Chapter Three

Warning(s): Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU
Pairings: Steve/Brock; Fury/Bucky; Thor/Peter Quill; Mordo/Stephen Strange


It was a few weeks later and Tony was being released from the hospital. To celebrate, a small party was being thrown in his honor at the Avengers compound. Quill glanced around to see who had actually come. Pepper had been adamant that they not invite a huge amount of people.

Most of the people there were those who had visited Tony in the hospital. Clint and Wanda were there, along with Scott, Rhodey and Sam. And, of course, the four couples were part of the celebration.

Quill smiled at the other attendees and tried to not let his antsiness show. At first, the novelty of belonging to Thor had kept him calm. But now the novelty had worn off and given his insecurities time to kick in. He shifted and nodded at Stephen.

Stephen couldn't say what he was thinking or feeling. All he knew was there was an itch between his shoulders, and he felt the need to control something. Anything. Maybe this party would give him that chance.

Seeing the other two couples made Steve quite obviously more relaxed and happier about showing more of his relationship with Brock. He had his arms wrapped around the other man's waist while they talked with Rhodey and Peter.

Fury had his arm wrapped around Bucky's shoulders, keeping his partner close and safe against his side in case the other man got overwhelmed.

Brock felt safe and comfortable. "So... you've been helping work on some of Stark's ideas while he was laid up? And he was okay with that?" he asked Peter. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Stephen was avoiding the buffet that was set out. Odd. He could have sworn the other man had said he'd not eaten anything all day when he'd asked him if he was looking forward to the lobster. Maybe the man didn't like seafood, although there were other options at the table.

Bucky felt like a cosseted debutante, the way Fury kept him close and snuggled to him. He liked that feeling. He'd been listening to the conversation along with Stevie, Brock and his Moy, but Queens was nearly as serious as Stark when it came to projects and science. He got confused about four sentences in and just let his head rest on Fury's shoulder, his attention drifting to others in the room.

He noted Quill carrying on a conversation with Bruce, his hands moving in a lively manner, Thor standing by with a long suffering but increasingly frustrated look on his face. Quill had been mouthier than usual this evening. He was known for teasing and giving people nicknames... but he'd been focusing his attention on Thor since arriving at the party. That wasn't usual. Normally, he shared his teasing with everyone, not focusing on just one person. And even if what he said was often irreverent or playfully insulting, it wasn't usually disrespectful. His comments since arriving had been nothing but disrespect couched in teasing, playful tones, all directed at his mate. And if the look on Thor's face was anything to go by, the behavior had started long before they arrived at the party.

Peter nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. I'm just kind of hoping Mr. Stark will still want me to help now that he's up and around," he commented. A grin crossed his face as he noticed the way Fury stroked his fingers along Bucky's hair; kissed the side of his head. And how Steve gently squeezed his arms around Brock, letting his chin drop to the other man's head and kissing there.

Mordo didn't miss anything; and he certainly didn't miss that Stephen had been avoiding eating anything. Just as he had been all day. He gently grasped the other man's arm. "You need to eat something."

Thor hadn't moved away from Quill's side, though he was beginning to get frustrated. They hadn't discussed how to handle outright disrespect...he hadn't assumed it would become a problem. But he was beginning to think that if he continued to let it go, it would give Quill entirely the wrong idea.

Brock smiled up at Steve at the kiss, leaning up to kiss the underside of the other man's chin.  He turned toward Peter and grinned. "I can't see him not wanting your help... having you help him will give him more time with his family and from the way he was with Morgan whenever she visited him in the hospital, I think more time with them is something he won't want to give up...."

Bucky nodded at Brock's words. "Yeah. He ain't gonna stop asking for your help now, Queens. Not when he knows how good you are, and it makes things easier for him...." He shifted, whispering into Fury's ear, "...Heads up. I'm not sure what's on with Quill, but Thor doesn't look happy...."

Stephen glanced at Mordo and gave a crooked smile, carefully extricating his arm because he didn't want to be pulled toward the buffet. "I'm okay. I'll eat later..." he said, with a tiny shake of his head. For some reason, he didn't want to eat in front of anyone else. He wasn't sure why. There really wasn't a good reason for it.

"So... at the coffee shop this morning, this girl comes up and asks for our autographs..." he relayed to Bruce. "...But Lord Lightening Rod here thought she was flirting too much and made us leave before I could sign it..." He snorted in amusement, his tone teasing; but his eyes were challenging, if one knew what to look for.

Peter nodded and glanced at Rhodey when the other man lightly patted his shoulder. "He stopped working so much these past five years, so he's in a better position to accept help now," the older man commented.

Fury gently squeezed Bucky's shoulder in acknowledgement. "You hungry?" he asked softly, figuring they could pass Thor and Quill on the way to the table and see if the Asgardian needed any help.

"No. You will eat now." Mordo closed his hand around Stephen's arm once more. "I will not allow you to skip meals. Especially when I know you haven't been eating all day." His voice was low, but carried a heavy note of, 'Or else.'

Thor frowned at Quill's comments and let his hand rest on the other man's waist. The possessive action made it clear, without words, that the other man was his. He hadn't really liked that stab of jealousy when they'd been out but leaving had been better than reaction to the woman.

Brock smiled. "See? You're needed, kid. Don't think you aren't."

Bucky shifted closer to Fury and nodded. "Yeah. I am a bit hungry..." he said softly, but loudly enough that the others would hear. It would enable them to slip away without them worrying.

Stephen frowned at Mordo's order. He couldn't say what the problem was. They'd been happy since the bonding, learning how to relate with each other now that they were magically connected. Of course, the bond had given Mordo more control than it had him, the older man able to sense Stephen's feelings a lot easier than Stephen could sense his, even if Stephen could usually sense them. It had been useful, in a way... Mordo being able to head potential problems off at the pass, because he could tell when Stephen was becoming agitated and needed to calm down, or when he was feeling lonely and needed to be held, or when he was sad and needed cheering. Unfortunately, what Stephen was feeling at the moment was anxiety; and the thing causing the anxiety was the fact that he couldn't feel anything without Mordo feeling it and being able to step in and 'fix' it. He'd given himself over to the older man completely, but it felt like he had a complete lack of control over anything to do with himself and... well, he'd always been in complete control of himself.  The stress of leaving himself so fully in Mordo's hands had finally caught up with him. He was going to control when he ate, damn it. He didn't know what would happen if he submitted and ate on command as well.  Pulling his arm free again, he snapped, "I'm not hungry!" It was an outright lie. He was hungry and he knew Mordo knew it because Mordo knew things like that about him now, thanks to the bond. But his anxiety was growing, and he didn't know exactly why it was happening or how to stop it, so explaining really wasn't an option.

Quill glanced down at the possessive grip on his waist and chuckled. "C'mon, man... she wasn't just flirting with me, you know. She was flirting with you too. No need to go cave-man on me...." He wriggled a bit to put a little space between them. He wrinkled his nose playfully at Bruce. "You don't get jealous over nothing, do you?" he teased the doctor, a hint of flirting in his tone. He wasn't trying to flirt; it was his natural inclination. (It always had been; it was one of the things that annoyed Gamora so much when they'd begun to get closer. He just flirted with anyone and anything sometimes, his need to be needed and wanted and desired and loved over-riding any common sense he might have had.) Peter's greatest fear was to be thought useless and not be wanted (he'd always thought the reason his father never came for him was because he wasn't wanted). Of course, Thor had proven he did want him, but now Quill was positive that, having been with him, the Asgardian had to be changing his mind. And if Thor didn't want him anymore, then he had to prepare himself and pull back. But he didn't want to pull back, because he loved Thor and wanted to be his. The contradiction was causing him to be a bit obnoxious in his behavior.

