Chapter Six

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


Fisk wasn't sure when things had gone wrong between him and Vanessa. It wasn't as if they hated each other; it just seemed that, after half of the world's population had been taken, something had gone missing from their relationship. Perhaps she had been attracted to the danger more than the man. And in the five years everyone had gone, Fisk had found himself toeing the straight and narrow. He wasn't a good man, but he didn't feel like the man he had once been. Not anymore.


Matt had been one of those taken. At least, that was what he'd been told by Turk when he'd gone to the petty-criminal's turf after he'd been unable to find Foggy or Karen and going to their old office had revealed a day-care. He'd been taken and five years later, life had moved on. Foggy had married Marci and moved to San Francisco; Karen had married a Veteran friend of Frank Castle's and moved to some tiny town in the mid-west Turk couldn't remember; and Matt? Matt felt like Rip Van Winkle; he'd gone to sleep, only to wake up years in the future in a world he didn't recognize.

He'd contacted Foggy through his law office. After several minutes of his friend crying about how glad he was to hear from him and how heartbroken they'd been, he had got Karen's number and promised to call once a week until they were able to meet up again. When he'd called Karen, there were more tears, but she hadn't been able to stay on long; the sounds of small children could be heard in the background. They'd promised to keep in touch, and he'd hung up. He felt relieved at knowing they were safe and happy, but it was bittersweet. He felt alone.

Having no one to worry about him or curtail his activity, Matt threw himself whole-heartedly into fighting the crime the natural upheaval of having half the world's population suddenly returned caused. And he wasn't careful about it.


He might not be breaking the law anymore, but that didn't mean Fisk was without his network. It wasn't long before his network informed him that the devil of Hell's Kitchen was back on the streets, drawing the attention of criminals far worse than Fisk had ever been.

There wasn't much thought that went into his decision to track down the man in the red suit. Fisk had changed a lot, but if the devil had been gone for five years, that meant he hadn't had any chance to change. And he was going to get himself killed.

There was a gang that had been hassling one of the local youth groups. Fisk had intended to deal with them anyway, but since he knew the devil would likely try to intercede, he figured he'd kill two birds with one stone.


Stopping the gang harassing the youth had been an easy decision for Matt. He'd got the information on when the next youth meeting was to occur and, suiting up, had quickly headed that direction to wait for the gang. When the thugs had arrived, he'd jumped down in front of them, preventing their entry into the room where the meet was taking place.

"You'll leave these kids alone," he growled.

"Why? Because some Devil copycat says to?" The gang's apparent leader sneered, pulling a switchblade.

"Because the Hell's Devil has returned, and he really wants to burn something..." Matt's smile was bitter and brittle and frightening with his intent.

The leader faltered while his gang stepped back and fidgeted uncertainly.

Fisk had arrived on the scene in time to hear the words uttered by Matt. Shaking his head, he walked swiftly to the other man's side, making it clear who he now stood with. "I suggest you listen to him." His voice was quiet and calm.

Darting a surprised look at Fisk, the gang leader held his hands up and backed up. Rumor was Fisk had gone legit and stayed within the law... but that didn’t make him less dangerous. And given the Devil's five-year absence, he was actually more afraid of Fisk. "Whatever, man. We have better things to do...c'mon!" He motioned to the rest of the gang and soon, they were all gone, leaving Matt with Fisk.

"They let you out again..." Matt ground out, through clenched teeth.

Fisk turned to face Matt fully. "You've been gone for five years. There's a lot you've missed," he said calmly. "I see you've decided to just pick up where you left off. Dangerous, reckless behavior. Even if you'd won, they would have got some hits in."

"" Matt said, with a careless tone. "Can't imagine that'd bother you any."

"Where are you staying now?" Fisk asked.

"The nuns let me stay in the guest room of the orphanage. My stuff was all sold or stored." Matt allowed a small bit of the helpless confusion he felt to bleed into his tone.

Fisk nodded and took a step closer to Matt, resting a hand lightly on his shoulder. "I'm going to take you home with me."

" You aren't. I'm not going anywhere with you..." Matt said, in bemusement. A lot might have changed in five years, but he couldn't imagine that enough had changed where Fisk would want to help him. "Besides. Isn't that something you should run by your wife first?"

"Vanessa and I are no longer together," Fisk said. "And you have nothing to worry about with me. As I said. A lot has changed in five years. I am no longer the man you once knew."

" offense, but I'll believe it when I see it. But since you've managed to shorten my evening plans considerably... I guess I'll have some time to look into it." Matt snorted. "Later, Fisk. I'll be watching you..." he said, before disappearing down the nearest alley as fast as he could go.

The devil of Hell's Kitchen might be planning on watching him, but Fisk was definitely going to be doing the same thing. It was a bigger concern than five years ago, now that he was toeing the line legally and didn't have to worry about getting arrested.

Returning to his car, Fisk began to call his contacts, requesting that they tell him of anything they saw the newly returned devil getting involved in.


It was a week later, and Matt was beyond frustrated. He couldn't imagine things had changed that much in five years, but he was proven wrong. Oh, there was still crime. But the types of things he stood against? Well, he wasn’t sure what was happening, but the crooks almost always immediately gave up on his arrival. It had never been that easy before. The only clue he had that clued him in that he was the main factor in the odd behavior was a comment he'd overheard about 'that one being under his protection'.

Frustrated and not sure what to do, Matt was going after his newest target with little preparation at all. He knew the crew was smuggling. That was it. He had no clue if it was drugs, weapons or people. He just knew he was going to stop it. To that end, he found himself in the shadows of the docks, waiting for his moment to strike.


It was purely by chance that Fisk had intel on the same group as Matt about the smuggling. He had more information; knew that the group was in the black market for organs and didn't care if those they stole from died of natural causes or not. It had taken time and one of his own people working as a double agent, but he was finally in the position where he could make his move.


Matt had taken out six of the armed guards before they had wised up and attacked him all at once. He fought hard, though, so when they took him down, it wasn't easy, and he was cut and bruised a great deal.


Fisk hadn't gone after the smugglers alone. He'd brought his team with him. But he still hadn't got there in time to prevent the devil from going down.

Almost immediately, his men and women fanned out to go after the smugglers. Fisk acted only to move the gang away from the devil and then crouched by Matt's side.

Matt had been hit in the head too hard and, at one point, he had felt the sharp jab of a needle. He was disoriented... confused... and while he could sense Fisk there, he couldn't tell who it was. He could only assume that whoever it was planned to hurt him worse and he couldn't stop himself from flinching away and hitting out in an attempt to protect himself.

Fisk quickly ducked the strike - not hard to do, since it was obvious the other man was disorientated - and he carefully put a hand on Matt's shoulder, avoiding the other man's injuries. "You're safe. The smugglers are being taken care of. Now it's time you get looked after."

"F..  Fisk?" Matt would have winced at his slurred speech and how hopeful it sounded had he not been occupied with trying to focus. The disorientation was becoming worse as whatever drug he'd been injected with took hold. He was dizzy. He couldn't focus. He felt like he was going to fall asleep, but he couldn't do that. If he fell asleep, he was dead. He instinctively knew that. For the first time in a very long time, he was frightened. A fright bordering on terrified.

"I'm here." Fisk carefully lifted Matt into his arms, doing his best not to aggravate the smaller man's wounds further. "I'm going to put you in my car and drive you to my home. I have good people there. Doctors. I'll take care of you." Even while he was talking, he carried Matt towards his car, very careful and gentle.

Matt wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or not. All he knew was that whoever held him was being gentle and it was easing his fear. It was instinct to curl into the person cradling him, to not fight. As disoriented as he was, his instinct was all he had and it was telling him he was safe with Fisk, if that was who it really was.

It was a quick decision to ask one of his people to take the wheel instead of him driving both Matt and him back to his home. Carefully climbing in the back seat of the car, Fisk secured both of them and settled Matt in his arms on his lap. He stroked and touched where it wouldn't cause harm to do so but didn't remove the mask.

Matt had fallen asleep, succumbing to the drugs. Fisk's gentleness with him helped keep him calm through the trip.

The trip was quick, without breaking any of the speed limits. Fisk had called ahead during the journey, so as soon as the car stopped, he was lifting Matt out and carrying him carefully into the building and to the medical area.

The doctor glanced at Fisk as he came in. "Is he going to be able to disrobe himself or help? Will he need to be restrained?" he asked, not sure if Matt was completely out or just closing his eyes. He didn't ask Matt because Fisk was his boss.

"He isn't conscious," Fisk replied. "I can disrobe him. But leave off any restraints." He didn't want Matt to feel like a prisoner when he woke up. Carefully placing Matt on the bed, Fisk began to remove the costume, though he still left the mask in place.

"Guess what they say about him being tough is true." The doctor whistled low as all the scars adorning Matt's body were made visible. "Surprised you don't want to take this moment to find out who he really is." He began to clean, bandage and stitch. "You might not have a choice if you want me to treat his face wounds."

Fisk knew the doctor was right. Matt was unconscious, which meant he wouldn't be able to fight the removal of his mask. "Do what you need to in order to treat him, but nothing about his identity leaves this room. And the mask goes back as soon as it's safe to do so."

The doctor nodded, carefully removing the mask and beginning treatment of those wounds. His eyebrow only rose slightly when he recognized the blind lawyer who had put Fisk behind bars. He didn't comment, though, choosing instead to remark, "You should have this cleaned. He should be safe enough and his identity hidden enough if you put him in your guest room. No one would dare go in there without your permission."

Fisk nodded in response to the doctor's words, his eyes not leaving Matt's face. It was hard not to reach out and touch the smaller man; but he held himself back, knowing that the remaining wounds needed to be treated.

The doctor was quick and efficient. Soon, Matt was clean, bandaged and stitched. The last thing the doctor did was draw blood. "I'll test this to make certain they didn't give him something other than a sedative, but if they didn't, he should wake in an hour or so. If you want to get him settled into that guest bed." The doctor quickly left to run the blood test, leaving it to Fisk to carry Matt to where he'd be kept. He also left it to the large man if he'd redress Matt in the dirty uniform or leave him naked, which would make it easier for the doctor to treat, but might alarm the patient when he woke, if someone wasn't there to calm him immediately.

Picking up a blanket from the bed, Fisk carefully draped it around Matt and then carried the smaller man from the room, taking the back stairs to the guest room so there was no chance of running into anyone. Inside the room, he settled Matt in the bed and then took up position next to the other man.

Matt slept peacefully under Fisk's watchful gaze, seemingly unaware of the older, larger man's presence. Until the doctor came to give Fisk the results of the test. Not wanting to disturb the patient, the doctor called Fisk to come outside the room.

Fisk slipped out of the room to join the doctor, closing the door softly behind him.

The doctor very quickly let Fisk know that the only drug found in Matt's system was the sedative; but due to the unique nature of Matt's blood, it wouldn't be clear if there would be side effects or, more accurately, what they were, until they occurred.

It was a quick report, but not quick enough. Matt could sense Fisk's absence in his sleep and began to thrash and panic.

Fisk heard the responses and after acknowledging the report, he quickly slipped into the room and returned to Matt's side, taking the smaller man's hand.

Matt clung to Fisk's hand in his sleep. It was something he would have never done if he'd been awake and it betrayed that, deep down, on a level where he didn't let himself think, he trusted Fisk.

Fisk held Matt's hand, clasped tight in his own. While he was relieved that it had only been a sedative, he couldn't help but worry about the other man. He hadn't let himself think about Matt in five years, but with the return of the missing, he couldn't stop his emotions now.


It was three hours before the sedative began to wear off. Matt woke with a splitting and disorienting headache and the discovery that someone was holding his hand protectively. "...Wh... where am I?" he finally asked in a hoarse voice.

"You are in my home." Fisk's voice was as calm and soothing as he could make it. "You're safe here," he added.

Matt swallowed hard, but he didn't try to feign anger or fear. He was slightly nervous, but he knew he'd be dead now- should have been dead- if it wasn't for Fisk. The man could have eliminated him while he was unconscious and didn't. It seemed he could be trusted. "Thank you..." he finally managed to whisper.

Fisk squeezed his hand gently in acknowledgement. "You're fortunate I was there," he said mildly. "Did you even have a plan?"

Matt snorted. "Stop the bad guys?" he offered carelessly. It was obvious he'd had no plan. He didn’t comment on being fortunate. He knew he was, but admitting it was too hard.

"They injected you with a sedative. Beat you up badly," Fisk pointed out. "Not for the first time, either, if those scars on your body are anything to go by. That reckless, dangerous behavior is going to stop."

"Yeah? Well... you can't tell me what to do. So... there..." Matt realized he sounded like a petulant child. But there wasn't much he could do about it. His mind was still too fuzzy to form a coherent argument. "Why do you care, anyway?" he asked, before realizing. "You saw all my scars? Where are my clothes?!" He yanked his hand out of Fisk's and began trying to get out of the bed; whether it was to find his clothes or get away from this strange situation, he hadn't quite decided.

"Calm down." Fisk let his hands rest on Matt's shoulders; not holding him down, but just touching. "Your clothes are being cleaned. You'll get them back. You needed to have your wounds treated." He slid his hands down to Matt's upper arms.

Matt shivered at the touch, yanking the covers of the bed back up to cover himself; more to hide his body's unwelcome and unexpected reaction than to hide his scars. "You'll give them back?" He tried to take control of the conversation, because he felt so out of control of everything else.

"Of course," Fisk replied, his voice still as gentle and soothing as it had been. He moved his hands back up to Matt's shoulders, thumbs gently brushing over the smaller man's skin.

Matt relaxed slightly. "Why?" he asked, even though the last thing he wanted was for Fisk to consider it and possibly change his mind. "You hate me. Why help me? Why give me back my suit?"

"I don't hate you," Fisk answered. "I've been trying to protect you. To keep you safe. Not that you've made that easy." He frowned. "Those scars tell me you've been acting recklessly for a long time."

"You should know. I've been fighting bad guys since I put you in jail the first time. Then I died.  Or nearly died. I'm not quite sure about that. Only time I stopped, actually...till that whole disappearing and coming back five years later thing, at any rate." Matt couldn't keep the bragging, confrontational tone out of his voice if he'd tried; and since he wasn’t trying, it was loud and clear.

Fisk gripped Matt's shoulders; not hard or painfully, but definitely reacting. "You will stop now." He still didn't raise his voice, but the words were very intense.

"You can't make me!" Maybe defying the larger man wasn't terribly wise or productive, given his position, but Matt couldn't stop himself.

Shifting onto the bed, Fisk moved Matt over his lap, pushing the blanket enough out of the way to expose the smaller man's backside and resting his hand on it. "I will not argue with you." He landed a firm smack and then began to rub the spot he'd just swatted.

"What are you doing?!" Matt yelped and immediately began to struggle to get away. A conflict of riotous feelings assaulted him: shock at being over Fisk's lap being spanked; offended pride that the older man would think Matt deserved such a punishment; irritation that the larger man had maneuvered him without him realizing or suspecting what was about to occur; and a tiny bit of fear and shame because part of him liked it, but he wasn't sure why...he just felt like he shouldn't.

Fisk tightened his hold on the other man, delivering a second firm smack before pausing to rub once more. "I'm spanking you. If you won't look after yourself for your own sake, perhaps this will make you think." He delivered a third swat then rubbed once more his hand nearly large enough to cover Matt's entire backside.

Matt continued to struggle, kicking, hitting and jack-knifing in place to attempt to get out of Fisk's grip. He angled his head in what was obvious preparation to bite.

Fisk snagged a pillow, sliding it under Matt's head so it was between his skin and the other man's mouth. He continued to spank at a slow pace, rubbing after every swat. "You fight and struggle as much as you want, but I won't let go of you."

Matt let out a frustrated grunt as he bit pillow instead of leg, then another frustrated grunt as his backside was swatted again. Fisk might have been smacking slowly, but the strength more than made up for the time in between. The swats were hard enough to sting for several seconds and the rubbing wasn't soothing the sting at all; it was somehow amplifying it so that there was twice the pain with less effort. Matt didn't know how that was possible, but Fisk knew how to spank a person. It was obvious. "You can't!" he found himself whining, even though it was obvious Fisk could and was. He continued to try and kick and hit his way free.

"You're wrong there." Fisk moved his hand a bit lower, beginning to focus the swats and rubbing towards Matt's sit spots and thighs, still keeping a tight grip. "I can do this. I won't let you act so dangerously anymore."

"What right do you have to order me not to do something?! Why do you even care?!" Matt's voice caught, sounding close to a wail, as his sit spots were targeted. To his mortification, his body hadn't got the memo that being spanked by Fisk was a bad thing. He suddenly stopped struggling and instead held himself unnaturally still, trying to keep his hips raised off of Fisk so the older man couldn't tell. It was next to impossible, though. Each firm swat caused his body to be pushed forward against the larger man’s lap. Tears of embarrassed shame pooled in his eyes. What was wrong with him? He didn't want this. He didn't like this. Did he?

"I care about you." Fisk's voice was firm, and his answer was given without hesitation. "Things changed in those five years you were gone. I know it's scary to come back and find that you've lost that time." He rubbed a bit more before giving another swat and then pausing to rub. "I knew who you were before half of the world disappeared. I kept it to myself."

"I... I know..." Matt admitted hesitantly, in a pained voice. His bottom was throbbing, and it was all he could do not to start crying vocally. "You never told anyone, and I never understood why...."

"For the same reason I've been looking out for you since you returned," Fisk answered. "I care about you. I want to keep you safe."

"But why?" Matt's voice caught and he let out a choked, distressed sob. "We were enemies... why did you care?"

"I didn't want to be enemies with you at that time, but it took half of the population disappearing for me to change," Fisk said. He was still rubbing rather than smacking, Matt's backside a deep pink, nearly red and warm to the touch.

"Everything and everyone changed..." Matt said mournfully, before just dropping boneless over Fisk's lap. "I'm the same, but nothing else is..." He began to cry softly; he was still holding still, but it was less about hiding his body's reactions and more complete exhaustion. The sedative was still in his system, after all.

Fisk slid his hand up over Matt's back, stroking and rubbing over his skin. "But you're not alone to deal with the changes. I'm going to look after you."

"What if I don't want to be looked after?" Matt’s demeanor indicated he did, but his words and voice made it clear he'd not admit it yet, not even to himself.

"You need to be taken care of," Fisk said. "You're in danger of self-destructing if no one steps in. And I'm going to do that."

"And what? Spank me every time I go out to fight criminals?" Matt wasn't attempting to hide his tears by this point.

"Yes. And you'll have a home. Somewhere to belong. Someone to belong to," Fisk added.

"I don't belong anywhere or to anyone!" Matt said firmly. If there was a wistful tone in his voice, he hoped Fisk ignored it. He thought he might luck out in that, at least. If the older man had been able to ignore Matt's unwanted physical reaction, he should be able to ignore a tone.

"You do now," Fisk replied. "You belong with me. And if you really didn't feel anything, you would be fighting me a lot more."

"Too tired to fight..." Matt grumbled dejectedly. The drug had completely affected his ability to protect himself. He truly was lucky Fisk didn't seem to intend to do more than help him, because in his current state, there wasn't much he'd be able to do to stop the older man if he'd wanted to harm him. He slumped further over Fisk's knee. He wasn't being spanked for the moment and the back rub actually felt good. There was no reason to keep fighting, when all he wanted to do was give in and possibly sleep a bit more.

"You need to sleep." Fisk's voice was as gentle and calm as he could make it. He slid his hand up Matt's back, gently squeezing his shoulders.

"You gonna make me?" Matt tried to sound confrontational and belligerent. To his chagrin, it came out sounding more like a hopeful request. He blushed darkly at the fact he couldn't even control his own voice. His body was betraying him at every turn, and he didn't understand what was wrong with him. A man didn't just suddenly become attracted to his mortal enemy and decide he wanted said enemy to take over and take care of them. It wasn't done.

"I don't think I need to 'make' you." Fisk let both hands rest on Matt's back, gently rubbing and squeezing. "Your body's telling you you're tired. Listen to it."

"My body is all wrong right now. I don't want to sleep..." Matt grumbled like a tired toddler and tried to get up from Fisk's lap. The backrub wasn't helping him stay awake; was making him want to lay down and sleep like Fisk was suggesting. He didn't want to do anything Fisk suggested, even if it was reasonable. He was having too many conflicting feelings about the man right now and didn't trust his own judgement.

"But you need to sleep, whether you want to or not." Fisk stroked his hands down the length of Matt's spine; over his backside. "I have only taken care of you. Not harmed you, even though I warmed your backside for you. It's safe for you to sleep with me here."

Matt squirmed as Fisk's hands effectively held him down in position without any effort on Fisk's part at all. He couldn't truthfully say Fisk was wrong. If he'd not been exhausted from both the drug and from overdoing it in his crime-fighting, he'd have been able to get up off the other man's lap when he'd attempted, instead of falling back over Fisk's knee like a limp noodle when Fisk rubbed down his spine and backside. "I can ignore what I need..." Matt didn't know why he was arguing. He'd already decided Fisk was right; he did need to sleep. And he'd already decided he was as safe here with Fisk as he was heading back to the guest room at the orphanage, maybe safer. Why he felt the need to argue, he wasn't sure, but he did feel a need to argue; argue and push, though he wasn't sure what he was pushing for, exactly.

Fisk allowed his hands to rub gently over Matt's backside. "You slept more calmly when I was in the room with you earlier," he commented. "I will not leave you while you sleep." He gave Matt's backside a gentle pat.

The gentle pat was just enough to reignite the stinging ache and Matt whimpered, in spite of his efforts to remain unaffected. Fisk hadn't spanked overly hard; Matt knew this. But between his body deciding it liked being handled in that manner and the drug causing his natural barriers to weaken and Fisk's seeming ability to draw out the most physical feeling with the least amount of effort, Matt really wasn't able to ignore the pat. He flushed darker and tried to lift his hips up enough that at least he wasn't pushing his traitorous reactions against the other man. "I guess you're gonna tuck me in too?" he snarked, in an effort to ignore everything that was occurring and pretend that he was at least partially in control.

