Chapter One

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU; references to past non-con; spanking for both discipline and erotic purposes


Most of the men surrounding him in the elevator had showed their true colors after HYDRA had surfaced. And all of them had been either imprisoned or, in other cases, died.

As he stepped out of the elevator, carrying the case, Steve's eyes shifted to Rumlow. Seeing the information on the other man...knowing what fate awaited him if Steve just left...he couldn't take a step back. Couldn't leave the other man to die again when the knowledge uncovered had revealed the truth far too late.

Hoping he'd done enough to make Sitwell believe he was on their side, Steve nodded to Rumlow. "The Secretary wants to debrief you as well."

Rumlow blinked, hiding his sudden nerves at Steve's words within seconds. No one noticed the hesitation, he hoped. "He wants me to accompany you?" he asked, for confirmation.

Steve just nodded, moving away from the elevator, hoping that Rumlow would follow him without Steve needing to continue putting on the act for the others' benefit.

Rumlow quickly fell into step beside Steve. "I'm surprised he didn’t ask for Sitwell instead..." he muttered so only Steve would hear. His position was always precarious, but with Steve coming in and seemingly having a direct connection to the Secretary... well, if Captain America was on that side, he was in over his head.

Steve waited until he heard the elevator doors close; heard it make its way down the floor. He wouldn't have long before the agents realized they'd been deceived. He remembered the Secretary trying to take Loki and the Tesseract the first time through.

Steve let his hand rest on Rumlow' shoulder, steering the other man ‘round the corner, heading towards one of the deserted rooms on the floor. "I know what you're doing."

Brock stiffened. He wouldn't try and pretend he didn't know what Steve was talking about. The only question was if Steve was truly on the Secretary's side, or if he was a double agent, like Brock. "I don’t even know what I'm doing half the time, so you're a step ahead of me..." His smile didn't reach his eyes. He didn't know if he'd be fighting for his life in the next few moments or not.

"I think I almost believe that's true," Steve said wryly. He used his hold on Brock's shoulder to turn the other man fully to face him. "It's going to get you killed. Before anyone realizes what side you're really on." He'd considered sugarcoating it, but he needed to make the other man listen to him. And the shock factor would hopefully help him.

"Well that answers that question..." Brock muttered to himself, before looking into Steve's eyes. "It'll get me killed no matter what, I reckon. In too deep..." He shrugged. If Steve was HYDRA and referring to him being a double agent for SHIELD, he was dead in any case. If Steve was SHIELD and referring to him being HYDRA, then his cover was still safe; but chances were high he'd die anyway, because only one other person knew he was a plant, meant to keep an eye on the Secretary; and if Steve had figured out even half of what was going on, others would too and they'd be gunning for him.

"I'm going to pull you out," Steve said. "I learned the truth too late to do anything about it before. It's not too late now." He couldn't consider any kind of failure in bringing back the population, but there was someone tangible here he could save.

"Wait... what?!" Brock looked at Steve in confusion. "Before what? How are you too late?"

"I travelled back in time." If he wasn't sugarcoating with anything else, Steve figured he wouldn't dance around the time travel issue. "HYDRA made their move. A lot of good agents died. You included."

Brock blinked. "That's just crazy enough to be believable. And a lot more believable than Captain America being a HYDRA agent..." he finally said. "What are my orders, Captain?"

"I'm here on another mission." Steve held up the case. "Some bad things happened in the future and there's a lot of people to save. If we all survive, I'll be back to take you with me in an hour." He hesitated. "If things take the wrong turn and I can't come back here for you, then you need to go to me in this time."

"Go to you in this time and do what? Tell you what I've been doing?" Brock glanced around nervously.

"Exactly that," Steve answered. "Because I'd do anything to protect you here in this time, too."

"You didn't even meet me yet... not officially..." Brock reminded Steve.

"We have a lot of interaction during missions," Steve answered. "Interacting for a different reason isn't likely to change anything."

"What do you mean?" Brock looked confused. "We haven't been on any missions together... does this mean we do work together in the future?" He sounded excited.

Steve couldn't help but smile at the note of excitement in Brock's voice. "We do," he replied. "We were friends...before...." He half-lifted a hand. The image of Brock's face, scarred and burned, was imprinted in his mind. He didn't quite understand the sudden urge he'd had to touch the unharmed skin.

Brock saw the aborted move and put two and two together. "Before my assignment catches up to me?" His voice was a bit worried. Had he failed his mission that spectacularly?

Steve nodded. "I figure HYDRA must have worked it out." He didn't continue the rest of his thought; that Brock had been brainwashed after being burned in the fire. But his hand, still resting on the other man's shoulder, almost convulsively tightened.

Brock swallowed hard. "Was I careless or betrayed?" He glanced around nervously. Only one other person knew what was truly going on, so if he was betrayed....

"I don't know," Steve said honestly. "I found out after it was too late to get answers." After it was too late to save him.

"After I died?" Brock's voice was matter of fact. Being the type-of agent, he was, but especially a double agent, seldom let one retire normally and live into old age.

Steve nodded. "I found out the truth after it was already too late to save you. At least the first-time round."

"So... how do you plan to save me now?" Brock asked curiously.

"I'm going to take you to the future," Steve answered. "At least, that's the plan so long as the enemy we're facing there doesn't win. If everything goes the way it should, I'll be returning to pick you up almost as soon as you've seen me leave."

"So, if you don't show up immediately, I assume you lost and find non-future you?" Brock raised an eyebrow.

"That's the way it should work," Steve answered. "But just in case something else goes wrong, I want you to wait for an hour. If I don't come back, that'll give enough time for the HYDRA agents to leave the building, so you can safely find me in this time."

"So... I wait here? For an hour?" Brock sounded reluctant to stay in one place that long.

Steve gripped his shoulder a bit tighter. "Even if I can't save you, I want to make sure you're as safe as you can be. So yes. You wait here for an hour. And if I'm not back, you don't return to HYDRA. You find me here. Those are your orders."

Brock straightened and nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Yes, sir...."

Steve hesitated, but he gave in to his urge. He set the case down and wrapped his arms around Brock. Maybe past Brock wasn't aware of their closeness, but Steve still took advantage of him being there.

Brock blinked, hesitantly wrapping his arms around Steve and patting him on the back. "I'll be careful, Sir..." he muttered, almost bashfully. He and the Captain must have become friends for Steve to be hugging him.

"Good." Steve hugged a bit tighter. It was a little bit disconcerting to realize just how much of an impact Rumlow had had on him; how hard it was to step back. But he did. He picked up the case. "As long as I'm still living, I'll come back for you," he promised, before turning on the comm once more. "Tony? Scott? How are we looking?"

"Yeah, we've got sort of a problem here," Scott responded. "The stone's gone. We're fairly sure Loki grabbed it and vanished. On account of them both being gone."

"I have an idea though, Cap..." Tony proceeded to explain about the items being together in one other spot, as well as the particles needed to be able to travel through time. "Then all we need to do is have Professor Hulk do his thing... we're certain he can handle that power? You saw what it did to Thanos..." Tony said, with a hint of worry. "If I somehow left a note... maybe we could somehow..."

"Assuming an action taken here can have some kind of effect there," Steve said, even as he left the room. "I'll meet you at your location." He started to ask where they were...and then stopped dead.

"I've got eyes on Loki," his past self, stated into the comms.

Sighing, Steve prepared to battle...himself.


Brock had waited a total of ten minutes before he'd decided waiting around like a stooge was pointless. The Captain had made it clear he should return within five seconds or less of having left. The fact he hadn't meant something had gone wrong; and the chances of him returning within the hour weren't all that good. Brock felt like he was standing out like a sore thumb just standing there, even if no one else had come around; and he also felt like he was wasting valuable time. If he was going to die, he at least wanted to make sure he took out as many HYDRA as possible and gave the others a fighting chance against the slippery, evil organization. Now was the perfect opportunity. Sneaking into one of the office areas, Brock began to hack his way into Stark's servers, planning to plant clues and information that the other man would find and hopefully expose HYDRA.


Steve didn't know if he could count events as a full win. They'd retrieved those who had been snapped away, but Natasha was still gone. Tony had somehow survived the radiation from the stones, but he was unconscious and being operated on. Vision was another one who hadn't been able to come back. They'd still all lost people important to them, but they'd done what they set out to do. Maybe the world would never return to true normal, but that was okay. They had a chance now.

Returning all of the stones back to their rightful places, Steve finally appeared in the room he'd left Brock in...and then looked around, unease rapidly turning into worry.

The other man wasn't there. Had something gone wrong? He must have somehow arrived later...but by how much? Was he too late again?

A myriad of emotions battling inside him, Steve all but ran from the room in search of Brock.

"Damn it... shoulda known Stark would be the one place where hacking in to leave Easter eggs would be near impossible," Brock muttered to himself. He hadn't been at it long; ten minutes at most (a full twenty after Cap had said he'd return), but normally, it didn't take him more than five, if that, to get into a target computer to grab or leave information. It was as if the computer itself was fighting him.

Steve's senses were on high alert, so he heard the muttered comment and immediately headed towards the office it had come from. He paused outside the door, just long enough to make sure he could only hear one person, and then entered.

Brock twisted away from the computer, preparing to fight, before relaxing immediately on seeing it was Steve. "You're twenty minutes late..." He snorted, turning back to the computer. "Was going to leave some clues and shit for people to find about what HYDRA is up to, in case things turned out as bad for me as you say they did...." He didn't say anything about his assumption that Cap wouldn't be returning for him.

Steve's eyebrows arched. That answered the question, then. Of course, the fact that Brock was here and not seeking out the version of Steve in this time also made it clear he'd returned within the hour's timeframe he'd given.

Walking over to Brock, Steve grasped his arm firmly. "I told you to stay put for an hour. And then I told you to find me in this time. Not to try hacking into computers." He didn't even think; his palm just connected with the other man's backside.

Brock was so startled at suddenly finding his arm grasped so tightly and having a suddenly stinging butt that he didn't even attempt to stop his initial response, which was to yelp loudly. "Ouch! Captain! What...?!" His voice was a mix of indignant offense and confusion that the Captain was reacting so personally with him.

"We might not have had a chance to go through rules and consequences yet, but I gave you an order you knew I expected to be followed." Steve left his hand on Brock's backside; partly so it would be easier to swat if he needed to again, but also because the contact with the other man was soothing something inside of him. He felt an odd need to touch Brock in an almost possessive, domineering way.

Steve may have been there already, he had memories of months and months of working together with Brock; but Brock? Wasn't there at all and Steve's possessive, domineering touch was shocking to him. He didn't know how to react, the fact that some part of him wanted to give in immediately, apologize and ask forgiveness for his disobedience wasn't lost on him; but neither was the fact he also felt a need to pull free and run (which... he was glad he didn't follow that impulse... he was fairly certain he couldn't break free and even if he'd just been swatted, he believed the Captain wouldn't hurt him, so running was stupid). "Of course, Sir..." he finally managed to force out of a suddenly tight throat. "...I disobeyed a direct order. If I could just explain myself...." He winced at how nervous he sounded.

"You can explain. When we go back." Steve still had hold of Brock's arm, but he did move his other hand to retrieve his pack, taking out the suit and the Pym particles he'd stashed safely inside.

Finally letting go of Brock's arm, Steve passed him the suit. "You'll need to put this on." He wanted to take a step closer to the other man...had to actively fight the instinct to grab Brock and put the suit on him. He knew he'd always cared about Brock; the perceived betrayal and then Brock's death had left a huge, gaping wound that had left him with some idea of how much the other man had meant to him. Learning the truth...that had been a blow almost too much to bear.

Swallowing and staring at the held-out suit, Brock looked up into Steve's face. The look on the Captain's face was disconcerting; and not knowing why the other man looked at him that way made Brock reluctant to cooperate. "Why do I need this?" he asked, in what sounded like a belligerent tone, though he wasn't trying to be difficult...he was just nervous, and it came out as belligerence.

"We're going forward in time. The suits are necessary for it to work the way it's supposed to," Steve said. "It's not scary." He reached out and stroked his hand down Brock's arm, gently squeezing. If he said he'd never felt these urges before, he'd be lying; he'd just chosen not to act on them. But then he'd lost Brock. Holding back hadn't done any good at all. And Steve was tired of doing that, in any case.

Brock watched wide-eyed as Steve reached out and stroked his arm, blinking owlishly. "Captain... Sir..." He cleared his throat. "...Did... did we do more than work together? Before things went bad?" he asked hesitantly, even as he gingerly picked up the suit and unfolded it to see how it should be put on. To see if he could wear it over his current clothing, or if he had to undress.

"In many ways, yes," Steve replied. "We were friends. Good friends. If I'd listened to my instincts...." He frowned and shook his head. "I've never been that fast to act on a personal level. I guess I figured we had time. Until we didn't."

Well. That didn't really answer anything, except to confirm that the Captain had regrets. Sighing, Brock looked at the suit again. "Can I wear this over my clothes?" he finally asked, in a resigned voice. Now really wasn't the time for questions. He believed Steve when the man said things went bad and he died. And he believed him when he said he planned to save him. So, there was no reason not to go along with whatever the Captain had planned. It'd be an adventure. He liked those. Usually. He swallowed again and looked back up at Steve.

Steve nodded. "It can be deactivated to reveal your regular clothes underneath, so you probably don't want to risk going naked."

Brock snorted at that, giving a wry smile. "Wouldn't be the first time I got caught with my pants around my ankles..." he admitted, in a teasing tone. He began to put the suit on. It was fairly self-explanatory; though once it was on, he did tug at the collar slightly before pulling on the helmet.

While he could have just handed the Pym particles to Brock and told him what to do, Steve tucked them into place in the suit. "It's all set to go. All you need to do is press this." He showed Brock the button.

"Alright then..." Brock looked up at Steve trustingly. "...On three?"

Steve nodded and began the count, pressing the button on three.

As soon as Steve said three, Brock pushed the button; and then everything was a blur. He tried to keep track of what was happening, but he quickly realized he was getting sick, the speed and the colors faster than anything he'd experienced before. And then he was standing in place on a platform. Seconds later, he was rushing off said platform, yanking the helmet off and throwing up all over someone's shoes. He had no clue whose.

Sam winced and quickly moved out of the line of fire. "Better get those cleaned up," he muttered, before grabbing a cup of water. Remembering his own interactions with Rumlow, he handed the cup to Steve.

Nodding, Steve rested his hand on Brock's back, rubbing gently as he pulled off his own helmet. "You're okay," he soothed.

Brock remained bent over, eyes closed as he waited for his stomach and the rest of his body to settle. The back rub helped immensely and soon, he was taking a deep breath and slowly standing, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. Slowly, he opened his eyes.

"This'll help you feel better." Steve's voice was gentle and soothing as he held the cup out to Brock. "I know it's a bit disconcerting at first, to say the least...."

Sam raised his eyebrows at Steve's tone of voice and glanced towards Bucky. It was almost like Steve was talking to a child...or maybe even a lover.

Bucky wasn't surprised. He remembered overhearing some of his handlers talking about 'using Steve Rogers' feelings for Brock Rumlow' against him. As far as he knew, that hadn't actually occurred, because the timing had never 'been right', but they'd talked of it. Looking at Steve handling the other man now, it was clear just why HYDRA had believed it was a possible action to take. "All the stones returned, Stevie?" he asked instead. If everything had been handled, then he could go take care of other things and leave Steve to deal with a situation that was over ten years in the making. Or a few minutes, if he looked at it from Brock's point of view.

Brock carefully took the cup and sipped at it slowly. "Thank you..." he said quietly, once he felt able to talk. What he really wanted was to get out of the flight suit that he'd thrown up on and go brush his teeth. But one step at a time.

Steve nodded to Bucky, transferring his grip to Brock's shoulder. "Yeah. Everything's returned to normal." With the exception of Brock, of course. With that thought, his grip tightened a fraction on the other man's shoulder.

"Then I'll just go and change shoes. Check on Tony." Sam smiled at Steve and Brock and then walked over to Bruce. "You coming, too?" he asked.

Bruce nodded and started towards the building.

"Wait for me!" Bucky blurted, chasing after the other men.

Brock blinked. "They seemed in a big hurry to leave us alone..." he said with hesitant suspicion. While he trusted Steve completely, he knew who the Winter Soldier was and seeing him here was a bit of a shock. He also knew what the Hulk looked like, but... he didn't recall the big green monster being articulate in any manner. Or calm. "What the hell happened in the last ten years?" he couldn't help asking.

"A whole lot of things changed. Not all of them for the better," Steve said quietly, wrapping his arm around Brock's shoulders. "Bucky's no longer under HYDRA's control, though it was kind of a struggle to get him completely free," he admitted.

"That's one of the good things, then..." Brock said. He knew the history between Steve and Bucky Barnes; it had never sat well with him, keeping quiet about the Winter Soldier's true identity or the fact Bucky was alive, but it had been necessary in order not to blow his cover. He didn't move out of Steve's arms, though he did stiffen for a few seconds. It was very familiar; and while he knew Steve was reacting to him as someone that he'd known and been friends with (because apparently, that had happened), he hadn't actually met the Captain in person until Steve had taken him from the elevator. This whole time-travel thing was messing with his head.

