Chapter Five

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


It was a couple of weeks later and everything had settled into a routine. Wong, Mordo and Stephen had made a door that went from the Sanctum to the compound and T'Challa's palace. That way, everyone could visit without needing the sorcerers around to take them. Other places could be connected to the door as needed.

"Are you coming to the luncheon?" Stephen asked, as he and Mordo walked to the door. Everyone was meeting at the compound for a small get together, ostensibly so Thor and Loki could reconnect, but also because they all just liked each other's company.

"No. I am going to enjoy my solitude..." Wong smiled and waved as the other two nodded and stepped through the door.

The other couples had settled in the compound, the Doms with their subs either on their laps or settled close enough that they might as well be pulled there.

Mordo wrapped his arm around Stephen's waist, leading him towards one of the empty chairs as he voiced a greeting to the others.

Stephen nodded at everyone, content to let Mordo decide where to sit and where he would end up. He noticed that no one else was there, only Doms and subs, and couldn’t help a faint chuckle. At Bucky's curious look, he said quietly, "Feels almost like a support group or a special club. That the only ones here are those in a unique relationship like we have."

"There are plenty of things we can do with the others," Thor commented. "But we are the only ones who can fully understand the relationships each of us have."

Collecting food and drink for them both, Mordo sat down and gently pulled Stephen down to sit on his lap.

Brock glanced around. "It's not a bad group to belong to..." he observed. "Could be quite useful if we develop the abilities the bond provides...."

"You're right..." Bucky agreed, nodding. "Being able to feel each other's emotions or feelings could be very useful in a battle."

Stephen smiled. "Of course, it will be useful. I read up on it a bit more... in some cases, the Dominant was able to speak directly to their submissive through a sort of mind-link. I'm reading to see if the submissive is able to do the same. So far, there isn't any indication of it being possible; but then again, they would just be following orders anyway, so maybe the bond doesn't feel they need to communicate in such a manner...." He sounded slightly put out at the fact the bond wouldn't allow him to talk with Mordo through their minds. While it would be useful for Mordo to send him specific directions if they weren't near each other, it would have been just as useful for him to be able to send information in that manner.

Peter wrinkled his nose. "You mean, Thor could talk to me even if we weren't in the same room? And no one else would hear?"

"I imagine more than one of us have tried talking that way already," Fury commented. "But perhaps it would be a good idea to see how far the reach goes."

"To do some experimenting?" Steve nodded. "I think that would be a good idea. And even if our partners can't communicate through words, there will be other ways we can try out."

Brock, feeling a bit naughty, thought of the most explicit thing he'd like Steve to do to him in great detail. He didn't look at Steve or say anything; if Steve saw the images he was thinking, the other man would react in some way, even if it was to tell him to behave.

Steve had Brock sitting on his lap. As soon as the image came into his mind, his grip on his lover tightened around his waist and his member stirred, just enough to be felt.

Brock's eyes widened. "It worked!" he blurted, drawing confused gazes from everyone else in the room.

"What worked?" Peter asked, with a wrinkled nose.

"Try thinking something with pictures. As much detail as possible..." Brock instructed, not explaining what he'd thought or how Steve had reacted.

Loki had a knowing look on his face and glanced toward T'Challa. He wasn't on the king's lap, so he figured it would be a good test to see if they had to be touching for the 'thought' communication to work. He thought about T'Challa placing him on his lap, then over it, then beginning to rub and gently pat his bottom. He thought about it in exactly those steps, so that if T'Challa was truly receiving his thoughts, he could copy exactly. It would make it clear that he'd seen Loki's thoughts then.

Stephen just chuckled slightly. He already knew the Doms would be able to sense or see more than their submissives were aware.

Steve gently kissed Brock's shoulder, unable to help but smile as T'Challa reached out and drew Loki into his lap, hugging him close before moving the Asgardian into position over his lap.

Loki laughed softly. "I can say it works..." he admitted, with a slightly sheepish, but far from unhappy sound in his voice. He grinned over his shoulder at his mate.

Peter laughed happily, then tested out if he was able to 'speak' with Thor in that way.

Bucky smiled serenely and sent his own thought.

T'Challa smiled affectionately at Loki, giving his lover's backside a few gentle rubs and pats before he tugged the pants and underwear down, allowing him to rub and pat bare skin.

Thor pressed a kiss to Peter's neck and slid his hands up under his lover's shirt, gently squeezing each nipple.

Fury drew Bucky in for a deep kiss, his hands sliding up under the other man's shirt to caress his back.

Loki's grin turned more submissive and accepting as T'Challa took what he'd thought further, taking over completely. As was his right. "I love you..." he mouthed to the other man and settled into position so T'Challa could do whatever he wanted.

Peter sighed happily, returning the kiss eagerly, his nipples pebbling under Thor's touch. He couldn't tell the others that Thor had 'seen', but he was happy and excited that the Thunderer had.

Bucky returned the kiss until he needed to breathe again. He didn't pull back far, though, letting his forehead rest against his master's and smiled crookedly. "I think it is safe to say that it is working for all of us. We may need to practice on focus and providing the correct detail, but this could be very useful...."

Stephen chuckled. "Yes. The more you use the abilities, the stronger the bond becomes, so it is beneficial in more than one way..." he said.

"I love you." T'Challa said the words, not caring who heard him, gently squeezing each cheek in turn.

Kissing Brock's shoulder, Steve decided to try it the other way. He sent his lover a mental image of taking Brock over his knees; of baring his backside and smacking and rubbing until it was a nice pink color.

Thor kissed a bit more deeply and passionately, his feelings of love and affection flowing through the bond to Peter.

Fury nodded his agreement, hand cupping the back of Bucky's head. "It will be useful in a variety of ways," he agreed.

Bucky smiled and kissed Fury again. He was in no hurry to take things any further; he enjoyed the gentle, loving affection.

Loki sighed softly and just relaxed. He didn't care who watched him get his bare bottom rubbed; it felt good and helped him feel closer to his mate.

Peter kissed back eagerly, leaning back to breathe. "I love you... I love you... I love you..." he said rapidly, breathlessly, his hands gripping onto Thor tightly, as if he never wanted to be separated again.

Brock shivered at the mental image, thinking the exact same thing back; only in his image, the pink was slightly darker in shade.

Stephen glanced wryly toward Mordo. "We could practice too, I suppose?" he asked his friend, mate and dominant.

Fury just cuddled Bucky, able to tell his lover was happy and contented with the affection right now. He kissed his lover often, stroking over the bare skin of Bucky's back.

T'Challa gave each of Loki's thighs a firm squeeze and then continued to rub and gently pat. He allowed his own feelings of love and affection to flow through the bond to his lover.

Thor responded to each declaration of love with his own, pulling Peter's shirt free so that he could have better access to bare skin.

Steve moved Brock over his lap, squeezing his lover's bottom firmly before divesting Brock of his pants and underwear. He rubbed his hand over Brock's bare bottom before giving each cheek a firm smack.

"What would you like?" Mordo asked softly, before kissing Stephen's lips.

