Chapter Four

Warning(s): Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU; sex in front of others
Pairing introduced in this chapter: T'Challa/Loki


Loki had hopped around, using the tesseract, for several years, visiting various dimensions. None of them ever truly felt right to him, though. They weren't his dimension. The problem was... well... were any of them really his dimension? He'd removed himself at a very specific point in time. As far as he was aware, without something to send him back in time, the only dimensions he would fit in were dimensions where he had escaped with the tesseract at that exact point in time. So he started hopping to dimensions where he'd escaped.

And nearly all of them were horrible.

This latest dimension he'd landed in, he'd ended up in what he believed was what the Midgardians referred to as Africa. The area he found himself was very technologically advanced but appeared to have undergone some type of war.

Frowning, he sighed. Dimension jumping took a lot out of him. But for some reason, this one had wiped him out more than usual. He knew his magic was there, but it was just out of reach. He was as without magic as the mortals, currently.

T'Challa had received a message from Okoye about the intruder in Wakanda. Choosing not to alert the rest of his people to the presence of a newcomer, at least until he ascertained whether this person was a threat, he only took Okoye to the area someone had abruptly appeared in.

Loki was grumbling to himself as he walked down the street. He'd managed to find some clothing hanging on a line that would fit him. He'd stick out due to his paleness, but at least he wouldn’t be obviously alien. Now, if only he could obtain some food and a safe place to rest until his magic replenished.

He continued walking, finally reaching what appeared to be the market district. Great. Now to steal some food. Maybe some coin or a weapon. Then to hide. The food was easy. He pretended to be choosing between apples or oranges and when the shop owner was occupied with another paying customer, he pocketed both. The knife was as easy as just brushing by the table housing them, letting it fall into his hand as he passed. The coin? He was working on now.

Up ahead, he saw a man and woman. She appeared to be a guard of some sort and he was well dressed, which meant he should have plenty of money to spare. They were talking to several people intently and it was but a matter of walking by, closely enough behind them that he could pick-pocket the man's wallet.

True, he could have gone after someone less guarded. But Loki liked a challenge.

T'Challa was on his guard; more so than usual. A lot had changed in five years and while a lot of those people who had been snapped away had returned, there were still problems to deal with. Still unhappy citizens of Wakanda, not to mention the rest of the world.

He knew immediately that someone was behind him, but he waited until he felt the brush of fingertips at his waist, going for his pouch. Turning in one swift movement, he grabbed the man's arm, raising his eyebrows. "You are not from Wakanda. How did you get through the barrier?"

Loki was honestly surprised he'd been detected. He was more surprised at the man's strength, as if he had some supernatural help. "I walked through... " he lied. "Are you a super soldier?" he asked curiously, using all of his Jotun strength to try and break free.

"Impossible," Okoye stated. "The barrier has not been broken through. I would have been alerted to any breach instantly."

"Okoye is right." T'Challa's grip on Loki's writ remained firm. "You could not have walked through the barrier. Are you alone?" He didn't see anyone else and suspected the other didn't have any companions, but he remained on guard even so.

Loki frowned at those words. He could claim to have used some piece of equipment to hide his presence, but they were very technologically advanced, and it wouldn't take much to prove that a lie. If he claimed to use magic to cloak his walking through, he may as well admit the truth. He tried again to remove his arm from T'Challa's grip.

"I need no companions..." he sneered, in an attempt to intimidate and gain the upper hand. "Unhand me, mortal..." He let his wrist change to his Jotun physiology, causing his skin to become icy, in the hope that it would startle the man into letting go. It was more of a struggle than he wanted to admit, keeping the icy blue skin from spreading over his entire body.

T'Challa only gripped tighter, nodding to Okoye. "As the intruder has been caught, we can return to the palace now." He showed no reaction to the changes in Loki's skin. After all, with everything he'd seen involving the Avengers, blue skin was fairly tame in comparison.

Loki frowned further, confusion clear in his eyes, as T'Challa led him in a direction he could only assume was the castle. The infuriating man wasn't phased in the least by the cold of his skin. Pushing his heritage down again, he returned his arm to his preferred form.

Okoye walked alongside T'Challa and his captive, her eyes never leaving the other man. It was clear she was on her guard.

Loki was becoming nervous. Until his magic returned, he was stuck in this place. He hadn't planned on becoming captured. He'd been careless. Worse, he obviously was too worn to fight free. That had to be the only explanation. "You can release me. I meant no harm to anyone. I will leave as soon as I am able," he cajoled.

"Why did you come? Why sneak around and steal instead of asking for aid if you did not intend to cause harm?" Okoye asked.

T'Challa frowned at her. "There is no need to badger him with questions." As they entered the palace, he added to Loki, "But explaining things will go a long way towards gaining you good will."

Loki blinked at Okoye's question, an almost sheepish look on his face. He answered her, even though the answer was embarrassing. "I... I did not think of doing that. I normally do not arrive in places that would provide help...."

"Where are you from?" T'Challa asked, figuring it was a safe enough question. And if he was on the run from someone, it was better they know about it now.

Loki didn't know what possessed him to tell the truth, of all things. Well, maybe he did. After all, sometimes the truth was more unbelievable than a lie, so if he told the truth and they didn't believe him, any lie he told after would most likely be believed. "From Asgard, actually. My father won't be happy you are arresting me." Of course, Odin would be angrier at him, but they didn't need to know that.

"From Asgard?" T'Challa's voice was very careful. The other man didn't speak as if he knew Asgard had been destroyed. While it was unlikely he'd be unaware, it wasn't impossible; and T'Challa prepared himself to tell the man the bad news.

"Yes. Asgard. I am Loki... and had I truly meant harm or mischief, my sneaking would have been the least of your worries..." he added, in the hope that he'd startle them enough he'd be able to break free.

"Thor's brother, Loki?" Okoye asked.

T'Challa didn't let go of Loki's arm, but his touch became gentler, almost comforting. "Do you know what has become of Asgard?" he asked softly, taking a step nearer to the other man, almost unconsciously.

Loki grimaced at Okoye's question. "No longer brothers... I am certain he hates me now... but yes. That Loki." He turned toward T'Challa, confusion clear. "What do you mean? What would have become of it?" In all the dimensions he visited, none had anything bad happen to Asgard. Logically, he knew that there most likely were dimensions where bad had occurred, but still.

"Asgard is no more." T'Challa gently gripped Loki's other arm as well, his voice low and compassionate. "It was destroyed. Many of its people fled here, to Earth, your brother among them. They built a new home."

Loki's pale skin paled further and he staggered at the news. The increasing weariness he'd been deliberately ignoring seemed to overtake him completely all at once. That was what it had to be, because he suddenly felt himself slipping hopelessly to the ground. "G... gone? Father? Mother?" he found himself asking faintly. The man had mentioned Thor escaping with some of the people. But what about his mother?

T'Challa immediately wrapped his arms tighter around Loki, speaking to Okoye. "I will take him to my room. Please have someone bring him something more substantial to eat." Waiting for her nod of acknowledgement, he lifted Loki, supporting the Asgardian's weight, and led him to his room.

Loki let himself be led, almost blindly, since tears were pouring from his eyes. "I can't stay here. Not when everyone is gone. Even if I could never see them, at least in the other dimensions, they still lived..." he whispered mournfully. He pulled the tesseract from under his clothing, along with his scepter. It was obvious he was going to attempt to use them.

"You are exhausted," T'Challa said gently. "Before you attempt any travelling, you must eat and rest." He led Loki inside his room and closed the door behind them.

"No... I can't..." Loki shook his head and tried to gather his flagging strength...what little magic he had left.

T'Challa frowned and took the objects from his hands. "If you try to leave now, you will harm yourself. And while I have not met you before now, I know of your importance to Thor. You will not attempt to use any of your abilities until you have recovered."

Loki grasped after the staff and Tesseract, protesting, "You have no right to order me!"