Fury steered Bucky close enough to Thor and Quill that he could talk at a normal speaking voice without having to shout to be heard. He addressed his comment to Thor rather than to Quill. "I don't believe anyone will bat an eyelid if you choose to take a more hands-on approach with your lover."

Thor had already considered responded to Quill's behavior. Fury's comment helped to push him towards making that decision. He moved, stepping right into his lover's personal space, and grabbed Quill around the waist, lifting him up over his shoulder and striding with purpose towards one of the chairs in the room.

Noticing Thor's actions, Mordo grasped Stephen's arm and turned the other man to one side, giving his backside a firm swat. "If you continue to fight me, I will not hesitate to turn you over my knee here and now," he warned.

Peter had been about to protest and tell Fury to mind his own farking business when Thor had acted. Yelping, Peter grabbed onto the back of Thor's shirt before grasping onto the larger man's hips in an attempt to feel more stable and secure, as he felt like he would keep sliding forward and fall onto his head. "Thor!" His tone wasn't belligerent or angry; it was surprised, a bit worried and a tiny bit scared (from the feeling that he was falling).

Stephen's eyes widened at the swat and he gave Mordo an offended look. Of course, he felt more nervous than offended and he knew Mordo would be able to tell. He tried to figure out what Mordo was feeling, but his own feelings were too anxious and mired in self-doubt to be able to figure out what Mordo was feeling. "...You wouldn't!" he found himself daring, even though he didn't really doubt Mordo and hadn't intended to push.

Thor ignored the protest, sitting down on the chair and draping Peter across his lap. He wasted no time in divesting the younger man of the lower portions of his clothing and then he lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Mordo merely raised his eyebrows and gripped Stephen's arm a fraction tighter, guiding the other man to another empty chair. He sat down and then moved Stephen across his lap, securing him with an arm wrapped around his waist before baring him.

Peter yelped again and immediately began squirming, frantically trying to get off of Thor's lap at the same time as he was trying to pull his pants back up. It wasn't that he was overly modest- he wasn't- but the thought of all the Avengers watching as he had his backside reddened was humbling. The fact he'd pushed Thor into this didn't cross his mind.

Stephen hadn't truly believed Mordo would punish him in front of anyone else. After all, the man hadn't been present when Bucky and Brock were punished in front of everyone, so he hadn't thought the idea would even cross his mind, even with the threat. As a result, he didn't fight being pulled to the chair or being tugged over Mordo's knee. It wasn't until Mordo had lowered his pants that he realized it was really happening. He was about to be spanked in front of the entirety of the Avengers. "...Mordo!" he hissed under his breath, the sound more worried and nervous than angry or protesting.

Thor tightened his hold on Peter, grasping the younger man's hands and holding them out of the way. "You have been pushing for me to step in and take you in hand all day," he scolded. "I allowed you to get away with far more than I should have done." He swatted to emphasize each word.

"I gave you plenty of chances to avoid this, Stephen," Mordo said seriously. He settled into a pattern of swats, going down to Stephen's thighs.

Peter whined under his breath at finding his hands firmly held out of the way. He continued to squirm as much as he was able, trying to move his bottom away from line of fire, fruitless as the endeavor was. Thor spanked hard; and he hadn't been exaggerating. Peter had been pushing all day long. Granted, he hadn't been pushing for a spanking. He'd been pushing to see when Thor finally gave up on him and dropped him as a lost cause. He'd honestly not thought spanking would even be a consideration. "...Wh... what did I get away with?!" he found himself protesting in a whine, even though, deep down, he knew the answer.

Stephen grit his teeth as the swats began, mortification at everyone watch him be punished mixing with the anxiety he'd been feeling all day and causing it to rise. He didn't protest like Peter was. He could hear the other man and while he could sympathize, he knew if they were in this position, talking themselves out of punishment wasn't going to work; they'd passed any point where that would work long ago. He didn't protest. Instead, he held unnaturally still, determined to accept the punishment Mordo had decided he deserved and not fight; but he wasn't going to respond, either. He couldn't, even if he'd wanted to.

"You've been outright disrespectful to me all day," Thor scolded, keeping the swats at the same level. "I gave you plenty of opportunities to stop, or at least to tone down your attitude. I don't know why you have been giving me such a hard time, but it will end now."

Mordo could feel Stephen's emotions and he paused, letting his hand rub gently over the skin he'd just heated. At the same time, he opened his emotions to the other man; allowing his love and concern to wash over Stephen. "I love you." He voiced his feelings out loud.

"I've just been teasing!" Peter choked out, still squirming in an attempt to get away; though the squirms were becoming a little less strenuous as he began to tire himself out. "That's what I do! Just... just ask anyone..." His voice trailed off with a tiny whimper. He sounded more like an uncertain little boy than an adult man with the last protest.

Stephen took in a slow breath, quivering in place from the effort it was taking not to move or fight the position. He debated not answering Mordo's words, but that just felt wrong and petty, especially since he knew he'd all but dared Mordo into taking him in hand in front of the others. "...I... I know you do..." he finally managed to whisper his voice strained. He closed his eyes tightly as he felt the gentle rubbing. "...I don't know what's wrong with me..." he finally admitted, in a tiny, slightly nervous, but apologetic voice. It was as far as he felt able to submit at that point in time, which felt so wrong to him; he'd given himself completely to Mordo, he should be able to fully submit to him no matter where they were. Holding back felt wrong. But he couldn't help himself.

"There is a difference between teasing and what you have been doing all day." Thor's grip was tight around Peter's waist; his hold on the other man's hands firm. "You have been testing me. To see if I would step in and take you in hand in front of our friends? Our family? Or because you do not believe in our relationship?"

Mordo continued to gently rub Stephen's backside. "I'm not trying to turn you into something you're not." His voice was gentle. "I'm trying to take care of you. To get you to take care of yourself. I don't want a slave. If that was all I wanted, I would never have come back for you."

"No! No, I didn't... I don't... I..." Peter's voice trailed off as he realized that he had been pushing, testing Thor. Because he'd thought if he pushed hard enough, Thor would leave him. Did that mean he didn't believe in the Asgardian? He trusted Thor with his life. That meant he had to believe in him, didn't it? "I didn't mean to!" he finally said, in a tiny, confused voice as he stopped squirming. He didn't submit yet, but he'd stopped actively trying to get away from what he knew he deserved.

Stephen swallowed. He could feel Mordo was being truthful. But then again, he'd never thought all Mordo wanted was a slave, or that he was trying to change Stephen. "I know that..." he said, his voice tight, though it was obvious he was being truthful. He did know that. "I... it feels... I'm losing myself, Mordo..." he whispered, hints of the fear he felt at becoming a non-entity carrying through in his voice. The guilt he felt at feeling that way was clear too. He shouldn't be upset about what was happening. It was a good thing. What was wrong with him?

Bucky winced at hearing those words. He knew how that felt, even if the reason he'd lost himself had been due to brainwashing. He didn't know what had occurred since they last saw Stephen for the doctor to feel that way, but it was obvious he felt guilty for feeling that way; felt like he shouldn't be feeling that way. One couldn't always control their feelings.

Thor began to swat a bit harder and a bit faster, still keeping a tight hold on Peter. "Perhaps you did not mean to deliberately, but that is what you've been doing," he stated. "It doesn't matter what you do or say, though. I will not give up on you or abandon you. No matter what happens."