Bucky put his head on Fury's shoulder and just relaxed. After a lifetime of abuse and uncertainty, he was always happy for moments of calm, serene safety.

Loki slumped over T'Challa's lap and accepted the affection. He wanted to obey his mate and it was clear in the bond that's what he wanted to do. If T'Challa gave him something he could obey, he'd do so.

Peter imagined him pulling his clothing off, a hint of question on his face, wondering if Thor would let him do that, or if the god wanted to undress Peter himself, or maybe even leave him clothed.

Brock shivered at the smacks. "...I love you, Cap..." he whispered, in a satisfied voice.

Stephen kissed back chastely before answering. "We have already been practicing speaking with images... I am curious if we could speak with actual words?"

Fury just stroked, touched, kissed and caressed, letting Bucky feel how safe, loved and wanted he was.

Spread your legs for me, T'Challa directed Loki.

Thor kissed Peter's lips, showing an image of himself undressing his lover the rest of the way, stroking and kissing at the same time.

"I love you so much," Steve responded, reiterating the words through the bond. He smacked steadily for a full circuit and then paused to rub before smacking once more.

I love you. Mordo sent the words through the link to Stephen. And I want there to be no doubt in your mind who you belong to.

Bucky snuggled close.

Loki immediately parted his legs as wide as he could do without falling off T'Challa's lap. He glanced over his shoulder at having heard words and not just seen images. Can you hear me as well? he thought hesitantly.

Peter smiled against Thor's mouth and sent the same thoughts back to Thor, letting the Asgardian know he would obey whatever Thor decided to do.

"I love you too..." Brock whispered in a tight voice, trying to keep a grip on his libido. It wasn't easy. The smacks already had him hard enough that he wouldn't be able to hide it when he stood up again. He felt warm and loved and happy at what his mate was doing; and that carried easily to Steve.

Stephen smiled at Mordo. "I love you too..." he said, so that Mordo would know he'd heard the words. He didn't know if he had the same ability yet, or if it was just his dominant that had it.  There will never be doubt who I belong to. I want to submit to you and obey you and show you that I belong to you... he thought, an intense look on his face. He had no clue if Mordo would hear that or not.

I hear you. T'Challa's mental voice was filled with wonder, along with love and affection. Cupping Loki's backside in one hand, he reached out and caressed the side of his lover's face with the other.

Thor undressed Peter entirely, kissing and touching and stroking along the other man's skin as he bared it.

Don't hide, Steve directed. Don't hold back. He began to swat a bit harder and faster, pausing every so often to rub and feel the heat forming.

Mordo kissed Stephen a bit deeper; a bit more passionately. I know. And I will accept everything you give me. I won't ever abandon you or let you down again.

That... that is most welcome... Loki thought back, with just as much affection. This feels good... being here in your control.

Peter shivered. I love you, Drottinn. I love you and love belonging to you... Peter thought.

Yes, sir... Brock thought, before moaning out loud and opening his legs slightly, trying to relieve some of the pressure on his erection. It feels good, sir. My bottom is sore and hot, and it feels good.

Stephen kissed Mordo just as deeply and passionately. I want to give you everything. All that I am. I trust you to take care of me and use me in ways that are best for both of us....

You feel just as good being in my control, T'Challa promised. Not hiding. Just holding onto you and doing what we both want. He began to caress between Loki's thighs.

I love you so much, my star-prince, Thor whispered inside Peter's mind. I won't ever let you go.

You feel good like this, Steve said, giving another smack and a rub. Over my knee, where I can touch and caress...smack and warm your backside, so you remember who you belong to every time you sit down.

You are my whole world, Mordo promised Stephen.

Fury kissed Bucky's shoulder. I'm glad of this bond. It means I can take care of you better.

Loki just relaxed, nearly boneless, over T'Challa's lap. He accepted the caresses willingly and a little eagerly. Knowing that T'Challa enjoyed and wanted to control him and accept his submission made it easy to give in. That feels good, my King... he thought, as the caressing became more intimate.

I won't ever leave, Peter promised.

I want to remember, every minute of every day, that I am yours and my body and heart belong to you. I owe you my obedience... and I love you so much... Brock swallowed hard, shifting so that Steve could feel how much he wanted what Steve was doing to him.

As you are mine... Stephen smiled at Mordo, a peaceful look in his eye.

Bucky shivered at the kiss and snuggled closer still. I'm glad of it too... it is easier to talk to you sometimes if I know only you will hear. And it will let us constantly be connected....

Good. Tell me what feels good, T'Challa encouraged. He squeezed Loki's thighs.

I wouldn't let you go, Thor promised.

Steve stroked, caressed and swatted over Brock's backside. He reached under his mate and began to stroke Brock's member.

Mordo caressed the side of Stephen's face. Is there anything you would like me to do?

Fury kissed Bucky. If there's anything you want me to do, all you must do is let me know.

Loki shivered. That. That feels good, my king... he thought.

Peter snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around Thor in a tight hug before leaning back a little. I liked when you played with me... he thought, blushing.

Oh. Please, Cap... claim me again... every way possible... Brock groaned as his member was stroked.

I do not feel quite as comfortable letting others watch as I am taken and claimed... but if you wish it, then I will learn to like it... Stephen smiled gently, slanting his face into Mordo's hand.

I know, Moy... Bucky smiled against Fury's lips.

T'Challa squeezed Loki's thighs again, gently rubbing his hands over his lover's skin. He allowed himself to think of how much he loved the Asgardian; how happy he was that Loki had come into his life. And he opened himself up to the other man, so Loki would feel those emotions.

Thor smiled, kissing Peter's lips before he began to kiss down his lover's shoulder, letting his tongue swirl around the other man's nipple.

Steve stroked and gently squeezed Brock's member with one hand, while his other continued to smack, turning his lover's backside a deep pink.

Mordo's thumb stroked over Stephen's cheek and his lips. I would not want to do anything you are uncomfortable with. We belong to each other.

Fury let his hand cup the back of Bucky's head; kissing gently and affectionately, but nothing more than kissing and holding. If his lover wanted more, he had faith Bucky would let him know.

Loki let himself open as well, so that every thought and feeling would be felt and seen by his mate. He was content to lay over T'Challa's lap and be touched, stroked, visibly owned without any further action, if that's what T'Challa wanted. He found he didn't need more than what T'Challa wanted to do or offer. He was satisfied.

Peter shivered and let out a very high-pitched whimper, arching his back so Thor could reach more easily. Yes, Drottinn... yours... I'm yours... only yours... want to be devoured by you... His thoughts were a bit scattered as his body became quickly aroused.

Brock began to softly cry as Steve stroked and spanked... not because it hurt, but because his body felt like it was winding up so tightly, he was going to break at any moment, and it was suddenly impossible not to react. Please, Cap... he begged silently.

I know you wouldn't. Stephen kissed Mordo's thumb. But my discomfort could possibly be unlearned... if you wish to teach me. I want you to be happy.