"I can't imagine you're feeling very comfortable in the suit," Steve said. "I'm sure we can find some clothes for you to get changed into before we have our discussion."

"I was hoping that the clothes I have on underneath weren't soiled, but the longer I stand here, the less likely I think my hope will be realized..." Brock said sheepishly. The suit obviously wasn't waterproof. He didn't say anything about having a discussion; he assumed the discussion would be Steve explaining the main points he'd need to know in order to function in the future.

"You'll probably feel better if you can wash up anyway." Steve's hand lightly grasped Brock's elbow; not quite as possessive as other places, but he stuck close enough to the other man's side that their hips were brushing together. Pepper had already offered him the use of the hut while she was with Tony and Morgan was taken care of by Happy, so that's where he led Brock.

Brock swallowed hard. While it was true Steve wasn't gripping too tightly and most could take the action as him helping Brock, something innocent and innocuous, Brock could feel the possessiveness of both the grip and the way Steve stuck close enough to brush against him. It felt like every encounter he'd been having with the Captain had held hints of possessiveness in them. He couldn't help but wonder just exactly what their relationship had been before he'd died. It was a bit frightening, really, because it was wakening a part of himself that he'd shoved down deep; a part of himself that he'd kept hidden from the moment he'd realized it was there. And Steve's seemingly innocent actions were drawing it out. No one else had ever drawn it out of him... but Steve was. He swallowed hard again and tried to move away, give himself space, without drawing Steve's attention to the fact.

Steve's grip firmed a bit on Brock's elbow, noticing the way the other man was moving. Firming his grip was far better than giving in to a deeper part of him that didn't care about who was watching; that was filled with this sudden urge to pick Brock up and carry him into the hut. Like a caveman.

Shaking his head, Steve tugged Brock a bit more firmly against his side. By the time they were inside the hut, he'd managed to wrestle that urge back below the surface.

Brock stumbled as Steve firmed his grip and tugged him more tightly to him. The stumble wasn't because Steve pulled too hard, though; it was because of sudden heat pooling in his belly and his legs going temporarily weak from the feeling of being controlled. He swallowed hard again and tried to push down the sudden nervous arousal he felt. Luckily, the feeling wasn't manifesting itself more physically; other than making him stumble, anyway. He didn't know what he'd do if he'd got hard from the situation and Steve noticed.

Steve closed the door and then led Brock up the stairs, to the bathroom. "This is where Tony lives now, with Pepper and his daughter Morgan," he explained. "Tony's not here right now because he's being treated in hospital. He was badly hurt during the battle we fought. Pepper said we could make use of the space here, at least until we figure out where we're going." He was clearly worried about Tony, but there was little he could do for the other man now other than wait for updates.

"Stark has a kid?" Brock's eyes widened. He glanced around the bathroom. It was homey; not elaborate or fancy, like he might have expected any place owned by Tony Stark to look. Toeing off his shoes, he began to peel the soiled suit off, grimacing when he realized that, yes... he would need to change the clothing he had on underneath as well. Sighing, he began to peel that clothing off as well, not even thinking about the fact he wasn't alone. Modesty was one of the first things lost when you became an agent.

Steve nodded and began to explain the events of the past five years; bringing Brock up to speed on the fact things would take a while to settle back into any kind of normality.

Brock had stripped down to his underwear before realizing he didn't have anything else to put on yet. Shrugging slightly, he decided he might as well shower, since he was undressed, and shoved the last bit of clothing off before stepping into the shower. He was listening to Steve the whole time, though and once Steve had finished telling him of the last five years, he said, "It sounds horrible. Was that when I died? When everyone else was snapped away? Or did that happen in the time between when you found me this morning and Thanos showing up?"

"That happened before," Steve answered. He took a deep breath. "You were badly burned during a fight when HYDRA emerged. When you emerged again, it must have been when you were fully brainwashed by them."

Brock paused at that, the water hitting and cascading around him. "...They brainwashed me into following them for real?" His voice trembled at that. He was.... "...Glad I died, if that was what became of me... wish I died before they brainwashed me...."

"I'm sorry I didn't realize." Steve's voice was sad. "But that's not going to happen to you now. And I'm not going to hold back any longer," he promised.

"Well... you certainly pulled me out before they could do that to me this time..." Brock said, in a faint voice, finally beginning to resume washing himself. He left the comment about Steve not holding back any longer alone. He wasn't entirely certain what the other man meant by it, but if the tone was indicative of anything, the possessive behavior wasn't an accident. His stomach flipped and his body felt hot and a little shaky again, but he forced himself to breathe deep and calm down. No one... absolutely no one... knew about his inclination and he was determined to keep it that way.

"I'll get you some of Tony's clothes. They'll do, at least until we can go shopping for new clothes for you." Steve slipped out of the room, returning moments later with clean clothes.

By the time Steve had returned, Brock had finished washing and rinsing. Turning off the water, he opened the curtain and looked for a towel, unashamed at being completely naked in front of Steve.

Setting the clothes down, Steve picked up a nearby towel and handed it to Brock.

Brock quickly dried, then began to dress in what Steve had brought him. Finally finished, he looked up at the Captain. "What now, sir?" he asked quietly.

"You disobeyed a direct order from me to stay put," Steve said quietly. "I already lost you once. And I know you don't remember our relationship, but you still let me believe you would follow my instructions. How long did you actually wait for? Ten minutes?"

Brock blinked in surprise and blushed. "How'd you know?" he blurted. "...It was exactly ten minutes..." he finished, with a chagrined glance up into Steve's eyes before his eyes darted toward the ground. His blush darkened.

"This wasn't the first time that happened," Steve said. "Not the first time you disobeyed orders to stay put, even though it's the first time you remember."

"Well... hell... I'm not terribly obedient, I guess..." Brock fidgeted, unable to face Steve. That feeling he'd pushed down was rising up again, giving him urges to behave in a way that... well... he wasn't ready to admit his secret yet. He pushed the feelings and urges down again.

Steve reached out and grasped Brock's shoulder, drawing him close against his chest. "We're going to deal with that disobedience right now," he whispered in the other man's ear. His arm settled around Brock's waist as he began to lead the other man from the bathroom.

Brock couldn't help darting a nervous and confused look in Steve's direction as he was led. Once again, the larger man's behavior was dominant (not surprising) and possessive (very surprising). Brock was too busy trying to get a handle on his own traitorous feelings to pull away or fight.

Leading Brock down the stairs, Steve led him into the living room and over to the couch. He sat down and gently pulled the other man across his lap, wrapping an arm around Brock's waist to secure him in place.

Brock was already in position and secured before Steve's actions caught up to him and he realized what was about to happen. Stomach dropping, he threw both hands back over his bottom. "Wait! You... this is how you took care of it when I disobeyed orders before?!" he blurted out frantically. He was having a hard time believing that was the case, considering Steve putting him into this position had caused any control over his feelings and urges to just disappear and they were attacking him full force now. He couldn't imagine that Steve wouldn't have found out his big secret if he'd punished him like this before.

"Yes," Steve answered calmly, taking Brock's hands and securing them in place at the base of his spine. He then tugged Brock's pants down, rubbing a hand gently over the man's now-bare bottom.

Brock closed his eyes tightly and moaned at the gentle rubbing. To his mortification, the thought of being punished wasn't keeping the feelings and urges at bay; it was causing them to bubble and foment under the surface of his skin. He felt hot and was finding it difficult to breathe normally. He knew he really wasn't supposed to want what Steve was about to do. The fact he did shamed him.

Steve remembered having Brock in this position before; realizing the other man was reacting in a way he didn't tend to see when disciplining others. He'd ignored it before; pretended he wasn't aware. Now, he let his hand continue the gentle rubbing. "It's okay, Brock," he said quietly. "How you're reacting. We didn't go any further before...but I'm not holding back now."

"Y... you know?" Brock asked, his voice catching as his body turned dark red from shame. That didn't stop his body reacting, though. The position, the knowledge that Steve was in full control and about to make it difficult to sit, the fact the larger man was just rubbing as if he had every right in the world to do so... Brock felt his body's reaction and knew Steve had to feel it as well. He whimpered softly but didn't try to struggle free. That had been his first instinct; to struggle and try to keep what he wanted hidden. But Steve already knew. Keeping it hidden was pointless. So, he lay still and accepted what Steve was doing without fight... submitting.

"I was too unsure to act on the feelings I had before, but things are different now," Steve promised. He rubbed a little bit more and then brought his hand down in a firm smack. He then began to rub the spot he'd just swatted before smacking a second time.

Brock whimpered. "...Y... you mean...?" He couldn't help but squirm slightly; not because it hurt (it only stung a little so far), but because he'd lost complete control over his body and its urges.

"I mean that you're mine," Steve stated. "You're mine and I'm not going to resist that again." He delivered another firm swat, another rub. Then a pair of swats and a bit more rubbing.

It was impossible to fight what he wanted deep down, when Steve was making declarations like that. Groaning softly, "I'm yours..." Brock began to squirm urgently, creating a slight friction between them; it was entirely clear to Steve how much he wanted what was occurring.

Steve delivered a few more smacks and then paused to rub once more. While he wasn't using his full strength, he was still swatting fairly hard. But this was about claiming more than punishment; about making it clear who Brock belonged to. "I won't let you go again," he promised.

Brock moaned again at the promise, not bothering to respond with words. It was fairly clear in the way he was squirming and pressing against Steve's lap one moment, then pushing his bottom up for more rubbing and swats, that he was entirely behind the idea of being owned by the larger man. He'd fought himself for a very long time; but he couldn't fight himself any longer. Steve was making it impossible not to admit what he needed.

Steve rubbed his hand down over Brock's thighs, down his legs; rubbed back up and over Brock's bottom, giving a full circuit of smacks before he began rubbing, pushing Brock's shirt up for access to bare skin.

Brock shivered and wriggled a bit more as his shirt was pushed up. The skin-on-skin contact was heady, made him feel Steve's control that much more fully.  "...Yours..." he finally gasped out, before grinding his hips downward in an attempt to ease the mind-numbing ache in his member. He'd never been this aroused and sobbed quietly because he wasn't sure how to regain control over it.

It took only a few moments for Steve to strip Brock of his clothing, leaving the other man completely naked across his lap. "Don't worry about how you're reacting," he reiterated. "This is new and different for me too." He gently squeezed each of Brock's buttocks in turn before giving each a swat.

Brock gurgled at both the words giving him permission to react and the complete control Steve had over his bottom. He didn't know if he wanted to start thrusting against Steve in an attempt to ease the ache from being so completely aroused, or wriggle so that his bottom was in prime position to be thoroughly roasted. He did know that he needed Steve in charge, though, so he did neither of those things and just kept squirming helplessly, while whimpering and moaning. "...Yours..." he repeated, in a high-pitched whine.

Steve tugged Brock tighter against his stomach, shifting the other man forward slightly to expose his sit spots better. He then began to heat the skin there, turning it pink under his palm before pausing to rub and then resume smacking.

Brock let out tiny little sobs as he felt his sit-spots warmed. Every time Steve landed a smack, it pushed him forward slightly, causing him to 'thrust' against the larger man. He felt himself growing harder and achier by the moment.

Steve continued to swat, turning Brock's bottom a uniform dark pink in color before he paused again to stroke, feeling the warm skin. "It's a pretty color," he noted, giving voice to his first thought.

Brock shivered at the words, unable to stop himself from offering, "...Belong to you... you color me however you think best...."

"Red," Steve decided, squeezing one buttock firmly. "I'll make it so that you can't sit without thinking about who you now belong to."

Brock whimpered at the declaration and arched his back, so his bottom rose up a tiny fraction; another offering to Steve, submitting to what his Master said he wanted to do to him.

Steve resumed swatting, now a bit harder and faster; even though he held back on his strength, he could feel the skin getting hot. See the pink darkening in shade towards red.

Despite his willingness, even eagerness, to submit to Steve's will, Brock wasn't able to keep from reacting to the harder, faster swats on his already very sore bottom. He began to emit tiny little yelps with each smack. "...Yours... yours... yours... " he began to repeat in a shaky breath after each yelp, then take in a quick, quivering breath to prepare for the next hard smack. His member was swollen and leaking from need, but his backside was raised just enough that he wasn't rubbing against Steve's lap any longer and he didn't attempt to touch himself. That was his Master's too.

Steve continued to swat hard for another full circuit of swats and then he paused, rubbing Brock's thoroughly warmed bottom. He then reached his other hand underneath Brock, taking hold of the other man's member. He resumed smacking Brock's bottom hard, timing strokes to his member with each time his hand landed.

Brock began to moan softly as Steve worked on his member while continuing to make sure he'd feel who owned him. It didn't take more than four tugs though and he spilled, releasing hard with a whimpering sob.

Steve looked, with some satisfaction, at the red color of Brock's backside. He helped the other man to stand and, resting his hand possessively on Brock's bottom, he walked him into one of the corners of the kitchen. "I'm going to make us some food. You'll stand here, where I can watch you. See the signs of my control." He gave Brock's backside another gentle swat before stepping away.

Brock looked at the corner wide-eyed, surprised at how his equilibrium shifted at Steve placing him in it. He suddenly felt small, helpless and completely dependent on Steve, in addition to his need to submit and be controlled. " this my punishment for disobeying?" he asked very quietly, hesitantly. He couldn't rightfully view the spanking as his punishment, since he'd found himself liking it.

"Not exactly punishment," Steve answered. "More like a few moments to think. And if you come to the realization you need to be punished for disobedience; we'll deal with that." He began to prepare food.

Brock swallowed hard at the words and nodded. "Yes, Captain..." he whispered and did just that; thought about his actions and what could have happened because he had disobeyed a direct order. It took little time at all for him to realize he deserved to be punished. Of course, deserved to be was completely different than need to be, but he figured he'd admit his conclusion to Steve and accept whatever the Captain decided.

For his part, Steve kept his attention divided between the food he was preparing and Brock's backside. It was bright red, nearly crimson, from the crest down to his thighs. The sight of it left Steve with a sense of satisfaction; that he'd marked Brock in such a way that there'd be no doubt in the other man's mind just who he belonged to. Who owned him now.

Brock could feel Steve's eyes on him, and his emotions fell even further into needy dependence. He shivered slightly, the need to be held by his Dom growing stronger by the minute, the separation becoming uncomfortable to him. But he stayed in place. He'd disobeyed once. He wasn't going to do so again without a very good reason; being a needy baby wasn't a good reason, as far as he could say.

Putting the food onto two plates, Steve walked over to Brock and cupped the other man's bottom possessively in his hands. Leaning forward, he kissed Brock's neck, squeezing his backside.

Brock shivered and moaned as his bottom was squeezed, the possessive action causing the stinging ache to flare up and begin burning again. "Yours, Sir... belong to you, Captain..." he whimpered softly, keeping his eyes forward, since he hadn't been told he could leave the corner; plus, he liked Steve kissing his neck.

"Mine," Steve whispered, kissing the other side of Brock's neck. Drawing the other man out of the corner, he moved to the table and sat, pulling Brock down to straddle his lap so they were facing each other. He then began to feed both himself and the other man, every so often stroking or squeezing one buttock or the other.

Brock let out a tiny gasp as he was pulled down onto Steve's lap, the contact between his bottom and Steve's thighs a sharp pain that quickly ebbed into a dull ache. He smiled hesitantly once he was settled, eating when Steve fed him, shivering and moaning softly when Steve stroked or squeezed, reigniting the flame. "...Can feel you own me, Captain..." he whispered after one such moment, blinking back tears from the sting. The smile on his face was accepting and content.

"Good," Steve murmured, pressing a kiss to each side of Brock's neck. "I'll keep making sure you feel it." He pressed a series of kisses along the other man's jaw.

Brock slanted his head back, so his throat and jaw were exposed and easy to claim. His breathing was shaky as Steve kissed him. They still hadn't talked about if he would be punished or not, but he found himself not wanting to say anything, because it would change the whole tone and he selfishly wanted his Dom to stay happy with him, not be thinking about how disobedient he'd been.

Steve smiled at the submission; at Brock exposing more to him. He continued to kiss along the other man's jaw, brushing his lips against Brock's before kissing down to the pulse point in his neck.

Brock's pulse was beating rapidly, showing how affected he was by Steve's actions. He whimpered softly again, unable to keep from shifting slightly, then hissing quietly as the sting was stoked again.

Steve kissed the pulse point a few times and then let his lips move lower, towards one of Brock's nipples. Using his hands on the other man's bottom to hold him steady, Steve took the nipple into his mouth.

Brock twitched as he felt Steve's mouth tugging his nipple inside. "...Captain..." He whimpered, his member twitching and getting slightly hard at Steve's actions. He arched his back so it would be easier for Steve to reach.

Steve sucked and licked Brock's nipple. By the time he released it, the effects were obvious. "Red and swollen. The perfect look," he murmured, before giving the other nipple the same treatment.

