Chapter Fourteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit adult/sexual situations. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m, F/f, M/f; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


The ship was ready. The last remodel had been done. All the rooms were fitted to their occupants' desires and needs, along with enough shared community areas and a special holo-room that could become whatever they needed. Tony had thrown a going away party for all of them and plans had been made. They would be leaving Earth again in three days. That gave them just enough time to do last minute shopping, or to see anyone they needed to see before leaving.

Brock didn't have anyone to visit and he'd bought everything he needed shortly after arriving back on Earth, so he was at loose ends. Except for the fact that he was with Steve, who had also done all his shopping and didn't have anyone to visit. They'd decided to go see some of the sights that were nearby.

Steve had decided to take his motorbike. He liked the idea of having Brock pressed against his back; of being close to his husband, even if there was nothing sexual in it. And he didn't exactly have anything sexual planned for the day. He actually just wanted to be with Brock; to share some things with his mate that he had in the past, but he knew Brock had no memory of now, after having been brought forward in time.

Making sure both of them were wearing helmets, Steve drove the motorbike away from the compound, taking Brock to the first area he'd planned on visiting with his husband.

"Where are we going?" Brock asked, even as he pressed close against Steve's back, holding tight.

Steve pulled Brock's hands a bit further around his torso; not because he was worried that the other man would fall, but because he liked feeling Brock pressed so tight to him. "There are some places I want to share with you," he answered honestly. "You don't remember seeing them, so it'll be like sharing them with you for the first time again."

"Places from after you picked me up from the time stream?" Brock asked curiously.

Steve nodded. "A couple of missions we were on together that I have good memories of," he admitted. "Some other places we visited as friends. I'd like to make some new memories with you now."

"We had good missions? Before I was turned? I'm glad..." Brock smiled.

"There were several good missions we were on together." Steve parked the motorbike on one of the cliffs. It wasn't close enough to the edge to be dangerous, but it allowed them to have a good view. He got off the bike and helped Brock off, too, wrapping his arm around his lover's waist. "This was close to where the first mission we ever did together was. We were up in a helicopter and I'd jumped without a parachute." He smiled as he added, "I didn't think to warn you beforehand."

Brock blinked at that. "Did I react badly?" He chuckled, knowing that if he hadn't been expecting it and didn't know how strong Steve actually was, he might have been a bit rattled by such an action.

Steve smiled. "You weren't expecting it. I don't think anyone had debriefed you on how strong I actually was." He wrapped his arm more tightly, almost possessively, around Brock's waist.

"Did I freak out? Or did I follow you like a loon?" Brock grinned wider, moving closer to Steve and snuggling.

"Both." Steve laughed softly. "You followed after me and then freaked out at the end of the mission. Once the adrenaline had worn off and we were safe." He kissed Brock's cheek.

Brock chuckled. "Sounds like something I'd do." He kissed Steve back chastely. "Surprised you didn't get after me for following. Or did I do it more safely than jumping without a parachute?"

"No, that time, you were more careful." Steve let his hands cradle Brock's waist. "It was actually the second mission I 'got after you'. That was the first time I learned your rule of staying put for only ten minutes before you get antsy."

Brock blinked at that, leaning into Steve's embrace while he looked out over the scenery. "What did I do?" he asked curiously.

"More or less the same thing as when I brought you forward in time, only without the time skip," Steve answered. "There'd been reports of a super-powered individual in the area we were checking out." He frowned thoughtfully. "Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure it wasn't Bucky, though I found no sign of him at that point. But I was doing recon ahead and you were supposed to stay put and wait until I signaled it was safe to come out."

"And when you didn't come back quickly, I got impatient? Was... was that the first time you spanked me?" Brock asked quietly.

Steve nodded. "I'd managed to intercept you before you walked into a group of soldiers and you weren't exactly...apologetic about it," he said wryly. "That might have been when I knew you were different. That I felt differently about you."

"Because I didn't apologize?" Brock was surprised.

"No. Because of how I'd felt when I realized you were about to walk directly into a trap," Steve answered. "I realized that...." He hesitated, changing what he'd been about to say to, "You were the only one I actually spanked."

"Was I the only one to walk into a trap?" Brock frowned that he would have been that careless.

"There was no reason for you to have believed there was a trap from the position you'd been in," Steve answered. "I didn't realize until my recon got me to one of the security offices and I saw it." He paused before adding, "Of course, I had no idea of what your real mission was at that time, so it's possible that there was more going on beneath the surface than I'd initially realized."

Brock frowned at that. "One of those things I won't ever find out, I guess. Unless you know about it or one of the others knows... no one can tell me."

"We're not currently in a situation where we need to know about it," Steve said. "You're not undercover anymore. I brought you home." Since the bond had formed between them, he'd always been very careful with his thoughts; not wanting anything to slip through and risk hurting his lover. But very briefly, that final glimpse he'd had of Brock did filter through his mind. The other man's burned face. He hadn't known the truth then. If he had....

Shaking his head, Steve tightened his hold on Brock; hugged him that much tighter and closer.

Brock wrapped his arms tightly around Steve and held on. "That didn't happen. You got me out in time," he whispered.

"I know." Steve hugged him tighter, kissing his neck. "I wanted to talk to you about good memories. I know that you learned about some of the bad; I wanted you to know there was good too. A lot of good."

"I'm glad there were good memories. Even if I don't have them, that you do have them is important. And I can make new ones now..." Brock snuggled.

"We've already made a lot," Steve said softly. Through the bond, he pictured what they'd done since coming together. You made me so happy when you gave yourself to me, he admitted.

"We have, haven't we?" Brock snuggled some more. Giving myself to you was the best thing I ever could have done....

Steve turned Brock's face to him; kissed him gently. "I brought a picnic basket with us. Would you like to eat here?"

"Here is a beautiful spot. Yes. Let's eat here..." Brock agreed.

Steve let go of Brock, but only with one hand, taking hold of his husband's hand and retrieving the picnic basket. He spread the blanket out on the grass and sat down, settling Brock so that his husband was positioned against him.

Brock helped unpack the food and set it close enough they could eat without having to separate.

Steve wrapped his arms around Brock's waist and kissed his shoulder. "I love you so much," he whispered. "I'm glad we can have this time together. Just us."

"I love you too. I'm glad we can spend time together too... hope we can do it more often." Brock smiled.

"It might not be as easy to arrange on the ship, but I'm sure we can figure out something," Steve commented. He closed his eyes and rested his lips against Brock's head.

"Well, they did put in that special room that lets you make it into anything you want..." Brock reminded. "I'm sure we can set up some dates in that." He made a plate of food for the both of them. "Can you tell me some more of your favorite memories?"

"We got a coffee together quite early on in our friendship," Steve answered. A bit sheepishly, he added, "I actually wanted to ask you out on a date...but at that point, I was still very clueless about the etiquette for dating in this time. And if it was even okay to ask. I lost my nerve and just asked if you'd like to grab a coffee and go over the brief for the next mission."

"Knowing how I feel about you now, I can't imagine that I wasn't interested in you..." Brock said confidently.

"I don't think I was nearly as good at hiding how I felt as I thought," Steve admitted. "I don't know if you had any idea...if you were waiting for me to get my head in the right space to ask."

"If I felt the same as I do now and didn't say anything, I was a fool..." Brock declared.

"Or maybe trying to juggle being a triple agent with everything else going on," Steve said. "I can't say there weren't times you didn't seem under a lot of stress. There were a lot of times you actually seemed more relaxed after I spanked you. I was able to tell how you were reacting to being spanked then, even though I didn't comment or act on it at the time."

"It would let me let go for a moment... provided a release for the feelings I couldn't express any other way... like now," Brock acknowledged.

Steve nodded. "Knowing what I do now, that doesn't surprise me. I hope the relief helped, even if I didn't act on my feelings then." He stroked his fingers gently along Brock's sides; fed his lover without truly thinking about it.

Brock ate what he was given, swallowing before saying quietly, "I'm certain it did help. It helps me now. I can't imagine it'd be different."

Steve fed Brock a few more bites before saying, "There were a couple of occasions I think you disobeyed me just so I'd spank you and you could get that release. I'm glad we've got to the point now where you don't feel the need to do that; that you know you can just ask and I'll give you what you need."

"It doesn't surprise me I would do something like that, especially if we weren't together at that time and I didn't feel like I could ask," Brock said. "Pretty sure I'd do that now if we weren't together and I didn't know I could ask."

Steve kissed him gently. "Well, luckily, you don't need to act out to get a spanking. I'll do it when it's needed or wanted or both." He kissed Brock's neck and then nuzzled the skin there. "At least that pressure of being a triple agent isn't on you anymore."

"Like you would allow me to do that now..." Brock grinned crookedly.

"Absolutely not," Steve replied immediately. "And if I'd had any inkling of the reality before...I would have stopped it then."

"I know you would have. But you don't have to worry about it ever happening again, because I won't ever do anything without asking your permission first..." Brock hugged tight. "I love you too much to do that to you."

Steve hugged him just as tight in return. "I'm selfish," he admitted. "There's no way I would ever let you do something like that."

"I couldn't do it now... not when I have someone who loves me who would be hurt if I died." Brock swallowed. "Not to say I wouldn't do what was necessary if it was end of the world type stuff, but going undercover like that for so long? It only works when you don't have anyone. I have too much to lose now and I'm not unselfish...."

Steve wrapped his arms tighter around Brock's waist. "I never really saw you spend that much time with anyone else outside of when I asked you to grab a coffee or to get lunch," he said softly.

"If I was undercover for as long as it seems I was, that's probably why. If my role wasn't one of seduction, then aloof, uncaring bastard would have made HYDRA think I was what they needed... At least, I'm assuming those were my reasons for staying that way once my cover was settled." Brock shrugged.

Steve pressed a kiss to his husband's shoulder, commenting, "You weren't so aloof and uncaring when we started going on missions together. I think you actually let me see more of you than anyone else." Even if Brock hadn't been able to trust him with what was really going on.

"Really?" Brock leaned into Steve. "I'm glad about that. You are completely trustworthy. If I really had been HYDRA instead of pretending like you say, I'd think I'd still trust and like you."

Steve kissed the side of Brock's neck, resuming feeding his husband. "You don't belong to any organization now. Only to me." His voice was low, but no less possessive because of it. It nearly crippled me when I learned the truth. I'm more relieved than I can say that I wasn't too late again. He gently squeezed one of Brock's hips.