Mordo pulled Stephen a bit tighter against his stomach. "I know it's scary," he whispered soothingly. "But you're not losing yourself. It's true that the lines between us are becoming blurry. We're bleeding into each other. But it means I can take care of you better. It means you never have to worry or fear that you'll lose me again, because you're a part of me now. And you can feel me, too."

Fury wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Bucky at noticing the wince. He pressed a kiss to the other man's shoulder, letting his hands rest possessively on Bucky's hips.

Steve had half-turned to allow both him and Brock to see what was going on. He kissed the side of the other man's neck, sliding a hand up under Brock's shirt to rest his palm against bare skin.

Brock glanced around. While it was true the party was small, only the Avengers and their significant others being present, there were still a lot of people around. Every single conversation in the room had stopped as people turned to watch Mordo and Thor take their partners in hand. He shifted closer to Steve and let his head rest on the larger man's shoulder, watching as bared backsides were colored or soothed, depending on if his gaze fell on Peter or on Stephen.

Bucky relaxed as Fury held onto him possessively and kissed him. He turned grateful eyes onto the older man.

For once, Tony was left speechless. This was the second time in the same month he'd witnessed grown men being spanked for bad behavior. He wasn't sure what could be said. Once upon a time, he might have made a smart-ass comment about it, but he'd grown up a lot in the five years between 'the snaps' and he just didn't find it funny. He wasn't sure what he thought about it, but he didn't find it funny.

Peter's breath caught in his throat as the swats increased in speed and force. "Drottinn... please..." His voice quivered as he tried not to begin sobbing; both at the assurance that Thor wasn't going to leave him or give up on him and at the fact his bottom stung horribly now and it didn't seem like his master was going to stop the punishment any time soon. He began squirming again, unable to help himself.

Stephen relaxed at Mordo's words, realizing that the older man understood. "I'm..." He let himself think a bit, before he realized what the anxious feeling really was. He knew Mordo could feel the moment he realized, because the feeling shifted enough that it was clear what it was. "...I'm scared..." he admitted, in a small, shamed voice. "I'm sorry, Baron..." He sniffled. "I shouldn't be, but I am... I'm scared and I can't stop it and I'm sorry..." He blinked tears out of his eyes and slumped over Mordo's lap, fully expecting the older man to finish his punishment now that he'd finally admitted everything.

Scott's mouth dropped open his eyes wide. Somehow, he'd convinced himself that seeing Captain America and Nick Fury take their significant others in hand had been a one-off; a fluke. And while he wasn't sure there was anyone who'd argue that Quill's mouth definitely earned him a trip over a was far more of a surprise to see Stephen in that position.

Steve kissed the side of Brock's head, stroking gently over his chest and stomach. He didn't turn the touches into any more than affection, needing to just touch and hold his partner. "I love you." He whispered the words into the other man's ear.

Fury pressed a deep, lingering kiss to Bucky's lips, letting his hand slip through the other man's hair.

Thor began focusing more swats to Peter's sit spots and thighs. "It doesn't matter how much you test or push me. I will not let go of you. I will not leave you. I will keep you with me always."

Mordo replaced Stephen's clothing and then moved the other man onto his lap, hugging him tightly and kissing his hair. "It's natural to be scared, but you're not alone," he whispered. "You won't ever be alone."

Brock shifted closer still, pressing his back against Steve's chest and leaning back into the larger man, making it easier for Steve to continue stroking his chest and stomach. "I love you too, Cap..." he said serenely. He relaxed when Mordo re-clothed Stephen and pulled him up to sit on his lap. He hadn't been sure what the sorcerer had done, but it was more unnerving to watch him be punished than it was to watch Quill being punished. They'd all seen Peter pushing Thor's buttons throughout the entire week. Some had even placed bets as to how long it would take before the Asgardian would smack the mouthy space-pirate. Granted, they'd figured the smack would be upside the head, not to his bared bottom, but still....

Bucky returned Fury's kiss, his focus being drawn away from the two being punished and fully on his master.

"Y... you will? N... no matter what?" Peter found himself asking and winced because he sounded pathetic and small and young... but he couldn't help but ask, because he had been pushing because he'd been positive Thor wouldn't stay. His legs kicked out helplessly as his sit-spots and thighs were targeted. His backside was burning! He was sure he had to be a dark scarlet by now. His skin had to be sending off waves of heat! He didn't know how much more he could take before he started sobbing.

Stephen clung to Mordo, letting his head rest on the older man's shoulder. He began to quietly cry. His bottom didn't really sting at all- his master had only smacked enough to cause it to feel sensitive- but the relief he felt at finally being able to put voice to the anxiety was so strong, he couldn't help but cry. "I'm sorry, Baron..." he choked out. "...I didn't know what I was feeling... I just knew it felt bad... shoulda t.. talked to you bout it...." he admitted, in a small, shamed voice.

Steve pressed another kiss to Brock's shoulder, using his other hand to push the shirt enough to one side so he could kiss the bare skin. Something about seeing the other men taken in hand allowed him to be more physically affectionate in front of the others. He gently stroked Brock's chin, turning the other man's face towards him so he could kiss his lips.

"No matter what," Thor promised. "You're mine. It's too late now for things to go back to what they were. And every time you test me? You'll be over my knee, like this, getting your backside smacked."

Mordo kissed Stephen, gently and lingeringly, and cuddled him tightly. "I've got you," he whispered. "I love you. You're safe here, with me." He began to gently and possessively rub Stephen's backside.

Brock obediently turned his head so Steve could kiss him, returning the kiss eagerly. Seeing the other two taken in hand had made him want Steve to handle him. Maybe not a spanking, but something that would demonstrate to everyone around that he was owned and loved.

"...Even... even in front of people?" Peter's kicks were feeble by this point. He was on the edge of giving in and submitting. He couldn't say why he was trying so hard to hold back. Well... no. He could. He needed Thor completely in control and needed to know the Asgardian was able and willing to take that control if Peter was being stubborn, or foolish, or was too afraid to give it up.

Stephen kissed Mordo back and then continued to cuddle. "I know I'm safe, Baron..." he whispered. "I let my emotions get the better of me. I'm sorry..." He bit his lip. "...If you still want me to eat, I'll obey you..." he whispered uncertainly. Part of the reason he hadn't eaten was because, as hungry as he was, the anxiety was such he was afraid he'd throw up if he ate. Would that still happen?

Peter P. found himself edging a bit nearer to Tony. It wasn't that he was upset or worried about seeing the two men handled; just that he wasn't sure what to think about it. A part of him wanted to seek out some kind of reassurance that it was okay he was here witnessing it.

Steve caressed Brock's face as he kissed the other man deeply, letting his hand slide round to Brock's back, stroking gently down over his hips and his backside in an action that could only be described as very possessive.

"It won't matter who is around," Thor promised. "Whether we're alone, or with our friends and family, or around strangers. You will never stop being mine. You will never stop belonging to me."

Mordo stroked Stephen's hair. "I'll fix us both a plate. You can sit on my lap and I'll feed you," he said, the comment more of a direction than a suggestion.

Tony wrapped his arms around the teen, turning him so he wasn't having to watch and hugging him. "You don't have to watch..." he whispered. Truthfully, he wasn’t certain Peter should watch; even if he was technically old enough, in reality, the kid was only seventeen.

Brock sighed softly as Steve became more possessive. Breaking the kiss, he whispered into Steve's ear, "Poor Parker is uncomfortable...."

