Chapter Ten

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; mild violence; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU
Pairing introduced in this chapter: Yondu/Frank Castle


Gamora hadn't stuck around for long after Thanos and his minions had been destroyed. It was enough to know that they'd undone his actions; and she didn't really belong there. She and Nebula were sisters, but her Nebula was dead and Nebula's Gamora was dead. And she didn't want to encourage Peter Quill any at all. She still couldn't believe her possible, future self, had fallen in love with him. She wasn't against it, exactly, but he didn't really seem her type. She needed to go back to her own time and live out her own future.

And so, she had. But her future was nothing like what it would have been had she not gone forward in time and had Thanos not gone forward in time and got himself destroyed. Her future ended up being far different. For one thing, without Thanos there to force her into hunting for the stones, she hadn't had any reason to go after Peter Quill. Somehow, he had formed a group with some n'er-do-wells that he'd met in prison and they started trying to make a name for themselves. And they had made a name for themselves. At least enough of one that when they died protecting the universe from a crazy-ass Celestial named Ego, news spread far and wide and she heard about it. It was a different time than the one she'd seen Quill in before.

Stopping at some rat-infested bar on Knowhere, Gamora ordered one of their stronger drinks and thought about how lonely life was without Thanos or Nebula. Despite everything, she did miss them. Maybe she should have looked Quill up when she returned to her own time. Given him a chance to convince her they belonged together. That was all water under the bridge, though. She'd never be with him now. Least she could do was raise a drink in his name.

He was alone. No crew. They'd abandoned him after Quill had died. After Yondu had failed to protect the kid. Protect his son. All he had left was his crest; and that was poor company.

Well on his way to getting drunk, if he wasn't there already, Yondu blinked blearily at the green woman sitting not far from him. "Looks about as alone as I feel," he muttered; the comment more to himself, even though it would carry easily to her ears.

Gamora turned to face him and raised an eyebrow. "You are a Ravager..." she noted, seeing the insignia on his jacket. "...Trying to take a break from your crew?"

Yondu drained his beer and ordered another one before answering Gamora. "Not got a crew anymore. Figured I might as well stay here. Mourn my kid." He raised his new cup to her. "You looking to hire?"

Gamora frowned at that. "You lost your kid? Sorry to hear that... What was his name? Can raise a drink to him, too, while I'm toasting the dead..." she said morosely.  "As far as hiring... depends on the job."

"Quill. Peter Quill." Yondu gave a humorless smile. "Weren't my kid by blood but was in every way that mattered."

Gamora turned to face Yondu completely. "You're Yondu Undata?" She was surprised. For some reason, she had thought that the old space pirate was dead. The very brief moment of time she'd been in the future with the other Nebula, when her 'sister' was telling her about Peter being the one that she would eventually fall in love with in the future, Nebula had mentioned Yondu being Peter's father and that he had died to save Peter's life. Of course, now that she thought on that story, Nebula had also mentioned Ego. Apparently, the future changed a great deal more due to Thanos going forward in time and being killed than she'd counted on.

"You've heard of me." Yondu might have found that amusing, once. Before Quill had died and suddenly, his life felt like it was worth nothing. He couldn't rightly blame his crew for jumping ship and abandoning him.

"I heard of another you..." Gamora admitted, without thinking about how that might sound.

Yondu frowned at that. "You ain't making sense. There's only one of me. 'Less I got a twin I don't know about."

Gamora smiled crookedly. "Do you believe in time travel, Mr. Undata?" she asked cryptically.

Yondu snorted softly. "We can travel through space. Makes sense someone would be able to travel through time too."

"Yes, well." Gamora paused and tried to think of the best way to tell him.  "Several years ago, my father, Thanos, discovered that his long-held dream... his plan to reshape the universe... had succeeded.... in the future. The reason he discovered this was because a group of people had come back in time from the future to try and get the items necessary to undo what he'd done. He'd erased half of all living creatures everywhere. So, they were trying to get the items needed to take back to the future and undo what he'd done. They didn't want to undo it by changing the past, because that apparently would cause a timeline divergence and wouldn't actually change their timeline... would just start a new timeline... or something like that. I'm not entirely sure, as I was focused more on stopping Thanos from stopping them. Long story short, Thanos followed them back to their present, our future, and they not only undid what his future self, had done, they were forced to kill Thanos and all the minions who had followed him in order to keep him from redoing it worse." She wrinkled her nose as she realized she hadn't really told him what she wanted to tell him. Just told him a story that probably didn't mean much at all.

Yondu frowned. "A tale that twisted? Can't see any reason for you to make it up. Though I ain't sure what it's got to do with me."

"It has to do with you because... when I went forward into the future, Peter Quill was alive. He was a hero who had helped defeat Ego and was part of the fight to stop my father, Thanos. I was told all of this by the future version of my sister Nebula. Apparently in my future, he and I fell in love, but my father had killed me. She wanted to warn me because she suspected when he saw me, he might do something that would upset me..." She smirked. "...But the important part of this information is that Peter Quill was alive. You, however, had died. You died saving Peter's life after he'd destroyed Ego. When I heard about Peter dying after destroying Ego this time... I knew. Thanos and his minions dying in the future, the fact only I returned back to the time I belonged in, meant that everything would change for me and the world I lived in. Time had forked and the fork with Peter and everything that had occurred was on the fork I was not on. Somewhere in another time and dimension, Peter lives. But you do not." She snorted. "I guess it wasn't a very helpful story after all. Sorry."

Yondu glanced at his beer and then stood, leaving the rest of the tankard alone. "You just told me my kid's still alive. Other dimension or not, he's without a father now. You got there. I will find a way to get to him."

Gamora stared at Yondu for a second, then nodded, reaching over and pulling the tankard of beer toward her. "I suggest you check with the Terrans. They were the ones who figured out the time travel in the first place."

Yondu nodded. "Thanks for the information." He paused, to see if she was going to volunteer to come, but didn't ask, figuring she'd let him know if she did. "Hope you find what it is you're looking for," he finished with, before heading out to his ship.

"Good luck!" Gamora called out, before staring forward again, sipping at both her drink and his. Maybe one day, she'd go looking for what she wanted. Right now, she just wanted to mourn the dead.

Yondu strapped into the pilot seat on his ship. Now that he had a purpose...a destination...his kid to find, he was entirely focused. He set a course for Terra.


On Terra, Stephen Strange was standing in the foyer of the New York Sanctum, next to Wong. "He's on his way. The only question left is, do I help him cross the dimensions? Or tell him it is impossible? This is exactly the type of thing that Mordo was against."

Wong, standing next to his brother, arched his eyebrows at the signs that Stephen and Mordo still hadn't spoken. The other man hadn't left, but Wong wasn't entirely sure he didn't intend to. Certainly, there was a lot going on between the two of them. "I can only give you advice, but perhaps this is a good excuse to actually speak with your mate."

Stephen glanced at Wong before sighing. "Undata will be here in approximately two days. I'll talk to Mordo now." He turned and left to find his mate.

Mordo had actually retired to his and Stephen's room; or at least the room they had been sharing, before things had gone wrong. He didn't know what to do with himself now. Stephen had completely disobeyed Mordo in their relationship and he was struggling to understand the motivations behind his lover's actions. Trying to figure out if the disobedience meant Stephen no longer wanted a relationship with him...or at least the relationship they'd had before.

Stephen paused outside the door to their room. He hadn't set foot in it since the disagreement he'd had with his lover two days before. He'd hoped Mordo would calm down, think, understand where he was coming from when he'd disobeyed the direct order he'd been given. Had hoped that once Mordo understood and was calm, the older man would come find him and tell him he was forgiven and order him back to their bed. But that hadn't happened. Unlike small disobediences that were easily handled with a firm spanking, a little bit of corner time and then cuddling for the rest of the evening, this disobedience had been big. He'd used the Eye to see what was coming in the future (learning about a planet sized immortal that had been planning to destroy the universe and learning that the only reason the destruction hadn't occurred was because of a band of misfit heroes who hadn't survived the encounter had scared him more than he wanted to admit to anyone). Mordo had been very clear when they began their relationship after Dormamu's vanquishing; Stephen was not to use the Eye, for any reason. Of course, even if he would have eventually calmed down and forgiven Stephen, the fact Stephen was now coming to him with ideas of helping an old space pirate cross time dimensions to be with his son would probably have him angry again. Sighing silently, he quietly opened the door and stepped through into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Hearing the door, Mordo glanced over his shoulder before turning fully to face the man he loved. And he did love Stephen. The other man was his lifeblood. The separation had clearly taken its toll. He was tired. Dark circles under his eyes. It was shocking, to him, just how much Stephen affected him, in so many ways.