"Would you like me to?" Fisk asked. "You might not have a choice about going over my knee for a spanking, but anything more intimate than that won't happen unless you ask for it."

Matt was caught short by the question and comment. He'd been joking, really; not believing Fisk would ever do something that personal for him, even if he was seemingly taking an interest in his health and well-being. "Y... you'd do that?" he asked hesitantly, surprised to find that he wouldn't mind if Fisk tucked him in. He was actually very tired and the thought of having to move himself, even a short way, to get into the bed and covered up seemed like a huge job. Moving to get away seemed like an even bigger task, despite his 'brave' words indicating that's what he'd do.

"If you want me to. If you ask me to," Fisk answered honestly. "And I won't leave your bedside until you wake up."

"I... I think I need you to..." he reluctantly admitted. "...Too tired to move myself," he finished, in a sheepish voice.

Fisk moved Matt carefully and gently, lifting him up to settle him on the bed before drawing the blanket up over the other man. He let his fingers stroke lightly through the smaller man's hair.

"Thank you..." Matt mumbled from under the blanket, ashamed to have needed help like that. It was so very confusing and upsetting; the man who he had come to view as his mortal enemy being in a position to kill him, or at the least cause him pain, taking care of him and offering him help. It was even more upsetting to know that he needed that help. Matt had reluctantly relied on Foggy and Karen for help; they'd got upset with him when he tried to do everything on his own. To now be relying on Wilson Fisk, it was hard. He didn't like feeling out of control or helpless. He didn't like needing someone to take care of him. He especially didn't like the feelings he was having toward the larger man who had just tucked him into bed like a child and was now sitting beside him to make certain he was able to sleep. They were inappropriate at best. He didn't know how to stop them, though and he didn't want to think about them too hard, either, so instead, he observed Fisk, quietly through half-lidded eyes, fighting sleep as he attempted to figure out what Fisk's angle was.

"You need to sleep, Matt." Fisk only stroked the other man's hair; didn't move or touch inappropriately. "Your body has had enough. The more you push yourself, the more likely you are to get hurt. You're safe here," he promised.

Matt frowned at that. "I believe you..." he finally whispered. "...That's the problem..." He sighed softly, finally letting his eyes close. As he fell asleep, he shifted instinctively toward Fisk, pressing his head into the other man's hand, able to let the trust he was developing show when he wasn't awake to second-guess himself.

Fisk didn't leave, just as he'd promised. He only moved enough to call one of his staff, using his cell phone with his free hand. He asked them to prepare a tray of food, ready to bring it up and leave it outside the door as soon as Fisk directed them to.


Matt awoke several hours later, confused about what time it was and where he was. About the only thing he remembered was that Fisk was with him and taking care of him. It didn't help his attitude any. He glanced around the room with a mix of irritability and nervousness. If Fisk left for a second, he'd get out of bed and make a break for it. He needed to think and as long as he was here, his body and mind wouldn't cooperate.

Fisk hadn't moved from Matt's bedside. He let his fingers run gently through the smaller man's hair, speaking in low, reassuring tones. "You're safe. Someone's going to bring some food up, but they'll leave the tray outside the door. Outside of me, the only person who knows your identity here is the doctor who treated you and he won't reveal that."

Matt swallowed hard and nodded, relaxing slightly at the gentleness of Fisk's fingers. He liked the stroking more than he wanted to admit and tensed up in an attempt not to just give in to what his body wanted. His body was being a traitorous jerk and he was too confused to fight it properly. He needed to get out of this house. Get his bearings. Put some distance between himself, his unexpected reactions and feelings and the man who caused them.

Fisk let his fingers brush gently over Matt's cheek before he took out his cell phone once more, to ask for the tray to be brought up.

Matt shivered as his cheek was gently brushed, his eyes searching out Fisk's to try and figure out what the other man was up to.

It took only a moment for Fisk to request the tray be brought up and then he let his fingers stroke lightly over Matt's face and hair once more. "It won't be long."

"Why are you petting me so gently?" Matt had to ask. It was one thing to take care of him because he was wounded (and possibly coming down sick, if the way his throat felt was any indication). It was quite another to treat him so affectionately, trying to calm him like he was a skittish kitten or puppy.

"I want to take care of you," Fisk answered. "I don't want you to fear me. I want to take care of. And I want you." His words were calm and gentle; at the same time, open and honest. He wasn't hiding how he felt.

Matt blinked at that. "...You want me?" he asked, with only a hint of skepticism. It was quite clear Fisk was telling his own truth. Just because Matt didn't understand how the man's feelings toward him could change so drastically (five years later or not) didn't make it less true.

"I do want you," Fisk answered. "But I won't force you into anything." He let his fingers stroke through Matt's hair a bit longer before the knock came on the door. Standing, he walked over to open it and retrieve the tray.

Matt had been listening as surreptitiously as possible when he was awake. He knew there were two doors in the room; one which went to a restroom and the other to the hall. He also knew there was a window, because he could feel the sunlight on his face from that direction. He had no clue how high up he was; if he was on the first floor or the second (or even a third floor) and he had no clue if there was any type of tree or ledge or anything he could stand or grip. In short, what he was about to do was extremely risky, if not suicidal; but he couldn't stay here any longer. It was too difficult to think with Fisk being so nice to him. It was too difficult to think when his body wanted to react to the tender caresses; was reacting to them (and he wasn't sure if he should be grateful Fisk hadn't mentioned it or suspicious; he was the blind man, not Fisk). As soon as Fisk got up to go retrieve the tray of food, Matt was moving. He didn't even think about the fact he was naked.

He had to move a little more slowly than he'd like, since he was unfamiliar with whatever else was in the room and he didn't want to trip himself, but to his surprise, he was still able to make it to the window and start pushing it up before Fisk could react. He paused only a moment to try and get a sense of location before he started to crawl out the window.

Fisk turned in time to see Matt pushing up the window, preparing to crawl out. The guest room was three floors up; even someone at full health would struggle to climb down safely. He quickly placed the tray on the floor and, moving at full speed, headed to the window. Wrapping an arm around the smaller man's waist, he pulled Matt away and walked over to the bed, sitting down and draping Matt over his lap.

Matt couldn't rightly say he was surprised when he felt Fisk's arm wrap around him and pull him away from his escape. He wasn't even surprised at the position Fisk immediately put him as soon as he was back at the bed, though he did protest. "No! You can't!" He winced at how pathetic he sounded, instead of forceful like he wanted.

"I don't believe I was unclear in what would happen if you continued your reckless behavior." Matt was no longer wrapped in the blanket, so Fisk didn't need to remove any barriers. He delivered a firm smack and then paused to rub. "This room is three floors up. Even if you were at full health, it's difficult to scale."

Matt let out a tiny yelp as the first smack landed, whimpering softly. Fisk was smacking just as firmly as he had the first time, he'd spanked him. Hard enough to quickly bring an aching sting to Matt's backside, but not so hard as to bruise. The older man definitely knew how to punish effectively, Matt thought ruefully as tears sprang to his eyes. "I've scaled buildings that tall before..." he couldn't help but argue, even if his voice sounded strained and he was reaching down to hold onto Fisk's leg with both arms.

Fisk delivered another firm smack and then paused once more to begin rubbing. "It's not just that the building is tall. I've made sure this place is secure as possible. The walls are smooth. There's nothing to grip onto." He swatted again and then paused once more to rub.

Matt winced as the second and third smacks landed; the rubbing had helped with the sting initially, but as it was making his bottom sensitive, it didn't really help overall, because each of the subsequent stings were more keenly felt. He felt himself slump at Fisk's words. No amount of arguing would convince the older man that he could have scaled smooth walls. The fact was, he wouldn't have been able to and saying he could would be an outright lie that neither of them would believe. "I had to try!" he choked out instead.

Tears began to slide down his cheeks. It was so unfair! He was a grown man; he should be able to decide where he wanted to 'heal up'. He should be able to decide when or even if he slept. He should be able to freely go where he wanted without fear that he'd be turned over a knee and spanked like a naughty child if he disobeyed. And he should be able to count on his body not to get aroused while he was being punished like said naughty child and being made to obey and do things he hadn't decided to do on his own. It was his body's betrayal that hurt the worst, though the spanking really did hurt.

"No. You didn't," Fisk replied. "You didn't need to do anything so dangerous. If you didn't know you were safe here, you wouldn't have slept." He delivered another smack and resumed rubbing. The swats all stayed at the same force. His other hand slid up Matt's back, stroking there as well.

Matt couldn't argue against that. He did feel safe here. That was part of the problem. He felt very safe. And it scared him. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Fisk would have changed that much that he'd want to take care of Matt and Matt would be safe in the other man's presence. But his body and instincts apparently were able to get behind the idea, because he had slept, and he'd slept soundly. He slumped the remaining small bit and let his arms wrap around Fisk's leg. "It felt like I had to try..." he whispered miserably, not sure how to explain how confused he was and the overriding need he had to not be confused any longer.

"You didn't," Fisk reiterated, still letting his hands rub and stroke over Matt's back and his bottom. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to reveal your identity. You don't even have to worry about illegal things happening, since I only operate within the law now."

"That's not the problem!" Matt choked out and began to struggle. "I... I know you w... won't hurt me! You woulda already if that was your plan!" he admitted with a sob, as he tried to crawl off Fisk's lap.

Fisk tightened his hold on Matt, drawing the smaller man tighter against him. "Then what is the problem?" He kept his promise, not stroking or touching any more intimately than over the other man's back and bottom.

"I feel safe with you!" Matt blurted, then burst into frustrated tears. That was the only problem he would admit to. If Fisk couldn't figure out the other problem just by having Matt draped over his lap, then maybe the other problem wasn't really a problem. The feeling safe part felt like a problem, though. Everything in his past relationship with Fisk told him he shouldn't trust the older man. But his instincts and his... feelings... they told him he should. He was getting a headache from the back and forth between his head and his heart.

"You are safe with me." Fisk squeezed down Matt's back. "I won't hurt you. All I've done since you came back is look after you and look out for you. I know how bad things were between us in the past. There's a lot of bad blood there. But I'm not going to change again. I want you, but I'm not going to force you into anything."

"...I don't know what I want..." Matt admitted through tears, calming slightly as Fisk squeezed. "...Confused...."

"I'm not expecting an answer or a response immediately," Fisk answered. "But I do expect you to stay safe. Not to put yourself at risk." He squeezed again.

"Putting myself at risk gets me a spanking..." Matt said softly, a bit forlornly, because it really did make him feel helpless and childish to be in this position. He couldn't say he hadn't been warned, though; and maybe even deserved it, since he'd ignored the warning.

"It earns you a trip over my knee for a punishment," Fisk agreed. "But there's nothing wrong with how your body is reacting, Matt. It's not a bad thing."

Matt blushed darkly, wrapped his arms around Fisk's leg and hid his face between his arms and against the older man's leg. He moaned softly, obviously embarrassed; Fisk had noticed his body's betrayal. He knew the older man had to have noticed, but as long as Fisk didn't say anything, he could pretend. But now that the words had been spoken.... "I shouldn't be reacting this way when I'm being punished!" he whimpered.

"You can't control that part of you. You can't control those reactions," Fisk said. "And if you ever wanted to try this out when you aren't in trouble? Well, all you have to do is ask. Choose."

Matt snorted, as if the idea he'd want it and ask for it was ridiculous, ignoring the twitch of his member from thinking about it.  "...No... can't control it. Can't control anything in my life!" Matt's pout could be heard plainly. That was the other part of the problem, though, wasn't it? He couldn't control anything in his life and so he felt completely out of control and uncontrolled. Being in Fisk's mansion? Having the older man spank him for disobediently taking chances with his health? Was the first time since 'snapping back' that he felt like he wasn't spiraling. He felt safe and secure and... he didn't want to lose that. But there was no way he'd admit as much to Fisk and just give in. He couldn't. His brain wouldn't let him.

"You can control anything more that happens between us," Fisk said mildly. "If you want me to touch you more intimately. To kiss you. To help with your body's reactions. That's all entirely up to you."

"...You won't do anything unless I ask?" Matt asked hesitantly.

"I won't," Fisk promised. "I won't take anything from you by force."

Matt relaxed at the words. Even if past experience said he shouldn't trust him, he couldn't bring himself to distrust him. Sighing softly and shifting uncomfortably, willing the erection to go back down, Matt asked, in an embarrassed whisper, "Am I still being spanked?"

"Are you going to try climbing out the window again?" Fisk asked.

Matt paused to think about it. "...I don't know?" he finally said hesitantly. He didn't think he would; he might be reckless, but he wasn't stupid. At the same time, he was still feeling a need to put some distance between himself and Fisk in the hopes that he could think, and the other man wasn't allowing that yet.

"Until you do know, then, I'm going to keep a tight hold of you." Fisk carefully lifted Matt, settling the smaller man on his lap. "Is there anything you'd like me to do?"

"No..." Matt shook his head rapidly and blushed. While it would likely relieve a lot of stress, he wasn't mentally prepared to ask Fisk to help him that way. Not yet.

Nodding, Fisk reached for the tray of food and settled it so that Matt could reach the food easily.

Sniffling a little and swallowing, Matt picked up a fork and began to eat, not giving Fisk any further problems. He was already tired out again and suspected he'd be taking a nap as soon as the meal was finished. He definitely was getting sick. He didn't say anything, though. If he could act normal for another day at least, maybe Fisk would let him leave and he'd be able to go back to his tiny room and be sick and miserable in solitude. The thought of Fisk seeing him sick and weak, more than he already had anyway, made him cringe inside.

Fisk let his fingers run through Matt's hair as the smaller man ate. He also brushed his fingertips over Matt's cheeks, careful not to stop him from eating.

At first, Matt felt uncomfortable having Fisk 'pet' him while he ate, but he didn't say anything because it was more embarrassing to acknowledge it. By the time he'd taken his last bite, however, he'd grown accustomed to the touch and actually enjoyed it. He sat on Fisk's lap once he'd finished eating and didn't shift or move, just so he could be pet a little longer without having to ask for it. Sitting still also enabled his stomach to settle so that he didn't divulge the fact he wasn't feeling all that well.

Fisk trailed his fingers through Matt's hair and over his face, thumb lightly brushing over the smaller man's lips without pressing or demanding anything.

Matt slowly relaxed further, slumping in Fisk's direction, letting his face press more firmly into the older man's hand when the opportunity arose. Soon, he was slumped completely into Fisk's arms, his head on the larger man's shoulder, his eyes blinking as he tried to stay awake just a little longer.

"Sleep," Fisk murmured, his hand cupping the smaller man's head protectively. "I won't leave you," he promised.

Matt closed his eyes and slept.

Fisk held Matt as he slept, close and protectively.


It was again several hours later; the later hours of the night, very early morning, when Matt awoke again. His throat felt scratchy and his head hurt. He shifted, thinking he'd get up to get some water.

Fisk had moved only enough to lean back against the wall while he held Matt. He stirred when the smaller man did, stroking the back of Matt's hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Good... just thirsty..." he said, his voice sounding rougher than he would have liked, but that could be attributed to a dry throat, so he didn't worry too much over it.

Fisk reached for the cup of water and held it to Matt's lips, still cupping the back of his head protectively.

Matt blinked at the very protective and solicitous action, but didn't say anything, instead drinking from the offered cup. He had to force back a cough so he wouldn't choke on the water he was drinking.

Fisk held the cup carefully until Matt had finished and then set it down. "It sounds like you're getting sick."

"No... just breathed at the wrong time..." Matt cleared his throat and hoped his voice sounded normal.

"Don't lie to me." Fisk's voice was calm, but carried a warning note even so. "You're run down. Exhausted. And you don't sound well."

"Why do you think I'm lying?" Matt asked, in an as affronted tone as he could manage, trying to deflect from how his voice sounded. "I'm not sick. I was just thirsty and drank too fast." He wasn't sure why it was so important to him to hide his illness, especially when it was obvious Fisk knew.

Fisk brushed his fingers over Matt's forehead. "You feel warmer than you did earlier. Your voice sounds scratchy. Do you have a headache too?"

"No..." Matt said grumpily and tried to pull his head away from Fisk's questing fingers.

Fisk kept Matt's head cupped in his hand. "If you fight me, Matt, you will end up over my knee again," he warned.

Matt wasn't sure why he pushed; he knew Fisk meant what he said. "I'm not sick!" He tried to jerk away from Fisk's firm grip.

Fisk merely tightened his hold on the smaller man. He moved Matt into position over his lap, securing him tightly. "It'll be a lot easier on you if you stop fighting, Matt." He delivered a firm smack and then paused to rub.

"I'll stop fighting when you believe me!" Matt began to squirm frantically. By now, he was wishing he'd been honest. But he didn't want to admit lying.

"We both know you're lying." Fisk's voice was severe as he delivered a second swat and then paused to rub once more. "And I'm not going to let you continue to harm yourself."

"I'm not lying!" Matt winced both at the tone and the swat, but it was his lie that made him feel horrible. Fisk was only trying to take care of him and had done nothing to deserve Matt's belligerent lies and attitude.

"I've spanked you twice already." Fisk delivered a third smack before rubbing. "It's entirely up to you if you get a third one."

"Really? Then I'll pass, thank you... even though you've already started!" Matt said smartly, though a second's reflection later, he thought maybe back-talk wouldn't help him at all.

Fisk delivered another smack and then paused to rub once more. "If you lie to me or hide things, especially in regard to your health, you'll get a spanking." He smacked again and then rubbed.

"I'm fine!" Matt growled out, as his head began to pound further. It was either give in, tell the truth, let Fisk take care of him and feel better; or it was maintaining control over himself and what he did without being told what to do. His pride was insisting he maintain control, even if the rest of him (including his head, for once; all of him was in agreement except for his pride) was urging him to give in. Confess his lie and apologize. Get help.

Shaking his head, Fisk delivered two smacks before pausing once more to rub. "Letting someone help you doesn't make you weak. And if you refuse help, all that'll do is make you feel worse and make your recovery take longer. Is that really what you want?"

"I'm not sick..." Matt said, less forcefully this time. It really wasn't what he wanted, and he knew Fisk was right, but some stubborn part of him refused to give in without a fight, even if the better idea was to give in. Plus, he suspected he owed the older man an apology and that... well, that would mean admitting Fisk really wasn't up to anything and truly did care about him. Admitting that would mean re-evaluating everything he'd assumed. But for as few times as Fisk actually smacked, his bottom hurt. A few more swats and Matt knew he'd be crying again; which wouldn't help his headache at all.

Fisk delivered another pair of swats and then resumed rubbing. "If you keep fighting and resisting me on your health, you're going to keep on finding it difficult to sit," he pointed out. "I'm bigger and stronger than you, so if it makes you feel any better, your only choice is how red and hot your bottom will be before you give in."

"That's mean..." Matt grumbled petulantly under his breath, although he wasn’t actually talking about the fact he'd be swatted repeatedly, but the fact Fisk was pointing out how small he was. If there were a few tears sliding down his face and he couldn't keep the pain out of his voice, he didn't notice.

"It's fact." Fisk delivered another pair of swats before rubbing, moving his other hand up to gently stroke and squeeze Matt's shoulders. "All lying to me will get you is a sore bottom and make you feel even worse, because you won't be getting the rest or treatment you need."

Matt knew Fisk was right and by this point, his bottom was as sore as his head. He couldn't even be certain he knew why he'd thought it was a good idea to lie in the first place. He knew better... been raised better... lying was wrong and when you lied for any reason that wasn't good (to save someone), you owed an apology. He owed Fisk an apology. He was miserable and sick and sore and should have never lied. And now he felt small and weak. And helpless. "I'm sorry!" he blurted, before he lost his nerve and became stubborn again. "I'm sorry... you're right... I lied... I don’t feel good. My throat and head hurt... bad..." he forced out, before slumping and just crying softly. He didn't mention his bottom hurting. He'd brought that on himself.

Sighing quietly, Fisk carefully lifted Matt into his arms, settling the smaller man on his lap instead of over it. He brushed his thumb gently over Matt's forehead, to see how hot the other man felt. "Thank you for apologizing. You're forgiven," he said seriously, before adding, "I suspect you're ill partly because you're so run down and exhausted, but I'd like the doctor to take a look at you even so."

Matt whimpered softly, pressing his head against Fisk's hand. It felt so cool and comforting, probably a sign he was feverish. He didn't argue about the doctor. He was through arguing and being difficult for the moment. All it had gained him was a sore bottom. "Yessir..." he mumbled. His illness, weariness and the fact Fisk had easily taken him in hand three separate times led him to being more deferential and respectful in his address.

Fisk let his fingers stroke gently down the side of Matt's face. Part of him, a big part, wanted to draw the smaller man closer; to touch and to kiss. But he kept his promise. Kept the touches gentle and more petting than demanding. He reached over for his phone, so he could call the doctor to come straight to the guest room.

Matt was already half out of it between bone weariness and fever. He nuzzled against Fisk’s hand like a kitten seeking affection and comfort, seemingly unaware of his own actions.

Finishing the call, Fisk continued to stroke his fingers over Matt's face. The whispered word slipped out without conscious thought; he only gave voice to what slipped through his mind. "Beautiful."

Matt turned his face toward Fisk's voice, eyes glazed and confused. "...Not beautiful... no one thinks 'm beautiful..." He wrinkled his nose, sniffling. "...Got tears and... and... and prolly snot dripping down my face. Not beautiful..." He coughed slightly, the sound rattling in his chest, as he wiped at his eyes and nose with his hand.

"I do," Fisk replied. "I think you're beautiful." He let his hand cup Matt's face, stroking over his cheek.

