Chapter Eleven

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


Peter was wriggling like a child on a sugar-high, unable to hold still or calm down. "He's really here, Drottinn! He came across dimensions to find me and he's here!" he whispered excitedly into Thor's ear for the hundredth time and cuddled close. "And he spanked me... so... so I know he still views me as his kid, cuz he wouldn't a done that otherwise..." he rambled on.

"Of course, he does. You'll always be his." Thor kissed the top of his lover's head and snuggled Peter. He let his hand slide down to the other man's bottom, beginning to gently rub.

Peter hummed happily at the kissing and snuggling, but when Thor began to rub his bottom, he actually started to calm down, his wriggling slowing until he was finally still on his Drottinn's lap, situated so his backside was pushed up for easy access. "I've got family..." he whispered happily.

Thor kissed him gently. "You do. A family who loves you and puts you first. Who would cross dimensions just to be with you." He continued to gently rub Peter's bottom, giving a gentle squeeze every so often.

Peter smiled against Thor's mouth as he kissed back, calming the rest of the way. "...And family that knows how to calm me down better than anything..." He sighed happily his feelings clear that he was referring to Thor being his family. I like when you rub my bottom, Drottinn... he admitted.

Thor smiled at that. I like doing that just as much, my star-prince, he sent back, continuing to rub his lover's backside.

Peter just continued to happily kiss his mate, not caring in the least if anyone walked in and caught them.

Thor kissed Peter a bit more deeply. Perhaps we should go to our quarters now, he suggested.

Yessir... we can go there, and you can have your wicked way with me... Peter thought impishly.

Exactly what I want. Thor gathered Peter into his arms and carried his lover to their quarters.

Peter squealed as he found himself off his feet and moving at a rapid pace toward their quarters, his arms wrapping tightly around Thor's shoulders and leaning in to kiss the Asgardian again.

Ward blinked as he caught a flash of bare butt as the two left just as he entered the common area. "And here I thought I was going to find out a bit more information about our new guests..." he muttered under his breath and flopped onto the nearest couch.

Danny wandered into the common area after his boyfriend, sitting on the couch next to Ward and wrapping his arm around the other man. "You didn't find out anything?"

"No..." Ward was pouting as he leaned into Danny. "All I got was a glimpse of Peter's bare ass and I've been having to listen to him making noises that would rival mating monkeys for the last ten minutes." He sounded rather put out by that fact, although it wasn't entirely clear through his emotions if the feeling put out was due to having to listen to another couple making love through a closed door, or the fact he was jealous and wanted Danny to do the same things to him Thor was doing to Peter (even if he didn't have exact details on what that was).

Gently grasping Ward's chin, Danny turned his lover's face towards him, kissing his lips gently. "Well, if you'd like, I can take you to our room and you can make similar noises...." He pulled his boyfriend onto his lap.

Ward returned the kiss just as gently, but with an intensity that told Danny he had his submissive's full attention. "...If you would like to..." he whispered, in a moment when he was catching his breath. A hint of almost shy uncertainty drifted through the bond. He didn't doubt Danny's love or devotion, but sometimes his own insecurities made it hard for him to believe that Danny really wanted him.

"I want you. I love you. I need you." Danny pressed kisses to Ward's lips with each sentence. "You're mine." He stood up, carefully moving Ward into his arms, carrying his boyfriend securely.

Ward laughed softly as he found himself being carried. "You're so strong..." he mumbled, before continuing to kiss his mate with all the love he could.

Danny continued to kiss his lover, even as he carried Ward inside their quarters and through to the bedroom. Carefully laying the other man on the bed, he began to strip Ward, pressing kisses to each bit of skin he uncovered.

Ward kissed Danny as often as he was able to, when the other man wasn't kissing other parts of his body. As soon as he was naked, he hesitantly reached for Danny's clothes. "...May I?" he whispered hopefully.

"Of course." Danny pressed a kiss to each of his boyfriend's hands. I'm yours as much as you're mine, he added. You're free to explore my body the same way I do yours.

Smiling happily, Ward began to carefully, gently, undress his master, kissing each uncovered piece of skin.

I love you. That emotion carried clear through the bond as Danny let his fingers tangle in his boyfriend's hair. The words were accompanied by a sense of awe.

Ward nuzzled against Danny in response, his own love clear and flowing through the bond.

Now that he was naked as well, Danny kissed Ward, letting his need and desire for the other man flow through the bond. I've always wanted you.

Ward returned the kiss almost greedily, shifting and opening his legs so Danny could settle between them.

Danny kissed his lover a bit more deeply, letting his fingers glide along Ward's inner thighs, stroking and squeezing the skin there.

Ward sighed happily. "Yours..." he whispered, in a satisfied sounding voice.

"Mine," Danny whispered back. "Mine for always." He kissed along his lover's inner thighs, gently grasping Ward's member.

"Danny," Ward said, in a shaky, needy voice, his legs quivering slightly at the kisses. "Love you."

"I love you. So much." Danny pressed another kiss to his lips. "I won't ever let you go," he promised. He reached out for the bottle of lube.

Ward relaxed further, content to kiss and cuddle with Danny, but open for whatever his master decided to do.

Danny coated a finger in the lube, pushing Ward's legs further apart to completely expose his entrance and pushing the finger carefully inside.

Ward whimpered softly against Danny's lips, but left his legs where his master put them, taking a slow breath and letting his body relax so Danny could claim him easily without any resistance. He trusted his lover implicitly, but it was still difficult leaving himself so vulnerable. Only the fact he knew Danny would never deliberately hurt him and that what his master was doing would actually feel very good enabled him to not resist or try to get away. And he wasn't disappointed. It felt really good. His whimpers turned into soft gasps and moans of pleasure as Danny's finger breached deeper.

"I've got you." Danny kissed Ward's lips. "I won't let you go. You're safe. I'll look after you. Love you always. You're my whole world," he whispered.

"Always safe with you..." Ward breathed out against Danny's lips, kissing him again gently. "...You always protect me. Love you so much. Wanna be with you forever..." He kissed again, shifting his legs without thought so that his knees came up toward his shoulders, exposing him completely, offering himself completely, to his lover.

"You will be." That same promise came clear through the bond, along with the words, I will never let you go. Not now that I finally have you. He began to gently move his finger around inside his lover, exploring and moving gently.

Ward continued to kiss, making sounds of pleasure and need for Danny, not hiding anything or holding back anything in his reactions. He wanted Danny, needed Danny, to know how much he was loved, wanted and needed by him. Yours forever... he thought, along with a sense of peace. Given how he'd grown up and lived the last several years, peace was hard to come by; and Danny had given that to him.

Danny's happiness at the emotion came clearly through the bond. He coated another finger and pushed it inside his lover. You're my best friend. You've made me so happy by giving yourself to me. Letting me love you.

Ward shivered at the words, a tiny groan of satisfaction escaping as he felt himself stretched further, opening for Danny. You are mine as well. Thank you for not giving up on me...the best and only place for me is in your arms, belonging to you.

I couldn't give up on you. You're my entire life. Danny pressed a kiss against Ward's neck. You are everything. My first and only priority. I'd give everything to see you happy. He allowed his fingers to move inside his lover, exploring and claiming.

Ward shifted his head so Danny could more easily reach his neck and squeezed his inner muscles around Danny's fingers. I belong to you completely. I never want to be anywhere else. Making you happy is what brings me happiness.

Is there anything you would like me to do to you? Danny continued kissing his lover's neck. Anything that we haven't tried that you'd like to?

Ward let his hands roam up and down Danny's back as he enjoyed the kisses. Maybe... he thought hesitantly. Maybe you could sit on the chair and... and pull me down onto you so you are inside me while I'm sitting on your lap facing you. Then I can use my legs to move up and down on you while you use your hands to play with other parts of me and... he blushed. And suck on my nipples?

Danny smiled at that. I like the sound of that. He carefully withdrew his fingers from Ward, coating his member and then lifting his lover into his arms to carry Ward over to the chair. He then sat down and carefully moved the other man down onto him, kissing him deeply before sliding his hands down Ward's back and beginning to suck on his nipples.

Ward groaned into Danny's mouth as he was lowered onto his master. As soon as Danny moved his lips from his mouth down to his nipples, he arched his back just enough to give his lover easier access, then using Danny's hand-grip on his back to brace himself, he began to gently raise and lower himself up and down on Danny's member, squeezing tight around him. Feels so good, Danny, feeling you rubbing inside me while you suck me... He whined low in his throat, feeling his own member getting harder from the sensations he was feeling.

You feel good. Danny kissed his way over to the opposite nipple, beginning to suck on that. At the same time, he moved one hand to grasp his lover's member. You feel so good and right and perfect like this.

Ward opened his eyes and slanted his head enough to watch as Danny pleasured him. His one nipple was red and swollen and slick with spit. Danny's hand was tight and perfect around his member. His master was filling him completely, deeply, and he clenched tight around Danny as he bent his head just enough to kiss his lover's head. This is perfect, he agreed.

Mine. The word was accompanied by a very possessive note. Continuing to suck and stroke and caress his lover's member, Danny continued, And I'm yours. Always and forever.

Forever, Ward agreed, moaning loudly as he felt his shaft harden as much as it was going to and he began to tighten up in preparation to release. "I'm gonna... can't hold..." he gasped out loud as he faltered slightly, before finding his rhythm again and beginning to move on Danny in a slight bounce, driving his master in as deep as possible.

Let go, Danny directed. I'll be right here to catch you. Exactly where I will always be. With you forever. His own member was swelling and growing, signaling his release was close.

At Danny's permission, Ward let out a keening sound, pushed down so Danny went as deep as possible, and released, hard, his seed coating both his and Danny's chests. His muscles tightened inside like a vice, squeezing Danny's member tight enough that he couldn't slide up or down him, only grip onto and squeeze his member tightly as his entire body shook with orgasm.

Danny wrapped his arms tighter around Ward, kissing his lover's chest, as his own body released in an orgasm that left him trembling. A wave of intense love and desire swept over him, running from him to his lover.

As he felt Danny's release filling him, along with the feelings of love and desire washing over him in waves, Ward let out a shuddering sigh and let his head drop forward to rest against Danny's head while the other man kissed him. Yours... was all he could think, a sense of satisfaction and belonging carrying through to his lover.

Mine, Danny agreed, wrapping his arms tighter around Ward. I love you. So very much so. He kissed Ward's chest, over his heart.

"I love you, Danny... more than anyone or anything in the world..." Ward whispered. "What's more... I trust you. Thank you for helping me be able to trust again."

"I'm so glad," Danny whispered. He carefully pulled out of his lover, lifting Ward into his arms to carry the other man over to the bed, where he could stretch out and embrace his lover tightly to himself. It didn't take long before they were both sleeping peacefully, curled up in each other’s arms.


Peter nudged the door to their quarters shut with his foot as soon as Thor had carried him over the threshold. "I wanna feel you all the rest of today and through tomorrow, Drottinn," he growled suggestively, a playful twinkle in his eye.

Thor lowered his lover onto the bed in their quarters, kissing him deeply before beginning to trail kisses and gentle nips down the other man's shoulders, chest and stomach. Low, possessive growls escaped him as he did so. He squeezed Peter's hips.

Peter reluctantly let go of Thor's lips as the larger man began to kiss down his body. He didn't attempt to be quiet; his moans of pleasure filled the room (and possibly carried outside the door, he didn't know or care if they did). It didn't take long at all before he was completely aroused. Please, Drottinn? he begged in his mind as he reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle, they always kept handy, reaching it toward Thor.