Only yours...  Brock shifted so Steve could hold tighter and more possessively. He continued eating what he was fed, even as he thought, ...Do you have other memories of us?

Instead of responding with words, Steve thought his response to Brock. Shortly before HYDRA made its move, I think...maybe you were going to say something. We'd been on a mission before the one where everything changed. Not a SHIELD-sanctioned one, though. You asked for my help with a more personal rescue mission. I still don't know of your connection with the person we rescued. I didn't need to know. It was enough, more than enough, that you'd felt able to ask me for help.

Brock had a slightly worried, confused look on his face. I had someone I cared about other than you? I don't remember having that, so it must have developed after you took me. Do you think my not being there hurt them? The idea of someone being hurt because he was no longer there to rescue them bothered him.

I've looked into the mission we did and the person we rescued is alive and well and doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar, Steve answered. With what I now know, I think you might have been asking me to help save someone HYDRA had targeted.

Brock relaxed at that news. Of course, Steve would have made certain nothing bad happened due to Brock not being there. What you say, makes sense... he thought.

I love you. Steve kissed him gently. I love you and I'm so happy I was able to bring you home. I'm so happy that we can be together now. And that we won't be separated. Ever again.

Brock returned the kiss deeply. I'm just as happy.

We've still got three days before we leave Earth again, Steve commented. Is there anything you'd like to do in that time? Anywhere you'd like to see?

I just want to be with you... but if there is something you want to show me or someplace you want to take me.... Brock had finished eating by this point and was snuggling.

Being with you is perfect and all I ever wanted, Steve admitted. I can take you to other places we shared in the past...but I'm equally as content to just hold you. Just to be with you.

Then... let's stay here the rest of today, talking. Watch the sunset together before going back.  Tomorrow, you can take me somewhere else you remember that we had fun... build another new memory that I can remember. Our last day here, we can do the typical tourist stuff that we won't be able to do while in space.... Brock thought.

Steve smiled and turned Brock's face towards him to kiss his lips as they snuggled. I'd like that. I love you. So much. I am so happy to be with you.

Brock kissed back happily. "And I love you and am ecstatic with you..." he said out loud, before settling closer to his mate so they could just talk and watch as the sun slowly fell.


The day after the ceremony, Danny was sitting next to Ward, arm wrapped around his new husband. Pressing a chaste kiss to his husband's lips, he said, "I know we've been celebrating with everyone else, but I thought it would be good to have a celebration just for the two of us. I booked a meal at one of the restaurants close by, so we can have some time for just us."

"That sounds really good..." Ward smiled, leaning in and kissing his husband. "It will be harder to get alone time once back on the ship."

Danny nodded in agreement. "Hard to go on a proper date. Though I think we'll all try to make use of the danger room." He wrapped his arms around Ward and nuzzled his neck.

"Yeah... that thing's a marvel. I gave Tony at least five scenarios to add onto it so we have some options for dates..." Ward admitted.

"I can't wait until we get the chance to try it out." Danny smiled.

"Me either. But until then..." Ward grinned expectantly. "...Where are we going to go?"

"There's a new restaurant that opened in the city," Danny answered. "It's supposed to be very romantic. And it's got a lot of different types of food to try."

"That sounds wonderful," Ward said, with a smile. "I'm assuming there is a dress code?"

"Smart casual," Danny replied. "We don't have to put on suits and ties, but have to look presentable. I know you won't have any trouble with that," he said, a bit ruefully. During his long absence, he'd been away from fashion trends long enough that picking out the right clothes for occasions still didn't come naturally to him.

"One of the few things I can do better than you..." Ward chuckled. "...Come, love. We can pick out our outfits together."

Danny stood and offered his hand to Ward to help him to stand as well. "I'll be guided by you in matters of fashion." He smiled. "You always look so good."

Ward took Danny's hand and followed him to where their wardrobe was. "We want to blend but not match... so that we complement each other."

Danny looked at the wardrobe and then at Ward, looking utterly clueless. "Maybe I should just let you pick out what you think works best." He squeezed his husband's hand gently.

Ward's grin softened and the look he gave Danny was adoring. "Okay... so I think you should wear this..." He pulled out a sport jacket the color of which would bring out the color in his mate's eyes. "And I will wear this..." The sport jacket he pulled out complemented Danny's perfectly.

Danny smiled, taking the jacket from Ward, though still holding onto his hand. His own expression was adoring. Through the bond, it was clear that he enjoyed seeing Ward in his element like this.

Ward quickly picked out shirts, pants and shoes to go with the outfits, then began to dress. He did it slowly so that Danny could watch.

Danny watched, barely blinking, taking in every inch of Ward as his husband dressed. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, his tone filled with awe. "I can't believe you married me. I don't think I've ever been happier."

"I know I haven't been..." Ward admitted.

Once Ward was dressed, Danny held out his arms to his husband, wanting to hug him.

Ward quickly moved into Danny's arms, holding on tightly.

Danny wrapped his arms tightly around Ward, kissing his neck. "I love you so much." Being able to hold Ward, to hug him, always felt good and Danny didn't hide those feelings, letting them come through the that his husband would know how much joy Danny got from just hugging him.

"What time are our reservations for?" Ward asked.

"Two," Danny answered. "We have a couple of hours until we need to leave."

"So, what do you have planned for the other two days...?" Ward asked curiously.

"Dates then, too," Danny replied. "I want to take you to see a movie. Maybe have a picnic. Just take some time to enjoy being with you. Just us, before we're on the ship without much privacy left."

"That sounds really good..." Ward admitted. "Is there anyone we should see before going? I saw Joy at our wedding and she indicated she would be travelling, so I can't see her, but anyone else?"

"I think there are some people we might want to check in with and say goodbye to," Danny answered. "But I don't want to make any arrangements like that without your input." He didn't say it, but he knew Ward wasn't always comfortable around many people. His need to take care of his husband first was always at the forefront of his mind.

"I can handle seeing people for one day..." Ward smiled. "Who do you want to see?"

Danny told his husband, adding, "I know they were at the wedding, but I think it would be good to say a more personal goodbye to them too."

Ward said, "I know Joy isn't available because she's travelling and told me she wouldn't be able to see me again for at least another three months. So, I'll have to see her next time we're on Earth."

"We can always ask Mordo and Stephen to open up a portal so that you can see her when she comes back," Danny suggested.

"Possibly. Although...I get the idea she'd rather contact me when she's available." Ward smiled crookedly.

Danny hugged him a bit tighter, letting his hands slide around Ward's waist, palms resting lightly on his hips. "I'm sorry things aren't great between the two of you," he said, quietly and solemnly. "But I'm almost selfishly glad that we're getting to go into space together. I think it'll be good for us to explore our relationship with others who are in the same sort of positions as us. Even if some of them might be more likely to walk around naked where everyone can see," he added, a trace of amusement creeping into his voice.

"Things aren't great between us, but that isn't because of you or us going into space, so..." Ward snuggled into the hug. "Joy has to be ready to forgive and forget; she's still very angry. That she came to the wedding was a step in the right direction, though. I won't push her. When she's ready...."

Danny kissed his head. "She knows where and how to reach you."

"Yes... if she wants to..." Ward agreed, pressing into the kiss.

Kissing his lips, Danny murmured, "But today, we're not thinking about anyone else. I'm focusing entirely on you. My whole world. The man I've loved since the first moment I knew what that emotion was."

Ward grinned into the kiss. "I can get behind that..." he said, in a teasing tone.

"Good." Danny kissed him a bit more firmly; a bit more deeply. The fact that he wanted to make Ward happy and feel loved was clearly his priority for the day.

"If we leave now, maybe we can do a bit of a walk around before eating..." Ward suggested.

Danny nodded. "Sounds more than good to me," he agreed. He reluctantly let go of Ward so that he could get changed.

It didn't take long for them to get dressed and soon, they were on their way for their date.


Bucky knew his mate had a lot to prepare for in the three days before they were to take off again. Because of that, he planned some things to help Fury relax during the few moments he wasn't preparing. It didn't require them to go anywhere; both of them had seen enough of the world that it wasn't necessary to sight see. What was important was they make their own memories.

Fury had spent most of the morning involved in meetings, making sure that everyone had their orders and knew how to contact him in case of an emergency. It was important, but a big part of him was relieved when he was finally able to leave and head to the quarters he shared with Bucky.

Bucky had made dinner; not ordered in, but actually followed a recipe and made dinner for his husband. When Fury walked into their quarters, he met the older man with a smile and a plate full of Nick's favorite food.

Fury's smile was immediate as his husband met him. He reached out and tugged Bucky into his arms. "That looks and smells so good...but not anywhere near as good as you," he admitted.

Bucky laughed happily at that. "...You can eat me later..." he said, with an exaggerated wink. "...But this first, before it gets cold." He carefully put the plate on the table.

"Thank you." Fury sat down, though he looked at his husband with concern. "Have you eaten?"

"I have a plate too... Give me a second to retrieve it and we can eat together..." Bucky smiled, quickly going to their tiny kitchenette and getting his plate. Soon, he was sitting at the table as close to Fury as possible without actually sitting on him.

"You can sit on my lap," Fury invited. "If you'd like. I know I feel better with you close to me."

Bucky smiled serenely. He was doing okay himself, but if it would make his mate feel better, he had no problem sitting on Nick's lap. Carefully shifting his plate so it could still be reached, he moved until he was on Fury's lap. "I love you," he said warmly.

"I love you. Very much so." Fury kissed him tenderly, wrapping his arms around Bucky's waist to keep in contact with his lover, as he began eating.

Bucky carefully situated himself so he could eat and not get into Fury's way. He snuggled as much as possible.

Fury ate, but kissed Bucky's neck or shoulder between mouthfuls. He allowed his appreciation for the meal to come through the bond, letting his husband know he was enjoying it and was grateful and happy Bucky had made it for him.

So... how much do you have left to complete before we leave? Bucky thought as he ate.

I only have two more meetings I have to attend, Fury answered. And they should only take up tomorrow morning, which leaves the rest of the day and the day after for us.

Is there anything you'd like to do? Bucky thought.

I'd like to spend the time with you, Fury answered honestly. Like we are at the moment. Eating together and talking.

"Well... that can be easily arranged." Bucky laughed softly.

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" Fury asked. "I know Steve was planning to take Brock out some places. We could do something similar, if you'd like. Or just stay in and spend time together, just the two of us, before we go onto the ship and have less privacy."