"...I'm supposed to be the blind one, here..." Matt joked feebly, not sure how to react to a compliment of that sort any more than he'd been sure how to react to Fisk wanting to take care of him instead of killing him. It was actually easier to believe Fisk wanted to take care of him, to be honest. That Fisk would find him beautiful or attractive in any way didn't make sense to him.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Fisk asked softly. "I've made it clear that I want you. That I'll take anything if you choose to give it to me." His thumb brushed lightly over Matt's lips. "I want to kiss you." He spoke with open, frank honesty; making it clear how he felt, even though he wasn't demanding or asking for anything.

Matt's breath caught at the admission. He couldn't say anything. Part of him wanted to say, 'Kiss me, then!' but he knew he was too confused right now to be making any decisions about things like that. If he decided to believe Fisk wanted him in that way and act on it, he wanted it to be when he wasn't completely conflicted in his own feelings. He wanted it to be because he absolutely wanted to give that to the older man. His body and instincts were obviously leaning in that direction, if the way he'd responded several times to Fisk spanking him was any indication, but if his mind wasn't behind it, it wouldn't be fair to either of them to throw caution to the wind. He turned his head slightly, as he could hear the doctor approaching from down the hall.

Realizing Matt had heard the footsteps, Fisk picked up the blanket and wrapped it carefully around the smaller man, covering his nakedness. The doctor might need to examine Matt fully but being naked or not to anyone else would be Matt's decision.

Matt turned a grateful smile toward Fisk as he felt himself covered. He had no doubt the doctor had already seen his entire body; and probably would again, since this would be a good time for him to check on the healing wounds, but the fact Fisk would help him keep covered and hidden from anyone else who might glance into the room made him feel good. Safe. "...Thank you..." he whispered. Fisk didn't have to be so solicitous of him. The fact he was being so was placing more points in favor of Matt trusting him and giving in to his instincts.

Fisk gently stroked his fingers through Matt's hair. "You're safe here. With me," he reiterated. "The doctor will need to examine you, but it's your choice when you let him see."

Matt leaned into the gentle stroking, then sighed softly. "...Yessir... I... I don't really want him to see..." he admitted reluctantly.

"I know, but it's important you get those injuries checked over and rebandaged if necessary." Fisk brushed his fingers over Matt's cheek as well as through his hair.

Matt sighed again, softly, letting his face press against Fisk's fingers whenever they lingered on his cheek. "Yessir..." he finally responded, quieting when the doctor knocked on the door.

"Come in," Fisk called, threading his fingers through Matt's hair.

The doctor quickly slipped into the room, closing the door behind him so that the only ones who would see or hear the examination were him, Fisk and Matt. He didn't say anything about the fact Matt was sitting on Fisk's lap being cuddled, for all intents and purposes. "It might be easier if he's lying flat..." was all he said, figuring Fisk would either have Matt stretch out on the bed, or he'd be ignored; in which case, the doctor would examine him where he was.

Matt let out a rumbling cough again and sent an unhappy look in the doctor's direction. It was obvious he didn't want to be looked over.

Fisk cupped the back of Matt's head. "If you feel more comfortable, you can stay on my lap," he said calmly.

Matt bit his lip, grateful Fisk was giving him the choice, then reluctantly shifted so he could be put back into bed. "If it helps him move more quickly, I'll lay down..." he whispered.

The doctor got his equipment out of his bag and waited for Matt to be situated wherever they finally decided he'd be.

Fisk carefully lay Matt on the bed, moving next to the smaller man and holding onto his hand. He ran his fingers gently over the soft skin, as if he was touching something infinitely precious and fragile.

Matt gave a crooked smile toward where he thought Fisk was and gripped onto the older man's hand tightly. "Do I look as beat up as I feel?" he teased softly.

"I suspect you feel more beat up; although by tomorrow morning, the bruises should be fully formed, so that might change..." the doctor answered, preoccupied with gathering his supplies and not realizing Matt was talking to Fisk. He began to efficiently check, then rebandage each of the wounds Matt had sustained. Once that was taken care of, he began to gently press along Matt's abdomen. "Tell me if this, hurts," he directed, as he gently palpitated the area to see if there were any hard knots or swelling that might indicate internal bleeding. It was the best he could do without making the young man go into the hospital for scans.

Fisk gently squeezed Matt's hand, whispering softly, "You still look beautiful to me." He moved only enough for the doctor to work and didn't let go of the smaller man.

Matt blushed at the words but didn't say anything in disagreement this time. The tiny smile on his face indicated that he liked what Fisk had said, though.

"I need to check your groin area to make certain everything is alright there. Do I have your permission?" the doctor asked Matt, but it was Fisk he was looking to for permission. Fisk might be giving Matt the decision on what happened to his own body, but the doctor was under no illusions that if Fisk didn't believe it necessary or didn't like what he was suggesting, the other man wouldn't put a stop to the proceedings.

Matt frowned slightly. "...What could go wrong there?" he asked, somewhat nervously.

"Were you hit very hard or kicked there?" the doctor asked, in a professional tone. "If you weren't, then you should be fine, and I won't check. If you were kicked or hit in that area, hard, then there is always a chance of tearing. Although, if you haven't been having severe pain in that area, chances are there isn't anything wrong. I would check more as precaution, but I leave it entirely up to the two of you...."

"I don't remember being hit or kicked there..." Matt wrinkled his nose. Truth was, he didn't remember much of anything from that night. He did know he didn't really want the doctor to touch him there or even look, but what if something had happened and it just wasn't making itself felt yet because he'd been sleeping for so much time?

Fisk gently squeezed Matt's hand. "It's best to get it checked, as a precaution if nothing else. I would rather deal with any problems immediately rather than wait and have you injured worse because it wasn't checked."

Matt swallowed hard. It made sense, really. "...Okay..." he whispered uncertainly, suddenly feeling very clingy. "You'll stay? M... make sure...?" he whispered furtively to Fisk, not clear on why he was so nervous about having the doctor check him so personally, but knowing he'd feel safer if Fisk was observing. As embarrassing as it might be for Fisk to be part of that examination, at least if he was part of it, he could make sure the doctor only did what he was supposed to. Maybe it was because he didn't know the doctor and hadn't really had a chance to get to know him before he was under the other man's care. Maybe it was because they were in a house and not a hospital, so it felt odd to him being examined like that. He didn't know. All he knew was he didn't want Fisk to be more than a foot away from him, if he was going to undergo such an examination.

"Of course." Fisk clasped Matt's hand in both of his. "I won't leave you," he promised. "I won't ever leave you alone."

Matt clung to Fisk, unabashedly, too nervous about the upcoming examination to think about the fact he was relying on his one-time enemy to watch over him and keep him safe. Carefully, he shifted the blanket the remaining way off of him so the doctor could begin his examination.

The doctor glanced up at Fisk; then, putting gloves on in the hopes that it would be less nerve-wracking if it wasn't skin-on-skin contact, he began to carefully examine Matt, making sure to not block Fisk's view, since the patient had made it clear he wanted the larger man to oversee what he was doing.

Fisk shifted enough to wrap his arms protectively around Matt, running his fingers through the smaller man's hair and brushing softly over his cheek. "It's all right. You're safe," he whispered. "Nothing bad is happening."

"I... I know. Dunno why I'm being a baby about it..." Matt whispered, relaxing as he felt Fisk's arms holding him protectively. "...But if you're watching, I know I'll be safe..." he finished in a tiny voice, blushing because he knew he was asking a lot of the older man.

Fisk stroked and caressed Matt's hair and cheeks. "I'm watching," he promised, almost cradling the smaller man's body.

Matt relaxed into Fisk's arms, focusing on how safe he felt, rather than the doctor poking and prodding his most private area.

The doctor conducted the examination as thoroughly but as quickly as possible, not lingering. Once done, he reported, "There is thankfully no tearing and only minimal bruising. There is a small cut we somehow missed before. I'll clean and put ointment on it, but beyond that, you should have no issues." He quickly did as he'd stated, then drew the blanket back over Matt so that the younger man would know the examination was complete. He turned toward Fisk. "All the cuts on his body need to have this ointment reapplied once in the morning and once in the evening and then rebandaged. I can return at those times to do it, but as he is obviously more comfortable with you and it is a simple process, if you agree, I can leave the ointment and bandages and you can take care of it."

Fisk nodded his thanks. "Leave the items here and I will take care of what he needs." He still held Matt in a protective embrace, stroking his hair and lightly over his face.

The doctor nodded. "Now that the exam for the wounds has been concluded, I should check on what you obviously called me here for..." He smiled ruefully, pulling out a stethoscope. Holding the metal disk in his hand to warm it, he warned Matt, "I'm going to listen to your lungs. This might be a little cold; I've tried to warm it up a bit. When I tell you, I need you to take a deep breath..." He put the instrument on, then held the disk to Matt's chest. "Breathe..." he instructed.

Matt did as directed breathing in deep and letting the breath out slowly each time the doctor instructed. He couldn't stop himself from coughing nearly every time he did it, though.  "...I'm sorry..." he finally wheezed out when the doctor removed the stethoscope from his back five minutes later.

"No need to apologize. You are very congested, it is natural..." the doctor murmured, as he moved to check Matt's ears and nose. "Say 'ah'..." he instructed.

Matt blushed and opened his mouth obediently.

"Are you coughing up discharge? And if so, is it clear or does it have color?" the doctor asked.

Matt didn't know how he was expected to answer that when the doctor had a stick in his mouth, holding his tongue down, while he shone a light down his throat.

"I haven’t seen any discharge," Fisk said. "He only started coughing about an hour or so ago." He still held Matt's hand and squeezed it gently, so the other man would know he was still there.

"In that case, I think we can say he doesn't have bronchitis and I'll just give you a prescription for cough syrup and decongestant." He popped a thermometer into Matt's mouth before the younger man could protest. "If he starts expelling any discharge that is colored, call me immediately and I'll start him on antibiotics." The doctor began writing out the script, then took the thermometer out of Matt's mouth and made a notation. "He has a fever of 102 degrees.  Give him Tylenol and put him into a cool, not cold, bath to bring his temperature down. And keep an eye on it. If the temperature won't go down or if it goes above 103, take him to the ER." Cleaning up all his equipment and handing Fisk the prescription, the doctor showed himself to the door. "I think he'll be okay, Mr. Fisk. Just keep his wounds clean, medicated and bandaged... and keep an eye on his fever... and he should be fine in a few days. Will there be anything else, sir?" He spoke to Fisk, noting how Matt was sleepily nuzzling into the larger man.

"No. That's all. Thank you," Fisk said, wrapping his arms tightly and protectively around Matt. He stroked his fingers tenderly through the smaller man's hair.

Nodding briskly, the doctor saw himself out and closed the door firmly behind him.

Matt sniffled, unashamedly cuddling. "I was sicker than I thought..." he mumbled mournfully. "...Shouldn't ‘a given you a hard time about it. Sorry was bad..." he muttered, still snuggling, the illness stripping him of all his inhibitions. He didn't feel good, he was unsettled, and Fisk was offering safety and comfort. He didn't feel like arguing with himself over accepting it. He might later, when he felt better and could think clearly enough that his mind started telling him all he was doing wrong, but until then, he'd give in to his innate need to be cared for.

"I told you. You're forgiven," Fisk said, his voice gentle. "That's something else you need to learn. A spanking means you're forgiven. It doesn't keep hanging over your head." He let his fingers brush through Matt's hair, the touches soft and gentle.

"You aren't mad at me? For being difficult?" Matt asked quietly, needing reassurance. Even though he found he believed Fisk's words. "Feels good..." He nuzzled against Fisk's chest again. "...Not usually this cuddly..." he admitted, with an embarrassed huff, positive that his clingy-ness would bother the older man.

"That's a shame," Fisk commented. "Because it's nice to cuddle and hold you. I know I said I wanted you, but I can be content with this. Just to be able to hold you and stroke you." He trailed his fingers through Matt's hair. "I'm not mad at you."

"...Usually don't let people get too close to me..." Matt admitted. "...No one knew me well enough to wanna cuddle, even if I'd been inclined. Foggy and Karen, maybe... but..." He coughed slightly, hiding his face against Fisk's chest. "...Sorry..." he apologized after, for coughing on the older man.

"You're sick. Don't apologize for showing it." Fisk let his lips brush against Matt's head; not exactly a kiss, but more inhaling his scent. "But still beautiful."

Matt's lips quirked at that. "...I don't feel beautiful..." he whispered. "...It's nice hearing, though...."  It made being naked easier, hearing Fisk keep repeating that he was beautiful... made it easier to know the older man could look and see everything whenever he wanted, if he liked what he saw. It didn't keep Matt from being self-conscious, but it at least helped him feel like his body being on display wasn't a bad thing.

"It's true as far as I'm concerned," Fisk murmured. "It's all I see when I look at you." He cuddled Matt a bit tighter; very careful of his strength but taking full advantage of Matt not fighting him to hold on.

Matt let out a tiny sigh, pressing as close as possible for warmth. He shivered slightly, the fever still having hold of him. "...Like when you look at me..." Matt mumbled, without thinking about what he was admitting to. "...Can feel your eyes gazing over me... like a caress... and it makes me feel warm inside... all liquidy, like melted chocolate..." He shivered again. "...You make me into melted chocolate..." he muttered, in a semi-drunk tone.

Fisk drew the blanket over Matt, even though he still kept a tight hold of the smaller man, wanting to provide that extra bit of warmth. He couldn't help but smile at the words. "I like looking at you. And if you ever want me to do more than look...." He didn't continue. After all, he'd already told Matt what the requirement was.

"...I only have to ask..." Matt said, in a tiny voice. "...I'm afraid to ask... ‘fraid of needing..." he whispered, more open and honest than he had been in a long time.

"When you're not afraid, you can ask," Fisk said. "Nothing will happen unless you're ready for it. I would never force you."

"I know... I trust you..." Matt nuzzled some more. "...You... you can look at me more... if you want..." Matt blushed at his words. "...D...doc said I should take a cool bath... I... I'll need help with that... maybe... in case I fall asleep..." He hid his face against Fisk's shoulder, uncertain if he should have made the offer, but it had felt right in the moment.

"I can take you through to the bath now," Fisk murmured. "There's an adjoining one to this room, so there's no risk of anyone seeing your identity."

"Okay..." Matt snuggled close, letting his head rest on Fisk's shoulder. He'd been fighting admitting he was sick, but now he couldn't figure out why. All it had got him was a spanking; and right now, being cuddled felt so good, he could have had that even sooner if he hadn't been stubborn.  "...Need to learn to let people help me..." he mumbled. It was something Karen and Foggy both had told him often enough. He needed to learn to lean on others and not try and stand alone, so much.

"That's a good thing to learn," Fisk agreed. He carefully lifted Matt into his arms and carried him through to the adjoining bathroom, where he ran the bath.

"...I don' always learn so quick..." Matt mumbled again. It was an afternoon for admitting things about himself, it seemed. He couldn't seem to help himself, telling Fisk all the things the older man had likely already figured out, but informing him that Matt was aware of his own short-comings, and, in a round-about way, asking Fisk for help with it. Maybe not in so many words, but... maybe eventually, Matt would be brave enough to just ask. Sighing softly and coughing again, Matt stayed as still as possible so Fisk could get the water the right temperature.

Fisk held Matt close, stroking his hair, as he made sure the water was at the right temperature and carefully lowered the smaller man into the bath. "I won't stop helping you," he promised.

Matt shivered and gripped onto Fisk's hand tightly as he sunk into the water, teeth chattering. "...Cold..." he whined softly. If it hadn't been for the fact the doctor specifically said to do this to get his fever down and he was afraid he'd end up going to the hospital if he didn't cooperate, he would tell Fisk he'd changed his mind about the bath.

"I know, but it's necessary. And you'll feel better." Fisk gently squeezed Matt's shoulders.

Matt swallowed hard and forced himself to stay still, in the water. "When... when will you know it's time to get me out?" he chattered at Fisk, trusting the older man would take care of him and get him out as soon as the water had done its job.

"I'll only leave you in there for a few minutes," Fisk promised. "Just long enough to stand a good chance of bringing your body temperature down."

"...Yessir..." Matt coughed softly, then yawned. "...And then...?"

"I'll take you out. Help you dry off. Tuck you into bed if you'd like," Fisk said.

"...I that, I mean..." Matt yawned again, still gripping Fisk's hand tightly, though the grip had loosened slightly as he began to fall asleep.

Noticing Matt was falling asleep, Fisk carefully helped him out of the tub and dried him off, careful not to touch intimately or overstep. He then lifted Matt into his arms and carried him through to the bedroom.

Matt was completely relaxed in Fisk's arms; a sign that he was beginning to trust the older man more fully, or that he was tired; it wasn't clear. Possibly a bit of both, though, as he couldn't stop yawning. He had his arms wrapped around Fisk's shoulders and his face pressed against the larger man's neck.

Fisk held Matt tightly as he moved through to the bedroom. He carefully placed Matt on the bed and gently pulled the blanket up over the smaller man.

Before Fisk could pull the blanket all the way up, Matt put his hand on the other man's wrist, stopping the movement. “If.... if you want to leave me uncovered, so... so you can look at me... while I sleep... I... I won't mind..." he said, in a tiny, bashful voice, not certain that Fisk would want to do something like that, or if it was appropriate to offer. "...I... I like when you look at me. It makes me feel..." He paused, not sure what word to use to describe the feeling. "...It makes me feel..." He bit his lip and blushed.

Fisk turned his hand over to gently squeeze Matt's hand. "I'll do that," he said. "You don't have to put into words how it makes you feel. All you need to do is ask."

Matt gave Fisk a tired smile. "Do I have to take medicine?" he asked softly. "Can't I just sleep?" He turned his face hopefully toward Fisk, but he'd already determined that if Fisk said he had to take it, he'd obey without complaint.

"I'm afraid so. It will make you feel better." Fisk carefully placed his arm under Matt's head, propping it up so that he could carefully give the smaller man the medicine.

Matt opened his mouth trustingly and took the medicine without complaint. He leaned on Fisk completely, but as soon as the older man had laid him back on the bed, into his pillows, he quickly pushed the blanket down to the foot of the bed. If he got cold, he knew Fisk would cover him up. Until then, he wanted to make sure Fisk knew he was serious about not hiding from him. That it was okay to not avert his gaze; Matt wanted him to look. Once settled into the bed, his body uncovered and open for Fisk's gaze, he almost shyly held his hand toward the other man. "Can... can I hold onto you while I fall asleep? It... it helps me feel safe..." he whispered, almost ashamed that he needed that.

"Of course." Fisk grasped Matt's hand, squeezing it gently. Remembering what Matt had said about feeling Fisk looking at him, he let his eyes move over the smaller man's body, making an appreciative sound. "So beautiful," he whispered.

Matt's shiver this time wasn't because he was cold. Smiling faintly, he held onto Fisk's hand and relaxed. Feeling the older man's gaze caress over him, he fell into a peaceful sleep.


It was nearly a week later, and Matt had managed to avoid receiving any spankings for risky behavior or lying. He'd cooperated fully in taking his medicine and resting. When Fisk indicated he needed to bathe in cool water to lower his temperature, he'd done so obediently; and it really wasn't all that difficult to cooperate with that order. Fisk always stayed with him, holding his hand and just looking at him appreciatively. Matt had never felt more wanted in his life.

Which made this new situation all the more ridiculous to him. The food for their evening meal had been delivered as normal, but even though he felt completely fine, no longer sick, Matt didn't have much of an appetite. Not yet, anyway. So, he didn't want to eat. And Fisk? Fisk was insisting he eat at least a little dinner because he had just got over an illness and needed the nutrients. He could have just explained that he had no appetite and ask if he could eat later. He knew this. It would have been the reasonable thing to do and Fisk was always reasonable with him. But he didn't do that. Instead... "I'm not hungry. You eat it!" he huffed, like a spoiled brat.

"I'm not the one recovering from an illness." Fisk's voice was calm and patient. "And refusing to eat when it's necessary will earn you a trip over my knee. This is your only warning."

Matt knew Fisk meant what he said. And he didn't really want to go over the larger man's knee for a punishment spanking, although he'd been thinking about being spanked for reasons other than punishment the last couple of nights, to his surprised embarrassment. Still... "I'm not eating it!" He crossed his arms over his chest defiantly, turning his face toward where he knew Fisk stood, an almost daring look on his face.

Fisk didn't push. He didn't argue. Instead, he moved into Matt's personal space. Clasping the smaller man's shoulders, he took a seat on the bed and drew Matt down across his lap. Since he'd had one of his people pick up clothes for the other man, he divested Matt of his pants and underwear. "Fighting with me on your health is non-negotiable." He brought his hand down in a firm smack before pausing to rub.

Even expecting it, Matt couldn't stop the yelp that escaped as Fisk's hand landed heavily on his bottom. And he couldn't stop the tiny whimper as the larger man began to rub after. The combination never failed to make his bottom hot and sore very quickly, or to get him to immediately wish he'd cooperated instead of being an ass. Of course, that didn't mean he gave in immediately. That would be too easy; and while he was feeling a little less confused about his feelings toward Fisk, he was still feeling a bit ambivalent at having them, because his head just didn't want to stop believing he was being an idiot for feeling the way he did. So instead of apologizing and agreeing to eat, he began to squirm.

"I'm not telling you to do something for the sake of it, Matt," Fisk scolded. He delivered a second swat, pausing again to rub before landing a third one and then rubbing. "I'm trying to keep you healthy."

"I.... I know..." Matt had to admit, his teeth clenched in an attempt to keep from yelping with every swat. Tears pooled in his eyes, both from the sting and from the guilt he felt at pushing Fisk like he'd just done.

"It doesn't matter how much you fight me," Fisk promised. "I won't stop. I won't back away. And I won't stop wanting you." He continued to swat slowly, rubbing after every one.

"Even..." Matt gasped, his voice catching and the tears falling down his face. "...Even if I'm a complete ass?"

"I'd rather you weren't, but it still won't change anything," Fisk said. "I want you."

Matt let out a surprised half-snort, half-laugh at the Fisk saying he'd rather he wasn't an ass. That was a bit more honest than he'd expected, but that honesty caused him to lose his iron grip on his emotions and shortly after, he began to vocally cry. "Wh... why? I'm nothing but a brat to you... bad..." he choked out between the crying.

