Chapter Eight

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. People realize it’s better not to hold back when it comes to being with those you love.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; M/m; sexual situations; Mild spoilers for Endgame; AU


Peter looked out the viewing window as Earth shrank in the distance. Everyone stood beside him, watching their home world disappear. They hadn't explored the ship that would be their new home yet. He planned to break in his and Thor's new room as soon as Earth was no longer visible.

Thor stood next to Peter, arms wrapped around his lover's waist, just keeping in contact with the smaller man. He noticed the other Doms were in similar positions with their subs, each holding on to the other one.

Fisk cuddled Matt close, having lowered his head to the smaller man's, telling Matt how far away the Earth was getting from them.

"What does it look like?" Matt asked softly, trying to imagine what it looked like for what had been his home to be slowly shrinking away. Fisk was his home now. He'd called Foggy and Karen and let them know how they could send him messages if needed. Now his whole life was on this ship. Still... he wanted to know what he couldn't see.

Bucky heard the question and leaned back into Fury, sending his Master a mental comment. They haven't bonded fully yet, or Wil could send him a mental picture of what everything looks like....

Fisk kissed Matt's neck, whispering what it looked like to his eyes as he let his hands slide gently over Matt's chest and stomach.

They might still be building up to it, Fury replied to Bucky. Casting a glance towards Danny and Ward, he added, it might be worth mentioning the ritual to our newest couple, too. In case it's something they like the sound of. He pressed a kiss to the back of Bucky's neck, letting his hands slide down his lover's arms.

We probably should... Bucky agreed, leaning back into Fury's arms and slanting his head so his neck was more exposed. When Earth was no longer visible in the viewing window, he sighed softly, turning to kiss Fury full on the mouth.

Peter stood in Thor's arms watching as his home planet disappeared. At least this time, I'm not terrified... he thought, not meaning to broadcast the thought to his lover, but doing so anyway.

Fury responded, kissing back deeply, letting his hands slide down to Bucky's waist. Warm feelings of love and contentedness carried through the bond.

Thor slid his hand down lower to possessively cup Peter's backside. You're with me, your lover, and our friends. You never have to be scared again.

Never again, Peter thought, contented and happy feelings traveling through the bond. And it is just us on the ship. No one who isn't a friend or part of a couple.... so... He imagined his Drottinn removing all of his clothing, so that he was standing naked in the larger man's arms.

Thor smiled at that mental image, beginning to slowly strip his lover, caressing and stroking every bit of skin as he did so.

Peter looked up at Thor, smiling happily. Thank you, Drottinn...

Bucky saw what was going on and huffed in faint amusement... and then proceeded to think of Fury doing the same with him.

Thor drew Peter closer to himself, kissing him deeply and passionately.

Fury kissed Bucky a bit deeper and then began to strip his own lover, constantly touching and stroking.

Peter returned Thor's kiss, opening himself up to the larger man, giving as much as he possibly could in a kiss.

Bucky hummed happily, returning Fury's kisses, letting his own hands roam over the older man's shoulders and chest as he was undressed.

Please, Cap? Brock thought toward his own lover, giving Steve a saucy grin and a nearly chaste kiss.

Loki was standing behind T'Challa, nuzzling against his neck and shoulder, leaning on the other man. Shall I undress for you, my king? he asked through the bond.

Well, this is one way to let the last two couples see the potential in a bonding... Stephen's thoughts toward Mordo were amused and a slight bit curious. Would the Baron wish him to be naked as well?

Grant blushed and shifted closer to his father. Being the only bonded pair that wasn't an actual couple, he didn't tend to seek affection that wasn't simple hugs or innocent kisses. Not that it wasn't possible for Coulson to give him more dominating affection. He just didn't tend to seek it out; he trusted his father to know when that type of affection was needed. Seeing all the bonded pairs being so open with everything wasn't uncomfortable, exactly. But it made him want something that he didn't normally need a lot of. He wanted to be noticeably dominated, so all the others could see he was just as owned as the rest of the subs were.

Ward watched everything occurring with wide eyes.

Matt wrinkled his nose. "What's happening?" he whispered to Fisk.

Steve smiled in response and kissed Brock back, far from chastely, before beginning to strip his lover. At the same time, he pictured taking the other man over his knee for a claiming everyone else could see just how much Brock belonged to him.

T'Challa covered Loki's hands with his own. I would like that very much, he agreed.

Mordo brought Stephen's hand to his lips, brushing a kiss across his knuckles. Would you like me to undress you as well? He slid his hand up under Stephen's shirt, stroking his lover's bare back.

Coulson drew Grant closer to him, letting his hand shift to the pulse point in his son's neck. In his mind, he pictured Grant the way he had been the first time he'd taken him home; sitting naked on Coulson's lap, with only a blanket draped over him to keep him warm.

Danny wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Ward. "It's like there was some kind of predetermined signal," he muttered.

"Some of the subs are getting stripped down by their Doms," Fisk explained to his lover.

Brock shivered at the image Steve sent him. Yes! Please?!

Loki nuzzled a bit more and then moved around to stand in front of T'Challa and, with a seductive grin, carefully moved his hands up to the top button of the tunic he wore, beginning a slow striptease for his lover.

Stephen leaned in toward Mordo, his eyes closing at the gentle back rub. I want what you want, Baron. If you wish to undress me, I would be more than happy for you to do so....

Grant smiled at that thought and cuddled close to Coulson. In his mind, he pictured that moment as well, along with the moment Coulson placed his collar on him.

"But how? They didn't say anything..." Ward whispered back, blushing as he felt himself getting slightly aroused and wanting Danny to do to him what all the other Doms were doing to their subs.

Matt turned his face toward Fisk in confusion. "Why?" He felt like he was missing something important but couldn't figure out what it was.

Peter jumped up into Thor's arms, wrapping his arms and legs tightly around the larger man, leaving no space between them and making it exceedingly easy for Thor to touch and claim every part of him, no matter how intimate, if he wanted to do so.

Bucky took pity on the two confused subs, answering both Matt's and Ward's questions quietly, but loudly enough everyone could hear. "The bond we all share, it allows us to speak to each other in our thoughts. It allows us to send mental pictures to each other of what we see or what we want to have happen should words not be enough.... And the reason why? Is because it feels good being vulnerable to our Doms and them having such complete control over us...."

Steve smiled at Brock's response and drew his now naked lover into his arms. Kissing the other man deeply, he then sat down and drew Brock down across his lap, giving the other man's bottom a gentle rub before delivering a firm smack.

T'Challa reached out to run his hands over Loki's body as more bare skin was revealed, the look on his face appreciative and loving.

Mordo kissed Stephen and then carefully pulled the shirt free of his lover's body, running his hands over the other man's chest before he slid his hands down to Stephen's pants.

Would you like me to do that again? Coulson asked his son. To strip you, so that you are completely under my control? He stroked the pulse point in Grant's neck gently.

Danny glanced up at Bucky's explanation. "You're all bonded, then? Not just Coulson and Grant?"

Fury nodded. "But their relationship is more like father and son, while the rest of us are lovers."

Thor grasped Peter securely, running his hands down his lover's back and over his bottom, giving a light squeeze every so often.

Fisk squeezed Matt's hand. "Is bonding to each other still something you would like to do?" he asked his lover.