"I'm good just staying in the two of us." Bucky finished eating his food, then waited patiently for Nick to finish. "Unless there was somewhere you wanted to show me, I'm not real keen on going out where other people can see me..." he admitted.

Fury finished eating and then settled back, wrapping his arms a bit more tightly around Bucky's waist and letting his chin rest on his lover's shoulder. "There's no reason to leave if it's not something you feel comfortable doing."

"I prefer to stay home... but I can handle a few hours out if you want to say goodbye to some people. It's more being around strangers that gets to me," Bucky admitted. "I always feel the need to look over my shoulder if I don't know and trust them."

"The only people I need to say goodbye to are already here," Fury replied. "There's no need for us to leave. I'm perfectly happy to stay here in the compound with you until the ship is ready." He stroked his fingers gently up under Bucky's shirt, always seeking to give the other man affection just for affection's sake.

Bucky smiled at that, nuzzling against Nick's neck. "I'm happy...and really looking forward to our trip," he said.

"I'm happy to be with you. To get to go into space with you." Fury kissed Bucky's head and then his cheek, still stroking his husband's bare chest.

"Still... it's too late right now, but maybe tomorrow, we can have a picnic for lunch. Get some fresh air before we get on a spaceship of recycled air and fake sunlight." Bucky grinned.

"That sounds good to me," Fury agreed. "And it'll be something to look forward to after the meetings have finished."

Bucky nodded. "It might be selfish... but the main reason I look forward to going into space is that you won't have twenty different countries and organizations constantly clamoring for your time. The only ones I'll have to share you with, barring a world emergency, is the rest of the ship. And if there's a world emergency, the rest of us would be returning to help too, so...."

Fury kissed his neck and hugged him that much tighter. "That's one of the main things I look forward to as well," he commented. "Just us, no other outside responsibilities."

Bucky snuggled close. "We're done eating... let me clean up really quick and we can go sit in the lounge chair and watch old sitcoms..." he said, with a soft smile. Sitting and watching mindless fluff would give them time to relax and be affectionate for affection's sake.

"That sounds perfect," Fury agreed.

It didn't take long to clean up and soon, the two were sat in the comfortable chair, snuggled close while watching the old sitcoms.


Yondu, Fisk and Thor had ended up meeting in one of the small cafes together. It hadn't exactly been by design, but given that they all had connections to each other through their partners (and son, in Yondu's case), Fisk figured it might be a good thing.

"So how much trouble do ya reckon I'll have keeping my lover out of mischief?" Yondu asked Fisk wryly, since the larger man had had more interactions with Frank.

"It's difficult to say." Fisk shrugged. "He seems to be thriving in your care so far. Reacting much the same as Matt has with me, once he realized it was okay for him to need and react the way he did."

"I'm certain none of them would intentionally do something dangerous without a very good reason," Thor commented. "I believe the ceremony has helped them to feel much more settled and at ease in the relationships we're all part of."


Meanwhile, back at the compound, Frank, Peter and Matt were talking about the fact that their significant others were 'banding together to thwart us', as Peter melodramatically put it. "My dad is going to tell Thor every trick I ever used to get out of chores or sneak off ship when I was younger..." He pouted. It was obvious he wasn't terribly worried about it; he was secure in his relationship with Thor and hadn't felt a need to 'sneak' anywhere for a while, but he was obviously feeling antsy. It was clear in his mannerisms and in the tone of his voice.

Matt wrinkled his nose in amusement. "I'm pretty sure Thor already figured out ninety-nine percent of any tricks you might have used already. I can feel how closely he watches you..." he teased.

"Yep. He's got you figured out without any help from your daddy at all..." Frank nodded. "I'm more worried about what Fisk is going to tell Yondu..." he griped good-naturedly, before frowning at his phone as it started ringing. "Huh. That's odd. Unknown number..." he muttered, before answering the device. "Yeah?" His voice was abrupt. "Are you sure about that?" This time, his voice was worried.

Matt could hear what was being said and although he remained quiet so that Frank could carry on his conversation, his own face betrayed worry. Peter frowned at the reactions of both men and straightened up, tensing slightly.

"Keep me apprised. I'm going to get her now..." Frank said gruffly, before hanging up and heading toward the compound exit.

"I'm coming with you. You shouldn't go without back-up..." Matt said, in a tone that wouldn't accept argument.

Peter frowned. "Well, hell. I can't let my step-daddy go into an unknown situation with just one person to help. I'm coming too..." he said. "We going to pick up weapons before heading out?" His question was more of a suggestion, since Frank seemed determined to go straight to whoever had him worried without making any type of side-stop for equipment.

Frank paused. "Good point..." he said, making a sudden right and heading toward the weapons locker.

The other two quickly followed.


The outing in the cafe had gone fairly smoothly, with Fisk, Yondu and Thor discussing their lovers and how best to meet each of their well as Yondu and Fisk sharing stories about their experiences with Peter and Frank respectively.

They were just finishing off their drinks when each of their phones chimed with a message.

Fisk read his first and abruptly stood. "Friday alerted Coulson that Matt, Peter and Frank are heading to the weapons locker, as if they're about to go on a mission."

Thor shook his head and stood up quickly as well. "Fortunately, we are not too far from the compound and can catch up with them before they leave the grounds," he commented.


It had taken longer than Frank wanted to get to the weapons locker and get their needed items; not because they weren't moving fast, but because Friday seemed to not want them to go and kept locking the doors on them! "Damn it, Friday! A girl's life is at stake! I can't sit around and wait to clear the red-tape before going to help her!" he growled at the ceiling, in the hopes of convincing the AI to let them out. He didn't figure his tone would intimidate her, but maybe she'd 'realize' how serious the situation was and would relent. If AI were capable of realizing such things from a tone. He wasn't entirely certain about that.

Peter frowned. "It's almost like she's waiting for something..." he muttered suspiciously.

Matt got a worried look on his face. "...Or someone..." His own voice was less suspicious and more worried, as he suddenly thought about the fact that Fisk would not be pleased that he'd rushed off to help someone without at least letting him know.


Coulson met the three doms as soon as they entered the compound and quickly led them to the weapons locker. "If you can figure out what's got them riled up, I can look into it and sort out the help that's actually needed," he promised.

"Thank you." Fisk waited for Friday to unlock the doors and then quickly led the way in and towards his lover...and towards Peter and Frank, too.

Matt heard the door unlocking before the others did and tensed up, causing Frank and Peter to stop their arguing with Friday (and pacing), and turned toward the door. All three looked like three errant children caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar. Although Frank also looked frantic with worry.

Yondu immediately noticed the look on his lover's face and moved over to Frank's side. He placed his hands on his husband's shoulders and spoke in a low, reassuring tone. "What's happened?" He didn't move into accusations or scolding, just immediately focused on whatever had his partner worried.

"Amy... I got a call that they found her... I have to get her somewhere safe before they..." Frank swallowed hard. "She's just a kid, Yondu... got in with the wrong crowd, but is trying to turn her life around and... she was doing really good at it. I can't let them get her...."

Peter frowned at the words. Frank hadn't gone into a lot of detail before; he was mainly going to help because the man was family and because he was bored. Hearing that a kid's life was in danger had him worried and feeing a need to go help immediately too. He looked toward Thor pleadingly.

Matt frowned. "How did they find her?" His own voice was worried. He knew what Frank had gone through to get her to a safe location. There shouldn't have been any way for them to find her unless they had people all over the United States. As far as he knew, that hadn't been the case.

Hearing the words, Coulson stepped forward and into the room, focusing on Frank. "Give me all of the information you have and I'll make sure the leads are run down immediately," he promised. "We might even be able to bring her here, so that she's safe from anyone who might want to hurt her."

Yondu wrapped his arms around Frank. "Phil will get her somewhere safe," he promised.

"And we will, of course, help as well," Thor promised, without hesitation. He would have helped just because Frank was family, but he was responding also to the pleading look on Peter's face.

Fisk rested his hand on Matt's shoulder and gently squeezed, offering his lover silent support.

Frank, realizing that Coulson had an entire agency at his beck and call and could get someone there much quicker than Frank could ever hope to reach her, gave the director all the information he had on her whereabouts, who she was with, what alias she was going by and what the person on the phone call had said. If he'd thought about it, he would have realized that they hadn't given him any pertinent details to prove that they actually knew where she was; but he'd panicked at the thought of the girl he'd come to care about like a daughter being hurt again and hadn't thought beyond that. He shifted closer to Yondu, needing the support.

Matt leaned back into Fisk. "It... doesn't sound like they actually have any concrete proof of where she is or who she is claiming to be..." he finally offered, in a bid to calm Frank down and provide some encouragement and hope.

Peter pressed close to Thor and didn't say anything. Now that it looked like Amy was going to get help from SHIELD and he knew Thor would help as much as possible if necessary, he was able to relax.

"It doesn't," Coulson agreed with Matt's words. "But even so, I'll get it checked out." He left, quickly, to chase down the information he had.

Yondu wrapped his arms tight around Frank, one hand rubbing gently over his back.

Fisk let his hands circle Matt's waist, gently squeezing his lover's hips.

Thor embraced Peter, holding his lover close and tight.

Frank relaxed as Coulson took off to make sure Amy was still safe. He blinked as he realized that he, Matt and Peter had effectively been held in place till the others could arrive. "Did I mess up your outing?" he finally asked, in a subdued voice. He wouldn't insult Yondu by telling the other man he needn't have come back on his account, especially when he was so very glad Yondu had come back for him and he was pretty certain he had needed Yondu to come.

Matt sighed softly and continued to lean into Fisk, even though he was beginning to feel a bit guilty. "When did Friday tell you?" he asked somberly, knowing that he should have been the one to call his mate, not the AI.

Peter winced and just asked, point blank, "I'm in trouble again, aren't I?"

"Ya didn't mess anything up," Yondu replied reassuringly. "We was just packing up to leave when the message got to us." His hand slid down Frank's back, to rest on his lover's backside, the movement more possessive than anything else.

Fisk rubbed his hands gently over Matt's back and torso. "We came here as soon as we got the message."

"A little bit of trouble, my star-prince," Thor murmured.

Matt had heard Peter's question and Thor's response and he sighed softly, not pulling away, relaxing even further into Fisk, as he said, in a voice that the other two could hear as well, since he figured Frank would be in the same boat as them and the sooner the other man realized, the sooner it could be taken care of, "If Peter is in trouble, then I'm sure I am too. I should have been the one to call you, not Friday..." His tone was apologetic.