"You are in Wakanda. My kingdom." Setting the objects down, T'Challa turned Loki slightly to the side and swatted him. "You will eat, and you will rest. Otherwise I will not stop at just one."

Loki's eyes widened comically. "I am a prince! You have no right!" he yelped as he attempted to pull free, eyes darting toward where T'Challa set his 'escape plan'.

"And I am a king," T'Challa replied evenly. "You are in my kingdom. Wakanda. I will give you another chance to settle into obedience. You are tired and grieving, much the same as many others across this world."

"I don't wish to stay here! Let me leave and I will rest and eat when I am no longer in a world where Asgard and my parents are gone!" He didn't even realize he was including Odin as one whom he grieved. It was impossible to deny his family with them dead.

"You cannot leave while you are in this state. If you don't kill yourself, you will do possibly irreversible damage." T'Challa moved towards the bed, tugging Loki behind him. Sitting down, he drew the Asgardian across his lap.

"No! What are you doing?" Loki began to struggle, but it was feeble at best. T'Challa was right that he needed food and rest. He was weak. And becoming weaker by the second. He couldn't give in and obey, though. He wasn't certain why. It would surely make things easier for him if he did.

T'Challa delivered a firm swat to the seat of Loki's pants and then wrapped his arm around the Asgardian's waist, pulling Loki tight against his stomach, before baring him.

Loki had stilled at the second swat, shocked that the man had smacked him, again. As soon as he felt the air on his backside, though, he began to struggle anew. "No! You can't! You have no right!" His voice was frantic and a little scared.

"And you do not have the right to put yourself at risk." T'Challa began to swat in time with his words. "You are exhausted. About ready to collapse. I suspect you have not been eating properly if at all. You will eat. And you will rest." He tightened his hold on the Asgardian.

"You... you didn't find fault with my stealing? Or lying? But you find fault with my not wishing to wait to leave?!" Loki protested, before realizing he might not want to remind the man of those two facts.

"You should not have lied," T'Challa replied. He completed a second circuit of swats and began a third, going a bit harder and faster. "As for stealing...I know you stole food. That you have been hungry. That is not a crime I am as concerned with."

"I stole clothing and a knife and tried to steal from you as well." Loki winced as he found himself confessing; not entirely sure why he felt the need to come clean, but he did feel that need. He began to shift as the swats landed harder and faster. His backside was burning... aching by this point... and the tears he'd begun crying at hearing the news of Asgard began to fall faster and harder.

"There will be no more need to steal from me or my people from now on," T'Challa said seriously, focusing more swats to Loki's sit spots and thighs. "What you need will be given freely."

"You... why aren't you angry?" Loki's voice caught as his sit spots began to burn like the rest of his bottom. He wasn't sure why, but his backside wasn’t the only part of him feeling warm. His belly was feeling warm and a bit unsettled. He'd not felt like this before with anyone outside of his family; when he'd done something wrong and he'd disappointed them, but they were showing care and concern for him. Did he feel this way because T'Challa was showing care for him? Or because he felt guilty for what he'd done to the king?

"You are here because you need help," T'Challa replied. "I could not be angry with someone who is hurt and grieving. I will make sure that what happens is the best for you. That you rest and eat. That you heal."

Loki kicked his legs out, almost absent mindedly, in response to the burning ache. "Why?" he finally choked out, as he gave up trying to control the tears and began to vocally cry. He was still feebly struggling.

"Because that's what you need," T'Challa said. "Not censure or anger. You need patience and understanding." He paused, letting his hand rub gently over Loki's backside. "You're not a monster." Loki would know he'd seen the blue skin. T'Challa wanted to make it clear he didn't view the Asgardian negatively because of it.

"I am... Do you not know what I've done? What I'm capable of?" He whimpered as T'Challa began rubbing his sore bottom. His kicking and squirming slowed and then stopped at the gentleness.

"There are others who have done things. Made mistakes. Caused the deaths of innocent people." Still rubbing Loki's backside, T'Challa continued, "You deserve to be forgiven as much as they do."

Loki swallowed back a sob, quivering as he tried in vain to regain control over his crying. He shifted, wincing slightly. "Some would not agree with you."

"Perhaps not. But those people are not here now," T'Challa said. "It is only me and you here."

"A... and you... you believe you can say you forgive me and that is enough?" Loki sobbed and began squirming anew.

T'Challa delivered a few more smacks, not hard - more like firm pats - and then said firmly, "It is time you stopped fighting me. Time for you to surrender."

Loki heard the words and felt that warmth in his belly again. As the sting reignited, he kicked out one last feeble kick, then... slowly slumped over T'Challa's knee in surrender. "I'll obey you, sir..." he said, in a tiny, almost questioning tone, before just crying, limp and submissive.

Rubbing Loki's backside a little bit longer, T'Challa then carefully drew the Asgardian into his arms, cuddling him close and tight on his lap.

Loki hadn't expected to be held after. He thought maybe he should have expected it; after all, the king had been showing care and concern since finding him. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around T'Challa's waist and put his head on the other man's shoulder, his crying easing with the affection. The fact he was bare from the waist down didn't phase him at all; he just wanted to be held.

T'Challa hugged Loki tightly, letting his fingers run gently through the other man's hair. "You're safe," he murmured in Loki's ear. "I know things have been difficult, but they will get better."

"You... you don't even know what happened. What I've done. I don't know what's happened here..." Loki said, in a small voice, nuzzling against T'Challa, feeling a need to be affectionate along with submitting.

"Between us, you mean?" T'Challa hugged him a bit tighter. "I believe I've just claimed you and you've submitted. As I said, you aren't the only one to make mistakes."

Loki smiled at that. "No, sir... what's happened here on Midgard. I... I came from another dimension..." he whispered, knowing there would be questions. "But... I like that you've claimed me. It feels good. Feels like I needed to submit...."

T'Challa nodded, continuing to stroke Loki's hair. He began to explain to the other man what had happened; at least as far as he knew it, given he'd been gone for the whole five years.

Loki bit his lip and explained what had occurred from his end. "I feel badly now...that I stole the tesseract and scepter... knowing now how it was needed to defeat Thanos. And it is a bit frightening, realizing that I should by rights be dead...." he whispered, snuggling closer yet.

"You are not. And I believe you were harmed by Thanos even before he took everyone away." T'Challa stroked his cheek. "I cannot imagine you were treated kindly by him even while you were supposed allies."

"I... I was a fool and a coward. He offered me everything I thought I wanted in exchange for helping him. Even when I woke up and realized how wrong I was, I stabbed Thor and kept going because I was afraid of Thanos more than my brother and his friends." He looked up sadly. "I hurt Thor badly. You say he forgave me, though... or seemed to...."

"He has mourned your loss more than the Asgardians killed by Thanos," T'Challa said softly. "To him, you are still his brother. He would be happy that you have returned."

"Even if I'm an earlier... more bad... version of his brother?" Loki asked softly.

"Not bad," T'Challa disagreed. "In need of guidance and discipline, yes. But also in need of care and love."

"Like a naughty child..." Loki huffed, hiding his face against T'Challa's neck.

T'Challa gently squeezed the nape of his neck. "You need someone to belong to."

"There is no one left alive, other than my brother, who would want me. T'would be better for everyone if I continued to jump through dimensions, alone..." Loki said sadly.

"Do you not believe I want you?" T'Challa asked softly.

Loki looked up at that, searching T'challas face. "You want me? Even after learning how bad I am?" He swallowed. "I... I thought you would send me away as soon as you made certain I was okay."

"I told you. You are not bad." T'Challa cupped his cheek. "And I would not send you away. In fact, unless you are truly unhappy here with me, I plan to keep you."

"Like a pet?" Loki's smile was hesitantly teasing. "Your pet Monster...."

"My lover. My mate. Not a monster," T'Challa said firmly.