Bucky sighed happily, continuing to kiss. He didn't need more now and was perfectly content to keep the affection innocent.

T'Challa slid his hand up under Loki's shirt, gently squeezing along his back, making sure his lover's entire back side was bare to his eyes.

Mine. Thor repeated the word through the bond as he took the nipple into his mouth and began to suck on it.

Steve delivered a slightly harder smack and then began to rub, still playing with Brock's member. Any time you're ready, my heart.

I would teach you anything, but I want you to be happy as well, Mordo said honestly. Perhaps we could start off slow. He let his hand slide up under Stephen's shirt.

I love you, my soldier, Fury whispered, touching and stroking gently.

Loki nearly purred at the touch, a hint of proud amusement sliding through the bond. Do you like what you see, my heart? he asked.

"Yours... yours... always yours..." Peter whimpered, his mouth speaking his thoughts.

And with those words, Brock released, his body shuddering as he spilled with a groan. His body turned the same shade of red as his bottom when he realized all it took was one word from Steve and he would climax. He hadn't been close, as far as he'd known.

Stephen let out a tiny sigh, his eyes partly closing, and he leaned into Mordo. I am happier than I can ever remember being, my master, teacher, protector....

"I love you, Moy..." Bucky spoke clearly and loudly; he loved being able to talk with his mate in their heads, but his love was something he wanted all their friends and family to hear of as often as possible.

You are beautiful...perfect, T'Challa whispered through the bond. Mine. I'm so happy you came into my life.

Thor squeezed Peter's hips, his thoughts reiterating that Peter was his as he moved onto his lover's other nipple.

Good, Steve sent through the bond. Perfect. So good for me.

Mordo kissed the side of Stephen's head, hands gliding over his lover's bare skin. Good. I love you. So much. He allowed those emotions to flow through the bond.

Fury smiled as Bucky said the words out loud. "I love you so much, my soldier." He kissed Bucky's lips once more.

You make me feel perfectly beautiful... Loki thought fondly. Whatever you ask of me, I will give. I have no pride except that you are happy with me....

Peter whimpered and shivered, unable to help his thoughts as they turned toward Thor lifting Peter up and impaling him on Thor's member. Peter had been feeling frisky that morning and had 'prepared' himself before leaving their room, during one of the rare moments Thor was occupied elsewhere. He thought on that moment, making sure Thor was able to see it.

Brock shivered, feeling his stomach flip and a sudden dropping in... he wasn't sure what, exactly. It wasn't his emotions dropping, but he could feel like he was slipping, and he didn't want to stop. I'm good for you? Your good boy? he thought, feeling a bit younger than usual after asking, but it felt good; the thought of being Steve's good boy.

And I love you... Stephen returned through the bond, his emotions full.

Bucky returned the kiss quietly, most of the kissing chaste, but occasionally adding in a tiny nibble or lick so that he could taste his master.

I am more than happy with you, T'Challa promised. You are my whole world. We belong together and I will not let you go.

Thor's grin was nearly dazzling as he pulled back and grasped Peter's hands, moving them to his own pants. He showed his lover a mental image of Peter undressing him.

My very good boy, Steve promised, the sense of possessive love coming strongly through the bond.

Mordo stroked his hands down Stephen's back and over his stomach, keeping their bodies angled so no one else could see immediately what was going on.

Fury let his hands rest gently on Bucky's hips, pulling his lover closer and tighter to himself.

Loki's feeling of relief, belief, contentment- every good feeling- carried to T'Challa.

Peter grinned back, eagerly moving to do as Thor had shown him; careful as he was removing his mate's clothing but doing it as quickly as possible.

I want to be your good boy... Brock felt himself falling even further, a feeling of being very young, vulnerable and needing Steve's strength and control washing over him and through the bond.

Stephen shifted so he could put his head on Mordo's shoulder, nuzzling against the other man.

Do you think we will ever tire of holding onto each other? Bucky thought with fondness.

T'Challa stroked and squeezed down Loki's entire back side, letting his feelings of love and contentment travel through to his mate.

Thor let his hands stroke and caress over Peter's body, leaning in to kiss his lover whenever it wouldn't interfere with his clothing being removed.

I'll always look after you. Protect you. Keep you safe, Steve promised, allowing his feelings of love to surround his lover.

Mordo kissed the top of Stephen's head and then his lips, continuing to stroke and caress over bare skin.

I know I'll never get tired of holding onto you, Fury thought back to his lover.

Loki lay still and purred like a happy cat at the physical and mental affection.

Very soon, but not as soon as Peter had wanted, Thor was as naked as Peter was and Peter could lean forward to claim his master's lips in a deep kiss.

You always have... Brock thought, before his thoughts became too fuzzy to think. He'd dropped.

Stephen shivered at the gentleness. "You make me feel like a cossetted treasure..." he whispered.

I'll never be tired of being held... Bucky smiled.

T'Challa leaned forward and began to press kisses to Loki's back, even while he continued stroking and caressing over his lover's body.

Kissing Peter as deeply in return, Thor used his grip on Peter's hips to move his lover enough to allow him to plunge inside.

Steve kept his hands on Brock, his mind 'wrapped' around his lover's so that the other man would feel safe and cared for.

Mordo stroked his fingers through Steven's hair. "I'll never stop trying to make you feel good and cared for," he whispered.

Good. Fury tightened his embrace around Bucky.

Loki sent waves of love and affection back to T'Challa.

Peter groaned deeply as he felt Thor plunge into him, his complete acceptance and submission carrying through the bond; as well as his complete need and satisfaction that Thor was claiming him so forcefully.

Brock felt like he was floating, the safety of his master surrounding him.

"And I'll never stop trying to do the same for you..." Stephen whispered back, before giving Mordo a chaste kiss.

Bucky continued to snuggle.

"I love you." T'Challa whispered the words against Loki's skin. "I never knew I was missing anything, until you came into my life and completed me."

Thor let his tongue slip into Peter's mouth, claiming the other man thoroughly in every way possible.

Steve left himself open to the bond, his feelings of love and possessiveness flowing from him and into Brock.

Mordo kissed Stephen a bit more deeply, gently nipping at his lips.

Loki turned slightly so he could kiss T'Challa. "I knew I was missing something... I never had hope of finding it until I was found by you..." he admitted quietly.

Peter opened his mouth and his legs wide so that Thor could plunder as far as he wished, as far as he was able, letting the older man feel his love, acceptance and need as Thor took what belonged to him.

Brock shivered as the feelings surrounded him, letting his own feelings of love and submission bleed back. There was also a hint of possession; the possession of a man that knew who he belonged to and believed that who he belonged to also belonged to him.

Stephen opened his mouth at the nips, tiny whimpers of need brushing over Mordo's lips.

T'Challa kissed back deeply, fingers lightly grazing Loki's chin. "I am glad that I complete you as much as you complete me," he whispered.

Thor kept his grip on Peter firm, gently rocking the other man so that they would move as one being. He kissed hard and passionately.

That's right. I belong to you as much as you belong to me, Steve whispered encouragingly to his mate.