Frank winced at hearing Matt. He gave Yondu an apologetic look and didn't say anything. His face said it all. He hadn't thought about it at the time, but he knew he should have called before just taking off.

Peter nodded at hearing Thor's confirmation. "I deserve it..." He sighed in a resigned manner that indicated he wasn't really upset about it. He could admit when he was wrong and accept consequences, even if he wished he didn't have them coming.

"You're exactly right," Fisk said gently. "You should have been the one to call. Not anyone else."

"We would have understood," Yondu said. "Would have come back immediately. Family is important. I wouldn't let something happen to someone important to you."

"We will handle it and then move past it," Thor promised.

"I know..." Frank turned in Yondu's arms enough to wrap his own arms around the older man and clung to him, hiding his face against Yondu's neck. "I know that and believe it; I was just so worried and panicked... I didn't think about it. Some expert soldier I am... letting my panic take over..." His voice was full of self- derision.

Matt nodded at Fisk's words. "I'm sorry... I know better..." he said quietly, before turning around completely, wrapping his arms around Fisk's shoulders and hopping up, wrapping his legs around the other man's waist. Yeah, he could walk back to their quarters on his own, but... he needed Fisk to have a little extra control over him; a way for him to show Fisk that he really was sorry and wasn't trying to leave Fisk out of his decisions.

Peter just grinned. "Can we handle it now? Wanna make it up to you and can't do that till everything's taken care of..." His smile was impish.

Yondu rubbed his hand up and down Frank's back and over his backside, the movement as possessive as it was meant to be reassuring. "We'll handle things once we can be certain she's safe," he promised his mate.

Fisk wrapped his arms around Matt tightly, kissing his lover's head, before carrying him to their quarters.

Thor kissed Peter and then took his mate's hand, leading him to their own quarters.

Frank gave Yondu a grateful look. "Where should we wait for Coulson to tell us what he found?" he asked quietly.

"If you would like to meet in the common area, the Director said he should have information for you shortly. They've already traced the number that called you and will apprehend the individual responsible soon..." Friday interjected to give Frank and Yondu the information.

Matt just snuggled into Fisk. Yeah... he was about to be punished, but he would rather that than have things left unanswered and wonder where he stood. He appreciated his mate's consistency.

Peter followed along meekly. He'd been in this position enough times to know, once it was over, all was forgiven and they could go on with more enjoyable activities for the day.

"Thank you, Friday," Yondu said to the AI. Still keeping a tight, possessive hold on Frank, he guided his husband to the common area where he sat down, pulling his lover onto his lap.

Frank tried not to fidget too much. He was sitting on Yondu, after all and it couldn't be comfortable for the other man to have him fidgeting. It wasn't easy, though. He was still very worried about Amy. He lost all track of time as they waited for Coulson or someone to return with info.

Coulson returned as quickly as he could, stepping into the common area and speaking as soon as he didn't have to shout. "Amy's not in any danger. No one knows where she is. The information was passed on to you in an attempt to draw you out of hiding." He spoke quickly and concisely, knowing Frank needed to know she was safe.

Yondu wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Frank's waist at hearing that.

Frank was visibly relieved at Amy's safety being confirmed. "I almost gave them what they wanted..." he said, in a tight voice. "If Friday hadn't held us back...."

"You got stopped in time." Yondu hugged him a bit tighter. "Yer safe, with me."

"I asked Tony to check in on her and give you regular updates while we're in space," Coulson added.

"Thanks, Phil. If Tony is keeping an eye on her, I won't be so worried..." Frank acknowledged, as he pressed closer to Yondu.

Coulson nodded. "If you need anything else, you know how to get in touch with me." He smiled at both of them and left the common area.

Yondu gently squeezed his lover's waist. "We should go to our quarters."

Frank nodded. "Yeah. Okay..." His voice was soft and subdued. Now that the worry was gone, he was able to think about how badly he'd messed up.

Helping Frank to stand, Yondu then stood up himself and took hold of his husband's hand to lead him to their room.

Frank followed along without protest. "I'm sorry..." he said quietly. "...I should have thought, instead of letting my fear and worry take over. There's no excuse."

"I understand your fear and worry," Yondu said. "But I hope to help you think the next time something like this happens." He led his husband into their room and closed the door behind them.

"I never had a problem thinking before... even when going after those who killed my family..." Frank was quiet. "When I thought... I just lost my ability to think. All I could do was think of my family dying in front of me and..." He swallowed hard.

"I know." Yondu led him to their bed and sat down, drawing his husband onto his lap and cuddling him tight. "When I found out my son still lived in another dimension, all I could think was I needed to get to him. Couldn't think past that. I understand."

"I know you do. That's why you should have been the first person I called. Because you understand and would help and... you'd keep me in line till I could think again." Frank pressed closer.

Yondu kissed the side of his head. "We just gotta work on making that instinctual," he pointed out calmly.

"Yeah... Got too used to handling things on my own. If Matt and Peter hadn't been there and decided to go with me, I woulda gone alone this time..." Frank sighed.

"We'll deal with it," Yondu promised. "We'll handle what you were gonna do. And then it'll be over." He hugged Frank for a few moments and then turned his husband across his lap.

Frank groaned softly but reached down and grasped Yondu's ankle. He knew why Yondu was doing this and he wanted to learn. He hoped what Yondu was doing would help.

Yondu rubbed Frank's back gently for a few moments and then proceeded to bare his lover, taking a tight grip around his waist. He rubbed Frank's bottom a bit and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated. "You ain't alone anymore. I claimed you. Bonded with you. Now married to you. You don't get to make decisions without me now."

"No, sir... not 'llowed to do that. Have ta let you know what's goin on and decide with ya..." Frank quickly agreed, in a contrite voice.

"Good," Yondu praised. "Now you just gotta remember to do that next time panic overcomes common sense." He settled into a pattern of swats, going down to Frank's thighs before starting over from the top.

Frank whimpered softly, beginning to shift as the sting set in. Yondu might not have been smacking as hard as he could, but Frank knew he'd definitely be feeling it for at least a few minutes after Yondu finished. "Yessir... “he gasped out.

"We're partners now," Yondu said. "In every sense of the word. Lovers. Mates. Husbands. Whatever name you want to put on it, that's what we are. We're supposed ter lean on each other."

"I know..." Frank whispered, in a guilt filled voice. He'd been married before... he knew he was meant to trust Yondu with everything. Lean on him and share his life, good and bad. He had failed an important part of his new marriage. "I'm sorry..." he said again, more contritely, in an almost broken tone.

Yondu began to focus more swats to Frank's sit spots and thighs. "I know. I forgive you. I love you." He left himself open through the bond, to allow Frank to feel those emotions and Yondu's sincerity.

Feeling Yondu's emotions and sincerity broke through Frank's last remaining barriers and he slumped over his husband’s knee, dropping his own thin barrier to allow Yondu to feel his feelings in their entirety: the residual fear that was slowly being replaced by relief, his complete love and trust in Yondu and the growing guilty regret that he hadn't immediately gone to his husband when he received the call.

Yondu stopped spanking and moved Frank into his arms, on his lap, hugging his lover tightly. He left the bond open, so that Frank could feel how much he was loved.

Frank immediately wrapped his arms around his lover. He left the bond open as well, even though it meant Yondu would feel how scared he'd been and how much Frank needed to be taken care of; something Frank had difficulty admitting to himself, let alone Yondu.

Yondu hugged Frank tightly, hand rubbing over his back and down over his bottom. "I got ya. Yer mine. Belong with me and to me."

"With ya and to ya...." Frank repeated in a rough voice, nuzzling against Yondu and continuing to cling.

"I love you," Yondu said, plain and simple. "I might have come here first for my kid. But it also brought me to you. Brought us to each other. You ain't alone anymore," he promised. "Whatever happens and whatever comes to us, we face it together."

Frank nodded and nuzzled against his mate. He left his feelings open to Yondu: trust, love, devotion, belonging. He had no intention of leaving Yondu's arms the rest of the day.

Yondu pressed a kiss to Frank's head and held his husband tightly, perfectly content to just cuddle the rest of the day.

Frank kicked his shoes off, leaving Yondu to fix his clothing, if he chose to, and curled up in his husband's arms.

Deciding that they were better off with the skin-on-skin contact, even if there was nothing sexual going on, Yondu stripped Frank of the rest of his clothes and then began to rub his hands slowly over his husband's body, periodically squeezing.

Yondu wasn't wrong. The skin-on-skin contact was soothing. Frank was finally able to relax enough he fell asleep in Yondu's arms.


Peter wasn't terribly worried or upset at what he knew he had coming. He'd messed up. He knew how he'd messed up. He deserved what he had coming. Still... "I am glad you got to me before I left, Drottinn."

"I am too," Thor said honestly. "I wish you would have thought to contact me before preparing to leave. I can think of far better things to do than spank you." He led his lover into their room.

"Me too..." Peter looked down in shame. "I know better. I'm sorry...."

"I know, my star-prince." Thor hugged him tightly. "I will spank you and then we will move past this. No more guilt. No more need to be sorry." He led Peter towards the bed.

Peter went quietly and obediently. The sooner he was punished, the sooner he could just be with his mate.

Sitting down, Thor guided Peter across his lap, making sure his lover was in no danger of falling or otherwise harming himself before he bared him.

Peter shivered. "I should have called you. Should have called and waited for you to return," he said quietly.

"You should have," Thor agreed. Lifting his hand, he brought it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated. "I'm certain you will try to make the right decision next time, though."

"Yes, Drottinn... will try so hard!" Peter's voice quivered as he tried to not to immediately begin squirming and crying.

"I believe you." Thor settled quickly into a pattern of swats, going down to Peter's thighs before starting over from the top. "I love you. I forgive you."

"I love you too, Drottinn. So much!" Peter gulped softly, his eyes tearing up.

Completing the second circuit, Thor began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. "You made a mistake, but you know what you did and what you should do next time."

"Yessir!" Peter quickly agreed. "Next time, call my Drottinn. Next time, wait till he is with me..." He gasped and then began to cry softly.

"Exactly right, my star-prince." Thor delivered a final few smacks to Peter's sit spots and thighs and then stopped spanking, gathering his lover into a tight embrace.

Peter twisted into Thor's arms, clutching onto him and snuggling close. "I love you, Drottinn. I'm so glad you have me "

"I love you too. I will always have you," Thor promised, hugging Peter tightly. "You belong with me. Just like I belong with you."