By the time Steve had finished making his nipple ache and moved to the next, Brock's member was fully swollen and aching as well. "...Captain..." he sobbed out in a needy voice, arching his back so much he was leaning onto the table, only a few inches from being laid out like a buffet.

Since Brock was already nearly in that position anyway, Steve moved the plates to the side so that he could spread the other man onto the table, beginning to trail kisses down over his chest and stomach.

Brock whined softly, his body quivering and squirming under Steve's kisses. He couldn't hold still for the larger man, pressing his legs together tightly; effectively trapping his Dom, since Steve was settled between them.

Steve ran his hands down Brock's legs, resting them on his thighs. "I'm going to claim you every way, inside and out," he promised. "I'll bend you over this table."

Brock's eyes were wide on Steve's face and he groaned at the words, loosening his thighs as he felt Steve's hands, pushing his legs into Steve's hands. "...Yours, Captain..." he whispered, in a submissive and very need voice.

Steve spread Brock's legs, exposing his inner thighs. He began to steadily swat there, even as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of the other man's member, then licked it.

Brock's member twitched under Steve's tongue and he whimpered with such obvious need he couldn't help but blush. His inner thighs began to sting, and he opened them wider so Steve could smack harder.

Responding to the movement, Steve started swatting Brock's inner thighs harder; not at full strength, but not gentle, either. He engulfed Brock's member into his mouth.

Brock's breath caught in his chest with a gurgle and it took several seconds and his vision beginning to swim before he was able to draw in a loud, ragged breath. And then he was begging. "...Please... please, Cap... please... yours... only yours..." Brock whimpered, whined and sobbed as he began to squirm wildly, unable to control himself.

Steve slid his hands up Brock's hips, squeezing gently to indicate the other man had permission to release.

And just like that, Brock did release, his body going into shuddering spasms that seemed to last forever. His vision whited out and all sound was sucked out of the room as his release left him. When it was over, he lay limp and pliant on the table, still spread out and open for Steve to claim, but nearly boneless in relief. "...Yours..." he whispered, in weak voice.

Steve pulled back carefully, licking the taste of Brock from his lips. Now that his need to possess was sated, somewhat, he could think a bit more clearly. Reaching out, he helped Brock to stand. "We've been moving so fast, we probably want to discuss some things," he murmured.

Brock's legs shook under him and he had to hold onto Steve to keep his balance. "Y... yessir..." he finally was able to respond. "I belong to you..." He sounded a bit in shock. "What else is there to say?" The question was honest. To him, the most important thing had been established.

Walking back through to the living room, Steve sat on the couch and settled Brock on his lap, parting his legs so that less weight would rest on the other man's backside. "The main thing, I suppose, is how much you want others to know. I don't mean about how we feel about each other - I don't intend to hide that - but dominating you."

"I guess... that depends on if you plan for me to work with you..." Brock whispered. "I'm not sure your team would be able work with me as an equal. If they knew... "

"I'm not even sure what's going to happen from now," Steve admitted. "We had five years with no battles to fight...then bringing everyone back and battling Thanos. And with everyone back, there's the mess with the Accords, too. Staying here with the others might not be an option."

Brock frowned. "Surely, after everything you did to help the world, they'd forgive everything and let you have a life here...."

"There was a lot that went wrong, too," Steve admitted. "We split into opposite sides over the Accords. I'd like to reach an understanding; I never felt good about how things ended up." Especially with Tony. "I guess it depends on how hard the governments push; and if they do, will anyone else push back?"

"Seems to me, the world will be readjusting to having everyone back again. That will take all their efforts, so I would like to think they wouldn't be so focused on those accords. But I'm not a politician...." Brock smiled crookedly. "Whatever happens, I go where you lead me...."

Steve nodded. "There was no question about that. No matter what happens from now on, I'm not losing you."

Brock smiled, leaning forward and nuzzling against Steve's chest. "Thank you, sir...for coming for me...."

Wrapping his arms tighter around the other man, Steve said, "There was no question about bringing you back. Not knowing I had the chance to save you."

"You could have just let life play out the way it was originally. A lot of people would have. Would have said altering time wasn’t a good idea..." Brock said quietly.

Steve shook his head. "The way I felt after believing you were HYDRA? And then finding out that you weren't? There's no way I could have left you there. Just because I didn't act then doesn't mean I didn't feel anything." He let his head rest gently against Brock's.

"I was playing a role, Cap... it wasn't your fault I fooled you. You could have just moved on and no one woulda been wiser. Instead, you forgave me for the lies and came after me.... I didn't even know you wanted me like this...." Brock blushed. He'd hidden his own wants for years. But Steve had pulled them out of him and there was no way to put them back inside.

"This time around, I wasn't going to ignore how I felt," Steve admitted. "I did for too long, thinking there was enough time. We had missions together for a whole year." He sighed. "I think my only excuse is that I've not been used to taking what I want."

"I... I'm glad you decided to take this time..." Brock admitted.

"So am I," Steve said honestly. "But the moment I saw you in the elevator, I knew I wasn't going to back down."

Brock smiled, letting his head rest against Steve's. "I belong to you..." he said, with a sense of wonder.

"For good," Steve promised, kissing his hair. "I don't need to tell you that you won't be going on any more undercover missions, do I?"

"No, Sir. I won’t be doing anything if you don't authorize it first..." Brock whispered.

"Good." Steve relaxed visibly at the response, running his fingers through Brock's hair.

Brock closed his eyes and let his head press into Steve's hand. "Is there anything else I need to know, sir? About what you expect?"

"No dangerous behavior," Steve murmured. "Honesty. Don't lie to me or hide things. No disobedience...but I think we already covered that one."

Brock bit his lip. "Yessir. You... you never punished me for disobeying... you said if I thought about it and decided I needed it..." He wrinkled his nose unhappily. "I... I don't feel like I need it, exactly... don't wanna be punished... but I feel like I deserve to be." He slumped dejectedly.

"My question was more to do with you seeing if you felt any guilt," Steve said. "If you didn't feel like it was enough." He ran his thumb over Brock's lip to encourage the other man to stop biting it.

Brock obediently released his lip. "The spanking didn't feel like punishment. Maybe it was supposed to, but all I could think about was how you were finally claiming me and... I liked it..." He blushed. "I didn't think I'm meant to like punishments...."

"No, but it wasn't intended to be a punishment," Steve said. "When I got you in position, I knew it was going to be about claiming you. Finally."

Brock swallowed. "Yessir... but... even if I wasn't yours yet... you still had authority over me, and I disobeyed. I... shouldn't have done that..." Brock's voice trailed off as he realized he might sound as if he was trying to convince his Master to punish him.

"No," Steve agreed. "You shouldn't have disobeyed me. So, the question is, do you feel guilty? Like you got away with disobedience?"

Brock swallowed hard, then reluctantly looked up into Steve's eyes. "Yessir..." he whispered, knowing that he'd likely just got himself consequences. He could have said no, he didn't feel like he got away with it.... but he wasn't supposed to lie.

Steve cupped his hand against Brock's cheek. "And why was disobeying me wrong?" he asked.

"Because it was disrespectful... and it could have been dangerous... and if you couldn't find me... you might have had to leave me behind...." Brock whispered his voice sad.

"Exactly those things," Steve said quietly. "If I couldn't bring you here, we wouldn't be together now." He moved Brock carefully, over his lap; but this time, positioning the other man face up and raising his legs.

Brock was obviously startled and confused by the position but didn't argue or question in the least. "I'm sorry, Cap..." he whispered.

"I know. But you shouldn't have disobeyed me. You could have been captured by HYDRA. Any number of things could have happened, and I never would have known." Steve clasped Brock's legs, giving his bottom a fairly mild swat, since he knew the other man was already sore.

Hearing Steve explain why he was wrong, while the other man looked into his eyes and swatted him, cut through any excuses Brock might have made for himself. He knew he'd disappointed his Dom and that just cut. Almost immediately, tears pooled in his eyes and fell down his face.

Delivering another mild swat and then continuing to swat in time with each word, Steve continued, "If I give you an order, it's for a reason. If you disagree, that's fine. We'll work it out. But you don't let me think that you'll obey and then go against my instructions the moment I'm out of sight."

"No, sir... I won't, sir... it was wrong and I'm so sorry..." Brock's voice was shaky and his lower lip quivered.

"It was wrong," Steve agreed. "But I believe you're sorry. And I forgive you. I always will," he promised.

"You believe me?" Brock's voice was tight with his efforts not to sob. "You forgive me?" His voice caught and then he began crying vocally.

Steve brought the spanking to a stop and moved Brock back onto his lap, cuddling him tightly. "And I love you," he finished.

"I love you too, Sir! So, so much..." Brock continued to cry, pressing as close to Steve as was physically possible.

Steve wrapped his arms tightly around Brock, kissing the side of his head. "You don't need to feel guilty anymore," he promised.

"Thank you, sir... " Brock whispered, beginning to sniffle as his crying eased. "I... am I staying with you in your room? I know this isn't your house. Where will we live when we leave here...?" What he wanted to ask was if he'd be sleeping with Steve, but he suddenly felt bashful... which was foolish. The man had blistered his bottom several times over and gone down on him. Why be bashful?

"I do have an apartment in the city," Steve said. "We can stay here tonight. Drive there tomorrow. It'll give us a chance to get you some new clothes."

Brock nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Cap... for taking care of me...." He shifted close enough to wrap his arms around the larger man and hug.

"I always will," Steve promised, hugging Brock tightly in return.

"What now, Sir?" Brock couldn't help but ask. The day was still fairly young; the sun wouldn't go down for at least another couple of hours. As sore as he was, Brock wanted Steve to continue controlling him. Even if it was the larger man giving him chores and ordering them done...  he wanted Steve asserting his control.

Steve stroked through Brock's hair and kissed him. "Since I can't imagine you're not sore, we'll clean up here. You can clean up from our meal. I should probably wash my pants."

Brock glanced down at those words and blushed, although there was a tiny smile on his face when he looked at his Master's jeans. "Yessir..." he whispered, not even attempting to hide the self-satisfied amusement in his voice. Seeing the mess, he had left, was a lot easier way to see the power and control Steve had over him than twisting around to see his scarlet bottom. But it was also a little funny, if embarrassing. He stepped away from Steve and went to clean up the kitchen.

Standing up, Steve headed to put his pants on to wash, also adding in some of the laundry left by Tony and Pepper. Once he was done, he planned to call Pepper and check on how Tony was doing.

It didn't take long for Brock to clean up; of course, Steve was the type to clean up his own messes as he made them... there was little left to do but wash the dishes they ate from and wipe down the table. He used disinfectant wipes on that, given he'd been lying naked on it. Looking around to be sure everything was in place, he walked back out to find Steve.

He could see photographs on the fireplace mantel and walked over to look. He recognized Tony and Pepper easily, though they were older than he remembered them appearing when he'd seen them on TV. The small girl was a surprise. "I really am ten years in the future..." he whispered.

Steve walked back into the room, in time to hear Brock's comment to himself. He walked over to the other man and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist, kissing his neck. "At least you're safe." He let his hands rest possessively on the other man's waist as he stood with Brock, looking at the pictures.


It was difficult. Five years had gone by with the snap of a finger; this time literally. Five years that he didn't have any memories of. It was ridiculous to feel this upset at the fact; it wasn't like he hadn't experienced time-loss before. You'd think he'd be used to it by now. He wasn't even alone in the experience this time. But... he'd lost Natasha and she wasn't coming back, and in the past, he never really remembered the loss. This time he did. He wished he could have said goodbye.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Bucky walked into what was currently serving as SHIELD headquarters. He needed a job. Some way to keep his head and hands occupied. And given his skillset and issues... he figured SHIELD was his best chance of finding what he needed. Stopping in the lobby, he glanced around. First things first. He'd had a Big Gulp at the hospital, which ended up being a Big Mistake. He quickly made a beeline for the restrooms.

Trying to organize the SHIELD agents, at least those who had come back, had been a nightmare. Maria had been helping Fury, but it was still a headache, especially when it came to those agents who had been deep in mission and who had been dropped right back where they'd been snapped away from.

The whole morning had been exhausting. Fury had finally managed to eat something and now he'd gone to the restroom; stood at one of the urinals, he tried to clear his mind and figure out what his next move was.

Bucky wasn't really paying attention at first when he rushed to the closest urinal. Normally, he would have given more space between them; there wasn't anyone else in the room, after all, but he had to go bad and so he ended up right next to the tall black man. He let out a relieved sigh when he was finally in position and no longer having to hold.

A little surprised to see Bucky here at SHIELD, Fury spoke with a brief glance at the other man's face. "I take it you have no memories of the last five years either." The comment was casual; maybe more of an outreach than anything else.

Bucky looked over at that, blinking as he recognized the older man. "No... nothing I haven't had to deal with before, Sir. I don't know why this one hurts so much worse...." He didn't know why he'd just said that either. After what he'd done to Nick Fury, he didn't expect the older man to have any sympathy for him.

Fury frowned his eyes narrowed slightly in concern. "We've lost a lot of good people," he agreed. "The loss has hit us all hard." Almost automatically, he reached out and gently squeezed Bucky's shoulder.

Bucky gave Fury a startled look. He hadn't expected concern, even if he could allow the man didn't hate him. "Yessir... you... you were friends with her too. She respected the hell out of you, Sir..." he found himself saying, before finishing up and adjusting his clothing. Reluctantly, he stepped away from Fury to wash his hands.

"We all miss her," Fury said. "And I don't think anyone will forget about her. If you feel the need to talk, though...I'm available." He finished as well, replacing his own clothing and moving to wash his hands.

"She always said you were good to talk to. You didn't hold her past against her...." She'd also encouraged Bucky to talk to Fury, but Bucky remembered trying to kill the other man; putting him into the hospital. He'd figured the man would never want to see him, let alone talk. He felt guilt over a lot of things he did, but the worst guilt was from things he'd done that had affected those he cared about directly or indirectly. He felt a lot of guilt about Fury and he couldn't keep it out of his voice.

"I don't hold yours against you either," Fury said seriously. "It's not as if you were in control of your own actions."

Bucky gave Fury a wan smile. "I blame me... even if I had no power to stop it...." He paused. "I am sorry. For what I did to you. Did to your people. If I could undo it all...."

Fury reached out and rested his hand on Bucky's shoulder, squeezing gently. "I don't have a lot more I can do here, so I'll take you home and we can have a more in-depth discussion there," he stated. His hand slid down the other man's arm, squeezing lightly.

Bucky blinked at the words but found himself immediately responding to the authority in Fury's voice. "Yes, Sir..." He shifted to follow Fury. "I… uh... walked here from the hospital... thought I'd look into a job or something...." He left the rest hanging because he wasn't sure what to say. His therapist thought he needed to learn to be more assertive and make decisions. The therapist didn't understand how difficult that was after decades of not having choice or the ability to make a decision. Fury telling him what they would do next was more comforting than it probably should be.

"Then we can just take my car," Fury stated. He led the way out of the restroom and towards the parking lot, walking next to Bucky rather than in front; walking close enough to him that their bodies could touch.

Bucky found himself relaxing at Fury's proximity. Very few people wanted to be that close to him. Most kept at least a foot between him and them. "Yes, sir..." he found himself repeating, as he obediently walked with the older man.

Fury stayed close to Bucky as they walked to his car. He opened the passenger door and guided Bucky into the seat, almost unconsciously, before moving round to the driver's side and getting in.

Bucky didn't feel odd at all about Fury settling him in the car. He was reacting to the older man by becoming more submissive and obedient. He felt more secure doing so.

Fury began driving back to his apartment. "When we get to my place, we're going to deal with that guilt you're feeling and then talk about what's going to happen next," he said.

Bucky swallowed hard. "Yessir..." he said, in a quiet, accepting voice. He'd carried this guilt for a long time. If Fury could help him alleviate it....

Fury let one hand settle gently on Bucky's thigh, giving it a light squeeze. The contact was almost automatic. He was reacting to Bucky's submission by slipping into a more dominant mindset.

Bucky looked down at Fury's hand, almost mesmerized by its placement. "Most people don't want to touch me," he whispered.

Fury squeezed a bit more firmly. "I want to," he replied. "And as long as you don't ask me to stop, I'm gonna keep on."

Bucky blinked at that. "I... I won't ask you to stop, Sir..." He faintly blushed, since he'd just admitted to liking it.

"Good." Fury slid his hand up Bucky's thigh, untucking his shirt and sliding his hand up over Bucky's chest.

Bucky stiffened nervously but didn’t pull away. "Sir?" His breath was shaky.

"I told you. Unless you ask me to stop, I'm going to carry on," Fury said, letting his hand rub gently over Bucky's chest.

Bucky swallowed hard, finding it hard to collect his thoughts. It felt good. But it been so long since anyone other than Stevie or Natasha had touched him with affection. Shuri had spoken to him affectionately, but the Wakanda girl had made sure there was appropriate distance between them at all times. "Wh... what if I don't know? If... if I should ask you to or not?" His voice shook slightly.

"If it makes you feel uncomfortable, that's a good sign to ask." Fury moved his hand back to Bucky's thigh. "If something feels good, not wrong, it's okay to ask for more."