Quill couldn't not believe his master. At Thor’s promise, he finally stopped squirming and just slumped over the older man’s lap to feel Thor's control. "I was disrespectful..." he admitted, with a whisper.

"Yes, sir ..." Stephen acknowledged the direction. Sniffling and wiping his eyes, he gave Mordo a shamed look. "I'm sorry...."

Peter nodded, hiding his face against Tony's chest. "It's not that I'm not happy for them. It just...doesn't feel right watching," he admitted quietly. "At least not for me. I kinda figure they're holding back cause I'm technically a minor."

Steve nodded, wrapping his arms around Brock in a tighter, firmer hug; less possessive and more affectionate.

Thor replaced Quill's clothing and gathered the other man onto his lap and in his arms, hugging him close. "I love you," he said firmly into his ear.

"You're forgiven." Mordo stroked the side of Stephen's face. "And I love you." He stood them both up so he could fix them plates, still keeping a tight hold of the other man.

"As they should..." Tony said kissing the top of Peter's head. "How about I walk you to the car? I promised your aunt that Happy would have you home by 10:00, since it's a school night and it's already 9:30." He wrapped an arm around Peter and led him toward the garage.

Quill started sobbing quietly, snuggling as close as possible to Thor. "I'm sorry, sir... sorry was so di... disrespectful," he gasped out. "Was wrong...."

Stephen leaned heavily on Mordo, walking with him to get the food.

Peter nodded, walking alongside Tony to the garage.

Thor cuddled Quill tightly, kissing the top of his head. "I love you. I forgive you," he promised. "Yes, you were disrespectful, but you've been punished for it. Forgiven for it. It won't trouble us anymore."

Mordo collected the plates and then sat quietly with Stephen, beginning to feed the other man.

Steve kissed Brock's neck. Noticing that Tony had led Peter out, he let himself give into instinct again and slid his hands down a bit lower to cup his lover's backside possessively.

Peter just clung to Thor, crying softly. He didn't care who saw him being a huge baby; the only important thing was his Drottinn forgiving him and wanting him still. He'd pushed and Thor hadn't left. That meant something, right? Something important. He nuzzled against Thor's shoulder and neck. "I am sorry, Drottinn..." he whispered, in a calmer voice, after a few more moments. "It was foolish, my actions and behavior. Thank you for understanding me and not... not leaving..." His voice caught and he barely managed to keep from sobbing again.

Stephen sat as close to Mordo as possible, obediently opening his mouth for each bite. The longer he sat, being fed by his master, the more tension drained from him, until he was nearly draped on Mordo.

Brock shivered at the possessiveness but said nothing to derail it this time. All present were adults. They'd say something if it bothered them. As far as he was concerned, if Steve stripped him naked, lay him out on a table and began to explore his entire body, he wouldn't say anything. He belonged to Steve. The only time he'd ever protest Steve doing anything was if he knew Steve might feel badly about it after (such as if a minor was in the room).

Bucky smiled at seeing the other subs relaxed and fully under their masters' control. All three appeared content and, if not happy, peaceful in knowing who had them. He chastely kissed Fury, before turning slightly to talk with some of the others who had gathered close.

"I would never leave you," Thor whispered, kissing Peter's forehead. "You're everything to me now. I could no sooner leave you than I could cut off my own arm." He cuddled the other man tighter, pressing another kiss to his neck.

Mordo kept his grip on Stephen tight, often stealing kisses between feeding his lover bites of food.

Steve kissed Brock, gently and lingeringly, and then guided him over to one of the chairs. Sitting down, he moved his lover into position over his lap.

"I love you, Drottinn," Peter whispered, snuggling close. "Thank you for... for correcting me..." He blushed and nuzzled into Thor's shoulder.

Stephen was content and those feelings carried clearly through the bond.

Brock kissed back. Once positioned over Steve's lap, he shifted so his head and upper torso would be supported by another nearby chair, folding his arms and putting his head on them. He didn't argue or protest what he suspected was about to occur. He shivered in anticipation and gave his master a tiny smile over his shoulder.

Tony walked back in and blinked as he saw Steve sitting in the middle of the room where everyone could see, Brock over his knee. "Ooookay then..." He walked over to stand next to Rhodey and Sam. "...So this is really a thing now?" He was whispering.

Thor kissed the side of Peter's neck. "I have you and I will not let you go," he promised. "If you are hungry, you may sit on my lap while you eat."

Steve smiled at Brock, running his fingers over the other man's back; letting his hand slide up under Brock's shirt to rub and caress his bare skin.

Sam nodded to Tony. "I'm sure it'd stop if any of us indicated we were uncomfortable." Which, truthfully, he wasn't. Steve was a close friend. Family, even. It felt good to see him so comfortable around them.

Tony smirked. "You do know my history, right? Not much is likely to make me uncomfortable. Although I think we may need to request that things be kept a solid PG13 when Peter is around." He watched as Steve began rubbing, not phased in the least. He glanced around the room. It was all adults and only close friends... family. "May as well get comfortable, Cap. Make things easy on yourself. Only family is left..."

Brock relaxed. Steve rubbing felt so good, especially on skin. He heard Tony and wriggled a little bit, the idea of 'being comfortable' sounding good.

"What do you want me to eat, Drottinn?" Peter asked. After being a disrespectful pain in the butt all day, he felt the need to be completely under Thor's command, needing to make up for it.

Steve gave a quick grin to Tony and then pushed Brock's shirt up out of the way; pushed his trousers down, baring his lover entirely. He then began to rub and stroke, the actions very possessive.

Thor kissed Peter's cheek and helped the younger man to stand. Wrapping his arm around Peter's waist, he guided his lover over towards the table to plate them both up some food.

Tony grinned back, settling into his chair. While he had improved a great deal, he was still weak and tired easily. "Pepper took Morgan back to the room. She wanted me to tell you all good night, she and Morgan would see you in the morning and thank you for letting us stay here while I'm recovering and in therapy," he said, with a fond tone.

"This was your project, Tony," Clint commented. "If you weren't allowed to stay here, it would be in pretty poor taste."

"It's plenty big enough to fit dozens of people here," Scott said.

Tony acknowledged the words with a nod and a smile. "Still, we haven't lived here and my project or not... It's a lot to have civilians and children under foot. So, thank you." He glanced at Clint. "When you heading home? Now that I'm out of the hospital, you don't have to stay nearby... and I know you miss your own family."

Peter went with Thor, subdued and almost meek and childlike in how he was pressing close to Thor. It was a marked contrast to the behavior before Thor spanked him.

Brock let out a happy sigh at the skin on skin contact. He wasn't embarrassed at being bared. They'd seen him spanked. This was a lot less embarrassing.

"Figured I'd head home tomorrow morning, early," Clint answered. "I've got five years to catch up on with them all."

Thor kept Peter close and tight against his side, collecting two plates of food and then returning to sit down, settling his partner on his lap.

Steve continued to rub, stroke and caress over Brock's back, making the touches a bit firmer. He gently squeezed each of Brock's thighs.

"Make sure to keep in touch. If you need anything... at all..." Tony offered seriously.

Peter didn't argue sitting on Thor's lap. He snuggled as close as he could without hindering their ability to eat. His bottom was sore, but he knew he deserved it. He didn't try and hide his wince when Thor sat him on his lap.

Brock shivered as Steve squeezed. The firmer, more possessive touch caused his stomach to flip and he couldn't help but squirm slightly.

