Chapter Nine

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; caning; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU
Pairing introduced in this chapter: Talos/Yon-Rogg


Her communicator was shot.

Hiding out in one of the ruined buildings, Lyja held the form of one of the natives of the planet. She didn't dare drop the facade, for fear the Kree who had somehow traced her would spot her hiding. It should have been a simple mission: retrieve one of her fellow Skrulls who had been dropped back after five years of being gone.

Not for the first time, Lyja was considering there might be a traitor close to her father. And with her communicator down, she had no chance of making the rendezvous. And the Kree had already killed the agent she'd come to rescue.

Yon-Rogg allowed his team to move ahead of him, feeling the need to watch them as much as he felt the need to keep an eye on their surroundings.

He had been one of those left behind when half of all life in the universe just disappeared.

Things had been sent into upheaval when it had first occurred. He would have been surprised at the lack of anyone taking advantage of said upheaval, if it weren't for the fact that many of those in charge, who might have taken advantage, were among those that disappeared. Five years of upheaval and having to focus on something other than total Kree dominion and wiping out the Skrull had caused him to rethink many of his life choices. He'd believed he was right for so long; a loyal Kree to the end. There was no way his people's attempts to annihilate the Skrull were wrong. But then... then he'd seen how his own people reacted to half their population disappearing. And had to focus on finding ways for his people to survive the chaos. And while looking for those ways, he'd studied a bit more and read a bit more and learned; and discovered that what he'd thought was a just and right war was a muddied grey mess. Maybe his people weren't entirely wrong, but they certainly weren't entirely right, and the last many years spent trying to commit genocide against an enemy that had been defeated was entirely wrong.

He found that he agreed with what Mar Vel had believed and found himself regretting his part in her death. Regretted what had been done to Vers in the name of Kree dominion. Found himself regretting what he'd done to the Skrull. And then it had all been reversed and all those who had disappeared reappeared. And suddenly, he had a team again (new Kree that he had never worked with before) and was ordered to hunt the Skrull again. Because of his regrets, he'd carefully questioned, felt out, his team to see if they might possibly have any reservations about what they were doing. What they'd been ordered to do. But every single one of them was as he had been five years before. Loyal Kree to the end and believing the only good Skrull was a dead Skrull. And he knew he couldn't let his own new viewpoint be known, because they'd shoot him in the back if they thought he wasn't just as loyal.

Cas Der began yelling, pointing their weapon into one of the buildings and he quickly made his way to the door, drawing his own weapon. When he looked in the door, his stomach sank. They'd found their target. A Skrull female. He couldn't tell her age, but she didn't look that old; definitely young enough to be his daughter, if he had children. He found himself unwilling to kill her or let her die. There'd been enough death in this pointless war. Making a quick decision, he raised his hand and ordered his team, "Go back to the ship. I will take care of this scum and will meet up with you after I have set a trap for any that might be looking for her."

"Are you certain?" his second in command, another Kree that he didn't know and therefore didn't trust, asked.

"Do not question my orders. I will meet you back at the ship," Yon-Rogg growled, stopping any arguments before they could be made. He watched as his team begrudgingly left him alone with the Skrull girl.

When he was satisfied that the other Kree had obeyed his order and were gone, he turned back toward Lyja. "Do you have a way to contact your people?" he asked calmly.

Lyja watched him warily. She recognized this Kree, although she was certain he didn't know her. How could he, when he'd only seen her briefly when she was a child? But he and her father had been on the opposite sides of a war that had been going on long before she'd been born. Likely long before her father and mother had been born.

Her thoughts faltered a little when she thought of her mother, dead in the long five years since half of the world had vanished. There was no doubt in her mind that she was about to suffer the same fate. She felt nothing more than a mild sense of curiosity about why the leader had sent his team away. So, he could brag about killing the lone Skrull himself?

"I will not betray them to you. I will die first," she informed him. She'd discussed this. Planned for it. Most of her people would break under torture. The Kree hadn't made a move towards her yet. She had time. Time to reach the poison pellet each Skrull carried with them. So, they wouldn't be captured alive.

Yon-Rogg smiled sadly at the retort, knowing that he wouldn't convince her he meant no harm. He didn't want to convince her; better she continue viewing all Kree as enemy, since all those in power were the enemy. Still. "Call your people as soon as you see my ship leave this planet. You know my ship is the only one here now... just as I know your people have ways to get to this planet unseen and retrieve you." He tossed her an unopened food ration packet. "I'll do my best to keep anyone else away..." he said gruffly, before turning and leaving the building... and having to stop suddenly as he was faced with the scowling continence of his team. They hadn't obeyed his order. They'd returned to 'help' him kill the Skrull... either because they wanted to be able to take credit as well, or because they didn't trust him; he wasn't sure which, but it didn't really matter.

"Traitor!" Cas Der roared, raising his weapon and firing at him.

Yon-Rogg barely managed to dodge the blast. As it was, is cut a gouge in his arm instead of shooting him through the heart. Grunting in pain, he raised his own weapon and fired. His shot didn't miss, luckily and his attacker went down, never to get up again. Unluckily, there were still three other members of the team aiming weapons at him. He didn't know how he'd survive this. There was very little cover and his ship was too far away to reach.

Lyja heard the shots fired; heard the roared word. Still not entirely convinced this wasn't a trick, she went to the body of the Skrull she'd been sent to retrieve. Her own weapon was out of ammunition, but she found some in his pocket. In one swift movement, she reloaded her own weapon and slipped to the open, gaping window. She took aim, fired, then quickly ducked down out of sight, to avoid any return fire.

Yon-Rogg swallowed as a shot from behind him felled the member of his team that was just about to shoot him between the eyes. A few seconds later and he would have been dead; he'd had nowhere he could have dodged to avoid the shot. Now there were two left. Carefully, he raised his weapon and shot the third member, who was now distracted by the new assailant hiding in the building. It wasn't easy; it was his non-dominant hand and he'd already lost a lot of blood (was losing more rapidly; if he wasn't given medical attention soon, he'd bleed out) and so he wasn't steady. Still, even being wobbly from blood loss, his aim was true and a third Kree fell lifeless to the ground; there was one left.

Raising up again, Lyja spotted the final Kree still standing. She took aim and fired. Waiting only long enough to be sure the shot was fatal, she hurried over to the dead Skrull and retrieved the med pack. Running out of the building, she crouched down next to Yon-Rogg. Scanning the surrounding area, she quickly began to bind up his arm to stop or at least slow the bleeding.

"You... you need to go..." Yon-Rogg gasped weakly. "...They... they didn't trust me. I... I'm sure they told my commanders... other Kree will... will be on their way..." He grimaced as the pain grew and his weakness grew with it.

"My communicator was damaged." Satisfied that the wound was bandaged to the best of her ability, Lyja began to carefully pull him back into the ruined building. "I will need to use yours. I do not believe that all of this is an elaborate trick to gain my trust, but my father will not be so easy to convince. Where is your communicator?"

Swallowing thickly, Yon-Rogg vaguely reached toward the front pocket of his suit, not quite able to maneuver the zip that kept it safely in place. And then he passed out.

Lyja quickly retrieved the communicator, scrambling the frequency and speaking in her own tongue. As very few of the Kree would bother to learn the Skrull language, even if they unscrambled the frequency, she doubted they'd be able to decipher what was said before it was too late.

When her father asked her if she'd succeeded in her mission, Lyja admitted that the Skrull she'd been sent to save had been killed...but that there was someone else who needed help.


When he'd seen the Kree ship, Talos had instantly feared the worse. The bodies on the ground did little to allay his fears, Kree bodies or no. He held his weapon at the ready as he entered the building his daughter had told him she was hiding in.

Two things greeted him. The first was his daughter, alive...apparently uninjured. But the relief that filled him at that was marred considerably by the sight of the still-breathing body she stood in a protective stance in front of. Raising his weapon, he spoke in a voice colder than any that had ever left his lips before. "Stand aside, Lyja. There is one last Kree to take care of."

"No, Father. He needs our help." Lyja spread her arms, so there would be no chance of missing her if Talos fired. "I was only able to call you here because he saved me."

Talos snorted. "The Kree will do anything to deceive you."

"Even kill their own?" she retorted. "You saw those bodies outside. You know the difference in our weapons. You know two of those were killed by a Kree weapon. By his weapon."

Yon-Rogg had blacked out for a few moments, but he started to come to at the sound of voices. He couldn't understand them and one of them sounded cold, angry and he thought he should be worried, but he didn't have enough energy to think on it long and blacked out again. His breathing was shallow and rough sounding.

Talos frowned. "If I take him onboard my ship, none of our people will agree or understand."

"And if you leave him here to die, will you ever be able to live with yourself?" Lyja countered. "He told me his team will have called it in. His people won't come for him. If they do, it will only be to kill him. You don't want this war. Ever since Momma...." Her voice trailed off. "Please, Papa?" she whispered. "He saved my life."

No matter his personal feelings towards the Kree, Talos couldn't ignore his daughter's pleading. And the mention of his wife hurt. She had had the same feelings as Lyja; the same feelings Talos had once had, before the war and losing so many of his people had made him see peace was impossible.

He holstered his weapon. "As soon as we are off this planet, his ship is getting blown up." He strode forward, past his daughter, and lifted Yon-Rogg into his arms.

Yon-Rogg would never have reacted to his pain had he been awake, certainly not in front of the enemy, but he was unconscious and so when he was lifted up, he did respond to the pain with a soft whimper and a gentle struggle to free himself before going limp in Talos's arms.

Talos tightened his hold in response to the struggling, striding out of the building and towards the Skrull ship. Every step he took was filled with tension. This was a mortal enemy he carried in his arms. If his daughter hadn't spoken up in his defense, Talos would have killed him. That was the only thing that had saved the Kree.

Lyja quickly followed her father. She had no illusions. She could get Yon-Rogg the medical attention he needed, but he was still a prisoner. Once he was treated, she knew her father would throw him in the brig.

Yon hung limply over Talos shoulder, no struggle at all. He was barely even breathing; the bandage Lyja had wrapped around his arm was already soaked in his blood. If he didn't get help soon, all her efforts would have been in vain.

As soon as they reached the ship, Lyja moved ahead of her father, walking to the medical room.

Talos frowned at his daughter. "I know the way to med bay."

"But would you take him there?" Lyja retorted, eyeing the dangling Yon and the bloodstained bandage with so much obvious concern, her father - despite his personal feelings - sped his steps up to reach the medical area.


Despite their hatred and distrust of the Kree, the medics had taken one look at Lyja's face and done what they could to save Yon-Rogg's life, despite their feelings. As soon as he was stable, though, they'd insisted he be moved to another part of the ship. They could check on him in the brig as easily as they could in one of the medical area beds.

That was why, when Yon finally woke and didn't pass out again, he was lying on a cot in the middle of a room that only held the barest of necessities; and nothing that could be used as a weapon, either against the Skrull or himself. Swallowing, he waited a few moments to make certain he actually was awake, before he tried to sit up, closing his eyes tightly as a wave of dizziness almost caused him to fall over.

"You've lost a lot of blood." Lyja had snuck away from her father as soon as it was safe to do so, bringing food with her so that Yon would have something to eat when he finally woke up. "I'm sorry, but you're a prisoner now. It's poor repayment for you saving me, but any alternative would have ended with you dead."

Yon swallowed, then carefully opened his eyes, staring at his feet, before he looked up at her. "I thought I was dead... would be if you hadn't.... I can't help but feel gratitude that you were willing to help me. Being a prisoner? Is likely less than I deserve for the life I've led..." he said in a whisper, his voice still too hoarse and weak to speak normally.

Lyja walked over to him and held a cup of water to his lips, so that he could drink some; but she held it carefully, so he wouldn't run the risk of choking. "War makes monsters of us all." She spoke sadly, but almost resigned; as if this was a phrase she'd learned. "There's little information about Kree physiology on board. If you know of anything that will help speed up your healing, I will program it into the replicators."

"I was a soldier. Not a doctor. But I can help a little, possibly..." Yon responded, his voice a little less rough, even if it was still weak. "I assume you took any equipment I had on me? If it was not destroyed, I had a data-pad on me. It... it has basics of Kree physiology and more specific information on my physiology...."

"I will ask my father." Though she didn't sound too hopeful. Talos wouldn't allow Yon to starve, but as for drawing him out of a weakened state.... "If it has not been destroyed, perhaps I can find out where he has put it." She moved over to pick up the plate of food. "If you can, try to eat. This food should not harm you." She frowned at the knowledge that it was easier to find what would harm Kree than what would help them.

Yon glanced at the food and smiled faintly. "It will not harm me..." he confirmed, before carefully reaching toward the plate, his hand shaking. "Thank you..." he said softly. "...You did not have to take care of me. Rescue me.... You have a good heart..." he finished quietly, finally managing to grasp a piece of the bread that was on the plate.

"None of the others will trust you. Everyone has lost something in the war." Lyja's voice was sad. Noticing his struggles, she lifted some of the food and held it to his lips. "You did not have to save me. I don't think you even recognized me...I was only a child when we last saw each other."

Yon hesitated before sighing softly and eating the food she held to his lips. It was shaming, being so helpless he couldn't even feed himself. At her words, he looked up, curious. "We met before?" he asked, with a hint of surprise. He had been unconscious when Talos was there, or he might have realized who she was.

"I'm Talos' daughter. My name is Lyja." She paused, watching him. Yes, she knew his name; but by offering her own name like this, she was making an overture of friendship. There was a hopeful note in her voice as she waited to see if he would respond in kind.

Yon paused at that. He knew Talos. He also knew Talos hated him. "Your father would not be pleased you are here with me, helping me..." he said wryly. "...You know who I am, obviously. But if you want, you may call me Yon... I owe you my life..." he said, as firmly as he was able.

"I know," she replied. "But I also told him that you saved my life. He did at least make sure you get treated. I'm glad to meet you, Yon," she added.

Yon smiled crookedly at that. "See if you want to say that when your father finds out you came to visit me..." he said, with a hint of humor.

"He won't be happy with me, but it won't stop me," Lyja stated, giving him another bit of food.

Yon ate that bite also, blushing faintly, but not arguing against her help. If he wanted to get his strength back, he needed to eat. Pride held no part in his recovery.

She continued feeding him, relaxed and natural, talking about anything really that came into her head; nothing too personal about either of them, but just talking like she would to anyone.

That was where Talos found her; the last place he looked, which he should have made the first place. Seeing his daughter feeding and talking to his mortal enemy like they were friends made his blood boil and his fists clench. "Lyja. Come here."

That wasn't a tone of voice Lyja heard from her father very often and she quickly turned to face Talos, putting herself squarely between her father and the Kree. "I wanted to make sure he was fed and that the food wouldn't harm him." She didn't say that Yon was too weak to eat. Her father would see that for himself and the last thing she wanted was to make her new friend feel bad.

Yon let his eyes fall toward the floor and his shoulders hunch forward, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. Considering his weakness, it wasn't difficult to look non-threatening. He didn't want Lyja to get into trouble with her father for his sake, though. "Thank you... I can't eat anymore, though. You do not need to stay..." He left unsaid I do not want to cause a problem for you.

"I don't want you coming here," Talos said.

"Of course, Father." Lyja had her hands behind her back and she quite deliberately crossed her fingers. It was one of the few things she'd witnessed on Earth during the short time she'd been there.

Yon saw the crossed fingers and started coughing when he tried to choke back his laugh. It quickly became obvious he was still really weak, as he was almost about to fall off the bed due to a lack of balance.

Lyja quickly turned to help steady Yon on the bed and then turned a wide-eyed look on her father when she heard his half-stifled growl. "You don't want him reopening that wound again, do you?" She turned back to Yon, giving him a wide, reassuring smile before she slipped out of the room.

Talos took a step closer to the bed. "I don't know how you have deceived my daughter, but I do not trust you around her," he stated.

"Your daughter has a good heart. She is better than I will ever be..." Yon said softly, his eyes rising to meet Talos's, almost defiantly, though he doubted Talos would disagree with that statement. He started listing to the side, just sitting up for the short time he had been becoming difficult. He didn't want to lay down in Talos's presence, though. It was bad enough he was so weak in front of the other man without being pathetically so.

"You would have killed her when she was a child and defenseless, without hesitation," Talos said harshly. "Do you expect me to believe you have changed? Or did you only spare her because no Kree female would have you?"

Yon winced at the first accusation, knowing it was true, but his eyes flashed angrily at the second. "I have never... would never..." he growled, before swallowing and forcing himself to take as deep a breath as he was able. He knew his objections to Talos's words wouldn't matter. The man wouldn't believe a thing he said. But he hoped Lyja wouldn't believe that was his reason for saving her. He slumped again. "I can't expect you'll believe me, but I have changed. The last five years... I realized how wrong the war we were waging was... it wasn't until I saw her and was expected to just execute her, though... I couldn't do it. I can't be that person any longer..." he said, in a sad, defeated tone. Talos would never believe him, so he wouldn't attempt to convince him, but he at least had to put his truth out there. Even if it wasn't believed.

Talos shook his head. He didn't believe the Kree. Couldn't believe him. "My daughter is the only family I have left. Your people took my wife away. We just wanted to live in peace, but you wouldn't allow it. I will never turn my back on you," he spat out. "I will never trust you. And I promise that I will never let you have the opportunity to run back to your kind."

Yon let his eyes fall to the ground. "I will remain here until I die?" he asked. In spite of his desire not to look weak or afraid, a hint of fear was in his tone. If he was to be locked in a tiny room for the rest of his life, he would have preferred to be allowed to die.

"I would have left you on that planet, but my daughter begged for your life," Talos said. "You are alive only because of her."

"I know..." Yon whispered. "...I know it means nothing to you and you won't believe me either way, but... I'm sorry about your wife. What happened to her was wrong..." he added in sadly. He didn't say that it was Talos's wife's death that had put Yon on his path to introspection, self-reflection and eventual change of heart. If the man started believing him and cared to find out, it would be easy enough to discover.

Those words sent a stab of pain through Talos' heart. Losing his wife had been a devastating blow. And while he didn't want to believe anything the Kree said...those words hit a part of him buried deep inside; that part of him that had once believed there could be an end to the war. He shook his head sharply. No. He wouldn't be taken in by that. "Rest. You need to rest." His voice was still harsh, but he was quite obviously shaken by Yon's words. He backed away, towards the door.

Yon nodded briefly, in acceptance of Talos's words, slumping that much further. He wasn't able to bring himself to lay down in the other man's presence, but it was obvious he'd do exactly as Talos said once Talos wasn't around to watch him do so.

Talos left the room, closing the door behind him and making sure it was securely locked.

Yon finally lay back on the bed and was soon asleep.


Yon had been on the Skrull ship for several weeks; though he wasn't entirely sure how long, what day it was, what month it was, or even what hour of the day it was. Lyja had faithfully come to see him every day, despite her father's objections, and had hand fed him until he'd regained enough strength that he could feed himself. And then she returned to make certain he was eating the food he'd been given and to talk. Talos almost always showed up to send her away and to threaten Yon if he ever tried anything. Yon didn't know if she was that good at hiding things from her father that Talos never knew to come get her before she'd been there for at least thirty minutes, or if he knew and was just allowing her that much time because it seemed to put her mind at ease to be able to check up on him. Yon found himself looking forward to her visits, though, growing fond of the younger woman. It almost reminded him of how he and Vers had been, although that relationship had been based on lies and now the Terran hated him, so... in a way, his relationship with Lyja was healthier. Even if he was a prisoner, at least there were no falsehoods between them. He found himself viewing her almost like a, well... not a daughter. But a favorite niece. He began to teach her things and tell her things that would help her survive against the Kree. Things he couldn't tell anyone else because she was the only one who ever gave him the benefit of the doubt. She was special to him. A friend.

As she usually did, Lyja slipped into Yon's room, carrying a plate this time and giving him a huge smile. She was smiling and happy because, having finally tracked down his data-pad, she'd been able to program the replicator for some Kree food. Yes, the food Yon had been given was edible and wouldn't harm him...but she'd wanted to do something nice for him.

Yon's eyes widened as he saw the food, unable to hide his excitement. "How?" he asked, as his stomach growled loudly, causing him to flush. Usually, he had to force himself to eat. But this gift? He didn't think that would be a problem.

"I managed to find your data pad. Finally." Lyja brought the plate and set it down within easy reach of him. "I know you can eat the food here...but I wanted to do something nice for you. Something actually within my power."

Yon gave her a grateful, extremely fond look. "How did you slip it past your father, I mean? He wouldn't have agreed to this... I don't deserve such kindness and I don't want to cause problems for you...."

"He's involved in meetings at the moment and will be for quite some time now," Lyja answered. "I don't agree with him, or you, that you deserve to suffer." She hesitated. "He wouldn't have been so hard and cold with you before, but...losing Mother broke something inside of him. I know it's not an excuse, but if he truly hated you, he would never have let you live here. No matter what I said." It was hard. She was growing fond of the Kree. It wasn't in a romantic sense; she viewed him much the same as her father. A protector. She sat closer to Yon and let her head rest lightly against his shoulder; a show of affection she'd taken to doing for a few minutes, before her father inevitably tracked her down.

Instinctively, Yon kissed the top of her head; the affection of an older relative for a younger. He had never had a family, his devotion to his homeland superseding everything else. He regretted that. He supposed it was too late to worry about that now, though. "This gift is precious, if only because of what it represents. Thank you " he said, before beginning to eat.

Lyja only shifted enough to allow Yon to eat; otherwise, she stayed pressed close to him. Her father wouldn't approve if he saw this. He wouldn't be happy. He already thought she was getting corrupted by Yon...but it wasn't like that. At all. She sighed softly. "I'm glad I met you," she whispered.

