Chapter Sixteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit adult/sexual situations. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m, F/f, M/f; Mild spoilers for Endgame; dubcon; AU; references to past abuse


It took several weeks and a few more stops before things calmed after nearly losing one of the team... the family... to pirate slavers. All the Doms had been especially more watchful and... restrictive... with their mates at the subsequent stops. No one had been allowed to leave the ship alone or do anything without their master. Which didn't bother any of them... at first. But after the fifth stop on a well-populated planet with a good government and a good reputation, some of the subs were ready to have a bit of alone time away from their Doms. As much as they loved their mates, there was such a thing as too much time together and it had become quite clear to everyone that if they weren't allowed some time apart, some of the subs were going to start misbehaving in frustration.

Luckily, all of those who had lived in space before and knew the area were able to come up with one planet to visit that was known for its friendliness toward visitors and its over-all safety. In fact, it was nearly impossible to find trouble or danger on the planet. As long as those going planet-side avoided one area, nothing bad could happen.

Pulling into the dock, everyone had gathered in the common area for last minute instructions, excited to be able to explore solo. Peter had handed out maps to everyone, the 'do not enter' area clearly marked, while Thor explained that the 'do not enter' area was home to a ferocious creature that was highly territorial and would kill as soon as it saw you. Luckily, it only liked to live in the area marked, so the planet's occupants just avoided that area. At the end of Thor's explanation, Peter returned to his side with a confused look on his face. "Either we made one too many maps, or I missed someone...." he said, loudly enough everyone could hear and hopefully let him know who he had missed.

"Mister Ward left the ship as soon as we docked, Mister Peter. It is his map you hold," the ship's AI, SARA (Space Avengers Radical Assistant), told them all.

Danny hadn't needed the AI to tell them that his sub was gone. He could feel Ward's absence, like a gaping hole in his soul. His lover had closed himself off and Danny had no idea why. "I can't sense him. I can't communicate with him at all." Worry was rapidly turning to fear. Ward had left without taking a map with him, which meant that the possibility of him running into danger was distinctly high.

Steve moved quickly over to Danny. "We'll search for him," he promised the younger man. "We haven't been docked for long. He won't have gone far." Despite the reassuring note in his voice, it would be obvious to his own mate that he wasn't as certain as he was trying to act.

"Yeah. It's only been fifteen minutes at most. He should be easy to find!" Brock agreed with his mate, trying to put Steve at ease as much as Danny.

"I know sone of us planned to go solo. That means we can all cover more territory. As soon as someone finds him, warn him about the dangerous area and contact everyone else on comms to let them know he was located..." Grant said hesitantly. He wasn't sure if the plans were about to change because of Ward's actions.

Fury nodded in agreement with Grant. "One of us is bound to come across Ward. We can warn him about the area and ask him to make sure to keep the line of communication between the two of you open, so that you know he's safe."

Danny nodded, but he still looked fretful...worried. It was hard not to be.

Everyone left with the intention to find Ward, while continuing their plans. It was a less excited group that left, however. Everyone was worried.


Ward hadn't thought about the fact blocking the bond link would worry Danny. He was only able to think about the fact he was depressed and didn't want to ruin his mate's day. The problem was it was Harold Meachum's birthday. And he'd been watching Peter interact with Yondu, and Grant interact with Coulson that morning at breakfast, and it had just reminded him how his own relationship with Harold was horrible.

Had he not fallen into a depressed state, he likely would have realized that blocking the bond would ensure that Danny's day was ruined. He might have realized sharing what was bothering him would help him and Danny wouldn't be upset about it. But he'd quickly fallen into the depression, and it kept him from realizing any of those things.

He'd walked very quickly in a random direction, nearly running, he walked so quickly, until he found what appeared to be a bar. At a normal pace, it would take about thirty minutes to reach. At the pace he went, he'd reached the bar at the same time the others were leaving the ship. He went into the bar and ordered the first drink on the menu.


Steve had ended up leaving the ship with Danny, knowing that the younger man was worried about his lover and only focused on finding Ward. Steve could relate to how it felt to worry over losing one's mate. After all, he'd lost Brock the first time around. He had his mate now, but he'd never forgotten the feelings of hopeless loss after he'd discovered the truth.

More than likely, Ward wouldn't end up in the dangerous area. But Steve could tell that Danny was worried. And if that worry and fear caused his fellow Dom to wander into a dangerous situation? Well, Steve figured Danny would be better having someone with a clear head with him.


The drink Ward had ordered was very fruity, with a deceptively mild taste. It didn't burn in the least and Ward's experience had always been, the stronger the alcohol, the stronger the burn. As a result, he thought the drink wasn't enough to get him drunk and he drank it quickly, as he was very thirsty after walking so briskly. Finishing it, he ordered a second one, drinking that one more slowly. When the bartender refused to pour him a third one- refused him any other drinks- he left, staggering out of the door, and heading down the nearest street that didn't have anyone on it.

He was past tipsy into full out drunk. Had he been given a third drink, he likely would have passed out. As it was, he was barely standing on his two feet. He lost his ability to block the bond.

And he didn't notice the warning signs.


Danny felt immediately when the bond was no longer blocked and he came to a stop, immediately sending a message through their link. Ward! Where are you? I'll come and find you.

Steve noticed the look on Danny's face and came to a stop, waiting to see what the younger man said.


Ward blinked at hearing his mate. "Da'y? Wher'r'u?" he slurred out loud, glancing around in confusion. He couldn't tell his lover where he was. But he was sporadically sending very blurry images of what he was seeing through the bond.


Danny's eyes widened. "He's drunk!" he blurted to Steve. "I'm getting all of these...images. Blurry pictures." He began to describe what he was seeing through Ward's eyes.

Steve quickly checked the map. "He's going right into the dangerous area. Tell him to turn around," he urged quickly.

Ward, you need to retrace your steps now. Danny sent the order through the bond, even as he broke into a run, heading in the direction he knew his mate was.


"Tur' rou'?" Ward blinked and obediently turned around- in a complete circle- continuing the direction he'd been going. Soon, he was fully into the dangerous area. He had to move slowly; both because he was drunk and because the terrain was more difficult, the road having disappeared. He heard growls and stopped. "Da'y?" he called out loudly.


Danny had broken into a full-on sprint, only vaguely aware of Steve keeping pace with him and using the comms to alert the others to what was going on.

It didn't take long for them to reach the area that Ward had ended up in. By this point, Danny was frantic with worry and fear for the man he loved. The only thing stopping him from tearing into full view and drawing attention to himself was Steve, who quickly advised him to use the bond and images to track down Ward and hopefully avoid conflict with any of the creatures.


The only thing helping Ward by this point was that he hadn't strayed off the path that the road had turned into. He was also beginning to sober up, the coolness of the wooded area he'd entered and the growls he heard having chased a bit of the fuzziness away. He stopped walking, nervously looking around.


With Ward beginning sober up, the images Danny was seeing were clearer...but he could also hear the growls, both close to him and Steve and also from where his mate was. He wanted to run to Ward; wanted to drag his mate out of danger.

But he couldn't.

Don't move. Stay where you are. I'm coming, Danny ordered, fear making his mental tone brusque.


Ward may have been drunk, but he was now sober enough to understand what his mate was saying; and hear the tone. He obeyed.


As Danny made his way towards his mate, the growls seemed to be getting louder and he darted a glance towards Steve.

"We'll grab Ward and get out as soon as possible," Steve promised, gripping his shield tightly.

Danny nodded, but his whole body vibrated with tension and fear for his mate.


Ward was getting scared, the growls getting closer. The fear sobered him up further and he began to glance around for a makeshift weapon. Since he didn't remember which direction he came from, he didn't try and backtrack, choosing instead to obey his lover's last command.

It took far longer than Danny would have liked for them to reach Ward...and he couldn't relax even when his lover was still in view. Because now, they had to get out without running into any of the creatures.

Steve hefted his shield and spoke quickly and quietly. "Go as quickly as possible but try to make as little noise as you can."

Ward swallowed, relieved when Danny and Steve came into view. He didn't question the order. Survival instinct told him to keep quiet. He shifted closer to Danny so he could follow them out.

Danny's entire body was tense. He immediately placed himself in front of Ward, so that he would be the shield for his mate. His fear for his lover, deep and intense, was coming through the bond vividly. He began to edge them back in the direction he and Steve had come, grasping his lover's arm firmly.

Between his own fear and Danny's fear being broadcast through the bond, Ward was fully sober by the time they exited the 'dangerous zone'.

Brock had been keeping constant contact with his mate while they'd been searching and had let everyone else know what was occurring. Because of this, the whole ship was arriving to meet them by the time they got out of danger. Ward looked at them all in consternation.

Danny couldn't really relax, even when they were out of danger. Because now that he stopped and thought about what happened and what could have happened, he realized...he was angry. Furious, even. Too angry to safely deal with his sub, even though he could tell that Ward had sobered up. He'd made a promise to himself that he would never punish his lover in anger, no matter what. Not after knowing what Ward had gone through at the hands of his father.

He needed space; needed time to clear his head and come back with a calmer frame of mind. And he couldn't let Ward feel the extent of his emotions. Not until they were under control. So, he closed himself off through the bond; pulled back, so that he could hopefully get his anger and fear under some semblance of control.

Ward could tell immediately when Danny closed off the bond and gave his mate a startled and worried look. Even though he had done the exact same thing not more than an hour before, he couldn't help but make the connection between Danny having to rescue him and Danny cutting off the connection. He'd felt the fear and anger right before the link 'disappeared' and couldn't help thinking he had pushed Danny too far.

"Do you need a portal back to the ship?" Stephen asked Danny.

Danny shook his head. "No, I...." He didn't know how to explain. He didn't know what to say. Somehow, feeling too angry to deal with this felt like a failure. But he couldn't risk it, not with how he was feeling right now.

Ward swallowed hard. "If you don't mind... I'd like to go back. Something I drank didn't agree with me..." he mumbled.

Stephen blinked, automatically looking toward Danny to see if he disagreed.

"You should be checked out medically, too," Danny said quietly...keeping a careful, iron control over his voice and emotions. Being so angry scared him. He needed to let go...somehow.

Hearing Danny sound so... cool... mechanical... was unsettling. Ward had expected to be scolded, maybe even yelled at. He'd expected, given how frightened they both had been, that Danny wouldn't let him out of his sight. Ward swallowed hard again.

"Come. I'll check you out... make sure you didn't poison yourself with whatever you drank," Stephen said, opening a portal to the ship and motioning Ward through. He could return to the town once Ward was taken care of.

Ward winced and stepped through the portal; Stephen close on his heels.

Danny felt all kinds of wrong, not following Ward back to the ship. But he was scared of what he would say...what he would do...if he tried to deal with his lover now. He was fairly sure the others all thought he was a failure as a Dom and couldn't make himself look at them.

Fisk could recognize the signs of someone struggling to let go of anger in a safe way. He gently stroked one hand down Matt's arm. I'm going to speak with Danny. If you'd like to come with me, you may...or you are free to continue exploring, he offered.

I will join Frank, if that is okay? Matt thought back. He didn't feel a need to be alone and he and Frank were friends.

Fisk nodded his agreement and sent the same emotion through the bond to his mate. If you need me, you know how to let me know. He walked over to Danny.

Yes, sir, Matt said, sending all his love in Fisk’s direction.

"C'mon, Red. I saw a shop with some unique weapons I want to look at..." Frank grinned, putting an arm around Matt's shoulders and leading him away when it became clear Matt planned to join him.

Fisk walked over to Danny and smiled at him. "I know how you're feeling right now," he said, in a calm, almost gentle tone.

"I know what you're going to say." Danny breathed in deeply. "I should have gone back with him. It doesn't feel right not to be with him," he said miserably. "But I can't. Not with...."

"Not with how angry you are," Fisk finished for him. "You're worried about losing control. About breaking his trust in you. Worse, making him fear you."

Danny looked away and rubbed at his eyes, close to tears himself. "I don't want to hurt him," he whispered. "I don't want to, but...I'm just so angry. I've never felt like that before...."


Ward silently followed Stephen to the medical office, undressing when Stephen indicated and doing every test the doctor wanted. He didn't speak unless asked a question. Feeling the link blocked was scary... and it hurt when he knew it was because of his own actions.

"Do you know what was in the drink you had?" Stephen asked, trying to get as much information as possible.

"Not really. It didn't taste like it had a lot of alcohol, though. I wouldn't have drunk it so fast, or had more than one, if I'd realized." Ward winced. "I didn't plan to get drunk that fast."

"But you did plan to get drunk?" Stephen raised an eyebrow.

"Eventually. I just figured one of you all would have found the bar I was at, too, by then. So, I wouldn't be alone when it happened," Ward said sheepishly. He kept his fear that Danny hated him now to himself.


"I have," Fisk said quietly. "You know my history, I'm sure. I wasn't a good man before the snap happened, before half of life vanished. I killed more than one person with my bare hands."

Danny shifted a little, all too aware that he had the power to kill with his bare hands...even if he had never actually killed someone the same way Fisk had. "You changed, though. I don't think I've seen you angry since we all came back."

"I had to learn a lot of things. I had to change a lot of things," Fisk answered. "I believed those people who had been taken would be returned. I believed Matt would be returned. That the Devil of Hell's Kitchen would come back eventually. I spent five years questioning myself, soul-searching...and finally deciding that I was going to be ready when he finally returned."

"Matt's why you started operating within the law?" Danny asked.

"The people we love have the power to change us, but not for the worst," Fisk said. "I can tell you're worried about letting your anger rule you. That you're scared to harm Ward, rather than lovingly discipline him. It's okay to be angry. It's even okay for your first instinct to be to punish him severely. Let yourself feel that anger...and then let it drain from you. Release it. You're angry because you love him. You won't lose control because that same love acts as a barrier...a protection. Just as you would physically put yourself between him and any threat that would risk taking him from you."


"Is everything okay?" Ward finally asked. "Am I cleared to go to my quarters and lay down?"

"Yes. Luckily, you have a clean bill of health," Stephen said. "You'll want to drink lots of water, but otherwise you should be okay. Just. If you leave the ship again, let Danny know..." His tone was chiding.

"I won't leave..." Ward sighed. He was pretty sure he'd ruined his relationship. He needed to figure out how to make things right.