"Forever!" Peter said emphatically against his mate's chest. He began to nuzzle and kiss, needing to show Thor how much he was loved.

Thor let his hands roam over Peter's body, pressing kisses to his mate's head and shoulders as he did so.

Peter finally slowed to take a breath, leaning back to look into Thor's face. "Should I get naked?" he asked, with a crooked grin.

"Now that's a good idea." Thor grinned at his mate.

Peter's grin grew and he stepped back just long enough to shuck all his clothing. It wasn't difficult, since his pants were still around his ankles. As soon as he was completely naked, he did a full body press against Thor. "Have your way with me, Drottinn..." he breathed out, in a suggestive tone.

Thor flipped them over, pinning Peter to the bed under him and leaning in to kiss his lover deeply, sliding his hands down Peter's sides and over his hips.

Peter let out a happy laugh at the manhandling, grinning at Thor, and leaned up to kiss his mate deeply.

Returning the kiss, Thor let his hands slid down Peter's legs, gently pulling them apart so that he could caress his mate's inner thighs, stroking his fingers over Peter's member.

Peter quivered at Thor's touch, moaning softly with need. He was almost immediately hard, aroused by his mate.

"Mine," Thor whispered, before beginning to kiss his way down Peter's chest, over his stomach.

Peter began to run his hands over Thor's back and shoulders, kissing when he was able, saying, "Yours..." between kisses.

"Mine." Thor spoke the word firmly before he kissed his way down to Peter's groin and took his lover's member into his mouth.

Peter's breath caught in his throat and he threw his head back, exposing his throat, with a long, drawn out moan. Only Thor's grip on his hips enabled him to not begin thrusting, the heat of his master's mouth causing his need to increase beyond his ability to handle.

Thor sent soothing waves of love and possession through the bond as his grip on Peter's hips tightened and he began to suck on his husband's erection, holding Peter still and steady.

Peter's groans lengthened and became louder as his mate continued to suck. His own love and need were pouring through the bond, as well as the feeling of almost surprised gratefulness that his husband wanted him like this.

Thor kept himself open through the bond, so that Peter would feel how much he was loved, needed, wanted. Along with those emotions was the gentle encouragement to let go; whenever Peter was ready, he could let go.

Peter shivered in place, Thor's feelings rolling over him like a warm tidal wave until all he knew was love and pleasure. "...Drottinn..." he breathed out, in a helpless whine, as he felt himself tightening up, the painful yet pleasurable ache building until suddenly, he was releasing for his mate, in a long, drawn out spasm.

Thor tightened his hold on his lover, not releasing Peter until the other man's release was finished. Then, he slowly let go and leaned up to kiss his mate.

Peter returned the kiss languidly, in a daze from the orgasm he'd just had. "Belong to you..." he whispered, before giving Thor a tiny grin and slowly, gently rolling over onto his stomach, widening his legs and raising his backside in invitation. Belong to you, Drottinn... want you to feel good too....

Thor kissed his shoulder. I love you. He sent the words and emotion through the bond before retrieving the lube. Stripping himself of his own clothes, he coated his member and then carefully slid into his husband.

Peter let out another long, happy groan as he felt Thor push into him. He could feel himself stretching open for the larger man and let his own feelings of contentment and surrender leak through the bond. It was too soon for him to be aroused again, but he felt pleasantly full and it didn't hurt. He knew as soon as Thor began to move, there would be a pleasurable friction. Even if he didn't come again, it would feel really good.

Grasping Peter's hips, Thor began to move inside his lover. You feel so good surrounding me, he sent to his husband.

You feel good in me, Peter responded. I belong to you. It feels perfect and right.

I won't ever let you go, Thor promised, beginning to thrust deep and hard into his mate.

Peter groaned softly at feeling his mate sliding in him, thrusting hard and deep. It's perfect. He sighed with pleasure. Can feel how I belong to you.

I'm going to make sure you feel me for the rest of the day, Thor promised, thrusting a bit harder and a bit faster.

"Please, Drottinn? I want that so much..." Peter begged out loud, unable to help himself.

Responding to the plea, Thor gripped Peter's hips, angling him so he could go deeper, all but pounding into his lover.

The sound Peter let out could not be mistaken for anything other than a man being thoroughly taken... and he was loud making the sound. Everyone in the compound would know Thor was laying claim to what was his and they'd know Peter was enjoying every moment of said claiming. Especially when he suddenly yelled out, "There, Drottinn... oh, please pound there again!" in the neediest, loudest begging voice possible.

His only focus on Peter and laying claim to what was his, Thor continued to pound inside his mate, making sure he hit that same spot over and over. His fingers gripped his lover's hips tighter as his release came over him.

Peter had thought himself too spent to be able to come again. He'd been wrong. Thor hitting that spot deep in him, repeatedly, while rubbing him inside till he was oversensitive and stretching and filling him so wonderfully... by the time Thor released inside of him, he was fully roused and hard again. All it took to send him over the edge was feeling his mate's warm release flooding him inside and he was coming hard for his master a second time, sobbing out Thor's name loudly enough to carry through the halls.

Thor's own cry was loud and made it more than clear exactly what had taken place. He slumped over Peter's body and kissed his husband's neck. "I love you." He murmured the words into Peter's skin.

"You own me... " Peter grinned a sated leer, before his face softened into a goofy, adoring smile. "I love you too...."

"You're mine. But I'm yours too," Thor said. "We belong to and with each other."

"You own me... and I own you..." Peter grinned impishly. 

"Exactly." Thor kissed him.

Peter returned the kiss before snuggling into his husband. "Can we nap before cleaning up and rejoining the others?" His voice was soft and relaxed.

"That sounds more than good to me," Thor agreed, stretching out alongside Peter and taking his lover into his arms.

Peter snuggled into Thor, putting his head on his mate's chest and soon falling asleep.


Matt was feeling extremely guilty by the time he and Fisk had reached their room. "I'm sorry..." he found himself whispering. "I keep doing the same thing wrong and it probably makes it hard to believe me... but I'm sorry."

"I know." Fisk carried Matt to their bed and sat down, depositing his lover onto his lap and hugging him tightly. "I also know that this was about not thinking, not about being deliberately disobedient."

Matt clung to his mate, hiding his face against Wilson's chest. "That's not really a good excuse, though, when I know better. I've got in trouble for running off and not letting you know what I'm doing before."

"You have. And we dealt with it then. We'll deal with it now," Fisk promised, rubbing his hand up and down Matt's back. "But it won't change anything between us. I won't love you any less. I'll forgive you. And you won't need to feel guilty anymore."

"Just wish I'd think about it before I did something I needed to be punished for," Matt said sadly.

"We'll work on it." Fisk hugged him a bit tighter and then gently turned him over his knees.

Matt sniffled softly, already beginning to cry because he felt guilty about failing. Once he felt Wilson had him securely, he moved his hands to behind his back so his mate could hold them in place. He needed the extra emotional security of Fisk being that much more in control. He needed the physical proof that his husband still had him and wouldn't let go, no matter what he did.

Fisk grasped both of Matt's hands in his, squeezing gently, before he proceeded to bare his lover. Then, he delivered the first firm smack before he paused to rub; exactly the same as he'd done with most of the other spankings.

Matt whimpered at the first smack, but instead of squirming or trying to get away, the sudden sting caused his emotions to fall just enough that he slumped in submission. He continued to quietly cry and his regret at doing something that deserved punishment carried through the bond. He never wanted to disappoint his mate.

Fisk met the regret with waves of love and reassurance, letting Matt know, without words, that he was forgiven and still loved. He rubbed a bit more and then smacked, only to rub again, repeating the pattern; only moving his hand enough so as not to smack only one spot on his husband's bottom.

There was a sense of gratitude and relief that bled through the bond at Fisk's forgiveness. The gratitude and relief grew as Matt felt his mate punish him in the same consistent manner he always had. He slipped a little further into his submission, becoming loose limbed and easier for Fisk to move as needed. He wasn't aroused; far from it. This was emotional and physical submission, with no goal but to feel he still belonged.

Fisk kept the bond open, allowing Matt to continue to feel his emotions; that he loved Matt. That Matt was his. He continued to smack and rub between the smacks, still holding onto his lover's hands.

Matt gently squeezed his hands. Through the bond, his repentance continued to bleed through the bond along with his love for Fisk and need to belong. Yours, he thought.

Mine. I love you, Matt. Fisk sent the words through the bond. You made a mistake today, but I know you've been trying to do so much better. Slipping back into old habits isn't the end of the world. We'll deal with it and move past it.

You punished me and forgave me and will help me do better... Matt thought serenely. It was clear he was fully submissive. He hadn't dropped, but it was close.

Exactly right. Fisk had stopped spanking and now just gently rubbed over Matt's bottom, remembering the first time his mate had asked him to do happy it had made him when his lover began to ask Fisk to touch him and look at him.

Matt sniffled, a feeling of contentment slipping through at the gentle affection. Feels good... being touched by you... by my master and love....

I want you to feel good, Fisk sent through the bond. You deserve to feel good. I like touching you. Taking care of you.

Love you... love you so much... so glad I belong to you... Matt faced over his shoulder, giving Fisk a small smile.

Fisk smiled and leaned forward, brushing a kiss over his mate's lips. I'm so glad you belong to me as well, he replied. I love you so much. You're my world, Matt.

"Can we just stay here the rest of today?" Matt asked, in a small voice. "Need to be held and cuddled..." He blushed at the admittance.

"Of course." Fisk moved Matt onto his lap once more, wrapping his arms around his mate and cuddling.

Matt snuggled as close and tight as possible. Wanna belong to you forever, complete... He let his hands roam over Fisk's shoulders and chest.

I won't ever let you go, Fisk promised, kissing him. No matter what happens, you will always be with me.

Matt returned the kiss happily. He'd been punished and could let go of his guilt. Now he just wanted to be held by the man he loved.

Content just to hold onto his lover, Fisk let his hands stroke and caress over Matt's body, just enjoying this time to spend with his mate and husband.

Matt let out a happy hum. Snuggling more, he sent a mental image to his master of Fisk stripping what remained of his clothing off him, leaving him completely naked. He needed skin on skin contact.

Responding to the image, Fisk began to slowly strip his lover, letting his hands roam freely over Matt's body. He moved enough for his lips to follow the same path, kissing every inch of Matt's skin.

Matt moaned softly as Fisk kissed. Yours! He wriggled in an attempt to leave himself open, while kissing his husband back.