Thor took the bottle and used a generous amount, pushing a finger inside his lover as he continued to kiss and gently nip Peter's skin.

Peter keened happily as he felt his master claiming him. Feels so good, Drottinn, he thought even as his moans and whimpers increased in fervor and pitch. He'd already been turned on before they even entered the room, so it wasn't taking long at all for him to react feverishly to Thor's touch.

Thor let his finger move around inside Peter, marking his lover's body inside and out. It wasn't long before he coated a second finger and pushed that inside the other man, still covering Peter's entire body in nips and kisses.

Peter groaned more loudly. "More... please!?" He began to squirm under Thor, the kisses and nips making his skin tingle and heat up while Thor's fingers made him feel like he was melting inside.

Thor withdrew his fingers, but only so that he could coat his member in the lube and push inside his submissive. He began to suck on parts of Peter's skin, hard enough to leave behind love bites.

Peter's groan as Thor entered him was so loud, he startled himself and stared up the ceiling with wide eyes. And then he was wriggling under Thor, trying to make every part of him available for Thor's lips and teeth, shifting his legs and bringing his knees up toward his shoulders so that he was as open as possible for Thor to move inside of him unimpeded. "Harder, Drottinn! Please, harder!" he found himself begging.

Thor began to thrust harder and deeper, kissing his lover harder and more passionately. It took only moments for his own member to begin to grow and swell inside his mate. He began to gently scrape his nails over Peter's skin, adding a new sensation to the kisses and nips.

Peter's eyes rolled back in his head as he felt Thor growing in him, the scratches adding a new pleasure to the mix, the knowledge that he'd be able to see the marks after heating his blood further. He nearly wailed as he felt his own shaft get as hard as it was able to and his balls begin to tighten and draw up in preparation to release.

Time to let go, my star-prince, Thor directed through the bond. His own member was nearing its release, but he held back. So that he could let go at the same time as Peter.

There was no way that Peter's wail as he shuddered in release didn't carry through the entire ship. And he was glad of the fact. It meant everyone would hear how he belonged to Thor.

Thor's fingers tightened a bit on Peter's hips as his own release swept over him at the same time. He slumped on top of his lover, kissing a bit more languidly now.

As Peter's breathing calmed, he tightened his grip around Thor and kissed back as languidly. I love you, Drottinn, he thought, in a contented haze.

I love you too. So much. Thor kissed Peter, a bit more languidly, and shifted inside his lover.

Peter whined softly at still feeling Thor inside him, a feeling of peace, contentment and belonging growing as he left himself open and vulnerable for his master to take.

Thor gently squeezed Peter's hips, his own feelings of contentment reaching through the bond to his lover. Mine. He kissed and then nuzzled against the other man's chest and stomach.

Yours, Drottinn, Peter promised, moving however Thor placed him, so his master could take what he wanted.

Thor wrapped his arms around Peter, perfectly content just to cuddle and care for his lover.

Peter relaxed in Thor's arms, safe and content.

Thor cuddled his lover, pressing kisses to Peter's face.

"Nap, Drottinn?" Peter nuzzled against Thor, a drowsy smile on his face.

"Nap, my star prince," Thor agreed, stretching out next to his lover and kissing him gently.

Kissing Thor back, Peter snuggled close, his head on the Asgardian's chest, and closed his eyes. It didn't take long for him to fall into a peaceful, sated sleep.


Frank blinked his eyes, not understanding at first what he was hearing, but once the sleep fog cleared from his brain, he knew exactly what he was listening to. He leaned up, an incredulous look on his face. "Please tell me he's just exceptionally loud and that the walls aren't really that thin..." he whispered, almost frantically. It wasn't clear if he was bothered by hearing Peter, or if he was bothered by the thought everyone else might have heard him when Yondu was 'calming him down'.

Yondu stirred awake and wrapped his arms more securely around Frank's waist. "Seems there's no secrets here. Don't think that's such a bad thing."

"I think that's your son, howling...." Frank said uncertainly, looking at Yondu. Would the alien want him to be heard by everyone? Was it some way of showing everyone else who belonged with who? Frank blushed as he realized that it didn't bother him as much as he thought it should. In fact, his own body was responding to the noises, showing an interest that hadn't been there before. He cleared his throat nervously.

"Better in pleasure than because he's being hurt." Yondu clasped Frank's waist, just above his backside, letting his fingers rest on the other man's buttocks. "Haven't taken you fully yet, but I plan to. Long as you say it's okay. But if you don't want the others to hear...I can always gag you."

Frank's eyes widened and he swallowed hard. "I think my body is saying it'd be more than okay," he said huskily, pressing his hips forward so his erection pressed against Yondu. "Being gagged don't sound all that bad either..." He blushed darker as he thought of gags and restraints. Yondu was the first being he'd ever been with capable of controlling him. It was a big turn on.

"Ain't no reason we can't experiment," Yondu commented. "Binding...gagging...making you rely only on me." He pressed gently on Frank's buttocks, so the other man's erection would poke him even more.

Frank swallowed hard. "Hell... that shouldn't sound as good or turn me on as much as it does." He nearly whimpered, following Yondu's unspoken command, and pressed his hips forward so his erection was caught, pressed tight between his and Yondu's bodies.

"Gotta say that's a good sign." Yondu moved his hand down lower, beginning to stroke the other man's erection.

Whimpering softly, Frank felt himself opening up for Yondu. He wanted this. He wanted to belong to the older man. "Never wanted to belong to someone or... or submit before," he admitted, in a slightly nervous tone. "...And after only half a day with you, I... I want stuff I never wanted before..." He swallowed hard again and shivered. He forced himself to look into Yondu's eyes; in his own was the nervousness, but that was overshadowed by a look of begging need. He wanted Yondu to take over, wanted to be claimed. He just wasn't sure how he could admit it.

"That ain't a bad thing." Yondu spoke in a low, reassuring tone. "Nothing to be nervous or worried about. You're mine now. Belong to me." He brushed a kiss across Frank's lips.

Frank took in a slow breath, kissing back. "I'm yours," he whispered. "...I'm giving myself...  given myself to you. You just need to take what already is yours." His voice was shaky with nervous need and desire.

"But not yet." Yondu stroked over Frank's lips. "You need to sleep more. Then we'll eat. And then get what we need so I can take what's mine."

Frank opened his mouth to protest, argue, but found himself kissing Yondu's fingers instead. His future lover was right. More than that, he was in charge and Frank felt a need to obey. "Yessir..." he whispered, with a soft, semi-frustrated pout.

Yondu gave each buttock a gentle squeeze and then kissed Frank's lips. "No pouting," he said, with a trace of amusement. "I'll take you. You belong to me now."

Frank let out a tiny groan at each squeeze and kissed Yondu back in as submissive a way as he was able to. "I'll try, sir..." he said, with a hint of sheepish amusement, still pouting a little, but acknowledging the fact he was pouting now. "...So... sleep again?" he asked hesitantly. Now that he'd been told 'no' to more physical endeavors, he was realizing he really was worn out. Waking up to hearing Peter being pleasured had aroused him, but it certainly hadn't helped with the fact he needed rest.

"Sleep again," Yondu replied. "I got hold of you. I ain't gonna let you go. Ever," he promised.

"I believe you," Frank whispered trustingly. Carefully, he lowered himself back down into Yondu's arms, letting his head rest on the older man's chest. He fell asleep listening to Yondu's heartbeat.


It was lunch time the next day and Peter and Thor had taken the opportunity to inform the other members on the ship about Yondu and Frank at breakfast, so by the time the two new arrivals made their way out of their room and to the dining area, everyone was waiting to meet them. Frank took a glance around the table and noted how everyone was paired up and how at least half of those pairings involved one of the pair sitting on the others lap and being fed. He shifted back slightly when everyone turned to stare at Yondu and him.

Steve smiled at both of the newcomers. "Welcome," he said warmly. "I know there's quite a few of us, but hopefully, I can clear up some of the confusion." He began to introduce everyone sat around the table.

Frank nodded at everyone as they were introduced, then gave the spot left for Yondu and him a skeptical look. There was a bench big enough for two people to sit closely together, as all the couples had. The only question was if Yondu would pull him onto his lap, like Steve had Brock, or if he would sit him beside him close and tight like Phil had Grant.

Yondu led Frank towards the bench and sat down, pulling the other man onto his lap and wrapping his arms around Frank's waist. There was no reason not to be affectionate. He could see that no one else was holding back.

Frank squirmed and shifted until he was settled comfortably on Yondu's lap, but Yondu was still able to eat. "Mornin'..." he drawled hesitantly, as everyone was still looking at him and Yondu with curiosity.

"I think you mean 'good afternoon'," Peter chimed in cheerfully, before opening his mouth so Thor could put another bite into it.

Frank blinked at the fact Peter was being fed by his lover, then looked around at all the others and noticed that every single one of the pairs, one of them was feeding the other, even the ones not sitting on each other's laps.

"You'll get used to seeing it..." Stephen smiled gently at Frank, before opening his mouth so Mordo could feed him.

Bucky chuckled. "Yeah. Our Dominants don't seem to think we'll eat enough if we feed ourselves, so they usually take over..." he said, in a tone that indicated it didn't really bother him and if it made his master happy, he was willing to go along with it.

"Seems to be a good way of ensuring the food gets eaten." Yondu had his arms around Frank's waist and now he shifted the other man's plate, so that he could take over feeding him.

Steve kissed the nape of Brock's neck as he continued to feed his lover, picturing taking Brock over his knee after breakfast for a spanking to warm his lover's backside and make sure his claim was felt.

Fisk let his lips brush over the back of Matt's hair, cuddling the smaller man tightly to himself. In between bites, he was stealing kisses often.

Frank watched as his plate was moved closer to Yondu and looked at the man wide-eyed, a questioning look in his eyes, but he didn't try and pull the plate back. Instead, he settled further into Yondu's arms. He already knew Yondu was the one in charge and he wasn't inclined to fight the other man on something so simple and harmless as who would put the food into his mouth. He swallowed and gave Yondu, a hesitant smile before glancing around the table again, his eyes falling on and focusing on Matt and Fisk. He'd heard that Red had got with the Kingpin (he'd also heard Fisk had turned over a new leaf and was 'good' now) but seeing it with his own eyes made it more real. "Hey, Red..." he said gruffly. "...Glad to see you made it through."

Matt was cuddling as close as he could get to his lover, eating what he was given and kissing back when he was able. At Frank's comment, though, he paused long enough to turn his face toward where the other man sat. "I'm happy to see you made it through too, Castle..." He smiled. "...I know Karen worried about you enough, it's probably a miracle you did." His tone was teasing, but it was clear the words were serious.

Frank blushed, knowing it was more information that would make Yondu more determined to take over and control his actions, so he wasn't so dangerous to himself. "Yeah, well... she worried about you just as much..." he accused, in the same teasing but serious tone.

"Let's face it. Neither one of us was good at taking care of ourselves. Anyone who didn't know us that well would have thought we had a death wish..." Matt snorted, snuggling back into Fisk even more. "I'm not allowed to act like that anymore, though..." he added, leaving it unsaid that he suspected Frank wasn't either.

Frank glanced toward Fisk and the protective way he was holding Matt, feeding him. "I can see that..." he said, with a hint of amusement.