"It's possible for any couples?" Danny looked at Ward, almost wistfully. Being bonded to the other man was something that felt right to him. He wanted that closeness with his boyfriend.

Brock let out a happy little whine at the smack, wiggling his bottom almost in invitation.

Loki became more emboldened by T'Challa's look, making certain to take his time and put on a show for his lover.

Stephen let out a shaky breath as Mordo undressed him. I love you, Baron...

Yes, sir... I want to be completely under your control and have everyone know it... Grant thought wistfully, slanting his head so his pulse could be stroked or held more easily.

Peter grinned as Thor rubbed and squeezed, leaning in close and giving the larger man a passionate kiss.

"I do want that..." Matt whispered to Fisk, in a yearning tone.

Ward heard Matt and couldn't stop himself from saying, "I want it too...."

Bucky smiled. "It's possible for any couple. I think Mordo and Stephen even brought along a few flasks, just in case...."

Steve delivered another firm smack and then paused to rub his lover's bottom, sending Brock a mental image of his backside red and warm to the touch. That was what Steve wanted, but he wouldn't push it that far if his lover was unhappy.

"I love you." T'Challa whispered the words both out loud and through the bond, reaching out often to touch or stroke Loki.

I love you. Mordo pressed kisses to Stephen's skin as he undressed his lover. I always will. No matter what happens.

Coulson began to remove his son's clothing, touching and caressing Grant's arms and sides; checking in with his son often to make sure Grant felt comfortable and safe.

Thor responded, returning the kiss just as passionately as he stroked, rubbed and explored Peter's body.

"I haven't taken you fully yet," Fisk said quietly to Matt. "Would you like to form the bond during our first time?"

Danny squeezed Ward's hand. "I'd like to be bonded with you. So, you always know what you mean to me. So, I can act when you need something without you needing to find the words."

Fury pressed a kiss to Bucky's cheek, sliding his hands over his lover's chest. He was still prepared to answer any questions, even if he was exploring Bucky's body at the same time.

Brock sent back the same mental image of his backside being red and warm; but in his image, his backside was just a slide shade darker red. He shivered as Steve rubbed. Like when you touch me... he admitted.

Loki gave T'Challa an almost bashful look. "I love you too..." His whisper carried through the bridge area. He wanted everyone to know. He finally finished undressing and stood in front of his King completely naked, vulnerable, moving slightly closer so that T'Challa could touch easier.

Stephen shivered at the kisses. I love you too. Forever. I'm yours... He leaned toward Mordo, needy.

Grant relaxed as Coulson took complete control. He wasn't nervous at all about the others seeing him like this, because he was Coulson's and the older man would protect him. He trusted that implicitly.

Peter sighed and whimpered and wriggled in Thor's arms, attempting to get as close as possible, wanting to be completely owned and claimed by the larger man.

Matt smiled at the thought. "I would... if... if you want to...."

Ward smiled shyly. "What do we need to do? To form a bond?" he asked Bucky and Fury.

Bucky slanted his head so Fury could kiss him easier, arching his back so his chest was completely exposed and easy to touch and rub. He sent a mental picture of Fury playing with his nipples... about the only thing he figured he could handle and still carry on a conversation with Danny and Ward.

I like touching you. Steve let his longing for Brock carry through the bond. It didn't seem to matter how much he touched and claimed his lover; he always needed more. He rubbed a bit longer and then smacked steadily for one full circuit, before he paused to rub once more.

T'Challa reached out and drew Loki into his arms, kissing him deeply...almost hungrily...sliding his hands down Loki's back. He kissed the other man's shoulder and peppered little kisses along the side of his jaw.

Mordo stripped Stephen entirely and then drew his lover into his arms, kissing him deeply. One hand slid down to possessively cup the other man's bottom, while his other hand cradled the back of Stephen's head.

Once Grant was naked, Coulson wrapped his arms tightly around him before he began to rub and stroke his son's body...using touch in much the same way he had when they'd first formed their relationship.

Thor gave Peter's backside a gentle, possessive squeeze and then carefully lowered them to the floor, spreading out his lover to press kisses along his chest and over his stomach.

Responding to Bucky's image, Fury began to circle his lover's nipples with his hands, even as he responded to the question. "You'll need either Mordo or Stephen there to perform the ritual. Matt and Ward's seed will need to be absorbed into a the moment of joining and the ritual being spoken, Wilson and Danny will absorb the seed."

"It seems easy enough," Fisk said softly, thinking that both he and Matt had gone quite far, even if they hadn't yet reached the full extent of claiming.

Danny stroked Ward's cheek, encouraging his boyfriend to look at him. "What about you? We could have our first time in private and then do the ritual...." he suggested, not wanting Ward to feel uncomfortable about having an audience the first time.

That's good, because I like being touched by you... Brock's response was mischievous, with a hint of need.

Loki returned the kiss, just as hungrily, his need and love for the other man singing through the bond.

Stephen relaxed into Mordo's grip, the possessive and protective touch leaving him feeling safe and needy at the same time.

Grant relaxed against his father, letting his head fall onto the older man's shoulder and just soaked up the affection. It had been a while since Coulson had shown a possessive side or Grant had submitted quite so far. He needed this.

Peter let out a happy little moan, letting his arms and legs splay open so Thor could kiss and touch everywhere he wanted. His body made his interest in the proceedings very clear.

Bucky whined softly, his nipples hardening at the touch. He turned his face into Fury's neck so that he wouldn't be too loud and interrupt what was being said.

"Could we do it now?" Matt was eager.

Ward swallowed, leaning into Danny to give him a quick kiss. "I want to be yours completely, as soon as possible... if someone watches me give myself to you, I'm alright with that..." he said softly.

I need to touch you. Steve rubbed a bit more before he swatted for a full second circuit and then paused once again to rub. I need you so much. I want you so much. I love you so much.

Mine. T'Challa whispered the word through the bond, kissing Loki deeply and passionately. There was a very possessive note surrounding the word and echoing through the bond.

Mordo pressed a kiss to Stephen's neck, giving his backside a gentle but possessive squeeze. He ran his fingers through his lover's hair.

Coulson kissed the side of Grant's head, continuing to rub and squeeze affectionately and lovingly. He sat down against the wall, drawing Grant onto his lap so he could continue to cuddle and hold; but more protectively now.

Thor slid his hands down to Peter's hips, squeezing them possessively before he gently parted the other man's legs, stroking and exploring his inner thighs.

"I'm sure it will be possible to do it just as soon as Mordo and Stephen are finished," Fury said, a note of amusement in his voice, as he gently tweaked Bucky's nipples.

"They're demonstrating their affection for each other as well," Fisk explained to Matt.

Danny kissed Ward, gently and lingeringly. "That's what we'll do, then." He smiled. "I look forward to being completely bonded with you. I love you so much."

I need you to touch. I love and want you just as much. Brock whimpered and squirmed slightly, his member hardening.

Loki melted into T'Challa's arms, continuing to give as much as he could in his kiss.

Stephen let out a happy sigh at the possessiveness of Mordo.

Grant snuggled against his father, a sense of contented trust leaking through the bond.

Peter opened his legs as much as he could with a needy moan. His member was fully erect.