Mordo let his tongue slip into Stephen's mouth as his lover opened it, pressing in closer and tighter.

"We complete each other..." Loki said somberly, looking into T'Challa's eyes.

Peter held on as tightly as he was able, inside and out, as he was rocked. He returned the kisses just as feverishly.

Brock felt like he was floating, only Steve tethering him to reality.

Stephen let out a satisfied and contented sigh as Mordo deepened their kiss.

T'Challa smiled and kissed Loki's lips. "I love you," he whispered...reiterated. "And you are mine. I will not let you go. Ever."

Thor felt himself growing and swelling inside Peter and he gripped his lover tighter, kissing with more passion.

Steve stroked his hands over Brock's body, finally calling softly, it’s time to come back to me, my heart.

We belong together, Mordo whispered through the bond. Nothing will pull us apart ever again.

"And I will never leave..." Loki promised.

Peter could feel Thor growing inside him and just knowing his mate was owning him so completely sent him over the edge. He shuddered and spasmed before his release hit them both, hard.

Brock's entire focus was on Steve, so when he started to call him back, it didn't take long for him to shift and respond. "Cap?" he whispered.

"I am glad. I can't live without you." Stephen admitted.

"Good. Because I wouldn't be able to continue if I lost you," T'Challa admitted. "You are now a cornerstone of my life."

Thor's own release hit seconds later, and he tightened his hold on Peter, kissing him hard and deeply.

"I'm here," Steve said, stroking Brock's back. "I've got you. I love you. You're mine."

"You won't ever have to again," Mordo promised. "I'm here now. This is where I will stay. Forever. With you."

"As you are, in mine," Loki acknowledged. He didn't move. T'Challa was in control. When the king was through touching and caressing, he'd help Loki up, but Loki had said what needed to be said.

Peter kissed back, not quite as hard, but just as deeply. He clung to Thor and tried to gather his wits about him, the climax and a sudden need to submit to Thor more deeply than he already had overwhelming him. His muscles were still spasming slightly, inside and out, against and around Thor.

Brock finally came up the rest of the way. "Yours..." he said in a shaky breath, tears of relief still falling down his face. His bottom stung beautifully, and he sent a mental nudge toward Steve, thanking him for it.

"I believe you," Stephen let his head rest on Mordo's shoulder and settled to wait for all the Doms to decide what to do next.

T'Challa kissed and caressed Loki a little bit more, letting his sense of love and wonder wash over the other man, and then finally, reluctantly, helped his lover up. He replaced Loki's clothing and then sat his mate on his lap.

Thor stroked his fingers through Peter's hair. "I'm going to pull out of you and then re-clothe you, but you'll stay sitting on my lap," he whispered.

Steve carefully replaced Brock's clothing and then gathered his lover into his arms, settling Brock on his lap. "For always," he promised.

Mordo kissed Stephen's cheek and averted his eyes politely as the other Doms redressed their partners.

Loki smuggled close as soon as he was upright.

"Okay, Drottinn," Peter whispered back. He cooperated as much as possible while Thor redressed him, settling happily on his master's lap.

Brock smiled and gave Steve a chaste kiss. His bottom was sore, and he let the feelings of belonging he had from it carry to Steve.

Stephen averted his gaze as well, noting Fury and Bucky doing the same.

It wasn't long before all the Doms were settled in place with their subs cuddled close to them on their laps.

"I take it we've all just done some kind of experimentation with telepathy," Fury commented.

"Yeah... I could hear my Drottinn talking in my head..." Peter said, with a hint of possessive happiness.

All the other subs nodded at his declaration.

"It worked both ways," T'Challa said. "I am glad we have found a better way to communicate. A better way to bond."

"It'll be very useful." Bucky nodded.

It was quiet for a moment, as everyone digested what they'd just learned to do with the bond and then suddenly, everyone was talking. When food was delivered thirty minutes later, they didn't even pause, continuing their conversations.


About an hour after food had been delivered, T'Challa was called away to check something on the border. He kissed Loki deeply and murmured softly, "You can come with me if you'd like. I would always welcome your company. But you might prefer to stay and visit with your brother a bit longer. I will of course come back for you."

"If you do not mind, I would like to spend longer with Thor. We have been estranged for so long..." Loki said quietly, smiling and kissing T'Challa. "When your work is done, I will be awaiting your return."

T'Challa kissed and embraced Loki tightly. "I will return soon," he promised. "In the meantime, if you need me, you can call." He said a quick farewell to the others and then headed out through the door leading to Wakanda.

Loki waited until the door was closed, then walked back to sit near Thor and Peter.

Peter smiled brightly. "It's very convenient, having a door that you can always use..." he said

Thor wrapped his arm around Peter and grinned at Loki. "We'll make sure to look after you until he gets back." While the tone was filled with humor, there was a more serious look in his eyes; almost relieved. Seeing Loki like this...seeing his brother happy...soothed something deep within him.

Fury still had Bucky nestled on his lap, but as his phone started chiming, he took it out of his pocket to answer.

Bucky shifted to move off his Moy's lap, in case it was a call he wasn't allowed to hear.

Loki smiled at Thor. "You always did take care of me. I just didn't always acknowledge it..." His voice was sheepish.

Peter grinned ruefully. "If you were anything like I was with Yondu, you didn't always appreciate it either."

Fury ran his fingers reassuringly over Bucky's arm as he asked, "It can't wait? Perhaps you can meet me and Steve here at the compound? Bring your kid," he added, almost as an afterthought.

Brock wrinkled his nose at Fury's words. Who did they know that Fury worked with who had a kid and didn't already have access?

"Coulson?" Steve asked, once Fury had disconnected the call.

Fury nodded, glancing towards Mordo and Stephen. "Can one of you open a door to these coordinates, please?" he requested, giving them said coordinates.

"Of course, Director," Stephen said respectfully. His normally cocky and uncooperative attitude had already begun to calm under Mordo's influence. He quickly did as asked.

As soon as the doorway was opened, Coulson stepped through, his arm wrapped around Grant's shoulders as he led his boy into the room.

Grant was hesitant about stepping through the doorway; only the fact Coulson had his arm around his shoulders, and he'd have to physically pull away from the older man keeping him from turning around and refusing to go through. He didn't know any of these people, except for Fury, even if he had heard of them, and some of them he remembered as having worked with HYDRA, even if it wasn't willingly. He wasn't sure what type of reception he'd get, given his own shady past with the evil organization. He'd been with Coulson for several years now, though and the thought of pulling away from his Dom never even entered his mind. He glanced around, managing to hide his nerves from everyone but Coulson (he could never hide anything from the older man), who he had shifted minutely closer to.

Bucky glanced toward Coulson and shifted slightly behind Fury. He hadn't had any dealings with the current director of SHIELD, but he couldn't imagine the other man wouldn't be distrustful of him.

