Chapter Seventeen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit adult/sexual situations. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m, F/f, M/f; Mild spoilers for Endgame; dubcon; AU


It had been a few months since Bobbi's kidnapping and subsequent 'rescue' bonding. Of course, once the bond had solidified and it became clear to both Coulson and Bobbi that they would have eventually bonded together anyway- that their feelings for each other were strong and had been heading in that direction- they decided to ignore the circumstances behind their bonding and be just like every other bonded couple on the ship. And everyone took notes. For Wong, of course, so he could write pertinent information in the journal where the bonding spell had first been found. It hadn't mentioned anyone bonding more than one person, after all, so for all they knew, Coulson was the first.

Currently, they were all in the dining area, expanded from the smallish room they'd eaten in before Tony refurbished. It was a large open area, with several tables large enough to hold up to eight people each. The tables could be connected together if necessary, with a little effort, as they had special legs that 'locked' to the ground when activated ("In case you go through a rough patch. Don't want furniture flying," Tony had said.) The kitchen area was separated by a door that went both ways. It had several replicators for quick meals and drinks, and a small electric stove for those times someone wanted to put a little effort into the meal. They had smaller replicators in their personal rooms for snacks and such, but more substantial fare had to be made in the kitchen.

Frank exited the kitchen, carrying two plates piled high with food for Yondu and him. He'd wanted his mate to try one of the things he and his family had enjoyed before he'd lost them all; pancakes covered in fresh raspberries compote and powdered sugar.

Logan had been heading into the kitchen to get him and Bobby food and nearly drooled at the sight. "The recipe for that in the replicator, or did you make that by scratch?" he asked, hopeful that it was in the replicator.

"Replicator..." Frank grinned. "I'll do scratch food someday my stomach isn't eating itself...."

"Great!" Logan disappeared to replicate pancakes.

Bobbi sat beside Coulson, drinking coffee and leaning against him contentedly. She hadn't eaten yet, but it usually took her an hour of being awake before her stomach felt ready for food anyway. She eyed Frank's plates as he placed one down in front of Yondu, one next to that plate, and then sat on his mate's lap, giving Yondu a kiss. Her eyes were completely on the food.

Coulson noticed the look on Bobbi's face and wrapped his arm around her waist, gently pulling her in close. "Would you like some pancakes too?" he asked softly.

Yondu wrapped his arms around Frank's waist, kissing his mate back. Then, he picked up one of the forks and began feeding his mate. It was automatic to do so...and something most of the couples on the ship did.

Bobby eyed the pancakes and his stomach growled, carrying clearly through the room. A slightly sheepish look came over his face. "Sorry. Didn't realise I was so hungry." Of course, he'd had a pretty strenuous night with his that probably contributed to his hunger.

Bobbi smiled at Coulson. "They do look delicious..." she admitted.

Frank ate what he was fed, but unlike a lot of the other subs who sat on their Dom's lap and got fed, he picked up a fork and began to feed Yondu back.

Monica heard Bobby's stomach growl and his apology for it. "Don't be sorry!" she interjected. "It looks and smells so good!"

Coulson gave her a quick kiss and then stood, heading through to the kitchen area so that he could use the replicator and get the two of them pancakes.

Yondu smiled and ate what Frank fed him, every so often kissing his mate's fingers, or stealing a kiss from Frank.

"Yeah, but I normally have better control over my stomach than this." Bobby smiled as he added, "Thanks, though."

"What would you like for breakfast?" Lyja asked her own mate.

"That!" Monica grinned, then laughed softly.

All the other couples had arrived by this point, various members of them going into the kitchen to replicate their breakfast.

Grant sat a plate with an omelet in front of Kara, kissing the top of her head before sitting next to her. "I added in Spicy Basil, since I know you liked that the last time I added it." He grinned.

Kara smiled and leaned in close to Grant, letting her head rest gently on his shoulder. "Thank you," she said quietly, before reaching out and beginning to eat.

Lyja quickly kissed Monica and then headed into the kitchen to collect pancakes for them boh.

Yon watched his two daughters, a fond look on his face. He let his head rest on Talos' shoulder. His own mate had made him food using a recipe from his childhood.

Matt leaned against Fisk, asking through the bond, What are you eating, Wil? I will eat the same thing.

Peter came in, carrying two plates piled high with pancakes, eggs, bacon and hash browns. "When we finish this, I can get us donuts!"

Talos wrapped his arm around Yon's shoulders, and pressed a gentle kiss to his mate's head. Is the food good?

I made us both pancakes. Fisk gently tugged Matt into his lap and began to feed his mate, stealing kisses every so often.

Thor grinned and quickly motioned his own mate over to him. "And that will just be for starters!" He was joking...mostly...although his appetite was fairly big.

Danny kissed Ward's shoulder. What are you in the mood to eat, my heart?

It is perfect, Filat. Yon smiled at his mate, kissing his cheek. You take care of me perfectly.

Peter put the plates in front of Thor and snuggled on his mate's lap.

Matt obediently ate, making sounds of appreciation. These don't taste like pancakes with raspberry compote. But I can't place the flavor. It is very good, though.

Ward thought about it. An omelet would be good, love.

By this time, everyone else had arrived and got their various breakfasts and were chatting with their crew mates.

"I believe SARA mentioned that we would be stopping at a new planet in a few days?" Stephen asked those piloting for confirmation.

Yondu nodded in answer to Stephen's question. "Provided we stay on course, we should reach it without any problems. Plenty of time ta prepare and decide what we want ta look at and do," he commented.

"Plenty of time to make sure we know all the rules and danger spots..." Logan stated.

"And the fun places." Grinning at his mate, Bobby reached out to 'steal' a piece of pancake from Logan's plate.

"That goes without saying." Logan playfully swatted at Bobby's hand, before stabbing a bite of pancake and feeding it to his mate.

Bobby smiled and ate the bite, nestling in close to the older man and letting out a tiny, contented sigh. "Love you," he said out loud.

"Love you too, kid..." Logan hugged Bobby close.

Bucky glanced around the group, a feeling of peace and serenity flowing through the bond.

Fury smiled at the emotions he could feel coming through the bond and reaced out to run his fingers down his mate's arm. I like feeling your happiness.

Bucky leaned toward Fury, smiling at the other man. It is impossible not to be happy. I'm free... Loved... And it is so peaceful....

Fury wrapped his arm around Bucky's shoulders and kissed him tenderly. It is, he agreed. And we can see more of the universe. I couldn't think of anyone better to see all of this with than you.

Bucky blushed, leaning up to kiss his mate on the lips. Never thought I'd get into space. Never thought I'd find love either, though. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.

I could say the same thing to you. Fury returned the kiss, pressing in deeply.

Bucky grinned and snuggled a bit more in contentment.

Loki was sipping tea beside T'Challa. He'd eaten, but his appetite wasn't as extensive as his brothers'. Do you want to attempt to contact your family this morning, my king? he thought.

I would like to, T'Challa agreed. I am certain they would like to see you as well.

We should ask Stephen and Mordo before they become occupied with other things, Loki suggested.

Yes, T'Challa agreed. He looked towards the sorcerers. "If it is possible, I would like to make contact with my family after we have eaten," he said.

Mordo nodded. "Of course. We can open up lines of communication for anyone who might want to speak to family and friends back home."

Matt straightened at that. "Could I contact Foggy? Karen? I promised I'd keep in touch and it's been several months...."

"Of course," Mordo answered. "We can set up a regular contact with people back on Earth. It might not be every day, but we could perhaps look at making it a weekly occurrence."

"That would be good. I know Tony would like to hear from us." Maria smiled.

Steve nodded, overhearing the comments. "I don't want him to think he's been forgotten about." Tony had 'grown up' a great deal since they'd first met...but his tendnecy to overwork himself had never truly gone away.

"Better if no one feels forgotten," Bucky agreed, thinking about Sam, Rhodes and others.

Steve nodded in agreement with his brother. "Maybe we should all make a list of everyone we want to check in with."

"Couldn't hurt. If it becomes a weekly thing, we can find out when the best times to contact them are. Make a standing appointment," Ross suggested.

Mordo nodded. "We'll set up a call about an hour after we've eaten, then, if everyone wants to make a list of who they'd like to talk to."


They had all done as Mordo instructed and, within an hour of eating, everyone had spoken with those they needed to. They had also set up appointed times with those people where they would do a weekly check in to make certain everything was okay. The mood on the ship was noticeably lighter after the connections had been made. Being able to speak with loved ones ha eased many remaining worries that the distance would make communication impossible.

Eddie leaned against Drake, a bittersweet feeling coursing through the bond. Anne had informed him that she and Dan were expecting a baby. He was happy for her, for them, but he couldn't help thinking it might have been him if he hadn't been a jealous fool. Not that he wanted to be back with Anne- he loved Drake and was very happy- but he couldn't help but wonder if he'd have made a good father.

Drake wrapped his arm around Eddie's shoulders, feeling his mate's emotions, and gently pulled Eddie in closer and tighter. He brushed a kiss against the other man's head, murmuring through the bond, It's natural to feel that wonder about what if. For what it's worth, I believe you would have been a good dad.

Really? Even though I could barely take care of myself? Eddie asked, feeling slightly better.

You don't give yourself enough credit, Drake said. You've been taking care of Venom, even when it's been hard on you. And a child wouldn't be much different responsibility-wise.