Stephen nodded. "Okay. Well, I'm going back out on the town. Remember. Drink water...." he said, before leaving Ward behind.


"I'm scared," Danny admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "What if I lose control and hurt him? I never wanted him to be scared of me. I always wanted him to feel safe...." His voice trailed off and he winced. "I... don’t know what to do," he whispered.

"Talk to him," Fisk said. "He needs to know that you still love him. And, yes, you need to handle what happened today. If you're worried about letting your anger control you, I can be there," he offered. He didn't have any desire to see one of the others spanked, but if Danny felt he needed someone else there to make sure he didn't go too far....

Danny squeezed his eyes shut. "Yeah," he whispered. "Okay. I... need to go back to the ship...."


After Stephen left and Ward was alone with himself, still not able to feel his mate, Ward had to think of everything he'd done wrong that led to where he now was. "Wish he woulda just decked me," he whispered morosely. "I was an ass to him and scared him and... he just let it go. He shoulda laid me flat..." He let out a slow breath, afraid that Danny not doing anything meant his mate wanted to wash his hands of him.


The rest of the group wasn't far, and Fisk used the comms to call Mordo to them. When the sorcerer arrived, Danny asked that he open up a portal to the ship.

"If you need me to come, just let me know on the comms," Fisk said.

Danny nodded. "I will do. Thanks...." He stepped through the portal, immediately heading to his and Ward's room.

Ward hadn't bothered redressing after Stephen examined him. Instead, he'd taken a quick shower; then, after drinking two glasses of water, sat on the bed, and stared at the floor. He'd been depressed that morning. Now he was depressed and guilty. And scared. How badly had he broken his relationship?

When Danny stepped into their room and saw his mate...saw how dejected Ward looked...those last traces of anger fled. "Ward...." He moved swiftly towards the other man, hugging him tightly; as tightly as he'd wanted to when they'd reached the dangerous area and he'd realized just how much danger the man he loved was in.

Having Danny pull him close and tight and not pull away was all Ward needed to feel relief flood him. "You still want me?" he whispered, in a small voice that didn't hide his fear or insecurity at all. "I'm so sorry... it... I didn't mean to... and it went so wrong... and wasn't thinking right... wasn't thinking... shouldn't hide from you... you'd kept me from messin up... woulda helped me... wasn't thinkin right... was so bad... I'm sorry..." Ward babbled, as he clung to Danny.

"I still want you. I will always want you. I love you so much. I'm so sorry," Danny whispered, almost clinging to his mate. It had felt so wrong to be apart from Ward. So wrong to close off the bond. He opened it now, flooding it with his love and relief that Ward was with him and that he was safe...though he tried to keep back his own feelings of guilt for staying separate, even if it had been for a short space of time.

"My fault... messed up... pulled away when shouldn't... " Ward continued to babble, clinging to Danny. His own guilt and knowledge of what he'd set in motion by trying to hide what he was going through from his mate allowed Danny to hide his own guilt; because Ward knew Danny hadn't done anything wrong. It was all his own fault.

Danny pressed kisses to Ward's neck and shoulders, needing to hold onto his mate; to feel Ward safe in his arms. The tears that had been threatening to fall spilled over now, as he thought about what he could have so nearly lost.

Ward noticed the tears and it made his guilt worse. "I'm sorry... so sorry... please don't be upset... " He tried to soothe his mate, not entirely sure how to do it.

"I was so scared," Danny whispered hoarsely. "I couldn't feel you at all. And then I could, but you were walking right into danger. I thought I might lose you." He was running his hands over his mate's body, needing to feel that Ward was with him. That his lover was safe.

"Was wrong to hide. Didn't want you to worry but made it worse!" Ward wasn't hiding at all now. All the guilt and regret were pouring through the bond, along with his relief that Danny still wanted him and all the worry and love he had for his mate.

Danny cuddled Ward rightly, kissing his hair. "I'm your mate," he whispered. "I love you. Worrying about you is part of that."

"I'm sorry I cut you off.... blocked you... felt horrible." Ward choked on another sob.

"You could have been killed," Danny whispered, his voice haunted. "I'm sorry I blocked you off, but...I was so angry," he admitted. "I've never been that scared or that angry before. I didn't want you to feel it. I always promised you'd be safe with me."

"I deserved to have you angry with me... I know you wouldn't hurt me, though..." Ward swallowed hard, still crying.

Danny tightened his arms around Ward. "I know what you went through before," he murmured. "I was scared of how I would react. Fisk offered to come here, in case I was still worried about letting anger rule me," he added.

"To watch?" Ward's voice was small. "To make sure you didn't hurt me?" He sniffled softly. "I know you'd never hurt me... but if it made you feel better so you didn't hafta avoid me, I wouldn't argue about him watchin..." His face crumpled and he was close to tears again as he admitted, "I thought I went too far, and you wouldn't want me...."

"Never," Danny whispered fiercely, hugging Ward as tight as he could without hurting his mate. "I've always wanted you. I've always loved you. Even before I was stranded and gone for so long... all I wanted was to be with you again. Even if you were never able to return my feelings."

Ward pressed as close as humanly possible. "I'm sorry I scared you and hurt you and was so bad..." he whispered.

"You aren't bad, Ward," Danny whispered, a sad note to his voice, as he pulled his mate into his lap and kissed his shoulder. "That fear came from how much I love you. Knowing how much danger you were in... that I could so easily lose you. I can't lose you, Ward. It would destroy me."

Ward just continued to nuzzle and cuddle as close as possible. It was obvious he was feeling very guilty and regretful for what he'd put Danny through, whatever the reason.

Danny nuzzled against Ward's head, cuddling his mate tightly, unwilling to let him go. Finally, though, he knew they had to deal with the actions of today. "Why did you leave the ship without a word and close yourself off from me?" he asked softly.

Ward took a shivering breath then swallowed. "Today was Harold's birthday..." he finally whispered. "I don't know why it hit me like it did... but... I just got so depressed and... I didn't want to worry you. Didn't want to mess your day up. And I wasn't thinking clear. Otherwise, I woulda remembered that you'd worry more if you couldn't sense me."

Danny tightened his arms around his mate. "You should have told me," he said softly. "Not just because closing yourself off meant you didn't realize you were wandering into a dangerous area, but also so that I could help you. So, I could be there for you and show you that I love you and I need you. The memory of you gave me the strength I needed to come home. Getting you to fall in love with me too was my biggest goal," he admitted.

Ward shivered, nuzzling against Danny. "I do love you. I need you. And I messed up so bad. I'm sorry...."

"I know." Danny stroked Ward's hair; kissed his head. "We'll deal with it. I'll put you over my knee and spank you. And then I'll cuddle you and I'll love you and you'll stay with me for the rest of today, at least. If you want to explore, we can do that, but it'll be together."

"Yessir..." The relief in Wards voice was palpable.

Danny held his mate for a few more moments and then moved Ward into position across his lap. He rubbed his lover's back with one hand, even as he lifted the other and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Ward didn't fight at all, laying over Danny's lap limply to accept the punishment. He needed things to be right.

"I love you so much, Ward," Danny said softly. He continued to swat down to Ward's thighs and then started over from the top. He still rubbed his lover's back, needing to touch his mate. "The thought of losing you is so painful. I know it would kill me if I lost you."

"I know..." Ward whimpered. "I love you too... I belong to you...."

"You don't block me from our link." Danny finished the second circuit of swats before beginning a third, swatting a bit harder and faster. "If you do again, you'll be back in this position."

"Not allowed to block. Never again..." Ward agreed. "Deserve to be punished if I block..." Ward sobbed.

"And you talk to me when you're hurting," Danny said. "If you can't tell me with words, you use the bond. Lean on me, Ward. I'm here to love you, to support you, to take care of you."

"Yessir... tell you... not hide..." Ward continued to sob softly, beginning to wriggle. His bottom felt like it was beginning to burn.

Danny wrapped his arm firmly around Ward's waist, drawing his lover tight against his stomach. He continued to swat, knowing that this had to stick in his mate's mind. Ward needed to remember, so that they didn't go through this again. "I won't lose you, Ward," he vowed.

"You won't! You won't lose me! I won't ever block you ever 'gain! You always know where am.... I promise, Danny...  promise!" Ward sobbed harder, wriggling just a slight bit harder before just giving up and going limp over his lover's knee.

Danny stopped spanking and immediately moved his lover back onto his lap, cuddling Ward tightly and pressing kisses to his head. "I need you so much. I love you so much," he whispered.

Love you too. Need you too. Forever... Ward thought through the bond, crying too hard to speak.

Danny began to kiss away Ward's tears, holding his mate close and tight, rocking him as if he was much younger. I wish I'd known the truth before, he sent through the bond. I wish I could have protected you from him.

You have me now... you protect me now... Ward thought, snuggling close and slowly calming.

I always will, Danny promised, kissing Ward tenderly. You belong to me now. And I won't let you go.

Ward snuggled closer yet, shifting until his head was against Danny's chest, nestled under his mate's chin. Moving reignited the sting on his backside, but that filled him with relief. It was a physical sign he was still Danny's. His mate still wanted him. Even the biggest screw-up wouldn't cause the other man to give up on him. He was in no hurry to get up and leave. They'd planned to stay on this planet several days, after all.


Matt was with Frank in the weapons shop when Fisk had called Mordo for a portal. He'd given it a few minutes before contacting his lover, though. Is Danny, okay? he asked through the bond hesitantly.

I believe so, Fisk answered through the bond. He seems to have calmed considerably. And has returned to the ship and Ward.

That is good, Matt thought back. Frank has a bunch of weapons he is interested in getting. Then we will be going to the clothing shop next door. I did find a few weapons I'm able to use. May I get them? And would you like to join us in the clothing shop? Frank can help me, but when it comes to my clothes, I like to make sure you approve.

You may get any weapon you find useful or that you desire, Fisk answered. I will come and meet you in the clothing shop. Putting action to words, he began walking in that direction.

Matt didn't go overboard on the weapons; there were only a few he found truly useful. As soon as Frank had made his own purchases, they went next door to the clothing. Frank had apparently contacted Yondu for the same reason Matt wanted Fisk there, because the older alien was making his way to the shop when they turned toward it.

"I figure it can't hurt to have a variety of clothing styles in case we need to blend in somewhere. I haven't really noticed a lot of jeans and T-shirts the last few places we've stopped," Frank said, as Yondu and Fisk got within earshot.

Yondu gave a soft grunt of agreement, even as he moved over to his mate's side and stood close enough to Frank that they could touch. "There're a lotta different clothing options," he commented. "Not all of them to be worn fer others ta see."

"Blending in can only be a good thing," Fisk commented, stopping at Matt's side, and taking his own mate's hand, squeezing it lovingly.

"Thanks for hanging with me, Frank... I'm gonna go with Wil now, though. So, he can help me get stuff we both like..." Matt grinned in his friend's direction.

"No problem, Red." Frank chuckled. "I'm gonna be doing the same thing." He looked toward Yondu. "Wanna pick out my clothes? Since you're the one going to be looking at them the most? I'm not real picky as long as I'm comfortable."

"Yeah, let's see what there is," Yondu agreed, wrapping his arm possessively around Frank's waist. He walked into the shop.

Fisk led his own mate into the store, beginning to pick out some outfits that he thought Matt would be comfortable in, along with outfits that Fisk would like to see his mate in.

I don't normally like shopping, Matt admitted to his lover. Since I can't see colors or styles exactly, it is hard to know if I look presentable or like a clown. He leaned against the older man. Being able to see myself through your eyes is the only time I can know what I actually look like, instead of just taking the shop person's word for it.

He fingered the material of one of the items Fisk had handed to him to try on. This is very soft and silky. Is it meant for outside?

This is an outfit intended for wearing inside. At bedtime. Gently stroking Matt's cheek, Fisk opened himself up through the bond, so that Matt could use his eyes to see the clothing he'd picked out.

Matt smiled at the deep burgundy color. It is almost the same shade as my Devil outfit, he thought. I could wear it for you tonight.

I would like that, Fisk agreed. He kept the link open, so that Matt could see the other outfits Fisk had picked out. Some of them were clearly for wearing outside the ship, while they explored. Others were for private, intimate time.

Matt tried on all the outdoor outfits so they could make sure they fit well and wouldn't hinder his movement. I don't think I need to try on these... He fingered the silken material of the intimate outfits. Are there any clothes you'd like for yourself? Maybe a robe that matches the one you've picked for me?

I have found some outfits for me that would go with the ones you have, Fisk answered. He proceeded to show those to his mate, allowing Matt to see him wearing them where appropriate.

They complement each other well. Matt smiled at seeing what Fisk had found and comparing it with what he was getting. Soon, they had finished and were paying for the items. It is getting late. Maybe we can take everything back to the ship. If we pick up some dinner to carry back with us, we can spend the rest of the evening relaxing. I thought if we go out early tomorrow, we could go to one of this planet's art galleries or museums. I know you seemed to appreciate those when I first met you.... Matt thought hesitantly.

I would enjoy that, Fisk replied. And I could share my enjoyment with you. Moving closer to his mate, he added, I offered to be there if Danny was worried about how he might respond to Ward's actions today. I'm glad that he seems to have felt comfortable enough not to need the support.

"I am too. I've never felt him being so upset before. Even when we were fighting the Hand..." Matt said softly. "We could pick something up for them to eat too. Bring it back and drop it off at their quarters, if they haven't gone out on their own already."

"I think that would be a good idea," Fisk agreed. "I think his own emotions left him shaken, but he was much calmer when he left me. I could understand his difficult it can be to let go of anger, especially when that comes out of fear."

Matt nodded. Did I ever make you that angry, love?

Fisk gave the question the consideration it deserved and answered honestly. You never specifically made me that angry, but I did get angry. I did kill people who didn't deserve it. After the snap occurred, it allowed me to see myself for what I was. I believed those who had been taken would be returned. I believed that you would come back. And when you did, you needed a better man than I was at the time.

If I ever made you that angry now, it would be because I did something truly foolish and deadly. If I did, I'd deserve your anger... Matt pressed closer while Fisk led him out of the shop, and they began to walk back to the ship.

If anything like that did happen, I'd make sure I took the time to calm down before dealing with it, Fisk promised. He was holding onto Matt, gently stroking his hands over his lover's shoulders and waist.