"Even though I am bad, you do not view me as a monster? You want to breed with me?" Loki's eyes widened hopefully.

"I want you." T'Challa let his hands slide up under Loki's shirt, touching bare skin. "You are not a monster. And you are not bad. The actions you have taken have ultimately led you here. To me."

Loki shivered as T'Challa touched him. His pants and under clothing was pooled at his ankles. His shirt was rucking up over T'Challa's hand. "You want to touch me?" He paused. "You want to take me? Claim me?... Own me?" He licked his lips and flushed as he found himself becoming aroused at the thought of the king owning him.

"All of those things." T'Challa kissed the side of his neck, pulling the shirt free. "Take care of you. Love you."

Loki shivered. "Even though I am bad? You just met me. I do not understand how you can want me like that..." he admitted.

"I feel a connection to you." T'Challa stripped Loki of the rest of his clothes and glanced up as there was a knock on the door. "The food is here. I will feed you and then deal with what you keep calling yourself."

Loki blinked in confusion at the comment but didn't say anything. Instead, he waited uncertainly, not sure what he was meant to do next.

T'Challa helped Loki to stand and then moved to the door, opening it enough to get the tray. He set the tray down on the bed and then settled Loki on his lap once more, starting to feed the other man.

Loki blinked again, hesitantly eating what he was fed. The king truly did mean to take care of him. He wasn't a child (and in fact was likely much older than the man currently cuddling him), but he found he liked being held and fed. It made him feel young... and cared for. "Thank you, Sir," he whispered, after a bite of food.

Kissing him gently, T'Challa murmured, "I'll always take care of you." He caressed down Loki's back before resuming feeding him.

Loki relaxed as he realized Tchalla meant every word. He continued to eat what he was given, quietly thinking about what he was being offered. He wouldn't have to keep dimension hopping. He wouldn't have to be alone. Hesitantly, he offered, "I can change into any form you want...."

"I want you to be in whatever form you prefer. Whatever makes you happy." T'Challa wrapped his arm tighter around Loki's waist. "It doesn't matter to me. No form you wear would ever shock me."

"I... I am most comfortable with this form... but I can change to a woman if you ever wish... if you decide you do wish to breed me, it is possible..." Loki offered.

"If that's something we want. We'll discuss it and make sure both of us are happy with that," T'Challa promised.

"You really do mean to keep me..." Loki breathed out softly.

T'Challa nodded. "Not just here in Wakanda. Not much would make me happier than taking you with me to visit your brother and his partner."

"You would not be ashamed of me?" Loki asked. It was obvious he was still thinking in terms of him being a monster, and bad.

"Never," T'Challa promised. "You have already met one of the people important to me here, Okoye. Later, I would like you to meet my sister and my mother. Once you have rested."

"...I... what am I to call you, sir?" Loki asked quietly. "I do not want to be bad and call you something you do not like...."

T'Challa shook his head and sighed. "We're going to do something about you keeping on referring to yourself as bad. My name is T'Challa, but you may use whatever name you feel most comfortable with."

"T'Challa..." Loki smiled as he said the name. He couldn't see it in himself, but years of being separated from other beings had changed him. He had given up the plans for world domination. Stripping down his plans and wishes to bare bones and all he had really wanted was to belong. To feel like he was important and mattered. He was being offered that now. A sad look crossed his face at the introspection. He'd had that before but let misunderstanding and jealousy overwhelm him. "It is hard to not call myself bad when that is what I know myself to be. Everyone on Asgard realized it. About the only ones blind to it were Thor and Mother...."

Brushing a gentle kiss across Loki's lips, T'Challa murmured, "If they all considered you bad, then they must not have even attempted to see the real you. Even when you took things after arriving here, it was because you needed. Not for the sake of stealing."

Loki blinked back tears at the gentleness and understanding. "Even though I could have asked for help? Instead of sneaking?"

"You could have asked, but you were in a strange place," T'Challa said. "No real way of knowing the people here and how they would have responded."

"You do not find fault with my actions? You are not angry that I was bad? Truly?" Loki asked hesitantly, pressing close to the king. He'd stopped noticing his lack of clothing and had determinedly ignored his body's reactions to what T'Challa did. His bottom was still sore, though, due to his stubbornness in submitting; still dark pink, showing T'Challa's claim over him.

He still was unable to think of himself as anything but bad. Monsters were bad. Jotun were monsters. He was Jotun. Ergo, he was bad. It wasn't defiance. It was ingrained habit.

T'Challa slid his hand down Loki's back, gently squeezing and rubbing, before pressing a kiss to his lips. "Kneel between my legs," he ordered.

Loki hesitated, considering what he was being ordered to do, but only for a second. Sliding off of T'Challa's lap and onto his own knees, he shifted until he was nestled between the king's knees, looking up at T'Challa. "Do you wish me to please you, sire?" he asked, in a hesitant voice. It had been a long time since he'd been in this position and he didn't want to make a mistake... upset the one he'd rapidly accepted as his master.

T'Challa stroked Loki's cheek, cupping the other man's face in his hands. "I want you to say you are not bad."

Loki blinked at that, looking down uncertainly. "I am not bad..." he rattled off quickly, obviously just doing so because he was told to, but not giving the words thought.

"Say it again. Look at me." T'Challa's hands slid over Loki's shoulders and down his chest, squeezing and caressing.

Loki forced himself to look up into T'Challa's face. Shivering at the gentle squeezing, he swallowed and repeated, "I am not bad..." It was a hesitant whisper and he blushed. It was obvious he didn't believe it, but it was just as obvious he wanted to make T'Challa happy.

T'Challa stroked and squeezed down Loki's hips, keeping eye contact with the other man. "Keep saying it."

"I..." Loki's voice caught as his gaze was captured by T'Challa's, the other man's possessive affection warming his body. "I am not bad..." Still hesitant and disbelieving, with a hint of confusion joining in.

T'Challa's hands slid round behind Loki, ghosting over his backside and up his spine. "Again."

Loki whimpered at the more intimate touch and swallowed. "I am not bad." His voice was shaky. Less confused as he realized what his master was attempting.

"Keep saying it," T'Challa encouraged, moving his hands back down and giving Loki's backside a gentle, though possessive squeeze.

Loki whined softly, flushing as the possessive squeezing caused him to spring to arousal. "I... I am not bad..." His voice was shaky but clear. It was becoming easier to say, even if it might take longer for him to believe it; although it was becoming easier to believe with Tchalla touching him. A good man and king, such as T'Challa, wouldn't touch him if he was truly very bad. Maybe, even if he was bad, it was more a naughty sort of bad than evil bad.

Still squeezing possessively, T'Challa leaned forward and kissed Loki's neck, first one side and then the other. "Continue," he murmured, before kissing each shoulder.

"I am not bad..." Loki said, a bit more readily, sighing as he was kissed. "...I am not bad..." he said again, finally realizing that T'Challa was going to keep him repeating the words as he claimed him.

Giving his backside another gentle squeeze in encouragement, T'Challa kissed down Loki's chest and then along each of his arms.

Groaning softly, Loki continued, arching his back into the kisses, "I am not bad... I am not bad... I am not bad..." It was almost becoming a mantra, Loki saying the words in time with the kisses and squeezing.

T'Challa gently pulled Loki back up into his arms, settling the other man on the bed. Directing Loki to continue, he began to explore the other man's body with hands and lips.

Swallowing hard and unable to keep from squirming in an attempt to be open and vulnerable to the other man, Loki continued saying, "I am not bad..." His voice was breathy and increasingly needy, as he obeyed his master.

Pushing Loki's legs apart, T'Challa began to press kisses along the inner thighs, gently squeezing along the same path his lips took.

Loki's breath caught and he stuttered, "I... I... I... am... am... am n..n..not bad!" And then his hips bucked slightly and he moaned softly with need.

After kissing and caressing along the entire front of Loki's body, T'Challa turned the other man over to begin doing the same to his entire back side.