"A brat, yes," Fisk agreed. "But you're not bad. And I don't just want you. I love you." He finally said the words that he'd been feeling for a while now. He didn't just want Matt. He loved him too.

At those words, Matt just slumped and cried. "I'm sorry..." he said, in hiccoughing gasps. "...Dunno why I argued. Know you're right. Know need to eat. Wasn't hungry, but... coulda asked to eat later stead of arguing..." he admitted mournfully.

"Arguing isn't okay," Fisk agreed. "And if you really don't feel hungry right now, you can eat later. But I need you to at least try in a little while."

"Y...Y... Yessir!" Matt continued to cry, slumped over Fisk's lap, still and accepting.

Replacing Matt's pants, Fisk carefully moved the smaller man into his arms, holding onto him tightly and stroking his hair.

Matt couldn't help himself; he wrapped his arms around Fisk and held on tightly in a tight hug, snuggling close and hiding his face against the older man's chest. "I'm sorry..." he said, after having had a few moments to try and calm his crying.

"You're forgiven," Fisk murmured, hugging Matt a bit tighter. He stroked his fingers through Matt's hair and down his back.

Matt shivered and took a deep breath, still snuggling as close as possible and hiding his face against Fisk's chest. The gentle stroking had gone a long way to calming him, but his bottom still stung. Not that he didn't deserve it. He shouldn't have argued. Still. Normally, Fisk rubbing caused the sting to stay active. But maybe... since he'd not been smacked in a few minutes... it would help ease the sting? Would it be worth the embarrassment of admitting he liked having his bottom rubbed? Would it be worth making himself that much more vulnerable to Fisk? He decided that, at that moment in time, it was worth it. Taking a slow breath, he whispered, "...W... would you rub my bottom? It... it feels good and helps me calm down... even if it does make it sting more sometimes...."

Fisk rubbed his hand slowly over Matt's back and down over his bottom, beginning to rub gently and soothingly. "Anything for you," he whispered.

Matt relaxed as he felt Fisk's hand rub his backside without question or any hint of ridicule. Snuggling closer, he pressed his ear to Fisk's chest, listening to the older man's heartbeat and focusing on the large hands providing comfort. "...Thank you..." He sighed softly. "...I... I think I can eat for you in thirty minutes... at least a little...."

"Thank you." Fisk murmured the words against Matt's head, continuing to gently rub and stroke his backside. He didn't remove the smaller man's pants; Matt had only asked for rubbing, not requested he be bared for it.

"Would you... do you want..." Matt cleared his throat uncertainly. He was about to offer something; he was willing to give but wasn't sure if it would be wanted. "...I could take off my clothes... so ... so you could look at me. So... so you could touch skin..." he said hesitantly. He wasn't going to ask for more than a rubbing, but... he wanted Fisk to know he felt comfortable enough around him to be touched. It felt right.

"I would like that," Fisk said honestly. "To look at you. To rub your bare skin." His other hand cradled the back of Matt's head protectively.

Matt leaned back, carefully standing so that he was facing toward Fisk and carefully, slowly, removed his clothing. Setting it carefully to the side, he moved back into Fisk's arms and held on tightly, before whispering, "Should I sit on your lap or lay over it?"

"Where would you like to be?" Fisk whispered back, wrapping his arms tight around Matt.

"Wherever you can see and touch me most easily..." Matt admitted, with a blush.

Brushing his fingers over Matt's cheek, Fisk murmured, "It will be easier to rub your bottom if you lay over my lap."

Matt pressed his cheek against Fisk's fingers, then smiled innocently. "Okay..." He carefully moved so that Fisk could place him over his lap.

Fisk carefully moved Matt into position over his lap, beginning to rub and soothe the warmed skin of the smaller man's backside. At the same time, he let himself look, eyes drifting over Matt's body. "So beautiful," he breathed out.

Matt flushed at the compliment, squirming slightly as his stomach did a tiny flip, then settled and let out a happy little sigh.

Fisk stroked and rubbed, using both hands even though he could cover Matt's backside easily with one. At the same time, he reiterated what he'd said; that he saw Matt as beautiful. The note of happiness in his voice at being given permission to do this was obvious.

Matt nearly purred at the attention he was being given. If he'd known it would feel this good- and that it would make his protector so happy- he would have asked for it when he first began to get the urge and not waited nearly a week to do so.  "...Feels so good..." he murmured, arching his back so that his bottom pushed up into Fisk's hands.

"As good as you feel to me," Fisk murmured, letting the caresses become a bit firmer in response to Matt pushing his bottom up. "As good as you look and feel."

Matt purred again, continuing to press his bottom up into Fisk's hands whenever it was possible. He was so lost in how good it felt to let the older man look and touch him in such a controlling manner that his arousal took him by surprise.

Fisk noticed the arousal but didn't say or do anything to draw attention to that fact. His thumbs stroked into the creases between Matt's sit spots and thighs while his palms rubbed steadily over both buttocks.

Matt couldn't stop the moan that escaped as Fisk's thumbs worked magic. The aching arousal intensified, and he finally realized that it was obvious, Fisk had to realize; and he blushed dark, trying to hold his hips up.

"Would you like me to stop?" Fisk's voice was as calm and gentle as if Matt getting an arousal from having his bottom rubbed was an everyday occurrence.

"I..." Matt's voice caught and he took several breaths as he thought about it... then told the truth. "No, sir..." he whispered in embarrassment. "...If you don't stop, though, there will be a... mess." He sounded ashamed.

"A mess can be cleaned and is nothing to be ashamed of. But this needs to be something you're okay with," Fisk said seriously. "I don't want you to have any regrets about what you ask of me." His hands had stilled the rubbing but stayed on Matt's bottom.

"I..." Matt sounded almost lost in his confusion.  "It feels so good... better than I even thought it would... and I think I might come just from thinking about it..." Matt whispered, before quivering with suppressed emotion. "It's my head, though... you say it's no reason to be ashamed, but... I was always told It was wrong..." He sounded like a lost little boy who wanted to be told- convinced- what he wanted was allowed and he had permission.

"It's not wrong, Matt." Fisk spoke gently and reassuringly. "If it's something you don't want or doesn't feel good, that's when it's wrong. It's just like I said about listening to your body when it needed rest. It's okay to listen to your body now as well."

"It's... it's okay? You don't mind? Aren't disgusted by me?" Matt sniffled. He knew he was a bit odd on the best of days, but getting aroused because his bottom was being caressed; and no other stimulation occurring? He remembered Fisk's offer of spanking him for a reason other than punishment and the arousal became more painful. Yeah. He was officially kinky and there was no way to pretend otherwise anymore. He whimpered softly.

"I couldn't be disgusted by you," Fisk replied honestly. "I want you. I love you. And you're nothing but beautiful to me. If you want me to continue, I will. If you want me to stop, I will. But no matter what you choose, I won't be disgusted."

At those words, Matt sniffled once more. "Do... do you like...?" he asked hesitantly, not sure how to ask if Fisk enjoyed rubbing as much as Matt enjoyed being rubbed. If Matt becoming aroused by it made Fisk feel good. There was a difference between not being disgusted and actively liking something, after all. Was Matt being selfish? Fisk was being so careful not to force anything, was he doing things he didn't want himself?

"I like touching you," Fisk answered honestly. "It makes me feel good. Especially when you respond to what I do to you. I like looking at you. I like touching and stroking you. And I won't pretend that I'd be anything less than happy if you wanted me to go any further."

Matt thought about that, then said, in a tiny, accepting voice, "Okay..." before carefully lowering his hips so Fisk could continue rubbing; letting the full amount of his arousal press into the older man's lap. He relaxed as much as the arousal would allow, so Fisk could continue touching, looking and rubbing.

Fisk resumed stroking over Matt's bottom, his thumbs caressing over the smaller man's sit spots and his palms rubbing Matt's buttocks. He let his fingers brush gently over Matt's back, as his hands were large enough for his fingers to easily reach past the crest of the smaller man's bottom.

Matt shivered as Fisk's thumbs caressed his sensitive sit spots, but he whimpered as the larger man's fingers rubbed his lower back. Feeling the large hands covering his entire bottom made him feel so small and controlled and he liked it. Wanted it. The ache of arousal turned into pain with his need to release and he let out a tiny sob, thrusting shallowly against Fisk, unable to stop himself.

"Whatever makes it more comfortable for you." Fisk's voice was very gentle. "Do whatever you need to do. Whatever your body tells you to do."

Matt relaxed at being given 'permission', Fisk's small, but kind act of 'allowing' Matt to give in to his needs enabling the younger man to give in. He'd think more on his need to be 'allowed' more later, but in that moment, he just let go. He stopped thinking about the whys and whats and just let himself feel. Seconds after Fisk had given his permission, he was shuddering out his release; one of the most intense, longest he'd ever experienced.

Fisk's own member twitched as Matt released, but he was used to ignoring that; had been since first realizing he was attracted to the younger man. He kept his hands in place, murmuring soft, soothing, reassuring words to Matt; telling him that it was okay. That he was loved and wanted.

When Matt was completely drained, his body unable to give any more than it had, he slumped over Fisk's lap, breathing heavily. And he knew, deep in his heart, he was lost and in trouble. Even if he wasn't able to admit it out loud yet, he loved Wilson Fisk. He wanted to belong to Wilson Fisk. And not just in a 'we're a couple and belong to each other' way. He wanted to belong to him in a 'he tells me what to do or not do and I obey, and he takes care of me' way. How else to explain the fact that he'd fought himself and his needs, but the moment Fisk said it was okay and to let himself, he let go? How else to explain how having Fisk control what he did, punishing him when he disobeyed something that was meant to help or protect him, made him feel safe and happy instead of chafing to get away? How else to explain the fact that he no longer wanted to escape, not really, and in fact only thought about it because he felt like it was expected, and he should? Yeah. He was lost and in trouble. But right now, he was too satiated and tired, to care. He lay limp over Fisk's knee, his breathing slowly evening out, and waited to see what Fisk did now that he'd soiled the other man's clothing beyond repair. Waited to see if those massive hands that covered his entire bottom would continue to rub and stroke, or if they did something else.

Fisk continued to gently rub and stroke over Matt's bottom. "Good. You did good." His voice was low and reassuring. "This was a very good thing you did...something precious you entrusted me with. Thank you." His voice was low and filled with honesty.

Matt relaxed further at the words, the praise making him feel good, like he'd done the right thing obeying Fisk's words to let go. "...Thank you..." he whispered in a shattered tone, still a bit overwhelmed at the intensity of everything that had just occurred and feeling hollowed out and exhausted. He almost said, 'I love you,' but... that was something he wanted to admit under different circumstances; when it was obviously coming with thought and not a reaction to his body being given the best release it had ever had. "...Wanna be good for you..." he did find himself admitting, blushing at all that the simple words implied.

"You are," Fisk replied. "You are so very good. Even temporary naughtiness doesn't change that." He wanted to make that clear; that it didn't matter what Matt did or said, it wouldn't change anything.

"...I'm glad..." Matt whispered, allowing his arms to wrap around Fisk's legs in a hug. "...I know I can be naughty quite often..." he said, in a tiny voice. It was hard to admit that, but he felt like he should. Self-awareness about his own faults meant he could be taught; and Fisk would realize that. Matt wanted him to realize that because... Matt wanted to be taught. He would have never even considered it before, but now... the thought of being taken care of and taught a better way by the older man who held him in place right now? It was all he wanted.

"It doesn't matter." Fisk kept his hands on Matt's bottom; let his eyes roam over the smaller man's body. "Any naughtiness doesn't matter, because of how important you are. How much I want you and love you. And I'd be happy with whatever you choose to give me. Whatever you ask for."

"I know..." Matt's smile could be heard in his tone. "...Could... could I bathe again? Could you help me?" he asked hesitantly, both seeking 'permission' and also leaving the door open for Fisk to watch and look as much as he wanted. He'd given the other man permission to see all of him as much as he wanted and now he found he liked the older man's gaze roaming over his form whenever and however he wanted. It left him feeling vulnerable and exposed and it was exciting.

"Of course." Fisk's voice was gentle and soothing as he carefully helped Matt up, lifting him into his arms. "And after you bathe, you can eat."

Matt nodded, letting his head rest on Fisk's shoulder. "...Yessir..." he agreed softly. He still wasn't overly hungry, but any desire he had to push and disobey was completely gone. If eating would make Fisk happy, then he would eat.

Fisk held Matt tight and protectively as he carried him through to the adjoining bathroom and began to run the bath. He let his other hand stroke gently over Matt's hair and face.

Matt pressed his face against Fisk's hand as much as possible, keeping his eyes toward the other man's face. He wanted to ‘see’ what Fisk was feeling, if the man seemed happy at being able to touch and look at him, at being able to take care of him, or if it was just a chore he'd taken on. He wanted to ‘see’ if Fisk understood what exactly it was he was offering when he asked for permission to bathe and for Fisk to help him. He also wanted Fisk to be able to look into his face and know that this was what Matt wanted. That he wasn't doing something that would make him feel badly or that he'd regret later.

Fisk was watching Matt just as much as the smaller man watched him; perhaps even more. Once again, he let his thumb gently stroke over Matt's lips; no demands or pushing for anything, but he couldn't help reflecting that the one thing he'd like to do, more than anything else, would be to kiss the other man. He was very happy with what he'd been given by Matt so far, though.

Matt's lips parted at the touch of Fisk's thumb; he didn't even think about it, it just felt natural to allow the older man access to his mouth if he wished it.

Fisk slid his thumb down to Matt's chin, not wanting to take advantage of something he didn't know the other man was deliberately offering. As the bath was full, he carefully lowered Matt into the water.

Matt breathed out softly, not sure if he was disappointed Fisk didn't take advantage or relieved, but it didn't linger on his thoughts long as he was being put into the water. He relaxed back into the tub, stretching out so that his body was on full display, letting himself soak for a small bit before he'd begin washing.

Fisk sat back just enough to allow full view of the smaller man's body, a small, appreciative sound escaping from him. He stayed close enough that Matt would still know he was within reach if needed.

Matt grinned at the sound and stretched just a little more so Fisk would get a better view, then carefully took a washcloth and soap and began to clean himself, still keeping within Fisk's sight, moving slowly; almost to tease.

Once again, Fisk felt his own member stir at the sight; and once again, he ignored it. He wasn't even tempted to take more; because it was more important to him to look after Matt and love him than it was to take his own pleasure. But he definitely couldn't hold back the further sounds of appreciation at Matt's actions.

Matt dragged out the process of cleaning his front as long as possible. He enjoyed feeling Fisk's gaze on him, covering all of him from his face to his feet and all the areas in between.  He didn't try and hide his own reaction to knowing Fisk was looking at him and enjoying what he saw, but... the water was cooling, he still had to clean his back and eventually, he would need to eat. He was getting sleepy, so he probably shouldn't drag it out any longer. Sighing softly, he carefully rolled over in the tub so that his arms were crossed on the back of it and his head could rest against them. "...Would you wash my back, sir?" he whispered hesitantly. He'd given Fisk permission to touch this side of him, after all, so he didn't think he'd be refused. If it wasn't too bold of him to request.

Fisk smiled at the request and reached out to pick up the washcloth. "Of course," he replied softly, before beginning to do just that. His actions were gentle and light as he did so.

Matt smiled shyly over his shoulder at Fisk, watching as much as he was able as the older man cleaned him, touched him. It was becoming more and more difficult not to request Fisk to touch all of him. To give all of himself to the older man. He only held back because his head still wasn't in agreement and he didn't want to offer something and then take it back later because his head won the battle. Fisk deserved better than that. He deserved to be able to keep whatever Matt offered and know that it was willingly given and that it wouldn't be viewed as a mistake later.

Fisk smiled at Matt, speaking in a low, happy voice. "Thank you for this." He washed enough to be certain that the smaller man was entirely clean and then helped him out of the bath so he could dry off.

"...Shouldn't I be thanking you?" Matt asked softly, in a slightly amused, but very grateful voice. He carefully dried but did so in a way that Fisk could help if he wanted to.

"For what you're choosing to give to me," Fisk murmured, reaching out to carefully help Matt to dry off.

"You're giving me just as much... if not more..." Matt pointed out, letting Fisk take over the drying, letting out soft sighs of contentment that he was 'being taken care of'.

Fisk took over drying as Matt let him, stroking his fingers through the smaller man's hair. "I would give you everything." He finished drying off the other man and then lifted Matt into his arms to carry him through to the bedroom.

Matt nuzzled against Fisk's shoulder, snuggling close. "Do you want me to eat now, sir?" he asked softly, trying to show deference to the older man who was keeping him safe and caring for him. He wanted to obey Fisk, the urge so strong he felt like, if he wasn't given a task that he could obey soon, he'd resort to doing something naughty just so he would be told not to do something and could obey that. It was unsettling, this need to do as Fisk asked. It was completely opposite of what his feelings had been when he first arrived; but there was also a lot less confusion in his feelings. He couldn't help thinking he'd rather obey and not be confused or worried or afraid, than to have complete control over his own actions but be constantly scared he was making the wrong decision because his head and heart couldn't agree.

"I would like you to eat now." Fisk carried Matt into the bedroom and sat down with the smaller man settled on his lap. He reached out for the tray and placed it on the bed, within easy reach. His hand continued to gently stroke and play with Matt's hair.

"Yessir..." Matt waited until the food was settled, then, staying on Fisk's lap, he carefully reached over and picked up the plate and fork and began to slowly eat. It was easier than he'd thought it would be; the exertion from his release, as well as his struggles when being punished, having burned up enough of his reserves that he was hungry. It was calming, having his hair played with and stroked while he obediently ate what he'd been given. Thirty minutes later, the plate was empty, and Matt blushed as he realized that he had been more than a little hungry and Fisk had been right all along that he needed to eat. "Again... you were right, and I was wrong..." He sighed. "...Maybe I'll learn to listen to you without having to be punished first...."

"That would be better," Fisk agreed. "I don't get any enjoyment or satisfaction out of punishing you." Putting the tray away, he asked, "Would you like me to tuck you into bed?"

Matt looked up at that. "Even if I deserve to be punished? You don't feel a little satisfied that you're giving me what I deserve?" he asked curiously, snuggling close.

"I don't like hurting you," Fisk answered honestly. "Not to punish, anyway. My offer to spank you for other reasons...for fun or play...still stands. If that's ever something you would want to ask for."

Matt looked back down, snuggling some more as he thought. "...Aren't you afraid that... that if I like it too much, I'll be naughty just so I can get a spanking?" he asked hesitantly. "...I... I think you've figured out by now that I like pain..." he whispered, blushing faintly.

"I hope that you'll figure out a way of telling me when you need or want it," Fisk said seriously. He gently stroked his fingers through Matt's hair and brushed them against the smaller man's cheek.

"That I'll be honest..." Matt whispered, remembering the punishment he'd got for trying to hide his illness.

Fisk nodded. "Honesty is always going to be better, Matt. I trust you."

Matt swallowed hard before leaning up and kissing the side of Fisk's jaw quickly and then hiding his face against the larger man's neck. "I'll try really hard to be honest. I... I got too used to keeping secrets and trying to hide things, so I might mess up..." he admitted.

Fisk closed his eyes at the kiss, letting his arms tighten a fraction around Matt, very careful not to use too much strength. "I know you will try," he whispered, letting his lips brush gently over the top of Matt's head.

Matt snuggled a bit more before having to stifle a yawn. "...Will you tuck me in, sir?" he asked in a small voice, feeling a bit childish, but liking the feeling of Fisk taking care of him too much to not ask.

"Of course." Fisk carefully settled Matt onto the bed, drawing the blanket up over the smaller man.

Matt snuggled into the covers and then shifted one arm out from under the blanket so that he could reach toward Fisk. "Thank you... You... You don't have to stay in the chair once I'm asleep. I know you've been there the entire time and it can't be very restful... I'll be okay if you want to return to your own bed..." he said quietly, a hint of worry in his tone.

"If you want me to leave you, I will," Fisk said quietly, taking Matt's hand. "But I just want to be close to you."

"I don't want you to leave me!" Matt said quickly, afraid Fisk had misunderstood. "But you need to sleep too, and you've been in that chair for over a week and... I just..." He trailed off, not sure what else to say. He was tempted to ask Fisk to sleep next to him but wasn't sure he could behave himself if that occurred.

"I can sleep in the chair," Fisk replied, his voice gentle and reassuring. "It means I'll be here if you wake up and need me. So, I won't leave you alone."

Matt bit his lip and frowned at that. Fisk was willing to give up comfort and a good night's rest to make sure Matt wasn't alone and that he'd be there immediately if Matt needed. Matt felt incredibly selfish, not protesting that. Glancing toward the other side of the bed, he noted that while it would be a tight squeeze- he'd be pressed into the older man from head to toe- Fisk would fit. Swallowing hard, he looked back at Fisk. "...You... you could sleep next to me... then I wouldn't be alone, and you'd be here immediately if I needed, but you'd still be comfortable..." he said in a rush, before he lost his nerve. He then watched Fisk's face anxiously, afraid he'd overstepped.

Fisk gently squeezed Matt's hand between both of his. "Is that what you want? Or are you making the suggestion because you're worried about me sleeping in the chair?" He studied Matt's face, wanting to be sure the other man wouldn't be uncomfortable.

Matt paused, slanting his head as he thought about the question. He wanted to be honest. "...Both..." he admitted, in a whisper. "...I'm worried about you....and I also... I'd like sleeping in your arms, I think..." he continued hesitantly. "...I'm a little afraid I might do something naughty and upset you though..." He blushed.

Fisk freed one hand to reach out and trace his fingers over Matt's face, from his forehead to his chin. "What naughty thing are you worried you might do?" he asked calmly.

Matt blushed darkly and looked down. "...I dunno..." he muttered, embarrassed. "...Naughty things that will make me need to clean up again...?"

"That won't upset me." Fisk's voice was as gentle as his touch as he let his fingers caress the smaller man's face.