I know you would. But I'd deserve your anger all the same. Matt sniffed the air. "What restaurant are we near? That smells good...."

"It does," Fisk agreed. "It looks like they're selling meat from animals native to this planet." He opened the link once more, allowing Matt to see the same things he did.

Do we dare try it? It looks like chicken, Matt thought, with amusement.

We're here to try new things, Fisk replied. We can always give it a miss if we don't like it. He began to steer his mate into the restaurant.

True enough. Would you order for me? Matt smiled. We can probably get Danny and Ward the same thing.

Of course. Fisk proceeded to order, for both them and Danny and Ward. We could invite them to join us for dinner, he suggested, while they waited for the food to be prepared.

If they feel up to it, that would be nice, Matt agreed.

I think it would be good for us. I know Danny's a good friend to you. And with how many couples there are now on the ship, it's sometimes more difficult to make time for friends. Fisk gently squeezed Matt's waist. Perhaps tomorrow night, we can have dinner with Yondu and Frank, he suggested, as Frank was also his lover's friend.

I like that idea. I want them to get to know you like I know you... Matt shifted closer. As soon as their food was delivered, he took the bag, expecting Fisk would guide him.

Fisk kept his arm wrapped around Matt's waist, not bothering to hide his possessiveness over his mate, as they began to make their way back to the ship. Touching his lover felt good to him and he made sure Matt could feel that too; that he could feel how he affected Fisk.

The sounds and smells of the area they were in were varied and interesting, but slightly overwhelming if Matt didn't filter them. He wanted to experience it all, but soon realized he'd need to do it in increments. "What do you see?" he asked Fisk softly.

Fisk tugged Matt in closer and tighter against himself, so that he could be the shelter for his lover, even as he opened up in the bond for Matt to see and experience what he did. "It looks like a lot of people from different planets like to visit this one." He spotted one that had only a passing similarity to humans, with a tentacled body that looked more like an octopus, and shared that with Matt.

It's so exciting and interesting. I'm glad we were able to join everyone. Matt let his excitement come through the bond.

It's good for us, Fisk agreed. As a honeymoon, it works nicely.

We're still on our honeymoon? Matt sent an impish mental image to his mate.

Fisk chuckled at the mental image. We'll have to wait until we're back on the ship for that, he responded.

Matt laughed too. "How much further? It feels like we should be close.”

"We are," Fisk replied. "In fact...." He guided Matt up the ramp and into the ship itself. "We're here," he said.

"Great! SARA, could you please let Danny and Ward know we've brought food back, if they are up to seeing us?" Matt asked.

"Of course, Mister Matt," the AI responded, before passing that message on to Danny and Ward.


Danny was still cuddling Ward on his lap when the AI relayed the message. He cupped his mate's face and kissed him gently. "I can dress you and we can meet them," he said softly. "I won't be letting you out of my sight, but that doesn't mean we can't join some of the others."

Ward sniffled and nodded. "Yessir..." he agreed. He was feeling exceedingly clingy now, so the knowledge he wouldn't be out of Danny's sight soothed him.

Danny only moved apart from his mate enough to retrieve Ward's clothing, so that he could dress his lover. Then, taking hold of Ward's hand, he led him out of their room, so they could meet Fisk and Matt.

Fisk looked over and smiled at the other couple as Danny led Ward to them. "Everything okay now?" he asked softly.

Ward blushed and hid his face against Danny's arm, almost shy. He left it to Danny to answer.

Danny nodded. "Ward's sticking with me for the next few days, at least," he said; not outright saying that his husband was grounded. After all, he didn't plan to keep Ward inside the ship for the entire time. But whatever they did, it was going to be together.

Fisk nodded in understanding. "We brought some food back from one of the restaurants here. It's meat from animals native to this planet. We thought we could try some, see what we all think of it." He began to lead the way to his and Matt's quarters, arm wrapped around his own mate's waist.

Ward blushed further as he smelled the food and his stomach growled loudly.

Matt chuckled, hearing it. "We brought enough for seconds, so don't be shy..." he said, moving to put the food on the table.

"It's been a long day," Danny commented. He filled two plates with food and then sat down, drawing Ward down onto his lap. He needed to hold onto his mate and be affectionate with Ward.

Fisk saw no reason not to do the same and he guided Matt onto his lap as soon as they both had their plates filled.

Matt happily snuggled against Fisk, content to let his lover feed him.

Ward, seeing this, relaxed, and snuggled into Danny. "It looks good..." he said, smiling slightly.

Fisk wrapped his arms around Matt's waist, so that he could easily hold onto his lover as well as feed Matt at the same time as himself. "It does taste very much like chicken, too," he commented, referring to his mate's comment about the meat looking like chicken.

"At least it looks a lot more appetizing than some of the things I've eaten that taste like chicken," Danny commented. He kissed Ward's shoulder and began to feed his lover along with himself.

"The way some things look would cause me to be vegetarian if they were the only options," Ward said, with a tiny smile.

Matt snorted. "For me, it is the smell. Some odors, I can't stomach."

"We have food growing here, so if we do happen to land on a planet with nothing that any of us can stomach, there are still enough options that no one will starve," Fisk commented.

Danny snorted softly. "I'll give everything a try, no matter what it looks or smells like. I had to learn to tolerate an awful lot of things I wouldn't have otherwise touched before I was in K'un-Lun."

Ward looked sad at that. "You don't have to, though. Not now." If something smells horrible, you don't have to force yourself to eat it. His feelings were worried concern and sadness.

Matt nodded. "A good reason to have the garden; it supplements our supplies. I can force myself to eat anything, but if we don't have to, it's better."

"I know." Danny nuzzled Ward's shoulder, even as he said, "But sometimes, the smells and appearance were deceptive. Sometimes something looked or smelled horrible...but actually, once I tried it, it was good." He shrugged. "Not everything, of course. But enough that I'm willing to try, even if something doesn't look appetizing."

Fisk cleared his throat. He really knew very little about Danny's time in K'un-Lun, only that the man had ended up there as a child and been believed dead for more than half of his life. "Was it hard, living in K'un-Lun?"

"It... shouldn’t have been," Danny admitted. "I wasn't mistreated. I was trained to become Iron Fist and I had a friend...a brother there. But it was never home to me," he said quietly. "And I wanted to come home. Even if my parents were gone, the person I loved was still in New York."

Ward smiled sadly at that, knowing who Danny wanted to return to. "I wish I would have made your return easier..." he said softly. "Wish I had done a lot of things differently. You went through so much because of me. Still do..." He snorted softly in regret.

"But I have you now," Danny whispered, tightening his arms around Ward's waist. "You gave yourself to me. Whatever I went through before...that pales in comparison to what I have now."

"Very few things that are worthwhile are easy," Fisk said quietly, remembering building his own relationship with Matt.

Matt's own smile was rueful. "That may be true, but it doesn't make me less regretful that I added to the difficulty...."

"Especially when being difficult was unnecessary." Ward agreed with Matt.

"I don't know," Danny said quietly. "I'd argue that being difficult, to a certain extent, might have been necessary." I didn't know what you'd gone through at the hands of Harold, he said through the bond. When I did, so much of your actions and behavior made sense.

Fisk gently kissed the side of Matt's head. "I believe you explained it fairly well to Frank when he first arrived here. That part of you needed to know that I could step in and take full control and make you do what I wanted. Even if I wouldn't."

"Necessary... because it let me see you would fight to have me? To help me?" Ward asked uncertainly, because he couldn't see any good reason to have been so horrible to Danny, even if Danny understood why.

Matt nodded. "I needed to know you were stronger than me and could control me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have felt able to rely on you to protect me. Would have felt like I could only rely on myself...."

"Well, yeah," Danny said quietly. "I never gave up on you. Never gave up on having a relationship with you. If you couldn't push me away from you by acting like you hated me and didn't want me around and wanted me dead...then now that we're together, you can be reassured that nothing will push me away now. Because I saw you at your worst and it did nothing to change my feelings for you."

Fisk turned Matt's face towards him and tenderly kissed his mate's lips. "I wouldn't do it...but that doesn't mean I can't," he commented.

"So, when I mess up like I did today... even though I upset you so badly... I know you'll be there still..." Ward's voice caught and he closed his eyes, leaning into his lover. "Even if, for a few stupid moments, my fear makes it hard to think about, deep down, I know you won't leave."

"If you had to, you could..." Matt acknowledged Fisk wouldn't abuse his power, but he also knew if Matt's life was on the line, his Master absolutely would step in and make Matt obey.

"I won't ever leave you, Ward." Danny whispered the words into his mate's neck. "I fought so hard for hard to be with you. When you said you'd go out with me...when you agreed to a date...I was so happy, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops," he admitted.

"If you left me with no other choice," Fisk agreed. "If it was the only way to keep you safe and alive and with me, I would do what's necessary."

Ward slumped against Danny. He'd eaten everything on his plate, so he shifted so his lover could easily finish eating while snuggling. He glanced at Fisk. "Thank you..." he whispered. "Thank you for helping Danny when I..." His voice trailed off uncertainly.

Matt had finished eating as well and snuggled against Fisk. Having his mate confirm that he would step in and take over if Matt gave him no choice never failed to give him a sense of safety and comfort.

"I recognized the emotion," Fisk said quietly to Ward. "It's distressing enough to deal with anger when you're not used to feeling it, let alone having to deal with it alone." He cuddled Matt close, stroking his fingers through his lover's hair.

"I've only ever been angry like that once before," Danny said quietly. "And it wasn't for the same reason."

Ward looked up into Danny's face, curious but reluctant to push if Danny didn't want to talk about it.

Matt nuzzled against Fisk. "Usually when I get angry, I do stuff that would get me in trouble now..." His voice was wry.

Danny gently touched Ward's face. When I learned what you'd gone through, he admitted through their bond. I've never hated anyone as much as I hated Harold for what he did to you.

"That's why the bond between us is good," Fisk commented to Matt. "So that when you get angry, I can feel it and hopefully prevent you from getting into trouble."

After everything... you always protect me. You're my home. I'm so sorry I hid from you this morning... I wish I could make it up to you somehow... Ward smiled crookedly, his emotions overwhelming him.

Matt nuzzled some more. Yessir. You can sense when I need you to rescue me from my own impulses... His feelings were gratefully amused.

You're not hiding from me now. Danny kissed Ward gently. I have you in my arms. I have you close to me. Just being able to touch you and hold onto's enough.

It means that I can adjust to your needs as fast as you can experience them. Fisk kissed Matt, gently stroking the back of his head.

Ward snuggled dome more, returning the kiss. He was content to stay where he was until Danny decided it was time to return to their quarters.

Matt returned the kiss, enjoying the stroking and making sure Fisk knew it.

I'm sorry I closed myself off from you...that I didn't come back to the ship with you immediately. The sense of guilt Danny still felt came clearly through the bond. It felt wrong that I needed to take some time. He left unsaid that it had left him feeling like a failure as a Dom; he hadn't seen any of the others have to have some space, after all.

I closed myself off from you first... Ward thought back apologetically. It was good for me to experience what it felt like, so I don't think it is something to do without very good reason. Not wanting you to feel when I am sad or depressed isn't a good reason. I'm not sure there really is a good reason for me to hide from you, Ward admitted.

Even if I didn't need to understand how it felt so I'd never do it to you again...I understand why you did it. I understand why you sent me back alone. Ward bit his lip and snuggled close. I know it upset you to see me upset to be alone. But you weren't wrong to do it. If you'd tried to deal with my actions when you were angry, I would have remembered how Harold dealt with me when he was angry. And even if it would have been unfair, I would have been afraid of you. Now I know what blocking the bond feels like. And I know that no matter what, you'll always come back to me. And that no matter how angry I make you, you won't hurt me like Harold did. Even if you need to step back to calm down. I learned a lot of things today that... I really needed to learn. And you didn't do anything wrong. You did everything right....

Danny kissed his neck. I never want you to be scared of me, he sent through the bond. I love you so much. You're my reason for fighting so hard...for not giving up. That's even why I became Iron Fist. I wanted to offer you something. I didn't want to come home to you without being able to give you everything I possibly could. He'd been in love with Ward long before truly understanding what that emotion was, only knowing that he felt so much better and happier when he was with Ward.

If I was ever scared, it wouldn't be of you. It would be because of memories that are intruding. Once I stopped to think, I'd remember I don't need to be afraid of you. But having you angry at me, it would be hard not to be afraid at first, Ward admitted. You were right to step back. Although, if I ever anger you again... if you left the bond open so I could feel your anger and know why you were stepping back... I'd prolly feel more guilty, but I can't help thinking that would be deserved. You've only ever gotten angry at me when I did something horrendously foolish that could kill me.

Closing his eyes, Danny nuzzled against Ward's neck. Being able to touch and hold his lover soothed the lingering traces of guilt inside him. I was angry because I was so scared. And I was so scared because of how much I love you. Facing the possibility of life without you...that's not a life I want to live, Ward. Even when I first came back, I could hold onto the hope that I'd get what I wanted eventually, because even if you hated me, you were alive...which meant I had the chance to change your mind and the hope that you would eventually see me the way I see you.

And I almost took myself from you and you wouldn't have been able to change it... because I was foolish and took an unnecessary risk. You had every right to be angry and you handled it the best way you could. Ward nuzzled Danny's neck, feeling guilt creeping in again. He'd really messed up and here Danny was, blaming himself for reacting in a normal, human way. He thought sadly, Part of me feels like, after everything wrong, I did, I deserved to be punished worse. Especially when you protected me from your anger and then felt bad about doing what you needed to do to protect me. I put you in a really bad position.

Matt was just cuddling with Fisk, not having any urge to do anything.

Danny couldn't really say he was an exhibitionist. He knew many of the other couples on the ship had no problems with handling their subs in front of the others, or even having full-on sex with them in public. Apart from when they'd bonded, though, Danny had kept their sexual encounters private, contenting himself with kissing and cuddling Ward, but not removing any clothing from his mate, or exposing either of them where others could see.

It felt a bit different now. Danny had been badly frightened, and it left him with a need he'd experienced very few times. A need to pull Ward firmly to him; to demonstrate in front of others that Ward was his...that they were together; that he was the one in charge and in control.