Loki tried to hold still as TChalla kissed and caressed, but it was difficult. His words of, "I am not bad..." became increasingly more strained and needy as Tchalla claimed him, his arousal growing until it was painful.

T'Challa reached out for one of the bottles of lotion he kept next to his bed. Kissing Loki's shoulder, he coated a finger and pushed it carefully inside the other man.

Loki immediately clenched around T'Challa's finger and pushed back, opening his legs wider in the hope that it would lead to deeper claiming. "I am not bad..." His voice was high pitched and nearly a wail. He wanted to beg. Wanted to ask for deeper, harder. More; but he wanted to obey more. So, he continued to chant the words Tchalla had ordered from him, keeping in time with the movement of his master's finger.

T'Challa explored for a few moments before he coated a second finger and pushed that inside Loki. At the same time, he pressed a trail of kisses along the other man's back, down his spine.

Loki quivered, tiny little moans of need escaping. He continued the words he'd been directed to say. He didn't necessarily believe them, but the disbelief had ended. He obviously felt good.

Carefully withdrawing his fingers, T'Challa tugged his own pants down and coated his member with the lotion before pushing inside the other man.

"...Master..." Loki groaned, feeling himself stretch around the other man, clenching without thought, his body trying to draw the king deeper inside. He lost the thread of what he'd been saying, only able to focus on how good T'Challa felt inside of him, how much he wanted to belong to the other man.

T'Challa began to thrust inside Loki, pressing a firm kiss to the back of his neck. "You are mine. I claim you," he whispered in the other man's ear.

"Yours... only and forever yours..." Loki babbled giddily, the feeling of complete belonging warming him and easing the loneliness he'd felt for entirely too long.

"You will never be alone again," T'Challa promised. "I won't let you be."

"I... be... long... to... you..." Loki gasped out, the words timed with T'Challa's thrusts. He widened his legs and pushed back onto his master, groaning as the other man went deeper from the new position.

"You are mine." T'Challa said the words in a low, intense voice, thrusting harder and faster, his release getting close.

"I am yours..." Loki nearly wailed as his body stiffened and clenched around T'Challa before he shuddered and spilled his release onto the sheets. He lost track of everything, only able to focus on T'Challa buried in him, rubbing his inner walls, claiming every part of him, including his heart.

T'Challa's own release came over him at nearly the same time and he slumped over Loki's body, kissing the other man's shoulder and embracing him tightly. "I love you."

"And I you..." Loki choked out, his voice wrecked. "And... I... I am not bad..." He sounded as if he might actually believe the words. T'Challa was a good man. And he wouldn't want a monster... a bad man. Loki believed that. "I am not bad, but... I am often naughty..." He gave T'Challa a tiny, mischievous smile over his shoulder and wiggled his bottom to feel the other man still filling him.

"I believe that." T'Challa's voice was gentle; warmed through with love and affection. He let his hands rest on Loki's hips, squeezing them possessively. "But I also believe I can handle your naughtiness."

"I am trusting you will," Loki said quietly, finally relaxing into the bed. As soon as he'd settled, he made a face of mild disgust. "I soiled your sheets..." he admitted sheepishly.

"They will wash." T'Challa shifted them only enough that neither lay in the stain. He remained buried inside Loki, gently tangling his fingers in the other man's hair.

"I... I no longer wish to leave. I do not know if this would have been my original dimension or not... but I feel that I belong here..." He snuggled back against T'Challa and sighed happily that the man hadn't separated from him yet. "I will not attempt to get the tesseract or my scepter from you again. They are yours to do with as you will... just as I am."

T'Challa kissed the side of Loki's neck. "This is your home. Your home is with me. You belong with me and to me." He squeezed the other man's hips again. "Your brother will be easy to visit, though he may not look quite like you remember him."

Loki gave T'Challa a confused look over his shoulder. "Surely he can't have changed that much. We are long lived... unless he lost a limb..." He swallowed hard, a stab of worry shooting through him. "He did not lose a limb. Did he?"

"He lost an eye. Though he received another one, it is not the same," T'Challa answered. "I was one of those gone during the five years, so I don't know exactly what happened, but his physique has changed somewhat." Kissing Loki's neck, he added, "We can call him. There's advanced technology here and I left some of that with each of the Avengers. It will allow you and your brother to see each other."

"Do you think he will want to see me? We were not on good terms when I began dimension hopping...." Loki sounded hopeful. He slanted his head so T'Challa could kiss and bite easier. He wanted everyone to know he'd been claimed.

"He will," T'Challa promised. "Seeing you will make him happy. I know that for a fact." He pressed kisses to Loki's neck.

"Seeing him would make me happy as well, master...." Loki sighed in contentment at the kisses, snuggling back some more. "Thank you for claiming me, master..." he whispered. "It was sudden. And unexpected, but I have not felt this safe and happy in too long. And you feel so good inside me..." He clenched around T'Challa and sighed again.

"Being inside you feels good." T'Challa wrapped his arms tightly around Loki. "You are safe here, with me. When you are ready, we can call Thor. You may sit on my lap if that would make you feel more comfortable."

"Could I sit on your lap with you in me?" Loki asked impishly.

T'Challa laughed softly at that. "I'm sure we can do that."

Loki smiled. "I must seem very wanton, but... having you in me helps everything feel real. Makes you owning me, being my master, my lover... real. Not a dream in my lonely imagination..." he whispered sheepishly.

"You have been alone for far too long." T'Challa kissed the back of his head. "Staying inside you is an easy request to fulfil. If you would like, we can call him now."

"Yes please!" Loki begged eagerly.

It took only a few moments for T'Challa to get them settled, draping a blanket over Loki to cover his nakedness. He then made the call.

Only seconds later, Thor was speaking, but there was no image. "Hello? T'Challa?" His voice seemed to 'wander' away a little as he asked, "Peter? There is no image showing."

"Hold on a sec, Big Guy..." Peter's voice started out faint but rapidly grew closer. It was happy and full of fondness. Soon, a screen was popping up, a naked, pale backside walking away quickly enough that Thor's face could be seen soon after.

Loki nearly choked on his surprise. That backside was decidedly male; and therefore, not Jane Foster. He made a mental note to ask about that later. Much later. He had a reunion to attend to, after all. "Thor..." he breathed out; and then found himself at loss for words.

Thor's own eyes widened, and it looked, for a moment or two, like he was lost for words. "Loki?" He reached out a hand, as if trying to touch his brother through the image. "How is this possible? I saw you die."

T'Challa tightened his arms around Loki as a show of silent support.

"I..." Loki faltered, before taking a deep breath. "From what I understand..." He paused again, wrinkling his nose. "What did Stark and the captain tell you about their trip in time to gather the tesseract and the mind stone?" He finally decided it would be easier to explain if he knew how much Thor knew.

"Something went wrong and they had to go further back than they originally intended," Thor answered. "There wasn't time for more details, and I was in Asgard at that time."

Loki actually blushed. "I was what went wrong, brother," he admitted, not noticing he'd just acknowledged their relationship. Many years alone had helped him remember how much he'd loved his brother. "There was an issue with their Hulk. And the captain apparently ran into himself. The end result was the tesseract and my scepter both falling within my grasp. And then somehow the man of iron's heart stopped, and you were needed to jump start it and while everyone was distracted, I grabbed both items and... jumped dimensions. I jumped to this dimension today...." His voice trailed off and he swallowed again.

"I do not know if I am your Loki or not, but for the first time since I began jumping through the dimensions, I feel like I am home..." he added, in a whisper.

Peter came back into view, wearing boxer shorts this time. And set next to Thor, wrapping an arm around the larger man and kissing his shoulder in a show of support. He whispered, "Would you like me to call Wong, Drottinn? He could open a portal so they can come in person...."

