to Tony what he planned.

"I uh... he was the one that helped draft the forms needed to transfer him to my custody. I didn't want to waste your time if he thought it wasn't a good idea, since chances are, you'd have the same view.”

Steve smiled, relieved that he didn't have to worry about Tony feeling bad about Beck being given a second chance. "I can't imagine he wouldn't. Everyone makes mistakes."

Talos grunted his agreement, sitting with Yon perched on his lap and scratching behind the Kree's ears. "Giving someone another chance can become very rewarding."

Yon blushed as he instinctively began purring, loudly, at his master scratching his ears.

Happy nodded. "If there aren’t any issues with the transfer, we should be back here within the hour," he said quietly before going back to get the transfer in motion.

Lyja was sitting on one side of her papa, holding Monica's hand. At Yon's purring, she smiled and nuzzled his shoulder. "I'm glad you're happy, daddy," she whispered.

Yon gave his daughter a soft smile. "It would be difficult not to be," he answered.

Monica snuggled close to Lyja. "Daddy is right. It would be difficult not to be..." she smiled at Lyja.

Lyja cuddled to both her fathers, pulling so that Monica was in her lap and kissing the other woman, letting out a tiny contented sigh. "My whole family is together. That makes me happy," she stated firmly, before leaning up to gently bump noses with Yon.

"Family is everything..." Monica agreed, snuggling as close as she could, trying to sit in such a way that Lyja could touch or kiss however she wanted. Lyja had dressed her for dinner. It felt equal parts odd and very good to have given Lyja that control.

Lyja nuzzled into the other woman's neck, kissing her there, letting her arm slip under Monica's shirt to rest against the bare skin of her stomach. Her fingers stroked gently over Monica's side.

Talos let his forehead rest against the back of Yon's head, continuing the slow, gentle scratching of the Kree's ears. It had occurred to him that the lingering anger with Yon's actions was gone; there was no more need or desire to continue punishing the other man. I've forgiven you. He sent the realization through the bond, along with the feelings of forgiveness and love; so, Yon would know it was true.

Monica sighed happily, leaning back against Lyja. She wasn’t purring, but the sound she was making was obvious contentment and happiness.

At hearing Talos’s words in his head, Yon stiffened for a few seconds and then, turning so he could wrap his arms around his mate, he burst into tears.

Talos immediately wrapped his arms tightly around Yon, kissing his submissive's head and cuddling him tightly. He kept the bond open, the emotions flowing from him to the Kree. The pain had been so all he wanted was to heal the man he loved. To help Yon see that he could forgive himself.

Lyja still cuddled Monica close, but she couldn't help glancing worriedly at her dad and papa, hearing the tears. As her papa seemed to have Yon in hand, though, she kept cuddling, stroking and kissing Monica.

"I... I love you..." Yon gasped out loud, wanting everyone to hear. "I've never been so happy..." he nuzzled and cried and cuddled.

Monica tensed up at the tears, but slowly relaxed again at the words of happiness. She shifted slightly. She was feeling antsy, butterflies in her stomach, liquid heat pooling in her middle and an ache between her legs that was a bit embarrassing. So far all she and Lyja had done was kiss. She didn’t know how to ask for more. Especially since Lyja was in control. Glancing around the room at the other couples, nearly all snuggling, some in more involved ways than others, she shifted again and stifled a moan of frustration.

"I love you." Talos spoke the words between kisses pressed to his submissive's face, to Yon's lips, forehead, cheeks. Even his ears. "I love you so much. You don't need to cry anymore, my little one," he whispered, rocking Yon in his arms. "I told you that you would not be punished forever. You are forgiven. Completely and utterly. No more pain. No more need to hurt." He let his hand rest over the other man's heart.

Lyja let out a sigh that was one of mostly relief, hearing the note of healing in her papa's voice. She pulled Monica back more firmly into her arms, sliding the other woman's shirt off her shoulders so she could press a kiss to them and then kissed each side of Monica's neck, her other hand playing with the other woman's hips and chest.

Monica didn’t fully realize what Talos’s words meant, but she could tell it brought relief to Lyja, so they made her happy. She smiled at the two men she'd begun to look on as her father's, even as she slanted her head, exposing her neck fully to Lyja. She flushed as her Dominatrix played with her body, her back arching slightly to push her breasts out and her legs falling open slightly, leaving her vulnerable. It was done without thought, instinct driving the movement. Her body belonged to Lyja and she was instinctively trying to offer herself to the other woman.

Lyja kissed Monica's neck, sliding her hand up under the other woman's shirt to begin playing with her nipples.

When Happy brings Beck here, I think they'll both get an eyeful of how much will be on show while on the ship, Steve sent to Brock, moving his lover in place over his knees.

Monica's breath caught as Lyja began to fondle her nipples, a happy little chirp escaping.

Brock chuckled, easily shifting to where Steve directed, making it as easy as possible for his master to bare him. It will be good for them to see. I don’t want to have to hide anything.

Ross was prepared when Brock was maneuvered and bared. Seeing the movement under Monica's shirt and knowing what was going on, he tugged Sharon closer to him and slid his own hand up under her shirt, finding and latching onto her nipple. He began to gently rub, squeeze, and even twist it slightly as his lips found and began to nuzzle just behind her ear. He wanted to see her breasts but wasn’t sure she was ready for that level of exposure, so satisfied himself with seeing the pebbled hardness outlined through the thin t-shirt she wore. "Beautiful..." he whispered.

When Happy walked in, leading a subdued Beck, he couldn't say he was surprised at the sight that greeted them... but he nearly was.

As he followed Happy into the room, Beck's eyes darted around at the very obviously erotic actions before finally settling on the back of the other man. "Are we in the right room?" he muttered.

"You'll get used to it." Fury nodded to Beck. "Most of us here are paired off. I'm Nick Fury. This is my partner, Bucky...." He began to run through the introductions.

Lyja drew Monica into a deep kiss, continuing to stroke and caress the other woman's nipples, though she left the shirt in place so that she wasn't exposing the other woman.

Steve rubbed his hand down Brock's back, tugging his lover's pants and underwear down and beginning to rub the other man's bottom, still a bit pink from the earlier trip over Steve's knee.

Sharon smiled, positioning herself so that Ross could more easily touch and letting out a tiny, contented sigh, clearly very happy with the contact.

Happy cleared his throat. "They all are partners. That doesn’t mean we have to be. So... don’t think this was all some trick or anything."

Monica knew the other couples were bonded and as such could talk to each other in their heads. She found herself wishing she and Lyja could talk like that. She'd let her master know she was willing to do and accept anything. If Lyja wanted to have her naked in front of everyone, she wouldn’t protest- if it was what Lyja wanted. She couldn't tell her that without saying it out loud though and that felt like a discussion best held in private- in case Lyja didn’t want to share that much. What Lyja was doing felt very good though and Monica made sure to moan loudly so her mate would know it.

Ross continued to fondle Sharon with one hand while the other spooned up some food on the fork and then held it up against her mouth, clearly intending to feed her.

Bucky snuggled close, contentment at being in Fury's arms clear through the bond.

Peter kissed Thor on the cheek, giving him an impish grin before beginning to eat his meal. He made sure Thor had enough room to feed himself as well. While doing this, he was sending Thor x-rayed images of various things the Asgardian might want to try later.

"Okay...." Beck said quietly, surprised to hear a note of regret in his voice. Wincing, he quickly asked, "Where should I sit?"

Lyja smiled at Monica's responses, kissing and stroking and fondling before she began to feed the other woman, stealing kisses every so often between bites.

Sharon leaned back against Ross' chest and obediently opened her mouth so that he could feed her, head resting on his shoulder.

Talos drew Yon in for a deep, lingering kiss before he began to feed the other man, touching and stroking his cheek every so often. His focus was entirely on his submissive and it was clear through the bond just how much he wanted this time with Yon. Wanted to be close to him.

Happy blinked as he also heard the tone of regret. He didn’t say anything, but he made a point of placing a hand on Beck's lower back to direct him to an empty spot at the table. He wasn’t going to rule anything out without getting to know the other man first.

Monica smiled happily, eating obediently when fed, otherwise holding still so Lyja could do whatever she wanted.

"You all seem able to talk to each other through your minds..." Ross said curiously, having been paying close attention. He continued to feed Sharon.

Beck sat down where it was indicated he should, staying quiet and figuring he'd just do his best not to make any waves.

"Most of us are bonded," Steve explained. "Kind of like marriage...with the exception of Phil and Grant. Their version of the bond made Grant biologically Phil's son."

"We can feel each other's emotions, too," T'Challa added, squeezing Loki's hand.

"Is that something that just happened?" Ross asked in surprise. He hadn’t heard that any of them had been in any accidents with chemicals or magic.

"No," Fury answered. "It was entirely thought out. Once they've fully recovered, you'll have the chance to meet Mordo and Stephen, our resident sorcerers who were able to perform the ritual to bind us."

"How does that work exactly? Is it something anyone can do?" Ross questioned. He'd cared for Sharon many years and if she was interested, he'd want to bind with her if the option was open.

Monica looked up, interested in the answer.

Maria calmly continued eating, her hand reaching over and squeezing Kara's leg. She'd discussed it in depth with her daughter and talked to Mordo and they planned to bond as soon as they finished eating.

Without going into too much graphic detail, Fury began to explain how the bonding worked and what it entailed.

"That's like how Papa and Daddy are bonded," Lyja said, once he'd finished. "But they could only do it because they were compatible. Soulmates."

Monica looked at Lyja. "Soulmates are real?" She couldn't help sounding excited.

Lyja smiled and kissed the other woman. "Something in our physiology can recognize when we're compatible with someone, which is why I think this relationship with you comes so easily," she said.

"You think we are soulmates?" Monica sounded very pleased.

"I believe that explanation makes the most sense, considering how easily we have formed a relationship," Lyja said.

Monica's face lit up at that. "Do you think we are capable of bonding?" She glanced toward Mordo and Stephen. "It... I don’t know how we'd get the necessary...  components...." her voice trailed off and her skin flushed.

"I don't see why not. Research has shown that women do in fact have the ability to ejaculate, and while most do not notice if it occurs, because the fluid does not leave the body- instead traveling further back into the bladder to be expelled later- some do visibly ejaculate at orgasm. Given the fact magic" he waved his hands around briefly, "I think we can safely assume that any female subs would be able to produce enough to fill a small flask. Enough for the ritual at least." He gave Lyja a knowing look. "As for the female dominants...  well we only have one of those that would be doing this ritual. The other ritual uses blood." He obviously knew something about Lyja that the conversation had brought to mind, but it was also obvious he was leaving it to Lyja to explain if she felt necessary.

By this point Monica's face was hot and she squirmed uncomfortably. Steven had been very factual in his explanation, but just thinking about it had caused her to think of how she'd reach that point and now she was fully aroused and unable to do anything about it. She sighed resignedly and took a long drink of cold water.

Lyja kissed the side of Monica's neck, pressing her arm against the other woman's waist. "Later," she whispered against the other woman's skin. "After we've eaten, we can experiment," she promised.

Monica shivered at the touch and the words but settled back into Lyja with a sigh. "Yes ma'am..." she mumbled before continuing to eat.

At that moment, Friday interrupted. "Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you all that he granted a favor to Professor Xavier. Two of his people are coming to the compound to get to know each other without the stress of being watched by numerous students. He is interested in them joining the ship, but master Tony has told him that decision is yours to make. Once you have met them, if you feel they will fit, then you may invite them. They have arrived. Shall I send them in?"

Steve glanced around the table at the rest of them before saying, "You might as well, Friday. If they're interested in joining the ship, it's best they see how things are sooner rather than later."

"I will send them in, captain," the AI responded.

Five minutes later. Logan was walking into the room, an arm wrapped around Bobby's shoulder. "Evening..." he nodded at everyone, quickly noting how up front the others were with their affection and promptly pulling Bobby in closer, sliding his hand down to the younger man's butt and squeezing possessively.

Steve gave the two men a welcoming smile. "Have a seat," he invited, leaving it up to the two men if they'd take separate seats or if Logan would pull Bobby onto his lap. "There's plenty of food, if either of you are hungry."

Noticing the same thing Logan did, Bobby relaxed into his Dom's touch, letting his head rest on the older man's shoulder.

"Thank you, it's appreciated, considering the way we're just crashing your meal..." Logan smiled at Steve, heading to the indicated chair and sitting down, pulling Bobby onto his lap. He plated a small amount of food and began feeding the younger man, like some of the other Doms.

Steve waited until the two newcomers were settled before he began to make introductions, completely taking in stride that Logan's behavior was very similar to rest of the Doms sat at the table.

Logan nodded to everyone as he and Bobby were introduced. He felt himself relaxing as all the others accepted Bobby and his presence immediately. "Thank you for allowing us to join you."

"Tony mentioned something about a telepathic professor," Danny spoke up curiously. He was one of the few Doms without his sub on his lap, but he was holding Ward's hand and stroking it.

"Professor Xavier. Charles." Logan nodded. "He runs the school for mutants that's only a few hours away from here. Lotta kids and teens learning how to control huge abilities that they never asked for. Most of them live on site because their families didn’t know how to adapt or were afraid of them." He sounded sad at the last and squeezed Bobby gently.

Ward squeezed Danny's hand. "Their parents didn't want them?" He sounded upset, like he was personally relating.

Bobby took a deep breath and half-turned, letting his face press into Logan's shoulder, probably making it very clear that he was one of those whose parents didn't want him.

Danny raised Ward's hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the knuckles. You're wanted here. I want you. I love you, he sent to his lover.

Ward swallowed hard. Shifting closer to Danny. "It's good of the professor to give them a home," he finally whispered. He was subdued.

Your home is with me, my love, Danny sent to Ward. Your place is with me. I want you. I love you. I need you so very much. I'm so happy that you finally stopped fighting me and gave yourself to me.

I belong with you and to you. I'm happy, Dan... more than I'd ever thought I could be. Ward snuggled and nuzzled into his mate.

Logan cleared his throat. "It's pretty clear we all have a lot in common. Were you told why we were sent here?"

Danny gently pulled Ward into his lap, kissing his lover's shoulder the affection gentle and undemanding. You're mine. My heart. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't have any color or laughter in my life. I would be lost. He spread Ward's fingers; kissed each one. My heart belongs to you.

"Charles Xavier asked Tony about the two of you joining us on the ship," Steve said. "Most of us are paired off. Lovers. In Dominant and submissive relationships. We don't hide or hold back on our affection for each other."

Logan nodded. "I agree whole-heartedly with that philosophy. I think it is partly why Charles wants us to join you. Being in a school with minors...  we would need to be very careful. Which I can be most of the time. But when I can't, it could be problematic." He smirked.

Ward turned and kissed Danny not so chastely, becoming a little bolder than usual because of everything happening around them.

"Not for me." Bobby nuzzled, pushing his head under Logan's chin and kissing his neck. "I like when you're dominant and take charge."

Danny kissed Ward back, clearly welcoming the contact from his lover. Waves of happiness and love swept from him to his lover and back again.

Logan chuckled, pulling Bobby closer and patting his backside possessively. "For the children, kiddo. Problematic for the children."

Maria glanced toward Mordo and Steven. "Is there anything specific we should do before the ceremony later?" she asked.

Bobby wrapped his arms tightly around Logan, snuggling in close. "No children here right now."

Mordo shook his head. "There's nothing special you need to do in preparation. Once we've all eaten, we can take care of yours and your daughter's bond...anyone else who wants to be bonded, too."

Ross glanced at Sharon. "What do you think. Love?"

Monica turned pleading eyes onto Lyja.

Logan slanted his head. "Bonding?" He pulled Bobby firmly against him before quickly pushing his jeans and underwear down in back so he could rub and squeeze his bare bottom.

"I'd like to," Sharon said firmly.

Lyja smiled at Monica and nodded, kissing her. "I think we should bond as well."

Bobby gave a quiet, contented sigh and snuggled in closer to Logan, shifting so that his master could rub and squeeze easier.

Steve began to explain the bonding and how it worked to Logan and Bobby.

"What do we need to do, if we want to bond?" Ross asked Mordo.

Monica grinned leaning in and kissing Lyja enthusiastically.

After hearing what was involved, Logan kissed Bobby before asking, "what do ya think?" He cupped Bobby's buttocks and squeezed firmly.

Mordo began to explain that, too, letting Stephen interject if his mate felt the need to.

Lyja responded just as enthusiastically, kissing the other woman, grasping her cheek.

"Do you want to bond with me?" Bobby whispered his voice uncertain. It sounded like marriage and he wasn't sure the older man would want to make that kind of commitment to him.

"Yes. I do." Logan's voice was clear, firm, and certain.

"I can't wait..." Monica wiggled slightly. "Are we done eating? She glanced around the table to see if everyone was finished.

Yon put his head on Talos’s shoulder, watching their daughter and future daughter.

"I want it too," Bobby admitted quietly. "What I have with's forever. I want forever with you."

"We're done eating," Lyja said softly.

Talos kissed Yon's head, running his fingers through the Kree's hair. We don't need to perform the ritual, but as we're finished eating, I can carry you to our room, spread you out on the bed and take you over and over again until you can't walk without feeling me.

Logan smiled, nodding. "Let's clean up. And then you can tell us what we need to do..." he said to Mordo.

Monica carefully stood and began cleaning up her and Lyja's empty dishes.

The others quickly began cleaning up as well, and soon the room was spotless. Stephen looked at all the couples interested in bonding. Are we having them do it here where everyone can watch? Or in their quarters, one at a time? he thought to Mordo.

I think we should ask them what would be easier, Mordo answered. But we could ask Wong to come, so we can bond three of them. He glanced towards Happy and Beck. They're not a couple, at least not yet, so maybe we should suggest they leave the room, unless they want to witness.

That might be best. Although if they are going to live on the ship with everyone, they'll probably need to get used to it. Stephen smiled.

We'll give them the choice, Mordo answered. Maybe they'll want time to get used to each other. He turned to Happy and Beck. "We're very open on the ship and that includes more intimate experiences. As we'll perform the ritual here, it's up to you both if you want to stay and witness."

"You'd feel comfortable with us witnessing?" Happy was surprised. "Maybe... maybe we should stay... we need to get used to being more open.... but I'll let you decide." He looked at Beck.

Surprised, Beck glanced at Happy and then shrugged. "I figured you're the one in charge of me, so it's probably your decision to make."

"Just because I'm in charge, doesn't mean you aren't allowed an opinion. And in cases where I don't have a pressing need to do a particular thing, I'm more than happy for you to decide." Happy shrugged.

"I don't really have much of an opinion," Beck answered.

"If not, then maybe you should both stay," Steve commented. "That way, if witnessing intimacy does turn out to be a deal-breaker, you can figure out how to handle it now."

Happy nodded. "Yeah. Better to find out now than when we're thousands of miles from earth."

Ross tugged Sharon into his arms, kissing her ear. "So, you've explained the basics. Is there a set time, place, or position? Or do we just start?"

Monica snuggled back into Lyja. "Do you want to do the blood binding first? They've been waiting longer. Plus, it seems like it was different anyway."

"There are two of us, so we can each do one at the same time," Mordo said. He looked towards Maria and Kara. "Do you have a preference over which of us will do the ritual?"

"I don't. Do you, sweetheart?" Maria asked Kara.

Kara shook her head.

"Why don't you take them, Stephen?" Mordo suggested.

Lyja gently pulled Monica tighter against her chest, kissing her shoulder. She slid her hand up under the other woman's shirt, stroking along the bare skin of her stomach.

Stephen nodded, moving forward with a flask and a scalpel. "I'll need to make a shallow slice in each of your palms and catch the blood in this flask. And then if you would remove your outer clothing, you can keep your underwear..."

Maria nodded, quickly doing as ordered. Soon she stood in her bra and underwear, clothes neatly folded on a chair. She helped Kara, then took her daughter's hand, holding both her hand and Kara's out to Stephen.

Stephen efficiently and quickly sliced both their palms and collected the blood before cleaning the cuts and bandaging them. He began the chant soon after.

Monica watched. Enthralled. As the blood in the flask blended then rose into the air as Stephen chanted. As soon as his voice reached the end, the floating red mist covered both Maria and Kara, sinking into their skin. When it was over, the blood was gone, completely soaked into their bodies, no evidence it had been there. "Wow..." she breathed out, pressing against Lyja.

Maria shivered slightly as the chant ended. Kara? Sweetheart? Can you hear me? she hesitantly thought.

I.... Kara raised her head, looking uncertainly at her mother's face. I can hear you, Mama. She sounded hesitantly hopeful.

Lyja nuzzled Monica's neck, turning the other woman's face towards her so she could kiss her lips.

Beck swallowed, glancing around at each of the others as if he didn't really know where to look or who to look at. He darted a sideways glance at Happy's face, wondering how the other man was viewing all of this.

Happy was focused on Maria and Kara. He was genuinely thrilled for them and it showed on his face.

Maria's face split into an ecstatic grin. "It worked!" She blurted, her stoic calm briefly overcome by happiness that her daughter and her had a connection so deep now. She threw her arms around Kara in a tight hug, before she began to redress the younger woman, feeling how uncomfortable Kara was at being so vulnerable in front of everyone. As soon as Kara was dressed, she redressed herself, then sat down next to Phil, pulling Kara down onto her lap and snuggling.

Monica shivered slightly, kissing back eagerly.

Kara curled up on her mother's lap, clinging to Maria and letting her head rest on the older woman's shoulder. Now that she was dressed and no longer feeling so vulnerable, her happiness was obvious.

Mordo looked at the other three couples to be bonded. "You will need to start preparing for full intercourse. If you need privacy, let us know."

Ross looked into Sharon's eye. "I might be in control, but in this I want you to be comfortable. Do you want privacy? Or do you want to share our bonding with the others?" he asked softly.

Monica looked up int Lyja's eyes. "They saw you spank me for naughtiness... I'd kinda like them to see you claim me for love..." she whispered. "But it is your decision...."

Logan tugged Bobby close and kissed him hard. "Part of why we came here was because we didn’t want to hide." His voice carried through the room. "The more who know and see. The better I think."

"I wouldn't mind if everyone here saw it, as long as they're happy to," Sharon said honestly. "I don't care who knows that I now belong to you. If I had my way, everyone would know."

Lyja stroked the side of Monica's face and kissed her. "I don't mind if they see me claiming you and us bonding together," she said.

Bobby nodded his agreement. "I want you to take me. I don't care who sees and knows." His cheeks were red, but his voice was clear and sure.

Logan grinned. "In that case..." he pulled Bobby to him, kissing him deeply, one hand holding the other man in place by his hair, the other tugging clothing loose, unbuttoning and unzipping so that Bobby’s clothes wouldn’t take much help at all before they'd fall to the floor.

Ross gently kissed Sharon, holding her face in his hands and then he was carefully removing her clothing. Folding it and setting it to the side, kissing everywhere he exposed.

Monica whimpered softly, squirming in Lyja's arms.

All the other couples watched, but they also snuggled and kissed their own mates, some (like Brock) removing clothing for more skin contact.

Bobby moved, just enough to allow his clothes to fall to the floor without breaking the kiss. He moved his hands towards Logan's shirt, giving a gentle, experimental tug...silently asking for permission to undress his master.

Sharon arched into each kiss, letting out tiny moans and sighs of contentment. As soon as she was naked, she was reaching out to undress Ross the exact same way he had her, kissing and caressing exposed skin.

Lyja gently tugged Monica's shirt free, pulling it loose and then kissing her mouth before trailing kisses down her chest, pausing long enough to unhook the other woman's bra and caress and squeeze her nipples, lavishing attention on them.

Beck squirmed a bit in his seat, the signs and sounds of sex affecting his body more than he would have liked to admit. He reached out for his water cup, taking a long drink and adjusting himself so that his reactions would, hopefully, not be so noticeable.

Logan nodded his assent, letting go just enough that Bobby could remove his clothes.

Ross shifted so Sharon could undress him, continuing to kiss her as often as possible.

Monica groaned softly, shrugging her shirt and bra to the floor, arching her back so Lyja could do whatever she wanted. She began to run her hands over Lyja, hesitantly, as if uncertain she had permission.

Happy found himself watching Beck and how everything was affecting him. He smiled faintly at the squirming, finding the other man's fidgeting attractive.

Smiling, Bobby began to undress Logan, running his hands over his master's bare skin as he did so.

Sharon stepped into Ross' arms once they were both naked, hugging him and then kissing him deeply and passionately.

Lyja smiled reassuringly at Monica. "You may touch," she invited, before beginning to strip the other woman of the rest of her clothing.

Beck continued fidgeting, finding that it didn't matter where he looked; there was a couple making out. It didn't help to close his eyes, either - he could still hear them.

Logan shivered. "That's it boy..." he growled softly, "I'm yours as much as you’re mine..." he whispered gruffly, running his hands over Bobby gently.

Ross was fully aroused by this time, pressing as close as possible, holding her close and tight as he kissed her.

Monica shifted enough for Lyja to strip her, whimpering softly as she began to ache deep inside. She let her hands roam over her master, carefully tugging Lyja's shirt free and up.

Happy shifted closer, leaning over and whispering, "it's okay to be aroused. I am too."

Bobby snuggled in close to his master, his member stirring at Logan's close proximity. He kissed the older man deeply and then began to press kisses along his master's neck and chest.

Sharon let her hands glide down to Ross' member, gently stroking over it and then taking it in a sure grip as she continued to kiss him.

Lyja moved enough to allow Monica to remove her shirt, but then returned to kissing and caressing the other woman's breasts, taking one of the nipples into her mouth.

Beck glanced at Happy, his face flushed and warm. "If I leave the room, it'll probably stop." Whether he wanted it to or not? Was a different matter entirely.

Logan growled and slid his hands down Bobby's body, grasping his backside and squeezing firmly.

Ross's member twitched in Sharon's hand and he gasped. He reached his own hand down beginning to finger her gently as he kissed down her neck and chest until he could latch onto a nipple.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But you may as well stay. I have a feeling on the ship we're going to be seeing even more of this." Happy wrapped an arm around Beck's shoulders. "If you need to take care of it...."

Just then Wong slipped into the room, carrying the tome. "I got a call from Friday saying you had three couples who wanted to bond. So, I came to help you," he whispered to Mordo and Stephen.

Bobby whimpered, pressing his body flush against Logan's. Glancing at his master's face to make sure it was okay, he glided his hand down to the older man's member, beginning to stroke.

Arching into his touch, Sharon kissed his neck as she continued to gently stroke and squeeze his member, giving tiny little groans and moans.

"It would probably be a bit less uncomfortable...." Beck allowed, unable to help but lean into Happy's arm.

Logan shivered again. "I'm going to take you apart and put you back together so that the only one you'll ever want, is me..." he growled, reaching down and taking Bobby's member in hand, stroking firmly.

Ross continued to rub her gently as he sucked on her nipple. When Stephen quietly handed him a flask, he took it, though he wasn’t sure exactly how he could use it.

Monica whimpered and moaned, arching her back so Lyja could play with her nipples more easily, and began to push her hips wantonly against her master. The ache was getting worse and she felt like she needed to be filled with something.

Wong wordlessly handed Lyja a flask.

Happy squeezed Beck gently and cleared his throat. "I can take care of it for you. If you want me to, push your pants and underwear down to your knees. If you don’t want me to, leave them up and I'll never mention it again." He spoke softly so only Beck would hear.

"That's what you are to me already," Bobby whispered, his response given between quiet gasps and moans. "I would never want to be with anyone else. No one else will take me. Only you." He breathed in deeply as he rubbed himself against his master, only glancing up for a second through half-lidded eyes as Mordo handed Logan a flask.

Sharon pressed against his lips, tiny little moans and cries escaping her in response to the stimulation. She kissed and mouthed at his neck, continuing to stroke and caress his member.

Lyja took the flask, kissing and caressing Monica's nipples, turning each into hard nubs before she slipped her hand down between the other woman's legs, beginning to stroke and caress.

Beck squeezed his eyes shut, leaning into Happy a bit more, face still flushed and warm, before he pushed his pants and underwear down. A tiny whimper escaped him, though he wasn't shamed; just feeling how vulnerable he'd made himself.

Logan groaned at that. Kissing harder and more possessively. "I will never want or take anyone but you," he promised, squeezing and stroking Bobby's member and holding the flask ready.

Ross very carefully kept himself under control- not easy when her hands felt so good wrapped around him and stroking. He slipped a finger inside her moist folds to stimulate her further. If he'd been given a flask, maybe the sorcerers had some way of capturing her fluids. He just needed to make her as wet as possible.

Monica let out a tiny sob as Lyja finally began to touch and rub where she ached most, opening her legs as much as she could to her mistress. "Please," she sobbed out in a begging voice.

Happy growled in pleasure as beck made himself vulnerable and trusted him to take care of him. The vague attraction he'd felt for Beck spiked at the submissive action and he tugged the other man even closer. "You can lean on me. Hide your face in my shoulder if you need," he whispered before spitting into his palm and then grasping into Beck's member with a firm, secure grip. Squeezing it, he began to stroke.

"Good." The spike of possessiveness Bobby felt, the knowledge that Logan belonged to him as much as he did the older man, came clearly through that one word. And then he was arching into his master's hand, groaning, his member beginning to weep.

Sharon arched against his fingers, pressing her body flush against his. She nuzzled and kissed his neck, then licked and sucked on his skin, her movements turning more frantic.

Lyja smiled and gently parted Monica's folds, allowing her better access to the other woman's most sensitive spots. She kissed the other woman, deeply and passionately, not holding back even a little.

Beck's soft whimper made his cheeks redden even further and he buried his face in Happy's shoulder, wrapping his arms tight around the other man as his body began to respond and react to the contact.

Logan kept his grip firm and secure as he continued to work on Bobby, seeking the younger man's release, meaning to milk him fully- enough to fill the flask. As his hand worked, his mouth was kissing and sucking all over Bobby's neck, shoulders, chest... when he thought Bobby was close, he pressed his mouth to the younger man's mouth, swallowing his moans.

Ross gently moved from her nipples, back up to capture her mouth with his. He heard a quiet word spoken, but he was too focused on his mate to pay it notice.

Monica whimpered. And groaned, and growled into Lyja's mouth submitting fully, but just enough possessiveness to make her feisty. Her breathing was frantic and sweat made her body slick as she let out another tiny sob of need.

Happy growled softly, nuzzling and kissing Beck's hair and forehead as he stroked his member. He felt very protective and possessive. He could only imagine it was the influence if all the hormones in the air, but he didn’t care. He wanted to give the man in his arms relief.

Bobby wrapped his arms tightly around Logan's body, his release making him shake and gasp soundlessly against the older man's shoulder. Tiny whimpers escaped him as his release filled the flask.

Sharon returned the kiss, almost desperately, clinging to him with one arm while her other continued to stroke and gently squeeze his member.

Lyja pulled away, only to begin kissing down the other woman's chest. Parting Monica's legs even further, she replaced her fingers with her tongue.

Beck clutched a bit more tightly to Happy, soft groans and moans escaping him as Happy stroked him. His member was hardening very quickly, and a stab of shame went through him; that he wouldn't be able to hold out long.

Logan caught the release as it filled the bottle, kissing and holding his lover through it. He was very hard and was ready to take Bobby but held himself in check so the moment would be right.

Ross shifted the flask before crooking his fingers to rub against her g-spot.

Monica began to writhe under Lyja as she felt her Mistress' tongue licking her. Tiny sobs and whimpers escaped as the ache she felt grew. Her core felt tight and swollen. She heard a word whispered, and suddenly she was shuddering uncontrollably, the flask Lyja held filling as the magic drew out her juices.

Happy growled low in his throat at Beck's moans. His attraction turned to desire, and he found himself wanting to do more than help Beck. "Lay back..." he ordered, shifting so he could settle between Becks legs as soon as Beck obeyed him.

Bobby clung to Logan as his release filled the jar, peppering his master's face with kisses. "Think my legs are gonna give way," he mumbled.

Sharon gasped as her orgasm overtook her, fingers gripping tightly on Ross' shoulders as the jar was filled.

Lyja held the jar in place, kissing Monica's head and murmuring soft, soothing words of love in her ear, holding the other woman upright.

Beck wasn't thinking anymore. His whole body was filled with need. He obeyed without thinking about it, laying back so Happy could do whatever he wanted.

"I've got you. I’ll always have you," Logan promised, holding Bobby up till his release eased and he was limp in his arms. Carefully, he placed Bobby down on the table, sitting down in the chair between his legs, and then pushed his legs open and up till Bobby's knees were at his shoulders and every private area was exposed for Logan to look at and enjoy. Growling softly, he placed the flask close by and then leaned forward, nuzzling, kissing, licking, and gently nipping the exposed area. While his mouth tasted his sub, he poured a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and then gently pushed one in stroking inside while he tasted outside.

Ross leaned forward and kissed Sharon, still rubbing her most sensitive spot as the jar filled. Once it was filled, he carefully lifted her and carried her to the closet chair, then sat her on his lap, facing him. He was hard and swollen and poked up against her, but he didn’t enter yet. Instead he continued to kiss and rub, drawing everything out as long as possible. He sat the flask on the floor beside them.

Monica finally collapsed into Lyja's arms, weak and still whimpering from her orgasm. She nuzzled against Lyja's shoulder, surprised that the ache wasn't gone. "Mistress..." she whined softly against Lyja's neck.

"Good... you're being very good..." Happy breathed out. As soon as Beck was lay flat, Happy shifted minutely, his hands moving to Becks hips in a very firm hold. Beck wasn’t going to be able to get away. He wouldn't even be able to squirm. He’d have to lie there and give Happy what he wanted. As soon as he was certain his charge was immobile, Happy leaned down and licked a stripe up Beck's member then took it into his mouth sucking and swallowing firmly until he'd taken it down to the root. Then he added tongue in with the other two actions.

Bobby whimpered softly, his legs wrapping gently around Logan's shoulders as his fingers grabbed onto the other man. He'd thought that it was over, and he was spent...but as the older man worked on it, it didn't take much for his member to begin stirring at his master's actions once more.

Sharon leaned in to pepper tiny kisses against Ross' skin, her hands stroking and exploring his body. She wriggled a bit against his erection, smiling as she felt it and knew she was the cause.

Lyja kissed Monica and then gently grasped the other woman's hand, guiding it down towards her own groin.

Beck whimpered softly as he was held in place. The whimper turned into a moan; a barely stifled yelp as Happy took his member into his mouth. If it wasn't for the firm grip Happy had on his hips, Beck's whole body would have arched up.

"Good boy..." Logan breathed against Bobby's member, slowly adding a second finger.

Ross moaned softly against Sharon's ear as he came closer to his release. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he gently lifted her up, then slid her down onto his member. "You feel so good, my minx...." he took her lips in another deep kiss.

Monica grinned, letting her fingers gently explore her Mistress, becoming surer of herself as she could hear Lyja's responses.

Happy continued to hold Beck down as he enjoyed tasting the other man. Every so often he would slide up, his mouth gripping tightly as if he didn’t want to let go, and he'd catch his breath, then he’d engulf the other man again, nose buried against Beck's groin, nuzzling and memorizing his scent while he milked him with his mouth.

Bobby breathed in deeply, his member hardening even more in response to Logan's words. "Yours," he whispered. "Your good boy." He flushed bright red with pleasure.

Sharon returned the kiss, deeply and hungrily, beginning to rock back and forth. "You feel so good inside me," she whispered.

Lyja pressed against Monica's fingers, kissing the other woman deeply and passionately. "I love you," she whispered against her submissive's lips.

Beck gasped, a long, low groan escaping him as Happy worked. "I'm gonna...." He gasped the words out, not able to focus fully enough to finish the warning.

" very good boy, " Logan breathed as he slicked his own member with lube, then carefully removed his fingers from Bobby, lining himself up and pushing in as slowly as he could. He watched Bobby's eyes the whole time.

"It feels so good inside you..." Ross returned, his breathing increasing as he began to raise his hips just enough to provide a bit more friction and pressure inside her. His member was already hard, but it swelled just a tiny bit more.

"I love you..." Monica gasped, her excitement making her breathless. She rubbed and stroked trying to find the spot that would make her mistress sing.

Happy squeezed Beck's hips just short of being painful- his fingerprints would be visible in the man's skin for the next several days- and opened his mouth so that he went down as far as he could, obviously expecting Beck to let go.

Bobby let his head fall back, exposing his throat and neck to his master. His fingers tightened on Logan's body and he let out a quiet whimper. "Master...." He breathed the word out, a pleading note in his voice.

Sharon gripped his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him hard and deeply as she felt him growing and swelling more. "I love you," she whispered against his lips.

Lyja wrapped an arm tightly around Monica, her body arching as the other woman hit exactly the right spot. Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to Monica's shoulder and then to her neck.

Beck gasped, the squeezing enough to send him over the edge. His release sent his vision white, his head falling back as he left himself vulnerable and open.

"I know..." Logan groaned, beginning to thrust slowly, going as deep as possible before withdrawing and then thrusting again.

"I love you too " Ross said gruffly, helping her to move more quickly and easily as she rode him.

Monica shivered at the kissing, making sure to continue rubbing that spot over and over.

Happy took in everything Beck gave, swallowing and continuing to lick and suck till the other man was empty and limp. He gently withdrew making certain to lick his charge clean before sitting up and looking over Beck's body, reaching out and gently running his hands over his body, pushing his shirt out of the way and playing with his nipples.

It didn't take long before Logan's thrusting hit that one spot inside Bobby. When it did, he moaned loudly, drawing in a breath and letting it out in a shaky gasp. "Please."

Closing her eyes, Sharon continued to kiss him, rocking backwards and forwards on his member.

Lyja continued to kiss Monica's skin, tiny sighs and moans making it clear she was enjoying her submissive's actions.

Beck didn't fight or protest Happy moving his shirt, instead almost automatically pushing into the other man's hands. It didn't take much stimulation for his nipples to harden and pebble.

Logan began to thrust harder and faster, moving closer to his own release.

Ross groaned, his body beginning to tense up. He could hear Stephen beginning to chant in the background as his thrusting became more frantic, and then suddenly, he was shuddering in release, the contents of the flask floating out and into his skin as he emptied into Sharon, filling her with his seed. When his last spasm finally eased and he was empty, he let his hands run gently over Sharon's body- noting the glowing mark on his hand.

Monica kept rubbing, even as she kissed everywhere, she could reach. She let her free hand wander up to latch on her Mistress's nipple, playing with it until it was a hardened bud and then moving to the next. She wanted Lyja to come to release like she had.

Wong waited patiently, ready to say the word that would draw out Lyja's release into the flask so it could mix with Monica's.

"So responsive to me," Happy whispered roughly, tweaking and twisting Beck's nipples till they were red. He leaned over and gently bit the left nipple before sucking it into his mouth and licking it while tugging it almost hungrily.

Bobby whimpered, whined and groaned in response to Logan's thrusting, his member hardening once more in response to the stimulation from his master.

Mordo moved, preparing to chant the moment Logan's release hit.

Sharon slumped slowly on Ross, nuzzling his shoulder. Spotting the mark covering both of their hands, a wave of happiness came through the bond; joy that she now belonged fully to Ross.

It didn't take long for Lyja's own orgasm to come over her. She tightened her embrace around Monica, kissing and gently nipping the other woman's skin.

Beck almost didn't recognize the low moans coming from his own lips. His hands raised of their own accord, as if seeking to grasp onto the other man...but he halted them. It was Happy who was in control and he hadn't done anything to indicate he would welcome being touched in return.

Logan thrust hard, two more times, and then he stiffened. He shuddered once and then he was pouring into Bobby, filling him with his seed.

Ross could feel Sharon's happiness and wrapped his arms around her tightly, his own happiness carrying through the bond.

Wong held the flask steady, saying the word that caused Lyja's juices to exit and float into the flask, mixing with Monica's.  He then said the bonding ritual, the flash's contents spiraling out and soaking into both Monica and Lyja's chest. A golden mark formed on both of their hands.