"I'm glad it was my team, not another, that found you," Yon whispered. Had another team found her, this beautiful, generous soul would have been extinguished. And he'd still be following the orders of a leader he no longer agreed with. Even if he was a prisoner, now that he was free of that, he couldn't help but feel he was better off. At least he wasn't heaping more guilt onto himself.

In response, Lyja wrapped her arms carefully around his waist. The wound might have healed, but he hadn't had much exercise and she knew his body wouldn't be as strong as it could be. But she hugged him. Like she did her father. And she wished, more than anything, that she could show her Papa the same thing she saw in Yon.

Sighing deeply at the show of affection, Yon kissed the top of her head again. "If I were a stronger man, I'd tell you to obey your father... to leave me to my deserved fate. I'm not strong... not strong enough to do that. Thank you again... the food was delicious."

Nuzzling into his shoulder, Lyja shook her head. "I wouldn't stop coming to see you even if you told me to. I care about you. I want to spend time with you. I like you. I think you are good."

Yon smiled crookedly. "You are sweet for thinking so, but I am far from good. I want to be, though. I want to make your faith in me mean something."

Lyja leaned up to kiss his cheek before she snuggled in close again. "I wish I could show you and my fathersee when I look at you. I feared you when I was a child, but even if you were not a prisoner, I would not fear you now," she stated.

Hearing her utter belief and trust in him left him speechless and Yon had to swallow hard. He blinked his eyes as his vision blurred. "I would hope never to do anything to make you afraid again."

"You will not." Lyja spoke with utter conviction. "I wish I could make him see," she whispered. It hurt that her father wouldn't believe anything but the worst about the Kree. Even seeing this, she knew he would read it in the worst way possible. But the alternative was to shy away. To keep a distance between them. And she didn't want that. To her, Yon was family now.

"He may never see, Lyja... and that is okay. I did great wrong to him. To you and your people. I might have decided to change, but part of my penance is realizing that might not matter or be enough and I have to accept that." Yon's voice was sad. "I do not want you worrying about it, or letting it put a wedge between you and your father. What will...will."

"But you are as important to me as he is," she whispered. "And I do not want to see another person I love suffer." The words left her without hesitation. She wanted Yon to realize; to know that he was a part of her family now. That she loved him the same way she did her father.

Yon didn't know how he had come to be so important to Lyja, though they had spent the last several months getting to know each other as she nursed him to health. He did know she didn't view him romantically, so it was a bit of a surprise to hear her words. "You are important to me as well, little niece... and it is because of this I do not wish to come between you and your papa. I am not suffering. Despite his feelings for me, your papa has provided me all I need to live and not suffer. And if I do sometimes suffer, know it is not your father or my present circumstances that cause it, but a... a guilty heart." Yon said the last softly, almost a whisper.

"I forgive you." Lyja let her head rest against Yon's chest, so she could listen to his heartbeat. Like she was a child again, sprawling on her father's chest and doing the same so that she could reassure herself he lived. "I know it still hurts, but maybe...that can soothe your heart a little bit?" With Yon, she found herself becoming more childlike. Her father loved her, but war had turned his heart to stone and he kept a wall in place with even her. She believed he could find peace...that he could learn to love again. But she knew of no one who would be able to pierce through the armor that surrounded his heart.

"It does, little one... if you can see good in me, then I can't be entirely hopeless..." Yon smiled, allowing himself to hug her, though he knew any type of affection that involved him holding her was normally followed by Talos coming in to break things up.

Lyja hugged him in return, then released a slow sigh as she heard footsteps outside the door. Surreptitiously, she slid the empty tray she'd brought under the bed, so her father wouldn't see and realize she'd brought extra food. And then she slowly sat up, putting a small amount of distance between her and Yon. She didn't care about getting scolded by her father; but she cared about him turning his ire on the Kree.

Seconds later, Talos was in the room, a dark look on his face. He'd received reports of one of the ships carrying his people having been attacked, the reports made worse by the fact that the ship had been no threat. It had carried wounded members of his people and the Kree had shot it out of the sky.

"Leave, Lyja." Talos hardly glanced at his daughter. He didn't want her to hear this.

"Papa?" Lyja scrambled to her feet. This wasn't just anger she was seeing in him, though he was hiding his grief well under it. "What happened?" she whispered.

Yon straightened as well, looking into Talos's face and realizing... whatever had upset the man didn't have anything directly to do with him, but was still connected. And he didn't want Lyja to hear it, either, even if her absence left him open to retribution in the place of whoever had upset Talos. "Please, Lyja..." he said softly, asking her to obey and not argue or upset her father worse, though it was in his tone, not actual words.

Her look of distress was obvious as she glanced between the two men who were her family, but who had so much bad blood between them, she didn't know if healing could ever be possible. "Please, Papa...don't blame him...." she whispered, before hanging her head and leaving the room.

If it wasn't for his daughter, Talos wasn't sure what he would have done to Yon. He wasn't in anything like a rational space of mind. He stabbed a finger at the bed. "Sit." The order was nearly a growl.

Licking his lip and watching Talos warily, Yon obeyed. His first inclination had been to ignore the order, but that inclination came from a personality of a past life; when he was over proud and refused to bend even when he knew he was wrong. He wasn't that man anymore. So, he sat and waited for Talos to decide what he was going to do.

The quick obedience surprised Talos, but what was even more surprising was his own reaction to that. A tiny bit of the anger faded, allowing grief to surface. "Your fellow Kree shot a med ship down. It was defenseless. There were only doctors and injured people on board. Some of them were children." He paused and waited. Waited to see what kind of excuses the Kree would make. If he would even attempt to make excuses for his people.

Yon felt like he'd been slugged in the stomach, his breath leaving him in a whoosh and his head swimming for long enough for him to start to fall forward before he steadied himself with a white knuckled grip. His eyes teared up as he remembered past missions where his team had attacked defenseless ships. He'd never thought to the lives aboard such vessels... until now. "What do you need from me?" he said in a pathetically soft voice, guilt and regret thick in his tone. Maybe he hadn't been the one to attack this time, but how many attacks in the past had led to children dying?

What did he need? Talos didn't even know himself. There were cameras in the room, and he'd watched them obsessively while pretending to turn a blind eye to Lyja visiting the Kree. He wouldn't believe his mortal enemy had changed. Couldn't believe it. Yes, he'd seen the dead Kree on the planet when he'd rescued his daughter and brought Yon onto the ship. And, yes, Lyja was alive...but how could Yon be doing anything other than playing an elaborate trick? To gain their trust only to turn on them?

Talos decided to see how far the Kree would play this. How far he would go. Eyeing Yon, he spoke in a cold voice. "Strip."

Yon's quick intake of breath was the only show of surprise at the words, but he swallowed quickly and slowly stood. Unable to face Talos, he began to remove his clothing. It wasn't quickly, but it was quick enough and soon, he stood naked in front of the man who'd be just as happy if he died. He couldn't hide his nervousness, but he forced himself to stand tall and not try to cover himself with his hands.

That hadn't been expected either. Neither had the fact that the sight of Yon naked...of the Kree naked...had stirred something inside Talos he'd thought had died with his wife. He pushed that reaction down and indicated the bed once more. "Bend over."

Yon's startled gaze shot up to Talos, his fear clear. He had no idea what Talos had planned. He had to trust that the man wouldn't permanently maim or harm him, but not knowing what to expect was difficult. Taking another shaky breath, he turned and did as ordered, bending over the bed until his shoulders touched the bed, leaving his backside higher than the rest of his body. The skin of his bottom and thighs stretched taut.

Talos never went anywhere unarmed and now was no exception. One weapon was a small, innocent-looking stick that could be taken out and extended into a long staff. He did just that, holding the implement in his hand. After everything the Kree had done, Talos would be within his rights to kill him. His people would argue that he should have done so already. But....

He saved Lyja.

For that part alone, Talos wouldn't kill him. Wouldn't maim him or permanently harm him. But he would take retribution.

Stepping to the bent-over Kree, Talos whipped the stick across the fullest part of his backside; hard, even though he held back on his full strength.

Yon cried out, then gasped at the pain that radiated from the strike. It took everything in him not to immediately stand up, the effort clear in the muscles of his back and bottom.

If he said the cry didn't affect him, it would be a lie. The stripe showed clearly on Yon's backside and Talos twitched to reach out and touch it; to feel the heat. Instead, he brought the makeshift cane down again a little bit lower, avoiding the mark left by the first strike.

Yon cried out again, though he managed to keep it soft enough Talos would be the only one to hear. Tears pooled in his eyes and his entire body shivered as the pain increased.

Despite almost blinded by grief and anger fueled by pain, Talos retained enough control over himself to keep his strength controlled; to make sure none of the stripes crossed over each other. By the time he'd landed twelve, covering Yon's entire backside from the crest down to his thighs, he was beginning to feel the first stirrings of shame.

At first, Yon had managed to hold himself in place and keep his cries down by sheer willpower. By the twelfth stroke, he was quiet and still because the intense, focused pain had pushed him up to and then over an edge he didn't even know was there. He wasn't capable of moving or making sound, because he had dropped into a place in his mind where nothing existed but the burning pain on his backside and a deep-seated belief that it was deserved. He deserved to be punished and wouldn't fight. His body shook as if he was freezing and tears streamed down his face as low, soft moans, soft as whispers, filled the room.

Talos had thought he'd get some satisfaction from punishing Yon. That he'd get some sense of justice causing pain to his mortal enemy. He didn't expect to be affected by the Kree's responses. Hearing the reactions shook him as much as when Yon had mentioned his wife.

Slowly, very slowly, Talos reached a hand out; lightly touched Yon's bottom. The welts were red and hot to the touch. He hadn't broken the skin, but he could feel the effects of the blows. And again, it didn't do anything positive for the turmoil of emotion swirling around inside of him. In fact, the prevalent emotion was guilt.

Yon whined softly in fear before his body realized the touch wasn't causing the same pain as the cane had been. It hurt, but it was soothing in a way and he let out a tiny sigh, some of the tension leaving his muscles. He was still unfocused, though, his mind in a prison of pain and self-recrimination, believing he deserved to hurt.

Talos' hand rubbed slowly down over the red marks on Yon's bottom. That guilt was lingering. Growing. It was true that Yon had killed innocent people in the past; attacked without any thought of whether those on the other end of his weapons were guilty or not. But he hadn't been responsible this time. He wasn't sure if the Kree would accept care from him or not, but guilt from allowing his temper to take control (more than the thought of how Lyja would react) had him calling to the Kree. "Yon-Rogg."

Yon was lost in his thoughts, so it took several minutes of Talos rubbing and calling his name before his attention was caught by the other man and he began to focus on him, slowly coming to himself and his situation. When he finally was completely back and able to recognize what was happening around him and to him, he slumped in place, bottom still high and vulnerable, and began to sob softly. He was under no illusions. Talos had full control over every aspect of him. Talos was his.... "...Master... I'm sorry... I can't undo... I'm sorry..." His voice was rough and shaky and full of the guilt he felt for what he'd done in his past and everything the Kree still did.

The word took him aback. Not the apology; Talos was finally beginning to believe the Kree wasn't being deceitful. But the name...the submission; not even an attempt at arguing or protest. His hands slid slowly over Yon's backside; not squeezing, but the touch still possessive, even though he wasn't actively causing the other man anymore pain. This touch was more exploratory...accepting his ownership over Yon-Rogg.

Yon held himself still as his backside was rubbed and explored. As much as it hurt, it still soothed a little bit. It shamed him that he needed such comfort- he knew there was no affection or care in Talos's touch- but he needed it. His sobbing calmed slightly, but he was obviously still crying from the punishment.

The tears awoke an emotion inside Talos that had triggered whenever Lyja had cried; an urge to step in and comfort. To be gentle and not harsh. That faint stab of attraction lingered still; made him want to act on those feelings. Before he even half thought about it, one hand reached for the back of Yon's neck, scruffing the Kree; not hard, not choking, but definitely acting on a possessive streak.

Yon's crying faltered for a second at feeling himself scruffed. He waited for the pain to begin, but when it didn't, he found himself relaxing, calming for his master. Just the firm hold on his neck provided enough comfort to help stop his tears. It wasn't because he felt any affection in the touch, but it reminded him that the man was in control and, even if he felt rudderless, as long as Talos wanted him alive, or Lyja did, then he was safe.

Talos' grip was firm, even though he wasn't hurting Yon. "Yes." His voice was low, calm, steady. "You know what I am to you." The words caused something to shift inside of him. Some deeper acknowledgement of what being the Kree's master meant. He doubted that Yon had any idea what that kind of relationship meant in Talos' culture.

Yon homed in on Talos's tone, using the other man's calm steadiness; it was helping him calm the rest of the way. "Yes, sir..." he finally whispered, in a broken, tear roughened voice. He still ached, but he wouldn't complain about that. He deserved to hurt. "You are my master..." he continued. He couldn't hide what he was feeling. It was clear in his tone; the regret, guilt and shame that tormented him. He'd managed to keep it hidden from Lyja for the most part, but Talos taking such control over him made it impossible to hide from the Skrull man.

Talos let his fingers stroke along Yon's neck. The reason he'd give if asked was so that Yon would feel the strength...know how vulnerable he was. The reality? He wanted to touch. To take. And he couldn't do anything but respond to the feelings being broadcast from Yon. Even if he couldn't offer forgiveness...he wanted to offer a comforting touch.

Yon did feel vulnerable; the strength in Talos's grip was humbling and comforting at the same time. Talos wasn't doing anything more than firmly holding him in place, but it left him with a need to submit... obey Talos. Since Talos wasn't telling him to do anything, he kept doing the last thing he'd been ordered; bent over the bed, bottom up.

"The welts should be treated." Talos wasn't asking permission; not exactly. His fingers glided over Yon's neck, a far gentler touch than he had ever thought he could give to the Kree, and then he was moving towards the locked cupboard, opening it...taking out the cooling, healing lotion kept there.

Yon didn't know what to say to that. He hadn't been given an order and it wasn't clear if there was a question in the remark. Sniffling softly, he stayed in place, bottom up and exposed. The longer he was in that position, the more vulnerable he felt; which was saying something, considering the blistering he'd been given. He found himself needing to submit further and didn't understand it.

Talos brought the lotion back over and began to carefully rub it into the Kree's bottom. "You weren't responsible for what happened today." Part of the intent behind the words was an acknowledgement that he didn't blame Yon for what the Kree did; also unspoken, though, was the fact that there'd been other days. Other charges that Yon had led that had ended with innocent people dying.

Yon acknowledged what wasn't said with a sad, guilt filled whisper. "I made decisions in the past that were just as bad, wrong... I deserved to be punished." The lotion felt so good, so relieving, that he ignored the fact it was Talos rubbing it in; taking that much more control over his body.

It was something of a novelty to touch Yon with the intent to heal, not hurt. Until today, the only time Talos had touched the Kree had been to carry him from the planet onto his ship. He spoke in a quiet, soft voice. "Did you even learn the name of my man you killed on Terra? The one who pretended to be Carol Danvers to buy us time?"

Yon had to clear his throat to answer, because the words caught in his throat. "No, sir...I didn’t," he reluctantly admitted, his guilt spiking. The soothing rubbing in of lotion only caused the guilt to grow. He didn't deserve comfort. "...I'm sorry..." he choked out.

Talos believed him. Believed he was sincere in his apology. And part of him wanted to accept it. To offer forgiveness. But too many people had died in this war. He needed Yon to understand what the war had cost. "His name was Norex. He had a wife. Two sons barely into their third year."

Yon closed his eyes tightly at learning of the family he'd destroyed. The guilt was too much and he started crying again; softly, but loudly enough Talos would hear; and for the first time since Talos had entered his cell, he was unable to obey. He shifted his bottom away from the other man. He didn't deserve to have the welts soothed with lotion. He didn't deserve comfort.

"No, Yon-Rogg." Talos' voice was low and firm...nearly stern. "You've accepted that I'm your master and therefore, you are not allowed to disobey me. You will let me touch you and you will listen to what I say."

Yon immediately stopped at the stern words. He couldn't bring himself to disobey again, so he stopped pulling away and just cried tears of remorse. "I'm sorry."

"I believe you." Talos' response was given quietly. Believing the man wasn't a problem. Forgiving him was. He resumed rubbing in the lotion. Once more, he felt that spike of attraction; once more, he ignored it. Not because he was unwilling to act...but because it wasn't in him to force anyone.

"It's not enough, though, is it?" Yon cried. "...Being sorry and you believing me isn't enough." He began to sob. "...I... I'll always be guilty... never make things right."

"I can't forgive you right now." Talos couldn't help but respond to the the tears. "We were mortal enemies for years. I've lost a lot of people in this war and much as I might wish I could, I can't let it go. Not yet. But I will give you what I can." He let his hand move back to Yon's neck, scruffing it. "Punishment. Comfort. Safety. A master...."

Yon shivered at the words, at the controlling scruffing of his neck, and relaxed. It would have to be enough. It was more than he deserved. He sniffled. "Yes, sir... thank you." His voice was rough from his tears, but he was calming down.

Talos kept his hands in their places, one still rubbing the lotion into Yon's bottom, while the other kept a possessive hold of the Kree's neck. He couldn't stop touching the man. Didn't want to stop touching him.

Yon stayed as still as he was able, but the odd position soon began to make his back ache and it was impossible not to shift from foot to foot in an effort to relieve the pressure. Still, the firm grip on his neck helped him feel safer than he felt he had a right to and the gentle rubbing was comforting.

To his shame, it was also a bit arousing. He knew he wasn't attracted to pain, but being under Talos's control with his life in the other man's hands and Talos being gentle? He couldn't help the spark of attraction he felt from that combination. He'd never been in a situation like this before and didn't know what to do, so ignored it as best he could and hoped Talos didn’t notice.

Talos noticed the shifting. He hadn't told Yon to move from the bent-over position; had been too focused on first the punishment and then taking care of the Kree. He didn't direct with words this time. He physically moved Yon, placing the Kree face down on the bed. It still left the man vulnerable, without his body aching from being bent over for so long.

Yon whimpered as he was rearranged on the bed. When the ache in his back eased, it caused the ache in his bottom to take precedence again. "Thank you, sir..." he whispered.

Talos stroked his hands down Yon's back. It was instinct, almost. To touch him. To keep touching him. The trouble was, he didn't want to just touch. He wanted to claim. To take. The instinct was strong, and he leaned down, towards Yon's he would bite; or maybe kiss. Instead, his breath just wafted over the man's skin.

Yon shivered as he felt the breath wafting over his skin. He thought he should be upset at the other man's proximity, but he found it comforting. And he was faced again with his unexpected attraction. He wasn't sure what to do with it, though.

Talos let his eyes close and inhaled, breathing in the Kree's scent. This wasn't something he could ever have imagined before. Feeling this attraction to his mortal enemy. Then again, the Kree would never have been in this position before. He leaned in closer, enough for his mouth to brush against Yon's shoulder; not quite a kiss and not a nip, but more of an experimental, exploratory touch.

Yon's skin twitched at the contact and he quivered in place. He didn't understand what Talos was doing- the Skrull hated him- and so wasn't sure if he was allowed to react. The one thing that had been made clear in all of this, though, was that Talos was his master. "Master?" he asked, in a shaky voice that betrayed he was starting to become aroused by the Skrull's actions.

While Talos could hear the betrayed arousal in Yon's voice, he knew that didn't necessarily mean it was what the Kree would really be okay with. He raised his head, though his breath still wafted over Yon's skin as he said, "I want to touch you."

Yon shivered at the words, but couldn't help saying in confusion, "You are my could do whatever you wished..." Was Talos giving him a choice?

"I wouldn't take what was not freely given," Talos said. "I know you are aroused, but that is only your body's reaction. Not necessarily that you want or are willing."

"I... I do not know what it is for your people. But for Kree... the master makes all the choices. Takes what he wants. If... if you want my body and my body is in agreement, then my head says I should submit. It is only right to give my master what he asks." Yon swallowed certain he'd explained wrong.

Talos frowned at that. Touching Yon's cheek, he encouraged the man to look at him. "As if you are a tool to be used? That is not how it is for my people. While one is clearly in charge, the other chooses to submit. You called me master, but I wouldn't want to take from you. Even as a prisoner here, you have been taken care of...given what food and water you need. Having a master is...." He hesitated, realizing he was about to let slip perhaps more than he'd intended to. "It is a relationship."

Yon thought about that. "It has been a while since I relieved my body's urges. And never where I was the one submissive," he said, with a bit of nervousness. "You are my master now and I am fortunate you will not be as Kree masters would be. I am grateful. I know that if you take my body, it would be to relieve urges both of us have and nothing more..." He swallowed. Truthfully, he never expected to be in a relationship where sex was about more than relieving urges. "I accept that and... I want to give myself to you. I need to prove to you, prove to myself, that you are my master and there will be no going back." He wasn't sure why he needed to prove that. Maybe it was because giving himself to Talos in that way would give him a home; something he no longer had on Kree.

Talos had given away more than he intended to with what he'd said, though he didn't correct Yon's assumption. Until he could forgive the other man, there was little point in attempting any kind of relationship when the past would always be in the way. But he hoped it would eventually be possible.

Reaching out, Talos let his hands run down the length of Yon's back, lightly scratching with his nails, over Yon's backside and down his legs.

Yon shivered at the gentle scratching, whimpering when it went over his bottom. He didn't pull away, though.

Talos followed the same path with his mouth, nipping at Yon's skin the same way he'd gently scratched.

Yon whimpered when Talos nipped, his breath catching in his throat. There might not be love in this arrangement, but it felt good.

Talos pushed Yon's thighs apart, allowing him access to the Kree's member, which he grazed over with his fingers. He then picked up the lotion, coating a finger and letting the digit push against Yon's entrance.

Whining softly as his member was grazed, Yon inhaled sharply, his fingers gripping his pillow as the Skrull touched the tight ring of muscle. He'd never been touched there by anyone and it was hard not to be nervous, even if he had agreed, asked, for this.