Eddie blinked at that. You're right. I didn't think of that... A very sheepish feeling carried through the bond.

Sometimes it takes another person to point it out before you realise for yourself. Drake's mental voice was wry. He kissed Eddie's shoulder. I have every faith in you.

Eddie sighed happily and snuggled into Drake. I love you...

Venom popped his head out of Eddie's shoulder. "WE love you!" he purred out loud.

Drake smiled and wrapped his arm a bit tigher around Eddie, including Venom in the embrace. "I love you both too," he said out loud.

"When we stop at the next planet, Peter and Thor said they would help me look for more information on my kind... I have been able to stay in Peter for up to a day before we both need to separate..." Venom said in excitement. "That will let you both explore without me, if you wish. Peter has been to this planet before."

Drake smiled at the symbiote's enthusiasm. "I know you've also been able to spend time inside Grant and Kara, too. You'd get the chance to see different things with different people."

"Yes. Grant and Kara were willing to look for information with me as well, but as they have not been to this planet, I thought it better that they be able to sight see," Venom agreed.

Eddie grinned. "Thinking of others before yourself. You have grown a lot, my symbiotic friend...."

Your bond has changed both of you, Drake sent through the bond. Both Eddie and Venom had grown, albeit in different ways.

"Our bond has changed me, too..." Eddie admitted to Drake in a soft tone, smiling bashfully.

Venom grinned toothily. "Yeah. He gets wet very easily and quickly now and that never happened before you!"

Eddie shook his head with a snort. "I meant emotionally and mentally, Venom. But yes. There are physical differences too."

"I know. I've felt those difference. Our bond has changed me too." Drake leaned in to tenderly kiss Eddie.

Eddie responded to the kiss eagerly, even if it was submissively.

Venom purred as he watched the two kissing. "Will you take him, Drake? I wanna feel him feeling good..." he requested. It was still a work in progress but the alien was more cognizant about personal boundaries and consent than he had been. He didn't make demands or divulge Eddie's feelings- at least not as frequently as he had. With their bond, it was likely Drake could tell Eddie's feelings without Venom divulging.

"If he wants me to," Drake answered Venom honestly. He let his hands stroke down Eddie's arms, reaching out through the bond to make sure Eddie would be on board with it.

I always want to be taken by you, Sir, Eddie thought, with a hint of mischievousness. Like having you in me, filling me up. And we have that plug, so you can make sure I keep all that you put in me, inside where it belongs.

Venom could sense a private conversation going on, so he remained quiet and waited patiently, though he did add, "If he wants to, I can tie him up for you so he can't move and you can use all the toys you brought..."

I like the idea of that, Drake agreed, before he responded to Venom's suggestion. "If Eddie would like that, would be comfortable with it, then I'd be happy for you to do that."

Eddie smiled at the alien fondly. "If you promise to obey Drake and do what he says without arguing, I don't mind if you participate..." he said, quietly but firmly.

Venom nodded. "I promise! If Drake tells me to do something or not do something, I will listen!"

"Good." Drake began to slowly strip Eddie of his clothing, caressing and kissing skin when it was revealed.

Eddie groaned softly, making his body loose so that Drake could move him however he wanted or needed. He was kissing Drake just as much as he was being kissed, and removed his mate's clothing as well, even though he did it in a more deferential way, waiting for permission before removing various items.

Drake shifted so that Eddie could easily remove his own clothes and touch and kiss the same way he was. It didn't take long before they were both completely naked.

Venom hovered, watching both men, learning from them as he watched them share and love each other, waiting for the moment Drake told him to tie Eddie and how he wanted him positioned.

Eddie just enjoyed kissing and caressing his master.

Slowly, finally, Drake pulled back enough to speak to Venom. "It's time." He told the symbiote how to tie Eddie, so that his mate would be entirely exposed and vulnerable to him.

Venom quickly listened to Drake, tying Eddie just enough to immobilize him and leave him completely exposed and open to Drake. His arms and legs were held wide so there was no blocking any area, inner or outer. The only part Venom didn't hold 'open' was Eddie's bottom, and that was because Drake hadn't told him to. He was ready to do that, too if Drake asked.

"Good," Drake breathed, to both Eddie and Venom. He began to gently rub his hands over every part of Eddie's body, apart from his member...leaving that part of his mate untouched. His own member was quickly beginning to fill and harden.

Eddie began to moan and whimper with need as his mate touched and claimed all of him. His own member quickly became engorged from arousal, swollen and leaking precum, hanging neglected like forbidden fruit. The whimpers became whines as Eddie was held in place for Drake to 'torment'. Venom's grip was too strong. He couldn't even squirm a little to relieve the ache of his arousal. His slick had coated him inside by this point and began to collect between his cheeks, a little of it running down his thighs.

"Part his cheeks for me, Venom," Drake requested, his voice husky with arousal.

"Yes, Drake!" Venom responded enthusiastically, carefully, gently, but firmly pulling Eddie's cheeks as far apart as possible, leaving his tight, visibly wet entrance completely exposed to Drake's whims.

Eddie let out a tiny sob at feeling so exposed and vulnerable, dropping slightly from the helplessness. Only his unwavering trust in Drake kept him from being afraid, though the vulnerability left him nervous.

Drake sent waves of reassurance and care through the bond, waiting long enough to be sure that Eddie felt safe and at ease before he continued. He coated a finger in the slick between Eddie's cheeks, carefully pushing it inside his mate and beginning to rub it in circles inside.

Eddie shivered as he felt Drake push in, slipping slightly more at the feeling of dependence he suddenly felt. Drake had complete control over what would be done. Eddie groaned softly, clenching around Drake's finger, his member twitching as his arousal grew.

Drake reached round and ran his fingers gently over Eddie's member; not stroking or squeezing, just touching. "Don't let go until I tell you to," he ordered, as he slowly pushed a second finger inside.

Eddie took a shivering breath. "Yessir..." he managed to whimper out. His member twitched again in response to feeling Drake's fingers touching, inside and out.

Venom let a tiny tendril, long and very thin, ghost over Eddie's tip, circling his slit and smearing the pre-cum. "I can help him not release... If it is okay with you... He won't release, but he will really need to...." He asked Drake's permission so that Eddie would feel even more keenly that Drake was in complete control of him and his body and what would be done to him.

Drake nodded to Venom, his own member quickly growing fully hard at the thought of that kind of power, of that kind of control, over his mate. "I would like that," he agreed. "I want you to do that, Venom." He continued to move the two fingers inside Eddie, slowly widening his mate...taking his time doing so.

Venom purred at being given permission, wrapping the long, thin tendril around the base of Eddie's shaft and around his balls, tightening it around the sub until Eddie was unable to release, though he was still fully aroused. He then began to slowly insert the tip of the tendril into Eddie's slit; not going deep, not yet or without Drake's permission, only a few millimeters in and out, in and out... teasing with the possibility if Eddie's master allowed.

The tendril wasn't thick. It didn't stretch. It was a very unusual sensation, though, and Eddie gurgled with surprise at it.

Drake, noticing Eddie's reaction to Venom's tendril, reached out through the bond...making sure his mate wasn't distressed or hurt. If Eddie didn't like it, he'd direct Venom to stop.

It didn't hurt. But it was scary, the thought of anything being inserted there. At the same time, the thought of Drake being so completely in control over him that Venom could push in further if Drake chose made his stomach flip in excitement. The thought that he had no choice and would be completely reliant on Drake making sure he was safe? That he liked. Still... "Where...?" he managed to ask, in a strangled voice, unable to keep the fact he was scared hidden.

"Online, Eddie! I read all kinds of interesting stuff about things that people like. It is supposed to feel really good! Of course, it is also dangerous if done outside of a medical procedure, which probably doesn't feel so good, but that is probably because they use glass or metal rods. I am not glass or metal. I am flexible. Plus, I can make myself really thin, so it won't stretch or tear you!" Venom sounded proud of himself at thinking of that.

Eddie cringed at the instant visualization he had of stretching or tearing. It didn't help with his being scared. Even if the thought of Drake having that control over him still excited him and made him willing to ignore his fear for his master, if Drake wanted to see that happen.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Venom." Drake sent waves of reassurance through the bond towards his mate. "I wouldn't want to risk any stretching or tearing. I know you'd be as careful as possible, but that doesn't mean it couldn't go wrong. And I know you wouldn't feel good if you accidentally hurt Eddie," he added.

Venom slanted his head. "No. I do not want to hurt Eddie..." he quickly agreed, removing the tendril from inside Eddie's tip and wrapping it more firmly around his shaft to prevent release.

Eddie noticeably calmed, a feeling of trust and gratitude flowing to Drake through the bond. He would have submitted, even if it scared him; that was clear. The thought of submitting to Drake's decision, even if he was terrified, excited him, because he knew nothing Drake would demand would ever be dangerous or damaging to him, even if it pushed him past his comfort zones.

"Good, Venom," Drake said out loud, letting a note of pride creep into his voice as he spoke to the smbiote. He rubbed his two fingers inside Eddie for several more moments before he withdrew them and then pushed inside his mate, going as deep as possible before pulling out nearly all the way and then thrusting again. Hard.