Would you like me to use some of our toys? Fisk asked, stroking his hands down over Matt's hips.

Matt faced up and gave an almost saucy grin. "Yes, please?" he purred.

Fisk kissed him and then carefully placed his lover on the bed before getting up and heading over to where they kept their toys.

Matt lay splayed on the bed, body open and vulnerable to his master's gaze. He turned toward Fisk, a look of adoration on his face.

Fisk brought a couple of the toys back with him, settling on the bed and drawing Matt in for a deep, firm kiss before he picked up the candle and lit it carefully.

Matt could sense the heat. His "vision' could see the heat. A candle, love? he thought. He stayed where Fisk held him, laying open and vulnerable in his master's arms.

A candle, Fisk confirmed. If you don't like it, I'll stop, he promised.

Matt shivered, a hint of arousal bleeding through the bond. I trust you, was all he thought, as he relaxed further to give Fisk complete control over his body.

Fisk sent waves of love and reassurance through the bond and tugged Matt in closer. He began to carefully drip the hot wax onto his lover's body, making sure it wasn't too hot and wouldn't burn his husband.

Matt quivered as the sensation of hot liquid landed on him. It stung slightly, but it didn't hurt, the heat rapidly cooling as it landed on him and leaving a slight itchy feeling behind that made him want more. "Wil..." he whispered, in a shaky voice, betraying that he was enjoying the sensation.

Fisk kissed Matt tenderly, continuing to carefully drop the wax onto his lover. He made sure to keep a tight hold of the candle, so that his husband only got pleasure from the sensations and no pain.

Matt shivered as Fisk lay a trail of wax on his body. He couldn't see exactly... but he could feel. Are you drawing your initials on me? he thought with a grin.

Would you like me to? Fisk asked, traces of loving humor filling his voice.

Matt chuckled. "Felt like you already were..." he admitted softly. "...Maybe that's because it just feels like you should. Your name on whatever belongs to you...."

"And you belong to me. To me and with me." Fisk began to trace his initials on Matt's body with the wax, leaving himself open through the bond so that Matt could 'see' through his eyes.

Matt made tiny, appreciative whimpers at what he was seeing through Fisk's eyes. The combination of seeing Wil's initials on his own body, along with feeling the heat from the wax and knowing his mate was the one causing the sensation, caused him to become aroused very quickly.

Placing the candle to one side, blowing it out so there was no risk of fire, Fisk ran his hands down Matt's body. When he reached his lover's member, he leaned in and kissed the tip, then drew it into his mouth.

Matt gurgled with pleasure, his hands gently gripping Fisk's head; not to direct or hold him in place, but because it felt so good. He gently rubbed the larger man's scalp while opening his legs wider in an effort to allow his mate to get closer and take better control over his body.

Grasping Matt's hips, Fisk began to suck and lick Matt's member, encouraging his lover to let go and release with gentle squeezes to his hips and down over his thighs.

It took very little encouragement and Matt was releasing hard into his master's mouth, a low, drawn-out groan filling the room.

Fisk's happiness at feeling his mate release was clear through the bond and he gently squeezed Matt's hips.

Matt let out a soft sigh as his body finally calmed and he lay limp under his master, his member limp in the older man's mouth.

Fisk slowly released his lover's member, stretching up to wrap his arms around Matt tightly. "So beautiful," he whispered, letting his feelings flow through the bond.

Matt wrapped his own arms around Fisk tightly, snuggling close. His own feelings of love, adoration and contentment flowed freely. Do you want to be in me, my love? he asked. He was sated himself and felt ready to give as much as he had received.

Pressing his face into Matt's hair, Fisk answered with complete honesty. I am happy just to give you pleasure and then hold you in my arms, like this.

If you are certain... Matt didn't argue. As much as he loved having his husband bury himself as deep into Matt as he possibly could, he was feeling very lethargic and snuggling sounded perfect to him.

More than certain, Fisk replied, his contentment and happiness coming clearly through the bond.

Matt smiled against his lover's chest, nuzzling quietly, just relaxing in his mate's arms.


Stephen was sat next to Mordo on their couch, reading several files on their future team-mates. He wanted to be up-to-date on all the medical history for everyone, so if anything happened while in space, he'd be prepared. He'd already read through the files several times before.

Mordo sat next to Stephen, one hand gently and almost idly stroking over his lover's arm. "It's not going to change the more you read it," he said, his tone gentle and loving.

"I just need to be ready... just in case. I'm the only doctor they'll have, after all..." Stephen sighed at the responsibility.

"But you still need to take a break, Stephen." Mordo's tone and emotion through the bond were worried, as he reached out and took the data pad from his husband's hand.

Stephen reluctantly surrendered the data-pad to his husband. He could have argued- forced Mordo into the position of ordering him to take a break- but he could feel his husband's worry and didn't want to add to it. "Yeah. Okay. No more reading unless something new crops up..." he said, with a soft sigh, the sense that it was a promise carrying through the bond.

"Thank you." Mordo kissed him gently. "I know it's hard for you to set your work aside."

Stephen kissed back, chastely but no less fervently. "It is... but I don't want to worry you and... you're right. I'm not going to learn anything more rereading...  I am assuming that everyone has got everything they need together for the take-off tomorrow morning?"

"As far as I know," Mordo answered. "I don't think there's anything left that needs to be collected or sorted."

"So... If I'm not going to be reading any longer- what do you suggest we do?" Stephen smiled gently.

"I can think of plenty of things we can do instead." Mordo wrapped his arm around Stephen's shoulders as he pictured some of those in his mind.

"Oooooh... yes please!" Stephen leaned into Mordo.

Mordo smiled at Stephen's enthusiastic response and turned his husband's head to towards him to kiss him firmly. "Anything in particular?" he murmured.

Stephen returned the kiss eagerly. I liked all your ideas... so... you choose for me? He nuzzled against Mordo.

We've yet to experiment with any of the toys we bought, Mordo thought, even as he began to strip Stephen of his clothes.

You are right. We haven't used any of them yet. Stephen shivered and grinned as he was stripped.

Mordo cupped Stephen's face in his hand; stroked his husband's lips with his thumb. What do you think about being blindfolded and tied up?

Blindfolded, yes... tied up, I'm not sure. I still have problems with my hands occasionally... Stephen snuggled close.

We could just try the blindfold. Mordo stroked his hands down Stephen's back, kneading and pressing his knuckles against the skin. You'd still be able to use my eyes to see if you needed to.

Maybe you could tie me... but in such a way it isn't directly tying my hands...? Stephen suggested hopefully. The idea of being at Mordo's mercy intrigued and aroused him.

Show me. Mordo gently nipped at the skin of Stephen's neck. Picture how you would like me to tie you.

Stephen immediately thought of one of the ways to bind that would keep pressure off of his hands but would hold his arms immobile and out of the way, so that Mordo could touch and take.

Would you feel comfortable with that? Mordo asked him softly.

I think so, my love... there won't be any pressure... Stephen nuzzled some more.

If it needs to stop, let me know. Mordo kissed him deeply and then stood, moving over to their supplies to retrieve what he needed.

Yes, sir, Stephen promised, returning the kiss, then laying back and waiting for his lover.

Mordo returned with the items, beginning to tie his lover in the way that Stephen had indicated, keeping the link open so that he could feel if his husband became distressed or worried.

Stephen felt himself becoming more aroused the more vulnerable he felt, his stomach fluttering in anticipation of being completely at Mordo's mercy.

Once Stephen was tied and blindfolded, Mordo leaned over and pressed a kiss to his chest, then began to gently lick, bite and suck his way down Stephen's stomach.

Stephen quivered in place, the inability to move causing him to start to drop almost immediately, the need to rely completely on his master affecting him quicker than he'd expected.

Mine. Mordo sent the words through the bond, along with waves of love and possession.

Yours... Stephen quivered even more, waves of love and a need to belong carrying to Mordo.

Forever, Mordo promised. No matter what happens, you will always belong to me. He engulfed one of Stephen's nipples into his mouth.

Stephen groaned as Mordo took his nipple into his mouth. So good, master... He whimpered softly with need, his member hardening.

Mordo's hand slid down to Stephen's member, palming it, gently stroking it. He released the nipple once it was red and swollen and then moved to take the opposite one into his mouth, sucking on it.

Stephen whimpered as if in pain; but through the bond, it was obvious that it was a pain that felt very good and he didn't want it to stop. "Baron..." he whispered, in a shaky voice, his need clear. As Mordo continued and he wasn't able to do anything but lay there and take what his lover gave, he slowly began to edge toward dropping for his master.

I have you. Mordo sent the words through the bond. You can let go, my heart. I'll be here to catch you. I will always be here to catch you.

Stephen heard and trusted the words... slipping that last bit over the edge until he was falling fast and hard, his entire focus on Mordo and what was being done to him; the fact he couldn't move away; the complete feeling of helplessness and dependence on Mordo. He was limp and completely in Mordo's control.

Mordo sent waves of possessive love and reassurance through the bond between them. He released Stephen's nipple and kissed his way down his lover's chest before taking Stephen's member into his mouth.

Stephen just quivered in place, still in a hazy, blissful state of unawareness of anything but Mordo and what Mordo was doing. His member hardened further, swelling in Mordo's mouth, a tiny drop of precum pooling at the slit.

Mordo slid his hands down to Stephen's hips, squeezing them gently as he began to suck on his lover's member.

Tiny keening sounds escaped Stephen's lips and his member swelled to fullness at Mordo's actions. He was still under... dropped... for his master, so he didn't squirm or do any of the typical actions of being aroused. His body was responding and giving itself to Mordo with no fight at all. He began to leak precum as the gentle sucking continued to arouse him. His nipples were hard and pebbled, his skin was flushed, his breathing rapid and shallow... and he lay still and accepting, even as he continued to whimper, whine and moan with need.

Reaching through the bond, Mordo embraced Stephen mentally as well as holding onto him physically. He didn't use words; only images and feelings. That Stephen was being so good for him. That Mordo loved him so much.

Stephen's groan was still needy... but it also indicated an acceptance and belief and a complete reliance on Mordo. Physically, Stephen's member had swelled as much as it could and his balls were tightening up against his body in preparation to let go. Even with all that, his focus was totally on Mordo, unaware of anything and everything else.

Mordo gently stroked Stephen's hips, continued to suck his member, sent loving encouragement through the bond. It's time to let go, my heart. I have you. I always will.