Pausing at the inhalation - Talos wanted to give Yon the chance to ask for it to stop if he needed to - he waited long enough to be sure, then slowly pushed his finger inside. He very quickly found himself getting aroused.

Yon exhaled slowly as he felt himself breached. He truly belonged to Talos now. There was no going back. At least not on his part. He couldn't say the intrusion felt good, but what it meant was such a relief, he didn't mind the discomfort.

Allowing himself to explore inside Yon for a few moments, Talos then withdrew his finger. Removing his own pants, he coated his member in the same lotion and then pushed inside Yon.

Yon felt himself tensing up as Talos pushed in; even though he'd agreed to this, it was his first time and he couldn't stay relaxed. He whimpered as it made him tighter, making the friction that much more noticeable. Talos had prepared him enough that he wouldn't be injured, but it didn't keep it from stinging. He didn’t say anything, though. A Kree slave was only meant to care about their master's pleasure, not their own; and since Talos wasn't injuring him, he felt saying he needed time to adjust, or that it didn't feel good, wasn't acceptable. Instead, he took another slow breath and closed his eyes to swallow back any further sounds of distress and attempted to widen his legs, so he was more open to Talos.

Talos could feel the tension and he paused, one hand shifting once more to Yon's neck; scruffing him again. His other hand slid down Yon's back. A soft emotion filled him, making him want to touch more gently. He was too scared to put a name to it or examine it too closely. But he gave in to one of those urges. He leaned over and he pressed his lips against Yon's shoulder in a kiss.

Yon blinked as Talos stopped moving, his breathing catching in his throat at the kiss. Knowing that Talos planned to be gentle with him, even though he had every reason to hate him, helped ease some of his fear and he relaxed enough that his master could push in without it hurting. It still felt uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt and that enabled him to relax further.

Kissing Yon felt good. Better, far better, than causing him pain had; and causing Yon pain hadn't brought Talos any of the satisfaction he'd expected it to. He kissed again, sliding a bit deeper inside the Kree, his member swelling and growing.

Yon could feel Talos growing and stretching him further even as he pushed deeper. Some of the discomfort eased with the sudden arousal of realizing he truly belonged to the Skrull now and he was happy at that fact.

Talos let his head rest against Yon's shoulder, his fingers stroking and scruffing the Kree's neck. He nipped the man's shoulder and began to thrust into Yon. His other hand gripped onto Yon's hip, the hold firm. Possessive.

Yon let out a whimper as Talos began to thrust, but it wasn't pained. It was obvious the possessive actions were arousing him.

Talos pressed harder against Yon's shoulder, kissing hard enough to leave a mark behind. He started to thrust harder and faster and deeper, moving his head to kiss and suck and leave a matching mark on the Kree's other shoulder.

Yon's breathing became more shallow and rapid and he shifted enough to enable Talos to slam as deep as possible. He let out tiny hisses as Talos' hips slapped against his still very tender bottom and moaned as he felt himself being claimed.

Talos responded to Yon's shifting, thrusting harder and deeper and faster. As he continued to kiss and suck, leaving marks behind, he slid his other hand between the Kree's legs, fingers grazing his member.

Yon felt himself enlarging, hardening at his master's touch. He whimpered again, arching his back so Talos could touch and kiss anywhere, everywhere, while he buried himself into Yon.

Talos moved his hand from scruffing Yon's neck, replacing his fingers with his mouth and teeth, nipping at the skin. His fingers closed around the Kree's member, stroking in time with the thrusts.

Yon groaned at feeling lips and teeth at his neck. It left him feeling completely helpless and vulnerable. The deep thrusts were beginning to feel good, discomfort turning to need, as his member reached complete fullness. He was a decent handful, giving Talos enough length to play with, but he wasn't huge. He could tell by the pressure inside him that the Skrull was much larger. Once upon a time, his ego would have hurt at that knowledge and he would have reacted in a way to prove he was better. That was a long time ago, though and now the knowledge that his master dwarfed him in size was another bit of wordless domination that provided comfort. "Master..." He whimpered softly, almost begging.

"I am your master." By reiterating that fact, Talos was accepting more than just Yon's submission. He knew he was beginning to care about the Kree. He'd already started, if he was honest. But he couldn't put words to that emotion. Not now, when there was still so much darkness and pain lurking between them. But he'd be as honest as he could. "You are mine." He thrust harder, his member reaching its full size.

"I am yours," Yon repeated, in a small, helpless voice, groaning as he felt his master filling him up so completely, so tightly, the pressure was close to too much. He'd be feeling the other man inside him long after the Skrull had withdrawn. "Belong to you now... obey you... owe you everything..." he said in a sob, as he realized it was true. He didn't have autonomy any longer. Anything he did or that was done to him would be decided by Talos. His life was in Talos's hands.

Talos pressed a harder kiss to the back of Yon's neck, sucking harder to leave another mark. He began to stroke Yon's member a bit more firmly. His own release was close. He let himself nuzzle into the Kree's neck, his kiss turning gentler.

Yon shivered at the complete domination of the kiss, sighing when it became gentler. At first, he thought nothing of the increased pressure he felt at his entrance, attributing it to the angle Talos was thrusting at while biting and kissing his neck, but then Talos shifted him into a better position to thrust deep and the pressure didn’t decrease; it increased and was continuing to increase and Yon suddenly realized, Talos wasn't all the way in. There were at least four more inches left to push inside him and Talos was thick. Almost as thick as his fist, or at least he imagined it was, and fear speared through him at realizing that. His master would never fit. There was no way. But Talos was pushing forward and Yon's fear was caught in his throat, unable to say anything.

Talos could feel the tension in Yon's body and he gripped the Kree's hip tighter. "Don't resist." The words were nearly a growl in the man's ear. "If you resist and tense up, I won't fit, and it will hurt. Relax. You'll be able to take all of me."

Yon tried to relax, he truly did. He wanted to obey and make Talos happy; and despite their history, he believed the man didn't want him to hurt from the claiming. He took several deep breaths, letting out a tiny sob as he felt Talos pushing into him. He was stretching so far and despite his attempt not to tense up or resist, he was still tight enough that it did hurt. He held his breath as he felt Talos push into him and then suddenly, with a silent 'pop', Talos pushed past the tight ring of muscle and was seated fully in Yon. Yon was tight around his master, what Yon was coming to realize was a knot filling him inside and Yon's rim holding him locked in place.

Yon let out a tiny sob at all the conflicting sensations. The sharp pain of Talos entering him was quickly becoming overpowered by intense pleasure; his master's knot was filling him so fully it was pressing hard and rubbing his prostate without ceasing. His own member swelled, and he shuddered in his attempt not to release before he was given permission.

Talos let his head rest gently against the back of Yon's head. He breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of the man, of the Kree. He resumed stroking Yon's member with sure fingers. "I do not expect you to hold back." He spoke the words in the Kree's ear. "If I touch you, if I enter you, it means you are allowed to release. To let go. Just as I would not take you if you were unwilling, I will not deny you taking pleasure from our joining." His other hand gripped Yon's hip tighter, more possessively, as his release overtook him.

At Talos's words, Yon released, spasm after spasm shaking him to his core, his seed soaking the sheets. He shuddered and shivered as he felt his master emptying into him, feeling more pleased than he thought he ever could.

Letting his hand scruff the Kree's neck again, Talos kept hold of Yon's hip as his release filled the man. He knew he wouldn't be able to pull out for a while but wasn't sure Yon would realize the same. He held the Kree close; in a way, protectively.

Yon lay limp under Talos, waiting for the man to withdraw. When he didn't, Yon shifted slightly, feeling the knot still hard inside him, locking them together. That was a bit of a surprise, but he would have been able to handle it and wait for his master to explain had the knot been anywhere but pressed firmly against and rubbing his very sensitive prostrate. Within seconds, he was hard again, body thrusting helplessly against the bed, which only caused more of the stimulation. Whimpering, he asked for help from the only one he could go to. "...Master..."

Talos gently gripped Yon's neck. The possessive needs hadn't ebbed with his release; neither had the knowledge that he was caring about the Kree. For him, this was more than just claiming and owning. More than taking his pleasure and then leaving. His hand stroked against Yon's hip, the action possessive and gentle. "It doesn't happen often but does occasionally. I will not be able to withdraw from you until the knot eases."

"I... I can't stop..." Yon whimpered, shame clear in his tone, and then he was spasming again, just as hard as the first time. He lay in his mess, afraid to move lest he 'rouse again... but holding still didn't help. The constant pressure and feeling of fullness made him feel owned and like he belonged in a way he'd never felt... and since it was against such a very sensitive bundle of nerves, his body couldn't help but react. He felt like the most disobedient owned Kree in existence and couldn't help being afraid Talos would be disgusted by his weakness.

"I have not told you to." Talos spoke calmly, without anger or blame, as he scruffed the Kree. "You have not disobeyed. And you don't have to be worried or scared of how your body reacts to me and to this." His lips brushed over Yon's shoulder in a gentle kiss.

"You... you are not angry? You are not disgusted by me?” Yon asked pathetically, in a small voice, before he was sobbing through his third release. He didn't rouse quite as fast the fourth time luckily, or perhaps unluckily since the only reason it occurred slowly was because his body was growing exhausted. He was still rousing, though. He focused on Talos covering him with his body and how possessively protective his master was being. It helped ease his fear at losing all control.

"No and no," Talos answered, his hand gliding over Yon's hip. "But you will be worn out by the time it's finished. You will need food and water. You will need to rest and recover." He kissed Yon's shoulder again.

"I am sorry to be a burden." Yon whimpered as he was fully aroused again. This time, his release didn't produce much. He cried softly, as it was beginning to hurt.

"You are not." Carefully, very carefully, Talos rolled them to the side, so that Yon was no longer face-down on the bed and therefore, there wasn't friction against his member. His hand rested against the Kree's chest, over his heart. "Does a Kree master expect a slave who doesn't talk back or question, only submits even if it causes them suffering?"

Yon whimpered as they shifted, his half-hard member flagging. The new position did help relieve the friction, though; inside as well. He was finally able to relax against his master. Quivering weakly, he answered Talos. "Kree masters have little regard for their slaves. Had you been Kree, you would not have shifted me. You would continue thrusting till I was raw and bleeding. And if I could not control my reactions... I would be punished." Yon shivered again, then sniffled, trying not to cry.

Frowning at that, Talos let his arm wrap around Yon's waist, holding the man protectively against his stomach. "I don't want to leave you raw and bleeding. I would never harm you. You are not my slave, Yon." For the first time, he used the shortened version of the Kree's name. "My people don't have slaves. When a master takes a submissive, it is a relationship. Even though one is clearly in charge of the other, it's not about pain or suffering, or taking without giving."

"Why would you give me such a mercy? To take me and care for me after everything I did? You could have left me behind. I would most likely be dead, if not a slave, but for you rescuing me." Yon's voice was soft. Now that he was able to relax, Talos' embrace was a comfort. Even though he was sore, feeling the other man's knot tying them to each other was a comfort.

It would be easy to point to his daughter; to say that Lyja had begged for Yon's life. And that was true, in part. But there was more to it than that. This had had nothing to do with her influence. In fact, none of what Talos had done since coming into the room had been planned. He certainly hadn't intended to claim Yon; to be the Kree's master. To find himself caring for the man who'd been his mortal enemy. "I have cameras in here. Every day, I've been watching the feed of you and my daughter. Trying to find the trick I was certain was there. I couldn't believe you had chosen to save her. That you could have changed that much." Talos hesitated. "But there is nothing I have seen to give evidence to that. I can no longer believe you are anything less than sincere."

"Lyja saved me... more than I saved her..." Yon whispered truthfully. "I have a second chance. A chance to be better."

Talos let his face press gently against Yon's hair, inhaling the scent of the Kree. "I don't hate you. Not anymore." He needed to say those words, remembering how it had felt to make Yon sob, both from physical and emotional pain. He voiced another truth, his voice a mere whisper. "I care for you."

Yon sighed softly, a sense of relief and gratitude overcoming him. "I care for you too, Sir. I truly am grateful and want to belong to you."

Talos brushed a gentle kiss against the back of Yon's hair. "When the knot is gone, I will dress you and take you to my own quarters. You'll be able to wash...I have spare clothes you can wear. I will feed you, too."

"You would trust me to behave? To be good for you?" Yon asked, in mingled surprise and happiness.

"Yes. But I also do not want to leave my submissive alone," Talos answered. "You will be with me from now on."

Yon flushed with happiness at the words. He didn't expect to ever be loved, but if his master cared enough to keep him close, he could live without love. "Thank you, master..." He snuggled back against Talos without thinking, the feel of the man's knot still tying them together no longer scaring him.

Talos firmed his hold around Yon's waist, pressing a kiss to the man's shoulder. "Your penance will still continue in the form of canings such as the one you received today, but you will receive no other harm."

"It is just. I deserve it," Yon admitted. "I... I'm not afraid anymore, sir..." he said softly. It was obvious he wasn't just referring to being caned. He was referring to being knotted.

"You don't need to be afraid," Talos promised. "You are with me. Your master."

"I know..." Yon whispered. "I didn't know what was happening and felt so out of control and it hurt a little... but... I was more afraid of upsetting you."

"You should tell me if it hurts," Talos said, a note of concern creeping into his voice. "You should never worry about upsetting me. If something needs to slow down or stop, you tell me."

Yon swallowed. " first, it didn't hurt...when it started to, I was so scared, I couldn't tell you... I'm sorry..." He heard the concern and felt guilty at causing it. He didn't say he'd thought the pain was deserved, or that it was supposed to be painful because of his position. He now knew that wasn't the way a Skrull master behaved and he was ashamed at ever thinking Talos would be that way. The man had more reason than most to hate him and was still taking care of him. His guilt and shame came through in his voice, so even if he didn't say anything, it was most likely obvious there were deeper reasons for not telling Talos it hurt sooner.

Talos let his fingers glide gently over Yon's chest, feeling the man's heartbeat in a way not dissimilar to how his daughter had listened to Yon's heartbeat. "And you assumed pain was required? Deserved? Because it would be expected if you had a Kree master." He frowned. "The next time, you will tell me. If it hurts. If you need time to adjust."

Yon shivered, the idea of next time feeling good. "Yes, sir " he whispered drowsily. "I'll tell you whatever you ask me to...."

Strong emotions buffeted Talos and he closed his eyes, brushing a soft kiss over the back of Yon's head, once again inhaling the Kree's scent. After his wife had died, he'd never had cause to take another lover. He'd knotted in her...but never before, though he had taken other lovers when he was young. His hand splayed gently over Yon's chest; not to provide stimulation, but just to touch. He allowed his leg to hook around both of the Kree's, locking their bodies together even tighter.

"Is it always like this?" Yon asked softly. He'd have thought he'd feel smothered, being held so close and tight, his master still 'tied' to him in the most personal way. He didn't. He felt safe and secure and for the first time since he'd begun questioning the Kree's goals and his own efforts at furthering those goals, he felt at home. It wasn't lost on him that the first time he felt at home in years was on board a Skrull ship, submitting to his lifelong enemy. Giving everything, he could.

"Being tied together with me knotted inside you?" Talos asked. "No. Knotting occurs only rarely. The only other time it occurred with me was with my wife. While I have not been with anyone since she died...until never occurred with the lovers I took before."

Yon blinked at that. "It... never? What does it mean?" He couldn't help sounding confused. Shifting a tiny bit so that he was pressed further against Talos and to relieve some of the pressure on his hip, he hissed as the knot pressed his prostate again. He was immediately hard and whimpered. "It... it feels so good, but hurts too..." he admitted, with a blush. He was so sensitive inside.

Talos let himself nestle into the back of Yon's hair, saying in a soft voice, "Knots occur when two mates are compatible with each other. The longer the knot lasts for, the more compatible the pairing is."

"So... whatever causes your knot to form believes we are compatible?" If he sounded confused, it was because he was. Kree didn't have anything remotely similar to what Talos described.

"I imagine Kree don't have something similar," Talos commented. "I suppose one way of looking at it might be that something in our physiology recognizes a soulmate."

Yon felt a spark of hope at that. Maybe he wouldn't have to settle for having his physical urges met while he lived loveless or without affection. If something in Talos' physiology indicated they were soulmates, maybe one day, his master would care about him. "Does that bother you?"

"Not now," Talos said softly. "You've indicated that Kree masters do not care about their submissives. That is not true for my people. It is also not true between us. I told you I care for you. That was the truth. Not something I said while in the heat of mating or to make you feel better about being mine."

Yon blinked back tears. He had found it difficult to believe the first time it was said, but it was easier to believe lying still in Talos's arms. The other man could have continued to take his pleasure from Yon, but he was holding back because he didn't want Yon to hurt. Of course, even with Talos holding both of them still, he was still buried deep in Yon... filling him up... Yon blushed as his member had hardened again. He knew, if he released, it would be painful. But it was painful not releasing either. Sighing, he whispered, "My body doesn't know what's good for me."

"It is a sensation you are not used to," Talos said. "I will not give you any directions, whether to release or not, because I know you don't have control. And it's okay," he said calmly. "It's all right not to be able to control it. You are safe here, with me. In my arms." He brushed his lips over the side of Yon's neck.

Shivering, Yon slanted his head so Talos could get to his neck easier. "I'm hesitant to let go. The last time, I was so over-sensitive, it hurt..." he admitted. "But it hurts not to... so..." He swallowed.

Talos breathed in Yon's scent. "I know it's uncomfortable and painful. Once the knot is released, you will be able to rest. Gain your strength back in a more comfortable setting. I will bathe you. Feed you. Put you to bed. Stay with you."

"Thank you, master..." Yon's voice was soft and trusting. "Even hurting... I've never felt so good..." he admitted. "Belonging to you, being taken by you, I'm glad for it, even if I'm sore...."

"I'm glad of it too." Talos kissed his shoulder. "Being your master feels right. And while I suspect it is different for the Kree, a Skrull master and submissive do not share. Even without the knot, I would still be faithful to you."

Yon glanced over his shoulder at Talos. "In Kree, a slave has no choice... if their master wants to hand them over to all their friends to use, or if they want them solely for themselves, it is only their choice." He licked his lip. "If given the choice, I would only want to be taken by you, ever again...."

"You have that choice." Talos leaned forward, allowing his lips to brush against Yon's. The kiss was light; tentative, in a way. "I would not allow any other to take you."

"Thank you..." Yon said gratefully, relieved to know he wouldn’t become a whore to be shared around.

"You are mine," Talos said softly. "Not for anyone else." He held Yon's face in his hand; kissed him a little bit more deeply. "And you do not have to worry that you will not be cared for." He hesitated, his breath wafting over Yon's lips. "You do not have to worry that you won't be loved," he ended in a whisper.

Yon returned the kiss, desperate to show Talos how grateful he was. How he was grateful for his new position in Talos's life. That he was being given the chance to care about and love his master.

Talos continued to gently hold Yon's face as he kissed the man. His other hand still rested lightly against Yon's chest, rubbing the bare skin there.

Yon relaxed, opening up for the kiss and then he was releasing again with a soft whine, his walls squeezing tight around Talos's member and knot. "I'm yours," he finally breathed, in a shaky voice, when his body had calmed.

"You are mine," Talos agreed, cupping Yon's face. "Mine alone," he added.

"Only you will touch and claim me, for the rest of my life..." Yon promised.

Talos kissed him again, this time allowing his tongue to slip into Yon's mouth. He wrapped his arm tightly around the Kree, holding Yon almost protectively against himself.

Yon sighed softly into the kiss, feeling the protectiveness and feeling increasingly safer. It felt good, being filled by Talos' tongue while he was also filled with his member. When he pulled back a moment to breathe, he admitted, "I like being filled by you. Liked feeling you release in me...."

"I plan to do so again," Talos promised. "And the next time, now that I know what to expect, I can ensure you are more comfortable."

"You treat me better than my own people would. I can't believe I ever felt justified in what I did to your people." Yon's voice was regretful.

Talos closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. "I love you." His voice was low, filled with honesty and sincerity. "I do. But forgiveness is going to take time." He still held onto Yon. Emotion made his voice sound hoarse.

"I know." Yon swallowed and snuggled back into Talos. "I can't even forgive myself. I deserve punishment."

Talos tightened his hold on Yon; brushed his lips over the Kree's. "I will punish you, but I will also keep hold of you and never let you go."

"I am counting on that, master... I need that..." Yon admitted, kissing back.

Talos let his hand shift to Yon's neck, scruffing the Kree once more. The knot had been in place for a long time; nearly as long as he'd knotted with his wife for. He'd never expected or anticipated that he would find this bond with another, let alone a Kree who'd been his mortal enemy for so long.

Yon sighed happily at being scruffed. He never would have believed he'd be happy belonging to and obeying another man, let alone the Skrull he'd been fighting for so long.

Talos' fingers stroked along the back of Yon's neck as he kissed the Kree, deeply and lingeringly. He let his other hand shift down to the man's hip, giving it a light but possessive squeeze.

Yon hummed softly in response to the possessiveness. He liked it; liked that he belonged to the other man so thoroughly. He let out a tiny whine as he felt the pressure inside him easing slowly. The knot was going down, and in a minute or so, Talos would be able to slide out of him. Part of him wished they could stay tied a bit longer. But his body was ready to be able to move.

Talos could feel the knot beginning to ease. He kept both hands in place, though; one scruffing Yon's neck, the other at the man's hip, squeezing and stroking.

"I belong to you... even when you aren't in me, I'm yours. I want to be good for you..." Yon whispered, pressing into Talos's grip.

"I know. And I believe you will be." Talos gently squeezed Yon's hip. "I won't let you go." The knot was nearly completely gone, allowing him to start pulling out, even though he didn't let go of the Kree.