"Wh... what if it feels good and right, but scares me?" Bucky blushed, feeling pretty pathetic at what he felt was behaving like an inexperienced virgin. He remembered enough to know he was far from that.

"That's a signal to go slower. To take time." Fury gently squeezed his thigh.

Bucky swallowed again, nodding and sliding down in the car seat. "Okay, sir ..." he whispered. "I... I like you touching me..." he admitted hesitantly. "E... every time I liked something it'd go away..." That had been true of people too. Bucky didn't say that.

"I'm not going to go away," Fury promised, leaving his hand in place. "And as long as you like it, I'm not going to stop touching you."

Bucky gave Fury a bashful smile. "Thank you, Sir...."

Reaching his apartment, Fury parked outside and looked at Bucky. "I'm going to come ‘round and get you out. Stay put until I do." He gave Bucky's thigh another squeeze, and then got out of the car.

Bucky paused at the order but could see no reason to disobey. He stayed put as Fury got out and walked around.

Opening the passenger door, Fury reached in and guided Bucky out, keeping a hand on the other man's arm as he headed to the door of his apartment.

Bucky looked around curiously, taking in the scenery, location... security. He followed Fury meekly.

Fury kept touching Bucky as he led the other man inside the living room and to the couch, taking a seat and drawing Bucky down next to him. He then wrapped his arm around Bucky's shoulders.

Bucky only stiffened for a second when he felt Fury's arm around him... and then he just melted into the other man. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you, sir...." he whispered, curling in on himself so he seemed even smaller, Fury dwarfing him.

Fury wrapped both arms around Bucky, hugging the other man tightly to himself. "You don't need to apologize again. I forgave you already." He stroked Bucky's back as he added, "But I'll still help you with that guilt."

"What do I need to do?" Bucky asked, in a tiny voice. "I can hold still while you beat me, but if you use more than your fists, you might need to tie me down...."

Almost convulsively, Fury tightened his arms around Bucky. "I'm not gonna beat you. I'm going to put you across my lap, take your pants down and spank you."

Bucky tensed as Fury's grip tightened, afraid he'd said something wrong. And then the words broke through to him and he looked up at Fury with wide eyes. "Like a little kid?!" He blushed as his voice squeaked.

"It doesn't tend to be just used on kids," Fury answered. "It's an effective punishment on adults, too. A way to correct without causing permanent or even lasting harm. Something you use when you truly care about the person."

"You care about me?" Bucky latched onto what he viewed as the most important information.

"Yeah. I do." Fury's response was given without any hesitation. "You were just as famous as Steve in history. Seeing you and spending time with you? That just makes me like and care about you even more."

Bucky blushed. "I... I'd like to get to know you better too, Sir. If that's okay."

"More than okay," Fury commented. "In the meantime...soon as you're ready to get the spanking out of the way, you let me know."

Bucky leaned against Fury for a few moments longer before shifting. "I'm ready, sir."

Fury carefully moved Bucky over his lap, settling the younger man in place and securing him with an arm wrapped around his waist, pushing the shirt up to allow for contact with bare skin. Fury then tugged Bucky's pants down.

Bucky shivered as Fury bared him, but he didn't make a sound. He'd learned early on not to make noise when being punished.

Fury rubbed gently over Bucky's bottom for a few moments. "I don't blame you for what you did for HYDRA. But I'm going to spank you because I care about you and I want you to be able to forgive yourself. Or at least to be able to start." He delivered a firm smack that he then repeated.

Fury's words cut through any defenses Bucky had formed, which weren't many. He wanted this, after all. "Thank you, sir. I want things to be right between us... need to somehow pay... thank you for helping...."

Delivering a full circuit of swats down to Bucky's thighs, Fury then paused to once more rub his bottom. "I'll always help you," he promised. "I want you." He paused. He hadn't intended to say that just yet, but he wouldn't take it back.

Bucky had managed not too say anything or move too much, though he did twitch. It was more a testament to the harsh conditioning he'd gone through than any desire to fight Fury, though. At Fury's words, he did speak. "You want me to work for you?" he asked quietly.

"Not just work for me," Fury replied. "To be mine." He wasn't unobservant; it hadn't taken much to realize that not only was Brock Rumlow now currently alive, but that Steve had pretty much taken charge of the agent.

Bucky wasn't unobservant, either, even if he wasn't entirely sure of himself. "Be yours like Brock is gonna be Stevie's?" His voice was small.

"Yeah. Exactly like that." Fury let his hand linger on Bucky's backside, not immediately resuming swatting.

"You'd be my Master?" Bucky didn't seem offended or upset at the thought.

"Or whatever you'd like to call me," Fury replied.

"Director is easy to use wherever we are. Won't bother people who don't understand. It's not special, though..." Bucky hadn't shifted from his position over Fury's knee. He felt safe and comfortable. "My therapist says I need to learn to make decisions and be in charge of myself. Maybe she's right, but this is the first time I've felt okay in a long time...." He sighed softly.

Fury continued rubbing his hand gently over Bucky's bottom. "Submitting to me is making a decision," he commented. "You can always call me Director when we're around others. Master when it's just us. Or even just us, Steve and Brock."

"I think I'd like that... Master..." Bucky waited for Fury's response. Waited to see if that felt right or not. It didn't feel quite right to him, but if Fury liked it....

Fury gently squeezed Bucky's right buttock. "I like that too," he said. "Being your master."

"I want you to be my master, Sir..." Bucky smiled. The name would sort itself out in time. It was the act of belonging to Fury that was most important.

"I'm glad." Fury gave his bottom another gentle squeeze. "Mine," he added, because it felt right.

Bucky squirmed slightly, because the squeezing felt good. "It doesn't hurt..." he whispered.

Fury gave his backside another gentle rub and squeeze. "You're mine now. And it's my decision whether it hurts or not."

"Yes, sir..." Bucky was okay with that. He'd wanted punishment so he could stop feeling guilty. But if he belonged to Fury, then he didn’t have to feel guilty if Fury felt he didn't need to punish him harshly. It was up to his master.

Bucky's shirt was already rucked up and his pants pulled down out of the way. It took only a few moments to remove his clothing entirely, leaving him naked over Fury's knees.

Bucky whimpered softly as he was completely bared; not because he was naked over Fury's lap, but because his scars were all visible now.

Fury let his hand stroke gently over the scars covering the other man's body. "These are part of what make you who you are now. They shouldn't be hidden from me."

Bucky quivered, both at the touch and the words. "They are ugly..." He whimpered.

"No part of you is ugly," Fury disagreed. "And every part of you belongs to me." He continued to stroke over the scars, without any hesitation or disgust.

Bucky quivered again but was slowly relaxing under Fury's touch. "Yours, Vash...." he said quietly.

"Mine," Fury agreed. "Don't ever feel ashamed. Don't ever feel like you have to hide. You don't. I promise you that. Not from me."

"Yes, Sir, can't hide from you. I'm yours..." He paused before adding on, "...Moy."

"You're mine and I'm yours." Fury continued stroking over every part of Bucky's body, scars and unblemished skin included.

"Yes, sir..." Bucky breathed. "We belong to each other." He kept in place as Fury explored his body.

"You're doing good," Fury praised him. "You're being good for me."

Bucky shivered in happiness at the praise. "I want to be good for you, Moy."

"You are. So good." Fury continued exploring his body, stroking his hands down Bucky's neck, back...over his bottom and down his legs. Squeezing and rubbing possessively.

Bucky had learned not to react, but that was to pain. Pleasure was an entirely different animal and he found himself incapable of holding still. He began to squirm, rubbing himself against Fury without thought... as if trying to blend them into one... or leave his scent all over the older man to mark him. "...Moy..." he sobbed out softly, his voice betraying that he was confused about his feelings and reactions, but he wasn't holding back. He was giving everything to his Master.

"I have you," Fury promised. "You're mine now. It's okay to be uncertain. It's even okay to be scared. But I'm right here. I won't let you go."

Bucky wasn't sure why, but he believed Fury completely and that allowed him to let go entirely. His body went limp over Fury's lap and while it still twitched and shifted in response to what Fury did, it was definitely a response and not something Bucky had any control over. The younger man also began to let out tiny, needy whimpers.

The biggest sign he’d given all control to Fury was the sudden erection. He'd been trained to keep that part of him strictly off; HYDRA used him as an assassin, not a spy and they didn't want him to have any human interaction of any sort that might break their hold; but he'd given up control over that part of himself as well. When he realized what was occurring, he didn't try and get away. He stayed in place and cried uncertainly, not sure if he would be punished for the lapse in control or not.

"It's all right," Fury soothed. "You're not in trouble for how you're reacting. You're not going to be punished. As long as you're not holding back your reactions, everything's fine. You're doing good," he promised.

"N... no hiding from you, Sir... belong to you..." Bucky's voice was shaky. His body shuddered with need.

Fury very carefully turned Bucky over, so that the other man lay face-up across his lap. He let his fingers glide over the front of Bucky's body; exploring, caressing, stroking, squeezing.

Bucky's eyes widened as he was turned over and the exploration continued. He didn't fight or try to move, even though he blushed darkly at Fury being able to see how aroused and out of control he was. His nipples were as hard as his member and his stomach was visibly quivering. "...Moy..." he whispered helplessly, managing to remain loose limbed and limp for Fury to control.

Fury let his hand rest gently on Bucky's chest, just below his neck. "You're safe," he promised, his other hand resting on the other man's quivering stomach. "I've got you. How you're reacting? It's okay. It's normal."

"...Not mad?" he asked, in a trembling voice. "...Still good for you?" He had needed someone to step in for so long. Now that Fury had, all he wanted was to be good for the other man. Make his master proud and happy.

"Still good. Still very good," Fury promised. While possessive, his touches were still gentle. Still affectionate. It was obvious Bucky hadn't had much affection and Fury planned to keep touching. Keep stroking. Make it clear Bucky didn't have to hurt.

Bucky slowly relaxed as he realized Fury meant it. He wasn't in trouble for his body's reactions. The older man wanted his reactions... all of them... it wasn't a trick. "Belong to you, sir..." he whispered, almost hesitantly this time. Not because he was changing his mind, but because Fury seemed more interested in making him feel safe and cared about than taking what he'd given. It was confusing. Did the older man not want him or need anything from him? He wasn't used to belonging to someone who wouldn't use him.

"You do," Fury agreed. "You're mine. And I'm yours. I want you to feel safe; to know that you're cared about. That you won't be hurt because of how you react." He slid his hand up over Bucky's neck, touching the other man's chin. "I want you. I want to make you feel good and cared about. Loved," he added.

"But... I'm not doing anything for you, Sir..." Bucky's confusion was clear, though it was obvious he believed Nick. He hadn't shifted from the position the older man put him and he wasn't attempting to hide his body or how it was affected.

Fury gently parted Bucky's legs, running his fingers along the other man's inner thighs. Squeezing and stroking. "You're doing exactly what I want you to," he said. "Letting me touch and caress you."

Bucky sighed at the gentleness, his member twitching at the proximity of Fury's hand. He didn't shift or anything to encourage, or beg to be touched there, though. Fury owned him and was in control. And truthfully, Bucky would be happy never being touched there if it meant the gentle affection would continue. He hadn't realized how comforting such gentleness could be, or how safe it made him feel.

Continuing to stroke and caress between Bucky's thighs, Fury's other hand slid up to gently clasp the other man's cheek. He leaned down and let his lips brush against Bucky's; the kiss gentle and soft.

Bucky blinked at the gentle kiss, waiting almost a few seconds too late before he hesitantly returned it. His smile was hesitant and almost innocent. And it was clear in his eyes that the kiss had calmed a lot of his nervousness. People didn't kiss people they didn’t care about. Not like that, anyway.

Fury brushed another kiss over Bucky's lips and then one to each of his cheeks; his forehead; his chin. Each kiss was gentle and soft. He kept the contact with Bucky's inner thighs light and soothing; almost tickling.

Bucky didn't know what was wrong with him. The gentle kisses touched a part deep inside, though and he found himself silently crying, even as he began to press into the affection; not moving from position, but still attempting to get closer to his master.

Fury began to kiss the tears from Bucky's cheeks, still caressing and stroking over his legs and inner thighs. Between kisses, he murmured, "I'll take you upstairs soon. Lay you out on my bed and kiss and caress you. Then I'll turn you over and do the exact same thing."

Bucky shivered at the words, his breath catching. "Please, sir? Belong to you. Wanna be owned...." His voice caught.

While he didn't have any actual enhanced strength, Fury had trained a lot. It was easy to lift Bucky into his arms, moving the other man so he was over Fury's shoulder, an arm clasped around his legs to keep him secure.

Bucky's breath caught as he was lifted. The position was unfamiliar to him, but he liked it. Liked the feeling of being under his master's control.

Fury carried Bucky carefully up the stairs, touching and stroking the other man all over the lower half of his body. Then, in the bedroom, as promised, he carefully placed Bucky on the bed. Settling over the other man, he began to glide his fingers over Bucky's ribs and hips, gently squeezing every so often.

"Like you over me..." Bucky said, with a hint of wonder. "...Feels safe..." he said, as if he hadn’t expected to feel safe with someone over him.

"You are safe," Fury promised, kissing his lips and then each of his cheeks; soft and gentle. "And wanted and loved," he added.

Bucky hesitantly arched up so he could kiss back.  "Thank you, Moy..." he whispered.

Fury cupped Bucky's cheek in one hand. "I've got you," he promised, before pressing a kiss to his neck; one each to his shoulders.

"Forever? You got me forever?" Bucky whimpered.

"Forever," Fury promised. "You're mine now. There's no going back." He kissed Bucky, gently and lingeringly.

Bucky sighed into the kiss, returning it just as gently and lingering. "Good... that's good."

Fury stayed there for a few moments, just tasting Bucky's lips, and then began to press soft kisses down over Bucky's neck, towards his chest.

Bucky shivered and moaned softly. "Love you, master..." He shifted so his neck and chest were more available.

Fury didn't nip or otherwise use his teeth. Instead, he continued to kiss, gently and lingeringly, over the other man's body. "I love you and you're mine," he murmured against Bucky's skin.

"Only yours...  no one else's..." Bucky whimpered. He didn't want to be shared.

"I'll never let anyone else have you or own you." Fury kissed down over Bucky's stomach.

Bucky's stomach quivered at the kisses. "Thank you, master. Only want to be yours..."

Fury continued to kiss down Bucky's body, down over his legs. He then followed the same path his lips had taken with his hands, stroking and squeezing.

"Feels good, master... so good..." Bucky whimpered, beginning to cry softly.

Fury let one hand brush gently over Bucky's cheeks, wiping away the tears. "My soldier," he murmured, the tone very possessive.

"Always, master. Your soldier..." Bucky whispered, his tone needy.

Fury let his hand glide downwards, towards Bucky's member. As he grasped it, he pressed another gentle kiss to Bucky's lips.

Bucky's hips thrust up, out of his control, when Fury grasped him. He'd been painfully aroused for several minutes, but ignoring it, used to ignoring any needs that weren't meant to keep him alive. Now his master was laying claim to him and he couldn't ignore it. He sobbed quietly. "...Master...."

"This is about making you feel good, my soldier," Fury murmured. "Don't hold back. Don't fight how you feel. It's okay to let go." He started stroking gently over Bucky's member, kissing him repeatedly.

Bucky returned the kisses, becoming less hesitant and more responsive the longer Fury kissed him. He squirmed more and more frantically, the longer Fury controlled his member. He didn't hold any reaction back from his master.

"Let go," Fury murmured against his lips. "You don't need to hold back." He began to stroke a bit more firmly.

And Bucky did let go, his quiet sobs turning to sobs of desperation as he thrust into his Master's hand. "...Master..." he whined, seconds before his eyes rolled back in his head and he began to shudder in release.

Fury kissed Bucky's neck, fingers gently stroking over the other man's chest.

Bucky instinctively slanted his head, exposing his neck, otherwise collapsing under his master as the last of his release escaped, coating his stomach.

"I love you." Fury ran his fingers through Bucky's hair, brushing it from his face.

"Love you too..." Bucky's voice was raspy as he slowly came down. "Feels so good..." he admitted, lying loose so Fury could do or take anything he wanted.

"I think it's about time you felt good rather than used or a tool," Fury said quietly. "You're not a tool to me. You're mine. My soldier."

"You take good care of me..." Bucky sounded mystified by the fact.

"Because you deserve to be taken care of," Fury said. "To be loved."

"...Wanna take care of you too, sir... wanna be good for you...." Bucky whispered.

"That's what you're doing," Fury reassured him. "Letting me take care of you is you being good for me."

"Letting you take care of me is good? Makes you happy?" Bucky swallowed.

"Very happy," Fury promised. "Bringing you home here felt right as soon as we walked through the door. You'll be living here, with me, from now on," he added.

Bucky nodded. "Yessir. Don't wanna be away from you... need to be close where you can touch and control and take whatever you want..." Bucky blurted. He hadn't realized how much he needed that until he had it given to him. He wouldn't willingly leave.