Venom visibly preened at the praise, keeping a firm grip on Eddie's member so the other man couldn't release, even though it was obvious he was so very close. He let another tendril form, gently petting his host's hair and face.

Eddie gurgled at feeling his master shove in hard and deep, a tiny sob escaping as the other man stroked over his prostate. If Venom hadn't been squeezing him, he would have immediately released. Instead, his member twitched and pulsed with need. It was a dark purple and ached from the need to release. His master wasn't allowing it yet, though. The torment from that was even more arousing. Knowing that Drake controlled him that completely, owned him that thoroughly, that Eddie couldn't get relief without his expressed permission... It was an indescribable feeling. Eddie slid toward a drop; not there yet, but it wouldn't take much.

"Good," Drake breathed, to both Eddie and Venom. His dominance was more over Eddie, but Venom came as a package deal...and the symbiote was doing exactly the right thing and learning from what both Drake and Eddie wanted. Grasping Eddie's hips, Drake pulled out of his mate enough to push into him hard and fast once more. He opened up through the bond, so that Eddie could feel Drake's pride in him; so he could feel how much he belonged to Drake and how much Drake needed and loved him.

Feeling Drake's pride in him, that he was submitting the way he was supposed to, sent Eddie over the edge. He moaned softly, clenching and unclenching around Drake's member as his mate pounded him, providing more friction for his master. His entire focus and need was on Drake; making it feel good for Drake, giving Drake everything the other man asked for, taking whatever the other man gave. He was very sensitive inside, and the emotion of feeling so completely owned overwhelmed him and tears streamed down his face as he whimpered, moaned, and groaned for his master, begging without words for Drake to destroy and remake him.

Drake's fingers gripped tightly on Eddie's hips, pulling his mate back tighter against him to make it easier for him to go deeper. Finally, he leaned over and closed his teeth around Eddie's neck. "Now." He growled the word, the order, both through the bond and out loud.

Hearing Drake's order to Eddie, Venom immediately released his host's member from the tight binds he'd placed around it, and withdrew into Eddie, where he could experience Eddie's climax to the fullest extent.

Eddie, suddenly no longer having the tight binding to prevent him and hearing the possessive command, immediately released for Drake, his body going into hard, drawn-out spasms. He was completely out of control, his body just letting go in a violent, shuddering, quaking release. His hole tightened around Drake so tightly that his master couldn't pull out if he'd wanted to, the muscle massaging and vibrating around the Dominant better than any toy ever could have.

By the time his release finally completed, it was over a minute later. Eddie was a boneless, limp heap under Drake. His torso was soaked and slick from his seed spilling and spraying onto him and Drake. He was emotionally raw from the complete surrender and couldn't speak because he was crying too hard to form words. He was aware of what was going on around him, but it didn't help. He was incapable of making any decisions... of doing anything, really. He had given himself so totally to Drake that Drake would have to take responsibility for him until he was capable again.

Drake's own release hit him hard and he rode out the waves as Eddie milked him entirely of his release. Even when it was finally over, it took him a few moments to fully come back to himself. When he did, he carefully withdrew from Eddie and reached for the washcloths, beginning to carefully clean up his mate. Every touch was gentle and undemanding, as he could tell that Eddie was dropped and not fully aware.

Once they were both cleaned off thoroughly, Drake moved them over to the bed and carefully settled them both on it, drawing the blankets around Eddie so that he would be warm and comfortable. Then, he began to gently call his lover back to him.

Eddie pressed close to his mate, putting his head on Drake's chest, allowing the other man's strength and warmth to help focus him. "I'm here..." he whispered faintly. And he was; he knew what was happening. He just wasn't capable of doing anything beyond relying on Drake. He shivered slightly and nuzzled his Dom's chest. "...Just need help..." he admitted, in a whisper.

Venom didn't come out again; the intensity of the climax had knocked him off his balance and he was hiding until he felt normal again. Eddie's body was a bundle of oversensitive nerves, and Venom didn't want to agitate.

"It's okay," Drake said softly. "I'm here to help and support you in everything, Eddie. No matter what happens. You can always lean on me." He sent the waves of reassurance through the bond, even as he spoke to his mate in a reassuring tone.

Eddie blushed as he found himself crying again, the complete acceptance and love he felt from Drake overcoming him. He couldn't control his emotions and instead let himself cry, even as he pressed closer to Drake and clung to him. He left the bond wide open, so his mate could feel him emotionally and also physically. He needed Drake to know how vulnerable he was.

Drake pressed a kiss to Eddie's head and cuddled him close. "I love you and you're mine," he whispered, both out loud and through the bond. "And I've got you. I'll take care of you. No matter what happens."

Love you so much... Eddie responded, a peaceful trust bleeding through the bond. I'll follow and obey anything you decide is best....

I know. I trust you to follow me and obey me...although I would never treat you as a slave and you would always have a say in anything we do, Drake said, kissing his shoulder.

I know. Eddie smiled drowsily and kissed Drake's chest.

Drake kissed the top of his head. Sleep now. I'll keep you safe, he promised.

Sighing happily, Eddie closed his eyes and slept.


Dane was sitting on the couch in his and Ikaris' quarters, reading a book on ancient enchantments. He was hoping to find more information on the Ebony Blade that wasn't bad news. Ikaris had forbidden him using it and taken it from him when it was discovered the blade would feed off of his most negative aspects and encourage them, until Dane eventually turned into his worst evil version of himself. Dane wasn't happy at that. Compared to nearly every other person on the ship who had been trained to fight, or spy, or had abilities, Dane was a weakling. Nothing special at all. Having an enchanted blade made him special too, but not if he couldn't use it. So he was reading about it, hoping to find a way to overcome the blade's curse.

Ikaris moved over and sat down next to Dane on the couch, letting his side rest against his bond mate's. "Have you found anything?" he asked. He hadn't wanted to take the blade from his mate, but knowing what it would do to the man he loved...he couldn't do anything else.

"No, sir..." Dane said softly, before sighing. "It... It feeds off of negative energy. From those it kills and the one wielding it. I might be able to hold the curse at bay for a few years at most before it would get hold of me. It's my family legacy... It feels like I should be able to... To withstand it. Use it for good!" he said earnestly, before slumping. "My uncle thought the same thing. His worst trait was his temper. It's why he ended up in jail."

"You'd lose what made you you," Ikaris said quietly. "You'd turn into the very thing you were trying to fight." He wrapped his arm around Dane's shoulders and drew his mate in close and tight. "I know you don't want that."

Dane snuggled close. "I know you're right. It... I just wanted to do something important. I thought the sword might be that, when I found out it was enchanted. And now? I'm back to being useless."

"You're not useless," Ikaris disagreed, wrapping his other arm around Dane to draw him into a tight hug. "And you are important. More than important."

"Thanks... But you kinda have to say that. I belong to you..." Dane smiled crookedly. He was teasing, though it was clear he partly believed Ikaris felt that way because he loved him and not because of any real ability.

"You might belong to me. But I'm also saying it because it's true. You aren't useless. And I have every faith you might be able to help me find the rest of my family," Ikaris added, allowing Dane to feel his sincerity and honesty through the bond.

Dane leaned back to look into Ikaris's face. "I will do everything in my power to help. I promise."

"I know you will," Ikaris replied. "I'm glad you're here with me. I'm glad you decided to follow me here."

Dane hugged ikaris tightly, kissing him chastely before nuzzling his shoulder. "I'm thankful you allowed me to stay. I was so afraid you'd send me back."

"I couldn't," Ikaris admitted, kissing him tenderly. "I was so relieved you see you again. I couldn't break us up a second time."

"I was so relieved that you'd changed your mind... even though things changed. I... I know it was better that they changed. I didn't think I could be happier than I was when we were together before, but I am. I'm a lot happier now. Not arguing all the time helps..." He sounded sheepish. Now that he was expected to obey and would be punished if he didn't, he didn't feel the urge to argue against every reasonable request Ikaris made. And when he did feel the urge to argue, he thought about it first to make sure it was something he really wanted to argue about and couldn't be discussed more maturely.

"It does," Ikaris agreed. "Now I know you will listen to me when it comes to matters of your health." He wasn't scolding...but if he was entirely honest, Dane's constant arguing and refusal to take care of himself had been difficult to deal with. Now that Ikaris had a way to gently encourage his mate to do the normal human things like eat and sleep...he felt much more secure and content in their relationship.

"Yeah... I... I'm sorry I worried you so much. I don't know why it was so difficult to do what you asked when I knew you were right. Dunno why it took you taking control for me to not want to be disagreeable...." Dane looked down, shame flittering through the bond.

"I'm not sure either of us were in the right frame of mind at that point." Ikaris sent a wave of soothing reassurance through the bond. "Obviously, something needed to shift in our relationship. It just took us coming here for that to happen."

Dane nodded, leaning into Ikaris. "If you'd told me you would spank me if I didn't listen before we met this group, I wouldn't have believed it..." He snorted softly.

"It wouldn't have occurred to me," Ikaris admitted. "Although I have used spanking on my family members before."

Dane slanted his head. "Your kids?" he asked curiously. He knew Dane had been with Sersei. But he'd mentioned other family members, and a few he'd talked about as if he were a parent.

"Not through blood...but they're mine in every way that counts," Ikaris said quietly. It killed him that he didn't know where they were...if Arishem had forced them to forget about him, or if he was hurting them. He just wanted them back and safe with him.