Stephen looked at Mordo, his own eyes haunted, before he had to look at the ground. He swallowed hard. He hadn't felt guilty about his actions before, justifying himself with the thought that he had just looked into the future, not tried to change time, but seeing Mordo's countenance caused by lack of sleep and worry caused a spear of guilt to rush through him.  "I only did it because I was scared!" He blurted out the truth, finally, after two days of hoping it would blow over and he wouldn't have to explain his fear. Wong was right, though. He needed to talk to Mordo. Mordo was important to him- he loved him- and he'd disobeyed. Because he'd been afraid. Mordo deserved to at least know why he'd gone against his wishes. And they needed to clear the air and settle things before he informed Mordo of who was coming and what he wanted to do. Otherwise, it would all be muddled and messier than it already was.

"You should have talked to me, Stephen," Mordo said. "This wasn't a small thing you disobeyed me on. And instead of actually talking to me about it, you just went ahead and did it."

"I... I just looked into the future... I didn't try to change it." Stephen tried to defend himself, though it was a weak defense at best. Unlike when they'd argued about it two days before, his tone was lacking the justification and belief in himself that had been present. He sounded guilty. And tired. And sad.

"Looking would lead to the temptation to try to change it," Mordo pointed out quietly. "I had very good reasons to tell you not to look. By disobeying me, you completely disrespected that part of our relationship."

Stephen closed his eyes at that. "You're right. I did. I... I didn't mean to, but I did. I'm sorry, Master," he whispered, as he blinked back tears. He'd been waiting for two days for Mordo to come find him and say he was forgiven. But after hearing it pointed out how disrespectful he'd been, he was beginning to feel lucky he'd been able to come and find Mordo. The older man would have been within his rights to leave. "I was... I was just so scared..." he repeated, his voice tiny and actually sounding scared as he thought about what he'd been afraid of. Of course, now he was afraid for a different reason. Was Mordo going to end things with him? He didn't know if he could handle everything, he handled on a daily basis, without Mordo by his side, helping to hold him up when things got rough. It was entirely selfish, but he didn't want to have to live without his lover.

Mordo stepped closer to Stephen. He couldn't help it. Not being with the other man for two days had been torture. He wrapped his arms tightly around his lover, drawing Stephen in against him. "I love you, but you can't disobey me, Stephen. I don't give you orders for the sake of it. I know all too well the temptation to change what you see coming, but you can't always make the best decision when you let that kind of fear dictate your actions."

"I love you too..." Stephen mumbled against Mordo's neck. "...And I know I can't disobey you. I shouldn't have disobeyed, no matter how frightened I was. I'm sorry." His voice was soft and contrite, and it was clear in his tone that he truly was sorry for disobeying and understood why it had been wrong. No more justifications for his actions.

Mordo kissed the side of Stephen's head, his body finally relaxing as he held his lover tight in his arms. "I'm not going to let you go," he whispered. "But considering that you disobeyed me in a big way, it's going to be a harder punishment."

Stephen whimpered, but instead of pulling away from Mordo, he pressed closer, as if seeking reassurance that even if he was going to be punished, he'd also be held tight and comforted.

In response to the pressing close, Mordo tightened his embrace around Stephen. Normally, he would have put his lover in the corner to think about what had happened. This time, he didn't think that was necessary. Instead, he gently guided the other man towards the bed.

Stephen whimpered again, but followed along meekly, obediently. Now that he'd finally admitted wrongdoing, he knew he had punishment to face. And he didn't want to drag it out longer than necessary.

Mordo kept a firm, tight grip on his lover as they reached the bed. Taking a seat, he gently guided Stephen across his lap. Securing the other man with an arm wrapped around his waist, he then proceeded to bare his lover.

Stephen couldn't help but tense up in anticipation of what he knew was to come. And he knew exactly what was to come, now that they'd reached this point. One of the hazards of looking at all the possible futures. He'd reached a point where one of two things could happen; and the second was even worse than the one he was submitting to. So, there was no avoiding it. "I'm sorry..." he repeated mournfully.

"I know you are," Mordo replied. "I still love you. And I will forgive you." He rubbed Stephen's bottom and then raised his hand, bringing it down in a sharp smack before landing his hand a second time, right on top of the first.

Stephen found himself relaxing at the promise of forgiveness. And then Mordo's hand landed on his bottom and he yelped softly, tensing up again, trying to hold still. Mordo had said this would be harder. There was a sense of relief that he could always believe what Mordo said, even if he didn't like what he was hearing.

Mordo landed a third swat in the same place and then moved onto Stephen's opposite cheek, repeating the pattern. He did that all the way to Stephen's thighs and then began again from the crest of his lover's backside.

Stephen thought he might have been able to handle the spanking had Mordo just smacked each spot once before moving to a different spot; the three smacks on top of each other before moving locations was difficult, though. If the first swat stung, the second burned and the third outright ached. It didn't take long before tears were sliding down his face and he was having to breathe through his mouth due to mucus and tears clogging his nose. It hurt. Bad. But what hurt worse was knowing he deserved this.

Mordo wrapped his arm tighter around Stephen's waist. Finishing the second circuit of swats, he paused to gently rub the red, heated skin. "You gave yourself to me. You chose this relationship. Disobedience and disrespect have no place between us." He began to remove his belt.

Stephen let out a tiny sob, both at the words and the fact he knew the belt was going to be agony. "I did... I gave m'self to you... chose to... was wrong to dis'bey... was wrong to dis'spect. Belong to you." He sobbed again, slumping. "Sorry, master.... so sorry!" he choked out, reaching down and wrapping his arms tightly around Mordo's leg. He knew if he wasn't holding on as tightly as possible, he would throw his hands back over his bottom and run the risk of injury. It'd be safer still if he put his hands behind his back for Mordo to hold in place, but he didn't think of that option. Holding onto Mordo's leg was offering a small bit of comfort.

Mordo stroked for a bit longer and then brought the belt down; not even especially hard, though it definitely wasn't merely a tap. He kept his grip firm and tight on his lover, letting his arm rest against bare skin for a bit of extra comfort.

Stephen breathed in quickly at feeling the belt strike, the burning ache flashing across his backside and drawing a wail out of him despite his attempts not to be too loud.

Mordo landed the belt a second and third time, careful not to use too much force or cross over the stripes. He kept his other arm firm around Stephen's waist, watching carefully in case his lover tried to block.

Stephen's grip tightened around Mordo's leg with each stripe of the belt. He tried very hard not to throw his hands back to block, but after the third time, he couldn't stop himself. He threw his hands back over his bottom with a choked-out sob, beginning to cry continually. "...Hurts..."

"I know." Mordo grasped Stephen's hands, gently squeezing them, and holding them out of the way of the belt. He delivered three more stripes, spaced evenly apart, and then let it fall, quickly gathering his lover into a tight embrace.

Stephen twisted in Mordo's arms, clinging to him desperately and sobbing out his remorse and guilt. "Sorry... so sorry... please forgive me! Please?"

"Always." Mordo hugged him tightly. "I will always forgive you. No matter what. I love you. You are my life."

"I missed you..." Stephen said, in a tiny voice, between sobs. "Shoulda come home sooner..." he choked out, crying hard again.

"I missed you too." Mordo whispered the words into his lover's neck. "I couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything, while we were apart."

"...Love you so much..." Stephen whispered, nuzzling into Mordo. "...Shoulda come to you sooner. I'm not home when I'm away from you...."

Mordo kissed the side of his head, cuddling his lover tightly. He slid a hand up under Stephen's shirt so he could rub the bare skin of the other man's back.

Sniffling, Stephen pulled back slightly and raised his arms up like a little boy, so Mordo could remove his shirt. He kept his gaze downward, though.

After pulling his lover's shirt free, Mordo then stripped Stephen of the rest of his clothing before cuddling his lover once more.

Finally, naked on his lover's lap and in his arms, Stephen relaxed and just snuggled as close as humanly possible to Mordo, letting himself reconnect with his master through affection and skin-to-skin touch.