Fury stretched out on top of Bucky, wrapping his arms tightly around the other man and kissing his cheek. "If you have anything you need to pick up, I'll go with you to do that. For the time being, you're not leaving my sight."

"I never had time to get many belongings..." Bucky admitted. "What little I had was in Wakanda when Thanos attacked..." He loosened his limbs so Fury could settle more fully on him. "I borrowed clothes from Sam and Stevie.... I prolly need to go shopping. If you want to be the one to dress me...."

Fury tightened his arms around Bucky, kissing his shoulder and then his neck. "I'll take you shopping," he said. "Clothe you. Feed you. Keep you."

"Like a favorite pet..." Bucky said, with a hint of amusement and a hint of satisfaction. He didn't mind being his master's pet.

"You're mine. To take care of and love," Fury said, the tone very possessive.

"And you're mine... to love, obey and defend..." Bucky said somberly.

Fury kissed his neck. "You're home now," he said seriously.

Bucky's smile was serene. "I felt home, the moment you got me...."

"Good." Fury held him close, kissing his hair and running his fingers through it. "I've got enough food for the next few days, but we might want to pick up some extra bits when we go clothes shopping."

Bucky nodded. "Maybe tomorrow?" His voice was hesitant. He didn't want to seem like he was even remotely making decisions for his master, but he wanted to stay home in Fury's arms for the night.

"Tomorrow's fine." Kissing his cheek, Fury added, "You're allowed to make suggestions. Offer advice. Say if you want or need something. The final decision might be mine, but I want you to have input."

"Okay, sir... I... I'll try. It might take me a while to get used to it...." Bucky admitted.

"I know," Fury replied. "I just want you to know that I'll never be upset with you for speaking your mind. Even if you find yourself disagreeing with me about something, you should never feel afraid to talk to me."

Bucky nodded solemnly before nuzzling against Fury's shoulder. "Thank you, sir."

Fury stroked his hair. "I love you. And I know things have been hard for you. But I'm right here with you," he promised.

"I know. I... I appreciate that. I need you...." Bucky nuzzled some more, pressing soft kisses against the older man's chest.

"Do you want to touch? Explore?" Fury murmured. "You're welcome to do that. If you need permission, you have it."

Bucky let out a shaky breath and immediately started touching, letting his hand ghost over Fury to memorize how he felt. He kissed and breathed in deeply, everywhere he touched. But he was very careful not to move out from under Fury, liking the feel of his master's weight on him... finding it comforting.

Fury shifted only enough to allow Bucky to touch and explore where he wanted. He continued to pin Bucky to the bed, though followed the movement of the other man's hand.

"I like being pinned by you..." Bucky admitted hesitantly. "I wasn't sure I would... but I do...."

Fury let his fingers stroke along Bucky's cheek. "I'm glad you like that."

"I thought I'd get scared. But it helps me feel protected...." Bucky blushed.

"I want to protect you. I want you to feel safe. Loved. Wanted. Needed." Fury kissed his cheek. "You don't need to feel embarrassed."

Bucky wrinkled his nose. "Even if it... affects me?" He blushed again, since it would be obvious what he meant.

"It's not a problem," Fury promised. "If it affects you, that's a good thing. You don't need to keep that kind of control over yourself."

"I've kept control so long, it's hard to let go unless you tell me to..." Bucky winced.

"I understand." Fury stroked through his hair. "It's something to work on." And speaking of working on things.... "We'll be getting you clothes and picking up groceries tomorrow. If you'd like, we can pick up a few extra bits. Invite Steve and Brock to join us for dinner."

"That'd be good... I'd like to see them, if it's okay..." Bucky admitted.

"Of course." Fury let his hand rest gently on Bucky's chest. "And this is your apartment too now, so would you like to call Steve and invite him?"

Bucky hesitated. "Do you want me to call?" He couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. He wanted to obey.

Fury stroked the side of his face. "I want you to feel comfortable enough to invite your best friend and his partner to our home."

Licking his lip and swallowing, Bucky nodded. "Okay, sir... I'll call Stevie...."

"Do you want to do that cuddled in my arms?" Fury asked.

"Yes, sir!" Bucky blurted, a lot more excitedly than he'd planned. Blushing, he continued, a bit more calmly, "If you don't mind...."

"Not at all." Fury passed Bucky his phone and then wrapped his arms more tightly around the other man, stroking his fingers through Bucky's hair.

Bucky dialed the number from memory, snuggling close to Fury while waiting for Steve to answer.

Steve picked up almost immediately. "Steve Rogers here."

"Stevie... It's Buck..." Bucky said hesitantly.

"Hey, Buck. Everything okay?" Steve sounded worried. Given the issues his oldest friend had been going through, he wasn't sure if Bucky was just calling to talk or if he needed help. He was prepared to spring into action if the latter was true.

"Everything is better than okay, Stevie... I just called to let you know I've moved. I'm gonna be living with Director Fury... and we wanted to invite you to dinner tomorrow night. You and Brock..." Bucky talked so fast, it almost sounded like he was babbling.

"You're living with Fury?" Steve seized on the most important update. "As in roommates? Or like me and Brock?" He wasn't going to assume Bucky hadn't put two and two together about him and Brock. It wasn't like he'd hidden his feelings after bringing his partner back.

"Like you and Brock..." Bucky responded. He saw no reason to hide it. It was a bit of a surprise that Steve had figured it out without ever seeing them together, but Steve was observant. "Would you like to talk to him? Finalize details?"

"That's really good, Buck," Steve said quietly. "I'm glad you've found someone like that. And yeah, I'll talk to Fury to figure out the details...but do you want to tell me what happened first?"

"I walked to SHIELD after going to the hospital with Sam and Bruce. Was gonna apply for a job. Instead, I found Master..." Bucky whispered. "He could tell I needed help. Brought me home and started taking care of me...."

"I'm glad." Steve's voice was filled with sincerity. "I'm really glad you found Fury."

At Bucky's comment, Fury wrapped his arms a bit tighter around the other man, fingers threading through his hair.

Bucky snuggled against Fury, sighing softly as his hair was played with. "I am too, Stevie..." he whispered, before handing the phone to Fury so the plans could be finalized.

Taking the phone, Fury began to make arrangements with Steve, even as he continued running his fingers through Bucky's hair and stroking down over his back.

Bucky continued snuggling close, shifting slightly so Fury could reach his back better.

Finishing making the arrangements, Fury put the phone down and then began to use both hands to squeeze and caress his way down Bucky's back.

"Mmmm...  yours, sir... completely... " Bucky sighed happily.

"Mine." Fury whispered the word, brushing a kiss over Bucky's neck. "You're home," he whispered against Bucky's skin.

"I'm home... thanks to you, sir..." Bucky squirmed under Fury. "I'm where I belong...."

"Exactly where you belong." Fury stroked and squeezed his way down over Bucky's backside and thighs.

Bucky shivered as his body was squeezed and rubbed, his limbs opening up instinctively, leaving him lying under his master in the most vulnerable position he could be in. Letting his master know he was submitting in every way possible.

Fury kissed down the front of Bucky's body, continuing to stroke and squeeze up and down his back. "There'll be nothing holding me back from demonstrating how I feel about you when Steve and Brock are here," he promised.

"Y... you'll own me then too?" Bucky's voice caught and he felt himself begin to slide into a needier headspace. His body was reacting again, and he wasn't hiding it, but he was more focused on Fury than himself. He opened his legs wider in the hopes it would let his master push closer still.

"I'm going to own you all the time," Fury promised. "Whether there are other people around or not." He shifted Bucky's legs, encouraging the other man to wrap them around his waist.

Sighing in relief at his master's encouragement, Bucky wrapped his legs tightly around his master. It eased some of the neediness.

Fury's hand slid down Bucky's legs to grasp hold of his hips. Leaning forward, he kissed Bucky's stomach, fingers gently clasping the other man's backside for better purchase.

Bucky whimpered as his stomach was kissed... his bottom squeezed. "Feels good, sir..." he breathed out in a whisper. It was still hard to believe someone wanted to touch him, to make his body sing in pleasure instead of scream with pain. Most people didn't touch him at all; but, with very few exceptions, when they did, it was to hurt.

"You need to feel good," Fury murmured, pressing more kisses to Bucky's stomach and over his chest. "You deserve to feel good."

Bucky sniffled at that. "All the bad I did... feels like I deserve to hurt..." he whispered. "But... you own me now, so you decide what happens to me. I feel so lucky...."

"My soldier deserves to feel good. To be cared for, not hurt," Fury murmured against his skin, gently squeezing his backside. "You've gone through too much pain."

Bucky squirmed slightly as his bottom was squeezed. "Feels really good, sir..." he admitted with a tiny gasp, his thighs squeezing around Fury's hips before loosening so the older man could move him the way he wanted.

"Good." Fury pressed his hands against Bucky's hips, even while his fingers still focused on the other man's bottom; stroking and squeezing possessively, even while keeping the contact gentle. He pressed a kiss to Bucky's chest and another one to his neck.

"I'm yours... " Bucky smiled happily, squirming a little bit more. It was hard for him to understand Fury making him feel so good but not taking anything for himself. He didn't argue or beg, though. If his master didn't want him, then he'd give Fury whatever he did want.

"Mine, in every way possible," Fury promised. "I want you and I love you, my soldier." He kissed Bucky's lips.

Bucky returned the kiss gently, hesitantly opening his mouth for Fury in invitation.

Taking the invitation, Fury slipped his tongue into Bucky's mouth, kissing him a bit more thoroughly. He smoothed his hands over the other man's bottom, down his thighs, squeezing all the way.

The moan Bucky gave as his mouth was claimed and Fury's hands continued their sensual massage could only be described as needy. He opened his mouth just a tiny bit more, before carefully, in case his master told him to stop, sucking on and twisting his own tongue around his master's.

Fury didn't stop Bucky or tell him no, instead squeezing and stroking a bit more firmly over the other man's bottom and thighs. Once or twice, his fingers slipped between the cheeks in an almost exploratory fashion.

Bucky whimpered at the exploration, responding by lifting his legs slightly to make it easier for Fury. He continued his own mini exploration, hesitantly letting his tongue lick his master's tongue until he was gently exploring Fury's mouth.

Fury gave Bucky's buttocks an encouraging squeeze, letting him know he was doing good, as he continued to stroke and caress, exploring between Bucky's cheeks.

Bucky relaxed as he realized Fury liked what he was doing. His kiss became a bit bolder, even as he widened his legs just a bit further.

Fury began to slide one hand down Bucky's leg, gently squeezing the inner thigh and then doing the same to the other leg. At the same time, his other hand continued paying attention to the other man's bottom; stroking, squeezing, rubbing...over the buttocks and between the cheeks.

Bucky's whimper became needier. He couldn’t open his legs any further in invitation and he was afraid if he squirmed, his master wouldn't be able to continue, so he quivered with the strain of holding himself still.

Fury gently pushed on Bucky's legs, encouraging the other man to lift them higher; raising his bottom further into the air. Squeezing each cheek in turn, Fury then gave his sit spots the same treatment, then his thighs.

Bucky sighed softly, then whimpered again. His master knew how to help him. He pulled his knees up toward his chin, body quivering. Leaving himself completely exposed.

Still involved in the kiss, Fury firmly stroked and squeezed over the lower parts of Bucky's body; his bottom and thighs and even his member.

Eventually, Bucky had to breathe, and he broke the kiss with a gasped out, "Yours... " as his body quivered and his member twitched in response to the possessive touch of his master.

Fury pressed a kiss to each side of his neck. "Mine," he whispered back, one hand gently grasping Bucky's member while the other continued to stroke and squeeze.

"Belong to you..." Bucky's voice quivered from need and the first blooms of want, but it was still clearly an offering. If his master wanted him, no matter what form that took, Bucky was his.

Brushing a tender kiss against Bucky's lips, Fury whispered, "I'm going to claim you inside." Bucky's legs were still raised, making it easier, and Fury reached out for the oil in the drawer next to the bed. Squirting a liberal amount on his finger, he carefully pushed it inside the other man.

Bucky felt himself loosening inside at Fury's words, eager to be owned and claimed in every way. There was no resistance to Fury, though it was tight. Bucky whimpered with more need at the intrusion.

Gently moving his finger inside, exploring Bucky thoroughly, Fury returned to gentle, loving kisses pressed to every part of the other man's body.

Bucky's head fell back, exposing his throat. And he was reduced to moaning whines and whimpers as he was explored. His member was fully aroused by this point, but his entire focus was on his master's lips and finger.

"You don't need to hold back; force yourself not to react," Fury whispered, emphasizing each word with a kiss to Bucky's skin, moving up until he was kissing the other man's throat. "I want you to release. To let go."

Bucky whined at the kiss... at the words... but almost immediately, he released, his body quivering and shuddering for Fury until he finally collapsed under the older man weakly. "...Yours..." He whimpered softly, clenching around Fury’s finger.

"Mine," Fury agreed, kissing his lips. "I love you."

Bucky smiled a bit loopily at that. "Love you too, Moy... with all I am." His voice was drowsy and all he could do was lay there and accept all the love and affection Fury wanted to bestow.


After disconnecting the call to Fury, Steve stroked his hand down Brock's back, resting it on the other man's still-warm bottom possessively. "We're going to meet Fury and Bucky tomorrow for a shopping trip and then dinner."

Brock blinked at that. "Do I need to be careful?" His voice was hesitant. He didn't particularly want to hide... but Fury was Steve's and his boss. Or at least he was Steve's. He thought. He wasn't entirely sure if he had a job anymore and he wasn't sure who was in charge.

Steve shook his head, fingers idly stroking over warm skin. "Bucky belongs to Fury now. Like you belong to me."

"That's good..." Brock had a sad look on his face. "It never felt good... knowing what they were doing to him and not being allowed to help. Not being able to tell someone who could help..." He sighed, snuggling against Steve.

Steve brushed a gentle, affectionate kiss against Brock's head. "I'm not going to hold back when we meet them," he said.

"Thank you, sir... I don’t want to hide...." Brock smiled brightly.

Steve smiled. "Good. But if there's anything that makes you feel uncomfortable you can let me know."

"I know, sir..." Brock smiled. "I will." He snuggled close. "What time do we meet them tomorrow?"

"Two," Steve answered. "I figure we can have lunch here and then head to the hospital to check on Tony before we meet them. Of course, it's possible we'll run into them there," he added.

"Sounds good. Any updates on Tony? How are Pepper and Morgan holding up?" Brock asked quietly.

"He's in stable condition, but still not regained consciousness," Steve answered soberly. "I know Pepper's been staying at the hospital. I also know everyone visiting has been bringing food and drink for her. Making sure she's comfortable. I'm not sure Morgan really understands what's going on, but Happy's taking care of her."

"Poor kid... is there anything I can do to help?" Brock asked. "I know everyone was shocked he survived. It was almost prescient, the way he upgraded his suit to withstand the power of the sun...."

"The doctors have suggested keeping talking to him. If you'd like, we can contact Happy," Steve suggested. "See if there might be something Morgan needs or wants. Or if we could even look after her for a bit, if he needs a break." He frowned, thinking of the rest of Brock's words. "When Bruce took on the gauntlet, the radiation damaged him badly. It should have killed Tony. I know he's a genius, but there wasn't enough time for him to make that upgrade between first forming the plan and now. He must have had the idea before, but I don't know what could have triggered it."

"When you came back and got the stones... did you maybe say something, and he overheard?" Brock asked curiously.

"When I left you, I spoke to Scott and Tony on comms," Steve answered. "We were talking about it...if Tony heard back in 2012; I mean, he's always been paranoid. He could have started working on it then."

"Guess we'll find out, when he wakes up..." Brock said quietly. "What are we doing the rest of the night?" He tried to change the subject.

"What would you like to do, my heart?" Steve asked.

"As long as we're together..." Brock snuggled close.

Steve kissed his neck. "I won't be letting you out of my sight," he promised.

Brock slanted his head, so his neck was more exposed. "Thank you, sir...."

Steve pressed kisses along Brock's neck and then along the line of his jaw, gently kneading down his back and over his bottom.

Brock whimpered as his bottom was kneaded, the action causing the burning ache to flare. "Master..." He whined softly, shifting so his bottom was easier to manipulate.

Steve pressed a kiss to his lips. "I love you," he whispered. "I'm sure there's probably some kind of lotion here. I can get some. Put you over my lap. Rub it in so you don't get dry."

Brock returned the kiss, then nodded. "Please, master?"

Steve kissed him again, caressing the side of his head, and then stood up. It didn't take long for him to find a suitable lotion and then he sat back down on the bed, drawing Brock across his lap.

Brock went over Steve's lap easily, immediately relaxing. "Thank you, Sir, " he whispered.

Steve began to rub the lotion into Brock's bottom. "I'm so glad I have you here with me now," he said.

"I'm glad to be here. And not having to pretend anymore," Brock admitted, relief clear in his voice. The lotion was working already.

Steve continued rubbing the lotion in, every so often stroking or squeezing one of his legs or hips. "When I saw you, I felt like I had a second chance."

"We both have one, master. I love you..." Brock said.

Steve continued rubbing the lotion into Brock's bottom and thighs, just enjoying the chance to be with the other man and take care of him.