Thor nodded to Peter, wrapping his arm around the other man and hugging him close. He spoke to Loki. "You are my Loki. You are my brother," he insisted. "I grieved you bitterly. I thought I had lost you forever. When Thanos attacked...." He swallowed, a pained look coming over his face. "I am more glad to see you than I could ever put into words," he finished, before adding, "We have a friend who can open portals. It would be good if you...if both of you...would come here." He glanced at T'Challa.

"I'd meant to come and visit anyway." T'Challa had made sure to check in often, but it had taken a while for things to calm down fully.

Peter waved at T'Challa before kissing Thor again, this time on the cheek, before pulling out a phone and dialing. He spoke softly so as not to disturb them talking.

Loki blinked back tears that Thor so easily accepted him. Then again, his brother always had. "I have missed you, brother...."

Thor didn't take his eyes off Loki, as if scared that by doing so, he'd lose his brother. That Loki would disappear. "I am so happy you are here," he whispered. "I gave up any hope of seeing you again."

"I am happy as well, brother..." Loki swallowed hard, close to tears.

"Wong said he would come over in fifteen minutes. Said he wanted to give me time to get dressed..." Peter looked sheepish. "I told him to bring the tome and a flask, just in case..."he whispered loudly to Thor, giving side-eye toward T'Challa. "So, if you all are ready in fifteen minutes, he'll open a portal to here...." He turned to face the camera.

"I will see you in fifteen minutes, brother." Thor's smile was truly dazzling. "I am happy you have found someone."

T'Challa smiled and kissed Loki's cheek, hugging a bit tighter.

"I am happy for you as well." Loki eyed Peter before smiling back just as brightly. He snuggled back into T'Challa, squeezing tightly around his member.

Peter nuzzled against Thor's neck.

Thor pulled Peter onto his lap, kissing him deeply and snuggling close.

T'Challa stroked his hands under the blanket, so that he could get to the bare skin of Loki's chest, before reaching down to retrieve the other man's clothes.

"We will see you soon," Loki breathed out, waiting until the connection closed before shifting in T'Challa's arms to deeply kiss the other man.

T'Challa kissed Loki just as deeply in return, pushing the blanket out of the way for better access to bare skin.

Loki moaned happily, opening his arms and legs so T'Challa could take what he wanted quickly.

T'Challa caressed Loki's back, squeezing down over his hips. He kissed hard and deep, letting his tongue slip into the other man's mouth.

Loki opened his mouth for his master, returning the kiss eagerly. He was already aroused. "Is there time, master?" he gasped.

"Just enough." T'Challa wrapped his arms around Loki's waist, shifting the other man closer, feeling his own member responding and swelling.

Loki moaned with need, opening up further. "Please, Master... take me hard and deep... I need you in me so bad..." He whimpered.

T'Challa moved them onto the bed once more, settling them comfortably before beginning to thrust deeper and harder inside Loki.

"Master... yes... just like.. please, sir... " Loki gasped and moaned, wrapping his legs tightly around T'Challa's waist before leaning up to kiss his master deeply.

Gripping Loki's hips, T'Challa kissed him hard and deeply, going harder and faster. "I love you," he murmured against Loki's lips.

"I... l... love... love you!" Loki gasped, before spasming and coating both of their chests with his seed, clenching tightly around his master's member.

T'Challa's own release followed moments later and he kissed Loki deeply before saying, reluctantly, "I should get us both cleaned up before dressing you."

"Yessir... but... I would not mind if anyone saw how you owned me... " he admitted bashfully. "If you wished that to happen."

"In what way would you like to make it obvious?" T'Challa asked.

"Any way that you are willing, sir. I would stay naked and collared at your side, if that's what you asked..." Loki said honestly.

Just then, a throat cleared. Wong stood at a now open portal, carefully looking the other way. "Forgive me for listening in, but I couldn't help but overhear. I may have an option that will appeal to both of you."

T'Challa moved carefully, just enough to make sure their private parts weren't visible, before asking, "What do you have in mind?"

Wong remained facing the other way, waiting until he was told it was safe to turn around. While he waited for that permission, he explained about the bond and the spell to form it. "Each pair that has formed the bond, so far, has their own unique mark that shows up on their hands. Your brother and Peter have one...." He finished explaining.

After cleaning them both up, dressing Loki once more and fixing his own clothes, T'Challa indicated Wong could turn around. He then looked at Loki. "That is an idea I believe I could get behind."

Wong turned around. "All four couples who performed the spell have been happy with it so far. It did require a bit of trust to be placed on the one performing the spell." He explained what was needed, including the fact he'd be an observer through the whole process.

Loki looked into T'challa's eyes. "A lack of privacy won’t bother me so much, if you still think it is a good idea." He couldn’t help but sound hopeful.

"I would like to be bound to you. I can see no disadvantage in experiencing each others' emotions." T'Challa stroked Loki's cheek.

"I can see only benefit to myself bonding to you. My master..." Loki agreed.

"Do you wish to proceed now? Before stepping through the portal? Or wait till you are over here...?" Wong asked.

"Perhaps it would be better to wait." Gazing into Loki's eyes, T'Challa explained, "I have taken you twice already and you have climaxed twice already. To do so twice more will leave you uncomfortable at least and will likely hurt. I would rather it be as pleasurable as possible for both of us."

Loki blinked before smiling shyly. His mate was putting his needs first. He relaxed, knowing he'd.made the right decision to put his life into T'Challa's hands. "I will do as you say, my King..." he whispered, voice full of gratitude and awe.

T'Challa smiled, wrapping his arms tightly around Loki and kissing him before turning his lover towards Wong so they could step through the portal.

Giving T'Challa an adoring grin, then nodding and smiling at Wong, Loki stepped through the portal.

Wong waited until the king had stepped through as well, before following and closing the portal behind him.

T'Challa looked around the room they found themselves in, noting that Thor and Peter were there; although Peter was obviously dressed.

Thor stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Loki in a tight hug.

Peter grinned crookedly at T'Challa. "So... we going to be bros-in-law?" he asked impishly.

Loki hugged Thor back as tightly as he could.

"As these bonds seem akin to marriage, it appears so," T'Challa answered.

Thor hugged Loki a bit tighter to himself. "Have you eaten? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" His hands ran over his brother's body, as if checking for any wounds he couldn't see with his own eyes.

Peter grinned. "Cool!"

Loki hugged back just as tightly, holding onto Thor. "I am sorry, brother. For the rift I caused. I do not know if the other version of me repented for his folly, but I am sorry."

Thor shook his head, kissing the top of his brother's head. "I am sorry that you felt so undervalued. That you felt unimportant. You have always been important to me, brother. I love you."

"I love you too... and now... I won't be leaving anymore... " he promised. Not just because of T'Challa, either. Even if the king decided he didn't want Loki (and Loki was certain that wouldn't happen), he'd still stay for Thor. "You... you forgive me?" he asked quietly, thinking he deserved for Thor to be upset with him. The last time he'd seen his brother, Thor was taking him to be punished. He'd never actually received that punishment.

"I forgave you long ago, Loki." Thor cuddled him tightly. "I mourned your loss. I am so very glad I no longer need to do so."

"I am so grateful I found my way back to you..." Loki whispered. "I regret ever leaving... even if it has turned out well for me..." He smiled at T'Challa from his position of being held tight, his face smooshed against Thor's chest.

T'Challa smiled at Loki, reaching out to gently squeeze his shoulder.

"I cannot regret you leaving," Thor said honestly. "I would not be able to hold you now if you hadn't."

Loki sighed softly and snuggled close to his brother. "I had been afraid you would hate me after what I did to you. I... I should never have fought you. I certainly should not have stabbed you. I'm so sorry for that, brother...."

Peter's eyes widened at hearing Loki had stabbed Thor. But he refrained from saying anything.

"Hating you is impossible, brother," Thor said seriously. "You have never stopped being my brother. No matter what has happened. When I saw you...I thought I'd hoped and wished so hard, my mind was showing me the image I'd longed for."

