Chapter Seven

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


Several weeks later, Fisk had needed to run some errands; talk to some associates about business. It was a confidential meeting, unfortunately, so Matt wasn't able to go into the meeting with him. Instead, he'd decided to do some shopping for some personal items to surprise his lover with. It was while he was paying for the items that he 'heard' a commotion, he guessed about three blocks east of his location. Quickly thanking the merchant and stuffing his purchases into the backpack he carried, he headed in that direction.

Unfortunately, he did not have his outfit, but.... he could hear sounds of other people fighting as well and hopefully, he could help without drawing too much unwanted attention.


The Avengers and their partners were in the middle of a spree with several HYDRA agents, who had carried out an attack planned five years ago, before the snap had occurred. The fighting had moved away from the general members of the public, closed off by a shield created through a joint effort from Wanda and Loki.

Matt couldn't see and he was reluctant to just jump in until he knew exactly what was occurring and who he should be fighting. He was used to fighting at night, not during the day, so it wasn't easy for him to remain unnoticed.

"Well, look here. We have our ticket out..." A voice carried to Matt from about ten feet away.

He prepared himself for a fight; he wasn't going to be given a choice, he knew.

Another voice came from the other side of Matt, about eight feet away and moving close. He could hear the footfalls. "This whole thing is a fiasco. Grab him and let’s get gone. We'll trade him for the money we lost...."

"I don't think so..." This voice was between the two voices and somehow had moved close enough to Matt that it was only five feet away. It was a bit unnerving to realize he'd been snuck up on, even if it appeared to be by someone on his side.

"Grant Ward. Traitorous piece of shit..." the first voice snarled, turning toward the newest voice. "You get the blind bastard while I get SHIELD's newest pet..." it growled to the second voice.

Matt didn't have time to ask questions or think about what was happening. He just reacted.

Coulson paid attention to what Grant was doing and as his son was cornered by a couple of HYDRA agents, he didn't waste any time in heading to his son's side.

Steve also quickly headed towards Coulson's side. But given the man who was apparently blind was reacting, he couldn't help but wonder if the stranger was more capable of defending himself than he appeared.

Matt hadn't thought beyond making sure he didn't become leverage against the group he had come to realize was the Avengers. The fact he might possibly be giving his identity away to the world had slipped to the bottom of his priorities at the knowledge that HYDRA wanted to take him.

Grant had just knocked out the HYDRA operative he was fighting and turned to help out when he realized, the blind man didn't need his help. He turned astonished eyes toward his father.

Just as surprised as his son, Coulson quickly addressed Matt. "We don't really have time to talk right now, but we should join the others in the center. We'll all be better protected there."

Steve hit a HYDRA operative with his shield. "That would be a good idea."

Matt swallowed but reluctantly nodded. He'd come to the attention of HYDRA now. There was no way he was slipping away unseen and it was safer being near the Avengers. And then he thought his actions through a bit more and his stomach sank. "Are there cameras nearby?" He asked quickly, hoping that his face hadn't been caught on camera, at least. "If not... I can put a scarf over my head. Keep them from finding out who I am..." He normally did that anyway, if he couldn't don his uniform. He wasn't sure why he forgot this time.

"We're shielded by magic," Steve answered. "Your face won't be seen by anyone outside of those in battle here. But that includes the HYDRA agents," he added. Taking out another, he quickly added, "Come with us."

"If you need help being guided, let us know," Coulson said.

Matt could hear the heartbeats of the men, steady and he knew that they spoke the truth, at least as far as they knew it. Plus... if you couldn't trust Captain America, who could you trust? "Thank you," he said to Coulson. "But I should be alright." He followed the men into the fray; not only because he wanted to help fight, but because there was safety in numbers and getting separated where HYDRA could easily nab him was not in his plan for the day.

It didn't take long for the group to reach the rest of the Avengers.

Thor swung his hammer, hitting an agent in the chest and sending him flying before glancing towards the newcomer, eyebrows arching. "We have more company?"

"Another fighter?" Dressed in his Black Panther suit, T'Challa stabbed his claws into the shoulder of another enemy agent, yanking the man off balance and then throwing him over his shoulder before turning his attention to the next.

"He just showed up and started to help... now HYDRA knows he's here..." Grant said uncertainly. As far as he knew, that's what had occurred.

"I heard everything when it started. I didn't know you had enough help, or I would have stayed away..." Matt said, almost sheepishly. He was already regretting jumping in. They obviously didn't need his help, he'd almost given HYDRA a hostage for no good reason and Fisk was going to be livid. He hated when Will was upset with him or angry at his actions.

Bucky grunted. "Well, you're here now. From the looks of it, you can hold your own in a fight. Just stick nearby so you aren’t cut off from the rest of us. Don't want them getting their hands on an enhanced civilian..." he ended in a dark mutter that, of course, Matt heard.

"Just everyone, stick close together," Fury said. "The last thing we need or want is to give them any hostages or the chance to capture anyone else."

It was easy to obey that order. Even if he'd wanted to slip away, any time he moved more than a few feet from one of the heroes, one of them would shift their position enough to get close again. Matt didn't even have to attempt to stay close. He just was.

It didn’t take much longer for the fight to be over either and soon, the HYDRA agents were being herded into a van to be taken for questioning. Matt grabbed his bag and started to walk back toward the shopping area he'd been at.

"You're hurt..." a voice, Peter Quill's, carried easily to everyone else.

"Just a small cut. I'm fine." Matt smiled crookedly.

"We have a medical team," Steve said calmly. "We'd like to make sure you're not badly injured before you return to your home."

"Is there anyone you'd like us to call for you?" Coulson asked.

Matt opened his mouth to protest, but Steve likely had a point about making certain he wasn't wounded. If he got home and had missed a spot, Fisk would most definitely see it. "My boyfriend... Wilson Fisk..." he answered Coulson. "He was going to pick me up at the shopping center after his meetings...."

"Wilson Fisk?" Fury repeated. "I remember him from before the snap. Not exactly a wholesome guy from many accounts."

"He changed during the five years," Coulson answered. "He's legitimate now. Operates within the law. A lot of people have lived due to his intervention." Addressing Matt, he asked, "Do you have his number?"

"...Yeah... he changed a lot..." Matt smiled. "We fought a lot before, but... he takes care of me..." He paused, wondering if that was something he should admit. "I have his number..." He quickly gave it to Coulson.

"Like he is in charge of you and you submit to him?" Thor asked curiously.

Coulson stepped off to one side to make the call. It was answered after only one ring with a worried, "Matt?"

"Your boyfriend's safe." Coulson hurried to reassure the other man. "There was a fight in the town. Matt got involved and sustained a minor injury. Our medical team is going to check him over."

"Where is he?" Fisk was moving even as he asked the question, the sound of footsteps hurrying reaching Coulson's ears.

Coulson didn't waste any time in giving the other man directions.

Matt blinked at Thor's oddly specific question. Did he give out vibes or something when he’d answered the other question? Before he could comment, though, he was distracted by Coulson speaking with Fisk. He could hear through the phone that his lover was worried. That meant he'd been trying to find Matt and couldn't and... "I am in so much trouble..." he whispered dejectedly.

Overhearing the comment, Coulson moved closer to Matt and pressed the phone into his hand. "Here. If you'd like to talk to him," he said gently.

Matt eagerly, yet reluctantly, took the phone and held it to his ear. "...Hey, Wil...  I'm alright, love..." he whispered uncertainly.

"I'm coming to you." Fisk's voice was firm, if still holding a worried tone. "I'll be there soon. I love you."

"I love you too... I won't leave here..." Matt promised. He handed Coulson his phone.

Coulson put his phone away and waved the medical team over to check Matt and everyone else over for injuries.

Steve began to take care of introductions.

Peter waited just long enough for the medics to do their job before moving closer to Matt and just staring at him.

"What?!" Matt asked, with a hint of irritation.

"You don't have any cyber-ware...." Peter pointed out. "But you still react and 'see' better than most sighted people. Were you born that way?" Peter unabashedly asked.

Thor gently squeezed Peter's shoulder. "Don't overwhelm him with questions, my star-prince," he said gently.

"Sorry..." Peter apologized sheepishly, pulling away from Matt and leaning against Thor.

"It's... it's okay. I wasn't, though... born this way... " Matt answered. Turning his head so he could take in the images of everyone waiting with him, he counted people, keeping his senses open to notice when Fisk arrived.

It didn't take Fisk long at all to get there and he wasted no time in quickly approaching Matt, wrapping his arms around the smaller man in a tight hug. "Where are you hurt?"

"I got a cut over my ear... I didn't even know it was there, though. It doesn't hurt..." Matt quickly answered, snuggling close so Fisk could check for himself.

Fisk didn't waste any time in checking over Matt, running his hands over the smaller man's body to check there weren't any injuries that hadn't been noticed.

Steve waited until Fisk had reassured himself that Matt was safe and then stepped forward, offering his hand. "Steve Rogers."

A bit reluctantly, Fisk released just one hand from Matt so he could shake Steve's hand. "Wilson Fisk," he replied.

"See... I'm okay... nothing happened to me..." Matt said softly, in an attempt to calm his lover down. Fisk might be acting calm, but Matt could hear his heartbeat and he could sense the tension in the other man. "I was helping the Avengers..." His voice was equal parts awed and sheepish; he knew they hadn't really needed his help and his arrival had actually caused a bit of a problem for them. If he'd known they were handling the situation he'd heard, he would have stayed in the shop.

Steve didn't comment on the fact that they were able to handle things without Matt's help. From the look on Fisk's face, he suspected the other man had a pretty good idea as it was. "I know from experience how hard it is to calm down from a scare like that." His voice was rueful. "Why don't you and Matt join us back out our base? If you don't have anything else planned, that is. You can meet my partner...." He couldn't help smiling as he thought of Brock.

"Oh! That would be cool! I have a lot more questions!" Peter interjected, completely oblivious to the fact he probably shouldn’t be listening in on the conversation.

Grant bit his lip to try and avoid smiling at the other man's antics.

Tony walked over at that point. "Cleanup crew's taken the HYDRA thugs. Quinjets are up in five. That includes you, 'spiderling'! It's a school night... no staying out late!" he said toward what Matt had assumed was the roof of the building.

Matt wrinkled his nose and focused, attempting to sense if anyone was there.

"Okay, Mr. Stark!" The next moment, Spider-Man was swinging down towards the group, landing with the rest of the group and letting his mask uncover his face as he stared unabashedly at Matt. "Hey, you're new!" he exclaimed. "And another couple, huh?"

Fisk wrapped both arms around Matt's waist once more. "What do you want to do, love?" he asked softly.

"I think maybe we should go. I'm not entirely clear on what happened, but I do know I got myself involved. So, I'd kinda like to know which hornet nest I stumbled onto..." he whispered to Fisk, leaning more fully into the other man's arms.

"HYDRA... trying to recruit or forcibly conscript enhanced people to their cause... that's what you stumbled into..." Bucky said gruffly, walking to stand next to Fury.

"Yeah... why don’t we move this party back to base and not do the explanations on the street where civilians can hear?" Tony snarked, wrapping an arm around Parker and leading him to the first jet.

It wasn't long before the rest of the group followed the others onto the jet, those with their partners keeping in close physical contact with them as they settled in place.

Matt might not be able to see in the normal sense, but he could feel air currents and hear heartbeats. It was easy to tell that some of the members were closer to each other than strictly necessary. "Are... are all of you couples?" he asked those on the jet he and Fisk found themselves on.

"A lot of us are," Steve commented. "The exceptions are Tony Stark and Peter Parker, who are more like father and son; and Phil Coulson and Grant Ward, who are father and son."

Matt nodded. "I guess that explains the interest in whether Will and I are a couple," he said quietly. It didn't really, but he wasn’t sure what else to say.

"It's a bit more than just being 'couples'," Thor said. "One is very clearly in charge of the other."

Fisk wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Matt's waist, the action unconsciously possessively.

"Oh..." Matt automatically pressed back at Fisk's pulling. He found himself curious and wanting to exchange information... but even if he hadn’t officially submitted himself to Fisk- technically had every right to talk about what he wanted with other people-it didn't feel right talking about their relationship without the older man's permission. Then again, he wouldn’t have felt right doing that even if he didn't feel the urge to let Fisk control him.

Grant glanced at Coulson shyly before interjecting softly, "It isn’t just couples that... have someone in charge either...."

Coulson smiled and wrapped his arm around Grant's shoulders. "You don't have to share any more than you feel comfortable with, but if you do need or want to talk...sometimes it helps to have people who understand the nature of your relationship."

"Yeah... that's... thanks..." Matt stammered. He hadn't expected so many of the heroes to be like him and Fisk.

Grant snuggled close to Coulson.

Fisk stroked his fingers through Matt's hair, cuddling the smaller man close and tight, kissing the top of his head.

Matt swallowed, relaxing as Fisk was affectionate with him. He hadn't made the man so upset he would wash his hands of him, then. Still... "Am I in trouble?" he finally asked, voice soft but clear, not caring if anyone else on the jet heard. He needed to know if he'd messed up. If he'd disappointed the man, he loved and had tied his life to. If the one, he wanted to belong to more than anything was regretting taking him on.

Fisk wrapped his arms tighter around Matt. "Yes." His voice was soft, but nevertheless clear enough to carry to the others on the jet. If Matt wasn't going to hide it, neither was he. Gently turning Matt's face towards him so he could kiss the smaller man's lips, he added, "But I still love you."

Matt relaxed further at the kiss, returning it chastely. "...I... I deserve to be..." he admitted in a resigned voice, a hint of regret and trepidation in the tone; regret that he'd managed to do one of the few things Fisk had specifically given orders not to do (take unnecessary risks with his life) and trepidation because, while he enjoyed Fisk spanking him 'playfully', punishment was a whole other matter and he didn't like it, or even really handle it, that well.

Fisk ran his fingers through Matt's hair. "You've been punished before." He whispered the words in Matt's ear. "I know it's not pleasant, but we'll get through it."

Matt swallowed back sudden tears and took a slow breath. "I know..." he said, in a tiny voice, not bothering to whisper or try to hide his feelings. He appreciated Fisk trying to keep things confidential to avoid embarrassing him, but he didn't feel capable of the effort needed to keep everything between just the two of them and since he'd pretty much done his disobedience by jumping feet first into the Avengers op, without their permission, he figured if anyone deserved to know how Fisk was in control of him, they did. "...Don't like disappointing you... especially not for something so needless and ridiculously stupid. I didn't even give myself time to find out what was going on before leaping in...." he admitted sadly.

"You're not alone in that," Steve commented. "Most of the people here have had firsthand experience jumping into dangerous situations."

"Or their loved ones doing the same," T'Challa murmured, holding Loki's hand.

"It sounds as if we're in good company here," Fisk murmured, kissing Matt's cheek.

Matt let out an unhappy little laugh. "That's prolly how they knew to keep an eye on me and not let me sneak back off to the shop before calling you... experience with it...."

Grant grinned crookedly, giving Coulson a sheepish look before looking back toward Fisk and Matt.  "Yeah... well... a lot of us have experienced leaping in and then trying to hide the fact after... and it's always worse trying to hide things. Least it is for me..." he admitted ruefully.

"A guilty conscious about hiding things on top of guilt about doing something not allowed... much better to face things..." Bucky agreed.

Peter snorted. "Don't know that facing things is that much easier, but at least it doesn't drag things out..." He sighed.

"It probably helps you feel better to face up to things. Maybe not straight away, but certainly ultimately," Fury commented.

"I know it does me..." Grant agreed. "...Until I do, it always feels like there's something between me and Dad and... I don't like feeling that way."

Loki said quietly, "Being cut off from anyone, be it father, brother, or lover... is not a pleasant feeling. And if there is no reason to feel that way, if being honest is the only thing necessary to make certain that doesn't happen, then why put barriers where they do not need to be?"

Fisk let his fingers stroke through Matt's hair. "And even being disappointed doesn't last for long," he promised. "Like I told you before. Once you're punished, it's over. That's it. You're completely forgiven."

"So... Thor was right... you are like us..." Peter smiled, not caring that Matt couldn't see the expression on his face. His voice was very expressive as well and it was obvious, he was happy to meet a fellow submissive.

Fisk stroked his fingers through Matt's hair, enjoying being affectionate and loving to the other man. "Where is it, we're going?" he asked, changing the subject in case the man he loved was getting uncomfortable.

"To the Avengers compound," Steve answered. "It's big enough that you can have plenty of privacy if you need it."