Brock hadn't gone through any of the brainwashing or working for HYDRA that he'd gone through originally, since Steve had pulled him forward in time before those events occurred. That didn't mean he was any less nervous, though. After what Steve had told him, he was certain there were things his alter-self had done (willingly or otherwise) that would have caught Coulson's attention in a negative way. On top of that, he remembered Grant Ward and John Garrett: they had been two of the individuals he'd been tasked with watching while he was under cover. Garrett wasn't here, but Ward was....  He swallowed uncertainly, not knowing what to think.

Loki... hid behind Thor, wishing T'Challa was still here.

"Hey! Are you the ones getting ready to break our party up?" Peter asked in a teasing voice, never one to shy away from making himself the center of attention. He didn't like the way Loki was almost cowering.

Stephen cleared his throat. "Are any others coming through? Or should I close the portal?" he asked quietly.

Coulson kept his arm tightly around Grant's shoulders. They'd been two of the lucky ones, if you could call it that. Both had been left behind. Even in the difficult times, Coulson had drawn a lot of comfort from having Grant with him.

"There isn't anyone else coming through," Coulson answered Stephen, before addressing Fury. "It's taken us a while, but we've been able to track down the agents who were taken while they were in the middle of ops. There are several who have been captured and need extraction teams."

Frowning in worry, Thor wrapped his arms tightly around Loki's waist, letting his brother settle against his back.

Bucky frowned at that. He knew what that meant. He glanced toward his Moy, a question in his eyes. "We can help..." he offered for all the others in the room, knowing that even if they weren't SHIELD agents, nearly all of them had some experience with operations of some type or other. And those that didn't have that experience were skilled in other ways.

Grant shifted even more noticeably against Coulson, unable to keep from biting his lip as he glanced at Fury. He never had been able to get past his nerves around the older man and always acting on his best behavior.

Steve smiled at his best friend and gently squeezed Brock's shoulder as he said, "Phil, why don't you give us a full report and then we can figure out the best teams to extract the agents?" Looking at Grant with a kind smile, he added, "You can stay here with our partners. Help yourself to some food."

Grant blinked at that, startled at Steve's phrasing. "...Partners?" he asked hesitantly, glancing around the room and seeing the way the men were grouped in a different light.

Peter grinned. "Yep. I'm Thor’s; Brock got nabbed by Steve; Bucky calls Fury home; Stephen, the one who opened the portal for you, follows Mordo around; and Loki here gets told what to do by the King of Wakanda, who sadly had to take care of some issues back home..." he blurted, ignoring the offended sounds the others made at the way he worded things. It wasn't like he wasn't telling the truth, after all.

Loki shook his head at his near-brother and sighed. "You have confused the poor boy more than he already was..." he muttered under his breath, seeing Grant's wide-eyed look.

Fury sighed and shook his head at Peter before addressing Grant. "You can of course stay with your father, if you'd prefer. But you're welcome to sit and talk with the others while we have our meeting."

Coulson gently squeezed Grant's hand. "What would you like to do, boy?" he murmured softly.

Grant almost said he wanted to stay with Coulson. They had rarely been apart since the moment half the earth's population had just disappeared five years before. It was taking a bit of getting used to, having everyone around again. Still, he knew Coulson worried about him sometimes, how clingy he was, and he also knew that the things they needed to discuss were things he shouldn't be around to hear. And from the way Peter spoke, it sounded as if the others in the room had similar relationships like he had with Coulson. It might be nice to be with some people who were more like he was... where he didn't have to keep himself in check and watch every word, he said in case it got him or his father in trouble. He bit his lip uncertainly, torn between wanting to join the others and wanting to stay as close to Coulson as possible. "W... what do you think, sir?" he finally whispered.

"I think it will do you good to make friends and get to know the others here," Coulson said softly. "I won't be far. I'll still be in the compound. And you can call or message me if you need to."

Giving a quick nod in acknowledgement of the older man's words, Grant swallowed. "Yessir... I'll stay here and... try to be friendly..." he said awkwardly. Outside of the team, he hadn't ever really made any friends. And even with the team, if it hadn't been for them making the effort and pushing him out of his 'comfort' zones, he'd probably have been a recluse.

Coulson kissed his forehead. "I love you. If it gets to be too much for you, I'll come and get you immediately," he promised.

Stroking Brock's arm, Steve murmured softly to him, "Keep an eye on Grant? He was under Garrett's thumb for far too long before Coulson got hold of him."

"I love you too, Da..." Grant whispered, giving the older man a tiny smile.

Brock nodded at Steve, directing a worried look at the younger man. "I will, Cap...."

Coulson hugged Grant tightly to himself for a few more moments and then stepped away, smiling as he saw Steve and Fury give their partners affection before moving to join him.

Brock kissed Steve on the cheek before the other man left to follow Nick and Phil. He moved over to Grant's side. "I don't know who all you've met before, if you've met any of us, so I'll do some quick introductions. I'm Brock... That's Bucky... Stephen... Peter... Loki..." He pointed at each person as he introduced them.

Grant nodded. "Hello..." he said quietly, shifting to one of the couches.

Loki made a point of pulling Peter to the couch where he was sat, as it looked very much as if the ex-Ravager planned on sitting as close as possible and giving Grant the third-degree.  "Give him some space, Aurvandil... he is not used to us yet..." he murmured to his near-brother. Peter sighed in annoyance but listened.

"I'm Mordo." Mordo smiled at Grant from where he sat with Stephen settled on a chair next to him, holding onto his lover's hand.

Thor sat on the other side of Peter and grinned at Grant. "And I am Thor. I believe the only one you have not yet met is T'Challa. Though since he will return shortly for my brother, I am certain you will meet him then."

Grant nodded mutely at Thor, seeming a bit overwhelmed at meeting the Avenger. "...Ah... yes... uh... pleased to meet you," he finally got out.

Stephen smiled faintly at the younger man's apparent nerves. "It is alright. The only ones who bite are the masters; and then they only bite the one who belongs to them..." he teased, in a very serious tone, though his eyes gave away the fact he was teasing.

Grant's head swiveled toward where Stephen and Mordo sat so fast, Bucky winced and watched to make certain the kid hadn't given himself whiplash.

"...Belongs to them?" he asked faintly, though in an obviously curious tone.

Mordo snorted softly, draping his arm around Stephen's shoulders. "We're lovers and partners, but there's also one very clearly in control in our relationship. Perhaps that's something you also have experience with," he added, having caught a glimpse of the collar Grant wore.

Grant's hand went up to his neck without thought, touching the collar he wore in a self-soothing action. It helped calm him, since Coulson wasn't personally there to calm him. Doing so shifted the collar of his shirt so that the leather band could be easily seen by all, as could the ring he wore. "I... Yes sir..." Grant said to Moro deferentially, somehow sensing that he was the one in control of that particular relationship. "...My father..." he said softly. "We aren't..." He motioned his hands vaguely. "...Though."

"But he's in control of you?" Mordo's voice was low and understanding. "You belong to him as much as with him?"

Grant smiled at the way Mordo phrased the question, liking the words he chose. "Yes, sir. Exactly that...."