I'm not going to punish you further, Ward. My heart. Danny spoke the words through the bond. I want to claim you, though. Not necessarily with sex. But I want to make you vulnerable to me, even though we're not alone, and give you affection and love. I want to touch you, every part of your body, not just what's left uncovered by the clothes you're wearing. He didn't do any of those least not yet. Just because it was what he wanted to do, that didn't mean he would force Ward into something.

Ward flushed faintly. He wasn't an exhibitionist either; less of one than Danny, truthfully. It wasn't because he didn't want others to watch Danny claim him, though; the idea that Danny could claim in whatever way felt best, in front of all their friends, felt right to him. It was because of all the scars that would be exposed, proving to everyone how pathetic he'd been before Danny rescued him and took him for his own. He let those feelings through the bond: the conflict between wanting to let everyone see he was owned and not wanting everyone to see how damaged he'd been. I trust you, Danny. If you think them knowing how... how messed up I was before you got me is okay... I trust you... he finally thought.

You weren't messed up, Ward. Danny kissed his neck. You were deeply hurt when you should have been protected. Taken care of. I wish I'd known the truth long before you told it to me. His mental voice was sad. The scars you carry, you have them because you're a survivor. Because you had to fight to stay alive. He tugged Ward closer and tighter against his chest. You should have been protected, taken care of, loved long before now. Long before you finally agreed to go on a date with me and let me be your boyfriend.

Fisk let his own hands run gently over Matt's body, every so often squeezing along an arm or a thigh. He could tell that Danny and Ward were talking mentally; wasn't sure if they would go any further with another couple present. But he thought it might help them if he and Matt were open with their own relationship if they followed their own instincts.

Matt sighed happily at Fisk's rubbing and squeezing. Are you considering being an example for Danny and Ward, love? Letting them know we wouldn't be offended if they want to be open with their feelings? he asked, sensing that might be the case but wanting to confirm. If so, I'm okay with it. I like when you show everyone, I belong to you.

Feels like I should have fought him harder, instead of having to wait till you rescued me, Ward admitted.

I am thinking that, Fisk answered honestly, letting his hand slide up under Matt's shirt, allowing him to touch bare skin, though he didn't remove any least not yet.

But you did fight. And in the end, you let me help you. Danny nuzzled against Ward's neck, kissing him a bit more firmly, though he didn't leave any marks behind; wasn't sure that his mate would want physical marks of his ownership. You were brave enough to accept the help you needed. And strong enough to give yourself to me. Strong enough to let me take control of you, to take care of you. Not many people can actually tell their lover they want to be dominated and controlled.

I love you... and I trust you to do what's best... Matt thought, nuzzling closer.

Ward pressed closer, sighing at the affection. You help me be brave. I had to tell you, because it was the truth and I need to be honest with you, even if it is scary.

Fisk gently kissed Matt's shoulder and then carefully began to remove his shirt, so that he could get better access to bare skin, stroking, squeezing and gently kissing.

You see? Danny responded. You are brave. Because even though it was scary, you still told me. He noticed Fisk removing Matt's shirt and let his own hands slide up under Ward's, so that he could touch bare skin, even though he didn't remove the shirt.

Ward noticed when Fisk removed Matt's shirt, caressing bare skin. He felt Danny caressing under his own shirt. The skin-on-skin contact felt good. It was soothing and calming him. You don't think the others seeing my scars is bad? he asked uncertainly. You want... to claim me more visibly?

Matt made a happy little moaning noise, shifting so Fisk could continue to claim more easily, not phased in the least that he was bare from the waist up. His nipples immediately hardened, the act of being controlled drawing a physical reaction, even if he wasn't truly aroused yet.

I want to claim you more visibly, Danny confirmed. I don't think your scars are anything to be ashamed of. He stroked his fingers gently against Ward's stomach. I want others to see how much I love you. To see that you belong to me.

Fisk kissed each of Matt's shoulders, sliding his hands down over his mate's chest and stomach. He pulled Matt more firmly into his lap, so that his lover could feel his member beginning to harden.

I trust you... Ward shivered faintly. If that is what you want, I... I want to give that to you. His stomach quivered and he pressed against Danny's hands as much as he could. Feels better... feeling your skin on mine.

Matt grunted softly at being pulled more firmly back, then sighed happily and wriggled impishly so that he could feel his mate's hardness against his bottom; aiming to make Fisk harder, so that it was more easily felt through four layers of clothing.

Danny drew Ward in for a deep, lingering kiss and then carefully removed his lover's shirt. Immediately, a wave of appreciation went through him at the sight of his lover's bare flesh, and he ran his hands over Ward's chest, stroking and squeezing and caressing.

Fisk groaned softly and gently nipped at Matt's neck, as his erection grew harder, allowing Matt to feel it more firmly.

Ward's skin flushed as he felt the wave of appreciation. As Danny began to claim his chest, his nipples hardened and he arched into his mates' hands, softly groaning.

Matt let out an appreciative moan at the nipping against his neck, wriggling some more so he could feel the hard bulge rub against his bottom.

Danny slid his hands down over his lover's chest, gently squeezing and stroking. He kissed along Ward's shoulders and his neck, pressing a bit firmly. Through the bond, he sent feelings of love, desire, and appreciation.

Fisk's groan was longer and more drawn-out, as Matt's wriggling caused a deeper reaction.

Ward felt a sense of pleasure at the desire, love, and appreciation of his mate. He found himself wanting to give more to Danny, wanting to increase those feelings and belong even more. He whimpered softly at the need to belong.

Matt grinned at Fisk's response, a teasing naughtiness carrying through the bond. He'd continue to wriggle until his lover came in his pants; that was if Fisk didn't decide to take control of him.

Danny pulled Ward in closer, leaning in and kissing him firmly, allowing his tongue to push inside his lover's mouth. At the same time, he slid his hands over the bare skin of Ward's arms, chest, shoulders, stomach, back...working his way down to his mate's pants.

Fisk ran his hands gently down Matt's arms, squeezing gently, and then shifted his lover into position, draping Matt securely across his lap.

Ward was surprised at how quickly he grew aroused by Danny, feeling himself slicken, becoming wet back 'there'. He continued to press into Danny's hands, moving and shifting however his mate directed.

Matt whined slightly at not being able to grind his bottom against Fisk's erection; even with the barrier of clothing, it felt good. And he was wet from doing it. He sighed at finding himself over Fisk's lap, taking the opportunity to wriggle his groin against the older man, causing their erections to rub through the material instead. There was an almost 'daring' emotion through the bond.

Do you want me to take you back to our room? Danny asked softly through the bond, even as he continued to kiss his mate; continued to stroke, caress and explore over Ward's body.

Fisk gently squeezed Matt's bottom through his pants and then proceeded to pull them down, letting his hands rest gently on his lover's backside and beginning to rub slowly.

Ward took a shivering breath at seeing Fisk bare, then fondle, Matt's bottom. Do... do you still want others to see your claim? That I belong fully to you? he asked. It was obvious he wanted to be claimed.

Matt groaned at feeling Fisk's hands rubbing. The flesh was becoming more sensitive, and he was becoming wet enough that Fisk would notice very soon.

I want them to see, Danny whispered. I want them to know. That you're mine. That I claim you. That you belong to me...that you mean everything to me.

Fisk noticed that Matt was wet, and he slipped one finger between Matt's buttocks, beginning to gently push at his entrance. His other hand continued to rub the bared skin of his lover's buttocks, gently squeezing every so often.

Ward swallowed at seeing what Fisk was doing to Matt and whined softly. I want that too, Dan... want everyone to see you own me... to watch you claim....

Matt moaned softly; his wriggling slowed as he felt his mate's finger. He didn't want to accidentally pull away from Fisk filling him... even if it was only his finger and not his wonderfully thick member that could stretch and fill him deeper than anything else could. Yours... he blurted through the bond.

Responding to his mate, to his lover, Danny gently removed the rest of Ward's clothing, even as he continued to kiss and caress Ward's body. Through the bond came clear feelings of love and desire. He wanted and needed Ward, with a desperation that was almost frightening in its intensity.

Mine, Fisk responded, beginning to explore within his lover. After a few moments, he added a second finger, beginning to move both in slow circles inside his mate.

Ward relaxed for Danny, making it easier for his mate to undress him and move him however needed for claiming. All of Danny's feelings were acknowledged and returned back through the bond, the need Ward felt for his mate, the desire to be owned completely by his lover, carrying clearly.

Matt's moans and groans of need grew louder and more frequent as Fisk claimed him. Feels good, love... feels so wonderful, feeling myself stretching open for you....

Thank you for giving yourself to me, Danny said through the bond. This was all I ever Everything I worked so hard for, I did it so I could come home to you. He kissed Ward deeply, his emotions clearly overwhelming him. As far as he was concerned, Ward giving himself was a gift. A priceless gift.

You feel so good to me too, Fisk responded. I love touching you. Exploring you. Making your body respond to me. He continued to stroke and explore inside Matt, taking his time in doing so.

Feeling Danny's complete love and devotion was all it took for Ward to lose control over his own emotions. The need to be completely owned and claimed by his lover, so everyone would know, overcame him. He didn't care where they were or who saw. The only thing that mattered was Danny be able to claim and feel... know... that Ward belonged fully to him, forever.

Matt's body did respond to Fisk. Every stroke of his fingers inside, every caress of his hand outside, drew tiny whimpers of need, quivers of flesh, tiny spasms, accompanied by Matt's body attempting to follow the touch. Through, the bond a needy mantra of yours was chanted.

Danny's entire focus was on Ward...on his mate; on the man he loved. He'd forgotten that Fisk and Matt were in the room with them; didn't care that he and Ward weren't alone. He needed Ward...needed his lover badly. He lowered them both to the couch, positioning himself so that he could push easily inside Ward, leaning down so that he could capture his mate's lips with his own.

Fisk gently squeezed each of Matt's buttocks and then began to smack. It wasn't hard, really more like firm pats. But he knew that his mate enjoyed being spanked for reasons other than discipline. And he wanted to make Matt feel good.

Ward hadn't forgotten where they were or who they were with, but he'd reached a point he didn't care; he wanted them to see. When Danny moved him onto his back, bearing down on him with a possessive kiss, he opened his legs wide and let out a greedy, happy groan as Danny aimed true, pushing in without problem.

Matt watched his friend claim his mate through his own mate’s eyes. He groaned louder at feeling Fisk begin to spank him, the sting combining with the gentle exploration inside causing him to clench. His member twitched and he imagined his mate adding more fingers. He wanted to be stretched open for his master.

Danny grasped Ward's hips as he began to thrust inside his mate. He kissed his lover deeply, opening himself up through the bond so that he and his lover could share emotions as intimately as they were sharing their bodies.

Fisk responded to Matt's desire and pushed another finger inside his mate, stretching his lover slowly. He could see Danny taking Ward out of the corner of his eye, but most of his own focus was on his mate...on claiming Matt and taking care of his own mate's needs.

Ward dropped every tiny wall he had up so that Danny could feel and know every part of him. His entire being belonged to his mate. Danny would own him emotionally as he did physically. Having Danny own him physically felt wonderful. Having him own him emotionally felt like life itself. Need you so much...

Matt groaned as his lover added another finger, stretching him. Belong to you, master. Need to give everything possible... forever...

I need you and want you and love you so much, Ward. Danny spoke the words tenderly, even as he continued to kiss and thrust inside his lover...claiming Ward in every way that was possible. He held nothing back, leaving himself open through the bond. It was a tremendous show of trust, making himself vulnerable to his mate in a way.

You do belong to me. And you always will, Fisk promised. He adjusted their positions, so that he could withdraw his fingers and push easily inside his mate.

Ward felt the rest of the world receding as his mate took him. Soon, his focus was only on Danny and how much he loved him, how much he was loved, and the feeling of his master rubbing deep inside where only Danny had ever touched. Love you... only yours!

Matt whined softly as Fisk removed his fingers and moved him, but he soon let out a pleased moan and sigh as his master replaced fingers with his thick shaft. He felt himself opening as the larger man pushed in. He felt so vulnerable and needy and owned. So perfect....

Only mine, Danny responded. Forever. I won't ever let you go. I won't let you get taken from me. He began to thrust a fraction harder and faster.

You're so perfect, Fisk responded. So beautiful. I love you, so much. He pushed entirely inside Matt and then began to thrust.

Ward began to pant, squirming and attempting to meet Danny's thrusts with his own pushes onto his master. Feeling Danny spear into him pushed him over an edge he hadn't known he was teetering on. He clenched tight around Danny's shaft and spilled his release in a long spasm before laying limp under his mate, completely dropped; only knowing Danny and how it felt having his mate sliding inside him.

Matt gasped as Fisk began to thrust, the older man so deep and so thick that he was able to immediately rub against Matt's prostate over and over. Matt couldn’t help but squirm as Fisk pinned him to the couch, each hard thrust pushing him into the cushions. He couldn't get away. He was helpless, having to take everything Fisk chose to do to him, give to him, and it was everything he needed.

Danny's own release came over him at the same time as Ward's and he rode it out, then finally collapsed on top of his lover, panting slightly. After a few moments, he cradled Ward's face in his hands...calling to his lover.

Fisk grasped Matt's hips firmly, holding his mate still so that it was easier to thrust. Leaning forward, he began to suck and gently bite along Matt's neck...leaving behind marks that would indicate the other man was owned.

Ward's entire focus was on Danny, so it didn't take long for his master's voice to draw him back. With a tiny shiver, Ward finally focused his eyes on his lover's face, the feeling of love strong; but just as strong was a dependency that would have frightened him, if he didn't trust Danny with every part of him. I belong to you. Everyone will know. I'll never hide or pull away, ever again... he promised.

Matt gurgled from pleasure and need. Feeling his mate mark his neck while his shaft claimed him inside was heady and he felt almost woozy from need and pleasure. He could feel that he was owned. He would never belong to anyone else.

Good. Danny caressed the side of his face; leaned in and kissed him tenderly. Cause I still want to shout it from the rooftops. That you're mine and I have the relationship I wanted with you. I have you.

Fisk continued to mark and possess Matt, his own emotions flowing clear through the bond. He loved and needed Matt; the other man was the most important person in his world. Fisk would never let him go.

You have me forever, Ward thought. I love you forever.