Immediately, Monica's feelings of love and need swamped the bond, rushing to Lyja- as did all the x-rayed things she was imagining her mistress doing to her. Her eyes widened and she blushed. She knew she was projecting, but she couldn't seem to stop, and she was still horny enough that every other thought was of Lyja turning her over her knee and playing with her bottom and vagina. "Sorry..." she squeaked.

Happy leaned back after he made both of Beck's nipples an equally angry, swollen red. "I want to take you. Right here and now. Want to coat myself in lube and push into you until I empty inside and mark you inside as mine..." he ground out before swallowing hard and pulling back further. "...I wish I knew if that was me or just the situation talking. And I wish I could trust that if you said yes. It would be because it was you and not the situation. Because it would be wrong to take you like that unless we both truly wanted it...." He sounded regretful. It was obvious he knew it was something he really wanted. But he wouldn't, couldn't pressure Beck. Not when he held the man's fate in his hands.

Bobby barely had time to notice the effects of the ritual as his own release came over him, making him gasp and cling to his master. He nuzzled into Logan's shoulder, letting out a happy mewling sound as he caught sight of the matching symbols on their hands. We belong to each other. The thought was accompanied by a rush of happiness and need.

Sharon kissed his shoulder. I belong to you, she thought, nuzzling into him.

Lyja smiled and drew Monica in for a deep kiss. I could do that here and now or take you to our room so we can continue just the two of us, she thought.

Beck swallowed, licking his lips as he focused on Happy's face. "I... don't know about you." He paused aware he was about to admit something that he'd held secret; feelings that he'd discarded after everything with Stark Industries. "It's not the first time I've felt this way." The words were a whispered confession.

We always did Logan thought affectionately as he carefully withdrew and gently kissed his mate. it's just official now.

And I belong to you. Ross kissed her temple.

Whatever you decide, mistress Monica thought. There was a mischievous element to her submission and it was clear through the bond that she liked the idea of everyone seeing how much Lyja owned her, but it was just as clear that she truly did want it to be Lyja's decision and she'd be happiest being given direction and being controlled.

Happy blinked. "You wanted me before? I didn’t think you would have noticed me..." being Tony's body-guard as well as his good friend, Happy was used to being ignored or overlooked by anyone he didn’t have to directly talk to.

Bobby returned the kiss and snuggled in close, letting his head rest on Logan's shoulder. What now, master? he asked, eager to please the older man.

Sharon snuggled into Ross' arms, head resting on his shoulder, letting out a tiny mewl of contentment.

No one else seems bothered about being affectionate in front of everyone else. Taking the other woman's hand, Lyja led her over to the couch and sat, gently drawing her across her lap.

Beck propped himself up on his elbows, making eye contact with Happy. "I figured, after I got fired, there was little point in thinking about what-ifs...and you never really seemed open to dating," he commented. Happy had always been focused on his job as Tony's bodyguard, after all.

Now I dress you so we can socialize and get to know everyone we just gave a show to. Logan's thoughts were full of affection and amusement as he began to do just that.

Ross snuggled her a bit longer before he began to carefully dress her. Kissing each part before he covered it with clothing.

Monica sighed happily, squirming into a comfortable but still completely open and vulnerable position. I love you, Mistress she thought.

Happy nodded. To be honest he'd never considered dating Beck before. He was on Tony's think tank which meant he was smart... and therefore would never be interested in the likes of Happy. At least that was how he'd thought then. "Well... I'm thinking of it now " he said gruffly before pulling Beck in for another kiss as his hand went down and began to fondle the smaller man again. "I know it’s little time to think about it. But would you want to bond with me?" He whispered against Beck's mouth. He was prepared to motion Mordo over to say the ritual, even if they didn’t have a flask.

Can I dress you as well? Bobby sent to his master, holding still so that Logan could clothe him.

Once she was dressed, Sharon began to clothe him as well, also kissing parts of his body.

"I love you." Lyja said the words out loud and through the bond. Accompanying the words were strong emotions of love and desire. She ran her hand down Monica's back.

"Yes." Beck pulled back just enough so that he could search Happy's face. "As long as it isn't something you're only thinking of now, because of the atmosphere here, and you won't regret after it occurs."

Yes. I'm yours too, kid. You don’t have to ask to take care of me. If I don’t want you to do something, I'll stop you. Just as I expect you to tell me if you truly don't want me to do something. Logan thought.

I love you too, Lyj, Monica thought, relaxing at the gentle touch. Belong to you, Mistress... complete she thought in as submissive a way as she was able, which was still filled with impish need to push her boundaries and see what she could get away with.

Happy smiled. "I've been thinking of it since requesting they give you an alternative punishment with me in control. I might never have imagined having sex, but I always imagined being your master. The sex is just icing on the cake and the thought of us being bond feels good and right." He continued to fondle Beck, even as he motioned Stephen over with his eyes. "Can the bonding be done without the flask?"

"If you think you can time it just right, so he comes at the same time as you..." Stephen shrugged.

Happy nodded before turning to Beck. "Can you hold on until I say?" He didn’t make it an order. He wanted an honest answer. Not one born out of a need or desire to obey.

I've got no worries on that front, at least so far, Bobby responded, tucking his head under Logan's chin for a moment. Everything you've done, I've been totally on board and okay with. He began to dress his master, kissing the older man's bare skin.

Lyja stroked her hands down Monica's back, her bottom, legs. Just touching and stroking. A hint of amusement carried through the bond at the emotions she could sense from the other woman.

Beck thought seriously about it, automatically pressing into Happy's touch. "I think so," he said finally. "My body's responding to you without me thinking about it, so it's a good job my head's on board." He sounded a bit chagrined that he didn't have more control.

"Good!" Logan smiled as Bobby finished clothing him and leaned in to chastely kiss the younger man before leading him to sit down with the others still in the room. He pulled Bobby down on his lap.

Ross followed soon after, pulling Sharon down onto his.

Monica began to let out tiny sighs of contentment, perfectly happy with everyone seeing her naked and being pet like a cat.

Brock grinned at someone being as 'needy' as he was and looked up at Steve hopefully.

Happy was as close to release as he could be, just from what he'd done to Beck. Pushing his pants and underwear down to his knees, he took the lube Stephen offered and quickly coated his fingers, laying Beck back down and instructing him to pull his knees to his chin. As soon as the other man was exposed, he gently pushed a finger in, rubbing around thoroughly to make sure he was well prepared. When he felt Beck begin to relax around the first finger, he added a second.

Bobby snuggled in close to Logan, resting his head on the older man's shoulder. Feelings of happiness and contentment came through the bond, along with the fleeting image/memory of him laying with his throat bare, the older man latched on.

Sharon curled up in Ross' lap, leaning up to kiss him and then snuggling close.

Lyja leaned over to press a trail of kisses down Monica's back, still stroking and rubbing.

Steve kissed Brock and then moved his lover in position over his lap. Brock was already bare, so he could just start rubbing and stroking straight away.

Beck couldn't help but tense up as Happy's finger entered him, but it didn't take long for the rubbing to relax him. He whimpered as the other man added a second finger, hands half-reaching up before he remembered and stopped himself.

Logan growled softly, nuzzling against the juncture of Bobby's shoulder and neck before latching on. He began to gently work the skin. A feeling of satisfaction flowed through the bond that he'd leave his mark.

Monica shivered at the kisses and whined softly. She hadn’t fully gotten over being aroused from before and the rubbing and kissing caused the ache to flare up.

Brock slumped over Steve’s lap, happy to be claimed and touched in front of everyone.

Happy continued to firmly stroke Beck’s member while he explored with his fingers. When the man under him began to loosen up with two fingers in him, he gently removed them and coated his own member with the lube. Then lined himself up against the tight ring of muscle. "I'm going to push in now... claim you fully. You are mine!" He growled out softly before proceeding to do just that. He pushed in very slowly, giving Beck time to change his mind if needed, but once he was two inches in, he began to move slightly faster, rocking his hips so he was making shallow thrusts into Beck's body.

Bobby let out a tiny mewl of satisfaction, squirming back against Logan's chest and angling his neck to allow his master to claim more thoroughly.

I love you, so much, Lyja crooned through the bond. You're being so good for me.

Talos kissed Yon's neck, sliding his hand up the Kree's shirt so he could stroke the bare skin of his mate's chest. Mine. The word mingled with a sense of satisfaction and possessiveness.

Beck couldn't help the soft whimper that escaped when Happy pushed inside him. His body tensed up for a few seconds before he was able to relax, soft, whimpering groans escaping with every thrust the other man made.

Logan continued to worry against Bobby's neck. When he finally pulled back to look at what he'd done, there was a dark red mark. Mine he thought possessively, allowing Bobby to see the mark through his eyes.

I love you so much Mistress. But it's hard being good Monica thought. The pout could be felt through the bond. She squirmed slightly, Lyja's words having made her feel more controlled which in turn made the needy ache stronger.

Yon couldn’t help but respond, arching his back so Talos could claim more easily. Yours he thought with satisfaction. He felt so happy. Talos had forgiven him. His daughter had found her mate. Everything was perfect.

Happy's breathing became more erratic the longer he thrust. The repetitive notion of moving in and out of Beck was calming. The fact he was in complete control of the other man was more gratifying and arousing than he'd thought it would be. He was very close to release and motioned Stephen to begin the ritual.

Ross snuggled Sharon close. They weren’t exaggerating when they said they were very open he thought with amusement.

Yours, Bobby sent back submissively, snuggling back into Logan's arms and nestling his head under the other man's chin. I love you.

What do you want? Lyja asked. What do you want to do, or me to do to you?

Talos kissed each of Yon's ears, beginning to scratch behind them. At the same time, he let the fingers of his other hand swirl around each of his submissive's nipples.

It was hard to hold back, when every movement Happy made had Beck wanting to release. But he forced himself to focus on the bond; that if it wasn't timed right, they would have to wait. He couldn't help but whimper, his hands clenching as he fought against giving in to his body's urges.

Sharon snorted softly. I think we've more than realized we fit in with that mindset.

I love you too, kid. And now we'll never be apart. Logan nuzzled the top of his head and settled back to hold Bobby and watch everyone else.

Monica shivered again, arching her back so she was more vulnerable. need to feel your control, Mistress. I'm not good at controlling myself. Try so hard and almost always fail. Need to feel that you can control, even if I can't.  there was still arousal through the bond, but it was laced with a hint of embarrassed shame. Monica knew what Lyja had meant by her question, and she hadn’t intended on 'confessing' but that's what had happened. Her mistress likely thought she was pathetic now. would you finger me, Mistress? Please? if a thought could be blurted, Monica blurted an actual answer to the question attempting to quickly change focus off what she'd just admitted. Along with the words, she sent a mental picture of Lyja doing everything possible to her private regions until she couldn't walk straight and needed a nap.

Yon began to purr as his ears were scratched and he arched further toward Talos hands, thinking about his master pinching his nipples till they were red and swollen.

"Now, pet... release with me..." Happy said roughly into Beck's ear as he shoved in deep one last time and then held himself still, buried in the other man, stiffening slightly before releasing into his mate. The ritual words were almost complete.

Yes. We do. I wasn’t complaining...  Ross's thoughts were amused.

Bucky kissed Fury before putting his head on the other man's shoulder. When we get back to our room...

Brock whimpered. Just being rubbed and smacked wasn’t enough. All the hormones and hearing the sounds of sex, and he needed to be taken. Please, Cap? he begged.

Frank wasn’t normally a snuggler, but he was feeling the effects of witnessing the bindings. He was horny, to put it mildly and he didn’t even attempt to hide it. He let it show on his face and show in the way he shifted onto Yondu's lap and pressed his nose to his master's neck.

You don't need to feel embarrassed or ashamed, Lyja sent to Monica. Whatever you need, you'll have from me. We complete each other. That's why we're soulmates. She began to do as the other woman had pictured, even while emotions of love and reassurance flowed through the bond.

Beck's whole body stiffened, and he gasped, his release overtaking him at Happy's having been given permission by his master.

I can take you there now, Fury suggested.

Taking a bottle of lube, Steve coated a finger liberally and let it glide over Brock's entrance, pushing gently.

Yondu noticed Frank's shifting and he kissed the top of the other man's head, shifting Frank so that he could tug the Terran's pants down.

Monica relaxed at Lyja's words, relieved that she'd been understood. Still, it didn’t take long before she was moaning softly, opening her legs as far as she could, and begging through the bond. More, please, Mistress? Harder and deeper and make me feel you even if we aren't touching?

Happy groaned as he felt Beck release. The ritual caught the fluid and directed it to his body, allowing it to absorb into his skin, even as his own release flooded Beck's insides and was absorbed by his submissive. He didn’t know how much time passed, but as he finally slumped on top of his mate, he noticed the glowing symbol on their hands.

"Yes please!" Bucky blurted out loud.

Brock whined and arched his back slightly. Please, master he begged. Need you.

Frank’s quick intake of breath was the only sound he made, but he kicked off his shoes so Yondu could remove his pants and underwear, then held his arms up so his master could take his shirt as well. He was very affected by what was going on and at that moment, being naked on his master's lap seemed like the perfect evening.

Lyja stroked and caressed all of the other woman's intimate places, sliding her fingers between Monica's legs and caressing over her backside and down her thighs. Good. So very good.

Beck's body slumped and he panted a little, arms reaching up to loosely wrap around Happy's shoulders; uncertain if a hug would be welcomed or not.

Fury smiled and gathered Bucky into his arms, carrying the other man from the room.

Steve carefully and slowly pushed his finger inside Brock, leaning over to kiss and gently nip at his lover's shoulder.

Yondu stripped Frank and then settled the other man more firmly on his lap, one hand sliding down to squeeze the other man's bottom.

Your good girl? Monica couldn’t help thinking hopefully, panting softly as Lyja claimed what was hers.

Happy held Beck close. Mine. His thought was possessive.

Brock whimpered as he was breached, allowing his need and how good Steve's finger felt to pass through the bond. yours he thought almost giddily.

Frank groaned softly, nuzzling against Yondu's shoulder. "Wanna be yours, master..." he whispered. “Wanna tie me to you forever.” He wasn't ashamed that his member was swollen and hard and on display for anyone looking their way. He belonged to Yondu and if Yondu wanted it hidden, he'd hide it.

My good girl. Lyja sent waves of love and possessiveness through the bond as she continued to touch and stroke and squeeze.

Yours.... A whole myriad of emotions came through the bond from Beck, along with a thought that slipped through: Maybe now that I am, I won't screw up quite so much.

For always, Steve promised, coating and adding another finger.

"You sure?" Yondu asked. "Long as you're totally sure you want to take that step...."

Hearing the comment, Mordo headed over to the last couple who hadn't bonded yet.

Monica sent waves of submissive love back, making sure that Lyja could feel how good she felt.

I'll help you in any way you need Happy promised.

Brock groaned softly as he was slowly stretched. Feels so good… he thought.

"I am, sir... very sure," Frank groaned out softly.

Lyja smiled, stroking and kissing along Monica's entire back side, letting her lover feel how aroused she was at being able to do this to the other woman.

Beck hesitantly cuddled in close. I don't know how you could want me, even as a submissive, after everything I did...figured I'd messed up any hope I had, after everything, of having even a small chance with you.

You feel so good, Steve said. So completely mine.

Mordo manifested a flask and handed it to Yondu without asking further. If the alien decided it wasn't a good idea, he would say.

Taking the flask, Yondu positioned Frank carefully and began to stroke and manipulate the other man's member, kissing him often.

All of me is yours! Monica thought happily, her own arousal clear.

You made mistakes. We all do. It's how you learn from those mistakes and what you do after that determines what type of person you are Happy thought, hugging tight and kissing the side of his head.

Always completely yours Brock promised before moaning. Love having you inside me. Love feeling owned...

Frank returned the kisses with shivering little moans. He sat on Yondu's lap, legs wide open, his member easily reached. It was also easily seen, swelling and growing with Yondu's attention.

Yon moaned slightly himself, seeing everyone being rubbed, stroked, or fingered. Makes me want to bend over the sofa so you can push in and knot me again, master he admitted, his face flushing.

Forever and ever, Lyja promised. We belong to each other.

When are you going to punish me? It wasn't that Beck was eager to be spanked; far from it. But he wanted to be right with his master and couldn't help feeling wrong at the moment. Maybe being punished would help.

Steve continued to play for a bit more and then he carefully stood them both up, withdrawing his fingers and coating his member in the lube, pushing inside his lover.

Yondu pressed tiny biting kisses and nips to Frank's skin as he continued stroking the other man's member, moving the flask so it was ready to catch his lover's release.

Like they are? Talos indicated Steve and Brock. Or in our quarters, in private?

Forever Monica thought back, her happiness at the word almost as strong as her need for her Mistress.

When we return to our room later, I will give you your first spanking. Happy wasn’t in any hurry to spank his mate, but he could feel the sense of guilt and knew it might help.

Brock arched his back and groaned loudly, gripping onto the couch back. Yes, cap... pound into me hard. Wanna feel you for the next week... He was already close to release.

Frank moaned softly and then gasped as his body stiffened and he began to release, filling the flask up.

Whatever you think best, master. I just need you so bad... Yon whimpered.

Lyja kissed and gently nipped down Monica's back, letting her fingers slip between the other woman's folds, searching for that one particular spot.

Beck nodded his acceptance before hesitantly asking, May I kiss you?

Steve took a firm hold of Brock's hips and began to thrust hard into his lover, feelings of love and possessiveness coming clear through the bond.

Yondu pulled the flask away, kissing Frank deeply before he lay the other man out, removing his own clothes and settling between his lover's legs.

Talos drew Yon in for a deep, lingering kiss and then began to slowly strip his submissive, pressing kisses to each bit of skin he exposed.

Monica moaned softly and tried to hold still but was still squirming slightly. She loved to feel Lyja's fingers inside her. It felt like her mate was taking ownership of her each time she touched or slid a digit in. When Lyja found that spot she was searching for, Monica lost any semblance of control, her moan turning into a faint wail as Monica clenched around her fingers. And then she was shuddering out her release, her juices dripping onto Lyja's hand. Please, Ly... please more... She found herself wordlessly begging.

Always. Happy pulled the other man closer. Leaning in and touching their lips but leaving it to Beck how firmly they’d kiss. After all. Beck had asked to kiss him, not the other way around. Brock thought in time with the thrusts, clenching around Steve's member as much as possible

Frank looked up at Yondu with wide, lust glazed eyes. "Yours, master..." he gasped out, laying limp and pliant- ready for Yondu to position however he wanted.

Yon returned the kiss eagerly, shifting so it was easy to bare him. I love you, master. He nuzzled and kissed Talos back as much as possible.

You're mine, Lyja said. Mine forever. She continued to gently rub that spot, her other hand sliding under the other woman's chest so she could play with her nipples.

Closing his eyes, Beck deepened the kiss, his arms holding onto Happy; not to trap his master, but to feel the other man's body against his.

Steve leaned over and pressed a hard kiss to the nape of Brock's neck, thrusting harder and faster.

"Mine." Yondu kissed him hard and then coated a finger in the lube Mordo handed him, pushing it inside the other man.

I love you. Talos removed his own clothes, beginning to run his hands down Yon's body, stroking and squeezing possessively.

Monica sobbed softly. She felt so needy and achy and Lyja was rubbing just the right way in just the right spot. Having her nipples played with just intensified everything and it wasn’t long before she was on the edge of release again. She wanted to give everything to her mistress and made certain that feeling was communicated through the bond.

Happy hummed softly in pleasure at Beck's actions, tightening his grasp on the other man. Sending encouraging waves of feeling through the bond so Beck would feel able to explore and touch if he wanted.

Brock gasped, panting hard. He arched his back in the hopes it would let Steve go deeper.

Frank felt the finger enter him and sighed softly, relaxing. Yondu fingering him meant that Yondu was claiming him and that's what he wanted most. To be completely claimed by the older man. "Yours," he said in a very needy, husky tone.

"I love you, my master..." Yon breathed out. Belong to you only he thought before remembering how it felt to be knotted by the other man, tied to him. He liked that feeling and hoped it happened again- sooner than later. He knew it wasn’t something that occurred every time or even a lot of the time, but he couldn’t help hoping maybe they were an exception.

You belong to me, Lyja said. "I love you." She spoke the words out loud, making it clear she wanted everyone to know, as she continued to stroke and caress the other woman's most intimate places.

Beck let out a tiny little sigh and hesitantly deepened the kiss, letting his tongue slip into his master's mouth.

Steve began to go deeper and harder, squeezing his lover's hips possessively.

Yondu kissed Frank again, deeply and passionately, before he coated a second finger and added that to the first, carefully moving them inside the other man.

Even if it doesn't happen for a while, you will still belong to me, Talos promised. He lubed a finger and pressed it carefully against Yon's entrance, love and care coming strongly through the bond.

I belong to you. Monica quivered. "I love you!" She gasped with a tiny sob. She ached in a way only Lyja could ease.

Happy returned the kiss, his hug tightening in response to the kiss.

Brock groaned, pushing back against Steve. Feels so good, you filling me up so hard, love you so much!

Frank shivered and groaned shifting slightly so Yondu could more easily reach.

I will always belong to you Yon gasped softly as he felt Talos’s finger. He arched slightly to make it easier for his master to prod him.

I am in control of you, Lyja sent to Monica. You can do nothing unless I allow you to. She curved her fingers, stroking a bit more forcefully.

Beck pulled back so he could breathe and hesitantly snuggled closer to Happy. What now, master?

I love you. So much, Steve sent to Brock. Let go whenever you're ready, my heart. His own release was close, but he wanted to let go at the same time as his lover.

Yondu squeezed Frank's hips, kissing him deeply before he withdrew his fingers and then coated his member, carefully pushing inside the other man.

Talos kissed Yon's neck, gently pushing his finger past his submissive's entrance to explore inside.

Hafta obey you. Hafta get permission for everything Monica agreed, whimpering as Lyja's curved fingers stroked harder. Please, mistress... need to feel you... she whined softly, opening her legs wider.

Now I take you back to our room and we shower and sleep. Happy smiled.

I love you, master. Brock gasped and then stiffened, spraying the couch with his release, clenching tight around Steve.

Frank groaned as Yondu pushed in, stretching him. "Yours master, feels so good being owned by you...."

Yon sighed softly, relaxing against Talos. Shifting so it was easier for his master to explore inside him. His feelings of love, contentment and acceptance sang through the bond. Yours complete master. All of me. He was completely at ease with his needs now. He'd even grown to like Talos checking him for injury after particularly rough activity, no longer embarrassed at having Talos look and examine there. It belonged to his master after all. He would hide nothing.

I will make sure you feel nothing else but me, Lyja promised. I will make your body sing, my love.

Beck breathed in deep. A shower sounds like a good idea, he agreed.

Steve's own release occurred at the same time as Brock's and he tightened his hold on his lover, waves of love flowing from him through the bond.

"You are mine," Yondu promised. He grasped Frank's hips, to make it easier to thrust inside the other man, deep and hard.

All of you, forever, Talos promised. I will not let you go. Not ever. He coated a second finger and carefully pushed that inside as well, kissing Yon's lips hard and deeply.

Waves of grateful love and acceptance poured through the bond and Monica arched and pushed her bottom up as much as possible so Lyja could reach and go deep.

Happy smiled and carefully stood, fixing his clothing before he gathered Beck's clothing, then scooped the other man up into his arms. Carrying him straight to their room still naked.

Brock groaned as he felt Steve's warmth flood his insides. Thank you, master. The feelings pouring from him were bliss and happiness at being claimed and marked everywhere...  even inside his body.

Frank held on tight, keeping his feet braced so Yondu could pound into him without him falling over. Low guttural sounds of pleasure poured from him with every thrust of his master's hips. He wasn't sure which he liked more- being stretched tight around his master’s member while the older man rubbed him hard inside, or having Yondu's hips slap his ass each time he pushed in hard enough to make it feel like he was being spanked. The two together quickly had him teetering on the edge.

Yon kissed with his entire being. Opening himself to Talos; his love, acceptance, and complete submission clear- he let his master know how hood it felt being owned and claimed.

Lyja rubbed a bit more firmly, sending waves of love and making it clear that Monica was her good girl through the link.

Steve kissed the back of Brock's neck, letting his body slump over his lover's, still embracing the other man tight.

Yondu kept a tight hold of Frank, kissing the other man's shoulder and gently nipping the skin. He was growing and swelling inside the Terran, his release coming close.

Talos kissed a bit harder and then carefully withdrew his fingers. Lifting Yon into his arms, he bent the Kree over the sofa, making sure his body was well-supported, and then lubed his member, pushing inside his submissive. At the same time, he scruffed the back of Yon's neck.

Monica whimpered and moaned softly. Her body was so sensitive all she could focus on were the points of contact between her body and Lyja. She could feel the emotions coursing through the bond on a hazy mesh, all the feelings tangled up together. She was floating on the edge; her body close to pulsing.

Brock lay still under Steve, his breathing hard., "I love you Cap..." he finally said shakily. "Can we head to bed now. Sir?"

Frank was hard and swollen, his tip glistening with drops of pre-come. His breathing was labored, and he soon found himself whimpering and begging. "Please sir, please. I need it so bad… it hurts...."

Yon wriggled as he was positioned. Unable to help himself... until Talos scruffed him. The act of ownership and control enabled him to calm and still. He sighed as he felt Talos fill him up, stretching him perfectly. Feels so good, master he thought, his feelings of pleasure flowing to Talos.

I've got you, Lyja promised. I won't ever let you go. You're mine forever. You can let go, my love. I'm here to catch you.

"Sounds good to me." Steve dressed himself and then carefully lifted Brock into his arms to carry him from the room.

"Let go for me," Yondu encouraged, spotting Mordo out of the corner of his eye beginning the ritual.

You feel so good, Talos answered. So good and perfect. Mine. I love you.

Monica wasn’t capable of choosing by that point. She obeyed because her instinct told her to listen to her master. Even so, she let go in a way she never had before. Her body convulsing in wave after wave of shuddering spasms as she wailed out her pleasure. She felt her womb and sex tightening and then she was releasing her juices, forcibly expelling the milky fluid onto Lyja's lap. She was too far gone to be embarrassed though.

Hearing Yondu's words and taking them as a command, Frank groaned and clenched tight around his master before he began to shake with his release.

I love you... don’t know how I lived without you... need you so much... Yon's toes and fingers curled, and he arched his back and widened his legs to offer more of himself to his master.

Lyja felt her own release in response to her lover's, pressing a kiss to Monica's shoulder before drawing the other woman into her arms. Maybe now, we should retire to our quarters, where I can clean us up and then we can rest.

As Yondu's own release followed, Mordo chanted the ritual words, allowing the contents of the flask to sink into the alien's skin and become absorbed. At the same time, matching marks formed on both Yondu's and Frank's hands.

You won't live without me ever again, Talos promised. You're my whole world. My lifeblood. I need you.

Monica snuggled close, looking up into her mate’s eyes. "You didn’t change them..." she whispered out loud, her exhausted voice full of happiness.

Frank managed to hold himself up long enough to see the mark, a feeling of pride spearing through him that he now belonged fully to Yondu... and then he slumped, the activity and magic tiring him.

Yon felt a swelling of love fill his heart and to his surprise, tears began falling down his face. He held tight to the couch in front of him so that his mate could continue claiming him. Having Talos moving inside of him, pushing in and out in a hypnotic rhythm, was soothing. He never felt so safe as when his master was buried deep inside and he was completely vulnerable and reliant on the man to not harm him.

Lyja smiled and kissed Monica's forehead. "I always remembered what you said to me," she whispered.

Yondu carefully pulled out of Frank and, after dressing himself, he carefully lifted the Terran into his arms, carrying him from the room.

Talos grasped Yon's hips, thrusting in and out of his submissive. Waves of possessive love radiated through the link as he continued to scruff the other man.

"And then you came back for me," Monica shivered, nuzzling close.

Frank buried his face against his master, his mate, not caring that he was naked. He was in Yondu's arms. That was all that mattered.

Yon let out tiny moans and sighs of pleasure as his master continued moving in him. The scruffing helped him feel controlled and owned- helped him feel wanted and loved. It gave him a sense of peace he only felt when Talos was being controlling.

Stephen glanced at Wong and nodded in thanks as the other man opened a portal and went back to the sanctum. He then turned to Mordo. Take me to bed, master? I... I need you to claim me.

"I love you." Finishing dressing them both, Lyja guided Monica from the room.

Talos leaned over and kissed Yon's shoulder. Release for me, my little one, he directed.

Mordo drew Stephen into his arms, kissing him deeply before opening up a portal to their room and guiding his lover through.

On Talos’s command, Yon immediately began to shake, letting go and releasing for his master. His body clenched. Trying to pull Talos in deeper as he soaked the sofa and floor with his seed. He sobbed softly at the feeling of being completely out of control- of Talos being in complete control.

Talos’s own release followed quickly and he slumped over Yon's back, kissing the nape of his submissive's neck. Mine. The word and emotions were very possessive.

Yon shivered, acceptance and submission in his entire being. "Yours..." he breathed out in a shaky voice, the tears from his strong emotion clear.

Talos kissed his shoulder. "I will dress us both and then carry you to our quarters so I can bathe you," he stated.

"Yessir... I love you..." Yon mumbled against Talos’s neck, nuzzling against his master.

Holding Yon for a few moments longer, Talos only pulled away enough to dress them both before lifting the Kree into his arms and carrying him from the room.


It was later the next morning. Later than he normally woke up. Happy had finally felt rested enough after the magic of the bond settling to get up and shower. He'd noticed Beck was awake and carried the other man into the shower with him. As he thoroughly began washing both of them, he explained what was going to happen- how Beck would come with him as he packed items they’d need on the ship and arrange for the rest of his personal items to be stored. Pepper would arrange to sublet his apartment. While they were out, they'd also go by Beck's place for him to get whatever he needed. His things would be stored with Happy's and Pepper would arrange for the lease to be broken.

"Does that sound acceptable to you?" Happy asked as he gently turned his lover to face the wall and put his hands against the tile. He lathered his hands with soap and began rubbing gently between his submissive's cheeks, cleaning around and over the tight ring of muscle, rinsing the suds off and then repeating the action. Rinsing a second time he poured a tiny bit of baby shampoo onto his hands and began rubbing that area a third time- but this time letting his finger push inside the tight ring of muscle so he could rub and clean there. He moved his finger in and out, rubbing all along Beck's walls, until he'd rinsed all the baby shampoo out- but he kept his finger inside. "When we get out of the shower " he said in a rough whisper, "I'm going to punish you for what you did. I'm going to take you out of here, dry off every part of you but your bottom, sit down and put you over my knee,  and spank your bare wet ass until I feel through the bond that you've reached the right point." He gently moved the finger still in Beck in tiny massaging circles as he reached over and turned the water off.

Gently using his free hand to push between Becks shoulder blades so the man was arched into the wall, chest, shoulders, and head resting against it, Happy withdrew his finger. knelt and spread Beck's cheeks so he could stare at the smaller man's entrance. Before I punish you, I'm going to make sure you remember that EVERY part of you is MINE. The intense possessive emotions Happy felt surged through the bond and then he was leaned forward, his tongue doing what he normally did with his fingers. Being less afraid of scratching or tearing with his tongue, he wasn't as gentle as he normally would be. This claiming was total domination. He was taking what belonged to him.

Beck's breath caught; at the words, at the possessive actions, at the emotions flowing through the bond. He let his head fall gently against the wall's rough surface, letting his body relax so Happy could claim. Could possess. He'd never thought past the secret crush he'd harbored on the other man before; had never considered that being owned so thoroughly would or could be a turn-on for him. Every part of me is yours. He thought the words back to Happy, opening himself up so that the other man would feel every emotion Beck felt: his need for his master, his desire to please Happy, his happiness that he finally had what he'd been craving deep down. And while there was a strong sense of guilt, mingled with that was a belief and trust in the other man; that his master would take care of it.

Every part of you is mine... and I will take care of you and cherish you forever Happy promised. He continued to move his tongue in the intimate claiming, pressing as deep as he was able until nose and mouth were tightly pressed against skin. He curled his tongue. Searching. When he found what he was searching for, he began an oral assault on the highly sensitive area- not being gentle in the least, pushing his tongue over the area again and again and again, his hands gripping Beck's hips tightly so he couldn't squirm or pull away, his thumbs holding him wide open so Happy could push as close and deep as possible.

Beck whimpered and groaned, his hands curling in response to the other man's actions. It took only moments for his member to respond, growing and swelling. It was clear that his very quick response, the knowledge that he wouldn't be able to hold out for long, embarrassed him.

Don’t be embarrassed. You are reacting to me and your reactions are mine. I want them no matter how quickly or slowly they occur. Happy thought, along with leaving his own feelings open and clear... that he was proud at drawing such a rapid response from Beck. That he was the cause. He continued what he was doing, angling and shifting his tongue to see what reactions he could draw out.

Beck closed his eyes, breathing fast and hard...almost panting. He didn't hold anything back, leaving himself open and vulnerable both physically and through the bond. His body twitched, unable to squirm due to Happy's tight hold on him.

That's it... let go whenever you need Happy began to move his tongue in and out, hitting that spot every time going or coming.

Beck groaned, his release hitting him hard and fast. It was so intense, his vision whited out and he let out a wail.

Happy kept licking and thrusting through the climax, enjoying hearing the wails and wanting to draw everything out as long as possible.

Beck had no idea how long his release lasted for, but it left him limp and breathing hard by the time it was over. All he could do was whimper softly.

Carefully withdrawing, happy gave one last lick to 'gentle', then he carefully stood and rinsed Beck and the shower wall off. He gently moved Beck to the built-in bench, sitting him in it so he could finish cleaning himself before he turned off the water and dried himself off, then carefully dried Beck- leaving his bottom wet as promised. Leading the other man to the sink he indicated he should brush his teeth before he began brushing his own.

Beck submitted fully to Happy's actions, pressing into the other man's touch every chance he could. He obediently brushed his teeth.

Once they were completely clean, Happy led Beck into the corner. He hadn’t said he was going to do that, but it had occurred to him that if he planned for what he was about to do to be an actual punishment, he needed to get dressed. He didn't want even the hint of a chance Beck or himself would become aroused by a punishment. "Stay here." He kissed Beck’s forehead. "I'll get you out once I'm dressed."

Nodding, Beck stood quietly where Happy had stood him. The position made him feel younger; almost childlike. Vulnerable to his master's will and decisions.

Happy quickly dressed, then bracing himself for what needed to be done. He walked back to Beck and drew him from the corner.

Beck kept his body loose and pliant, allowing Happy to move him however he needed to. It was clear, through the bond, that he felt guilty; that he needed his master to step in, because he knew he couldn't help himself.

Happy positioned Beck carefully, making sure the others backside was the highest point of his body. "You hurt a lot of people because of your anger and jealousy. You almost killed children. You know you were wrong. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He kept his voice calm. He could feel how guilty Beck felt and was reasonably convinced the other man would never do something so wrong again.

Taking a deep breath, Beck reached down and grabbed onto Happy's ankle, not wanting to risk throwing his hands back. "There's nothing I can say." His voice was soft, but no less guilt filled. "I know what I did was wrong...bad. I only have a second chance because you decided to give me one," he whispered.

"Well, I have you now and you do have a second chance. But you will be punished for what you did. I won’t let the guilt destroy you," Happy said gruffly before raising his hand high and letting it fall with a hard, firm, smack on Beck's bottom. While he was careful to aim so only the flat of his hand smacked the wet skin, he didn’t hold back. He wasn’t a super soldier. And he was watching closely. If it seemed he was being too harsh, he'd temper the smacks then.

Beck jumped, not even trying to hold back a cry. Happy had made it clear that he expected no hiding of reactions; Beck figured that was true of punishment too. The swat stung more than he'd expected, but he did his best to hold still, tears springing to his eyes almost immediately.

Happy continued to smack at a steady rhythm with the same hard firmness. He wasn’t happy to be hurting his mate- and he didn’t like hearing the tears. At the same time a sense of satisfaction filled him at knowing Beck was hiding nothing from him and had accepted that he was in charge. "Good boy," he praised softly to provide a little encouragement and let Beck know he was pleased with his submission and leaving himself vulnerable. "You're doing good. I'm proud of you."

Those words made Beck cry almost as much as the spanking and sense of guilt did. In spite of his efforts, he couldn't keep as still as he would have liked, beginning to squirm over Happy's lap. He tightened his hold on his master's ankle, trying hard not to throw his hands back to cover his bottom.

Happy calmly tugged Beck against his stomach and tightened his grip on Beck’s waist so that while the other man was squirming, he wasn’t moving anywhere. When he saw Beck’s backside was a bright red, he began to focus more of the swats to his sit spots.

Beck's sobbing increased at the swats to his sit spots and despite his intentions, he couldn't help but throw his hands back over his bottom. Almost immediately, though, he pulled them away again with a garbled, barely understood apology.

Give me your hands, Quin... Happy sent through waves of acceptance to let the other man know he wasn’t upset. He was just going to help him keep his hands in place.

Letting out a quiet sob, Beck put his hands back so that Happy could take hold of them, a sense of shame filling him despite the emotions from his master.

"There is no shame in reacting to pain, physical or emotional, " Happy spoke out loud and through the bond to make certain he was heard. He took Becks wrists in the hand holding him still and held them to his back, continuing to swat. Beck's backside was a uniform red, turning scarlet. Happy's hand stung, so he knew the other man would be feeling this for a few hours at least.

Beck slumped over Happy's lap, no longer resisting even a little, crying without ceasing. He couldn't speak, but his regret and apologies came clearly through the bond.

Happy quickly finished spanking and gently drew Beck up onto his lap, holding him close and tight. He didn’t have to say anything. He was sending waves of love, acceptance, and forgiveness back through the bond along with the feeling that everything would be all right.

Beck clung tightly to Happy, pressing as close as it was possible to, as he cried. The emotions coming from his master helped a great deal, but it was difficult to stop crying.

Happy just held tightly, allowing the other to calm at his own pace. He knew things could be overwhelming and there had been a lot of guilt. And Happy hadn't gone easy on him. As long as Beck could feel Happy's forgiveness and love, Happy didn’t feel the need to say anything.

It took a while, but Beck slowly calmed down, though he remained clinging to the other man, his tears slowly turning to sniffles. It was also clear that the emotions from his master were helping a great deal.

Happy carefully helped Beck stand and retrieved clean clothing for him, dressing him quietly. "We'll stay in the room today except for meals..." he announced quietly. "Breakfast isn't until an hour from now so why don't you lie down on your stomach. We can talk a bit and get to know each other better."  He proceeded to help Beck back onto the bed, then sat next to him quietly rubbing his back while they chatted.


It was a few weeks later and everyone had gotten to know each other better. Something that was a good thing as far as Stephen was concerned, seeing as how there were so many personalities that were the type to get into fights. It was better that they learn about each other and learn how to react and live together while they still had opportunity to get away from each other easily. Once the ship upgrades were complete, they wouldn't be able to escape each other so easily- unless he or Mordo opened a portal. Which, he supposed they could do, but then it defeated the purpose of them all being on a ship together. He was currently enjoying the fresh air outside though.

Mordo walked outside, looking for his mate. As soon as he saw Stephen, a sense of love and possessiveness filled him and he walked over, wrapping his arms around the other man from behind and kissing his shoulder.

Stephen had known when Mordo had come outside, having felt him growing closer through the bond. He smiled as he felt his master's arms wrap around him and felt the kiss.  "It's a gorgeous day..." he said, not having anything to talk about but wanting to acknowledge Mordo's presence.

"Do you think you might miss the sunshine when we go back on the ship?" Mordo asked curiously.