Bucky snuggled back against Fury, a tiny whimper escaping. He was half erect just from Fury rubbing and stroking.

Matt nodded at Fisk's words. "I will try to be patient..." He smiled.

Ward kissed Danny hungrily, his own love and desire clear.

Steve slipped his hand under Brock's body, beginning to stroke and caress the other man's member, even while he continued to swat and rub with his other hand.

T'Challa drew Loki back closer and tighter, only moving from the kiss so he could begin trailing kisses down the other man's chest and stomach.

Mordo dipped his head a bit lower, flicking his tongue gently across the pulse point in Stephen's neck and then grazing it with his teeth.

Coulson kissed the side of Grant's head, stroking his fingers through his son's hair as waves of love carried easily from him through the bond.

Thor trailed his lips lower, gently enclosing his mouth around Peter's erection.

Fury kissed the side of Bucky's neck, turning the other man so that he could begin using his mouth on Bucky's nipples.

Fisk drew Matt into a deep, lingering kiss, letting his hands slide down his lover's back, over his bottom.

"Mine." Danny whispered the word against Ward's lips because it felt right.

Please, Cap... please... wanna be so red and sore, everyone knows you completely own me...need to be yours always...  Brock couldn't help himself, pushing down into Steve's hand with each stroke before pushing his bottom back up for each smack. His need to be taken and used by his mate was strong.

Loki shivered as T'Challa explored with his hands and lips. His own hands ghosted over the other man in his own exploration. He attempted to hold still, though, not wanting to disrupt his king’s actions.

Stephen groaned, slanting his head to give Mordo better access. I love you, baron. I love you and I am yours, he thought.

Grant snuggled contentedly in his father's arms, feelings of safe, loved, wanted leaking back to his father. Being naked and vulnerable in front of all the others wasn’t scary, because his father was holding him on his lap, and he knew Coulson wouldn't let anything happen to him. They could stare all they wanted, but no one would touch him if Coulson didn’t allow it. His complete trust in Coulson carried through the bond as well.

Peter's gasp and moan carried through the cabin. It was the most exquisite pain and he only ever felt it with his "Drottinn...."  I can’t hold still, sir... he begged through their connection, his hips squirming with his attempt not to thrust up into the warmth caressing him so intimately.

Bucky arched his back so Fury could reach easier, but let his head fall forward so to form a slight 'curtain' over them... letting others know Fury was his as much as he was Fury's. "I love you, Moy..." His voice was rough with desire.

Matt eagerly returned the kiss, pulling back only when he had to breathe. "I can smell it... all the arousal..." he whimpered against Fisk's neck. It was obviously affecting him, because he was noticeably aroused after only a few kisses.

"Yours," Ward responded, his body sinking against Danny's submissively.

I'll make sure everyone knows, Steve promised. That there's no doubt who you belong to. You're mine, Brock. I'm going to make sure you never forget. That you never lose sight of who you belong to. He moved his hand a bit lower, beginning to focus more smacks to his lover's sit spots and thighs, moving the other man enough to make it easier.

T'Challa kissed and caressed over Loki's body, a sense of possessive satisfaction carrying through the bond; that Loki was his and T'Challa had no intention of letting go.

I love you, Mordo whispered inside Stephen's mind. I love you so much. I need you so much. I'm so happy to be here with you...sharing this with you. His sense of happiness came clearly through.

Coulson kissed Grant's neck and then his shoulder, threading his fingers through his son's hair and stroking over the pulse point in the younger man's neck. You're safe here, with me, he promised.

Thor moved his hands to Peter's hips, holding his lover steady as he continued to gently suck and caress the other man's member with his tongue.

Fury kissed and caressed, his hands sliding down Bucky's back and stroking possessively over his hips. "I love you. You're my whole world now," he promised.

Fisk let his large hands slide down over Matt's body, stroking and rubbing and caressing. He let one palm rest gently against his lover's backside...almost questioning.

Danny let his hands slide up under Ward's shirt; not pulling it free but touching bare skin. He kissed Ward again, deeper and a bit harder.

I am yours. Forever... Brock whimpered, then let out a needy sob as Steve smacking his sit spots and thighs pushed him forward enough to cause his very sensitive member to rub against his master’s lap.

Loki sent a feeling of complete submissive belonging toward T’Challa. He was just as satisfied that he was owned.

Stephen just continued to kiss, sending his feelings of want, need, submit to the older man. He was more private than the others and not inclined to want to be spanked or fondled in front of everyone, but there was more than one way to show he was owned and being kissed in front of the others was something he was enjoying thoroughly.

I know, daddy... Grant thought contentedly. He leaned back his body loose, pliant, exposed. He trusted Coulson to keep him safe.

Please, Drottinn... Peter begged through the bond, his head thrashing back and forth as the erection became painful, his body tightening up in preparation to loose his seed.

“I love you...” Bucky responded verbally, gruffly, his voice showing how good he felt and how much he wanted and loved Fury.

Matt could smell sex. It was a physical cloud swamping his senses. He knew there were only two choices he would be happy with. Getting off the bridge so he could breathe and calm down... or submit to Fisk and join the other subs in giving himself wholeheartedly to the man he viewed as master, even if he hadn’t admitted it out loud yet. “Please...” he whispered, in a tight, needy voice, into Fisk’s ear.

Ward responded to Danny’s kiss eagerly, submitting to Danny taking lead. He gave as good as he got, though. Anything Danny did to him, he viewed as Danny giving him permission and would start doing the same back with a hungry, greedy moan.

Steve continued to fondle Brock's erection and swat his lover's backside at the same time, pausing often to rub and feel the heat growing. A sense of satisfaction came through the bond at the sight of his lover's red, hot backside. Any time you're ready to let go, my love. You have my permission.

T'Challa gently grasped Loki's hips, drawing his lover closer to him. He sent a mental picture of Loki undressing to explore T'Challa's body as T'Challa had done to Loki's.

Mordo didn't push or try to force Stephen to do more. It was clear, through his thoughts, that he was perfectly happy just kissing his lover and being kissed in return. Briefly, the flittering thought crossed his mind that he'd never be so foolish as to risk this relationship with Stephen again.

Coulson kept his arms wrapped protectively around Grant, stroking his shoulders and arms gently and affectionately.

Let go. Whenever you're ready, Thor directed. I will catch you, my star-prince.

Fury kissed and caressed over Bucky's body. Knowing the inevitable conclusion, he sent a question: Here? Or our quarters?

Fisk kissed Matt's lips, giving his lover's backside a gentle, squeeze. "What would you like to do, my love? What would you like me to do?" he asked.

Danny allowed his instincts to take over, pulling Ward's shirt free and then kissing his boyfriend deeply. He then set about removing Ward's pants.

Brock shuddered at Steve's words, his body immediately obeying before his mind had a chance to process. Soon, he was limp over Steve's lap, catching his breath and enjoying the feel of a well spanked bottom. "I love you..." he whispered.

Loki didn't need further invitation, quickly but carefully removing T'Challa's clothing until he was able to stand in his lover’s arms, skin pressed tightly to skin. He gave his king a languid kiss.

Stephen sent through a mental caress, both to show gratitude at Mordo understanding that he wasn’t that much of an exhibitionist, but also to soothe Mordo's worries. He trusted him implicitly.