"Even though it shows an extreme lack of control on my part?" Matt glanced up again, a wry look on his face. Fisk was nothing but control. Matt used to have better control, but lately, it had been sorely lacking. Being gone five years and having his whole life turned upside down again after he'd finally got it settled... well... it was hard.

"As long as it's not something that makes you unhappy or upset," Fisk said. "It doesn't matter that you're relearning control over certain aspects of yourself. You're safe to express yourself with me."

"...And if my lack of control did make me unhappy or upset?" Matt asked curiously, not sure what could be done about it, even if it did upset him. He slowly began to shift away from Fisk, sliding to the other side of the bed so the larger man could get in next to him. If Fisk wasn't worried about him doing something naughty, then he wouldn't worry about it either.

"Then I would hope I would be able to tell and help you to feel better." Fisk carefully climbed into the bed next to Matt. "Like when you were worried about your reactions when I rubbed your bottom."

Matt nodded. "...You did help me with that..." he admitted, with a shy smile. As soon as Fisk was comfortably in bed, the blanket in place, Matt shifted again so he was pressed tight to the older man, his head on Fisk's chest, his front pressed to Fisk's side, his back and bottom within easy reach. He didn't ask to be rubbed, they both needed to sleep, but if Fisk felt the urge or need to touch, he wanted his protector to be able to do so.

Fisk rested one large hand on Matt's lower back, thumb idly stroking over the smaller man's bottom. "I love you." It didn't matter that Matt wasn't there; Fisk didn't want to hide his feelings.

"I know..." Matt's soft, sleepy whisper was full of his own love and affection, even if he didn't realize he felt that way yet. He was asleep seconds later.

Fisk held Matt against him, stroking for a bit longer before he closed his eyes and slipped into sleep.


Another week had gone by and Matt hadn't got into trouble once. He'd eaten when he was told, slept when he was told, answered all questions honestly, even those he didn't want to answer (though he'd let Fisk know if he truly didn't want to answer and unless it was something that would affect his health negatively, Fisk wouldn't force him) and hadn't attempted to escape once. Not that he wanted to escape any longer. Matt had finally admitted he wanted to stay with Fisk a few days before and asked that the few belongings he had in the world be retrieved from the guest room at the orphanage where he'd been prior to Fisk getting hold of him. They now decorated the room that had officially become his. He carefully left that room and headed into the living area, in search of his protector.

Fisk had just finished a meeting, one that concerned him a great deal. Five years ago, he'd been made aware of a slavery ring that had been operating in and around Hell's Kitchen. It was right before half of the population had been taken; when he was starting to consider working within the law. When he started to realize he had feelings for a certain lawyer turned vigilante that overshadowed those he had felt for Vanessa.

And the snap had apparently taken away the ringleaders, because there'd been no sign or hint of them. Until now, when Fisk's people had reported to him rumors of people being taken from the streets.

He needed to do something about it.

Matt sighed. His search of the mansion hadn't uncovered where Fisk was at, although he only searched the living portion of it. He hadn't yet been invited to the offices Wilson had, where his business was held and so he avoided going there. Instead, he returned to the living area and sat on the couch, picking up one of his braille books and beginning to read. He was only half paying attention to what he was reading. Two-thirds of his attention was listening to all the sounds around him, specifically listening for the heavy, yet nearly silent tread of the one he'd given over his autonomy to.

Fisk walked out of his offices, heading to the living area. Spotting Matt on one of the couches and knowing the other man would be aware of his presence, he walked over to join the smaller man, sitting on the couch next to him. "Anything good?"

"To be honest... no..." Matt laughed. "It isn't anything at all what the excerpt on the back led me to believe and it's a bit dry..." he said ruefully, closing the book and setting it on the nearby end table. "You still working?" he asked curiously. It was after 6pm, when a normal office-day was over.

"I had a report I needed to listen to," Fisk answered. "Do you know anything about a gang called the Red Silence?"

Matt turned his face toward Fisk in surprise. "Yeah. Actually, I do. They were loosely attached to the Hand..." he said cautiously. "Why?"

"They were causing trouble five years ago and now things are settling, they're causing trouble again," Fisk answered. "What can you tell me about them?"

"I know they're a small gang- one head, his two lieutenants and then six other individuals that do what is needed as needed.... I know that they've got their hand in nearly every crime activity found in Hell's Kitchen.... I know they have no qualms about killing anyone who gets in their way, but somehow always manage to do things in such a way that there is never any evidence to convict them..." Matt sounded perturbed at that fact. "I heard rumors they dealt in human trafficking.... but unlike all the other crimes, where they had known connections with other crime organizations to facilitate their activities, there was no known individual connected with human trafficking that we could tie them to...." Matt frowned as he said this.

"I was getting reports of the same thing five years ago. That they were involved in human trafficking, among other things." Fisk shook his head. "But then half of the population got taken included. They slipped off the radar."

Matt wrinkled his nose thoughtfully. "Well, I know a few names that might lead you to more information possibly..." He began to list the known affiliates and allies of the gang. As he was doing so, he thought of Claude Markson. Claude was a very distant cousin of one of the lieutenants in the gang. He and Matt had trained together under Stick. Grown-up together while under Stick's tutelage; and a large portion of Matt's misspent youth prior to turning over a new leaf and going to college and becoming a lawyer involved Claude. The other large portion involved Elektra, but that was another story entirely. Claude hadn't turned over a new leaf like Matt had, but even though he lived on the shady side of things and could be violent, Matt didn't believe he was involved with the gang itself, family connection or not. Matt could distinctly remember Claude saying how he'd never have anything to do with any of his family because they had turned their back on him when his parents died. Plus, Claude wouldn't have anything to do with human trafficking. He'd despised those types back when they were training. "...So those are the ones who they deal with that might help you..." he finished up, deciding against sharing Claude's name. If he mentioned Claude, he'd have to mention how he was tied to the gang and all the past history and why he knew it and... well... he wasn't proud of that part of his past. Especially after he'd gone after people for doing the same things had done when a teen. He was ashamed of that part of his life and didn't want to admit to Fisk the type of person he used to be. And since he was certain Claude didn't have anything to do with the gang, there wasn't really any reason to mention him. Was there?

Fisk listened intently, almost automatically reaching out and taking Matt's hand in both of his. "Thank you for that information," he said seriously. "There's going to be a hit on them tonight. Hopefully, we'll catch them in the act and can turn them over to the authorities."

Matt nodded. "I want to be there..." he said earnestly. He didn't say he would be there, though. While he wasn't exactly asking permission, he was asking permission. If Fisk said he couldn't go, he'd stay home.

Fisk squeezed his hand gently. "If you come, it's going to be a team effort. Not doing your own thing. I don't risk my people. And I definitely won't lose you."

"...I can do that. Granted, my last team effort ended up with me buried under a building and everyone thinking I was dead, but..." Matt joked, before realizing that might not be a very good joke and wincing.

Fisk stroked his hand. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You're important to me and I won't lose you." He didn't exactly mean to sound possessive, even though he did feel that way.

"I know..." Matt leaned toward Fisk, the possessive tone making him feel warm and happy. "When will the hit be taking place?" he asked curiously, shifting closer to the older man when he couldn't quite get the closeness he was suddenly craving.

Fisk wrapped his arm around Matt, drawing the smaller man against him. "It'll be tonight," he answered. "Midnight."

"So... six more hours? Dinner and a nap?" he asked impishly. He wanted to make sure Fisk ate, since he hadn't seen him at lunch and wasn't certain he'd had time to eat then. And the nap was more because it would give him an excuse to cuddle close.

Fisk nodded. "The food should be ready soon and then we can nap." He let his fingers run through Matt's hair, enjoying looking at the smaller man even though he was clothed right now. "So beautiful," he added; because it never stopped being true.

Matt blushed. "You always say that..." he mumbled, in a pleased tone.

"Because it's true." Fisk stood up, helping Matt to his feet so they could walk through to the dining area.

Matt sat next to Fisk. It had become habit by this point not to be too far away from the other man when they were doing 'family' things. Besides, Fisk took joy in telling Matt what they were eating and where on his plate the items were. Matt took joy in conning bites of food from Fisk's plate, of items he particularly liked, Fisk feeding it to him. "So, what's for dinner tonight?" he asked, once they were sat.

Fisk smiled and gently squeezed Matt's hand. "It's lasagna tonight. Beef, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions...."

Matt's stomach growled. "Wow... and I actually ate lunch too... It sounds wonderful. I'm probably going to end up with it all over myself..." He laughed.

Fisk stroked the side of his face. "I could feed it to you. If you'd like."

"But then you wouldn't be eating..." Matt said, with a tiny frown. "...And I'm not a little boy, even if I do act childish..." he teased. Although the thought of being fed like that for the entire meal made him feel warm and melty inside. The realization that he didn't exactly dislike Fisk treating him like a child sometimes was a revelation.  "...You're gonna make me melty chocolate again..." he muttered under his breath, with a hint of amusement.

"If you'd like me to, I will. And I can feed myself at the same time," Fisk added. With a smile, he continued, "I like making you melty chocolate. And it's not just children who get fed. Couples do that all the time."

Matt blushed. He liked the idea of he and Fisk being a couple; even if they hadn't actually said that's what they were, he knew from things Fisk had said that the older man would welcome becoming a couple with him. "If you can eat, then... yeah. I... I'd like it..." Matt finally answered. He ignored the comment about children. Admitting that he sometimes thought about Fisk taking over and treating him like a child wasn't a discussion he was ready to have. Although, he supposed a lot of the 'treating him like a child' he imagined Fisk doing, could rightly just be called Fisk taking complete control and dominating him. Yeah. There was something wrong with him. He sighed.

Fisk let his thumb brush gently over Matt's lips, just lightly touching, and then began to feed the other man. At the same time, he also fed himself, knowing that Matt would expect it. Besides, it didn't feel right to push Matt to eat and not hold himself to the same standard.

Matt shifted his chair slightly closer to Fisk so that he could be fed easier, close enough that their legs could touch. He relaxed as he was fed, feeling warmer and clingier the longer the meal went on. He was certain he had to be flushed, he felt so warm.

More than anything, Fisk wanted to pull Matt into his arms, onto his lap, and kiss him. Kissing was something lovers did...and more than anything else, Fisk wanted that with Matt. Wanted them to be a couple. But he'd promised that he wouldn't go any further than Matt was happy with and willing to; that he'd wait and act only if he was asked. He couldn't help but feel a bit wistful, though, as he let his leg rest against Matt's; as he fed the smaller man.

The meal was peaceful and perfect, bar the fact that Matt just wanted to curl up in Fisk's arms and beg the man to do whatever he wanted to or with him. But... he couldn't do that. He still wasn't completely convinced he wouldn't wake up and discover that his head was right and he shouldn't have given himself to the older man the way he wanted to; and if he wasn't 100 percent sure, it wasn't fair to Fisk to start down that road. Either his head and heart had to agree, or it wasn't happening. Still. It was nice to imagine Fisk holding him close. Kissing him breathless. Touching every part of him before taking him apart and claiming him fully. Matt's breathing increased slightly, and he had to clear his throat and take a breath to calm himself before it became obvious to Fisk he was thinking 'naughty' thoughts.

Once their plates were cleared and they'd eaten dessert, Fisk let his fingers run through Matt's hair. "Nap time now. Then, if there's anything you need before we head out, we can get it after the nap."

"Yes, sir..." Matt breathed out, leaning his head into Fisk's fingers before carefully pushing back from the table and standing. He waited for Fisk to lead him back to his room (although he more often thought of it as THEIR room now, since Fisk seldom left him to sleep alone.)  He supposed they could have gone to Fisk's room- the bed was bigger- but Matt quite liked his smaller bed that meant they slept in each other’s arms, touching everywhere possible.

Fisk led Matt to the room, holding the smaller man's hand. Once inside, he helped Matt to settle on the bed and then stretched out next to him, in the same position that had become so familiar now.

Matt snuggled for a bit, content to be held. He was feeling a bit frisky and while he'd love to take his clothes off so Fisk could look at him and touch him, he also knew they did need to rest so that tonight's plans would go well. He'd ask to sleep naked next to the older man when they returned home. Feeling safe and comfortable in Fisk's arms, he managed to fall asleep fairly quickly despite his horniness.


To say things hadn't gone according to plan might be an understatement.

The raid had started out with no problems. Fisk had made sure Matt was safe but had trusted the younger man to curb reckless behavior. They hadn't been at the forefront of the hit, instead coming after his people had already captured the gang.

Or so they thought.

Fisk had been about to call it in to the police when one of the gang members had come out of hiding. Fisk hadn't seen him approach; hadn't reacted until he heard a voice calling out to Matt that it was good to see him again. And it was probably that turn towards the voice that kept the knife going into any vital organs.

As it was, the blade had gone deep enough that, as soon as the attacker was subdued and the police were called, an ambulance was very quickly called after.


Matt was panicked. Pacing the waiting room of the emergency room, he waited to hear how badly the man he loved had been wounded. Figured that his head finally agreed that they were good together and that it was okay to love Fisk right after Claude had fucking stabbed the older man, but like most of Matt's life, how he wanted things to happen was seldom what occurred. Claude had been with the gang. He wasn't supposed to be. His only connection was the one lieutenant that was his cousin. But he hated his family and had sworn never to have anything to do with them; and yet he was with the gang. In fact, he was the main connection for the trafficking apparently. When Matt had asked, in total bewilderment, 'Why? You hate them...' he'd told Matt (and Fisk, though Matt wasn't sure Fisk would remember any of it) everything. How he'd made up with his family shortly after he and Matt had left Stick; had gone on to forge connections all over the world and finally stumbled into the trafficking business- his cousin's position in the gang had made it very easy to ally to them. So... Matt had been wrong. Claude hadn't only been involved with the gang, which he should have told Fisk, but he had been a major player in the human trafficking. And because he had withheld the information about Claude possibly being involved, the man he loved was in surgery; fighting for his life, for all Matt knew. He couldn't get anyone to tell him anything. Guilt was practically oozing from his pores and making it difficult to do anything productive. All he could do was pace and wait and hope he hadn't just lost the best thing that had ever happened to him because he'd not given all his information.

After several hours, a nurse approached Matt. "Mr. Murdock? You're here for Mr. Fisk? The surgery went well. He's out of danger now. Awake and asking for you. Would you like any help getting to the room?"

"Please..." Matt almost begged, desperate to get to Fisk and 'see' with his own eyes that the man was going to be okay. He held onto the nurse's arm tightly as she led him to the room.


It was three days later and Fisk was finally considered well enough to be able to head back home, with a long list of instructions from the doctor on what he was and wasn't allowed to do and several prescriptions that Matt had sent one of the security guards out for as soon as Fisk was bundled into the car. He'd not left the older man's side at all the entire time he was in the hospital. He had also not let Fisk see how upset and guilty he truly felt about what had occurred, which took an extreme amount of control over his emotions. This unfortunately also made it impossible for him to show Fisk how he truly felt about him- how much he loved him and how terrified he was at losing him- but he didn't really deserve to let Fisk know that anyway. He'd nearly got the older man killed. He wasn't going to put his fears onto the other man and expect Fisk to make him feel better. That was his job this time, to make Fisk feel better, so pushing all his emotions and feelings and pretty much everything down deep so it wouldn't seep out and burden Fisk? That was what he did.

When they got home, he carefully helped the larger man into Fisk's bedroom so that he could lay down in his comfortable bed and have room to stretch out. As much as he wanted to have him in his own room, comfort and space was what Fisk needed to heal. Matt was going to make certain Fisk had everything he needed.

They hadn't had a chance to talk; not really, with doctors and nurses coming in and out of the hospital. Fisk had heard everything that Claude had said to Matt. It was clear that the men knew each other. What wasn't clear was why Matt hadn't mentioned the other man as a potential gang member, with the family connection.

As soon as he was settled on the bed, Fisk reached out and took Matt's hand, drawing the smaller man down onto the bed with him; though that was as far as he went. "Don't go."

"I should get your medicine and some water, at the least..." Matt said nervously, voice full of guilt. He was terrified that Fisk would tell him what he'd done was unforgivable and that he would need to leave, all evidence to the contrary. His guilt wouldn't let him view things logically.

Fisk could hear the note of guilt in Matt's voice and he gently stroked his fingers through Matt's hair and over his cheek. "We need to talk about what happened first." His voice was calm and just as gentle as he wrapped his arms around the smaller man, as close as he could without aggravating his wound. "But you need to know that nothing's changed about how I feel about you. I still want you. I still love you."

Matt let out a tiny sob at that, then another, then he just couldn't keep it locked inside any longer. He wanted to be strong for Fisk, the man had been wounded badly because of a choice Matt had made, but he couldn't any longer. Once the sobs had started, they just boiled out of him unchecked. "...Sorry..." he gasped out. "...My fault... shoulda told you 'bout 'im... di'n  thin' he...." He choked on the words, every word, as he tried to explain. Tried to explain that he honestly didn't think Claude would ever associate with his family and therefore wouldn't help the gang. It was the only reason he kept quiet. Tried to explain he didn't mention Claude because of his own past with the man and how ashamed he was of if and he didn't want Fisk to know and be disgusted by him. Tried to explain. He wasn't very clear.

Fisk held Matt close to himself, always careful to make sure he didn't hold on too tight. "You didn't think he was involved?" The question wasn't asked with any disbelief or suspicion; Fisk was merely trying to get answers.

"No sir... di'n. 'E nev'r woulda helped 'em when I knew 'im 'fore. Nev' woulda done 'aficking either...." Matt choked. Claude had changed a lot. Then again, so had he. So had Fisk. "Should 'a known!" He gasped out and then began sobbing again.

"How?" Fisk's voice was very gentle. "How could you have known, if it didn't fit with the man you knew?" His fingers brushed lightly over Matt's cheeks, wiping the tears from them.

Matt took a shivering breath and tried to calm so he could speak... answer Fisk's questions. It took several moments. But Fisk was being so gentle, he began to hope; maybe that meant forgiveness was possible, if not deserved; and that enabled to quiet his sobs into silent tears and occasional sniffles.

Taking another slow breath, he finally answered Fisk. "I couldn't know he had changed," he admitted hoarsely. "I couldn't know he hadn't either. I haven't had contact with him since I was eighteen. It doesn't matter, though. You asked for information on all connections. Just because I didn't believe he would help didn't mean he wasn't a connection. I withheld information because of my pride, and it caused you to be hurt." Matt swallowed hard. "I almost lost you. Just when I realized I love you. I'm so sorry... I'll never forgive myself!" he said, in a tight, tiny voice, before starting to sob again.

The tears and obvious pain saddened Fisk, even while the words of love made him happier than he could ever remember being before. He stroked his fingers carefully along Matt's cheeks, still wiping away the tears. "I love you," he repeated. "And it's not your job to punish yourself, Matt. I suspect that if it were up to you, you'd be far harsher on yourself than you'd ever deserve." He took a chance. Matt had given him permission to touch the back side of him and Fisk pushed the shirt up out of the way, enabling him to rest a hand on the bare skin of his back.

The skin on skin contact was soothing and, despite believing that he didn't deserve such gentle kindness, Matt found himself leaning toward Fisk, his body asking for more even if he remained silent.

"I know you don't feel good right now." Fisk spoke in soft, soothing tones as he stroked his hand down over Matt's back, fingers ghosting over the smaller man's bottom. "I'm going to turn you over my knee. I'm going to spank you. And just as I told you before, that means you don't need to feel guilty or beat yourself up over it. I'm alive. And what you just admitted to me is absolutely priceless," he said honestly.

Matt listened quietly and sniffled, waiting until Fisk had decided how he wanted to handle things before whispering, "...Will you spank me hard enough I don't like or want it?" His voice was small and trembling. They both knew Matt enjoyed when Fisk spanked him. While the 'punishment' spankings the other times had worked, because they were more a reminder of what he was expected to do, there had still been a part of him that liked Fisk controlling him and causing his bottom to sting. He didn't think it would work this time. He felt too guilty. He might not enjoy it because of that- he suspected he wouldn't- so in that sense, it would be punishing. But he also knew it wouldn't address any of the guilt he felt. Fisk said it wasn't his job to punish himself, though; that he'd be too harsh. He knew Fisk was right about that, just as he was right about nearly everything, he'd decided about Matt. Matt reached up and wiped at his eyes. He knew himself. Even if he didn't punish himself now, because Fisk said it wasn't his place to do so, he'd find a way to punish himself later, in other ways, if he didn't feel like he'd been punished at least close to enough.

"I'll spank you longer and harder than I have done the previous times." Fisk continued to gently stroke Matt's back and down over his bottom. "Not hard enough to break you or cause even lasting harm, but you will feel it," he promised.

Matt nodded and swallowed, before hesitantly asking, "...What if that's not enough? I hate myself for hurting you... I should be hurt just as bad..." he whispered. It was clear he truly believed that.

Fisk gently brushed his fingers over Matt's lips. "I love you. I'm not going to hurt you. You didn't do this deliberately. You didn't set out for this to happen. You made a mistake." He gave it a bit of thought, still stroking along Matt's face and down over his back and bottom. He'd already pushed the shirt up out of the way and now he pushed down the smaller man's pants and underwear, allowing for more access to bare skin. "I'm going to spank you like this," he said finally. "So, I can hold onto you and there's no way you can feel separate from me. Then you're going to do a chore for me, every morning and evening."

Matt sniffled again, then nodded, almost eagerly. He wanted to pay for what he'd caused to happen. "Yessir... whatever chore you say, I'll do my best for forever!" he whispered fervently. "Do... do you want me to undress, sir?" he asked hesitantly, realizing that his clothing might block whatever Fisk chose to do and he didn't want to block the other man.

Stroking his fingers through Matt's hair, Fisk nodded. "Yes. That would be better."

Careful to not jostle Fisk too much- and not moving very far away at all, as he was reluctant to leave the older man's side- Matt stood and slowly removed his clothing, folding it neatly and setting it on the chest he knew was at the end of the bed. Once he was completely nude, he moved to stand in front of Fisk, his head down and waited for the other man to place him where he wanted him.