Clint nodded. "I will. I think we all will." He looked around at the rest of his friends...the rest of his family. He mourned Natasha, but at least her sacrifice hadn't been in vain.

Thor wrapped his arm securely around Peter's waist, beginning to feed the other man along with himself.

"I love you." Steve spoke the words with open honesty, gently squeezing Brock's buttocks before giving each a firm pat.

"Yeah. We will..." Tony nodded, looking around at everyone with a sense of relief and melancholy. They would always miss Natasha. Vision. Hell...he'd even miss Loki, if only for Thor's sake.

Peter ate obediently. The look in his eyes was complete adoration and submission.

Brock let out a needy whine at the pat.

Tony glanced in their direction at the whine, noting how Steve was squeezing and manipulating the flesh so possessively. "Is it wrong that I like watching this?" he asked, in a conversational tone. "Is it wrong that I'm kinda hoping he goes further?" He glanced around. "I've always been a bit out there. It's probably wrong."

"Nah. I don't think it's wrong," Rhodey commented. "Chances are good you're not the only one who feels that way."

"It's sharing something very intimate and personal with a close friend; with family," Wanda said softly.

"Yeah... and it's really only a prudish culture that has dictated that such personal things be kept personal. We're beyond culture..." Tony said, in the same conversationally serious tone, though his eyes were twinkling. "Kinda makes me wanna go find Pepper, though..." he admitted quietly. "...Or get a massage. That looks and sounds very stress relieving," he added, as Brock let out a needy moan that did sound as if a lot of stress was being relieved just from Steve massaging his backside.

Brock could hear the words, but instead of making him self-conscious, he found the conversation liberating. They weren't offended and even seemed to like what they saw, which meant he didn't have to hold back. He could be as loud and vocal as needed. So, he was... the next squeeze of his buttock and he let out a groan that was begging Steve to take things as far as he could without actually saying the words. He heard a few clearing throats and knew everyone present could tell what he wanted; and he liked the fact they knew.

Stephen had finished eating by this point and was sitting with his head on Mordo's shoulder, snuggling up to the man. Being a more private person, he wasn't sure he'd want everyone watch him be pleasured in such a way (and it was obvious Brock was feeling a lot of pleasure from Steve's actions), but then again, Wong had witnessed him being taken repeatedly and had even participated somewhat. And it hadn't bothered him like he'd thought it might. He looked up at Mordo and kissed his master's cheek as he realized... if Mordo wanted to claim him that way where everyone could see, he'd be ready, willing and eager to do so, his desire to make Mordo happy overriding his usual reticence. Still not used to how connected he was with his mate his thoughts and feelings were carrying easily through the bond. They hadn't begun practicing on keeping their thoughts to themselves yet, though Wong had recommended doing so. There might come a day when they'd need concentration and Stephen's mental acrobats running through Mordo's mind might prove dangerous.

Peter sniffled softly while he ate what Thor fed him, snuggling close and watching Steve claim Brock. "...'S nice" he said, during a lull when Thor was actually feeding himself a bite and Peter had his mouth empty. He'd been so childishly mean and bratty to his Drottinn. He wanted to somehow show everyone he could be good and obedient and submit like he was supposed to. Or at the least show everyone, especially Thor, that he loved the older man and wanted to give everything to him. He glanced up at Thor and kissed his neck.

Bucky just continued snuggling with his Moy. He had no urge to do more, though he wasn't averse to doing more either. He was content to accept and participate in whatever his master initiated.

Steve gave Brock's buttocks another firm squeeze, rubbing and stroking along them. He began to intersperse some pats along with the squeezing and caressing, every so often giving a pat that was a bit firmer.

Mordo ran his fingers through Stephen's hair and kissed his forehead. "You're mine," he whispered into the other man's ear, the sense of possessiveness carrying through their link, along with how much he loved and cared about the other man.

Thor tightened his hold on Peter, kissing his shoulder. "It's nice to hold you like this and take care of you," he whispered.

Fury wrapped his arms tighter around Bucky's waist and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

Brock felt himself go limp at the attention Steve have him. He felt so good, there was no tension at all and even the firmer pats felt good enough he didn't tense. He did push his bottom up slightly, begging for more attention.

Stephen smiled at Mordo. "Yes, Baron... I'm completely yours " he whispered in acceptance. His own love for Mordo and his complete submission carried through to his master.

"I like being held close and tight like this..." Peter admitted. "...Like you taking care of me," he continued. "Like it so much it scares me a little." He confessed at least part of the reason he'd been pushing and testing the older man.

"I love you too, Moy." Bucky smiled.

Steve rubbed and stroked as much as he patted; not swatting but keeping the affection on the gentler end of the spectrum. He moved his hands a little bit lower, beginning to give the same sort of attention to his lover's thighs.

Kissing Stephen gently, Mordo whispered, "We'll discuss, later, about if you truly want to allow the others to see the more intimate parts of our relationship."

"There is no need to fear," Thor murmured. "I have you. I always will."

Fury kissed Bucky's cheek and held him close.

Brock was quivering in place, happy little sighs escaping, Steve's gentleness causing a warmth that the stronger forms of affection didn't.

"Yes, Baron," Stephen whispered. A sense of gratitude washed through the bond that, even though Mordo had the right to make those decisions for the two of them, he was waiting to let Stephen have input.

"I know..." Peter whispered. "I'm trying not to be afraid...."

Bucky nuzzled against his master’s shoulder.

Tony glanced at anyone not currently handling someone or being handled. "So... cards?"

Everyone else was quick to voice agreement, making sure to leave the game open in case any of the couples did want to join in.

Mordo kissed Stephen's cheek. "For now, why don't we join in with the cards?" he suggested. "You can still sit on my lap."

Thor hugged Peter a bit tighter. "I will be here for you, my star prince."

Steve smiled at the sounds escaping from Brock, still rubbing and stroking. "I love you so much," he whispered. He'd never thought anything like this could happen, but he was more than glad it had.

Stephen quickly agreed. "I'd like to do that, sir." He smiled softly.

"I believe you, Drottinn. And I'll try to not be scared, so I can be good for you." Peter wrapped his arms around Thor and nuzzled against the older man.

"I love you too, Cap. With all I am," Brock said softly.

Mordo smiled and stood up. Wrapping his arm around Stephen's shoulders, he led him over to the others and sat down, drawing him down onto his lap.

Thor kissed Peter and snuggled him close.

"I'm glad we're together now," Steve said softly. "And I won't ever let you go again."

Stephen settled onto Mordo's lap before glancing around at the others. "I... I apologize for my odd behavior earlier. I'm adjusting to a bit of magic that was done and... if I'm honest. I panicked."

"I never thought you'd panic at magic..." Tony frowned.

Peter didn't care if it made him seem more childish. He loved when Thor held and cuddled him and responded by pressing as close as he could with every part of himself.

"I know," Brock said quietly. "I won’t let go of you either."

Mordo wrapped his arms tighter around Stephen's waist and kissed his shoulder, even as he answered Tony. "It's a bit more personal to both of us than magic normally is."

Thor cuddled Peter tightly as the cards were dealt, pressing kisses to the younger man's cheeks, neck and shoulders.

"I'm glad to hear that." Steve gently squeezed down his backside. "If we both hold on tight to each other, there's no chance we'll ever be separated again."

It didn't take long for those planning to play cards to settle in with their partners. Every one of them chose to remain on their dominant's lap, the closeness soothing and calming to them it had the added benefit of making it easy for their master to touch, claim or whatever else the dominant wanted or felt needed to be done.