Mordo settled them both back on the bed, kissing and stroking his lover's skin. "I love you." He drew the other man's head up so he could kiss Stephen's lips, firmly and deeply.

Stephen returned the kiss, opening up for Mordo like a flower, giving everything to his master.

Mordo slid his hands down Stephen's back, pressing the other man closer to him as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into his lover's mouth.

Stephen eagerly accepted Mordo's tongue, letting his own slide alongside his master's and sucking gently, giving a tiny sigh of happiness and letting his body slump against Mordo's in submission.

Mordo drew them both down on the bed, settling them facing each other, as he continued to kiss his lover.

Stephen let out a contented sigh as Mordo positioned him and kept kissing, only stopping long enough to take quick breaths. "Needed you so much, Master. Felt so out of control without you...." he whispered on a sigh.

"I love you." Mordo whispered the words between kisses. "We won't be separated again. I promise."

"What if I upset you again?" Stephen asked worriedly. He knew telling him about Yondu coming and wanting him to open a time dimension would upset Mordo.

"I can't promise I won't be upset." Mordo's response was wry. Pressing a kiss to Stephen's neck, he added, "But I won't ever leave you. These past two days were miserable. I couldn't sleep or eat. Couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I was the one that left this time..." Stephen said, in a small voice. "...Even if it was only to the guestroom down the hall. If I upset, you and try and leave again...?"

"I'll drag you back to me and never let you go," Mordo promised. "You're my whole life."

Stephen relaxed at that. "That makes me feel a lot better," he admitted, in a whisper. "...Cause I have to admit something that is going to upset you." He bit his lip uncertainly, letting his eyes look into Mordo's guiltily before shifting on the bed so his back was arched and his bottom was stuck up within smacking range, in case Mordo felt the need to correct him while he was confessing.

Mordo rested his hand on Stephen's backside, gently rubbing the heated skin. "What is it?" he asked, keeping his voice calm and level.

"One..." Stephen swallowed hard. "...One of the possible futures I saw... all the events leading up to it have fallen into place, so it's more a probability than a possibility. There is a man, Yondu Undata. He is coming to Earth to request my help. To request that I open a portal between dimensions so he can go to one of the time streams where he died, but his son lived. His son died in this time stream. He wants to join him in the other dimension and live there. with him. If... If I help him, he will be reunited with a version of his son; and he will also meet his soul mate." Stephen swallowed and turned his head so he could look into Mordo's eyes. He added on quietly, if hesitantly, "I want to help him, master.... but... you don't like me messing with the time streams. And... I want to obey you. I don't want to be disobedient or disrespectful any longer.... But I really want to help him!" His tone was beseeching, and he sniffled softly. Mordo rubbing his bottom felt good, but there was a good chance he'd get a small spanking for even suggesting he help. After all. It was directly going against what Mordo had repeatedly said he didn't want Stephen to do.

Mordo didn't swat, just kept rubbing as he thought about what Stephen was telling him. "That's all he wants? To live with his son?" Messing with the time stream was one thing...but Mordo considered how he would feel if he lost Stephen. If there was no other way to be reunited with him except through another dimension. He'd take every chance he possibly could.

"That's all he wants, Mor... he wants to be with his family again..." Stephen whispered sadly, feeling badly for the alien that was coming across the galaxy on a slim chance that he could be helped.

"I don't think I could forbid you helping him," Mordo admitted. "It would be different if it was for personal gain, or if it could affect our own future...but I wouldn't feel right keeping someone from his son. Not when I know I would sacrifice anything to be with you again if I ever lost you."

"Then you will allow me to help him?" Stephen pushed himself up with his arms so he could look into Mordo's face, before smiling widely and almost throwing himself on top of his lover, kissing all over his face and lips in happy excitement.

Mordo responded, kissing back and hugging his lover tightly. "Yes. You may help him." He murmured the words against Stephen's lips.

Stephen continued the exuberant affection for a few more moments before stopping long enough to give Mordo a peaceful look. It felt so much better having his master's permission than disobeying and having Mordo upset with him. "Thank you, sir." His whisper was filled with gratitude. Leaning down, he kissed Mordo more calmly, automatically opening for the older man's possession.

"I love you." Mordo stroked the side of Stephen's face and kissed him, a bit more deeply, drawing his lover in close and tight.

Stephen allowed himself to sink down onto Mordo, just clinging to him and kissing. For the first time in two days, he felt at ease and where he belonged. Finally pulling away from the kiss so he could breathe, he whispered, "I never want to be away from you again. Especially not because I was doing something wrong. I belong to you, Mor... never want to forget that...." Giving his lover a crooked smile, he lay his head against Mordo's chest so he could listen to the man's heartbeat. Yondu wasn't due to arrive for another day, at least. He had time to be lazy and just be held by his master.

"I won't let you forget it," Mordo promised, rubbing his hand down Stephen's back and over his bottom. "I won't let you be away from me." He kissed his lover's head, his whole body relaxing now that he finally had Stephen back where he belonged.

"Thank you, Mor... for forgiving me. Giving me another chance..." Stephen nuzzled against Mordo's chest. He let out a tiny breath as his master's hand ghosted over his bottom, causing the sting from the belting to flare slightly, but he didn't pull away and kissed Mordo's chest over his heart as soon as he was able to catch his breath. It hurt, but it was a deserved hurt and it reminded him of where he belonged. There was comfort in that. He settled again, letting his eyes close. For the first time in days, he felt at peace and his position, as well as his tiredness, made it very easy to start falling asleep in his master's arms. It wasn't until Mordo left his hand in place over his bottom, making it so he could feel the sting continually, that he did fall asleep, though, the last lingering hints of guilt leaving him, as he could feel that he'd paid for his mistake fully and everything was okay now. Mordo had him and wouldn't let him go. Mordo was in control.


Reaching Terra hadn't been difficult. It hadn't taken that long, either. Yondu had spent the trip searching out information on those who could help him reach his son and he brought his ship into land outside one of the buildings called a sanctum. "I'm coming for you, kid." Peter wouldn't hear him, all the way in another dimension, but it made him feel good to voice the promise anyway.

Stephen straightened, looking at Mordo with wide eyes. They were sitting at the breakfast table, having a late brunch due to Stephen not wanting to leave the bed that morning. He'd had an insatiable desire for Mordo to claim him over and over until he'd feel it all day; and Mordo had been more than happy to oblige. Even with all their activity, though, he'd been feeling antsy. Now he knew why. "He's here..." he said, loudly enough Wong would hear from his position by the stove where he was boiling water for tea.

Mordo stood up from the table and held his hand out to his lover. "Let's go meet him, then," he said calmly.

Taking a deep breath, Stephen stood and took Mordo's hand. He didn't know why he was suddenly so nervous. Just because he would soon be responsible for another man's life and happiness... well, yeah... he knew why. Swallowing, he squeezed Mordo's hand and shifted closer to the older sorcerer. "Will you help me? Open the portal? I suddenly don't feel as capable as I did before..." he admitted, in a tiny voice.

"Of course." Mordo kissed him, tenderly and lingeringly, and then led his lover outside the building to meet Yondu.

The blue-skinned man paused, as it seemed like he'd been expected, but wasted no time in walking towards the two men. "I got sources that tell me you can open portals to other dimensions." He started in without any preamble. "I lost a son and there's a version of him out there without a dad. That ain't right. I don't want to mess with anything. Just want to be with my kid."

Stephen smiled at Yondu and held up a hand to stall any other words he might try to say to convince them. "I became aware of your situation several days ago and... Mordo and I are in agreement that family needs to be together, if at all possible. As you aren't planning to change anyone's future or past and just want to join with the version of your son who still lives, we are willing to help you." He waited in case Mordo wanted to add anything. Just because they didn't automatically announce their relationship to each other to every stranger they met didn't mean he would hide it if Mordo decided to make it clear who was in charge. Plus, Mordo had a way of thinking of things that he didn't. It was why they worked so well together.

Yondu looked a bit taken aback, glancing between the two men before he recovered and nodded. "Thought I was gonna have to do a lot more talking to convince you. I'm glad you can understand."

Mordo didn't feel the need to add anything to what his lover had said, instead just squeezing Stephen's hand.

"We do understand..." Stephen acknowledged, before stepping closer to Mordo and shifting to indicate Yondu should enter the sanctum. "Do you have someone able to retrieve your vessel? Or should I contact my associates to retrieve it after you have gone through the portal?" he asked curiously. It wouldn't do to leave an unmanned spaceship in orbit when Yondu wasn't going to be returning for it.