Yon hissed softly as Talos withdrew. Finally, able to move, it became more obvious to him exactly how sore and worn out he was. He'd not regained full strength when the knotting had occurred. "Lyja is going to scold me..." he said, with a hint of amusement.

"I'm certain she will scold me more." Talos stood and then carefully helped Yon to stand, keeping his hands on the Kree so that Yon could keep his balance. He began to dress the other man.

Yon held still or helped as much as he was able, but he truly was sore. Not in a bad way; he actually liked that Talos would be able to see how thoroughly he'd been claimed in the stilted way he moved and walked. The problem was, everyone else would see and know what had occurred too. "Do you wish me to remain hidden so your crew does not know?" he asked uncertainly, not sure if the crew would give Talos grief for claiming him or not.

"No. I could not hide that I am your master and I don't want to," Talos answered. "I can't pretend that they'll understand, but they will at least respect my choice."

"I'm glad. I want everyone to know who I belong to. Who I'm meant to obey... it will make it clear my old life is behind me..." whispered Yon.

Talos replaced his own clothing and then wrapped his arm possessively around Yon's waist, guiding him towards the door. "Everyone will know," he promised.

Yon leaned into his master. He was very tired and knew he risked tripping over his own feet if he didn't accept help. Especially as sore as he was, inside and out. The caning had made wearing his pants very painful but having his master inside him for so long had left him walking like someone who'd been thoroughly claimed. It was a walk of shame; except he wasn't ashamed of it.

Talos didn't let go of Yon as he walked the Kree in the direction of his own quarters. His grip was tight and firm around Yon's waist, fingers possessively resting on his opposite hip.

Yon tried not to let the stares get to him. Some looked gleeful, as it was obvious, he'd been punished. Others looked angry, as it was also obvious, he'd been claimed. He only saw a few sympathetic or happy glances. He'd known he'd have a long road to redemption in the Skrulls' eyes, but the evidence of just how long was distressing. By the time they reached Talos' quarters, he was staring at the ground and nearly plastered against his master, seeking 'shelter'.

Lyja had been pacing outside her father's quarters the whole time Talos had been gone, worrying about them both. To say she was surprised to see Yon plastered against Talos' side, the evidence of what had happened obvious, was an understatement. She stepped forward and hugged Yon, the fear and worry she'd held for him translating easily into the tightness of her embrace.

Talos shifted only enough to allow his daughter to hug the Kree. If it had been anyone else, jealousy would have reared its ugly head. Lyja could hug Yon, but Talos knew he'd let no one else near what was his.

Yon returned the hug. He'd felt a connection to the young woman from the beginning but had held back due to not wanting to cause problems for her with her father. Now? He didn't think Talos would mind him giving in to the protective feelings he had for her. "Everything is okay. Better than okay..." He attempted to reassure her.

Lyja frowned in worry. "You're not walking straight." She looked towards her father, even while hugging onto the Kree.

"I didn't force him." Talos nodded to the door. "But he's exhausted. He needs food. A bath. Rest. We can talk inside...."

Yon blushed. Even though he wanted everyone to know, even Lyja, it was different actually talking about it to the young woman he'd begun thinking of as family. She was practically a daughter now. "It wasn't against my will..." he whispered, reiterating what Talos had said. "It might not have been exactly expected, but I don't regret anything."

Although she nodded to acknowledge her father's words, Lyja still hugged Yon, almost protectively, as her father unlocked the door to his quarters and ushered them both inside, closing the door behind the three of them.

"I really am okay, little one..." Yon found himself using the endearment without thinking, too worried about easing her worry to filter his emotions or words. "Filat only did what was necessary... and then he gave me what I needed..." He blushed again at admitting he needed Talos to claim him.

"Yon is mine now," Talos said quietly. "He won't leave my side. I am his master."

Lyja blinked, glancing between the two of them. "But he hurt you...." Her voice was soft. Uncertain.

"There is a lot of bad history between us, Lyja. A lot of wrong that was done." Talos walked through to his bedroom, retrieving a cushion that he set down on one of the chairs at the small table. He then walked over to the replicator. Since it was the same one Lyja had used to make Yon Kree food, he accessed the records to make more for Yon to eat. "Healing and forgiveness of emotional wounds will take time."

"I want to make up for my actions, pay for the wrong I did. It is the only way I can live with myself... belonging to your father is a mercy... a gift... I was not expecting. But I will never regret it," Yon declared as confidently as he was able, given his nervousness that Lyja would not accept what was done.

Lyja still looked uncertain. Worried. Looking up into Yon's eyes, she whispered, "I didn't know what would happen between you. I...part of me thinks this is a good thing, but the rest of me worries how a relationship can be built on such a foundation."

"Relationships have formed from much worse." Talos carried plates over to the table and set them down. "It's punishment. Not torture. Not revenge. Punishment given to someone you love."

Lyja's eyes darted in surprise towards her father's face, but she could see nothing of deceit there. She took Yon's hand and led him towards the table.

"I did so much wrong. I need to atone. I deserve punishment." Yon swallowed and let himself be led to the table, gingerly sitting, not trying to hide that it hurt. He continued quietly. "Your father punishes me in a way that no one will claim is too easy, but it will not kill me or harm. If I were punished by others, they would execute me. You know it to be true."

Lyja sat on one side of Yon, still holding onto his hand. "I don't want you to suffer."

"Emotional hurts can scar much deeper than physical and are harder to heal." Talos took the remaining chair. He began to feed Yon, in much the same way Lyja had when the Kree had first woken on the ship.

Yon squeezed Lyja's hand gently as he obediently ate what he was fed. It didn't occur to him to attempt to feed himself. Talos had begun the process and he wanted to submit in every way, not just sexually. He couldn't help feeling a bit young and helpless, being hand fed when he had enough strength to feed himself, but he didn't question it.

Lyja still held onto Yon's hand, though she began to eat when her father indicated that she should. "Are we still on course for Terra?" she asked.

Talos nodded, even as he continued to feed Yon. "I'm concerned about Fury. It has been a long time since there has been any contact between us."

Yon hesitated, uncertain if he was allowed to speak or not when he was being fed but decided Talos would have told him if he wasn't. The older man had made it fairly clear Yon wasn't a slave. Swallowing, he interjected, "Before..." he glanced at Lyja, to indicate it was before he'd found her, "before, I found out he'd been among those taken in the great disappearance. He was very busy making sure Earth's SHIELD remained stable. He had joined up with its Avengers...."

Talos looked into Yon's eyes, giving the Kree his full attention. "Did you find out anything else?"

"I heard rumors that he was developing a relationship with someone, but not who or how it might affect his business. And he'd moved into some compound built by Stark." Yon's voice was apologetic. He wished he had more information to give.

Talos nodded. "At least he's alive. You've told me that much. And if he's built a relationship, then he's probably happy." His hand shifted to Yon's neck, gently scruffing.

Lyja noticed the highly possessive action and her eyes shifted to Yon's face...checking to see if he was okay. That he was comfortable.

Talos noticed the look on his daughter's face and smiled reassuringly at her. "There is no hatred or anger driving my actions."

Yon felt comforted by the gentle scruffing. He wasn't normally the type to second guess his decisions- rethinking his stance on the Kree/Skrull war was an exception to that rule- and he'd willingly made the decision to submit to Talos and accept the other man as master. He was learning that Talos's version of a master was far from a Kree's definition and each physical action that reinforced the difference was eye opening and a reassurance that he'd made the right choice to give himself to the older man. The fact he was happy with Talos being possessive was clear on his face.

Talos continued feeding Yon, until his plate was empty. He then held the cup of water so the Kree could drink, addressing his daughter. "I will bathe Yon and then we will both sleep. You are welcome to stay in here, if you still need reassurance of his safety and wellbeing."

Yon drank the water obediently and didn't say anything about Lyja being invited to stay. He didn't know if she'd insist on watching her father take care of him, or if she'd wait in the sitting area while he was bathed and not rejoin them until he was brought out to sleep. He supposed it didn't really matter. He normally wasn't overly shy about his body; the only reason he felt shy around her was because he didn't want her being upset from seeing the numerous scars. He'd managed to hide them from her up to this point. In truth, he was a bit surprised Talos hadn't mentioned them; although, they had been a bit preoccupied with first the punishment and then the claiming, so perhaps it wasn't so unusual. At any rate, Talos was the one that would decide what and how much of his body anyone else would ever see again. He belonged to the older man and he wouldn't argue whatever decision Talos made.

Lyja nodded. "I will stay." She glanced at Yon and then leaned in, allowing her head to rest briefly on his shoulder. "But I will stay in here while you bathe," she told him, not wanting to talk about her friend like he wasn't there.

Talos nodded to his daughter and then stood up, offering his hand to Yon, rather than pulling the Kree away from his daughter.

Yon smiled faintly at the show of affection, kissing Lyja on top of her head. "I will see you soon..." he whispered, before gently shifting her off of him and taking Talos's hand, standing and very carefully moving to his master's side. It was obvious he was very sore, even if he was completely relaxed and smiling.

Talos gently squeezed Yon's hand, guiding the Kree to the bathing area. While he let the water ran, he began to slowly strip his submissive. He was careful not to risk over-stimulation, even though he let his fingers brush over portions of Yon's skin, making his possession clear.

Yon shivered as Talos touched him so gently. He wasn't aroused exactly, but the possessiveness and gentleness put him into a frame of mind where he wanted to prove himself to his master by finding ways to obey and please the other man, to find ways to give himself to Talos; even if it didn't involve sex.

Once Yon was naked, Talos guided him into the bath, removing his own clothes to make it easier. He began to wash the Kree, letting his fingers trace over one of the marks on his submissive's body. "You carry a lot of scars."

Yon bit his lip and watched Talos's fingers ghost over the mark. "Yes, sir... I began training to become a warrior in my twelfth year... There have been few years where I was not in battles of one sort or another...."

Talos frowned at that, gently touching another scar. "I won't say that there will be no battles to fight while you are at my side, but you will never be alone. And if you are wounded or ill, I will take care of you," he promised.

"I will be the healthiest I have ever been..." Yon remarked, with a tiny hint of humor, but it was laced with a healthy amount of gratitude.

When he'd claimed Yon, Talos hadn't taken much time to explore his Kree's body. He did now as he washed, though. Tracing the scars and marks that covered Yon's body. "Have you found no one to care for you until now?" His voice was low; soft with concern. He recognized the signs of wounds left to heal without proper care.

"Couldn't afford to. In my position, having a mate that actually cared about me, who I cared about, was putting a bullseye on them. Someone that could be used against me by my enemies. I occasionally had 'friends' who might help me out. But no one I trusted enough to take care of me when I was wounded. Even if they wouldn't have harmed me further, they'd have used my weakness as a steppingstone for their own objectives. And having anyone who wanted my position find out about injuries was an invitation to someone trying to take my position. I don't doubt some of them wouldn't have tried to do so lethally..." Yon's smile was crooked. "The Kree were ruthless to your people. But they are just as ruthless to their own. Sometimes more so, as at least they don't pretend anything but animosity towards the Skrull..." His voice was soft. "I will be much safer belonging to you and obeying you for the rest of my life than if I'd retained my independence and stayed with the Kree."

Talos let his hand cup Yon's cheek, stroking his face gently. "Here, with me, you will be loved and cared for. Even if it will be a long time before my people stop being suspicious of you, you will be safe with me. No one will harm you." He leaned forward, brushing his lips against Yon's in a tender kiss. "You are safe, and you are home. You belong to me now."

Yon took in a tiny breath, leaning forward and returning the kiss with a happy sigh, his eyes closing partway. "Thank you, Filat. I have never felt safe or at home... till now..." he whispered.

Talos kissed him for a few moments, just touching, and then slowly pulled back. He helped the other man out of the bath. "Before I dress you, I want to make sure there is no tearing or damage inside from where I claimed you."

Yon blinked at that, realizing immediately that Talos meant to look there. Blushing darkly, he shook his head. "You don't need to do that, sir. I'm just a little sore, it doesn't hurt anymore!" Even if he belonged to Talos, having the man know him so intimately, physically and visually, was daunting.

Gently grasping Yon's arm, Talos said mildly, "I was inside you for a long time. And you've never been taken in that way before. I told you. I won't see you harmed."

"Never been taken at all, before then..." Yon mumbled and somehow managed to blush darker at admitting he'd been a virgin as far as receiving. He gave a slight tug of his arm, his embarrassment at Talos looking so closely at him, examining him, overcoming his desire to obey and be good for his master, if only for a moment.

Talos pulled Yon closer to him, giving his backside a light swat that was really more like a firm pat. "Disobeying me will not be tolerated, my little one."

Yon's startled intake of breath at the swat- as light as it was, his bottom was wet and sore from the caning, so it hurt- turned into a tiny whimper and he immediately stopped trying to pull free. "I'm sorry, sir... I'll obey..." He sniffled, looking down at the floor, completely ashamed of himself.

Pressing a firm kiss to Yon's forehead, Talos then carefully turned the other man round, bending him over so that he could check there was no tearing or bruising that needed to be taken care of.

Biting his lip, Yon sniffled softly as he stayed in position, bent over the way Talos had put him. He shivered slightly as his Master carefully parted his cheeks. He flushed scarlet as he felt Talos's gaze on him, examining him to make sure he was okay, but he didn't move. His master wanted to be certain he was safe, and he needed to obey and not fight it.

Finally satisfied that there was no tearing or bruising, Talos finished his examination and helped Yon to stand. He wrapped his arms around the other man in a tight hug. He held the Kree until there was a knock on the door and it opened a crack so Lyja's arm could push through with a set of her father's pajamas. And then he only moved enough to take them from her, thanking her, before he began to dress Yon in them.

Yon couldn't stop himself from snuggling into his master as Talos held him tight. He was still feeling awkward and embarrassed, but the novelty of being held for no reason at all was helping. "...Am...? Was...?" He swallowed, not sure exactly what question to ask. If he was okay? If there was tearing; he didn't think there was, wouldn't it hurt more otherwise? If he was being good for his master; he regretted being troublesome and earning himself a smack. And then Talos was dressing him in a pair of his own pajamas and Yon could smell his master in the material and it made him feel safe and cared about and all he wanted to do was curl up and rest, smelling his master's comforting smell. He was a long way from the brash, arrogant leader he had been; the one who needed no one and cared for no one. He felt young, helpless, almost like a child and it didn't bother him, because Talos was there and would protect him, even from himself.

Talos drew Yon in for a gentle, lingering kiss. He held onto the other man, finding he liked the feeling of the Kree in his arms. He gently scruffed the back of Yon's neck, stepping away long enough to reclothe himself before he took Yon into his arms once more. He kept hugging the other man even as he guided Yon from the bathroom back into the main room.

Yon followed obediently, not caring where he was being led by this point, only caring that Talos was leading him, had hold of him, wasn't letting go. He was snuggling. He didn't seem to realize it, though. He'd slipped into a mindset where, while he usually submitted and obeyed after choosing to do so, at that moment, it was done without thought. His whole body, mind and spirit were in agreement that he wanted to be good and so he didn't question anything anymore. He just gravitated toward his master like a needy child, wanting to be held, kept close... snuggled. Given their history, he would have never foreseen himself reacting in this way, not naturally. But he was.

Leading Yon over to the couch, Talos sat down and drew the other man down onto his lap, holding him tightly in his arms. One hand kept in place at the back of Yon's neck, scruffing him, while the other slid up under the pajama top, resting against bare skin.

Lyja sat on the couch next to the two men, watching Yon's face as she took in her father's actions.

Yon was still red at having needed to be examined, but he wasn't visibly upset. He actually seemed at peace with everything happening around and to him. He sighed softly as he was scruffed and his master touched him under the shirt. "Feels nice..." he whispered, in a nearly wondrous tone.

Talos hugged Yon a bit tighter. "I love you. My little one." He murmured the words softly.

Lyja reached over and took Yon's hand, squeezing it gently.

Yon squeezed Lyja's hand back gently before whispering, "I love you, Filat." And he felt, deep down, that was the truth. He loved his master, his mate. And he loved his master's daughter, his stepdaughter. "I have a family..." He sounded surprised, dazed, at the realization.

"You do," Talos agreed, still gently scruffing Yon's neck. "You need to rest now," he murmured. "Sleep. I have you."

Yon obediently closed his eyes, his head resting against Talos's shoulder. Within a few moments, he was sound asleep. His master had him; nothing would hurt him.

"Thank you," Lyja whispered to her father. "I wish you could find it as easy to forgive him as I do, but I'm glad he belongs to you now."

"I know, but there is still a lot he was responsible for. A lot of deaths he was the cause of, whether directly or indirectly," Talos answered. "He needs to earn my forgiveness, it's true. He also needs to earn his own."

Yon, blissfully unaware of the conversation going on over his head, continued to peacefully sleep in his master's arms.

Lyja looked a bit sad. While she could understand her father's point of view...knew what Yon was experiencing was far better than what he could be going through...she loved him as much as she loved her father. It was difficult to know he would experience more pain at her father's hands, even if Talos' feelings about the Kree he held so tenderly were obvious.

"You don't need to worry," Talos said gently. "He might be owned now, but it's a better life for him than merely being my prisoner."

"But it will be a long time before any of our people will accept him." Lyja bit her lip. "Perhaps you and he should visit with Fury for a while?" she suggested. "Then you can bond more fully to each other without having to worry about anyone else."

Yon shifted slightly in Talos's arms, whimpering softly as it caused his sore bottom to ache again. He soon settled, though, snuggled closer if that were possible, his face nuzzling against the Skrull's chest. He breathed in deep, the older man's scent quickly calming him. If he were awake to realize how calming Talos's scent was to him, he would have been skeptical; but he wasn't, so he didn't question the fact he felt better pressed tight to Talos, or that it calmed him to be held so close where he could breathe his master in. It was very obvious to anyone watching.

In response, Talos tightened his own embrace around Yon, lips brushing against the Kree's hair.

"You should bond with him," Lyja said suddenly.

Talos blinked and glanced at his daughter. "What makes you think we can?"

"It's obvious how thoroughly you claimed him," she answered. "You've been so gentle and caring with him, I know you wouldn't have taken him so thoroughly unless you'd had no other choice."

Yon let out a happier sounding whimper at Talos's lips brushing against his hair, as if even in sleep, he wanted to beg for affection from Talos. Every movement Talos made, Yon's body reacted in such a way as to not let any more distance be between them than was necessary; almost following the older man's movements with his own in a bid to stay close and tight to the man who had claimed him so thoroughly. He could still feel Talos inside of him.

Talos didn't even try to deny his daughter's words. "It's one thing for him to give himself to me. To acknowledge me as his master. But bonding is something entirely different that cannot be taken lightly."

"But you want to bond with him, don't you?" Lyja asked. "Because he's yours and you love him." A more serious look came over her face as she added, "And if you're bonded, he won't be able to be taken away from you. If his people found out he's still alive...."

Talos' arms tightened around Yon as a low, very possessive growl escaped him. "No one will take him from me."

In his sleep, Yon could sense Talos's sudden irritation, the tight grip and soft growl breaking through his sleep and into his dreams. He whimpered again, in a slightly fearful tone and gave away the fact that he could hear what was being said, even if he wasn't awake to understand it fully. "...Don't wanna go... love Filat..." His words sounded as fearful as the whimper had. It was obvious their discussion had moved into his subconscious and taken on the form of the beginnings of a bad dream.

While he didn't loosen his grip, Talos pressed a firmer kiss to Yon's head, murmuring softly to him, "I love you. I won't ever let you go."

"He needs you," Lyja whispered. "And I think you need him just as much." She squeezed Yon's hand that she still held.

Yon's hand squeezed reflexively around Lyja's hand. The action caused him to wake just enough to hear Lyja's words, though he was still muddled in his thoughts. It felt like he was dreaming and so he responded without thought. "I do need my master. I need him so much... need to belong to him fully... never ever be owned by anyone else..." he mumbled, some words clearer than others and the declaration ending with a soft sigh and a tiny snore as he dropped back down into sleep.

"See," Lyja said. "And if you bond with him, you'll be able to talk to him through your mind. And you'll know what he needs before he can voice it."

Talos let his hand move to the back of Yon's neck, gently scruffing. The idea was appealing, he had to admit. Now that he was holding onto Yon, cuddling the Kree, the thought of being bound to him felt good. "I'll talk to him about it. When he wakes up."

Yon shifted with the movement of Talos's hand, the gentle scruffing causing him to adjust just enough that he stopped snoring, though he was still snuggling in his sleep.

"Good," Lyja stated. Still holding onto Yon's hand, she gently leaned her head against her father's shoulder. Constant worrying about the two men had given her several sleepless nights. Now that the three of them were together.... She sighed and closed her own eyes, falling asleep nestled to both men.


It was nearly twelve hours later, in the morning, when Yon finally woke. He'd been exhausted, still recovering from his wounds and the punishment had been hard, even if it wasn't as harsh as it could have been. Add to that the intensity of the claiming and he'd had little reserves left. His body needed the rest. He only became aware of how much his body had needed the rest when he realized he wasn't sitting on Talos's lap on the couch any longer. He was stretched out on top of the older man, his head on Talos's chest, their legs tangled together. Talos had carried him to bed and he hadn't woken up. He was nuzzling against the Skrull's chest like a hungry baby looking for his mother's breast; and apparently had been drooling. He blushed in embarrassment, his body stiffening as he quickly shut his mouth and stopped the instinctual movement, hoping that Talos was still asleep and unaware of what he'd been doing in his own sleep, but not overly confident that the Skrull didn't know exactly what Yon had been doing.

Talos gently scruffed the Kree's neck, stirring as he felt the movement from Yon. He brushed a kiss over the man's head, firming his hold around Yon's waist.