Fury headed into the shopping center, holding Bucky's hand clasped in his own as he led the way towards where they were going to meet Steve and Brock.

Maybe in the past, Bucky would have been reluctant to go along with such PDA. Now, though? After five years of missing people, everyone was displaying PDA. He and Fury fit right in. And even if they hadn't, Bucky wouldn't have let go. He needed to be held. He followed along meekly, holding Fury's hand tightly.

Steve was standing outside the clothes store they'd arranged to meet at, his arm wrapped possessively around Brock's waist. As he saw his best friend, holding hands with Fury, he smiled happily and walked forward to meet them.

Brock followed, staying slightly behind Steve.

Bucky glanced toward his best friend and smiled.

Steve reached out with his other hand and gently squeezed Bucky's shoulder. "You look a lot happier," he observed quietly.

This being the first time Fury had properly met Brock since Steve had brought the other man forward in time, Fury nodded to Brock and held out his own free hand. "It's good to see you."

"I am, Stevie..." Bucky admitted. "Much better."

Brock held out his hand, taking Fury's hand in a firm grip. "It's good to see you too, sir."

Steve smiled at Bucky, looking obviously relieved. He trusted Fury to take care of his best friend. He gently squeezed around Brock's waist.

Clasping Brock's hand firmly, Fury commented, "I don't know where you're living at the moment, but the apartment next to ours has actually opened up. If you'd like to be neighbors."

"I think I'd like that," Steve commented seriously.

Brock nodded. "I like the idea too. Pepper and Morgan will need to come home to at least rest and regroup for a few days and I don't want to be in their way."

Fury squeezed Bucky's hand. "What do you think, my soldier?" he asked softly.

"I like the idea, Moy..." Bucky smiled. "It will let Stevie and I reconnect."

Fury smiled. "Good."

"Now that that's settled, I think we've got some clothes shopping to do." Steve kept his grip tight on Brock as he guided the other man into the store, keeping his steps slow for Fury and Bucky to accompany them.

Still holding Bucky's hand, Fury moved after Steve.

Bucky squeezed Fury's hand and followed, noting how possessive and controlling Steve was being with Brock.

Brock shifted closer to Steve, beginning to point out items he liked. If Steve liked them as well, he knew he'd get it.

Steve listened to Brock, actually agreeing with most of what the other man liked and picking up the items.

"See anything you like?" Fury murmured quietly to Bucky.

Bucky shook his head. "I have no clue what I like." He smiled crookedly at Nick. "Style wasn't my main focus ever..."

Fury raised Bucky's hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the knuckles. "There are some things I think you'll look good in." He began pointing them out.

Bucky nodded and picked up the items Fury pointed at, trusting the older man's opinion.

It wasn't long before the two couples had picked out clothing and were heading to check out. Fury still had hold of Bucky's hand and Steve still had his arm wrapped around Brock's waist.

After everything had been paid for, they headed back toward Fury and Bucky's apartment. Once inside the apartment, Bucky looked at Fury. "May I change into one of my new outfits, sir?" he asked respectfully.

Fury nodded and smiled, kissing Bucky's forehead. "Of course."

Steve gently squeezed Brock's hip. "Would you like to change as well?"

"Yessir, I would..." Brock smiled, taking one of his outfits and heading to the restroom with it, Bucky going into the bedroom. It didn't take long and soon, they were back, dressed in the outfits they'd been bought.

Steve had sat down on the sofa and he held out a hand to Brock with a soft smile, looking over him appreciatively.

Fury, sitting on the armchair, just patted his leg as he addressed Bucky. "You look good, my soldier."

Brock quickly took Steve's hand and moved to stand in front of the other man so Steve could look him over.

Bucky moved quickly to sit on the knee Fury had patted, leaning into the older man and snuggling close. "Thank you, sir... you have good taste. I wouldn't have thought to wear these...."

Steve smiled. "It's a really good look." He gently drew Brock down onto his lap.

Fury wrapped his arms tightly and possessively around Bucky's waist, kissing his shoulder.

Brock smiled at being pulled onto Steve's lap. Steve was being so gentle...  remembering that Brock was still tender from the day before, but not letting it stop him from doing what he wanted; just being careful while taking it.

Bucky shivered at the kiss, letting his head gently rest against Nick's. "Dinner should be ready in a little less than twenty minutes," he said quietly. "The casserole is heating."

Steve let his hand rest gently on Brock's thigh, rubbing in gentle, possessive circles. "Thanks, Buck," he said quietly.

Fury shifted Bucky's shirt up, just enough so that he could let his arms rest against bare skin, the shirt settling in place over them. "How are you settling in?" he asked Brock. "You've been gone longer than the others. I can't imagine there isn't something confusing."

Bucky nodded and smiled at Steve, relaxing back against Fury. He didn't mind his shirt being moved, even though it was very visible and obvious to the other two men what was occurring. If his master had decided to remove his shirt completely, he wouldn't have argued. He might be worried about Stevie's reaction to his scars, but he wouldn't argue.

Brock smiled crookedly. "Ten years missed instead of five...  but I figure if Cap can handle 70 years missed, I have no room to complain. Especially when I know what the alternative was...." He gave Steve a loving smile.

Steve's smile was just as loving, and he gave Brock's thigh a gentle squeeze. "Everyone's got to find a way of settling in. But we'll be doing that together."

"About time." Fury's voice was soft, but still audible.

Steve looked a bit chagrined. "Did anyone not know how I felt?" He couldn't even rightly say that Brock had been unaware, considering they'd had about a year together that Brock now didn't remember.

"I can handle anything if we're together," Brock said.  He glanced at Fury at the other man's words. "Did I know? Before... or... er... after?" He got a confused look on his face.

"If you did, nothing was said before HYDRA made their move," Fury said. A slight grimace came over his face as he added, "And then it was too late."

Almost automatically, Steve tightened his arms around Brock; like he was trying to protect him from that past. "You didn't shy away if I touched you. Even if it wasn't as possessively as I would have liked."

Brock nodded. "Even before you came after me this time... I always felt drawn to you. Didn't realize why, though...."

Steve let his fingers run gently over Brock's thigh before, like Fury, he untucked the other man's shirt, letting his hand rub gentle circles over Brock's stomach. "I've got you now," he murmured into Brock's ear, before kissing it.

Fury's own fingers glided almost unconsciously over Bucky's stomach, just touching and stroking the other man. "Some good came from Thanos' actions," he observed.

Bucky nodded silently, slumping back against Fury so his stomach was easier to access.

Brock shivered at the kiss, shifting so his ear and stomach were easier to touch and kiss.

Fury slid his hand further up, to Bucky's chest, stroking and rubbing over his bare skin.

Steve had promised Brock that he wouldn't hold back, and he saw no reason not to carry on with his instincts. He gently turned Brock over his knees, letting his hands rest gently on the other man's backside, kneading it.

Bucky watched what Steve was doing to Brock, felt what his own master was doing to him and shivered, whimpering softly before hiding his face against Fury's neck.

Brock moaned as he felt Steve squeezing, kneading, his bottom and instinctively put both hands behind his back as a sign he was giving all control to the larger man.

Fury kissed the side of Bucky's neck, hugging the other man tightly to himself. "You doing okay?" he murmured.

Steve gently grasped Brock's hands, holding them firmly, as he continued to gently knead and squeeze his bottom.

Bucky nodded, blushing that he was reacting the way he was. "Yessir... I'ma'right..." he whispered, belatedly remembering to use words.

Brock held tightly to Steve's hands, his moans getting longer and louder the longer Steve continued. He was so tender it was a little sore; but it felt so good.

Fury stroked gently over Bucky's chest and round his back, his hand sliding under the shirt. He pressed a kiss to the other side of Bucky's neck.

Steve eased Brock's pants down and then resumed the squeezing and kneading, this time with only the thin layer of Brock's underwear between his hand and bare skin.

Bucky's eyes widened at his best friend's actions. He'd never seen Steve so willing to act on his dominant feelings before. He shivered slightly. He wasn't upset watching. It made him feel good to know Stevie finally felt comfortable with himself and his needs. It made him feel safer letting himself accept his own needs in the presence of other people. He slanted his head back to give Fury better access to his neck and straightened so his chest and back were easier to touch and rub.

Brock whimpered as his pants were tugged down and squirmed. It was obvious he didn't want Steve to stop.

Deciding that the shirt was just getting in the way, Fury carefully pulled it free. He began to kiss gently along Bucky's neck, his hands stroking over and squeezing the other man's back and chest.

Steve pushed the pants right down to Brock's ankles and then pushed his shirt up towards his neck, baring most of Brock's body. He gave each buttock a firm pat, nearly a light swat, before he resumed rubbing and kneading.

This time, Bucky groaned, blushing at how needy he sounded; especially given the fact he was suddenly hard.

Brock whimpered softly and began to squirm slightly. Bucky's groan was hard not to hear and, to his chagrin, he began to harden at the sound.

Fury brushed his lips against Bucky's, sliding his hands down the other man's back, beginning to push his pants down.

Steve gently tugged Brock's underwear down and then resumed paying attention to his naked backside, kneading and squeezing. Every so often, he would deliver a firm pat, giving out a harder one after every couple.

Bucky eagerly returned the kiss, even as he lifted his hips enough for Fury to undress him. By this point, he didn't care if Steve and Brock heard or watched. He wanted to be claimed by his master. Groaning with need again, he glanced over and saw Steve squeezing and smacking Brocks naked backside and shivered at the pink color. Moaning, he kissed Fury a second time, while trying to make it easier for the older man to move or touch. "Yours...." He whimpered.

Brock groaned this time. Feeling his master completely own his bottom, he began to beg, "Please, sir... b'long to you... take what's yours...  please...." He ended on a tiny, sobbing whine.

Fury kissed Bucky deeply and thoroughly, stripping him of the rest of his clothes as he slipped his tongue into the other man's mouth. His hands stroked and squeezed down over every part of Bucky's body he could get to, shifting Bucky every time he needed to.

Steve also stripped Brock, leaving him naked. As soon as the other man was, Steve turned him over, so that they were face to face, and raised his legs enough to expose his backside.

Bucky had given up looking at Brock by this point, his focus entirely on his master. He moved where Fury directed, opening everywhere that Fury asked so that the older man could touch... could claim. His moans, whimpers and sighs filled the room.

Brock obediently kept his legs in place, kept his eyes on Steve, even though he knew if Fury or Bucky looked his direction, they'd get more than an eyeful, his erection and entrance visibly prominent. His moans and whimpers rivaled Bucky's by this point.

Fury pulled Bucky closer and tighter against him, still keeping the kiss deep and thorough. His hands roamed over every single inch of skin; not put off by the scars or roughness. He pulled back long enough to whisper, "I love every part of you," before kissing again.

Steve leaned down to kiss Brock, hard and passionately, while his hands stroked and swatted the other man's backside, covering and claiming every single inch of skin.

Bucky's breathing was ragged, his skin nearly humming at the gentle attention. He was quivering hard and only just barely managed to sob out, "I love you, Moy..." as he arched and pressed against Fury, holding onto the older man just as tightly.

Brock returned Steve's kiss as eagerly and deeply as he was able. He moaned and whimpered as his master continued to claim his backside.

Fury only pulled away enough to begin kissing down over Bucky's body, his hands sliding down, squeezing and rubbing gently. He lowered the other man until Bucky was sprawled across his lap much the same way as Brock was across Steve's, completely vulnerable to Fury.

"Mine," Steve whispered against Brock's lips, one hand continuing to swat and knead his bottom, while his other hand began to toy with Brock's nipple.

Bucky whined at the new position, feeling the vulnerability... and wanting to be more vulnerable. His hands found Fury's head, holding on lightly and gently; not directing, but following the older man to whichever part of Bucky's body he wanted to kiss.

Brock arched his back so that his nipple was thrust more completely against Steve's hand and he began to sob out the word, "Please," in a needy mantra that filled the room.

Fury kissed, stroked and caressed; not pulling away or forcing Bucky not to hold him. In fact, he pressed nearer to the other man's hands, indicating the contact was welcome and wanted.

Steve broke the kiss so that he could duck his head towards the nipple he'd been toying with, licking it and then engulfing it in his mouth. His hand traced over to the opposite nipple, as he began to swat a little bit harder.

Bucky kissed back when he could. Quivered, moaned and whined when he couldn't. In this position of being over Fury's lap, completely open and vulnerable, he found himself wanting his master to claim him inside, like he'd done the night before. He wanted Stevie to see, so he'd know how completely he was owned and how good Fury took care of him. That want surprised him.

Brock lost all coherency as Steve sucked on his nipple while continuing to swat. All he could do was sob softly, while pushing his body more firmly to Steve's hands and lips.

Fury continued to kiss, stroke, squeeze and caress. Without breaking the contact, he reached out with one hand, seeking for and finding a small bottle of oil. Coating his finger, he pushed carefully and slowly inside of Bucky...and, at the same time, rolled the bottle opposite the room with his toe.

Spotting the bottle out of the corner of his eye, Steve reached for it, releasing the nipple he held in his mouth and then engulfing the other. He coated a finger in the oil, pushing inside Brock as he began to swat the other man's thighs and sit spots, warming them up.

Bucky keened softly from the pleasure of his master claiming him again. He was so hard, he knew all it would take is a word whispered in his ear- permission given in his master's low, sexy voice- for him to release all over his own belly.

Brock wasn't able to think even that much. He sobbed, his body writhing over Steve's lap, trying to push himself down onto Steve's finger so his master would go deeper, trying to press against Steve's mouth so he'd kiss and suck harder, wriggling in an attempt to get his master to swat harder. He wanted to be owned fully.

Fury let his finger move around, exploring inside of Bucky. Leaning in, he kissed the other man's ear, whispering, "You have permission. Whenever you're ready." And then he captured Bucky's lips with his own.

Steve allowed his finger to slip deeper, sucking harder and gently nipping at the nipple he held in his mouth. And he responded to the wriggling by smacking harder and faster, pausing periodically to rub and knead the heated flesh.

Bucky let go immediately, his release spurting over his belly and chest as his sob of need was swallowed by his master's kiss. When the spasms finally ended, he lay limp over Fury's lap, tear tracks on his cheeks, his breathing ragged, a blissful smile on his face. He clenched around Fury's finger, sighing softly when he could feel it was still in him. "...Owned..." he mouthed against Fury's lips.

"Completely," Fury promised, kissing Bucky lingeringly, leaving his finger inside. "I love you. My soldier. I want you. I want every part of you," he promised.

"I want you too, Moy... want to give myself fully... want to be... be everything you need..." It was hard to admit that. Just because Fury wanted to own him didn't mean he wanted to need him.

Brock was sobbing, squirming, thrusting against Steve with want. Every smack drew out a long low groan, every shift of Steve's finger drew out a needy whine.

"You are everything I need," Fury whispered, kissing Bucky a bit more thoroughly. "You are everything to me."

Steve gently pulled back long enough to whisper, "Whenever you're ready, you can let go." He began to move his finger a bit more, exploring inside Brock.

Bucky returned the kiss eagerly, letting his hands gently move over his master, as if memorizing him.

Brock hadn't thought he was close enough to release, but at Steve's words, he began to shudder. Soon, he was limp, breathing heavily and completely messy. "Yours, sir... your dirty boy..." he huffed out, with a teasing laugh.

Fury kissed Bucky's forehead. "I think we might have to take a few minutes to clean up before we have dinner," he commented, with a trace of amusement.

"Always mine," Steve whispered, stroking the side of his face. "I love you so much."

Bucky chuckled softly. "Yes, Moy. I'm very messy..." He grinned at the older man.

"I love you too, Cap..." Brock whispered, smiling adoringly at the man he'd given himself to.

Glancing towards the other couple, Fury couldn't help but smile, stroking the side of Bucky's face. "I'll take Bucky through to the bathroom, Steve...bring you in a couple of washcloths."

Steve nodded, catching Fury's eye. "Yeah. I think we need to make use of those. Sorry," he added.

Fury snorted softly. "Can't keep your hands off him. I know the feeling."

Bucky blushed at the words, but his smile covered his entire face.

Brock was grinning as well, still positioned on Steve's lap in full view of the other two.

Fury carefully lifted Bucky off his lap, standing up and then draping the other man over his shoulder, taking him through to the bathroom. He quickly grabbed a couple of washcloths, giving them to Steve in the other room before returning, setting Bucky down and beginning to clean him off.

Bucky was completely relaxed and loose limbed, enabling his master to bathe him easily. "Am I to stay naked for dinner, sir?" he asked quietly.

"Would it make you feel uncomfortable if I said yes?" Fury asked, stroking the side of his face.

"It would make me uncomfortable if you made me decide..." Bucky admitted. "...If you told me to do whatever you wanted... whatever it was... I'd be happy."

Fury nodded and kissed him gently. "Naked, then, I think," he said softly. "And you'll be sitting on my lap while we eat, too."

Bucky smiled and nodded. "Yes, sir..." he answered, happy to be given an order. "I'll like that..." he added softly.