Do you ever regret not having a girlfriend or boyfriend, daddy? Grant thought curiously, as every couple in the room got physical.

Peter let out a sob as he released, hard, for his Drottinn.

Bucky sent a grateful feeling toward his Moy for understanding that he might want to keep some things less a group event. I think our room, sir....

"Get me ready for you... please? So, we can bond as soon as possible?" Matt whispered. He knew he'd need preparation to handle Fisk's size. Even three fingers didn’t match the girth he'd be filled with when he was finally fully claimed. He wasn't sure four fingers would match.

Ward cooperated as much as possible, shifting whenever necessary, so that soon, he was naked in Danny's arms. "Wanna feel you..." he gasped into Danny's ear between kisses, tugging hesitantly at Danny's shirt.

"I love you." Steve's words were soft, but still rang with sincerity. He rubbed his hand over Brock's bottom, feeling the heat. Love and possession came clearly through the bond, mixing with the sense of satisfaction from having that control over his lover.

T'Challa kissed Loki in return, his hands framing his lover's face. I love you. The words not only came through the bond; he voiced them out loud, too. "I love you."

Mordo kissed Stephen, gently and lingeringly, before asking, where did you put the flasks? He'd noticed the two remaining couples were on their way to forming the bond.

Not often, Coulson replied, nuzzling into Grant's neck. And not once since I adopted you.

Thor swallowed every bit of Peter's release and then crawled up his lover's body to kiss him, hard, triggering his own release.

Fury nodded in acknowledgement and, holding Bucky tightly, begin to guide him from the main area.

Fisk kissed Matt. "Here? Or in our quarters?"

Danny squeezed Ward's hands. "Go ahead," he whispered. "I love you."

“Love you too...” Brock’s voice was muzzy with weariness and sated lust. Now, he just wanted to curl up in bed, around Steve and sleep for a couple more hours until it was closer to a normal time to be awake. Maybe in space, it didn’t matter, but on Earth, it was still really early in the morning.

“I love you as well... shall we leave the bridge for our own quarters? I do not wish to scar the young one...” His eyes darted toward Grant. Even if the boy was close to, if not the same age, as some of the others... emotionally, in family situations, he seemed a lot younger.

They are in my bag, by the wall... Stephen smiled, pulling loose long enough to retrieve the flasks and give them to Mordo.

You don’t miss... what they have? Grant asked cautiously, but curious still. He and his father may do a lot of things biological parent and child didn’t... but sex was not one of them. Unless Coulson took care of his needs on the rare occasion Grant and he were apart, the older man was celibate, as far as a Grant knew. Once his body had been ‘retrained’ not to automatically react to certain stimuli despite Grant’s emotions, Grant hadn’t had many urges himself. His inherent distrust of people made it hard to get to know people and usually, by the time he knew them well enough to trust, they were family. And he just wasn’t interested in sex for sex’s sake. He’d had to do that too many times for ops when Garrett was in charge. Coulson had kept his promise and never put Grant into that position. Except for when Grant first became Coulson’s, Grant hadn’t been in a position of needing help in a very long time.

Peter kissed back eagerly, giggling softly, a feeling of satisfaction carrying through the bond as he felt his master’s release coat his chest. Usually I’m getting you messy... he thought.

Matt whimpered. He was afraid if they stopped long enough to go to their quarters, Fisk would calm down enough to rethink what they were doing and want to go slower. On top of that... all the other subs had let themselves be claimed (some more than others) in such a way it was impossible that it wasn’t clear who belonged to who. Matt wanted it obvious who he belonged to. “Here...” he finally got out, in a needy if hesitant voice. By nature, he was usually more private.

Ward grinned against Danny’s mouth and didn’t need a second invitation. He carefully began to undress his best friend and mate, his lips following, kissing every new inch of revealed skin. By the time he removed Danny’s slacks and underwear, he was on his knees in front of the blond.

Steve could feel that Brock was tired, and he gently gathered Brock into his arms, kissing his lover gently and chastely. "I believe now would be a good time to seek out our quarters and settle in there," he murmured.

T'Challa pressed a deep, lingering kiss to Loki's lips before he nodded. "Yes. That would be a very good idea." He wrapped his arm around his lover's shoulders, guiding him from the main area.

Mordo took the flasks and, after giving Stephen a lingering kiss, suggested, after we help out the two remaining couples, we can go our quarters and finish what we've started.

I don't feel the need for the kind of intimacy they have, Coulson answered. I've never really found anyone I'd want to share that kind of relationship with; and when I first brought you home, I knew that my focus would be entirely on you. That you're more important to me than any other relationship I could be involved in.

If you don't mind me getting you messy, I certainly don't mind. Thor kissed Peter a bit more deeply; a bit harder.

Fisk clasped Matt's face in his hand, thumb gently stroking over his lover's lips. He leaned in again to kiss his lover, deeply and thoroughly, sliding his hands over Matt's backside.

Danny reached down and tangled his hands in Ward's hair, stroking gently. "I love you so much," he whispered. "You're my everything now."

Brock let his head rest on Steve’s shoulder as Steve carried him to their own quarters.

I look forward to that. Stephen smiled.

I love you, daddy. Grant smiled, before glancing around and noting that couples were leaving the bridge area. Are we going or staying? he asked curiously.

Peter kissed deeply back, too focused on Thor to notice anything going on around him.

Matt shivered at the possessiveness. He kissed Fisk back a bit desperate, eager to be fully his... belong completely. “I want to be yours... want you for my master...” he whispered against Fisk’s lips, finally saying the words in a tiny, scared voice. Scared because admitting he wanted that was hard. What if Fisk didn’t like the idea of things going that far?

Ward smiled up at Danny, the look in his eyes making it clear the feeling was mutual. And then he leaned forward and began to lick, eyes closed as he focused on the smell and flavor of the man who owned his heart.

I think we should leave. Give them some privacy. Coulson stood and helped Grant to stand, wrapping an arm around his son's shoulders and kissing his cheek before guiding him from the main area.

Noticing that the two new couples were preparing to bond, Thor carefully gathered Peter into his arms, carrying his lover from the main area to their own quarters.

Mordo kissed Stephen's cheek, asking, Which couple would you rather assist?

Fisk smiled against Matt's mouth and wrapped his arms a bit tighter around his lover. "I want that too," he confided softly. "To be your master. To be in control of you. For you to be mine in every way possible."

Danny's fingers flexed gently in Ward's hair as he arched towards his boyfriend's mouth. A tiny gasp, a moan of appreciation, escaped his lips.

I will assist Danny and Ward, if that is alright... Stephen thought, taking one flask to go stand next to the two men.

Matt relaxed at Fisk's words, visibly happy that the older man wanted the same thing as he did.

Ward opened his mouth, taking his boyfriend in as deep as he could, humming in appreciation for what he considered a gift; Danny trusting him to be so close and personal.

Stephen cleared his throat gently, not really wanting to interrupt, but as both men had indicated a desire to bond, he figured he better catch them before they exhausted themselves, or they'd need to wait until later.

Danny bit back a groan as Ward took him in deeper, then forced himself to look towards Stephen, trying to focus on the other man. " we need to do?" he managed to get out.

Fisk kissed Matt, running his hands through the other man's hair, and then looked towards Mordo as the other man approached them. "How does it work?"