Matt let his own need, love, and devotion flow back through the bond. He was fully aroused, hanging on by a thread. He knew when Fisk was done, he'd be feeling his mate the rest of the day and night; and it was exactly what he wanted and needed.

I love you forever too, Ward. I can't live without you. Danny kissed him tenderly. I'm so relieved and happy to have you in my life.

Let go, Fisk directed. I want you to let go, my heart. So, we can release together.

Ward leaned up, kissing Danny back just as tenderly. Otherwise, he stayed in place. He was more than willing to remain open and vulnerable, so that Fisk and Matt could see he belonged to Danny, if that's what Danny wanted.

Matt immediately obeyed, falling over the edge into a long, hard release. His moan was loud and he spasmed with abandon, trusting Fisk would keep hold of him and protect him.

"Thank you for giving yourself to me," Danny whispered, gazing lovingly into his mate's eyes. "It's such a precious gift."

Fisk released at the same time, letting go hard inside his mate. He kept a tight hold of Matt through both of their orgasms, making sure he didn't so much as loosen his grasp on his mate.

"Thank you for wanting me," Ward whispered back

Matt grasped onto his mate, sending waves of love, and belonging through the bond.

"I've always wanted you." Danny kissed Ward's neck, nuzzling the skin there. "I was in love with you before I even knew what that emotion was."

Fisk let his body carefully rest on Matt's, kissing him gently as he responded to the feelings of love and belonging with his own feelings of love and possessiveness.

Ward leaned up and kissed Danny again. I may not have always known, but I am fully yours now and will never leave you....

Matt wrapped his arms and legs around his lover, enjoying the feel of his lover's weight on top of him, holding him in place.

Good. If you did, it would destroy me. Danny's voice was entirely serious. He held his mate close and tight, stroking over Ward's body because he wanted to give his mate affection.

Fisk kissed his mate tenderly, stroking his fingers through Matt's hair. "I love you so much."

Ward just pressed close and held tight, happiness and contentment carrying through the bond.

Matt returned the kiss. I love you too. Completely.

Looking over towards Danny and Ward, Fisk noticed that the other couple were still cuddled together on the opposite couch. They were obviously comfortable enough to let go in front of him and Matt. "Thank you," he said out loud. "I know you two don't tend to do much more than kissing and cuddling in front of others. It's nice that you've trusted us enough to let go more completely here."

"I... felt the need to claim Ward. In front of others," Danny admitted. "I guess, after so long hiding my feelings, part of me needed to be this open."

Ward blushed but smiled. "You helped Danny when I had been so thoughtless and hurt him. I trust you and Matt and... it felt like if Danny wanted to be more open, I felt comfortable with it being you both."

Matt smiled at that. "Sometimes it is easier to be open in a small group. I'm glad you both feel comfortable with us. You're friends."

Danny smiled. "Yeah," he agreed. "We are friends. And it is easier to be more open in smaller groups. At least for us, I think." He moved him and Ward enough that they weren't flashing the other couple, settling Ward on his lap once more and kissing his shoulder.

"I might have been working on the wrong side of the law before the snap, but I still had eyes on Matt," Fisk admitted. "I knew the group he'd become a part of."

Ward snuggled close to Danny, just listening. He hadn't really known of the group Danny had worked with, beyond their names. It wasn't until after the snap that he'd felt capable of allowing himself to get close to Danny.

Matt was listening closely as well. His mate was still inside him, fully blanketing him with his body, the older man's weight not only protecting his modesty, but soothing and helping him feel safe. "You knew when I first worked with Danny? Then... you also knew when I was buried under the building... that everyone thought I was dead...?" He sounded nervously sad. If that had happened now, his mate would have been devastated. And as soon as he was found and healed, he would have likely got the spanking of his life for giving up his life that way, whatever his reason.

Danny let his hands rest gently on Ward's waist, squeezing and gently stroking his mate, just giving affection. He kissed his mate's shoulder.

"I did know," Fisk replied. "It was at that point, when everyone believed you were dead, I realized what my feelings for you were. But changing myself to who and what you needed from me took time...would have even if the snap hadn't occurred."

Ward smiled both at Danny's affection, but also at hearing his two friends' conversation. He nuzzled Danny's shoulder. 

"So, when I returned and worked so hard to get you thrown back in jail, and to try and prove Bullseye was responsible for everything I was being framed for. When you were trying to stay out of jail and bring Vanessa home... you'd already started caring about me?" Matt asked softly.

Through the bond, Fisk could feel that Matt felt guilty. Even if he hadn't had a clue that Fisk cared and was doing everything to try and keep people safe from the person, he thought was a danger to society, Matt had done a lot of things that were questionable. He'd lost his way.

"I did," Fisk replied. "I tried to hide it. To make things work with Vanessa. It wasn't right for me to act on my feelings then. Not as the man I used to be. Five years passed in only a moment for you, but it enabled me to become the man I needed to be for your return."

"Become the man that could help me return to myself, instead of a shell of who I'd been..." Matt admitted. "When I fought you the last time, I wasn't myself. Foggy and Karen had to pull me back, but even then, I felt lost."

"I could see it," Fisk admitted. "You were on a bad way emotionally. It's why I wouldn't yield when you did come back. Despite your claims to the contrary, you needed the rules and boundaries. Needed to be taught how to care for yourself."

"I'm glad Fisk got you, Matt," Danny put in quietly. "We all worried about you too."

"I'm glad he got me too. I was spiraling and returning five years into the future, having everything and everyone move forward while I was stuck in the past, only made it worse." Matt swallowed. "I did need rules and boundaries. I was heading toward becoming what I'd fought for so long."

Fisk let his hands move over Matt's hips, squeezing gently. "When you returned to the streets, I saw it immediately. That you were getting close to the line. It would have ended either with you dying or becoming the opposite to what you truly are. And I couldn't let either of those happen."

You saved me... not just physically, Matt thought.

Ward sighed softly. "Are there any places you all want to recommend for when we go out tomorrow? Since I messed up our trip today?" He gave Danny an apologetic smile.

Because you are my world. Because you are so very important to me. Fisk stroked Matt's face. Out loud, he said, "There were some good stores. Nice clothes and some weapons Matt could easily use."

Danny looked interested. "We could take a look at the stores. Get some things to remind us of visiting this planet." He smiled lovingly at his mate.

"It might be good to get some clothes that aren't Terran," Ward agreed.

Matt smiled up at his lover, contented. He loved feeling Fisk's weight holding him down, especially when his mate was still inside him, at least partially. "We'll let you know if we find any other interesting places. I want Wil to show me one of the art galleries here tomorrow."

"That would be good to know," Danny commented. "We didn't get to see much today. But we'll be here long enough to explore." He kissed Ward's neck, feelings of contented happiness coming through the bond. There was nowhere else he wanted to be than with his lover and best friend.

"Thank you for inviting us to join you tonight," Ward said. "It's... it's helped."

Matt smiled. "I'm happy you could join us. I think it would be good to get to know everyone better."

Danny gently kissed Ward's shoulder. "It has helped," he agreed. "I feel a lot better about everything." Of course, it was clear that Ward understanding his reaction had helped even more. "I really appreciate your help and support. Maybe in the next day or so, we could explore some of the planet together."

"I'm sure we would enjoy that," Fisk said.

The rest of the evening passed in companionable conversation and both Doms giving their subs affection and attention.


Matt hadn't been the only one finding new weapons. Frank was very interested in the various offerings. Of course, he looked to Yondu to give him advice on the various blasters and such, since he'd not fired them before and wasn't sure of the specs and which would be better suited for his use and style of fighting. Maybe we could set up a tactical course in the Danger Room and you can teach me how to use the ones I've never used... Frank thought.

I believe a similar course has already been set up, Yondu replied. Keeping up with training is important. Always has been. He moved a bit closer to his mate, adjusting Frank's grip on the blaster he was currently holding.

Frank immediately relaxed enough that Yondu could adjust his grip. This one feels good. Is it a good weapon? he asked curiously. Feeling good didn't matter if the weapon type was known to easily jam or overheat in battle situations.

It's a good weapon, Yondu confirmed. Better in the hands of someone well trained, like you.

Frank grinned at that, giving his mate a happy glance. Can I get it? He asked permission. He had no clue if it was overpriced or a good deal.

Yeah, Yondu confirmed, wrapping his arm around Frank's shoulders, and guiding him towards where they would pay. After a few moments of haggling, the money exchanged hands.

"Where to now?" Frank asked, taking note of a few of their crew exiting a clothing shop, while others were eating at a nearby establishment.

"You hungry?" Yondu asked. "Some of the meat here's similar to Terran food. Tastes like chicken. Least, that's what my kid always said."

"I could eat..." Frank nodded, glancing toward the nearest restaurant. "That place? I see Mordo and Stephen in there."

"Good enough for me," Yondu agreed, steering his mate in that direction.

Frank followed willingly. "You wanna order for me? I'm not sure about some of it, but I trust you...."

"Sure can," Yondu replied. "More than familiar with what Terrans can safely eat." He snorted softly and paused by Mordo and Stephen's table. "Mind if we join you?"

"I'm okay with it," Mordo replied.

"Please do..." Stephen agreed with his mate.

Frank nodded at the two men, waiting for Yondu to pick which seat he wanted so Frank could sit down. He noticed one of the wait staff preparing to come take their order.

Yondu sat down in the booth, positioning himself so that his mate would be pressed as close to him as possible. While he didn't intend to do anything sexual while they were in public on the planet, he saw no issue with being as physically close to Frank as possible.

Frank didn't mind the closeness. As long as it wasn't going to draw attention from strangers, or make anyone uncomfortable, he liked being pressed close to his mate.

When the waiter came to take the order, Yondu ordered for both himself and Frank, having a fairly good idea of what his mate would like.

Mordo ordered for himself, but didn't automatically order for his mate, leaving it to Stephen to let him know what he needed right now.

Frank sipped at the drink the waiter had brought, glancing around the restaurant.

"I'll have the same thing..." Stephen said, as soon as Mordo had finished ordering. He didn't mind Mordo taking over, but he also didn't feel a need to have it happen at that moment.

"Did you find anything of interest here on this planet?" Mordo asked Frank. He'd noticed some of the crew members had visited various stores, coming out with new weapons and clothing and other supplies.

"I have a new blaster! Yondu is going to teach me how to use it." Frank smiled brightly. "Maybe if we have time, after we eat, we can check out a few other shops?" He looked at his mate.

"Even if you don't, I believe the plan is to spend a week here, so there will be time." Stephen nodded.

"Sure, we can find time," Yondu promised. "Whether it's today, or another day."

"I believe there are museums and art galleries here, too, if that is something you are interested in," Mordo commented.

Frank wrinkled his nose. "If Yondu would like. Never been much into that type of thing before, but there's a first time for everything."

Yondu snorted softly. "More interested in doing things than looking at things. But seems like there are plenty of places we can go together here, even avoiding the dangerous area."

"We can ask the locals. Maybe they have a sport or activity we could do," Frank suggested.

Stephen slanted his head. "That sounds like a really good idea," he said. "I'd be interested in that too." He looked at Mordo.

Mordo smiled and nodded. "It would be good to find out," he agreed. "Some of the others might be interested too."

"Maybe we can ask the waiter... he's coming with our food," Frank said, smiling as the man carried a tray with their food up.

As the food was set down, Yondu immediately asked about sports and activities, wrapping one arm around Frank's waist like it was the most natural thing in the world.

The waiter was more than happy to give them several ideas of sports they could watch or participate in, as well as other recreational activities. By the time he'd finished, they had a list long enough to last them the rest of the week and part of the next.

"I think we should let the rest of our group know about these ideas," Mordo commented, after the waiter had gone and they were eating. "Chances are good that there'll be a lot of people who need to let off steam eventually and playing sports is a good way of doing that."

Yondu grunted in agreement. "Less likely for there to be trouble to deal with," he commented, fully aware of how antsy some of the subs had been getting. His kid was among the worst, mouthing off until he was certain to earn a few swats, if not an outright spanking.

Stephen nodded. "We can have a ship meeting to relay the info."

Frank was smirking, knowing who Yondu was thinking about with his comment.

"At least it might stave off any repeats of what happened today," Mordo said softly, thinking of how upset Danny had clearly been. In the same situation, he wasn't sure he'd handle it any better; but it was obvious that Danny had felt guilty for what was actually a really normal reaction.

"Yeah..." Frank cleared his throat. "That was something else." He felt slightly uncomfortable. He'd done a lot of unnecessarily risky stuff when he was still emotionally unstable from his family's death. He didn't fully know what Ward had gone through but getting drunk was a quick way to bad decisions. He knew from experience. If I got drunk and did what Ward did....

"Yeah. Think someone needs to remind the Doms that they are allowed to be human and be angry when their sub behaves like a clueless idiot," Stephen said, softly enough only their table would hear.

It would earn you a very quick trip over my knee soon as I knew you was safe, Yondu responded.

"I think Fisk helped Danny with that," Mordo said. "It didn't take him that long to request a portal back to the ship for himself. I imagine the events of today have been dealt with."

Stephen nodded at Mordo's words.

And I'd deserve it, Frank acknowledged. If I ever did anything that foolish, soon as I sobered up, I'd go to you and ask for a blistering.

Good to know you're on board with how I'd handle it, Yondu replied, tugging Frank a bit closer against his side. His hand rested gently but possessively on his mate's hip.

Mordo, wanting to show his own lover affection but not to embarrass him, reached out and gently squeezed Stephen's hand as they ate.

I love you. I belong to you. And I know what you expect from me and how you handle misbehavior. I'm on board because I want things right between us and they can't be right if I mess up that badly and don't submit to your correction.... Frank leaned into Yondu enough to make sure the older man felt his closeness, but not so much he hindered Yondu eating.

Stephen gently squeezed Mordo's hand while eating.

Yondu gently squeezed Frank's waist in response. Anything like that does happen, we'll handle it and get through it. Together, he promised. After all, he was used to dealing with his own kid...and Peter had been a lot worse behaved before reaching adulthood and taking off on his own.

Frank sighed softly. I know. Hopefully, I won't do anything needing your correction, though. He smiled at Yondu. "This is pretty good. Can't remember what you called it, but I like it "

"Are we getting dessert?" Stephen asked Mordo quietly.