Stephen's release was hard and long, giving Mordo everything. His body quivered as his seed poured out of him. When his body finally calmed, finished emptying, he lay limp under Mordo, dazed, eyes glazed, his breathing shallow, tears sliding down his face from the release. He was still under, still completely submitted to Mordo's whims. But his body felt good. That was very clear through the bond.

Mordo slowly released Stephen's member and gently squeezed his lover's hips. It's time to come back to me, my heart, he sent through the bond.

It took a few seconds, but Stephen had been completely focused on Mordo, so he soon began to focus on his lover's words, awareness gradually returning. Soon, he was laying beneath his lover, not quite as limply. His body felt very sensitive and tired from the release. "Master?" he asked, in a shaky voice, feeling a little uncertain and needing Mordo to help ground him.

"I'm here," Mordo murmured. "You dropped, my heart. It wasn't a bad thing. Nothing to worry about."

"I dropped for you?" Stephen asked, in a still woozy voice. He sounded uncertain; not sure if that was something Mordo had wanted to occur.

"Yes. I told you to let go." Mordo kissed him gently. "I was right here to catch you."

"Feels like I came hard for you too..." Stephen said, in a sheepish voice. He finally squirmed as much as the bindings would allow, feeling that the bond had prepared him, lubricated him, for his master. It definitely feels like I am ready for you... if you want me that way, that is....

I do want you that way, but is that what you want too, Stephen? Mordo asked seriously. I know the bond sometimes increases might also force a desire that's not immediately felt.

Stephen swallowed and closed his eyes, focusing on his body and what he was currently desiring before answering. I want you in my Baron, my love. I feel sated from... from dropping and releasing for you, but there is an ache still there that only goes away when you are filling me up... he admitted; and then thought about Mordo sliding into him and just taking him long and slow and deep, for however long he could, before he had his own release.

Mordo stroked the side of his husband's face; leaned in and brushed a kiss over Stephen's lips. Then, taking a firm hold of Stephen's hips, he pushed slowly into his mate, every movement gentle, taking his time.

Stephen let out his breath with a low, pleased groan. He could feel himself opening up and stretching around his mate. It always felt so wonderful to him, accommodating Mordo's length and girth; and this time was no exception. He was still bound, so the only physical response he could give was through his pleasure filled moans to let Mordo hear how good it felt and by tightening and clenching around his master's member, squeezing and massaging as much as he was able to with his hole.

You feel so good surrounding me. It feels so good being inside you. Mordo sent the words through the bond to Stephen as he continued to slowly push his way into his lover, taking his time, wanting to stretch out their joining for as long as possible.

Feels perfect... Stephen agreed. We are perfect together. You fit in me perfectly... fill me perfectly... Love when we are one....

And tomorrow, we'll be leaving on a ship where everyone is in the same relationship as us. We don't have to hide or worry about what other people might think of us. Mordo began to thrust inside his husband, still going slow and gentle.

That is perfect too... I love you so much, Baron. Stephen sighed happily as he felt his lover moving inside of him, rubbing him inside.

Mordo gently squeezed Stephen's hips, his member growing and swelling inside his lover as he thrust deep and hard. I love you. You belong to me. I belong to you. We belong to and with each other.

"Forever..." Stephen gasped out, as he felt Mordo growing inside of him. His lover kept rubbing over his prostate and his own member was hardening and swelling in response.

No matter what happens. Mordo sent waves of love through the bond, grasping Stephen's hips tighter to make it easier to thrust deep.

Stephen groaned loudly, his body clenching around Mordo's member. He slanted his head back so his neck was bared to his lover. He was still tied, still unable to move. He was completely open, vulnerable and able to be taken at Mordo's leisure. Being so completely controlled by his husband left him with a feeling that was indescribable. He wanted to do this forever.

Mordo kissed and then gently bit Stephen's neck, sucking on the skin to leave a mark behind as his release overtook him and his grip on his husband tightened.

Stephen quivered at the bite and at feeling his lover pouring into him. It quickly sent him over the edge and he clenched tight around Mordo as he released for a second time, before falling limp. Love you... so much.

I love you. More than I could ever put into words. Mordo kissed his neck and then slowly began to pull out of his lover, before moving so that he could untie Stephen and remove the blindfold.

Stephen held still until Mordo had untied him and taken off the blindfold... and then he was clinging to the other man as tightly as able, hiding his face against his neck. His complete reliance on Mordo was hard to let go of and suddenly being 'free' unsettled him. "Hold me..." he whispered.

"Always." Mordo wrapped his arms tightly around Stephen, rubbing his hand slowly over his husband's back, kissing the side of his lover's head.

Stephen just snuggled close, content to stay in Mordo's arms the rest of the day.


T'Challa had returned to Wakanda to take care of the duties he needed to and also to make arrangements for how he could be contacted if he was needed to return. Now, he, his family and his husband shared one final meal together, the night before he and Loki were due to leave and join the others for their journey back into space.

Loki had never felt so welcomed at family dinners on Asgard. Of course, a lot of that was because there weren't really typical family dinners there; there had always been advisors, dignitaries, and such visiting, and who did not like or trust Loki. And if they were not there, Thor's friends were there. To see the Wakandan Royal family eating together and no one else joining them was a novel idea to him. That they actually liked him was astounding to him. He and Shuri had hit it off quickly and were carrying on an animated conversation.

T'Challa smiled as he listened to his mate and sister talking animatedly. It made him happy to see his husband and his sister getting on so well with each other.

"And will there be a problem should we wish to visit you on your ship?" his mother asked.

"I am sure there will be no problems with it," T'Challa answered. "Though I will ask that you send a message before coming through the portal." He didn't mention the state of undress many of the people on board the ship would be in, even though that thought did cross his mind.

Loki paused in his conversation, hearing the queen’s question. Do you think we should warn her of what might be seen? Or should we just warn the others when she is to visit, so that they are more circumspect? he thought.

I think it would be better to warn the others in advance, T'Challa answered. I am not certain the other Space Avengers would be comfortable with me mentioning how they act on the ship without asking for their permission.

They might decide it is better to behave as if Peter or Morgan were around... Loki agreed.

I am certain they will do that around any who might not be comfortable witnessing the way we all relate to each other, T'Challa said.

"You are speaking to each other through your bond?" T'Challa's mother asked curiously.

Loki blushed. "I am sorry, Ma'am. I did not mean to be rude..." he apologized. "I had a question that was of a delicate nature. I should have waited to ask it, though."

"It's not a problem," she answered. "I was merely curious, as both of you appeared distant while you spoke."

Loki nodded. "We are still learning how to speak through the bond, so it is difficult to focus on more than one conversation while doing so...."

"But we will try to stay focused on the conversation we are having here and now." T'Challa smiled at his mother.

"Have you made any new inventions?" Loki asked Shuri, paying close attention to her answers.


Later, T'Challa sat with his arms wrapped around Loki's waist, fingers idly playing over his husband's stomach. You seem very happy here. Maybe we can arrange a longer visit next time? he suggested.

I feel accepted. That has not always happened for me with anyone other than mother and Thor... Loki admitted.

I am sorry you went through that. T'Challa kissed the side of his lover's neck. But I am happy that you feel accepted here.

I do. I feel like they are my family because they want to be. Not just because you wanted me... Loki snuggled back.

You are easy to accept. Easy to love, T'Challa said seriously.

I think you've made me be able to accept love... Loki admitted.

I'm glad. T'Challa kissed him gently.

Are you ready for when we leave tomorrow? Loki asked curiously.

I am, T'Challa answered. I have everything that I need. Do you?

All I truly need is you... Loki smiled.

And I you, T'Challa stated. So long as you are with me, I will be content.

Is there anything we should discuss before leaving? Loki leaned back into T'Challa.

T'Challa gently wrapped his arms around Loki's waist. Is there anything you would like to know? Anything you need to ask?

I don't think so... other than... you are the Black Panther. If you leave Wakanda for a long time, does that go to someone else? Loki asked curiously.

At the moment, no, T'Challa answered. Though if there is a need, I will have to return and either give up the mantle or do what is needed myself.

And they will call us on those special communicators, if that is the case... Loki nodded.

They will, T'Challa agreed. So, there is nothing we need worry about.

"I'm looking forward to the trip..." Loki said out loud.

"I am too." T'Challa gently ran his hands over Loki's stomach. "Do you remember, when we formed our relationship at the start, you mentioned being able to shapeshift? I thought perhaps we could discuss that a bit more, before we go onto the ship and have less privacy."

Loki sighed happily, relaxing into T'Challa. "That would be good, my love. What more do you wish to know about it?"

"How comfortable are you changing your form?" T'Challa asked. "Is it something you enjoy? Something that makes you happy?"

"It is easy, like changing clothes. Maybe easier..." Loki paused. "I suppose it depends on why I was doing it, if I enjoyed it or not. When I was doing it to tease or annoy Thor, I always enjoyed it..." His tone was sheepish, but the gleam in his eye was impish. "When it was necessary to keep me from being in trouble or hurt, I didn't like it as much; but that was likely due to the situation as much as the changing part."

T'Challa nodded in understanding. "Would changing your body to allow us to have a child be something you'd like to do?" he asked. "I know you told me it was possible, but not whether it was something you truly wanted to do, or if you only offered it because you wanted to make me happy."

Loki was quiet for several moments, but it was obviously because he was thinking and not because he was ignoring the question. When he finally answered, his voice was solemn. "I would very much want to carry your child in my body. I prefer this form to my other forms, mainly because it is the form I first chose and am most used to. But my female form is only slightly less preferable; and only because... because it seemed I received even less respect or consideration when I took it than I did in my male form. But I know with you, that would not be the case... you would love and respect me in any form and... and carrying your babe inside my womb would... would please me greatly."

"No matter what form you wear, you will always be my husband. My bonded mate. The one I chose," T'Challa said seriously. "And I will care for you physically, no matter what you look like." With a smile, he added, "Even if you shifted your shape to that of a horse again."

Loki laughed, delighted at the teasing. "I would do that if we were in the wilderness and doing so would help protect you from having to walk too much..." He grinned. "...Otherwise, I prefer you to ride me in other ways..." He gave a naughty leer.

T'Challa laughed at that and turned Loki's face towards him so they could kiss. "I much prefer that too," he agreed.

Loki returned the kiss, his happiness and contentment carrying through the bond.


Talos settled Yon more firmly in his lap, beginning to gently stroke his mate's head and behind his ears. "What do you think about what the doctor said?" he asked, using touch and sending emotions through the bond to hopefully calm any anxiety his lover might feel.