Mordo explained the ritual, concisely and quickly.

Stephen handed the flask to Danny and explained what needed to be done.

Ward slowly drew back, reluctant to stop what he was doing, but realizing that he needed to give something before taking if they wanted the bond to work.

Matt turned his gave toward Fisk. "Where do you want me, sir?"

Danny let his fingers stroke through Ward's hair, the look on his face loving. "Later," he promised. He was already semi-hard and drew his lover up into his arms, kissing him deeply.

"Why don't we start off with you over my knee?" Fisk suggested, figuring that would give him ample opportunity to explore. He stroked his thumb across Matt's lips.

Ward kissed back eagerly, letting Danny take lead. "Yes, Sir..." he said, with a tiny growl of acceptance, making it clear he planned to hold his boyfriend to that 'promise'.

"Yes... please..." Matt begged softly.

Danny embraced Ward, tightly, before sliding his hand down to gently grasp his boyfriend's member, beginning to stroke.

Fisk carefully sat down on the floor and guided Matt across his lap, squeezing his lover's hips before giving his backside a firm smack and then rubbing.

Ward's quickly drawn in breath and involuntary thrust into Danny's hand was accompanied by a low, needy whimper.

Matt hissed softly at the smack, groaning and letting himself go limp over Fisk's lap, after shifting his legs just enough to push his bottom into the perfect position for smacking, fondling, or claiming.

Danny kissed Ward, deep and hard, as he stroked and caressed Ward's member. "I love you so much." He pecked his boyfriend's lips between each word.

Fisk gently stroked for a bit more and then delivered another firm smack, moving his hand a bit lower. He stroked again, slipping a finger between Matt's cheeks to explore.

It didn't take long at all before Ward's member was fully erect and he was panting between kisses. Groaning softly, he let his head fall to rest on Danny's shoulder, his arms tightening around the blonde as he tried to remain upright on suddenly shaky legs.

Matt whined as Fisk began to explore but stopped just short of what Matt wanted. He arched his back instinctively, pushing his bottom up as if in invitation. He was already half-hard.

Danny hugged Ward tightly to himself, supporting his boyfriend's weight. He began to stroke and rub the other man's member a bit more firmly, moving the flask in preparation for when Ward released.

Mordo summoned a bottle of lube to his hand and gave it to Fisk.

Nodding in thanks, Fisk took the lube from the sorcerer and coated a finger with it. He pushed it carefully inside Matt, swatting firmly with his other hand and rubbing.

Ward's quivering became more intense until suddenly, his body stiffened. Only Danny was enabling him to stay upright as he filled the flask his boyfriend held.

Matt let out a low, satisfied, moan as Fisk began to feel inside, his body relaxing just enough the older man could move and manipulate. His member was fully aroused by that point. "Yours..." He whimpered softly.

Danny held the flask until it was completely filled and then carefully pulled it away. Drawing Ward in for another deep kiss, he murmured, "I need to grab some lube...."

"Mine," Fisk agreed, continuing to explore inside Matt. Keeping a careful eye on his lover so he would know when Matt was ready to release, he coated another finger in the lube and pushed that inside his lover.

"Uh huh..." Ward murmured, still coming down from the release and finding it difficult to speak.

"Here..." Stephen quickly handed Danny lube that he had summoned.

Matt let out a whimper that was equal parts need and satisfaction as he felt a second finger breach him, stretching. "...So good..." he sighed, his legs opening further.

"Thank you." Danny took the lube and carefully lowered both himself and Ward to the floor, kissing his boyfriend deeply. He settled himself on Ward, parting the other man's legs.

"You feel so good," Fisk whispered. "So right. So perfect." He carefully pushed a third finger inside Matt, stretching his lover a bit more.

“Feels good... you on top of me...” Ward whimpered, blushing. It was hard to describe the feeling of safety and belonging he felt in Danny’s arms... under Danny. “...Home...” he whispered.

Matt groaned and opened his legs further, unable to keep from beginning to rub against his master, needing the friction inside and out.

"You feel good under me," Danny murmured, stroking Ward's cheek. "So good. I love you so much. I need you so much. My heart belongs to you." He let his fingers graze over Ward's entrance.

Fisk let his other hand slide under Matt's body, beginning to stroke and caress his member, shifting the flask to prepare to catch his lover's seed.

Ward drew his knees up toward his shoulders, opening himself up for his lover. "All of me is yours..." he whispered, in a shaky voice.

Matt whimpered and moaned, relishing feeling Fisk claim him. "...More... please more..." he whined. He was so close.

Danny pressed a kiss to Ward's lips and along the line of his jaw. He covered a finger with lube and then carefully pushed it inside his boyfriend, going slow and gentle.

Fisk explored carefully and slowly, finally coating a fourth finger and pushing it inside his lover. "Whenever you're ready," he whispered.

Ward felt himself relaxing as Danny kissed and prepared him. It felt so good, all he could do was lay there, legs up and open, and moan softly with pleasure.

Matt groaned as the fourth finger was pushed in, filling him more than he'd ever thought he'd be filled. The fact it was his lover... his master... filling him, taking control and claiming so completely, made it that much better. "...Yours... only yours..." he sobbed out softly, as he clenched tight around Fisk's fingers and released into the flask.

"I love you." Danny moved his finger inside Ward, exploring carefully and slowly, before he coated a second finger and pushed that inside the other man. He kissed his boyfriend hard and deeply.

"Mine. Only mine," Fisk agreed. He carefully moved his fingers, stretching Matt... preparing his lover for taking Fisk's member inside.

Ward kept his eyes on Danny's face, kissing back just as deeply when Danny kissed him. "I love you with everything I am..." he whispered, letting out moans of pleasure as Danny moved his fingers.

"...Always and only yours..." Matt repeated in a dazed voice. His member was becoming hard again as Fisk moved his fingers inside him. "...Feel so good..." He whimpered, shifting his hips so that Fisk could push deeper. "...More, please... please, master... want to give you everything..." He sobbed softly.

"I won't ever let you go," Danny whispered, his voice low and possessive. "You're mine."

Fisk moved Matt carefully, withdrawing his fingers; but only so that he could coat his own member. Even with the preparation, he was very careful and slow as he pushed inside Matt, giving his lover a chance to adjust to Fisk's size.

"Always..." Ward's voice caught in his throat at the feeling of complete possession he felt from Danny. He was completely aroused again, just from his lover's fingers and words.

Matt groaned low and long as Fisk slowly slid into him. Even with all the preparation, he was being stretched further than he'd ever been stretched. It was just shy of painful; a slight sting that felt good because it let Matt feel how much Fisk owned him. He tried to relax, knowing that if he clenched too soon, it would prevent his master from taking him fully. He wanted Fisk buried deep inside of him as far as he could go.

Danny kissed Ward's lips, slipping his tongue into the other man's mouth. After exploring and widening his fingers a little bit more, he carefully withdrew. He then coated his member with the lube and pushed very carefully and slowly inside the other man, kissing Ward's shoulder.

Fisk went slow and careful, kissing Matt's neck and shoulders. He knew he was big, and he wanted to make sure it felt just as good for his lover as it did for him. He slid his hands down to Matt's hips, gently but possessively grasping them.