Dane could feel what his mate was feeling. "We'll find them," he asserted, as confidently as possible.

"I know. I have your help." Ikaris smiled at his mate. He knew that Dane would help and support him in this and everything else.

Dane smiled at that, leaning in to kiss his mate. "I'm so thankful I was able to catch up to you..."

"So am I." Ikaris returned the kiss, pressing a bit deeper, gently stroking the side of Dane's face.

Smiling again, Dane set the books aside. "It doesn't appear I'm going to find any solutions that would enable me to use the blade without risking my soul..." he said, with a disappointed sigh. "If it was really needed, though...."

"You're not risking your soul," Ikaris said firmly. "No matter what, that wouldn't be acceptable."

"Even to save countless other lives?" Dane asked hesitantly. He wasn't keen on losing himself to a cursed blade either, but if it was a choice of the blade getting a small grip on him (it didn't just take him over immediately; it was clear in everything he read that the possession was gradual over time and numerous uses), or saving lives... he couldn't see how the danger to him superseded saving people.

"Your life isn't less important," Ikaris said seriously. "And if we were at the point where someone needed to consider losing a bit of themselves in order to save others...I think it would be safe to say the situation was a dire one anyway."

Dane thought about that. "You're right. Hopefully, nothing ever becomes that dire...."

"And we can train together," Ikaris commented. "There are other weapons you can use, not only a sword that will take your soul."

Dane straightened at that suggestion, obviously happy. "I'd like that! I want to be able to help protect everyone too..." he admitted.

Ikaris smiled at his mate's happiness. "We can make use of the danger room. It'll give us a lot of different environments to work in."

"Can we do that right after lunch?" Dane asked hopefully.

"As long as no one else wants to use the danger room, it won't be a problem," Ikaris promised.

"Great!" Dane wrapped his arms around Ikaris and hugged tight, snuggling close.

Ikaris kissed Dane, gently pulling his mate into his lap so that they could cuddle more closely and easily.

Dane sighed happily at being pulled, placed, on his mate's lap. He'd been shocked when Ikaris had decided to take control over him, asserting authority. But while it had been unexpected, he could honestly say he was glad it had happened. Belonging to Ikaris and being expected to obey his mate had given him a security he hadn't realized he needed. I'm glad you took over and are my master now... He nuzzled against his mate in contentment.

I'm very glad you belong to me now. I love you so much. Ikaris nuzzled against and then gently kissed Dane's shoulder, letting his hands stroke gently over his mate's body.

Never knew I needed like this. Now... Don't wanna go back to the way it was before, Dane admitted. He relaxed as Ikaris ran his hands over him, content to be claimed however Ikaris wanted.

I couldn't go back to the way things were before either, Ikaris admitted. I'm happier with you now than I can ever truly remember being before. And if he could get the rest of his family would be perfect.

Happy and safe... Dane agreed. When we find your family, will they be okay with me?

More than okay, Ikaris promised. I know they'll all love you as much as I do.

Sprite and I got along, but part of that was because she said I had a childish soul... Dane pouted.

Ikaris snorted softly at that. There's nothing wrong with having a young soul. And Sprite doesn't get on with a lot of people. Her liking and getting along with you was always a good sign.

She specifically said childish, not youthful. But I'm glad she likes me, though... And it isn't like you can't handle childish when necessary... Dane thought ruefully.

I've had plenty of practise, Ikaris agreed, with a trace of amusement.

Dane grinned at that. So, none of them are likely to tease me for it....

I think you'll find that you're in good company, Ikaris commented.

Dane chuckled. I get something they don't, though.

That's true. Our relationship is very different to the one I have with the rest of my family, Ikaris agreed.

Dane snuggled some more. "Wanna tell me about them? I only really know Sprite and Sersei... And I only met them because of those deviants...."

Ikaris smiled and, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around his mate, proceeded to talk to Dane about his other family members.


Two days later, they were docked at the spaceport of a planet known for its relaxing vacation spots and extracurricular activities. "Is this like the Florida of this space quadrant?" Ross asked in amusement, after having SARA explain what was on the planet and what activities and locations were closest to the debarkation.

"There's an actual amusement park?" Peter sounded as excited as a five-year-old.

Fury snorted softly at overhearing the comments. "It'll be an actual vacation. Of course, we'll end up running into aliens, but...maybe we can get some actual souvenirs to take back to Earth with us."

"Souvenirs would be cool... I know several kids that would get excited about that..." Happy chuckled.

"I thought you had been here before?" Frank asked Peter in confusion, wondering why Peter had been surprised at the amusement park.

Peter nodded. "I have... But they never had an amusement park before. Of course, I haven't been here in several years...."

"It'll be good fer ya to spend time at the amusement park," Yondu commented, gently clasping his son's shoulder. "Didn't get too many chances to be a kid when you was a kid. Ya can make up for that now." He grinned at his son.

Peter grinned at Yondu, then tugged Thor closer. "We can all hang out together, right?"

Thor wrapped his arms around Peter and cuddled him close. "Of course. That was the plan, my Star Prince," he commented.

Frank grinned, pressing closer to Yondu. "Haven't been to an amusement park since my kids were little..." he murmured.

Venom peered out of Peter's shoulder. "Will we have time to look for my people?" he asked, in a slightly worried tone.

"Of course! I promised to take you to the consulate to ask about them. We will do that today and do the park tomorrow," Peter asserted.

Drake smiled at Venom. "We all know that it's important to you to find the rest of your people, so we will make sure that's our first priority," he promised.

"I would like to go with you to the consulate, if I may," Ikaris said to Peter and Venom. "In case there has been any word of my family...."

Eddie nodded. "Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for all of us to go to the consulate before anything else. Just in case there are things we should know..." he said, thinking about some of the problems that had been encountered at other planets.

Ross nodded. "That seems wise to me...."

Coulson nodded. "Especially if there are any areas that are forbidden." After all, Ward had ended up in a dangerous area...and Bobbi had been taken by people trying to force a bond. Of course, that had turned out all right for them, allowing them to explore their own feelings and bond together. Still. They couldn't always assume no harm would come, or that something good could come from entering an area that wasn't allowed.

"So... We're all going to the consulate first?" Monica asked.

Lyja smiled at her mate. "We can get all of the boring stuff out of the way first and then concentrate on having fun." She kissed Monica tenderly.

Monica returned the kiss with a smile. "We are here for more than a day and if everyone is enjoying themselves, we could stay longer than planned. Assuming we don't get a job.”

"I for one fully intend to enjoy myself for as long as we're here for," Cameron put in. "I can't remember the last time I got to go to an amusement park. Pretty sure it was when I was an actual kid." It wasn't like he'd had much time for vacations after joining SHIELD...especially once HYDRA had shown its face.

"I... I don't think I've ever been to one..." Maria admitted.

Cameron glanced towards her in some surprise, then smiled. "Well, we can experience this one together," he said.

"That sounds like fun." Maria grinned.

"Does anyone need to grab anything or get otherwise prepared before we leave the ship?" Steve asked them all.

Stephen glanced around. "I believe I have everything. We have the credit pads that Yondu and Talos recommended, so we can pay for items. I suggest after we've had fun, we look for potential jobs, though. Eventually, we will be short on funds."

"That should be easy enough to do," Mordo commented, voicing his agreement with his mate's suggestion.

"Yeah. I know where to look for potential jobs. We can look some up after going to the consulate... Tell you all tonight when we return to the ship, so we can discuss and choose what we might want to look into," Peter said.

"That sounds like a good idea," T'Challa agreed calmly. "It is better to make sure all of us are in agreement about any jobs we intend to take."

"So we are in agreement, then. Can we go now?" Dane asked excitedly.

Steve nodded. "We'll stay together to head to the Consulate, but we can split up afterwards."

Ward shifted closer to Danny. "Lead the way."

Soon, everyone was walking toward an area with vehicles, planning to catch transportation to the consulate.


Bobby had been enjoying the day so far. After visiting the consulate, he and Logan had spent time exploring, planning out a visit to the amusement park the next day, along with potential jobs one or both of them could take.

And then Bobby's attention was drawn to two aliens. There was an argument going on, or at least, that was what he assumed. They were speaking in their own language...and one was clearly angry with the other, who was cowering away as if he or she expected a blow.

The speaking concluded with a barked out order from the first alien, who then reached out and yanked the sparse clothing from the cowering alien. Another barked order and the second alien slowly, reluctantly, turned, bracing their hands against a nearby wall.

The first alien, a grim, angry look on their face, drew a long, thin cane-like implement from their belt.

The sound of whimpering from the second alien reached Bobby's ears and he quickly stopped his conversation with Logan, quickly beginning to stride towards the two aliens. "Hey."

Logan hadn't been paying the aliens any attention, focused on what he and Bobby were talking about, as well as all the ships and restaurants around. Plus, seeing a public argument wasn't an unusual occurrence for him. Maybe seeing a public punishment was, but the one alien had turned to brace on the wall, so it seemed like they weren't fighting it or disagreeing with it, much like on the ship when the couples were more public with things. So, even if it was unusual, it wasn't shocking enough for him to stop and take note.

What was a shock was Bobby suddenly inserting himself into the middle of the situation. "Bobby!" He quickly moved to try and intercept his lover before he did something that had the potential to put him at risk.