Loki smiled at that. "I am where I belong now, brother. No more wishing."

"Exactly where you belong." Thor glanced at T'Challa before adding, "And with who you belong with as well, I see."

Loki blushed. "I would not have been one to believe in love at first sight... but yes. I have met the one I belong with." His voice was fond. It became softer as he continued, "Belong to."

"I have done the same. Peter is my mate and my beloved." Thor held out a hand to Peter, to indicate his lover could come over and introduce himself.

Peter moved into the safety of Thor's arm and gave Loki a nervous smile. He wanted Thor's brother to like him.

Loki smiled, holding his hand out to T'Challa, reluctant to move far away from his brother, but wanting his mate close. "Well met, Peter. Have both of you met King T'Challa?" He wasn’t certain if he needed to introduce them or not.

"Oh, yes... we've met!" Peter grinned.

T'Challa slipped his hand into Loki's, stepping close enough to allow his side to brush against his lover's. "We have met and fought alongside each other."

Thor looked at T'Challa's and Loki's hands, clasped together, and then at T'Challa's face. "I do not have to tell you that if you hurt him, I will hunt you down and repay any suffering he undergoes threefold, do I?" he asked blandly.

"You are fortunate Okoye did not accompany us," T'Challa answered. "She would not take too kindly to a threat, even if your concern is understandable."

Loki blushed, but the look he was giving Peter made the same promise Thor had just made to T'Challa.

Peter held up his hands placatingly. "If I ever hurt my Drottinn, I'll put my throat into your hands...."

"I am certain no one has any intention of harming anyone else." T'Challa wrapped his arm possessively around Loki's waist.

Thor kissed Peter's cheek before saying to Loki, "I would like the opportunity to show you New Asgard soon. It is different to what was once our home, but the people have settled in and are happy."

"Who... who is left, brother?" Loki asked hesitantly.

"Half of the population," Thor said quietly. "Thanos attacked while we were fleeing Asgard. One of the Valkyrie survived and lives there."

"Only half survived? Even when Stark undid Thanos's actions?" Loki was confused. Hadn't everyone returned when Stark snapped his fingers?

"They were killed before Thanos got the infinity stones," Thor answered soberly. Included in that number had been Loki. He gripped his brother a bit tighter at that memory.

Loki swallowed hard. "I... I am sorry you went through that, brother. You should not have had to face it alone."

"I am not alone any longer," Thor said. "I have my brother back...."

"And a bond-mate, if I'm not mistaken..." Loki smiled, squeezing Thor's arm.

"Not in the least." Thor smiled at Loki and then slanted his head, a questioning look coming over his face.

T'Challa saw it. "I thought it best to wait for both our strength to be recovered before the ritual was performed."

Loki blushed, informing all exactly why they needed to regain their strength.

"Then you should probably at least drink something." Thor looked towards his own mate. "One of us could go and retrieve some food and drink." And let the others know about my brother, he added privately in Peter's mind.

"Yeah. I'll do that... spend more time with your brother, Drottinn..." Peter smiled and quickly moved to do so, eager to make Thor happy.

"I have informed everyone in the compound who needs to know, Master Thor..." Friday interjected, causing Loki to jump.

"Was not the invisible help male?" he asked nervously.

"JARVIS was killed by a threat you did not experience," Thor answered. "Tony...Stark...designed two more."

"Ah... so my brother does not need to leave to inform the others of my presence?" Loki asked Friday.

"No. Master Loki..." the AI responded.

Loki winced, the term reminding him of how he'd attempted to take over Midgard, which reminded him of how he'd stabbed his brother. "Just Loki is fine, please..." he told Friday, even as he suddenly tugged Thor's shirt up... looking for the scar he would have caused. It was so faint as to be unnoticeable to most, but Loki knew where it would be. Swallowing, he reached out his hand and tenderly touched it, before looking up with a guilt filled and apologetic face. "I will always regret hurting you, brother," he whispered.

Thor cupped his brother's face in his hands, his own expression loving. "Having my brother back is enough to heal me fully of all wounds," he said honestly.

"But... I... I was so bad!" Loki choked out, forgetting T'Challa's lesson about not being bad, in his guilt about what he'd done to Thor. "I let myself be used and manipulated to hurt you and... I was horrible and irresponsible and childish...."

Thor didn't let go of his brother; didn't even so much as loosen his hold on Loki. Instead, he guided Loki towards the bed and sat down, guiding his brother across his lap. "You are not bad, brother," he said firmly, before divesting Loki of his pants and underwear.

Loki didn't fight the position. Instead, he gave T'Challa an apologetic look before looking over his shoulder at Thor, a sheepishly sad look on his face. "...My master said the same..." he admitted. "I'm sorry I... I can't stop thinking I am." He sniffled, feeling like he'd disappointed both men, on top of feeling guilt for what he'd done to Thor.

"Then I am even more glad you found him." Thor wrapped his arm around Loki's waist, drawing his brother tight against his stomach, before lifting his hand and bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

T'Challa moved to the bed and sat down, taking Loki's hands in his and squeezing them gently.

Loki whimpered softly, but didn’t fight the position, feeling too guilty to argue against the method Thor chose to address his past actions. In fact, he relaxed, realizing that even if the spanking wouldn't make up for what he did. It would at least enable him to feel like he'd paid in some way. "I am more than glad he found me..." His voice caught and he squeezed T'Challa's hand back. If it felt right having his brother punish him in this manner, it felt just as right having his mate watch as he was punished.

"As am I," T'Challa said seriously, squeezing Loki's hands as Thor settled into a pattern of swats down to his brother's thighs before starting over from the top.

Believing he deserved it and needing things to be made right between Thor and he didn't mean Loki was able to hold still through the whole spanking. By the time Thor finished the second circuit, the spanking T'Challa had given him had reignited. Loki began to cry vocally and squirm feebly, not fighting what was occurring or his reactions.

"You are my brother, Loki." Thor spoke in a voice raw with emotion. "I could forgive you anything after you came back to me. After you finally accepted us for what we truly are."

"We... we are family... siblings..." Loki agreed, his voice catching on sob. He squirmed faintly, focusing on Thor's huge, warm hands covering his bottom, heating it with punishing smacks. It made him feel small. It also made him feel safe, forgiven, wanted... Thor wouldn't hold him like this and punish him like this if he wasn't wanted. "I never wish to forget or deny that again. Brother... I love you, Thor!" Loki slumped boneless over his brother's knee and just sobbed out his regret and his relief at being taken back and accepted by the larger man.

Thor brought the spanking to a stop and carefully replaced Loki's clothing before he gathered his brother into a tight embrace, kissing the top of his head. "I believe you will never forget or deny our relationship again, brother. I forgive you. I love you."

Pressing as close as possible. Loki clung to Thor. He didn't keep apologizing. Words meant nothing. It was action that counted, and he planned all his actions in the future to show Thor how much he loved, valued and needed him. His sobs quieted a few moments later, leaving him taking in shaky breaths and nuzzling into Thor's shoulder like a kitten.

"I love you," Thor reiterated, kissing Loki's head. He cuddled his brother tighter for a few more moments and then, once he was certain his brother was calm, he carefully placed Loki onto T'Challa's lap.

Immediately, T'Challa wrapped his arms around Loki, cuddling him tight.

Loki blinked at Thor's actions, realizing it meant Thor accepted his mate fully. Snuggling and nuzzling against T'Challa needily (he felt very young and out of control at the moment), he turned toward Thor. "Thank you, brother... I love you... " he whispered.

Peter walked in and cleared his throat uncertainly. He had a tray of water and food. He smiled crookedly at Wong, offering the sorcerer the tray first; he still wasn't certain it was safe to return.

Wong nodded. Smiling back, he took some of the items and calmly began to eat, hoping Peter would calm down and not do something to get himself into trouble because of his nervousness.