Ward groaned as Danny entered him. "...Yeeesss... just like that..." He moaned softly, shifting just enough that Danny could push all the way inside. He shifted his arms, so they were loosely around Danny's shoulders and began to rub Danny's back and arms gently, caressing in time with his lover's movement.

Matt reached up and gripped onto Fisk's shoulder's, holding tightly, then loosening and rubbing before gripping again. "...Yours... yours... yours..." He began to sob softly in time with Fisk's movement. "...Want you deep in me, master..." he whispered.

Danny pressed kisses along Ward's shoulders and chest, beginning to thrust gently into his boyfriend. Every so often, he would whisper loving words of possession against his boyfriend's skin.

Fisk responded to Matt by saying, "Mine," every time. Still careful not to risk tearing, he continued to thrust inside his lover, pressing kisses to Matt's neck.

Ward became fully aroused, the feeling of his lover moving in him- rubbing just right- combined with the words of possession and affection quickly making him ready.  "I love you, Danny... my lover... my leader... my heart..." he gasped into Danny's ear. "I will obey you... I will belong to you... forever..." he promised.

Matt moaned softly at the friction inside. Fisk was moving exquisitely slow. The slight sting had disappeared and all that was left was an itch that only his master could scratch. "...Feels so full..." he whispered, in an almost dazed voice. "...Please, master... deeper... harder... please..." Matt begged softly. His member had hardened again, and he couldn't help but clench around Fisk, trying to hold him inside.

"I will never let you go," Danny whispered against Ward's skin. "No matter what happens. You're mine." He felt his own release getting closer and he kissed Ward's neck harder, sucking gently on the skin.

Fisk possessively squeezed Matt's hips as he began to thrust harder and faster, going deeper into his lover. "You feel so good surrounding me," he whispered.

Stephen had remained to the side, but he could tell by the sound of Danny's voice how close he was and so he began to chant the spell.

Ward moaned, slanting his head so Danny could reach it easier. Adjusting his legs just a slight bit more, he gasped as the new angle caused Danny to brush the tiny knot of nerves inside him.

Matt began to let out tiny sobs as Fisk thrust into him. It felt so good. He began to rock against his lover, widening his legs in order to let Fisk in further. "Love you so much..." he choked out, his body clenching around Fisk tightly, as if trying to pull him even deeper.

Danny pressed a harder kiss to Ward's neck, leaving a mark behind. He kissed and licked the mark, then moved onto a different part of his boyfriend's neck to leave another love bite.

"I love you," Fisk whispered into Matt's ear. He felt himself harden more inside his lover, tightening his grip on Matt's hips.

Able to tell that Fisk was close, Mordo began to make his own chant.

Ward began to shudder with each stroke Danny made inside of him, the other man having found just the right angle to touch those nerves each time. He felt himself tightening up, preparing to release again.

Matt's fingers clenched around Fisk's shoulders as the tight ring of muscle tightened around the older man's member. Matt could feel him enlarging even more as the older man hardened further and he groaned as the already full feeling he had turned into a feeling of being stuffed. ".... Love you..." He groaned and shifted slightly, gasping when Fisk hit his prostate.  "...There... oh please, master..." He sobbed softly as he began to tighten up in preparation to release.

Danny clutched tighter at Ward, his member swelling and growing. As his release hit, he kissed the other man hard on the lips, slipping his tongue inside; claiming Ward in two separate ways.

Fisk made sure he kept hitting that same spot, watching Matt's face to make sure his lover wasn't in pain or discomfort. His grip tightened a fraction as his release washed over him and he pressed their bodies as close together as he could without causing his much smaller lover harm.

Ward opened his mouth wide, accepting Danny's claiming. He could feel his lover release in him, and it set his own release free. He could hear Stephen finish the chant just as he coated Danny and his chest with his seed.

Stephen watched as the contents of the flask floated out and into Danny's skin, a glow enveloping the two as a mark unique to the two of them settled on their skin. He couldn't help but grin as he realized the binding had taken.

Matt was dazed, Fisk's constant stroking against his prostate sending him reeling, close to losing himself in pleasure. It was clear on his face that he was losing focus on everything, but the feeling of his master buried deep inside him... and that it felt really good to him. His own body was in sync with Fisk's... his own release occurring seconds behind the older man's.

Danny slumped over Ward's body, pressing another loving kiss to the other man. Mine. The word came through clearly, his mind and heart in total agreement about his relationship with Ward.

Mordo finished his own chant and smiled happily as the contents of Fisk's and Matt's own flask were absorbed into Fisk's skin, generating their own unique mark.

Fisk framed Matt's face in his hands, an awe-filled thought reaching through the bond. You're so beautiful.

Ward grinned as he heard Danny's words in his head. Always yours, my heart, he thought back. He kissed back eagerly. My master...

Matt stilled at hearing...feeling... his master in his head. Master? I can feel you! In my head and heart! A feeling of excited happiness spread through the bond.

For always. I'm your master for always, Danny promised, nuzzling against Ward. His happiness and sense of very possessive love came clearly through the bond.

Fisk's own feelings of excitement and happiness matched with and mingled together with Matt's. His thumbs gently stroked his lover's cheeks. I can feel you too, my love.

Ward continued to nuzzle and kiss, letting Danny feel his complete devotion, love, and satisfaction. Take me to our quarters, love? We can practice speaking to each other silently while you claim me again, maybe? He sent a hopeful feeling to Danny.

Matt was still a bit dazed and now that the adrenaline was wearing down, he could feel the results of being so thoroughly stretched, filled and rubbed inside. He nuzzled against Fisk, letting his feelings of devotion and love leak through with his feelings of desire... but he also let Fisk feel how tender and weary he was. Fisk was his master and would decide if he would be taken again so soon. Matt knew he had a tendency to ask for things that weren't necessarily good for him.

Stephen looked at Mordo. Our part is concluded. Shall we go to our quarters so I can finish showing you how much I love you, my baron?

Danny smiled at that, carefully withdrawing from Ward and helping his boyfriend to stand, hugging the other man tightly. That sounds like a very good idea, he agreed.

Fisk carefully pulled free of Matt and stood, gathering the smaller man into his arms. I'm going to carry you to our quarters, where I can cuddle and hold you until we both fall asleep. He kissed Matt's head.

I like that idea very much. Mordo wrapped his arm possessively around Stephen's waist.

Ward snuggled against Danny before letting his master lead him to their quarters.

Okay, sir... I like being held by you, Matt thought, only the tiniest bit of disappointment that Fisk wouldn’t be immediately taking him again. He understood why and part of him was grateful and relieved that his master was taking care of him.

Stephen let Mordo lead him out and to their room.


It was the next day, at least as far as they could tell on the spaceship, and Coulson and Grant were in their room, playing a game of cards. Coulson looked a bit thoughtful and the words, I wonder what Grant will think, came through the bond.

Grant blinked at the words, giving his father an amused look. "Did you mean to ask me what I think, daddy? Or did that bleed through without you meaning it to?" He grinned mischievously, before slanting his head. "What would I think about what, exactly?"

Coulson smiled, leaning in, to kiss Grant's head. "I didn't mean for the thought to bleed through then, but I was planning on asking you. Mordo and Stephen haven't really formed any personal connections. I thought perhaps we could invite them here for the evening."