"Do... do you think HYDRA will try and find me again? Really? I mean... I wasn't wearing my uniform, so they wouldn't know to look for me that way... and you said the cameras didn't capture my face, so...." Matt couldn't help but sound slightly nervous. He'd done so well keeping his identity secret, for so long. But now he had more to lose if his identity got out. He couldn't believe he'd been so careless.

"Anyone who saw your face has been captured," Fury said. "You don't have anything to worry about."

Matt nodded. " danger anymore?" he asked hesitantly, hoping that no danger meant maybe Fisk would be lenient with him for taking unnecessary risks. He didn't expect to get no correction for his behavior, but maybe he'd just be grounded with an early bedtime or something. One could hope.

Grant winced in sympathy, hearing the tone and recognizing it for what it was.

"Not anymore," Fury commented. "Of course, I'm sure that doesn't negate the potential danger you did put yourself in."

Fisk moved his hands down a bit towards Matt's thighs, squeezing them possessively.

"I... Yeah. I guess..." Matt said reluctantly, even as he slumped back into Fisk, accepting the man's possessive touch and trying to encourage it without being overt about it. "...I'm still getting used to the fact I'm not supposed to just do things because I want to help." He frowned slightly. "...Supposed to make sure I'm not running into a trap... let Wil know what's happening so he can back me up..."  He also didn't say that he was supposed to let Wil know so the older man could decide if he would do what he wanted to do or not. Even though he knew that's really what was going to occur. Because if Wil told him no, he wouldn't be doing it. Which was probably why he hadn't called to tell Wil. Deep down, he'd known Wil would have told him no and then he would have been faced with having to decide between helping or obeying. And he didn't want to have to make that choice.

"It takes time to get used to being responsible to someone else," T'Challa commented. "There will likely be setbacks for at least a time. But it's important to remember that a setback is not the end of the world. It just means there's a bit more to learn."

"...Yeah..." Matt sighed, turning enough that he could put his head on Fisk's shoulder and cuddle closer. He didn't care who was watching or saw' his need to feel Fisk's possessive care for him outweighed any embarrassment about public displays of affection. And he felt guilty too. He could tell that the older man was still calming down from the scare Matt had put him through, for no good reason; and the guiltier he felt, the more he needed to 'give' himself over to Fisk's control. He only wished they could get the punishment out of the way sooner than later.

Fisk kissed Matt's head, gently squeezing his legs. "I love you," he murmured. He slid his hand up over the smaller man's bottom and back, gently squeezing.

"Love you too..." Matt said quietly, shifting a slight bit more so Fisk could more easily squeeze and rub... and possibly smack if he felt inclined. "I'm sorry I scared you..." he added on.

Fisk gently squeezed Matt's backside, giving it a firm pat. "I know. I still love you. And you'll be forgiven," he promised.

More than used to this possessive behavior, the rest of the couples settled into conversation with each other.

Matt couldn't say he wasn't relieved that no one asked anymore questions or seemed upset that Fisk was squeezing and patting his bottom in front of them. He supposed that when they said they were in relationships like his and Fisk's, they weren't exaggerating. Still, being allowed to be cuddled and fondled by his lover on the way to the compound didn't really ease his guilt for what he'd done to upset the older man. When the jet landed, he tensed slightly, not sure what would be happening next.

"The medics are this way..." Grant said helpfully to Fisk, assuming the larger man would be assisting to get their new-found friend to first aid.

Peter skipped out of the jet backwards. "When you're done getting double-checked, come to the common area so we can get to know each other!" he said with a grin, before tripping at the bottom of the ramp and doing an impromptu back-roll, landing at Thor's feet. "I meant to do that!" he blurted, turning pink and glancing around furtively.

Thor reached down to help Peter to stand; and then, instead of putting his lover on his feet, he put the other man over his shoulder, clasping him possessively around the backside. "And I will take you there now," he stated.

Fisk wrapped his arm possessively around Matt's waist, guiding his lover in the direction Grant indicated.

Steve immediately looked around for his own partner.

Brock had come to the hangar as soon as he'd realized the jets had landed. He immediately moved to Steve's side. "Were there any problems?" he asked curiously, shifting into the larger man's arms as he watched the two strangers heading toward medical.

Peter didn't argue being over Thor's shoulder, humming happily as the Asgardian put his hands on his bottom. He settled in place, staring at Thor's backside while his lover carried him to the common area.

"Really?" Loki asked, disgruntled at seeing his brother-in-law ogling his brother's butt.

Matt just followed meekly, too guilty to argue about being checked over again, even if it meant disrobing so they could check under his clothes. He didn't think he'd been wounded anywhere but the cut on his head, but he hadn't realized he'd been cut either, so better safe than sorry. Especially if it helped Wil feel better.

"Not exactly." Steve wrapped his arms around Brock's waist, drawing his lover in for a deep kiss. "I missed you," he murmured.

T'Challa smiled and wrapped his arm around Loki. "There is no need to hide how you feel from your family."

Fisk didn't release Matt as they headed to the medical area, needing to touch and stroke the smaller man to reassure himself his lover was safe with him.

Brock returned the kiss, just as deeply, then smiled. "I missed you more..." he teased. "...I didn't even have fighting to distract me from my missing you...."

Loki relented and grinned at T'Challa, shifting closer to the King. "No... there isn't..." he admitted, blatantly glancing over his and T'Challa's shoulders so he could 'ogle' the other man's backside, an impish gleam in his eyes.

"I think we're all gathering in the common room," Steve commented. "But afterwards? When we're in our room...." He quite deliberately pictured taking his lover across his knee and turning Brock's bottom red before bending the other man over and claiming him fully. He gave Brock's backside a gentle smack to emphasize the thought.

T'Challa smiled and kissed the side of Loki's head. "Look as much as you want," he invited softly.


Matt licked his lips as they entered into the smallish room where a doctor was waiting. When he was told to disrobe, he gave Fisk a pleading look, but didn't actually argue, waiting for the older man to make a decision about if he had to really get checked out that thoroughly.

Fisk took Matt's hand and squeezed it gently. "I want to be certain there are no other injuries."

Matt swallowed, then nodded and sighed, his guilt growing. "Alright, sir..." he whispered, beginning to take his clothing off so he could be checked over. Soon, he was shivering, naked, feeling vulnerable and nervous.

Fisk kept hold of Matt's hand, staying as close as he could to the other man without getting in the doctor's way. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. "I won't leave you, my love. I promise."

To Matt's chagrin, the doctor was very thorough. Only the fact Fisk was there helped him not to just tell the professional to stop with the prodding and getting dressed and leaving. As it was, he nearly did that anyway when the doctor pointed out that Matt was on the thin side and needed to make sure to eat so that he didn't become underweight. "...Thought you were just going to check for wounds..." he grumbled.

Fisk raised Matt's hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the knuckles. "We need to know if there are any problems or issues, my love."

"...But I feel fine..." Matt whined, then blushed as he realized he was whining. "...I knew they'd be checking for wounds... didn't know they'd be doing a yearly physical type thing!" he continued, in a slightly less whiny tone, but a tone that still betrayed his upset at the development quite clearly and conveyed the fact that if Fisk hadn't been there and if he'd realized exactly how thorough the exam would be, he'd not have got it.

"Your health is very important to me, Matt." Fisk's voice was filled with concern. "I want to know if there are any issues that need to be dealt with."

It was hard to argue against Fisk's concern without feeling like an uncooperative brat. Sighing softly, Matt slumped and held still while the doctor finished the examination; answering all the questions as honestly as he could, even when he knew it would mean Fisk becoming stricter with him on his diet, exercise or sleep habits. Luckily, the cut on his head was the only actual wound he had.

"There will likely be bruising from the fight," the doctor spoke with Fisk, since it was clear the older man was in charge and he doubted Matt would heed him if he didn't have Fisk's support. "...You can put ice on it to help. The nurse will give you a sheet listing what his diet should be like, as well as a sheet detailing the types of exercise, he should avoid for at least a few months until the joint and muscle issues he's been ignoring are healed. Also, he should get no less than seven hours of sleep a night. A lot of the injuries to joints and muscles are exacerbated by exhaustion."

Matt groaned but didn't say anything.

"Thank you," Fisk said. He moved to help Matt get dressed and then wrapped his arms around the smaller man in a tight embrace. "Let's go and join the other couples," he murmured.

"Yessir..." Matt mumbled into Fisk's chest, holding on tightly. He felt even guiltier now that the doctor had told Fisk everything that was wrong with him; and left the older man with the responsibility of making sure Matt followed orders. It felt like he was becoming more and more of a burden.

Fisk kept his arms around Matt as he led the smaller man out of the medical area and towards the common area that had been indicated to them.

Matt could sense the presence of approximately twelve people when they entered into the room, though he couldn't tell who was there and who wasn't.

Peter squirmed on Thor's knee, impatiently waiting. He immediately glanced toward the door as Fisk and Matt entered, quickly noticing that the younger of the couple didn't look happy.  "They didn't find any other wounds, did they?" he asked, worried.

"No..." Matt said unhappily, completely confusing Star Lord, since that seemed like it would be something to be happy about.

The only ones in the common room were the Dominants and their submissives: Peter on Thor's knee, Loki cuddled up close to T'Challa, Brock laying over Steve's lap, Bucky laying on a sofa with his head on Fury's lap, Stephen sitting on the floor and leaning back against Mordo's legs so his head could be rubbed gently (he had a headache) and Grant sitting close to Coulson with his head on the older man's shoulder. There was an empty chair near all of them.

Fisk led Matt over to the empty chair and sat down, settling Matt carefully on his lap and wrapping his arms around his waist. "All of you are in the same kind of relationship, I take it?"

"Yes." Steve had his hands resting on Brock's bottom, gently rubbing and occasionally lightly swatting his lover's backside, as he ran through the introductions.

Matt listened to the introductions, but he barely paid attention further than learning names to voices. He felt too guilty. Hearing the smacks Steve was giving to Brock wasn't helping him either. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who enjoyed a non-punishment spanking. The problem was, he deserved a punishment spanking (and Fisk had all but promised him one). He didn't know for certain if Fisk planned to spank him to punish, or if he planned something else. What he did know was that he felt too guilty to wait any longer to be punished. He wanted things to be right between him and the older man. He wanted to feel like he'd paid for the upset he'd caused; for the unnecessary risk he'd taken when he knew he wasn't supposed to do that. Swallowing hard, he sat quietly on Fisk's lap, waiting for introductions to be over.

Steve kept his hands gently stroking over Brock's body, down his back, bottom and thighs, swatting every so often.

Fury cleared his throat. "Everyone here will understand if you want to be more affectionate or possessive and submissive with us here. We've all had similar experiences."

"We'll also understand if you don't..." Stephen said quietly, stifling the sound of the pain in his voice mostly, if not all the way. Not everyone felt comfortable being so open with their relationships; although even the reticent ones, like himself, were becoming freer with their affections as they became comfortable with the rest of the group.

Mordo gently stroked his fingers over Stephen's head, using the touch to send soothing waves of love and affection to his lover.

T'Challa brushed a kiss over Loki's head. "Anything you need to do here, none of us will judge you for it," he promised calmly.

Matt whimpered at the words, waiting a few seconds to see if Fisk took them up on their offers before realizing the older man likely wouldn't do anything if he thought it would embarrass Matt too deeply. And it would embarrass Matt, being spanked like a naughty child in front of an audience. But he also knew he needed to be punished now. And since he'd disobeyed in front of this group, had caused problems for this group because of his disobedience, then in a way, they deserved to see him punished. Swallowing hard again, he stood up before he lost his nerve and almost threw himself over Fisk's lap with a choked out, "I'm sorry I was bad... I didn't think! And I'm sorry...."

Fisk let his hand rest gently on Matt's back, rubbing gently a moment or two before he tugged the smaller man's pants and underwear down. "I know you didn't think, my love. I know you didn't mean to put yourself in danger. I love you. You're my whole world. And I won't lose you." He lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Matt relaxed slightly as Fisk gently rubbed his back, but then tensed again and whimpered as he was bared. He wrapped his arms tightly around Fisk's leg to keep himself from throwing his hands back to cover himself. He was being punished. Part of the punishment was the embarrassment of being bared. And then the first smack fell, and Matt couldn't think of anything other than the fact Fisk was in control and proving that control to him and everyone watching.

Grant bit his lip and tried to avert his gaze from the sight of Matt having his bare bottom spanked, but it was difficult. His eyes kept darting up every so often in spite of his efforts. Fisk's hands were huge and nearly covered one of Matt's cheeks all on its own. It wasn't taking long for the smaller man's backside to begin turning pink, either; it was obvious Fisk wasn't going easy on the younger man, even if he wasn't using his full strength.

None of the other subs averted their gaze. Matt had pretty much asked to be punished in front of them and Fisk had consented to the request. They'd all been punished in front of the others at one point or another and it had brought them all closer together; Dom to their sub and the group as a whole. Bringing one more pair into the group seemed like a good thing to them, so they watched as Matt's bottom was turned a pretty shade of pink and then began to darken further as Fisk punished him.

Fisk kept his other hand on Matt's back, rubbing and stroking even as he smacked steadily with his other hand. He kept his attention fully on the smaller man, talking softly to him. "You were gone for five years when the snap happened. I know we weren't together then, but now that we are, I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Coulson wrapped his arm a bit tighter around Grant, pressing a kiss to the younger man's head and just cuddling.

Steve let his hands rest gently on Brock's bottom, still rubbing and delivering a light smack every so often.

Matt had begun the spanking only whimpering and huffing in slight breaths randomly. By the time Fisk had gone through a few circuits and begun to talk to him about how much Matt meant to him? The whimpers were frequent, and his breathing was labored as he tried to draw breath through tears. He tightened his grip around Fisk's leg, trying desperately not to give in to his need to throw his hands back and cover his very sore bottom.

Grant held onto his father gratefully. The others may be used to seeing each other punished, but he wasn't used to it and it was unsettling. Especially when he knew it could easily be him in that position.

Brock watched Matt be spanked through half-open eyes. He wasn't being punished but watching the punishment and then feeling the smacks on his own backside increased his empathy for the younger man. He reached one hand back, hoping Steve would take hold of it.

Stephen watched only long enough to be satisfied that Matt was getting exactly what he deserved and needed, then closed his eyes and slumped back against Mordo, hoping that the dark would keep his head from throbbing. It wasn't like he couldn't hear each smack as it landed on bare flesh, or the tiny gasps, whimpers and moans of pain that Matt was expelling (he suspected the younger man didn't even realize how vocal he was being).

Peter winced as the pretty pink color turned darker and angrier, wondering when the blind hero would stop fighting himself and just give in. Experience had taught him that fighting one's reactions didn't result in anything but a sorer backside; the punishment couldn't end until submission had occurred, after all.

"You are mine." Fisk spoke the words with certainty as he continued to swat and rub, wrapping his arm around Matt's waist to hold his lover close and steady. "That means you shouldn't risk yourself. That you shouldn't risk taking yourself from me."

Coulson kissed Grant's cheek and gently stroked his fingers along the pulse point in his son's neck. His arms remained close and tight around the younger man.

Steve gently grasped Brock's hand, squeezing it, as he began to put a bit more force behind the smacks; began to swat his lover's backside just a bit harder and a bit faster.

Mordo continued to stroke and rub Stephen's temples. He also continued sending loving, affectionate feelings to his lover through the bond.

Thor kissed Peter's neck and cuddled him tightly. "My Star-Prince. I love you," he whispered in Peter's ear.

T'Challa took Loki's hand in his and squeezed it gently, before holding it against his heart.

Fury slipped his arm around Bucky's shoulders, drawing the other man closer and tighter against his side. He didn't speak but knew Bucky would feel Fury's contentedness and love for him.

"Yours... all yours... completely... was bad to take chances... knew better... can't take risks that... that... that part us..." Matt sobbed, unable to keep from responding to those words, but finding it difficult to speak. He lost his bid to keep his hands in place and frantically threw them back over his bottom in a fruitless bid to block the smacks, if only for a second.

Grant turned his face into his father's shoulder and snuggled, slanting his head enough that Coulson could reach his pulse-point, but otherwise hiding his face against the older man.

Brock gripped Steve's hand tightly, letting out his own tiny huffs as the smacking grew in intensity. His body began to respond in kind; he wasn't being punished, after all and the sting felt good to him when he wasn't in trouble.

Stephen sent loving affectionate feelings back, along with an image of them going to bed as soon as this 'debriefing' was concluded.

Peter twisted so he could cuddle back, nuzzling into Thor's shoulder. "I love you too, my liege..." he professed.

Loki smiled at the gesture, squeezing T'Challa's hand back before flattening his palm against the King's chest so he could feel the heartbeat under. ...I love you, my king... he thought through the bond.

Bucky looked up at Fury with a smile full of his own contentment and love.