Reaching out, Fisk carefully drew Matt back into his arms, settling him on his side on the bed, plastered to his chest. Holding the smaller man close and tight with one arm, he delivered a firm smack with his other palm; harder than the previous punishments he'd given, even though he was careful not to use his full strength. He then moved his hand a little bit lower for a second swat, this time to Matt's sit spots and thighs.

Matt's breath hitched in his throat as the spanking began. The swats were harder than he'd ever received from the older man and there was no rubbing in between... so it didn't take long at all for sting to build. At the same time, he was pressed as close as could be into Fisk's chest and that was such a comfort, it made the differences in the spanking easy to handle. He carefully wrapped his arms around Fisk, avoiding the injury and trying not to squeeze too tightly and just held on while Fisk smacked his bottom.

Fisk continued to swat, alternating between Matt's bottom and his sit spots/thighs. His hand was large enough that he only had to move it marginally up or down. His other hand stroked and rubbed over Matt's back, but he didn't rub the smaller man's bottom this time.

Matt shivered as the sting built up. He hadn't realized how much the rubbing had helped the previous spankings. It had always felt like it had amplified them- and it had, to a degree- but not having the rubbing in between? The sting and the ache built up much more quickly and felt harsher. It didn't take long at all before he was whimpering softly after each smack.

"I know you didn't intentionally withhold the information because you were trying to be naughty." Fisk whispered the words in Matt's ear as he continued to smack. "You couldn't be certain the man you knew was actively involved with the gang. As for being ashamed of your past? We have all done things we regret. Five years ago, right when half of the population was taken, I was changing. You missed all of the soul-searching and regrets that troubled me for so long. I know what it is to feel ashamed of the past."

Matt's whimper turned into a slight coughing cry as he tried to keep from sobbing again at Fisk's words of comfort. Fisk completely understood him. He didn't deserve that understanding. And his bottom was throbbing by this point. He coughed out another mournful cry, moaning softly at the pain in his bottom.

Fisk stroked his hand over Matt's back, running his fingers the length of his spine, continuing to swat the other man's bottom, sit spots and thighs. "I love you. I don't blame you for what happened. You don't need to blame yourself. I already forgave you. The only person I wanted to see when I got out of surgery was you."

"...I blame myself..." Matt cried, moaning again softly as the pain in his backside increased with each swat. "...I shouldn't have withheld information. Shoulda let you decide if he was important to know about or not..." he admitted and took in a shivering breath, whining as the pain was non-ending and becoming difficult to not respond to with squirming. He didn't want to squirm and possibly hurt Fisk's injuries.

"Then you'll know for next time." Fisk's voice was calm and gentle. "The next time you're not sure about something, you'll know to tell me." He continued to smack, not going any harder or faster, but definitely feeling the heat from the smaller man's backside.

"Yessir... I'll t..tell you ev'thing nex' time!" Matt promised fervently. "...Ev'n if I don' think i'z importan', I'll tell you. You decide!" Matt choked out, before just slumping and crying softly, his body still tense; but only in the fact that he was trying to hold himself still so he wouldn't squirm and hurt Fisk.

"I love you." Fisk repeated the words, delivering a final few smacks before he stopped. He then began to rub Matt's bottom, feeling the warmth radiating from the smaller man's skin. "And I've forgiven you already. I want you and I love you. So much."

Matt quivered at the words and slowly relaxed at the gentle rubbing. Like normal, the rubbing intensified the sting and ache, but it also soothed and made it possible for him to bear the pain without thrashing around and causing damage to himself or Fisk. He continued to softly cry and nuzzled against Fisk's chest, repentant and needy. He believed Fisk forgave him. That helped a great deal. He also believed he was loved. "...Love you too, sir. So much..." he whispered contritely, before wiping at his face with the back of his hand. Leaning up so that his weight wasn't on the older man, he carefully; chastely, though not too chastely, kissed Fisk full on the mouth, his breath gently wafting over the older man's lips. He didn't try and deepen the kiss. He wasn't feeling that confident. But now that he'd kissed Fisk, he knew that he'd want to do it again and again... when his protector was no longer hurting and injured. Letting out a soft sigh, he gave a more gentle and chaste peck on the corner of Fisk's mouth and then carefully lowered himself down again, making sure to stay on his stomach. "...Is the spanking over?" he asked, in a hesitant whisper. "...I should let you get some sleep..." It was obvious he was waiting for permission to move; to give Fisk more room.

At the kiss, Fisk responded, kissing Matt back gently. He'd wanted this; wanted just to be able to kiss Matt. That had been an important step. As Matt lowered himself again, he wrapped his arms around the smaller man, one hand resting lightly on Matt's bottom. "The spanking's over. We'll both be taking a nap." His voice was firm. "You'll be staying right here, by my side. In my arms."

Matt stilled at that before slumping against Fisk completely, obediently. "Yessir... won't leave your arms 'less you give permission..." he mumbled into Fisk's chest and just focused on how good it felt to feel Fisk breathing, heart beating under his ear. He'd been so afraid of losing the older man. Those two signs of life were a balm, and for the first time since Fisk had been wounded, he was able to let go of the tension in his body. Sheer exhaustion had him asleep almost immediately. He didn't even attempt to get under blanket, though he likely wouldn't have anyway, some instinct inside wanting Fisk to have easy access for sight and touch.

Fisk let his hand rest lightly on Matt's bottom, seeing the red color and feeling the heat radiating from it. It made him feel a bit sad, knowing that Matt blamed himself; that the other man still carried so much guilt, his first instinct had been to withdraw. Fisk tightened his arms around Matt and closed his eyes, letting his head rest gently against the man he loved. Sleep overtook him very quickly.


Matt was exhausted. He'd spent nearly the entire time Fisk was in the hospital in a chair by the older man's bedside, watching, not resting. Not even attempting to sleep, even sitting up. He'd set an alarm to let him know when it was time for Fisk's next dose of medicine and it went off, but he didn't stir. He'd be upset about that later; ashamed and worried that Fisk had needed to get the medicine and water from the bedside table himself (even though it wasn't far away at all; Fisk had barely needed to reach out for it). But his body had decided enough was enough and he was going to sleep, so he slept through the alarm.

Fisk merely switched off the alarm, took his medication and the water, and then settled back to hold onto Matt. He was worried about the man he loved, so wouldn't wake him up unless there was a real need to do so.


Matt slept straight through until the alarm went off again for Fisk's next dose of medicine. This time, he did stir, but he was confused and dazed as one would get after sleeping straight through nearly 24 hours. At some point, the butler must have brought Fisk dinner; there was a trolley with a tray and a pitcher of what smelled like juice next to the bed. Matt was too out of it to be able to discern from the odors, if there was still food on it or not. There was a light sheet covering him from the waist down, protecting his modesty. He mumbled grumpily, "...Want you to be able to look..." so softly that the words were almost unrecognizable. Then his stomach growled. "...Wha' 'ime izid?" he said into Fisk's chest.

Fisk ran his fingers through Matt's hair. "After seven pm," he answered. "The sheet was only in place to stop anyone else from looking. Not me." He brushed a kiss over the top of Matt's head. "There's food left."

Sniffing a little, Matt shifted slightly, wincing when the sheet shifted to uncover his bottom and rubbed gently across it. He was still sore.  "...Did you eat?" he finally asked, once his head had cleared a little more. He didn't want to eat what food was on the tray if Fisk hadn't eaten enough.

"I ate," Fisk replied. "Now I want to make sure you eat. Sit up for me, my love." He let his hand rub gently over Matt's backside.

"...Yessir..." Matt swallowed and then carefully sat up beside Fisk, not bothering to try and hide the wince sitting on his sore bottom caused. "...I'm not hurting you, am I?" he asked worriedly, afraid his jostling to get into position might have jarred Fisk's wounds.

"You're not. But push up a bit." Fisk reached for a pillow and, once Matt did so, he slid the pillow under his backside. He then reached for the tray of food. "It's a carbonara," he informed the smaller man.

"It smells really good..." Matt took another whiff and smiled crookedly, relaxing onto the pillow.  "...Thank you..." he said belatedly, for the small kindness.

Fisk stroked his fingers over Matt's lips, leaning in to brush a gentle kiss against them. "You're very welcome." He then began to feed the other man.

It didn't take much for Matt to feel full. He hadn't been eating all that much while Fisk was in the hospital either; although he did force himself to eat, knowing if he didn't and Fisk found out, the older man would worry. When he felt full, he said so, a bit hesitantly. "...I'm not sure I can eat any more...." He turned his face toward where Fisk sat, feeling small and young next to the larger man. "...Do you want me to eat more, sir?" he asked softly.

"I would like you to try to eat a little more." Fisk stroked the side of Matt's face, gently cupping his cheek. "I'm sure you haven't been taking care of yourself, if the amount of time you just slept for is any indication."

"I..." Matt paused, not wanting to lie. "...I tried to eat. I know I didn't eat nearly as much as you expect me to eat; and probably not as healthy as you expect, either..." He sighed. "...I won't even try and claim I slept..." His voice was rueful. "...Am I going to be spanked again?" he asked, in a soft, nervous tone.

"No." Fisk stroked his thumb over Matt's lips. "Those were extenuating circumstances. And if it had been the other way ‘round, I would have been exactly the same. In fact, I was," he added, remembering when he'd first brought Matt home with him.

Matt relaxed and gave Fisk a tiny smile before kissing the older man's thumb. "...I'll try and eat more, sir..." he said softly, wanting to obey and make the other man happy.

"Thank you." Fisk's smile was obvious in his voice. He continued to feed Matt, though only a few more mouthfuls, as he didn't want to push the younger man too much.

Matt ate every mouthful Fisk fed him, trusting his protector not to give him more than he could handle. Once Fisk had put the fork down and shifted the tray back onto the trolley, making certain it was out of the way, Matt licked his lips and asked softly, "...What now, sir?"

"Are you still tired?" Fisk asked softly, the note of concern obvious in his voice.

"A little..." Matt admitted. "...But if I go back to sleep now, I think I might wake up around 11pm and not be able to go back to sleep. So maybe I should stay up a little bit and try to get back on a sleep schedule..." His voice was uncertain, though. He'd never really been all that regular with his sleep in the first place and any sleep schedule he'd formed had been formed after Fisk had taken over and started making him go to bed at a regular time.

Fisk nodded. "I think that would be the best thing," he agreed. He took Matt's hand, squeezing gently. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about? Or ask me?"

"...What chore will you be having me do? For my punishment...?" he asked curiously. He didn't view the spanking as a real punishment, as much as it had hurt this time. He'd been too relieved to receive it to consider it punishment.

"Weeding," Fisk answered. "I'll sit outside with you while you're doing it. Direct you on where to go." He stroked his fingers over Matt's hand.

"That's good... if you left me to do it on my own, your garden wouldn't last long..." Matt teased ruefully.

"I wouldn't leave you in any case," Fisk said. "You have no idea how happy you've made me."

"You've made me happy too..." Matt said shyly, smiling. "...I like making you happy. What did I do to make you happy this time, though?" he asked quietly, wanting to know specifically so he could do it again if possible.

Fisk let his fingers stroke over Matt's cheek. "You let me take care of you," he replied. "And taking care of you makes me happy."

"That's all?" Matt pouted slightly. "...That's... well, I guess it's easy to do all the time..." he finally said quietly. "...I wanted to do whatever it was again so I could keep making you happy. Just...feels a bit selfish, making you take care of me..." He bit his lip.

"It's not 'making' me take care of you if it's something I want to do and that makes me happy." Fisk leaned forward, gently kissing Matt's lips. "That makes me happy too," he murmured. "So, does knowing that you love me."

Matt smiled brightly at the kiss, leaning forward as if seeking more of them. "It makes me happy too... finally knowing in my head that my heart wasn't wrong..." he admitted innocently.

Fisk responded by kissing him again; a little bit more deeply this time. "I love you." He said the words against Matt's lips, cradling the back of the smaller man's head in one hand.

"...I love you..." Matt responded back, not pulling away at all. He leaned forward just enough to press a chaste kiss against Fisk's lips, but didn't pull away, letting his own lips fall open slightly in uncertain invitation. He'd welcome Fisk claiming his mouth, but wasn't certain the older man would want to, even if he did want to kiss Matt.

Still cupping the back of Matt's head protectively, Fisk pressed a bit deeper on the kiss; careful to pay attention to Matt's reactions, so that he wasn't pushing the other man too much. He let his tongue gently touch Matt's lips.

Matt let out a tiny sigh at feeling Fisk's tongue, knowing that meant the older man wasn't against claiming him more fully, and opened his mouth further, giving himself that much further to his protector.

Taking the invitation, Fisk let his tongue slip into Matt's mouth, drawing the smaller man tighter to himself.

Matt whined softly, feeling his body begin to heat with need, and pressed as close as he could while sliding his tongue along Fisk's, making room for the older man to fill his mouth and own him.

Fisk slid his other hand down Matt's spine, fingers ghosting gently over the smaller man's backside as he claimed Matt's mouth deeply and thoroughly.

Matt felt himself melting against Fisk, his body pressing into the older man's as his mouth was claimed. He could feel himself 'rousing but was beyond worrying about offending Fisk with his body's reactions. He allowed himself to press tight against the larger man, returning the kiss as fervently as he could.

Fisk wrapped his arms tightly, almost protectively, around Matt, kissing deeply and passionately. A tiny, satisfied noise escaped him. This was one of the things he'd badly wanted to do. To kiss the man he loved. He thought he could probably be content even if that was all they did.

Matt wanted so much more, but he wasn't sure how to ask for it, or even if he should. And what he really wanted… he wasn't certain Fisk wanted that with him. He wanted to belong to the older man. He wanted Fisk to be completely in control of him; to decide what happened and when and how... but he didn't know how to express that want, that need. So, he just continued to kiss as if he were trying to pour every inch of his love for the larger man into the kiss.

Fisk's hand cupped and rested possessively on Matt's backside, giving the smaller man's lips a gentle nip. The fingers of his hand cupping the back of Matt's head stroked through the other man's hair, threading through the strands.

"...Yours..." Matt sighed happily, before blushing as he realized that maybe he should have kept that feeling to himself. He didn't pull away, though. He continued to press tightly against Fisk, letting the larger man feel the results of his attraction.

Fisk smiled at the word and caressed the back of Matt's head. "Mine. I like the sound of that," he whispered.

Matt smiled at the response, relaxing again and nuzzling gently against Fisk's cheek. "...Yours..." he repeated, a little more confidently.

Fisk pressed a kiss to Matt's forehead and then his cheek. "Mine," he murmured back. "I love you so very much."

"...Love you too... so much..." Matt kissed everywhere he could reach. "...So grateful to have you home... was so, so scared..." he admitted softly.

"I'm here, my love." Fisk stroked his back and down over his bottom. "You don't need to be scared anymore."

"I know..." Matt sniffled. "...I just... I realized I loved you and there was so much that... I didn't get to tell you... and I didn't get to... get to give you..." He blushed, pressing his face in the spot between Fisk's neck and shoulder.

Fisk kissed the side of Matt's head. "You can give me whatever you want. I will accept everything," he whispered.

"...Want to give you all of me..." Matt whispered, nuzzling against Fisk's neck. "...Want you to look at me whenever you want... my front, not just my back.... want you to rub and touch whenever you want... my front and back... want... want you to be able to touch inside me, too; using hands, mouth, or... or whatever you want to put in me..." He blushed darkly. "...Just want to belong to you...."

"I want to do all that," Fisk murmured. "I want to take you. To claim you in every way possible. But only if you're sure it's what you want."

"I wasn't sure... I was questioning all my wants and feelings... but when I thought I'd lost you... my head shut up. It realized that what I wanted and needed was true and good and... and I'm certain now..." Matt admitted quietly.

"I'm glad to hear it." Fisk stroked his fingers across Matt's cheeks. "I want to take you, my love. To claim you fully. Lay you back on this bed and kiss and caress you all over."

Matt shivered at the words. "...I want that too, sir... please do?"

Fisk slowly bore Matt down onto the bed, pinning him there, though he was careful not to put his full weight on the smaller man. Then, slowly and carefully, he slid his hands over Matt's chest and stomach.

Matt shivered again at the touch, shifting his arms and legs so that he was completely exposed and vulnerable, waiting for Fisk to look, touch, and claim. "...Feels so good being pinned by you..." He whimpered, his erection growing prominently.

"You feel so good under me like this." Fisk kissed Matt's neck and then trailed kisses round to the hollow of his throat, flicking it with his tongue.

Matt groaned softly, canting his head back so his throat was exposed to Fisk's mouth, offering himself eagerly.

Fisk kissed Matt's throat, gently nipping the skin. He glided his hands down over Matt's hips, squeezing gently.

Matt's breathing was becoming quicker and he shivered again at the nipping and the squeezing. "...Yours..." he hissed out, in a needy voice.

"Mine." Fisk whispered the word against Matt's throat, kissing his way down the smaller man's chest as he stroked down Matt's legs.

"...So good..." Matt whimpered, shifting his legs so that they were opened enough to expose his inner thighs.

"I love you so much," Fisk whispered, trailing kisses along Matt's chest and stomach, squeezing his inner thighs.

"...Love you... need you... need... need you... need you to own... please sir..." Matt begged softly.

Fisk leaned up to kiss Matt, deeply and passionately, letting his fingers glide teasingly over the smaller man's member.

Matt returned the kiss, his hands rising up to grasp onto Fisk's shoulders tightly, opening his mouth in offering, whimpering and whining softly as his hips began to rock toward the older man's hand in response to the teasing.

Fisk let his other hand stroke over Matt's stomach and hips, carefully controlling his strength as he stroked over the smaller man's member. He freed one hand to open a drawer, pulling out a bottle of lotion.

Matt continued to greedily kiss Fisk, his hands gripping tightly to the older man as he continued to gently thrust against the hand stroking him. He whimpered softly, his hearing focused on Fisk's heartbeat and breathing, reminding him that the older man was alive and with him.

Fisk didn't break the kiss, even as he coated a finger in the lotion. His hands and fingers were larger; he knew that. So, he didn't push the coated finger inside Matt straight away. Instead, he gently brushed it against the smaller man's entrance.

Matt groaned at the gentle brushing, breaking the kiss to gasp in a breath, then beg with a tiny whine, "....Please... yours... only yours... please, sir..."

Fisk pulled back just enough to whisper against Matt's lips, "I want to be certain this is what you want. That you won't regret it if I claim you in this way. If you say no, I promise I'll respect that."

Matt whimpered softly, kissing Fisk gently before saying, in a shaky voice, "I want to be claimed completely... to be totally yours... please take me... please...." he begged again.

Kissing Matt again, deeply and passionately, Fisk carefully and slowly pushed his finger inside the smaller man, going as gently as possible and paying close attention to Matt's reactions.

Matt let out a tiny gasp as he was breached. This was his first time with a man, his first time receiving; and while he'd wanted it, he hadn't quite known what to expect. He whimpered softly at feeling Fisk's thick finger filling him, holding very still so he could adjust. It was obvious he'd never experienced this before.

"You doing okay, my love?" Fisk asked softly, stroking the side of Matt's face. "Is it too much?"

"N... no, sir. I want it..." he quickly reassured and tried to relax. He'd heard relaxing made it easier. "I... I never..." he said with a blush, admitting he was next thing to a virgin.

"I'll go slow," Fisk promised. "We've got time. Plenty of time for us to be together in every way possible. I want to claim you. But I want you to feel good, too."

"I know you do..." Matt whispered, with a smile. "I trust you..." By this point, he'd managed to relax enough that Fisk would be able to move his finger if he chose.

"I'm glad you do." Fisk kissed him deeply before beginning to move his finger inside the smaller man. He was still gentle and careful.

Matt returned the kiss eagerly, opening his mouth to accept Fisk's tongue, sucking gently. He moaned as he felt the finger moving in him, so slow and gentle. At first, it just remained uncomfortable; but then the friction began to make him sensitive inside and it began to feel pleasant... good to him. The moans began to sound needy and his arousal, that had slightly flagged at the initial intrusion, flared to life again.

Fisk continued to move his finger inside Matt as he kissed and explored the smaller man's mouth along with inside his entrance. His other hand stroked and gently squeezed over Matt's hips.

Matt pulled away long enough to take a shuddering breath, then whimpered and wriggled his bottom to try and pull Fisk in deeper. "...More, sir... please... more...."  He wanted to be taken apart and put back together and he wanted the one he loved to be the one to do it.

Fisk carefully pushed his finger in that bit further, staring at Matt's face. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, an awed note creeping into his voice.

Matt let out a happy groan, smiling at the words. "...You... You make me feel beautiful..." he admitted, still wiggling slightly so he could feel his lover's finger moving. "...You feel so good on me... in me..." he admitted, with a whine. Fisk had been very careful not to put his full weight on Matt, but Matt found himself wanting to feel himself pinned more fully. Maybe... after Fisk had done everything he wanted to do, and they were going back to sleep... he would convince the larger man to lay on him for a few minutes. Maybe... but he hoped that time would be a long while later; he was enjoying Fisk explore his body too much and didn't want it to end.

"You feel so good surrounding me," Fisk whispered, leaning in to kiss Matt; his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and finally, his lips. "It feels so good to touch and caress you. To kiss and to taste you. To claim you and make you mine."

"...I am yours... forever and always..." Matt promised fervently, before eagerly kissing Fisk again, running his hands over the older man's shoulders, back and then around front to his chest. He moved his hands slowly so he could 'memorize' Fisk's form. He ended the kiss, taking in a deep breath and then began to nuzzle against the larger man's face and neck, breathing in deeply so he could memorize Fisk's odor. If he couldn't see him with his eyes, he'd see him with the rest of his body, and he'd be able to tell where his lover was even if they were in a large, crowded room with a crowd between them.