Peter relaxed against Thor and smiled. "Is he your daddy?" His question was serious, and it was asked in such a way, it was clear he wasn't being an obnoxious ass like he sometimes was. He had a wistful look on his face. He missed Yondu.

Grant blinked, then blushed. He knew it made him seem childish, but he saw no reason to hide the truth. "Yeah. He's my daddy..." he said softly.

Thor wrapped his arm around Peter, drawing his lover onto his lap. "We may not have exactly the same kind of relationships, but there is enough similar that it gives us something to bond over and talk about."

"I... I haven't met anyone else with similar relationships to what my dad and I have..." Grant admitted. "I've never actually talked with anyone about it except for dad. I didn't want to talk to the wrong person and have him get into trouble over me... and... well, we aren't even typical for this type of relationship... so... I wouldn't give it up for anything, but sometimes I feel like we're on an island all by ourselves and no one else could ever hope to understand..." he said, with a crooked smile.

"Just cuz it isn't typical, doesn't make it wrong. And even if you aren't exactly like us, that doesn't mean we wouldn't understand. You ever need to talk, kid... you've got five other guys that I'm sure would be willing to talk..." Bucky said confidently.

Peter nodded. "What he said."

"And it's not just our partners you can talk to," Mordo commented. "If you ever needed to talk to any of us...if you ever felt unsure about anything and can't talk to your father about it...we'll be here for you," he promised.

Grant swallowed hard at that. "Thank you... I... it means a lot...."

Brock bumped shoulders with him. "We gotta stick together. Especially now, when everything's so messed up...."

"We all have to rely on the support from our friends here," Thor commented, before frowning and reaching for his comm as it chimed.

Peter glanced at Thor, a worried look on his face. "New Asgard?" he mouthed, trying to look over Thor's shoulder to see the caller ID.

Loki watched curiously.

Thor shook his head. "It's Rocket," he answered. "I'd better answer." He smiled at his brother and his lover. "I won't be gone long."

Peter's face became even more worried. "He better not have wrecked my ship!" he blurted, teasing but not. He shifted so Thor could stand, however, automatically leaning against Loki in companionable silence.

Loki leaned on Peter as well; a bit surprised but pleased that one of his brother's closest companions didn't hate him on sight the way so many of the others had.

"That won't be it." Thor leaned over to kiss Peter and gently squeezed his brother's shoulder. "I will be back soon."

"Yeah. Okay. Call me if you need me..." Peter said, with a crooked grin.

Loki just nodded.

Grant watched as Thor walked to the patio and twirled his hammer, flying up into the air with a dramatic exit. "And he always leaves like that?" His voice was amused.

"Mostly..." Bucky chuckled.

Mordo smiled, nuzzling Stephen's shoulder before saying, regretfully, "My exit won't be as dramatic, but I'm needed for an urgent meeting." He stroked his lover's hair. "You should stay here. I won't be gone long."

"You do not need me at the meeting?" Stephen asked curiously. Being the Sorcerer Supreme, he was often called to the various meetings, even if it was for something some of the other sorcerers could easily handle on their own. Wong had complained often enough that Stephen was overworking himself because of it. He wondered if the other man had said something to Mordo about it.

"Not today." Mordo kissed him. "Relax. Take a breather. I won't be gone long and then we can be together for the rest of the evening."

Stephen smiled, kissing his mate back. "Okay. I'll do that and I'll look forward to the evening...."

"I love you." Mordo hugged him a bit tighter for a moment and then let go, standing and leaving with a polite nod and farewell to the rest.

"...Love you too!" Stephen sing-songed playfully to his mate's retreating back, before leaning into the sofa cushions.

Grant glanced around at the group, taking note of who was left. "So... if I'm not wrong... everyone left in this room leans toward being submissive, correct?"

Brock nodded. "That's right. I think this is the first time all of us have been without our mates... our masters... in a while now...."

The group of six settled back into the couches quietly. Eventually, idle chit-chat could be heard as they got to know each other.


Coulson's report to Fury and Steve had ended up taking longer than any of them had initially assumed. There were a lot of agents in precarious positions now that the missing had been returned and while Coulson had done his best to track their safety, there were some still off the grid.

It took longer than they would have liked, but the three finally returned to where they'd left their partners (or son, in Coulson's case).


None of them could really say whose idea it had been. Originally, they had just done a quick tour of the compound, showing Grant where he and Coulson would most likely stay if they ever spent the night). Then, they'd gone to the grounds to look around. But they'd all been cooped up for several days, if not weeks, due to needing to recover. They had got bored (never a good occasion) and they wanted to help. So... they had borrowed a van and left the grounds, heading into the nearest city. None of them thought to leave a message beyond 'going out for a bit, be back later'.


By the time the rest of the Doms had returned, Fury, Steve and Coulson had ascertained that their partners (and son) had left of their own accord and not been dragged away. It didn't make them any less worried, though, and it was only a handful of moments before they were making use of phones and comms to try and trace their wayward charges.


The group had all brought their cell phones with them. They had also all decided to go to a movie; and, per the instructions of the theatre announcements given just before the movie's start, they had all silenced their phones. They were so engrossed in the movie that they didn't notice their phones vibrating and didn't answer. Three hours later, they were finally leaving the theater and decided to go grab some food at a nearby pub, not thinking to check their phones for messages. They were all getting along very well and having fun. Grant had relaxed considerably and blended in almost flawlessly with the others. "This was a lot of fun. It's... it's been a long time since I've hung out in a group that wasn't my team; and the first time I felt comfortable doing so..." he admitted, with a shy blush.

"We'll have to ask your dad to come by more often..." Brock responded, before taking a sip of his beer.


After asking Friday to alert them to anything seen on the traffic cams, the Doms split up, each taking a vehicle to try and track down the others. At the same time, each tried calling not only their charge, but the others, too.


".... And that's when I discovered Jemma had packed us sandwiches with meat, cheese and special aioli and slipped them into MY pack... I never even thought to double check. Fitz didn't let me live it down for a week after..." Grant chuckled.

"And this was after you'd given him a hard time about bringing food with him before?" Bucky asked, in amusement.

"Well... this was actually a little over a year from our first mission where I'd given him a hard time," Grant admitted. "I just never thought Jemma would make me something and hide it as a 'surprise'."

Brock smiled. "You're cared about more than you thought you'd be."

Stephen took another sip of his ale and glanced at his watch. "I'm surprised we haven't gotten a call yet..." he muttered quietly, pulling out his phone and wincing when he noticed all the missed calls; not only from Mordo, but from Steve, Fury, Thor and Coulson. The only one who hadn't called him was T'Challa, although he suspected the king might be using other means to try and locate them. Sighing in annoyance- at himself that he'd been so neglectful to leave the sound off on his phone once leaving the theater- he turned the sound back on and drew up the contact for Mordo. "You all probably want to check your phones..." he said seriously, before hitting the green dial button.

Frowning, all the other men did as he suggested, a collection of winces and moans carrying around the table as everyone realized that they'd basically been ignoring nearly four hours of calls without meaning to. Each person began to call their own mate, except for Loki; who didn't have a cell phone, so didn't have anything to call with.