Tony waited until after a few hands before asking curiously, directing the question to Mordo since he was obviously in charge, "What does the personal magic do? Why would it be scary? If I'm being too nosey, just tell me to butt out..." he quickly added onto the end, not wanting the two men to feel obligated to tell him if they didn't want it known.

Stephen smiled faintly at the question. He didn't answer, but he let his feelings carry through the bond to Mordo. He liked the idea of everyone knowing how closely they were bonded.

Peter held still, only squirming when Thor didn't kiss him. He liked the affection and didn't mind if everyone saw.

"I'll hold… hold as tight as possible..." Brock declared in a shaky voice, the gentle but possessive affection finally causing his member to fill and harden, pressing against Steve's thigh.

Mordo squeezed Stephen's hand to let him know that he'd felt his lover's emotions and understood before responding to Tony. "We're bonded magically together. It allows us to feel each other's emotions; to communicate, in a way."

"Like marriage?" Scott asked curiously.

"It's deeper than marriage," Mordo replied. "I do not believe it would be possible for us to be separate again."

Steve felt his lover's erection and carefully slid his hand under Brock, gently grasping the other man's member.

Peter slanted his head. "Is that something only sorcerers can do, or is it something that can happen with anyone?" He sounded jealous.

Brock whimpered, then moaned, loudly, as Steve took hold of him. His member twitched with need.

Mordo frowned in thought. "The ritual would have to be performed by a sorcerer, but I see no reason it wouldn't work for those without magic abilities."

Steve continued to gently stroke and manipulate Brock's member, his other hand continuing to squeeze and stroke over his lover's backside.

Peter bit his lip before looking up at Thor hopefully. He didn’t say anything, but it was clear he liked the idea of being bonded to Thor.

Bucky looked just as interested.

Tony just looked curious. "Are there any other benefits or dangers to this spell?" he asked, knowing that there almost always were 'extras' involved.

Brock moaned even more loudly. It was impossible that the others wouldn't hear and know what was occurring. He didn't care. He wanted everyone to know Steve owned him completely.

Thor wrapped his arms tighter around Peter, even as he listened to Mordo's explanation about what benefits and drawbacks he and Stephen had currently experienced with the ritual, leaving time for Stephen to add in his own comments.

"You're mine," Steve whispered. "And I want you to let go for me. Whenever you're ready."

Peter listened raptly as well. It was obvious he wanted to be bonded in that way. He snuggled close to Thor. His master would be the one to make the final decision.

Brock shuddered at Steve's command and immediately released, a soft but long wail escaping with his surrender.

Bucky glanced over at the wail, squirming slightly at the sound.

Stephen cleared his throat quietly. "If... if you want it, I can call Wong. Have him bring the tome and some flasks."

Thor cuddled Peter a bit tighter as he nodded. "I believe that is something we would both want to do," he said.

Fury wrapped his arm a bit tighter around Bucky. "What about you? What do you think?" he asked quietly.

Steve rubbed his hand gently over Brock's back, listening to the conversation.

Bucky nuzzled into Fury. "I like the idea of being bond. Being tied to you so completely we can feel each other even if we're apart."

Peter smiled happily at Thor's words.

Brock slumped as the last of his release spurt onto Steve's leg, dripping onto the floor. Once he'd calmed enough, he listened to the conversation as well.

Stephen looked at Mordo, asking with his eyes for permission to call Wong.

Mordo nodded to Stephen. "I think calling Wong would be a good idea," he agreed.

Steve replaced Brock's clothing and then helped him up, settling him on his lap and cuddling close. "What do you think?" he asked his lover quietly.

Stephen nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialing his friend. It didn't take him long to explain what was wanted. Hanging up, he turned toward Mordo. "He said he'd be here in five minutes."

"If it makes me more completely yours, I'm all for it," Brock whispered back.

Steve nodded and helped his lover to stand, moving over to join the rest of the group at the table with Brock on his lap.

"You two thinking of it as well?" Rhodey asked.

"Us?" Brock asked Rhodey, before answering anyway. "Yeah. I think it will be good."

Tony smiled. "You all will have to let us know how it goes. If you discover any new benefits...."

"Just, you know, without adding in all of the more adult rated stuff," Scott said. "I mean...what you're doing here, with us around? That's fine."

"But you shouldn't share any more than you're comfortable with," Wanda said.

"That's not what... I meant the non-adult stuff!" Tony looked flustered. "You know that's what I meant, right?"

Just then, a portal opened, and Wong stepped through, holding a thick tome and three flasks. "Are we doing this now? Here? Or...?" he asked.

"It's all right, Tony. We know what you meant," Steve answered, before looking at Wong. "I don't know if having it here is the best idea. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable."

Wong just nodded serenely and waited for those participating to decide where they'd be going.

Tony clapped his hands. "Well, Pepper and Morgan want to have an early breakfast tomorrow, so I'm gonna head to bed." He made a show of waving at everyone before quickly leaving.

The others who were unattached also excused themselves, finally leaving just the four couples alone with Wong.

Wong glanced between them all. "Stephen, Mordo... do you remember the incantation?"

Stephen looked at Wong. "Let me read over it once more and I will remember it."

"I remember it," Mordo replied.

"Good." Wong glanced around the room. Over to the side, there were four large comfortable couches. "Shall we move over there?" He motioned toward the couches.

The couples agreed and it wasn't long before each of them was settled on one of the couches. Knowing this would be their first time, Fury settled Bucky on his lap and kissed him, gently and lingeringly.

Bucky was nervous, but he trusted Fury and the thought of being tied more tightly to the other man where, if something happened, his Moy would feel it and be able to help him... or stop him... was a relief. He settled into Fury's arms serenely.

Peter just as quickly settled next to Thor and Brock was obviously eager.

Wong gave each of the dominants a flask. "You will need to collect your submissive's seed in this," he said, in a bland voice.

Fury kissed Bucky's neck and then began to slowly strip his lover, kissing every time a bit of skin was uncovered.

Thor tugged Peter into his arms, kissing him deeply before he began to strip him.

Steve let his hands glide over Brock's body before he began to remove his lover's clothes.

Bucky submitted fully to Fury, sighing softly at each kiss, returning the kisses when able. Once naked, he didn't attempt to hide. He was his master's and he was proud to let everyone see that. If Fury didn't cover him, he'd remain visible to everyone.

Peter helped Thor undress him as much as Thor allowed. As soon as he was naked, he was snuggling close to the older man, kissing everywhere he could reach, already half aroused.

Brock shivered and, once naked, stood in front of Steve proudly. "I love you, Cap..." he whispered.

Fury drew Bucky back onto his lap, kissing him deeply before settling him across it, face up. He began to stroke and kiss all over Bucky's body.

Thor tugged Peter onto his lap, kissing him deeply before letting his hand move to the other man's member.

Steve smiled, reaching out and caressing Brock's cheek. "I love you. So much." He kissed the other man deeply.

Bucky kept his eyes trained on Fury, not looking away. This was a bit nerve-wracking, knowing that he was going to be taken for the first time in front of everyone. But he wanted the bond and that made it worth it.

Peter whimpered and leaned into Thor. His member almost immediately was fully aroused. "Like a trained puppy..." He blushed and chuckled faintly at the effect Thor had on him.

Brock returned the kiss greedily. It wasn't long before he was shamelessly pressing against Steve, fully aroused.

"Just focus on me," Fury directed softly, stroking down along Bucky's member. "It's just me and you. Forever."

Thor smiled, kissing Peter's cheek and continuing to gently stroke his member.