Bobby looked towards Logan, looking like he might be seriously tempted to just push past his mate. "The other one's scared." A wave of frustration and worry came vividly through the bond. He couldn't understand what was being said...but he saw the body language. All he could see was fear.

Thor had been close by, with his own mate...along with Loki and T'Challa. Noticing the commotion with Logan and Bobby, as well as the clearly irritated look the alien with the implement was casting at the human who was drawing attention, he looked towards his brother. "Do you think you might be able to smooth this over, Loki? We do not want to risk causing a diplomatic incident." His tone was slightly sheepish, remembering how many incidents he himself had caused that his brother had had to help him out of.

Logan took a firm hold of Bobby's arm, making it clear he wasn't to do anything until they had further information. "He doesn't seem scared to me. Just reluctant. And we don't know what is occurring...but he placed himself into position, so maybe it isn't what you think..." He kept his voice firm but calm, even as he gave a closer look at the two aliens, in case he missed something.

Loki nodded, moving closer to the two aliens and speaking in a conciliatory manner, making sure not to make accusations, but looking for clarification and confirmation that nothing untoward was happening. He watched the submissive closely; if it looked like the sub was afraid to tell the truth, he'd let the others know.

"He was cowering," Bobby continued to protest. He lightly tugged on his arm, though it wasn't really in an attempt to get away...more like he was testing Logan's grip. His body was tense, as if he still wanted to tear away from his mate and throw himself into the situation to stop it.

Still tense with irritation, the dominant alien made a sharp gesture and the sub straightened up...a bit hesitant, even if he didn't seem scared or reluctant. The explanation was brief: this was a punishment that had been threatened if a particular offence was carried out. The offence had occurred, so the dominant was carrying out his promise.

Logan frowned at Bobby's attempt to tug free and the fact he was arguing, even though it was clear they were checking to make certain everything was okay. He quickly turned Bobby sideways and swatted firmly; not truly punishing, but just hard enough to sting and get his mate's attention. He swatted a second and third time, just to make sure, before saying sternly, "We will wait till we have further information. We don't know what is occurring and you could make things worse by jumping in before we know."

Loki was good at reading people. He could tell that the submissive wasn't scared or reluctant. He could see the hesitancy, but knew that could be just as much about the fact complete strangers had just inserted themselves into his relationship as it was about being punished. A quick question to the sub and Loki was given the response that the sub didn't need any help and would they please go and stop drawing attention to him. Loki apologized and turned to the others, explaining about it being an expected outcome of disobedience and the sub not being afraid or in danger.

Bobby turned bright red at the swats. They stung, but it was the fact that he'd acted out enough for his mate to feel the need to step in that was worse. His shoulders slumped and an apologetic feeling came through the bond...made stronger by Loki returning and reporting that the sub wasn't scared or in any danger. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, red from embarrassment, but also from feeling a bit ashamed of his actions.

Logan turned Bobby the rest of the way around so he could pull him into a forgiving hug. It's ok, kid. I'm proud that you want to look out for and protect people. But you need to do it in a way that is more thoughtful and planned. If it isn't obvious that the person is being harmed or struggling to get free, you have time to observe and find out the situation before acting. And when you have that time, I expect you to use it. Because I need you to be safe too, and it is less safe when you act without having all the facts.

Loki had moved closer to T'Challa by this point, trying to not draw any more attention to the Dom and sub they'd interrupted, but moving slowly enough he could translate if the couple wanted to ask questions or complain.

Bobby nodded, face still red, but leaned into Logan and wrapped his arms tightly around the older man. He tried not to look towards the alien couple, but it seemed like they'd drawn more attention than the Dominant truly wanted and the alien grasped his sub's arm, saying something quietly to him, before leading him away from the main area.

T'Challa wrapped his arm around Loki, drawing his mate in close. It seems you were able to prevent an incident between our two peoples. I'm very proud of you for that, he said through the bond, before drawing Loki in for a deep, tender kiss.

Loki returned the kiss, before giving T'Challa a happy smile. I am glad. It is a good feeling, being able to use my ability to persuade for good....

Logan just held Bobby tight and kissed the top of his head. He was in no hurry to be anywhere, so felt able to take the time to console his mate.

Thor cleared his throat. "Now that that has been settled...will we return to the ship now? Or spend a bit more time exploring before we return?"

"I'd like to show you one of the nearby bars before we return," Peter said. "They make this dessert that is indescribable, but very good! We can buy one to take with us to eat after dinner tonight...."

Logan looked at Bobby. "You interested in getting a dessert to go?"

Bobby nodded, perking up a bit at the mention of dessert. "I'd like to try it." He was a little subdued still, but no longer quite as embarrassed...though he was a bit clingy, sticking close to Logan.

"Show us this bar, then," Logan said to Peter, smiling.

Peter grinned and nodded, then began leading the group to the location.

Thor smiled and moved a bit closer to his brother, gently nudging shoulders with Loki. "I have missed you being able to talk us out of trouble, brother." He was teasing, mostly. Since his banishment to Midgard, he'd grown up a lot...even if he could still be considered hot-headed at times.

Loki grinned at his brother. "It was relieving to use my abilities for good again," he admitted.

Frank moved next to Yondu. "This dessert... How many more sit-ups will I need to do to counteract eating it?" he teased.

Yondu snorted and wrapped his arm around his mate's waist. "Didn't let my kid try any till he was past his majority," he said, by way of answer.

Frank blinked at that. "That many sit-ups?" He sounded slightly worried and very amused.

"We can share one," Yondu offered, amusement carrying through the bond.

"That works..." Frank laughed.


Monica stepped out of the changing room and spun around, showing Lyja the dress she was thinking of purchasing. After going to the consulate, there wasn't a lot of time to sight-see, so they'd decided to do a bit of shopping in the shops closest to where they needed to catch transportation back to the ship.

"That looks so lovely on you," Lyja said, stepping forward and reaching out, allowing her hands to gently brush over the material. "It feels so soft, too. Like silk, back on Terra."

"Can I get it?" Monica smiled at her mate hopefully. "I can wear it to dinner tonight..."

"I can't see any reason why not," Lyja answered. "Did you see anything else you liked?"

"That outfit there... It is less dressy and seems to fit with all the clothing I see others wearing..." Monica said, pointing out the pants and tunic combo.

Lyja nodded and walked over to pick up the clothing, bringing it over to her mate. "It looks like it's in your size. Do you want to try it on?"

Monica grinned and took it from Lyja, before leaning in and kissing her. "Thank you..." she whispered, before going back into the changing room to try on the new outfit. She was soon stepping out for Lyja to give an opinion again. The pants and tunic somehow managed to be modest, while showing off all her best assets in a sultry and sexy way.

Lyja stepped closer to her mate, heat in her gaze as she ran her hands over Monica's body. "I'm not sure it'll work too well for going out." Through the bond, she pictured exactly what she wanted to do to Monica, while her mate was wearing the outfit.

Monica giggled in surprise at the image. "I should change into my own clothes so we can buy these..." she said, glancing around to determine how busy the shop was, while sending Lyja her own mental picture of what she'd like her mate to do to her in the changing room.

I think we can manage that. It doesn't seem like anyone is waiting for the changing room. Lyja's hands glided down Monicas's shoulders and arms, and she leaned in to kiss her mate, slow and leisurely.

Monica returned the kiss, before slipping back into the changing room, leaving the door open so Lyja could follow.

Lyja slipped into the changing room, making sure it was securely closed behind them before she turned her hungry gaze onto her mate.

Monica carefully removed the outfit, moving it and the dress safely to the side for purchase, before continuing in a slow strip-tease for Lyja's benefit. Once completely naked, she slowly walked toward the bench, looking over her shoulder at her mate before carefully turning and sitting down. Giving her lover a very naughty grin, she drew her knees up toward her shoulders and leaned back, feet spread, so that her entire torso was open and visible.

Smiling, hot appreciation in her gaze, Lyja moved over to Monica. She lowered herself over her lover, leaning down and kissing one of her nipples. Then, she engulfed the nipple in her mouth. At the same time, her hands began to stroke and squeeze down Monica's chest and along her stomach, over her thighs...fingers delving between her mate's legs.

Monica took in a quick breath, immediately rousing and getting wet for her mate. Somehow, she managed to not make any noise, but it was clear through the bond how much she enjoyed Lyja claiming her.

So very good for me. So beautiful. Lyja sent the words through the bond, allowing her happiness and feelings of content to come through to her mate as well. She was clearly turned on by Monica's being able to touch and explore. She began to gently suck on her mate's nipple, every so often allowing her teeth to graze over the sensitive nub.

Monica quivered at the feel of teeth. Her complete trust in Lyja and that her mate would never harm her was clear, even as the excitement of being so vulnerable, to the potential of being hurt, overwhelmed her. She became even more wet and began to ache in her most sensitive and private areas.

Able to feel her mate's arousal, Lyja gently glided a finger between her legs, parting Monica's folds and pushing her finger in until she found that sensitive nub. Then, she began to push and rub against it, even as she continued to suck and gently nip at her mate's nipple. Eventually, she released that one and turned her attention to the other, doing the same thing: sucking and gently grazing with her teeth.