Thor smiled at Loki. "I love you, my brother. So very much." Turning towards Peter, he held his hand out towards his lover. "Come here, my star prince."

T'Challa cuddled Loki tightly, kissing the top of his head and stroking his hair. "I love you," he whispered.

Loki leaned up and kissed T'Challa on the cheek. "And I love you, my King..." he said softly.

Peter quickly put the tray on the table between them all and moved into Thor's arms. Snuggling close, he looked up at Thor impishly. "Everything is well, Lord Heart Stopper?" He was teasing, but though the words were similar, the tone was completely respectful, and it was clear it was done in love and not in an effort to test.

Wong snorted into his drink.

T'Challa kissed Loki's lips, gently and lingeringly, snuggling his lover close.

"Everything is better than well." Thor gazed into Peter's eyes lovingly. "I have my brother back and my husband in my arms...." He was smiling, but his words were sincere. As far as he was concerned, they were bonded together for life.

Loki deepened the kiss, pouring his gratitude and love into it.

Peter flushed with pleasure and excitement at those words. He'd readily acknowledged Loki as his brother-in-law but hearing Thor state outright their relationship felt good. He kissed Thor deeply.

"Might I suggest everyone eat and drink before getting distracted?" Wong said blandly.

T'Challa nodded and settled Loki comfortably on his lap so that he could feed the other man, keeping his touches and caresses chaste and gentle.

Thor did the same with Peter, drawing his lover back tight against his chest.

Wong shook his head, but there was a tiny smile on his face, giving away the fact he wasn't really upset or offended at becoming server to the others. Filling up two plates, he handed one to T'challa and the other to Thor, before filling a smaller plate for himself.

Loki settled on T'Challa's lap as if he'd always belonged there.

Peter nuzzled against Thor, cuddling close.

Both T'Challa and Thor fed their lovers without conscious thought, like they'd been doing so for years. Thor's feelings through the bond were those of happy contentment.

Loki ate whatever he was given. Soon, the plate was empty, however. He'd spent whatever time he wasn't focused on T'Challa focused on his brother. Swallowing nervously, he said, "I do not recall you ever being this relaxed and happy, brother. Not with any of your past... relationships... " He spoke delicately, not wanting Peter to become jealous for no reason.

"Our feelings for each other are similar to your own relationship," Thor said honestly. "Peter completes me."

"I can see that. I am happy for you...." Loki smiled at the fact he and his brother both had someone in their corner now. They weren't alone.

Peter grinned at Thor's words, snuggling close.

T'Challa kissed the back of Loki's head. "Perhaps we can have our bonding this evening," he suggested softly.

Thor wrapped his arms around Peter's waist, nuzzling his head.

"I would like that, my king..." Loki murmured, leaning back into T'Challa's arms.

Peter sighed happily. "I... a warning, just so you aren't caught by surprise... the bonding, until you get used to it, it will be unsettling being able to feel what your mate feels. And I don't even know how Thor handle's it, since he feels even more than I do, it seems...." He smiled up at his Drottinn. There was no regret in his voice; it was obvious he was happy he'd done the bonding, but he wanted to warn Loki and T'Challa. In case they didn't realize how closely the bonding would tie them together.

"It is worth everything, though," Thor said softly. "I could never regret joining with Peter in this way."

"Even if it might be unsettling at first, it will be worth it," T'Challa said, kissing Loki's shoulder.

"I think... being that tightly connected... that is one of the reasons I want this bonding..." Loki admitted. "To have my mate understand what I'm feeling when I'm not able to explain myself. To understand me... it would be more help than I can imagine, I think."

"He will be able to tell if you are unhappy or feeling out of place," Thor said quietly. "I am happy about that. You will never have to doubt you are loved."

"He'll be able to tell if you're hiding something or up to no good too. Not so sure you'll like that..." Peter added ruefully.

"Sometimes what one needs isn't always what one likes. But I will be grateful either way." Loki said quietly.

T'Challa kissed the side of Loki's neck. "It will work both ways. Neither of us will be able to hide something from the other."

"And I will help you... anytime you need. Neither of us has to stand alone..." Loki smiled, slanting his head so T'Challa could kiss easier. He knew T'Challa had friends and family helping him all along; he'd never been alone. Not completely. But now the king had him as well. And he didn't have the same limitations as the mortals did.

"That is what I want." T'Challa kissed his neck, still gentle. Even if part of him did want to pin the other man down and take what was his, he was able to control that part of himself.

Loki shivered, a tiny moan of acceptance escaping, arousal in his tone as he whispered, "I want it too, my King. All of it."

Peter squirmed at hearing the arousal. "Will you both be staying till the morning? Or can we come visit you tomorrow if you decide to go home tonight?" he asked quietly. It was becoming obvious, to him at least, that the two needed to complete the bonding. He wasn't sure he'd be able to keep his hsnds to himself and not present to Thor immediately, if he was in the room when that happened. Not that it would be a bad thing if that occurred. He loved it when Thor took control and buried himself deep inside him.

"What would you like to do?" T'Challa whispered the words against Loki's skin. He knew Wong or one of the other sorcerers would have to be present when the bonding took place. It didn't bother him if there were more witnesses but wondered if it might Loki.

"Whatever you want to do...wherever you want to do won't be a problem for us," Thor promised.

Loki shivered. "It would be good to be here, I think. In case our physiology causes the bonding to react oddly." He kissed T'Challa chastely. "If that is acceptable to you. My King...."

"More than acceptable," T'Challa promised, kissing Loki in return.

"It is getting late. Perhaps it would be best to perform the bonding now rather than later... let the others have some time to sleep tonight..." Loki sounded amused, but also eager.

T'Challa nodded before addressing Thor. "Would it be acceptable to perform the ritual in here?"

"More than acceptable," Thor answered.

Peter glanced uncertainly between everyone. "Do you want me to leave?"

Loki smiled at the other man. "I imagine that is up to yours and my master... as I don't have a preference."

"And neither do I," T'Challa stated.

Thor kissed Peter. "I would like you to stay, my star prince."

Peter settled into Thor's arms, returning the kiss. "Then I will stay, my Ruler..." He smiled.

Loki was already feeling hot and needy. At the knowledge that he was soon to be bound to his mate, he roused quickly and obviously. Purring into T'Challa's ear, he rubbed against the other man wantonly, while murmuring, "I will belong fully to you, my king."

Lifting Peter into his arms, Thor carried him over to the chair and sat down with his lover on his lap, beginning to press kisses to Peter's skin, leaving the bed free for T'Challa and Loki.

T'Challa let his hands slide up under Loki's shirt, caressing and stroking over bare skin before he began to strip the other man.

Peter hummed happily, shifting so Thor could kiss more easily, kissing Thor back whenever the Asgardian moved in such a way that he could. It wasn't hard to see T'Challa undressing Loki and, knowing what was going to happen, Peter couldn't help getting aroused again himself.

Loki let out murmurs and moans of appreciation as his master stripped him bare. He nuzzled and kissed as much as possible.

Thor slid his hands under Peter's own shirt, stroking over bare skin and pushing the fabric up to allow him to kiss his lover's bare chest and stomach.

T'Challa slowly bore Loki down onto the bed, kissing each side of his neck and sliding his hands down to gently squeeze the other man's hips.

Loki shifted onto the bed, under T'Challa. He continued to kiss back eagerly, not hiding how he was aroused. Instead, he opened up to his master, widening his legs and bringing his knees up toward his shoulders.

Peter whimpered and squirmed out of his shirt, trying to make it as easy as possible for Thor to kiss and claim wherever he wanted.

T'Challa began to kiss down Loki's chest and over his stomach, gently squeezing and caressing along the same path.

Thor pulled Peter in closer, pulling the rest of his lover's clothing free.

Loki lost track of anything occurring outside of what he and his lover were doing. "Please, my King..." he whimpered. He was already fully aroused. He was ready and eager to feel his master take him.