"I got someone who can retrieve it," Yondu answered, taking the invitation and stepping into the building. "Don't know how well my comm'll work once I've gone through, so I'll send a message after the portal's been opened."

"If you give Mordo their name and coordinates where they can be contacted, we could also send a message to them..." Stephen said in an aside, even as he followed Yondu into the building, passed him and began to lead him to the area Mordo and Wong had agreed would be the safest place to open an inter-dimensional portal.

Yondu nodded and proceeded to do that as they walked to the area.

Wong had already made his way there and was waiting for the three others to join, just in case Stephen and Mordo needed any help keeping the portal open.

"Okay. Do you have everything you planned to take with you? Because unless you find the versions of us over there and they know how to open dimensional portals, this is a one-way trip..." Stephen turned toward Yondu.

"I got everything I need and don't plan on making a return trip," Yondu stated. "Once I find my kid again, I ain't making the mistake of leaving his side ever again."

"Good. I wish you luck in finding him quickly, then." Stephen glanced toward Mordo. "Ready?"

Mordo nodded, gently squeezing Stephen's hand as they set to work opening the portal.

Working together made it infinitely easier to open the portal and soon, there was an opening. On the other side of the opening, it appeared that it was the same room, except there were contractors working on painting and other repairs. Also, on the other side, another Wong could be seen walking around to stare at the portal that had just opened on his side. He nodded knowingly at Stephen and Mordo, not saying anything.

"He seems to be expecting you. You should go now..." Stephen said, in a strained voice. Just because it was easier with Mordo's help, didn't mean it was easy.

"Thank you." Yondu didn't waste any time. He didn't second guess himself. He'd committed and that was it. Without even a second's hesitation, he stepped through the portal.

As soon as Yondu was safely on the other side and the 'other' Wong was moving to intercept him, Stephen let go of the magic holding the portal open and slumped. "Okay. I'm ready for a nap now, what about you?" he said cheekily to Mordo and grinned at 'their' Wong.

Mordo nodded his agreement and wrapped his arm tightly around Stephen's shoulders. "Unless there's an emergency, we'll be out of contact for the next few hours."

"There won't be." Wong motioned towards the door. "Go on. Get some rest."


On the other side of the portal, Yondu was looking around curiously. "Seems this place fell on some bad times."

"Well... Thanos did erase half of life. And then traveled to the future to try and make certain it couldn't be undone. That requires a bit of cleanup," Wong said drolly. "As I saw you arriving in a dream last night, I chose to allow you through. What is your purpose for coming?"

"The world I'm from, my son was killed in a battle with Ego, a monstrous planet styling itself as a god," Yondu said. "But I learned it was the other way ‘round here. I died, but my son lives. I never wanted to live in a world without my kid," he said seriously.

Wong's face became sympathetic as he heard the story Yondu told. "I'm sure he doesn't want to live without you either. If you tell me his name, I can help look for him and reunite you."

"His name is Peter Quill." The look of hope on Yondu's face matched the note in his voice. He desperately wanted to be reunited with his son.

Wong's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but grin. "This will be the easiest search I have performed in a while," he said calmly, a hint of amusement in his tone. "I happen to know Peter Quill and know exactly where he is.  If you give me a few moments to contact my colleagues who are traveling with him...."

Yondu smiled hopefully and nodded, motioning for Wong to go ahead with making the contact.

Knowing that the other man had to be very anxious, Wong wrote a quick message and then immediately opened a tiny portal to Mordo and Stephen's quarters on the ship, just enough of a portal that he could throw the message through to the other men. He didn't want to just open a portal and send Yondu through without warning; it could prove painful to the other man.

Mordo spotted the message almost immediately and quickly went to pick it up. He opened it, read the message and then looked towards his lover. "Wong has Quill's father in the sanctum. He came from another dimension where Quill was killed, and he lived."

Stephen's eyes widened. "We need to warn Thor before we bring him through. Well... Thor and Peter. But mostly Thor, as I suspect Peter will not be able to think of anything beyond his father being here...." He found another piece of paper, asking for Wong to wait thirty minutes before opening a portal to send Yondu through, as they needed to prepare the others for a guest. He showed it to Mordo to be certain it was acceptable, before opening another portal to send the message back.

Mordo nodded, waiting for the message to be sent through before he spoke into the comms. "Thor? Could you and Peter please come to mine and Stephen's room?"

"Of course," the Asgardian's voice rumbled back.


Wong caught the message as it came through and quickly read it before turning to Yondu.  "They have asked for thirty minutes time before I send you through, so that they can prepare the rest of their crew-mates and avoid someone reacting badly to your arrival."

Yondu nodded. "I've waited a very long time for this. I can wait another thirty minutes," he said.

"Come." Wong motioned for Yondu to follow him. "While we wait, I will give you food and drink. And give you a bit of information before you go to join them that will enable you to adapt quickly and not be overwhelmed or shocked...."  He took him into the kitchen and began to prepare tea.


Frank Castle had not intended to return to New York. Hell. If he'd had his way, he'd avoid the east coast all together. But he'd heard rumors of Red suddenly disappearing and a vacuum forming in his absence. He'd felt he owed it to the other man to check in on the area and find out if that was true; get the appropriate people fighting it if it was. And that was what he'd done. He'd nosed around, discovered what was happening and sent the appropriate people in law enforcement and Avengers the information. But then he'd noticed something he couldn't hand over to anyone else. A young woman being held hostage as blackmail against one of law enforcement. Frank had helped her escape, breaking the hold that particular cartel had over her parent, but not without being seen. The head of the cartel had sent his soldiers after him with orders to assassinate. Frank had been running for four days now; every 'safe' house he'd been in had been found. Every time he thought he was safe he'd barely escaped with his life. And now he was being chased down Bleecker Street; two of the soldiers sent to assassinate him were behind him, two were ahead and one was on the opposite side of the street from him. That one raised his gun and immediately opened fire.

Frank ducked behind a car, but not before the first shot got him in the shoulder. He was already worn out from constant movement and stress. Now he was bleeding profusely. And he had nowhere to hide. He glanced toward the building he was next to. Workers were going in and out without hamper; maybe he could hide inside the building. Or at least get lost in it. He wasn't so keen on drawing his pursuers into some innocent's home and putting them at risk, but he was hoping his attempted murderer would think twice before following him inside. He quickly ran up the stairs and in through the door.


Yondu had followed Wong without argument or protest. He didn't sit down or relax, even though he was careful not to let too much of his impatience show. He'd be reunited with his son soon enough.

A sound reached his ears. Footsteps. Not the steady tread of the workmen, but a faster, more frantic pace. He turned his head towards the door. "Do you have any enemies?"

Wong had been alerted by the wards as soon as Frank had crossed the thresh-hold of the door. Sighing, he turned the heat off and moved the kettle to the back burner before heading toward a set of stairs leading down into what looked like a basement. "Many..." he said to Yondu, without further explanation.

Frank had barely made it three feet through the door before he was falling rapidly. He'd landed on the ground hard, in what appeared to be a basement. There was a circle drawn on the floor. Wrinkling his nose in confusion, he went to step out of the circle and toward a set of stairs he saw when he was knocked flat on his ass by a wave of power. Gripping his bleeding shoulder, he groaned softly.

Frowning in confusion, Yondu followed Wong down the stairs. He cast a curious glance towards Frank, noticing the bleeding shoulder. Gesturing towards the newcomer, he asked Wong, "You have any arguments against me checking that wound over?"

Frank looked up, a very worried look in his eye. "Unless whatever barrier you have keeping me in here also keeps in bullets... you're about to get a visit from a bunch of really pissed off guys with guns," he gasped out, staggering as he stood again. The blood loss was a lot worse than he'd thought. "After they finish the job on me, that is..." he muttered, barely able to hide the pain.

Wong frowned and made a motion with his hand. "Get him out quickly so I can put the barrier back in place. Then we will head upstairs and wait for these possible visitors."

Yondu quickly moved over to Frank's side, reaching out to put pressure on the wound in his shoulder. "I'll take you upstairs. Look at the wound there." He began to guide the other man towards the stairs.

Frank went with the blue man. There'd been enough weirdness in the last decade that it didn’t even phase him that he was being led upstairs by an alien while a sorcerer redid a containment spell. He wondered if it should worry him, how easily he accepted the strangeness. Maybe he was hallucinating.