Brock continued eating, a pleased sigh escaping when Steve kissed him. At Steve's imagining, he thought about Steve spanking him just as Steve had imagined... and then imagined Steve bending him over the table and taking him so he'd feel him inside as well.

Exactly right. Fisk spoke the words through the bond, stroking his fingers along Matt's stomach. "Dangerous behavior really isn't allowed anymore," he said out loud.

"Not now, when there are people who need you to stay alive and well," T'Challa commented. He had Loki cuddled close to him, feeding the other man in between kissing his cheeks and forehead.

"You ain't gonna be allowed to play dangerous games with your life anymore." Yondu murmured the words into Frank's ear, though they were loud enough for the others to hear. "'Course, I doubt anyone here would mind if you did wind up over my knee ‘cause we have to deal with that."

Matt wiggled slightly as Fisk stroked his stomach. You're tickling me! he accused, as a mirthful feeling shot through the bond. He saw no need to comment on Fisk's comment. It was obvious he agreed with whatever his master declared.

Loki was returning the kisses when able, a contented smile on his face.

Grant cleared his throat and shifted hesitantly, still not entirely used to having everyone be so open and visible with relationships, though he was becoming more used to it. He didn't blush anymore, at least. "And it isn't like they don't follow their own rules and keep themselves safe for us..." he added in, in case Frank thought it was all one sided. He knew for a fact his father was always careful not to do things that might take him away from Grant, if it could be avoided at all.

Frank swallowed at Yondu's words, having expected the man to latch on and make it something that Frank had to listen to as well. He hadn't exactly expected Yondu to promise to spank him in front of others if he messed up but given how open they all were with everything to do with their relationships and each other, he suspected Yondu was right. They wouldn't mind if Yondu decided to spank him in front of them all. "What if there's no choice?" he asked, not quite defiantly, but close. He had accepted Yondu as his dominant, but that didn't mean it was easy to just roll over on command.

Fisk smiled and ran his fingers up under Matt's shirt, so he could stroke his lover's bare stomach. The fleeting thought came through his mind that, after breakfast, he'd like to strip the smaller man naked. Spread Matt out over his lap, so he could touch, caress...smack....

"We stay safe for each other," Coulson said. "Whether you're dominant or submissive, once you're in that kind of relationship, you have a responsibility to the other person."

Yondu ran his hand down Frank's chest, over his stomach and to his thigh, squeezing it possessively. "Most of the time, you got a choice," he said calmly. "The times you don't? We'll deal with those."

Matt's stomach quivered under Fisk's fingers as the image was sent through and he turned his head to nuzzle against the larger man's chin, silently letting his lover know he'd like what was imagined.

"I don't think there are any of us that doesn't take that responsibility seriously. Sometimes reminders need to be given... it's hard to undo years of learning to not care about one's safety and health... but overall, we want to be our best for those we love," Bucky said gruffly, before turning his head enough to kiss Fury chastely on the mouth.

Frank shivered at the visible show of ownership Yondu was giving to all those present. Even if the fact he was on Yondu's lap hadn't clued them all in, his physically claiming him with his hands would have given them notice. "I have two settings. Careful as Fuck, where I don't do anything and most people don't even know I'm around; and the other one where I go balls-out- full-on destructo and end up shot and hiding in safe-houses till I manage to kill everyone who's after me..." he admitted.

Fisk gently kissed Matt's lips in silent acknowledgement of what his lover meant.

Fury kissed his lover back, gently ghosting his fingers over Bucky's chin.

"We're gonna work on finding a middle ground that'll leave you happier," Yondu promised, his hand remaining in place on Frank's thigh. "Not saying or expecting it to be easy. But we're gonna put the effort in. Cause you're mine now."

"Of course, sometimes it isn't always about dangerous behavior," Danny said quietly. "Sometimes it's about proving and showing someone how much they're worth." He smiled lovingly at Ward.

Ward blushed, but actually looked up and into Danny's eyes at that. All the painful reminders were worth it, if it let him finally see how much his best friend loved and valued him.

Frank swallowed again. "I'm... I'm yours..." he agreed out loud and in front of everyone. That was a big step for him, but it wasn't as difficult as he'd thought it might be, given how open with their own relationships they were. "Still... not used to having someone else make all the decisions for me. Not anymore, anyway..." He swallowed again.

Loki wrinkled his nose. "I think you'll find that most decisions 'made for you' are actually things you'd choose to do anyway..." he said, with a tiny smile. "But even if they aren't, if you trust him to love and take care of you, then chances are the choice he makes is the best one for you anyway...."

"I know... that's not the problem!" Frank blurted, uncertain and a little frustrated that he couldn't explain himself better. It wasn't about distrusting Yondu or being worried Yondu would make bad decisions for him. It was the fact Yondu was making decisions for him at all. He'd been on his own too long. It felt wrong to give over control like that, no matter how right it felt. At least, it felt wrong to just give over control without at least a minimal struggle.

Matt bit his lip, remembering how patient Fisk had been with him as he came to grips with his need to give everything to the larger man. "You want him to prove that he can handle you. That he isn't in control just because you gave up the control to him; that if necessary, he can take that control from you and protect you from yourself..." he said softly.

Frank wrinkled his nose at the way Matt worded things; he didn't like the idea that he was pushing Yondu to prove he could force him into submission, if it was needed. But he couldn't say Matt was wrong, either.

Matt continued, as if sensing Frank's unhappiness with the words. "...Not saying he would force you to submit. Or that you want him to. Just that... that he's capable of making you submit." His emotions were roiling as he thought about all the times, he'd pushed Fisk to keep going; unable to let go, even though he needed to. His master had taken things only as far as he had to in order to ensure Matt's safety and well-being. And he always made sure Matt knew he had a choice, as long as that choice wasn't detrimental to his health. If I had kept pushing instead of accepting what I needed... would you have gone further? he found himself asking Fisk curiously, even as he snuggled close in an attempt to calm down.

I don't think I would have gone further unless you showed there was a real need for me to and that I'd exhausted every possibility, Fisk answered. I waited five very long years for you. I'd learned patience already. I wanted you to choose because it was what you wanted. Not because you were too afraid of me to say no.

Yondu gently squeezed around Frank's waist. "It's moving very fast," he said. "Unless you knew me in this dimension, we only met yesterday. I'm used to knowing when someone's important to me. Belongs with me. Didn't take much to realize about my kid. I ain't gonna force you if you're truly unhappy. I don't want to make you unhappy. But I think we both need and want this."

Matt sent back a feeling of belief and acceptance. Fisk's answer was soothing in itself; because he knew if Fisk had truly wanted to take complete control and make a slave of Matt, he would have been able to do so. Matt hadn't been in any frame of mind to stop him when Fisk had found him. Really, his master had built him back up and given him the strength to be able to make choices on his own again. The fact Fisk was in complete control over him was because Matt wanted and needed that. I love you. He snuggled back into Fisk again.

"I'm not... unhappy, I mean. I feel safer and more relaxed right now than I have in years..." Frank admitted, with a sigh. "Can't help feeling like I'm giving in too easy, though..." he muttered, thinking maybe Matt was right. He wanted Yondu to prove he could handle him if it was necessary. He trusted the other man wouldn't bully him or force him into situations that would hurt or make him unhappy. He wasn't a slave. But if taking complete control and 'forcing' him into a situation would protect him or ultimately make him happy, was Yondu willing to do that? Frank had already made his choice and told Yondu as such. Had he given in too easy? What if he got scared and tried to pull away? Would Yondu just let go of him without a fight? He was so confused; it was obvious both in the constipated look on his face and the tense way he held his body.

I love you. Fisk kissed Matt's neck. I have done for a very long time. You're mine now. I look after you.

Yondu pressed a kiss to Frank's shoulder. "Now that you've told me that, I ain't gonna back off or decide you're too challenging. I'm taking that as permission from you to do what's needed to keep you safe. Happy. With me. No matter what."

Frank shivered at both the kiss and the words. "Even if I'm being a pain in the ass and fight you?" he whispered. He didn't care that the rest of the table could hear.

Most of the subs chose that moment to turn their faces into the necks or shoulders of their Doms, to at least give the illusion of privacy to the newest pair on board the ship. Having a dozen or more other individuals staring at him while he tried to come to grips with the fact that, at least in his relationship with Yondu, he was a submissive, wouldn't help Frank with his confusion and might make him act out more than he probably was going to, if his words and body language were anything to go by. It would be hard enough on the two of them as it was, without unintentionally instigating worse behavior that would require harsher reaction. Of course, if he went from being obviously confused and anxious to doing something that required action on Yondu's part, all bets were off. They'd all had their backsides blistered in front of each other <and others> and they had no qualms about watching it with the new guy if it occurred. Something about having witnesses to your bottom being turned cherry red while you bawled your eyes out over your master's lap brought them all closer together; and having Frank be brought closer to the group as a whole would be a good thing, as far as most of them were concerned. At least, that's what Brock was assuming, as he observed his fellow subs and how they were acting while Frank worked out his issues.

Of course, there were some other things that might encourage the newly formed pair and help the uncertain sub out. Brock sent a mental picture of Steve doing exactly what he'd envisioned at the beginning of the meal and sent a questioning feeling back through the bond. Everyone was finished eating by this point. All they really needed to do was push the plate further into the center of the table and push the bench slightly back and Steve would have plenty of room to take control.

"We're in it for the long haul now," Yondu promised, gently squeezing Frank's thigh again.

Steve sent his lover a mental nod of acknowledgement and then carefully made the adjustments he needed to before he transferred Brock over his lap. Rubbing his sub's back and bottom through the clothes Brock was wearing, he then proceeded to bare him.

Brock shivered, sending feelings of love, acceptance and excitement back through the bond. He didn't vocalize, yet, but anyone that had been around the two of them for any length of time knew that once Steve got going, Brock would be loud and vocal.

Matt, hearing the shifting from Steve and Brock's direction and then hearing Brock's heartbeat increase, straightened slightly. Brock is about to be handled? he asked Fisk, a hint of wistfulness in his tone. He'd never thought he'd be the type to want to be publicly controlled, but he had been around it occurring so much on this ship that he now found himself wanting the others to know that he was just as owned as the other subs.

Frank nodded wordlessly. He couldn't help directing a startled look toward Steve and Brock as the two made their move. His eyes widened slightly, but he didn't say anything. Everyone else seemed to be taking this behavior in stride. He wasn't sure why it surprised him.

Yes. Picking up on Matt's emotions, Fisk asked, Would you like me to do the same to you? He didn't push or demand, putting the ball entirely in his lover's court. Fisk might make the decisions about punishment, but he wanted his lover to make the choices about claiming spankings.

Yondu also glanced towards Steve and Brock, his own eyes widening. "You just decided to do that?" he asked Steve.

"Not quite," Steve answered, rubbing his lover's bared backside. "We have a bond that allows us to communicate silently. Every couple here has the same kind of bond."

Please, sir? I want them to see you own me just as much as Steve owns Brock, Matt admitted, a slightly hopeful wistfulness slipping through the bond.

Frank cleared his throat. "He asked you to do that to him? Here? In front of everyone?" He blushed as the question came out in a high-pitched squeak.

Brock groaned loudly as Steve rubbed. "...Yes!" he blurted. It wasn't clear if it was in reaction to Steve's actions or the question, though.