Yon settled as he felt Talos holding onto his waist more tightly and scruffing him. He returned the kiss almost shyly, brushing it over Talos's chest before inhaling deeply. He had every intention of memorizing his master's smell. Carefully, he opened his eyes and noticed Lyja still sleeping beside the two of them. He smiled gently at the younger woman, lying still and remaining silent so that he wouldn't accidently wake her. She obviously needed the sleep, much like he had.

Talos leaned his head down so that he could brush his lips against Yon's, the kiss tender and gentle. He didn't speak, but his fingers ghosted gently over the other man's hips...up under his pajama top to stroke and caress the bare skin of his back.

Yon returned the kiss, just as tenderly and gentle, then rested his head on Talos's chest, listening to his heartbeat. A tiny shiver went through his body as bare skin was touched and he blushed when he felt his member immediately start to swell, just from the gentleness on his back. The touch wasn't even sexual yet and his body was already responding and getting ready for claiming. And he knew Talos would know, because laying on the other man as he was, his erection was prodding the older man's thigh. He took a slow, quiet breath and nuzzled against Talos's chest again, kissing where he felt his heart beating.

"Not yet." Talos breathed the words against Yon's hair, able to feel the reaction from the other man. "But soon," he promised. "I will claim you again soon."

Kissing where he felt Talos's heart beat again, Yon settled back onto the other man, nuzzling against his chest. The quiet words had immediately quelled his arousal, his body obeying instantly. His master said not yet, so his body would wait. He couldn't help being a bit nervous about how easily Talos controlled his body and his responses with just a few quiet words.

Talos gently squeezed his arm around Yon's waist, brushing another gentle kiss against his hair and then glancing to the side as he realized Lyja was stirring awake.

Pressing against both of her 'fathers', the young woman said sleepily, "I didn't even feel you move us."

Yon grinned at that. "I didn't feel it either... he is very stealthy, your father..." he teased slightly. Almost hesitantly, since he was still finding his place in Talos's life. Maybe teasing wouldn't be acceptable.

Talos ran his fingers through Yon's hair; wrapped an arm around Lyja's shoulders. "Any other day, perhaps you could blame it on my stealthiness. This time, I think exhaustion played a big part."

Yon smiled at that, choosing not to argue the fact. When he was at his best, it was difficult to sneak things by him. Of course, now that he belonged to Talos, he might find it more difficult. He didn't know if his relationship would affect his abilities in regard to Talos.

Lyja nuzzled against both men before saying, "Papa, I will go and make breakfast while you talk to Dad about bonding." She stood and exited the room without waiting for a response.

Yon's eyes widened at Lyja's words and he leaned up to watch her leave the room, his mouth dropping open slightly in surprise. "...Did she just call me Dad?" he breathed out, hit by a sudden wave of happy panic. Happy that she thought so highly of him- he cared about her just as deeply- panic because if she cared that deeply, that meant she could be hurt. He never wanted to hurt her.

"She did," Talos agreed, cupping the other man's face in his hand. "Does that worry you?" His voice was gentle. Warmed through with love and affection.

"...It's a lot of responsibility. I'm afraid of disappointing her... hurting her..." Yon admitted in a small voice, looking up into Talos's eyes so that the older man could read his feelings and see he was being truthful. He was terrified of hurting Lyja.

Talos stroked his thumb over Yon's cheek. "You have been on this ship for months with her. Teaching and bonding with her. She loves you. I could see it long before now."

"I love her too... but before, I was locked up. Now... what if your people see me walking freely beside both of you and are angry... and blame her because she's the one who first helped me and was the reason you kept me here...?" he whispered.  "And... what if I do something wrong? That will hurt her worse, I'm afraid...."

Talos stroked under the pajama shirt, over his bare back. "The only thing wrong you could do that would hurt her is if you would betray either of us. I believe you will not. As for the rest of my belong to me now. You are my submissive. They might not be happy, but since I lay claim to you, you are now under my control. My protection."

"And... that's all it takes? My belonging to you and they'll ignore that I walk freely now?" Yon couldn't help but be a bit confused at that. "After everything I did to you and your people?" he asked hesitantly, guilt heavy in his voice as he thought about all those who had been hurt directly or indirectly because of his orders.

"You are my submissive," Talos answered. "My people will likely be suspicious of you, but they trust that you are under my control. In any case...Lyja had the suggestion we make a home with Fury and his partner for a while. To give us time to bond without you also dealing with the suspicion."

"Would that make it easier for Lyja? For you?" Yon asked quietly. If it made things easier for his master and his daughter, he would go to the ends of the earth.

"It would likely make things easier on all of us, including you," Talos said. "I'm beginning to believe we'd do better if we have that space."

"It is your choice, Master... I go wherever you take me... but if you are wanting to know how I feel about it, if it will make things easier for Lyja and you, then I want to do it... I want to go where you will not have to face your people's anger at my not being punished as harshly as they might think I deserve. As harshly as I think I deserve..." He whispered the last.

Talos stroked his fingers through Yon's hair. "Lyja was upset with me because she's forgiven you and believes I should as well. I told her it isn't just about me forgiving you, but you forgiving yourself. But as for harsher punishment? No. It may have taken me a long time to see, but I truly believe you regret your past actions. And while it's true many people would believe you deserve execution; I couldn't do that. I love you. I can't give you forgiveness, not yet. But I can freely give you my love."

Yon pressed closer to Talos at those words. "One day, I'll earn your forgiveness... Maybe by then, I'll be able to forgive myself..." he said, with a tiny, guilt filled voice. Chances were, Talos would forgive him before he even came close to being able to forgive himself, but still. "Your love is what will help me keep going, even if I think I don't deserve it and deserve execution like many people."

Leaning down, Talos brushed his lips against Yon's. "Executing you would not only take you from me, but from Lyja as well. I imagine she saw you as 'Dad' before now, but it was only me bringing you home that allowed her to voice it."

Yon's lips opened slightly at the gentle brushing of Talos's lips. He let out a tiny sigh before admitting, "I realized she felt drawn to me. Cared about me. I allowed myself to look on her as a favorite niece. I was afraid of making you angry if I encouraged her to view me as more than an uncle."

"You don't need to worry or be afraid now," Talos promised, murmuring the words against Yon's lips. "You are mine now. So, you are free to be her Dad."

"Might I kiss you, sir?" Yon found himself asking, holding his breath, his lips millimeters away from Talos's.

"Of course." Talos let his hand cup the back of Yon's head, just touching the other man gently.

Yon leaned up just that slight bit more and pressed his lips to his Master's, the kiss chaste but firm, letting Talos know that he wanted the kiss, it wasn't just because he thought Talos wanted it.

Talos returned the kiss, his hand still holding the back of Yon's head. His other arm was wrapped possessively around the man's waist, fingers resting lightly on Yon's backside.

When Yon finally had to pull back for air, he gave Talos a tiny smile. "That felt good..." he whispered.

"You may kiss me any time you would like to," Talos promised. "You will always have permission."

"I never have to ask again?" Yon asked in surprise. He was hesitantly pleased at the words.

"I am your master, but as I said, you are not a slave," Talos said. "I want you to feel comfortable enough to kiss me when you want to. To turn to me for affection, even a hug, when you need to. Just because I make the decisions involving you, it doesn't mean you are not allowed affection when you need it and I am not giving it to you."

"I am allowed to come to you if... if I am afraid and need to be held? It will not anger you or make me worthless to you?" Yon bit his lip, his eyes on Talos's face in case the question itself angered the Skrull.

"Never," Talos promised. "I would rather you come to me so I can hold you and take care of you than for you to live without affection. I am not Kree. I will not hesitate to let you know I love you. I will not withhold affection from you or be upset or angry or think you are weak because you need something you have always been denied."

Yon swallowed at the words, putting his head back down on Talos's chest and clinging to his master. "And... and if do something wrong? I... I can confess to you and you won't push me away? Even if you punish me, you'll still want to keep me?" He didn't ask if he felt guilty; he figured if Talos wanted him to come to him because he needed to confess, then he'd want him to confess if he felt guilty as well.

"You come to me. We talk it over. And if I decide it is something that requires punishment, I will punish you." Once more scruffing the back of Yon's neck, Talos continued, "But I will always want you. I won't ever push you away."

"I will always be yours... belong to you..." Yon whispered, a hint of relief and contentment in his tone.  "Is that what Lyja meant by you bonding me?" he asked innocently.

"A bonding is akin to a marriage among my people, but it can only occur with a pairing that is compatible," Talos answered. "It means we would be linked together. Each able to feel the other's emotions. Able to communicate through our minds."

"Oh..." Yon blinked at that, looking up at Talos, though he kept his head on the other's chest. "So... when you tied yourself to me yesterday... it meant we were capable of being bonded?"

"Yes." Talos let his fingers stroke through Yon's hair. "And I would want that with you, my little one. For us to be bound together."

Yon swallowed hard. "I... I want that too, Filat..." he whispered firmly. "I don't think I deserve it, but I want it more than anything," he admitted.

Talos kissed him gently. "Then we will be bound together. If Lyja wasn't preparing breakfast, I'd say we could start the preparations now. After we've eaten, we can begin. I will be inside you for longer this time, so we will have to make sure everything either of us might need is here."

Yon kissed Talos's chest again. "Yes, sir..." he said happily. Knowing his master wanted him like that helped settle part of him he didn't even know was restless. "Master? W... will I be punished again before? Since it will take longer?" he asked hesitantly. He wasn't too keen on receiving a caning again, but he knew he had more to atone for... and his master would be the one helping him atone through punishment. If he had another caning coming to him, he thought he'd rather get it out of the way than have it hanging over his head and he'd ask for it if necessary.

"Yes." Talos kissed the top of his head. "But we will take care of that after breakfast as well." He stroked his hand up under Yon's top, caressing over bare skin. "I love you. Even if atoning takes already have my love," he promised.

Yon slumped on Talos, equal parts relieved he wouldn’t need to ask and equal parts dreading the painful punishment. But he needed to atone. "Thank you, master... for helping me atone. Maybe... maybe one day I will be able to forgive myself." He suspected Talos would forgive him before he was able to forgive himself.

Talos wrapped his arms a bit tighter around the other man. "It will take time, but I suspect being punished for those actions will eventually help us both to heal the pains from our past."

There was a knock on the door and then Lyja's voice was calling softly, "Papa? Dad? Breakfast is ready...."

"And then it won't be between us anymore," Yon whispered. He turned his head toward the door at Lyja's knock and announcement.

"Exactly," Talos murmured, before responding, "We're coming." He helped Yon off the bed and stood up himself, wrapping his arms around the other man to lead him from the bedroom.

Yon was walking better a good night's rest having done wonders for him. He still leaned into Talos, though, enjoying the feeling of being pressed close to his master. He smiled at Lyja when they reached the dining table.

Lyja smiled back at Yon. "I put a cushion on your chair for you." She pointed as she took her own seat.

Talos guided Yon to the chair, helping him to sit before taking the remaining seat.

"Thank you, Ladybug..." Yon smiled at Lyja gratefully, before carefully sitting with Talos's help.

As he had the previous night, Talos began to feed Yon, touching him every so often as he did.

Lyja smiled at the constant touching, at the obvious signs of affection. "So, you will bond?" she asked.

Yon blushed and glanced at Talos in case his master wanted to answer, but receiving a nod from the other man, he turned toward Lyja. "Now that I know what it is, I want to...."

"Of course, we will have to make sure everything we need is within reach while the bond occurs," Talos commented. "After we've eaten, why don't you head to the supplies? Get blankets...anything else you think we might need...."

Lyja frowned, glancing between her two fathers. "You don't want me here, do you? You're going to hurt him again...."

Yon blinked at her worry. "It is okay, Ladybug... I believe it only hurt so much the first time because I didn't understand what was happening...  and I hid it from your father because I believed it was meant to hurt. I know better now. I'll be honest and tell him if it hurts. I know Master doesn't want to cause me pain...not with that." He blushed.

"Not that." Lyja turned an accusing gaze to her father.

"It's about atonement. Travelling a path to forgiveness and redemption," Talos said. "As I know it will upset you, I am telling you that you don't have to stay to witness or hear it."

Yon looked confused. "You are upset that he still plans to punish me? But... I have asked him to. I need him to, ladybug. I need to pay for the wrongs I did. If he did not punish me, I... well. I would have to punish myself. It has been pointed out that my people are harsher and crueler than yours, so if I did it myself, I don't believe you would be happier," he said reluctantly.

"But...." Lyja's eyes darted between them both. "It's not fair," she whispered.

"I know you don't like it," Talos said gently. "But it isn't about harming your Dad or about making him suffer. I will tell you when it's safe for you to come back."

Yon looked down. He didn't know what else to say; he knew nothing would make it easier for her to accept. And telling her that life was unfair wasn't productive and would just be cruel. He didn't want to be cruel. Not to Lyja.

"I still don't agree." As the food was finished, Lyja stood up. "I don't want to see or hear it," she informed Talos, before stalking out of the quarters...almost, but not quite, slamming the door behind her.

Yon winced at her obviously angry departure. "I am sorry, Filat... I did not wish to cause problems between you but have done so anyway." He sighed sadly.

"It's me she's angry with, my little one," Talos replied. "Not you. She only wants to protect you. But it's hard for her to understand. All she can see is that you'll hurt physically. But I know it's nothing compared to what you're feeling emotionally."

Yon gave Talos a crooked smile. "You know me so well."

Talos leaned in and gave him a gentle, lingering kiss before saying, "Strip."

Kissing back, Yon let out a slow breath at Talos's order. Like the very first time when Talos had told him to strip, he immediately obeyed. Standing, he carefully removed the pajamas, folding them and setting them on a chair before he stood in front of Talos, looking at the ground in as submissive a stance as he could while standing. He swallowed and waited for his next order.

Talos stood as well. Reaching out, he grasped Yon's shoulder, leading the other man towards the couch. He pushed on the Kree's back, encouraging him to bend over, and then retrieved the cane. "When you came to Torfu with your team, you slaughtered more of my people. They were refugees. They weren't harming you or any of the Kree." He brought the cane down; not as hard as he could but making sure the strike was felt.

Yon had hoped not to begin yelping immediately but failed. He was still tender from the day before. But more than that, he had focused on his master's words and so had not been fully anticipating when the cane would land. He did manage to contain the yelp so that only Talos would hear it. He contained the tiny sob of guilt that stabbed through him, of hearing about Torfu, so only Talos heard it as well. He only hoped that the sounds of his sorrowful regret and pain didn't cause his master pain and guilt, but that Talos would hear them and feel some small measure of relief, if not satisfaction, that the punishment was doing its intended job.

Talos brought the cane down a second and third time, each strike landing just below the previous. "The people there weren't warriors. They couldn't defend themselves against you. Against the Kree. There were children, too. Children you killed."

Yon let out another broken sob. "What... what were their names, Filat?" His voice was high, tight with tears.

Talos let his other hand rest on Yon's back. "Dalx. Fremn. Jaq. Henkor." With every name he uttered, he delivered a strike with the cane to emphasize it.

Yon repeated the names after every strike, "Dalx, Fremn, Jaq, Henkor..." accepting that each stripe represented a life lost, that he was responsible for. Tears streamed down his face and tears were thick in his voice, but his voice was clear. Each name was understood.

There were more, but those four names were the innocent children who had been lost in that particular battle. Talos wouldn't name all of them; knew the pain would be too great, both emotional and physical. "Your blind obedience to the Kree Supreme Intelligence cost so many needless lives. War might have been all you knew, but you had other chances to see the truth. To see what it cost." He delivered a total of twenty strokes, carefully holding back his strength, and then put the cane down.

Yon didn't say anything to the accusation of needlessly costing lives. He knew it was true. He just held himself as still as possible so Talos could land the cane where he aimed and cried in progressively louder and more broken sobs. As soon as Talos put down the cane, words tumbled out of him. "...Sorry...  so sorry, master... wish I could undo..." He sobbed, before going limp over the sofa.

"I know." Talos' voice was sad. If he said punishing Yon like this was easy, he'd be lying. Sitting on the couch, he gently pulled and tugged until the other man was sprawled across his lap, no weight resting on his backside, and cuddled him tightly. "I know you're sorry, my little one. I know you wish you could undo it all."

Yon clung to Talos, unashamedly letting the other man see his guilty regret and grief, holding to him in an almost childish bid to feel safe, loved and comforted, even if he didn't believe he deserved any of those things.

Talos tightened his arms around Yon, brushing his lips over the other man's hair. "I love you." He whispered the words against Yon's forehead. "You did turn back. You did the right thing in the end. It's important you remember that. Even though you made mistakes, you turned back on your own. You chose a path of redemption without being forced down it."

Talos's words were scant comfort. All Yon could think about were the children he'd caused the deaths of. "I hurt so many. I was so bad... so horribly bad..." He choked on his tears.

When Lyja had been a child, Talos had held her wrapped in his arms, as if he could shield her from anything that would do her harm. He did the same thing to Yon now, although the Kree was bigger than his daughter. He cuddled Yon tightly. "Every step you take now brings you closer to redemption. Closer to forgiveness." He let his hand rest gently on Yon's bottom, feeling the hot welts left by the cane. "Closer to nothing standing between us. You won't be punished forever," he promised.

Yon just continued to cry. It was comforting to know that Talos believed eventually, he'd earn forgiveness. He didn't see how it was possible, with all the guilt he carried, but if Talos believed, maybe it was. He didn't know how long he clung to his master, cuddled close like a child, but eventually, he'd cried out all his tears, unable to cry more. His throat and body ached from the sobbing. But he was calm. "I love you, master," he whispered.

Talos shifted just enough to retrieve some of the water left on the table. He held the cup to Yon's lips, even as his other hand continued to gently rub the other man's bottom. "I love you, my little one. You belong to me," he promised.

Yon obediently drank the water all the way down before putting his head against Talos's chest and snuggling some more. "Dalx, Fremn, Jaq, Henkor..." he whispered softly, shuddering slightly as he wanted to cry again but had no tears left inside.

Talos kept his embrace tight around Yon, scruffing his neck with one hand and rubbing his bottom with the other. He pressed a kiss to the Kree's head, rocking him gently as if he were a child.

Yon just continued to snuggle as close and tight to his master as was possible. He didn't care that he was acting exceedingly needy and childish, or that Talos was treating him as if he were a child. He had no pride left when it came to the older Skrull; pride had no place in their relationship. He needed comfort and Talos was offering comfort and safety and Yon wasn't going to pull away from it in an attempt to be brave or 'adult'. His crying had subsided to just a few random sniffles and teardrops that occasionally escaped his eyes and dripped down his face, but he still didn't pull away. When it was time, Talos would tell him to. Otherwise, he was staying put.

Talos brushed a kiss over Yon's hair and whispered, "I will call Lyja back, so she can assure herself that you are safe and so that, if she found anything, she can leave it with us. Claiming is private, personal, so she won't witness the act itself. But as we will be tied together for a long time afterwards, I can cover us with a blanket so that she can sit in and talk to us during that time." He reached out for a blanket, draping it over Yon so that the Kree's nakedness was covered, in preparation for Lyja returning.

"That... that will be good. It feels like she should be part of it in some way, even if it is just to talk with us..." Yon whispered softly, his voice rough, but not as bad as it had been before Talos gave him the water.

"She'll want to mother you." Talos used the comm to tell Lyja it was safe to return.

A few minutes later, she was walking into the quarters, several items piled high in her arms.

Yon smiled crookedly at that but didn't comment. He knew Talos was right. For all Lyja was his daughter now (or at least would be, once the bonding was complete), she had been mothering him since the day she and Talos brought him back to the ship. And considering she was so much more secure in herself and knew what was right and wrong and didn't have years of bad learning to unlearn, he couldn't help but think it would probably be that way for a good long time. He made certain to smile at her when she came in, so that she could see he was okay. He felt better emotionally, at least, even if he was very sore again and tearstains covered his cheeks.

Lyja smiled dazzlingly bright at her Dad and then frowned at her Papa. "His face will get uncomfortable if you don't wash it." She placed down her bundle and walked over to dampen a bit of cloth, stepping over to the two men and carefully wiping the tear stains from Yon's cheeks. "I brought pillows. Snacks. Blankets. Drinks with electrolytes in're going to need one now," she added to Yon.

Yon's eyes widened slightly, and his mouth dropped open. Lyja was taking the mothering further than he'd expected; although considering she had hand-fed him when he was too weak to hold a fork, maybe he should have expected it. "Alright, Ladybug..." he agreed, with a bemused tone in his voice, glancing at Talos to see how he was taking his daughter's actions. If he seemed to mind that she was so worried over Yon and seemingly blaming him.

Talos only shifted enough to allow his daughter to wash Yon's face. He didn't comment that he could do that; he knew Lyja was worried about the Kree and upset over what she perceived to be unfair treatment of the man. Instead, he glanced towards the supplies and commented, "I see you've brought some cooling packs and gel...."

"To keep the swelling down. If you're still going to insist on 'punishing' him...." Lyja said, clearly still upset about the situation.

Yon frowned unhappily at her tone. "...I know you don't want me hurt, Ladybug. I appreciate that. But I wish you wouldn't be upset at your father for holding me accountable for what I did. If... if you knew how much I hurt inside, knowing all the pain I caused to innocent people. How much I hate myself. How often I..." He swallowed. "...How often I thought about harming myself in the last several months before Filat punished me, because I felt like I deserved to hurt, and nothing had been done to me...." He was obviously having a hard time admitting it. He knew it wouldn't make either of them happy, he didn't want to upset her further, but she needed to know. He needed to pay for what he'd done and Talos was helping him to do that in a way that wouldn't permanently harm him or end his life.

"But...." Lyja looked at Yon, her worry and concern clear. "If he loves you like he says he does, then even if he holds you accountable...he should forgive you." She looked at her Papa. "How can you not?"