"I'm hoping that with all the redesign Tony invested in, that there will be a huge viewing window on the main deck that will allow us to look out at the stars and see whatever sun we happen to be near." Stephen chuckled. "Or at the least we'll stop on various planets that have sunshine, so that I won't miss it too much."

"I'm sure we can manage travelling to planets where there'll be sun," Mordo commented. "We'll have some people with us who have visited planets before, so they might have an idea of where we should avoid."

"That's true. Are you looking forward to the trip?" Stephen leaned back against Mordo, his eyes focusing on two squirrels playing chase.

"I am," Mordo answered. "It'll be good to go back out there." He smiled. "What I most look forward to is seeing new things, having new experiences, with you."

Stephen smiled at that. "I'm looking forward to that too. Do you think we'll all manage to live on that ship without wanting to strangle each other?" He chuckled. He knew he wasn't the easiest of people to get along with. And he wasn't as antagonistic as some of the others.

"I'm not sure we'll have much of a choice," Mordo answered wryly. "At least we can open a portal if anyone needs more cooling off than just going to their room for a few hours."

Stephen laughed.  "That's true. Hopefully that won't be necessary too often. I know that we take every precaution opening the portals, but I always have a slight worry that one day, something is going to go badly, and someone will end up somewhere they aren't supposed to...."

"That's always possible," Mordo commented. "But we'll do our best to avoid anything like that happening."

Stephen nodded. "Yes. We will."  Sighing softly, he leaned back into Mordo. He heard noise toward his left and turned his head, smiling softly when he noticed Grant and Kara walking hand in hand a few yards in front of Phil and Maria. "Seems we aren't the only ones enjoying the nice weather."

Mordo smiled and kissed the side of Stephen's neck. "Would you like to join them? Or stay as just us?" he asked gently.

"We can stay just us. We'll have plenty of time on the ship to socialize on the ship. Besides... they look like they are enjoying their time alone," Stephen responded, turning his face toward Mordo and kissing him on the cheek, then looking forward again, relaxing.

Grant bumped shoulders gently with Kara as they walked, squeezing her hand. "I'm so happy you and your mom are joining us on the ship," he said softly. "I missed you so much...."

Kara rested her head gently on his shoulder. "I missed you too," she said softly. "It wasn't the same with you gone."

Grant smiled at that, kissing the top of her head. "It will be perfect... being on the ship. It's a new start for all of us- and I think being where we won't have people looking sideways at us- even after all these years- will be a good thing."

"Does it ever feel crowded?" Kara asked, wondering if anyone found the need to have space.

"I didn't find it crowded so much when I was there before- although it could get a bit uncomfortable at times. But since we all had our own rooms, it was possible to get space when needed," Grant said with a shrug, glancing over his shoulder at his father. "And dad was pretty good at figuring out when I needed a break. I'm sure your mom would be the same."

"Maybe. I guess being bonded helps with that." It was difficult to get used to, sort of like an itch inside her head. Sometimes, she wasn't sure which were her feelings, and which were bleeding through from her mother.

"It... it takes a while to get used to," Grant acknowledged. "I'm still getting used to it, to be honest. It will help you if you talk things through with your mom as often as possible. It will enable you to untangle what you are feeling and begin to recognize which is you and which is her...."

Kara nodded and gave a slight smile. "I'd say it feels like I have no privacy, but I kind of felt like that for a long time anyway. At least I know this is something I chose."

Grant nodded. "I know how you feel. It is easier knowing that I chose this instead of having it forced on me. I'm glad you chose it too."

"I've never been into space before," Kara commented, a slightly wistful look on her face. "I always wanted to go exploring, though. See new places and people."

"Well, now you have your chance!" Grant smiled widely. "Just think of all the planets we can explore!"

Maria wrinkled her nose slightly and bit her lip, giving Phil a sideways look. "Why does the thought of the two of them exploring, worry me?" she whispered.

Coulson chuckled softly. "I'm more glad that Grant's excited about exploring," he admitted. "He's come a very long way since I first adopted him."

"Yeah. He has. Kara's come quite a long way too. She's regained a bit more of herself, her memories. I know that what was done to her will always affect her to some degree, but I'm seeing bits and pieces of the young woman I remember from when she first became an agent." Maria observed quietly.

"I'm glad you're both coming on the ship with us," Coulson said. "I think it'll do all of us a lot of good."

Maria nodded, smiling at him. "I think you are right."  A loud shout caught her attention and she looked toward the woods where Peter Quill suddenly came barreling out like his life depended on it.  "Huh... wonder what hornet's nest he stirred up..." she muttered with a laugh.

Coulson frowned, glancing towards the younger man, automatically checking to see where Thor was, if the Asgardian was close to his mate or not.

Peter didn't know if Thor was close behind him or not. He hoped not. After what he'd just done, the Asgardian was likely going to be seeking revenge.

Moments after Peter came into view of the others, Thor was behind him, soaking wet and with mud staining his hair, beard and face. He caught up to his lover within moments and tossed Peter over his shoulder.

"Aaargh! No! How can you run so damn fast?!" Peter squealed, immediately squirming to get away, not caring that he was transferring mud from Thor onto himself.

Thor simply tightened his hold on Peter, his grip firm. "I'm bigger than you, my star-prince." While his voice was stern, there was humor lacing it; he wasn't angry or even annoyed. In fact, it was clear through the bond that he was enjoying holding his lover in place over his shoulder.

"Yes! You're bigger! That means you should be slower! Big equals stronger, small equals faster! Everyone knows that! 'Cept you apparently!" Peter tried to sound offended, but he failed completely as his voice broke into giggles.

"I'm no stranger to pranks being played on me." Thor squeezed Peter around the waist. "Now...I believe you are due a 'dunking' too."

"What?" Peter squeaked.  "There's no need! I'm already wet and muddy just from being over your shoulder!" he said, trying to talk Thor out of dunking him. He couldn't hide his amusement. He wasn't really scared or worried about being dunked, but he had no intention of going in easily.

"Ah, well, I need to get my own back. Wouldn't want you to think I'm a pushover," Thor teased, carrying his mate easily back into the woods.

"Oh... but... you're so smart Drottinn! I'm certain you could find a less wet way of getting even!" Peter laughed outright. He was still wriggling around to get free, but between Thor's strength and his own laughter working against him, he wasn't getting very far.

"Perhaps. But I would rather make you as wet as me," Thor answered, squeezing his lover a bit tighter and firmer to himself.

Peter saw the pond rapidly approaching and he couldn't help but ask. "Was it terribly cold?" he blushed at the way his voice squeaked again.

If it was, I wouldn't throw you in. Thor sent the response through the bond, so it would be clear he was telling the truth.

Peter slumped over Thor's shoulder at the thought. "I'm glad it wasn't too cold. I didn't think of it when I pushed you in..." his whisper was sheepish. He wasn't going to fight going in after those words. Fair was fair after all, and he felt a little badly that he hadn't given thought to the water possibly being too cold when he pranked Thor.

Thor snorted softly. "I'm no stranger to pranks played that aren't thought through." Reaching the pond, he didn't toss his mate in. Instead, he waded into the water with Peter. After all, he was already wet and muddy.

Peter let himself lay limp. As Thor got deeper, he began to let himself 'float'. The water felt good- even if it felt weird wearing jeans in the water. This would feel much better in a swimsuit he thought impishly. Jeans are just sticky and heavy.

Brushing his lips over Peter's forehead, Thor thought back, we’ve got some time before we go back into space. We can come back here in swimsuits.

I'd like that. Peter grinned at Thor, wrapping his arms around his mate in a tight hug. It's nice being out here together, just snuggling. Even if I'm going to have to dry my boots out.

If I have to be uncomfortable, you have to be uncomfortable, Thor replied unrepentantly. He kissed his lover.

Peter kissed Thor back, a sense of sheepish embarrassment carrying through the bond. I know. I deserve it... he thought.

I wonder if we could speak to Tony's designers about having a swimming pool on our ship, Thor thought suddenly. I know we have baths that are big, but those are not quite the same.

If they could do that, it would be so awesome! Peter would have bounced if he hadn't been floating in the water.

We can talk to them about it. Thor slid his hands over Peter's body; not demanding or sexual. Just affection for the sake of it.

Peter grinned, wriggling every so often as Thor rubbed over a more ticklish spot, but otherwise not moving. His body belonged to his Drottinn, even if they weren't having sex. If Thor wanted to touch, Peter was more than happy to hold still and let him.

Thor leaned forward, pressing kisses to his lover's face as he continued stroking his hands over the other man's body. Through the bond, it was very clear he was content and happy.

Peter smiled in contentment, kissing Thor's face whenever the other man moved closely enough that he could. Eventually though, he shivered. Hey big guy... wanna carry me back to our room and take a warm shower? he thought with a hint of amusement.

I would. Very much so. Thor carefully moved the two of them out of the pond, giving Peter a deep, lingering kiss.

Peter returned the kiss, giving Thor everything, he could, not rushing or pushing. His Drottinn would take care of him.

Thor held Peter close and tight as he carried his lover back into the compound, touching and stroking the other man every so often.

Maria watched as the two men disappeared back into the compound. Both were soaking wet with mud smeared on their face and in their hair. "They look happy..." she observed with a sigh, her tiny crush on Thor's biceps giving its last dying breath.

"I think most of the couples are," Coulson commented. "Even our newest members seem happy and settled. Of course, things might be different once we no longer have so much space."

"Any you think we should keep an eye on? So, we can maybe step in and redirect before they reach critical?" Maria smiled. "Kinda like you kept an eye on Tony when he first became iron man?"

Coulson thought about that. "I suspect all of them might need some guidance. Fortunately, they've got their partners there to watch their back...we've already had at least one time where some of them managed to get into trouble together."

Maria nodded. "That's true. Their partners seem to have them well in hand. Of course, we're assuming their partners don't have moments where they need space."

"I think it might be a good idea to have a couple of recreation areas...maybe quiet rooms, for if someone does want space," Coulson said.

"Maybe we should talk to the architects. Just in case." Maria smiled crookedly.

"We can do that now," Coulson commented. "Let Grant and Kara spend a bit more time together."

Maria nodded. "Hey, kids... Phil and I are going to talk to the architects. Stay out of trouble," she teased as she turned to go look for the foreman.

Coulson smiled reassuringly and lovingly at his son as he went with Maria.


Matt slowly walked the path from the compound. He could see shapes in red- but he was too used to pretending he didn't have his abilities when he wasn't in his 'disguise' so it was automatic to act as if he needed to move slowly to avoid tripping or bumping into things. He smiled as he listened to the birds, listened to the breeze as it rustled the trees, smelled the freshly cut lawn along with the faint smells of exhaust from the various vehicles and air transport that moved to and from the compound. As bustling as the compound was, it was a different sort of hectic than Hell's Kitchen. It was a different sort of hectic than the ship they travelled on. Different smells too. "Do you think we could take a few plants with us on the ship?" he asked out loud, knowing that Wilson was nearby, always ready to catch him if needed- even if he seldom needed catching. "Maybe we can ask for a tiny garden room. Something to grow fresh vegetables and such for when we can't find any in ports we stop at. Or at least a place to grow a few flowers so I can smell something other than metal...."

Fisk moved a bit closer, reaching out to take Matt's hand; not because he thought the other man would fall, but because he just wanted to hold onto his lover. To hold hands as they walked. "There's no harm in asking," he commented. "If anyone could figure out how to do that, it would be Tony Stark."

Matt grinned. "I'm not sure his expertise is in the area of growing living things in a spaceship." He sounded amused. "Still... asking for the space so it can be done wouldn't hurt."

"Maybe not his, but I can't imagine he won't have experts he can call upon." Fisk gently squeezed Matt's hand.

"That's true. I must admit... I found gardening to be more relaxing than I thought it would be, considering how difficult it was for me to tell the difference between weed and wanted plant..." Matt said quietly. "I know it was meant to be a punishment, but... even if it was punishing in some ways, it was still something I appreciated...." He blushed.

"It wasn't about making you suffer, my love," Fisk said. He drew Matt in for a gentle kiss, wrapping his arms around the smaller man.

Matt returned the kiss, chastely, then snuggled into his mate. He felt small and helpless and completely reliant on Fisk when he was pressed close to him and being held. It wasn't a feeling he'd ever thought he'd like, but he felt so safe with the larger man that he was able to appreciate it.  "I was about teaching me. And I needed to learn. Still do, really..." Matt admitted sheepishly. "If lessons were easy and pleasant all the time, then kids wouldn't dislike school so much..." he snorted in amusement. "But... my main reason for bring it up was that... after I reached the point you wanted me to reach... after I got past that point of being frustrated at what seemed a pointless endeavor... I was able to notice what other things had happened during the 'punishment' and... smelling all the flowers that were growing because of my hard work? That was amazing. Never even thought I'd be able to do something like that given I can't see normal, but... with you helping me, I was able to and... I don't know. I'm rambling now...." he trailed off and blushed again.

"I like listening to you." Fisk kissed the top of his head. "There's nothing wrong with you rambling. Telling me things. It lets me learn more about you. I think having a garden area on the ship would be perfect."

Matt grinned, still blushing, and snuggled against Fisk, burrowing against the other man until his head was under Fisk's chin and his ear pressed to the older man's chest so he could hear his heartbeat. "Would you ask for me?" he asked softly. "I know I could... probably should... but... "

"Of course." Fisk wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Matt, kissing his hair. "It isn't a problem for me," he promised.

"Thank you, Wil..." Matt whispered, letting out a contented sigh. My master and love, you take care of me like I've never been cared for before... he thought, turning his head just enough to kiss Fisk's chest. Thank you.

I love you. Fisk sent the words through the bond, along with his emotions of love and possessiveness. "I will always look after you," he promised out loud.

Matt shivered at the possessiveness, his own sense of belonging and submissiveness slipping through the bond back to his mate.  "I love you too... so much" he breathed out, feeling himself slipping into the frame of mind where whatever Fisk said, he'd do.

Fisk held Matt for a few moments, kissing and stroking the smaller man's hair, before saying softly, "Why don't we continue the walk? Let me know if there are any particular scents you like, and I can check which flowers or plants they're for and make sure we have a supply on the ship."

Matt smiled brightly. "Okay..." a feeling of love and appreciation for his mate swamped the bond and he squeezed Fisk's hand as they began to walk.

About five yards from Matt and Fisk, Brock and Bucky were tossing a ball back and forth, goading and teasing each other with various 'fancy' throws. "So... everyone keeps giving more and more requests to the engineers of the ship. When do they expect to stop taking requests and actually finish the upgrades and repairs?" Bucky asked out loud, certain that Steve or Fury might have an answer if anyone would.

"Maybe we should have a cut-off point," Fury commented. "Say all requests need to be in by the end of the week and then that's it."

Steve snorted softly. "I think that's a good idea. Otherwise, we'll never get back."

Brock laughed. "Does this mean I should put in my request for a 'Danger Room' like the X-men have, today?" he asked with a grin.

"If that's something you want, then probably," Steve commented, smiling at his lover.

"Was just thinking... that would take care of any recreational needs we might need but take up less space. No need for a gym, a pool, a basketball court, a shooting range, what have you, if there is a danger room. We can change it into whatever we need at that moment..." Brock shrugged. "Bobby was describing it in detail and it sounded very useful.... if it weren't for the fact Logan backed up what he was saying, I would have thought he was pulling my leg- trying to make it sound like we had a Holodeck from Star Trek or something." He chuckled.

Bucky slanted his head. "That would be useful. And given how many of our extra requests are for things that wouldn't be used all the time but would be nice to have occasionally...."

"We can have a chat with Tony," Fury said. "See if he can ask Charles about the technology used so we can recreate it. Or, more likely, get an expert to recreate it."

Bucky nodded. "Yeah. If we can't, we're liable to end up with a larger ship- what with people wanting pools, and gyms, and tracks, and bowling alleys and... well you get the idea." He laughed.

"Then the only extra thing we'll want to ask about is a garden," Steve said. "Which would be useful, if it allows us to grow fresh food along with plants."

Brock nodded. "A garden really would be useful. We can grow our own tomatoes. Considering the fact any Terran food is very expensive whenever we stopped at the various ports, it would help us save money and still be able to have some things from home we enjoy."

"Maybe even make some money if we have enough of a crop to sell some things..." Bucky added.

"It's definitely worth looking into," Fury commented. "There are a lot of different things we could look at growing that might not need so much sunlight."

"There's always sun lamps..." Brock remarked.

Bucky grinned impishly. "Anyone wanting to work on their tan can go garden in the nude..." he snickered.

"Wouldn't surprise me if most of the people on the ship ended up naked, at least when we're there," Steve said. "I don't think anyone's shy or modest about covering up."

Bucky shifted slightly. "Yeah. Kinda surprises me... never thought I'd be one of those comfortable with doing that. But after being around all the others... I think nothing of it." He snorted.

"It doesn't mean you have to," Fury said, knowing his lover was a bit more reserved than any of the others. "It just means no one has to hide. At all."

Bucky nodded. "I know I don't have to." He smiled. "I just find it a lot easier with the group than I ever did before."

He glanced toward the compound noting that a few more of the ship’s 'crew' were coming out to enjoy the nice weather.

Loki seemed to be describing something to T'Challa in very animated detail.

T'Challa was listening intently to his lover, eyes entirely focused on Loki's face, giving the other man his complete attention.

Bucky wrinkled his nose and canted his head to the left as he watched the Jotun mimic throwing something. "Is he acting out throwing a javelin?" he asked curiously.

"Or a spear?" Steve suggested, turning to watch the two.

"Did they do a lot of hunting using spears, on Asgard?" Brock asked curiously, with a hint of confusion.

Just then Loki and T'Challa reached the four men and overheard the question. "Not hunting. A game. I have seen your own people play it in what you refer to as your Olympics..." Loki explained.

"Ah." Steve smiled. "It would be interesting to know what other similarities there were between our two worlds," he commented.

Loki nodded. "I would be most interested in finding that out as well," he admitted.

"Wanna start now?" Brock asked with a grin. "We're playing a game of catch.

Loki straightened. "I think I would. Thank you..." he smiled, moving to the side of the other two men. Soon they were all three tossing the ball back and forth between them, attempting to feint and otherwise make it as difficult as possible.

T'Challa moved to stand with the other two Doms and watch his mate toss the ball with the other two.

"Could you change your body mass to become bigger than you are?" Fury asked Loki, his voice curious.

"I can... although I tend to try not to go too much larger than my actual size- it is more difficult for me to adjust to the changes." Loki admitted. "I've become a horse before...."

Bucky stopped throwing the ball and gave Loki a flummoxed look.  "That wasn't a myth?" he finally asked.

Loki grimaced. "It was not a myth- up to the point where they claim I was impregnated by Odin's favorite stallion and gave birth to Slepnir. Slepnir was a special breed of horse and I am most assuredly not his mother."

"What were his origins?" Steve asked curiously. "I think the stories say he had eight legs. Was that actually true, or just exaggerated?"

"Oh... he did have eight legs," Loki confirmed. "...I supposed technically he wasn't a horse- his species all have eight-legs. It was easier to call him a horse because the word for his species is... well..." he paused then let out a series of sounds that would have had any nearby dogs howling if there had been any.

There were a couple of winces from those around at the series of sounds.

"Was the only difference in the eight legs?" T'Challa asked. "Was his breed still an herbivore, or did they have another diet?"

"They are omnivores, like we are. They preferred raw Bilge-Snipe meat when they ate meat though." Loki shrugged.

"That doesn't sound all too appetizing," Fury said.

"Have you ever had cause to change into something much smaller than yourself?" Steve asked, curious about the shapeshifting to return the topic back to it.

Loki nodded. "Yes. I've turned into a cat before. And once... as a prank... I turned into a serpent."

"A prank on who?" T'Challa asked.

"My brother, Thor..." Loki paused, then semi-reluctantly told them of how he'd turned into a serpent because Thor liked them, making sure to place himself in a position where Thor would find him. Then when Thor had come for a closer look and picked him up, he'd changed back and attacked his brother- gaining the upper hand because he'd startled and surprised Thor so badly. "It seemed like it would be very funny at the time..." he sighed, absently reaching back and rubbing his backside as he remembered what Thor's response to his 'prank' had been. "He wasn't terribly happy about the prank. He said if he'd been any more startled, he could have seriously hurt me before he realized who I was."

T'Challa frowned, remembering comments that had indicated Thor and Loki's relationship hadn't been the best in the past. "Was it just about playing a funny prank?" He wasn't accusing; it was clear through their bond that he wanted a deeper understanding of his lover.

"Well... that's what I told myself then. We weren't getting along very well at the time and now I can look back and see that I was deliberately provoking him to fight me. I... I wanted his attention and it felt like the only time he ever really noticed me was when I was being vindictive. Of course, he never noticed it as me being vindictive. Usually he'd laugh, even if my actions were less than funny and were actually mean. Just that time my mean prank had him attacking me instead of having to get himself tended to- and he took exception to that." Loki winced, looking at the ground- his feelings of guilt at how he'd treated his brother in the past carrying easily through the bond.

T'Challa walked over to Loki, wrapping his arms around his lover in a tight hug. I'm certain he has more than forgiven you for the past, he said.

"I think sometimes some people think bad attention is better than no attention at all." Steve had heard enough in Bobby and Logan's interactions to guess the younger man had gone that route, at least for a while.

"Thankfully, I now know better..." Loki huffed softly, snuggling into T'Challa, waves of thankfulness going to the other man.

Brock nodded. "I think we've all learned a bit..." he smiled. "Ready to catch some more?" he held the ball up and as soon as Loki indicated he was ready he threw it to him.

Yon walked along the perimeter of the compound, taking in all the life that was growing or dwelling on the acreage. He'd said good-bye to Carol earlier that morning- she had some crises the next galaxy over that she had to take care of. Now he was contemplating how different things would have been, had he succeeded in stopping her- or had the missiles Ronan fired managed to hit the earth. He was so grateful they hadn't hit- and that he hadn't stopped her.

Talos had collected a drink for himself and his submissive and walked out to join Yon. "Carol gave me a comm unit so you can still keep in touch with her," he commented, handing the other man one of the drinks.

Yon took the drink with a smile. "Thank you... for the drink and for making it possible for me to make things right with her..." he said softly, shifting so he was within reach of his master.

Talos drew Yon into his arms, kissing his submissive's neck and then scruffing him. "I know how important she is to you."

Yon slumped submissively under Talos’s hand, purring at the scruffing. He blushed faintly at the sound, still not used to the fact that he purred when certain types of affection were given.  He stayed in place though, feelings of safe, home, belong, love, coursing through him and the bond. "I was just realizing how much could have been lost- how much I would have lost- if I'd succeeded in stopping her- if Ronan had succeeded in destroying..." he swallowed hard, a sense of panic suddenly shooting through him. He didn't know why he was panicked. He hadn't succeeded in stopping Carol and Ronan hadn't been able to shoot his missiles. Everything was fine and because of his failure then, he was the happiest he'd ever been in his life now. But just because it wasn't logical and didn't make sense, didn't mean he wasn't panicked. His breathing and heartbeat both increased and tears formed in his eyes.

Talos set down his drink so he could pull Yon into a tighter embrace, kissing each of his submissive's ears. "You didn't succeed. I fully believe that failure was one of the things that contributed to your decision to turn your back on the Kree. To give yourself fully to me, your master." He kept one hand scruffing the back of Yon's neck; his other stroked down his submissive's spine.

Yon clung to his master, matching his breathing to Talos’s. His master continuing to scruff him while stroking his spine allowed him to focus on the fact Talos had him and was in charge. Would protect him and keep him from future mistakes of that magnitude. "I'm glad I failed. My failure put me into your hands..." he whispered, leaning on Talos heavily, still calming.

Talos kept up the stroking and scruffing, kissing his neck and his ears. "Your failure didn't just put you in my hands. It's given you two daughters. A home with other people in similar relationships. And it's allowed you to build a relationship with Carol that's not based on lies or mistrust."

Yon nodded his head gently, not wanting to dislodge his master's hand from his neck. He began to purr softly as Talos kissed him. "My failure wasn't really a failure at all, when I look at everything gained from it..." he whispered, wriggling closer to Talos.

"It led you down the right path eventually." Talos continued to kiss the other man, rubbing his hand further down Yon's spine. I've forgiven you. I love you. But if you're still struggling, I can start up the regular punishments. But this time, they would be over my knee. Just my hand.

I wasn't feeling guilty... until I realized just how much damage I almost caused. And now I'm thinking about how much damage I did cause... Yon's feelings were distressed. Not panicking as he had been- he felt too safe in Talos’s arms for that- but distressed and guilty about his actions and what he'd done and what he could have caused.

Brushing his lips over Yon's neck, Talos commented, If I take you to our room and put you over my knee, it would be a safe place for you to let go without the risk of anyone else being there to witness.

Yessir... please master? I... I need to let go... I need you to help me... Yon admitted, shivering slightly.

Talos didn't let go of Yon, leading the other man inside and to their room while still holding on tightly. He sent waves of love and reassurance through the bond to his lover.

Yon continued to cling to his mate, Talos’s love and support enabling him to move past the almost crippling despondency he had suddenly been hit with. He didn't know what was wrong with him- why the guilt had suddenly decided to well up and overwhelm him- but as long as Talos had him, he knew instinctively he'd be okay. He belonged to Talos and Talos would take care of him.

Inside their room, Talos drew Yon in for a deep, lingering kiss, allowing his emotions to flow through the bond without holding back. He moved over to the bed and sat down, drawing the other man down across his lap and securing him tightly.

Yon returned the kiss almost desperately, and when Talos led him to the bed, he went meekly without any hint of fight, completely submissive and ready to accept punishment from his master. Thank you for helping me master he thought. I know you forgave me, but I can't... I can't....

I know how difficult it's been for you, Talos soothed. He bared Yon, rubbing his submissive's back a moment or two before he lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack. "Maybe it took a while, but you didn't need encouragement from anyone else to turn back," he said out loud, swatting in time with each word. "You turned against the Kree on your own. You chose to do the right thing yourself."

I waited so long to do the right thing though... so many were hurt because I waited so long... Yon thought remorsefully. The swats were just hard enough to hurt but not to be unbearable and he slumped over Talos’s lap, putting his hands behind him against the small of his back, trusting his master and mate to hold him in place so he wouldn't fall on his head. He didn't try and hide any of his feelings or reactions- Talos could tell the smacks stung- and he could also tell that Yon was hoping for something more painful so he could feel like he was paying for his crimes, but was trying to be good and leave it to his master what he received.

Talos took hold of Yon's hands, firming his grip on the other man so his submissive was in no danger of falling. You're mine, Yon. My little one. You gave yourself to me. He began to swat a bit harder.

I am... I'm yours... completely... your little one... Yon repeated back, almost sounding like a promise, though it was Talos who decided what Yon was. I love you so much... and I'm so, so sorry....

I know you are, and I forgive you. The words were gentle, accompanied by a wave of forgiveness and love. You saved our daughter, Yon. The moment you did that, you set yourself on the path of redemption. He began focusing more swats to Yon's sit spots and thighs.

I saved her... I almost couldn't... I was so scared I'd failed... Yon admitted, slumping and beginning to cry as his sit spots and thighs began to burn. I'm so thankful to be with both of you... you saved me!

You were worth saving. You are worth saving. Talos began to gently rub Yon's backside. You are worth everything to me. You are my mate. My submissive. I'm your master. I chose you.

You chose me and I am yours, Yon thought, keeping his hands in position behind his back and relaxing as Talos rubbed his bottom. He still felt guilty, but Talos’s ownership and control was soothing and calming. He wasn’t panicking any longer.

Forever, Talos promised. You are mine forever. Continuing to rub his submissive's bottom, he allowed himself to think back to when he'd first punished Yon; how he'd started out convinced that the other man was deceiving him, only to see something in the Kree that had spoken to something inside him. I never thought I would find anyone else.

Yon relaxed further at the words, panic completely gone and the guilt turning into the faint nagging feeling he normally felt at the back of his mind. "I never thought I'd find anyone, ever..." he admitted with a whisper.

"You have," Talos replied. "I told you, when I first claimed you, that you wouldn't need to live without affection. That you wouldn't need to live without love. Those words are just as true now as they were then."

"Because you've got me, and want me, and love me..." Yon whispered, his entire belief in Talos, his love and need for his mate, clear through the bond.

"I can't imagine my life without you," Talos said. "Even if we weren't bonded, I would still love you. Still want you. Still desire you."

"I don’t want to imagine life without you... need you so much, master..." Yon swallowed and sniffled. He was feeling extremely submissive and needy- the combination leaving him wanting Talos to control him.

Gently scruffing Yon's neck, Talos parted his submissive's legs with his other hand, beginning to stroke and explore.

Yon shivered, letting his legs fall open for his master, his intention to obey and submit to whatever Talos asked of him, clear.

You're mine. The words and emotions through the bond were very possessive. I chose you. I claimed you. I love you. I need you. Talos opened himself up through the bond, allowing Yon to feel Talos felt about him.

At feeling the deepness of Talos’s feelings and need, Yon slumped helplessly over his lap in acceptance. "I'm yours… " he whispered. "…My heart is yours; my mind is yours; my body is yours; my life is yours..." he continued in a tone that was accepting, needy, and a promise. "You may do anything to me you feel I deserve. You may take anything from me you want at any time. You may order anything from me, and I will obey. I love you master..." he sniffled softly and shifted slightly so his bottom and thighs were more accessible, which made it easier for him to nuzzle against and kiss Talos’s leg. He began to do so, tiny purrs escaping him while he was being affectionate to his master; the first time he had purred because of doing something instead of having something done to him. He was contented. Happy. Loved. Owned. He never wanted to be free again.

"I love you." Talos spoke the words out loud, stroking and rubbing along Yon's back, down his bottom and thighs, squeezing the other man's hips possessively. "Only you, my little one," he promised. "You are my whole life now."

"And you are mine..." Yon continued to nuzzle and kiss the parts of Talos’s leg he could reach, his purring growing until his chest rumbled and his body vibrated faintly against his master. Thank you for taking care of me master. Giving me what I need. he thought. He explored the bond hesitantly, trying to feel if Talos had felt bad about needing to spank him and had only done it because Yon needed it, or if his master had felt any satisfaction or enjoyment from the act- even if it was only because he had been physically in control and deciding what Yon received.

I don't enjoy hurting you. Talos spoke the words through the bond, so Yon would know they were true. But giving you what you need feels different. It's about taking care of you. That I feel satisfaction about. That's what I get the enjoyment from.

As long as it doesn’t hurt you or upset you or make you feel bad, Yon thought, more concerned about Talos being hurt or upset than the idea Talos might get satisfaction or like hurting him.

Talos stroked his hand over Yon's bottom and thighs, squeezing gently but possessively. It doesn't feel good to know that you're still hurting from guilt. I would rather do everything within my power to help you heal than leave you alone to suffer.

Because you love me.... There was still a hint of wonder through the bond, that Talos cared about and loved him after everything he'd done.

More than anything, Talos replied. You're not evil. You're not bad. You were misguided and deceived. And you chose the right path ultimately. You've proved that you truly are a good man.

I don’t feel like a good man... but I know with you helping, I won’t ever make the same horrible mistakes I made before. Yon nuzzled his leg and purred a little more.

I believe you won't, Talos said firmly, gently squeezing each of Yon's thighs. I'm not the only one who believes in you either.

I know. Our daughters do too... Yon's emotions were awed at the fact he had an actual family. And Carol believes in me again... thanks to you.

You have a family who loves you and you have your best friend back, Talos said. Neither of which would have been possible if you weren't a good man.

It wouldn't have been possible if you weren't a forgiving man either. Yon kissed Talos’s leg. I owe you my life in more than one way.

You're mine. The words were spoken with almost a trace of awe. I could never have imagined this before. Now, I can't think of my life without you in it.

Completely yours, master Yon's happiness carried easily. I don't want to think of my life without you, ever.

We'll never be apart, Talos promised. You belong to me.

At that Yon relaxed completely, settling over his master's lap and accepting the affection given without word. Only his feelings of extreme connectedness let Talos know he was handling his mate the right way.


Deciding he might as well get used to training in a smaller area, Danny was doing sets in the rec room in the compound. He'd been at it a little while and was considering taking a break for food and hydrating himself.

Ward had been reading quietly in their room, finding out everything he could about portals and space and how spaceships worked. He didn’t want to be completely useless aboard the new ship, even though he knew experience was a good teacher. Still, he was ready for a break and missed being next to Danny, and so went in search of the other man. Following the bond, it didn’t take long before he was inside the rec room watching Danny's fluid movements avidly. And getting turned on rapidly.

Danny was well aware of his boyfriend's presence, though he did nothing to indicate that immediately, continuing to move fluidly. There was the sense of pride and happiness that Ward was there, though, an acknowledgement through the bond.

"You're amazing... and gorgeous..." Ward breathed out loud, unable to contain his thoughts to his head.

Danny relaxed his stance and turned towards Ward with a grin. "Care to join me?" he invited. "I could show you some defensive moves. In case we run into any trouble."

"I'd like that..." Ward nodded. "I'm not exactly dressed for working out though," he said in amusement, a very fleeting thought of how the Greeks used to wrestle passing his thoughts, almost without him noticing. He blushed. "I'll need to go change...."

Or we could take your suggestion. Danny reached out to grasp Ward's hands, gently squeezing them.

Ward blinked, thinking back to everything he'd said and then everything he'd thought. Eyes widening, he let out a startled laugh. You saw that, did you? he grinned and tore off his shoes then shucked all his clothes, folding them into a neat pile and setting them to the side. He then moved next to Danny. I’m ready for you to teach me, master, his words and attitude were deferential, but there was a hint of impish excitement. He was vulnerable and currently at a disadvantage to Danny, who still wore his workout gear. And he liked the feeling. It let him put his entire trust into his mate and show through actions that he was doing so.

Danny smiled, letting his eyes move appreciatively over his lover's body. He moved over, kissing Ward deeply, before removing his own clothes. "Friday, can you make sure no one comes in here for the next few hours, please?"

"Of course, master Rand," the AI answered.

Ward returned the kiss eagerly, allowing his own appreciation to escape with a soft whistle as he adored Danny with his eyes. You are a feast for a starving man, he thought, the feeling of being turned on turning to outright arousal. He didn’t try and hide how seeing Danny affected him. So how do we begin? he grinned wolfishly.

With this. Danny ran his hands down Ward's arms, setting them into a stance. He did the same to Ward's legs, touching and stroking while moving his boyfriend into position.

Ward shivered slightly at being stroked, but kept the position Danny put him in. He truly wanted to learn this and figured trying not to be distracted was just as much a teaching moment.

"Good," Danny breathed. He ran his fingers along Ward's body, making little adjustments, and then kissing his boyfriend's shoulder.

Ward shivered again at the kiss but focused on how he was standing. “What is this position called?” he asked curiously. A thrill of pleasure coursed through the bond when Danny said 'good'.

Explaining the name, Danny gently squeezed down Ward's legs before he began to move his boyfriend into a different position. "You're being so good," he breathed.

“Want to be good for you,” Ward shivered again, moving the way Danny directed. He focused and memorized the new position. "What's this one called?" His voice was breathless.

Danny told him that, too, giving Ward enough time to get used to the position before moving his boyfriend into a third one. You are. So good, he promised, before telling Ward the name of the newest position.

That makes me happy... being good for you. Ward memorized the third position. He was so aroused by this point his breathing was labored. But he ignored his body so he could focus on Danny and what he was learning. He was very good at ignoring his body, he'd done it for so long.

Don't ignore your body's reactions, Danny whispered. If you were only meant to learn, we wouldn't be naked. I don't want you to hide anything from me.

Ward gave Danny an abashed look, a feeling of anxiety spearing through him, afraid that he'd upset his master. "If I don’t ignore it, I won’t be able to stay in position... " he admitted in a whisper. A series of images with him either writhing against Danny, or of him on all fours with his backside up and offered flitted through before he blushed and looked down.

"Don't be anxious." Danny kissed Ward's stomach. "Don't be afraid." He smiled against his boyfriend's skin. "I want to train you. I also want to take you. Right now, this is as much about foreplay."

Ward whimpered as his stomach quivered at Danny's kiss. He groaned at his master's words, his member swelling immediately and twitching in interest. "Danny..." the whisper was a plea.

Danny kissed his stomach again. "You're my whole life," he whispered. "I'm so happy I have you. I don't want you to hold anything back, Ward. I don't want you to hide."

"No sir..." Ward whispered, letting his pure need arch through the bond. "I won’t hide from you."

Danny wrapped his arms around Ward's waist, kissing his stomach again and sliding his hands down his boyfriend's legs.

Ward groaned softly, staying where he was put, but not ignoring the sensations he was feeling this time. His body was responding to his master’s touch and he let it respond. His nipples pebbled into red sensitive nubs. His member was swollen and glistening at the tip. His entrance clenched in anticipation and his breathing was rough. But he stayed in position and did his best to focus on what Danny was teaching him. This was foreplay, but he was also learning.

"Good. So very good." Danny gently squeezed Ward's hips and then began to move his boyfriend's body into a new position, stroking and squeezing all the while.

Ward whimpered softly, his stomach twisting pleasantly at the words, warmth flooding him. He moved into the position, noting that it put him in a more open and vulnerable state. That sent another wave of warmth through him. He loved being vulnerable to Danny.

Danny kept repeating the words, moving Ward's body...telling his boyfriend what each of the positions was called. He praised often, touching and stroking and kissing.

Ward listened intently, but it soon reached a point where his body yearned for his master so strongly, he couldn't focus. He felt unsettled, his most private areas tormenting him with need to be touched and claimed. He let Danny feel all his need, even as he forced himself to stay where he was placed.

Realizing as Ward reached that point, Danny stood up and pulled the other man into a deep kiss. One hand slid down to ghost over his lover's member; the other began to circle Ward's nipples.

Ward eagerly returned the kiss, letting his hands rest on Danny's shoulders. He whimpered as his master touched and claimed, pushing whatever part of his body Danny touched more firmly into Danny's hands.

I love you so much. Danny opened himself up emotionally through the bond, allowing Ward to feel how much he was loved. Wanted. Desired. Needed.

"I love you too, Dan..." Ward said sincerely before leaning forward and kissing his mate. I’m yours forever, he promised.

Danny gently grasped Ward's member, beginning to stroke it. He allowed his other hand to switch between his lover's nipples, squeezing and stroking them until they were red and swollen.

Ward leaned into Danny heavily, his legs getting shakier the longer his master stroked him. He whimpered and whined as his nipples became more and more sensitive, aching. "...please Danny..." he begged softly. "Please Master...."

"Don't hold back," Danny whispered. "I want all of your reactions."

Ward's grip tightened around his master as his legs became too weak to hold him up, his body quivering uncontrollably as he began to shallowly thrust into Danny's hand.

"Good. So very good." Danny continued to gently stroke and squeeze, giving Ward's nipples attention. He moved his head down a bit lower, taking one swollen nipple into his mouth.

Ward groaned at the warm, wet heat against his chest. "...master, I can't," he whimpered before his legs gave out and his entire weight fell against Danny, pulling them both down toward the floor.

Making sure his own body gave his boyfriend a soft landing, Danny then flipped them both over, beginning to kiss, nip and stroke down the entire front of Ward's body.

Ward couldn't help himself; he began to squirm under Danny, whimpers and moans of need and pleasure echoing around the room as he obeyed Danny's order not to hide anything. He gave his master every reaction and every feeling, both physically and through the bond.

Danny pressed a kiss to Ward's stomach before he trailed his lips down lower, taking the other man into his mouth. At the same time, he clasped the other man's hips, holding Ward still.

Ward was grateful Danny had hold of his hips because as soon as he felt his master's mouth around him, he bucked upward, a choked whine escaping his throat. He'd already been leaking pre-cum and wasn’t sure he'd last very long at all before he gave Danny everything.