Frank shifted as the visual and the audio combined to make him feel a bit hot and squirmy inside.

Fisk kissed Matt gently and then carefully moved his lover in place over his knee, baring Matt before allowing one large hand to rest on the other man's backside. For a few moments, he just rubbed and stroked.

Steve lifted his hand, letting it land in a firm smack. It wasn't too hard, not anything like full strength, but definitely enough to be felt.

Yondu tightened his arms around Frank's waist. "Maybe that's what you need. Reminding of who you belong to now," he murmured in the other man's ear.

Frank had thought nothing would distract him from the sight of Steve rubbing and smacking Brock's quickly reddening bottom, but a low moan from Red had his gaze darting over toward Matt and Fisk. He whimpered as he saw the larger man's hand nearly covering his friend's entire backside, obviously rubbing and squeezing. It was just as obvious that Matt wanted to be claimed in this way. He swallowed hard and shivered as he felt Yondu's observation ghost over his ear. The warmth pooling in his belly at watching and hearing what was being done to Brock and Matt grew. He shifted nervously, unable to hide the fact that he was becoming aroused. The fact that all the couples were able to speak to each other without actually saying words out loud was in the back of his mind, but at the moment, he was preoccupied with watching. He'd ask about that later.

Peter, seeing two of his friends being handled at the dinner table, turned puppy-eyes onto Thor. Please, Drottinn?

Bucky didn't necessarily feel an urge to be handled in front of everyone, but he did think that perhaps seeing someone handled in a manner that didn't include spanking, but was gentler, would be good for Frank. He sent a mental image of his Moy putting him over his lap to rub, touch and claim without the spanking.

Both Fisk and Steve had their attention entirely on their lovers, beginning to smack and rub almost in unison. The smacks definitely weren't hard but were enough to have their lovers' bottoms beginning to grow pink and warm.

Thor kissed Peter and then moved his own lover into the same position, beginning to stroke and rub down his lover's back and over his bottom.

Indicating that he understood, Fury carefully moved Bucky into place, touching and rubbing like his lover had indicated.

Danny firmed his own hold on Ward, kissing his best friend's shoulder and then his lips.

Yondu tightened his grasp on Frank, pulling the other man more firmly onto his lap; which had the added bonus of allowing the other man to feel how Yondu himself was reacting to what they were witnessing.

Stephen sighed silently. Just because he wasn't into the public displays of affectionate domination didn't mean he was unaffected. Once lunch was over, they'd explain the bond a little more thoroughly; he knew once Yondu and Frank calmed enough to think about it, they'd wonder how the bonded couples communicated without words- and then? He had every intention of going back to his room with Mordo and begging his master to make him walk funny the rest of the day.

Grant blushed faintly and squirmed so he could hide his face against Coulson's shoulder. Given that the only relief he'd be getting from watching what was happening was with his own hand, he didn't particularly want to get turned on by all the sounds and sights around him.

Ward returned Danny's kiss eagerly, sending out a hesitant question Do you want to claim me in front of the others? I... I know I'm normally shy, but I like the idea of them seeing that I belong to you too, so....

Frank whimpered softly at feeling Yondu's reaction, his own arousal growing to the point where he couldn't hide it. It was almost too much. Seeing all the quickly reddening bottoms of the subs being possessively rubbed and smacked, seeing the less red, but still pinkened bottoms of those subs just being gently handled and... he inhaled quickly and swallowed hard as he saw Fury's fingers exploring inside Bucky, whimpering again a bit more loudly. Was this what he wanted? For Yondu to take complete control over his body and make his bottom sting while making the rest of his body sing for him? He didn't know if it was what he wanted, but he did know that he wasn't against the idea. His body quivered, betraying how keyed up he was to Yondu.

Mordo reached under the table and gently squeezed Stephen's hand in silent promise. I'll take you over and over, he promised his lover. Make sure you feel me so thoroughly, it'll last for at least the rest of the day.

Coulson ran his fingers through Grant's hair. Would you feel more comfortable going back to our room? he asked privately.

I want what you want, Danny answered honestly. Whether you want me to claim you in front of them or not. I will always put you first.

Yondu let his hands stroke down over Frank's chest and stomach, gently squeezing his thighs. "It wouldn't take much to turn you face-down across my knee," he whispered in the other man's ear. "To take your pants down, so I can see. See what belongs to me. And then make your bottom sting while I touch and caress the rest of you. Make it clear that you're mine now."

Stephen squeezed Mordo's hand back, turning his face to gently kiss his mate. I would like that a great deal....

Please, Daddy? Grant thought.

Ward kissed a bit more eagerly. I know you will. That is why I am able to trust you with making the decision on what would be best for me. Since I am not certain what I want.

Bucky moaned softly as his Moy stroked and rubbed his bottom and deep inside of him, brushing over the bundle of nerves that he always seemed to find without any problem at all. The soldier was hard and already on the brink of release; only the fact he wanted to wait for permission keeping him from splashing his seed all over his master's lap.

Brock began to squirm uncontrollably, moaning, whining and begging out loud. "...Please, Sir... make me feel you all day, so I... so I remember constantly who I belong to?"

Matt wasn't begging out loud, but he may as well have been, the way he was squirming and making loud noises of pleasure and arousal. A quick glance showed that only Fisk's strong grip on the smaller man kept him in place; Matt was completely out of control.

Frank's whimper at those words carried through the entire dining area and his heartbeat increased to a beat that Yondu could feel as he stroked over his chest. He wanted to say yes. To beg Yondu to do exactly that. But he couldn't form the words, because he wasn't sure he should want that.

Mordo kissed Stephen, letting his tongue slip into his lover's mouth and embracing the other man. Waves of love and desire swept from him through the bond, covering the other man with all of the intensity of his emotion.

Kissing Grant's head, Coulson stood with his son and led him from the dining area to their quarters.

I think we should wait until we're in our quarters, Danny said. But as for kissing and cuddling you? That, I can and want to do. In front of everyone.

You can let go, Fury directed. Any time you're ready. Any time you want to. I want you to feel good, my soldier.

Steve began to smack a bit harder and a bit faster, pausing every so often to rub and feel the heat from Brock's bottom. A sense of satisfaction came through the bond as he saw just how red it was getting.

Fisk kept the swats light and steady, enough to sting but not really hurt. After every two or three, he paused to rub or squeeze, alternating between Matt's bottom and thighs.

Yondu slid his hand up under Frank's shirt, stroking the bare skin of his chest. With his other hand, he situated the other man...just enough so that he could fit his own hand against Frank's backside. Just enough to gently pat the other man's bottom, without turning Frank fully over his knees.

Stephen returned the kiss allowing his own love and desire to pour from him to his mate. It was nearly overwhelming, the emotion and love of the two of them mixing and swirling through the bond.

I like kissing and cuddling, Ward thought back contentedly, happy with Danny's decision. He knew, deep down, that even if his body was clamoring for more, emotionally, he wasn't ready, and it meant a lot that Danny knew that as well and was protecting him from himself.

With Fury's permission, Bucky let go, releasing in one long, hard, spasm that was accompanied by a low soft moan and then Bucky slumping over his master's lap in a boneless heap. I do not understand how you can bring me to orgasm with just rubbing my bottom and fingering me, but... Moy... you play me like a violin....

Brock felt the satisfaction pouring through the bond and couldn't help but ask, Am I red, Sir? Am I as red as you want me to be? He continued to squirm, rubbing his hardness between Steve's thighs, every so often thrusting gently, but mostly just whimpering, moaning and begging for more of Steve's control.

Matt didn't need hard swats to feel Fisk's control. He was happy with the gentle swats and the rubbing and squeezing. Feelings of contentment, love and trust flowed through the bond. It wasn't pain Matt needed; he just needed to know his master was in control and Fisk? Fisk was very obviously in control.

Frank's heartbeat increased even further, hard enough he was positive it could be heard by everyone in the room. He knew it had to be felt by Yondu. He didn't fight as Yondu resituated him. As Yondu began to gently pat, he took in a shuddering breath and was surprised to find tears pooling in his eyes. He wasn't upset or feeling guilty or in pain. But his nerves were taut, and he felt like he needed, and he didn't know how to ask for what he needed. Shifting just enough that he could hide his face against Yondu's shoulder, but not so much he'd dislodge either of the man's hands, Frank shifted his own hands so that he was clinging to Yondu in desperation.  "...Please..." he whimpered, in such a soft voice it barely reached Yondu's ears.

Mordo continued to kiss and caress his lover, hands running gently through Stephen's hair and over his back. I wonder if we were still together in the dimension Yondu is from, he thought suddenly.

You feel good in my arms, Danny said honestly. You feel good to touch and to hold. It feels good just to cuddle with you like this. If I had nothing else, I would be content just to have you.

I love you. Fury stroked and rubbed over Bucky's back, down his bottom and legs. I want to bring you pleasure. He knew full well that his soldier had had more than enough pain in the past.

You're getting there. Steve shifted Brock, just enough to expose his lover's sit spots more, and began to swat there, coloring those areas the same shade of red as the rest of his lover's bottom and thighs.

I love you. The words and emotion carried clear through the bond from Fisk to Matt. It was very clear he enjoyed making his lover feel good.

T'Challa drew Loki onto his lap, kissing his neck. Would you like me to do anything to you?

Yondu rubbed his hand over Frank's stomach and also over his back, shifting the shirt to make it easier to get to bare skin. At the same time, he pushed the other man's pants down, clear off his bottom. He began to rub Frank's underwear-clad backside, every so often patting it firmly or giving a possessive squeeze.

Stephen's amusement carried easily through the bond. I'm sure we can ask him once he has made his claim. And possibly after they have bonded.

I have never been so content and it is because you have me, Ward admitted.

I love you, Moy, Bucky thought. Just being with you brings me happiness and peace.

Brock felt a sense of his own satisfaction that he was able to give himself to Steve so completely. That he was able to accept his master's touch and coloring of his backside. That he would be able to feel Steve's ownership the rest of the day whenever he sat.

I love you, sir and I'm so grateful and happy you came after me and didn't let me go, Matt thought, shifting so that Fisk was able to feel the effect he'd begun to have on him.

Loki nuzzled the side of T'Challa's head. No, my king. I am happy just being in your arms. I have no wish to put on a show, though. If we are not needed here, perhaps you can take me to our quarters and ravish me there?

Frank whimpered softly as his pants were pushed down, the material catching on his erection, but calming as soon as they were to his knees and he was able to kick them off. The thin layer of material that still covered his bottom wasn't enough to shield from the firm pats and in fact amplified them somewhat. He gripped onto Yondu more tightly, his breathing becoming slightly erratic as he tried not to come just from being rubbed and gently smacked. The front of his tented underwear was damp.

It would be interesting to learn, Mordo commented, still lovingly kissing his mate. I can't imagine ever wanting to be apart from you, but it's possible that other versions of me were just as foolish as I was.

Forever and always. Danny kissed Ward's neck. I love you so much.

Good. Fury gently rubbed low down on Bucky's back. Maybe we should go to our quarters? Either clean up, or I can take you fully first.

Steve swatted a little bit harder for a full circuit of swats and then paused, rubbing his hand over Brock's heated backside. Along with the satisfaction, it was clear just how much he loved and needed Brock.

I wouldn't ever let you go, Fisk promised. You are everything. He slid one hand under Matt, so he could gently stroke and caress his lover's erection.