Grant slanted his head. "That would probably be good. We're all going to be traveling together for who knows how long and we should all learn to rely on each other. It's easier to do that if we know each other...."

"I agree," Coulson said, with a warm smile. "If you're happy, I'll send them a message now to invite them."

"Of course, daddy..." He glanced around their quarters. "...Just let me clean up really quick..." he muttered, beginning to pick up articles of clothing that had got dropped and forgotten on the floor, a few books that were scattered around and some other things that were on the chairs. "Prolly shoulda done this earlier..." he said sheepishly, since nearly all the items belonged to him. He was surprised his father hadn't said anything about him tidying up before.

"That's not a problem," Coulson said gently. "I'm glad to see you're leaving your belongings here. Like it's your home. You never would have done that in the past."

Grant bit his lip. "It wasn't because I didn’t feel at home..." he said quietly. "We just were always moving around to various safe houses and such... if I wanted to make sure I didn't leave things behind or lose them, I needed to keep everything put away in places that were easy to pack. But now? Our home will be moving with us, so...."

"You don't need to worry about keeping it tidy," Coulson said gently. "It's not as if the room is untidy."

Grant grinned. "I'll try to remember that. That is the exact opposite of what I was trained to do, though." He laughed. It wasn't clear when he'd been trained that, or if it was a good thing or not, but he wasn't scared or upset, so it was a safe bet it wasn't his parents or Garrett.

Coulson kissed his son's hair, stroking his fingers along the pulse point in Grant's neck. "I just want you to feel as comfortable as possible in our home."

"Daddy... as long as I'm with you, I'll be fine. Even if I didn't have anything to tidy and had to walk around naked, I'd be fine. As long as I'm with you. I'm safe with you." Grant slanted his head, so his neck was exposed.

"You'll always be with me," Coulson promised. "I love you. So much." He pressed a kiss to Grant's forehead, still gently stroking over his son's pulse point.

Grant snuggled close at the promise, feelings of safety and contentment carrying through the bond.

Coulson sat down on the bed, gently drawing Grant onto his lap and kissing his son's head. "I love you." Those words were echoed clearly through the bond.

"...Love you too, daddy..." Grant whispered. Even though his own feelings were clear through the bond, he felt it important to voice the words so that Coulson would know that he wanted the older man to know how he was feeling. It was his choice to give everything to Coulson; and he wanted to make sure his father knew that he'd made that choice willingly.

"Do you want to cuddle for a bit more, just us, before I send Mordo and Stephen a message?" Coulson asked softly, pressing a kiss to his son's shoulder.

"Maybe a little... but we can still cuddle when they are here... right?" Grant asked quietly.

"Of course," Coulson replied, without any kind of hesitation. "You can stay sitting on my lap even when they get here; and if you want any other kind of affection, don't hesitate to take what you need."

"Okay, daddy... do you want me to get some snacks together?" Grant asked, eager to please the older man.

"That would be very helpful," Coulson replied, stroking his son's cheek before he took out a comm, sending a message to Mordo.

Grant leaned into the caress, turning his face to kiss his father's hand before getting up and going to retrieve the snacks.


Mordo was stretched out on the bed, letting his fingers run through Stephen's hair, as his comm beeped. He reached for it with one hand, while his other hand kept in contact with his lover. "Mordo here."

"It's Phil." Coulson's voice came from the communicator.

Stephen shifted just enough to give Mordo a curious look, but otherwise stayed in place. He was enjoying having his hair played with.

"Do you need something?" Mordo asked, continuing to stroke Stephen's hair.

"I thought you might like to join me and Grant for dinner," Coulson said.

Surprised, Mordo glanced towards his lover. What do you think? he asked.

I'm okay with it... Are we picking up the food from the kitchen to take back to their quarters? Stephen thought back.

"Would you like us to pick up food to bring to your quarters?" Mordo asked.

"We'll take care of that," Coulson answered. "If you want to come by in about an hour, we'll have everything ready by then."

"Thank you..." Stephen managed to say, before the connection was cut. Looking at Mordo, he grinned crookedly. "I guess they want to get to know the rest of the crew..." he said, in an almost questioning tone.

"Most of them have some kind of personal connections to each other." Mordo leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Stephen's lips.

"Your only connection is through me... and my only connection was because of what we went through with the snap..." Stephen acknowledged. "It probably would be good to get to know everyone else a bit better." He leaned into the kiss, keeping it gentle and chaste, but opened his mouth just enough to let Mordo take control if he wanted.

Mordo cupped Stephen's cheek, kissing a bit deeper and harder, letting his tongue slide into his lover's mouth. Possessive love came clearly through the bond.

Stephen sighed softly against Mordo's lips, letting his own tongue gently lick at his Master's. A feeling of complete submission was sent back; whatever Mordo wanted to do, Stephen was in the mind-frame to give it to him.

Mordo pulled Stephen closer, sliding his hands down his lover's back, over his bottom and down his legs. He then pushed his hands up under Stephen's shirt, stroking over bare skin.

Stephen continued to kiss, pressing closer and letting out a satisfied hum at Mordo's possessiveness.

Mordo let his hands slide up Stephen's back and then he stroked them down over his lover's hips, pushing Stephen's pants down.

Stephen let out a playful growl as he felt his clothing pushed down, exposing him, then sucked on Mordo's tongue; not too hard, but hard enough to tease, as if he was 'attempting' to take charge. Daring Mordo to put him in his place.

Mordo gave Stephen's backside a fairly mild swat, still kissing his lover deeply. He squeezed Stephen's bottom possessively and then gave another light smack.

Stephen whimpered softly, immediately going from sucking in a demanding way to gently tugging, as if asking permission. He imagined shifting around and bending over so his backside was higher than the rest of him, legs parted so he wasn't hiding anything... but he stopped short of imagining what Mordo would do. It was clear through the bond that he wanted to offer himself up for whatever Mordo wanted to do or take. Spank? Fondle? Probe? Take him? He was Mordo's to use. If Mordo said yes to the mind image.

Mordo's interest and member spiked at the image Stephen sent him and he was quick to agree. Yes. I want you to do that.

Stephen grinned against Mordo's mouth, carefully pulling away with a quick peck on the lips. Stepping back slowly, he let his pants and underwear fall to the floor, stepping out of them before tugging his shirt off and dropping it on top of them. Now completely naked, he turned and slowly walked to the bed, crawling up onto it, his back to Mordo. Slowly... so Mordo could watch every movement...  he bent over until his arms were folded on the bed, head and shoulders down low. He separated his knees wide enough Mordo could fit between them, then pulled them up close enough to his shoulders that it pushed his backside up high. He was completely exposed and at Mordo's mercy.

I love you, Baron, he thought through the bond, his desire to submit still very clear.

I love you so much. Mordo moved to Stephen's side, settling between his lover's knees, and let his hands stroke down the other man's hips, cupping and gently squeezing his backside. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to the base of Stephen's spine.

Stephen shivered at the kiss, a wave of need spearing through him and the bond. It was hard to keep his thoughts clear of his own ideas. He wanted Mordo to make all the decisions, though, without him influencing, so he managed to do it; by imagining what Mordo looked like between his legs, kissing his spine.