Wong quickly redid the spell, then followed the other two upstairs. If anyone had followed as the wounded man claimed, they'd be sent there.

Leading the human into the kitchen, Yondu encouraged Frank to sit on one of the chairs so he could examine the wound. Having had Peter for so long had given him a good idea of Terran physiology, so he knew what he was doing.

Frank narrowed his gaze on Yondu. "I need to get out of here... I'll take care of my shoulder when I get safe..." he said, with a belligerent bravado borne of years of having to care for his own wounds.

Wong snorted as he put a bowl of water, clean towels and a medical kit on the table. Frank had no clue when he'd had time to gather it.

"Seems to me here's the best place you can be right now." Yondu checked to make sure the bullet wasn't still in the wound and then began to clean it.

Frank hissed at the sting, but otherwise managed to keep quiet as the wound was cleaned. He couldn't argue the blue man wasn't right. He heard shouting down on the basement where they'd come from. "If they know you helped me, you're as good as dead..." he told Wong gruffly.

"They won't know. As far as they'll know, I sent you through a portal into space." Wong was calm, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Speaking of which. It has been 30 minutes. Take the medical kit and other items with you. I can retrieve them later." He was looking at Yondu as he said this, completely confusing Frank.

Nodding, Yondu bandaged the wound enough to make sure Frank wouldn't lose any more blood and then he guided the other man to his feet, looking towards Wong expectantly.

"What...?" Frank gave both men a very confused and nervous look.

Wong ignored the question, opening a portal to the ship. Mordo and Stephen were waiting on the other side.

Yondu grasped Frank's unhurt shoulder in a gentle but firm grasp. "I'm taking you to safety." With those words, he stepped through the portal with the other man.

Wong waited till they were through before closing the portal. He then went downstairs to terrify his guests; and let them believe he'd sent Frank into deep space to die because he'd trespassed.


Frank blinked as he found himself in what appeared to be someone's efficiency apartment. "Where...?" He swallowed hard and swayed.

Stephen quickly took the medical kit from Yondu and motioned toward a chair. "Why don't you let Mor and I take care of this? You have someone wearing a hole into the floor of the common area, waiting on you." He smiled to soften his brusqueness.

Yondu nodded, addressing Frank. "These are my son's friends. You're safe here." He guided the human towards the chair, helping him to sit before glancing towards the two other men.

Mordo quickly gave Yondu directions to the common area and watched as the blue-skinned man quickly exited the room and headed there.

"Where are we?" Frank repeated, beginning to get irritated that no one seemed willing to tell him.

"In space," Mordo answered. "There are a number of couples here on this spaceship. Most of us are from Earth, but there are a couple from other places too." He moved over to check the wound and the haphazard bandage Yondu had put in place.

"As Yondu said. You are safe here." Stephen had quickly finished cleaning the wound. Turning toward Mordo, he asked, "Can you do the stitches, sir? My hands aren’t steady enough for delicate work like that." He glanced at his hands regretfully. As powerful as he was, he hadn't been able to overcome the injuries to his hands. Not completely.

Mordo gently squeezed Stephen's shoulder, sending waves of love and reassurance through their bond. He then began to carefully stitch up the wound.

Frank was too shocked at finding himself in space to argue further. He held still while the two men tended him.


Peter wouldn't fully believe what Stephen and Mordo had reported until he saw it with his own eyes. His daddy was alive!? Granted, it was his daddy from another dimension, but still. He was over excited and pacing in the common area, Thor patiently sitting nearby.

Thor didn't try to stop Peter from pacing. He just made sure his lover knew he was close enough for support if and when Peter needed it.

Yondu's steps slowed as he reached the common area and saw his son, but only for a moment. This was his son. There was no doubt in his mind. He moved to Peter, pulling his kid into his arms.

"Yondu?" Peter's voice was high pitched and vulnerable. He sounded nearly as young as the kid Yondu had picked up all those years ago. And then he was wrapped around the older man like an octopus, sobbing out how sorry he was and how scared and please never leave him like that again.

Yondu hugged Peter tightly to himself, pressing kisses to his son's head. "I got you, kid," he whispered. "I'm not letting go. I came halfway across the galaxy for you. Crossed into another dimension so we'd be together again."

Peter just clung to his father, crying. His emotions were very easy to read, though, even without having a bond. He was grateful for a second chance with his father and feeling guilty because he'd blamed himself for Yondu's death. " you!" He sobbed, unable to say anything else. He sent out a plea to Thor to help him talk, because he couldn't stop crying enough to do so.

Thor reached out to place his hand on Peter's back, sending waves of love and reassurance through the bond. "It wasn't your fault, my star-prince," he said softly.

Realizing there was a bond between his son and the other man, Yondu moved over to the couch and sat down next to Thor, cuddling Peter tightly on his lap. "I'm here," he reiterated. "I love you. You're not gonna lose me again, kid."

"I didn' want you to die for me. If I'da never gone with 'im, you'd been okay..." Peter finally gasped out, still clinging to his father as if afraid he'd disappear if he let go.

Yondu cuddled Peter more tightly, hugging his son as if he were still the small child Yondu had taken from Terra. "I ain't gone anymore, son," he murmured. "I ain't ever leaving again."

"Promise! Promise, daddy!" Peter begged, using the term Yondu had used when dying in his arms.

"I promise." Yondu stroked his hands through Peter's hair, over his son's back.

Thor gently rubbed Peter's back, continuing to send soothing waves of love and reassurance through the bond. He knew how much losing Yondu had hurt his lover, even if he and Peter hadn't met at that time.

"I'm sorry I got you killed and I'm just grateful you lived somewhere else..." Peter sniffled, finally calming enough to speak.

"We belong with each other," Yondu said. "I had to come find you, kid. I lost you back in the dimension I come from. When I knew you still lived here, I had to come find you."

"I was lost in your dimension?" Peter sniffled again, still snuggling close.

Yondu cuddled his son tightly. "I couldn't save you. I was lost without you. Soon as I found out you were here? I flew to Terra. Met Stephen and Mordo in that dimension and they opened the doorway so I could come to you."

"I'm glad you did. I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. Should not gone with him when I found out who he was. You'd said he was bad news. Said not to look for ‘im. But when he found me, I just ignored all yer warnings. It was my fault...  I'm sorry, daddy..." Peter felt so guilty, he didn't know how he'd ever forgive himself. Part of him wasn't sure he could be this happy. He didn't deserve it.

Thor gently stroked his fingers down Peter's back. "I'm bonded to your son," he said quietly. "We're married. We haven't had a ceremony yet, but that's what we are to each other. I can feel his emotions. I can feel how guilty he feels." He looked at Yondu. "Normally, it's my responsibility to punish him. But you're his daddy. And what he feels bad about affects you."

Yondu let his fingers tangle in Peter's hair. "Wouldn't be the first time I took him over my knee," he said, a bit wryly.

Peter could hear them, and a wave of guilty hope rushed through the bond. If his father punished and forgave him the actions that caused his death in this dimension (and apparently caused his own death in the one Yondu cane from), then he could deserve to be happy. "Please..." he said, in the same tiny, little boy voice as before. Still clinging to his father, afraid this was all an elaborate dream.

Yondu pressed a firm kiss to Peter's head and then moved his son across his lap, making sure Peter's body was as well-supported as it could be before he bared him. "You shouldn't be feeling guilty, kid," he said quietly, before lifting his hand and bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated. "I'm your daddy. It's my job to protect you."

Peter relaxed as soon as he was in position. He deserved this he was positive. "Was my fault you had to pr'tect me..." he whimpered softly. Even if Yondu didn't feel he needed to be guilty, his father was still smacking hard enough to sting badly. It was as if the older man was trying to get his point across as quickly as possible.

"I'm your daddy, kid." Yondu swatted down to Peter's thighs and then began again from the top. "In any dimension, I would die to protect you. It broke my heart to lose you. Couldn't rest until I found my way back to you," he admitted.

"B... b... but didn't want ya ta die for me. Needed ya to live... an I got ya kilt!" Peter broke down sobbing again. By this time, his body was wriggling in an attempt to get away from the swats, even if he wanted them.

"I ain't dead, kid. 'Least, not this version of me, anyway." Yondu began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster. "But I would trade my life for yours. Never want to bury my son again."