"Good to know," Yondu replied. "I'm sure there are a lot of things you can try here that you'll like." He squeezed Frank's waist gently.

"There's no reason not to," Mordo replied. "Unless you're too full to eat."

"We're on vacation. I say let's get dessert." Stephen chuckled.

"What d'you think?" Yondu asked his mate. "Dessert, or no?"

"S'long as we can work off the extra calories later ..." Frank's voice and smile were innocent, but the feelings he was sending through the bond were anything but.

"Sure we'll have no trouble finding ways of doing that." Yondu grinned and then proceeded to order dessert for him and his mate once the waiter returned.

Frank leaned into Yondu and relaxed. When dessert arrived, they continued their conversation with Stephen and Mordo, learning more about their fellow travelers.


Dane surreptitiously followed Ikaris around London. He'd met the other man shortly after the Snap had caused half the university to disappear and those in charge of hiring were scrambling to hire instructors to cover the positions of the then missing professors. They'd got along wonderfully and soon were dating. A month later, they'd moved in together. Dane had never felt a connection that strong before. They complemented each other perfectly, all of Dane's worst traits offset by Ikaris and vice-versa. They'd been happy.

For five years, they'd been happy. And then the Second Snap turned those five years into the Blip and everyone who'd been gone had returned. And suddenly, Ikaris’ ex-girlfriend was in town and needed his help. And a girl who acted like his little sister but wasn't. And a young man who Dane couldn't tell if Ikaris liked him or hated him. And Ikaris started acting strange.

And then Ikaris broke up with him. No explanation. Just that it wasn't working. Dane didn't believe him. That's why he was following him, hoping to figure out the truth.


Arishem hadn't taken the Eternals turning against him all that well. Sprite was human now and she was safe from the Celestial. But Sersi, Phastos and Kingo had been taken from Earth. Ikaris had managed to escape, but it was only thanks to the fact Sersi had some lingering power left from the Uni-Mind. She'd used it to shield Ikaris from being taken with the rest of them.

But Ikaris knew that the protection from Arishem wouldn't last. He'd broken up with the man he loved; not because he wanted to, but because he needed to keep Dane safe. And he needed to find his family...rescue them from Arishem if that was possible.

For that reason, Ikaris had flown to the Sanctum in New York. He'd got in contact with some of the sorcerers there and asked for their help. Now, he was stood outside the building, hoping that he could get some help; maybe an idea of where to go, or a way to get into space without needing to outright steal a spaceship.


Dane had watched as Ikaris had spoken with some men in what he was certain was the London Sanctum. (He'd recognized Wong, during one of the man's visits, from news reports). That Ikaris had taken off immediately after in a way Dane couldn't follow was frustrating. He'd gone back to his flat, dejected, until he realized... if Ikaris talked to the London wizards, they likely had an idea where he was going. If he could get that information from them....

He'd quickly packed a bag, hiding the ebony blade among his clothing (he didn't dare leave it unguarded), and then returned to the London sanctum, knocking on the door.

The Sanctum was opened by one of the sorcerers there, who blinked and frowned at Dane. "Can I help you?" he asked. He didn't recognize Dane; had no idea that the man had any connection to the other man who had just left.

"Earlier this afternoon, you spoke with a man; he was asking for your help. It is imperative I locate him with some vital information. Could you please direct me to where he went? It's a matter of life and death..." Dane let his desperation to find his lover bleed through, in the hope it would convince them.

"He's gone to New York." The sorcerer didn't see any harm in telling Dane that information. While Ikaris hadn't mentioned much details about the threat he was facing, he'd made it clear that the threat wasn't from Earth. And the man asking after him appeared to be human.

Dane blinked and swallowed. "Thank you so much..." he said, turning and hailing a cab. He needed to catch a flight to New York. He was certain the next stop to re-locating Ikaris would be to talk to Wong.


As they were finishing their meal, Mordo began to develop an itch right behind his eyes. He rubbed at his forehead as they paid for their meal and then turned to Stephen. "I believe Wong is trying to call us."

Stephen blinked at that. "Should we return to the ship to talk to him, or does it seem to be an emergency?" he asked worriedly.

Frank looked worried as well. Why would the earthbound sorcerer be contacting them like this, instead of through the AIs?

"It feels like it's urgent," Mordo said. "But we can open a portal back to the ship to open the line of communication."

Yondu frowned, unable to hide his own worry. "I hope there is no danger back on Terra."

"We probably should... in case we need privacy," Stephen murmured, standing, and waiting for Mordo to move next to him before opening a portal.

"Back to the ship?" Frank looked at Yondu.

Yondu nodded. "In case something bad's happened."

Mordo moved to his mate's side and quickly headed through the portal with Stephen and their fellow couple.

As soon as the other three men had gone through, Stephen went through and let the portal close. "SARA, are you able to contact Wong? I believe Stark was going to set up a way for all the AIs to contact the New York Sanctum if needed."

Frank swallowed nervously and pressed closer to Yondu.

"I am, Doctor Strange," SARA replied, before proceeding to open a connection to the New York sanctum.

Yondu wrapped his arms around Frank's waist, drawing him in close and tight and possessively.

"Stephen... Mordo... I have received a request that you will want to hear." Wong immediately begin to talk. There was a pause as he motioned for his guest to introduce himself and explain what he needed.

"My name is Ikaris," he said. "I'm an Eternal. We've been on Earth for thousands of years, me and the rest of my family. It turned out our purpose here was to facilitate the birth of a Celestial, something that would destroy the planet." He hesitated. "We were able to stop it, but half of my family have been taken by our creator. I was prevented from being taken as well, but I know he will come for me. I hope that if I am no longer on Earth, it will be harder for him to find me...and easier for me to find where he has my family as prisoners."

Stephen looked at Mordo, then at Yondu. "This is something we should involve all the ship in deciding. I am assuming you wish to join us on our ship..." he continued, speaking to Ikarus.

"I think a lot of the group, if not everyone, is back on board for the evening," Frank whispered. "I'll go alert everyone that we need to meet."

"If it's possible, I would appreciate it," Ikaris said. "I understand you will be travelling through space. It's my best chance to find my family."

Yondu nodded in acknowledgement and gently squeezed Frank's waist before letting go, so his mate could do that.

"If you can give us five minutes while the rest of our crew, and the ship's leaders, arrive," Stephen said quietly.

Frank moved quickly, and luckily everyone was in their quarters. Soon, everyone was coming into the main area to listen to the request. Stephen repeated Ikaris' request to everyone else.

"I don't see a problem with it," Steve said. "We have enough space on the ship."

"I think offering protection to someone is right," Fury commented. "And since we're travelling through space, we're probably best placed to help find and reunite him with the rest of his family."

"Then you are all in agreement?" Wong asked.

Stephen glanced around and no one was protesting. "Yes. Everyone agrees."

'I will open a portal, then," Wong stated. Five seconds later, a portal was formed. On the other side stood Wong and a stranger that everyone could assume was Ikaris. Wong motioned the man to step through.

After thanking Wong, Ikaris stepped through the portal.

"Welcome," Steve said, smiling at the newcomer. "There's quite a few of us here...many of us are in romantic relationships." He began to make introductions.

At seeing the way most of them were paired up, Ikaris had a pensive, almost sad look on his face. While he'd broken up with Dane to protect the man he'd fallen in love with, he hadn't truly wanted to break the relationship.

Brock saw the look on Ikaris' face but didn't press. He did think to his mate, I think he is missing someone.

Everyone else stayed long enough for introductions, but then went back to their own quarters.  Stephen looked at Ikaris. "There are several empty quarters, if you'd like to look at them and pick which one you'd like."

I think you're right. Steve agreed with his mate. I recognize that look on his face. "Brock and I can show you around the ship and the different rooms," he offered. He didn't comment that the rooms were built for two people. He didn't know if it was possible that Ikaris would find his mate again, like Steve had Brock, but if it did happen...there'd be enough room.

"Thank you," Ikaris replied. "I appreciate that."


Dane had somehow obtained a flight to New York the same evening. The flight had taken all night, arriving early in the morning, only to discover his luggage had been lost. He couldn't allow the ebony blade to be lost. And so began the long, tedious process of locating his bag.


Ikaris had picked his room and Stephen had made sure he had basic necessities, including bedding and toiletries, before leaving him for the evening. As he was turning to leave, he said, "We are going to have breakfast in the community dining area in the morning. It will enable you to get to know everyone a bit better. A lot of us have plans planet side for the day, so it may be the only chance to talk to some of the group tomorrow."

Ikaris nodded. "Thank you. I will see you in the morning, I'm sure." He smiled. It didn't quite reach his eyes, but the gratitude was genuine, and the words were sincerely meant. He didn't have much with him, as he'd needed to travel fairly light. But they were on a planet, so he figured he could get some more supplies the next day.

Soon, everyone was in their own quarters, doing what they typically did.


The next morning, everyone was at the breakfast table, making their plans for the day. "Now that we have a better idea of what is in the dangerous area, maybe we can take precautions and explore it!" An excited feminine voice carried to everyone.

"That would be exciting... " a male voice answered.

"That is not going to happen," Coulson said firmly. "The dangerous area isn't a game. And the creatures here are dangerous."

"We're going to be staying away from it and I suggest you all do the same," Danny said, sitting next to his lover and wrapping his arm around Ward's waist.

"But now that we know why it is dangerous, we can take precautions..." Bobbi said, in disappointment.

"Exactly!" Peter interjected.

"It ain't happening, kid," Yondu said firmly, from his position next to his own mate. "And dangerous behavior isn't gonna end well for you. Or anyone else who decides to try it," he added, more than aware of how his fellow Doms would deal with this behavior.

"Just saying it ain't happening don't mean it won't..." Peter pouted. Thor hadn't yet vetoed it, but the way all the Doms had a set look on their face, he had a feeling they were in agreement. "Could be done..." he grumbled.

Bobbi was pouting too but wasn't arguing.

Frank just raised an eyebrow at his stepson's antics.

"No, my star-prince, it won't be," Thor stated. "And if it does, it will earn you a trip right over my knee," he added, just so there was no confusion about what the consequences were. After all, it was no secret how the Doms handled their subs here.

Ikaris raised his eyebrows at that but didn't comment on it. He'd lived a long time, after all. Spanking used as punishment wasn't even that high on the list of strange things he'd experienced.

Peter sighed loudly. "Yes, Drottinn. I'll stay out of the danger zone..." he reluctantly agreed. "Wouldn't have been any fun to explore, anyway, if you weren't with me..." he added on, with a sheepish smile.

In response, Thor gently pulled Peter into his lap, kissing his neck lovingly before picking up a forkful of food to feed his mate.

Soon, everyone was eating, making plans for the second day of excursions on the planet.


Dane was frustrated. The airline had sent his bag to Washington DC. While it wasn't an end of the world scenario (he hoped), it did mean he had to wait almost an extra day for them to send his bag to him before he could contact Wong. He paced the lost luggage claim area of the airport, reluctant to leave in case something else happened. He didn't dare lose the Ebony blade. By the time the bag was finally in New York, and he had claimed it, it was close to midnight and he was exhausted. He got himself a hotel room near the airport. He'd visit Wong in the morning; he was already a full day and a half behind Ikaris. A few more hours wouldn't hurt.

Next time, he'd find a way to travel with the blade on him. Maybe the wizards could spell it so it was invisible, and equipment wouldn't scan it? It was nerve wracking, knowing it could have been lost. Why, he didn't know; he'd not even had the blade until a few days before, shortly after Ikaris dumped him. Maybe that was why. He'd lost one important part of his life. He wouldn't lose anything else if he could avoid it.


Breakfast had passed fairly uneventfully. The couples had ended up leaving the ship to continue exploring the planet.

Ikaris left the ship too, but it was more to purchase needed supplies than because he wanted to explore. Seeing so many people in relationships reminded him of the fact he'd broken up with the man he loved. He was questioning if he'd done the right thing.


Dane had secured the blade on his person, under his leather jacket. Surprisingly, it wasn't noticeable. He'd then grabbed his bag and taken an uber to the New York Sanctum, only to be told Wong was taking care of Sanctum business and he had to wait. Sighing, he'd been escorted to a sitting room. At least they brought him tea and cookies.


On the third day at the planet, the second day after Ikaris had joined the ship, the groups had gone exploring again.

Frank had a strange look on his face, a mixture of surprise and amusement. He and Yondu had joined Peter and Thor to go to some of the planet's museums. They had spent the day learning the history and it had been very interesting how similar to Earth the planet was. It was more interesting to hear Peter's questions, though. He couldn't tell if Peter was serious, or if he was just trying to confound his lover and father, but if he was pulling their legs, he was doing a good job of it. They looked absolutely befuddled.

The small group made their way back to the ship to eat dinner. Stephen and Mordo arrived at the same time they did, as did the new guy, Ikaris. "Have you found everything you needed?" Frank asked. "If not, maybe you can go out with us tomorrow and we can help you...."

"I've picked up most of what I needed," Ikaris answered. "I didn't hear anything about anyone who might know where my family's been taken." He sighed. He wasn't surprised by that, but it was disappointing that no one on the planet had heard anything of the Eternals. He'd discovered that there were others of his kind on other planets, sent there by Arishem. Hopefully, the next planet they visited, he'd learn something.

"Not really surprising, unfortunately. We wouldn't know of your people if you hadn't turned on your creator. It's possible the only ones who know are keeping quiet, like you used to..." Stephen remarked. "Even so, there will be clues. We just have to find the right planets to find those clues."

Ikaris nodded. "I can but hope that I will find answers." Maybe once he had, he could reach out to Dane. Repair things with the other man. It wouldn't be as dangerous to be around him, if he could save his family from the celestial who had created them.

Stephen nodded. "Everyone is heading into dinner, it looks like. We don't always eat together when we stop at planets. We tend to eat planet side as much as possible, to save on our supplies. But I think everyone wants to get to know you better..." Stephen laughed and walked into the dining area.

"I'll do my best to satisfy their curiosity." Ikaris headed into the dining area, noticing that those who were there already, the couples, were sitting close to their partners. Some of the Doms even had their subs sitting on their laps.

Stephen sat next to Mordo, but not so close that he'd be on his lover's (or nearly on his lover's) lap. There was a seat free next to him. 