Fisk caught Matt's hands, holding them out of the way, as he began to smack harder and faster. "You're right, my love. You can't do anything that might part us. Not after we spent so long apart."

Coulson kissed Grant's head, his other hand stroking through his son's hair as he continued to stroke and caress the younger man's pulse-point.

Steve adjusted Brock's position slightly, beginning to target his lover's sit spots and thighs in the swats...and also allowing the other man to get some friction against Steve's legs.

Mordo sent a picture back of cuddling with Stephen in bed, soothing his lover's headache with more intimate magic.

Thor nuzzled into Peter's neck, kissing him there before tilting the smaller man's head so he could kiss Peter's lips.

I love you, my sorcerer, T'Challa thought back to Loki, gently grasping the other man's hand.

Fury kissed Bucky's lips gently, threading his fingers through his lover's hair.

Matt desperately clenched his hands and kicked out his legs, wailing as the speed and strength of the smacks increased. "Was wrong. Shouldn't done it! Sorry!" he sobbed.

Grant relaxed under his father's gentle care.

Brock managed to keep his sounds low where only Steve could hear them. It only took a few circuits of smacks and friction before he was spilling over Steve's lap.

Stephen smiled at the image. "I'll look forward to that..." he whispered to Mordo.

Peter sighed happily, returning the kiss in a subdued but eager way.

Loki leaned into T'Challa, cuddling.

Bucky closed his eyes and returned Fury's loss with a sigh of contentment.

"I could have lost you." Fisk's voice was low. "I could have lost you and that would have killed me. I can't survive that, Matt." He moved his hand a bit lower, beginning to direct smacks to Matt's sit spots and thighs.

"I'm sorry, sir! I... I'm so sorry! I don’t want to... to leave you alone, to be taken from you... I...  I made a mistake..." Matt sobbed, his voice catching as Fisk spanked his sit spots. "...Didn’t think and I'm sorry!" He gave up, slumping over Fisk's knee, boneless and accepting the punishment. His bottom glowed a dark crimson.

Bringing the spanking to a stop, Fisk didn't hesitate in drawing Matt into his arms, hugging the smaller man tightly to himself. "I love you," he whispered, emotion making his voice catch. "I love you and I can't lose you."

Matt clung to Fisk; all pride gone. All he wanted and needed was to be held close and forgiven. He didn't care who saw him sobbing like a small child any more than he had cared who saw his naked backside being smacked. "I'm sorry, sir... please... don't be mad. Please forgive me..." he whispered, in the tiniest, saddest, most pathetic voice Fisk had ever heard.

Grant winced, hiding his face against Coulson further. It had sounded like his voice before he had finally seen enough worth in himself that he could believe Coulson wouldn't give up on him.

"I'm not mad." Fisk tightened his hold on Matt as he whispered, "I love you. I would always forgive you, no matter what."

Matt snuggled close, clinging to Fisk, and tried to calm down. He believed the older man, but it was hard not to be afraid. Not to be afraid that he'd broken something and put distance between them.

"I love you." Fisk kissed Matt's head and tightened his hold; enough that Matt wouldn't be able to get free without Fisk's permission.

Matt squirmed just enough to realize that Fisk had a firm grip on him, and he wouldn't get free without the larger man's permission... Permission he didn't plan to seek... and then slumped against his lover, hiding his face and calming the rest of the way. "...I love you..." he whispered.

"I'm glad you're safe." Fisk stroked his hand down Matt's back; cupped the back of the smaller man's head with one large hand. "I'm glad that I can hold you in my arms and know that you're safe and that you belong with me. To me."

Matt sniffled. "...I'm glad you have me..." he whispered.

Grant relaxed as Matt calmed, settling against his father then glancing around at all the other couples.

Stephen cleared his throat, keeping his eyes closed and still leaning back against Mordo. "From what little I've gathered HYDRA have Matt on their radar now? Even though they don't know what he looks like, they know of his existence?"

Fury nodded. "It's possible they had him in their sights before, but he never really engaged with HYDRA until now," he commented.

Fisk frowned in concern. "So, the danger might not be over yet?"

Grant sighed softly, looking toward his father before looking at Fisk. "With HYDRA, the danger is never over. Once they know of you, if you can be of use to them, they'll try and get you. If you can't be of use to them and might get in their way, they'll try and kill you..." he said tiredly.

Bucky frowned at the truth in those words. "Maybe we could help..." he said carefully, not wanting to offer anything; it wasn't his place. He wasn't in charge of SHIELD or the Avengers or even his own self.

"Your relationship is very similar to the kinds of relationships we have," Steve said. "We talked about going into space...exploring other worlds. We have people here who can open a portal back to Earth if needed, but it'll give privacy. A chance to be with other people in the same position as the two of you."

Brock folded his arms under his head and glanced toward the two unabashedly. He didn't care that they'd seen him spanked to orgasm and felt that it might actually help when they made a decision.

Matt sniffled before asking, in a rough voice, "You'd let us join you? You just met us...." He sounded confused.

"Your reputations precede you," Fury said, a bit dryly.

"We won't be leaving straight away, so there's time to decide if you really think it's right for you to join us or not," Coulson said. "But there aren't too many of us in this kind of relationship and I think we all like the idea of supporting each other."

"...My life is with Wil now... if he thinks it's a good idea..." Matt said hesitantly. Foggy and Karen were no longer close by and Sister Maggie, his mother... she didn't really need him around, even if they'd managed to forge a tentative relationship. His sole purpose for staying in Hell's Kitchen was because he hadn't known where else to go and then Fisk had got him and... well... the only place he felt he belonged now was where his lover was.

"I want you to be happy, my love." Fisk kissed Matt's head and then his cheek. "If you think you might be happy going on the spaceship...I can think of far worse places to be. And we'd be together."

Matt nuzzled against Fisk, saying softly, "As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy.... If being in space keeps me from being taken from you..." He bit his lip. It was difficult to admit that he was scared. He'd gone up against numerous enemies, died once while facing some of the worst, but none of those enemies wanted to capture him to try and dissect him and his 'abilities'. They just wanted to kill him. The thought of being taken and experimented on scared him more than the thought of dying and now that he belonged to Fisk, the thought of either option terrified him.

Fisk stroked his fingers through Matt's hair. "The idea has a lot of appeal. Living with you in space. Of course, living with you no matter what is appealing...but this way, there are other couples with similar relationships to ours."

"That... that's not a bad thing..." Matt said hesitantly. The more he thought about it, the more the idea of having other submissives he could become friends with appealed to him. It would give him people to talk to and ask advice when he was reluctant to broach a subject to Fisk... because even though he trusted the older man with his life and his heart, there were some things he just didn't know how to ask; and Fisk probably wouldn't know the answer anyway. He was dominant, after all.

"Why don't we stay here for a bit?" Fisk suggested. "Get to know them. Make a decision when we know how well we get on with all of them."

"...Okay... if... if they have room for us... I think that would be good..." Matt sniffled, still feeling off kilter after realizing he'd just put a huge target on his back, on top of disappointing his lover and having his bottom roasted for it. He shifted, then whimpered softly, but didn't complain, instead hiding his face against Fisk's chest, seeking 'comfort' (although what he was really seeking was to be 'babied' and coddled for a bit, even if he wouldn't admit it, even to himself).

Fisk let his hand slide down to Matt's bottom, gently beginning to rub it as he cuddled the smaller man tightly to himself.

"There's plenty of room and you're more than welcome to stay here," Steve said, with a warm smile.

Matt shivered and held tightly to Fisk. The gentle rubbing initially hurt, his bottom was so sore, but eventually, it began to soothe, and he found himself having a hard time staying awake. The fact he was clinging to his Dom, having his bare bottom rubbed, slipped his attention, even if it didn't slip anyone else's.

Brock smiled. "I'm always happy to answer questions..." he added confidently.

"We all are..." Bucky added, smiling at the way Matt was cuddling close, almost like a kitten or puppy. He glanced up at Fury, leaning in and kissing the older man's cheek.

Fury smiled and wrapped his arm around Bucky's shoulders, kissing his lover on the cheek before saying, "If you'd like to settle in, I can show you to one of the rooms."

"Yes please," Fisk answered, still gently and soothingly stroking Matt's backside.

Matt wanted to ask if they needed to go home and pack bags first, but the rubbing was so soothing, and he was so wrung out from the fight and the punishment and the guilt and worry that the words just wouldn't form. Instead, he yawned widely, his eyes closing.

"I uh... I think he looks about my size, if you need to borrow some pajamas... or other clothes..." Brock offered to Fisk, since it appeared Matt was sound asleep now.

Peter grinned. "Or, you know... you can order some stuff, and have it delivered. Depending on who you order from, it can sometimes be delivered within the hour, thanks to Stark's contracts with various places...." He'd been very happy when he'd discovered that useful bit of information. He'd been able to replace some of his more worn clothing without ever having to leave the compound.

Fisk nodded in thanks. "If you guide me to a room we can use, I'll see about ordering some clothing." He stood up carefully, lifting Matt into his arms, carefully replacing the smaller man's clothing.

Kissing Stephen's forehead, Mordo stood and helped his lover to stand as well. "Bedtime now, I think," he murmured softly.

Fury stood up, planning to guide Fisk to one of the empty rooms.

Bucky stood as well, heading over to bar area where there was a sink and some rags. He wet a rag down, then grabbed a hand-towel and walked back over to Steve, handing the two items to him. "You might need this..." He smirked, before turning to go to his and Fury's room. He wasn't certain if Nick would want to return to their apartment or not and at this late hour, he didn't really care one way or another. As long as he was able to sleep in his lover's arms.

Stephen leaned into Mordo. "Yessir..." he murmured back, still in pain, but less so than he had been before Mordo began rubbing his head for him.

Matt shifted in his sleep, still clinging to Fisk, but doing so in a way that made it easy to carry him.

The rest of the group sat quietly as the various members of their party left the communal area.

Giving Bucky a grateful smile, Steve began cleaning him and Brock up, touching or stroking his lover as he did so.

Thor stood and swept Peter into his arms, dangling over his shoulder once more, clasping his lover's backside possessively.

Peter grumbled good-naturedly, "You do realize I can walk, Thunder-pants..." he teased affectionately. It was obvious he wasn't really upset and actually liked Thor taking control that way.

Brock held still as he was being cleaned, not phased in the least that he was being 'bathed' in front of everyone. His gaze was completely focused on Steve. "Love you, cap..." he whispered.

Loki watched as more and more couples headed to their rooms. He glanced at Coulson and Grant. He hadn't really had much time to interact with the two of them since they'd arrived; and in fact, had tried to avoid them as much as possible. He distinctly remembered 'killing' Coulson and even though he'd changed a lot since dimension hopping, he didn't feel comfortable making the first move, not sure how Coulson would view him. He let out a tiny sigh and scooted closer to T'Challa.

Thor gently patted Peter's backside, giving a good night to everyone before carrying his partner from the room.

"I love you. So much." Steve finished cleaning up his lover and then stroked his fingers along Brock's cheek, before leaning in to kiss his lips.

T'Challa wrapped his arms tightly around Loki, kissing the other man's shoulder. "I love you," he murmured.

Coulson gave Loki a warm smile, noticing how uncomfortable the other man seemed to be. "If you two aren't too tired, perhaps we could play a game together," he suggested softly, as a way to offer peace.

Brock returned the kiss eagerly. "...Wanna take me back to our room so we can show each other how much?" he purred.

Loki smiled at the words, letting his own feelings of love travel through the bond. At Coulson's words, he couldn't help the slight feeling of surprise that also went through the bond, before he looked up at T'Challa, seeking his decision on the matter. He wouldn't mind having a chance to get to know the other man and actually apologize, since that seemed to be what Coulson was offering.

Steve smiled and lifted Brock into his arms. "I like the sound of that," he agreed, carrying Brock from the room.

T'Challa nuzzled into Loki's neck, murmuring softly, "I am not tired."

"Then... I'd like the chance to get to know you... and hopefully apologize..." Loki said to Coulson, hesitantly.

"There's no need for apologies," Coulson replied. "I know you have changed and would not cause harm again."

"I would not... and hope that should I ever do anything that could cause harm without realizing, that I would be stopped. Still..." Loki smiled sadly. "...I do regret my actions."

"I understand, but I have forgiven you for them," Coulson said gently.

"Thank you..." Loki said softly, gratitude clear in his voice.

Grant cleared his throat. "Dad is the most forgiving man I know..." he said quietly, remembering what he'd been forgiven.

Coulson gently squeezed Grant's hand. "Forgiving you was easy. And forgiving you is just as easy," he added to Loki. "I don't want to hold grudges."

Loki nodded. "An example to strive to emulate." Swallowing, he took a slow breath. "So... you mentioned a game?"

"Yes. I believe there are some board or card games in here." Coulson smiled fondly at Grant. "Why don't you pick one out, son?"

Grinning happily, Grant picked out one of his favorites. Soon, the four were laughing and bonding over Operation.


Stephen sighed softly as they finally made it into their room. "I think tomorrow I'll need to refrain from spellcasting... I know the shields needed placing in the Rome sanctum. And I was the only one available to do them... but I overdid it." His voice was rueful. "Had you been there, you wouldn’t have allowed me...."

"No, I wouldn't have," Mordo agreed. He helped Stephen to lay down on the bed and then stretched out next to his lover, stroking his fingers through the other man's hair and over his temples.

"Next time I am faced with such a decision; I will ask myself. WWMA..." Stephen laughed faintly, then groaned.

Mordo kissed his head, allowing soothing strands of power to slip from his fingers into the other man. "I love you. Try to rest. I will do what I can to keep the pain at bay."

"Am... am I in trouble?" Stephen asked hesitantly. He hadn’t done anything dangerous per say. And he hadn't intended to overdo it either, really... but he'd still done something that had affected his health badly.

"I'm not happy that you overdid it, Stephen. We've talked about you paying attention to your health...." Mordo said quietly.

"...Not paying attention is just as bad as deliberately taking unnecessary dangerous actions..." It wasn't a question. The fact Mordo was unhappy was his answer.

"You need to keep yourself safe. And healthy." Mordo ran his fingers through Stephen's hair.

Stephen licked his lips tiredly, snuggling close to Mordo. "Sleep first? And then my lesson for not being careful?" He tried to keep his eyes open, in case Mordo decided to address his actions immediately. He had no doubt he had consequences beyond the headache coming to him.

"Sleep first," Mordo agreed, sliding his hand down Stephen's back to gently but possessively squeeze his backside. "I love you."

Stephen sighed softly, burrowing against Mordo and letting his eyes fall closed, listening to his mate's heartbeat. The possessive squeeze drew a tiny hum from him, and he whispered back, "...I love you too... more than words can say...."  And then he was asleep.

Mordo tightened his hold on Stephen, letting his own eyes close, slipping into sleep as he cuddled his lover tightly to himself.


Surprisingly enough, or maybe not, considering how Mordo had been sending 'healing' waves toward him right before he fell asleep, Stephen slept through the night with little problem. When he finally awoke the next morning, the headache was gone. Only a little residual queasiness was left, but it was quickly settling as his equilibrium adjusted. Sighing softly, he pressed a kiss to Mordo's chest, but otherwise stayed still.

Mordo kissed the top of Stephen's head. "I love you," he murmured, stroking his hand slowly down the other man's back, letting it come to rest on Stephen's backside.

"I know..." Stephen smiled against Mordo's chest, kissing again. "...You must, since you kept me from suffering the results of my own folly... I slept better than I thought I would..." he added quietly. He sighed at feeling Mordo's hand on his backside, clenching slightly, knowing that it'd likely be bare and stinging in a few minutes. Then he relaxed and just enjoyed Mordo touching him. "I love you too..." he said somberly.

Mordo's other hand stroked gently through Stephen's hair. "I don't like to see you suffering. For any reason. And if I can prevent that in any way, I will," he promised, giving Stephen's bottom a gentle squeeze.

"No pain allowed, 'less you're the one giving it..." Stephen snarked impishly. He knew Mordo didn't cause him pain unless it was deserved or needed and he knew the other man knew he knew that, so he felt safe teasing.

"Exactly." Mordo gently stroked Stephen's chin, encouraging the other man to look at him so he could kiss his lips. "Of course, you'll only get a stinging backside from me."

Stephen followed Mordo's unspoken direction and turned his face toward him, leaning up so that their lips could meet. Smiling gently, making certain to look Mordo in the eye, Stephen said, "...And I only get that when I deserve it. When I've been naughty..." His voice caught and he swallowed. Giving Mordo a slightly worried look, he continued, "...I didn't mean to be naughty this time. It was an accident. I know not thinking isn't an excuse and just as bad as doing things deliberately, but... I didn't mean to. I just wanted you to know that..." He sighed softly, before kissing Mordo again, chastely.