The gentle touch calmed Yon's nerves and he leaned on his husband, putting his head on Talos' shoulder. He was still too anxious to purr, but he was noticeably more relaxed than he had been. "If it is possible, I think it would be good to try." He looked up into Talos' face. The doctors had just explained that the ovaries he'd only recently discovered he had, were producing viable eggs. If they wanted to possibly have a child or children via surrogate, they could harvest and store those eggs. It was a big decision. "Do... do you think we should?"

"We don't have to make a decision about what to do with them eventually," Talos said, stroking his husband's face. "We can always store the eggs and decide whether we want to make use of them later."

"That is true... it would leave options, at least..." Yon bit his lip. "We leave tomorrow, though. Unless we did not go, or we postponed everyone else leaving... we would not be able to do so until we next returned to the Earth. Unless... unless Stephen was able to do it for us...."

"We could ask if it's possible for him to do so," Talos replied. "And if not, then we could make arrangements for the next time we returned to Earth."

"Should we ask now?" Yon asked hesitantly. He was still a bit off-kilter, finding all this out about himself, and was feeling a bit needy. The feeling of hope that Talos would take charge of him and for him carried through the bond.

"We can ask later." Talos brushed a kiss over Yon's neck. "It doesn't have to be now," he whispered, sliding his hands up under his husband's clothing to touch bare skin.

"If he can, then he would probably have what he needs on board... or we could find it in one of the ports..." Yon stated, in a questioning tone. He relaxed further at Talos touching skin, a sense of being comforted carrying to his mate.

"So, we don't need to worry about it right now." Talos began to remove Yon's clothing, allowing him to get to bare skin.

Yon smiled and sighed softly as his husband undressed him, a feeling of belonging overwhelming him and making him need and want Talos' affection to go further.

You are mine. Talos sent the words through the bond, along with his overwhelming feelings of love and possessiveness, as he began to kiss and caress his lover's body.

Forever and only yours... Yon agreed quickly, letting his hands roam over Talos' chest and shoulders in his own affectionate manner. A strong longing to be connected to his lover all night filled him.

Talos pinned Yon onto the bed, leaning in to kiss his lover deeply before beginning to kiss and gently bite down his neck, over his chest and stomach.

Yon shivered and groaned softly, slanting his neck so it was more vulnerable. Need you so much....

I won't ever let you go, Talos promised. You are mine.

Forever, Yon agreed, opening his legs so his mate could fit between them. He wasn't terribly surprised that his body was already prepared for his husband to claim.

Talos grasped Yon's legs and raised them, encouraging his lover to wrap them around his hips so that Talos could push inside and they could stay face to face.

Yon quickly obeyed, shifting just enough that he could wrap his legs around Talos, making it easy for his mate to enter. Want to be tied to you... he confessed.

I don't know if it will happen this time, Talos said. But if it does, I will not be unhappy.

Yon smiled at his husband, leaning up to kiss him. I know it might not. But... I can't help hoping. It helps me feel how much I belong to you. I like feeling that way.

Then I will hope the same and perhaps it will happen, Talos said, beginning to push inside his lover.

Yon let out a happy sigh as his husband entered into him. Even if it doesn't happen, I will enjoy feeling how much I belong to you for however long we can be joined...

I love you. Talos sent the emotion through the bond too, opening himself up so that Yon would feel how much he was loved. Even when we are not joined and even when I am not inside you, that will never cease to be true, he promised.

I love you too... so much. Yon brought his legs up slightly further so Talos could slide deeper; bring them closer together, so he could wrap his arms around his mate more tightly.

Talos wrapped his own arms tightly around Yon, kissing his mate deeply as he began to thrust inside.

Yon let out tiny moans and whimpers of satisfaction as he felt his lover sliding in him. So good....

You feel so good. Surrounding me. Holding me inside you. Talos gently squeezed Yon's hips as he began to thrust inside his mate.

Yon groaned softly at the words, turning his head slightly so his neck and ear were more exposed. Need you so much....

Talos kissed his husband's neck and began to gently scratch behind Yon's ear, his thrusts going that little bit deeper and that much harder.

Whimpering in contentment, Yon squeezed gently around Talos' member. Seconds later, he began to quietly purr at the scratching, his body softly vibrating under and around his mate.

Talos smiled at the sound, his pleasure at the purring carrying clearly through the bond. I always enjoy listening to you purr.

Yon smiled sweetly at Talos, leaning up and kissing his husband’s shoulder. I enjoy doing so, if only to see the joy in your and our daughters' faces... he admitted.

Kissing the side of Yon's head, Talos responded, It's a sign that you are happy and content and that is more than enough to make me happy.

I never thought I would be as happy and content as I am with our family. Yon smiled peacefully.

I am glad you are. Talos kissed him, continuing to scratch behind his ears, as he continued to move inside his husband.

Yon groaned more loudly as Talos stroked over his prostrate, his own member growing harder with each thrust.

Talos opened himself up fully through the bond, so that Yon could feel how much he was needed and loved.

Yon opened himself up just as fully, making certain Talos could feel how much he needed him and loved him back.

Talos began to thrust harder and deeper, his member growing inside Yon. He still continued to kiss his lover and scratch behind his ears, wanting to make his lover feel good.

Yon groaned again, the feeling of Talos moving and growing in him feeling wonderful to him. He was becoming more and more sensitive inside as his mate thrust and he couldn't help but lift and open his legs further in an attempt to let Talos in deeper, wanting to feel him filling him up completely.

Responding to the actions, Talos began to thrust deeper and harder, moving his other hand to Yon's waist and gripping tight.

"...Yours... completely and forever..." Yon gasped out, his voice needy and high pitched as he gasped in breath. He began to clench around Talos, almost desperate to hold the man inside of him, as his body began to tense up, close to release.

"Forever and always," Talos promised, tightening his hold on Yon as his release came over him.

Yon's release followed quickly on the heels of Talos', his body shaking under and around his mate.

Talos slumped on top of his husband, kissing the side of Yon's neck and holding him close.

Yon snuggled as close as possible, happy and contented.


Lyja sat next to Monica on their bed, arm wrapped around her wife's shoulders, nuzzling her head. I feel like there's something we should discuss, she sent through the bond.

Monica was snuggling close and nuzzling back nearly as much as Lyja. What about, Lyj?

Kissing her lover, Lyja responded, We're about to go back into space. We likely won't be able to get the same kind of supplies we can here on Terra. Is there anything you'd like us to take with us on the ship?

That... that depends... Monica thought uncertainly. I... I'd kinda like... well... being filled with something bigger than fingers... I... it'd be kinda nice sometimes... maybe.... She blushed darkly.

You can tell me anything, Lyja said. Or even picture it, if that would be easier.

Monica blushed again, then thought about a toy, a strap on that was definitely bigger than just fingers, but not enormous by any means. She wanted to be filled with a little bit of pressure possibly; not have so much that it could be painful. I... I know you said you could change your body, but... I don't know how I feel about that. I love you and don't want you to feel like you have to change your body to bring me pleasure.... If I'm not being confusing....

You're not, so don't worry, Lyja answered reassuringly, kissing Monica's cheek. We could get it tomorrow, along with any other supplies we think we might need, she suggested.

Monica smiled and kissed Lyja back. It won't bother you? Wearing one? If we get the right kind, I think it is supposed to be pleasurable for you too....

Lyja kissed her. I think we should try it out.

Thanks, love... are there any things you'd like to try? We can make sure to get them when we get the strap-on... Monica cuddled close.

I don't have anything specifically in mind, but I'm happy to try anything. Lyja hugged her close.

Monica nuzzled close. It doesn't bother you that I'd like to try that, does it? I mean... I don't want you to think you have to change to make me happy... but I also don't want you to think you aren't enough for me to be happy either....

It doesn't bother or upset me, Lyja promised. I'm more than willing to experiment. Especially if it makes you happy.

Monica grinned at that, leaning up and kissing Lyja soundly. Thank you, Lyj... I want you to be happy and have fun too, though. Are you sure there isn't something you've thought you might like, but just haven't brought it up because you think I won't? Something you'd like to try doing to me? Or have me do to you?

Lyja kissed back, sliding her hands over Monica's body. I've never really thought about experimenting, she admitted. At the back of my mind, I always remembered you and how I felt when we were together. You're the first and only one I've ever been with.

Monica blinked at that, pulling back to look into Lyja's eyes. You never... with anyone? A sense of awe and honor swept through the bond, along with the faintest hints of regret. I... I can't say the same... I can say that you will be my last and you are the most important.

I never would have expected you to wait, Lyja said honestly, meeting Monica's gaze and cupping her face in one hand. We made no promises to each other. But I felt a connection to you even then.

Monica gave a trembling smile and blinked back tears of happiness. "I love you..." she said out loud.

"I love you too." Lyja wrapped her arms around Monica in a tight hug, kissing her cheek and nuzzling her neck.

Monica wrapped her own arms around Lyja, holding on tightly and nuzzling wherever she could reach.

"I'm glad we're together now," Lyja whispered, before kissing her again.

"So am I..." Monica whispered. "I never would have believed it possible...."

"We have Papa and Dad to thank for this." Lyja smiled and gently pulled her wife onto her lap, hugging her close.

I will be certain to do so in the morning... Monica grinned and snuggled more.

Are you looking forward to our journey? Lyja asked. We will have a chance to see more of the galaxy together.

I am. Everyone important to me will be going... with the exception of Mom and Aunt Carol. And Aunt Carol has been gone so much... I worry about leaving Mama alone, but she says she is too settled and has too many people depending on her to leave Earth and she wants me to be happy... so... Monica sighed and held onto Lyja a little tighter.

We can come back for a visit, Lyja said. We can even invite her to visit with us. Of course, we would have to warn everyone else. Unless you don't think she'd mind witnessing the various stages of undress. A note of humor slipped through.

Momma is fairly open-minded, but not sure she'd feel comfortable with that. Monica grinned.

You're probably right, Lyja agreed.

She's happy for me. She wishes she could have seen you and Papa before we left, but maybe next time... Monica snuggled close.

We'll arrange it, Lyja promised. We'd both like to see her as well.

Monica nodded, nuzzling against her wife.


Finally, the day of their departure came. Everyone had said their goodbyes and made sure friends and family knew how to reach them if needed. They'd got all of their supplies and were as ready as they could be to go back into with several new couples along for the trip.