As soon as Stephen and Ikaris sat, everyone began to pass around the serving platters and talking, including Ikaris in their conversations.


It was dinner time and Dane was about to give up and leave to find actual food when Wong finally made an appearance. Standing quickly and moving to follow the other man before he could just disappear, Dane blurted, "I need your help! I need to join my lover and he said you were the one that could get me to him!"

Wong paused and raised his eyebrows at the man. "Who are you looking for?" he asked, somewhat suspiciously. Yes, he'd opened a portal for Ikaris to go through...but the Eternal hadn't mentioned leaving anyone behind. As far as Wong knew, Ikaris hadn't expected anyone to follow him.

"Ikaris... he needed to go quickly, and I was meant to tie up all the loose ends back at home then meet him. He said to talk to you, and you'd get me to him. He's expecting me..." he said earnestly. Maybe it was an outright lie, but he knew Wong would never help if he realized Ikaris had dumped him. He'd think Dane was a crazy ex, who either couldn't let go or was looking for payback.

Wong hesitated. Ikaris had been worried about someone coming for him, but it hadn't been a human he'd been worried about. Still. Without checking with Ikaris and the rest of the Space Avengers, he wasn't going to open a gateway to the planet they were on. "I need to check with him," he said, before proceeding to open a portal...small enough that he could speak to the others, but not big enough for someone to fit comfortably through.

Stephen glanced toward where a portal was opening a few feet away from the table. "Wong?" he asked in concern.

"Is Ikaris there?" Wong asked. "I have someone here who claims to be his lover."

Stephen wrinkled his nose and widened the portal just enough so Wong could see Ikaris. "Ikaris?"

Ikaris moved so that he could see through the portal...and subsequently be seen himself. "Dane?" he asked.

Dane straightened at seeing Ikaris. That's all he needed to know he'd come to the right place. The problem was, as soon as Wong asked Ikaris if he was expecting him, if they were lovers, and Ikaris told him the truth... the gate would be shut, and he'd lose his only chance. He didn't stop to think. He ran at the portal, jumping and diving through, barely clearing the small opening. He landed on the floor of the spaceship with a very loud clang.

"Why did you clang...?" Frank asked suspiciously, preparing to subdue the stranger who'd jumped through the portal, if Ikaris indicated he was dangerous.

Ikaris couldn't honestly say he was surprised. The moment he'd seen Dane through the portal, he'd known what was coming. He moved swiftly to Dane's side, more concerned with the safety of the man he loved than whatever had caused the noise. "Are you hurt?" he demanded. The opening was small, and Dane hadn't landed very gracefully. He could have ended up with bruises.

Steve heard the concern in Ikaris' voice and noticed the way the man immediately moved to the newcomer's side. I think this is who he was missing, he sent to Brock.

"I'm okay... may feel it in the morning, but nothing hurts right now..." Dane said sheepishly. Now that he was through the portal and less likely to lose his chance to be with Ikaris, he was realizing how foolhardy his action had been. He carefully pulled out the Ebony Blade, to make sure he hadn't broken it or bent it when he landed. It was a solid blade and in perfect shape. "This is what clanged..." he answered Frank.

Stephen's loud gasp carried through the room. Is that what I think...? he sent to Mordo.

Mordo nodded to his lover, a grim look coming over his face. "Where did you get that blade?" he asked Dane.

Ikaris frowned at the question, looking at Dane. "What were you thinking?" His voice was worried and concerned...the same kind of tone many of the others would recognize.

Dane blinked at the questions, suddenly feeling defensive. "My uncle sent it to me. Said it was my inheritance..." he growled at Mordo, as if it was any of the man's business, then turned toward Ikaris. "And I was thinking there was no bloody way you was just gonna dump me and take off like we were nothing to each other!"

Stephen began to mutter under his breath, before looking at Wong. "We'll take it from here. Thank you, Wong..." He let go of his end of the portal. Wong nodded and then the portal was gone. Stephen turned back to face Dane. "You brought an enchanted item through a magical portal without knowing if it would react badly or not...."

Dane blinked in confusion. "...Enchanted?"

Ikaris breathed in deeply and closed his eyes. "I was trying to protect you," he said. "Half of my family has been taken. I wasn't about to let you get added to that number." There was no point in trying to hide it now. Dane was here. And Ikaris didn't have it in him to reject the man he loved again. But he did glance towards Mordo and Stephen, waiting for an explanation.

"You inherited an enchanted blade... and didn't get any instructions for it?" Stephen was skeptical.

"Was just told to keep it safe..." Dene shrugged. "It almost got lost by the airlines, so decided it was safer to keep it on me. Didn't know it was enchanted, though."

Stephen looked as if he'd eaten something sour. "Even if you didn't know it was enchanted, you dove through a narrow portal wearing a sharp blade! You could have been skewered. Or lost a limb. Or slit your throat!"

Ikaris frowned at the words spoken by Stephen. The other man had a good point. Several of them, in fact. "Stephen is right," he said. "You could have been seriously hurt. That wasn't acceptable, Dane. Trying to catch up with me or not, that was a dangerous, reckless action to take."

"I had to. As soon as Wong found out I'd lied and you weren't waiting for me, he would have closed the portal and I'd never see you again!" Dane swallowed. "I don't care if I could have been hurt. I had to get through...."

"I care that you could have been hurt." Ikaris glanced around at the others. He hadn't witnessed firsthand how they dealt with things, but enough had been said that he knew they'd agree Dane deserved to be punished. However... he refocused on Dane once more. "Did you eat anything?" He knew how fixated his lover could get. He'd had five years to get used to it, after all. He suspected the answer would be no. And if it was, he was going to make sure he got some food into Dane before anything else.

"I had tea and cookies while waiting for Wong to get back..." Dane bit his lip. "I did eat breakfast at the hotel!"

"That's all you've had since breakfast?" Ikaris shook his head. "First things first. You're going to eat something, something substantial, and then we're going to talk." As he was speaking, he got a plate and filled it with food, gently pushing Dane down to sit at the table.

Dane gave Ikaris an uncertain look and flopped into the chair Ikaris pushed him to. "Talk about how I can stay with you... right?" He tried to sound confident, but there was still a chance that the wizards would open a portal back and push him through.

"You'll be staying." Ikaris paused and glanced around at the others. "If no one else has a problem with it."

"Of course not," Steve said reassuringly. "Keeping your loved one close is important."

Dane relaxed as he realized he could stay. "Thank you..." he whispered, to Ikaris and everyone else. He put more food on the plate he was handed. Now that his position was secure, he was hungry, and he knew Ikaris wanted him to eat.

Ikaris sat down next to Dane and looked towards Frank. "I think we'll have to take you up on your offer for purchasing supplies tomorrow."

Dane was shoveling food into his mouth like he hadn't eaten in days, which wasn't far from the truth. He hadn't had an appetite after Ikaris broke up with him and hadn't stopped to eat anything while following his ex-lover. He'd only eaten light snack foods while flying and then waiting for his luggage, too nervous to eat more. Breakfast had been the first real meal he'd eaten since Ikaris broke up with him, but it had only been a small bagel and a cup of coffee. He'd been in too much of a hurry to get to Wong to eat more. Even though he ate like he was starving, he still listened. "My bag of clothes is back in the Sanctum..." he suddenly realized, looking sheepish.

"Yes. I noticed you didn't bring a bag with you when you dived through the portal." Ikaris eyed Dane with concern. "When was the last time you had a proper meal?"

Dane gave Ikaris an uncertain look. His lover had never been happy with his tendency to skip meals, and he knew if he admitted that the last proper meal he'd had was the last meal they'd had together before Ikaris took off, it would most likely end in an argument. He didn't want that. Still. It was too late to hide the fact he was hungry, and he might be difficult, but he wasn't a liar.  "When we had dinner... the night before you left," he reluctantly admitted.

Ikaris frowned, narrowing his eyes. "Dane. How many conversations have we had about you eating properly?" He shook his head and sighed. "That isn't going to happen anymore, Dane. You will be eating. Properly and regularly. From now on."

"I didn't have time to eat. If I stopped to eat, I would have lost you and then..." He swallowed, pushing the food on his plate around with his fork. "The thought you'd get away and I wouldn't know where or how to find you... I just wasn't hungry..." he admitted, in a small whisper.

Ikaris took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm sorry. I believed I was doing the right thing in protecting you. I won't leave you again," he promised. "But you need to eat."

Dane nodded. "Okay..." His voice was still subdued, but he didn't give any other excuses. He began to eat again; more slowly, this time.

Once the others were certain there would be no more surprises, they ate as well. Venom slowly peered out of Eddies shoulder, watching the two newcomers. "He acts like you act, Eddie. When you have done something to upset Drake and need him to blister your ass." His voice carried around the room and Eddie turned scarlet.

Ikaris wasn't surprised, either at the sight of the symbiote or Venom's words. He did say, "I believe that is a conversation better held between me and Dane in private."

Drake looked towards Venom. "Venom, remember when we've talked about keeping some things private?" he asked. "This is one of those things we don't shout about." He didn't add, unless there's a need to. At some point or another, most of them had been in a position of handling things publicly...or semi-publicly.

"But Drake..." Venom whined. "How do I know when it's a secret, don't talk about it, thing and when it's an everyone knows thing? You all don't tend to hide it from each other...." The symbiote looked around at everyone.

Dane blinked and looked around as well, finally taking in the way everyone was sat and the way there were obvious power dynamics in play. And that none of them looked surprised at the... alien's?... comment. Was blistering asses really a thing on this ship? He glanced at Ikaris. His lover hadn't outright scoffed or refused the suggestion. Ikaris wasn't considering... was he?

"We don't hide it," Drake agreed. "But we also don't talk about someone's punishment unless they are the ones who bring it up."

"Finish eating, Dane," Ikaris directed, reaching out and lightly squeezing Dane's upper arm. "You need to eat...." His worry was obvious. He didn't even try to hide it.

Dane gave a slightly nervous, worried look around the room, but obeyed without thinking about it. He didn't want Ikaris to worry; and they had talked about his tendency to skip meals numerous times.

"After we eat... may I examine your blade? See if I recognize the enchantment?" Stephen asked.

"Uh... sure. I guess. My uncle just said to keep it safe. If it ain't safe with one of Earth's heroes...." He smiled a boyish grin.

"It'll be safe here," Steve promised.

Dane focused on eating and when he was offered seconds, he took them. He listened to the conversations going on around him, trying to get a feel for the group he found himself with.

"I bought some fun things today," Bobbi said to Coulson. "Can I show them to you after we eat?"

"Of course," Coulson replied, with a warm smile at her. "I'd like to see them."

Talos had finished eating and making sure that Yon-Rogg ate as well. Now, he pulled his mate onto his lap, cuddling him close and gently scratching behind his ears. They were with He saw no reason not to be affectionate.

Yon snuggled back into his mate, purring loudly at the affection.

Monica grinned at the sound her dad made, cuddling into Lyja.

Lyja wrapped her arms around Monica and cuddled her close, kissing her shoulder.

Bobby, noticing that other subs were cuddling into their Doms' laps, did the same to Logan. If everyone else is doing it.... he sent cheekily to his mate.

Even if they weren't, any time you want... Logan smiled

Loki kissed T'Challa before looking toward Stephen and Mordo. "If it is okay, I would like to examine the sword as well...."

Mordo nodded his agreement. "As long as your mate says it's okay."

"Of course." T'Challa smiled and wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulders.

Dane looked confused at the comment. "He has to get permission?"

Happy smiled. "You'll discover that everyone on this ship is in a Dominant submissive pair. The submissives are expected to get permission for what they do. Especially if it is potentially dangerous."

"It's not an unusual situation for any of us to be in," Steve commented. "It might seem scary at first, but ultimately, the relationships here are better for it."

"Oh... okay..." Dane paused but shrugged. "So, I don't need to hide my eyes if you decide to be handsy in the common area? Just trying to get a feel for ship etiquette."

"If you're not comfortable, you can tell us and we'll stop," Fury said. "But it isn't unusual to see public displays of affection here. And there are often times things might go further than just kissing and cuddling."

"Good to know. If I get uncomfortable, I can go to my room... speaking of, uh... where will I be staying?" Dane asked.

"With me," Ikaris said. "I'll show you the room once we've finished eating."

Dane visibly relaxed at those words. If he was staying with Ikaris, that meant the other man wanted to be with him and the breakup was over. He finished what was on his plate, then waited for Ikaris to finish.

Ikaris finished what was on his own plate and then stood, reaching down to gently grasp Dane's arm.

Dane stood, ready to follow Ikaris. He didn't seem terribly worried. Despite all the hints and outright explanations, he didn't think Ikaris would do anything other than talk with him.

Ikaris led Dane to his room, only speaking once they were inside and with the door closed. He grasped both of lover's arms and looked into Dane's eyes. "I'm sorry I hurt you by leaving, but the actions you took today were not okay."

"If I hadn't done what I did, I'd have never seen you again... so as far as I'm concerned, it was worth it, and I'd do it again..." Dane asserted defiantly.

"I'm not going to let those actions pass unpunished," Ikaris said seriously. "You could have got yourself hurt, or worse, diving through the portal with a sharp blade concealed on you. And you haven't been taking care of yourself, despite the many arguments we've had about it. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I'm going to act. I'm going to spank you."

Dane took a physical step back, shock on his face. "But... we aren't like they are..." he said uncertainly.  "You've never... not before...." He sounded very confused and worried.

Ikaris reached out and took Dane's hand, squeezing it. "I didn't," he replied. "I never stepped in and took charge before. And it left you feeling that those dangerous, harmful actions you took were okay. I didn't break up with you because I didn't love you anymore. I broke up with you because I love you too much to allow you to be hurt because of me. I never stopped loving you. And now that I've seen how the couples here on this ship interact with each other, I believe that this type of relationship will be beneficial to both of us."

Dane gripped Ikaris's hand tightly. "You want us to be like they are?" He believed Ikaris loved him. He believed his lover's expressed reason for leaving. "You really think it would be good for us? What if I don't want that?"

"I can't stand by and let you self-destruct any longer, Dane," Ikaris said seriously. "We've been arguing about you taking better care of yourself since our relationship started. Arguing hasn't done any good. I think our relationship will be better for me taking control. Taking care of you."