"I know." Mordo spoke the words against Stephen's lips. "I know it wasn't intentional. But thinking of your own safety needs to become instinctual. I'm just going to give you a reminder spanking. To help you think next time." He gave his lover's backside a firm pat as emphasis.

Stephen relaxed at the words of belief. It was easier to face a punishment, or in this case a reminder, when he knew that Mordo still trusted and believed him. "Yessir..." he said quietly, kissing Mordo once more before reluctantly pulling back and pushing his pajama pants (when had he changed? He didn't remember changing. Mordo must have taken care of him) down to his knees, then waited for Mordo to position him where wanted.

Mordo gently pulled Stephen back into his arms, positioning his lover so it was easier to reach Stephen's bottom without needing to let go. He then delivered a series of firm pats to the other man's backside, pausing briefly to squeeze each cheek before resuming.

Stephen let out a relieved sigh as he found himself enveloped in Mordo's arms again. Yes, he was being smacked for thoughtlessness. But he was also being held tight and secure. Putting his head on Mordo's shoulder, hiding his face against the other man's neck, he wrapped his own arms around Mordo's waist so that he wouldn't accidently block the swats.

Mordo kept his other arm wrapped tightly around Stephen's waist as he continued to firmly pat. He paused to gently rub his lover's bottom and then, when he resumed, began to go a bit more firmly, the pats turning into light swats.

Stephen shivered as Mordo rubbed, then whimpered as the pats became swats. But he didn't argue or try to get away. He fully believed he deserved this, because Mordo wouldn't be doing it if he didn't deserve it.

Mordo didn't swat for very long before he paused to rub once more, kissing and nuzzling into his lover's neck.

Stephen shivered and whimpered again, shifting his head so his neck was more exposed and open to Mordo. He kissed back wherever he could reach, mostly shoulders and his grip around Mordo's waist tightened. "...'M sorry was naughty..." he whispered, trying very hard to focus on the discipline and why it was occurring and not on what Mordo's lips were doing.

"I know. And I forgive you. I love you. I will always love you." Mordo whispered the reassurance into Stephen's neck, kissing again. His hand moved a bit lower, beginning to focus the light swats to Stephen's sit spots and thighs.

“...I'll always love you too..." Stephen sniffled, suddenly overcome by the sense of wrong being set right again. He'd done something he knew deep down Mordo wouldn't approve of. And now Mordo was taking control and reminding him what was expected, who he belonged to. His bottom stung slightly; the swats weren't overly hard, but repetition had made his backside sensitive. He nuzzled against Mordo's shoulder.

Mordo ran his fingers through Stephen's hair as he continued to swat for a bit longer, pausing to stroke and rub more than he swatted.

Stephen settled against Mordo, relaxing as his hair was combed, managing not to tense when the swats landed; it was easy when there was more stroking than smacking. Swallowing hard, he whispered, "...Thank you. For forgiving me and... and not letting me get away with stuff...."

"I would always forgive you," Mordo murmured. "You are my whole world, Stephen. I made a huge mistake and lost you for so long. I won't ever make that mistake again. I need you too much. I love you too much."

Stephen nuzzled against Mordo's shoulder a bit more. "...If I haven't made it clear how much I love and need you... Well... I do. I can't imagine not being yours... not now. I don't think I could function without you. Not in a healthy way..." His voice was chagrined.

"I'll never stop regretting how I left you. How much you hurt because of me." Mordo kissed Stephen's cheek. "I'm never going to let go of you. You'll never lose me again," he promised. "My life was worth nothing without you in it."

Stephen tightened his arms around Mordo's waist and turned his head enough to catch the other man's lips in a kiss. "We need each other and have to stay together. That's all there is to it..." He smiled faintly, before putting his head back down on Mordo's shoulder so he could accept the remainder of whatever reminder Mordo felt he deserved. His backside was tingling but not stinging.

Mordo let his hand stroke gently down over Stephen's back, while his other hand swatted a bit more before he called it done and began to rub once more. "That's enough of a reminder, I think."

Stephen shivered a little bit, nuzzling some more. "...It doesn't hurt..." he whispered uncertainly. Even if it wasn't a punishment, he'd expected a reminder to stick with him longer... and not turn him on. He blushed and tried not to wriggle too much, because he knew it would be obvious, he was turned on.

"Do you need it to?" Mordo asked frankly. "The problem was you didn't think about your own safety. Not that you deliberately set out to do something that would hurt yourself."

"...I... I don't know?" Stephen sounded a bit confused. "...I guess I just thought a reminder would hurt more so that I... couldn't forget to think about what I was supposed to... although... I don't think I'll have a problem thinking about that for at least another month or two, between the headache and knowing I disappointed and worried you." He shifted again, wincing when it pressed his 'reaction' into Mordo. "...Sorry..." he apologized.

"That's not a problem." Mordo gently touched Stephen's chin, raising the other man's face so they could kiss. "I love you. So very much. I can't ever lose you. The reminder's over, but if you risk harming yourself again, I will turn you over my knee for a full, proper spanking."

"Yes, Sir... If I risk harming myself again, I'll come to you and ask to be put over your knee..." Stephen smiled crookedly, a sad look in his eye. "I truly do not like disappointing you...."

"I know." Mordo stroked the side of his face. "So, I know that you'll do your best not to harm yourself."

"Unless I'm a complete idiot and don't even realize I am being dangerous, yes. I will do my very best not to bring harm to myself... if only because of you. I want to make you happy." Stephen leaned in and kissed Mordo chastely.

Mordo deepened the kiss. "You make me very happy," he said honestly. "As long as I have you, I would be content in anything."

"I am happy as well..." Stephen opened himself up to his lover, his feelings of complete submission carrying through the bond, along with an image of Mordo taking whatever he wanted or needed from Stephen.

Mordo kissed Stephen, deeply and passionately, letting his hands glide over the other man's skin, stroking and squeezing every so often.

Stephen tightened his hold on Mordo possessively and kissed deeply. "Mine..." he growled softly when he came up for air. Mordo might be in charge and control... but that didn't make him any less Stephen's.

"Yours," Mordo agreed, hands moving to Stephen's hips. "Just like you're mine. We belong to and with each other. And I will never make the mistake of letting you go again."

Stephen smiled at that. "I'm counting on that, Baron. Forever...."

Mordo opened himself up through the bond, allowing Stephen to feel how much he was loved, wanted, needed. He gently squeezed the other man's hips and kissed him again.

Stephen returned the feelings of love and sent back his feeling of wanting to be claimed in some way by Mordo. "Yours, Baron..." he whispered.

Mordo pictured rolling Stephen onto his front and beginning to claim him, slowly and gently, until the other man was begging.

Stephen moaned softly. "Please, Baron?" He wasn't above begging.

Kissing Stephen deeply, Mordo rolled the other man over. He ran his hands down Stephen's back and followed the same path with his lips. Then, he reached out for the bottle of lube on the bedside table. Coating his finger with a generous amount, he carefully pushed it inside Stephen.

Stephen groaned as he was rubbed and kissed, pushing his backside up so Mordo could claim more easily. "So good..." He whimpered.

"You feel good," Mordo whispered, kissing the back of Stephen's head. He began to move and explore inside the other man, his other hand stroking and squeezing Stephen's skin.

"Yours... completely..." Stephen sighed, his body relaxing and becoming looser the longer Mordo worked on him. He felt ready for his lover, but it felt so good being under Mordo's control he didn't say anything, content to let his master set the pace.

Withdrawing his finger, Mordo coated his member with the lube and then pushed inside Stephen at the same slow, steady pace. "Mine." He whispered the word against Stephen's neck before kissing it.

Stephen sighed blissfully as he felt Mordo push into him, stretching him just past the point of comfort. He felt like he belonged and that never failed to feel good and make him needier. "Always..." he whined softly, relaxing further and widening his legs so he'd be more open for his lover, offering everything he could.

Mordo began to thrust deeper and harder inside Stephen, kissing the other man's shoulder. At the same time, he let his magic slip into the other man's skin...marking him as he had the first time he'd taken Stephen.

Stephen groaned as he felt his lover move in him, shivering as he felt the magic and knew it meant he was being marked. He was being fully claimed and the knowledge increased his own arousal till he was aching with need. "...Yours, Baron... my...  my master..." he panted in a strained voice, close to sobbing, he felt so sensitive. Every nerve in his body was tied to the nerves Mordo was stroking so deeply.

"Mine," Mordo agreed, stroking his way down Stephen's back and then following the same path with his lips. "Forever. No matter what happens. I won't leave you. I won't abandon you." Through the bond, it was clear he knew how lucky he'd been that Stephen had given him a second chance; that he hadn't lost the man he loved through his own foolishness.

Stephen felt himself well up with emotion, feeling and hearing the promise. Curling his arm under his head, he pressed his mouth to his wrist and, sobbing softly, begged, "Then please, Baron... master... please make me feel you will never leave... bury yourself so hard and deep I feel you in all of me even after..." He choked and clenched tight around Mordo in an effort to pull him deeper.

Mordo began thrusting harder and deeper, his hands possessively squeezing Stephen's hips. He kissed the back of the other man's neck and pinned Stephen with his own body, whispering the words, "I love you," over and over again.

" ...I love you..." Stephen gasped, his body tightening...tensing... up. "I need you!" He sobbed as his shivering stopped and he was still as stone before shuddering release hit, his body quaking uncontrollably. A spike of fear tore through him at the intensity. Only Mordo's tight grip... his master's body pinning him in place... helped him not become terrified. Mordo would protect him, after all.

Mordo tightened his hold as his own release followed after Stephen's. He sent waves of love and possession through the bond as he kissed the nape of the other man's neck repeatedly.

Stephen's vision whited out for a second, leaving him disoriented. He could feel Mordo's love, though, hear the words and it soothed him. Finally, he lay limp under his lover, sated. Pliant and submissive. "Wish we could stay like this all day..." he mumbled lethargically. "You on top of me... buried inside... connected... "

"We might not be able to stay like this all day, but we can stay like it for a while." Mordo kissed Stephen's neck, still holding his lover's hips possessively. "I need you so much. I love you so much."

"I love you... love belonging to you... thank you for giving me this... for taking care of me..." Stephen swallowed. "For everything...."

"I would always take care of you." Mordo kissed his cheek. "I won't ever leave you or let you down again. You belong to me."

Stephen settled, just enjoying being blanketed and touched... owned...  by Mordo. There wasn't much else to say that hadn't been said.


Fisk had carefully undressed and washed Matt, settling them both on the bed with Matt sprawled across him on his stomach, holding the smaller man close and tight against his chest so he'd be less likely to wake up and roll onto his sore bottom.

Matt had woken just enough to cooperate with Fisk, but the older man had been completely in charge and responsible for Matt. As soon as Matt was sprawled on top of him- and he was sprawled, arms and legs open wide and akimbo- Matt had fallen asleep, his utter trust in Fisk making it easy to be vulnerable to the older man.

Fisk had slept peacefully, a huge part of him feeling more at ease with Matt cuddled in his arms. He woke up fairly early, but didn't try to move the smaller man, instead just letting his fingers run through Matt's hair.

Matt woke to Fisk carding fingers through his hair, gently rubbing his scalp. "Morning..." he whispered his throat hoarse from the carrying on he'd done the night before. He shifted slightly, hissing softly when his bottom ached from the movement. "It still hurts!" he said accusingly, with a pout.

Fisk moved his hand a bit lower, gently rubbing Matt's still warm bottom. "You needed it to hurt, my love. You needed to feel punished," he pointed out gently. "Otherwise you would have tried to punish yourself. And that wouldn't be appropriate."

Matt leaned up to look into Fisk's face- even if he couldn't see, Fisk would see him- and pouted some more, before sighing softly and carefully lying down again, his ear to Fisk's chest. "I know. You're right..." he admitted.

"You don't do well with guilt," Fisk murmured. "And helping you means ensuring a punishment is hard enough to derail those feelings." He reached for a bottle of water next to the bed, uncapping it so he could hold it to Matt's lips, encouraging the other man to drink.

Matt obediently drank, draining the bottle before clearing his throat and saying. "You know me better than I know myself. I never realized I did that till you pointed it out to me..." His tone was sheepish.

Fisk stroked his fingers through Matt's hair. "I love you. I pay attention to you. I want to know everything about you. And I don't want you to harm yourself because you feel guilty. Making a mistake isn't the end of the world. And when something happens, we deal with it and move past it. And while I know it hurts, and I don't like causing you any kind of pain, I'd take that over potentially losing you."

Matt nuzzled against Fisk. "I don’t feel guilty anymore..." he whispered. "...It does hurt, but... it feels better in my heart..." he admitted, in a whisper.

"I'm glad." Fisk touched Matt's cheek, encouraging the smaller man to raise his head so Fisk could kiss his lips. He continued to gently rub Matt's bottom with his other hand.

Matt kissed back gently, whimpering softly as his bottom was rubbed, but not pulling away. "Love you, sir..." he whispered.

"I love you," Fisk whispered in return. "I love you so much. You are my whole world now. If I lost you, I don't know that I'd ever recover from it."

"I can't. I need you so much. Can't live without you either..." Matt admitted.

Fisk kissed him a bit deeper. "I'll enjoy travelling through space with you," he murmured.

"I think I'll enjoy that as well, sir. The two of us together... I'll have to rely on you more, though..." Matt said.

"That's not something I have a problem with," Fisk said honestly, pressing a kiss to Matt's head.

"I... I'm surprised at myself... since I normally try to be self-reliant... but...." Matt paused, snuggling closer. "I'm more than okay with it. I like the idea...."

"I enjoy taking care of you," Fisk murmured. "I've always been possessive of the people I love. Not everyone has been okay with it."

"I never liked it before. I never liked feeling weak," Matt responded. "Somehow... even though I know you could break me if you wanted... even though with you, I am weak... it feels right. Good. And I'm not scared of it."

"You never have to be scared of me," Fisk promised. "I would never harm you. You would have been safe with me even before you were snapped away...but you're now the most important person in my life and there is nothing you need to worry about with me."

"I know..." Matt whispered. "The snap... it changed me. I became more reckless, but less brave. Except for you. I knew I could trust you."

"It took you a while to get there, but the wait was more than worth it," Fisk murmured, cupping Matt's face in his hand and stroking his thumb along the smaller man's lips.

Matt kissed the older man's thumb before opening his mouth. He wanted to be claimed and since Fisk was taking his time, he wanted whatever the other man was willing to do.

Fisk slipped his thumb into Matt's mouth, his other hand exploring a bit further down the smaller man's body; parting Matt's legs for better access to his more sensitive, private areas.

Matt latched onto Fisk's thumb, sucking and licking gently. He opened his legs as far as he could for the larger man and relaxed. He didn't know if it should feel so comforting, sucking on his lover's thumb while opening himself up to be claimed, but it did.

Fisk glided his fingers over Matt's entrance, before reaching for the bottle of lube on the bedside table and coating his finger with a liberal amount. Still exploring the inside of Matt's mouth, he pushed his finger gently inside the smaller man.

Matt moaned softly around Fisk's thumb. It was a mix of pleased pain. He was happy the larger man was claiming him this way, it felt good, but his bottom was still sore.

Fisk pressed a gentle kiss to Matt's forehead, going slowly and carefully as he claimed the smaller man. "I love you," he whispered, watching him.

Matt could feel Fisk's gaze on him and turned his eyes toward it. He might not see his lover. But he wanted his lover to see him. He continued to gently suck and lick the thumb in his mouth, feeling young and helpless, especially when he could feel the finger rubbing and moving inside him. He liked the feelings coursing through him and sighed happily.

Fisk let his fingers stroke along Matt's cheek, coating a second finger in the lube and pushing that one carefully inside the smaller man. He cuddled Matt tightly to himself...almost possessively.

Matt pressed his face against Fisk's fingers. When the second finger was pushed into him, he moaned loudly, arching his back so Fisk could push in easier. He panted slightly, starting to become aroused, his member twitching faintly as it slowly began to harden.

"You're mine," Fisk whispered. "I won't ever let you go." He began to press kisses to Matt's face and along his jawline, down to his neck.

Matt finally released Fisk's thumb, panting hard, trying to catch his breath. He pressed kisses to the palm of his lover's hand, groaning softly. "Belong to you...a... all of me is yours..." He whimpered, pushing his bottom back toward Fisk's hand. Trying to get more.

"I belong to you as well." Fisk gently moved his fingers inside Matt, exploring and claiming as carefully as possible. "I'm yours as much as you're mine. No one else will ever have the same claim on me that you do," he promised.