I want everything, Danny encouraged through the bond. Give me everything, just like I give you everything.

Groaning softly, Ward bucked upward one last time before he spilled his release, shuddering as his climax hit him hard.

Mine. The word was uttered with intense satisfaction as Danny moved up to kiss Ward's lips. It was clear he was more than happy at drawing that response from his lover.

Yours Ward responded, a bit of woozy confusion carrying through the bond as he came down from the extreme high Danny had sent him to.

Danny brushed his lips against Ward's in a tender kiss. "I've got you. You're safe," he whispered.

I'm always safe with you, Ward returned the kiss, squirming slightly. You haven’t cum yet... he thought, pouting.

Danny smiled at that. I want to do that inside you, he responded. To spread you out beneath me and take you.

Ward flushed and smiled almost bashfully. "I want you in me too," he whispered before wriggling over onto his stomach, still under Danny, and pushed his bottom up in invitation.

"I love you, so much." Danny kissed Ward's shoulders and then let his fingers glide between his lover's cheeks before pausing. "You feel slick already."

Ward looked over his shoulder with a hint of confusion. "Thought it felt a bit... damp... thought it was my imagination."

"If it is, then we're both imagining it." Danny squeezed one thigh. "No one else has mentioned anything like that to me.... Have you heard anything?"

"No sir... haven't really talked with anyone else about sex. Was kinda afraid what I'd find out if I did... " he said sheepishly.

Danny kissed Ward's shoulder. "Do you want to continue?" He left himself open through the bond, trying to tell if his lover was worried or scared.

"Seriously?" A hint of Ward's more sarcastic side peeked through. "Yes!" He paused before adding a more subdued, "yes sir... please?"

"Good to know," Danny said, with a small trace of humor. "I'll go slow. In case there are any more surprises." He pushed a finger gently against the other man's entrance.

Ward let out a tiny hum of acceptance which turned into a low, drawn out moan as he felt Danny's finger pushing against him. He canted his hips, so his bottom was more open and vulnerable to his master. His moan took on a slightly surprised tone when just the touch of Danny's finger against his entrance caused a gush of wet warmth to pool and then leak out coating his rim with the almost milky, thick, lubricant.

Surprised, Danny looked at the liquid, letting his finger glide through it to lubricate the digit. "It's like you're self-lubricating. It must be a side effect of the bond. I wonder why it hasn't been noticed before."

Ward shivered as Danny moved his finger over him. "Last time..." he gasped, "...last time you had lube next to you and immediately coated yourself with it. Prolly just assumed it was the lube." He whimpered and wiggled his bottom slightly in invitation. "...or maybe it just hadn’t happened yet? Who... who knows how long it takes for the bond to finish adjusting and changing things around?" He paused slightly, "Maybe it's not done changing me. Us." He thought that should worry him, but at-the moment he was too aroused to care, and it wasn’t like they could stop it. He trusted Danny and would never regret giving himself to his master and mate, so it didn’t really matter anyway. As all those thoughts flit through his mind in seconds, the bond carried them to Danny, so he'd know too.

"As long as neither of us gets hurt by it," Danny said. "As long as it doesn't distress or worry you. I think this particular change might be a good thing." He gently pushed his finger inside Ward, waves of love flowing from him to the other man.

Ward relaxed so Danny could push in easier and sighed almost blissfully. "Yeah..." he groaned. "You can claim me anywhere at any time now...  no need to wait till we can get...." he gasped as Danny's finger found the tiny bundle of nerves and arched his back, so he was more open.

Danny grinned at the reaction he got, pushing his finger against the bundle of nerves. Letting a second finger coat in the lubricant, he then pushed that inside the smaller man.

Ward gave up any semblance of control, whimpering and whining in needy little bursts while he began to writhe under Danny. His member grew hard and swollen, left unattended as his focus was riveted on what Danny was doing inside his body. It felt so good, and he made sure Danny knew exactly how he was making him feel.

After exploring for a bit inside his lover's body, Danny withdrew his fingers. It took only moments to coat his member and push inside Ward, holding his lover's hips to keep him still and steady.

Ward's groan was wanton with need. Only Danny's firm grip enabled him to stay still for his master to take, for his master to set the pace of his claiming. If Danny hadn’t been holding him, he would have shoved himself back so Danny would enter him hard and deep. It was very clear through the bond that's what he would do if left to his own devices- he wasn’t worried about how it might hurt later- he was focused on needing it now.

Danny pressed a kiss to Ward's shoulder, pushing in a bit harder and a bit deeper...but not to the extent he could tell his lover wanted through the bond. His own emotions made it clear that the very last thing he wanted was to risk damaging or tearing his lover.

At the feelings of love coming from Danny, the urge to push too far settled- he still wanted it hard, maybe a little rough, but he trusted Danny and if Danny felt something was the wrong thing to do, Ward wouldn’t push. He knew himself enough to know that his sense of self-preservation or self-care wasn’t terribly high. Staying with Harold when he was being abused and getting hooked on drugs was evidence of that.

Good. The word of pride came clearly through the bond. You're being so good for me. I love you. I want you to feel good now and later, too.

Ward felt warmth spread through his chest and belly at the words, his own sense of pride growing at knowing he'd made Danny happy with him. "You feel so good in me, master..." he whimpered softly. "Just wanna feel you like this the whole rest of the day...."

For a moment, a fleeting thought crossed Danny's mind in response to the words from his lover. The image of a plug, to make sure his seed couldn't leak out of the other man.

A spike of interest surged through the bond at that thought, before it settled into slight disappointment. "We don’t have one here, do we?" Ward asked softly, obviously trying not to get his hopes up.

"That doesn't mean we can't get one," Danny replied. "Maybe not for this time...but there's nothing to stop us going shopping later. We could see if there are any other things we might want."

Ward nodded. "I... I like the idea of having things on me or... or in me... that show I belong to you..." he admitted in a breathy voice, squeezing around Danny tight as his master shifted, the new angle allowing Danny to stroke over the tiny bundle of nerves with his member.

Danny pressed a kiss to his shoulder. "I love you so much," he murmured. "I want to make it clear who you belong to." He smiled as a sudden thought struck him. I want to get you a promise ring.

Ward glanced over his shoulder and chuckled. At this point, wouldn't a wedding band be more accurate? I feel like you are my husband... he admitted.

You're right. I feel the same way. Danny leaned forward, brushing his lips against Ward's. We can get those, too, when we go shopping.

My shopping list is growing a lot. Might need to start doing that sooner than later in case we need to order some items, Ward kissed Danny back and let himself relax slightly so he could better feel Danny moving in him.

Good idea. Danny angled Ward so he could go deeper into the other man, kissing each of his lover's shoulders.

Ward hummed happily as he felt Danny moving deeper into him. Yours he thought with a hint of contentment.

Mine, Danny agreed. Forever. He began to make slightly faster strokes, his release close.

Ward moaned happily as Danny moved faster, shifting just enough that his master could push all the way in; his enjoyment of feeling Danny's hip bones pressing hard into his bottom carried through the bond and he tightened his muscles around his mate as if trying to hold him inside.

Waves of love came through the bond from Danny to Ward, a sense of satisfaction and happiness that he could make his lover feel this way coming through clearly. He squeezed Ward's hips, pressing a row of kisses down the other man's spine.

Ward shivered at the kisses, letting out a tiny whimper. "...need…  need to come sir..." he gasped out, as close to the edge as it was possible to get. He knew Danny would never deny or forbid him his release, but he still wanted permission.

"Any time," Danny whispered. "You can at any point." His own voice was strained; holding on so that they could both experience their release at the same time.

Whining low in his throat, Ward tensed up. And then he was shaking under Danny as his release sprayed out of him hard, causing him to tighten around his mate like a vise.

Danny's own release occurred at the same time and he tightened his hold on his lover's waist as he released inside Ward.

Ward slowly came down from his endorphin high, letting out a happy sound at feeling the warmth of Danny's release inside of him. "I'm gonna like this self- lubrication thing..." he whispered with a small chuckle. "Specially, if it means you can take me anywhere at any time." He gently squeezed around Danny again, hoping his master would stay in him as long as possible.

"I like it too," Danny said honestly. "I don't have to worry about risking injury or harm. Do you think we should let the others know? Or see if they discover it for themselves?" he asked.

"Maybe let them know? Although, I don't want to be the one to bring that topic up..." Ward laughed.

"We should probably report it to the medical team anyway," Danny commented. "We could let one of the doctors or nurses be the one to raise it with the other couples."

"Yeah. Does this mean I have to get checked out?" Ward asked with the sense of reluctance that he always felt at being examined.

"It probably means that both us will need to get checked out," Danny replied. "We can get that done at the same time."

Ward sighed, but his willingness to obey whatever Danny said was clear. "Yessir. I guess it won’t be too bad if you are with me."

"I'll always be with you," Danny promised. "You're my whole world. My life would be nothing without you."

"And I couldn't live without you. Not now. Not when I know how much I need you," Ward declared softly.

"I need you. So much." Danny kissed the base of Ward's spine. "Thank you for giving yourself to me."

"Thank you for wanting me..." Ward said with a tiny hint of amusement, but a lot of heartfelt gratitude. He sighed happily at the kiss on his spine and shifted. He liked when Danny kissed him like that. Like all of him was wanted and desirable.

"I want you," Danny whispered. "I want every part of you. Every part of you is perfect. Every part of you is something I want. Something I need. Something I can't live without."

"Every part of me is yours... forever. To do what you want with..." Ward responded confident that Danny would never abuse his power over him.

"To take care of and to love," Danny murmured. "Forever."

"And I will take care of and love you forever..." Ward promised.

"I know. We belong to each other," Danny said, his voice filled with belief.

Ward crossed his arms under his head with a sigh, making certain he kept his bottom at a height and angle that let Danny stay inside him. "What now. Danny- love?" He asked in a curious voice.

"What would you like to do, my love?" Danny asked, not making any attempt to separate from his lover.

"I suppose- when we've finished 'training' to our satisfaction- that we could go shopping for those items we want or need..." Ward said, sending a wave of love toward Danny, holding still so his master would stay deep in him.

"As long as I can be with you, anything we do will be perfect," Danny said.

"Then that's what I'd like to do. Later. Right now, I think you could train me a little more," Ward said with an impish grin.

"Sounds absolutely perfect to me," Danny responded, his own humor coming through the bond.

"Great!" Ward grinned then faced forward, his head on his arms, so Danny could 'teach' him some more.


Frank had needed to get some fresh air. He didn’t regret bonding to Yondu- not at all- but as soon as it had happened the nagging fear, he'd just signed Yondu's death warrant hit him. Everyone he loved got hurt or was killed after all. He knew Yondu could feel that fear, and he knew the older man was worried about it (Frank wasn’t sure he knew the reason behind the fear and Frank refused to focus on it, so it was possible he didn't know why Frank was fearful). So, when Yondu was in the shower, he sent a quick thought I'm going for a quick walk outside if you want to join me when you're done.

He ran into Monica at the exit of the building. In the distance he could see several of the other couples enjoying the outdoors together. Monica was without her partner though- like him. "I notice you aren't with your Mistress..." he grinned teasingly.

"And you aren't with your Master," Monica grinned back.

"True enough," Frank grunted. He glanced out the corner of his eye. "Wanna walk?"  At Monica's nod he began walking toward the woods. "You and I are part of a very small sub-group " he said out of nowhere. At Monica's curious glance, he continued. "We're Earthlings, bonded to aliens. All the others- they bonded to Earthlings. You, me... T'Challa are the only ones bonded to aliens. And you and I... are the ones doing the submitting. Even though neither of us really has a submissive bone in our body." He snorted.

Monica laughed. "I'd say you left out Peter in that group, but I just found out he's only half-Terran. That's what they call us. Terrans. Not Earthling." She wrinkled her nose playfully. "But yes, we have that in common. Does that mean we can commiserate together when we inevitably end up with sore backsides for our attitudes?"

Frank snorted. "Yeah. We can commiserate. Or tell each other we had it coming."  He smiled at Monica's laughter.

Monica finally stopped laughing when they reached the tiny pond. Evidence that at least two other people had been here was abundant. "So why aren't you with Yondu?" Monica asked curiously. "I'm only not with Lyja because SHIELD wanted to talk to her or her father about firming up their alliance and Talos had already snuck off, so they nabbed her." She sounded put out about it.

Frank huffed softly. "He was taking a shower. I needed a little time apart to think and get my emotions under control so they wouldn't hurt him."

Monica frowned. "I thought part of the reason for bonding was to share all that stuff?"

"Not this emotion. All the others, yes. But this one- it directly involves him, and I don’t think he can help stop it, so I don’t want him to worry about it. So... have to get it under control." Frank sighed. "I'm afraid of losing him..." he added in a whisper to explain, looking at the pond instead of Monica.

"Good luck with that... but it might be easier to let him know and let him help you get it under control. Cuz... he's prolly gonna know and feel it anyway..." she shrugged. "Just saying...."


Yondu was far from unaware of Frank's feelings, but as he was able to tell that his mate wasn't in any current distress and, through the bond, that the Terran was with someone (though he didn't know who), he didn't immediately go chasing after Frank. What he did do was keep the bond open, so that he could send feelings of love and reassurance to his mate.

He was dressed and out of the room quickly and cocked his head as he saw Lyja coming towards him. "Are you heading outside too?"

Lyja nodded. "Monica went for a walk while I was talking with SHIELD representatives." She fell into step beside Yondu as the two of them made their way outside, in search of their respective mates.


Frank hadn't responded to Monica's statement. He knew she was right- Yondu likely already knew everything so trying to push it down and hide it was pointless. Instead of responding to her, he stared out over the pond. The sound of a splash shortly caught his attention and he glanced over to see her swimming toward the middle of the pond naked as the day she was born. She'd placed her shoes under a bush five feet from the shoreline, her clothes hanging on a branch of the bush above them. "What are you doing?!" he spluttered in surprise.

"Swimming! The water is really nice. You should join me!" Monica called out cheerfully.

Frank was going to refuse, but the water did look nice. It had been a long time since he'd gone swimming for any reason other than to escape someone trying to kill him (longer still since he'd skinny dipped) and the urge for a bit of innocent harmless fun overcame his reticence. He quickly undressed, putting his shoes next to hers and his clothes on another branch before he ran into the water, falling forward into it, then surfacing with a gasped "You little liar! It's freezing!"

Monica's laughter pealed through the wooded area.


By this point, Yondu and Lyja had reached the area in time to hear Monica's peals of laughter. Glancing at Lyja, Yondu commented, "That sounds like your mate."

"And that looks like yours." Lyja indicated the water just before she stripped off and headed into the water.

With a shrug and a grin, Yondu followed suit, swiftly swimming towards his mate.

"This water is Freakin' cold, ya minx!" Frank groused and splashed water at Monica. He wasn’t really upset though and was grinning too widely to have anyone think he was. He glanced over as Yondu reached his side, playfully keeping two feet between them and splashing his lover.

Monica did the same to Lyja, grinning as an impromptu game of 'chase' began.

Neither Yondu or Lyja were unhappy with the way things turned out; Yondu was clearly pleased to see that Frank was enjoying himself and Lyja was just having fun with her own mate. Neither were too fazed by the coldness of the water.

Frank hadn't played like this since his kids were alive and he was surprised how good it felt. He was also surprised that thinking of his kids didn't hurt more- there was a slight twinge of sorrow at their absence, a twinge of regret for loss, but overall, it was a good memory and it was more bittersweet than painful. He splashed Yondu again, managing to keep just out of reach of his master, but always watching because he suspected Yondu was allowing him to keep away and when the older man wanted to catch him, nothing Frank could do would save him from being caught.

Monica decided her tactic would be to see how fast she could swim away from Lyja and if the other woman would outswim her. She imagined racing to the other side of the pond - it wasn't a huge pond, but it was wide enough for a race- and sent the thought to her mate before taking off, giving herself a head-start.

Giving Frank a wide grin, Yondu allowed the distance to stay between them...but for his mate's sake, he imagined catching up with Frank, carrying his mate out of the water, bending the Terran over and warming his bare, wet ass before finally ending with Yondu pounding into him.

Lyja immediately responded to Monica, swimming with strong strokes after her mate.

Frank's eyes widened as he 'saw' what Yondu imagined. Immediately he was at full arousal and... he blinked... he felt slick between his cheeks- and not the slickness caused by being immersed in water.  He looked up at Yondu, his cheeks turning pink and re-imagined Yondu catching him, carrying him out of the water, bending him over and warming his bare, wet ass and then - very easily because he felt so slickly wet- pounding into him without having to prep him at all.

Monica grinned as she sensed Lyja swimming behind her. She neared the opposite side of the pond and allowed her strokes to slow so that Lyja could catch up. She was tired of being chased. She wanted to be caught.

At the images from his mate, Yondu swam the few lengths that separated them and took Frank into his arms, leading his mate out of the water with one hand clasped possessively over the Terran's backside. Once on the bank, he bent Frank over and began to swat; not especially hard, but the sound of his palm on wet skin made the smacks sound louder.

Lyja caught up easily with Monica and drew the other woman into a tight embrace, kissing her firmly, waves of love carrying through the bond.

Monica was briefly surprised as she heard the smacks of hand on backside but was quickly distracted by her own mate's kiss and embrace. She wrapped her own arms tightly around Lyja, making certain all the love she felt carried back to her lover and opened herself up both emotionally and physically, holding nothing back.

Frank grunted as the first smack landed, the slight sting combined with the sound of his master 'controlling' him causing his member to twitch expectantly. He moaned softly, feelings of acceptance, love, submission, and need carrying through the bond to Yondu. Frank was always surprised at how much he needed Yondu in control of him, how much he needed Yondu to control him, but whenever his mate did so a sense of rightness and belonging always overcame him and he couldn't help but respond in the neediest submissive way possible. He shifted so his bottom was slightly higher and easier to smack- or claim- and braced himself so he would stay in place as much as he was able.

Lyja allowed them both to 'float', embracing Monica and pressing kisses to her face, letting her hands stroke over and explore her mate's body.

Yondu made sure he held Frank tight and securely in place, keeping the swats at the same force and speed. Even though he wasn't swatting all that hard, it didn't take long for the other man's bottom to start growing pink.

Monica wrapped her arms loosely around Lyja's shoulders, kissing back whenever Lyja's lips were in range and humming happily at her mate exploring her.

Frank shivered and moaned softly as Yondu continued to spank. Feels good master... he thought. Feels good being controlled by you... feeling your control.

Lyja was perfectly content to kiss, caress and stroke Monica's body while they floated together in the water, sliding her hands down the other woman's back and between her legs.

You will never have to worry about losing me, Yondu promised. I'll never leave you. He spread Frank's legs, beginning to target his inner thighs.

Monica sighed happily, letting her legs drift apart so Lyja could touch her, and nuzzled against her Mistress' ear.

Frank whimpered softly as his more sensitive inner thighs were targeted and opened his legs further. Some of the slick he'd noticed while in the pond had slid down his thighs. There was no way Yondu wouldn’t notice. He didn’t care about that though. He cared about what Yondu said. How did you know? he asked through the bond. How did you know what I'm afraid of?

Lyja let her fingers slip between Monica's folds, kissing and caressing, waves of love, need and desire radiating through the bond.

You been broadcasting it all day, Yondu replied gently. You've lost people important to you. We both have. It only makes me more determined to hold on tight. Never let you go.

Monica whimpered and whined softly against Lyja's ear before gently latching onto it and sucking. Please Mistress she begged through the bond. She was aching badly, opening her legs as wide as she could so that her folds and entrance were completely exposed and vulnerable to whatever Lyja decided to do. It hurts inside she thought again, whimpering a little more.

I was trying not to Frank thought apologetically. I didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry Master. He felt free to shift and wriggle as the swats slight sting turned into a slight burning ache, knowing Yondu had a good hold on him and he was safe to let go. His body felt hot and needy and it carried through the bond how much he needed Yondu to do what he was doing- and needed more.

I will help you, my love, Lyja promised. You're being such a good girl for me. She continued to stroke and caress between Monica's legs, pushing a finger gently inside her lover.

We're bonded. You don't hide from me. Yondu's mental tone was slightly scolding. He paused the spanking, giving Frank's thighs each a firm, possessive squeeze.

Monica shivered as she felt Lyja push inside, a tiny sigh escaping as the action eased a little of the ache. Not all of it, but enough that she was able to relax slightly so that she wasn't so tight Lyja was blocked- her Mistress could go deeper.

I'm sorry sir Frank's own mental tone was apologetic and ashamed I know I don't hide from you. I... I didn't want my fear to hurt you. He shivered and let out a tiny moan at the squeeze. The slight scolding didn't dampen his arousal. It made it stronger- the fact that Yondu was taking charge and correcting and teaching him as much of a turn on as the older man controlling him.

Lyja kissed Monica deeply, gently stroking and rubbing to relax her lover even more, allowing her to add in a second finger. She stroked and curled her fingers, keeping the bond open so she knew when she hit the right spot and the right rhythm.

Hiding your emotions from me will hurt more, Yondu replied. No hiding. No secrets. Neither has a place between us. He squeezed each of Frank's buttocks.

Monica returned the kiss opening up for it, an almost greedy moan escaping. Floating as she was, it was easy to open herself up fully, her body bobbing in the water gently, causing her to move on Lyja's fingers. Need you so much Mistress she sighed softly into the kiss.

Yessir. Won't hide anymore... Frank promised, groaning as the well heated skin was squeezed. He felt as more of the slick slid down his thighs.

I need you too, Lyja sent through the bond. I love you. So very much. You're mine. I will not let you go, she promised.

Yondu gently trailed a finger through the thick lubricant that seemed to be coming from inside Frank. Ain't never seen this before. He showed a mental picture to Frank through the bond.

Monica sniffled, suddenly overcome by emotion. I am yours. Forever and ever and all of me belongs to you... she began to babble through the bond. All of me is yours to claim and take and do whatever you want to, and control and I want to be yours... your good girl. I want to be your good girl Mistress... she repeated through her thoughts, her emotions needy. She still ached inside, though Lyja's stroking was easing some of the ache.

Frank swallowed hard at the gentle touch, whimpering softly at the mental picture Yondu sent. Never had that happen before... Frank thought with a hint of confused curiosity.

You are my good girl, Lyja promised. Stroking and caressing that small nub inside her lover a bit more, she pulled Monica closer, flush against her own body, and then swam with the other woman towards the bank.

It ain't a bad thing, Yondu commented. Looks like I truly can take you hard and fast without any need for preparation.

Monica whimpered and moaned as Lyja stroked, her inner muscles clenching around the other woman's fingers. She held tightly to Lyja as her mate swam her to the bank, her center feeling hot and achy and needy.

Frank groaned at the thought and impulsively pushed his bottom up a bit higher. Need that master. Need to be controlled and taken and left with no doubt who I belong to....

Lyja used one arm to carefully lift them both out of the water, laying Monica on her back on the grass. She kept her fingers inside her lover, but now leaned forward to take the other woman's nipple into her mouth, licking and sucking.

I ain't ever gonna let you forget it, Yondu promised. He shifted Frank enough, enabling him to position his member at the other man's entrance, and pushed inside in one swift movement.

Monica gasped and then began to writhe under Lyja, the ache getting more intense with the added stimulation. Please Mistress, please... she thought, whining softly with need. She didn't know what she wanted or needed. She only knew Lyja was the only one who could provide it.

Frank's groan as Yondu pushed in was low and needy and the emotions flowing through the bond were complete submission. Yours Master, need you to claim me, use me, pound into me so I walk funny and feel you the rest of the day... The fact Yondu had just pushed in with little to no preparation at all- just the natural lubricant Frank had produced- made him feel Yondu's control and dominance even more and his belly grew warm at the sensation. It was exactly what he needed.

I've got you. Lyja licked and sucked until the nipple she was giving was completely red and swollen and then she gave the opposite nipple the same treatment. All the while, she kept stroking, curling her fingers to reach Monica's most intimate places.

Gonna make sure you feel nothing but me, Yondu promised. You won't be able to move without feeling me. He began to thrust harder and deeper, holding Frank still by grasping his lover's hips.

Monica let out a tiny sob, still writhing under her mate. You've got me... won't let me go... she thought, her thoughts becoming less clear and more like flashes of images the longer Lyja claimed. Some of the things she imagined likely weren't even possible, some of them Lyja was already doing though. Please Mistress... harder... faster... deeper... more... PLEASE....

Frank found himself locked in place by Yondu's strong grip, unable to do anything but take the deep, hard thrusts. It felt good and he calmed at feeling his master’s total control over him. Yondu was strong enough to control him- it meant Yondu was strong enough to protect him. Yes... just... like that... Yours... he thought, his vocal moans and groans growing louder and more intense as Yondu owned him.

Lyja's entire focus was on her lover, still stroking and caressing...nipping and sucking. She withdrew her fingers, but only so that she could kiss her way over Monica's stomach, down towards her folds, beginning to kiss and suck where she'd placed her fingers.

Yondu responded with a wordless agreement of possession, making it clear. Frank was his. He gripped the other man tightly as he pounded into Frank deep and hard, taking what belonged to him.

Monica sobbed softly with need, her hands grasping at Lyja's head, part of her wanting to pull her off- the licking and sucking exquisitely painful, the other part wanting to pull her closer so she could kiss and suck harder, maybe deeper.

Frank groaned and moaned and shifted so he could push back. Meeting his master thrust for thrust.

You are mine. Lyja sent the words through the bond. Only mine. I own you. I control you. I take care of you. I love you.

Yondu began to thrust harder, deeper, faster, leaning over and pressing a hard kiss to the back of Frank's neck.

I love you... so much! Monica shuddered and continued to squirm; legs wide open in offering to her Mistress.

Frank felt Yondu's mouth at his neck and moved his head, so it was completely vulnerable to his mate, imagining Yondu biting down.

I want you to let go for me, Lyja said softly. Release for me, my dear one.

In response to the mental image from Frank, Yondu bit down on his lover's neck; not hard enough to hurt, but enough to stake his claim.

At Lyja's order Monica couldn’t help but obey. Tremors raced through her body, and to her surprise, for only the second time in her life, she released milky fluid for her Mistress. Her vision whited out and as soon as the last of her juices dribbled out, she slumped on the ground, chest heaving, legs still spread wide so her most intimate places could be claimed by her lover.

At feeling Yondu's teeth on his neck, Frank's stomach flipped. He felt completely owned. Dominated. The sense of freedom and euphoria that accompanied the feeling rushed through him, leaving him breathless. And then he was shuddering under his mate, pouring his release onto the ground.

Lyja didn't move away, taking every single bit of Monica's release. Finally, she then crawled back up her lover's body, kissing Monica deeply and passionately. Mine. I love you so much. The waves of possessive love swept through the bond to her mate.

Yondu's own release followed only seconds later and while it was incredibly intense, he still had enough presence of mind to keep his hold on his lover tight and firm, so Frank wouldn't fall.

Monica kissed Lyja back as if in a daze. She felt Lyja's possessiveness and it brought out her need to submit. “Yours...always,” she promised with a loopy grin.

Frank felt Yondu's release filling him and coating his insides and the knowledge his master was taking ownership and using him as a receptacle filled him with pride.

Kissing her lover again, a bit more languidly, Lyja stretched out alongside Monica, stroking her fingers through the other woman's hair, feelings of happiness and contentedness coming through the bond.

You feel so good holding me, Yondu sent to Frank. Holding whatever I choose to give you.

Monica shifted until she was pressed against Lyja, her head on her mate's shoulder. A feeling of contented belonging and safety coursed through the bond.

Frank rumbled low in his chart, the feeling of calm safe belonging leaving him languid under Yondu. Feels good holding you in me. Right. Wanna... wanna do it as long and often as possible... he admitted with a hint of shyness.

Lyja ran her fingers through Monica's hair, pressing a kiss to the other woman's shoulder and cuddling her close.

That's exactly what we'll do, Yondu promised. As often and as long as possible. Seems to me we got a lot of time we missed out on to catch up.

It didn't take long before Monica was dozing, using Lyja as a pillow.

Frank relaxed further. Thank you... for taking me like you did. I... I needed it... to have you... you know... he suddenly found himself not knowing what to say. Telling Yondu that he liked Yondu forcefully taking what he wanted without giving Frank a choice wasn't exactly right. But then- Frank didn't necessarily want to be the one in control of when Yondu took him either. He wasn't sure how to explain.

To have me in control of you, making the decisions. Taking the choice away from you, Yondu commented.

Yeah. Is that wrong? I... I know if I was really against something you wouldn’t force me, but is it wrong to want you to make decisions for me? Frank fretted through the bond.

It ain't wrong, Yondu answered. In fact, I'd say it ain't much different to how the others we've fallen in with mesh.

Frank sighed softly, a sense of peace overcoming his fretting. I never wanted someone in charge of me. Even when you took over an spanked me to get me to submit the first time, I was only willing to submit cuz I knew ya were right. Frank squeezed his muscles gently around his master. Now I can feel ya in my head, feel how you wanna protect and take care of me. And I don't wanna just submit when I know yer right. Wanna... wanna give you my submission all the time, even if I'm not sure about what ya want from me... wanna trust you, even if it scares me. Frank was staring at the ground by this point, his fingers curled uncertainly into the grass as he confessed. Waiting for Yondu's response. Submitting when you agreed with something was a far cry from submitting all the time, and Frank knew himself well enough to know there would be times he'd be unsubmissive- if only because his emotions would take over and he wouldn’t think about trusting Yondu to take care of things. He shifted so his bottom angled a little higher, the shift and gravity causing Yondu to slide in a few centimeters deeper. I... I wanna do that, but I know I'll mess up sometimes. Be disobedient. What... what will you do when I disobey? If it's not a matter that could hurt or kill me? he asked through the bond with a sense of shamed curiosity. It had been very difficult to admit he wanted to give himself that fully. Part of him- the part that had been alone and taking care of himself for so long- felt he shouldn’t want that, because it meant he was weak. Would Yondu be disgusted by such weakness? He said it wasn’t wrong, that a lot of the others were similar. But that didn’t mean he wanted Frank to be that way. That he wanted to be completely responsible for him from what time he woke up, to what he did during the day, to when he bathed, ate, went to bed. Granted, there might be moments where he could loosen the 'leash' so to speak and Frank could go off on walks like he'd done this morning- or Frank would slip the 'leash' and prolly get in trouble- but did Yondu really want that?

Depends on how and why you disobey, Yondu responded honestly. But disobedience is likely to get you a warm backside. Not a true punishment spanking, but to make you remember who you're meant to obey and listen to. He gently squeezed Frank's hips. Messing up ain't the end of the world. Doesn't mean I'll give up on you or decide you're too much trouble. Cause you're mine now. Every way possible. Being disobedient, being naughty, will get you punished, but it won't get you let go.

Frank swallowed at the words, at the gentle squeezing. "It don’t bother you I want that?" he whispered out loud, while his worry that Yondu didn’t really want that responsibility slid through the bond.

"Not even a little bit," Yondu promised. "It don't bother me at all. I'll give you everything you need. You're mine."

"Thank you... for giving me this..." Frank whispered. He opened his emotions so Yondu could tell he truly wanted what the older man had done... was doing.

"I'd give you everything," Yondu replied, opening himself up through the bond so Frank could feel his own emotions.

Frank smiled at that, letting himself settle further onto the grass, only holding his backside up enough that Yondu wouldn’t slide out. He enjoyed feeling the older man's weight blanketing him. It felt safe and protected. He didn’t often, if ever, feel that way with other people. He let Yondu sense that- sense how different he was to everyone else.

"It's different for me too," Yondu said seriously. "Never had anyone I would have chosen to bond to before you."

"I was thinking...  if ya want... maybe when we go back, we can shower- go out shopping for some things that will show off our status..." Frank said hesitantly, not sure Yondu would want to go out... or even if it was safe to do so.

"Yeah. We can do that," Yondu responded. "Maybe some of the others would like to join us too."

Frank smiled happily. "If you want, we could ask. We prolly should wake the other two anyway. The sun is moving to where they're sleeping, and I dunno bout Lyja, but Monica is liable to begin burning..." he snorted softly, still not moving. He wanted Yondu to make the decision of when to withdraw- especially since it was comforting to feel the other man inside of him.

I'll take you again later, Yondu promised. Stay inside you for longer. Carefully withdrawing from Frank, he then began to dress the other man.

"Hey! We're heading inside, you two. We'll be going shopping later, if you're interested!" Frank called out once Yondu had dressed him. He shifted closer to his lover, seeking to be held... guided back to the compound.

Monica stirred and looked up at Lyja for her opinion on what they should do.

Smiling, Lyja helped her lover to stand and began dressing Monica before clothing herself, much as Yondu had done. "Shopping might be a good idea," she agreed softly.

Monica nodded. "What kind of things are we going to need on the ship? Should I just pack my jeans and regular clothes, or will I need different things?" she began a running question and commentary while Lyja dressed them both that continued as they walked back to the compound.


Bobbi was frantic. She'd been deep undercover when Thanos had first snapped his fingers. She and her partner had both disappeared. Unfortunately, a lot of those they'd been spying on hadn't disappeared and in the interim, had discovered that Bobbi and her partner were SHIELD spies. When everyone who had disappeared, suddenly reappeared exactly where they had been when the 'snap' took place (Were they calling the interim between, the Blip?) the only thing that had kept the two of them alive and not killed immediately, was the surprise and confusion as people suddenly materialized out of nowhere (and in some cases on top of those currently in those spots). They'd immediately assessed the situation and ran for their lives. Unfortunately, her partner had gotten shot as they made their exit. He wasn't doing well, but she was afraid to take him to a hospital lest they be found. She had lost her means of trying to call for help or extraction. They'd been on the run ever since, many of their contacts and means of getting hold of SHIELD having moved, died, or been in the same situation they were in. Any and all means of contact had changed or moved for safety and they hadn't been close to any of the secret bases that would have enabled them to find immediate help. That was about to change though. They were nearing one of the secret bases in the far north of Canada. She only hoped there was someone there that could help them.

Cameron was a scientist, not really a fighter. But he'd wanted to prove himself; taken the training to become an undercover agent and wound up working with Bobbi least until they'd been snapped away and then back. Nothing in his training had prepared him for this kind of situation.

He did his best to stay alert and keep pressure on his wound. The last thing he wanted was to draw unnecessary attention. It occurred to him, not for the first time, that his partner would move much faster without him. He cleared his throat, planning to suggest...that maybe she should leave him behind, get back to the base on her own, make a report.

"Don't say it " Bobbi ordered, instinctively knowing what he was about to suggest- it was what she would have suggested after all. "I might move faster, but I'd be alone. You're watching my back. You've already kept me from walking into two potential traps. We're almost to the base, and unless it was destroyed, we'll be home free once we get there."

"Yeah...I hope so." The last was uttered almost to himself. They'd already had to stop and change the bandage twice already; and he could feel the telltale warm liquid seeping through once more. Trouble was, they could ill afford to stop a third time.

"We're really close... five minutes at most. We gotta be careful this last bit though. The security is through the roof..." she said- just in time to find themselves surrounded by ten uniformed guards. "Wait! We're SHIELD!" she called out to the one who appeared in charge. "My partner was wounded. We need to report in... we... we've been gone five years...."

Cameron winced as pain sliced through his shoulder, eyeing the guards around them. He didn't recognize anyone from the HYDRA agents who had infiltrated SHIELD; though, of course, that didn't mean anything. "Yeah...what she said...." He spoke through tiny gasps of pain.

Bobbi waited uncertainly, prepared to fight if her trust in these agents was misplaced. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when the leader nodded to two of the agents- who immediately went to help Cameron- while he pulled out a phone. "Director, we have two individuals claiming to be SHIELD agents who need to make a report after five years... Sir, I believe it is Bobbi Morse and Cameron..." his voice faded as he walked away from Bobbi, leaving her equal parts nervous and hopeful.

Cameron tried to pay attention to his surroundings. While he was hoping they were safe, he knew they had to be prepared in case they'd headed into another trap.

"Follow me," the guard returned, motioning the two guards supporting Cameron to continue doing so. He led them past several hidden turrets that would have shot them had he not flashed his ID at some scanner that was hidden behind a rock, and into the base. From the outside it looked like a mountain. From the inside it was every bit a SHIELD base.

Bobbi was hit with a sense of nostalgia as they were led past groups of other agents who stared at her and Cameron as if seeing ghosts. They were led to a medical area where Cameron was whisked away from her, the doctor calling for 2 pints of O-Neg and her assistant as he followed. Bobbi was kept from following.

"The Director and his Assistant are on their way. You can wait here until they arrive to debrief you," the guard said firmly, leading her into what was obviously an interrogation room.

Bobbi sighed softly and sunk into the provided chair, laying her head on her arms, on the table. She had to trust she hadn’t made a mistake bringing them here. It was hard though. Really hard.


Grant looked at his father's face as he took the call. "What is it Dad?" He couldn't help being a bit worried. His father's face wasn’t its normal, calm, projection.

"Another two agents were returned after being undercover," Coulson replied, a note of worry in his voice. "It sounds like they only just escaped." He glanced towards Fury. "Bobbi Morse and Cameron Klein. They're at the base in Canada."

"You think Tony would let us take the Quin Jet to meet them?" Fury asked.

Grant looked worried. Bobbi had been part of their makeshift family at one time. He and Coulson had spent several months comforting and keeping an eye on Lance Hunter when she disappeared. No one had known for certain if she had disappeared in the snap or if her cover had been blown and she'd been ‘made to disappear’. Hunter had only moved on two years ago, finding new love and marrying an agent who'd experienced the same thing as him. They were expecting a child by the end of the year. Bobbi and Cameron would have a lot to deal with, and it sounded like it had already begun. "Uh ... do you think Mordo could open a gate there? Into the base? If you warned them ahead of time?"

"We should check with him," Coulson said. "He might need an idea of where's a good place to open a portal, in which case, we might need to get him a map or blueprints."

Grant wrinkled his nose. "Soooo... I should go find him?" he asked hesitantly.

Coulson smiled at his son. "I think he and Stephen were in the garden, the last time I saw them." He could have offered to go with Grant, but he was still trying to encourage his son to feel comfortable enough making decisions and doing things himself, without worrying about how Coulson would react.

"Yeah. Okay. I'll go get them then..." Grant smiled crookedly and left to go find the sorcerers.

By this point, Mordo had guided Stephen over to one of the benches and sat down, holding the other man's hand as they talked quietly and watched the grounds.

It didn't take long for Grant to find the two. "Dad just got a call from one of our northern bases. Two agents who were snapped away, resurfaced. Is it possible for you to open a portal to the base so that we can get them right away instead of having to take the Quin Jet?" he blurted as soon as he was within range of them hearing.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Mordo rose to his feet, helping Stephen to stand as well. "Any idea what kind of condition the two agents are in?" he asked.

"Not really. It didn't seem like they were completely whole though- if the look on Dad's face was anything to go by," Grant followed the two into the compound.

It didn't take long for the three of them to reach Coulson and Fury, Coulson just finishing up letting those at the base know what was going to happen. He turned to the two sorcerers, including Grant in the explanation. "Cameron's been taken to the medical room. He was shot and lost a lot of blood. I think the portal should be opened there...then, if we bring Cameron through, I can retrieve Bobbi."

Stephen glanced at Mordo. "Shouldn't be too difficult. All we really need is exact coordinates- including if they are underground or several floors up..." he trailed off. "You've done this longer than I though. I'd feel better if you handled it."

Mordo nodded in response to Stephen, then listened intently as Coulson gave him the coordinates to the base. After that, it was only the work of a few moments to open a portal.

Grant automatically stepped through ahead of his father. For all that he relied on Coulson and the older man protected him. When it came to field work, he would always protect his father.

Allowing his son to enter ahead of him, Coulson didn't waste time following Grant, stepping into the medical room at the other base.