Talos' arms had tightened automatically around Yon at those words. They didn't surprise him, but it still hurt to hear them. He answered his daughter, his tone steady. "A lot of our people have been killed in this war. Even those not killed have suffered. We lost our home. Forgiveness without punishment is empty and meaningless. But I promise you, it won't be forever. Eventually, that final wall will be broken down. And it will be better, because it won't ever exist between us again."

"I did so much wrong..." Yon was looking at the floor by this point, unable to face either of them. His voice caught in his throat. "...I'm not sure I could believe in any forgiveness he offered if it wasn't accompanied by punishment. It would feel too much like he was just ignoring what happened in order to move on. Pretending. I'd always be thinking, someday he'd think on what I did and suddenly not be able to ignore it any longer and he'd hate me. As angry as my actions made him and even though I know forgiveness is not mine yet, I know he doesn't hate me, and I know forgiveness is possible."

"Not just possible." Talos' voice was very gentle as he corrected the word. "Inevitable. As for ever hating you...that's so far in the distance, it wouldn't ever be possible again. I love you." He cuddled Yon tightly to himself, even as he said softly to Lyja, "If you think I might enjoy it...that I might get a taste for it...that couldn't be further from the truth. Even yesterday, before I gave in and accepted my feelings, I felt nothing like the satisfaction I thought I would." A hint of hoarse emotion came through in his voice. Punishing Yon and listening to the Kree sob.... he wasn't sure there'd been anything that hurt him worse in recent memory.

Lyja leaned in, wrapping her arms around both men to hug and hold on. "I don't want either of you to hurt." Her breath hitched, showing she was close to crying.

"I don't hurt... not where it matters, anyway..." Yon said, in an effort to cheer her up. "...Physical pain goes away quickly. Your father is taking care of my... my guilt pain. That wasn't going away at all and now it is... I feel better than I have in months," he admitted, with a tiny smile, even as he hugged her back while snuggling closer to Talos.

"The situation between us is better too." Talos wrapped one arm around Lyja, even as he continued to snuggle Yon. "You don't have to sneak out to see your Dad. Or sneak into my quarters to use my replicator so he can have better food...."

Lyja sniffled and looked at her Papa, even pressed close to both of them. "You knew?"

"Of course," Talos replied, adding, "You're not nearly as good at sneaking as you think you are."

Yon snorted at that. "I suspect she's good at sneaking; you're just very good at noticing what is going on around you..." he mumbled in amusement.

"Not as good as I could be." After all, it had taken Talos too long to believe Yon was truly sorry. And it didn't make him feel good to know the emotional pain the Kree had been in for the last several months. "We talked about your suggestion," he said to Lyja. "I think staying with Fury and his partner, at least for a little while, will be beneficial."

"So, you can be together without the rest of our people looking at you with suspicion." Lyja smiled, hugging both men a bit tighter before she stood up and walked over to the supplies, retrieving the cooling packs and gel.

"I will be happier if he is not facing opposition for being merciful," Yon said quietly. "And while facing my sins and seeing the people I hurt every day will remind me of what I am atoning for... I have to admit, it is a bit overwhelming sometimes." He saw the cooling packs and gel and gave her a thankful smile.

Lyja kissed his cheek. "I love you. I want you and Papa to be happy." She handed the items to her father and then sat back next to him with an expectant look.

Knowing his daughter wouldn't be happy unless she could see the items being used for herself, Talos moved Yon carefully across his lap, only adjusting the blanket enough to expose his backside but little else. The position was such that Yon could lay at least partially on Lyja too.

Yon blushed at Lyja being able to see his well punished bottom but didn't protest. He obediently lay over Talos's lap and trusted his master would preserve as much of his modesty as possible. He snuggled against Lyja slightly, as he found his head on her lap.

Lyja stroked her fingers through Yon's hair, every so often leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek or forehead.

Talos began to rub some of the gel into Yon's bottom, making sure the blanket stayed securely in place to preserve his submissive's modesty.

Yon quivered as the initial rubbing reignited the burning ache on his backside, but he soon relaxed as the cooling gel numbed the pain and the rubbing began to feel pleasant, even good. He sighed softly, a tiny moan of relief escaping.

Talos continued to gently rub the gel in, making sure he covered every inch of his submissive's bottom, from the crest down to his thighs. Touching and stroking Yon felt good; enough that his member was beginning to stir.

For her part, Lyja just stroked and rubbed over Yon's hair...behind his ears...her affection gentle and loving. She didn't watch her father rubbing the gel into Yon's bottom; it was enough for her to be able to give her Dad affection while it happened.

Yon just continued to let out tiny sighs of relief, though the longer Talos rubbed, a few tiny whimpers joined in. Yon could feel Talos's member twitching under his own and to his embarrassment, his own immediately rose in response. The only consolation was that he knew Lyja couldn't see his reaction. He did his best to keep his responses the same as they had been before he'd become completely aroused at having his bottom rubbed, so she wouldn't suspect and feel like she had to leave.

Talos didn't say or do anything to indicate they were aroused. He rubbed a little more firmly, shifting Yon only enough to expose his sit spots. Some welts from the cane had landed there and he began to rub the gel in there too.

"I love you, Dad," Lyja whispered, kissing his cheek again. Even if she had an idea of how her fathers were reacting, it didn't bother her. She knew her Papa would indicate if she needed to give them privacy.

"I love you too, Ladybug..." Yon finally admitted to his feelings out loud. "I'm so glad to have you in my life now...." He managed to keep from moaning as the slight shifting caused his erection to press more firmly against Talos's thigh, the pressure feeling very good, but making it difficult not to be obvious about his reactions.

Lyja nuzzled into Yon's face, clearly much more settled and happier than she had been while visiting him when he'd been locked up. The words made her really happy to hear, too, and she gave him a few gentle scratches behind his ears.

Talos gave Yon a gentle squeeze to each thigh, low down where the welts weren't covering, in response to his submissive's erection.

Yon smiled as Lyja nuzzled his face, kissing her on the tip of her nose. And then she scratched behind his ears and he surprised himself by purring. His eyes wide, he shot a startled look toward her and then Talos before blushing bright pink. "...Um... uh... you didn't hear that..." he stammered, in a joking, yet hopeful voice. While he was embarrassed at having purred at having his ears scratched, it wasn't detracting from his arousal and Talos squeezing his thighs had caused his member to stiffen and grow further. He held his hips still, even though he was beginning to feel the need to shift and generate friction.

Lyja smiled at the response, a soft giggle escaping her...not meanly, but because she enjoyed his response. She rubbed her nose against his. "I heard it. I liked it," she declared, resuming the gentle scratching behind his ears.

"I'm in agreement with our daughter," Talos commented. "It was a nice sound."

Yon huffed, much like an offended cat that he sounded like, but he didn't pull away from either of them; instead he settled, purring again as she scratched behind his ears. It really did feel good and made him feel very cared about. Plus, it was helping divert some of his attention away from his arousal, which couldn't hurt, since now wasn't the time or the place for such things. "...Never made that sound before in my life..." he muttered, still embarrassed and needing them to understand that him purring wasn't a common occurrence, even if he couldn't seem to stop at that moment.

Lyja kissed his cheeks, even as she continued to gently scratch behind his ears, smiling at the continued purring sound. "Maybe you're making it now because you feel loved and wanted," she suggested.

Talos still rubbed the cooling gel into his bottom. "If you've never had loving affection before, it's no surprise you haven't discovered that about yourself until now."

"I do..." Yon admitted. "...Feel loved and wanted, I mean." He smiled up at Lyja, happy to see her smiling. "...You like that I purr..." he accused, with a hint of amusement. He didn't respond to Talos's comment; Talos was quickly learning just how devoid of affection Yon's life had been. He knew the older man was likely right in his assessment.

Lyja rubbed their noses together again. "It sounds good. You sound contented and happy," she said. "I like listening to it." She kissed his forehead, gently turning his head enough to make it easier to scratch behind both ears.

Yon relaxed, letting her turn his head where she wanted. "I am contented and happy..." he confessed, beginning to purr again, the sound rumbling from his chest and not stopping this time as he gave in and allowed them to witness and participate in this newly found aspect of himself.

Kissing and nuzzling her dad's face, Lyja continued to scratch behind his ears, cuddling into him so that she could feel the vibrations as well as hear the purr.

Talos smiled and let a hand rest gently on Yon's back, feeling the vibrations from the purr as well. His other hand continued rubbing the gel into his submissive's bottom, sit spots and thighs.

Yon just continued to purr happily for both the Skrull caring for him, every so often bumping or rubbing his nose to Lyja's, beginning to arch his back so that it was pressed against Talos's hand and so that his bottom was easier to reach and rub. His arousal was still there, but at the moment, it wasn't the most important thing. He was discovering that he enjoyed the innocent affection and he enjoyed giving joy to his master and daughter by allowing them to hear and feel his enjoyment through the rumbling sound he couldn't stop making if he tried.

Lyja kissed her dad's nose and his cheeks, the affection clearly driven by love and a need and want to be close to the Kree she'd adopted as a second parent.

Talos rubbed his hand more firmly against Yon's back, stroking and gently pressing against his spine. His other hand squeezed and rubbed over Yon's bottom and down his thighs.

Yon didn't know how long they were there for. All he knew was love, affection, care... and he never wanted it to end. His whole body was eventually vibrating from the endorphins coursing through his body, twitching. Even though it felt so good, it was beginning to be overwhelming to him. But it felt so good, he didn't realize he was becoming over-stimulated.

Talos noticed that Yon was becoming over-stimulated. He moved his other hand to the Kree's back as well; still giving affection, but with the blanket between hand and skin, allowing there to be a bit less stimulation.

Yon shivered and whimpered slightly as his master moved his hand. The absence of Talos rubbing his bottom suddenly made the fact his bottom was over-sensitive more noticeable. His breathing hitched and he twitched, trying to calm himself down.

Scruffing the back of Yon's neck, Talos murmured, "You belong to me, my little one. I am going to bond with you. In a minute, I am going to carry you over my shoulder through to our bedroom, where I will lay you out on the bed and begin to take you." Lowering his voice, a bit, he added, "It will be slow. I fully intend for you to beg before I claim you completely."

Yon's whimper this time was one of abject need and submission. He wanted what Talos promised. He wanted it so badly, he didn't care who knew. The fact Lyja was still there, cradling his head on her lap, didn't even phase him. She knew they were to bond. She could know how much he needed his master inside him.

Lyja kissed Yon's cheek, giving him one final scratch behind his ears before she whispered, "I want you and Papa to bond, Daddy. I'll give you more ear scratches later." She smiled, happiness clear on her face and in her voice. "I love you."

"...Love you too, Ladybug..." Yon said softly, his voice still a bit rumbly from purring and from the fact he was so aroused now, his voice wasn't cooperating.

Allowing Lyja to give her dad one last kiss, Talos stood up, draping the Kree over his shoulder, as he'd promised, holding him in place with one hand very possessively clasping his bottom. He scooped up the items Lyja had brought in his other arm and carried them and his submissive through to the bedroom.

For his part, Yon held still so that Talos could pick him up and position him without difficulty, not wanting to expose himself to Lyja anymore than necessary and knowing that he would expose himself if he squirmed too much. If she saw, it wouldn't be the end of the world, but he could at least make the attempt.

Through to the bedroom, Talos kept his hand in place over Yon's backside, giving it a firm squeeze every so often. When they were inside the room, he set the items down within easy reach and then placed Yon on the bed, raising the Kree's legs so he could continue paying attention to his submissive's backside and thighs, rubbing and squeezing.

Yon shivered as he was placed face-up on the bed. He watched Talos's face as the Skrull raised his legs and began rubbing and squeezing his bottom and thighs again. His member twitched at both the physical affection and the fact that his master was looking at him so intently. No part of him was hidden from Talos's view, the position making it impossible for him to hide anything, even if he'd wanted to. His member, his bottom, his entrance... were all accessible and visible. He blushed darkly and swallowed hard, before whining softly in the back of his throat.

The gel had done its work on reducing the swelling from the punishment, but Talos could still feel the welts as he rubbed and squeezed very possessively. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to Yon's lips, deep and passionate, before he pressed another one to his neck.

Yon moaned softly, kissing back eagerly, then shifting his head so his neck was completely exposed when Talos moved to kiss there.

Talos left a mark on one side of Yon's neck and then moved over to leave a mark on the other side. His hands spread the Kree's legs apart, so that every bit of Yon was open and vulnerable to him and allowed his fingers to graze gently over his submissive's entrance.

Yon whimpered and moaned. Shifting his head so Talos could reach the other side of his neck, he held his legs where Talos placed them and shivered as he felt his master's fingers grazing over his most vulnerable, private areas. His member was fully swollen by this point, laying on his belly, leaking pre-cum.

Returning to Yon's lips, Talos coated a finger in the lube included in the pile. He pushed the finger slowly inside his submissive; as slowly as he'd promised he would take the other man.

Yon groaned into Talos's lips, opening his mouth for the older man as he felt the Skrull's finger breech him and slide inside. He relaxed for his master, enabling Talos to easily move his finger however he wanted.

This time, Talos knew what to expect going in; that Yon hadn't been used to his larger size. He was also much more focused on the man he loved than he had been. He moved his finger gently, exploring inside the other man...finally coating a second finger and adding that inside with the first.

Yon's shiver and quick intake of breath was the first acknowledgement of the second finger being added. The low groan of pleasure after was the sign that it felt good. It felt really good. Unlike the first time, when his nerves and uncertainty about what was occurring had kept him too tight and unable to relax enough to enjoy, this time, he wasn't so nervous. He was able to relax, and it enabled his master to make it feel wonderful.

Talos kissed Yon that bit deeper and harder, letting his tongue slip into the Kree's mouth to claim him that way as well. He continued to explore inside the other man with his fingers, taking his time while he did so.

Yon opened his mouth for his master, accepting his tongue and beginning to gently run his own tongue against Talos's, before gently sucking, tentative in case his master didn't like him doing that. He wiggled his hips slightly in an attempt to thrust onto Talos's fingers, needing to feel them as deep inside as possible.

Using his other hand, Talos gently squeezed Yon's hip, the action meant to be encouraging. He let his fingers slide deeper inside the other man, claiming along with the exploring.

Yon's sounds of pleasure increased as Talos explored deeper. He could feel that his master wasn't just exploring, that he was claiming; and it left him feeling giddy with the desire to have every part of him claimed and belonging to the Skrull. He continued to gently suck on his master's tongue while he brought his legs up just that small bit higher so that Talos could claim him from any angle. He gently squeezed around Talos's fingers, asking with his body, instead of words, for Talos to give more, or take more. It was really the same thing.

Talos stroked his fingers along the side of Yon's neck, gently pushing a third coated finger inside the Kree. His other hand continued to explore the outside of his submissive's body, tracing over scarred and unblemished skin alike.

Yon groaned at feeling the third finger, his member twitching in response. His breathing was increasing and he had to break away from the kiss to breathe, but as soon as he'd caught his breath, he moaned softly, "...Feels so good, Master..." clenching tight around all three of the Skrull's fingers before relaxing again so Talos could push deeper.

"You feel so good." Talos spoke the words against Yon's lips, letting his fingers push in deeper...claim deeper. "You are mine." The words were uttered in an intense whisper.

"I am... I am yours... completely..." Yon gasped, trying to open his legs further, arch his back so he was more exposed. If he could turn himself inside out so that Talos could claim, he would.

Talos continued exploring, claiming, with his fingers until he was certain the other man was prepared enough, it wouldn't hurt. Then, withdrawing, he coated his own member in the lube and pushed inside Yon, very slowly.

Yon groaned as he felt Talos pushing in, whimpering slightly because, even with preparation, the older man was large. But it felt good. Being stretched around his master's member felt very good. "...Yes... please, Filat... fill me up..." He whined softly. Not quite begging, not yet, but close.

Talos continued to push inside Yon, still going with almost agonizing slowness. This was vastly different than the day before. This time, he could watch Yon's face. Could make sure he wasn't hurting the Kree.

Yon's mouth opened as he gasped in breath, moaning softly and panting. His eyes opened part way and he looked into his master's face, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes, but it was obvious he wasn't scared. He wasn't in pain. The tears were a result of his complete acceptance and surrender to the man pushing into him; he wanted this, he wanted it badly and it felt good.

Leaning forward, Talos gently kissed away the tears that were forming. He cupped Yon's face in his hand, kissing the Kree deeply. "I love you," he murmured against his submissive's lips.

"...Love you, Sir... love you and need you and want to be yours forever..." Yon gasped as he felt Talos's member slide over and past his prostrate. His member jerked as his master's member rubbed over the tiny bundle of nerves.

"You will be," Talos promised. "You will always belong to me. I will never let you go." His hand drifted lower, gently grasping Yon's member. He looked into the Kree's eyes, preparing to start chanting the moment it was time.

"I... I will never leave... ever!" Yon promised fervently, his head rolling back and forth as Talos gripped his member but didn't otherwise move. Gasping in another breath and whining, he did exactly as Talos had promised. He begged. "Please, Master, please touch me, squeeze me so tight it aches, rub me so hard, I feel it for days. Pound into me so deep, I can taste you..." He sobbed the last, attempting to thrust toward the Skrull's member to get him deeper.

Talos kissed him...hard...deeply...passionately. He did begin to thrust deeper and harder. He stroked and gently squeezed Yon's member, his other hand squeezing each of his submissive's hips.

Yon opened up for the kiss, just as he opened himself to receiving Talos's member inside of him as deeply as possible. He was panting and sobbing with need, the older man's thrusts rubbing that small bundle of nerves over and over until his whole body clenched tight. And then he was releasing for his master in one long climax, wave after wave of spasm pushing his seed out of his body in spurts that painted Talos's belly and chest.

Talos' fingers clenched on Yon, but he had enough presence of mind to begin the chant even as his own release caused his body to shake with the force of it.

Yon kept his eyes on Talos the entire time his body was in the throes of climax. He didn't know if it was because his master's member was still gliding over his sensitive prostrate, or if it was the chant drawing things out, but his release did not end until Talos had said the last word of his chant. Yon watched as his seed was absorbed into his master's skin, a glowing aura seeming to pour out of the Skrull, surrounding first Talos and then including Yon in its warm light. And then the glow sank into both of them and Yon gave one last long shudder, as if his body was trying to hold Talos in place.

Talos body slumped over Yon's as the glow was absorbed into their skin. He pressed a kiss to the hollow of his submissive's throat; another kiss to the Kree's lips.

Yon wearily returned his master's kiss when Talos kissed his lips. He then focused on his body. He'd been preoccupied before with his release and the chant and the glow, but now that the ritual had been said and both of their bodies were coming down from the high that was their orgasms, Yon could feel it. Talos's knot was buried inside him again, pressing against his prostate just as fully as it had the first time, tugging at his rim with each small movement, but not pulling out. Only this time, he wasn't scared of it. And this time, even though he was certain the possibility of over-stimulation and sensitivity was there, having his master pressing against his pleasure spot without ceasing wasn't causing him to constantly rouse to the point of pain. He wasn't certain if it was because the angle was different, since they were facing each other this time, or if it was because of the ritual. But he was able to enjoy the feeling of fullness this time; of being locked to his master, underneath the older man, vulnerable and completely owned. Giving Talos a crooked grin, he leaned up and kissed him again, this time opening his mouth and inviting the Skrull to dominate him.

Talos kissed Yon, deeply and passionately, slipping his tongue inside the Kree's mouth. I love you so much. He thought the words to Yon, to see if his submissive would be able to hear them. A strong sense of love and possessiveness surrounded the words, flowing from him to the Kree.

Yon's sharp intake of breath, his eyes flying open as he dragged his mouth away and gasped in air, was indication that he had heard the words. Even so. "I heard you..." he breathed out eyes wide. "I love you too! But... I heard you!" he said, in excitement.

Talos smiled at the response. "Good," he murmured, stroking the side of Yon's face. "That's a very good sign. It means the bonding worked. You can talk back to me the same way," he encouraged gently.

Yon immediately closed his eyes and scrunched up his face, looking like a two-year-old trying really hard to concentrate. Like this? he thought, hoping that it reached his master.

"Exactly like that." Kissing Yon's forehead, Talos let the other man feel his sense of pride and happiness.

Yon opened his eyes again and smiled brightly at Talos, the pride and happiness making him feel good. Like having you proud of me, he admitted, leaning up and kissing Talos again.

Talos kissed his submissive back, stroking the side of Yon's face. I love you. You're so very good for me, whispered through the newly formed bond.

As you are for me, Filat... I would be dead, if not for you... Yon thought back, snuggling against Talos and wiggling his bottom so the older man would rub inside of him; partially because now that he wasn't scared at what was occurring, he really liked feeling Talos filling him up so tight and partially because he wanted the other man to feel as good as he did.

Talos wrapped his arms a bit firmer and tighter around Yon, kissing the side of his neck and then nuzzling into him. He then reached out for one of the drinks with electrolytes in, opening it so he could encourage his submissive to drink. "I should have given this to you earlier." I need to take care of you, came through clearly.

Yon obediently drank from the bottle. You are taking care of me, he thought, as he continued to drink, allowing Talos to decide if he'd had enough or not. He glanced down at his stomach. It was still flat, but to his eye, it seemed a bit soft looking. Or maybe it was wishful thinking on his part.

Talos used their newly formed bond to allow him to 'see' how thirsty Yon was. He kept touching and stroking the other man and then, once it seemed like the Kree had had enough, he carefully moved the bottle from his submissive's lips. "You purr," he commented, tracing a line around Yon's lips. "Like a Flerken."

Yon kissed Talos's hand, grinning bashfully and blushing faintly. "Yeah... I didn't even know I did that..." He sounded bemused. "Makes me wonder if there is anything else about myself, I have no clue about..." He wrinkled his nose.