"Good..." Matt's voice was breathlessly emphatic as he pushed back onto Fisk's fingers with a moan. "...Don't like sharing...."

"That won't happen." Fisk kissed him deeply. "I love you. So much." He coated a third finger in the lube and, very slowly and carefully, pushed that one inside the other man as well.

Matt's breath hitched as a third finger was added, stretching him. It burned, but it felt so good. "...Yessir... that's... that's... I like that... need it... need you...." he whined softly. "Fill me up... please...."

Fisk gently pushed his tongue into Matt's mouth, even as he carefully and slowly moved his fingers inside the smaller man. He didn't want there to be any risk of tearing, so went as slow and careful as he possibly could.

Matt opened his mouth a bit more, sucking on Fisk's tongue greedily. The sounds he was making were pure lust and need and if he had been listening to himself, he would have been embarrassed. He kept his back arched and continued to press back onto Fisk's fingers, though he was careful not to push too hard, as he was adjusting.

Keeping the kiss deep and passionate, Fisk carefully shifted his fingers inside Matt. His other hand stroked downwards, towards the smaller man's member. He grasped it lightly and began to gently stroke.

Matt reached up and clutched at Fisk's shoulders as his body was claimed. He wanted to beg... beg for more, more, more... but his mouth was occupied.

Fisk continued to stroke and carefully squeeze Matt's member, even as he continued to kiss the other man deeply. He moved his fingers carefully inside the smaller man all at the same time.

As Matt adjusted to the fullness... the stretch... he began to relax, loosening up enough Fisk could go deeper. At the same time, his member had fully hardened, pre-come pooling at the tip. He began to rock back and forth gently, pushing his member into Fisk hand, then pushing his bottom back onto Fisk's fingers.

Fisk carefully pulled back from the kiss, just enough to whisper, "Whenever you're ready...let go." He then resumed the kiss, stroking, squeezing...claiming.

Matt had wondered, at first, how just the act of Fisk giving him permission always set him off. He'd come to accept it, though. This time was no exception; the minute Fisk gave permission, Matt was releasing in mind-shattering, long, drawn-out spasms, coating both he and his lover with his seed. His hole clenched tight around Fisk's fingers, locking them in place, while the muscle quivered around them. He let out tiny, breathless sobs into Fisk's mouth, feeling light-headed.

Fisk felt his own release and he cupped Matt's face in his hand, swallowing the smaller man's sobs. He held Matt close and tight to himself, pulling back just enough to whisper soft, soothing words of love.

When it was over, Matt collapsed heavily on top of Fisk. Only Fisk's hands on his face helped him keep his head upright. He continued to kiss the larger man languidly. But it was obvious the experience had made him sleepy again. He made a tiny, distressed sound as his body began to calm and come back to awareness, realizing the mess he'd made. "Always getting us dirty..." he said, with a hint of embarrassed shame and apology. "I never had that problem before..." he added, by way of explaining... as if he believed the fact, he couldn't control himself when Fisk touched him was a bad thing.

"It's not a bad thing and it's not a problem," Fisk whispered, stroking the side of Matt's face. "I know how hard it is to keep that kind of control. I learned patience because I didn't want to scare you with the depth of my feelings for you. But it's not a bad thing that you don't have that control," he promised. "I'm here, with you. To protect you and watch your back. To love you and reassure you that it's okay. That there's nothing wrong with you."

"I don't know how I ever made it before... without you... I need you so much now..." Matt whispered, content to believe Fisk's words. Content to be taken care of and protected, if it was the older man doing so.

"I need you just as much," Fisk whispered back. "I can't imagine my life without you in it now."

"I..." Matt thought of what he wanted to say, wanted to do; submit entirely to Fisk and let the older man know he was completely in charge. Not just to make sure Matt was careful with his life, but for everything. That Matt wanted him in control of everything. Wanted him to take what was his anytime and every time he wanted. But he didn't. He was still scared of his own feelings on wanting that. Instead, he said, "I never want to be apart or leave you...  ever."

"I won't let that happen," Fisk whispered reassuringly. "I will never let us be apart. I will never let you leave me. You are my whole world now. Everything I do...every action I with only you in mind."

"Because I'm yours... and you love me..." Matt settled, sure of that fact. It was soothing and helped ease any lingering uncertainty. "When will we go? Into space?" he asked curiously.

"I expect there will need to be things like physicals carried out," Fisk answered, stroking his hand down Matt's back. "When you're ready, we can get up. Meet the others and ask them."

"Can we, will you...?" Matt bit his lip bashfully. "Wash me first?"

"Of course." Fisk kissed Matt, gently and lingeringly, before gathering him into his arms to carry him through to the adjoining bathroom.


An hour later everyone was gathered in the communal room again, eating breakfast. Grant had noticed that a few of the couples were staring at each other strangely and then handing each other various items without a word being said. "Uh... do some of you have telepathy or something? Cuz that's just freaky how you seem to just know what each other want...."

"Kind of," Steve responded, with a smile. "Thanks to Mordo and Stephen, we found a ritual that allowed us to bond more completely with our life partners. We can sense each other's emotions. Talk to each other in our minds."

Matt peeked up at that. "That's possible? Does it work over distance?" His own curiosity was clear.

"It sounds very useful..." Grant added in wistfully.

"It is useful," Bucky said, with a grin.

"Although we haven't really tried it over a great distance..." Brock added.

"It's something we have talked about experimenting with," Mordo commented. "But during battle, it's helped to keep something of a distance. Just in case one of us has ended up sidetracked."

"You don't use it during battle to relay instructions or warnings without your opponent hearing?" Matt asked, in surprise. "Or is it something that requires too much focus to use when doing something else?" He paused before saying, "It sounds wonderful, either way...."

"I think it's something we'd rather practice first while sparring," Steve said honestly. "Otherwise, we wouldn't know if it takes too much focus. But you're right that it is wonderful to share with the one you love." Looking between Fisk and Matt, he added, "If it's something you would be interested in doing...the only stipulation is that you have to have one of the sorcerers there."

I wonder if it might be possible to adapt the ritual for those not involved in a sexual relationship, Mordo thought to Stephen.

Matt pressed close to Fisk and turned his face toward him hopefully. It was obvious he wanted the bond.

We could ask Wong... If it is like most spells involving sex, though, it is more the need for bodily fluids to be used and sexual fluids are some of the strongest, other than blood itself.' Stephen thought.

"I would like that, with you," Fisk whispered in Matt's ear, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist and drawing him into his lap.

We can talk to Wong and see if he thinks it's possible before we mention it, Mordo suggested.

"Me too..." Matt whispered happily, leaning back into Fisk.

Yes. We will want to speak to him about our having a doorway from the ship, or some other method to get back and forth, anyway, Stephen sent back.

Fisk pressed a kiss to the back of Matt's head as conversation resumed with and around them, Mordo sending Stephen a mental nod to acknowledge his words.

"When will we leave?" Bucky asked.

"I suspect we will need to make sure physicals are done and everyone receives a clean bill of health before we leave," Fury commented.

"Yes, of course," Bucky agreed. "Should we start arranging for those today? Set up for any other legalities?"

Fury nodded. "I think that would be a good idea," he said, to the agreement of everyone else around the table.

Bucky nodded. "Friday? Could you assist with setting up a schedule of full physicals for everyone going into space? Also... get a list from Peter Quill on what items we will need on a spaceship and if it something that can't be found on Earth, note it so we can see if Tony can make it? Otherwise, our first non-Earth space stop will need to be for shopping..." He grinned.

"Right away, sir," the AI responded.

Stephen glanced around. "I will need to tie up any loose ends or finish any tasks I was working on at the sanctum. Call me when you have an appointment time for me?"

"Of course," Steve said. "If there's anything you need from us, don't hesitate to call and let one of us know."

It didn't take long and Stephen and Mordo were gone, taking care of loose ends and doing research on the bond.

"What now?" Peter asked, obviously bored. Never a good thing.

"Until it's time for our physicals, why don't we try practicing with the bond while sparring, my star-prince?" Thor suggested.

"Yeah... okay... that sounds good!" Peter quickly agreed, happy for anything to do and doubly happy that he could do it with Thor.

Brock glanced at Steve. "Might be good for all of us to practice...."

Steve nodded. "I was thinking the same thing." Do you want to have a more private sparring session? he asked his lover.

Maybe later, Brock thought back. I'm thinking practicing with the distraction of others would be helpful...for me, at least.

Steve nodded in acknowledgement and stood to help clear the table.

Everyone followed Steve's example and soon, the common room was spotless again.

Loki waited expectantly for one of those in charge to decide where they'd spar, so he could follow. The other subs did the same.

It didn't take much discussion to reach a decision and it wasn't long before Steve and Fury were leading the way towards the training area.

Matt gripped onto Fisk as they made their way to the training area. He could have made it on his own, but he was feeling clingy, his still sore bottom making him feel needy and childish. It left him with a need to hold onto or be held by Fisk.

Fisk kept a tight hold of Matt, rubbing his lover's waist and pressing a kiss to Matt's cheek. "I love you so much," he whispered.

Matt smiled at that and snuggled. "I know.... back at ya, Big Guy..." He grinned impishly.

Fisk drew Matt into a deep kiss before guiding the smaller man after the others, squeezing his hand.

Matt sighed happily at the kiss, holding tight to Fisk's hand as they joined the others.

"So... how we doing this? Teams? Single sparring?" Peter bounced on his toes.

"Maybe we should start off with one-on-one sparring and then move onto teams," Fury suggested.

Everyone agreed that was a good idea and so they paired off for individual sparring, the mates making sure they were paired with someone else so that they could practice fighting while a conversation was going on in their heads. Those who weren't bonded yet would practice while being talked to out loud.


Mordo and Stephen had returned in time for their own physicals, having received all of the information about the new ritual and taken care of everything necessary before they were going to leave.

After their physicals, Mordo and Stephen left their belongings in their room and then went to join the others in the common room.

Brock looked at the two as they entered. "Welcome back! Everything taken care of?"

"Yes." Mordo led Stephen over to one of the couches and sat down, drawing his lover down next to him. "We also discovered something that might help two of the people here." He smiled towards Coulson and Grant.

"Do you mean about the bonding?" Coulson asked.

"Yes... we figured out a way... instead of... using sex as a focus for the binding... blood will be used. Like... just think of old westerns... movies where two people became 'blood brothers'.  We've determined that if you mingle your blood, cut your palms and grip hands so the blood mixes, while the ritual is said, it should work just as good as, if not the same, as the original..." Stephen explained.

Coulson listened intently to the explanation and then gently squeezed Grant's hand. "What do you think, son?" he asked softly.

"I want it... to be able to share a bond like that... " Grant said quietly.

"Whenever you're ready, one of us can help you with the ritual," Mordo offered. "Whichever one of us you feel comfortable witnessing such an intimate moment."

"We've been experimenting with the use of telepathy while sparring, too," Steve commented. "It's not as easy to focus as when we're relaxed and at rest, but it is possible to communicate during battle if both are receptive."

"If we do it right away, we can practice a bit before leaving on the ship..." Grant said eagerly.

Coulson nodded, kissing his son's cheek. "That sounds good to me," he agreed.

"It might be difficult to adjust for a bit at first," Mordo said gently. "In effect, you'll have very little privacy. It'll be next to impossible to keep your emotions hidden."

Grant bit his lip. "Are... are you sure you want to, daddy?" he whispered. "You always are in control. I'm the one that's a mess. I might drive you to distraction and give you migraines."

"I want to," Coulson replied, without hesitation. "You're important to me, son. I love you. And if this will help me take care of you better, it's what I want. We'll adjust, whatever happens," he promised.

Grant gave a tiny smile at that, then nodded. "We both want this..." he said to Mordo.

Stephen smiled. "Who would you prefer to do the incantation? Given our positions in our own bond, it might be better if Mordo were to do it... but my title also has some weight, so if you'd rather I speak it...."

"It doesn't make a difference to me," Coulson said honestly. He glanced inquiringly at his son, in case Grant had a preference, and gave his waist a gentle squeeze to encourage him to speak up if he wanted to.

"I... If you think it would be better for Mordo to do it, that's alright with me..." he stammered uncertainly. "You're both really powerful...."

Stephen chuckled slightly. "That we are. It will probably be better if it is done in your private quarters. It's a bit intense and since we don't know exactly how you will react once the bond is in place it might help you be less anxious to not have an audience beyond Mordo...."

"So... we should go back to our room?" Grant asked hesitantly, looking toward his father and then at Mordo.

Coulson smiled reassuringly at Grant. "That sounds good to me, son. We can go there whenever you're ready." He kissed Grant's cheek. "I love you."

Grant smiled back. "...Love you too, dad..." he whispered, before standing carefully and waiting for Coulson to take the lead back to their room.

Coulson stood up and wrapped his arm around Grant's shoulders, guiding him from the room and to their quarters.

Mordo followed them.

Grant fidgeted by the corner of the bed as the older two men entered. "So... uh... how do we do this?" he asked, with a crooked smile.

"Just make yourselves comfortable," Mordo advised. "You'll need to mingle your blood and let it fall into this flask." He handed the flask to Coulson.

Taking it, Coulson sat down and drew Grant onto his lap, running his fingers along the pulse point in Grant's neck. "I've got you," he whispered reassuringly.

"I know, daddy..." Grant smiled, leaning back into his father and holding his hand out so his father could make the cut.

Kissing the side of Grant's head, Coulson carefully made the cut in his son's hand and then his own, clasping their hands together so that the mingled blood would drip into the flask.

Grant took a slow, deep breath as he watched his and his father's mingled blood drip into the flask. The cut stung slightly, but Grant was too preoccupied with watching the flask fill to notice the pain.

Once the flask was full, Mordo took it carefully from the pair and set it down where it wouldn't be accidentally knocked over. He then began saying the words of the ritual.

Grant continued to hold onto his father's hand, leaning back into the older man trustingly, slanting his head so that his pulse was accessible, some instinct encouraging him to be submissive, even in his stillness.

Coulson kissed Grant's hair, stroking along the pulse point in his neck, as Mordo continued the chant. He watched as the blood rose from the flask, not flinching or pulling back as the combined blood was absorbed into his skin.

Grant shivered as he felt the blood absorb into his skin as well. When the others had described the spell, they hadn't mentioned the submissive member absorbing anything; then again, it had been pretty clear that they were receiving in a different way. It was the reason they'd altered the spell for him and Coulson, after all. His body felt extremely warm and weak suddenly and he slumped back into his father, trusting the older man would hold him up.

Coulson tightened his hold on Grant, supporting his son's body with his own arms wrapped tightly around the younger man. My boy. The very possessive words echoed through the bond.

Grant stiffened at hearing the words in his head. Turning wide eyes toward his father, his tentative smile grew until he was nearly beaming. It worked! he thought loudly, his excitement carrying through the bond easily. He snuggled back, still feeling woozy. It made me tired, daddy... he thought, letting his weakness show through the bond as well.

Sleep, son, Coulson murmured in his son's head. I've got you. I won't let you go. Possessive love came clear through the bond as he glanced at Mordo and said out loud, "Thank you."

Mordo nodded. "You're welcome. If you need anything, all you have to do is ask." He smiled at both men and then quietly excused himself, slipping out of the room.

Grant obeyed his father, closing his eyes and nearly instantly falling asleep.


Stephen looked up as Mordo returned to the common area. "Everything went well?" he asked curiously.

Mordo nodded, sitting down next to his lover and cuddling Stephen. "It all went perfectly. I'm fairly certain they were using telepathy just before I left."

"That's great! We aren't half-bad at making new incantations. We'll have to let Wong know it worked. He'll probably want to note it in one of the journals...." Stephen grinned, leaning into Mordo and snuggling.

Mordo kissed Stephen's cheek and then his forehead, cuddling him close and tight to himself. "We should definitely do that," he agreed.

"Just out of curiosity... was anyone's health altered due to bonding with each other?" Matt asked. "Since you all bonded before you had the physicals...."

"Not in any way that was immediately obvious," Fury commented. "Of course, certain members of our group were already changed before we even bonded." He smiled lovingly at Bucky.

"So... nothing negative occurred to you because of bonding with an enhanced?" Matt asked, with a hint of worry.  His blindness (and abilities) were not naturally caused and if it was something that could negatively affect Fisk, he wanted to be aware before they did anything.

"I haven't noticed anything, and the physical didn't show anything," Fury said calmly, before glancing towards Brock. "What about you?"

"Nope. I'm still the same weakling I always was. Didn't get any of Cap's super-anything..." Brock teased good-naturedly, though the underlying information was serious.

Matt relaxed. "That's good, then...."