Steve drew Brock closer into his arms, pressing the other man tightly to himself as he began to trail kisses along Brock's skin.

"Always, Moy... I'll always focus on you..." Bucky promised, his breath catching as Fury fondled him. He couldn't help but begin to thrust gently into his master's hand.

Peter grinned bashfully and nuzzled into Thor, beginning to gently thrust against his hand, tiny whimpers and moans carrying around the room. He never had been bashful.

Brock nuzzled and kissed eagerly, rubbing wantonly against his dominant.

Stephen swallowed and took one of the flasks, moving to stand next to Fury and Bucky. He felt more comfortable with the quieter pair. When Fury was ready, he'd hand the flask over.

Wong huffed in silent amusement, handing Mordo a flask, then taking his own flask and moving to stand next to Thor and Peter.

Fury kissed Bucky, still gently stroking and handling his member. Even though he stroked, caressed and kissed other parts of Bucky's body, he carefully watched for the moment his lover was ready to release.

Thor began to press kisses to other parts of Peter's body, stroking and lightly squeezing his member.

Steve kissed his way down to Brock's member and then began to gently stroke and caress it. He barely glanced up as Mordo walked over to stand by them, but he was aware of the sorcerer’s presence.

Bucky let his hands roam over Fury as well, a gentle exploration to memorize his master and how he felt. He lost all track of time, but soon his arousal ached. "Moy... please..." he begged, in a very needy voice.

Peter was soon quivering. "Drottinn." He whimpered. "I... I need... " He let out a tiny sob as he attempted to keep himself controlled.

Brock didn't take long to be ready. Having released once already, he was sensitive, so Steve's gentle caresses had him at the edge nearly immediately. "Just tell me when I'm allowed, sir... " he whispered.

Kissing Bucky's neck, Fury held out his hand for the flask from Stephen and adjusted it enough to be sure his lover's seed would be caught. "Whenever you're ready," he whispered in Bucky's ear.

Thor caressed Peter's cheek and reached out to take the flask, settling it in place to catch every drop. "Any time you're ready, my star prince."

Steve did the same as the others, taking the flask and making sure it was secure before kissing Brock's lips. "Now," he murmured.

Stephen's eyes sought out Mordo's as the sounds of all three men climaxing on their love's command echoed around the room. It made him feel aroused himself, but they had a job to do. An important job. Maybe later.

Mordo sent a wave of love and possessiveness through their link towards Stephen, holding eye contact with his lover.

Once the flasks had been filled, Stephen moved to Fury's side, carefully setting the flask close to the two men. "The flask's contents will magically soak into your skin..." he said softly to Fury. "You might want to prepare...."

Bucky smiled at Fury. "Can I help you, Moy?" he asked shyly.

Peter leaned against Thor, still breathing heavily. "Want you in me, Drottinn..." he whispered into Thor's ears.

Brock didn't say anything, he just kissed Steve deeply.

Fury caressed the side of Bucky's face. "Of course, my soldier," he promised.

Thor kissed the side of his neck. "Would you like to help me out of my clothes?"

Steve kissed Brock deeply and then began to remove his own clothes.

Bucky immediately began to help Fury undress, kissing every bit of skin he uncovered.

Peter whimpered at the question. "Yes, sir..." He quivered. "...I much..." He began to do so; every other item removed, he leaned up and kissed Thor's lips.

Brock began to help Steve, though most of his movement was to kiss and caress his master.

Fury caressed and stroked down Bucky's arms, touching his lover constantly and whispering words of love and affection.

Thor returned each kiss, allowing his hands to roam over Peter's body.

Steve kissed, caressed and touched Brock, moving so that his lover could help him undress and explore his body at the same time.

Stephen waited, letting them work themselves into readiness.

Bucky didn't take long before he was fully aroused again. He knelt at Fury's feet, leaning in to kiss and lick, glancing up for permission to do more.

Peter, noticing what Bucky was doing, thought tasting his Drottinn was a lovely idea and was soon knelt at Thor's feet, begging for permission as well.

Brock was too busy sucking on Steve's tongue while fondling his master. He was listening for commands or requests, though.

Fury reached down to caress the side of Bucky's face, nodding to give him permission.

Thor let his hands tangle in Peter's hair, smiling to indicate he would welcome his lover's actions.

Steve pulled Brock closer and tighter, hands roaming down his back and over his backside, giving a possessive squeeze.

Giving Fury a grateful smile, Bucky leaned forward and took his master into his mouth, as deeply as possible, sucking gently and licking eagerly.

Peter nuzzled against Thor's groin area, breathing in deeply, before taking the older man into his mouth and sucking eagerly.

Brock growled softly, liking how possessive Steve was being. He opened his mouth wider to encourage a deeper kiss.

Fury's hands slid down Bucky's back, caressing and rubbing gently, a groan escaping him at Bucky's actions.

Thor's hands tangled in Peter's hair, gripping gently in response.

Steve kissed Brock deeper, letting his tongue slip further into his lover's mouth.

Stephen shifted uncomfortably, becoming more aroused the longer he saw and heard the others making love to each other. He had to remain calm so he could do the spell... but as soon as the three pairs were bound? He was begging Mordo to claim him then and there.

Aware of his lover's feelings, as he was feeling the same himself, Mordo sent Stephen a mental image of him claiming his lover; of taking what was his.

Bucky, feeling instinctively that Fury was close, slowly removed his mouth and kissed up the older man's body. "How do you want me, Moy?" His voice was a throaty whisper.

Peter carefully pulled back, looking up at Thor from his position on the floor. His eyes were very needy, begging silently for his Drottinn to take him.

Brock was a lot less demure. "Please, Cap? Take me? Pound me into the couch till my walking tomorrow tells everyone what happened?" His tone was playful and naughty and carried through the whole room.

Wong raised an eyebrow as several groans followed on the heels of Brocks remark, Stephen's being one of them.

Mordo conjured up a bottle of lube for each of the couples...and a fourth one, that he put away safely; though he ensured that Stephen would be able to see it.

Fury kissed Bucky deeply and carefully lay him out on the couch. Taking the bottle of lube, he coated a finger and pushed it inside his lover.

Thor wrapped his arms around Peter, lifting him up and kissing him hard before settling him on the couch and pinning him there with his own weight.

Steve pulled Brock back towards the couch, kissing him deeply before drawing them both down. He coated a finger with lube and then pushed it inside his lover.

Stephen's own desire spiked through the bond as he saw Mordo prepared.

Bucky exhaled with a tiny whimper, clenching around his mate before leaning onto give him a hungry kiss.

Peter wriggled under Thor, sighing happily as he felt the larger man's weight pinning and holding him in place. He loved feeling Thor's control.

Brock groaned loudly, clenching around Steve's finger before trying to open his legs wider so his lover could go deeper.

Fury kissed Bucky just as hungrily and deeply in return, adding a second finger to explore inside his mate.

Thor covered his own finger and pushed it inside Peter, kissing him hard and passionately.

After exploring and claiming for a few moments, Steve added a second finger, leaning forward to gently nip at the skin of Brock's throat.

Bucky whined at the stretch, pushing back onto Fury's fingers. "Please, Moy..." he begged. "Need more..."

Peter groaned, opening his mouth and legs wider, inviting Thor's complete and total possession.

Brock groaned again, slanting his head so his neck was open to Steve's teeth.

Fury carefully withdrew his fingers and, after kissing Bucky hard and passionately, he coated his member with the lube and pushed inside his lover.