Monica's breathing became more frantic and quicker as Lyja claimed more deeply. Her muscles clenched around Lyja's fingers and she began to drip for her Mistress. Tiny whines and whimpers escaped, despite her attempts not to make noise. They weren't loud, but she didn't know who could hear.

Lyja moved her free hand to Monica's mouth, covering it gently so that the noises she made would be muffled. Finally, she removed her fingers and released the nipple, instead moving her mouth between Monica's legs. She began to suck and lick at the juices pooling there.

Monica groaned softly as Lyja shifted, thankful for her Mistress covering her mouth. Having Lyja's lips on her, tasting her, turned her insides to jelly, and her juices began to flow, dripping down to Lyja's mouth. Tears of need and submissive acceptance pooled in her eyes and her desire to do whatever Lyja asked, give whatever Lyja asked, carried through the bond.

You're mine. Lyja sent the words through the bond, even as she continued to lick and suck. Her other hand resumed playing with her lover's nipples. You're already giving me everything, doing everything. I couldn't be any happier than I am now, she admitted.

I love you, Mistress. I belong to you body, heart, and soul... Monica thought, the tears finally reaching the point where they overflowed and began to slide silently down her face. Feeling her Mistress' tongue on her and in her was comforting torture. Feeling the suction drawing her juices out for her Mistress to enjoy was heady and almost made her dizzy with need. She didn't know what else she could offer, but if Lyja requested it, she'd give it.

You're so very good for me. It was obvious that bringing Monica pleasure was giving Lyja pleasure. She shifted slightly so that she could continue to lick and suck out the juices, letting out a contented sound that was somewhere between a purr and a moan...lips vibrating against her mate's folds.

Monica shivered at the vibrations, the pleasure from that causing her juices to flow even more. She was close to dripping by this point, only the fact her Mistress was almost drinking her keeping her from leaving a small puddle on the bench. Her entrance pulsed and quivered from the pleasure and her bottom clenched, the tight ring of muscle there quivering as well. She was so achy inside, and she felt so good. Wanted. Desired. Loved.

You feel so good. You taste so good. Lyja sent the words through the bond, gently nipping at the sensitive skin; not hard enough to hurt, but enough to be felt. She continued to gently nip, even as she carried on licking and sucking.

Monica let out a tiny sob, grateful Lyja continued to cover her mouth, as the gentle nipping caused her womanhood to spasm slightly and her juices began to spurt out of her, both of her holes quivering with need. She was hanging on the edge, very close to climax.

Let go. Lyja sent the order through the bond. Let go for me, my heart. I want to see, to feel you let go.

With another breathless sob, Monica obeyed, her body going into convulsions as she released hard. Her vision went white and she slumped back as she lost all control of her body, her juices flowing like a stream to her Mistress. She had a vague fleeting thought of wishing Lyja had something she could put in her so that she'd continue to feel her Mistress's ownership while they walked back to the transportation and to their ship, but it was very fleeting, as she very quickly lost the ability to form coherent thought.

Lyja licked up every last drop of what escaped Monica, so that none stained the bench and there was no chance of anyone else knowing what had just occurred. Then, with one final leisurely lick, she gently pulled free of her mate, moving up to kiss Monica tenderly before gently calling back to her,

It took several moments, but eventually, Monica was able to focus on her mate. She was listening and aware, even if her eyes were still glassy and glazed, tear tracks on her cheeks. She was still splayed wife open, completely vulnerable to her Mistress. She didn't attempt to move or hide her body, even if Lyja was no longer physically claiming her. She belonged to Lyja. Lyja could visually claim her. She wouldn't shift into a more natural, less vulnerable position until given permission. Her body was flushed from the endorphins of release and her private areas were bright red, swollen, and glossy with the mixture of her fluid and Lyja's saliva. Even if Lyja couldn't put anything in her to show ownership, she'd still be feeling her mate the rest of the evening.

Lyja pulled back, looking over her lover's body with a look of satisfied happiness on her face. Then, she reached for the pack she'd brought with her. Opening it, she took out a washcloth and a bottle of water. She used both to carefully clean the fluids off Monica's that her mate wouldn't be itchy or unfomfortable once she was dressed. "You're so good for me," she murmured.

Monica blinked in surprise at her mate's preparedness, giving Lyja a goofy look of adoration. I love you... Want to be good... You take care of me so perfectly.... Monica held still, remaining open and vulnerable while her mate cleaned her. It caused her emotions to slip a bit, feeling so loved and cared about while being cleaned like a child, but she didn't move or cover up, content for Lyja to be the one to tell her to shift and get dressed, or dress her.

You are good. You're my very good girl. Lyja finished cleaning her mate and then picked up Monica's clothing. She began to dress Monica, touching and stroking every so often.

Monica shivered, her emotions slipping just a little more as her mate dressed her. She began to lean toward Lyja, not making it difficult to dress her, but nuzzling and kissing when her mate was close enough to do so without preventing Lyja dressing her. It quickly became obvious that even though she was fully aware and functioning, she was going to be relying on Lyja to lead and direct her. Lyja was fully in control.

As soon as Monica was completely dressed, Lyja picked up the clothing they were going to purchase and wrapped her arms around her mate. I have you, she sent through the bond reassuringly. I love you. I won't let you go. She then guided her mate out of the dressing room, sticking protectively in front of Monica.

Monica pressed close, snuggling, just smiling serenely when the shop owner immediately looked to Lyja to settle the transaction. It didn't bother her in the least that they automatically assumed Lyja would handle any business between them. Lyja was in charge.

As soon as the items had been paid for, they began to walk back to where they would catch a bus to their ship. Others of their crew were making their way back as well.

Lyja kept Monica close to her side, almost protectively so, as they made their way back to the ship. She sent waves of love and reassurance through the bond to her mate.

Monica snuggled close, waves of love, affection and trust pulsing through the bond. I am the luckiest girl alive, she thought, warmth flowing through her and to Lyja. Every step she took caused her sensitive parts to spark and remind her who owned her heart.

So am I. Lyja thought the words back to her mate. We belong to each other. I think we're both very lucky to have found each other.

I love you, Lyja. Being able to have my best friend as my lover... My Mistress... I never thought I could have that. I'm so grateful... Monica nuzzled Lyja's shoulder.

I'm so glad I bonded to my best friend. I never stopped thinking about you, even when we were apart. Lyja kissed Monica gently as they headed back onto the ship.

And now we never have to be apart again... Monica snuggled close as Lyja led her to their room, where they could clean up and rest before dinner.


Steve was a bit quiet as he and Brock made their way back to the ship. While he'd enjoyed the day, especially getting to spend it with his mate, he'd had some troubling dreams the night before...and they were still on his mind.

Brock could tell Steve was troubled by something. He'd waited all day for Steve to say something on his own. When it became obvious his mate was going to keep it to himself, most likely to keep Brock from worrying as well, he finally decided to ask. Reaching over and gently taking hold of his mate's hand as they walked to the bus that would transport them to their ship, he looked over and smiled. I can tell something is bothering you. It could help if you talked about it.

If I knew what it was, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you, Steve replied. The dreams are...strange. Images that are familiar and yet not. They're difficult to make sense of. He gently gripped Brock's hand, his mate's touch obviously enabling him to calm.

Show me? Maybe I'll notice something you didn't.... Brock offered. He shifted closer to his mate, able to tell it helped Steve. They'd reached the bus by this point and were sat, waiting for it to begin the trip to the space docks.

Immediately, Steve opened up through the bond...allowing his mate to see the same images that had been in his dreams. They were muddled, confused...a lot of familiar faces, but also a lot of people neither of them knew. And the people in his dream all appeared to be underground.

So... We and some people we don't know are underground? Except... It doesn't feel like it is us.... Brock was pondering, obviously trying to think of possible clues.

I don't believe it's us, Steve agreed. But it seems too strange to just be a normal dream. They all have marks on their hands, our own bond markings.

Yondu came from another dimension where Peter had died... Do you think you might be dreaming or having visions of another dimension that bonds like we have? It... It seems like in your dream, you were with Frank... Brock wasn't exactly disgruntled, he knew Steve was with him and only him, but he couldn't help being a bit confused.

It's possible, I suppose, Steve agreed. We're in a relationship here...maybe a different version of me is in a relationship with someone else. Although he couldn't imagine it...and he opened the bond more fully between them, letting his love and need and possession flow through to Brock. Brock was his. Steve had gone back in time to bring his lover home to him.

Yeah. Who knows what different versions of ourselves went through? Experience plays a huge role in how things turn out... Brock leaned into Steve, opening the bond fully so Steve could feel his submissive trust and love.

I love you. And I'm so glad I have you with me now, Steve said sincerely. I need you so much, Brock.

I love you and need you too, Cap. And don't worry about the dreams. If it's a message, we'll figure it out together... Brock leaned up and kissed his mate

I know we will. Steve relaxed visibly as he returned his mate's kiss, his focus shifting almost entirely to Brock...outside of the watchfulness he always had when they were anywhere other than on the ship.

Brock settled in for the bus ride. It wasn't long and soon, they were heading on board and to their room.

Once they were in their room, Steve was able to relax fully and he gave his complete attention to his mate, pushing aside the worry about the strange dreams he'd been having.


It was several hours later and everyone had returned to the ship. They were in the dining room, exchanging information on shops, restaurants, and various points of interest they could go to the following day.