Fisk didn't stop Matt, letting the other man touch and explore his body however much he wanted to. "You are free to touch and explore however you wish." He put voice to the permission. "You are mine, but I am just as much yours. We belong to each other."

Matt had his face pressed under Fisk's right arm and against his chest, still breathing in deeply, when Fisk gave his permission. Pulling up slightly, he panted, "I want to know you when there are others around..." he admitted. "I want to be able to 'see' you with my ears, and my nose and my fingers...." He placed feather light kisses over Fisk's chest and shoulders. "...Please, sir... more? Please more?" he begged and wiggled his bottom a little bit more.

Fisk kissed Matt's head, inhaling the smaller man's own scent. "Then that is what I want as well," he promised. He moved his finger a bit more inside his lover; not wanting to risk tearing by adding another one, at least not so soon. "I want you to feel good, my love," he whispered.

Matt whimpered slightly, about to beg for more again, even though he knew deep inside Fisk was right and going slow was important, when Fisk moved his finger just enough to glance over his prostate. He gasped and arched his back as it suddenly felt like his body had electricity running through it, quivering and letting out tiny sobs of need. "...There... oh ... there... please... please.... please...." he begged as he clenched around Fisk's finger, unable to help himself.

Fisk pressed a kiss to Matt's neck, continuing to move his finger. He felt himself harden in response to the other man's obvious arousal, pressing kisses along Matt's jawline before kissing him deeply once more.

Matt kissed back eagerly, tiny moans and whimpers escaping as he squirmed under Fisk, the older man somehow finding that spot over and over, rubbing over it. He was so hard, it was painful.

"When you're ready, you can release at any time, my love," Fisk whispered against Matt's neck.

Matt sobbed once, then stiffened, the fact he'd been given permission sending him over the edge. His release was hard and intense, shaking his whole body, and he grasped onto Fisk desperately. The larger man was the only thing keeping him from panic.

"I've got you," Fisk whispered, holding Matt tightly and protectively. "I love you. You're mine and I'm yours." He was close to release himself, only his need to make sure Matt was okay keeping him from letting go.

Matt clung to Fisk. When his body's release finally ended with one last tremor, he hid his face against the larger man’s neck, seeking protection, comfort and... possession. He wanted to be owned. "...Yours," he choked out. "Paint me yours..." he begged, wanting Fisk to release as well; and if Fisk wasn’t going to release inside him yet, then he wanted it to be on him where he could feel. "...Paint my face and chest and belly... cover me so I look like I belong to you...." His voice was wrecked, and he was so tired, he could barely move; it would be easy for Fisk to claim him, if he wanted to.

Fisk kissed Matt, gently but deeply. "You're exhausted," he whispered. "I don't have to release yet. I can wait. Wait until you can enjoy it just as thoroughly as I've enjoyed watching you and being the cause of your release."

Matt bit his lip and nuzzled. "I can't see, not normal in a way that gives detail... I can hear and smell and feel. I want to hear you pleasured, I want to smell you on me, I want to feel you soaking into my skin... I don't have to move for that. I can enjoy it without over exerting...." he whispered.

Fisk kissed him, deeply and lingeringly. His own erection hadn't gone down and it was kissing the man he loved, along with Matt's words, that allowed him to release; to let go as thoroughly as Matt had.

Matt returned the kiss, as if he was trying to give Fisk all of himself through his mouth. He moaned happily when he sensed the older man's release. A feeling of satisfied pride speared through him at the knowledge it was his own surrender to Fisk that had contributed.

Fisk carefully lowered himself onto Matt; not putting his full weight on the smaller man but keeping him pinned underneath him. He kissed him harder and caressed the side of his face. "Thank you," he whispered.

Matt sighed softly. Groaning slowly, the satisfaction of having Fisk on him clear in his voice, he said, "I should be thanking you!" He chuckled, pressing his face into Fisk's hand.

Fisk's thumb stroked over Matt's lips, even while his fingers continued caressing the smaller man's face. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice holding a note of awe.

Matt's face turned wistful and he raised his hands to gently stroke over Fisk's face and lips. "You feel gorgeous... I wish I could see you...  etch you in my mind... I will memorize you, though. I'll memorize how you feel under my hands... how you feel on top of me or surrounding me with your strength... how you smell when you get all possessive but are trying not to be.... how you sound with each of your moods..." He chuckled again. "I like how you sound all the time. Even when you are scolding me and teaching me how to behave... maybe especially then..." He sounded sheepish. "I feel really safe and secure when you are being stern with me...."

Fisk smiled, knowing Matt would feel it under his hands. "You don't have to see me to know me," he murmured. "I won't hide anything from you. As for being stern with you...I wouldn't scold you when you're not being naughty, but I can still be firm and controlling. I know I can be very possessive, but I don't want to drive you away by being that way."

"I... I like you possessive. I feel wanted...." Matt continued to gently run his fingers over Fisk's face. "I like you firm and controlling... even when I don't like it, I like it..." His voice was rueful.

Fisk gently kissed Matt's fingers when the smaller man ran them over his lips. "I love you so much," he murmured.

"I love you too... so much..." Matt whispered against Fisk's fingers. "Can... can I do anything for you?" He nuzzled Fisk's hand.

Fisk smiled, caressing over Matt's lips. "You're doing so much for me already," he whispered. "You're giving me so much already."

"Doesn't feel like enough." Matt smiled against Fisk's fingers. "I hurt you...want to help you feel better..." he said softly, not as guilt filled any longer (he'd been punished, could still feel the stinging ache now that his body was calming; and still had punishment coming), but still sounding sad and regretful that Fisk would be in pain.

"It wasn't your fault, my love. And you've already made me feel a lot better. I barely feel the pain," Fisk admitted. "Giving yourself to me in this way has done more than made me feel good."

"I'm glad." Matt leaned toward the sound of Fisk's voice, kissing him chastely again. He was sticky and smelled of the mingling of Fisk's and his own release. "Bathe with me?" he asked impulsively. He was getting the urge to surrender completely but wanted to be certain. For him, completely would also be forever. "We can change the sheets after..." he said sheepishly.

Fisk smiled. "I would like that," he said softly, kissing Matt. "But I won't be able to carry you into the bathroom this time. I can hold your hand instead, though."

"You can lean on me if needed..." Matt eagerly offered.

"I'm sure I will take you up on that offer." Fisk carefully stood from the bed and then helped Matt to stand, taking his hand.

Matt stood carefully before moving closer to Fisk and carefully wrapping an arm around his waist, careful to avoid the wound. They slowly made their way to the bath.

While he was careful not to put his full weight on the smaller man, Fisk still allowed himself to lean on Matt, wrapping his arm around the other man's waist as they walked into the bathroom.

Matt helped Fisk to the small bench beside the walk-in shower before feeling around for the shower bench he'd asked be placed for the older man. "The doctor said you shouldn't immerse the wound in water, chance of infection..." he said softly.

"We can bathe together properly once I'm healed," Fisk said gently, before guiding Matt to the shower bench.

"I look forward to it," Matt responded, in a husky voice.

Fisk reached out and ran a finger along Matt's cheek. "I'm happy for whatever time I get to spend with you."

Matt slanted his face toward Fisk's finger, scooting so the larger man could sit on the bench. He then carefully began to remove the remainder of Fisk's clothing, letting his hands ghost over newly exposed skin.

Fisk reached out and stroked his hands over Matt's arms and down his sides, careful not to get in the way of the other man removing his clothes.

As soon as they were both completely naked, Matt carefully turned on the tap, leaving it a mere trickle until the temperature was comfortable and then turning the spray on fully. "Let me know when it's how you like... I can't see if I'm doing it right..." he said sheepishly.

"This is fine," Fisk said reassuringly. He reached out and ran his fingers through Matt's hair. "It's perfect," he whispered. "You're perfect."

Matt grinned, giving a teasing grin. "I'm going to begin wondering if you're the blind one if you keep saying things like that," he said softly. "I'm far from perfect... you wouldn't need to punish me if I were..." He smiled.

"I love you." Fisk gently drew him into a tight embrace. "And even if you're naughty at times, it doesn't change anything of how I feel about you."

"That makes me happy," Matt admitted. "Since I'm... well, I have a feeling I'm naughty a lot..." He snuggled, then began to carefully wash Fisk.

Fisk slowly ran his hands over Matt's body, stroking and squeezing the other man's skin. "You feel so good," he whispered.

Matt shivered. "...I like that you think so... I'm yours..." he whispered.

"Mine." Drawing Matt closer to him, Fisk pressed a kiss to the smaller man's neck and then to his lips, gliding his hands down Matt's back and over his bottom.

Matt moved forward against Fisk, leaning into the kiss, listening to the older man's breathing and heartbeat.

Fisk kissed him again and then picked up a washcloth to begin washing the smaller man, pressing kisses to Matt's body at the same time.

"I'm yours..." Matt reiterated, in a whisper. He hoped Fisk understood what he meant by that. It wasn’t just something to indicate Matt's love and loyalty to him.

Fisk kissed Matt's neck, stroking down his spine and backside. "You belong to me," he agreed. "And you always will."

"Always and forever..." Matt agreed happily. He continued gently cleaning Fisk, holding still so the older man could wash, touch, look at him. Once they were both clean and the water began to cool, he turned the water off and began to gently dry Fisk. "I am looking forward to sleeping next to you, sir... I... if it is acceptable to you, I want to be naked. So, you can look and touch if you want. So, I can feel and not have barriers..." he whispered.

"That's what I want too," Fisk said, holding still so that the other man could dry him off. He then retrieved a towel to begin drying off Matt.

Matt held still while he was dried, then shifted closer to Fisk so the older man could lean on him as they went back to the bed.

Fisk wrapped his arm around Matt's waist as they walked back to the bed, kissing the side of the other man's head.

"I love you, sir," Matt said softly, as he helped Fisk into bed.

"I love you. You're my everything." Fisk reached out to draw Matt into his arms.

Matt carefully crawled up next to Fisk, stretching out so his front was plastered to the other man's side, his head on his chest so he could hear his heartbeat. "Sleep now, sir?"

Fisk nodded. "I love you. Thank you for giving yourself to me." He stroked his fingers through Matt's hair and kissed the top of his head.

"I had to.... You're home..." Matt whispered against the older man's chest. Nuzzling gently, he quickly fell into peaceful sleep.

Fisk kissed the top of Matt's head and closed his eyes, slipping into sleep fairly quickly.


It was about a week and a half later. Fisk's wound was healing well; it didn't really hurt but was more tender than anything. He sat on the garden chair, watching Matt work and directing the other man towards the weeds.

Matt carefully felt along the ground for new buds but failed. When he'd begun weeding, the day after Fisk told him what the other part of his punishment would be, he'd wondered how it could be considered punishment when Fisk would be there directing him. It was something productive and something Fisk enjoyed; both things that made Matt more than happy to do. The first few days, Matt had been so focused on learning what to pull or not pull (he didn't want to destroy Fisk's garden by accident) that it wasn't punishing at all. By the fourth day, it was beginning to feel like punishment. He'd learned to 'see' the garden, so he needed less direction and mainly just needed confirmation that he'd found a weed and not the plant they wanted to keep. By the sixth day, it was monotonous; there were very few, if any weeds, except the ones that were growing in fresh. But they were so small, his 'sight' had difficulty finding them and he was relegated to pawing around on the ground to find them by touch. And then asking Fisk if it was a weed before plucking it out.

He'd tried to keep his irritation in check. He was being punished, after all. It wasn't supposed to be pleasant. It made him feel his limitations keenly, though. Made him realize how helpless he truly was if his 'sight' failed him, and his other senses couldn't be used to advantage. He never liked being reminded of that.

It was now day eleven and he couldn't help thinking, the weeding was now pointless. There were no weeds to speak of that couldn't wait a few days to be plucked. Weeding every morning and evening was doing nothing but getting him sweaty and dirty with no payout. He sighed, a bit of a frustrated look on his face and, finally unable to control the irritation, whined in a childish, grumpy tone, "This is pointless... can't I skip a day or two so that some weeds actually grow for me to pick?" He dutifully kept searching, though.

In many ways, this was what Fisk had been waiting for; his ultimate goal in setting Matt on this chore. As the other man spoke, he stood up and walked over to Matt, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist and kissing his shoulder and then the back of his neck. "Why don't you stop for today? And then you can just do the weeding once a day until the end of the week. Then we'll call the punishment done," he murmured against Matt's skin.

Matt relaxed slightly in Fisk's grip and at the kiss. "Really? That'd be... I know I'm being punished, but... really?" His voice was hopeful. Having Fisk respond like that and actually reduce the punishment to once a day instead of morning and night made it clear the older man paid attention. It felt good. It also made him a bit embarrassed, though. He'd been childishly whiny with his request... but he'd been more childishly careless with his actions. He always got a bit dirty while weeding; even though he wore gloves, sometimes the dirt and dust slid under them or under his clothing.  He'd been so frustrated this time that he hadn't even attempted to be careful. He could feel the dirt coating him... in places dirt shouldn't be. Fisk hadn't said anything, but Matt knew that was likely only because the worst of the dirt was where it couldn't be seen until Matt was naked. "Sorry... for uh... whining about it."

Fisk kissed his other shoulder, letting his hands stroke over Matt's stomach. "I love you. Don't worry about whining about it. You've reached the point you needed to." He kissed the other man's hair. "And now? Now, I'm strong enough to lift you in my arms and carry you to the bathroom so I can wash you."

"Are you sure? I'm heavier than I look! Or at least that's what I've been told. I don’t want to hurt you..." Matt’s voice carried love and concern as he turned his face toward Fisk, 'looking' over his shoulder. He shivered at the position; him on hands and knees, Fisk towering over and behind him, broad hands spanning his waist, covering him as he kissed Matt's neck. It made him feel small and helpless and controlled. He liked it.

"I carried you with no issues before I was wounded." Fisk kissed Matt's lips. "I enjoy carrying you." He kissed again. "I've waited as long as I needed to." He kissed a third time.

Matt shivered again, kissing back whenever his lips were kissed. "I like it too... when you carry me..." he said bashfully, feeling very young, but liking it. He only felt so young when Fisk was controlling him; and he really liked Fisk controlling him.

Fisk carefully lifted Matt into his arms, pressing another kiss to the smaller man's lips. "I love you so much and I enjoy carrying you," he murmured, before moving inside the house. "You're my world now, Matt. I can't live without you."

"And you're mine," Matthew responded, curling into Fisk so the older man could carry him, but making sure to keep his dirty hands off of him.

Fisk pressed kisses to Matt's face as he carried the smaller man into the house and to the bathroom adjoining his room.

Matt giggled as his face was kissed, catching Fisk's lips with his own whenever the larger man kissed close enough to do so. It was almost a game.

Fisk smiled at Matt's actions, playing along with the game, kissing all over his lover's face as they reached the bathroom.

Matt settled slightly as he realized they'd reached their destination, letting Fisk place him down, then standing in place and holding his arms up so he could be undressed. He felt this need to be 'taken care of' that he'd only ever felt with Fisk. He managed to control himself enough not to whimper. But he knew he was flushing.

Fisk began to run the bath, then moved to undress Matt. He stroked and kissed over the smaller man's body, arching his eyebrows at the amount of dirt. "How did you manage to get quite so dirty?"

Matt bit his lip and blushed darkly. "Wasn't trying to stay clean..." he admitted sheepishly. He hadn't obviously been playing in the dirt. But it had been close.

"I can tell." Fisk kissed his lips deeply and then stripped his own clothes off before he helped Matt into the bathtub.

"Sorry?" Matt said, in a less than apologetic tone. It was more playful. Having Fisk take care of him, feeling so safe, brought out a more innocent, childish side to him, but this was the first time he'd done anything that enabled Fisk to recognize it.

Fisk smiled. "No need to be sorry," he said lightly. "It just gives me more of a reason to touch you." He began to carefully wash off Matt's body, pressing kisses to each bit of skin after he cleaned it.

"No excuses needed..." Matt said with a whimper, then shivered. "...Shou...should I be this turned on being taken care of? As I am? I... it makes me feel so safe and cared about and... and kept, controlled, secure..." His voice caught as he swallowed. "...Small and helpless and like I belong..." He shifted so Fisk could scrub everywhere easily. "...Should that make me so... needy?" It was good he couldn't see the water, or he would have been embarrassed at how murky it quickly became. He truly hadn't been careful.

"There's nothing wrong with it or you," Fisk whispered. "You belong with me and to me. No matter what happens. I promise you that." He kissed, stroked and caressed over Matt's skin, taking every opportunity to touch the smaller man.

"With you and to you, forever..." Matt shifted so Fisk could kiss his neck and chest.

Fisk responded, pressing kisses to Matt's neck and chest, hands gliding down the smaller man's spine.

"I love you, Wil... " Matt said softly. "With all of me..."

"I love you," Fisk whispered in turn, cupping Matt's face in one hand. "And I will never let you go."

"What if I get scared and stupid and run?" Matt asked, in a small voice. He didn't think he would, but he'd done other, different, stupid stuff before because of fear for those he cared about being hurt for him.

"I won't let you get far," Fisk promised. "I'll always come for you. Forever. No matter what happens."

"Good... don't want you to let me get away. Ever!" Matt declared.

"I won't." Fisk kissed Matt's neck, stroking the side of his face before he got them both out and began to carefully dry off the smaller man.

Matt held still, wanting to cooperate as much as possible. The longer he was with Fisk, the more he wanted to give the older man. The more he wanted to obey.

Finishing drying Matt off, Fisk kissed him and then wrapped an arm around the smaller man's shoulders, guiding him through to the bedroom.

"When do you get the stitches out?" Matt asked curiously, as he was led to the bedroom.

"Tomorrow," Fisk answered. "It feels like it's healing well. A bit tender, but no real pain."

"So back to business as usual?" Matt couldn't keep the relief out of his voice.

"Yes." Fisk smiled as they reached the bedroom. "Are you hungry? Pancakes have been brought for us...."

"I am... even though I didn't really do much to raise an appetite...." Matt smiled.

"Would you like to sit on my lap, in my arms, while I feed you?" Fisk asked.

Matt leaned toward Fisk before answering, almost shyly, "...Yessir... I... I like when you take care of me..." he whispered, with a blush.

"You don't need to be embarrassed. I like taking care of you just as much as you like being taken care of," Fisk said, sitting down on the bed and drawing Matt carefully onto his lap before settling their plates of food within easy reach.

Matt snuggled back into Fisk's arms. "You don't think it's childish of me..." he whispered.

Fisk kissed Matt's shoulder. "Not at all. I enjoy taking care of you." He began to feed the smaller man.

Matt ate whatever he was given without question, leaving it entirely to Fisk what he would eat or how much. Maybe he wouldn't like being babied this much all the time; but right now, it was a way to give Fisk complete control without having to say the words. He still hadn't decided if his urge to give himself completely, in more than just sentiment and loyalty, to Fisk was a good idea or not; but he got closer and closer to asking for that to happen, each day he spent with the older man.

Throughout feeding both Matt, and himself, Fisk touched and stroked Matt constantly, occasionally stealing kisses.

By the time they'd finished eating, Matt was feeling itchy... antsy... and couldn't stop wiggling, though he tried to hold still.

Setting the plates to one side, Fisk stroked the side of Matt's face. "You doing okay, my love?"

"...Yessir..." Matt blurted, after thinking about it a few seconds. "...Just feel... wound up..." he admitted, with a crooked smile.

"Is there anything I can do to help you feel less wound up?" Fisk stroked his thumb over Matt's lips.

Matt opened his mouth to let Fisk control him easier if he wished.  "...I... I don't know..." he said with a sigh, squirming a little more. "...Maybe? I... I feel like... like I want... Like I want your hands all over me..." He blushed.

Fisk let his hands slide over Matt's body, stroking and squeezing his skin. He pressed a line of kisses along Matt's jaw and then to his lips.

"...l... like that..." Matt whispered, before returning the kiss. "...Wa... want you to control me..." he admitted, in a tiny voice.

Fisk pulled Matt a bit closer to himself, sliding his hands down the smaller man's back and rubbing down his backside. "You're mine," he whispered in Matt's ear, before kissing it.

Matt shivered and, groaning softly, moved his head so his ear and neck were exposed. "...Always and only yours..." he whispered.

Fisk carefully lay the smaller man on the bed, pressing kisses to Matt's chest before he followed the same path with his hands, stroking and rubbing and squeezing.

Matt shivered and whimpered, squirming under Fisk's touch, not attempting to get away but letting himself lay open and vulnerable on the bed where Fisk could do whatever he wished.

"So beautiful." Fisk whispered the words against Matt's stomach, kissing there and then moving down his legs.

"...Feels so good, sir..." Matt widened his legs slightly so Fisk could more easily touch and kiss them.

"You feel so good," Fisk murmured, kissing and stroking along Matt's legs, gently squeezing his inner thighs.

"...Belong to you...feels good..." Matt shivered again.

"You always will belong to me," Fisk murmured, trailing kisses along his inner thighs.

"...Always... always... always..." Matt agreed, almost breathless from the effort of trying not to move too much' afraid he might hurt Fisk because he couldn't see and he was too focused on what was being done to him to focus clearly on what was around him.

"I love you." Fisk kissed and caressed his way back up Matt's body, kissing his lips deeply. "I love you so much."

Matt sighed against Fisk's lips, kissing back deeply. "...Love you, sir... so much..." he whispered, letting his hands rest against Fisk's shoulders, rubbing gently.

Fisk let his hands rest gently on Matt's hips, squeezing lightly, as he kissed and nuzzled against the smaller man's neck.

Matt bent his head at an odd angle to try and give Fisk better access to his neck. It felt so good being kissed there. Almost dangerous; even though he knew Fisk wouldn't hurt him, the fact that he easily could made it a bit exciting. "Mark me? Front, side and back? I'll have to wear a turtleneck or let everyone see I belong to you..." he said, in a quivering, almost begging tone.

"Like this?" Fisk asked softly, before beginning to suck gently on the skin of Matt's neck; enough to leave a hickey.