Peter began sobbing harder, not just because the swats were harder and faster on already sore skin, but because he knew Yondu spoke the truth and it scared him. How could he protect those he loved if they were intent on dying for him? It scared him worse than the thought of dying himself.

"I don't plan to," Yondu promised. "It felt wrong. That you lived without your father while I lived without my son. I didn't come all this way ‘cause I planned on dying, kid. I came ‘cause I want to live with you. To be with my son."

Peter swallowed hard and took a shuddering breath at those words, trying to calm down. "I'll try to make sure I don't take chances that make you hafta rescue me..." He sniffled. He briefly wondered if, now that he was meant to obey Thor, he should still obey his father. It was a bit confusing, but he figured if he was careful at least, his daddy wouldn't have to die for him again.

"That'd be good, kid," Yondu said. "It ain't just me you gotta stay alive for now. Stay safe for."

"I'm glad you came for me..." Peter slumped over Yondu's lap, finally able to let go of the guilt enough that he could surrender and focus on the most important part. His father was with him. His bottom was so sore. In the past, he would have fought Yondu's correction until he couldn't any longer. Sometimes, his father had needed to be very harsh to get through to him and make certain he learned so that he'd stay alive in the harsh conditions they lived. He didn't do that this time; he didn't feel the need to be big and brave and put on a show that everyone could see through. He felt the need to be honest. And honestly? All he wanted now was to be held and cuddled by his father.

"I would always come for you, kid. I love you. Have done s'long as I remember." Yondu stopped spanking and gathered Peter into his arms, hugging his son tightly to himself and kissing the top of his head.

Peter, used to accepting love and affection from his Drottinn now, didn't try and pull away or act like he was 'too old' for Yondu to cuddle. He pressed as close as he could to the older man, clinging to him and snuggling like his life depended on it. He was still slightly afraid he was imagining all of this, though the sting on his backside was a solid indicator he wasn't. "Love you, daddy..." he said softly.

"I love you, kid. Always have done, always will do," Yondu promised, tightening his embrace around his son. It felt good. Like he was finally where he belonged. The hurt and grief was able to go away, now that he could hold Peter in his arms.

"You came home to me..." Peter said, with a hint of wonder. "Through dimensions. You do love me...."

"We should be together," Yondu said seriously. "Wasn't right that you didn't have a daddy and I didn't have a son."

"How'd you find out? That I needed ya?" Peter snuggled closer.

"I met a green woman. Back in my dimension," Yondu said. "I let slip I was mourning my kid. She told me about you."

Thor let his hand rest gently on Peter's shoulder, knowing full well who the 'green woman' was.

"Gamora..." Peter breathed out. "She went back to her original time. Her timeline must have branched off, like Tony and Bruce explained...."

"I knew, if she'd come here, it was possible for me to as well." Yondu kissed his son's head. "I didn't hesitate to come for you."

"I'm glad she found you..." Peter said. He was very glad. Not only had it allowed Yondu to find him, it meant that at least one version of Gamora, somewhere, still lived.

"Me too, kid." Stroking Peter's hair, Yondu glanced between his son and his son's husband. "How did you get bound to an... Asgardian if I ain't mistaken?"

Peter grinned at the question, giving Thor an impish look. "Well... you weren’t there to keep me outta trouble and he seemed to want the job..." he teased.

"And my star-prince hasn't had anyone since your death in this dimension." Thor ran his hand down Peter's back. "We've been good for each other."

"I can see." Yondu smiled. "You're letting me cuddle you, kid. Used to have to fight to keep you held down long enough for affection."

Peter blushed. "Yeah. Was stupid to pull away. Wanted to seem strong and brave and like I didn't need anyone. And then you was gone and I wished I had the chance to snuggle again..." he admitted. "And Drottinn... he made it clear snuggling didn't make me weak, so...."

"And you're in good company here, too," Thor commented. "As everyone on here tends to snuggle. At least the couples. No one will react badly if you just want to pull him onto your lap and cuddle."

"Good to know," Yondu said. "How many's on this ship anyway?"

"Heck...the number keeps growing, so not really sure. But I think twenty, counting you and that guy you dragged through with you. Assuming he's alive. Friday only said you came through with someone who was bleeding...." Peter rambled.

"Your Stephen and Mordo are treating him at the moment," Yondu replied. "He should live. Though he's gonna have to take it easy for a while. I'd like to believe he won't get into trouble here but remembering how much you got into on the Ravager ship...."

Peter slanted his head curiously, not denying the comment. "You think he's a trouble magnet?" The 'like me' was implied.

"He were getting chased by Terrans with guns," Yondu replied. "Seems he pissed off a lotta them, even if he's not a trouble magnet."

"Is he going to be yours?" Thor asked.

Yondu paused at that. "Sensible thing would be to say I dunno yet. But I don't wait around. Never second guess myself. I knew Peter was my kid the moment I took him from Terra. Can't help noticing a similar draw to this Terran."

Peter blinked at that. "Just like me?" He tried not to sound jealous. If he was gonna get a new brother, it could be a good thing. He couldn't stop feeling a little jealous, though, at the thought Yondu might have another 'son'.

"Not like a kid," Yondu replied calmly. "You're my only kid."

Like us, maybe? Thor suggested inside his lover's mind.

Peter's eyes widened, both at Yondu's quiet words and Thor's silent question. "You mean I might be getting a poppa?" he whispered, afraid of jinxing things if he said it louder.

"I think I better find out how he feels about things first," Yondu said. "I might feel a pull to him. Doesn't mean he feels the same one, or that he feels it straight away."

Peter nodded and mimed zipping his mouth shut. "Won't say anything till you tell me it's happening, then...."

"You'll be first to know," Yondu promised.

"Actually, I'd be third..." Peter grinned mischievously.

"First after the two of us," Yondu commented, giving his son a tighter hug.

Peter grinned and hugged back unabashedly.


Mordo had just finished the last stitch, Stephen watching and waiting. As soon as it was tied off, Stephen held up a needle, obviously intending to inject Frank.

"What's that?!" Frank asked suspiciously, quickly moving away from Stephen.

"It's a tetanus booster. Afterwards, you'll also need an antibiotic... " Stephen answered calmly. To his surprise, Frank growled, 'no f'ing way' and all but ran out of the room. He glanced at Mordo uncertainly, then quickly followed.

Arching his eyebrows, Mordo followed after his lover and the newcomer, not too surprised to reach the common area and find Yondu sitting with a half-naked Peter on his lap.

Glancing up, Yondu turned his gaze onto Frank. "Why're you running in here like you got hounds on your tail?"

"I ain't getting no damn shot!" Frank blurted, before what he was seeing caught up to his brain and he stumbled to a halt. His eyes going wide, he quickly averted his gaze, letting his non-wounded hand rub at his neck as he flushed. "Friggin hell... if I'da known you had a half-naked guy on yer lap, I woulda knocked first." He glanced around the room. "Or not. This is a common area. So, what gives?" He sounded confused, his embarrassment at seeing Peter perched bare on one of his rescuers derailing his escape attempt.

Peter bust out laughing but did stand up long enough to fix his clothing. "You kin turn 'round now. I ain't mooning ya anymore," he chortled, while moving into Thor's arms. He suspected his daddy was gonna need to lay down the law with the new guy sooner rather than later.

Thor wrapped his arms tightly around Peter, kissing the side of his lover's neck. "Most of us here are in relationships. Cuddling half-naked isn't even the most you'll more than likely see."

Yondu frowned, standing up. "What do you mean, you ain't getting a shot?" He glanced towards Mordo and Stephen, waiting for an explanation.

"I was going to give him a tetanus booster before giving him an antibiotic. Given he had a chunk of what was most likely filthy metal inside of him." Stephen held up the needle where Yondu and everyone else could see.

"Oh...ow!" Peter winced and half-hid behind Thor. "Can't blame us for running. Needles suck, man!"

"Just give me the antibiotic in pill form. I'll take my chances..." Frank growled. It wasn't that he was afraid of needles, but it would be easier to tell if what they were giving him actually was what they said, if he could taste it.

Mordo shook his head. "You're lucky you don't belong to either me or Thor. Neither of us would tolerate you taking those kinds of chances with your health."

Yondu frowned and then glanced at Peter before letting his eyes shift to Frank. "I never let my kid get away with putting himself at risk. I ain't gonna step back with someone else I'm responsible for." He stepped forward and quickly grabbed Frank's arm.