T'Challa stood, carefully helping Loki to stand, and led his lover out of the room, heading to their quarters.

Yondu cupped Frank's bottom in his hand, allowing his other hand to slide down so that he could hold each buttock. He gave each of them a squeeze and then a gentle smack, moving his hands a little lower to do the same to Frank's uncovered thighs.

It would be interesting. Stephen pulled back just enough to breathe and let his forehead rest against Mordo's. We should definitely ask.

Ward sighed softly, feelings of contented happiness carrying through the bond as Danny kissed his neck. I love you too, sir. So very much.

I would like that, Moy, to have you bury yourself deep in me and take your own pleasure. Feeling that I please you feels as good as when you touch me and bring me to release. Better, even. Bucky almost shyly looked over his shoulder at Fury.

Brock needed and loved Steve just as much and made certain those feelings were clear in the bond, along with feelings of devotion and desire. He thought about Steve bending him over the dining table and taking him then and there; releasing inside of him and then plugging him so that he'd feel Steve inside of him the rest of the day.

Matt felt himself go boneless as his master took hold of his erection and began to stroke. A feeling of acceptance and belonging accompanied the reaction. I belong to you forever...

Frank shivered as his bottom was cupped possessively then smacked. He whined softly as his thighs were given the same treatment and closed his eyes tightly, the tears that had been pooling in them squeezing out past his lids and sliding down his cheeks. "Please..." he repeated again, in a ragged whisper, not exactly sure what he was begging for, but knowing only Yondu could provide it.

Mordo kissed Stephen's forehead and then wrapped his arms a bit tighter around his lover, just snuggling.

Would you like to stay and watch? Or for me to take you back to our quarters, where I can take you fully without an audience? Danny asked.

Thor had been stroking and rubbing his own lover's back and bottom, taking his time doing so with the intention of drawing things out for as long as possible.

You always bring me pleasure, Fury promised. But I know there's only so much you want to do with an audience. He carefully lifted Bucky off his lap, cuddling his soldier tight and kissing him firmly before exiting to their own quarters.

Steve's own erection spiked at the mental image. It was very clear that's what he wanted as well, both physically and through the bond.

You belong only to me, Fisk agreed. My love. You are so precious to me. So beautiful.

Yondu kissed the side of Frank's head and then eased the other man's underwear down too. Once it was clear off his lover's bottom, he gave each buttock a firmer smack before he paused to begin rubbing once more.

Stephen let his head rest on Mordo's shoulder, snuggling as close as possible, eyes half-closed as he watched the rest of the room in various degrees of copulation. If anyone had told him a year before that he'd be participating in such a voyeuristic way, he would have scoffed, but now? It didn't feel wrong. They all had a connection through the fact they all had unique bonds with their mates.

Take me back to our room, Danny? I want to be taken, but I don't want anyone but us to participate, even if it is only through watching... Ward smiled, nuzzling against Danny wherever he could reach.

Peter was in a blissed-out state, eyes closed and just moaning softly with the movement of Thor's hands. He'd lost focus on anyone but his Drottinn long before.

Brock felt a spike of elated anticipation as Steve's feelings about his 'idea' carried back to him. He envisioned it again, making sure to visualize each and every moment in vivid detail, up to and including Steve thrusting hard enough to push Brock up onto the table.

You make me feel beautiful, Matt thought, in an almost dreamy haze, Fisk's stroking and gentle swatting taking him to the edge. He thought about the bag of toys he'd bought before they met the Avengers and then imagined Fisk using some of them on him.

Frank let out a tiny yelp as the firmer smack connected to his very sensitive bottom, whimpering as Yondu began to rub again. He found himself pressing more tightly to the older man, clinging to him desperately. He wriggled just enough for the underwear to join the pants on the floor, so that he was totally bare from the waist down, the wiggling causing him to rub against Yondu slightly and inform the other man of just how aroused Frank really was.

Mordo nestled Stephen comfortably on his lap, cuddling the other man tightly and periodically kissing his head or his neck.

Danny stood and lifted Ward into his arms, kissing his lover deeply before carrying him to their quarters.

Thor stroked and rubbed, his strong emotions flowing through the bond to Peter. I love you so much, my star-prince.

Steve delivered a final few smacks and then carefully moved Brock into position over the table, taking care to move everything out of his lover's way.

They're in our room. Fisk gently squeezed Matt's thighs. Would you like us to move there?

Yondu moved Frank's legs so that they would wrap around his waist, allowing Frank's erection to press more firmly against him. It also allowed him to deliver more firm swats to the other man's bottom and thighs, pausing often to rub as the skin grew warm under the steady smacks.

Stephen only shifted his head enough so that Mordo could kiss as he wanted. Otherwise, he just snuggled close, a contented, peaceful feeling flowing through the bond along with his love.

Peter's contentment was clear. Love you too, Drottinn. So much. Glad I'm yours....

Brock shivered as he was shifted to being bent over the table. He curled his fingers against the wood grain and took a slow breath as he waited for his lover to push into him. A sense of eager anticipation carried through the bond.

Yes, please... want you to own me complete... Matt thought, with a hint of embarrassed neediness.

Frank groaned and nuzzled against Yondu's shoulder and neck once he'd been repositioned, taking advantage of being pressed tight against the older man to rock gently and get a little friction on his swollen member. He'd stop if Yondu told him to, but it just felt so good and he couldn't imagine that Yondu would have settled him this way if he didn't want him to take advantage of it. Tears were still falling down his face from how wound up he was emotionally and physically and he let out tiny grunts and yelps with each firm swat, but didn't try and get away; actually pushing his bottom out for easier access when he wasn't rubbing wantonly against Yondu's torso. His backside and thighs stung wonderfully.

Thor leaned over to press kisses down Peter's back, gently nipping at the skin at the same time.

Steve had taken Brock earlier and knew his lover was ready for him. He lowered his own pants and underwear and pushed inside Brock, grasping his lover's hips firmly.

You don't need to be embarrassed. Fisk stood up, lifting Matt into his arms, and carried his lover from the dining area.

Yondu kissed the side of Frank's head, continuing to steadily smack the other man's bottom and thighs. "Feels good, don't it?" he murmured. "Giving me the control. Don't plan to stop before your bottom's red and hot and you can't sit down without feeling my control."

Peter shivered and moaned softly. He was completely focused on Thor, but not so completely focused, he didn't realize when Steve took Brock. He whimpered softly and rubbed against Thor's lap as his thoughts inevitably went to Thor picking him up and sliding him down onto him, filling him up.

Brock's own groan was full of satisfaction and he widened his stance so that he'd be more open for Steve to begin thrusting.

Frank whimpered, then groaned. "...Y... yessir..." he finally whined softly. It was hard to admit, but Yondu was right. It did feel good. It felt really good and he wanted to feel Yondu's control. He shifted his head and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to Yondu's shoulder, catching sight of Steve taking Brock in full view of everyone. It did nothing to tame his own need and he groaned softly, finding himself wishing that Yondu would take him.

Thor kissed and gently sucked on Peter's skin before he did as his lover thought. It didn't take much of a movement to remove his own pants and underwear and to lift Peter into his arms, lowering the other man onto his member.

Steve began to thrust deeply and hard inside his lover, grasping Brock's hips to make it easier.

Yondu kissed the side of Frank's head, sliding his hands down a bit lower. This time, when he smacked, the swats began to land on the other man's inner thighs.

Peter's groan filled the room and he arched his back so that Thor would be able to pound deeper into him. It also had the benefit of enabling him to press adoring kisses to the underside of Thor's chin. I love you, Drottinn. Belong to you completely.... he thought, his blissful emotions surrounding Thor.

Brock clenched his fingers and focused on how his mate was joined to him, so strong and forceful and big. He knew he would most definitely be feeling this the rest of the day. He'd be walking funny and everyone watching him would know that Steve had thoroughly claimed him. He belonged to Steve. It made him feel proud and safe and wanted. Every feeling and emotion he had about Steve claiming him was swimming through the bond. It was everything he wanted, and Steve would be able to feel that.

Letting out a tiny gurgling sound as his sensitive thighs were smacked and began to sting, Frank opened his legs as far as he could, so that Yondu had easy access. Whatever Yondu wanted to do, wherever he wanted to do it, Frank was more than eager and ready to submit. Even if it hurt, it was such an exquisite pain, Frank wanted more. He was having a hard time remembering why he was so nervous and reluctant not more than 30 minutes before. Right now, all he wanted was to belong fully to the alien who held him. Belong to Yondu completely. "...Y... yours, sir..." he finally gasped out, his tone making it clear that he wanted Yondu to take everything possible and own him.

You do, Thor said. You belong to me and with me. I won't ever let you go. He pressed kiss to the top of Peter's head, his hands holding onto his lover's hips firmly and securely.

Steve began to thrust harder and faster inside his lover, his own emotions flowing through the bond to Brock. I want you. I need you. I love you. Nothing will change that, he promised.

"Mine." Yondu pressed a kiss to each side of Frank's neck, resuming the gentle rubbing and possessive squeezing. "It don't matter what else happens," he promised. "I ain't gonna let you go. You're mine now. For good."

Peter let out a happy sigh, the feeling of safety and security blending with the feelings of being completely owned and loved enabling him to just let go. He was enjoying having Thor inside him, moving and claiming and that enjoyment carried through the bond.

Brock pressed his upper chest down on the table firmly so that he could push his bottom up further. He wanted nothing more than to have Steve deep inside him when the larger man released. Wanted to feel Steve's pleasure as he released in him and filled him up, marking him as belonging to Steve. I want and need and love you too, Cap. I will forever... he promised fervently.

"Forever... even if I have a hard time admitting it and try to pull away? You won't let me go?" Frank asked in a tiny voice, quivering as he was rubbed and squeezed, letting out a tiny sob at the kiss.

You feel so good surrounding me. Thor kissed Peter's lips. This feels so good and right. I love you, my star-prince. I can't live without you now.

Steve kissed Brock's shoulder, love and possession coming clearly through the bond as his release came closer...enough that he only needed one last nudge to let go.

Yondu kissed him. "I ain't gonna let you go," he promised. "No matter what happens. Even if you try to run? I'll come straight after you."

I never want to live without you... Peter thought, kissing Thor back eagerly. And then he was holding desperately to Thor as his release rocked through him.

Steve kissing Brock's shoulder altered the angle just slightly enough that he brushed against Brock's prostate. That was all it took and suddenly, Brock was clenched tight around his master, his body shivering uncontrollably as wave after wave of release tore through him. As he released, the muscles inside, surrounding Steve, were spasming too, causing a pulsing sensation that milked Steve's member firmly.

Frank returned the kiss, taking in a quivering breath before opening his eyes and staring into Yondu's face, his own tear-streaked and needy. "Please, sir..." he begged, keeping his eyes on Yondu, so that the alien could see he was certain about this. He wanted to be taken and owned by the older man. He wanted to submit and accept Yondu as his master.

Thor's own release came over him at the same time and he tightened his hold on Peter, kissing his lover firmly and passionately.

Steve let out a quiet gasp as his release rocked him. He gently nipped Brock's shoulder and then kissed, hands tightening on the other man's hips.

Yondu stroked his fingers along Frank's cheek. "Way I see it, we got two choices. I take you here, now, in front of the other couples. Or I take you to our room, so we can take care of things more privately."

"Before you make a decision...." Mordo leaned forward.