"Where did you get your dress? That is so cute!" Bobbi exclaimed, as she saw Monica's newest wardrobe acquisition.

Monica beamed. "Lyja got it for me at this cute little shop." She gave Bobbi directions.

Stephen glanced toward Ikaris. "Did you find any leads to your family?"

"There has been no sign of them here," Ikaris admitted quietly, not quite able to hide his disappointment...even though he hadn't truly expected to find anything. "But visitors arrive here frequently, so it's possible someone else may bring word."

Dane pressed against his mate in a show of support.

Stephen gave a sympathetic smile. "We can ask the consulate that if anyone shows up with information, they forward it to us...."

"Yeah! And we can make sure and stop at the consulates for every place we stop and do the same!" Peter interjected ernestly. He knew how happy having Yondu back in his life made him. He wanted Ikaris to have that same happiness of returned family.

Ikaris nodded. "I would appreciate that, thank you." He wrapped his arm around Dane, drawing his lover in close, a sense of gratitude flowing through the link at his mate's support.

Venom peered out of Peter's shoulder. "I found out that others learned of my kind and know which quadrant they are in, but not what planet. They chose a planet that no one is able to live on because of the atmosphere. It is exactly like our home planet atmosphere. It will be easy for me to find them when we are in that area, so we do not have to go immediately." He sounded relieved, but also a little nervous that his search had seemingly ended so quickly. He ate a tater-tot off Peter's fork before Peter could eat it himself, leading to a 'game' of 'who will eat the tater-tot first?' Peter was losing, but was grinning so widely, it was clear he didn't care about losing.

"So... Amusement park tomorrow?" Grant asked Kara, though he was asking the whole room.

Drake smiled at the fact that Venom clearly had succeeded in what he was looking for...and then couldn't help but chuckle slightly in amusement at the symbiote and Peter's playful game. He figured it was good for Venom to bond more with the others on the ship.

"I believe that's the idea, son." Coulson smiled at Grant. "At least for anyone who'd like to go."

"And I would definitely like to." Kara smiled at Grant, then glanced towards her mother...not exactly worriedly, but more to check if Maria had other plans. "Unless you'd like to do something else?"

"I could handle the amusement park. But you could go without me if you wanted, even if I didn't want to go." Maria smiled. She glanced at Cameron. "Do you want to do something different?"

Cameron shrugged and smiled. "Honestly? I'd really like to visit the amusement park. But we're going to be here for a while, so it's not like we have to do it tomorrow." He left unsaid that maybe Kara and Grant would like to spend some time at the amusement park a date. They still seemed to be feeling their way in their relationship, after all, and the planet seemed safe enough for them to spend some time alone together.

Maria nodded. “Yeah. That is true. I would like to eventually visit the amusement park, but I was actually hoping to go to one of their museums tomorrow. I saw a flier that they had a special exhibit, and tomorrow is the last day for it…” she said to Cameron.

Grant looked at Kara. “I saw the flyer for that museum. I’m not really interested in going to that, but if you want to, I will. If you don’t, we could go to the amusement park just us?”

Kara hesitated, glancing towards Maria. "If...Mom won't mind, I'd like to visit the amusement park with you tomorrow," she said quietly to Grant. Through the bond, Maria would be able to feel her slight sense of hesitation...but also that she'd like to spend some one-on-one time with Grant.

"Great! I don't mind in the least. You two can have fun, and I'll get to see the exhibit!" Maria smiled.

Kara smiled and turned to Grant. "I'd like to go to the amusement part with you tomorrow," she said clearly...not as hesitantly as she might have done in the past.

Grant's smile was huge and even without a bond, everyone could tell he was happy to spend time with just him and Kara.

"So... Maybe while everyone else decides what they want to do, we can figure out dinner?" Bucky asked hopefully, his stomach grumbling.

"I know we brought some desserts back with us...though that doesn't cover our main courses, of course." Thor stood up. "I can begin preparing food," he offered.

"I'll help as well." Talos stood too. "If anyone would like to try some Kree or Skrull food...I have programmed both into the replicators." Since they were unlikely to be visiting any planet the Kree inhabited, and the Skrulls had no homes of their own, he figured they wouldn't get other chances to try the food from his and Yon's own homeworlds.

Brock nodded. "I'd like to try... Might find a new favorite!"

"Can I help?" Bobbi asked. She thought it might be good to learn how some things were made, even if they had the replicator, in case they had to do things by hand for some reason.

Talos nodded. "Anyone who wants to help is welcome to." He waited for Bobbi, and any of the others who were interested, to join him before he headed through to the kitchen area to beging preparing the food.


Later that night, Bucky was snuggling close to his mate. "Are you disappointed that I don't want to do the amusement park?" he asked quietly.

"Not at all," Fury replied quietly, holding Bucky close. "I want us to do what makes you happy. If you don't want to go to the amusement park, then it's not something I want to do either."

"Just exploring and stopping to look at stuff when it suits me... I'm looking forward to it," Bucky admitted.

"And I'm looking forward to just spending some time with you...just us...where we can just explore and you can stop and look at whatever you'd like to," Fury said honestly.

Bucky smiled at that. "Just being together. That's most important."

"Exactly," Fury agreed. He kissed Bucky tenderly, gently running his hands down his mate's back.

Bucky returned the kiss with a contented sigh, then put his head on Fury's chest.

"Sleep now," Fury murmured, kissing Bucky's hair. "We'll get up early tomorrow. Have some breakfast. Then we'll spend the day together...just us."

Bucky kissed Fury's chest, then closed his eyes to sleep. I love you, Moy... he thought, before losing consciousness.

Fury sent his own feelings of love and care through the link, before he too slipped into sleep.


"What would you like to do tomorrow?" Sharon asked Everett curiously, as she got ready for bed.

"I'd be fine with seeing a show. See what passes for entertainment on this planet. Then maybe a nice dinner out," Ross admitted. What would you like to do?"

Sharon smiled. "I'd be happy doing those things with you," she admitted. Having got completely undressed, she stepped over to get into their bed.

"Good." Ross smiled and finished getting ready for bed himself, walking over and getting in the other side.

Sharon waited for him to get comfortable and then shifted closer to him, letting her head rest on his shoulder and snuggling.

Ross wrapped his arms around her, holding her snugly, and kissed the top of her head. "I love you," he whispered out loud.

"I love you too." She leaned up to gently kiss his lips, then let her head rest against his shoulder once more, visibly relaxing.

Ross closed his eyes, feeling safety and comfort holding onto his mate. His partner.

Sharon's own feelings of comfort, safety, and belonging came clearly through the bond. It didn't take long for her to slip into sleep, able to let her guard down around him.


Everyone had got up early and eaten a good breakfast, before leaving for the second day of their activities. They'd all enjoyed their chosen activities and returned to the ship and made plans for the third day, then retired to their rooms again.

Eddie looked at Drake. "So... We're really going on the nature trek tomorrow?"

Drake shrugged. "We talked about doing it, and agreed it would be good for us to do, so yes. We are going to be doing the nature hike."

"I... I've never really been a big mature guy..." Eddie admitted hesitantly, as he got into bed. "Hope I'm not too slow....' He didn't mention running into flora or fauna, though he was obviously nervous.

"We're going to be moving at a comfortable pace, but we won't be putting any strain on any of us," Drake said reassuringly. "And if you really don't want to do that, we won't. We can always do something else instead."

"No... No. I said I'd do it and you are looking forward to it. I won't back out..." Eddie quickly promised, even if he was nervous about it. "What's the worst that could happen? A blister?" he joked.

"Okay. But if you change your mind...if we get to tomorrow and you really don't want to do it...we don't have to," Drake promised. "I won't be disappointed."

"Okay. But... It will probably be good for me. Maybe..." Eddie smiled crookedly.

"Let's just see how things go in the morning...and how you feel then." Drake reached out to begin undressing his mate.

"Yessir..." Eddie responded, holding still for Drake to undress. He paused. "Venom is with Peter still? Or Kara? I had thought he'd return to us, but I think he is enjoying moving around...."

"I believe he's still with Peter," Drake answered. "I'm sure it must be a novel experience for him, being able to move around so many different hosts in one place."

"The more he moves around, the more he also seems able to move around. It is as if something is making his potential hosts more receptive... Maybe the bond?" Eddie stole a quick kiss when Drake had left him completely naked.

"Maybe," Drake agreed. He kissed Eddie tenderly, running his hands gently over Eddie's arms. "We can see if any other changes occur."

Eddie nodded. "Maybe we should all compare notes. See if those actually bonded are noticing changes too..." he offered hesitantly. Drake was the scientist, after all. He would know better if it was a good idea or not.

"I think that would be a really good idea," Drake agreed. "Venom might not be the only one experiencing changes through the bond. And, in fact, there's already been at least one change we've noticed in the bonds," he added, thinking of the self-lubrication.

Eddie smiled at his mate finding merit in his suggestion. "I'm looking forward to spending time with you tomorrow..." he whispered.

"So am I," Drake said honestly. He finished getting undressed and then helped Eddie into bed with him, wrapping his arms tightly around his mate.

Eddie snuggled close, using Drake as a pillow. He blinked as he slowly began to fall asleep.

I love you. Drake sent the words through the bond, along with his emotions, hoping to soothe his mate into sleep.