"All cleaned up." Fury stroked the side of his face. "Now...why don't you lay the table and pour out drinks while I plate up the food?" He kissed the side of Bucky's neck.

"Yessir..." Bucky leaned into the affection before kissing Fury's cheek and heading into the dining area to do as instructed.


Steve began to carefully wash Brock off, kissing him all over as he did so.

Brock tried to hold still, but he squirmed at the kisses.

Steve took his time cleaning Brock off, touching and kissing. "I'm so glad you're here with me now," he whispered, leaving unsaid how much he regretted not acting on his feelings before. Even if Brock didn't remember it, Steve still felt like he'd let his lover down.

"I'm glad too, sir. Never expected to be like this...never knew I needed it..." Brock admitted. "...But I'm so happy you have me."

Steve ran his fingers through Brock's hair, kissing him deeply. "I know you don't remember the first time, but I promise I'll never fail you again."

"You haven't failed me ever..." Brock smiled. "Not in this life...."

Taking Brock's hand, Steve kissed it. "You're going to stay naked while we eat. So, I can see what belongs to me." He smiled. "I love you. I have for a long time."

Brock nodded hesitantly not sure their host would like him being naked. Upon seeing Bucky walking past without a stitch on, he relaxed. "Yessir..." He smiled.

Fury walked out of the bathroom and headed into the kitchen. "We're about to eat," he let Steve and Brock know.

"Thanks." Steve straightened and reached out to help Brock up as well, clasping the other man's waist possessively.

Bucky looked up as everyone entered the dining room and finished putting the last fork down on the table. He smiled. "Want me to move your plates together, Stevie?" he asked curiously.

"Yes please," Steve answered, with a warm smile, as he guided Brock to one of the chairs and sat down, drawing Brock onto his lap.

Fury also sat, waiting for Bucky to finish and settle on his lap.

"No problem, Runt..." he teased his lifelong friend with an impish grin, pushing Brock's plate and silverware into position next to Steve's. He then walked over and carefully sat on Fury's lap as if he'd been doing so for years, completely comfortable with the situation.

Brock chuckled at Bucky's insolent impishness with Steve. He was obviously letting it be known he'd be submissive to only one man. He smiled at his master. He understood it. He wouldn't submit to anyone but Steve, although he didn't have the guts to mouth off to Fury, so....

Steve grinned at Bucky, a happy gleam in his eye. "Did I mention how glad I am that you found Fury?" While he was teasing his best friend, he was also serious. This was the best he'd seen Bucky looking since both of them had found themselves out of time. He wrapped his arms tightly around Brock's waist, drawing the other man back against his chest.

Fury wrapped his arms possessively around Bucky, pulling him back against his own chest and dropping a kiss to his shoulder. "It's just as good that you two have found each other. Finally," he commented to Steve and Brock.

Bucky grinned bashfully at Steve. "We're all lucky all 'round, I think."

"Can't disagree with that..." Brock smiled at Fury, appreciating his support.

Fury nodded. "Not much more than a day and I can't imagine my life without you in it now," he commented to Bucky. He began to feed the other man.

Steve began to feed Brock as well, arm resting against his stomach.

Bucky and Brock obediently ate what they were fed, making sure to leave room for Fury and Steve to eat their own food.

While they ate, Steve and Fury discussed Steve and Brock moving into the apartment next door, deciding that the best time was the next day.

"There isn't much for us to move, is there, sir?" Brock asked curiously. "I can begin cleaning tonight...  finish tomorrow right before we leave. One less thing for Pepper to worry about."

Steve nodded. "I've got a few things in my old place, but there's not a lot. It won't take us long to move at all."

Bucky glanced at Fury, to make certain that the other man was okay with it, before offering, "I can come over and help you pack things up and drive 'em over here. If you need...."

Steve smiled. "Yeah. That would help, Buck. Thanks."

"Once you've moved in properly, you could come round again," Fury suggested. "We could order takeout."

Brock smiled at Fury. "Sounds good. What do you think, Cap?"

Bucky snuggled back against Fury.

Steve nodded. "I like the sound of that," he agreed, kissing Brock's shoulder.

Fury kissed Bucky's cheek, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around the other man's waist.

Soon, the dinner was finished, and Bucky quietly stood, beginning to clean up. Brock quickly began to help him, figuring it would give their two Doms a chance to talk.


Later, after seeing Steve and Brock (now dressed) out of the apartment, Fury pulled Bucky into his arms, kissing him gently before guiding him over to the armchair to sit. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I... I feel good, Sir," Bucky said softly. "...Relieved. Stevie was happy for me and... I think understood and... I... I was afraid he wouldn't, but...." He blushed at the fact he couldn't seem to put words to his feelings. Shifting slightly, he snuggled close and put his head on Fury's shoulder. "What do you think? About everything?" He really wanted to know how Fury felt being so possessive in front of another couple and letting said couple watch as he thoroughly owned and controlled Bucky, but a wave of shyness washed over him and the question came out different than he'd originally planned.

"I think it's easier to take care of your needs knowing that your best friend was okay with what was happening," Fury said. "I didn't invite them over with the expectation of going that far, but I actually think that was a good thing."

"I do too..." Bucky nodded. "Did... did it feel different to you? Claiming me in front of them?" he hesitantly asked. He'd found he liked being claimed in front of others, letting it be known who he belonged to and how much he belonged. He'd never thought he'd want Stevie to watch someone touching him so intimately or watch or hear him responding the way he had... but now that it had happened, he wasn't sorry about it.

"It did, but in a good way, not bad," Fury answered. "It meant I could show just how much I owned you and that felt good. I didn't have to hold back." He cuddled Bucky a bit tighter. "Plus...I know Steve would have said something if he was worried about how safe you are with me."

Bucky smiled crookedly. "Yeah... the little Punk has always been ready to jump in and save those he thinks need saving...." His voice was fond. "...So, we know he approves, cuz if he didn't, he'd have said so...."

Fury nodded. "And considering how important Steve is to you, I want to be certain he approves," he admitted.

Bucky smiled at that, nuzzling against his Master in contentment. "I think we can safely say he approves. You'd be nursing a bruised eye by now if he didn't..." He snorted softly. "...I think the fact he found Brock and acted on his feelings this time... has made him more easily accept that I want this. Need this..." He kissed Fury's neck.

"I know losing Brock the first time hit him hard. Probably even harder than HYDRA surfacing within SHILELD." Fury kissed Bucky's cheek. "I never saw any glimpses of how dominant he'd be," he admitted.

"I saw glimpses during the War to End All Wars..." Bucky admitted. "Not to this degree; one had to be careful back then, after all... but he never had a problem taking charge and making his opinion known- and obeyed. I was more... I could take charge if I had to or follow if I had to. Now... now the thought of being in charge terrifies me and all I want is to be guided... to be given instructions and orders..." He sighed. "I don't know how you could want me, I'm so broken... but you're exactly who I need...."

"I want you. I need you. And I love you." Fury kissed him. "Even if you are broken, I'll put you back together," he promised.

"If anyone can, you will, Moy..." Bucky said, with all the belief he had. He returned the kiss eagerly. Finally breaking free long enough to catch his breath, he whispered, "...I... I think I liked it. You controlling me, even though they were here. I was nervous at first, but... only because I wasn't sure what Stevie would do. Once I knew he wasn't going to attack you, I... having you handle me in that way... knowing that they could hear and see if they wanted... it made me feel good. Made me feel like everyone would know I'm yours and wouldn't be able to question it...."

Fury tightened his embrace around Bucky. "Did it make it a bit easier that Steve dominated Brock at the same time?" he asked. "It wasn't just a case of them watching and hearing; they made it clear what their relationship was like as well."

Bucky thought about it, then nodded. "Yessir... I think you're right. I don't think I would have felt as comfortable if they weren't proving they had the same as us...."  He bit his lip. "I don't know if I'd like it so much or feel comfortable if it had been outside or the apartment where strangers could see...."

Fury nodded. "It's more comfortable here. It's your home. And Steve's your best friend; probably the person you trust the most in the world. Brock's his partner, so you know you can trust Brock because your brother does."

Bucky nodded.  "I trust you with everything... so if you felt I needed to be handled outside where strangers saw, I wouldn't fight you... but... it'd be hard not to be a little afraid. Because I don't trust anyone else really. I'd only be able to handle it because I'd trust you to be able to protect both of us...."

"If it ever needed to happen, I wouldn't just spring it on you out of the blue," Fury promised. "I'd talk to you. Explain why I felt it was necessary. You're my soldier, but you aren't my slave. And I don't plan to do anything that will hurt you."

"I know, sir... you love me..." Bucky said, with an almost childish trust and belief in his master.

"So very, very much." Fury kissed him. "You chose to give yourself to me."

"Just like you chose to accept me and take care of me..." Bucky kissed back before smiling happily.

Fury slid his hands down Bucky's back, gently stroking and squeezing. "Steve was a bit rougher with Brock than I've been with you," he commented.

Bucky nodded. "That... that did surprise me. I never saw Steve be so rough with someone he cared about before..." he admitted. "...But Brock... seemed to want that. Maybe that's just something Stevie always hid and when Brock let him know he needs it... he could let it out? I dunno..." he said hesitantly. "I... I don't think I'd like being that rough. I mean... If I'm naughty and being punished, I know it will be rougher, just because it needs to be punishing, but... when I'm being good for you? I like how you've been touching me...."

Fury nodded in understanding at that. "You've had too much hurt and pain in the past, so I don't plan to be anything but gentle with you. It might be that they both have needs that complement each other. Brock submitted immediately when Steve positioned him. No hesitation."

"From what Steve indicated... he never fought or disagreed when Steve decided to bring him back with him. Granted, part of that could have been because Steve told him what would happen if he stayed... but I think part of it was Brock felt the same pull Stevie did...." Bucky agreed, before pausing.  "...If... if I do something wrong and you have to punish me, sir? How...?"

Fury hugged Bucky a bit tighter. "If you do something you shouldn't, I'll take you over my knee...pull your pants down, if you're wearing any...and spank you. Just my hand and your bottom," he said honestly.

Bucky nodded and swallowed. "...Hard enough to hurt, but... but not hard enough that...?" He didn't even know how to end the question. From what he could see of Brock's bottom, the other man had been spanked hard enough to last the rest of the day, if not more than a day. Would Fury punish him that harshly?

"Enough to sting for a bit. Maybe get a bit pink." Fury stroked down Bucky's spine. "But not hard enough to last for more than perhaps an hour or two."

Bucky took a slow breath. "Just last long enough to make me think and remember how I should act? To be honest... knowing I disappointed you... that'd be worse than a spanking...."

"The spanking would be more about helping you feel like you'd paid for whatever happened," Fury said honestly. "Just like when I took you over my knee before."

Bucky nodded. "That didn't really hurt and... it felt right. Like I was paying a little and... giving you control felt right. It always feels right, giving you control over me..." He smiled crookedly, snuggling close.

"It was just as much about making you mine as about giving you some form of consequences." Fury kissed the side of his neck.

"Yessir..." Bucky nuzzled close. "...M... maybe we could have some other consequences too? I don't want to be bad and I don't plan to be bad... but if I did something really naughty..." He left unsaid that if Fury didn't plan to ever be harsh, then he'd need something to handle really awful behavior.

"If you did something really naughty, I'd figure out the consequences based on what it was you did and why you did it," Fury said.

Bucky nodded. "That's fair..."  He smiled. "Wouldn't expect anything else, though."

"I'll always be fair to you," Fury promised. "No matter what happens." He kissed Bucky's neck.

Bucky slanted his head, so his neck was more exposed and began to press feather kisses to Fury's neck and shoulder. "I feel like you've given me everything and I've done nothing but take tonight..." he admitted quietly, thinking about his release and all the other things Fury had done that felt so good.

"Giving you things feels good to me," Fury said, continuing to press kisses to his neck. "I get just as much from giving you pleasure as I would from taking my own."

Bucky smiled at that, leaning up to nuzzle and kiss his master on the cheek. "It felt really good, sir..." he whispered, in a husky voice. "If you wanted to take more... I'd be okay with it."

Fury kissed his lips. "And if I wanted to be inside you fully?" he whispered against Bucky's mouth.

Bucky shivered. "It'd be the first time I was willingly taken, instead of used..." His voice was hesitant. It was the closest he'd been able to come to admitting what was done to him.

Fury stroked the side of his face. "We'll build up to it, my soldier. I'm not in any hurry."

Bucky let his face rest in Fury's hand for a moment, obviously enjoying the gentle caress, before he leaned forward and kissed Fury. It was a chaste kiss, but there was enough pressure that it couldn't be called anything but determined. "That's why I'm not scared to give myself to you..." he whispered against his master's lips. "...Because I know you'll take care of me. I know it will be good for me... not bad..." He let out a little huff of air, smiling crookedly before kissing his master again. It was still chaste, but this time, he lingered, mouth slightly open, offering himself to his master.

Fury kissed Bucky, letting his tongue slip into the other man's mouth, cupping the back of his head. He wasn't forcing the kiss or holding Bucky in place; just keeping the contact with the other man.

Bucky sighed happily, opening wider for his master and shifting so his whole body was pressed snug to Fury's.

Fury tugged Bucky tighter to himself, deepening the kiss and sliding his hands down the other man's back, stroking and squeezing along his skin.

Bucky let out a soft whimper of need, hesitantly rubbing his tongue against Fury's and sucking gently, in case the older man didn't want him being so bold.

Fury pressed harder and closer to Bucky, gently squeezing down his arms to indicate he liked the other man being bold.

Groaning happily, Bucky sucked Fury's tongue into his mouth, his own tongue exploring and tasting.

Fury ran his hands along Bucky's legs, parting them and wrapping them around his waist, so he could stroke down his thighs.

Bucky moaned at feeling Fury between his thighs, rubbing. He could help but begin to slightly rub against the other man with a needy whimper.

Fury rubbed and gently kneaded Bucky's thighs, kissing him deeper; still gently kissing him.

Bucky's whimpers and moans grew more needy the longer Fury kissed and stroked. His breathing was becoming more ragged.

Fury kissed deeper, swallowing Bucky's whimpers and moans. His hands stroked and rubbed, giving a gentle squeeze every now and then.

Bucky began to squirm despite his efforts to hold still. His body was becoming attuned with Fury. Even the smallest of touches made his heart race. Being rubbed and kissed so thoroughly was arousing.

Fury stroked, squeezed and rubbed all over Bucky's body, shifting the other man around to make it easier to touch more the more sensitive places.

Bucky's moans quickly became whimpers and tiny sobs as the more sensitive areas were given attention. "Master... Moy... please..." he finally choked out, begging.

Fury began to trail kisses along the line of Bucky's jaw and down his chin and over his neck.

"Master..." Bucky groaned, slanting his head so Fury could reach better.

Fury gently moved Bucky face up over his lap, leaning over to continue kissing and caressing over his body.

Bucky smiled up at Fury, need, acceptance and love shining from his eyes.

Fury kissed and stroked his way down Bucky's body, then back up again to press a kiss to his lips.

Bucky returned the kiss eagerly, though he still kept it chaste. "Master..." he breathed out, his whole body thrumming and pink from arousal.

"I've got you. I love you," Fury whispered against Bucky's lips. "And you're mine. I'm not letting you go."

Bucky relaxed into Fury's grip at those words and just let himself feel. "Love you, master. Love you so much..." he whispered.

Fury kissed and stroked over Bucky's entire body and then turned him over so that he could start doing the same along Bucky's entire back side.

Bucky slumped over Fury's lap, accepting every touch. He was still obviously aroused, but he was enjoying the moment; not begging or pushing for more any longer. It was up to his master what he was given.

Every time he kissed or stroked, Fury whispered, "Mine," or, "I love you." He kissed Bucky's scars along with unmarked flesh. "I love every part of you. Every part of you is mine."

"Yours. " Bucky whimpered. "Only yours."

"Only mine," Fury murmured, kissing Bucky's neck and then each of his ears.

"Love you, Moy..." Bucky whispered, then shivered.

"I love you so much." Fury kissed the back of his neck.

Bucky just slumped and accepted Fury's touch with little whimpers of pleasure.


Brock was quiet on the way home. Thoughtful. Once back in the cabin, though, he looked around. "It will be good to have our own place..." he said quietly, by way of opening up a conversation.

Steve nodded. "It will be. Is there something on your mind?" he asked gently.

"I just realized... I was naked and orgasming in front of my boss and his lover..." He smiled crookedly. "There has to be a lot of regulations I just broke." He huffed slightly, smiling uncertainly. "It... it was okay? Wasn't it?"

Steve reached out and stroked the side of Brock's face. "It felt right and almost natural to me," he said honestly. "It wasn't a bad thing."

"They didn't seem to mind..." Brock relaxed at Steve's words. "It felt right... giving everything I could when you asked it of me..."

Steve drew Brock in close for a deep, lingering kiss. "It felt right to control and take you in front of them," he whispered. "To make it clear who you belonged to."

"No question who I belong to...." Brock snuggled. "It's nice... having friends like us... that we don't have to worry about offending..." His smile was impish. "You could just bend me over and have your way any time you want, and they wouldn't even blink."