"What the...?" Frank automatically went to fight his way free, his special ops training kicking in immediately. Had he not been weakened by blood loss, or had it been a human who had hold of him, he would have broken free. He had lost a lot of blood, though and Yondu wasn't human. Yondu had also trained in numerous forms of hand to hand combat. He was evenly matched, if not outmatching, Frank in ability. Frank turned startled eyes toward Yondu as he realized he hadn’t broken free of the other man's grip. "Let go!" He tugged at his arm and tried not to let his nervousness turn to fear.

"Seems no reason not to take care of things here." Yondu had noticed the way Stephen and Mordo hadn't reacted to him holding onto Peter. He sat back down on the couch and quickly drew Frank over his knees, careful not to further aggravate the other man's wound.

"What are you...? Stop!" Frank renewed his efforts to get away, but he had even less leverage and strength draped over Yondu's lap. He couldn't believe he was in this position. "You're just gonna let him...?" he asked the room at large, not certain what Yondu was going to do, but knowing it wasn’t something he wanted.

Thor snorted softly. "You're not the first person to be in that position. You won't be the last, considering the nature of our relationships." He wrapped his arm possessively around Peter's waist.

Yondu tugged Frank against his stomach and proceeded to bare the Terran, pausing as he noticed the unmistakable scarring of a bullet wound that hadn't healed properly. "Seems you been needing someone to look out for you a long time." He let his hand rest lightly on Frank's bottom, rubbing a few moments before he swatted.

"What do you mean?" Frank asked in confusion, derailed by the gentle rubbing and the comment before the first swat landed, causing him to yelp in surprise more than pain. He continued to squirm, trying and failing to break free. "Let go! You have no right! When I get away from you, I'm gonna make you wish you'd never seen me! You can't do this, damnit!" he blustered ineffectively.

"Was I ever this belligerent and mouthy when I got into trouble?" Peter whispered, surprised at the vitriol pouring from Frank's mouth.

"You're playing games with your health. Lost a lotta blood and now you're refusing to get properly treated," Yondu said evenly, covering Frank's entire backside in the swats, down to his thighs. He then paused to rub once more. "You need someone to watch out for you," he stated.

"Not with me," Thor commented mildly. "But I'm sure you gave your Dad a hard time."

"I've been keeping myself alive just fine before you showed up!" Frank gasped out, surprised to find himself crying. Of course, keeping himself alive wasn't the same as taking care of himself, but still.

Peter blushed and didn't comment further, knowing Thor was right.

Yondu began a second circuit of swats, down to Frank's thighs once more, before he paused to rub again. "That wound in your hip? Ain't healed well. I can see that at just a glance. If I hadn't'a dragged you onto the ship with me, you'd as likely be dead right now."

"Di...didn't have time to do it right. Kid that stitched it for me was a novice. Couldn't go to hospital... guys who shot woulda been waiting for me there!" Frank choked out, in a weak attempt to defend his actions. His tears were falling fast and hard now, even if he'd managed to hold the noise from them inside. He didn't comment on Yondu's belief he'd be dead if he hadn't been brought through the portal. The alien was right, after all.

Yondu continued to rub the other man's backside, not immediately starting up the swatting once more. "It's gonna be the last time you go without getting a wound properly treated," he promised.

It hadn't been lost on Frank that Yondu was rubbing almost as much as he was swatting, but he'd been trying to ignore it. It was easier to retain his anger if he focused on the pain and humiliation of being spanked. With nothing but the gentle rubbing to focus on, he couldn't ignore the fact that a part of him was getting turned on by Yondu's actions. Whimpering softly, he asked, "What? You taking over and making sure I'm taken care of?"

"Already started doing that," Yondu said. "You ain't the first Terran I felt a connection to. That I felt belonged with me. 'Course, I don't see you as my kid. Pretty far from that." He continued to rub Frank's bottom, giving each cheek an almost possessive squeeze.

Frank quivered and swallowed hard, reaching up and rubbing his eyes wearily. Sniffling, he quivered again. He didn't say anything, but did whimper at the possessive squeezing, flushing as he felt his member hardening and knew Yondu would feel it as well. "You always know immediately when someone's gonna be yours?" He tried to sound disbelieving and snide, but by this point, his blood loss had caught up with him and he was just tired.

Stephen moved close enough to hand Yondu the needle. He was in a good position to give Frank the shot.

Yondu took the needle from Stephen. "I know when it truly matters," he answered Frank. He didn't comment on the other man's member hardening, or otherwise draw attention to it. He kept one hand gently rubbing over Frank's backside, even as he carefully gave the shot, holding the Terran still so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Frank whimpered as he felt the needle go in and tensed up, but he didn't fight anymore. If it wasn't what the doctor said... well, he was shit outta luck, but he didn’t have him in him to fight anymore. "Sometimes you just know, right?" His voice caught as he realized; he knew as well. Yondu was gonna be his... only in this case, Yondu would be in charge. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew.

"Knew it straight away," Yondu said, his voice firm and calm. "S'why leaving you behind wasn't an option." He made sure the shot was given and then carefully withdrew the needle, taking the bandage Mordo held out to blot away the tiny drops of blood.

Frank swallowed before asking peevishly, "You always gonna spank me when I don't listen to you?"

"If it's about your health and safety, yeah," Yondu answered.

"You'll be in good company," Thor commented. "Everyone here is in similar relationships, with one person in charge and the other person submitting."

Frank turned his face enough to see Thor, making it obvious he was crying. "What if I don't want that? Don't wanna submit?" he asked. Deep down, he was surprised he did want to, but he'd had to take care of himself for too long. He wasn't sure he knew how to.

"Is that the case?" Thor asked directly.

Yondu gently squeezed each thigh. "I got a lot of experience with stubborn Terrans who start out thinking they don't need to be taken care of. That they don't need someone," he commented.

Frank swallowed hard, both at the question and at the words Yondu spoke. He didn't want to lie, but admitting he felt a need to give in didn't sit right with him either. What if all these unusual, screwy feelings were due to blood loss? "If it were the case?" He answered the question with a question and didn't address Yondu's claim at all. He suspected the words weren't a lie and wasn't ready to push the alien into proving them.

"If it was, I think you'd be fighting a whole lot more, blood loss or not," Thor answered. "You're not, apart from voicing protests, so I think you're only saying that because you think you should and not because it's what you really feel."

"The only time you moved from where Yondu put you was because you didn't want a shot," Mordo said mildly.

Frank slumped at those observations. Damn him if they weren't right. It was foolish to deny it to himself when it was clear to everyone around him.

"It don't mean you're weak or a coward or a baby, nor a wimp or any of the other names you might be thinking it makes you, just cuz you wanna belong to someone and let them be in control..." Peter's voice was the most serious Frank had heard it since he arrived. "It just means you're strong enough to admit you need help and are brave enough to accept it. It means you're smart enough to know what's gonna make you happiest and wise enough not to fight it. Least, that's how it seems to me..." Peter ended hesitantly, not sure he should have said anything.

Thor gently squeezed Peter's waist. "My star-prince is right," he said. "You shouldn't fight what you want and need. All that'll do is make you miserable. You've got a ship filled with couples in exactly the same position as you and Yondu, so it doesn't matter if it takes you a while to get your head round it."

"We got time," Yondu commented, stroking and gently squeezing along Frank's thighs.

"Never usually have time for anything," Frank said softly, relaxing despite himself. Yondu rubbing and squeezing felt good and he was sore and achy from being shot and a little sore from being spanked and he was hard and not able to do anything about it and he was just tired in general. It was easier to give in and submit, even if he wasn’t certain yet.

"You know, we have a few empty rooms on the ship," Mordo said. "You two can retire in one. Talk. Get some sleep. Have food. In whatever order you need."

Yondu nodded. "Yeah, seems we could do with some alone time," he commented, having noticed that Frank was hard, but not wanting to embarrass him by doing anything about it in front of the others.

Frank didn't argue further. He knew they needed to talk. He didn't get up either, though. He wasn't sure if he was meant to wait for permission or not and found himself wanting to do things in a way that would please Yondu... so he waited.

Yondu carefully replaced Frank's clothing and then helped the other man to stand before standing himself.

"I'll show you to one of the rooms," Mordo offered.

Yondu nodded, but before following the sorcerer, he reached out to gently squeeze Peter's shoulder. "We'll talk more later, son."