As soon as he was satisfied that his father was safe, Grant moved behind the older man so he could ask his questions. He glanced toward the bed where Cameron was lying, weak but stitched up and attached to an IV. He'd received the transfusion and was dozing off and on. When Grant noticed him looking their direction, he waved. "Hi Cam!"

Cameron blinked a few times, focusing on Grant. "Hey, Grant." His voice sounded a bit weak.

"How are you feeling?" Coulson asked, stepping closer to the bed.

"Woozy," Cameron admitted. "Not really in much pain, though. Think they've got me on morphine or something." He breathed in deep. "I think Bobbi's around here somewhere. She's...probably in a better position to give a report."

"Ms. Morse is in Interrogation 2," one of the doctors said as they double checked the IV and made certain that everything in the chart was within acceptable parameters. "We haven't checked her out yet- we're a bit understaffed in medical and Mr. Klein here was in dire straits so we left her there to take care of him first. Also, we haven't confirmed that they aren't a threat- although all signs point to them being who they claim. Interrogation was the safest place to hold her until it could be confirmed- without putting her in a cell anyway."

"I'll go and see her and get a report," Coulson said, mainly to his son, but also in acknowledgement of the doctor's words. "They'll both be returning through the portal with us as soon as it's safe to do so." This comment was made to the doctor.

"She wasn't in dire straits, so I can wait until you've debriefed her before I do the examination. Or if you'd prefer to take her with you and have your doctors check her over, that's a possibility. I assume you know where Interrogation 2 is located?" the doctor hesitated.

Grant looked at his father. "I'll stay with Cameron so you can speak with her alone if you'd rather...."

Coulson nodded to the doctor before addressing Grant. "That would help more," he replied.

Grant nodded and smiled, moving over to stand next to Cameron and speak with the other agent. He wasn't debriefing him, but he was listening closely in case Cameron said anything that he didn't think was important but might be important. He glanced over as his father left the room, then returned his attention to the injured man.


Bobbi sighed. She realized why they kept her in the interrogation area- door locked. They didn't know for certain that she was safe. But still. It rankled a bit not being able to stay with Cameron when they'd whisked him off. She'd kept the agent alive for all intents and purposes and felt a keen interest in his continued good health. Even more than her interest in her own good health really- as evidenced by the fact that she'd managed to somehow hide the fact she'd also been injured. They didn't have the medical personnel to deal with two major injuries and her injury hadn't kept her from functioning, so it obviously wasn't that bad. That's what she told herself anyway. What she really wanted to do was find out how Lance was. Find out how Mack was. And Coulson and all the others that she'd grown close to. But she didn't ask. There would be time to do that once they finally realized and believed she wasn't a threat. Sighing again, she let her head drop onto her crossed arms- cushioning it from thumping too hard on the table.

Coulson didn't need directions to the interrogation room. He found it quickly, only knocking once to announce his presence before he stepped inside. Pausing long enough to take in Bobbi's appearance, he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Bobbi."

"Coulson! Sir!" Bobbi straightened quickly, equal parts overjoyed and surprised to see one of the people she was worried about in front of her. She tensed slightly, having moved a little too quickly and having to hold still so that her equilibrium could settle.

Coulson noticed the tensing immediately and looked her over carefully. "Where are you injured?"

Bobbi blinked. "It's nothing really... I just moved too quickly. Everyone else? Were they snapped away? Are they okay? I lost all ways to contact anyone and I want... I need to know that everyone is okay..." she glossed over his question, her own worry and need to get answers taking over.

"Before I answer any of your questions, you're going to get checked over," Coulson said firmly. "I'm here with Grant. He's currently with Cameron. We're going to take both of you to the Avengers compound, so the medical team there can treat you."

Bobbi gave Coulson a frustrated and anxious look. "That... Answer me now! Please! I'll go and get checked out as soon as we get to wherever you want us to go but... so many... I'm just so confused and no one told me anything when we got here, they just stuck me in here and disappeared, and we didn't have time to stop and actually learn what was going on when we blipped back into existence and I just... Just tell me they're all alive at least!" she begged, a hint of fear bleeding through in her tone.

"The people who were snapped away came back," Coulson answered. "But it's been five years. A lot has changed. There's too much to go into right now and trying to answer everything will overwhelm you. You need treatment and you need to rest. Right now, those are both my priorities for two agents, for two friends, I thought were lost."

"No one from the 'family' died?" Bobbi asked in a hesitant, obviously frightened voice.

"No." Coulson reached out and gently squeezed her hand. "But there have been some changes."

"C... can you tell me some of them? While we go to join Grant and Cameron?" She asked hopefully.

Coulson nodded and held his hand out to her, watching her carefully.

Bobbi took his hand and very carefully stood, doing her best to not put any weight on the leg that she'd injured during their escape. While running and moving had aggravated the wound, she hadn't really slowed down enough for it to settle. Sitting for the last three hours while she waited for someone- anyone- to come and tell her how Cameron was and take her to another location had allowed the injury to become stiff and swollen. She couldn't hide the wince or the quick intake of breath as sharp pain shot up her leg... or the fact that she immediately hopped slightly to the left to remove all weight off her right leg. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to smile wanly. "My leg fell asleep. Don't you just hate when pins and needles seem to crawl over your feet?" she tried to give a plausible excuse for what she'd just been caught doing.

"Bobbi, don't lie to me." Coulson's voice was low, but still carried a stern note of warning to it. He didn't hesitate, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to support her weight. "We don't have far to go. When we get to the compound, that leg will get checked out. As will the rest of you."

"Coulson! I'm fine! Don't worry so much..." Bobby said in as calm and teasing a tone as she could manage. She didn't hesitate to put her arm around him though, letting him hold a large portion of her weight as they moved to the medical area to retrieve Grant and Cameron. She tried to ignore the fact she was doing a mini-hop step action because putting any weight at all on her injury was so painful now. She didn't think about the fact telling him she was fine, was a lie. As far as she was concerned, she was alive and wasn't bleeding out. That was fine, considering how badly things had begun for her and Cameron when they blipped back into the middle of Hydra headquarters with all of Hydra knowing exactly who and what they were.

Coulson didn't respond, considering he fully intended to make sure she was checked out first before he scolded her. He told her a bit about some of the minor changes on the way back to the medical room and then, once they'd reached there, checked with the doctor about what care Cameron would continue needing.

The doctor was brief and to the point about Cameron's care. Luckily, once the slow bleed had been found and stopped and he'd been given the transfusion, he was out of danger and could easily be moved to another care facility. The doctor handed Coulson the medical chart so that he could give it to the doctors at the compound, then wished them all luck, grateful that Coulson would be taking the two agents off his hands. "Make sure she gets checked out," he slanted his head toward Bobbi as he helped Cameron into a wheelchair so they could wheel him through the portal. "She refused any treatment when she arrived, insisting everyone focus on her friend. While the doctors might not have been available to help her, since they were operating, there were still a few agents trained as medics that know how to operate the machinery. There was no reason we couldn't have gotten x-rays and such, except for stubbornness. Hopefully you're more stubborn..." he said softly to Coulson so that Bobbi wouldn't overhear. He figured it might make it easier for the director to make it an order if she didn't think it was because she'd been tattled on.

Coulson just nodded in response to the doctor's words. He checked on both his son and Bobbi, making sure that Grant was okay with wheeling Cameron through the portal while Coulson helped Bobbi through.

Bobbi had been focused on Cameron and hadn't heard what the doctor had told Coulson.

Grant had heard though. He gave his father a look when they reached the other side of the portal, Mordo and Stephen letting it close behind them. "I'll get Cameron settled if you want to get Bobbi checked out, Dad..." he said quietly, pushing the wheelchair toward the room Stephen and Bruce had set up where they both could keep an eye on the other man while he recovered.

Bobbi blinked at that. "I want to go with Cameron and help him settle in!" she protested.

"You can check on him later," Coulson replied, his voice firm. "Right now, you are the one who is getting checked out." He began heading to the medical bay, requesting that Friday ask Bruce to meet him there.

Bobbi didn't move, partly because she was watching Grant push her friend down a hallway, the opposite direction that Coulson was heading. But part of it was because she wasn’t too keen on walking and exposing exactly how badly she'd hurt herself. "I'm really okay. I just need a hot bath, a clean bed and 24 hours to catch up on my sleep."

"You're in enough trouble already for lying and hiding your injury," Coulson said seriously. "I wouldn't advise continuing to lie to me."

Bobbi blinked at that uncertainly. What was she meant to do then? Obviously continuing to proclaim she was fine wasn’t acceptable, but she couldn’t easily follow Coulson. Was she meant to admit her injury and ask for help? Some stubborn part of her wouldn’t do that. Instead she took a deep breath, grit her teeth under lips pressed tightly together, and forced herself to walk forward, following Coulson. It hurt like the devil and she paled considerably, but she kept going.

Coulson didn't let Bobbi struggle on her own for long. Turning, he swept her into his arms so he could carry her to the medical area, making sure there was no weight on her leg.

Bobbi yelped as she was swung into Coulson's arms, her own automatically wrapping around his shoulders. "Sir!" She began to protest, but one look at Coulson's face had her quieting immediately. He didn’t look happy.

Coulson didn't say anything as he carried Bobbi into the medical room, though he was very tight-lipped as he glanced around for Bruce or one of the other doctors.

Bruce wasn’t there yet, but another doctor quickly came over. "What happened. Director?" she asked, her eyes quickly taking in all visual cues. "You... get undressed," she ordered Bobbi.

Bobbi squawked in protest.

Coulson looked at her. "I won't hesitate to strip you myself," he warned, before explaining the details to the doctor, as far as he knew them.

Bobbi looked at Coulson with wide, affronted, eyes. Surely, he wasn't serious. "It's just a sprained ankle. No need to get... get... naked..." she swallowed. Her voice was firm, but it was obvious she was nervous about arguing.

Coulson carried her over to the bed, set her down and began to remove her clothes, all without speaking. After all, she'd had plenty of chances to obey.

"No! Sir..." Bobbi batted at his hands furtively. She was afraid to fight him outright, not certain what his response might be, plus she didn’t want to hurt him, but having her boss undressing her like an unruly toddler was embarrassing. She blushed darkly at each item of clothing removed.

"I've given you plenty of chances to obey me, Bobbi," Coulson said sternly. "But since you won't, I don't have a choice other than to make sure you get the checkup and treatment you need. Any kind of injury can get worse if left without treatment and it's never 'just' an injury. You're important."

Bobbi swallowed and found herself holding one arm strategically over her breasts and the other over her groin as the last of her clothing was removed. She had a shocked look on her face, almost dazed and confused at the situation. The fact Coulson had handled her so easily was humbling. "Why do I have to be naked? It was just my leg..." she asked in a tiny voice, a large part of her bravery and obstinance draining away with the loss of her clothing.

"I'll be quick sir. Then leave you to explain things..." the doctor said briskly, beginning to take scans and physically check her over as well.

It was during one of the scans that Bobbi realized how badly she'd injured herself and her obstinate refusal to get looked at, changed to worry and fear she’d done permanent damage.

Coulson stuck close to Bobbi throughout the examination, close enough that he could take her hand when he wouldn't get in the doctor's way. The look on his face was one of obvious worry and concern.

Finally finishing the very thorough exam (Bobbi was too scared by the time the more intimate examination was taking place to worry about the appropriateness of Coulson watching it) the doctor finally turned to Coulson, realizing he'd be enforcing her directions. "All scrapes and bruises should be fine. After she bathes, have her put this ointment on to prevent infection." She directed. "The biggest injury is her sprained ankle. She pushed her luck, continuing to walk on it, like she did. She will need to keep it bandaged or braced and stay off it for the next three weeks. After that she can slowly begin using it again."

"I can’t just... how am I...?" Bobbi trailed off uncertainly.

"Use a wheelchair or crutches," the doctor responded as she picked up and bagged all of Bobbi's clothing. "You can wrap up in a sheet while I have your clothes washed. "

Picking up one of the sheets, Coulson carefully wrapped it around Bobbi. "I'll take you to the bath. Collect some clothes along the way, so you can get dressed once the ointment's been put on."

Bobbie tugged the sheet more firmly around herself, giving Coulson an uncertain look. "You have clothes I can wear?" she asked in a soft, confused tone. She didn't move from the examining table, the doctor's words having scared her into behaving. She was subdued- partly from worry that she might have permanently crippled herself, and partly because the last several weeks of being on the run finally caught up to her.

She was exhausted- she did her best to overcome it and not show it, but finally being in a safe haven with a person she knew would protect her had removed the edge of fear that had propped her up for so long. Cameron was alive, safe, and had been tended to. She was alive, safe, and back where she didn’t have to be in charge. Maybe it was time to let go of the iron control she had been holding onto for so long. If she could.

"There are other people staying here. I'm sure they won't mind you using some of their clothes." Coulson carefully lifted Bobbi into his arms, making sure she was fully covered, and carried her from the room, using his comm to check in with one of the others and see if he could grab some clothes for Bobbi along the way.

Bobbi once again found herself wrapping her arms around Coulson and holding tightly. She didn't argue a sheet being her only covering- it would keep the others from getting an eyeful, and even if it was thin enough Coulson could see through it no one else would be close enough to. Since Coulson had pretty much seen every part of her body due to him having to undress her for her exam. she figured it was pointless to worry about him seeing the shadow of private areas through a sheet. She let her head rest on his shoulder, suddenly too tired to hold it up.

Coulson carried Bobbi carefully, heading to Maria's room, as she'd indicated she had clothes that Bobbi could use. He knocked on the door.

Maria opened the door quickly, ushering Coulson in, not even raising an eyebrow at the fact the man was carrying the younger woman like he was. She was used to Coulson's paternal side with Grant, and while she wouldn't say he was acting paternally with Bobbi- he was acting like one of 'his' got hurt. Possessive protection was the only way to explain it. "I have three outfits, I can spare, that should last until you can either retrieve her belongings if that's possible- or buy new... Does she have a room you are taking her to immediately, or do you need to borrow my bath?" Maria asked in a matter-of-fact tone. She didn't bother asking Bobbi. The other woman had dark circles around her eyes and had a shell-shocked look on her face that indicated she'd reached the end of her rope. She'd get more coherent information from Phil.

Bobbi blinked and just looked at Coulson. He'd already pretty much taken over any choices she might make for the moment, not trusting her to do the right thing apparently- which hurt- but she couldn't say her obstinance hadn't earned such a response.

"I'm going to take her to my room." Coulson answered without even a hint of hesitation. He didn't say that it was so he could keep an eye on her, figuring that went without saying. "She didn't come back alone," he continued. "Grant's currently with Cameron. He was shot but isn't in any real danger now."

Maria's eyes widened. "I'll go check in on them. Give Grant a breather if he needs it..." she said, carefully putting the clothing into a canvas bag and handing it to Bobbi to hold onto. "The underwear has never been worn and you can keep it..." she smirked. "I'll buy more when we go on our next shopping trip...."

Bobbi took the bag, biting her lip. "Thank you..." she whispered. She wanted to protest going to Coulson's room, but after having all her arguments about everything else ignored, she didn't figure he'd be willing to listen to her argue about that either, so kept quiet. And it wasn't like she had a place to go yet.

"You're welcome. I'm going to go check on Cameron now..." Maria grinned, and left to do just that.

Coulson thanked Maria and then quickly left the room as well, heading to his own. It didn't take him long to reach it and he carried Bobbi inside and through to the bathroom, where he set about running the bath.

Bobbi tugged the sheet more tightly around herself, watching as the water filled the tub. "...I... I can bathe myself..." she whispered hesitantly not certain Coulson would trust her to do even that much. She bit her lip.

"If you'd been anything like cooperative so far, I'd let you," Coulson answered. "But I'm not sure I can trust you to take care of yourself properly, even if it is just bathing."

Bobbi had nothing to say against that, pouting slightly, then sighing. She already knew she wasn't going to win this battle and she suspected she was already in enough trouble with her boss that she didn't want to add being unnecessarily argumentative, about a bath, to the list of her misdeeds. "Yessir..." she mumbled in a subdued and resigned tone.

After checking the temperature of the water, Coulson took the bag of clothes and sheet from Bobbi, then lifted her and placed her into the bath.

Bobbi blushed as she was picked up and put into the bath. Having Coulson hold her clothed or in a sheet was a far cry from feeling his hands on bare flesh... even if he was careful where he put his hands. She put her own hands on his shoulders though and kept hold until he had her safely in the tub. And then she sat in the water, looking down uncertainly. She wasn't sure what she was meant to do since he'd told her in no uncertain terms that he'd be bathing her.

Coulson didn't hesitate or waste any time, instead just picking up the washcloth and beginning to bathe her, very careful with all her injuries, not just the sprain.

Bobbie swallowed hard. It felt weird, having her boss bathe her like this. It was straightforward and couldn't be termed anything else but 'functional'. It certainly wasn't sensual. She was too uncomfortable to be turned on by it and he was too focused on getting her clean to enjoy it- or at least that's the way it seemed to her. In an effort to distract herself from the fact she was being treated like a little child and the fact she was beginning to feel like a naughty little girl, she asked, "...could you tell me what happened to the others? You said things changed. I've only seen you and Grant...."

"It's been five years." Coulson's voice was soft, reassuring, as he washed her. "Some people have ended up in relationships. They grieved, for a long time, but ultimately found someone else." He watched Bobbi carefully, for when she made the connection. His voice and face were compassionate and caring.

Bobbi might be obstinate in admitting things, but she wasn't a fool. It only took a few seconds for her to connect the dots and a bittersweet smile formed on her face. "He's happy at least?" she whispered, looking up into Coulson's face for the first time since he'd brought her back. If Lance was happy, then even if it hurt, she would be happy for him.

"He is." Coulson squeezed her shoulder. "He still misses you. He never replaced you. He still loves you. You still hold a very firm place in his heart."

"But he moved on without me..." she sighed before smiling wanly. "That's good though. He should have moved on- I was gone a long time and no one knew what had really happened to us. And... we were on one of our 'off' times anyway... it isn't like he owed anything to me...." She swallowed again, sniffling slightly. "Sorry... shouldn't be so disappointed... certainly shouldn't be crying like a baby over it..." she swallowed again and tried to control her suddenly spiraling emotions. She hadn't really had time to digest what had happened. It had been obvious the world had changed, but she and Cameron had been running for their lives and trying to find a safe spot and get help. It had taken a lot longer to do that than she'd expected and so neither she nor Cameron had really spoken about what had happened. Or how they felt about it. And now that she wasn't running for her life and was able to just focus on what had happened, she realized how truly lost she was. She wasn't certain what to do, but it was hard not to feel overwhelmed and alone.

"You've had a long, trying time." Coulson's voice was gentle, his touch light as he continued to bathe her. "Even the people who returned to their families and some sense of normality have struggled to adjust. That it's affecting you like this, particularly as it's the first time I suspect you've been able to stop and acknowledge this happened, isn't a bad thing. Holding in your emotions would be worse for you."

Bobbi let out a tiny, humorless snort, and gave Coulson a tearful smile. "Could we maybe say I was being affected by everything when I argued and disobeyed you like an idiot?" her tone was slightly teasing. She didn't think she'd get out of whatever disciplinary measure Coulson chose to use, but she needed to acknowledge her poor choices at some point and it was easier to do it in a teasing tone than have to bring it up later when he was actually about to dole out the discipline. She blushed, her glance falling downward, both at realizing how badly she'd treated her boss- her family- and because he was washing her more intimately. It was clear it was only done to make certain she was thoroughly cleaned, but it still made her feel like a child... and she knew he was only doing what he was doing because she'd acted like a child.

"I'm sure you were affected by everything going on," Coulson replied. "But this is also not the first time you've ignored or disregarded your own injuries. It's not the first time I've had to outright order you to get checked out, even if it is the first time, I took an active part in making sure it happened."

"But... all the other times were over five years ago!" Bobbi said hesitantly, with a hint of a whine and an actual pout. Yeah. Being taken care of like a child was affecting her along with already being off kilter because of what had occurred to her and Cameron.

"They weren't for you," Coulson pointed out calmly. Having finished washing Bobbi, he helped her out of the bath and began to dry her off.

Bobbi sighed softly, balancing on her good leg, hands resting lightly on Coulson's shoulders as he dried her off. "Yes sir..." she responded quietly, almost forlornly. She knew he was right. For her it had only been a few months since he'd last disciplined her for disobeying a direct order having to do with her health. "What are you planning to do?" she asked in a whisper, expecting that she'd be relegated to a desk job for several months and have to take several different training courses before she'd be allowed back in field as her 'punishment'.

"I care about you, Bobby." Coulson's voice was low and very serious. "You are a part of my family. So, I'm not going to punish you officially. I'm going to spank you."

Bobbi turned startled eyes up onto Coulson. "Spank me?" she squeaked. "But that's how you punish Grant!" she blurted, her surprise at being treated the same as Coulson's son obvious. What was also obvious- and what she didn't realize- was she also sounded relieved and a little bit pleased at the fact she was being punished like family.

"Grant is a part of my family as well," Coulson said calmly. "Someone else I care for and would prefer to keep in my life."

"I... I know... but he's your son... you love him..." Bobbi sputtered, still not able to understand how- even if Coulson did consider her family- he'd consider her as important enough to treat her like he would his son.

"I do," Coulson replied. "And I have very strong, positive emotions towards you. I thought you were gone. I'm very happy that I didn't lose you and I'm going to make sure that never happens again."

Bobbi blinked and licked her lips and gave Coulson a confused look. "I don't know what to do with that..." she admitted softly.

"You don't have to know yet." Coulson began to put the ointment on her wound.

Bobbi sniffed and swallowed, her eyes watching as he gently applied the ointment. "I didn't know I was scratched that badly..." she said in bemusement, only now noticing how bruised and battered she truly was.

"I suspect you didn't want to know," Coulson replied wryly, as he continued to apply the ointment.

Bobbi winced at the words, unable to refute them, and gave Coulson a chagrined look. "... I didn't really... Now I know and... well... arguing with you was bad enough before. Now it would just mean I'm being stupid, so I can't argue. Not if I don't want to be an idiot..." she said with a hint of amused frustration.

"Not arguing would be preferable," Coulson agreed. He finished putting the ointment on and then began to carefully dress her.

"Thank you, sir... for taking care of me- even when I was being a complete brat and fighting you over it..." Bobbi whispered as Coulson put clothing on her.

"You're important to me," Coulson replied. "I want to take care of you."

"Even when I'm being a pain in the ass?" Bobbi raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"That feeling doesn't go away just because things get a little difficult." Taking Bobbi's hand, Coulson led her through to the bedroom.

"Yeah... I guess that makes sense," Bobbi said hesitantly before hopping after Coulson.

Coulson moved enough to be able to support Bobbi's weight. Reaching the bedroom, he sat down on the bed and drew her down next to him. "I don't think there's anything else we need to discuss."

"No sir. I disobeyed an order to cooperate and get checked out. I lied about being injured. Both are wrong and I shouldn't have done them..." Bobbi admitted with a tiny sigh. "How... how are you gonna spank me?" she said in a small voice. "Do... do you need my belt or a ruler or something?"

"No," Coulson replied reassuringly. "I'm going to use only my hand. And believe me when I say you don't have to be nervous or worried. It might hurt, but it's not unbearable. And many other people here have gone through the same punishment."

"So, I'm not the only argumentative, disobedient, brat?" Bobbi asked with a crooked smile, relaxing somewhat at hearing that there wouldn't be any implements used. Maybe having him smack her backside with his hand would be more embarrassing and make her feel more childish- it was so personal- but... it was more personal and she found it easier to face the punishment knowing there would be no barriers between the two of them when it occurred.

"You could put it that way." Coulson gave her a tight hug. "I'm very glad that you're here, with me, and safe," he whispered. He then drew her across his lap, making sure her ankle was supported, before he bared her.

" sir..." Bobbi whined as he bared her, grumbling softly "...coulda just stayed naked if ya were gonna pull my pants down..." but didn't try to block him or get away in any other fashion. She might get mouthy about it, but she wasn't going to attempt to stop him from punishing her the way he felt she deserved.

Coulson didn't respond verbally. Instead, he took a tight, firm hold around Bobbi's waist and lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Bobbi's gasp was part surprise and part pained squeak. She hadn't really known what to expect, but for some reason she hadn't expected it to hurt. Which was foolish. Of course, a spanking would hurt. It wouldn't be effective otherwise. "...ow..." she whispered in a tiny, chagrined, voice, not really intending to say anything but needing to express herself in some fashion.

Coulson merely tightened his grip on Bobbi's waist, continuing in a pattern of swats down to her thighs before he started over again from the top.

It didn't take long at all for Bobbi to begin to squirm- Coulson hadn't even finished the first circuit before she was wriggling over his lap, whimpering and whining softly. When he began again from the top, a tiny sob escaped and her squirming intensified.

Coulson tightened his hold, pulling Bobbi more firmly against his stomach, and completed a second circuit of swats. Beginning a third, he went a fraction harder and faster.

"...ow...ow...ow..." Bobbi whimpered helplessly, unable to stop herself from squirming now, trying to wriggle her bottom out of the line of fire, even though it was a fruitless endeavor.

"You are important to me, Bobbi," Coulson said seriously. "You matter a great deal. I won't allow you to do things that will harm your health."

"...I ...I wasn't doing anything at all!" Bobbi protested against her better judgement, throwing her hands back over her bottom with a tiny sob.

"By not doing anything, you were harming your health." Grasping Bobbi's hands, Coulson moved them out of the way, holding them against her back, and began focusing more swats to her sit spots and thighs.

Bobbi grunted softly as Coulson refocused the swats to the untouched, more sensitive area. Having her hands grasped and held in place had a dual result; it helped hold her in place because she couldn't squirm as easily, but it also served to calm her. The problem with calming down was that now she could feel the results of the spanking more keenly. She could also focus more on what Coulson was saying- and what he was saying was seeping into her conscience. She felt guilty about what she'd done and knew how wrong she'd been. It made the spanking even more effective and she found herself tearing up, choking back tiny sobs as she began to cry. She hadn't quite given in yet- but she was close.

"You're important to me, Bobbi," Coulson reiterated. "I want to take care of you. Keep you safe. I won't allow you to do anything that could result in you being taken away from me. Not again."

"I... I'm sorry Sir!" she blurted in a very contrite and repentant voice before slumping over his lap and just crying. She wasn't trying to get away anymore- she deserved what she was getting.

Coulson finished up with a final few smacks and then gathered Bobbi into his arms, hugging her close, careful not to put any weight on her injured ankle.

Bobbi just slumped against Coulson, snuggling close. It felt so good to be held tight and know that she was safe and with people who cared about her- with someone who wanted to keep her safe. Her sobs quickly quieted to quiet sniffles as she was comforted, but she didn't make any move to try and get up off Coulson's lap. She felt a warmth inside from being cared for (if she were honest with herself, she'd felt that warmth at knowing he cared enough to spank her- the warmth had been there through most of the spanking after all). She only shifted a tiny bit as her sore bottom made contact with his thighs, but she tried not to move too much, afraid he'd move her onto the bed or a pillow or something soft and she wanted to stay in his arms, even if his thighs were hard enough to bring out the sting from the spanking. "I really am sorry sir. I shouldn't have been so disobedient. Was bad of deserve better," she whispered, sniffling and letting her head rest on his shoulder, and tried not to yawn.

"It wasn't bad." The response was reflexive, the same way Coulson corrected Grant whenever his son described himself as bad. "But you were naughty and disobedient." He brushed a kiss over the top of her head. "You need to rest. Sleep. You've been through a lot."

"Naughty?" Bobbi's sniffle sounded faintly like a giggle. "...way to make me sound like a little girl, Boss..." she teased faintly. She wasn't really bothered though and it was obvious. Part of her liked him using that word, though she couldn't figure out exactly why. It wasn't worth focusing on or worrying about though. He was right. "I am tired..." she admitted, still snuggling close, her head on his shoulder. She hadn't even bothered to pull her pants back up, sitting on his lap bare as the day she was born. What was the point? he'd already seen her naked, bathed her thoroughly, and smacked her bare backside... seemed a bit silly to worry about sitting on his lap without any pants.

"You can sleep here, like this," Coulson offered. "I won't let go of you. And later on, when you're rested, you can check on Cameron. Meet everyone else who's currently here."

"You don't have other stuff to do?" Bobbi asked quietly, snuggling closer and letting her eyes drift closed. "I don't even know where I'm s'posed to stay when everyone else goes to bed..." her voice fell to a whisper.

"You'll stay here, with me and Grant," Coulson replied, his voice soft. "Sleep now, Bobbi. You're safe. I've got you."

"You wan' me in yer' room wif you 'n Gran'..." Bobbi mumbled, already on her way to obeying him.

"I want you to stay with me and Grant." Coulson brushed another kiss over her head. "Sleep," he directed.

Bobbi slept.


Maria knocked on the door to the room Cameron had been moved into, peeking in to see if the returned agent was awake before walking in.

"Hey stranger! It's so good to see you made it back... when we didn't hear from you and couldn't locate you, we were afraid Hydra had killed you and gotten rid of all evidence..." she said seriously.

Cameron half-struggled into a sitting position, then winced visibly as it put strain on his wound and subsided. "I think a lot of agents weren't as fortunate as we were," he said soberly. "Did everyone...make it back?"

"We haven't found everyone yet, no..." Maria said sadly, moving quickly to the bed and gently pushing Cameron back into the bed. "...stay comfortable, you don't need to move on my account." She paused as she helped him get back into a comfortable position that wouldn't pull on his stitches or strain him. "We know that most people that disappeared have returned. We suspect that some people who 'disappeared' didn't really disappear at all and just used the opportunity to take off and hide in the confusion- but even with that, there are a lot of agents that were in situations like yours that we are trying to locate. Some have been killed and informants were able to lead us to their bodies. I'm glad you weren't one of those."

Cameron didn't fight or protest Maria pushing him back down, instead subsiding back against the bed. "Thanks to Bobbi more than me. If I was on my own, I don't think I would have survived."

Maria smiled faintly at that. "I think she'd probably have something to say about that. She was pretty adamant that she wouldn't have made it without you watching her back."  She'd heard the woman muttering to herself as they'd separated them and taken her to be checked out.

"I guess we helped each other," Cameron admitted. "Maybe neither of us would have made it out alive if we'd been alone. Is she okay? They wouldn't let me see much of her when we reached the base."

"She has finally been looked by the doctor and turns out she was mostly fine. She has a badly sprained ankle, so don't be alarmed if she comes to visit you in a wheelchair- she's just been ordered to stay off her foot for the next three weeks at least..." Maria said, taking his hand and squeezing it gently. "Coulson took charge of her fairly quickly and I don't know how much you know about him or his team- but he views them as family, so I don't think she's going to be able to get out of that particular doctor's order."

Cameron relaxed somewhat, automatically squeezing her hand back. "Good. I was worried about her. Knew she was hurt, but I didn't know how badly. And I wasn't in much of a shape to insist on her getting treatment."

"To be honest- even though I know she got into trouble with 'Dad' - you both did what you needed to do to survive. If she had admitted she was hurt and then you insisted she get treatment, Hydra could have caught you. We didn't know how to get hold of you and it seems as if all your avenues for contacting us were destroyed, so..." Maria sighed. "While we could wish things had occurred differently, the fact you both live and have made it home is the most important thing." She smiled at him.

"Yeah, we didn't have any ways to get in touch with any of you," Cameron said. "I know that we were extremely lucky."

"But... you did find us... and you found us in time that we could help you. Did the doctor tell you how long you had to stay here? Before you can move to a room?" She asked curiously as she looked around.

Cameron shook his head. "Just said I had to take it easy. Not do anything too strenuous for a while." He gave a half-hearted smile. "I'm probably in the safest place possible right now."

"It is pretty safe. When they say you can move, you can stay with Kara and I; that way we can help you if needed," she squeezed his hand again and smiled. "A little later, you might be getting a few more visitors."

"Who else is here?" Cameron asked curiously, gripping her hand almost automatically.

Maria snorted. "Maybe your question should be, 'who isn’t here?'" she teased. "But Cap is here, and Sharon Carter.... a few other people."

Cameron smiled, his expression open and trusting. "Other people that I know or are there ones I don't?" he asked curiously.

"Well, most of the Avengers live here or come by often enough, they may as well live here. Fury, Coulson, me. I do have to warn you that Cap and Fury's fellas might cause you pause... Fury is with Bucky Barnes. They finally got the brain washing undone. Cap... is with Brock Rumlow. It turns out he was a Shield undercover agent who got found out shortly before Winter Soldier showed up and was brainwashed...."

Almost instinctively, Cameron's hand gripped tighter around Maria's. He let go with a muttered apology, but his eyes were still wide...almost fearful. He swallowed visibly and muttered, "Sure didn't act like he was an undercover agent."

"Yeah, well... to be fair, until Hydra made their move, he didn’t have to act any different than he did... and once they did come out, he was under their control..." she paused. "Still. The Brock currently here is the one from before he was captured and brainwashed. Steve went back in time and pulled him forward. It never sat well with him when it was discovered Brock wasn’t willingly with Hydra and had been killed."

"Does he...." Cameron paused, not sure how to put voice to what he was thinking. "Does he know what happened? With HYDRA?" His voice dropped and he stared at his hands, which were trembling a little, as he whispered, "Fairly sure he would have shot me if Sharon hadn't stopped him."

"He knows the basics. That he was caught, brainwashed, and went after people he considered friends. This version never actually did any of that, but... he still feels badly about it. Did he hurt you?" Maria gently rubbed his palm.

"No." Cameron's voice was soft. " scared me. He scared me. I mean, it's not like we were really great friends or anything. But we...we knew each other, you know? Acknowledged each other, I guess."

"It's understandable. A lot of people had people they trusted and loved turn on them that day." Maria sighed. "I'm sure he'll feel terrible about it if he finds out, but he probably should know."

"Does he have to know?" He darted a glance at her face. "If you think he might feel bad about it...and he's not actually a bad guy...maybe he shouldn't?"

"I think that's up to you Cam. If you think you can be around him without it bothering you, maybe not telling him would work. If not, he's going to figure out something happened. Might be better coming from you..." Maria said.

Cameron opened his mouth, closed it again, then said, a bit hesitantly, "I don't know how I'd react seeing him, would I even tell him that? How do you even start a conversation like that?"

"My guess is, if you are uncomfortable around him, he'll figure out pretty quick it was something his other self, did and he'll ask you. Or ask Steve." She smiled crookedly. "You could always tell Steve... give him a heads-up just in case."

"You To Captain America?" He looked equal parts horrified and starstruck at the prospect.

Maria chuckled. "Yeah. He's very down to earth. Just don't cuss in front of him," she teased.

"Of course, I wouldn't," Cameron promised, still looking rather shell-shocked.

"Hey! Relax... I was just joking. You have heard Barton, haven’t you? And Stark for that matter. And Nick... well..." she grinned.

"Reputation, mainly," he admitted. "Only one I've had personal experience with is Fury and he's...." He looked around, as if worried the older man would appear, and lowered his voice to say, "He's scary."

Maria laughed at that description of her boss and friend. "Yeah. He can be. If you do stupid stuff. You aren't planning on doing stupid stuff, are you?" She winked.

"I wasn't planning on it," Cameron replied. "But seems like there's a lot happening right now I didn't plan on."

"Yeah. I know. That's why I think you should stay with Kara and I, when they release you. If you want of course," Maria said. "Who knows? You may decide to stay with us and go up into space.

Cameron's eyes grew huge. "You're going into space?"

"Yep. Soon as everyone stops handing the engineers new plans for different quarters so they can actually finish the upgrades..." maria snorted. "At this rate, that likely means next year."

"Can I see?" Cameron couldn't hide the note of excitement in his voice.

"See what? The ship?" Maria blinked. "Yeah. Sure. Soon as we get cleared for you to move out of the bed, I'll take you."

"That would be...really great," Cameron said.

"Then that's what we'll do. Why don’t you rest now? Sooner you get your strength up, sooner I can show you..." maria smiled.

"Probably a good idea." He hesitated. "Do you think I might be able to get a bit of water first, though? I'm parched."

"Yeah. Of course!" Maria quickly found the water pitcher and poured him a glass, carefully holding it to his lips.

Cameron drank, thirstier than he'd realized, and sighed once the water was finished. "Thanks."

"Any time Cam." Maria carefully fluffed his pillows. " try to sleep now. I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay." Cameron yawned and closed his eyes, sleep overtaking him pretty quickly.


Happy and Quentin were eating breakfast with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan- taking advantage of the last few days they had before going into space to be with family. Happy had been nervous they wouldn’t be happy with his decision. He needn't have worried. All that had been needed to break the ice was Pepper asking, 'are you happy, Happy?' And Morgan and Tony both breaking down into giggles that had Pepper rolling her eyes, and soon everyone was talking like they were long lost friends. Quentin included.

Tony did take a short moment to tell Quentin, "If you hurt him, there isn’t a planet in the galaxy that will save you."

Beck held his hands up. "No need to worry. I screwed up enough in my life already. I won't screw this up."

Tony gave the other man a considering look before nodding. "Been there, done that. Just keep remembering it and you'll be fine." Giving a crooked smile to Quentin, he looked around the table. "So, who wants cotton candy?"

"Cotton candy for breakfast?! Me!" Morgan bounced in place.

Pepper shook her head giving Tony a fond look. "I think we'll save the cotton candy for an afternoon treat. You may have eggs. Scrambled or fried?"

"Um... scrambled..." Morgan declared before crawling onto Happy's lap and staring at Quentin unabashedly.

Beck smiled at the little girl before commenting, "I heard a lot of the suggestions being made about the ship...someone wanted a garden, I believe. I was doing some research. I can make suggestions about what might survive in a more artificial environment, if that's acceptable." The last sentence was clearly addressed to Happy.

Happy nodded and smiled. "That would be very helpful. I know they aren’t planning to have every plant from earth on board, but just enough for a taste from home. The ones most likely to survive space are exactly what we need."

"I'll show you what I found after we've eaten," Beck said.

"Yeah... we can make sure to get seeds, or plant shoots. Maybe even saplings if there are some trees that are hardy enough." Happy grinned.

"If you find a candy plant when you are flying to other planets...  can you bring me one?" Morgan asked hopefully.

"Now that's an idea! I'd like a candy plant too!" Tony grinned before helping Morgan back into her own chair while Pepper put a platter of eggs, pancakes, and bacon on the table.

"I'm sure there'll be plenty of things around to bring back," Beck commented, glancing at Happy as if for confirmation.

Happy wrinkled his nose. "not sure we'll find a candy plant, Sunshine, but I promise to bring you back something fun at least... " he promised Morgan, who happily squealed, then tore into her breakfast as if she hadn't eaten in a week.

Beck smiled and began eating his own food, going through the various plants he'd been learning about through his mind.

Happy carried on the conversation with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan, including Beck when possible. He 'listened' through the bond adding input and encouragement when appropriate.


"So, what do you think about the whole idea of going into space?" Bobby asked Logan curiously, using his ice ability to freeze the sides of his glass and make his drink cold.

"It's one of the few things I haven't done. I'm kinda looking forward to it," Logan admitted. "The fact it will allow us time to adjust to each other and our relationship ship is a bonus," he added, holding his bottle of beer out so Bobbi could chill it as well.

Bobby brushed his fingers over the glass, chilling it. Making sure that the ice had faded from his fingers, he then ran them over Logan's hand. "So, when'd you start seeing me as less of an annoying brat and more of a mate?" he asked curiously. "I think I always felt attracted to you. Just took me longer than it should've to acknowledge."

"There are things that happened that... well you know how Steve changed time for Brock? Bringing him forward in time so that he wasn't captured, brainwashed, and killed? I dealt with something similar. In the future we were lovers. When I came back to now... well I didn't want to push for something you might not be ready for. I wasn't even certain you'd want me in this time...." Logan admitted.