Steve couldn't help but chuckle at that. "I haven't had my way with you like that yet." His arms tightened around Brock. "Maybe now is a good time to do that."

Brock hummed happily at the tight embrace. "That's right, sir... you haven't. Been looking forward to when you decide it's time...."

Steve kissed the side of his neck. "Depends on how much foreplay you want to do," he murmured, before kissing the other side.

"Truthfully, sir?" Brock blushed. "I never completely calmed from before... just thinking of it and I'm... well..." He glanced down, where his pants tented in front of him.

Steve pressed a kiss to his lips. "Well," he whispered against Brock's mouth, "I had a thought about building up to me taking you." He slid one hand down to cup the other man's backside possessively. "That we could spar. I keep track of how many hits you land; how many of my blows you successfully block. And then...." he gently squeezed one buttock, "I'll take you over my knee. Give you a swat for each successful hit or block. Then, once we're finished...." He slid his other hand down towards Brock's groin.

Brock whined softly with need, pressing against Steve. "Please, master.... I'll do the best I've ever done sparring...."

"I know you will." Steve kissed him again. "I'd like you to strip." He squeezed Brock's bottom.

Swallowing hard, Brock scooted back just enough to begin taking off his clothes. Folding them neatly and setting them safely on a counter, five minutes later, he was standing in front of Steve, completely naked and not hiding anything.

Steve had stripped as well, since this was about foreplay as much as sparring. Giving Brock an encouraging smile, he reached out and caressed the side of the other man's cheek, trailing his fingers down Brock's chest before stepping back. "Come at me."

Brock braced his feet and let his eyes roam over Steve's body; seemingly enjoying the view, but really trying to determine the best offense to take. And then he was moving, thrusting his hand toward the only place Steve seemed vulnerable.

Shifting to the side, Steve feinted and then came at Brock.

Brock quickly blocked, then made his next move. Soon, the two men were in a focused dance of attack and block.


The sparring session had been long and vigorous. If Steve and Brock had been wearing clothes, the fabric would have been dripping with sweat. Both men had got in hits and blocks...and now, Steve sat on the couch, Brock draped over his knees, both naked. His hands kneaded and rubbed over the other man's backside. "Did you keep score?" he asked.

"I lost track, sir..." Brock whimpered sheepishly. It felt so good when his master squeezed and kneaded his bottom.

"Thirty," Steve said, rubbing slowly over Brock's backside. "You earned thirty swats." He lifted his hand; brought it down in a firm smack. Began to rub and knead once more. "That's one." Another firm swat before he resumed the kneading. "And two."

Brock shivered, a tiny whimpering moan escaping. "Love when you spank me, Master... love that you control how much I sting and how red I am...." His breath caught.

Steve leaned over and kissed the back of Brock's neck, delivering another pair of swats before rubbing. "I love having you over my knee," he murmured. "Feeling you submit to me. Whether I spank you hard or soft." Another pair of swats; one harder and the second more of a pat.

Brock whimpered and shivered. "Yours, master... need to submit...  need you to control..." he said, in an almost begging tone.

"I need to control you just as much as you need to be controlled, my heart," Steve whispered. "I need you so much. I missed you so much." It was hard not to remember the pain and guilt of losing Brock; of knowing he'd been so wrong about everything. "You're mine now." The words were uttered in a hoarse whisper.

"Completely and always..." Brock's voice was rough. He might not have the same memories as Steve, but he could hear the pain and desperation in his master's tone, and it spoke to him... encouraging him to give more; submit more fully.

Steve kissed the back of Brock's neck again, delivering a series of smacks before he paused to rub and knead. His other hand slid beneath Brock to gently stroke over his member. "I need you so much. Losing you the first time tore a hole in me. I won't let you get taken from me again."

"You'll keep me with you? Forever?" Brock shivered, his member swelling in Steve's hand.  Brock groaned, torn between wanting to push his bottom up for more spanking and rubbing or thrusting into Steve's hand.

"Forever," Steve promised. He began to gently stroke and rub Brock's member, his other hand swatting, rubbing and kneading the other man's bottom. "My heart. I love you. I think I have for a very long time."

"I love you too, sir...  so very much. And I need you just as much," Brock's breath caught in his throat.

"Halfway through," Steve breathed, delivering another firm smack and then kneading the heated skin. "When I'm finished, I'm going to bend you over," he promised.

Brock whimpered, both at the smack and the words. "Am I red, master? Is my bottom hot and red for you?" He whined. He wanted to be hot and red for Steve.

"Not yet." Steve squeezed one cheek gently. "But I'll smack harder. So that it is." He began to do so; though was very careful not to use anything close to his full strength.

Brock shivered and moaned softly. "Thank you, sir... thank you for making me yours..." he whispered.

"I can't do anything else," Steve whispered back. "I've got to hold onto you this time." He rubbed a bit and then resumed swatting, seeing Brock's bottom beginning to turn red under his hand; feeling the heat.

"I need to belong to you, Cap... to feel that I belong to you and you have complete control..." Brock admitted, in a shaky voice.

"You're mine." Steve whispered the words in his ear. "And I will never let you go." He began to smack a bit harder and a bit faster, reaching the forfeited number before he began to rub and knead once more.

"I'm yours..." Brock said in a quiet voice, his body going loose so Steve could handle as he saw fit.

Steve began to stroke, rub, knead and squeeze all over Brock's body, fingers grazing his member, before he finally stood them both up.

Brock's legs were shaky, and he gripped onto Steve as much as he could, trusting the other man not to let him fall.

Steve pressed a kiss to Brock's head and then carefully positioned him bent over the couch, making sure his body was well-supported, before retrieving the bottle of oil and coating his own member.

Brock wanted to be taken badly... whimpering with need. Still... he was still a virgin when it came to receiving... he couldn't help but be a little nervous. His nerves manifested in his body quivering in place.

Steve kissed Brock's shoulder. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you so much and I will always look after you." He began to, very carefully and slowly, push inside the other man.

"I love you too, master..." Brock took a deep breath and forced himself to relax as Steve pushed in.

Steve went very slowly and carefully, kissing and caressing Brock's body. "Good," he whispered. "You're being so very good."

Brock let out a tiny sob. He could feel Steve filling him, stretching him, so slowly. It didn't hurt. It didn't exactly feel good either... physically, at least. Not yet. But it felt good emotionally. And Steve's words made it feel better. "Wanna be good for you, master..." He whimpered softly.

"You are," Steve whispered, kissing his shoulder, still moving carefully and slowly. "So good." He let his hands slide down to Brock's hips, squeezing possessively.

Brock relaxed further at the words, the possessive squeezing making him feel even more owned and wanted. Soon, the friction created by Steve's movements began to feel good, not uncomfortable. It began to feel really good. Brock began moaning softly with each push, opening his legs further and sliding forward so the angle would be better for Steve to go as deep as he could. "Yours, master..." he whined softly, as his body heat rose, and he flushed with arousal.

"Mine," Steve whispered, kissing the back of his neck and then his ear, gently sucking on the lobe as he began to thrust gently inside the other man.

Brock groaned nearly obscenely when Steve took his ear into his mouth and clenched tight around the larger man. He tried to talk, but it was unintelligible, his response to the action catching him by surprise.

Gently nipping and sucking on Brock's captured ear, Steve began to thrust with a bit more force, sliding his hands up to Brock's nipples to gently stroke and squeeze.

Brock shivered, arching his back so Steve could stroke and squeeze easier, even as he pushed back to meet his master's thrusts. He was beyond talking, just whimpering, moaning and gasping with each movement or action.

Steve began to trail nipping kisses down Brock's back, squeezing his hips as he began thrusting a bit harder and faster and deeper.

Brock's breathing was gasping and rapid as he gripped the couch's cushions. He widened his stance just a slight bit more to make it easier for Steve to move in him and take what he wanted, arching his back just that slight bit more and rocking back against Steve so that he could feel the larger man's hips smacking against his bottom as he thrust.

Steve kissed and nipped, hands squeezing and stroking. As he began to thrust deeper, he repeated the words, "Mine," and, "I love you," against Brock's skin over and over again.

It was the words as much as the friction he felt inside, the squeezing, stroking, kissing and nipping that caused Brock to become overwhelmed. His breathing became even more frantic, his body hot and achy and then... he was dropping, his body shuddering under and around Steve in release, his ability to focus completely shot. All he knew was feeling and the feeling was a floaty warmth; completely untethered. If Steve didn't have hold of him, he would have slid to the floor in a boneless, shuddering heap.

Steve tightened his hold on Brock, kissing and nipping at the skin of his neck. His own release followed fairly quickly after Brock's and his hands tightened on the other man's hips as he half-slumped over Brock's back.

Brock lay under Steve, body quivering as his breathing slowly normalized after releasing so hard. He was still in a headspace where he felt like he was floating, though. It felt good, having Steve on top of him. It made him feel safe; he felt like he would float away if Steve didn't hold him down. "...Hold me tight, sir..." He whimpered softly. "...Don' lemme float away..." he begged, in a voice that sounded drugged.

Steve wrapped his arms tighter around Brock's body, stroking his chin to encourage the other man to look at him. He pressed their lips together in a gentle, lingering kiss. "I love you so much. I'll never let you 'float away'. I'll never let you go. Not ever again. I need you so much. Losing you hurt so much the first time. I can't go through that again," he whispered.

The stroking of his chin and the kiss did a lot to help bring Brock back up from his 'fall' and after a few minutes of Steve stroking and kissing, he was returning the kiss with a tiny, contented sigh. "I need you too, sir..." he whispered back, squeezing around Steve's member instinctively as he pushed up with his body very slightly in an attempt to get closer to his Master. "I love you and need you so much...."

Steve pressed a bit deeper with the kiss, tightening his arms around Brock and pushing that bit closer. With a trace of amusement in his voice, he whispered, "I feel like I want to stay like this forever."

"Can we, Master?" Brock whispered. He didn't sound amused at all. He sounded completely serious, a hopeful note in his voice. Of course, he knew they couldn't; it wasn't physically possible (or healthy) to do so... but the thought of being under his owner, bottom claimed, weighed down by the larger man so he couldn't move? It felt good and right and he wished fervently it could happen for longer than he knew it would.

"I wish we could," Steve whispered honestly against his lips. "I don't ever want to let you go and staying inside you means I don't have to. Means I can hold onto you and heal from that pain losing you left me with. But even if I can't stay inside you forever...we can stay like this for a while."

Brock let out a happy sigh. "...Yessir... I wanna stay like this as long as possible... I love you...."

"I love you so much." Steve carefully moved them so they could stretch out on the sofa and cuddle, with him still inside Brock. "I need you. So much."

Brock sighed happily and snuggled back into Steve, cuddling close. "I love and need you too, sir. You saved me... I'd be lost without you..." he whispered.

"I had to save you," Steve whispered, kissing him. "It tore me apart to lose you. Even though I never acted on my feelings then. I regretted it so much."

"No regrets now, Cap..." Brock smiled. "You rescued me when I didn't know I needed rescuing."

Steve tightened his embrace. "I'm glad you let me bring you home. That I didn't have to drag you here."

"Was that an option?" Brock asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. He couldn't imagine turning his Master down. Not now. But if he had? Would Steve had forced him? Maybe the thought of that shouldn't thrill him as much as it did. If he didn't love Steve so much and want to belong to him so much, it probably wouldn't. Still.

"Yes." Steve could be honest about it now; could admit that he would have been prepared to do anything to save Brock and bring the other man back. "When I gave you the suit to put on, it took everything I had not to bundle you into it myself. And then not to toss you over my shoulder. I nearly did that to carry you in here the first time."

Brock swallowed and snuggled back. "If I didn't love you and want to be with you so much, I'd probably find that disturbing... but... I actually like knowing you'll force me to do something if it keeps me safe and alive...." His tone was sheepish.

"You've given yourself to me," Steve whispered, kissing his ear. "I will do anything to keep you safe. To keep you with me."

"I know... it feels good knowing that..." Brock admitted quietly. "I want to be with you forever...." He snuggled back, slanting his head so Steve could reach his ear and neck easier.

"I brought you home because of how much I want and need and love you." Steve pressed kisses to his ear and neck; along the line of his jaw.

Brock let out tiny little sighs of happiness, squirming back against Steve as if he could get any closer than they already were. "...I love you, sir. More than I could ever say. I just... I want to show you. Give myself to you so you can feel how much I love and need you..." he whispered.

"That's what you are doing," Steve whispered. "Giving yourself completely to me. I knew how much I wanted you when I saw you in the elevator. I thought I'd have to do a lot more convincing."

Brock blushed. "I... I always liked you, sir. If I hadn't been under cover and if I hadn't thought you'd be offended if I told you... well. I just always liked you, so when you told me what was going on and what you expected... it was all my wants coming true."

Steve kissed him, gently and lingeringly. "I love you. I'm only sorry I couldn't save you the first-time round. I know you don't blame me, and I know you don't remember. But I'll never stop trying to make it up to you."

Brock frowned at that, kissing Steve back less gently, but just as lingeringly, trying to show Steve how much he was loved and how Brock didn't blame him, through the kiss. "You shouldn't blame yourself either..." he whispered fiercely. "There is nothing to make up." He paused for Steve to hear that before he continued, "The reason I don't remember is because it never happened to me... you took me away and brought me forward in time before it could happen, so you actually saved me from having it happen."

Steve's arms tightened around Brock and he nuzzled the other man's throat. "I know, on a logical level. And I'm happier than I can put into words that I've got you now. I'm just never going to let go of you again," he whispered. "I'm going to keep you with me. For always."

"Well then everything's alright... because I never want to be let go and I want to be kept by you. For always." Brock smiled, slanting his head so Steve could nuzzle easier, wiggling his bottom a little so he could possibly interest his master in claiming him again.

Steve kissed Brock's neck, over his pulse point. "I love you so much." He shifted inside Brock, the scent and feel of the other man causing his own member to stir once more.

Brock's happy, rumbling growl at feeling Steve's 'interest peak' again made it clear that he was more than ready to accept his master's claim again.

Steve gently nipped Brock's neck, over the pulse point. "You feel so good in my arms," he whispered. "You feel so good cuddled close to me. Smell so good. Taste so good."

Brock let out a tiny laugh at the words, but it was a needy laugh. "Feels good having you wrapped around me, inside me, cuddling me... eating me..." He ended with a slightly suggestive tone, looking over his shoulder and giving Steve a naughty grin.

Steve chuckled outright at that, kissing Brock's lips. "I'm not going to stop," he promised.

Brock kissed back eagerly, squeezing his muscles tight around Steve's member and rubbing back against his master shamelessly.

Steve let his fingers gently grasp Brock's member, beginning to stroke it. "After I take you again, I'm going to carry you into the bathroom and wash you off," he promised.

"Yessir..." Brock moaned softly, caught between wanting to thrust backward onto his master's member and thrust forward into his master's hand.

Steve pressed closer and tighter against Brock's back, stroking his member and continuing to thrust into the other man.

Brock finally gave up trying to keep up with the larger man and just left himself loose enough that Steve could push in and tug as much as he wanted and was able, going along for the ride. "Feels good..." he managed to gasp out, as he felt his own member hardening for his master.

"Good," Steve whispered against Brock's neck, kissing it. "I want you to feel good. You deserve to feel good."

"S... so... so do you, Sir..." Brock's voice wobbled as he moved closer and closer towards climax. Steve had found the perfect angle and now, every thrust his master made into him caused him to feel as if sparks were coursing through his body.

Steve continued to thrust into Brock, kissing and nipping at his skin. At the same time, he continued to stroke and manipulate the other man's member, his own continuing to grow and swell inside of Brock.

Brock was reduced to whimpers and moans again as Steve continued to stroke that spot deep inside him that made him weak and unable to do anything but take Steve's possession. He was painfully erect, swollen and close to release, tightening up around his master's member the closer he came to losing all control.

"When you're ready," Steve whispered against Brock's neck. "I want you to release for me. Release for your master."

Closing his eyes and letting out a low keening wail, Brock did just that, his climax shaking him through his entire body as he clenched tight around Steve's member and emptied into his master's hand.

Steve's arms tightened around Brock as his own release followed. He kissed the other man's neck, whispering, "Mine," in Brock's ear.

"Completely yours...." Brock agreed, nearly breathless in response. He could feel Steve's release inside of him, slowly leaking from his body and running down the back of his thighs. He rolled just enough to try and keep the spill in and on himself and off the couch.

Steve kissed Brock's shoulder and then carefully lifted the other man into his arms, carrying him through to the bathroom so they could bathe.

Brock nuzzled against Steve's shoulder and neck as he was carried. "Feel like a bride on her wedding day..." he said, with a huff of amusement at being carried so easily.

Steve kissed Brock's head, still holding him as he ran the bath. "You're mine," he whispered. "Not exactly a bride...but you're mine. You complete me."

Brock grinned. "You complete me too, sir. I'd be lost without you...."

"I love you so much." Steve stepped into the bath, carefully lowering Brock into it, and settled the other man against his chest.

"I love you too... master." Brock settled into place, a happy smile on his face.