"Sure thing, daddy. I'll look forward to it. Get comfortable and make yourself at home." Peter grinned before leaning back into Thor, making it clear to Frank who he belonged to, hoping it helped the other man feel more comfortable with his own feelings and needs.

Frank watched the interactions carefully and relaxed as he realized Peter and Stephen were like him... having partners who dominated them the way Yondu had started doing with him. It helped him relax even more.

Mordo led Yondu and Frank to one of the empty rooms. "When you're settled in, you can set the keypad code to whatever you want." He gave the two men directions to where the kitchen was.

"Thank you," Yondu said simply, before guiding the Terran into the room.

Frank let himself be led, too uncertain about his own feelings to do anything else. He walked stiffly, due to the erection, but tried to pretend it was the spanking, not sure admitting he'd got aroused at Yondu's domination was something he was ready to admit yet.

While the room wasn't decorated, there were couches laid out and Yondu led Frank over to one, taking a seat and settling the Terran on his lap. "I know all this has made you nervous, at least," he said.

Frank swallowed again as he found himself sitting on Yondu's lap instead of over it. To his consternation, the new position did nothing to help diminish the erection he was sporting. If anything, it got worse; the slight sting of sitting on a freshly spanked bottom reminding him that he'd just been handled easily by the other man and arousing him further. Swallowing again, he whispered, "Nervous is a... it... yeah. Really nervous." He blushed and glanced toward the ground. He didn't try and hide what was occurring, though. It seemed pointless when Yondu had felt his reactions already. "This... usually don’t happen..." he muttered.

"Lotta new things happening today, I think," Yondu said calmly. "But you're mine now. No matter what happens." He fit his hand against the other man's cheek, guiding Frank's face closer so he could press their lips together in a firm kiss.

Frank shivered uncertainly at first. He was normally the one in charge. The protector. It was unsettling being the one protected. The one who was meant to follow. It was unsettling, but it still felt good and right. Swallowing hard, Frank let himself relax and lean into the kiss, slowly opening up to Yondu. He was accepting the older man's domination. He didn't feel inclined to fight it at all. Maybe later, when he wasn’t weak and tired and confused by feelings he'd never felt before, but not right now. Right now, he just wanted to give in.

Yondu held Frank close and tight to himself, keeping the kiss light and gentle; not demanding. Pulling back so he could breathe, he asked softly, "Would you like help?" He nodded towards Frank's very obvious erection.

Frank blushed and whimpered softly. It was obvious he did want 'help' but felt like he shouldn't and was trying to reign in his reactions.

Yondu stroked his hand through Frank's hair. "No need to act a certain way just ‘cause you think you should," he said calmly. "You're mine now. Don't need anything else to prove that to me."

"Wh... what does ‘being yours’ mean?" Frank asked quietly. He was pretty certain it involved sex; which even though he'd never been one to be attracted to men before, he couldn't deny he was attracted to Yondu, so it didn't really bother him.  But he also had a feeling it involved more than sex and it was the more than that scared him.

"Means I'm in charge. In control of you," Yondu said. "I make the decisions about us, with your input. And there'll be intimacy. Sex, unless you don't want it. I ain't gonna force you."

"So... I won't be a slave, totally anyway... cuz you'll ask my opinion. But the end choice is your decision?" Frank looked back up at Yondu. "I'm... I'm not really good at taking orders from other people. Not anymore, anyway." At one time, he had been. You had to be good at following orders if you wanted to succeed in the military, especially in a special-ops unit. But after having been betrayed by men he'd believed in and trusted and having his government hunt him down... he wasn't all that keen on following anyone or trusting anyone really.

"That's okay," Yondu replied. "Cause we'll deal with any issues when they occur. But I ain't gonna change my mind or give you up as a lost cause. And you won't be my slave, even though you'll be my submissive."

Frank chuckled at that. "I ain't really all that submissive either..." he responded. Yondu really needed to know what he was going to be facing if he truly meant to take him on. "If I weren't so tired and sore and confused about everything, I'd prolly still be arguing and fighting you now, even if it meant I couldn't sit for the next month," he admitted.

"It don't matter how much you might fight or argue," Yondu said. "It won't change anything. Even if you do end up not sitting down for the next month."

Frank huffed softly at that, unable to help but smile crookedly at the unspoken promise. "If you wanna take on a challenge like that, I'm not gonna try and stop you. Especially not when my gut is telling me, you'll be good to me... for me...."

"Good idea to listen to your gut," Yondu commented. "Mine ain't steered me wrong. First in taking in my kid. Then crossing dimensions to find him again. That brought me to you as well."

"Yeah. My gut ain't often wrong," Frank said quietly. Shifting slightly, he hissed softly as his backside felt a little tender still, which reminded him of how easily Yondu had controlled him. Remembering that made him feel warm inside and his erection took life again. "Damn it... was almost gone..." he said ruefully. "Might need help after all," he admitted, with a flush. He didn't think he had enough energy to take care of it like he needed.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about." Yondu carefully shifted Frank so that he could tug the man's pants down once more, allowing him to caress and stroke the Terran's member.

Frank groaned softly as he felt Yondu's hand wrap around him, sure and firm. He slumped against the older man, letting his head rest on Yondu's shoulder. "This... it's nice..." he murmured. "Makes it seem like you control me," he added on uncertainly. For all his talk about not being the submissive type, he was surprised how much he wanted Yondu to dominate him.

Yondu pressed a kiss to Frank's head, continuing to stroke and lightly squeeze his member. "I got you," he murmured into the other man's hair.

Frank found himself relaxing at the words, the gentle affection making it easier to accept that he wanted to belong to Yondu. "You got me," he repeated softly, nuzzling against Yondu's shoulder before groaning again and giving a tiny thrust into his hand. "Pl... please... h... harder..." he begged, in a whimper.

Yondu pressed another kiss to Frank's head, even as he began to stroke and squeeze a bit more firmly. His other hand slid down to the other man's backside, giving it a firm, possessive squeeze.

Frank shivered and moaned, the possessive squeeze causing the sting to tingle pleasantly.  "Am... am I yours now?" he gasped out, his body beginning to tense in preparation for release.

"Mine." Yondu all but growled the word in Frank's ear. He tugged the other man tighter against himself, stroking a bit more firmly. Holding Frank's backside possessively.

Frank whimpered at the word, finding himself snuggling as close as he was able while twisting his lower body in such a way Yondu could take complete control over his member and bottom. "Yours..." he agreed, in the neediest tone he'd ever used. He was so confused he wasn't sure what he was doing; but he knew the idea of belonging to Yondu felt right. He needed to belong to the other man, whatever that entailed.

Yondu kissed Frank, deeply and lingeringly, one hand continuing to stroke and manipulate Frank's member, while his other rubbed and squeezed the other man's bottom.

Frank kissed back almost eagerly, opening his mouth for Yondu in offering. His moans and whimpers were swallowed in the kiss.

Yondu let his tongue slip into Frank's mouth, still rubbing and stroking. Squeezing and caressing. He pulled the other man closer, so their bodies were pressed together.

Frank's breathing increased rapidly until he was panting softly, still whimpering, the moans becoming tiny whines as he came closer to his release. He didn't fight Yondu pulling him closer and tighter; it felt good and provided a comfort he hadn't even been aware he needed until it was there. And then, before he had time to warn the man holding him, he was spasming, his release hitting him hard and fast.

Yondu held Frank close and tight throughout the other man's release, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "Mine." He repeated the word, a very possessive note in his voice.

When Frank stopped convulsing in Yondu's arms, spent and weary from his release, he slumped against the older man with a tiny whimper. "...Yours..." he agreed softly. He was too tired to pretend he didn't belong to the other man; wanted to sleep, really. Wanted to sleep in Yondu's arms, if he were really honest.

"Sleep now," Yondu decided. He lifted the Terran into his arms, carrying him through to the bedroom; sparsely furnished, but with a bed, at least. "We'll get food when you wake up." He stretched out on the bed, settling Frank comfortably on top of him.

"...Yes, sir..." Frank agreed, slumping onto Yondu, snuggling as close as possible. He didn't even care that he was naked, having never replaced his shirt when the wound was bandaged and Yondu having removed his pants to take care of him. He was asleep within seconds.

Yondu snuggled Frank close. If he was honest, he was tired as well. It had been a long, grueling trip to get to his boy. He closed his eyes and quickly slipped into sleep as well.