Surprised, Bobby looked at his face. "Why'd you come back in time? Or is that strictly need to know?" he asked.

"It's need to know. Just know that I love you and as soon as I knew you were open to being with me... I was ready to jump at the chance." Logan smiled.

Bobby moved forward, closer to Logan, and rested his head on the older man's shoulder before leaning up and kissing him deeply. "I think there's talk about having our own danger room on the spaceship. I think that'll be pretty neat."

"Be pretty damn useful too..."Logan said after returning the kiss. "Takes up less space but will let everyone get in the types of exercise, practice, and activity they need."

"We'll need to keep up with training," Bobby commented. "Maybe we could get a session in before we head off into space." He tucked his head under Logan's chin, an image filtering through his mind of one of the fantasies he'd mentioned. Of a training session turning into a claiming session.

"We could do that now, if you wanted?" Logan smiled, kissing the top of Bobby's head, all his affection and the fact he liked the idea carrying through the bond.

Bobby grinned. "Here okay? Or do you want to go inside? Probably get dirtier out here...." he teased.

Logan looked around at all the trees, the various rocks, plants, and occasional limb in the wooded area, and shrugged. "I guess it depends on what type of training you want to do. We'll need to learn all types of situations. But I don’t really think you want some of this stuff under you...."

"You're probably right," Bobby agreed. "Maybe we can head inside this time."

"Yeah, probably better," Logan smiled and put an arm around Bobby, indicating he should move.

Bobby stood up, waiting for Logan to join him before he started heading inside.

Logan stood as well, then put his arm around Bobby once more and indicated he should lead them where he felt most comfortable training.

Bobby leaned into Logan, heading towards the compound.

Logan let Bobby choose the room, following him in. "How do you want to train, kid?"

"Well, we don't have a danger room available yet. Maybe just hand to hand right now?" The thought filtered through his mind that hand to hand meant they could touch and do other things to each other much more easily.

"Hand to hand works..." Logan leaned over and kissed Bobby, sending through the affection and interest he felt in what Bobby thought.

A slightly mischievous feeling came through the bond as Bobby also pictured the two of them naked, though that was also accompanied by a slight feeling of uncertainty.

"You want that?" Logan growled softly his interest clear. He walked to the door and made certain it was closed and locked. Turning back to face Bobby, his eyes laser focused on the other, "undress for me. Slow. I want to watch." It was an order.

The thrill of arousal that went through Bobby at the words was obvious, both through the bond and visibly. He began to undress, looking at Logan every so often to see his lover's reactions.

Logan's gaze never left his lover, appreciation and desire open on his face.

Eventually, Bobby stood naked in front of his lover. He let his arms spread open, showing himself bare and vulnerable. Like an offering,

Logan straightened, crooking his finger and motioning Bobby to come to him. "Come 'ere... " his voice was husky, and it was obvious he was aroused as Bobby was.

Smiling wide, Bobby approached his lover, head cocked to one side, leaving his neck bare and vulnerable. His body open to whatever Logan wanted to do.

Logan drew Bobby into his arms, mouth latching onto his neck, gently worrying the skin to mark him. His hands explored and stroked every portion of exposed skin.

Bobby melted against Logan, slanting his head to one side to allow his lover better access to his neck. He slid his hands up the older man's back, letting out a tiny purring sound of contentment.

Logan continued to rub up and down Bobby's body while marking his neck, moving position only enough to start a new mark next to the first.

Bobby whimpered softly, his whole body slumping against Logan. He tugged a bit uncertainly on the older man's shirt, his member beginning to grow and swell.

Logan shifted to start marking a new spot, his hands continuing to stroke and rub every bit of exposed skin- just brushing past the younger man's arousal. He only shifted long enough to tug his shirt off and then he was back mouthing Bobby's neck and rubbing and squeezing back, shoulders, and bottom.

Bobby ran his hands over Logan's bare back, letting his weight sag against the older man. Dreamed about you pinning me against the wall and taking me hard and fast, he admitted.

Logan growled low in his throat, his grip on Bobby tightening. Carefully, but quickly and firmly, he maneuvered Bobby until the younger man was pressed tight to the wall, sandwiched between it and Logan. Logan nipped at Bobby's neck and shoulder, one hand holding him in place and the other reaching down and gripping his member, beginning to stroke firmly.

Bobby wrapped his arms around Logan, keeping his body loose and pliant so the other man could move him as much as he wanted. He whimpered softly as his member began to swell and grow in response to his master's touch.

Logan lifted Bobby up, supporting him completely against the wall. He kissed him hard and deep, only stopping his rubbing and stroking, long enough to undo his pants and push them down far enough to free his own member, then he had both hands on Bobby, lifting him. “Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered, his grip tight enough to leave marks.

Immediately, Bobby obeyed, wrapping his legs around Logan's waist. The marks stung, but the pain was good. Mark me, so everyone can see I'm yours, he thought to Logan.

Logan backed up enough to examine the marks along Bobby's neck.  He'd managed to mark all the way around, leaving a necklace of what were obviously lip and teeth marks. You are marked completely. There is no way they will mistake it for anything but my claim. He grinned wolfishly, letting one hand continue to firmly- just shy of too tight- stroke and tug at Bobby's member. The other hand moved around and stroked between his lover's cheeks, gently brushing over his entrance as he thought, I didn't bring any lube so we might have to be a bit creative. Shifting Bobby so the younger man's member was sandwiched between both of their stomachs, Logan took each of Bobby's cheeks in his hands and squeezed firmly before separating them just enough to slide his own member between the two of them. He then squeezed them even more firmly- hard enough to leave finger marks- and pressed them tight together so that his member was enveloped in tight warmth. He began to shallowly thrust, rubbing his arousal between his lover's cheeks, while bouncing Bobby slightly so that Bobby's member was stroked between their bellies.

Whimpers and moans escaped Bobby with every action. He was fully aroused now, so even the rougher elements made him feel good. He'd be marked later. He'd feel it later. But right now, he didn't care one bit about that. He wanted what Logan was doing. He needed what the older man was doing. But a spark of confusion shot through him when he felt a rush of warmth and wet come out from him.

Logan blinked as the warm tight around his member became wet warmth. He could tell through the bond that Bobby didn't understand what was occurring either. It's alright love, just hold onto me... he thought soothingly, slowing down slightly so that he could gently rub his finger over Bobby's entrance again, then held his finger up so he could look at the slick. It wasn't blood and he relaxed noticeably. He'd been afraid that he'd somehow hurt his mate. This fluid was clear and the same consistency as when a female was ready for her partner. I think the bond does more than give us the ability to talk he thought with a hint of amused wonder. May as well make use of it... he grinned at Bobby and lined his member up against Bobby's entrance, not pushing in but pressing against it as far as possible without pushing in.

Bobby relaxed, letting his head slump forward against Logan's shoulder. Well, you wouldn't be able to take me hard and fast if we didn't have any lube. A trace of amusement filled his own mental thought.

No, I wouldn't Logan agreed, nipping at Bobby's shoulder before kissing him hard and deep again, just as he pushed into his mate in one smooth movement.

Gasping, Bobby's back arched and his grip on Logan's body tightened. He nearly released just from the feeling of being entered by his master, but he fought to keep his control, wanting to make it last for as long as possible.

Logan groaned as he felt the tightness of Bobby's body surrounding his member. He pushed in as deep as he could before slowly sliding back out, only to shove back in again roughly. He wasn't being gentle. Bobby had wanted hard and fast and Logan had every intention of giving him what he wanted.

A low-pitched groan escaped Bobby's lips and his head tipped back. His fingers gripped tightly on his master's body, enough to leave his own marks; at least for a few seconds before the older man's healing factor kicked into gear.

"You... are... mine!" Logan growled out with each thrust into Bobby, going as deep and as hard as he could without harming his mate. He had every intention of Bobby feeling him for the rest of the day.

"Yours." Bobby's agreement was quick. His submission came fully through the bond. He panted, biting his lip, trying to concentrate on holding off his release for as long as possible.

"Yes... you're mine... and I want you to let go for me. Give me your release..." Logan ordered, his own voice rough and strained as he continued to thrust, using gravity to lift Bobby up and then dropping him down onto his own member so that the thrusting was as hard as it could be. He squeezed Bobby's bottom each time he lifted him up- there would be fingermarks on the younger man later.

The moment he received the permission from his master, Bobby released, his orgasm making his whole body shudder. He clutched tighter at Logan, tiny, whimpering cries escaping him.

Logan held Bobby through the entirety of his release, relishing in the fact he could wring such a reaction from the other man. When Bobby finally calmed, he nuzzled against his neck, shifting the angle slightly and pushing just that slight bit deeper into the other, searching. He was very close to release himself, but he wanted to wring one more orgasm out of Bobby. The younger man was going to be wrecked, unable to do anything or go anywhere without Logan carrying him- at least for a few hours. Logan wanted that- wanted to make himself felt so deeply it would never be forgotten.

A tiny whimper escaped Bobby and he gripped onto his master tightly, panting as Logan found that one perfect spot inside him. Good. Feels so good. The words were babbled through the bond, as it was hard for him to form words.

It does... it feels perfect! Logan thought as he claimed Bobby's lips in a kiss, making sure to thrust over that spot again and again.

Soon, Bobby lost the ability for all coherent thought. He just clung to Logan, panting, whimpering, moaning as his member grew and swelled. Waves of love and need flowed from him through the bond to the older man.

Logan's sense of possessiveness grew along with his need to mark Bobby deep inside with his seed.  Don't hold back, he ordered. You are mine and I will have your reactions as well. He continued stroking against that spot inside Bobby, keeping an almost brutal pace, his hips smacking his mates bottom with each thrust.

Bobby cried out, his fingers clenching hard on his lover, as the second orgasm ripped through him and his whole body slumped against Logan's.

As he felt Bobby's body in the throes of release, Logan thrust in one last time as forcefully and deeply as possible then held himself there as his own release caused him to shudder while he filled Bobby. His love and a promise to keep and protect carried through the bond to wash over his lover.

Clinging tightly to Logan, Bobby panted, his release leaving him weak-kneed and needing the support from his lover and master.

Logan stayed where he was for several moments, until he'd regained enough of his equilibrium to support both himself and Bobby. Carefully, he withdrew from the younger man and began dressing him. "I'll take us back to our room for a shower and a small snack and nap. I figure we can go shopping later," he said as he put Bobby's shoes on him then began dressing himself.

Bobby leaned slightly on Logan as the older man dressed him, breathing in deeply. "Shopping?" he repeated, sounding befuddled.

"Yeah," Logan had dressed in record time, not wanting Bobby out of his arms longer than necessary. He picked the younger man up and began heading back to their room. "I figure we don't know exactly when we'll be leaving, so prolly best to get things we'll want and can't get on the ship without having to portal. It doesn't seem fair to ask Mordo and Stephen to open a gateway so we can buy our favorite brand of toothpaste..." he was only semi-joking. Everyone knew it took a lot of energy for the sorcerers to open gateways through space from a moving spaceship (and even more to a moving spaceship since they had to time everything just right or risk opening the gate into space).

Bobby wrapped his arms around Logan and let his head rest on the older man's shoulder, nuzzling him. "I love you," he whispered, his voice sounding absolutely wrecked.

"I love you too, boy..." Logan kissed the top of his head. "You were very good. Obedient." A sense of pride flowed to Bobby.

Bobby smiled and nuzzled in closer, his eyes closing as he yawned. "I want to be good for you, my master."

"You are..." Logan assured, carrying them both into their room. It didn’t take long at all for him to have them both naked and in the shower. It took slightly longer for him to thoroughly wash himself and Bobby, but soon they were done bathing, both were dried and dressed in comfortable clothing, and he was making sure Bobby ate some of the fruit and cheeses he'd procured. "Quick nap and then shopping..." he ordered, carrying Bobby to the bed and settling them both in place, his arms snug around the younger man. "Sleep love."

Bobby snuggled in close to his lover, pressing his head against Logan's chest. He gave a wide yawn and closed his eyes, feeling safe and protected in his master's arms.


Sharon had gone to visit Cameron, spending a bit of time talking to the young man. Using the bond to tell her where Everett was, she headed to their room and let herself in.

Everett smiled when Sharon walked into the room. "I've been speaking with T'Challa about the system they have for alerting him if he needs to return home for Wakandan business. I think it’d be good if we implemented such a thing for our families... even if we no longer have jobs to speak of, that doesn't mean we don’t still have enemies and if they somehow find our relatives, I'll feel better knowing they can contact us as well as SHIELD..." he said without any prelude, assuming she'd feel the same.

Sharon nodded, walking over and sitting on the bed next to him. "I'd feel much better about that as well," she admitted. "I've also got some good news...if you haven't heard about it already."

"Oh? What's that? I could feel you were happy about something earlier, but since I'm trying not to invade your privacy unless you are aware of it, I didn't listen in..." Everett admitted.

"Two SHIELD agents assumed to have been lost came back," Sharon replied. "Bobbi Morse and Cameron Klein. They'd been undercover when the snap occurred."

"That is good news. I'm assuming they've made their way here? Did you want to go meet them?" he asked, willing to let her dictate their plans if she felt a need to spend time with them.

"I've seen Cameron," Sharon answered. "I think Bobbi's with Phil at the moment, resting." She sighed. "Cameron was with SHIELD when HYDRA made its move. Brock pulled a gun on him. I think he's worried about meeting up with Brock again."

Ross blinked at that. "Is there a chance Cameron will be joining us on the ship? Because it probably will be relatively easy for him to avoid Brock while we're here if he wants to. But if he's going to be on the ship maybe they should have a chance to work things out between them before-hand...."

"I think Maria plans to take him on board with her and Kara," Sharon responded. "I haven't seen Bobbi yet, but if Phil's already taking care of her, chances are good she'll be joining us too."

Everett nodded. "Then in that case, Brock and he should probably talk ahead of time or things could be very difficult very quickly. You said he seemed nervous about the idea? Maybe we should talk to Brock and let him know that Cameron's here now and what happened- since I don't get the idea Brock knows much of anything about what he did when the whole Hydra reveal went down."

"I think you're right," Sharon agreed. "I know Brock got brought forward before HYDRA made their move, so he's not going to know anything other than what he's told."

"Now is as good a time as any. Everyone I need to give the information for on how to contact me in case of an emergency is either still sleeping or in the middle of work because of the time differences... I'll call everyone at lunch time, which means we have a few hours to go find Brock and catch him up to things..." he put what he'd been working on, down on the dresser and shifted closer to Sharon, giving her a hug. "Have I told you yet, today, how much I love you?" he kissed the top of her head before wrapping an arm around her so they could leave to go find Brock.

"Not nearly enough times," Sharon teased gently. "I love you too." She let her head rest on his shoulder as they left the room.

Asking around led the two to the outside of the compound. Steve and Fury were still talking while Bucky and Brock played a game of catch in front of their masters. Everett led Sharon to them. "Gentlemen..." he greeted solemnly.

Bucky and Brock, seeing the two arrive and sensing something serious, stopped their game and came to stand next to everyone else.

"Is something wrong?" Steve asked, noticing the serious looks on their friends' faces.

"Not exactly," Sharon answered. "We...two agents came back today. They arrived here. I'm fairly certain they're going to be joining us in space." She glanced towards Brock, then Fury, then Steve. "Bobbi Morse and Cameron Klein."

Bucky slanted his head curiously. He'd not known either individual, though he thought he vaguely recalled Bobbi being mentioned in one of the stories Grant was telling them about some of the past assignments he'd worked on after he'd confessed to Phil about Hydra.

Brock nodded, not having any clue at all. "Is that a bad thing? You act like it's... well like it isn't good exactly..." he glanced toward Steve.

"Cameron was one of those who was there when HYDRA made its move." Sharon glanced at Brock, answering his question without really answering it.

Steve stepped round to his lover's side, arm snaking around Brock's waist. He could read between the lines. This wouldn't be being raised to them if his lover hadn't been directly involved.

While Sharon's answer was as clear as mud- Brock wasn't stupid and he knew that he somehow had something to do with Cameron at some point in time. And it was obviously in a negative way, given the way Sharon was hedging around actually telling them what was going on. "So... what did I do?" he asked in resignation.

"You pulled a gun on him." Since Brock had asked, there was no point in dancing around the issue. "You didn't shoot, didn't actually harm him, but it scared him. I figure you two will see each other and it's going to be clear that he's nervous around you. I wanted to give you a heads-up."

Steve squeezed Brock's waist a bit tighter.

Brock slumped slightly at the news, leaning on Steve. "I really turned into a nasty man when they brainwashed me, didn't I?" he muttered to Steve in a sad voice. To Sharon he said more firmly. "Thanks for telling me. I... I think maybe I should go see him and apologize. Even if Steve made it so I personally never did those things... some version of me did and I don't like the idea of never trying to set things right."

Steve pressed a kiss to the side of Brock's head. I imagine it'll help the both of you. What happened wasn't your fault, but like with anything, there's likely to be fallout.

Brock slanted his head toward Steve and sighed. "Do you think he's up to seeing me right now? Or should I wait till after lunch?"

"To be honest, I've not met the man and have no clue..." Ross admitted sheepishly. "If it were me though, I'd probably rather get any confrontations out of the way so I could recover after...."

It might make you feel better to get it out of the way, Steve commented. I'll be right there with you. Supporting you. I love you. So much.

I love you too, Stevie... Brock thought back affectionately. "I guess... I'll be going to see him now then," he said out loud for everyone else's benefit. Handing Bucky the football, he turned to go back into the compound to seek out Cameron.

"He's in the medical room." Sharon quickly gave him the directions.

Steve hurried to join his lover.

Brock head in that direction, pausing at the door. He looked in on Maria and Cameron, not sure he should interrupt, but wanting to get this confrontation out of the way so that it wouldn't be hanging over their heads when they went back into space. Knocking on the door, he looked in. "can I come in?" he asked quietly, specifically looking at Cameron because it wasn't Maria who was nervous about him.

Cameron stiffened, glancing uncertainly at Brock and then towards Maria...almost as if he was asking her to protect him. Or maybe just looking towards her for reassurance.

Steve shifted so he was a bit more in visible view, figuring he might be able to put Cameron at ease. "If it helps you feel any better, Brock is with me. In a relationship. I trust him," he said, simply and sincerely.

Cameron swallowed visibly and nodded. "Yeah...okay."

Brock swallowed not sure how to apologize for something he never actually did- his future-self did it? how did that work, exactly?... but he knew he needed to. If only for Cameron's sake. "Look... I... Sharon told me what I did to you. After Hydra came out. I... I truly can't fathom how things got that bad that they could turn me into that kind of monster, but... I'm sorry. Know that I'd never willingly do something like that to you...." He bit his lip and forced himself to look Cameron in the eye, even though every instinct was telling him to look away- look anywhere- but at the man he was apologizing to. The thought of all the things he'd done in the time frame when Steve hadn't come for him, filled him with shame. It was clear on his face.

Cameron's body relaxed visibly the longer Brock talked. He swallowed again, glanced at Maria once more and then at Brock. "M… Agent Hill mentioned you'd been brainwashed by HYDRA. I didn't want to believe you were one of the bad guys, even when... even when they made their move. I'm glad you're not."

Brock visibly relaxed at noticing Cameron's relaxing. "Thank you... I... I'm just glad Steve came back for me. So, I didn't have to become that version of me. It... If I had known, before they got me that they were going to turn me into that, I would have shot myself first..." he said with no hint of melodrama. It was the truth. If he'd had any idea he was about to fall into Hydra's clutches and turned into someone he wasn't, he would have killed himself first. Luckily it hadn't come to that, since Steve came for him and changed his future.

The stab of pain that went through Steve at those words were obvious through the link. His hand found Brock's and he squeezed it, fighting down the image of his lover's face right before he'd blown himself up. It hadn't happened. It wouldn't happen now. He had Brock. But that knowledge didn't stop him wrapping his arms possessively around his lover's waist, needing to hold his mate close and tight.

Brock felt Steve's pain and let himself slump back against the other man, letting Steve hold more of his weight and get a tighter grip on him. He was sorry that what he said had hurt his lover, but it was the truth- he would rather die than be Hydra's puppet. Still, he didn't like hurting Steve, even with the truth, and so he left himself more open and vulnerable through the bond, letting Steve know through feeling and visual images that he was completely in Steve's hands and care- that Steve didn't have to be afraid because if Steve had him, there was no threat of Brock being in a position where he'd have to take his own life to keep from becoming used. In his effort to make Steve feel better through his submission, his entire demeanor changed for Maria and Cameron to see.

The emotions coming through the bond were still very strong and Steve's grip tightened on Brock, his forehead falling against the back of his lover's head. The worst part about learning that Brock had been brainwashed had been feeling that he'd lost his chance with the other man. That he'd waited and hesitated for too long to get what he'd wanted.

Cameron's eyes widened and he glanced uncertainly at Maria. Was he supposed to react to what Steve and Brock were doing? Was that normal?

Maria gently squeezed Cameron's hand and gave him a tiny smile and nod to indicate that it was normal and that he shouldn't feel odd to witness it. She leaned closer so she could whisper to him. She knew Steve would hear what she said, but even so, talking more loudly seemed the wrong thing to do in this situation. "Steve is Brock's Dominant. They are very open with their feelings for each other vocally and physically, so don't feel like you are intruding on their privacy. If they didn't want you to witness this, they'd go to their own room."

"Captain America's a Dom?" Cameron's voice squeaked, slightly higher than he'd intended, and he blushed.

"Not the only one either." Steve spoke calmly, his arms still wrapped firmly around Brock's waist. Only his lover would be able to feel just how torn emotionally he still was.

Brock outright laughed, grinning at Cameron's surprise. "Well... you couldn't honestly see him as a sub, could you?" he teased gently, hoping his effort let Cameron relax instead of making the other man more uneasy around him. He was beginning to get a bit unsettled by how emotionally distraught Steve was over his revelation. He'd known his master wouldn't be happy at hearing it, but he didn't think it would cause him this much distress. And now that it had, he was beginning to feel exceedingly guilty and had a need for Steve to prove- to both of them- that Brock was safe and would remain so, because Steve was in control. He wasn't sure if having Steve turn him over his knee here and now and blister his backside would make Cameron more uncomfortable or not, but he was beginning to think both he and Steve needed for Steve to do that at some point. Of course, since he was being as open as possible with his emotions, his thoughts were just as open to Steve. Images of Steve baring him and spanking him scarlet in front of Cameron and Maria leaked over the bond.

"I wasn't picturing him either way," Cameron admitted, not stating that he would never have seen Brock as a sub either.

Steve could feel and see the emotions through the bond, and he tightened his hold on Brock's waist in response as he addressed Cameron. "Both of us tend to be very demonstrative of our affection." He sent the same images back to Brock, with the question of if his lover wanted that to happen. It was clear he also felt the need to put his mate over his knee and spank until Brock's bottom was hot and scarlet.

"That's an understatement..." Maria muttered under her breath.

"We have a bond together... that was strengthened and amplified by a spell that was performed to connect us. Steve and I can talk to each other through this bond- telepathically. We can sense each other and what the other is feeling and what each other need... It's one of the reasons why you don't have to be afraid of me becoming what... what I became then. Because Steve would know instantly if something was wrong with me- if something was being done to me that might cause that to occur and he'd protect me and keep it from happening..." Brock's voice was certain. While speaking to Cameron he was sending back the images of Steve handling him along with the feelings of him needing that to happen. He needed to feel Steve being completely in control of him in front of someone else- if only so that it could soothe Steve's fear that he would lose Brock. Because Steve's fear was causing Brock to become a little bit afraid and the only way he could think of to help was for Steve to dominate him here and now.

Steve brushed a kiss over Brock's neck before saying to Cameron, "You're going to see a lot of physical affection and dominant and submissive behavior when you come on the spaceship, as almost all of us going don't tend to hide." He led Brock over to one of the chairs in the room and sat down, drawing his lover across his lap, keeping in contact with the other man all the time.

Cameron's eyes grew huge and he cast a glance towards Maria. Was this one of those normal behaviors?

Maria, used to seeing the dominants handle their submissive publicly by now, didn’t bat an eyelash. She just nodded at Cameron and squeezed his hand gently.

Brock easily went over Steve's knee a sense of relief flooding the bond.

Cameron swallowed, a blush staining his cheeks. It was clear he didn't know where to look, particularly when Steve tugged Brock's pants and underwear down. "What did...he did something wrong?" The note of confusion was obvious in his voice.

"No." Steve's response was given calmly as he ran his hand over Brock's bare bottom, squeezing each thigh possessively before delivering a firm swat to each buttock. "Sometimes these spankings are about claiming. Marking. Taking control."

Brock's whimper in response to the hard swat was soft and accepting. Along with the relief flooding through the bond, there was a sense of belonging and need. "Belong to Cap... everyone knows it..." he whispered in a shaky voice. Having so many strong emotions flooding him at nearly the same time- fear, relief, happiness, sadness, need- was nearly overwhelming and Brock found himself slipping slightly, his emotions tied completely to what he was feeling from Steve. The calmer Steve became, the less frightened he was, but it also meant that the more dominating Steve felt, the more submissive he was feeling. He didn't hide any of that from his master though. If Steve thought it a good idea for him to drop in front of Maria and Cameron, he wasn't going to hold on. He'd let go.

Maria didn't say anything. Actions were speaking louder than any of her words could. She kept hold of Cameron's hand though, in case he was upset or unsettled by it. She felt protective of the scientist. Steve was completely focused on his mate- as he should be. But if Cameron needed for them to stop and not do this in front of him- she would put a stop to it.

"Everyone will know," Steve promised. "You're mine." As he alternated swats to each cheek, going down to Brock's thighs, he slipped into speech through the bond. I made a mistake. I let you go once. That was the worst thing I ever did. It won't ever happen again, he promised. I won't let fear or reluctance to act hold me back. Not now that I have you. Now that you belong to me.

"Does this happen a lot?" Cameron whispered to Maria, unable to tear his eyes away from Brock's rapidly reddening skin.

Brock wasn't fighting the spanking so the fact that he relaxed even further, slumping over Steve's lap so that the entirety of his bottom and thighs were able to be reddened, was evidence that he was slipping into the mindset where the only thing that existed in his world was his master- his master’s thoughts in his head, his master’s hand warming his bottom, his master's thighs supporting him and keeping him from falling. Belong to you always... was all he could think as the stinging ache of the spanking intensified with each smack of Steve's hand. He'd be red and swollen once his master was done- and he liked that he would be.

Maria's smile was gentle. "With some of them...."

Steve completed two circuits of the firm smacks and then paused, beginning to rub the reddened skin, feeling the heat there. He rubbed for a few moments and then resumed smacking at the same force and speed.

"It looks painful...." Cameron whispered.

"I'm sure it is..." Maria said hesitantly. Having never been on the receiving end of one of Steve's spankings, she didn't feel qualified to answer for Brock on how painful it was. Especially since it was obvious from the other man's reactions that he wanted and needed what Steve was doing. "I don't believe Steve would do this if it wasn't something both of them wanted or needed though..." she added in, surer of herself.

Brock had heard the two talking but it didn't register what they were saying. His entire focus was on Steve and how Steve was making his bottom ache. Will feel this the rest of the day and night... he thought, the faint edges of haziness creeping through the bond, making it clear that he was slipping down and unless Steve wanted him completely dropped, he'd need to pause so Brock could refocus. Hurts so good... he thought again, leaving the bond open so that Steve could feel exactly how much his bottom stung and burned from the spanking- along with the feeling of need he had that it not end.

Steve paused, letting his hand rest on Brock's backside, allowing his lover and mate the chance to refocus. I love you, so much. I won't ever let you go. I won't ever let you be lost to me. The bond was just as open his end, allowing Brock to see just how much Steve wanted and needed him. How much Brock had changed his life by coming into it.

"So how often does it tend to happen with the couples?" Cameron whispered to Maria.

Brock took a shivering breath to refocus, the action enabling him to register exactly how sore his bottom was. Tears sprung to his eyes and fell silently down his face, a reaction both to the pain and to the feelings of love coming from his mate. He was completely reliant on Steve to protect him, and his trust in his lover was absolute. Thank you for keeping me he thought, shivering as more tears slid from his eyes. He was smiling though.

Maria swallowed at the sight of Brock's scarlet backside, the obvious tears- and the fact that Steve's mate was happy about it. The man was grinning like a loon. She quietly answered Cameron's question. "It depends on the couple really. Some I've never witnessed this yet. Others it's nearly a daily thing. Some of them only use spanking as a deterrent to dangerous misbehavior. Others use it as foreplay...."

Always, Steve promised. You're mine. I won't ever let you get taken from me. No matter what happens. He rubbed his hand gently over Brock's bottom, letting the satisfaction he felt come through the bond.

"Wait, a deterrent?" Cameron blinked. "So.... it's actually used as punishment?"

Brock whimpered again, both to show Steve that the spanking had worked, and he was as sore as his bottom indicated, and to show his complete trust and submission to the other two in the room. If he hadn't submitted so fully, he'd have been trying to hide his reactions or fight.

Maria nodded, glancing at Cameron. "Yes. For some it is used more as a punishment than as foreplay. And some of us don't have relationships where we are romantically involved with our submissive- but they are still our submissive..." she said, making sure to use the pronoun that would include herself in that group.

Steve continued to gently rub his lover's bottom, feeling the heat. The action of taking complete control over his lover had clearly calmed and settled him. He was no longer scared of losing his lover.

"Kara?" Cameron glanced at Maria's face, not sure if he was supposed to know or not.

Brock sighed softly, his body going lax as Steve gently rubbed. It still hurt and he knew he'd be feeling if for a few hours at least, but the fact his master was soothing the heated skin always helped add to the feeling of 'right' he had when Steve took complete control. He felt completely loved, and wanted, and safe, and protected and those feelings seeped through the bond so that Steve could feel his satisfaction at being so completely owned by his master.

Maria nodded. It was no secret after all that she was Kara's Dom. The fact she had adopted the younger woman and formed a blood bond with her didn't change the fact that she was in charge. In control. "Yes. And you'll find Coulson is the same with Grant. You will also note that neither Coulson, nor I, have a romantic relationship with either Grant or Kara."

Steve stroked his other hand over Brock's back, between his shoulder blades. His other hand continued to rub and soothe the hot skin of his mate's backside and thighs. His want, need, and desire for his mate came clearly through the bond.

"How does that work?" Cameron asked.

"I can't speak for Coulson and Grant- though I suspect their reasons are very similar," Maria paused before continuing. "Kara needed someone to help her relearn how to fit into society. She needed help learning how to navigate life when she wasn't the puppet of a power-hungry, murdering, bastard. She'd been treated horribly and brainwashed. She needed someone strong enough to teach her and help her navigate. I was that for Kara." She shrugged faintly. "Turns out her need for someone strong enough to teach her, also included a need to have someone strong enough to control her- she had fears of being forced back into what she was before and having me be her Dominant- control her- it helped ease some of those fears because she knew she wouldn't become that if I had any say in it. I was keeping an eye on her and would stop her and direct her the right way when needed. In the process of her discovering she liked me being in control of her- I discovered I liked being in control of her. Protecting her. But neither of us were even remotely interested in the other sexually- my relationship with her just naturally evolved into a more parental one. Once we both acknowledged it, it was simple for me to make it official through adoption- and through the blood bond."

"The blood bond? Is that the same kind of bond that Cap and Brock have?" Cameron asked. He glanced towards Steve and Brock, noticing that the spanking had stopped. He bit his lip, noticing just how angry and red Brock’s bottom was. He wasn't sure how it could be something Brock needed, but it was clear that it was.

"Nope. Ours is different. You remember those old tv shows where the characters would become 'blood brothers' by cutting a small slice into their hand and mixing their blood? It's the same type of thought. Our blood was mixed in a flask, a spell was spoken, and the blood rose up and soaked into both of us. We have these marks on our hands that match- it is a physical sign or our connection. But Kara's DNA altered slightly so that if they did blood work on her, she'd show as my daughter. Plus, we can speak telepathically and such.  I'll let the others explain about their bond, since theirs’ is different. You can pretty much ask anyone outside of Coulson. He and Grant's bond is like Kara and mine." Maria smiled.

Brock whimpered softly again, not moving from his position. It was clear he wanted to explain their bond- and why he needed what Steve had just done. But he couldn't speak. He had come very close to dropping and now he was just hanging on, trying not to sob from the sudden overwhelming of emotion and love he was feeling for Steve. He suspected having him break out into sobs would only confuse and upset Cameron, so he kept them inside. Steve would know, but Steve understood where it was coming from and wouldn't be upset. Would just keep rubbing him as he worked through the overwhelming feelings. Would understand the sudden horniness that had him wanting Steve to bend him over the end of the bed and take him then and there without any preparation at all. He was so focused on everything else that he ignored the slight feeling of moisture where there normally wasn't any. He took another shivering breath in an attempt to calm down. If Steve felt satisfied and proud by the way he'd controlled Brock and made his backside hot- Brock was just as satisfied at how he'd been able to submit to it and not fight Steve.

Steve gently stroked his lover's lower back. I think Cameron's curious about how the bonding works. You don't have to say anything if you're worried about how you might react, but it's not a problem to me how you respond. He paused and frowned, noticing a sudden dampness between his lover's cheeks.

I want to explain I just don't know if I can get the words out. I'm having a hard time not crying right now and while I don't mind reacting that way, I don't know if he'll be okay with it and since he can't get out of the bed and leave if it bothers him... Brock took another shivering breath and whimpered softly, shifting slightly so his bottom raised up a little into Steve's hand, seeking more of the gentle rubbing.

"Do you want Steve or Brock to explain what makes their bond different?" Maria asked Cameron. She ignored the whimpers. If they were something to worry about, Steve would be doing something about them.

Steve continued to gently rub, soothing the heated skin. You don't need to say anything unless you need or want to, he soothed. If you want to say anything to Cameron, you can tell me, and I can repeat it to him. If you're worried about speaking out loud.

Cameron glanced hesitantly at the two men. "Do you think either of them would be open to saying anything?" he asked quietly.

Maria's smile quirked. "Would you like me to ask?" she whispered, though she was certain Steve at least had heard Cameron's question.

I guess if he asks questions, we can answer Brock thought, sighing softly as Steve continued to rub in a soothing manner. Like when you rub my bottom master... he added almost as an after-thought.

"Yes please," Cameron answered.

Steve smiled at the comment. I like it too. I like rubbing your bottom. I like taking control of you. I like it when you submit to me.

Maria smiled again and nodded, "Okay..." Turning back to face Steve and Brock she asked for Cameron. "Would you two mind explaining how your bond is different to the bond Kara and I have?"

Brock shivered at the words. Submitting to you is right. Letting you have control feels good. Giving everything to you to do what you want... it makes me happy... he thought along with a few images of the things Steve liked to do to him that he enjoyed most.

Steve's member twitched, showing a keen interest in what Brock was imagining. At Maria's words, he squeezed his lover's hips and glanced towards Cameron. "I heard Maria tell you about how her bond works with Kara's...." When the younger man nodded, he continued, "Our bond wasn't formed with blood. It was formed through sex."

"So...." Cameron frowned. "That's all it took? Just having sex?"

"N... no... " Brock managed to get out before whimpering again and pushing his bottom up as if begging. "...I... it took a spell. B... but wh... where blood was the... the catalyst for Ma... Maria and Kara..." he took a deep breath and whined as his own member swelled. "The catalyst for us was sex. My semen being absorbed into Cap's skin while he released inside me..." he blurted the last bit out in one breath, the words all blending together, before he moaned softly and let out a tiny sob, losing his battle with his all-over-the-place emotions.

Steve gave each thigh a gentle but possessive squeeze. "Other than the different way the ritual was performed, though, it did more- or less the same thing. We can feel each other's emotions. Talk to each other through our mind."

"Is that why it's so overwhelming?" Cameron asked, watching Brock's reactions.

"S... sometimes..." Brock admitted. "It's good though... w.... wouldn't give it up for anything!" he declared before another tiny sob escaped. His member was fully aroused now- making both his front and his back ache, even if for different reasons.

Maria narrowed her gaze and slanted her head. "I noticed after I bonded with Kara that the parental feelings I had for her intensified. Given that your bond is very similar, can I assume that the bond amplified your attraction to each other? And that is why nine times out of ten, I can walk into the common area and catch someone having sex as if they never heard of too much PDA?" she asked in a teasing voice though, so it was obvious that she wasn't really complaining about it.

"That's certainly true for us," Steve answered. "I find myself wanting, needing, desiring Brock more. Even when it's something as innocent as watching him play a game with a close friend."

"Does it ever get confusing?" Cameron asked. "Like you don't know where one of you ends and the other begins?" He glanced towards Maria, including her in the question as well.

"It can be slightly... but that's one of the reasons we've all stayed here in the compound for so long while they were refurbishing the ship. So, we could grow accustomed to each other and learn how to tell our feelings from our bonded." Maria shrugged. "At least that's why Kara and I didn't just wander off for a few months. I'm assuming everyone else is the same?"

"Uh huh..." was Brock's ineloquent answer.

Maria glanced at him in concern. His voice didn't just have the sound of tears in it. It sounded almost pained. And not the pained from having his bottom smacked. This sounded like a new pain that was ongoing. "He okay?" she asked Steve hesitantly- wanting to give the other man an opening to leave if he felt it was necessary, or to take care of whatever was Brock's problem if they didn't need to leave to do so.

Steve nodded to Maria, answering, "I think we might need to leave the room so that I can take care of him."

Cameron cleared his throat. "You don't have to. Leave, I mean. If you...I mean...I don't mind. If you want to take care of things here."

Maria turned her concern onto Cameron. "Are you sure? I mean, you'll likely see at some point, but usually anyone who doesn't want to watch can leave. You're stuck in bed... You're certain?" she asked him to confirm. If it truly didn't bother him, she certainly wouldn't insist on Steve and Brock leaving. The sounds Brock was making had her beginning to feel a bit distressed, so if Steve knew what he needed to do to help his mate and didn't mind witnesses, the sooner Brock was helped the better as far as she was concerned. But... that was only if Cameron was truly okay with it.

"I've seen a lot of things. A lot of bad things," Cameron said. "It would be good to see something good and loving. Even if... even if I don't understand how spanking someone that hard can feel good," he said honestly.

Steve let his hand slide under Brock's stomach, fingers ghosting over his lover's member.

"W...w..." Brock gave up trying to explain, unable to form words because his breathing was too ragged and his need too great. Maybe he could explain another time.

Maria wrinkled her nose. "Maybe because it isn't just about the spanking?" she suggested thoughtfully. "Maybe it's a combination of spanking with the knowledge that the person doing the spanking is completely in control of what is received and how it is received and the only thing not controlled by them is if you give in or if you fight it? I don't know. I don't tend to be that submissive in general. I'm more likely to be doing the spanking..." she said with a shrug, not elaborating on if she'd ever been in a relationship where that was something she'd done.

"Maybe...." Cameron sounded more unsure, but only because it wasn't something he'd personally experienced before.

I've got you. Steve sent the words, along with waves of reassurance and love, to his lover. He began to firmly stroke and gently squeeze Brock's member.

Maria nodded, "Well...better make up your mind quick because I think in a few seconds it won't matter what you want..." she said softly, hearing Brock's soft moan as Steve did something she couldn't quite see because his hand was underneath Brock- though she could take an intelligent guess and was ninety-nine point nine percent sure she was right.

Brock moaned softly as Steve stroked and squeezed. It eased some of the ache, but not all. What he needed was a bit more involved and would be a lot more visible to the other two in the room. He tried to contain himself.

"I think...." Cameron hesitated. "I think it'll help me. To see the control," he admitted quietly. "And, like you said, I'll probably be seeing it eventually anyway." He looked towards Steve. "If...if you need to go won't bother me."