Steve wrapped his arms around Brock, drawing the smaller man onto his lap and into a deep, lingering kiss. "You're perfect just the way you are," he murmured.

Brock returned the kiss eagerly. Glad you think so, Love... he thought.

Matt was about to ask another question when his phone rang shrilly; a ringtone he hadn't heard since before the snap. A bit surprised that this individual would be calling and worried that the reason wasn't good, he hesitantly answered, "...Hello?"

"Hey, Matt," Danny's voice came on the other end of the phone. "I figured you'd been taken by the snap, same as...well, a whole lot of other people. But you're not on the streets anymore. Is everything okay?" There was an obvious note of concern in his voice. A lot of things and a lot of people had changed in the five years.

Matt blinked at the concern. "...Uh... Hey, Danny. Yeah. I was one of those taken. I'm still adjusting to missing five years of everyone else's life. I did go on the streets a few times... I hadn't heard anything from your end either. Were you one of those taken?" He reached out a hand to Fisk. He wasn't sure how much he should tell the other man, especially over the phone. He hoped Fisk might be able to give him an idea if it was something he shouldn't mention if he started to talk about something he shouldn't.

"Yeah. Me and my...friend. Ward." Danny's voice stumbled a bit over the word 'friend'; as if he wasn't quite sure it fit.

Fisk took hold of Matt's hand, squeezing it gently between both of his. "Friend of yours?" he asked quietly.

"Ward? You two are getting along now?" Matt asked, not missing the slight stumble. He squeezed Fisk's hand back and mouthed 'Danny Rand' toward where he thought the older man was.

" could say that," Danny responded, his voice a bit rueful. "Might have been good we both got taken at the same time," he added, almost as if to himself.

Fisk gave Matt's hand another gentle squeeze, indicating he'd heard.

"He got taken too, then?" Matt asked, having heard the remark, even if it was spoken lowly. "I take it your shared experience led to you both forgiving each other?" Matt sounded amused. "I'd say I'd love to hear about it, but I know for a fact it just seemed like a blip in time for me, so I know it was the same for you. Everyone that got left behind... well..." He squeezed Fisk's hand again.

Bucky snorted. Everyone had gone quiet so Matt could have his conversation without having to deal with outside noise, but it was obvious they were all curious about who was on the other side of the call. "You could invite him and his friend over to dinner. Give you a chance to see them before we take off..." he said softly so Matt could hear, but it wouldn't carry over the phone.

Matt turned toward Bucky and bit his lip uncertainly, before turning his face toward Fisk as if to ask permission.

"A bit more than that," Danny answered. "Coming back was one of the more disconcerting experiences of my life. And that's saying a lot."

Fisk stroked the side of Danny's face. "Why don't you do that?" he suggested softly.

Matt swallowed, then nodded, deciding to take the suggestion of Bucky, with his lover's permission. "...Hey, Danny?  I'm going to be going on a trip soon, one that won't let me contact anyone for a while, so... why don't you come to the Avenger's compound? That's where I am currently. We can catch up. Bring Ward with you...."

"Yeah...sure. That sounds good. Um...." Danny hesitated and then said, "We're kind now. Me and Ward." He sounded almost a bit shell-shocked; like he couldn't quite believe it had happened. "Just wanted to give you a heads-up...."

Matt's grin could be heard in his tone as he answered, "Yeah. There it is. You sound a lot less uncertain when you say that..." He laughed gently. "Bring him. I'll introduce you to my lover...." His grin was impish as he continued, "Just have Friday announce you when you arrive. I'll see you then..." And he promptly hung up before Danny could respond to the information, he'd just dumped on him.

Fisk ran his hands down Matt's arms. "Sounds as if there might be another couple to bond with," he commented, a questioning lilt to his voice.

"Possibly..." Matt chuckled. "...He didn't seem sure what exactly to call the two of them, so I think it must be very new." He sighed as he felt his arms being rubbed, leaning toward Fisk, suddenly feeling the need to be touched and caressed.

Fisk drew Matt into his lap, pressing a kiss to his lover's head. "From what you said, it seems like they didn't have a good relationship before."

"Ward was... well... to be honest, I think he was jealous of Danny. Was always competing with him. Even when he returned back 'from the dead'. Least that's what I remember from what very little Danny told me. It's good they've gotten beyond that...." Matt nuzzled against Fisk's shoulder before shifting so he was laying over Fisk's lap, not even thinking about the fact they weren't alone.

Fisk let one hand rest gently on Matt's lower back, the other on his bottom, beginning to rub gently. "A lot of relationships have changed," he commented, including himself and Matt in that.

"Yeah... in ways I never could have predicted... but good ways. Right?" Matt asked softly, letting himself relax as he felt Fisk's hands rubbing over his back and bottom.

"Very good ways," Fisk agreed. "I love you."

The other couples resumed normal conversation, it being second nature to accept when one of the couples had more of a need for affection than others.

"I love you too..." Matt whispered, letting out a happy sigh as Fisk took care of him.


Ward walked in from the kitchen, carrying two bottles of water. Handing one to Danny, he asked, "Did you get hold of him? Everything alright?"

"Yeah." Danny brightened considerably when Ward walked in, reaching out to draw the other man into a hug. He might not be sure of what to call them, but he was definitely sure about his feelings for the other man. "We couldn't get into much over the phone, but he mentioned he's in a relationship."

"Really? Good for him. I heard his friends... Foggy and Karen, was it? They both got married and moved away. At least he isn't alone..." Ward smiled as he was pulled into Danny's arms. He wasn't entirely sure what to call them either. They were dating, but it was still so new that he wasn't sure if he could rightfully call them a couple yet. Even if he was hoping that Danny would want that eventually. If he did feel like he could call them a couple, telling Danny his newest information would be easy. Swallowing, he cleared his throat nervously. "...Uh... Danny? I... I have to tell you something... ask you something..." he began, in a faltering voice.

Surprised, Danny leaned back to look into Ward's eyes, still keeping his hands on the other man. "What is it?" he asked, his tone soft with concern, fingers gently stroking over Ward's arms.

"Well... apparently, when I disappeared, they treated it like I had died, and Joy inherited everything. She then proceeded to start selling things off. She gave me back what little was left of the money, but most of my assets are tied up in businesses and the funds are untouchable, even if she added my name to all contracts." Ward reached up and rubbed his neck nervously. "It seems that apartments like being paid on time and since I couldn't... I got evicted. Can I crash on your couch? I swear I'll get a job and start earning income that I can touch... pay you back. And I won't take up much space. Joy sold or donated most my belongings when she thought I'd died, so I don't have more than two bags...."

"Of course." Danny didn't hesitate, hugging Ward a bit tighter. "You've always been my best friend, Ward," he said earnestly. "I'd give you everything I could."

Ward relaxed as Danny offered him shelter. "Thank you..." He pressed closer, letting his head rest on Danny's shoulder, nuzzling into the other man's neck. "...I will get a job. Help in whatever way I can. I won't be a freeloader...."

"Take your time." Danny stroked the back of Ward's head. "No need to rush. What's mine is yours." He let his lips brush against Ward's head. "My friends too, apparently. Matt invited both of us to the Avengers compound."

Ward raised his head up to give Danny a confused look. "Matt lives at the Avengers compound? When did that happen?"

"Not really sure," Danny admitted. "He hung up right after inviting you along with me and telling me he'd introduce us to his lover." He let his head dip forward, brushing a light kiss across Ward's mouth.

Ward licked his lower lip, letting out his breath in a tiny huff. "He moves fast..." He sounded amused. He leaned toward Danny, kissing him back just as lightly.

Danny pressed a bit deeper; not really demanding, just allowing himself to taste Ward's lips. His hands gently grasped the other man's shoulders; keeping the contact at other parts of their body too.

Ward let himself be shifted and moved by Danny, pressing back and letting his mouth open slightly so that Danny could claim his lips easier. He wasn't making any overt moves on his own, not certain how far Danny wanted to take things, but he responded eagerly to everything Danny started.

Danny let one hand gently cup the back of Ward's head, kissing a bit deeper before he gently pulled back to give them both breathing space. "That's nice," he whispered. "Being able to do that."

Ward swallowed, then smiled, almost shyly. "Yeah... it really is..." he agreed, in a whisper. "If I'd known how good you kiss, I would have tried to date you sooner..." he teased gently.

"We lost a lot of time," Danny said, a bit regretfully. He smiled. "I told Matt we were dating. Wanted to get it out in the open. I guess the other Avengers at the compound will know too, by the time we get there."

Ward grinned. "So... we're officially a couple, then? You told your friends about me!" He sounded very pleased at the fact. "If I had any friends, I'd tell them..." he added. He'd told Joy, but his sister and his relationship, while not as strained as it had been, was still cool at best. She hadn't really been terribly interested.

"Of course, I told my friends," Danny answered. "As far as I'm concerned, we're a couple. I might not have got it straight in my head exactly what to call you, but what we have is real and important."

Ward grinned at that. "You're cute when you're flustered..." he teased. "You could call me your know... since we're a couple...."

Danny smiled and leaned in to press another kiss to Ward's lips. " boyfriend," he agreed.

Ward returned the kiss before saying, in a wondrous tone, "I like the sound of that... your boyfriend. Never thought I'd say words like that, but they feel good...."

"More than good. They feel right." Danny let his hands slide down to Ward's waist. "And I'm not going to waste any more time with you," he promised.

"Good. I've wasted too much time in my life... don't want to waste another minute..." Ward agreed, leaning in toward Danny as he felt his waist embraced. "So... you really gonna take me to that compound and show me off to your friend?" he teased, though it was a serious question. He wondered if Danny was ready and willing to let others know of their relationship beyond a few people. Telling the Avengers was more than a few.

"I really am," Danny replied. "I want Matt to meet you properly. I want everyone to see and to know that we're together. Finally. In the right way."

"When do we go?" Ward grinned.

"Now, if you're ready. Unless you want to do something else for a bit first." Danny let his hands slide gently over Ward's back.

"I'm ready now..." Ward had paused before answering, but their relationship was still so new to him, he was hesitant to offer any more physical reaction than he already had.

"Great." Danny smiled and gave Ward another kiss, then let go of him; but only so that he could hold his boyfriend's hand as they left the apartment to get in the car.

Ward was quiet as they drove to the compound. He held Danny's hand whenever his friend didn't specifically need it to drive, though. Soon, they had arrived and were being ushered to the private areas.

Danny stood near to Ward, close enough to touch without forcing the other man into more public displays of affection he might not be comfortable with.

Ward looked around, a bit awestruck and nervous. These were Danny's friends...  at least Matt was. He didn't feel right doing anything until introductions were made, even if he recognized at least two of the men that were there.

Holding Ward's hand, Danny stepped forward to the only one he really knew out of the group, his smile carrying through his voice as he said, "Hi, Matt. I want you to meet my boyfriend, Ward."

Matt turned his face toward Danny, then shifted to where he sensed Ward was. "Pleased to meet you. This is my lover, Wilson Fisk...."  He paused. "I'd introduce everyone else, but I'm not entirely sure where each person is..." He sounded sheepish.

Fisk gently squeezed Matt's hand. "Don't worry, my love. I'll do it." He began to introduce the others in the room to Danny and Ward.

"Thank you for inviting us..." Ward said, with a smile and a nod.

"It's not that long until dinner," Steve commented. "But there's time to talk...if you want to ask any questions."

"Are you all paired off?" Danny asked, noticing the way various couples stood close together.

"I'm not sure we could keep it a secret if we tried." Fury smiled, wrapping an arm around Bucky's shoulders and squeezing gently.

"Doesn't seem like anyone wants to..." Ward said, with a hint of amusement. "Did all of you move into the compound?" He glanced around curiously.

"For the moment," Matt said. "At least till we blast off...."

"You make it sound like you're going into space," Danny said.

"You're not wrong," Mordo commented. "That's exactly where we are going. The preparations are nearly complete."

"So... this was a chance for Matt to say goodbye to Danny..." Ward realized. "I should have let you come alone..." He shot his boyfriend an apologetic look. "Let you hang out without my being in the way...."

Matt frowned. "You aren’t in the way...."

"You really aren't," Danny promised, gently squeezing Ward's hand. "I wouldn't have had a chance to introduce you properly to Matt later. And I'm really glad I get the chance to now."

Ward nodded, somewhat mollified.

Matt waited a few moments, then grinned. "I figured we could talk, play games, eat lunch... basically catch up. You lost the last five years as well, didn't you?"


The day had gone really well. Danny and Ward could relax and be together, comfortable in the fact that the other couples weren't shy about showing their affection either. Bonding with the others was easy, too. It seemed like they had a lot in common.

It was getting close to dinner time when Thor, never one for subtlety, commented, "There's always room for two more on the ship."

"You've just met me and you're willing to allow me to accompany you?" Ward asked in surprise. He wasn't as surprised that they'd ask Danny. Danny inspired people to trust him.

"It's not as if we haven't been getting along," Thor said. "And we might have only just met the two of you, but Matt's known Danny for a while." He glanced towards Matt. "What do you think?" he asked.

Danny wrapped his arm around Ward's shoulders as he waited for a response.

"If they want to come, I think they'd both be a help to the team we're forming. From everything I've heard, Ward was very good at making deals, as long as his father wasn't getting in his way. And Danny has a knack for convincing people of things..." He grinned toward where he thought the other two were.

Ward blushed at the praise, thinking he was being given more credit than he deserved.

Danny smiled and cuddled his boyfriend a bit tighter. "What do you think?" he asked softly. "It could be a good experience. Get to see more of the universe. You were going to be moving in with me anyway."

"Now is probably the best time for doing something like this, at least for me. I have no job or other responsibilities and don't own anything that can't be put into a pack and brought with me..." Ward acknowledged. "...But you do have responsibilities, don't you? Although you were gone for five years, so maybe your responsibilities have people that can handle them for you..." He gave Danny a questioning look.

"I don't have anything that I can't get out of," Danny replied. "And getting to spend more time with you? Yeah, I'll get behind that." He leaned in to give Ward a gentle kiss.

Ward smiled at that, kissing back chastely. "Then... I guess we're going too?" he asked hesitantly, before glancing around at everyone else. "How long do we have to get our shit together?"

"Only a couple of days," Fury said. "You'll need to have physicals done, too, but those can be taken care of by the medical team here."

"Oh... yeah. Okay..." Ward said, slightly nervously. He wasn't sure how in depth the physicals would be or if he'd need to confess to his past addiction. He'd never actually talked to Danny about that point in his life. He was still on the outs with the other man when he'd been put into rehab. He wasn't sure if it was something that needed to be mentioned.

Danny gently squeezed Ward's hand, noticing the other man's nervousness. "We can get our physicals at the same time. That way, you won't feel singled out."

"Oh... that's not... I'm not feeling singled out, really. I just don't like doctors..." Ward said sheepishly, glancing away in apparent embarrassment.

Part of his inability to look Danny in the eye was knowing that he really should tell the other man about his past addiction. Especially since he'd started using again and while he refused to believe he was still addicted... well, he knew deep down he was. It had just been so difficult coming back five years in the future and having nothing and no one who'd even missed him. He had known his and Joy's relationship was strained, but she'd had him legally declared dead within a week of his disappearing. She'd got rid of anything she couldn't make use of to further her own goals. And tied up everything in such a way that when he returned, he pretty much had nothing, even if she'd made an attempt to give him back what she could. He knew she'd only done so because of her own sense of fairness; not for any small bit of love for him. It had hurt and he'd felt adrift and it was too easy to start using again and once he and Danny reconnected, the need to use was still there. He really should tell the other man, since they were a couple now, but he was afraid Danny would change his mind if he said anything.

"Hey...." Danny reached out and gently clasped Ward's face, encouraging the other man to look at him. "You don't need to hide anything from me. Not what you're feeling. I'm on your side. I always have been. I always will be."

"I know you are on my side. You're the only one that's been on my side for a while now..." Ward smiled sadly. "So... these physicals? When do we need to have them done? I'm assuming your doctors are doing them, if they have particular tests, they need to run...."

"I've got to have a bit of blood work done because of a ritual we just completed..." Grant said quietly. "...Maybe they can fit you in around that?" He glanced up at the ceiling. "Would you check with the doctors and see when they want me to do my bloodwork and if they can do two more physicals, Friday?"

"Of course," the AI replied, taking a few moments before reporting back, "The bloodwork can be taken in the morning. The physicals can be done after lunch."

"There's probably something else you need to know before making the full decision on whether or not to join us," Steve said. "In each of our relationships, there's one person very clearly in charge. And it's not a secret that, when it's necessary, the other might earn a trip over his Dom's knee for a spanking. For punishment, but also occasionally for erotic purposes."