Once their partners had begun answering their phones and responding to the calls, it wasn't long before the relieved Doms arranged to meet their subs at the pub so that they could drive back all together. It was very clear that all the Doms had been worried about the other men.


Grant was dejected, slumped at the table.

"What's wrong, kid?" Peter asked curiously. "We messed up. And I won't say we aren't in trouble... but there's no need to look so down about it...."

"I don't like disappointing my dad..." Grant admitted. "I haven't messed up this badly since he first adopted me..."

Stephen smiled and squeezed Grant's shoulder. "Well, I'm certain that he'll be forgiving...." He finished his tankard of ale and finished eating the fries he'd ordered to go with the drink.

Loki winced and rubbed his nose. He wasn't sure if T'Challa would know what had occurred or not. If not, he'd be facing Thor. If so, he'd be facing both of them. "Most likely any repercussions will not occur until they have ascertained that we are well and not harmed at all."

Brock glanced toward the pub door as it opened.

The Doms had arrived at the pub all at the same time more-or less. It didn't take them long to reach the sides of their subs.

Coulson wasted no time wrapping his arms around Grant and pulling him in close. "I love you," he whispered in his son's ear.

Thor stopped by Peter's side, wrapping an arm around his lover's shoulders. "If the circumstances were different, I believe we would all join you for a drink."

T'Challa quickly headed to Loki's side, embracing the Asgardian. "I am glad you're safe," he whispered.

"I believe we all are," Fury commented, moving to stand next to Bucky, letting his hand rest on the other man's shoulder.

Steve wrapped his arms around Brock, breathing in deeply as he let go of the fear and worry that he'd lost the other man again.

All the subs looked embarrassed and guilty about having unnecessarily worried their Doms. It was Brock that spoke for them all. "We went to a movie, so had to put our phones on silent. When we got out, we forgot to turn the ringer back on. It was stupid and not deliberate, but... I should have checked anyway...."

"We all should have checked," Grant whispered. "I've had more practice at this and knew better, at least. I was just so... excited at making new friends who understood me..." he whispered.

Peter pouted slightly. "Could the circumstances change enough to have that drink together?" he whispered hopefully.

Loki hugged T'Challa. "When did you get back? I had no phone to call you, but if I'd known you were back, I would have returned to you...." He wrinkled his nose. "I should have insisted one of the others check...."

Coulson pressed a kiss to Grant's head. "I'm really happy you've made friends, son," he whispered in his boy's ear. "You should have told me where you were going, but it's not a bad thing that you've made friends."

"Perhaps when you are not in trouble," Thor answered, his voice wry.

T'Challa hugged Loki tightly. "It was not long after Phil, Nick and Steve returned from their meeting," he commented.

Grant clung to his father tightly. "I'm sorry, Da..." he whispered.

Peter sighed. "Yeah... how much trouble am I in?"

Loki nuzzled against T'Challa's neck. "I am sorry I missed your return..." he whispered. "I am very sorry I have worried you. I will not ask if I am in trouble. I should have asked one of the others to contact you... or for use of one of the others' phones so I could contact you...."

Coulson kissed Grant's neck and ran his fingers through his son's hair. "I'm going to drive us back to the compound, boy." He stroked his fingers along Grant's collar. "You're still mine. Still my boy." He whispered the words into Grant's ear.

"We will discuss that at the compound." Thor reached down to help Peter out of the chair.

T'Challa stroked the back of Loki's head. "I will take you back to the compound with the others."

Mordo took Stephen's hand, squeezing it gently. "I believe we would be better discussing what happened as a group," he commented to his lover, before helping Stephen to stand.

Stephen nodded wordlessly, standing beside Mordo and taking the other man's hand. He was glad that none of the others seemed inclined to argue; Grant looked very upset and he feared arguing would make the upset worse.

"I'll always be yours, Da... even when I'm a naughty brat..." Grant whispered, slanting his head so his throat was exposed, showing off the collar clearly.

Mordo gently squeezed Stephen's hand in return.

His arm wrapped around Brock's shoulders, Steve walked over to Coulson and Grant. "Why don't you ride back with us, Phil?" he suggested. "That way, you and Grant can sit in the back."

Coulson nodded in thanks and helped Grant to stand, still holding onto his son with a tight grip.

Grant leaned against his father, relaxing so that Phil could maneuver him easier. He felt like a failure. He knew one of the number one rules his father had for him was that he always answer his phone when his father called, and he keep the older man informed of what he was doing and where he was. Yes, they'd left a vague note, but he'd neglected to do the other things. He'd been too focused on the fact he was with the group and didn’t have to pretend like he usually did around non-team.

Stephen smiled sadly at Mordo. He wasn't afraid, or worried. He didn't even feel overly guilty- it had been an honest mistake- though he felt enough guilt that he wouldn't try and talk himself out of punishment. He knew he deserved the correction, if only to help him remember next time. He did feel badly for Grant. But there wasn't anything to be done for that.

Kissing Grant's head, Coulson led his son out of the pub, following Steve and Brock to their vehicle, keeping a tight hold of his son.

It wasn't long before the rest of the Doms followed, each holding on tightly to their subs and whispering words of love and reassurance.

The trip back to the compound was quiet, if short. Friday had informed the other occupants of the group's arrival, so when they went into the main living area, it was deserted. No one else wanted to be present for any punishments meted out, and past-experience had shown that there would be no hesitation in punishing in front of them. The Doms had been very worried and this occasion might be more emotional than was comfortable for an outsider, trusted friend though they might be.

Grant looked at his feet as they entered the room. He and Coulson had decided long ago they wouldn't hide from their friends. And if Coulson felt it necessary, he'd punish him in front of people. He didn't know if this situation warranted that or not, so he was waiting to be directed in what to do.

Brock, taking the bull by the horns, followed Steve to the chair Steve had chosen, waiting until the larger man had sat before shoving his pants and underwear down to his ankles and draping himself over his Dom's lap. He was going to end up there anyway and he figured he could answer any questions from that position.

The others blinked at the action but weren't really surprised. The waited for instructions, though.

Steve rested his hand on Brock's backside possessively. He didn't start swatting, but it was clear to anyone watching that he was fully in control of the other man.

Not too surprised by Brock's actions (Steve and Brock were really the ones who demonstrated they were going to do what they wanted, within reason), Fury wrapped an arm around Bucky's shoulders and asked wryly, "So who wants to explain how staying in the compound became going out for a movie and a beer without telling us anything more than, 'popped out for a few minutes'?"

"We got all talked out and there was nothing to do and it was booooring!" Peter answered quickly, sounding like a thwarted pre-teen.

Bucky cleared his throat and added sheepishly, "Pretty much what he said. Except if we had known we'd be going to a movie, we would have added that to our brief and poorly thought out message...."

"None of you were told not to leave," Mordo commented. "If you'd just touched base with one of us, you wouldn't be in trouble now. You'd have been given permission to leave."

Stephen nodded. "Common courtesy should have had us doing that anyway. I'm sorry...."