Steve nodded to indicate to Cameron he understood. As he continued to firmly stroke and pay attention to Brock's member, he also parted his lover's cheeks...pausing as he spotted liquid there. I think you might be self-lubricating.

Brock groaned more loudly, I... I thought it felt oddly... it began a little before I became aroused... he managed to think though it was hard to focus. He focused a little harder. aches there too... inside....

I don't need to get any lube, then. I can just start straight away. Steve carefully pushed a finger inside Brock.

Maria's focus was on Cameron as much as it was on what Steve was doing to his lover. She swallowed hard and shifted slightly at seeing the Captain push a finger into the other man though. The groan from Brock left no doubt that it felt good, but even if there had been doubt, the way he spread his legs out and tried to push his bottom up further would have taken the doubt away. It removed any barriers to sight, and she got an eyeful of Brock’s private parts being squeezed and prodded firmly, Brock's muscles clenching and relaxing in time with Steve's movement. She looked at Cameron again to make sure he truly was okay with seeing live-action pornography.

Cameron was staring with wide, almost fascinated eyes. Normally, he would have felt embarrassed and awkward, but it was different, somehow, seeing Cap claim his mate. It wasn't arousing, exactly, but seeing it made him feel good.

Brock knew he was being watched… that they were in perfect position to see everything. Instead of cooling his ardor, it made his need increase and the groans and moans became louder, his body's self-lubrication increasing so that it was more obvious even to those not close to him.

"I... is that normal?" Maria was reluctant to speak and interrupt such an intimate moment, but the wetness being released by Brock's body was beginning to coat his thighs. It was impossible to ignore, and she knew it wasn't typical- wondered if the bond had begun changing physiologies and if they shouldn't have some more examinations to record what was occurring.  She squirmed as she could see Steve moving his finger in and out and all around, spreading the fluid.

"It's not something I've witnessed before now, though that doesn't mean it hasn't been occurring," Steve said. "It might just be this is the first time we've noticed." He continued exploring and stroking inside his lover, adding a second finger to join the first.

"The blood bond changed yours and Kara's DNA...maybe this is how it changes someone in a sex bond?" Cameron suggested.

Brock groaned softly, blushing faintly that he couldn't coherently contribute to the discussion- but words were beyond him. He shifted slightly so he was even more vulnerable and open to Steve's exploration, not caring that it also made him more visible to the others. More master, please... he begged shamelessly, envisioning Steve adding a third and possibly a fourth finger.

Maria slanted her head thoughtfully. "You're probably right..." she said to Cameron. "It would be good to know if there are any other changes beyond the... self-lubrication. If the Doms are affected in any way or if it is just the subs."

"I think it seems clear that, like you said, it's made the attraction stronger," Cameron said. "Does it also make the dominant tendencies more intense?" He glanced curiously at Maria, considering Steve was focused almost entirely on Brock.

"Don't look at me... I've got the mother/daughter bond. Plus, I was Kara's boss before I adopted her. My tendencies to take over and be domineering were already really high, so I haven't really noticed a difference." Maria smirked then glanced toward Steve and Brock, unable to help herself. It was oddly satisfying to see the Captain completely owning the man over his lap. "Although..." she said quietly, "Steve does seem a lot more... controlling... than what I remember him being before. So, you could be on to something...."

"What about the others?" Cameron also found himself looking towards Steve and Brock. "Have you noticed any changes in them?"

Steve was half-listening to the conversation, but most of his attention was on Brock. He continued exploring the other man for a bit longer and then moved, planning to bend his mate over the bed and push inside. That visual came very clearly through the bond.

Brock groaned again, having Steve's fingers in him exploring felt so wonderful he hated to have it stop. At the same time the idea of having his Master take him filled him with excitement as well. Steve was well-endowed so the stretch would be just as intense. He whimpered and obediently shifted to where Steve put him, reaching forward to hold himself in place, envisioning Steve not being gentle in the least, taking him so roughly that all he'd be able to do is beg and cry for Steve to use him so he'd feel who he belonged to the rest of the week.

Maria had shifted to sitting on the bed next to Cameron. When Brock bent over the bed, she quickly shifted her feet out of the way. "I... I haven't seen any of the others recently, so if they are having changes as well, I haven't seen. We'll have to ask." She swallowed hard.

Cameron shifted so that Brock could position himself more easily, looking towards Maria. "Maybe it's something that could be studied. Researched. There are probably accounts from other people who have had the same type of bond."

Steve grasped Brock's hips and pushed into his lover, beginning to pound into him hard and fast and deep.

Maria nodded, not taking her eyes off the other two, her eyes widening slightly at how thoroughly Steve was penetrating his mate. "I'm not sure this bond was ever really done with anyone else- at least not where they researched it. We might have to do our own research, taking notes about what we've experienced personally or seen. But it would probably be a good idea to do, even so."

Brock let out a tiny sob as he felt Steve's hips slam into his very sore bottom, his master's balls smacking against his perineum. Feels so good master...

Cameron nodded. "Yeah...maybe...." He shifted slightly, not sure where to look. Was it okay for him to watch?

You feel so good surrounding me. Steve continued to thrust hard and fast, his member swelling and growing as he took his mate.

Brock's only focus was Steve and how Steve felt on top of him, inside of him, moving, pounding. Feels so good... so good... yours master... only and forever yours....

Maria swallowed again. "Gonna need a bit of time with a toy at this rate..." she mumbled softly, suspecting that neither Steve or Brock would hear her, they were so involved with each other. Watching Steve taking Brock apart with each thrust was making her hot and achy. It was too late to worry about if it was okay to watch or not. She wouldn't be able to pull her attention away if she tried at this point.

Cameron darted a glance towards Maria at her comment. Of course, he could still hear the two men. He shifted slightly and ran a hand through his hair. " can probably take that time without any issues," he commented softly, thinking about the fact he wouldn't be able to do much from the medical room.

Maria darted a wry smile at Cameron. "I won't of course..." she whispered, squeezing his hand again, having never let it go.

Brock let out another loud moan as Steve's actions were causing him to rub against the bed, his own member growing and swelling further from the friction.

"Hey, none of my business what you get up to privately," Cameron responded, squeezing her hand back.

Steve gripped Brock's hips tighter and more firmly, increasing the force and speed behind his thrusts.

Maria chuckled. "Of course, it isn't. But it would be unfair for me to go take care of myself when you're stuck and can't do anything. And it's partly my fault we're watching this and getting horny as hell."

Brock began to whimper, and whine, and moan as his insides became sensitive from the forceful thrusts. The ache he'd felt inside was being taken care of, leaving him feeling warm inside, the sensitivity was making it impossible to keep quiet. He wished that he and Steve had kept at least one of their toys on them- because he desperately wanted to feel Steve filling him up with his release and then plugging it in so he'd have it sloshing in him the rest of the day. The image was sent through to Steve very clearly.

"I feel like it's probably more my fault than yours," Cameron replied wryly. "After all, I was the one who said it would be okay."

Steve leaned forward and gently grazed his teeth along the back of Brock's neck, sending a single word...a promise. Later.

"You didn’t really know what you were agreeing to..." Maria sounded slightly breathless.

Brock sobbed at feeling Steve's teeth, the completely possessive and primal act sending him over the edge. He began to shudder under Steve as his internal muscles spasmed around his master's member, massaging it tightly enough to make thrusting difficult. He released all over the bed under him.

"I'll get you moved to another bed or at least clean sheets once they leave..." Maria whispered. Her face was flushed.

Cameron snorted softly. "I think I had a pretty good idea of what I was about to witness." He shifted slightly.

Steve's own release followed moments later and then he was slumping over Brock's body, kissing his lover's shoulder.

"Yeah. Really? You expected it to be that way? Because, I have to be honest... I've seen them in action before and it's not been that intense..." Maria smirked.

Brock didn't move from where he'd fallen onto the bed, laying in a wet spot of his own making, Steve blanketing him, still inside him as far as he could tell. He was so sensitive he couldn't be certain.

"Well, not the intensity, obviously. But I was fairly certain how it would end." Cameron gestured towards the two men.

Steve glanced up, a little bit sheepishly. "I apologize. I didn't actually intend to do this in front of you."

Maria raised an eyebrow at that. "Don't fib Cap. If you actively didn't want to do this in front of us, you would have carried him out as soon as it became obvious, he needed you that way." She was smiling to take any sting out of her words.  "It's okay. So, I'm a bit aroused. I'll walk it off.  I don't think he can walk at all though, so maybe you should carry him back to your room so you two can clean up. I suspect the nurses will be here soon to find out why Cameron's monitors are skyrocketing and then they'll want to change the linen...."

Brock turned scarlet as he realized the nurses would need to clean up his mess.

"I was meaning more when we originally came into the room. It really was just about apologizing and making things right." Steve carefully withdrew from Brock and lifted his mate into his arms, making sure they were both covered enough.

"I know," Maria's smile softened. "I'm sure Cameron does as well. Go on. Before the nurses catch you."

Brock wrapped his arms around Steve tightly and hid his face against his shoulder.

"We'll see you soon," Steve promised both of them.

"Yeah. See you, Cap." Cameron waved as Steve carried Brock out of the room.

"Well... that happened..." Maria said in bemusement after the other two had left.

"Yeah...." Cameron's own eyes were wide.

"You really okay?" Maria asked as she got off the bed and removed the soiled coverlet, pulling another off the top shelf of the wardrobe. "Luckily it didn’t sink through to the sheets, so we don’t have to move you and change those...."

"Thanks," Cameron said, before adding, "I'm okay. Just...could do with walking it off, really."

"Yeah. Well... unfortunately, can't let you do that. Doctor's orders. But I'll get you a cold drink and we can play checkers or something to get your mind off of it..." Maria smiled sympathetically. Yeah- she could go back to her room and take care of herself, but she wasn't going to do that to Cameron.

"Sounds good." Cameron smiled, relaxing back against the pillows.

Maria smiled and helped him get comfortable, then went and got his cold drink and the checkers set. Setting up the board, she motioned that he could go first, then settled back herself for a couple of games.


It was a week later. Cameron had been discharged from the medical wing and was now staying in Maria's quarters with her and Kara.  Bobbi had stayed in Coulson's quarters with him and Grant. Everyone was beginning to get antsy, anxious to be able to leave on the ship that Tony's engineers had upgraded and improved. Stephen glanced around the room, noting that everyone who was going to be going on the ship was sitting in the common room- it was storming outside, so everyone felt it better to stay indoors- not even wanting to walk out into the elements long enough to go to any local shops. "We've arranged for everyone to have at least one more physical each before we take off again. Some... changes have occurred that make it necessary to make sure everything is documented about each of our health and physiologies. The information is going to be entered into the ship's database so that we have the most up-to-date information available wherever we happen to be. In case it is needed- which hopefully it won't be, but better safe than sorry." He couldn't help but smile as various people groaned at the announcement. "I've already had my examination and so has Mordo.  The doctors will contact each of you when they are ready for you. Just so you know."

"I think that's probably for the best, even if it might make you feel uncomfortable," Coulson commented. "It's always better to make sure there are no other problems, especially with the kind of changes that I've been hearing about."

Talos wrapped his arm possessively around Yon's waist. "We both have data-pads with information about the physiology of our species and what it should be; though, of course, our bond was formed in a slightly different way."

Grant blinked. "I thought your bond was like everyone else's. I didn't think you'd done a blood bond instead...."

Yon smiled faintly. "We did bond like the rest of the couples- but we had actually formed a bond prior to that that was unique to the Krull...." he looked at Talos.  "I know you had your people examine me and take the information before we ever got together. Guess we can compare that with whatever this newer physical shows, since I don't have access to my health records from when I was with the Kree...."

Monica frowned at that. "Someone can't hack into Kree databases to find your old records?"

"That might be easier said than done," Talos said. "The Kree interact with something called the Supreme Intelligence, which is likely where any and all records are held. No computers to really hack into."

Monica frowned at that, not happy at the thought that so much of Yon's medical history was inaccessible. "So... you'll need to go by his memory for anything from before you got him?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Talos had Yon sitting on his lap, arms wrapped possessively around the Kree's waist.

"I feel fine though- not sick at all- so my memory should be all we'll need...." Yon tried to encourage them; stop them from worrying.

Stephen nodded. "Just in case though, I have some questions on this data-pad I'd like for you to answer as concisely as you are able..." he handed the data-pad to Talos.

Taking the data-pad, Talos began to go through the questions with his submissive, letting his other hand gently grip the back of Yon's neck.

Yon winced at a few of the questions, but Talos’s grip on his neck kept him from skipping them; knowing his mate wanted him to give as much information as possible so that he could be helped if something happened to him. A lot of the answers betrayed how he had lived his life before Talos got him though- how reckless he'd been with his health, even before he became disenchanted with the Kree and had stopped caring about living.

"You got all my info, right? I don't have to answer questions, do I?" Monica asked curiously. Her medical records should be easy to get hold of after all.

Talos pressed kisses to the side of Yon's neck, every so often squeezing his nape possessively when he felt the reactions to the questions and the answers given. One word came clear through the bond, repeated over and over again. Mine.

Mordo nodded. "Most everyone else, there's access to their medical records. Just the odd few." He smiled.

Yours master... Yon thought back, relaxing as he was kissed and scruffed possessively- even when he admitted to doing things, he knew Talos would punish him for if he did them now.

"That's good then... if Daddy's expression is anything to go by, I probably wouldn't like having to answer the questions..." Monica made a face and dramatically shuddered.

Stephen snorted. "Going by your medical history, I can understand why."

Pressing another kiss to Yon's neck, Talos promised, And, if you do any of those things again, while under my charge, I will not hesitate to take you over my knee.

"Which questions would those be?" Lyja asked, her voice calm...but it was clear through the bond that she wanted to know what her mate would be more likely to get up to.

Monica wrinkled her nose. "I don't know what questions they are- I'm not answering them!" she answered impertinently. "I just figure if the faces Daddy is making are anything to go by, I probably wouldn't like them!" She grinned.

Yon sighed softly, both at hearing their daughters' conversation and at Talos’s words. If I ever do any of those things again, I'd deserve to go over your knee. I knew when I did them the first time that they weren't the safest or smartest course of action. They were just the quickest course of action and I was too proud and cocky to believe I'd ever be hurt.

"I know that regulations and privacy laws make it so that only your healthcare provider, yourself, or your legal guardian are allowed to see your medical files..." Stephen started, "...but given that all of us are in relationships where at least one person is in charge of the other- even if it isn't legally recognized in most cases- I think that it might be wise for all couples to go over their medical histories together.  Since I will be the primary doctor on board, I'll have access to all your files, but if your mates knew all the pertinent information, it would help me immensely."

"Can we get another copy of those questions?" Lyja asked Stephen. "I'm fully on board with your suggestion and I think we should start out now."

And you were very well-trained to believe you were expendable, Talos said. I will spend our whole lifetimes proving to you that you are not.

Stephen nodded, handing Lyja another one of the data-pads. "It might not be a bad idea for everyone to fill them out- even if we have your entire medical history. Just in case a question jars a memory of something we should know about." He handed a data-pad to each of the Doms.

Monica groaned. "Aw Lyj! Why'd ya have to go and do that for!" she whined. "I hate answering questions..." she sighed.

You have already convinced me, my heart. I know that I have to be careful because I belong to you and I need to come home to you... Yon thought. If I mess up it isn't because I believe I am expendable. Not anymore, anyway. He snuggled back into his mate, frowning at another question. "It is not that I do not want to answer questions or want to keep things hidden from your Papa that I am making faces. It is because I am honestly not certain how to answer most of these questions. I am sorely lacking in any information regarding myself. When I was wounded, the Kree doctors fixed me. But they never gave me any information on what was wrong with me or how they fixed me."

Peter wrinkled his nose at that. "You don't know your own medical history? Anytime I got hurt or sick, Yondu always made sure I knew exactly what was wrong, and how they had to fix me... even if I didn't really wanna know, he made sure I knew...."

Bucky snorted. "That's cuz Yondu actually cared about you. I'm missing a good chunk of my medical history as well. Hydra certainly wasn't going to explain to me how they fixed broken bones so that they were stronger than ever, or anything else for that matter. Especially not when they were the ones responsible for most of the times, I ended up needing medical attention."

Lyja gently squeezed Monica's thigh, turning the other woman's face towards her so she could kiss her softly. "We'll answer the questions together. That way, both of us will know as much as we can about each other's physiology."

Yondu snaked his arm around Frank's waist, pulling his mate in closer, even as he spoke to Peter. "Ain't no way I was ever gonna let anything bad happen to you, kid."

Talos gently squeezed Yon's neck again. I love you and you belong with me and to me.

Fury reached out and took Bucky's hand, squeezing gently. They don't have you anymore. You belong to me now.

Monica sighed softly and returned the kiss, before looking at the data-pad Lyja held and leaning into her mate. "Okay, Lyj. That's fair...." Even if you're prolly gonna wanna spank me for half the answers I'll be giving... she thought sadly.

Frank leaned into Yondu. "I always made sure my kids knew what was going on when they had to go to the doctor too. They almost always had questions, but it was important they knew."

Peter smiled at Yondu, leaning into Thor. "You were a good daddy... still can't believe it took me so dang long to figure it out..." he sighed.

Always and forever yours... Bucky squeezed Fury's hand back.

"So... if we don't know the answer to one of the questions, we can leave it blank?" Matt asked quietly. He was sitting curled up on Fisk's lap, in his arms. The older man was going to need to read the questions to him.

Lyja cuddled Monica tightly. If I feel the need to spank you, it will be because I believe you haven't learned your lesson. She began to go through the questions with her lover.

Yondu squeezed Frank's waist possessively. "I was always your daddy. Even when you were at your very worst," he answered Peter.

"Just try to answer what you can." Fisk's voice was gentle and reassuring as he began to read the questions to his mate.

That's why I know you're gonna wanna spank me Monica's feelings as she thought that were a mix of sadness mixed with rueful humor. She knew herself. She knew she wasn't sorry about any of the stunts she'd pulled- only that she'd gotten caught in them badly enough to need medical care.

Frank snuggled close to Yondu, enjoying the possessive hold.  He began answering the questions, making certain Yondu saw his answers before he pushed continue after each one.

"When I was at my very worst was when you were the best Daddy... I'd be dead hundreds of times over if it weren't for you..." Peter admitted, beginning to answer questions as well, making certain Thor could see.

"I'm not sure any of these questions are applicable to me..." Loki said with a hint of befuddlement. "The only time I needed a healer was because of a war wound. Not illness. And due to Asgard's advanced healing- I always healed completely with no lingering ill effects...."

Matt lay his head on Fisk's shoulder and answered each question honestly - in his thoughts- even when it revealed the more questionable things he'd done in his past.

Maybe one blanket spanking to take care of all your past naughtiness. Lyja started to go through the questions with her lover, settling Monica on her lap, hand resting on the other woman's leg.

Yondu smiled at his son, but paid attention to Frank as well, his hand gently squeezing his lover's thigh every so often.

Thor held Peter close, kissing his shoulder, paying attention to what the other man was putting down.

"Answer everything you can," T'Challa encouraged. "And if you cannot answer something, we can come back to it if we do discover the answer."

Fisk pressed kisses to Matt's face, putting down his lover's answers without getting upset or overreacting. It wasn't like he didn't already know Matt had done dangerous things in the past.

Yes ma'am... Monica answered the questions honestly, even though over half the questions involved her 'telling' on herself.

Frank didn't take long to answer the questions at all. He hadn't really been injured or ill that often as a child- and even when he was in the army, any injuries he had were due to assignments he'd been given. With as dangerous as he tended to be now, he didn't really take on an attitude of risk taking until after his family had been killed. I can explain about some of these later events... he thought to Yondu. I can feel you aren't happy 'bout 'em. If you feel like ya need to show me you're in charge cuz of 'em, I understand. Even if I already know yer in charge....

Peter answered the questions honestly too. Are you like Loki? Not too many illnesses or injuries that weren't fully healed? Wow. Now that I'm having to list stuff.... I really did do a lot of stupid crap. Especially after I left Yondu and he couldn’t smack me for being stupid... No wonder the others looked at me like I was crazy sometimes... his thoughts were unfocussed, more like stream of consciousness... moving from one idea to the other almost seamlessly even though the ideas weren't completely connected.

"Very well..." Loki did as directed. It only took him a few moments due to his health and physiology being so strong. He paid close attention to what T'Challa was answering.

Matt snuggled, relaxing as he realized Fisk wasn't upset at learning all the new things he hadn't learned before. Won't do that again, master... he promised.

Ward hunched over the data-pad, reluctantly answering all the questions honestly. Danny had been around for most of the illnesses or injuries he'd sustained through the years- only missing out on the years when he'd been presumed dead- so he wasn't really worried about Danny's reaction to his answers. It was difficult seeing it all written out though. His father had always paid the doctors off to note things as accidents. Since he was being honest, he was putting down the actual events that caused the illnesses or injuries. It was depressing to see how many of the times he'd ended up needing medical care because of Harold Meechum.

Grant had answered all these questions before when his father had first taken him in and adopted him. And they'd done a good job of keeping their records up to date since that time. He only had to read through the questions, read what was in the file, and then confirm that the information was correct. He grinned at his father, who was doing the same before his eyes darted toward Bobbi and Cameron, who were answering their own questions.

Maria had gone through this exercise with Kara as well not too long ago. They only had a few things that they hadn't already submitted to their medical files. She sat next to her daughter to help if Kara ran into any issues with the questions, but she glanced toward Cameron and Bobbi to make certain they were also answering the questions- focusing more on Cameron than Bobbi.

Bobbi glanced up feeling Grant and Maria staring in her direction, smiled, then went back to looking at the questions. There was a lot of information that wasn't in her file and she had no intention of including it. It wasn't anything that should affect her future after all. She'd only answer questions for items that might possibly affect her future.

Lyja kept her arm wrapped possessively around Monica's waist as her lover filled out the questions. She answered them honestly on her own behalf, too, allowing the other woman to see her responses.

Think maybe you should get a reminder of who you belong to now. Yondu gently squeezed Frank's legs, one hand resting possessively on the other man's hip.

Neither of us got ill, Thor responded to Peter. As for getting injured, though, I believe I acted more recklessly than Loki before coming here. Of course, even if I had not learned to take safer actions, I would now anyway. I have you to stay alive and safe for, after all.

T'Challa took Loki's hand, paying attention to what his lover was answering even as he shared with his mate what he himself had put down.

I know. I have you now, Fisk said simply. If anything does happen, we will deal with it. But I have seen you change your behavior in any case.

Danny slipped his hand into Ward's, squeezing gently. It was always hard to see what his lover had suffered at the hands of his father. To know that a lot of the conflicts between them had been caused by abuse the other man shouldn't have had to suffer. I won't let you get hurt again, he promised. I'm going to look after you. Love you. Make sure you never doubt how much you mean to me.

Cameron didn't hesitate in filling out his form. It was a bit more personal than he'd been expecting, but he really didn't have anything to hide. Besides, he wanted to go into space. Being open and honest with his medical history was a small price to pay for that.

Coulson had finished filling out his own form and smiled at his son, then looked towards Bobbi. "Everything okay there?" he asked, noticing she was doing very little actual writing.

Monica winced at some of the things Lyja had needed to experience, knowing that a lot of those things were because of being refugees and rebelling against the Kree Empire. I'm glad you're safe now she thought, snuggling close.

Now? Frank darted startled eyes toward Yondu but didn't pull away. Instead he leaned even more into Yondu, prepared to go over Yondu's lap if the older man ordered him to.

Peter grinned at that, kissing Thor on the cheek. I know you are careful now. Not as reckless. But it's nice to know you used to be at one time. Means you can understand me and maybe understand when I have a hard time behaving....

Thanks to you. I know if I behaved the same now, I wouldn't be sitting right for an evening, I'd be grounded, and worse of all- you'd be disappointed in me. Matt nuzzled against Fisk's neck.

I know love. I've never been safer than when I'm with you. Ward squeezed Danny's hand back firmly.

Bobbi blinked as she heard Coulson's question. "Uh... yes sir. Not too much to fill out really. They already have most stuff in my file already..." she hedged.

"Why don't I believe that..." Grant muttered, recognizing someone attempting to avoid something.

Lyja wrapped her arms tighter around Monica. I'm safe now. I have you to stay safe for.

Depending on if you want me to take you in hand in front of everyone else or wait till we're alone. Yondu let his hand rest on Frank's backside, the action possessive.

I always understand you, Thor responded. It doesn't stop you getting spanked when necessary, but I understand why you act the way you do.

Fisk kissed Matt's hair, stroking the back of his head, cupping it in one large hand. I fully believe that you will do your best to behave due to those things. But even if you do something naughty, it won't change anything.

Danny raised Ward's hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles. You always will be, he promised. I love you so much.

"Bobbi, you need to fill out the questions honestly," Coulson said seriously.

For his part, Bobby was filling out his own data-pad, chewing his lower lip thoughtfully. You ever get sick? he asked Logan. I know you heal immediately from physical wounds...don't think I've ever seen you sick, though.

Monica sighed softly, leaning in to kiss Lyja again, chaste but full of her love for her mate.

I want you to do what you feel is best. I'm yours. I'm in your hands. You control. You make the decisions for what happens to me... Frank thought back, his feelings certain and secure. He trusted Yondu completely to do what was best. He might not like to have things be done in front of the others- he wasn't really an exhibitionist- but he wasn't against it either. What he was, was Yondu's and what Yondu wanted is what he wanted.

Peter snuggled. If it stopped me from getting spanked, I don't think I'd like it... Peter admitted. I like when you hold me accountable. Means what I do matters....

I know. You love me, no matter how naughty I am. Matt snuggled more.

Ward smiled. "I love you too, Dan!" he said out loud so everyone could hear.

"I am!" Bobbi protested. "I haven't written down one lie!" She deliberately worded it that way- as she had only written down true things. She'd just not written down things she didn't want to be known.

Nope. Never get sick. My heal factor deals with illness as well. Only times I've ever gotten sick or injured, it was because my heal factor was interfered with. Logan thought back. He'd already listed those times- which thankfully weren't often. He was reading Bobby's answers carefully, his arm around the younger man's waist, every so often kissing Bobby's ear.

Happy had filled out this data-pad information when he began working for Tony. And since he'd gone to Tony's doctors- who also happened to be SHIELD doctors- from then on, every illness or injury he'd experienced was already in the file. He made sure Beck could see his file as he double checked the accuracy and then watched as Beck began to answer the questions for himself.

Ross was in the same situation as most of those who had worked for SHIELD for so long. Most of his information was already on file and he just needed to read over it to make certain it was correct. He knew Sharon was the same.  He pulled the information for both up so that they could go over it together.

Lyja returned the kiss, cupping Monica's face in one hand. We'll hand the data-pad back and then I'll take you to our room for a reminder spanking.

Yondu brushed his lips over Frank's forehead and then settled his mate in position over his lap, giving Frank's bottom a bit of a rub before he proceeded to bare his mate.

It always matters, Thor promised. It always will matter. Just like everything about you matters to me.

Forever and always, Fisk promised.'re not in trouble. You've been very good. If you'd like, I can take you to our room and put you over my knee for one of the spankings you enjoy.

Danny grinned and kissed Ward, wrapping his arms tightly around the other man. "You're everything to me."

"Let me see what you've filled out." Coulson held his hand out expectantly.

Yes ma'am, Monica thought back only a little reluctantly. She could feel that Lyja wasn't angry at her and that this was more a reminder so it wasn't as scary or unwanted as being punished and having Lyja upset with her would be.

Frank immediately reached down and held onto Yondu's ankle, squeezing gently. I love you Sir... belong to you...

Are we finished answering questions now? Maybe we can go watch tv together in our room? Peter thought, also thinking about the other things they could do while they watched TV if they were in the privacy of their own room. While he didn't mind others watching or seeing, sometimes he just liked it to be Thor and him.

Matt flushed and nuzzled against Fisk some more. I'd like that sir. C... can you use one of the other toys too?

Ward finished up with his questions then looked at Danny. "You finished? I think Steve and Brock just finished and Brock asked me if we wanted to play Poker this afternoon, so if you like that idea...."

Bobbi wrinkled her nose. "I just pushed submit... all my answers are in the system now and it's gone back to the entry screen. It needs all kinds of codes and passwords to get into it now..." she said in a sorry- not sorry tone.

"Oh. That's no problem. Director Fury and Director Coulson both have access to all the files in the system. They just need to put in their ID and their password, and it will take them to the main directory where they can pull up the file of any one of us going on the spaceship." Stephen supplied in a helpful tone and a grin that made it clear he knew Bobbi had tried to hide the information and he'd just made that impossible.

Bobbi knew it too if the frustrated glare she shot at Stephen was anything to go by. Sighing she handed her data-pad over to Coulson.

Lyja handed their data-pads back to Stephen and then stood up, leading her lover from the room.

I love you. You're mine, Yondu promised, giving Frank's bare bottom a rub and a possessive squeeze before he brought his hand down in a stinging, not too hard swat.

Thor grinned at that idea. Sounds perfect to me, my star-prince. He handed their data-pads back and then swept Peter into his arms to carry him from the room.

Of course. Fisk had finished inputting his own answers into the database and he sent Matt a mental image of what he'd put in, so that his lover would know. He then lifted Matt into his arms to carry him from the room.

"I like that idea." Danny stroked his fingers through Ward's hair.

Coulson took the data-pad and didn't waste any time in opening it up and scanning through the answers Bobbi had given.

Monica meekly followed Lyja out.

Yon watched their daughters leave then looked at Talos and smirked. Our little girl has her hands full with her chosen mate... he thought gleefully- ignoring the fact that some might say the same about him and Talos.

I love you too sir. With my entire being. I am fully and completely yours... Frank thought, shivering as Yondu's hand landed.

Ward grinned, leaning into the stroking. Catching Brock's eye, he nodded a yes to the other man's questioning look, then turned back to Danny. "Let's go join them at the table then...."  He stood, holding his hand out to Danny to help his mate up, then walked hand and hand with him across the recreational room to join Steve and Brock at the table where Brock was shuffling cards.

Bobbi barely managed to avoid squirming. She'd answered the bare necessities- things she knew that Coulson already knew about and would question if she didn't put into the system. She'd hoped that no one would question her about how little she wrote and that they wouldn't need to investigate the data-pad. Because while she hadn't written down any lies and had answered the questions she couldn't avoid answering- there were still gaps in the information that close inspection would reveal.

Talos kissed Yon, gently and lingeringly. I'm certain she believes Monica is worth it as much as I feel you are worth it and worth everything, he thought.

Yondu rubbed the spot he'd just swatted and then repeated the smack on the other side of Frank's backside, pausing to rub there before delivering another pair of swats slightly lower.

Danny didn't let go of Ward even when they reached the table, still holding onto his lover's hand as they sat down.

Coulson finished reading through the data-pad and then focused on Bobbi. "You've left an awful lot of information out," he said. "Perhaps you haven't outright lied, but I know there's a lot on here that you haven't included even though you should have."

Yon returned the kiss. Of course, she does. And she is. I have only known her a short while and I can see how good Monica is for Lyja. She looks at her the way you look at me... and I can only assume my gaze on you is the same as Monica's on her. Because I love you so much.

Frank let out a slow breath as the sting quickly rose and his bottom began to warm. Yours master. To handle however you believe best...

"What did I leave out?" Bobbi blinked at Coulson's words. She knew she'd left a lot out- but Coulson hadn't known of those events, illnesses, or injuries so he shouldn't know she'd left it out. How did he know???

Grant cleared his throat and kissed his father on the cheek. "I'm gonna go to the gym and work out daddy... I'll see you in our room later..." he whispered, suspecting that Coulson would be dealing with this for a bit and not wanting to hang around to watch it.  Waiting just long enough for Coulson's nod of permission, he left to go lift weights.

Talos squeezed the nape of Yon's neck, looking lovingly into his eyes. We have both found our respective mates. I have been exceedingly fortunate to find this happiness with you.

Mine, forever, Yondu stated. I will not allow anything to take you from me. He continued the slow, stinging swats down to Frank's thighs before starting over from the top.

Coulson angled the data-pad and began to point out a couple of the questions. "I think you've forgotten that I was there as a witness for these particular events."

I feel exceedingly fortunate as well. I never want to be taken from you for any reason. So... and I can't believe I'm asking this... can we go to the medical bay now and have our examinations? So that they have the full information for both of us? I just want to be certain if something happens, we can receive help and not lose each other... Yon bit his lip.

Even me... Frank agreed. I am... not allowed to do things that might take me from you. He whimpered softly as the sting increased even more.

"Oh... I... uh..." Bobbi blushed at having been caught. "I just didn't think that information was that important..." she hedged. That was the truth as well, but she was reluctant to say it because she knew he wouldn't like it.

Of course. Talos helped Yon to stand and then stood up himself, wrapping his arm possessively around his lover's waist to guide him from the room.

Completing the second circuit of swats, Yondu began to rub the pink, warmed backside across his lap. You belong to me now. Just as I'd stay safe for you, you need to stay safe for me.

Coulson sighed. "I suspect you've left out a lot of other things as well. I'm expecting you to be honest, Bobbi."

Yessir Frank began to sniffle, not because his bottom hurt (it did a little, but it also felt good in a way) but because he was hit by a flood of emotions that he hadn't expected. I want to stay safe for you. I love you....

"I... I was honest..." Bobbi winced. Her voice had sounded almost childish and entirely too hesitant for her liking. She had been honest with what she'd answered, but even if he hadn't had proof that she'd left anything else out, beyond what he'd already pointed out, her voice would have just given her away.

I love you too. Yondu continued to gently rub. I love you so much. You are as important to me as my kid and I love you just as much.

“No, you weren't." Coulson's voice was calm, but firm and carried a hint of disappointment. "We both know you weren't."

Frank slumped over Yondu's lap, softly crying as the emotions overtook him. All his feelings of love, desire, trust, dependence, and submission carried through the bond to his master.

"I... Every answer I gave was the truth..." Bobbi's voice caught. She'd heard the hint of disappointment, but she didn't have a clue how she could back out of her chosen course now. She got a slightly panicked look on her face. Did she keep denying wrongdoing? She knew exactly what she'd done wrong and how, and she knew he knew it. But if she admitted it, then she'd have to tell him everything she'd left out and that didn't seem much better to her way of thinking. But he was disappointed in her. And that hurt. It hurt bad.

Stephen sent a quick email to Coulson on the data-pad, pointing out the x-rays and scans they had on file for her and how some of those pointed to serious injury from way back- most likely when she was a minor. He left it to Coulson's discretion on if he'd bring those up as proof, she was hiding things and how. After all. They didn't know how or why those injuries had occurred.  He then turned to Mordo. I feel the need for a bubble bath. Come with?

There was no need to continue with the spanking. After all, it was only serving as a reminder; Yondu pointing out who Frank belonged to now. He carefully gathered his lover into his arms and cuddled Frank close and tight to himself, brushing a kiss over the other man's hair and then kissing his lips.

"I know, but you left a lot of stuff out." Coulson's voice was still very gentle, but it was also still led with disappointment. "Especially things from when you were a child that are important to know." He turned the data-pad so that Bobbi could see what Stephen had just sent him.

Of course. Mordo stood up and reached to take Stephen's hand in his, using that grip to guide his lover to his feet so they could leave the room.

Frank returned the kiss desperately, putting all his love for the other man into it.

Stephen squeezed Mordo's hand. Letting his lover lead them out.

Bobbi's quick, distressed, intake of breath gave away her upset at realizing she'd have to talk. "You're disappointed in me... I know... but I didn’t think it was important and... and I didn’t want anyone to know...." she whispered in a voice that held old hurts in it.

Yondu wrapped his arms tightly around Frank, cuddling the other man tightly to himself. As he kissed him, one hand rubbed gently over his lover's bottom.

Coulson's gaze softened and he moved closer to Bobbi, squeezing her shoulder. "Hiding things isn't going to make you feel good."

Frank snuggled as close as he could to Yondu, tiny sighs of relief escaping as his bottom was rubbed.

"Talking won’t change anything. I really didn’t think all those past injuries mattered," Bobbi swallowed. "Those scans and x-rays... they've been in my file since I became an agent. It never mattered before." She swallowed again. "Why does it have to matter now? Why do I have to explain what happened and why, now?" She blinked back tears. "I'm sorry I lied..." she whispered, finally admitting hiding things was lying. "I hate disappointing you."

Yondu pressed kisses to Frank's face, continuing to gently rub his lover's bottom, soothing the warmth from the reminder spanking.

"Because you matter. You always have done. You always will." Coulson wrapped his arms around Bobbi, drawing her into an embrace.

Frank kissed back whenever possible and just relished the gentleness. He was finding he needed it as much as the rough.

Bobbi held back at first but found herself slumping in Coulson's arms snuggling.

Belong to me. Yondu's words whispered through the bond. You always belong to me.

Coulson wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Bobbi, brushing a kiss over the top of her head.

Always Frank agreed.

Bobbi found herself relaxing in Coulson's arms at the kiss, a warm fuzzy feeling starting in her stomach and spreading through her body. She pushed it down, recognizing it for what it was- a totally inappropriate crush on her boss. She didn’t pull away from him though. "I'm sorry I disappointed you..." she whispered her voice filled with hurt that she'd done that.

How about I take you back to our room? Yondu suggested. We can cuddle and touch without any barriers of clothing between us.

"I know you are. I worry about you," Coulson said seriously. "You were gone for five years. I need you to be honest about your health. I know it's difficult, but it would be so much worse if something came up, we were unprepared for because you hadn't mentioned it."

I'd like that sir... I'd like it a lot Frank thought, his emotions coming through the bond warm and languid and 'cuddly'.

"Even the stuff that happened before I ever joined SHIELD?" she asked, obviously reluctant to list those items in her file, but also obviously not wanting him to be upset with her any longer and thinking about how she would handle things depending on his answer.

Yondu lifted Frank into his arms, replacing his lover's clothing so that he could carry the other man from the room.

"Everything," Coulson confirmed, stroking her hair.

Bobbi took a slow deep breath, pressing closer to the older man before slowly pulling away, her gaze at the ground. "Okay sir... I... do you want to watch me fill the questions out?" she asked, certain he wouldn't trust her to do so without supervision, considering how she'd tried to hide her actions before. She was feeling guilty about that, now that she'd admitted to herself that she'd been lying through omission, redirection, and obfuscation.

"We'll go through them together," Coulson replied, his voice very gentle...but still very firm and no-nonsense.

"Okay..." she whispered, shoulders slumping as she deflated in defeat. She'd never wanted her past to come out like this. Silently, she held out her hand for the data-pad so she could begin filling in all the gaps in her information. She didn't plan to go into detail, but even a little detail would be enough to spell out what had happened.

Moving closer to Bobbi, Coulson wrapped his arm around her shoulders and snuggled her close, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

That warm feeling slid through her body again and despite herself, she found herself snuggling back, relaxing into his arms as she answered the questions. It took longer than she would have liked to admit, and she did have to admit once she finished that it was a good thing he'd stayed with her and held onto her. Otherwise she would have given up and turned in the file unfinished again. It was difficult writing out every injury and illness and what had caused it or what had been done to fix it- when it pointed out how unwanted she'd been and how alone. She didn't like to think about those times. As she clicked the final button to submit her answers, tears were pooled in her eyes and she had to quickly sniffle and clear her throat to look unaffected. She doubted it worked. Coulson seemed to notice things like that. "So... that's... that's all. I really don't see why it's important now, but it's there just in case..." she whispered in a small voice, then cleared her throat again.

Coulson wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Bobbi and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you," he murmured. "I know it was difficult to fill that out. Hard to think about what you've gone through. But I promise you did the right thing."

Bobbi bit her lip, unable to pull away from him even though the feelings she had for him were inappropriate and being this close in his arms were making them worse. Sighing softly, she forced herself to ask, "Do... do you need me to explain any of it?" it was pretty straight forward, but it was possible he might be thinking it was somehow worse and if he did, she wanted to clear that up real quick. She'd been ignored for the most part, not beaten or yelled at. She didn't want him thinking that.