Ward blinked owlishly at that news. "All of you are in that type of relationship?" he asked in slight confusion, glancing toward Grant and Coulson, since he knew they were like father and son.

"Our relationship isn't exactly like the others here, but it's close to it," Coulson said calmly.

"Dad is still in charge of me..." Grant smiled unabashedly. "...You could say he dominates me. Or you could just say I never fully grew up and he makes sure I do what I'm supposed to..." He laughed softly. It was obvious he liked the arrangement.

"Ah... well... as long as you are both happy, it seems to work and... Actually, you all seem very happy..." Ward glanced around the room.

"All of us are," T'Challa commented. "The relationships are what work for us. And as we make no attempt to hide it, or be anything less than fully affectionate, you will likely see a lot on the ship."

Danny couldn't help glancing curiously towards Matt, who Fisk held on his lap. "Even you, Matt?"

Matt smiled crookedly. "Does that surprise you?" he asked softly, not denying it.

"Only because I never would have seen you giving that sort of control to someone else," Danny said, before adding, "But you look a lot happier."

"Before, I wouldn't have trusted anyone to have that kind of control over me..." Matt admitted. "I thought I had to protect my loved ones and had a hard time letting them protect me back; you know how upset Karen and Foggy would get with me. Heck... you yourself were upset with me because I had to control everything possible when we worked together. Coming back and having everyone be moved on without me... it was enlightening. I realized how little control I really had. I realized how much I really did need help. And... I realized that... I'm okay with it. And now that I'm with Wil, I realize I actually want it...."

Bucky said gruffly, "I think you'll find all of us that have submitted want to submit and are better for doing it."

Danny smiled. "It's obvious it was the right move for you. You look so much happier." He glanced at the others. "I mean, you all look happy as well...but I didn't know you before."

Ward smiled as well. "So... do we go home and pack tonight? Take care of what needs to be taken care of and then return for the physicals, tomorrow? And after that, what do we do? Just sit around the apartment, waiting for you to call and tell us it's time?"

"There's plenty of room if you want to stay here until it's time," Steve offered. "There are a few empty rooms in the compound. You can stay together or have rooms next to each other...whatever you feel most comfortable with."

Ward glanced at Danny. "What do you think? I just have my two bags. You have a bit more to take care of...."

"Why don't we go back to our apartment and take care of what we need to? Then we can figure it out from there," Danny suggested.

Ward nodded. "That sounds good..." He stood up and looked around. "Thank you all so much for your hospitality... and for inviting us to go with you..." he said quietly.

Danny stood as well, reaching to take hold of Ward's hand. "It was really good to meet all of you.

"We'll see you tomorrow some time before noon, then?" Peter asked, in an almost hyper tone.

Ward glanced at him, then glanced at Thor and grinned. The larger man had his hands full. "Yeah. That sounds about right, Danny?"

Danny nodded. "Yeah. One of us will call if we might be late." He squeezed Ward's hand.

"Great!" Matt sounded excited. "Could someone please show them the way out, so they don't get stopped by agents?"

"I can do that." Steve stood. "Follow me." He started towards the door, keeping his steps slow enough for the two young men to follow.

Ward followed behind Steve, keeping slightly behind Danny. Danny was Iron-Fist... a hero in his own right. Him walking with Captain America made sense. Ward was a nobody compared to what they'd done to help the world.

Noticing the way Ward lagged behind, Danny slowed his steps to walk alongside his boyfriend, giving Ward's hand a gentle squeeze.

Ward squeezed Danny's hand back gently, smiling almost bashfully. "Thank you, Captain..." he said quietly, once Steve had got them to Danny's car.

Steve smiled. "It's no problem." He handed Ward a card with his number on, having noticed the way the younger man had kept back and wanting to make him feel included. "If you need to call at all before tomorrow."

"Of course, thank you again..." Ward's smile was a little more confident this time. He waited until Steve had gone back into the compound before turning toward Danny and waiting for his boyfriend to unlock the car door.

Danny unlocked the door, but before getting in, he gently pulled Ward closer to him, kissing him a bit less chastely than he had in front of the others. "I love you," he whispered.

Ward was surprised at the more forceful kiss, but found himself responding to it eagerly, if a bit shyly. He reacted to Danny's boldness by opening up for the other man, accepting whatever Danny wanted to give him; giving Danny whatever he wanted to take.

Danny pressed closer to Ward, letting his hands slide gently up the other man's back as he kissed a bit deeper and more passionately. When he pulled back to breathe, he pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of Ward's mouth and held on tightly.

"Wow... that was... When we get home, maybe you could kiss me like that again..." Ward whispered breathlessly, his forehead resting gently against the blonde's forehead.

"It was okay?" Danny whispered. "I don't want to force you into anything." He held eye contact with Ward, so the other man would see just how sincere he was.

Ward's smile was crooked. "I've been forced into things before... that wasn't forcing me, and it was more than okay. I trust you, Danny. If you forced me into something, I know deep down it'd only be because you want what's best for me. Even if I can't see it in that moment...." He licked his lip nervously. "Don't hold back because you are afraid of my reaction. If I truly don't want something, I'll find a way to let you know...."

Danny cupped Ward's face, giving him another kiss. "Then when we get back, I'll kiss you again exactly like that and we can see where it goes," he murmured. He didn't even think before he guided Ward to the car and into the passenger seat; only wanting to keep in physical contact with the other man.

Ward found himself grinning as Danny escorted him into the passenger seat and shut the door for him. He put on his seatbelt as the other man walked around the car to get into the driver's side. "I look forward to it..." he finally said back, in a husky voice.

"Me too." As he had on the drive over, Danny reached out to take hold of Ward's hand, when he didn't need both to control the car.

Ward, feeling a bit more confident and emboldened by both Danny's affection for him throughout the evening and the knowledge that they were going to be going into space together- as a couple- tugged gently on Danny's hand until it was resting on his thigh, then squeezed gently.

Danny responded by gently squeezing Ward's thigh. He constantly glanced at the other man when it was safe to do so, the expression on his face soft and loving.

Ward found himself relaxing; the drive was peaceful, and the gentle affection was soothing. "...I love you..." he whispered, in a contented voice. There were many things that needed taking care of before they left, but right now, all that mattered was he was with Danny.

Danny smiled at the words. "I love you too," he murmured back, giving Ward's thigh another gentle squeeze. Part of him thought he'd probably been wanting to hear those words from Ward for a long time, even though that desire had been pushed down so deep, it had taken something extreme to pull it out.

Ward smiled back at hearing the words returned to him. "I'm almost afraid for the night to end, that I might find out everything is a dream... it's too perfect..." he admitted.

"It's not a dream," Danny promised. "But I know how you feel. I wanted a relationship with you for so long... it's almost hard to believe I finally have it."

"I didn't have a clue..." Ward said, a bit bemused. "...Granted, I was preoccupied with not angering my father and then adjusting to him not running my life... but still."

Surprised, Danny darted a glance at Ward's face. "Not even that I wanted to be your friend?" he asked. "I didn't want much else when I came back...."

"If you recall, I was a paranoid bastard who thought you were trying to take over the company and push me out... I didn't let myself believe that you wanted to be my friend because that wouldn't fit my paranoid narrative..." He snorted in self-disgust.

Danny gently squeezed his thigh. "I was just happy any time I got to see you. Even then," he said honestly, parking the car outside their apartment.

Ward smiled faintly at that, sitting in the passenger seat and thinking about what Danny had said as the other man turned off the car.

Danny got out of the car and moved round to the passenger side, opening the door and reaching to take Ward's hand so he could guide the other man out.

Ward took Danny's hand and got out of the car, content to let Danny lead him. He was obviously thinking and also just as obviously not too happy with his thoughts.

Letting them inside the apartment, Danny walked over to the couch and sat, gently tugging Ward down next to him. "What's on your mind?"

"What do you think? About them being so open with whatever attention they want to give each other? I mean...I get the feeling the warning was because they also... punish... in front of each other also." Ward brought up the first thing he could think of that didn't actually address what he'd been thinking of. He didn't want Danny to feel bad and since he was thinking about what a horrid friend he'd been, how awful he'd treated his boyfriend and how guilty he felt about it, he didn't particularly want to say anything. On top of that, he was starting to feel the need for another pill, but that wasn't something he wanted to do in front of Danny, the sense of shame heavy.

"It seems to work for them," Danny commented. "They all seem really happy in their relationships." Combing his fingers through Ward's hair, he added, "I don't see anything wrong with being open with affection. And if discipline works for them too...provided it's not abusive...I think it's something I'd be okay with witnessing."

"It wouldn't bother you? Watching someone else get spanked by their lover?" Ward glanced at Danny, truly curious. He wasn't sure how he felt about it.

"I don't think so," Danny answered. "If it was abusive or mean, I wouldn't be okay with witnessing it and would try to stop it. But if it comes from a place of love...if it's about discipline, not about enforcing their will on someone else...." He squeezed Ward's hand gently.

"They admitted they were all in Dominant/submissive relationships... doesn't that pretty much mean they can enforce their will on someone else?" Ward glanced at Danny skeptically.

"I'm guessing those who are submissive have rules they need to follow and consequences when they break those rules," Danny answered. "But most of the rules will probably be about taking care of their partner and doing what's best for them. Like you telling me that you'd be okay with me forcing you to do something, because you knew it would only be because I had your best interests at heart."

"That makes sense," Ward said. "They didn't seem like the type to spank for no reason, just to cause pain or embarrass their mate. Their submissive must trust them like I trust you...."

"And you don't often see the kind of affection we saw in abusive relationships," Danny said softly.

"Yeah. It obviously works for them..." Ward sighed softly. It was obvious he was still thinking really hard about something and it wasn't what he'd brought up with Danny.

Danny let his hand cup Ward's cheek, so the other man would look at him. "What else are you thinking of?"

Ward looked into Danny's eyes and smiled crookedly, almost sadly. "Nothing, really. I think it's just catching up to me that we're going into outer-space..." he hedged. That was a bit overwhelming, but it wasn't upsetting. He tried to look happier so Danny wouldn't worry.

Frowning at the hedging, Danny prompted gently, "I know that's not all there is to it." He gently pulled Ward onto his lap, wrapping his arms around the other man's waist. "Talk to me."

"Really. It's nothing important. I just want to focus on what's coming..." Ward resisted telling. He didn't think it would do any good. What good would telling Danny he felt bad about how he'd treated him before do? It wasn't like he could take his actions back. And as for telling him about the pills? He was too ashamed to mention those, and he didn't want to worry his boyfriend.

"If it's bothering you, it's important," Danny said seriously. "Talk to me, Ward. I love you. I don't want you to hide things from me."

"Really... it's nothing for you to worry about..." Ward tried to deflect, though he did wince at the accusation that he was hiding things. He was hiding things, after all. Maybe he shouldn't be, though.

Danny couldn't really have said what made him do it; only the knowledge that he couldn't let Ward hide things that were clearly detrimental to him. It couldn't be termed a swat that he gave his boyfriend's backside...more of a firm pat, really. And if it hadn't been for the Avengers, he probably wouldn't have done it. Even so.... "I'm going to worry about you. I love you."

Ward's eyes widened as he felt the 'pat' to his backside and the words made him feel guiltier.  "I'm sorry..." he blurted, hiding his face against Danny's shoulder. His stomach felt funny and he wasn't an idiot. He knew the cause was the fact that he'd been swatted for trying to hide things. It wasn't an actual punishment, more of a warning, but it was still an authoritarian action and Ward found that he... he wouldn't mind Danny taking a bit more control in their lives.

Danny tightened his arms around Ward, kissing the other man's neck. "Talk to me," he whispered, his hand still gently resting on his boyfriend's backside.

Ward whimpered softly, pressing closer to the other man. "You'll be upset..." he argued against saying anything.

Danny gave a second firm pat and then a third, letting his hand rub gently over his boyfriend's backside. "I'll be more upset about you refusing to tell me."

Ward whimpered again, but notably did not react badly to the swats. He didn't even attempt to get away from them. "Okay..." He sniffled, sounding very reluctant, but agreeing to talk all the same. "...I just... I keep thinking about how badly I treated you when you first came back from Kung Lun. I was awful and I just... I shouldn't have treated you that way and I'm just so sorry about it, but... I can't undo it... and..." He swallowed hard and decided if he was confessing, he should confess it all. "...And I was feeling so badly about it that I started taking pills again..." He whispered the last before hiding his face, unable to look at Danny, he was so ashamed of himself.

Eyes narrowed with worry, Danny touched the side of Ward's face, encouraging the other man to look at him. "How long have you been taking them for?" he asked softly. "How often do you take them?"

Ward bit his lip, shame clear in his eyes, but he forced himself to look at Danny. "A few days after we blipped back. Everything just felt all out of control and everything felt like it was slipping through my fingers and... I thought it would make me feel better. At first, it was only once a day, but... I've already taken them three times today and feel like I need another..." he reluctantly admitted.

"You're not going to be taking anymore." Danny's voice was gentle, but still very firm. "I know you felt out of control and I understand why. But you can lean on me now. I won't let you go or let you down."

"I don't want to take them anymore... I just don't know if I can stop..." Ward admitted, sniffling a bit as tears pooled in his eyes.

"I'm going to help you," Danny promised. "If you can't do it alone, that's fine, because you won't be alone." Stroking Ward's cheek, he continued, "That paranoid version of you? That's not who you are naturally. And I know you don't want to make a return to what you were when I first came back." He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Ward's lips. "I'm right here for you. I love you."

"I don't deserve you..." Ward said, in a quivering voice, letting his hands rise to cup Danny's face. "...I'm sorry... I love you so much and I don't want to be what I was before, who I was before... I don't want to be the person that treated you so badly! I need help... I can't... can't stop on my own...." he choked out, tears sliding down his face before he leaned in kissing Danny back, almost desperately.

Danny kissed Ward deeply, holding the other man tightly to himself. "I won't let you face this alone," he promised. "I'm going to look after you. Take care of you. Help you to stop."

"...Okay..." Ward slowly calmed. "Thank you."  He swallowed. "Do you want them?" His voice was hesitant, almost reluctant. He wanted help to stop, but the fact he'd be withdrawing again was daunting, especially since they were in the process of moving and leaving Earth soon.

"Yes." Danny ran his fingers gently through Ward's hair. "You won't be going through any of this alone. I'll be right here with you."

"I'm sorry..." Ward blinked back more tears, the self-loathing clear on his face. Reluctantly pulling away from Danny, he went to where the jacket he'd been carrying with him all day (despite it being summer and hot outside) was laying and pulled a nearly full bottle out of its inner pocket. "I got it filled again before our last date," he whispered, as he handed the bottle to Danny.

Taking the bottle from Ward, Danny tucked it away and then gently pulled his boyfriend back onto his lap. "I know it won't be easy, but I won't ever leave you," he promised. "I won't give up on you." With a slightly sad smile, he added, "I refused to even when all you showed me was paranoia and suspicion. Now that I know you feel the same way about me as I do about you, there is no chance I would ever give you up."

Ward snuggled into Danny, clinging tightly. "I don't deserve you, but I'm so grateful to have you.... I'm so sorry..." He swallowed back more tears.

"I love you." Danny let his hands stroke down over Ward's back, thinking. "You know I'd never hurt you," he whispered in his boyfriend's ear. "But a spanking isn't about harming you. It's about discipline, yes. But it's also about starting over. A clean slate."

Ward sniffled, nuzzling against Danny's neck. "Do you want to spank me?" he asked, in a tiny voice.

He wasn't protesting against it. He felt so guilty for how he'd treated Danny in the past and for what he was doing to the other man now, subjecting him to his withdrawal, that if Danny said he wanted to skin him alive, he'd probably stand still for at least half of it. (He knew himself well enough to know he wouldn't just hold still once the pain reached a certain point). Still... hearing back at the compound how the Doms spanked their subs when they did something, they shouldn't had been a shock. Ward didn't know if Danny was serious in his words or if he was just reflecting what they'd just found out. And if he was serious...what did that mean about their relationship? Ward wouldn't deny that he was a follower, not really a leader. If he'd been more of a leader, his father wouldn't have been able to use him for years the way he had. He'd never considered following Danny. No, that wasn't true. He'd follow Danny to the ends of the earth. He was following him into space. He'd never considered submitting to Danny and letting the other man be in charge. If Danny spanked him, that was Danny being in charge and Ward submitting. Ward didn't mind that idea so much. In fact, it was appealing; the idea of letting Danny be in control. Still. That didn't mean Danny wanted that responsibility. Ward wasn't about to force responsibility onto his boyfriend without it being very clear that Danny wanted it.