"Perhaps more. You were happy. Content. Knowing you were loved and that your family was close to you." Talos continued to trace lines around Yon's lips, giving his submissive ample opportunity to kiss if he wanted to. "That you never realized you did that before makes it clear just how devoid of love your life was before. But you cared for Carol Danvers, didn't you?" There was nothing accusatory in his tone. He truly wanted to understand his submissive.

Yon kissed Talos's hand again and again, but at his question, he slanted his head and just pressed his face into Talos's palm as he thought, I did care for her. But... I don't remember any of our interactions being anything outside of training or missions. We were both very careful to keep any personal information or feelings to ourselves. It would have been improper to do otherwise. And... And I was a large part of her memories being taken from her and false memories implanted... A spike of guilt flowed through the bond. "I couldn't let myself care for her when I knew what I'd done to her and what I continued to do through my deceit," he whispered.

Talos gently stroked the side of Yon's face, cupping it in his hand. "The Kree caused a lot of unnecessary suffering. I am glad, more than glad, that Lyja insisted I listen to her and save you. I would never have known who you truly were otherwise. I would never have found another soulmate."

"I am glad as well that she was able to so quickly see good in me. I would have never seen it in myself, as I was one of those who caused unnecessary suffering..." His voice was soft, and regret filled.

Talos pressed a kiss to his forehead. "She saw the good in you because you showed it. Because you did the right thing." After a moment, he said softly, "If you get any urges to harm yourself, you need to let me know." Hearing how Yon had felt had affected him. It had hurt to know how much the other man had been suffering.

Yon looked down in shame before looking back up into Talos's eyes. "I didn't want to upset you with how I had felt... I will tell you if those feelings return again. But I don't believe they will. You are helping me take care of my guilt." He took Talos's hand and kissed it again, before slowly and carefully moving it down so that Talos could rub against his welted bottom. The stinging ache was still present, and he suspected Talos would be able to feel the moment it speared through him, if only because it caused him to clench around his master's member tight until the sting eased.

Talos gently stroked his fingers over Yon's welted backside. "I will take care of you in every way possible," he promised. "You and both are everything to me. My family." That wave of possessive, protective love swept through the bond...along with the promise that Yon would be forgiven. A reiteration that he wouldn't be punished forever. That atonement was inevitable.

Yon's sense of relief and trust in Talos was strong and could be felt through the bond. "I am so grateful to be in your family now... to be yours," he whispered.

Talos kissed him, deeply and lingeringly. "You are mine," he whispered against Yon's lips. "Mine to take care of. Mine to love. Even mine to punish, when it's necessary."

"Yes, Sir... all of those and more..." Yon breathed out. For all that Talos said he wasn’t a slave and Yon believed him, Yon still had every intention of Talos having complete control over his life. It was difficult for him to understand anything else, having not been raised with it.

"Mine." That sense of possessiveness came strongly through the bond, mixing with the love. Talos kissed Yon harder, a low growl escaping him without thought.

Yon responded to the possessiveness by opening up further, submitting more completely. The feeling of belonging completely was arousing and his member responded quickly. "Yours..." He was close to purring again.

Talos shifted them, moving so that he and his submissive could sit up in a more comfortable position, spooning Yon with pillows piled behind them to keep them comfortable. Throughout the whole time, one word repeated over and over through the bond. Mine.

By the time Talos had finished shifting them and Yon was nestled on his master's lap, all the friction and rubbing from the knot moving in him had caused Yon to be fully aroused. He whined softly and squirmed without thinking, his body wanting more of the stimulation. When he realized what he was doing, he paused, but then began again. Talos was in charge. If his master wanted him to hold still, he'd order it.

Kissing the side of Yon's neck, Talos shifted his submissive so that they could both feel the friction. It didn't take much for him to release again, his hold tightening on the other man as his orgasm rocked him.

Feeling his master spill into him sent Yon over the edge and his own release shot out of him, covering him. Looking down at himself in semi-shock, Yon wilted back against Talos's chest, head on his master's shoulder, face turned towards his neck. He tiredly rubbed down his chest and belly without thinking, smearing the rapidly cooling mess into his skin, then grimacing and looking down. Blinking, he slanted his head. "Is it normal for my belly to grow when you've taken me, master?" He poked at the round softness of what was usually a flat, muscular stomach. He was puffier than normal.

"During a bonding, it is," Talos answered, brushing his lips against Yon's neck. "Your stomach will grow and swell until the bonding is over and my seed is entirely absorbed by your body."

"If I were female, I'd give you a child from it..." Yon observed, before saying hesitantly, "I hope you do not regret I cannot give you children..."

"You are enough for me. More than enough." Talos nuzzled Yon's neck. "And we have a daughter. One who thinks the world of you."

Yon smiled at that. "I think the world of her as well. And her father is my world..." he whispered, squirming a little to feel his master buried in him. Reaching over to the table, he picked up two bottles of the electrolyte drinks Talos had gathered, handing one to Talos. "You've lost a lot of fluid. I can feel it in me," he said cheekily.

Chuckling softly, Talos opened the bottle and drank, waiting long enough for Yon to finish drinking before he kissed his submissive. Then, when there was a knock on the door, he pulled one of the blankets in place to keep them both covered before calling, "Come in."

Lyja opened the door and stepped into the room. "I wanted to check on you both." She grinned at the sight of both her fathers cuddled together.

Yon smiled at her, blushing slightly. They were covered from the waist down and normally, showing off his chest wouldn't embarrass him, but he hadn't cleaned himself off yet, so it showed clearly what they'd just done. She'd also see the slight swell of his belly, but oddly enough, that didn't embarrass him. He was actually proud of the fact Talos was making him swell up. "Everything is good for me. Though I wouldn't mind a wet washcloth if you wouldn't mind finding one..." He blushed a bit more.

"Of course." Lyja all but skipped from the room, returning moments later with a wet washcloth that she handed to Talos before sitting down on the bed. "Did it work? Can you talk to each other telepathically?"

"It worked." Talos began to carefully clean Yon off as he answered their daughter's question.

"It was very exciting..." Yon admitted. "I have never heard of a bond like this on Kree... I do not think they would like it, to be honest. Connecting in that way to anyone is not really done."

Lyja tilted her head to one side, asking curiously, "What about when you took Carol Danvers away and said something about the Supreme Intelligence? Isn't that a form of bonding or connection?"

Talos wrapped his arms a bit more firmly around Yon's waist, curious to hear his response as well.

"That is different... the Supreme Intelligence is the only one we form a connection like that with. It is highly personal because the Supreme Intelligence knows us so well, it takes on the form of someone that holds a high influence on our lives. We never share what form it is it takes, though. It turns out Carol's image was of the one person who could turn her away from the Kree." Yon smiled crookedly.

Talos gently squeezed Yon's waist, but before he could voice a response, Lyja was asking, eyes narrowed with worry, "Does whoever you saw need rescuing and to be taken care of like you?" She'd obviously never considered that Yon might have people he missed back on Kree and there was a worried, concerned look on her face.

Yon's smile grew impish. "No. He is doing well. The one person of high enough influence for the Supreme Intelligence to take his form turns out to be one of the only two beings capable of taking me away from the Kree." He let that response hang in the air, waiting for the moment they both understood his meaning.

Lyja's eyes widened at that. "You saw Papa?" A huge smile spread across her face. "You were always meant for each other."

Talos let his chin rest gently on Yon's shoulder. "Perhaps it makes sense, considering that, as enemies, we spent a lot of time almost obsessing over each other," he commented, with a certain wry amount of humor.

"I did see your Papa," Yon admitted, with a grin. "Almost obsessing?" He looked over his shoulder at Talos, squeezing tight around his master's member. "I have to admit full obsession on my part."

Gently squeezing Yon's hips, Talos commented, "Knowing that, it's little surprise to me that we were able to bond. We might have been on opposite sides in a war, but it's clear to me we were never supposed to be enemies."

Lyja leaned forward to wrap her arms around both of them, snuggling in close. "Did you ever question why it was him you saw?" she asked Yon, still curious.

"Not really," Yon admitted, kissing the top of Lyja's head, then shifting slightly so that he could 'massage' Talos's member while talking. An almost naughty vibe carried through the bond. "I just assumed it was because, despite our being enemies, I respected him a great deal and admired him. Not many were able to stand against me and win." He shifted again, trying to space his movements so that it wouldn't be obvious to Lyja, but would affect his master. He couldn't say what had come over him, but he was feeling playful and impish.

Talos gently nipped Yon's shoulder; not hard and not to punish, but to indicate he knew what his submissive was doing. He then kissed the spot he'd just nipped, his member inside Yon reacting to the movements by beginning to grow and swell.

"So, you never had the urge to beg him to have his way with you until you got dragged home?" Lyja asked him, a teasing lilt in her voice.

Yon's mouth dropped open at the question and he blushed darkly. Swallowing hard, he admitted sheepishly, "I had several erotic dreams where that occurred. I just attributed it to stress." He squirmed back against Talos, squeezing his member again, giving a tiny sigh at feeling him filling him up again. He sent a mental image of how it would feel to have Talos empty into him, how much he wanted that, and drew Talos's hands around him to rest on his belly.

Talos let his hands rest on Yon's belly, giving another gentle nip. "You knew who your master was. You just needed to let the rest of you catch up to that knowledge."

"I think... given all the dreams involved you taking control over me... maybe deep down, I did know." Yon thought of some of those dreams he'd had. They were very explicit. The only thing he knew Talos would take exception to was in his dreams, he'd been a full slave with no choice. He was pretty sure he'd made himself a slave in the dreams because he couldn't reconcile wanting to belong to his enemy. A slave had no choice, so he could pretend he didn't really want it. He knew better now.

Talos frowned at the images that came through the bond, tightening his hold a fraction on Yon. You belong to me. But the Kree keep slaves. You are not my slave. You are my life partner.

"I'm glad I could bring you home to Papa," Lyja said softly. "And that you don't have to hurt anymore cause they made you do bad things." She nuzzled into Yon's shoulder.

"I am glad and thankful for that too, Ladybug." He kissed the top of her head again, even as he thought to Talos, I know, Filat. Those were the dreams of a Kree who did not know better and was afraid of his own feelings. It was easier to pretend I didn't desire to belong to you if, in my dreams, I had no choice."

Lyja snuggled in close, letting her cheek rest against Yon's chest...listening to his heartbeat. "Did you purr again, Daddy? When the bond formed?" she asked, the words teasing...but also mildly hopeful. She'd enjoyed the easy affection between the three of them earlier.

Talos kissed the side of Yon's neck. You made our daughter very happy then, he commented.

Yon chuckled softly at Lyja's question. "You will need to ask your father that, Ladybug, as I was too focused on other things to notice if I purred."

It feels good making her happy. Much better than scaring her or making her sad, Yon thought contentedly, squeezing around Talos again almost eagerly, as the other had swollen enough inside him, it was causing pleasurable tremors inside of him.

Talos kissed Yon's shoulder, moving just enough to generate more friction inside his submissive. His release left him quiet for a few moments and then he noticed Lyja watching them both and smiling wide before angling her head slightly to nod towards Yon's stomach. "You're getting bigger." She sounded pleased at that fact, aware of what it meant and how tightly the two were bonding together.

Yon had been quiet for those few moments as well. His own release wasn't earth shattering; it was more like a balm on irritated skin, easing an 'itch' he couldn't scratch on his own. His eyes widened and he glanced down at Lyja's words, letting out a curious yet pleased sound at seeing she was right. His belly had grown. There was also a damp patch on the sheet covering both of them. He blushed faintly but didn't say anything or try to hide it. He suspected she'd already noticed. "You like watching my belly grow..." He acknowledged her words finally, as well as her pleasure in the situation.

"It means you and Papa bond tighter and closer together." Lyja nestled in close, avoiding the damp patch as she snuggled. With a playful, slightly mischievous look on her face, she reached up to scratch behind her dad's ears.

Yon's breath caught in his throat at the words, feeling happy that he was bonding to his master. And then he was purring, the ear scratching leaving him happy and wiggling on Talos, unable to help himself.

Talos let out a quiet sound, nearly a groan, as Yon reacted to their daughter scratching his ears. He could feel his submissive's purring vibrating through his own body and the sound made him happy, clearly translating through the bond.

Lyja smiled with pure happiness at the sound, letting her face press into the spot between Yon's neck and chin as she continued to scratch behind his ears.

Yon wasn't aroused by the scratching. This was purely innocent, feel good affection. Still. Squirming on his master's lap caused Talos to rub and press inside him and that was arousing. He whimpered slightly, even as he continued purring. He tried to control his reaction, uncertain about Lyja being upset or offended. His uncertainty and worry were clear to Talos.

It's all right. Talos sent the words privately to Yon, his arms tightening reassuringly around the other man's waist. She knows the position we're in. If she was upset by your reactions, she wouldn't be doing that.

Lyja hugged Yon a bit tighter from the front, pressing against him. "I love you, daddy. I like hearing that you're happy," she whispered.

Yon's heart clenched at both Talos's reassurance and Lyja's words of happiness. He felt loved and accepted and happier than he could recall ever feeling before. Tears pooled in his eyes and he whispered, "I am happy, Ladybug. Happier than I've ever been." He swallowed as he orgasmed again, spasming around his Master's knot, the damp spot on the sheet expanding. But he didn't pull away or try to hide his reactions, continuing to purr for Lyja because it made her happy.

Lyja kissed his cheek before nestling in close, continuing to scratch behind his ears. "I want to make you happy and give you lots of affection cause I know you never had it before," she whispered.

Talos kissed Yon's shoulder as he released again in response to his submissive.

"You're going to spoil me," Yon teased faintly. He knew he was never going to be able to go back to not having affection. The thought of it made him sad. He nuzzled against her face, kissing the top of her head and continuing to purr. Glancing down, he saw his belly had grown again and the sight filled him with a hint of pride and belonging. He belonged to his master completely and Talos was filling him up.

Lyja's smile grew at the nuzzling and kiss and she let her cheek rest against his chest, still scratching and listening to the purr vibrating under her cheek.

You won't ever do without affection again, Talos promised. I will always touch you. Hold you. Hug you. Kiss you. And giving you that affection clearly makes our daughter just as happy as you. He kissed the ear Lyja wasn't scratching behind.

If Yon was purring at the ear scratching, he nearly melted at the kiss to his ear. He'd never realized how sensitive that part of his body was, until this moment. His member was hardening again, but he didn't know how he could possibly release any more. He shifted the sheet slightly, so it wasn't covering any of his belly and was loose enough not to rub too much against his swollen arousal. He thought about Talos rubbing the fullness of his belly, squeezing and massaging so that his release would move through him, coating him inside and marking him as his master's.

Responding to the thoughts, Talos began to stroke, rub and gently squeeze his submissive's belly, careful not to dislodge Lyja from where she was cuddled against the Kree's chest, only shifting enough to allow her papa access to her dad's belly.

Talos kissed Yon's ear again, enjoying the reactions from his submissive.

Yon began to moan softly, in between purring, in reaction to Talos handling him. It was clear through the bond that it all felt very good; but it was the fact he felt completely owned by Talos that was causing the arousal. He could have pushed down the arousal and just enjoyed the affection innocently if it weren't for the liquid heat coursing through his veins at the idea that he belonged to Talos and the Skrull could do whatever he wanted to Yon. His member had caused the sheet covering them both to tent and his nipples were hard and pebbled, red from arousal.

Talos let his hands shift to Yon's nipples, beginning to stroke and encircle them with his fingers.

For her part, Lyja sprawled half-across her dad, the lower half of her body almost wrapped around the two men. It was clear she was happy to be part of be there while her parents bonded.

Yon quivered at the nipple stimulation, groaning softly. He couldn't help but give Lyja a hesitant look, trying to keep his erection under control.

Lyja kissed his cheek. "It's okay, daddy," she whispered. "I'm really glad I can be here with both of you." She nuzzled him. "If I was uncomfortable, I would leave."

You said yourself that she should be a part of this, Talos sent through the bond.

I meant in the same room. Is... it's okay? That she's this close while... I know she says she doesn't mind, but... Yon's nervous hesitation at doing something wrong was clear.

It's not unusual, Talos answered. We're a close-knit people. Never had a lot of space. Talos sent waves of reassurance through the bond. You're not doing anything wrong.

Yon blinked at Talos's words, realizing what that implied and slowly relaxed. He whimpered again at how sensitive his nipples were, his member twitching with need. He clenched tight around his master. If it is not wrong and does not bother either of you, he thought.

Don't worry, Talos soothed, brushing his fingers over Yon's nipples. It's not wrong. You're not doing anything wrong.

Yon shivered, arching his back slightly, pressing back into Talos. He was feeling very vulnerable and needy, wanting his master to touch him, stroke him. The fact their daughter was there too no longer bothered him. Talos had soothed his nerves about that.

Talos stroked Yon's nipples, kissing his neck and his ear. He didn't dislodge their daughter, who was nuzzling into Yon's shoulder, but gave his submissive attention. Through the bond, he allowed his love and desire for the other man to flow through.

Yon whined softly, his breathing becoming ragged. His nipples were redder and becoming swollen from the attention and he wanted it. His own love and desire for his master was thrumming through the bond and he squeezed around his master while his own member began to ache.

Talos turned Yon's face towards his, kissing the other man deeply. His member swelled and grew quickly inside, signaling that another release was close. A few moments later, he was releasing inside the other man. He let out a satisfied grunt at seeing Yon's stomach swelling.

Yon opened his mouth fully to his master, offering everything he could. He let his own sense of satisfaction of his master filling him carry through the bond. He sent a few garbled thoughts of Talos squeezing his member under the sheet, bringing him to release, or of Talos pinching his nipples hard enough to make them swell and Yon whine, but then out of nowhere, he thought about Talos drinking one of the energy drinks, a strong current of worry for his master prevalent. The older man had released in him enough that his belly was distended quite a bit. He needed fluids.

Talos gave his submissive a gentle squeeze, acknowledging Yon's worry, and then reached over to pick up one of the energy drinks. He opened it and drank a large amount, silently asking his submissive if Yon was thirsty as well.

Yon sent back a message that he was only a little thirsty. He hadn't released quite as often as his master, which was probably why his member was aching so badly.

Talos slid his hand under the blanket and gently grasped Yon's member.

Lyja tilted her head slightly so that she could see her dad's swollen stomach, before smiling and leaning up to kiss his cheek.

Yon whimpered as his member was grasped, then let out a tiny, relieved sigh as Talos began to squeeze. He gave Lyja a loving and contented smile at the kiss. He glanced down to where she was looking and saw the swell of his stomach, his smile growing. It was very obvious what Talos was doing, even with the sheet covering them. Yon found himself fascinated and watching.

Talos began to gently stroke and squeeze Yon's member, pressing a kiss to the nape of his submissive's neck. A strong sense of mine came through the bond.

"It's good," Lyja whispered.

"Very good..." Yon groaned softly as he leaned back into his master fully, his head falling forward enough that Talos could claim his neck while Yon watched the older man claim his member. He was tempted to push the sheet out of the way so he could watch Talos's fingers manipulating his flesh but refrained. Lyja was going to get enough of an eyeful when he soaked the sheet with his release again.

Lyja pressed her face into Yon's shoulder and kissed him there. "Do you want to move the blanket, daddy? I can keep looking away," she said softly, noticing that her dad was trying to watch.

Talos gently nipped the back of Yon's neck, inhaling the Kree's scent.

"No, Ladybug. I don't want you to have to look away or move. I can feel. That's more than I ever thought I'd have." Yon kissed the top of her head. He shivered as Talos nipped and inhaled him, clenching again in an attempt to pull his master deeper. If it wouldn't have dislodged Lyja, he would have bounced a little bit, just to feel the older man pound him a little; reignite the stinging ache on his bottom.

Still playing with and squeezing Yon's nipples, Talos pressed his forehead against the back of his submissive's neck. He slid his hand down to the other man's waist, squeezing Yon's hips possessively.

Yon groaned softly; everything felt so sensitive. It felt so good. He sent back all those feelings to Talos, so the other man would know how good he was making Yon feel.

Talos kissed, nipped, squeezed and stroked. In response to Yon's emotions coming to him, he opened himself up through the bond, allowing his submissive to feel just how good Talos felt taking the other man.

Eventually, Yon couldn't help himself. He began to squirm, his body sensitive and only caring about one thing, feeling his master's control. He whimpered and whined and occasionally purred, though even the purring had a wanton neediness to it.

Lyja pressed closer to her dad, snuggling her face into the juncture between his neck and his shoulder.

Release for me, my little one, Talos directed through the bond, stroking Yon's member a bit more firmly.

At Talos's command, Yon immediately let go. His release hit him hard, causing his entire body to spasm and shake uncontrollably. Only Talos's strong grip on him and Lyja laying nearly on top of him kept him in place. His channel gripped onto Talos's member tightly, pulling and tugging his master deeper inside of him while his own member sprayed the sheet with his release, soaking the material. When the tremors finally abated, Yon slumped into Talos's arms, sobbing softly from the intense emotion that suddenly swamped him. Yours, he thought, along with his intense desire to obey everything Talos asked.

Mine. The response came clearly through the bond, along with a wave of very possessive love. He moved both hands to Yon's hips, squeezing lightly. He let his hand rest gently on the other man's stomach, rubbing and stroking the swollen belly.

Lyja kissed Yon's shoulder, letting out a tiny mewling sound of contentment.

Yon's hand wearily came up and caressed the top of Lyja's head affectionately, even as he turned his own head to nuzzle needily against Talos's neck. He felt emotionally wrecked. Every barrier he'd ever had against feeling had been systematically torn down by his mate and daughter. This last climax, though, had shattered him. He couldn't stop crying softly, full of contentment, acceptance and love; he was where he belonged and would never belong or even fit anywhere else. He looked at his swollen belly, full of Talos's seed and found himself wishing he could actually give the older man a child made of the two of them. Give Lyja a sister or brother. That wistful feeling and thought was so strong, it surprised him a little. If he couldn't give Talos another child, at least he could give himself.