Peter held onto Thor, kissing him back until he became light-headed and needed oxygen. By then, his release had finally ended, and he slumped in Thor's arms, spent and weak from the exertion. Love you, Drottinn... love what you do to me... in me... but now, I need a nap. And a bath. Maybe not in that order... he thought, with a hint of amusement.

Brock continued to squeeze as tightly around Steve as he was able, even once his release ended, wanting to draw the other man's release out as long as possible. Next time... He thought of Steve having a plug with him to put inside Brock and keep all of his master's release inside him, where it couldn't run out.

Frank couldn't imagine getting up and moving into their room. Yes, it'd be more private, but he needed to be claimed so desperately, he didn't really care who saw by this point. At Mordo's words, he glanced up with an almost feverish look in his eyes.

Stephen gently cleared his throat and held out an empty flask. "If you are seriously interested in bonding, you will need this...  Are you interested? I know you had some questions about it..." He looked at Frank's needy, lust glazed eyes and winced in sympathy. Maybe we should have waited for another moment to ask them, Mor... he thought, a bit sheepishly.

I'll carry you through to our quarters. Bathe you. Put you to bed. With a small amount of humor, he added, I think your daddy's about to claim his lover. You probably don't want to see that. Carefully withdrawing from Peter, Thor lifted his lover into his arms.

Next time, Steve promised. He pressed another kiss to Brock's shoulder. For right now, I think we need to clean up the table and ourselves.

"Not sure either of us is in a fit state for any decisions, but maybe if you explain, it'll sink in so we can decide later," Yondu said, his hands stroking over Frank's back.

Peter's look of horror at the idea of watching Yondu have sex was rivaled by his sense of amusement at Thor's humor. Please... carry me through quick! I'll keep my eyes closed! he thought and hid his face against Thor's neck.

Brock let out a satisfied sigh, then huffed in amusement. I suppose we should. We'll need to eat here again tonight, after all....  He held still, though, waiting for Steve to be ready to withdraw from him and stand. Until that moment, he was quite happy having Steve laying heavily on top of his back, pinning him to the table.

Stephen looked toward Mordo to see if he wanted to handle the explanations. He found himself deferring more and more to the other man, even though he knew Mordo didn't expect him to.

Frank shifted uncomfortably and whimpered, in an effort to get them to hurry up. He needed Yondu so badly!

Thor carried Peter through to their quarters, quickly and carefully.

Steve nestled in close for a few more moments before he carefully withdrew from Brock, drawing his lover into a close, tight embrace.

"Every couple here is bonded. It not only means that you can talk to each other, but that you'll feel each other's emotions," Mordo explained.

Brock snuggled close, nuzzling against Steve's neck before reluctantly pulling back. Let's get this mess cleaned up. Then, once Yondu and Frank decide where they're gonna conduct business, we can either come back out and clean up the dining table from all the dishes and such, or we can take a bath together... He grinned impishly.

Stephen added in a quick explanation of how the bond was formed, holding up the flask as he did so. "It... it really depends on if you want to bond on your first time... since either Mordo or myself would need to witness it..." he finished in a soft voice, eyeing Frank skeptically. Yondu was likely right. The other man, at least, didn't appear to be in a frame of mind to make such a momentous decision.

"I wanna bond..." Frank decided, almost immediately. He wasn't thinking about it. His gut told him that's what he needed, and his gut wasn't normally wrong. "Feels right, in here..." He hit himself on the chest with his fist. "Don't need to think about it...."

Sounds good to me. With Brock's help, it wasn't long before Steve got their mess cleaned up. We could always bath and then come back out and clean the dishes, he suggested.

"Does feel right," Yondu agreed. "But it's also a big decision to make. Thinking we should let it sit for a while. We got time. I can claim you fully...get your head back in the right space for making a huge decision. Cause it sounds sorta like a marriage." He glanced at the two sorcerers.

Mordo nodded. "For us...for all of us, I believe...that's exactly what it is."

I like the sound of that, Brock admitted, leaning into Steve. Lead on, Cap....

Frank whimpered at Yondu saying they should wait, but he didn't argue. He'd never been this aroused... this horny... before. Nearly mindless with need and unable to think clearly. Deep down, he knew Yondu was right. He wanted to make this decision with a clear head. He was anything but clear at the moment. Pouting, he leaned into Yondu and licked his neck. "If we ain't bonding right away, then kin ya screw me senseless? Pleeease?" he begged.

Stephen barely managed to swallow the laugh that wanted to escape at Frank's antics; the look on Yondu's face when the younger man licked him was priceless. He managed, though and just cleared his throat. "You can let us know after you've decided, of course. There is plenty of time..." he said in a tight voice, before taking hold of Mordo's arm, obviously struggling with his mirth.

Steve led Brock out of the room, heading to their own quarters.

"You might need this." Mordo conjured a bottle of lube that he then handed to Yondu. "There are supplies in your room, but I'm guessing neither of you want to wait long enough to get there."

"You'd be right," Yondu agreed, taking the lube. He paused just long enough for Stephen and Mordo to leave, then proceeded to strip Frank of the rest of his clothes.

"...'Bout fuckin' time..." Frank grumbled, before twisting so that he could kiss Yondu hard on the mouth. He wasn't being terribly submissive, reacting more to his body's primal urges than the instincts that were urging him to slow down and let Yondu be in charge.

Yondu kissed Frank back, just as hard, and then lifted the other man into his arms, carrying him to the table so he could spread him out in the exact same way Steve had Brock. After all, if it worked for them....

Frank shivered and whimpered as he was positioned, a small amount of clarity returning as he felt the hard wood under his chest and belly, his erection pressed into the table. He didn't move, though. He clenched his fingers and gripped as much as he was able, widening his legs so Yondu could easily fit between them and do whatever he wanted or needed to do. "...Please, sir..." he begged again; this time, his voice entirely submissive. He was vulnerable and felt that vulnerability. It was a bit scary, but he was trying to be brave. He'd never actually done this before, had a man inside of him; and now that the moment was almost about to occur, he found himself nervous and uncertain. He still wanted it. He did. But that didn't stop the nerves. He quivered visibly, suddenly subdued and meekly waiting for Yondu to act.

Yondu gently ran his fingers down Frank's spine. "It's okay. You're okay," he promised. "We'll go slow. If you need to stop? Just say. I got you. Know it's confusing and unsettling and scary, but you're safe."

"I... I trust you..." Frank winced as his voice quivered, but he held still exactly where Yondu had placed him. His erection was still as swollen as before, so as nervous as he was, he wanted to continue. Swallowing, he whispered, "I just... never had anyone in me before... that's all..." He took a slow breath and widened his stance just a small bit more, exposing himself.

"We'll go slow," Yondu repeated...promised. He coated his finger in the lube, but only pressed gently against Frank's entrance. He didn't immediately push inside the other man.

Frank bit his lip as he felt the digit rub against the tight ring of muscle and couldn't help but clench in anticipation. His whimper was equal parts nervousness and need.

"I got you." Yondu spoke in a low, soothing voice, gently rubbing his finger over Frank's entrance, but not pushing inside. He stroked his other hand down Frank's shoulder and back.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Frank's muscles relaxed under Yondu's soothing rubbing. His entrance also began to relax, so that there was just a slight bit more give under the finger Yondu was using to rub. "...Feels good..." he admitted softly, his skin turning pink at the admission.

"Good. That's a good sign." Yondu continued to gently rub, waiting for the other man to relax a bit more before he tried to push inside.

Frank whimpered softly, shivering again before he moaned and relaxed a slight bit more. Now the finger Yondu was rubbing with, massaging with, was able to faintly dip in with each pass. He was as relaxed as it was possible to be. "...Feels real good..." he breathed out, in a trembling voice.

"You feel good," Yondu murmured. "It feels good to touch you. To caress you. To be with you. I thought I was only coming for my kid. Never dreamed I'd find a mate as well."

Frank took in a slow breath at Yondu's words and turned his head so he could hear better, but also so Yondu could see his face. He was blinking back tears again. "I thought I was gonna die... but I didn't. I got rescued by my blue guardian angel, who... who makes me feel like I'm in heaven..." He groaned again softly at what Yondu's hands and finger were doing. "I... I'm yours, sir... heart and body... and..." He sniffled. "...And I know I ain't the best submissive in the world... have a hard time letting anyone else be in charge of me... but I wanna be for you. Wanna be a good submissive for you... your good..." He stopped and swallowed. "...If you can teach me how to be, that'd be real good, yeah?" He took another shivering breath and swallowed, before sniffling again and forcing himself to loosen up more, nearly going limp and opened his legs just that small bit further to make it easier for Yondu.

Yondu leaned forward, brushing his lips against Frank's in a tender kiss as he carefully pushed his finger inside, going slowly to make sure it felt as good for his mate. "I'm gonna teach you," he promised. "Take care of you. Make sure you know you're mine, no matter what. You might give me a lotta attitude, but I'm sorta used to that. Had it from my kid for years."

Frank returned the kiss, letting out a tiny huff of laughter at Yondu's words about his attitude. Sniffling again, he shivered and whimpered slightly. He'd tensed up again, clenching around Yondu's finger. He could feel it inside him as far as it would go, the rest of Yondu's hand pressed between his cheeks, holding them open. It wasn't overly comfortable, but it was comforting. "It... it doesn't hurt..." he admitted in a whisper, taking several deep breaths in an attempt to calm down and loosen up again so Yondu could move his finger and not just hold it in place.

"It don't need to hurt," Yondu said calmly. "You don't need to hurt. Being claimed isn't about being hurt." He didn't force a movement, waiting patiently for the other man to be ready.

"...It... it feels unusual..." He squeezed around Yondu's finger. "...But not in a bad way... it feels right, even if I'm not used to it..." he whispered, squeezing again.  "...Makes me feel vulnerable... makes it feel more like you control..." he admitted.

"I do control," Yondu said. "You're mine now. You belong to me. Ain't nothing ever gonna change that. Don't matter if you're vulnerable, cause I'm here."

"...You love me?" Frank asked, in a tiny voice. "...I... I love you..." he blurted, before Yondu could answer, needing to get it out so that Yondu would know it was because he wanted to say it, not because of anything Yondu might say in response to the question. He was still squeezing tightly around Yondu's finger, though not as tightly as originally. He was becoming used to the intrusion.

"I love you." Yondu said the words without hesitation. "Knew from the very first moment you were important to me." He let his hand rest on Frank's shoulder, just below the treated wound, and leaned in to kiss the back of the other man's neck.

Frank let out a tiny breath at the words and slumped over the table, allowing himself to feel Yondu's weight pressing into his back as he was kissed. "Feels good belongin' to you..." he whispered, shifting his bottom only enough to cause Yondu's finger to rub slightly. He groaned at the sensation. "Feels good, being owned..." He shifted again so that he could feel the rub some more. "Like feeling you on top of me, holding me down, in place. Feels safe..." he continued, not caring that he was beginning to ramble. All the feelings building up in him needed to be let go, shared, and who better to share them with than the man who was causing them?

"That's cause you are safe." Yondu kissed the back of Frank's neck again. "I ain't gonna let you go or give up on you. No matter what happens." He ran his other hand gently down Frank's back and over his bottom, still a bit pink from the earlier spanking.

Frank moaned softly at the caresses. "Like when you touch me like that... making it clear I'm yours..." he said softly. "Like you spanking me ta claim me too..." He blushed. "Like that you completely dominated me and took over..." he finished hesitantly, not certain that was something he should admit.