Peter soon lost interest in what the other two were doing, focusing entirely on his Drottinn. He reached down and began to gently caress, squeeze and rub Thor's member.

Sliding his hand down to Loki's member, T'Challa gently stroked it, keeping enough presence of mind to seek out Wong's eyes; remembering the first part of the ritual.

Thor felt himself harden in Peter's hand and he kissed his lover hard, sliding his hands down the other man's back.

Wong knew what T'Challa was seeking and quickly walked over, handing T'Challa the flask. He opened the tome so he would be ready when it was time to begin the chant.

Loki moaned softly as his master began to handle him. It didn't take very long, to his slight embarrassment, before he began to spill his seed.

Peter shivered and growled playfully, taking a small bottle from a drawer in the bedside table, pouring a generous amount into his hand and leaving the bottle within reach of T'Challa. He then rubbed his slick hands over Thor's member, coating him with the lube. He was straddling the Asgardian, poised to lower himself, or be lowered, onto the older man's erection.

T'Challa didn't waste any time, moving the flask in position to catch his lover's seed, kissing Loki hard and deeply.

Grasping Peter's hips firmly, Thor lowered his lover onto his member, kissing him passionately.

Loki kept his eyes on T'Challa as he released into the flask, his body shuddering as he came undone for his master. When it had ended, his limbs flopped loosely to his side, his knees still drawn up so he was completely open and vulnerable. "My king... I love you... I belong to you..." he whispered, already beginning to harden again just because of his position.

Peter let out a soft groan as he lowered onto Thor, pressing down as far as he could, taking his mate as deep as possible.

"You are mine," T'Challa whispered against Loki's lips, kissing him deeply before he reached for the bottle Peter had left. He coated his own member and pushed carefully inside Loki, kissing him deeply once more. "Now that I have you, I will never let you go," he promised.

Thor squeezed Peter's hips possessively, his member growing and swelling inside his lover. "Mine," he whispered.

Wong watched as both couples joined together. When it looked like T'Challa was on his way to climaxing, he began the chant, watching as the flask emptied into T'Challa's skin and matching glowing marks appeared on Loki and T'Challa's hands.

Peter didn't say anything to Thor's words. His movement on his lover and how tight he became around him gave away his attraction. His nuzzling against Thor's neck, under his ear, gave away how much he loved the older man.

Loki couldn't speak, He could only meet his lover thrust for thrust and keep his eyes on his mate. He felt when T'Challa released inside of him and climaxed for the second time in response.

The rush of feeling from the bond forming overwhelmed T'Challa and he tightened his hold on Loki as his climax rattled through him. He breathed deeply, pressing his face into Loki's neck and kissing him there before kissing his lips.

Thor rocked Peter gently, enjoying the feeling of his lover moving around him. His release was only moments away and he tightened his hold on Peter, stroking and caressing over his lover's skin.

Loki felt his master's release filling him and clenched tightly as his own release spilled between them.

Peter moaned and whimpered as Thor rocked him, adding a tiny little bounce to the action so his Drottinn went deeper inside.

Wong, knowing the bonding had taken fully, took the tome and empty flask and stepped over into the corner of the room to wait. As soon as he knew if T'Chslla and Loki were spending the night or if they needed a portal back to the palace, he'd do what was needed and go home to sleep.

T'Challa slumped over Loki's body, kissing him gently and lingeringly. "I love you so much," he whispered.

Thor felt himself release inside Peter, his grip convulsively tightening on the other man as his release swept through him.

"I can feel it," Loki said wondrously, a little catch in his voice as he realized he truly was loved that deeply. His own love for his king ricocheted back through the bond.

Peter moaned softly at feeling his Drottinn filling him, releasing seconds later. When it was over, he slumped into Thor, snuggling close, reluctant to move because he liked having Thor buried in him, tying them together.

Wong gave them a few moments to bask in the bond before clearing his throat. "Will you be staying here tonight? Or do you wish a portal back to your kingdom?" he asked T'Challa.

T'Challa wrapped his arms tightly around Loki, nuzzling into his lover's neck. Feelings of love and contentment came through the bond as he said quietly, "Perhaps it would be better to stay here." Stroking Loki's face, he added, "You haven't slept yet."

Thor didn't withdraw from his lover, instead embracing Peter tightly and kissing him deeply, whispering, "I love you," against his lips.

"As long as I am with you..." Loki snuggled close, slanting his head so his neck was more exposed. His own feelings of love and contentment carried through the fledgling bond.

Peter snuggled happily, whispering drowsily, "...Love you too, Hot Hips..." He gave a suggestive wink, rubbing his nose against Thor's.

Wong nodded. "Friday? Please open up one of the remaining guest rooms and direct the King and his mate to it?" he asked the AI. "Perhaps open up two of them so that Thor and Peter can have fresh sheets tonight until theirs can be laundered?" He'd leave once everyone was settled again.

T'Challa withdrew reluctantly from his mate, kissing Loki's neck before settling a blanket over him to cover his nakedness and then carrying him in the direction indicated by Friday.

Thor did much the same, kissing Peter again, though harder and more passionately.

Wong just shook his head at the fact neither man was willing to let their mate walk on their own (even if the mate in question didn't seem to mind being carried like a helpless child) and followed them out of the room. Once they were both ensconced in the guest rooms, he opened a portal and went back to his own bedroom in the Sanctum.


Loki snuggled against T'Challa and flushed. "I know I'm meant to sleep now..." he whispered. "...But part of me wants to keep making love with you, having you take me over and over until I never stop feeling you moving inside of me..." He spoke in a weary voice.

T'Challa kissed him tenderly. "We have plenty of time for that, my love. But now it is time for rest. We are both of us drained."

"Of course, you are right, my heart..." Loki smiled and snuggled close. "It will be easy to sleep I will be with you, in my king's arms...."

"This is where you will be every night," T'Challa promised. "Safe in my arms. With me. From now on."

Loki smiled at that. "Then every night, I will be exactly where I belong and will be happy...."

"Good. I want you to be happy. Safe in my arms." Cuddling Loki close, T'Challa stroked down his hair and over his back.

Loki nuzzled into T'Challa's chest, whispering, "I want you safe in my arms too." Seconds later, he was sound asleep.

T'Challa tightened his arms around Loki, kissing his head as he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to overtake him.


Peter was grinning boyishly as Thor carried him into the room they were going to sleep in until their own room could be straightened and given fresh linen. "I love you, Big Guy..." he said softly, snuggling close.

Thor carefully settled them both on the bed, kissing his lover deeply. "I love you, my star prince." He let his lips rest against Peter's hair.

Peter sighed happily, pressing back into Thor so that the entire back side of his body was spooned against the larger man. "Do I have to sleep now, Drottinn?" he asked, too innocently.

"We've had a very long day, even if it has been a happy one." Thor kissed his neck. "Sleep is best now."

"Yessir..." Peter said, in slight disappointment. Very slight disappointment, as he knew Thor was right. "I just... wanna sleep as close as humanly possible to you. Every part of me touched and held by you, or claimed by you..." he said, in a small voice, not sure how Thor would feel about his words, though he thought his master wouldn't mind them.

Kissing the side of Peter's neck, Thor murmured softly, "You can wrap your legs around my waist. Your arms around my chest. Tuck your head under my chin." He slid his hands down over Peter's body, squeezing lightly.

Peter immediately twisted around so that he could do as Thor suggested, relaxing as he clung to his Drottinn. He felt safe, tucked under Thor's chin; held tight in Thor's arms. "Good night, my liege..." he whispered, already falling asleep.

Thor wrapped his arms tight around Peter in return, kissing the side of his head. "I love you so much," he whispered.

"...'Ove 'ou too..." Peter said, sounding more young and innocent than he ever did fully awake. And then he was asleep.

Thor wrapped his arms tighter around Peter. It didn't take long for him too to fall asleep.