He imagined Talos gripping his hips and moving him in whatever way was needed for his master to feel pleasure. There was a question through the bond: he wasn't sure what would feel best to Talos; would the older man order Yon to clench tight and then slowly raise and lower him so Yon's body would massage the knot? Would he order him to clench tight and then move Yon so that he was rubbing fast and hard around him? Or would he order Yon to stay loose so he could raise him up, then slam him down so the knot could go deeper than it ever had? He wanted Talos to feel good, to take his own pleasure; and he wanted to learn what his master liked. He imagined many variations of Talos pleasuring himself using him, allowing his own desire to be used in that way to carry. He knew he wasn't a slave or a tool to be used, but sometimes, he thought it might be good to temporarily be one. He wanted so badly to belong to Talos and never be let go.

His thoughts finally calmed, and his body stopped trembling and the tears stopped falling from the intensity of his release. He looked down at his belly with a hint of pride and satisfaction that Talos wanted him; wanted to tie him to his family and fill him up. He imagined his belly swollen as far as it could be, far enough that even after the knot went down and they could move, he'd be carrying Talos inside of him for at least a week before his body could absorb everything. Everyone who saw would know he'd been taken and claimed, bound, to the Skrull currently inside of him.

Talos kissed Yon's ear, responding to the images from Yon with his own. He pictured his reactions to the Kree's easy submission; the way the sight and feel of it had turned him on and awakened his desire for the other man. And then he pictured how it had made him feel to bring Yon to orgasm, each and every time. How his own body had reacted to giving his submissive pleasure.

Then, too, came the other images; of taking care of Yon. Feeding him. Rubbing the lotion or cooling gel into his bottom. Listening to the Kree purr at the attention and affection. And on the heel of those images came the words, Giving you affection and care, knowing you've never had it before, makes me feel good. More than anything else could. He reached out to pick up one of the bottles, uncapping it and holding it to Yon's lips so his submissive could drink. It doesn't matter that you can't give me a child. You and Lyja are enough for me.

Lyja kissed her dad's shoulder, still nuzzling into him. She let out a quiet, satisfied sound when she saw Yon's swollen stomach, then let her head move a bit lower than his shoulder, resting her ear against his chest. "I like listening to your heartbeat," she whispered. "It's a comfort."

At those words, Yon settled. Talos was taking his pleasure from Yon, just in a way that was difficult for the Kree to understand. It was becoming easier, though. Obediently, he drank what Talos offered without question, full of love and trust in his master. And he thought of all the ways Talos had cared for him since his capture, including how much better he felt after a punishment (he didn't think of the punishment itself, as neither one of them took pleasure from that). "I love you... he said hoarsely, once he'd drained the bottle. "Both of you so much..." He rubbed his hand over Lyja's hair, holding her a bit more firmly to his heart, then turned his head to kiss Talos's chin.

Lyja kissed his chest, over his heart. "I love you, daddy," she whispered. "I'm glad you're here. I'm glad I can show you and tell you how much I love you."

Talos angled his head so that he could kiss Yon's lips. "The same is true of me," he said. "I love you. I'll make sure you never doubt it."

Cocooned between the only two beings in the world that were his world, Yon just relaxed back against his mate. He took hold of Talos's hand with his own hand that wasn't still rubbing Lyja's hair. He brought it down to his stomach, putting his own hand on top, sandwiching Talos's hand between his stomach and hand. A feeling of love and contentment thrummed through the bond. The only discontent he felt was the extremely wet sheet covering him and Talos. It was almost uncomfortable enough he'd rather Lyja see everything than have the slimy, cold material on him.

Talos shifted a little in response to the feelings coming from Yon. Stroking the Kree's stomach gently, he pressed a kiss to his submissive's shoulder, before saying softly to Lyja, "Your dad's a bit uncomfortable with the sheet now wet and stained...and it probably isn't comfortable for you to lay on either. If you pass me a clean blanket and then look away, I can switch them over. Clean your dad up, so it's more comfortable for both of you."

"Okay, Papa." Lyja moved to get the new blanket, handing it to Talos and turning while he arranged things so they wouldn't flash their daughter. Then, as soon as Talos indicated it was safe to do so, she settled back in place across Yon's stomach.

Yon, once again, was hit with a sense of wonder and gratitude that Talos could understand what he needed and take care of him without him saying anything. He snuggled back as soon as they were all situated again and whispered, "Thank you...."

Talos kissed Yon's ear. "You don't need to be uncomfortable," he murmured. "You're free to say if you are. I want to know. It's a part of taking care of you."

Lyja leaned up to gently bump noses with her dad. "You and Papa chose each other. Even if he is your master, you should say if you need something. Of course, with you bonded now, you don't need to even say it," she added. "Only think it."

"I'll try and remember..." Yon promised. "It is hard not to feel as if I'm doing something wrong, telling you so you can take care of me... but I know that makes you happy and I want you to be happy...  so maybe it won’t be too difficult."

As Lyja said, you can just let me see inside your mind, Talos sent through the link. Another thought slipped through the link: How could they treat you like you were expendable?

As long as the Supreme Intelligence’s goals were met, any of us were expendable, Yon thought.

You aren't expendable to me. To either of us, Talos promised. I won't do anything but look after you and keep you safe.

Nudging her dad's nose again, Lyja gently scratched behind his ears and nuzzled against his neck.

Beginning to purr at Lyja's actions, Yon snuggled back against Talos and closed his eyes. I trust you... was his last thought before he fell asleep.

Lyja smiled as she heard Yon fall asleep. She snuggled in close to him and reached out for her papa's hand, giving a quiet, contented sigh.


It was only a couple of hours rest, but when Yon woke up, he was faced with two feelings. He was hungry. And he had a lot of energy that needed to be burned up. He couldn't help squirming, very noticeably.

Lyja and Talos had been talking quietly, still pressed close to Yon.

As soon as he stirred, Talos kissed the edge of Yon's ear and murmured softly, "If you're hungry for something a bit more substantial, we can sort out some food."

"I can go and make some in the replicator...then go and check in with the rest of our people and make sure we're still on course," Lyja suggested, sitting up after brushing a kiss over her dad's shoulder.

"I would like that... Thank you, Ladybug..." Yon smiled at his daughter. He looked well rested and contented, even though his stomach growled loudly.

Lyja kissed her dad's cheek and then her papa's before she stood up. "The food won't be long. You should hold off on strenuous activity until after you've eaten."

Talos smothered his laugh against Yon's neck as their daughter slipped out of the room.

"Cheeky little minx," Yon huffed, though it was clear through the bond that he was amused. "Do you agree with her observation, Filat?" he asked in a cheeky tone.

"I think that I'd better hold off on laying you out on the bed again until after she brings the food in," Talos commented, rubbing his submissive's belly.

Yon's grin could be felt, he was so happy. "Yessir..." he purred. "And when you lay me out, maybe you could kiss and bite as much of me as you can reach while you make my insides hum from you thrusting..." His tone was low and growly and deliberately naughty.

"Kiss and bite and mark you so that you feel me long after the bonding is complete, and we're no longer joined." Talos gently nipped Yon's shoulder.

"Exactly, sir." Yon shivered, letting his feeling of pleasure course through the bond.

Talos kissed Yon's ear and rubbed his hand over his submissive's stomach. "Were you okay with our daughter being in here?" he asked gently. "She loves you a great deal."

"I wasn't sure at first, but I trust you and her to know what is acceptable. If it doesn't bother you or her, then I am okay with it." Yon smiled crookedly. "It's better that she is not cut off from us for the entire time...."

"I'm in agreement with her." Talos kissed his lips, slipping into mental speech. You need affection. You need to feel loved. After learning how starved you've been for affection, even for friendship, I want to make sure you get all the affection you could need or want.

I didn't realize how much I was missing or needed until you were giving it to me, Yon thought. There’s no way I could do without now.

You won't ever have to, Talos promised. You are my whole world. You and Lyja. Our daughter saw in you what I was too blind to see for so long. He kissed Yon's neck. I'm glad you had her. I'm glad she defied me. Knowing what I do now, if you'd been left completely alone, I'm not sure I could have forgiven myself when we finally reached this point.

Yon leaned his head back enough to nuzzle against Talos's neck. She did, though... and you've been everything I've needed since deciding to be my master. He was content.

I love you. Talos kissed him gently, then glanced up as Lyja pushed the door open and then walked into the room, carrying two plates of food.

She brought both plates to the bed and handed one each to her fathers. "I'll come back and check on you both in a while," she said.

"Thank you, Ladybug." Yon took the plate and smiled brightly at his daughter. He paused at that; his smile bemused. He had a daughter.

Lyja kissed and hugged both of them. "I love you both. If you need me sooner, you can call me on the comms." She smiled lovingly and affectionately at them both.

"I love you too." Talos reached out and squeezed her hand, his own look one of loving gratitude.

"I love you too, Ladybug... thanks for the food..." Yon said quietly, looking down at the plate to see what she'd brought him.

Lyja had clearly continued to make use of his data pad, using that as a starting point for finding food her dad could eat and enjoy with his physiology. She'd done the same for her Papa, making food that she knew he would enjoy too.

"She's somehow managed to find all my favorites and then get the recipes perfect..." Yon said, with a hint of wonder.

Talos smiled and gently squeezed around Yon's waist. "She loves you. She wants to make you happy." He kissed the other man, then began to feed Yon what was on his plate.

"She has in more ways than she knows," Yon answered, opening his mouth obediently for the food as Talos fed him. Worried that his master wouldn't be able to eat his own food before it went cold, he picked up a fork and carefully fed Talos from the plate he'd been given. Maybe he could have told the older man that he'd feed himself so that Talos could eat but feeding each other was more fun.

Talos smiled, allowing Yon to feed him. Every so often, he'd playfully nip at the Kree's fingers, or kiss them. He continued to feed the other man, waves of love and desire flowing from him through the bond to Yon.

Yon hadn't realized how hungry he really was until Talos had fed him every bite on his plate. Eventually, they had both finished everything they were given and Talos had set the plates to the side where they could be taken back to the galley. Yon snuggled back into his master's arms again, squeezing around the other man with an almost needy hint of love slipping through the bond.

Talos kissed Yon's neck and then lowered the other man onto the bed, situating them so that he could begin to, as promised, kiss and bite all over his submissive's body.

Yon began to purr and growl softly under his breath as Talos began to kiss and bite. His master was still buried in him and occasionally had to shift and contort his own body to be able to reach certain areas; the action causing a tugging and stretching that felt so good, it took very little time at all for Yon to be completely aroused again. I love you so much, Filat, he thought.

I love you. Talos sent the words back to Yon, hands and then lips ghosting and kissing over his submissive's hips. You are mine. For good now. You'll never be hurt again. Never be treated as expendable. Your place is with me.

Forever with you, Yon thought, purring harder at feeling Talos's lips on him.

Talos kissed his way up Yon's body, encircling his submissive's nipples with his tongue. The sound of the other man's purring filled him with happiness. It was clear he enjoyed hearing it as much as Lyja had done.

Yon didn't know when or how Talos had turned him around to face him. Having his master begin to focus on his nipples set him off, though. Clenching tight around Talos's knot, he purred and let out tiny growls of satisfaction. And then he began to lightly bounce up and down on Talos's lap, needing to feel his master deep in him. Please, Filat... wanna feel you hard in me, he thought, even as he arched his back and envisioned Talos nipping and sucking on his nipples.

Grasping Yon's hips, Talos began to nip and suck on the other man's nipples. His own member grew, and he began to push harder and deeper into the Kree, holding him close and possessively.

Yon's own member was hard and aching, rubbing between the two as Talos claimed him deep inside. Yon whimpered, whined, purred and growled softly as Talos turned his nipples to aching nubs. He couldn't help himself, beginning to bounce a bit higher, a bit harder, tiny groans of need escaping as he felt Talos's knot moving deeper and pressing against his prostate. So good, master... need you so bad.

The reactions from the other man were enough to push Talos closer to his orgasm. Grasping a bit more firmly, he continued to nip, suck and lick the Kree's nipples. Most of his focus was on Yon and making him feel good...but the word, Mine, came clearly through the bond, accompanied by very possessive love.

Hearing the possessive word, feeling the possessive feelings, was enough to send Yon over the edge. "Yours," he moaned, seconds before his release hit, spurting out of him in waves and coating Talos and his chests and bellies.

Talos' own release hit only a second later and he tightened his grip on Yon's hips, holding the other man tightly against him. He kissed Yon's shoulder and then his neck.

Yon shivered, leaning into his mate and nuzzling Talos's neck. "Yours," he repeated out loud, in a sated tone. Glancing down, he noted his stomach had extended even further. "I look like I'm several months along..." he said in a wondering tone, taking Talos' hand and rubbing it over his tummy.

Talos gently stroked his fingers over Yon's stomach, rubbing and massaging. "Everyone will be able to see that you belong to me."

"How long will it last? My looking full of you?" Yon asked hesitantly. It was clear through the bond he wanted it to last at least a few days, even if a week was expecting too much.

"It'll last until your body fully absorbs my seed." Talos kissed his hair. "I'll carry on taking you for as long as the knot holds. By the time it goes should be carrying the effects of my claiming for a while."

Yon gave a tiny purr of happiness at that thought. "...I want everyone to know, Filat. I... I did a lot of bad. The more people know that I belong to you, that you are in control of me, the more people will be able to at least not be afraid of me. Even if they can't bring themselves to trust me..." He sounded sad. He knew the distrust and fear was deserved, but now that he was no longer following the Kree Supreme Intelligence, he found he wanted to be trusted and not feared.

"It will take time." Talos brushed a kiss over his forehead. "But you have proven yourself to me. Something I never would have thought would be possible. You have my love. You will earn my forgiveness. Eventually, they will see the same things in you I do. The same things our daughter sees."

"...Eventually. Until then, your belief in me, Lyja's belief in me, will be enough." Yon nuzzled against Talos's neck, breathing his master's scent in. He snuggled close for a bit longer before asking impishly, "How long do you think we have before Lyja returns?" before sending a mental picture of several things Talos could do to him that would require a bit of flexibility and either privacy or a complete lack of inhibition on his part, as it would be impossible to 'cover up'.

Talos' laugh vibrated through the bond and he carefully bore Yon down to the bed once more before he began to take his submissive's mental suggestions.


It was a few hours later and Talos lay with Yon cuddled in his arms, stretched out in a sated heap on the bed, when there was a knock on the door and Lyja's voice called, "It's me."

Talos moved the blanket into place to cover them before he called, "Come in."

Yon stirred faintly, drowsy from their activity and feeling his master's love in every pore of his body. He opened his eyes half-way, giving a muzzy smile toward the door, and waited for Lyja to enter. He didn't bother trying to cover up; he trusted Talos to take care of him.

Lyja opened the door and stepped into the room, giving a huge smile at the sight of her fathers cuddled together on the bed. She moved over to sit on the bed and hug them both tightly. "There won't be any doubt who you belong to now," she stated, seeing how large Yon's stomach now looked.

Talos didn't say anything, but a sense of satisfaction came clearly through the bond.

Yon blushed, but looked very pleased as he glanced down at his swollen stomach. "None at all..." he said in peaceful happiness, before snuggling back against Talos so that his back was flush against the older man from chest to knee. He enjoyed being spooned by his lover. "Any other news?" he asked curiously.

"We're making really good time on reaching Terra," Lyja answered. "We should get there by tomorrow morning."

"That soon?" Yon's eyes widened. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Not because he was worried about how it would affect him and Talos; he trusted that whatever the Krull leader decided to do, he was going to keep Yon with him. Not even because he was afraid of leaving Lyja; he suspected Talos's daughter would find a reason and a way to accompany them, or at least stay close. It was because he'd only been to Terra two times; and both times, he'd done really bad things while there. And at least one of the people Talos planned to see would most likely remember him and what he'd done. He was possibly going to have to face another one of the people he'd hurt. He'd have another apology to make and possibly punishment to face. (Although he hoped if the Terrans decided he needed punishment from them, they'd allow Talos to just add it to the punishment he was already giving him. He didn't want anyone but his master to punish him.)

Talos kissed the side of Yon's head. I'll protect you. I'll look after you, he promised. You belong to me. You'll be safe with me.

Lyja reached out and took hold of her dad's hand, looking into his eyes. "They'll see that you are no longer with the Kree and that you belong to Papa," she stated.

Yon smiled crookedly at Lyja. "I hope they do see..." he whispered, snuggling back into Talos. "If we meet them tomorrow, they probably will see," he added, with a hint of amusement, as he glanced down at his swollen belly and squeezed around Talos's knot. "That is, if we can leave the ship when we arrive tomorrow..." His amusement turned into outright mirth as he acknowledged the fact that, until the bond decided it was complete, he and Talos weren't going anywhere.

Pressing a kiss to Yon's shoulder, Talos commented, "The bonding will end when it is ready to. And if it continues longer than tomorrow, we will just have to wait it out."

Yon purred at the kiss, slanting his head slightly so Talos could kiss his neck. "I wouldn't mind, truly," he said. Wrinkling his nose and narrowing his eyes slightly, he had to ask, "The bond seems to be controlling more than just my hormones, though; is it natural for... uh... bodily functions to go dormant while bonding?" He blushed at the question, but he was truly curious. He hadn't had to go to the bathroom once since Talos had taken him.

"There isn't much detailed about bodily functions, but I believe that it is," Talos said. "Otherwise it would be awkward, to say the least, to try and move while I'm inside you." He kissed Yon's neck.

"And you've both used up a lot of bodily fluid," Lyja said. She glanced at the bottles, noticing that there were considerably fewer than there had been.

Yon let out a tiny sigh at the kiss before commenting to Lyja, "Your Papa has used considerably more bodily fluid than I have." As soon as he'd said it, he turned bright red as he realized what he'd just told their daughter.

Lyja cocked her head to one side and smiled. "I think that's the way it's supposed to be. But you should still make sure you're drinking plenty too."

"Like your Papa would let me get away with anything less..." Yon chuckled, drawing one of Talos's hands up to kiss the back of his hand and then kiss his palm before placing Talos's hand on his stomach.

"Of course, I wouldn't." Talos gently rubbed his submissive's stomach.

"Good." Lyja's face was soft and contented as she watched her fathers. "I can make you meals again in a bit, so you're not just having snacks."

"That would be nice, Ladybug. I appreciate everything you are doing; you know?" Yon said softly, in between purring at Talos rubbing his stomach. His left leg began to make tiny little kicking motions, almost like a puppy thumping a back leg while having its belly rubbed. He looked down at his foot, eyes going wide. You've got to be kidding me... I purr at scratches and now thump at belly rubs? What the hell type of genetics do I have?

Talos stroked Yon's stomach gently. I assume you weren't told anything by the Kree. Perhaps we should have a deeper examination, he suggested.

Lyja smiled and squeezed her dad's hand. "I'm glad you're my dad now," she said softly. "I already started seeing you that way. You and Papa just needed to catch up."

I'm almost afraid to find out, Yon admitted, even as he continued to purr and thump his foot gently. I should be glad I don't have a tail, as I'd probably be wagging it about now. He squeezed Lyja's hand back but didn't say anything to her comment. She was right, after all.

It wouldn't matter even if you did have a tail and were wagging it, Talos said. It would be a part of you. A part of you that I love. Just like your purring and now your foot-thumping.

I fell in love with a romantic sap, Yon thought fondly.

You belong to me. I won't change my mind. No matter what happens, Talos promised.

I won’t change mine either... Yon returned, in a wave of love.

Talos kissed his shoulder and then his neck, still gently rubbing his stomach.

Lyja watched her dad's reactions curiously, but she couldn't help asking, "Is there someone you'd like us to try and rescue still with the Kree? Like a… parent? Or a brother or a sister?"

Yon thought about that. "No, Ladybug. Anyone I was close to died long ago or has already left. And I'm not entirely sure my memories of being close to them are true and not implanted either." He sighed.

They've been controlling you for a long time, Talos sent through the bond, tightening his hold on Yon's waist.

Now you control me...but it feels so much better. More right. Yon snuggled back some more.

I don't want to change you. I just want you. Talos kissed his submissive's neck. I love you. I don't think the Kree saw anything in you apart from a tool to be used.

They did not. But I didn't see myself as more than a tool either, to be honest. I saw myself as one of the more important tools that couldn't be done without, which ended up not being true, but I was still a tool. Yon snuggled a little tighter to Talos, still purring, still 'tapping' his foot at the belly rubs, still squeezing tight around Talos in an attempt to pull the man as deep and firmly into him as possible. I want to remember how this feels, how you feel in me, for moments when you aren't, he admitted.

Even when I'm not in you, you will still be by my side, Talos promised. You won't be alone again. You'll never be separated from your master.

Lyja didn't speak, but she still held her dad's hand, reaching out to grasp her papa's, too. She was smiling, completely happy to see her fathers bonded.

I never want to be separated from my master, Yon said, with a hint of trust and comfort at the words. He smiled at Lyja and squeezed her hand gently.

Lyja leaned forward, letting her head rest gently on his shoulder, and kissed his cheek.

Talos squeezed her hand too. You won't be. You also won't be separated from your daughter, he promised. I doubt Lyja will let either of us go to visit Fury alone.

Good. Our family needs to stay together, Yon affirmed, feeling secure enough in his position that he could voice his opinion.

We will do, Talos promised. Speaking out loud, he said, "For now, we can sit and talk...spend time together...the three of us. We can all eat together in here, too, if the knot hasn't gone down by then."

Lyja smiled and nestled in close to her fathers. "That sounds good to me," she agreed.

"It sounds puuurfect to me," Yon purred, grinning impishly.

It wasn't long before the three of them settled comfortably to talk and bond more, keeping in physical contact with each other as they did.