Danny pressed a kiss to Ward's shoulder. "I love you." The words were spoken with intense honesty. "I watched the Avengers today. Them and their partners. Their relationship was very clear. And a big part of me wants that with you," he admitted. Stroking his hand through his boyfriend's hair, he continued, "I've always wanted to be with you. To have a friendship with you, if I couldn't have anything more. I don't want you to feel tormented by guilt. I don't want you to feel so bad, the only way you can numb the pain is by turning to drugs. I won't stand by and watch you self-destruct. And I think a spanking will help drive the point home," he said honestly. "I know what your father did to you. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about turning you over my knee. Holding you so that you don't fall or otherwise hurt yourself. Taking your pants and underwear down. And then just my hand. Nothing more."

Ward shivered at the image that flit through his mind at the words. Nuzzling a bit more, he finally whispered, "...I like the idea of you being in charge of me... of submitting to you... you being in control. When... when I saw what they had, I liked it..." he admitted. "I feel so guilty about how I treated you and now I've made you have to deal with my addiction and I'm so sorry about that... I'm a mess by myself... I need you..." He swallowed hard. "I don't know that I want a spanking, but I know I trust you... and I know that if you think it's necessary, then it most likely is, cuz you just want to help and take care of me... so... " His voice caught, not sure if he was supposed to ask to be spanked now or what he was meant to do. "...I want to belong to you..." he finally finished, hoping that Danny understood what he meant. If he belonged to Danny, then Danny would make the decisions and he'd obey.

"You're not 'making' me deal with anything," Danny murmured, stroking the back of Ward's head. "I love you. For better or worse. In the good times and in the bad times. That doesn't go away just because we've hit a snag." He cuddled Ward a bit tighter and then, slowly and carefully, turned his boyfriend over his lap. He pushed the other man's shirt up so that he could place his arm around bare skin and then gave Ward's bottom a gentle rub before he gently tugged the other man's pants and underwear down.

Ward shivered as he was positioned, and he felt the cool air on bared skin. He wasn't sure what to do with his own hands, so reached down with one to hold onto Danny's ankle and wrapped the other one under his head. "I love you too... thank you for not giving up on me..." he finally whispered, his voice catching as a new batch of tears slid from his eyes.

"I never would," Danny promised. "I'd never give up on you. You're my whole world, Ward. I need you in my life." He rubbed the other man's bottom a few moments and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in a fairly light swat. He then rubbed the spot he'd just swatted before repeating.

If he hadn't been in this position because of all the poor life choices he'd made (been forced to make) and the ensuing guilt, he might have found the rubbing to be arousing. As it was, it was only mildly soothing; just enough so to keep him from panicking at the fact that he was lying still and accepting being hit (no... not hit... smacked... with an open palm on his bottom). Even so, his breathing increased fractionally from the nerves besetting him. His fingers tightened around Danny's ankle and he tried to take deeper breaths to calm down. The smacks didn't even hurt yet. There was no reason to start hyperventilating!

"I've got you, Ward," Danny said softly, keeping to the same pattern; a light swat and then rubbing. "I know it's scary to give this control over to me. Believe me, I know. I love you. I'm going to take care of you. Look after you. I won't ever betray you. I won't ever betray your trust. I never wanted anything from you except for your friendship and love."

"I... I'm sorry... sorry it took me so long to... I wanted it too... was too jealous and afraid and stupid to realize... I'm so sorry, Danny!" Ward's voice caught in a tiny sob and he began to cry softly.

"You're too hard on yourself," Danny said gently. "A lot of how you felt can be blamed on the drugs. It can also be blamed on what you went through before I came back. I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm sorry you were left alone with your father. I wish I could have been there for you so much sooner, so you'd know how much you're worth to me."

"You... you're with me now..." Ward whimpered, his voice full of conviction even if he sounded nervous still and the slight beginnings of pain were beginning to make themselves felt. "You're with me now and I know how much you love me cuz... you stayed... even though you didn't have to... you're helping me... even though I brought this on myself..." He choked out another tiny sob and closed his eyes tight, squeezing tears from them.

"Of course, I'd stay," Danny replied, without hesitation. "You don't know how happy you made me when we started dating. Even before we started officially calling ourselves a couple. I will always stay with you. I will always be with you. Through everything."

"I love you... need you... so much..." Ward admitted, before hiding his face against his arm and just crying softly. His backside was beginning to sting, but it wasn't nearly hard enough to hurt and he didn't feel as if he'd paid for anything yet. Not really. But he'd decided he wanted Danny in charge, so he wasn't going to try and get a harsher punishment and he wasn't going to try and get out of the punishment he was being given. He was going to accept whatever Danny did and hope, somehow, that it worked, and he was able to move past his guilt and stop doing things that could possibly ruin his relationship with the other man. He didn't want to imagine his life without him now.

Danny began to swat a fraction harder; still rubbing in between smacks but putting a bit more force behind them. "You're not a bad person. You're not the only one to make mistakes. I mean, we just saw Wilson Fisk in a relationship with Matt Murdock. And if I heard that Fisk was one of the bad guys five years ago, I'm certain you heard the same."

Ward just cried, the intensity of the tears growing slightly as the smacks became more forceful and actually began to hurt. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he nodded his head in response that yes, he had heard that. He wasn't able to form words.

"I know you feel guilty about how you treated me before." Danny continued speaking in a soft, gentle voice. "But I forgave you for that long ago. I didn't know what was making you act like that, but I knew it wasn't the Ward I knew. The Ward I loved."

Ward tried to answer that but found all he could do was whimper softly. The protest he'd been about to make, that he'd treated Danny badly when they were kids as well, never made it outside of his brain.

His boyfriend might have only whimpered, but Danny thought he had a pretty good idea of what the other man might be thinking. "I didn't know what was going on with you when we were kids, either. But you didn't treat me badly all the time. And every time I had the glimpse of the real you, I wanted to keep drawing him out. I wanted you. I wanted you to be my friend. Even back then. For years, Ward. It's why you were the first person I sought out when I finally came back."

Ward sobbed at that, finally able to form words, though they were so garbled with tears, he would be amazed if Danny understood. "...You always came back...never gave up..." he cried, slumping slightly, his body giving in to Danny.

Danny drew Ward into his arms, hugging the other man tightly to himself. "And my persistence finally paid off. I get to be with you now. No more hurting. I finally have the relationship with you I always wanted."

Ward wrapped his own arms around Danny tightly, burrowing against the other man, and just cried. There was a sense of relief to the tears, though; even if he hadn't been punished as harshly as he felt he deserved, he'd been punished, and Danny still wanted him. Still loved him. "...Yours..." he managed to say between tears. It was one word, but there were so many emotions behind it, his promise that he loved Danny and would never leave, the fact he was giving himself to his friend- to belong to him- in more than just words, that he was submitting and giving himself to Danny's care and control. They hadn't said it in so many words, but he wanted Danny to dominate him. Wanted to submit to Danny in whatever way his boyfriend required. Submitting to the spanking and then accepting that Danny decided when it was over was only the first in many steps he'd be taking to belong. "...Yours..." he repeated, nuzzling against Danny's shoulder.

Danny pressed a kiss to Ward's shoulder; another one to the side of his neck. "Mine." He whispered the word back, his voice filled with just as many emotions. "Forever. I love you so much. I need you just as much." He let his hands slide gently over Ward's back, stroking and rubbing.

Ward and Danny had kissed since starting to date. They'd kissed a lot. They hadn't done much else, though and after a few minutes of calming down and just clinging to his boyfriend, it came to Ward's attention that he was naked from the armpits down, his pants and underwear pooled at his ankles and his shirt rucked up so most of his back and chest was exposed. He blushed faintly but didn't try and cover up. He liked Danny rubbing over skin instead of clothing and it seemed a bit silly to try and hide what belonged to the other man. Especially when he'd just been spanked like a naughty child over Danny's knee. Toeing off his shoes, he put his head on Danny's shoulder and listened as first the left, then the right shoe thumped onto the floor. His pants and underwear fell on top of them soon after, not having anything to keep them from sliding the rest of the way off his legs. All that was left was his shirt and his socks.

Aware that Ward had deliberately made it so that the clothing on his lower body fell free, Danny let his hand slide up towards the shirt covering his body. He carefully pulled it free, leaving Ward clad only in his socks. Stroking his boyfriend's cheek, he coaxed the other man to look at him so he could press a deep kiss to Ward's lips; as deep as he'd kissed his boyfriend outside the compound.

Relaxing as Danny didn't seem upset at his actions and took the initiative, Ward opened up to the kiss, kissing back just as deeply and offering himself... Danny just had to take what he wanted.

Danny cupped Ward's face in his hands, letting his tongue slip into the other man's mouth as his boyfriend opened up to him. He pressed closer to Ward, so there was no space between them.

Ward's breathing hitched as Danny claimed his mouth, tentatively letting his own tongue run alongside the blonde’s and then gently sucking. He could feel Danny's clothing pressed between them, but it didn't bother Ward. Danny was in control and that made him feel safe... secure enough to give a bit more. He wasn't at the point where he felt comfortable taking yet, but being given? Allowed? He felt safe with that.

Danny let one hand slide down to Ward's waist, gently squeezing his boyfriend's hip as he pressed deeper in the kiss. His other hand slid round to cup the back of Ward's head, holding it like he was cradling something infinitely precious.

Ward sighed softly into the kiss, leaning into Danny. He felt so safe and wanted. He let his own arms shift to wrap around Danny's shoulders; not too tightly (he wanted Danny to be able to maneuver both of them), but tightly enough it was a claim in itself. If he was Danny's, for Danny to control and him to obey, then Danny was his as well. Maybe in a different way, since if he wanted Danny to do something he'd have to ask, but it was no less strong. Danny belonged to him and he would do anything possible to make the other man happy.

Wrapping his own arms tighter around Ward in response, Danny pulled back just enough to let them both breathe normally. He pressed a kiss to the other man's neck and one to the corner of his mouth. "I love you so much."

"I love you too..." Ward whispered, returning the kisses as much as he was able. "...Belong to you and never ever want to leave... I'm glad we'll be going into space together..." he whispered. "...I..." he paused, not sure how to ask what he was planning to ask.

"We'll be together. Where we belong." Danny cupped Ward's face in his hand, stroking the other man's cheek. "What is it?" he asked softly.

"I just... I want to belong to you..." he whispered hesitantly, before giving Danny a crooked smile and leaning in to kiss the corner of his mouth chastely.

Danny turned his head slightly to capture Ward's lips with his own. "You do," he whispered against the other man's mouth. "From now on."

"Like... like Bucky did to Fury? Or Brock to Steve?" he added in a breathless voice, making sure that he wasn't misunderstanding, and Danny wasn't just referring to them belonging to each other as a couple. He wanted Danny to be his Dom.

"Exactly like their relationships," Danny promised. "I want to be in control of you, Ward. I think you want me in control of you as well."

"I do want that..." Ward said quietly, rubbing his nose against Danny's almost playfully. "...I need that. You... you take care of me so well and I'm lousy at taking care of myself. Letting you control me is practically gonna save my life..." His voice was slightly joking, but underneath, he was completely serious. He had no doubt Danny being in control would lead to a better and healthier life for him.

Danny responded by rubbing his nose against Ward's in response. "Seems like we'll fit right in with the others," he said softly. "I'm not going to hide or stop being affectionate with you around them...but I'll do my best to keep any discipline private."

Ward smiled at that. "I appreciate it... Sir..." He tested out the name tentatively, not sure Danny wanted him to call him deferential names. "...But if I'm really bad and deserve it, I won't be upset if you feel the need to make it public. Embarrassed, yeah, but upset, no...."

"It would only happen if there was a real need," Danny promised. "If it was the only way to get through to you. Otherwise, I'll keep discipline private...affection both public and private. So, you never doubt how I feel about you."

"I can't doubt that... not after you've forgiven so much and stayed with me anyway..." Ward smiled a bit more confidently. "I'm glad I belong to you..." he added on, in case there was any doubt about the fact he wanted it.

"I'm more than glad you belong to me," Danny promised. "You've always been incredibly important to me. I'm so glad I get to be with you now."

Ward smiled and snuggled some more. It felt right, sitting completely naked on Danny's lap, in his arms, vulnerable and exposed while the other was completely clothed and in control. "Whatever you want to do tonight..." he whispered.

"We can just cuddle. Kiss. Be affectionate with each other." Putting words to action, Danny gently kissed his boyfriend's lips, letting his hands gently grasp the other man's hips.


Coulson sat with his arm around his son's shoulders, waiting to hear the verdict from the doctor. He was fairly calm on the outside, but the medical team had indicated something of a surprise with the bloodwork that had come back and he couldn't help but worry that something had gone wrong.

Grant pressed closer to his father. He was more than a bit nervous. He'd been fine before the ritual, but that didn't always mean anything. It was possible the ritual had 'jarred' something loose, metaphorically speaking... and something that had been hidden was now able to be seen. He put his head on Coulson's chest, listening to his father's heartbeat in an effort to calm down, and glanced around the room where everyone else was waiting as a show of support for Coulson and him.

Everyone glanced toward the door as the doctor entered the room.

Coulson gently pulled Grant onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his son's waist and kissing his shoulder. Everything will be okay, son, he whispered through the bond. Whatever it is, we'll deal with it.

"I... I'm not really sure what to tell you..." The doctor cleared her throat. "...You say that you did a ritual? That involved blood?" she asked, for clarification.

Coulson nodded. "It bound us together. It means we can talk to each other and sense each other’s emotions."

The doctor nodded as if she understood, even if she didn't. "Well... whatever this binding was supposed to do, it did one more thing. It took your blood and his blood and somehow mixed it and bonded your DNA over his own. Not enough to change physical characteristics, as far as we can tell anyway, but enough to make...well... if anyone were to do a test on you both now, you would show up as his father. Or one of his fathers. His blood is indicating that he has three parents now." She sounded stupefied.

The look on Grant's face was comical; a mix of surprised confusion and extreme joy. "So... my dad is ... my dad now?" He blinked.

Coulson looked surprised and then smiled, a sense of pure happiness coming through the bond. "I can't see that as being anything other than a good thing."

The doctor grinned as she realized neither of the men were upset at her news like she'd thought they would be. "It could be very useful, actually... granted, we've never seen something like this happen before, so if either of you get sick, it is important that you immediately go to the doctor. Even if it is a cold. Because we can't know for sure if there will ever be complications from this. But as of right now, everything seems to be fine..." She smiled.

"We will do," Coulson replied, giving Grant's waist a gentle squeeze. You're mine in every way it's possible to be, whispered through their bond.

Smiling again, the doctor faced the rest of the group. "You have all been cleared for space travel. Full medical write ups have been put in a file for each of you... they are on this disk. If something happens, you can give it to whichever medical professional you see. There is also a file with basic human anatomy, as well as the most common ailments. In case you need help from a medic that is unfamiliar with human physiology." She handed the disk to Stephen.

"Daniel Rand?" She glanced among the group.

"That's me." Danny was sitting, holding Ward's hand, and raised his other hand to acknowledge the doctor.

"Here is the medication we spoke of... remember. It is only to be taken if the symptoms are so strong that sleep is impossible and even water can't be kept down...." The doctor walked to him, handing him a bottle before giving him and Ward a sympathetic smile. "It will be beneficial to both of you if you get more help..." she whispered, before turning and leaving the group of future, spacefarers alone.

Danny wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Ward, taking advantage of the closeness to whisper, "Do you want me to tell everyone?"

Ward flushed, taking a slow breath. "If you think it's best... I'll obey what you decide..." he said quietly into Danny's ear. "I trust you."

Danny nodded, kissing Ward's cheek and then his neck before quietly explaining to the others in the room; not going into a large amount of detail, but indicating Ward would be dealing with withdrawal symptoms.

Stephen cleared his throat. "I think I can safely speak for everyone when I say, let us know whatever you need. We're able and willing to help."

Steve nodded his agreement. "It might get difficult at times, but at least neither of you will be alone to deal with it."

"Thanks," Danny said sincerely.

"What now?" Ward asked uncertainly.

"There's not much to stop us from saying goodbye to everyone and leaving," Fury said. "I believe all of the loose ends are tied up that need to be."

Bucky smiled at that. "I had a feeling... so I invited everyone here. They should be arriving for a bon voyage party in thirty minutes, if they aren’t early."

"Then we should go to the main room. Unless there is anything else that needs to be taken care of or spoken about?" T'Challa glanced inquiringly around at the other couples.

No one could think of anything, so everyone went to the main room, where they could say goodbye to their friends. The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent making memories. As well as making sure everyone knew who to contact if the group was needed. Once everyone had left, everyone had gone to bed for a bit of sleep. They were leaving early in the morning.