I love you too... So much... Eddie's thoughts and feelings were muzzy with sleep, but were sincere. He fell asleep quickly.

It didn't take long for Drake to quickly slip into sleep as well, holding onto his mate.


The next morning came quickly and Eddie found himself on the 'nature trek' a lot sooner than he'd expected. It wasn't that he didn't like nature, or want to see the natural landscape; if he'd truly hated it, he would have told Drake so that the plans could change. It was the fact that nature was unpredictable at the best of times...and nature on a foreign planet even more so.

He pushed down his nerves for his mate's sake, though he almost wished Venom had chosen to come with him and Drake. The symbiote had chosen to accompany Monica and Lyja for the day, so it was just him and Drake.

Taking Eddie's hand, Drake sent a wave of reassurance through the bond. If you don't like it, we'll go back and do something else, he promised. We don't have to stay if you'd rather not.

I know... Eddie gave Drake a grateful smile, but didn't take him up on the offer. They met their guide and got into the vehicle that would take them to the more remote areas.

Once they got into the vehicle, Drake reached out and took hold of Eddie's hand, squeezing it gently. A lot of his attention was focused on the surrounding area, though. He was obviously very interested.

Eddie slowly began to relax and actually showed interest in what they were seeing. The guide explained things very well too, so they were learning a lot. Eddie was surprised how quickly time went by when they stopped in a small clearing surrounded by trees for lunch.

They'd brought food with them, and Drake shared the items between them. He didn't feed his mate, as they were with someone who was a near stranger, but he did wrap his arm around Eddie and draw his mate in close.

Eddie had been doing great. He'd finished his food and had got up and moved closer to one of the trees to relieve himself when he'd noticed it. A sort of crab like creature scurrying down the trunk of the tree in his direction. The creature reminded him of one of the face-hugging aliens from the movies. And that was all it took. Now the only thing he could think about was the face huggers wrapping around people's faces and laying their young. He turned toward their transportation, intending to hide inside, but then he saw numerous face huggers on the vehicle and climbing up the laughing guide's leg. The guide was saying something to Drake, but Eddie couldn't focus enough to listen. He was beyond scared and tried to find a direction he could run in.

Drake had noticed the creatures too and although they had startled him at first, the guide had quickly informed him that they were harmless...that they were on many of the planets in this part of the universe.

But the bond was open between him and Eddie, and Drake could feel the fear radiating from his mate. He quickly turned his full attention towards the other man. Eddie, it's fine. They're not a threat. He sent waves of soothing reassurance through the bond, even as he ordered, Stay where you are. I'll come and get you. He figured his mate would respond better to direct orders that left no room for disobedience...that way, Drake could take charge and take control and hopefully stop his mate from running off into a dangerous situation, or worse, because he couldn't control his fear.

Eddie stopped immediately at Drake's order. They may have only been together a short while, but it was becoming second nature to obey his mate in scary situations. His eyes were darting around frantically, however; until one of the creatures dropped onto his shoulder and began moving toward his head. Then his eyes closed tight and he was running, blindly, toward Drake. The creature let out a tiny, distressed hoot and fell off onto the ground before skittering back toward the tree and 'safety'.... It was as afraid of Eddie as Eddie was of it.

Eddie's thoughts were a mix of every horror movie he'd ever seen and it was very clear he wasn't just scared. He was terrified, bordering on a phobic reaction.

Able to feel his mate's terror and panic, Drake quickly moved over to Eddie's side. He wrapped his arms around Eddie, hugging the other man tightly, and quickly led him into the vehicle...closing the door so that none of the creatures could get in. You're safe. We're back in the vehicle. They can't get in. He sent the words through the bond, along with reassurance and love.

The guide, realizing Eddie was too afraid to calm down and greet any of the creatures calmly, carefully shooed the ones on the truck off and to a pile of fruit he left for them. Once all creatures were safely away from the vehicle, he got in and slowly pulled away from the area, not saying anything, leaving it to Drake to handle matters.

Eddie finally started calming down when he felt the vehicle move, but he didn't talk. Not yet.

Drake didn't try and force Eddie to talk. He just cuddled his mate close, continuing to send calming emotions through the bond...almost surrounding his mate in a protective, warm embrace.

Finally, at least fifteen minutes after they'd left and long gone from the creatures, Eddie swallowed hard and spoke. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't realize my childhood nightmares had become a phobia..." He sounded ashamed and embarrassed. "Y.. you said they were harmless..." he said hesitantly.

"Yes..." The guide didn't comment on the fear. He just gave facts as they were known, in a way that would enable Eddie to realize he hadn't been in danger, even if he was afraid

Eddie quietly listened, snuggling close to Drake as they continued the tour.

I don't think there's any way you could have realised, since it's not something we could have ever expected to encounter outside of a movie. Drake brushed his lips against the top of Eddie's head. Are you feeling better? he asked gently, continuing to snuggle.

Mostly... Eddie thought. Still wanna be held, but I'm not scared, at least.

The guide gave both men a small smile. "We're almost to the end of the tour," he said. "If I might suggest, find a way to deal with your fear. The creatures are on nearly every planet in this and at least two other quadrants. And sometimes they aren't in the secluded areas. You will most likely see them again."

"Thank you for letting us know," Drake said out loud to the guide. I will hold you as much as you need and want me to, he promised Eddie. But I am glad you're not as scared anymore.

Eddie shivered at the guide's words, but managed to stay calm. Once they'd returned to the tour base and got out of the vehicle, he thanked their guide. There was a gift shop to the side of the building selling all types of trinkets, snacks, and drinks. Eddie tugged Drake in that direction.

Drake followed his mate, still keeping his arms wrapped around Eddie. He didn't comment on the guide's words, instead just keeping the bond open so that the other man could feel safe and comforted and loved.

Eddie finally calmed enough that his own feelings of love carried to his mate. There was also a hint of apology felt through the bond. He hadn't wanted to mess Drake's day up. His mate had been looking forward to the trek and Eddie had spazzed out on him.

It's not your fault, Drake sent through the bond. It triggered a phobia you didn't even realise was a factor. I'm just glad you were able to run towards me and not away from me.

Eddie shifted closer to Drake. I was just moving on instinct by that point... he admitted. I heard your voice and instinct had me moving toward it.

Which was really good, Drake said encouragingly. You did exactly the right thing...heading towards safety. Towards me.

Eddie smiled at that. Still. Feels like I messed up our outing.

You didn't mess it up. We still got to see most of it, Drake replied reassuringly, squeezing Eddie's hand.

Eddie squeezed Drake's hand back, before leaning over and kissing him. Thank you for understanding.... He picked up a stuffed version of the creature that had frightened him, giving a slight shiver but forcing himself to look at it. It came with a tiny booklet of 'facts' about the creature.

A stuffed animal might help in learning to control that fear, especially as they seem to be a common creature on the planets here, Drake commented.

Eddie bit his lip. You don't think it a bit...childish?

Not even a little, Drake replied. And if you wanted to buy more stuffed animals, if you wanted to fill our room with them, I wouldn't mind at all.

Eddie let out a surprised chortle at that, giving Drake a crooked grin. I don't know that I'd need to do that... or want to... but maybe you are right about this one helping me get over my irrational phobia....

And maybe we could look at programming the danger room with potential scenarios we might encounter on other planets? Drake suggested carefully. It might let me help you get over your phobia, especially as we'd be able to put a stop to it if it became too much.

Eddie slanted his head thoughtfully. If you think it is a good idea and want me to try that... You would probably need to take complete control over when and how long, though. I'd likely avoid doing, it or want to quit immediately, otherwise... he admitted, with a hint of shame

I think I'll be able to tell when you're at the point you need to stop, or when I can help and encourage you to keep going, Drake replied, his tone and feelings reassuring.

Kay. I trust you... And... It'd be good not to melt down every time I saw one of these critters... Eddie handed the stuffed animal to Drake, unable to keep holding it, but agreeing it might help in getting him over his fears.

I'm very proud of you for this, Drake said. You're doing the right thing. He kissed Eddie tenderly, then went to pay for the stuffed animal.

Warmth spread through Eddie at the praise. That makes it a little easier, he admitted. Feels good when you are proud of me. He blushed and waited for his lover to return from paying.

I'm proud of you a lot, Eddie. You're my heart. I love you. Drake finished paying and then returned to his mate's side.

I love you too. So much. Having you proud of me feels so much better than having you disappointed... Eddie admitted, remembering how it had felt when he'd tried to destroy Drake. He'd expected anger, but it was the other man's disappointment that had hurt.

I'm not disappointed in you now. And I haven't been in a long time, Drake said honestly. And I've forgiven you for what happened then. You weren't the only one who made a mistake.

I know. Gratitude flowed through the bond. I just remember how it felt and I don't want to feel that way ever again, Eddie admitted.

I don't think you will willingly disappoint me again. Drake wrapped his arm around Eddie's shoulders, drawing his mate in close. Do you want to go back to the ship now? Or spend a bit more time looking around?

Eddie looked around, then up at the sky. There were a few more hours of daylight left. Maybe we can get some dinner before heading back. 

That sounds good to me, Drake agreed. Keeping in close contact with his mate, he began to lead Eddie towards where the restaurants were.

The day might have had a few problems, but they'd handled things reasonably well...and could look forward to the rest of their time on this planet together.