"You weren't treated well by your family. Even if they weren't physically abusive, it's clear you were neglected. Emotionally abused." Coulson ran his fingers through her hair. "You won't be neglected again," he promised. "You won't be treated as an afterthought. Like you don't matter."

Bobbi opened her mouth to protest, but he wasn't wrong. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't deny what he'd just said. Biting her lip again, she slumped in his arms. It felt nice being held and pet and it occurred to her that the last time she'd had any type of physical affection (beyond when she'd been cuddled after Coulson spanked her) was when she and Lance were still together. That was long before she'd disappeared for five years. Maybe that explained why every time Coulson held her close and squeezed her, she wanted to burrow against him. That had to be the reason. She ignored the fact that her most intimate parts were feeling a bit hot and achy as well. She wasn't going to crush on her boss. She wouldn't let herself. Especially not if the only reason she was suddenly attracted was because it'd been too long since she'd last been laid. Trying to distract her traitorous thoughts, she swallowed and asked, "Since I cooperated... finally... will I be disciplined for not following orders the first time?" She tried to pull away so she could calm herself down. She didn't want there to be even a small chance Coulson would realize she was attracted and as observant as he was, she wouldn't put it past him to notice a rise in body temperature or a slight change in skin color. And if she kept pressed close, she was afraid other more obvious things might occur to clue him in.

"I think...." Coulson paused and let himself consider it. "I'm not going to spank you. But I am going to take you to our room. You're going to write some lines for me. 'I will not hide things to do with my health from my family.' That's what you're going to write."

Bobbi blushed at that. It wasn't a harsh punishment by any means, but it had quickly cooled her arousal- it was hard to be aroused when you felt like you were being treated like a child. She didn't argue though. She figured she deserved as much- after all, she'd pretty much behaved like a child trying to avoid answering the questions. "Yes Sir..." she said quietly.

Coulson added the data-pad to the pile with the others and then stood up, helping Bobbi to stand as well and leading her from the room, one arm wrapped around her shoulders.

Bobbi, after a small moment of struggle to separate from him, gave up and leaned into the older man, letting her head rest on his shoulder.


Matt snuggled close to Fisk all the way back to their room, making certain all the love and desire he felt was being sent through the bond.

Fisk pressed kisses all over Matt's face as he carried the smaller man, waves of love and possession flowing through the bond from him. So beautiful. The words came through clearly.

Matt smiled at the feelings and the words. You make me feel beautiful he thought back.

I need you. I love you, so much. Fisk carried Matt into their room and closed the door behind them. He carried his lover towards the bed, snagging some of their new toys along the way, and then sat down, draping Matt over his lap and stripping the smaller man.

Matt shivered and whimpered softly as he was stripped. I belong to you. I could never exist without you. Never again... he thought, his member already showing interest in what was happening, before Fisk even began to mark and claim. If he hadn't heard some of the other subs explaining about their new ability to 'self-lubricate' for their masters, he might have been worried at the fact that he felt very wet, very suddenly- but after hearing the others explain what had occurred, he wasn't surprised to find himself having the same happen.

I can't live without you, Fisk said. I would never come back from it if I lost you. He opened the bag with the toys and drew out a bottle of baby oil. Pouring some into his hands, he began to rub it into the smaller man's bottom.

Matt slumped over Fisk's lap, tiny moans and groans of pleasure escaping. Feels so good, Master... he thought, already finding it difficult to think coherently. Love belonging to you. Love when you touch and take what belongs to you.... his legs fell loose, easy for Fisk to maneuver wherever and however he wanted.

I'll always do that and keep doing it, Fisk promised. You are mine and I won't ever let you forget it. He continued rubbing the baby oil into Matt's bottom and thighs, making the skin slick.

The slickness of the baby oil made his skin more sensitive. With Matt's already heightened awareness, it made it impossible for him to not respond. His member was fully swollen and hard within a short time.

As soon as the baby oil was fully absorbed into his lover's skin, Fisk began a firm, steady patting of his lover's backside, his other hand stroking down Matt's spine and squeezing his hips.

Matt shivered visibly, then groaned loudly, the gentle patting pushing his arousal against Fisk's lap with just enough friction to tease but not push him over the edge. The slight sting caused by the patting felt so good. Yours master... only and forever... wanna be owned by you always and complete... Matt began to babble through the bond and out loud.

You belong to me and with me, Fisk promised. And you always will. No matter what. He continued to pat Matt's bottom with one hand and stroke and caress his lover's body with his other.

Matt lay quiet and accepting over Fisk's lap, letting the older man do whatever he wanted to his body. The fact that all Fisk was currently doing was massaging and patting didn't matter in the least. Fifteen minutes later and he was a wanton, gibbering mess, begging Fisk to take him apart and put him together again.

Fisk continued to gently pat and rub and squeeze his lover's body. After a few moments, he began to glide his fingers between Matt's cheeks, gliding them through the lube that had formed.

Matt shivered again, feeling Fisk's finger so close to claiming him but not yet. He let out a tiny little whine and opened his legs as much as he was able to make access that much easier. And thought about all the things he wished Fisk would do to him, some with a hint of embarrassment because Fisk had never done them before, but he'd 'read' about it and was curious.

Fisk gently pushed his finger against Matt's entrance, pushing very slowly and carefully inside his lover. He took his time in claiming the smaller man, interest spiking at what Matt was thinking of.

Matt's groan at feeling the intrusion of Fisk's finger was low and long and full of need. He became a little less embarrassed at his thoughts when he felt Fisk's interest spiked and envisioned some of them in a little greater detail. Maybe they'd never happen, but just thinking about it and feeling Fisk's interest in his thoughts was arousing in itself.

Don't feel embarrassed, Fisk said gently. I want to know what you want. What you feel. I would give you my whole world. I need you and I love you so very much.

Warm affection travelled through the bond. I... I know you would. I'm only embarrassed because it seems like asking so much... just thinking about it, and... he shivered.

It's not asking too much, Fisk answered. Let me see what you feel and what you want. Don't hide anything from me. He began to move his finger and explore inside Matt.

Whimpering softly, Matt shifted so his legs were open wider, and his bottom was pushed up slightly more. Yes sir... he thought before sending Fisk every think he'd ever thought of Fisk doing to him in detail. Even though he couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed at the 'dirty' things he thought of Fisk doing to him, his master had told him to let him see. So, he did. Just because he showed Fisk didn't necessarily mean the man would do it, but not showing him meant it would never happen. And Matt wanted every part of him to be owned, controlled, tasted.

In response to the images that were coming from his lover, Fisk removed his finger from Matt's entrance. I'm going to carry you into the shower and I'm going to wash you out thoroughly, so that I can taste you inside. Giving action to words, he lifted Matt into his arms to carry him through to the shower.

Matt held onto Fisk tightly, nuzzling against the larger man's neck. You... you'll do that for me? he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He believed Fisk would do anything for him, but even so... he'd felt like even thinking of that was pushing the limits and to have his master... he groaned softly, his love and complete desire for his mate flowing through the bond- along with feelings of dependence and submission.

I would do anything for you, my love, Fisk answered. In the shower, he stripped himself off and then turned on the water, beginning to wash his lover's body, including inside Matt with a small amount of baby shampoo.

Matt trembled as Fisk cleaned him. Yes, he was excited about what his mate was planning to do to him- but the intimacy of having his entire body washed inside and out by his master was just as exciting and felt so good, he found himself hoping that Fisk would spend more than a few moments doing it.

Paying attention to his lover's feelings and emotions, Fisk took his time in cleaning Matt's body, inside and out. He constantly stroked, rubbed, squeezed and kissed at the same time as washing his mate.

By the time Fisk had finished cleaning him thoroughly, the water was beginning to run cold and his body was producing lubricant so quickly, it was dribbling down his thighs before being washed away. He needed his master so badly he didn't need to say anything. His body's aching urges were very clear through the bond.

Turning off the water, Fisk gently turned Matt round so he was leaning against the wall. Crouching down behind the smaller man, he parted his lover's cheeks and pushed his tongue inside Matt's entrance.

Matt's eyes widened as he felt Fisk's tongue breech him, and then his legs went wobbly and he had to lean heavily on the shower wall to keep himself in position. He groaned softly at the pleasure from it. Feels so good master... he thought. All of me is yours....

All of you is mine, Fisk agreed. Forever and ever. No matter what. He closed his eyes, holding tightly to Matt's hips, keeping his lover still as he breached him.

To do with whatever and however you want... forever and ever... Matt promised. He felt hot and achy inside and knew only Fisk would ease the ache or bring any type of relief. What his master was doing now was causing him to feel light-headed it felt so good, and he could feel some of the natural lubricant that Fisk hadn't caught sliding down his thigh.

To look after and take care of. To love and to cherish. For the rest of our lives. Fisk continued delving his tongue inside Matt, holding tightly to the smaller man all the while.

To trust and obey and give myself to... Matt let out a tiny gasp as his body spasmed and the shower wall was splattered with his release. He stayed in position, leaning against the wall, bottom angled and pushed out, Fisk's large hands spreading and opening him, the tight muscle of his entrance quivering and squeezing around Fisk's tongue. His member twitched as if wanting to swell again immediately.

Giving a satisfied grunt, Fisk gave one final lick and then carefully pulled free, lifting Matt into his arms once more. And now, I will take you into our bedroom. Lay you out on the bed and thrust into you.

Matt turned so that he could nuzzle against Fisk's shoulder and neck, his member swelling quickly at the thought. It wouldn't take much for him to be fully aroused again. I'm yours... all I want is to feel you in me, on top of me... owning me....

All I want is to be with you. Fisk kissed Matt's head as he carried his lover to the bedroom as he'd promised, spreading Matt out on the bed and wasting no time pushing into his mate.

Matt moaned softly as Fisk pushed into him. His master was big, and it never made a difference how often he was claimed... it was always a stretch to fit him inside. A stretch that Matt loved to feel.  Belong to you, love you so much master, feel so safe with you on top of me, in me... thank you master. Thank you for claiming me... he whimpered and shifted just slightly so that he was more open, and Fisk could slide in deeper.

I need you so much, Fisk whispered through the bond. I love you so much. I will blanket you with my body whenever you need me to, so you can feel that I own you. He began to thrust, leaning down and kissing Matt's lips.

Matt wrapped his arms and legs around his master, leaning up to return the kiss as deeply as he was able, tiny grunts and sighs escaping with each thrust.

As he continued to deeply kiss and thrust inside Matt, Fisk moved his hands to gently stroke and lightly squeeze the smaller man's nipples, holding back on his strength so he didn't hurt his lover.

Matt whimpered into Fisk's mouth, his nipples pebbling and becoming hard aching nubs between the man's fingers. His member was completely hard and swollen again, rubbing between his and Fisk's bellies as Fisk thrust. Feels so good master... he thought, allowing Fisk to feel through the bond how the friction against his member and how the rubbing inside of him was causing the hot ache inside of him to grow. He knew Fisk could feel how wet he was- the man hadn't had any difficulty at all pushing into him.

You feel so good surrounding me, Fisk thought. You feel so good to touch. To hold. To taste. I love you. You are the most beautiful, perfect thing in my world. He began to thrust a bit harder and faster.

Matt let his tongue slide into Fisk's mouth and explore, his groans and grunts continued, swallowed by the larger man. You taste so good to me too. It feels so good being in your control... he opened his legs wider to try and accommodate his lover's hips so that Fisk could push in as far as possible.

Fisk continued stroking and squeezing Matt's nipples, kissing his lover deeply, waves of love flowing from him through the bond. Mixed with the love was possession and need, a strong desire for the other man.

Matt began to let out tiny sobs at the stimulation. He felt so completely owned by Fisk and it felt so good and so right, he couldn't control his emotions or his thoughts. Tears of need and arousal slid down his face as he opened his mouth wider to invite Fisk's possession- and imagined Fisk biting his nipples, just hard enough to leave them red and sore without wounding him. He also imagined Fisk putting clamps on them that he would have to wear throughout the day until Fisk took them off again- or Fisk piercing them and putting tiny hoops in them to physically show ownership. His thoughts weren't terribly focused, as he was so focused on what Fisk was doing to his body inside and out.

Fisk responded by biting down gently on each of Matt's nipples, though he was very careful and very gentle. He didn't want to leave his lover marked for a long time. He thrust harder and faster, his own release getting close.

Matt groaned loudly as Fisk bit. It may not have been hard, but it was enough to push him over the edge and his whole body went rigid for a few seconds before his release spurt out of him, spraying Fisk's chest as his whole body spasmed and clenched around the older man.

Fisk's own release followed only seconds later and he gripped Matt a bit harder for a few moments as he rode it out before he relaxed and kissed his lover, a bit more gently this time.

Matt let out a happy little chirp, returning the kiss eagerly, if languidly. He didn't bother moving any part of his body. He liked being pinned to the bed by his master.

Still kissing Matt, Fisk pictured pulling out of his lover and then plugging him, to make sure none of Fisk's release escaped, before he blanketed the smaller man with his body again.

The spike of desire and interest in what Fisk imagined made it clear that Matt wanted that.

Without withdrawing from Matt, Fisk picked up one of the plugs. He then carefully pulled out and used the plug before stretching out over his lover, pulling the blanket up and over both of them.

Matt let out a happy sigh. "Love you Wil..." he whispered, suddenly overcome with sleepiness. His master had worn him out. He felt so safe and cocooned with his master on top of him. The plug holding his master's release inside of him stretched him just enough that every time he shifted it reminded him who he belonged to and was meant to obey. Who controlled him. It felt perfect. The feeling of acceptance and happiness at everything floated through the bond to Fisk. I love you master, he repeated in his head just before drifting to sleep.

It didn't take long for Fisk to follow his lover into sleep, making sure to position himself that, while he was covering Matt's body with his own, he wasn't putting his full weight on the smaller man.


Lyja walked into the room she shared with Monica; her arms wrapped around the other woman in a tight hug.

Monica wrapped her own arms around Lyja tightly. She was happy to be with her mate and her happiness was being broadcast in every way imaginable; through her beaming smile, through the way she was walking, and through the bond itself. She was with Lyja- and even if she'd earned herself a scolding on how she needed to be careful with her health, knowing it was because Lyja loved her made it bearable.

Lyja's own happiness was clear through the bond. She enjoyed being with her mate and was more than happy that they'd found each other. She closed the door behind them and guided Monica over to the bed, sitting down and settling the other woman on her lap. "I love you."

"I love you too... so much!" Monica said in a happy voice before nuzzling against Lyja's ear.  "I wouldn't answer all those questions for just anyone!" she added in a teasing voice before kissing the ear she'd been nuzzling, giving a gentle lick.

Lyja ran her fingers gently through Monica's hair and kissed her forehead. "I appreciate that. But I noticed just how cavalier you've been with your health in the past. I need to know those sorts of things won't happen again."

"Those times were just... flukes. I don't actively go seeking trouble..." Monica pouted playfully, wanting to focus on the kisses and the cuddles and not the fact she had a pattern of risky behavior and didn't seem to realize or acknowledge it.

"That's not how it seemed when we first met up and you became mine." Lyja gently grasped Monica's chin, so the other woman would look at her. "It's a pattern of worrying, dangerous behavior. A pattern that will stop. And every time you do something that endangers or hurts yourself, you will earn a trip over my knee." She moved the other woman into position over her lap.

Monica meeped, but didn't fight. Her mate had promised her a 'reminder' when she'd discovered all the things in Monica's health history that were dangerous or worrisome. Being in this position wasn't a surprise- and it wasn't exactly unwelcome. At least not if Lyja wasn't angry or upset.  "Are you mad at me?" she asked in a tiny voice.

"No." Lyja stroked Monica's back before baring her. "But I'm determined I will not lose you. And certainly not to your own reckless behavior." She lifted her hand and brought it down in the first stinging, not too hard swat.

Monica exhaled with a tiny hiss, tensing up briefly before willing herself to relax and accept what Lyja was doing. "I... I won't be lost... even when I'm being dangerous, I know what I'm doing..." she declared semi-confidently. With as many people as had disagreed with her assessment of her actions lately, she was beginning to wonder if she was over-confident in herself.

"That you've been hurt so many times makes it quite clear you don't," Lyja scolded, bringing her hand down in the stinging swats, covering every inch to Monica's thighs before she started over from the top again.

"But... being hurt doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing!" Monica pouted, then hissed and began to squirm. "...Just means I wasn't careful enough doing it!" she blurted out before realizing that probably wasn't what she wanted to be admitting and muttering a "...fuck..." under her breath.

Lyja shook her head. "And that's the problem." She began to swat a fraction harder and faster for the third circuit of swats. "You aren't careful. You don't take your own safety into consideration. But you have to do that now, because you don't just belong to yourself anymore. You belong to me."

Monica winced. She'd thought this was just going to be a reminder, but this was the third circuit and it was harder and faster, and her backside was already burning. "I... I'll try Lyj! I don't mean to be dangerous. It just happens!" she blinked and sniffled, trying to fight back tears. Lyja was really taking this whole being risky thing seriously. Her mate had said she wasn't upset, but it sounded like she was very worried.

"It shouldn't just happen." Lyja paused and began to rub her lover's bottom. "You have a responsibility to keep yourself safe. That means no taking dangerous chances. That means no running off to do things on your own. It means telling me about things you want to do and us deciding together if it's a good idea or not."

"That... that's not so hard to do..." Monica admitted. "You weren't around all the other times though, so... I mean..." she swallowed hard and caught her breath as a tiny sob escaped despite her efforts. A little of the happiness she'd entered the room with was over-shadowed now by a tiny fear that she'd upset her mate, and a worry that Lyja was going to ask for something she didn't know how to give. She didn't want Lyja upset with her. As much as it stung, she'd rather Lyja turn her bottom scarlet and burning hot than to worry or be upset. That thought carried through the bond despite her efforts as well.

"It's not hard to do," Lyja said plainly. "You belong to me and with me. Just as I would not do anything to risk taking myself from you, I expect you to do the same."

Monica squirmed helplessly, tears sliding down her face. "So... so all I hafta do is make sure you're with me when I do stuff. Right? Cuz... cuz if you know what's going on you can stop me from doing stuff that you don't want me to do..." her voice caught in hesitation, not certain if she was learning the lesson Lyja wanted her to learn and if she wasn't, it might upset her mate more.

"Exactly right." Lyja continued rubbing Monica's bottom. "You belong to me and with me now. So, we do things together. We think about each other whenever we make any decisions about what to do."

Monica sniffled, her squirming finally easing as Lyja rubbed the sting out. "I... I'll try really hard, Lyj. I love you. Don't wanna worry or upset you or... or make you feel hurt cuz I wasn't careful enough..." she whispered softly. "...cuz I don't think." She swallowed hard, slumping over her lover's lap, not sure if she was going to get a bit more scolding or swatting or what was going to happen. She just knew Lyja was the one who'd decide what happened.

"I know. And I believe that you'll try hard." Lyja gathered Monica into her arms, hugging the other woman close and tight. "I love you. I can't lose you," she whispered.

"I don't want to lose you either, Lyj... even if it's to my own stupid self... please don't leave me. I'd rather not be able to sit for the rest of my life than know I pushed you away cuz I can't be good..." Monica sniffled, snuggling tight and hiding her face against Lyja's neck.

"I won't ever leave you," Lyja promised. "I would never let you push me away. I love you. I can't live without you now." She kissed the top of Monica's head.

Monica relaxed at that promise. "I'm sorry I was a naughty brat before you came back for me. I was really lucky. Coulda been lost before you ever got me..." she whispered, realizing her recklessness could have hurt so many people.

"You aren't lost now," Lyja murmured. "I won't let you be lost to me." She stroked the side of Monica's face and kissed her forehead.

Monica calmed down slowly, the cuddling and kissing and gentleness easing her fear and helping to bring her good mood back to nearly what it had been before she'd gotten the reminder. "I love you Lyj," she nuzzled her mate's ear.

"I love you too. So very much so." Lyja kissed her lover's cheeks, hugging the other woman a bit tighter.

Monica snuggled as close as possible, before coyly slipping off Lyja's lap, toeing her shoes off, and letting her pants and panties slide off her feet. She then slowly tugged her shirt over her head and removed her bra, moving as slowly as she was able, teasing.

Smiling, Lyja watched her lover, her eyes moving appreciatively over Monica's body. Reaching out, she drew the other woman back onto her lap as soon as Monica was naked, kissing her deeply.

Monica sighed softly, opening for Lyja, submitting to the deeper kiss.

Lyja slid her hands over Monica's body, stroking her stomach and her back, and sent her lover an image of Monica undressing her.

A spike of excitement surged through the bond and then Monica carefully reached out and began gently removing Lyja's clothes, beginning with her shirt. As she removed each article of clothing, she kissed as much exposed skin as she was able until, finally, Lyja was completely naked and Monica was knelt between her knees looking up at her with adoring eyes.

Cupping Monica's face in her hands, Lyja leaned forward and kissed her girlfriend's lips, waves of love, need and desire coming through the bond towards Monica.

Monica returned the kiss almost greedily, her own love, need and desire rising to mix with Lyja's. May I taste you, mistress? she asked almost shyly.

Smiling, Lyja tangled her fingers in Monica's hair. Of course, she encouraged.

Smiling back up at her mate, Monica gently parted Lyja's folds with her fingers, then leaned forward and ran her tongue from slit to clit, once, twice, three times like she was licking ice-cream. As she licked, she made pleased little sounds. She felt like she'd been given a gift, a treat, being allowed to do this and that feeling carried through the bond clearly.

Lyja let her body react to what Monica was doing, her feelings of pleasure and desire coming clear through the bond. She didn't hold back or try to hide, letting her lover know how it felt for her.

Monica felt happy at giving her mate pleasure and her happiness surged through the bond. She continued to lick, moving her mouth up slightly and wrapping her lips around Lyja's clit, sucking it into her mouth gently, then licking over it repeatedly with the tip of her tongue while still sucking gently. Her thumbs gently rubbed up and down between her mistress's folds, spreading Lyja's juices so that she'd stay moist while Monica's tongue was busy elsewhere.

Tiny little groans and cries made it clear just how good Lyja felt at what Monica was doing. She tangled her fingers in her lover's hair and stroked down Monica's back; not trying to dictate what her mate should do, but just holding onto her.

Growling playfully, feeling emboldened by her mistress's reactions, Monica slowly released the swollen clit and shifted her mouth back down so that she was tonguing Lyja's opening. She only waited a few seconds in case Lyja wanted to direct her differently before she pushed her tongue as deep inside as she could, opening her mouth and covering Lyja's opening. She began to wiggle her tongue gently inside, licking her mistress's walls while also gently sucking, drawing Lyja's juices out and into her mouth. When her mouth was full of the musky liquid, she swallowed, but kept pushing her tongue in and out, licking as far as she could reach. Her thumbs gently rubbed the wet swollen nub.

Groaning, Lyja's head tipped back, her body trembling and arching towards her lover's mouth and hands. The pleasure was too intense for her to think in words, but the emotions coming through the bond were very clear. The need, want, desire and love for her mate overpowered everything else.

Monica let out happy little sounds at Lyja's reaction, continuing to rub her clit with one thumb while pushing her tongue inside and licking as far as she could reach. She continued gently sucking, drinking whatever juices Lyja gave to her. Carefully, slowly, so that she didn't accidentally pull out or bite her mistress, she let one hand slide upwards, rubbing, then gently pinching a nipple between thumb and index finger.

Lyja groaned in response, her nipple quickly responding...hardening and pebbling under her lover's touch. Her fingers gently gripped Monica's hair, stroking down over the other woman's spine. Touching and caressing as a whole myriad of different emotions came through the bond.

Satisfied that she was pleasing her mistress, Monica continued to suck and lick inside, while rubbing and pinching both sensitive nubs. While doing so, she imagined Lyja releasing hard- like they had done during their bonding- and rapidly filling her mouth with release forcing her to drink fast so she wouldn't lose it or choke.  Just thinking about it made her own body heat up and begin to ache deep inside. She let her mistress feel her own arousal through the bond.

Lyja responded to Monica's thoughts with a sense of approval and her own desire to do that. She slid her hands a bit lower, clasping Monica's waist, as her nipples responded to her lover's actions, becoming more sensitive.

Groaning at the approval, Monica increased her movement. Before her mistress released, she planned to have mapped every inch inside with her tongue. She was less gentle, thrusting her tongue deep then roughly rubbing inside, then thrusting again, never stopping the hard suction.

Lyja's release wasn't far off and she gripped her lover tighter, gasping and moaning at Monica's actions. In moments, her release overtook her, and she couldn't help but cry out, clinging to her mate, not wanting to let Monica go.

Monica whimpered with pleasure at feeling Lyja grip her tighter, the action holding her in place so she could do nothing but accept her mistress's release. To her pleasure, her Mistress did release like when they had bonded, her juices flowing hard and fast. Monica drank as fast as she was able, not wanting to lose even a drop. She held her breath as Lyja's grip had pulled her tight against her, her nose nestled in the damp curls hiding her folds. She was prisoner against her mistress's most private area, not able to pull away or wanting to pull away until Lyja gave her permission. She could feel her own juices dribbling down her thigh, her core hot and achy.

Lyja held Monica tightly for several long moments, breathing in and out, before she slowly loosened her grip, only to slide her hands down her lover's body and lift Monica onto her lap, kissing the other woman deeply before her fingers slipped between Monica's thighs, beginning to stroke and caress between her folds.

Monica gave Lyja a dazed look, licking her lips before her Mistress swooped her up and began kissing. She whimpered softly at feeling her mate's fingers rubbing her, opening her legs wide so Lyja had easy access. It hurts inside mistress...  aches deep in me... she admitted, whimpering again uncertainly. She opened her mouth, offering herself to Lyja. you tasted so good mistress she thought, her mind going in several different tangents, still dazed.

I've got you, Lyja whispered through the bond. I know it hurts. Aches. I'll help you, she promised, her fingers searching for that sensitive spot inside her mate.

Monica gasped and whined as Lyja's finger brushed that spot, quivering and clenching around her Mistress's finger. Please more? she begged.

Mine. Lyja began to stroke a bit more firmly, her other hand starting to toy with her lover's nipples, circling each with her fingers.

Monica's breathing grew ragged and she arched her back, so her breasts thrust upward toward her Mistress. "yours... yours... only and forever yours..." she babbled as she begged through the bond, Please mistress... please. More... and harder... and more... please….

Curving her fingers to make it easier to stroke and caress her lover's intimate places, Lyja took first one nipple and then the other into her mouth, licking and sucking to turn each into a hard pebble.

Monica let out a tiny sob as her nipples were sucked. It felt so good... but it made the burning ache stronger. She wasn’t sure what she needed, she just knew she needed it to fill her and pound her... in scattered images she let Lyja see her thoughts.

Once Monica's nipples were hard and pebbled, Lyja moved her fingers from between her lover's legs and replaced them with her tongue, beginning to lick and suck in much the same way Monica had to her.

Monica found it difficult to support herself, leaning back onto the bed and drawing her knees up and opening them wide so that her most private spot was easy to get to. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she was reduced to gibbering whimpers, whines, and moans as her Mistress tongued her. It felt so good and her pleasure and need for more coursed through the bond.

While her lips and tongue focused on that most sensitive spot, Lyja's hands stroked and caressed Monica's nipples. Ran down her sides and gently squeezed her hips. Stroked, caressed and squeezed every inch of skin, down her legs to her feet.

Monica quivered at the gentleness. Her mistress seemed to be making her claim. It felt good and she couldn’t help the tiny sobs of need she gave.

I've got you. You're mine, Lyja promised. No matter what happens, you belong to me, now and always.

"Yours... yours... yours..." Monica repeated in the neediest tone possible. Please mistress...  please... need to feel you... wanna feel you she quivered with need. She needed Lyja to be a little tougher with her... make sure she felt this later.

Lyja began to tongue her lover a bit more firmly, grasping Monica's hips to hold her still and steady for what she wanted to do. Mine. The possessive word repeated over and over through the bond.

Monica felt herself weaken at the words. Her body was squirming to get away, beginning to feel so sensitive, but Lyja’s grip held her secure and still. All she could do was lay open and vulnerable, as Lyja took what she wanted. She quivered and softly cried tears of need, whimpering low in her throat, begging Please Mistress, please.... she could feel her juices flowing fast now.

That one word continued to vibrate through the bond, also added to a direction. Let go, my love. I will catch you. I will always catch you.

At the promise, Monica did let go, shuddering spasms shaking her body as her release hit. She was beyond knowing anything but her Mistress's possession and the feel of her Mistress's lips and tongue taking what they wanted.

Lyja didn't move away, taking every bit of Monica's release and then leaning up to kiss her lover's lips, hands ghosting over Monica's hips. I love you so much, she sent through the bond.

Monica kissed back, obviously dazed. She lay limp under Lyja.  "Love you so much" she whispered her voice filled with a hint of wonder. "Yours mistress...always belong to you...."

"Forever and always," Lyja promised. "I love you and I need you so much. You are my life's blood."

Monica smiled crookedly. The burning ache had been eased. But now she felt heavy and boneless. "Can't move..." she groaned, then giggled.

Lyja smiled and kissed her lover's cheek. "I'll move us both into bed. We can snuggle and sleep." Putting action to words, she began to do just that.

"You're strong..." Monica observed once they were both in bed, Monica pressed as close to Lyja as possible with her head on her mate's chest.

"The perks of being a shapeshifter." Lyja kissed her head. "I can give myself extra body mass if need be."

"I'm not gonna complain! I'd know you whatever form you take!" Monica declared, pressing a kiss to Lyja's nipple. "I'm so glad we're bond...."

"I am too." Lyja ran her fingers through Monica's hair. "I love you so much."

Monica settled, enjoying Lyja playing with her hair. "What did Papa mean? When he said he and Daddy were bond before they did the ceremony?" She asked out of nowhere, the talk of their own bond reminding her of the words.

"That was something quite unique and something that happened because they were two men," Lyja answered. "If you're curious, we can talk to Papa and Daddy about it and I'm sure they will answer your questions."

Monica wrinkled her nose. "You mean... if we hadn't found each other again... or hadn’t been able to perform that spell... you would never be able to bond with someone because you aren't male?" she sounded offended and upset on Lyja's behalf.

"I imagine it might still be possible, but it doesn't seem as common in my people," Lyja answered. "It's easier to tell with men, as their sexual organs will knot inside a compatible partner."

Monica blinked and opened her mouth, then shut it again. "Yeah. Guess it'd be kinda difficult for you to do that with me... or anyone not a male Krull." She snorted. "Guess we’re lucky that spell was adaptable...."

"Very lucky," Lyja agreed. "We are, to all intents and purposes, married. You are the only one who will ever be right for me."

Monica smiled and nuzzled against Lyja, kissing her nipple again. "You are the only one for me...."

Lyja kissed Monica's hair and resumed stroking her fingers through it, waves of love and contentment flowing through the bond.


Yon was sat on the examining table as the doctor did the last scan they planned to do. It was an ultra-sound of his internal organs. He couldn’t wait for the final test to be concluded so he and Talos could return to their room. The doctors had all the information from the exams the Krull had done when he was first captured, before he and Talos had bond.

The doctor performing the ultrasound blinked then made an odd, 'huh' sound, before taking the Krull records and held it up to the screen where his insides were currently on display.

It was a bit nerve-wracking.

Talos stayed close to his mate, holding Yon's hand whenever he could, sending waves of love and reassurance through the bond towards the Kree.

After comparing the files some more, the doctor cleared his throat. "Are you aware that your ovaries have matured and are now capable of releasing eggs? Normally when young females develop, they start menses. Have you...had a period?"

Yon gave the doctor a flummoxed look. "I'm male. I don't have ovaries."

"But... you do." The doctor frowned slightly. "I'd think that it was related to your ... magical... bonding. But these scans the Krull took when you were first taken in by them, clearly show undeveloped ovaries. Here." He pointed to the Krull files. "These new ultrasounds show matured ovaries. Given the right circumstances. You could become a mother..." he turned back to look at Yon.

Yon looked like he was ready to pass out or run. It wasn’t clear which he'd do.

Talos wrapped his arms more tightly around Yon, kissing his head and sending waves of protective reassurance and love through the bond. This doesn't change anything between us, he promised. You're still mine. You still belong to me. You're still my husband, in every way that counts. My bonded mate.

Yon didn’t know what to think. One of his pillars of belief about himself- his gender- was being shown to be a lie. Or at least partly a lie. He let Talos support his weight. "But... I'm male..." he sounded uncertain now.

"Yes. You are. That is the sexual reproductive system that took dominance in your body, so you are most definitely male. But... you also have female ovaries that are now functioning. I've never seen anything like it in humans- though there is a condition close to this that we have a name for," the doctor paused before continuing. "You didn’t mention on your health questions that this was a possibility and the look on your face indicates you didn't know. Is this not typical in Kree physiology?"

"I wouldn’t know. The supreme intelligence makes it so that most Kree do not get seriously sick, and if we are injured badly enough to need the medical scientists, they take care of us but don’t go into great detail beyond telling us which body part was fixed." Yon sounded embarrassed at how the Kree left him in the dark about his own body. They had to have known.

Talos tightened his hold on his lover. "They hid an awful lot of things from you, but this...this isn't scary." Slipping into mental speech, he added, you seemed to regret that we couldn't share a child. Knowing this, having it revealed to us, means that it could be possible. If you ever wanted to give our daughters a brother or sister. It isn't scary. It isn't bad. I believe it is a gift.

Yon swallowed and turned, burrowing against Talos, gripping him tightly and nuzzling his shoulder. You... you're right my heart. It doesn’t have to be scary and... if I can give you a child, then... it's a good thing.  turning his face slightly to the doctor he asked, "do... do you think I'd be able to conceive a child with the eggs?"

The doctor gave a hesitant nod. "You don't have a uterus- it looks like that may have been removed when you were very young, as the scarring is so faint, but if you had a surrogate carry the embryo...."

"I had a uterus and it was removed?" Yon was equal parts horrified and enraged. Since deciding he couldn't live with the Kree's treatment of other people any longer, he'd been making lists of all the horrific things they'd done to others for SHIELD. He supposed he shouldn't have been surprised that, a people who would do such things to outsiders, would do horrible things to their own people as well. Maybe it could be argued that his health had been in danger- but given everything else he'd discovered, he suspected it was more that they felt he was more useful as a male and didn't think he had a right to choose. It wasn't like they were actually worried about his quality of life or him fitting in.

Talos brushed a kiss across his lover's forehead. "I love you." He said the words out loud, reinforcing the emotions through the bond. Whatever happens, whatever this means, we'll deal with it, he promised. We'll deal with it together.

I'm defective... Yon couldn’t help but think. He held onto Talos tightly, his mate being the only certain thing he knew he could count on.

No. You are not defective, Talos disagreed. You are mine. I love you and I need you. You are not defective.

I love you so much. And need you so much. I don't know who I am anymore... only that I'm yours... Yon let Talos feel his confusion and anxiety at all the revelations.

I know who you are, Talos stated. You are mine. My mate. Lyja and Monica's dad. Even if you have something extra inside, it doesn't make any difference.

Yon nuzzled against his mate. I... it doesn’t change me. It... it just gives us extra?

It means we might be able to grow our family if we ever wanted to, Talos replied. It isn't a bad thing. It isn't something you should be upset about.

Yon nodded, tugging Talos’s hand to rest on his belly.  Would you like that love? The doctor says I couldn't carry a babe, but if we had a surrogate.... he was surprised at the hint of regret that he couldn’t carry a child.

I would like it if you would like it, Talos replied. It's a decision we should make together.

I never allowed myself to think of being a parent. I would like to have a child with you. If... if it were possible, I think I would have liked to carry a child for you... Yon admitted almost bashfully. Of course, that was easy to say after the doctor said he couldn't.

We should consider whether we want to do that, Talos said. It's a big decision and shouldn't be rushed into. You are my life mate. I don't want to harm you.

You would never harm me. Even when you punished me, you didn’t harm me. I think I have a lot to discover about myself before we bring a new life into this universe. I'm a mess, between cutting myself off from my people and all the other changes in my life. Yon smiled crookedly. I feel lucky you have me and are helping me through all my changes....

We have time, Talos stated. We don't need to rush into anything. He wrapped his arms tighter around Yon. You are my bonded. The one I love. Your home is with me.

My life is with you. I'm lost without you. Yon snuggled.

I'll ask for a copy of the medical report and then we'll retire to our quarters, where we can look through it all. Talos stroked Yon's cheek. You're mine. You belong to me and with me.

I belong to you and with you. I can face anything with you, master Yon looked up and kissed Talos on the chin.

Talos kissed Yon's lips and then looked at the doctor. "Please give us a copy of the medical report so that we can look at it later."

"Of course. Um... Given how things have changed in such a short time due to your bonding... I'd like to do a full set of scans and bloodwork right before you leave as well. The fact the bond caused a reversal in what was done to your mate," the doctor addressed Talos, sensing that he would be the one to agree or disagree, "I would like to make certain it isn't reversing everything. Plus. We should have some results from DNA in a few days."

Talos nodded. "We'll talk it over." He might be in charge, but he would definitely take Yon's input into account. Taking the report, he wrapped his arm around his lover's waist, drawing the Kree up and into a tight embrace.

Yon wasn’t ashamed to lean on his lover. Part of him wanted Talos to carry him and cuddle him, but he refrained from asking. The other man was carrying all the files and it would be awkward.

Picking up on the feelings from his lover, Talos tucked the files under his arm and swept Yon into his arms, carrying him from the medical room.

Yon quickly wrapped his arms around Talos and snuggled, kissing his mate's shoulder and neck as he was carried.

Talos kissed Yon's head, sending through waves of love and reassurance through the bond.

Once they were in the room, Yon didn't try to get loose. He needed his mate too much. Needed to feel Talos had him and would not let go. Needed to feel that he belonged to the other man.

Talos sat down on the bed and settled Yon on his lap, hugging him close and kissing his shoulder.

Yon shivered and pressed closer. Need to feel you have me, love. Need to feel your control. Feel so out of control right now... he admitted.

I have you. I want you. I love you. I desire you. Talos put the files down and stretched Yon out on the bed, kissing his lips and then along his jaw.

"Even though I'm not what you thought I was? Not what I thought I was?" Yon slanted his head offering his neck in submission.

"I don't care what you are. I don't care who you are." Talos kissed his way along Yon's neck. "I only care that you're mine. That you belong to me. No matter what we discover."

Yon swallowed and shivered, letting his belief in and love for Talos to carry through the bond. "Mark me, master?" He whispered. "Let me see and feel I belong to you?"

Talos didn't put voice to his agreement, but he did begin to suck on Yon's neck, leaving a mark behind.

Yon found himself relaxing, being less afraid, as he felt the suction against his neck. Talos had him, was in control. It didn’t matter how out of control he felt, he was safe if his mate had him. Feelings of love, gratitude, and acceptance slid through the bond.

Talos continued to bite and gently suck his lover's neck, leaving behind a necklace of love bites as he did.

"Thank you, my love..." Yon whispered. "Do... do you think... would you like if I wore your collar?" He asked hesitantly. "I was speaking with Brock and he said that is a way to show one is in a relationship like ours...."

"I would like that, very much." Talos ran his fingers over Yon's lips. "I want everyone to know who you belong to. That you belong to me."

"Could we look? Order one now?" Yon asked hopefully.

"Of course." Talos sat up and settled Yon on his lap, tracing a finger over the ring of love bites, his emotions those of pride and satisfaction.

Yon settled where he was put, his own sense of pride and satisfaction breaking through. He pulled a nearby tablet to them and brought up a website selling collars, adding his input when asked, but otherwise trusting Talos to pick the best one.