Matt moaned softly, his fingers clenching into Fisk's shoulder's slightly. "Yeah... yessir... wanna show I belong to you... even... even if it's only you, sees it..." he breathed out, moaning again.

"That feels good." Fisk began to suck on a different spot, leaving behind a second hickey. "To mark you; know that you'll be showing those marks under your clothes."

"Feels real good to know that..." Matt said in a breathless voice, a tiny whine escaping. "...Wearing a necklace of love-bites..." His breath caught and he groaned softly, other parts of him taking notice and responding to the attention his neck was receiving.

Fisk continued to suck on Matt's neck, shifting the smaller man to make it easier. At the same time, he allowed his fingers to glide gently over Matt's member.

Matt's moans and whimpers became breathier and faster the longer Fisk sucked, the longer his fingers worked their magic. By the time he'd been shifted onto his stomach so that Fisk could mark the back of his neck, Matt was very close to releasing. He arched his back slightly so Fisk could continue touching his member and bowed his head, so the entirety of his neck was exposed, spine curved in a tiny 'hill' formation. "...Please... please, sir..." he began to beg.

Fisk kissed and sucked on Matt's neck, giving a small grunt of satisfaction at the 'necklace' of love bites. He began to stroke the smaller man's member a bit more firmly. "Whenever you're ready," he whispered.

Matt shuddered, thrusting his hips forward into Fisk's fist. It was good. Real good. But apparently not enough. He bit his lip and whined softly. "...S...sir... pl... please..." he gasped out, his voice almost sounding like a sob. The sucking at his neck had been just short of painful, but it had felt so good. But Fisk had finished marking and Matt knew he wouldn't want to go further; not with his neck, anyway.

"Please what?" Fisk ran his hand down Matt's back, stroking and squeezing down his spine towards his backside. "What would you like, my love?"

"...Need... need the... need the sting..." he admitted hesitantly with a hint of embarrassment. Yes, Fisk had offered to spank him once for non-punishment... but Matt still had a hard time believing it was okay to want that. But his neck stung slightly where the bruises were forming from Fisk's kiss... and that had been part of what had brought him to this needy point in the first place, so maybe replacing one sting with another would help him? He didn't know. He also didn't know if Fisk would know what he meant and act, or if the older man would expect him to say it clearly so there could be no confusion. Matt hoped he understood and didn't make him say it.

"Over my lap?" Although phrased as such, it wasn't really a question. Fisk sat up carefully and moved Matt over his knees, resting one hand on the smaller man's back and the other on his bottom. He rubbed for a few moments and then gently smacked; not quite hard, but enough to sting.

Matt's moan was a mixture of arousal and relief that Fisk had understood. He squirmed slightly; being over Fisk's lap provided a different sort of friction than the older man's hand had, but it was just as good... maybe better, since it freed Fisk's hand to imprison him and hold him in place while his other hand smacked. "...Thank you, sir... so good..." he finally managed to whimper. It was obviously what he wanted, needed, because his arousal grew.

"You feel so good," Fisk said softly. "You are so good." He rubbed the spot he'd just swatted and then smacked again, though no harder than the first, before rubbing once more.

Matt shivered as the rubbing made his bottom more sensitive to the stinging swats. "Feels so good... being in your hands... controlled by you..." he whispered. He hadn't intended to admit the last. But it felt like he should.

"I love you. I won't ever let you go," Fisk promised, continuing to rub a bit longer before he delivered another swat.

"...Ever? Never want to be away from you..." Matt whimpered, his hips jerking on their own accord, beginning to gently, shallowly thrust against Fisk. Matt whined softly as he found it difficult to hold still for the spanking.

"Never." Fisk rubbed Matt's bottom, letting his fingers stroke over the smaller man's sit spots. "You're mine. You belong with me and to me."

"Always belong to you... always stay with you..." Matt agreed in a breathless voice, torn between rubbing down against Fisk's lap and pushing his bottom up higher for more smacks and stroking.

"I won't ever let you leave me." Fisk didn't exactly intend to let that possessive note creep into his voice, but it felt right. Felt good. Natural.

Matt shivered. "...Good! I don't want to ever leave you. If... If I ever get into a head-space where I do? I count on you to come after me and bring me back... bring me home..." Matt's voice was a tight whisper, fervent, needing Fisk to understand what he was saying.

"I always will," Fisk promised. "I would always come and get you, my love. I won't give you up."

"You'll keep me forever?" Matt's voice was more begging than he'd intended, but he didn't try and hide it.

"Forever." Fisk stroked up Matt's back, caressing along his spine. "I'll never let you go."

"...I'll be yours forever..." Matt's voice sounded a mix of relieved acceptance and needy arousal. "...Please, Wil... please spank me till I feel it all night long? Claim me in every way possible till I never stop feeling how I belong to you?" he found himself begging.

Fisk leaned forward and kissed the back of Matt's neck, where he'd left the love bites. He gently squeezed each of the smaller man's buttocks in turn and then resumed smacking, pausing to rub after every swat.

Matt shivered and groaned, alternately pushing his backside up so Fisk could easily smack and thrusting down for the friction. Fisk had told him he could let go at any time, but for some reason, any time he came close, something held him back.

Fisk continued to smack and rub, but he reached out for the bottle of lotion next to the bed at the same time. Coating his finger in a generous amount, he carefully pushed the finger inside Matt.

Feeling the finger breach him, claim him, Matt let out a tiny sob of need, groaning deeply as he attempted to make as much of himself as possible open and vulnerable to Fisk. "...Yours..." he kept repeating.

"Mine." Fisk repeated the word as many times to respond to Matt. As he explored and claimed inside the smaller man, he continued to swat and rub.

Matt continued to moan and squirm as Fisk lay claim. And then Fisk brushed his prostate and it was like electricity. His whole body shook with need and he let out tiny sobs until the sensation settled. He was surprised he hadn’t immediately released at the intimacy, but while he was very close to losing complete control, he stayed just on the edge of falling.  He shivered and moaned again, wrapping his arms around Fisk's leg with a desperate grip.

"Let go, my love." Fisk's voice was gentle, but carried a firm note to it, making the words an order.

Matt's eyes widened and he let out a wail as his body immediately responded to the order, releasing onto Fisk's lap, his body clenching tight around the digit still pleasuring him. He shuddered and quaked before collapsing weakly over his lover’s knee, tiny exhausted whimpers and sobs of surrender escaping.

Fisk's hand rested gently on Matt's lower back, rubbing and stroking. "I've got you. I love you." He kept repeating those words, over and over again.

"...Love you...  so much..." Matt responded, his breathing broken and almost gasping as his body calmed. It was difficult to calm. His entire being was sensitive and over-charged. The slightest touch from Fisk, however innocent, had his pulse increasing. The fact the man still had a possessive grip on him, finger still in place to explore and claim, wasn't lost on him. Part of him hoped Fisk continued taking what belonged to him, no matter how sensitive Matt was, until Matt shattered for him and had to be put back together. The other part of him was scared at how much he was surrendering to Fisk; how much he wanted to surrender more and knew if the other man continued, Matt belonging to him wouldn't just be pretty words. Matt wanted that and that want terrified him. Giving himself that completely couldn't be walked back from.

"You're mine. Completely and utterly. No matter what happens," Fisk said. He stroked and squeezed over Matt's bottom, thighs and down his back with his other hand.

"...All yours..." Matt said, in a shaky, needy voice. "...Always and only yours...."

"There's no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed," Fisk whispered. "Not about what you need. Not about how your body reacts. It's okay, my love."

"...I... I'm not really. Not as much, anyway..." Matt said quietly. "...Feels too good giving myself to you... having you take care of me...." he finished, before smiling crookedly. He clenched again gently, some greedy part of him wanting to feel Fisk inside him again.

"You feel good," Fisk whispered. "Good and perfect and natural. Beautiful. That will never stop being true."

"And I'm yours... completely... to do what you want with and to..." Matt whispered, a hint of pride in the words.

Fisk leaned over to press a kiss to Matt's neck, where he'd left the love bites. "I love you."

"Love you too, sir... so much... " Matt said, his voice fond and relaxed.

Fisk pressed gentle, undemanding kisses along Matt's back, his other hand rubbing and stroking the smaller man's bottom and legs.

Matt relaxed his body, lying loosely over Fisk's lap. He opened himself up as much as possible so the older man could touch or look as much as he wanted, anywhere he wanted. His bottom ached, but it was a good ache. It was an ache of belonging.

"So beautiful." Fisk kept repeating the words, a note of awe creeping into his voice. "Mine," he added, a note of possessiveness coming through clearly.

"Yours..." Matt responded to the possessiveness with his own tone of submission.

"Would you like me to turn you over, so that we're face to face?" Fisk asked tenderly.

"Please, sir?" Matt asked, his voice sounding scratchy. He'd been making more noise than he'd been aware of and the knowledge caused him to turn pink.

Fisk carefully turned Matt over, while still keeping his finger inside the smaller man. He raised one knee slightly to elevate Matt's head and then reached out for the cup of water, holding it to the other man's lips so he would drink.

Matt sensed the cup and carefully drank when it was offered. He felt so vulnerable, wrecked, owned. He'd never felt better in his life and didn't try and hide anything from Fisk, leaving himself open and vulnerable to the older man's whims. Wanting Fisk to take and do whatever he wanted. "...Yours..." he whispered. "...I'm so glad I'm yours..." he added on, clenching around Fisk's finger again, as if checking to make sure he was still being claimed.

"You're completely mine," Fisk promised, stroking the side of Matt's face. "And I'm so glad of it as well," he added, voice filled with nothing but sincerity.

Matt smiled up toward where he sensed Fisk's face to be, his love, longing and contentedness beaming on his face. "I'm so glad too..." he admitted, tears pooling in his eyes as the feeling of belonging overcame him.

Fisk carefully pulled the cup away as soon as the other man had drunk his fill. He then leaned forward and kissed Matt's lips.

Matt let out his breath slowly, a tiny, greedy moan escaping with it. He returned the kiss eagerly, if gently and shifted and clenched just enough to feel Fisk's claim again. "...Love feeling your claim..." he mumbled against Fisk's mouth. "...It will destroy me when you finally claim me completely... I'll just be a tiny puddle of goo..." His voice was faintly teasing.

Fisk laughed softly at that, gently cupping the side of Matt's face. "We have more than enough time to build up to me claiming you completely," he murmured. "I'm going to go as slow as necessary. Make sure it feels just as good for you as it does for me."

"I can't imagine it won't... feels good because it's you doing the claiming..." Matt admitted, kissing again gently.

"I'm bigger than you," Fisk said calmly, his lips brushing against Matt's. "I'm sure it will feel good, but if you're not prepared, it will also hurt and there could be some tearing."

Matt winced, leaning back into Fisk's supportive hold. "...I trust you..." he whispered. "...If you tell me we're going slow because it is better for me, then I won't argue... I want to obey you..." he admitted hesitantly, a bit sheepishly. He certainly hadn't ever felt inclined to obey anyone before, let alone his lover. But Fisk had changed; and Matt had too, if only slightly. Now all Matt wanted was for Fisk to be in control and telling him what to do so that he could obey.

"I appreciate that," Fisk said. "I want to take care of you. I need to look after you. And I need you, my love. I love you so much."

Matt smiled again. "...I love you too..." He wiggled just enough to reignite the sting on his bottom and to make certain Fisk was still claiming him. "...If... if you think it is too soon to completely claim me... is there anything else you'd like to have?" he asked hesitantly. He wanted Fisk to feel as good as he did, but it was hard to believe the older man was getting as much from what he was doing to Matt as Matt himself was.

"I have everything I have and need right here," Fisk said honestly. He brushed his fingers over Matt's lips. "You've given yourself to me. That feels good. You feel good."

"That... that's all you need from me? That I gave myself to you? Give myself to you? I... I feel like I'm being selfish taking so much and haven't really done anything, but... I mean... Giving myself to you was the best thing I ever did for me... I don't see how it's so good for you, though..." He wrinkled his nose as he thought about it.

"I've been in love with you for weeks," Fisk said. "And I wanted you for years. Believe me, you're making me happier than I can put into words just by letting me touch you. Hold you. Kiss you."

"Years? You wanted me before I trusted you... when I was still fighting you and being a pain in your ass?" If Matt sounded surprised at that, it was because he was surprised. "...Did... did you want me before the snap? Or.... or did that develop after?"

"Before the snap, I was starting to go legit," Fisk said. "And part of that was because I'd started developing feelings for you. I put them on the back burner for five years and tried to make it work with Vanessa."

"You... you wanted me before I disappeared for five years..." Matt's voice caught and he swallowed. "...I gave you so many problems... I remember you trying to tell me you were trying to do things legally. I didn't want to listen. Even when everything pointed toward that being the truth." He sighed. "...Sometimes it feels like I deserve so much more punishment than you gave me."

"I wasn't punishing you for not believing or trusting me." Fisk ran his fingers over Matt's cheeks and across his forehead. "I always knew it would take time to earn your trust. Nothing worth having comes easy."

"I know you weren't punishing me for that... but..." Matt paused. "...As awful as I treated you because of that distrust... it feels like I got let off easy." He sighed. "I'm not... I'm not going to ask for more punishment; it's not my place to make that decision... but... it just feels like I got off easy. That's all...."

Fisk gently kissed his lips. "It is my decision to make, my love. And you've more than made up for everything."

Matt returned the kiss, lingering as long as possible. "Yessir... it's your decision. I won't push for more. I trust you to give me what I deserve... I just... I just wanted to let you know how I felt...."

"And you should never feel like you have to hide anything from me," Fisk said against Matt's lips. "But you don't need to feel guilty. I love you."

"I love you too..." Matt smiled against Fisk's lips. "...I trust that if I do something horrible, you won't let me get away with it... just as I trust that you won't harm me or overreact to something I've done. I've a tendency to do things to hurt myself. I know this. Just because I think I deserve worse doesn't mean I should act on that thought. I know this. But... I might need help remembering occasionally and I just wanted you to know..." He swallowed and leaned up to give Fisk another quick kiss.

"I won't let you do anything that will cause you harm," Fisk promised. He kissed Matt a bit more deeply, cupping the side of the smaller man's face.

"You'll keep me safe... even from myself..." Matt acknowledged, relaxing back into Fisk's arms again, content to stay there as long as the older, larger man wanted to hold him. He clenched again, testing to see if Fisk was still claiming.

"Always," Fisk promised, gently moving his finger inside Matt. He pressed light, gentle kisses to the other man's face.

Matt let out tiny, happy, little whimpers at both the kisses and the movement he could feel inside. His body began to respond to the actions much more quickly than he'd thought would be possible, considering how wrung out he'd been. He drew his knees up toward his chin in an effort to make it easier for Fisk to explore.

"Mine." Fisk whispered the word against Matt's lips, kissing them and continuing to press kisses to the smaller man's body, even as he continued to claim inside.

"...Yours..." Matt whispered back breathlessly, kissing back eagerly as he held his knees tight against his chest, opening himself up as much as he could to Fisk's touch and gaze. "...Please more..." He whimpered.

Fisk moved his finger a bit more inside Matt, kissing him deeply and passionately. He slid his other hand down Matt's chest, beginning to pay attention to his nipples.

Matt arched his back and moaned, his nipples hardening at Fisk's attention. "...Please..." he whimpered. "...Please more..." He clenched tight around Fisk's finger. "Wanna feel you deep... wanna... wanna stretch for you..." He whined.

"I can put another finger inside." Fisk whispered the words against Matt's lips. "It might be uncomfortable, but I'll go slow."

"...Yes...please... please..." Matt begged softly, clenching tight around the finger Fisk was currently using.

"I love you." Fisk coated a second finger in the lotion and pushed it very carefully into Matt along with the first.

Matt let out a low, long whine as Fisk pushed a second digit into him. The stretch was intense. It was uncomfortable, just as Fisk had warned, and Matt had to take a slow, deep breath to keep himself from tightening up and 'blocking' his lover. He wanted this. He held as still as possible and focused on how it felt to have Fisk pushing deeper and deeper, so slowly and the feeling of vulnerability and surrender, mixing with the feeling of stretching open, was so intense it overcame the discomfort. His body reacted visibly and by the time Fisk had pushed as far as he could, Matt had begun to babble almost incoherently, begging for Fisk to 'own' him and telling the older man how much he loved him in alternating gasps.

Fisk kissed Matt's lips, deeply and passionately. He responded to Matt's words of love with his own, kissing and caressing over the smaller man's body. He circled each of the smaller man's nipples with his fingers, gently stroking and squeezing.

Matt's breathing was rapid and shaky; his body trembled and he held onto his knees tightly as his hips began bucking upward toward Fisk's hand, encouraging the older man to 'rub' more firmly and deeply; he let out tiny sobs as he continued to speak of how much he loved and belonged to his lover; and his nipples hardened to painful nubs, his member hardening just as painfully.

Fisk lowered his head and engulfed Matt's nipples in his mouth, continuing to move his fingers inside the smaller man. His other hand slid down Matt's stomach, gently grasping the other man's member.

Matt gasped as the warmth of Fisk's mouth enveloped his nipples, as the gentle grasp held his member and he arched his back with a soft wail.

Fisk licked and kissed his way between Matt's nipples, gently stroking and grasping his member.

Matt's babbling soon turned into mere nonsense syllables and sounds. He was incapable of speech, too focused on the pleasure he was being given. He felt like fire inside, the intense ache fueling the flames. All he could do was arch into Fisk's attention, thrusting gently to encourage the older man to continue his movements.

Pulling back, Fisk saw that Matt's nipples were red and swollen. He replaced his mouth with his hand, stroking and manipulating the nipples. Pressing a kiss to the smaller man's lips, he whispered, "Let go."

And just like that, Matt was releasing, hard. His vision whited out for a moment and then he was lying limp on Fisk's lap, his breathing labored and shaky, tiny sobs escaping as tears slid down his face.  "...Yours..." he finally managed to whisper, in a broken voice.

"Mine." Fisk said the word with a possessive note in his voice. "For always. And eventually, I'll claim you completely. In every way possible." He pressed a gentle kiss to Matt's lips before carefully withdrawing. "But now...I think it's time to rest. And then to eat and drink something when you wake."

Matt let out a tiny, disappointed whimper as Fisk's fingers pulled out, but he didn't argue. He knew his owner was correct. He was drained and needed rest. And to eat and drink. And likely bathe again. Fisk needed those things as well, so he wasn't going to argue, even if he wanted to. Still... he felt empty, like something was missing, once Fisk had withdrawn and he suspected it would be several minutes to an hour before his body adjusted to not accommodating his lover. And if he could sleep in Fisk's arms, he'd be happy enough. It wasn't like he'd never have that wonderful feeling of being filled ever again. Fisk had just promised that he would be completely his. Had just reiterated that Matt belonged to him. He could be patient. "...Clean up first or nap first?" he whispered, in a drowsy, fully sated voice.

"Clean up first, I think." Fisk carefully lifted Matt into his arms, carrying the smaller man through to the adjoining bathroom. "Afterwards, I'll send a message, asking for food to be brought up in a couple of hours." He moved them both into the shower, so he could rinse off Matt and himself easier.

Matt giggled, wrapping his arms tightly around Fisk's shoulders and holding tight as he was carried into the shower. He held still so Fisk could wash him again. "I'm always getting us messy..." he said sheepishly.

Fisk smiled. "There's nothing wrong with that," he replied, cleaning Matt's body off carefully.

"I... it's scary how used to this I've become. I'll never want to bathe myself, or feed myself again, as long as I'm with you..." Matt admitted sheepishly.

"You won't have to," Fisk answered. "As long as we're together, which I intend to be a very long time, I'll feed you and wash you. Take care of you."

"I hope that we don't have to be apart from each other, ever. And if we are, it's only for a very short time and I can be back in your arms quickly..." Matt said assertively.

"I won't ever let us be separated." Finishing washing them both, Fisk began to dry them off.

Matt's body was very sensitive. Feeling the towel gently drying him caused him to shiver slightly. He wasn't being aroused, but he was on the cusp of over-stimulation. Sniffling slightly, he swallowed. "Everything is like charged. My skin feels like it wants to crawl off of me..." he admitted quietly.

Fisk took his hand and gently squeezed it. "That's one of the reasons why I think we need to rest. You're starting to become over-stimulated. We don't have to rush things. We have plenty of time to go slow and take it easy."

Matt nodded. "I just want to give you everything I can as much as possible. I... I'm afraid if I don't, I'll miss my chance..." He shifted closer to Fisk, letting his head rest against the older man's chest. "I know you won't leave me if you have any say in it and I won't leave you. But sometimes things happen that we can't control..." he whispered, thinking of Elektra. Thinking of how he'd disappeared because of a snap.

"I know." Fisk kissed Matt's hair. "You were gone for five years. By the time you came back, I knew what I wanted. Knew that I wanted you. I've learned patience. I learned it a long time ago," he admitted. "I don't want to rush to take everything from you. I want the time to savor with you."

"I... I want you to be happy with me..." Matt whispered. "...If taking your time to take what belongs to you is what will make you happy, then I'll try and learn patience too...."

"I will be happy with you no matter what happens, Matt," Fisk said seriously. "You've made me so happy by giving yourself to me. By returning my love. I could never be anything less than happy with you."

"Thank you, Wil..." Matt whispered, pressing more tightly to the older man. "...I'm not used to being happy. But... I am. Very happy...."

"I'm glad. I want you to be happy." Fisk lifted Matt into his arms, carrying the smaller man back through to the bedroom.

Matt kissed Fisk's neck, nuzzling against the older man. "I am. Very much so. I love you, Wil...."

"I love you. So much." Fisk settled on the bed, nestling Matt against him, wrapping his arms tight around the smaller man.

Matt snuggled close, his head tucked under Fisk's chin, his ear pressed to the older man's chest, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Fisk tightened his arms around Matt, brushing a kiss over his head and then settling back against the headboard. Closing his eyes, he slipped into sleep fairly quickly.