Thor squeezed Peter's hips possessively, before pulling his finger free and coating himself in the lube, pushing inside the other man.

Still gently nipping at Brock's neck, Steve withdrew his own fingers and prepared his own member, thrusting into the smaller man.

Bucky held tight to his mate, bringing his legs as far up and as wide as he could so that Fury could take him as easily and deep as possible, his long, keening moan making it clear he was enjoying having his master take him.

Peter groaned, clenching greedily around Thor's member. He began to push toward Thor in an attempt to take the larger man in more deeply.

Brock's moan was satisfied. "Wanna be marked yours... " he whispered.

Stephen moved closer, once his pair joined, and began to say the incantation.

Fury kissed and stroked over every part of Bucky's body, thrusting carefully and slowly. This was his lover's first time choosing this and he wanted the other man to feel good.

Thor kissed Peter deeply, thrusting a bit harder and faster; though he was careful to control his strength while doing so.

Steve responded to Brock's words by nipping and sucking with a bit more strength, so a mark would be left behind.

Mordo moved towards his own pair as the joining began, starting the incantation.

Wong began chanting over his own pair as the sounds of lovemaking filled the air.

Bucky kept his eyes open as Fury moved in him, keeping them on his master’s face. He didn't speak, afraid of disturbing the ritual, but it was clear in his eyes that he felt good... that Fury felt good in him.

Peter was moving under Thor, his body quivering and inviting harder claiming. His breath came out in gasps and pants, but, like Bucky, he didn't speak, even though it was difficult.

Brock held to Steve tightly, pressing and thrusting against the larger man wantonly. The sounds he made were soft, but no less intense.

Fury kissed and caressed Bucky gently and lingeringly, stroking and touching all over the other man's body, thoroughly claiming him on the outside as well as the inside.

Thor gripped Peter's hips firmly, angling the other man so that he could thrust harder and faster.

Steve slid his hands over Brock's body, exploring and stroking on the outside as he claimed inside.

Stephen watched as the contents of the flask of Bucky's seed rose out of the container and moved, soaking into Fury's skin.

At that moment, Bucky's breath caught, and he clenched like a vice around Fury, spasms rocking his body.

Wong was watching the flask of his couple as well. It had soon risen and soaked into Thor's skin, right at the moment Peter climaxed under him.

Brock whined low in his throat, his climax hitting hard, releasing between Steve's and his stomach.

Fury kept his grip on Bucky secure and tight as his lover climaxed, holding him so that he wouldn't hurt himself. His own release followed only moments later.

Thor gripped Peter tighter as his own release came over him in waves of pleasure.

At the moment Brock's release hit, the contents of his and Steve's flask were absorbed into Steve's skin. Steve shuddered as his own release hit him hard.

As the six men slowly came down from the intense event, Mark's began to form on their hands. Each pair had their own matching mark.

Each of the Doms cuddled their partners close, kissing and snuggling them.

Once fully in control of himself again, or at least the parts that he hadn't given to his master's control, Bucky glanced around. He was still under his master, knees drawn up to his shoulders so that his most private areas were easily accessible to his master... and easily seen by everyone. He couldn't find it in himself to be bashful at the fact. He still felt too good at belonging completely to Fury. He looked at the mark on his hand, a goofy grin on his face. His feelings of happiness, contentment and love carried through the bond to Fury. So did a feeling of extreme lust. He wanted his master to take him again... maybe be a little more dominating.

Able to sense the emotions coming from Bucky, Fury kissed him and then squeezed his hips gently. "Perhaps we'd be better off going to a private room." He pitched his voice to carry only to his lover's ears.

Bucky turned startled eyes onto Fury. "D... did I say what I wanted out loud?" He blinked, slowly lowering his legs so his master could either dress him or tell him to get dressed. He was ready to go home this second, if it meant Fury taking him again. And again. And... his mind drifted off as he thought of all the ways and places Fury could claim him.

No. Fury thought the response to his mate. I felt what you were thinking. Pressing a kiss to Bucky's shoulder, he carefully began to dress the other man.

Bucky had to be dressed like a toddler, unable to help, as he was just staring in shock at his master being able to talk in his head.

Finishing dressing his lover, Fury stroked the side of his face and kissed him. "I'll take you home," he murmured against Bucky's lips.

Bucky nodded mutely, kissing his lover, then snuggling close so they could walk out together. He turned toward Stephen and the other sorcerers. "Thank you..." he whispered, blushing faintly at remembering they'd seen him acting like a needy bitch in heat. He smiled crookedly, because the outcome was more than he'd dreamed of.

Fury added his own thanks, wrapping his arm possessively around Bucky's waist and holding his lover close as he led the other man out of the building.

Brock had quickly realized Steve could feel his every emotion. In typical Brock fashion, he proceeded to send every lust filled, needy feeling to his master, a hint of naughty impishness underneath. He wanted to be taken again, hard... but he wouldn't mind having his backside warmed first. He didn't know if Steve could read his mind... but just in case, he made sure all his thoughts were luridly descriptive.

Steve found himself hardening quite quickly at the images Brock was sending him. He drew his lover in for a deep kiss and then gave his backside a gentle smack. "When we get home," he promised, whispering the words in the other man's ear.

Brock grinned, rubbing against Steve. "Yessir..." he agreed obediently, before asking, "Would you like me to take care of that first, though?" He thought of two options in particular.

"I think we've put on enough of a show," Steve said wryly, kissing him again before reluctantly beginning to dress him.

Brock laughed happily. He didn't argue the point, though. He knew Steve was right. As soon as they were dressed, he snuggled close to Steve so the other man could lead him out.

Steve kissed Brock's cheek and cuddled the other man close as he led Brock out of the compound.

Peter looked up at Thor, kissing the older man gently, a sense of wonder and almost childish hesitance carrying through the bond. Peter's emotions were as varied and muddled as the man they belonged to's behavior. Along with the wonder and hesitancy was hunger, a desire to be taken care of, a need to please, a weariness betraying Peter hadn't been sleeping enough, excitement in what was happening... and, of course, a need and desire to be taken by his Drottinn.

Thor gathered Peter into his arms, draping the clothes over his lover so that they didn't risk giving an eyeful to any of the compound's other residents. Kissing Peter's forehead, he murmured, "I'm going to take you to our room and claim you again...and then you are going to sleep."

Peter nuzzled happily against Thor, a hazy grin on his face. "Yessir..." he mumbled, almost sounding drugged. The magic binding them had connected to Thor's innate abilities... and then had latched onto the remnants of Peter's celestial genetics. It saw that something had been broken in Peter (when Ego had died and the power ripped out of Peter, leaving him mortal) and was attempting to fix it.

Thanking the sorcerers, Thor carried Peter carefully to their room, constantly touching and stroking his lover's body.

Stephen glanced around after everyone had left, noting that the cleaning bots were already actively wiping down or sanitizing everything in sight. He then looked at Mordo and Wong. "Now there are three more couples, we can compare notes with on what the binding does. If it has any more benefits, or if there are drawbacks. Given the nature of their work, I can't help but wonder if every Avenger would do well to have a mate. Of course, that's assuming they find someone they are close enough to that it..." He shrugged, voice trailing off.

Mordo wrapped an arm around Stephen's shoulders, squeezing him gently. "We can keep an eye on them. Let them know the option is there if they do end up finding mates and would like to bond."

Stephen nodded. "Home now?" he asked curiously.

"Sounds good to me," Wong said, immediately opening a portal.

Mordo waited for Wong to enter first and then followed behind, holding Stephen tightly against his side.