"I can keep doing that," Yondu said. "Keep claiming you. Dominating you. Spanking you. So, the others all know who you belong to. Jus' like we saw with some of the other couples here."

"You'd want that too?" Frank asked quietly, holding still under Yondu so he wouldn't accidentally dislodge the other man. By this time, he'd relaxed enough Yondu could move his finger if he wanted.

"Yeah," Yondu answered. "I want everyone to know. That you belong to me. That you're mine. That I love you." He began to carefully move his finger, exploring inside the other man.

"I love you, sir... my master..." Frank said in a shaky voice, swallowing hard. He closed his eyes and focused on what he felt, the warm weight of Yondu on his back, the gentleness of Yondu's breath on his skin, the unusual glide of his mate's finger as he leisurely explored Frank's body, marking it his. At first, it felt odd to him, but soon, a warm feeling pooled in his stomach and slowly spread at the intimate touch. "Feels so good, master..." he whimpered softly.

"Good," Yondu murmured. "We'll go as slow as we need to. We got time and plenty of it. No need to rush." His other hand continued the gentle stroking and caressing, even while he continued to press gentle kisses to Frank's skin.

Frank slowly relaxed further, his breathing becoming more ragged the longer Yondu worked on him. His member was fully swollen again, trapped between him and the table. He whimpered softly. "Please, master... more... please..." he begged.

"Are you ready to take another?" Yondu asked, pitching his voice low and gentle. "Do you think you can do that for me?"

"Yes, please... I want to take more for you, sir... please let me take more for you..." Frank begged.

Yondu coated a second finger in the lube. He kissed the back of Frank's neck again as he pushed that finger inside, going as slow and careful as he had with the first one.

Frank shivered as he felt himself stretch to accommodate the second finger. It was back to being uncomfortable, but not unpleasantly so. He widened his legs and arched his back slightly, letting his member slip off the table and hang freely between his thighs, shaft and balls vulnerable to his master. He slanted his head, so his neck was vulnerable as well, sighing softly at the gentle kisses.

Yondu continued to gently move his fingers inside Frank. At the same time, he slipped his other hand underneath the other man, beginning to stroke and caress his member. All the while, he continued to kiss Frank's neck.

Frank moaned softly, squeezing gently around Yondu's fingers before relaxing slightly and pushing forward into Yondu's other hand. His skin was flushed and he felt hot and needy. The second finger began to feel good again as the older man gently rubbed and stretched him. "So good, master..." he whimpered.

"When you're prepared enough, I'll take you fully," Yondu promised. "Claim you completely. Make sure you know who owns you now." He gently squeezed the other man's member.

Frank groaned both at the words and the squeezing. "When will I be ready, master? Want to take everything you want to give me. Want to be good for you..." he whispered his voice shaky.

"It won't take much more preparation, but I need to be sure," Yondu said. "That it's what you want. That you ain't just saying so to make me happy. I don't believe none of the other Doms would force their partners if they was truly uncomfortable."

Frank whimpered softly, squeezing around Yondu's fingers again. "Your fingers feel so good in me, sir... can't wait to feel your thick cock in me... want it so bad, sir. I can take it... I can be good for you... please, sir..." He was begging by the end.

Yondu kissed and nuzzled the back of Frank's neck. "If it's too much? You say. Don't force yourself." He carefully withdrew his fingers and, dropping his own pants and underwear, coated his member in the lube. He then began to slowly and carefully push inside the other man, bracing his hands on Frank's hips.

Frank took several short, rapid breaths, whimpering softly as Yondu slowly, sooo slowly, pushed into him. He tried to not tense up, wanting his master to be able to breach him without problem. It wasn't easy, though. He quivered as he felt his rim stretching further than it had before. He couldn't say it felt good, yet, but it had taken a few minutes with each finger before they'd felt good too. Still... "Wait, master!" he gasped. "I... need to adjust..." He swallowed and sniffled slightly, squeezing around the part of Yondu that had been pushed in

Yondu stopped immediately, gently running his fingers over Frank's spine. "Good," he praised softly. "Good that you let me know. We'll go as slow as needed. I got you. You're safe."

Frank's breathing evened out and he gave Yondu a smile over his shoulder. "I did good, sir?" He was happy at that. As he calmed, his muscles relaxed, making the stretch begin to feel better. "I... I'm ready, sir... ready to be filled by you..." He shivered.

"Very good," Yondu promised. As soon as Frank indicated he was ready, he continued to push inside the other man, though still kept a careful eye on Frank's reactions. He leaned in to give his lover another kiss.

Frank eagerly kissed back. Yondu had reached a point where he wasn't stretching Frank any further and the slow rubbing as his master pushed in felt so good, he couldn't help but groan into Yondu's mouth.

"Mine." Yondu whispered the very possessive word against Frank's lips, moving his hands to Frank's hips once more to squeeze them. He still went slow and gentle, but it was enough to encourage his own member to grow and swell.

Frank's eyes widened as he felt Yondu grow larger yet inside of him. "You're so big, master," he said in a surprised tone, moaning softly and shifting so some pressure was relieved. "I need... need to adjust, master..." He whimpered and took another slow, deep breath. "Ca... can you warm my bottom, sir? While I adjust?" He blushed at his own request, but it hadn't been a lie. He'd enjoyed Yondu spanking him earlier, while all the others were being taken.

"I can do that." Yondu shifted his hand to Frank's bottom, beginning to steadily smack. He rubbed and stroked as much as he smacked, alternating between buttocks and upper thighs.

"Th... thank you, master..." Frank groaned, feeling heat pool in his middle and spread through his veins like syrup at the knowledge Yondu would listen to his wants and needs and do what he could to help him feel good. The heat spread through his entire body, leaving him itchy and needy. The itch was all over but focused on one spot inside of him that he couldn't reach. He couldn't, but his master could, if he pushed the rest of the way in. "I'm ready, sir..." he finally whimpered. "Need you in me all the way. Need to feel you rubbing, touching, pounding deep in me... all the places I can’t reach on my own. Please, master... please make me feel you even after you pull out? Mark me inside and out as yours? Please?" He found himself begging again. He wasn't the type to beg. For his master, he'd beg every day for the rest of his life.

Yondu pushed all the way inside Frank, settling in place where he belonged. He squeezed each buttock possessively and kissed the back of Frank's neck. "I love you. You belong to me." He began to thrust, gradually going harder and deeper.

Frank groaned, letting his head fall forward so Yondu could kiss, bite, his neck. He shifted his stance just enough that his master could easily thrust in as deep as possible. It felt so good. He could feel Yondu's member as it stroked inside him, rubbing his inner walls and making them heat up with sensitivity. He could feel as his master's length reached deep inside and hit the spot that needed to be hit, sending sparks of needy desire shooting through his body. Frank was moaning and whimpering and sobbing softly for his master to own him. All he could say was, "Feels so good, master... yours... only yours forever...."

Yondu kissed and gently nipped the nape of Frank's neck as he continued thrusting in deeply and hard. His hands alternated between squeezing his lover's hips and squeezing his lover's bottom. "Never let you go," he promised. "You're mine forever."

Time seemed to stand still for Frank as Yondu claimed him. Nothing else in the room existed. Only him, laid across the table wide-open like an offering; and Yondu, blanketing him like a shield while he slowly turned his insides to liquid. Frank quivered in Yondu's arms, sobbing softly as he felt Yondu gliding in and out, shallow, then deep as possible. Nothing had ever felt so right or perfect and all he could do was sob out babbling, begging pleas for Yondu to never stop.

He was so sensitive inside, every movement sent tiny shocks of pleasure to his swollen, aching member. Drops of precum glistened on its tip and it swung gently, neglected between his thighs, its motion determined by Yondu's thrusts. His balls were slowly tightening and drawing up into his body. He was so close to release, but something held him back. He didn't want to let go until his master was deep in him, releasing his own seed.

"I'm yours, master... only and forever yours... need you so much... need you to own me... take me... use me... mark me... control me... love me... help me... please, master... feels so good...."  Frank was babbling, nearly delirious with need.

Yondu trailed kisses over his neck and down his back. He felt his member continuing to grow and swell inside Frank, until it drew him nearly mindless with need, desire...want. In a ragged tone barely understandable, he said, "We'll....release. At the same time...."

"Yes, master... t... together!" Frank sobbed, moaning as he felt himself stretching just that slight bit more as Yondu continued to grow inside him. He felt so full. So, owned. He arched his back and pushed his bottom up slightly so Yondu could pound into him, his hips slap into Frank's still stinging bottom. "...Yours" he choked out, his breathing labored between crying and arousal.

Yondu couldn't hold back any longer. He gently nipped Frank's neck and then spoke in a quiet, intense voice. "Now." Mere seconds later, he was releasing inside his lover.

Only seconds behind Yondu, Frank began his own release, his body shaking from the intensity of it. He could feel himself tighten around Yondu like a vice, feel the warmth of his master's release filling him. And then he slumped on the table, his vision going white.

Yondu slumped over Frank's body, pressing kisses to the man's neck as he breathed in deep, coming down from the intensity of his own release. His hands ghosted gently over Frank's hips.

Frank was boneless under Yondu, soft whimpers escaping as Yondu's hands ghosted over him, but otherwise not moving or reacting. He wasn't able to move or react, just shy of passing out completely. His body quivered helplessly and there was a tiny line of drool pooling under his head. He was totally blissed out.

Cleaning up eventually would be important, but Yondu's main focus was on Frank. He carefully withdrew from the other man and wiped up the worst of the mess. Then, he lifted Frank into his arms, carrying him through to their quarters.

Frank had just enough energy to weakly grasp at Yondu and hold on. But he was tired. Very tired. And now that the initial high was wearing down, he was aching in places he'd never ached before. Not painfully so, but enough that he didn't want to move if he could avoid it. "Yours... love you..." he whispered.

"I love you. You're mine. Forever now," Yondu whispered back. "No going back." He carried Frank into their quarters and to the bathroom, so he could clean the other man off.

"Wanna bond..." Frank whispered, nuzzling into Tondu as he was carried. "I'm thinking clear and it feels like the best idea."

"We will," Yondu promised. "After we've both rested and you're up to me taking you again." He finished cleaning his lover and then carried Frank through to the bedroom.

"Promise?" Frank's voice was subdued and young sounding. Uncertain if he dared hope but wanting to. Every time he cared about or loved someone, something happened to tear them away from him. But Yondu was strong. He hoped that meant they had a chance.

"I promise." Yondu stretched out on the bed, gathering Frank in close to him. "Soon as we're both recovered, we can ask Stephen and Mordo to set it up for us." He ran his hand down Frank's back to cup his bottom.

Frank shivered and shifted so he was half on top of Yondu, his head on his chest. "I feel sore..." he admitted hesitantly. He didn't want to complain, but he also knew that was something Yondu would want to know.

"Inside, outside, or both?" Yondu asked, a heavy note of concern in his voice.

"It doesn’t hurt," Frank was quick to say, hearing the concern. "I... it's just really sensitive... tender... inside and a little outside." He swallowed and nuzzled into Yondu's chest, before looking up into Yondu's face sheepishly. "You were really careful with me, but we were connected for over twenty minutes. It... I feel a little chafed." Frank blushed.

Yondu kissed him gently and lingeringly, before saying, "As this ship seems designed for couples...I wonder if...." He reached over and opened one of the drawers, taking out some ointment for soothing.