Dane swallowed. Ikaris had been arguing with him from nearly day one of their relationship, trying to get him to take better care of himself. And it wasn't that Dane deliberately ignored him or didn't think it was important. There were just so many other more important things that he could see. To be honest, until Ikaris had said his leaving was to protect him, Dane had thought he'd had enough trying to take care of and protect an ungrateful and careless lover. Ikaris feeling like his only options were to take control over Dane made sense. And honestly, the thought of Ikaris taking over... Dane obeying the older man... didn't feel wrong, even if it was a little scary. "Taking care of me includes spanking me?" His voice sounded way too young for his liking and there was no way Ikaris wouldn't hear the fear. He closed his eyes, bit his lip, and looked down at the floor, flushing in shame.

Ikaris moved closer to Dane and wrapped his arms tightly around his lover. "I can't lose you. I was barely strong enough to walk away when I thought I was protecting you. I can't and won't walk away from you again. But I also can't stand by and let you harm yourself or argue with you constantly to get you to eat properly or go to bed at a reasonable time. Or take time to rest. So yes. Taking care of you does include spanking you. And that will begin now, considering you could have seriously harmed yourself diving through the portal with that sword."

Dane wrapped his own arms around Ikaris tightly, trembling slightly. He didn't argue any further, though. "How...?" he finally whispered.

"I'm going to put you over my knee," Ikaris said. "And I'm going to take your pants and underwear down. Then I will spank your bare butt with my hand until I feel it will stick in your head that I'm serious about this. That I won't let you hurt yourself anymore."

"O... okay, Kar..." Dane winced at how nervous he sounded. This was an entirely new chapter in their relationship, though. He hoped Ikaris understood the fear wasn't of him... just the situation. He slowly stepped back and waited for his mate to direct him.

"I love you, Dane." Ikaris took his lover's hand and led him over to the bed. He took a seat and guided Dane across his lap. He wrapped an arm around Dane's waist and pulled him tight against his stomach, then proceeded to bare his lover.

"I love you too... so much. Couldn't let you get away..." Dane sniffled. "I'd do it all again, even if it got me a sore backside..." he declared firmly, though it wasn't defiant at all this time. He was just warning Ikaris. He could only be good so far and if being good meant losing the man he loved, he would be very bad.

"I'm not punishing you for coming after me." Ikaris gently rubbed Diane's backside as he spoke. "I'm punishing you for the actions you took while doing so. For endangering and harming yourself to come after me." He rubbed for a few more moments, then lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Dane relaxed at those words, fully believing his lover. Part of him felt he deserved the response as well. Ikaris had been trying for so long to get him to be more careful. He let out a tiny gasp at the first swat.

Ikaris continued to swat, working his way over every inch of Dane's backside, from the crest down to mid-thigh. Then he paused to begin rubbing again. "You belong to me, Dane. I won't let you harm yourself. I love you so much."

Dane quivered. He'd expected to only tolerate being spanked because it was something Ikaris thought would help and if Ikaris thought it would help, submitting would help Ikaris. But... somewhere between the first swat and the rubbing... something clicked. A switch was flipped. Dane realized being over his lover's knee wasn't scary or unnatural. It felt right. Submitting felt right. The last missing piece, the final itch that he'd felt, even after he met Ikaris... was soothed. He realized he needed and wanted Ikaris in charge.

Ikaris continued to rub a few more moments, before he began to swat for a second series of smacks. "I love you and I need you. I can't risk losing you. It hurts me when you hurt yourself. I won't leave you again, but you have to give me the same promise."

"I won't leave you!" Dane immediately promised. "I love you too much to leave!"

"I know you wouldn't leave deliberately." Ikaris resumed rubbing his bottom. "But your actions could take you away from me. Your actions could cause you to leave me."

Dane let out a tiny whine, a wounded sound, at the admonishment. "I wasn't trying to..." His voice was contrite. He squirmed slightly at the rubbing. His bottom stung by this point, but hearing Ikaris' words, he felt like he didn't deserve the gentleness.

"Not just today. When you've harmed yourself in the past by not eating or sleeping or otherwise taking care of yourself." Ikaris continued rubbing a few moments and then began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster.

"I don't actively try to do that... I just get focused on other things..." Dane choked out as the spanks started again, turning the sting into a burn. "I'm sorry...."

"That's not going to happen anymore," Ikaris said. "You're going to listen to me when it comes to taking care of and looking after yourself. And if you don't, this is exactly where you'll end up. Back over my knee." He swatted down to Dane's thighs and then resumed the gentle, possessive rubbing.

"I... I hafta obey you... do what you say..." Dane whimpered.  "Be... because I belong to you?"

"Because you belong to me," Ikaris confirmed. "And I won't let anything take you from me. Not even you." He began to focus more swats to Dane's sit spots and thighs, still keeping a tight grip around his lover's waist.

"...Nothing take me 'way from you..." Dane whined, before slumping and beginning to cry. His bottom hurt, but he felt so much safer and complete now that Ikaris had claimed him, that he didn't care about the soreness.

Ikaris delivered a final few smacks and then stopped. He moved his lover onto his lap instead of over it, wrapping his arms tightly around Dane and pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "I love you. So much. And I'm not going to let you go again," he promised. "Now that you're here, your place is with me."

Dane quivered and pressed tightly to Ikaris. "That's all I wanted... to be with you..." He continued to cry softly, even as he was calming down.

"I just couldn't run the risk of having you taken away from me." Ikaris tightened his embrace. "I was scared that you'd be taken too."

"I know..." Dane sniffled. "But leaving me, knowing you'd never see me again, because you were afraid I'd be taken from you, is just silly." Dane pouted. "Thank you for changing your mind..." he added softly.

"I couldn't do it again," Ikaris admitted. "The moment I saw you through the portal...before that, even. I already believed I'd made a mistake. When I got here and realized the other people were in relationships. I think I would have asked if the sorcerers could open a portal back to you, if you hadn't come here anyway."

Dane smiled bashfully. "You missed me as much as I missed you?"

"I missed you so much," Ikaris replied. "I'm not going to be apart from you any longer. It hurt too much."

"Good. That makes me so happy..." Dane admitted, before kissing and nuzzling his mate's shoulder.

Ikaris kissed the top of his head, then his ear, just holding on tight to Dane. "I was never happier than when we were together for those five years. I meant what I said. Now that we're together again, I won't allow us to be separated again. I've seen enough of the couples here to know that we'll fit in with them. They don't exactly keep things a secret."

"Is that why I kept getting these knowing looks like, 'you're in trouble'?" Dane asked, with a hint of amusement.

"Probably," Ikaris commented. "There doesn't seem to be any secrecy in how the other Doms deal with their partners." He stroked his hand down Dane's back; rubbed gently over his bottom. "They're bonded together magically. Did you see the marks on their hands? It means they can communicate with each other telepathically and feel each other's emotions. It's closer than marriage. I want that with you, Dane."

"Really?" Dane was wide-eyed. "There are bonds like that? How?"

"I believe the sorcerers have to be involved, though I haven't asked what exactly it entails yet," Ikaris said. "If you want to bond too, I can ask them to come here to explain."

"I do want to..." Dane said quietly. "It will tie us more completely together. I want that so much."

"I want that too." Ikaris kissed him tenderly. "Do you want me to reclothe you before I call them? I think most of the couples don't really care about clothing, but you don't have to be half naked, or even fully naked, if you don't feel comfortable."

"I guess it depends on what they need for the ritual. I don't mind staying naked if you are okay with it, though." Dane snuggled close.

"I'm okay with it," Ikaris replied. "It makes it easier to hold you and give you affection if you're unclothed." He pressed a kiss to Diane's head and then requested that the AI ask the sorcerers to come to their room.

Dane smiled at that, nuzzling and continuing to cuddle. He glanced over as Stephen and Mordo entered the room.

"You're wanting to bond?" Mordo asked, assuming that's why he and Stephen had been asked to come and see the two newcomers.

Ikaris nodded. "I understand you two are involved somehow, but not exactly what the bonding entails."

"We do not both have to be here, if you would prefer Mordo to handle it..." Stephen said, before explaining in detail how the bonding was done.

"It sounds fairly straightforward," Ikaris said. "Nothing we haven't done before, except without the magic being involved." He looked into Dane's eyes. "What do you think?"

"Very straightforward. I want this. I need this..." Dane asserted.

Stephen handed an empty flask to Mordo, before seeing himself out of the room.

"Just do what you need to, and I will take care of the magic part," Mordo said.

Ikaris nodded and let his hands rub gently down Dane's arms, before he proceeded to strip his lover of the rest of his clothing.

Dane's breathing increased and he swallowed, licking his lips, as Ikaris stripped him. He was fully aroused by the time his mate finished; the possessive, dominant behavior arousing him faster than he'd thought would be possible. "Kar..." He whimpered softly with need.

Ikaris gently bore his lover down onto the bed, beginning to kiss, stroke and caress his mate's body. He took complete control, moving Dane to make it easier to get to the more sensitive parts of his lover's body.

Dane responded eagerly, kissing and stroking where he could reach, but content to let Ikaris take complete control. The noises he made were unintelligible, but full of need.

Ikaris glided his fingers towards Dane's member, gently stroking it, thumb rubbing over the head. "You can remove my clothes, if you'd like," he murmured, giving permission.

Dane moaned softly at being given permission, before quickly, but carefully, removing Ikaris' clothing. "...Love you..." he said breathlessly.

"I love you." Ikaris kissed him deeply and then carefully turned his lover over onto his stomach. He took the lube that Mordo handed to him and began to prepare Dane for penetration.

Dane groaned softly as he felt Ikaris began to prepare him. "Feels so good..." He whimpered.

"You feel so good," Ikaris whispered, gently kissing his mate's shoulder, before pushing inside Dane.

Dane breathed out in a long happy sigh as he stretched open for his mate. "Love to be filled by you... need to be filled...."

"You're mine," Ikaris whispered, kissing, and then gently nipping the back of Dane's neck. He began to thrust inside his mate, grasping Dane's hips to hold his mate still more easily.

Dane gasped as Ikaris rubbed against his prostate. "I'm going to cum..." His voice was tight as he tried to hold on. From the corner of his eye, he saw Mordo handing Ikaris the flask.

Ikaris took the flask and positioned it so that he could catch his lover's release. "Let go," he directed softly.

Dane's body quivered as he released, filling the flask. Body still spasming slightly, he slumped under Ikaris, only able to hold himself up enough to enable his mate to keep thrusting.

Ikaris grasped Dane's hips, pressing a kiss to the back of his mate's neck, and nipping gently. His own member was growing and swelling inside his lover, and it didn't take long for his own release to hit.

As his own orgasm rippled over him, Ikaris saw Mordo moving forward and heard him beginning to chant.

Dane expelled a contented sigh as he felt Ikaris release inside, the older man coating, marking him deep. He heard the chanting, but it wasn't until warmth spread through his entire body and he felt Ikaris' seed absorb into him; felt a connection tying him emotionally, mentally, spiritually to his mate; felt a warm glow on his hand and saw Ikaris' mark, the sign they now belonged to each other, that he realized what the chanting meant. "I'm yours forever..." he whispered, in a dazed voice, suddenly overwhelmed by the enormity of what had occurred. He began to shiver slightly, tears streaming from his eyes as he lost any ability to control his emotions.

Ikaris immediately wrapped his arms around Dane to cuddle him tightly. "You are mine," he whispered. "Never to be separated again. I love you so much." Through the newly formed bond, he sent through that love; that need he had for his mate. That reassurance that he would never and could never leave Dane.

Dane snuggled back, the need to be surrounded and held close by his mate too strong to resist. He was soothed by Ikaris' words, even if he couldn't calm his emotions. "Sorry..." he whispered, knowing he was swamping his mate with all the insecurity he'd always felt, but managed to hide before. There would be no hiding things anymore. The strong, confident attitude Dane had always projected would be proven a lie. There was no way Ikaris wouldn't realize how fragile and broken he was inside now.

Ikaris was dimly aware of Mordo leaving the room, but most of his focus was on Dane. He cuddled his lover close and tight, pressing a kiss to his shoulder and neck. "You don't need to apologize," he whispered. "Let me feel it...let me feel everything. So, I can help you."

Dane didn't bother protesting or arguing. He was incapable of it. The bond had torn away every barrier he'd ever put up to protect himself from the world, determined that there would be no barriers between him and Ikaris. Which was right. There should be no barriers between him and his mate. But being around other people would be a problem if he didn't find a way to at least rebuild his shattered walls against the rest of the world. He didn't say any of those thoughts out loud, instead letting them flow through the bond along with his overwhelming emotions, all his fears and insecurities, trusting Ikaris could handle them. Could handle him. That everything would be okay because he'd finally found home.

Ikaris let his own feelings of love, care, protectiveness, and possessiveness flow through the bond. He surrounded Dane with his love and devotion, holding his mate emotionally as he held onto him physically. I'm here for you. I love you. I won't ever leave you, he promised. You're mine.

I can't... not without you... was so hard when you left... couldn't think of anything but getting back to you... did a lot you'd be upset about... didn't care.... Dane's thoughts rolled through the bond, along with the accompanying feelings of hopelessness, abandonment, almost childish anger that had resulted in him doing all the things Ikaris had argued against him doing before. Underneath was a repentant, apologetic feeling and a sheepish acknowledgement that he hadn't handled anything well. I need you... I can't live without you.

I can't live without you either, Ikaris said. I'm sorry I did leave you. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I know now that it wasn't. I can't leave you now, though. Even if I wanted to. You're everything to me. I always wanted to take care of you and look after you, even at the very start of our relationship.

I didn't always want to listen... to obey... Dane snuggled close. I do now....

Good, Ikaris replied. Because any more harming yourself will earn you another trip over my knee. He kissed the side of Dane's neck.

Dane sighed, slanting his head submissively, offering Ikarus his neck. He didn't say anything to the words. If he disobeyed, he'd deserve whatever his mate did. Besides, he was too comfortably happy in Ikaris' arms to argue. Happy and tired. He hadn't slept any better than he'd eaten after Ikaris left and now that he was safe in his lover's arms, it was catching up to him. He nuzzled and snuggled closer, yawning, and closing his eyes, falling asleep.