Grant swiped at his eyes, embarrassed to already be crying. He hadn't messed up this stupidly in a long time.

"Is there anything else to add, my heart?" Steve asked seriously, squeezing his mate's backside possessively.

"No, sir..." Brock said, in a subdued tone. "We weren't trying to hide things or get away with anything. We just didn't think."

A chorus of sorrys carried through the room. Only Grant seemed really upset, though. Hs hadn't got into trouble in a very long time. He was certain he'd disappointed his father greatly.

Coulson kissed the side of Grant's head. "It's not the end of the world, boy," he whispered. "I'll take you over my knee, spank you so that you'll remember next time. But I'll forgive you. I'll still love you."

"I disappointed you..." Grant sounded more upset at that fact than he did at being spanked.

"I won't stay disappointed," Coulson promised.

Grant wrapped his arms around Coulson tightly, nuzzling into his father's chest. "I'm sorry, daddy... don't like disappointing you...."

Bucky winced at the words and tone. "None of like disappointing those we love, kid..." he mumbled, mostly to himself, before giving Fury an apologetic look. "Sorry, Moy. I didn't mean to isn't an excuse, I know... but I didn't. I love you...."

Coulson kissed Grant's head and led him over to one of the couches, sitting and guiding his son across his lap.

"I know you didn't intend to worry me. We'll deal with it and then it'll be over. I still love you and you'll be forgiven," Fury promised, guiding his lover towards one of the chairs.

At seeing Bucky and Grant positioned over their Dom's lap, Peter sighed and leaned into Thor. "Are you mad at me, Big Guy?" he whispered, looking up into Thor's face with a sad frown.

Bucky didn't fight the position. It wasn't easy, submitting to punishment; most of Fury and his interactions were affectionate and gentle. He was about to experience another side to their relationship. If he hadn't been trying to be strong so Grant didn't get more upset, he'd have been a bit more panicky.

Grant relaxed slightly as he was positioned. As much as he hated disappointing his father and didn't enjoy being punished, it was a familiar position and comforting in its own way.

Loki sighed and moved into T'Challa's grip at the same time Stephen put himself into Mordo's hands.

"Not mad." Stroking the side of Peter's face, Thor added, "I wish you hadn't done it, because there are all sorts of better things, I would rather do with you than put you across my knee for a spanking."

T'Challa wrapped his arms around Loki and kissed his lover's cheek. "I will punish you, but afterwards, it will be finished between us and you'll be forgiven." He led Loki over to one of the chairs.

Mordo took Stephen's hand, squeezing it gently, and led his lover to one of the other couches. Taking a seat, he guided Stephen across his lap.

"Me too..." Peter said with a sheepish smile, though he didn't try and talk Thor out of spanking him.

"Thank you, my king..." Loki whispered, letting himself be led and then positioned

Stephen reached down and grasped Mordo's ankle.

There wasn't really any need for the Doms to continue speaking. Their charges knew already where they'd gone wrong; and they hadn't misbehaved terribly. No one had any intention of spanking as long or hard as a true punishment spanking.

It didn't take long before the sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room. Every one of the Doms held their charge tight and secure against their stomachs, so that no amount of squirming would cause the subs to fall or risk injury to themselves.

A few moments into the spanking, the sounds of inhaled breaths and soft whimpers began to intersperse with the sounds of smacking. The subs knew they weren't being punished harshly, more reminded, but that somehow made it more difficult to be brave. It didn't take long before sniffling and soft crying could also be heard.

While there were several of the couples in the room, the Doms reacted as if it was just them and their subs. The swats weren't too hard and when they spoke, it wasn't to scold or censure; instead, they reiterated how much they loved the other men. How much they needed them and wanted their subs in their lives.

No one was surprised when it was Grant that broke first. He had been distraught from the moment he'd realized he'd worried his father. The youngest sub went limp over Coulson's lap and just choked on the sobs that tore through his body.

Seconds later, Peter was sobbing in sympathy with the young sub and began to make promises of what he'd do next time he wanted to go out and Thor wasn't there.

The others weren't fighting, but their reaction was calm and more in line with what was occurring. A reminder, while unpleasant, didn't warrant completely losing themselves in tears. Instead, they cried softly, apologized and answered any questions put to them, making sure their Doms knew they understood what they'd done wrong.

Coulson didn't hesitate. Bringing the spanking to a stop, he quickly drew Grant into his arms and cuddled his son tightly on his lap, pressing a firm kiss to Grant's head. "I love you, son," he whispered. "You're mine. My boy. You made a mistake, but it's over now. You're forgiven."

Thor quickly gathered Peter into his own arms, cuddling his lover tightly and kissing the side of his head, whispering soft words of love into his ear.

The other Doms called the spanking done and brought their own partners into their arms, hugging their lovers close and tight and whispering words of love and affection in their ears.

"I love you, daddy..." Grant whispered back. "Thank you for not giving up on me... for reminding me I'm yours...."

Peter snuggled and nuzzled against Thor. "...So glad I'm yours..." he whispered.

Everyone continued snuggling and kissing; some more chaste and innocent than others, but eventually, everyone was settled and calm enough to have conversation. "What did Trash Panda want?" Bucky asked, in a teasing voice.

Thor wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Peter as he replied, "He was asking about when we were coming back to the ship. It made me think. We have formed our own community here. Perhaps we would benefit from staying in our own community."

"Taking our own ship and exploring the universe?" Fury asked.

"What of those with responsibilities here?" Loki asked, with a hint of worry. T'Challa was a king. Would he leave his people? If not, Loki would obviously stay by his side, but it would mean saying goodbye to Thor again.

"It wouldn't be hard to open a doorway from here to there," Mordo commented. "Anyone with responsibilities here could move backwards and forwards with ease."

"I like the idea..." Peter said, with a grin. "There are so many places I could show you!"

T'Challa smiled. "As long as I can come back to Wakanda when I am needed, it sounds like something I would like to do."

"What do you think, son?" Coulson asked Grant softly.

Loki smiled. "I could show you much as well." He kissed T'Challa.

"We could do that?" Grant asked, with a hesitantly excited voice.

T'Challa kissed his lover in return. "I look forward to whatever you'd like to show me."

Coulson nodded. "It might be good for both of us."

Loki smiled, relaxing in T'Challa's arms.

"I'd like to go," Grant admitted.

"So, it's decided then? We're all going on a space trip?" Bucky couldn't help sounding a bit excited himself.

"I think so." Fury wrapped his arms tightly around his lover's waist, kissing Bucky's shoulder.

Steve smiled and nuzzled Brock's neck. "It'll be easier to handle than the trip through time."

"Considering how I threw up on Sam with that trip, I hope so..." Brock's voice was rueful.

Bucky grinned and kissed Fury back.

Steve smiled and then looked towards Fury and Coulson. "I figure the best time will be after we retrieve those agents. We make sure they all come home, then we can explore space."

"Is there anything we can do to help with that?" Stephen asked.

"I'm sure there probably are ways you can help." Fury began to explain.