Frank returned the kiss just as gently. He was sated. He didn't feel the need for anything but gentle affection. When he saw what Yondu pulled out, he blushed again, but didn't protest. If he wanted to be able to move later or even bond sooner than later, he'd need some type of care. As gentle and careful as Yondu had been, they'd still been very vigorous and hard at the end. It had been what he'd wanted and needed, but there were still consequences to the roughness. So, he didn't protest and instead nuzzled against Yondu, pressing tiny kisses to his master's chest. "Do I need to move, sir?" he whispered.

"I think I can do what I need to with the way you're lying at the moment," Yondu said. "But if I need you to move, I'll let you know." He began to carefully rub in the ointment, kissing the side of Frank's head and his forehead.

Frank relaxed, snuggling against his master as Yondu began to apply the ointment. He whimpered softly as the more tender areas were touched, but otherwise kept quiet, holding onto Yondu with a gentle but strong grip. He blushed when Yondu began to care for the more intimate areas of his body, a warmth pooling in his stomach that had nothing to do with arousal and everything to do with feeling small, helpless, vulnerable and loved.

Yondu continued to rub in the ointment, every so often kissing Frank's forehead or his cheek. The kisses weren't rough or demanding; just gentle and affectionate. "I love you." He murmured the words into Frank's ear before kissing it.

"I love you too, sir..." Frank whispered, sighing softly as the ointment began to help the tenderness to ease at least a little. "Never thought I was lucky before... but I must be the luckiest man in the world, falling into your hands when I did. Instead of being dead, I have a whole new life with someone who wants to take care of me..." He sounded a bit shell shocked, events finally catching up to him.

Kissing him lightly again, Yondu said softly, "I'm glad I came to this dimension. Not only did I get to be with my kid again...I also found my mate. And apparently a ship full of beings in very similar relationships."

"Never expected to be in a relationship again, let alone one like this." Frank's tone was slightly amused.

"You've got someone to take care of you. Look after you now," Yondu commented. "You're mine now and I ain't gonna let you go. And soon, we'll be bonded. Officially mates."

"I want that. A lot." Frank nuzzled against Yondu again. "Do you think I'll be ready tomorrow?" he asked hopefully. He knew it would be Yondu that decided when. If it were left to him, he'd go as soon as possible, even if his body wasn’t recuperated.

"I think it's possible, but before we bond, I'll still check you over," Yondu said firmly. "I ain't gonna risk tearing or bruising."

"Yessir..." Frank blushed again, then felt silly for being embarrassed at the idea of Yondu checking him over. The older man had touched him in places no other person, let alone man, had touched him. Kinda silly to blush at the idea of him looking. Still....

Yondu stroked the side of his face and kissed his forehead. "I'm gonna make sure you don't get hurt. I'm gonna protect you. Look after you," he promised.

"I know you will. You started taking care of me before I even knew I was yours..." Frank said softly, kissing Yondu's chest.

"Cause I knew straight away," Yondu said honestly. "I make it a point to listen to my instincts. 'Specially when it comes to someone I'm meant to be with or who's meant to be with me."

"My instincts told me to listen to you. To obey you. I shoulda listened to them immediately, but I thought it was just blood loss scrambling my head..." Frank huffed softly.

"I wasn't gonna leave you behind, no matter how much you fought," Yondu commented. "But it's good to know you're finally settling in and listening."

"Be foolish of me not to. You know more ‘bout space and space livin' than I do. And all you want is to keep me safe. If I argue or disobey you, I deserve whatever I get..." Frank nuzzled some more. "Course... belonging to you... disobeying would be completely wrong on every level."

"That don't mean you won't end up disobeying me at some point." Yondu spoke with a wry note in his voice, stroking his fingers through Frank's hair. "Even with the best of intentions, you ain't used to answering to someone else."

"No... you're right. I get the feeling I'm gonna have a hard time sitting and walking from being over your knee as often as because you claim me and make me feel good." Frank's tone was just as wry.

"It don't matter, though," Yondu promised. "Something happens? It might get you bent over my knee, but it won't change things. It won't make me give up on you."

"I know. I trust you." Frank glanced up and gave Yondu a tiny smile.

"I'll never give you a reason not to." Yondu kissed his lips.

Frank kissed back with all the energy and fervor he could, which wasn't a lot. Yondu had drained him in the most pleasant way possible.

"I think it's time to nap," Yondu said gently, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around his lover.

"Yessir..." Frank mumbled sleepily, snuggling close. It didn’t take long before he was sound asleep.

It didn't take long for Yondu to follow his lover into sleep, cuddling Frank close and protectively to himself.


Stephen had waited until they were in their quarters with the door shut before turning toward Mordo. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised they aren't private either..." he said, with an amused huff. "We seem to have aligned ourselves with a group of exhibitionists...."

"That doesn't mean we have to follow their example," Mordo said. "And I've noticed a few of them are a bit more reserved, like us."

Stephen smiled at that. "Thank you for understanding me," he said softly.

"I'm your lover, your master," Mordo replied. "I should understand you."

"Not every master would be so considerate of their submissive, lover or not," Stephen pointed out, shifting into Mordo's arms.

Mordo wrapped his arms tightly around Stephen. "I wouldn't say those are very good masters. There's no reason not to be considerate of your needs or wants."

"No... not very good. Which is why I realize how lucky I am, that you are a good master," he whispered, before kissing Mordo chastely.

Mordo returned the kiss. "I know I made some mistakes, but I believe I have learned from those."

"I made mistakes too. If I had been able to explain better... maybe you would have understood. If I hadn't tried to do it on my own..." Stephen sighed softly. "I tried to learn from my mistakes. I don't think I could live if we were estranged again."

"It won't happen," Mordo promised. "I saw where our estrangement left the both of us. And it's become clear to me that I can't live without you. And I don't want to. We're bonded in every way it's possible to be."

Stephen shifted so he was clinging to Mordo. "I love you, Baron...."

"I love you. So very much." Mordo kissed his head.

Stephen relaxed at the kiss. He was ready for anything but was happy just to be held.

"Is there anything you'd like to do today?" Mordo asked softly, still cuddling his lover.

"No sir. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy..." Stephen smiled. "Although if you wanted to do some of those things we thought about...."

Mordo smiled at that. "I'm sure we can do some of those things." He began picturing them in his mind.

Stephen hummed happily, nuzzling against Mordo. "Do you want to have your way with me, master?" he asked, in a naughty tone.

"More than anything." Mordo guided his lover over to the bed and bore Stephen down onto it to start claiming his mate.

Giving a soft chuckle, Stephen gave as much as he could, but claimed just as much.


Grant had begun pacing in their quarters as soon as his father had brought him there. It didn't happen often; Grant had figured out, shortly after Coulson had managed to 'break' the training he'd undergone so he didn't automatically arouse whenever he was in certain situations, that he didn't usually feel attraction or arousal unless he had an emotional connection to someone that leaned toward a romantic relationship. As a result, he was very surprised and upset to find himself aroused from watching his friends get so... amorous. And it wasn't a slight arousal that could be walked off or taken care of with a cold shower. What was wrong with him?

Coulson sat down on the bed and reached out to take his son's hand, squeezing gently. "I know it's difficult to watch the other couples on the ship," he said quietly. "Can you put anything into words? Talk it out? Or even send me feelings through our bond?"

Grant didn’t know what to say. 'Hey, dad. Watching all my friends get their backsides smacked or squeezed, or being kissed breathless, or having their master's members shoved so far up, the two literally looked like they were fused at...' he swallowed hard and just dropped every small barrier he'd learned to put up and let the feelings through. All the confusion, shame and horniness that he didn't know how to take care of, because every time he thought he'd take care of it, he'd think of why he was aroused and feel guilty.

Coulson reached out and gently drew Grant onto his lap, wrapping his arms around Grant's waist. "It's nothing to be ashamed or guilty about, son. Most of the reason everyone else started was because they were aroused the same way you were."

Grant relaxed slightly at those words, a little of the guilt and shame easing. He was still clearly frustrated, though. "I...  I guess that makes sense..." He sighed.

Coulson kissed the side of his head. "I'm your father, but I have helped you before. Do you need help now? Will it make you feel better?" All that came through the bond was love and concern.

Tears formed in Grant's eyes at the show of his father's love and concern. "I shouldn't need help. Not for something like this," he said despondently.

Coulson brushed his lips over Grant's forehead. "I love you. So much. It's not a problem to need help, son. Even if it is with something like that. It's okay to need help."

Grant looked down. "I'm sorry to make you have to help me like that... " Feelings of guilt speared through the bond.

Coulson shook his head and kissed his son's forehead. "You're not 'making' me do anything, boy. I love you. Helping you is part of my job as your father." He adjusted his son on his lap, enough that he could gently tug Grant's pants and underwear down.

Grant blushed darkly as his erection was exposed, but he didn't argue or protest further. It was beginning to be painful. "What's wrong with me that I can't take care of it myself?" he asked, in a small voice. "It's just a physical reaction, but me doing the same thing you're about to doesn't help."

"There's nothing wrong with you, son." Coulson's voice was low as he reached his hand down to gently grasp Grant's erection. At the same time, he carefully lowered his son so that Grant was face-up over his lap, allowing Coulson to stroke and rub over his son's body in much the same way he had when first adopting the younger man.

Grant lay back, keeping his eyes on his father completely, trusting him to help as he always did. "Feels like there's something wrong with me..." he admitted, his voice catching as Coulson's hand squeezing helped ease some of the discomfort.

"There isn't." Coulson stroked his fingers over the pulse point in his son's throat as his other hand continued to stroke and rub over his son's erection.

Grant looked into Phil's eyes, blinking back tears. "Promise? You aren't just trying to make me feel better? There really isn’t anything wrong with me?" he whispered, shifting slightly so Coulson could get a better grip on him and reach his throat easier.

"There is nothing wrong with you," Coulson promised. "It doesn't matter what kind of needs you have. You're my boy. You will always be my boy." He continued stroking Grant's pulse point with the fingers of one hand, while his other hand continued stoking and caressing the younger man's erection.

His father's unconditional love and support of him went a long way to calming Grant's fear and shame. Soon, he was lying quietly, looking into Coulson"s eyes, throat bared and legs akimbo so Coulson could handle him. Every so often, a tiny, whimpering moan escaped.

Any time you're ready, son, Coulson promised. You have my permission. He continued to stroke and rub his son's pulse point and erection.

Having his Dom's permission as the older man handled him was all it took. Grant's body locked up briefly before wave after shuddering wave tore through him as he released, hard, into Coulson's hand. When it was over, he lay limp and weak in his master's arms, trying to catch his breath. "Th... thank you, daddy..." he let out with a tiny sob, shattered and suddenly feeling needy and clingy.

Coulson shifted Grant into his arms, kissing his head and hugging him tightly. "I love you so much," he whispered. "I'll do anything for you. You're my whole life. So very important."

Grant clung to Coulson, nuzzling against the older man, tired and spent, no longer frustrated, but overcome with a sense of belonging and being loved that made it impossible for him to move. "Love you, daddy... couldn't make it without you... " he whispered.

"You won't have to," Coulson promised. "I won't ever leave you. You won't ever have to be without me. I promise." He hugged his son tightly to himself.

Grant snuggled close and tight, just enjoying the affection. Soon, he was napping in his father's arms.