Mordo began to trail kisses up Stephen's spine, giving his lover's backside a gentle smack before rubbing and squeezing. At the same time, he sent the other man a picture of what Stephen looked like from Mordo's perspective; how attractive Mordo found him. How much Stephen was loved.

Stephen let out a tiny moan as Mordo began to smack and fondle his bottom. It was the kisses on his spine that made him feel like melted butter, the sense of love and belonging filling him and echoing back through the bond. His member began to fill, dangling between his legs, just as vulnerable as his backside.

Mine. The word came clear through the bond with every gentle smack Mordo delivered; every touch of his hand to his lover's backside; every press of his lips to Stephen's spine. He let his fingers gently graze Stephen's member, the touch teasing but gentle.

Only yours, Stephen sent back, his sense of satisfaction at that fact strong. He quivered at the gentle touches, his member growing more. He held still, though. Mordo was in charge and Stephen wanted to know what his master enjoyed when it was left entirely up to him.

Mordo pressed closer, ensuring their bodies were touching in every way possible they could. His hand slid to Stephen's hips, giving each a firm, possessive squeeze, before he gave a gentle smack to each buttock and then leaned in to kiss each spot he'd just swatted.

Stephen groaned and shivered as he felt the smacks, then kisses, to his bottom. It was all he could do to keep from begging his Master to mark him. As it was, a brief thought of Mordo leaving love bite marks and handprints on his backside slipped through before he could refocus on thinking about how it felt.

In response to the thought, Mordo gave a gentle nip with his teeth; not enough to hurt or even to mark. And then he pressed another kiss to each cheek, before giving another pair of smacks; a bit harder now.

Stephen's breath caught at the nip and then he shuddered with a low moan. His member was completely engorged and weeping by this point, but he didn’t touch himself or ask to be touched. He wanted to be possessed completely and take only what he'd been given. He longed to be given an order... something he could obey... even if it was just an order to put his hands behind his back or in front of him to be bound.

Mordo delivered another pair of smacks and another pair of kisses, then another nip, before he whispered, "Give me your hands." His voice was low. Heavy with desire, want, need.

Stephen's breathing was shaky as he shifted, moving his hands behind his back so Mordo could take hold. Now his shoulders and cheek were pressed tight into the bed. His master's need fed his own need. It was nearly overwhelming and carried through the bond.

Kissing the base of Stephen's spine, Mordo conjured a silk rope so that he could carefully tie his lover's hands without scratching the skin. That done, he kissed Stephen's hands, each of the palms, and then began a steady series of smacks to the other man's backside, covering every inch of skin before he leaned in to kiss each cheek.

"Master..." Stephen whimpered in a low, needy voice. He needed what Mordo was doing. Needed to be completely under the older man's control. Needed to give everything to him.

Mine. Mordo's voice echoed clearly through the bond. And I'm yours. He swatted his lover's backside gently, even while continuing to press kisses to the heated skin and along Stephen's spine.

All of me is yours... and you mine... Stephen thought, a sense of calm belonging carrying through with the words. Mordo might be taking everything he wanted from Stephen, but he gave away parts of himself with each gentle kiss... Stephen could feel it.

Everything about us belongs to each other. Mordo squeezed Stephen's hips and then glided his fingers between his lover's legs, gently caressing the other man's member and then taking a little bit of a firmer hold.

Yes. Stephen sighed softly. Still... I need you in charge... I love you deciding... He whimpered as he was grasped. You choosing what is done to me... for me....  I love you, he thought.

You belong to me, Mordo promised. I will always be in charge of you. Always be your 'baron'. He began to swat a little bit harder, turning Stephen's bottom pink under his hand, while the fingers of his other hand continued to play with his lover's member.

Always... Stephen let out a tiny sob of need but didn't ask for anything. He wanted only what Mordo chose to give. He wanted to feel his Baron's control over him.

Taking a cue from the image that had crossed Stephen's mind, Mordo began to suck along with kissing his skin, leaving trails of love bites behind.

Stephen chirped out a needy sob. It was hard to think... his focus entirely on what his lover was doing. "I... I can't hold... sir... I can't..." he began to babble. It wasn't clear if he was asking for help to keep from releasing or asking permission, though. The waves of confused, garbled need made it clear he didn't even know what he needed. He just needed.

I have you, my love. You can let go. I'm here to catch you. Exactly where I will always be. Mordo let one hand stroke and play with Stephen's member; his other hand smacked and rubbed his lover's bottom. All the while, he kissed Stephen's back and over his now well-warmed bottom.

Stephen didn't even have time to process the order before his body was obeying Mordo, releasing onto the bed beneath with mind shattering spurts. If his face and shoulders hadn't already been pressed onto the bed, he would have fallen onto them. He felt weak like a noodle and was grateful that the wide-open position of his legs gave him some balance, or he would have collapsed completely. Groaning softly, once he was spent, he shivered woozily. He couldn't send words back to his master. What he did send back were all the mixed-up feelings of love, need, desire, contentment, submission... all the confused, almost drugged, sex-haze... everything he felt was pouring through the bond. At the center of it was a faint desire to be used by his Master. Mordo had given him a lot; Stephen wanted him to take now.

Squeezing Stephen's hips, Mordo pressed a hard kiss to the back of his lover's neck, gently sucking on the skin to leave a mark behind. At the same time, he summoned lube to his hand. Coating a finger, he pushed it carefully inside the other man, pressing kisses down Stephen's spine at the same time.

Stephen moaned softly under his breath and held still for Mordo. It felt good being kissed that hard, knowing that there would be evidence left behind. It felt just as good having his master touching him inside, where no one else was ever allowed to touch. He was still letting all his feelings flow through the bond, so it was clear that he enjoyed both things. But what he enjoyed most was that it wasn't his choice. His Baron was doing what he wanted, and Stephen was obeying and bowing to Mordo's wishes.

Mordo moved his finger inside his lover, exploring and claiming the other man both inside and out. A sense of satisfaction came clearly through the bond; the knowledge that his lover would not only be marked with Mordo's claim on the outside, but also would feel Mordo's control inside as well.

Stephen felt like molten lava, his body heating up with desire for his mate. He wondered at the fact that Mordo could do anything with him, to him, that he wanted... Stephen was submitting himself fully and would accept anything Mordo decided... but Mordo was choosing to do something that gave Stephen more pleasure. He didn't understand how Mordo wouldn't want to take his own pleasure. A hint of that confusion bled through the bond, but overall, the feelings were still happy, pleasure. Every part of me... every molecule... is yours, Baron... he thought, in an almost sluggish way; still sated and mind-dazed from the orgasm Mordo had given him.

Every part of you is mine, Mordo agreed. And every part of me is yours, my love. You are more important to me than the very air I breathe. Still kissing his way along his lover's body, he coated a second finger in lube and pushed that carefully inside his lover, exploring now with two fingers.

You are the air I breathe... Stephen thought, with a hint of desperation. Maybe it was cliched, but if Mordo was suddenly no longer there, Stephen didn't know if he could go on breathing. Just the thought of his master being gone filled him with anxiety and caused his breath to catch in his throat. He forced himself to take several slow breaths and focus on Mordo's fingers inside him, proving that his lover was with him and was not gone, a bit rattled by the near panic attack he'd just fought back. "Feels so good, Baron..." he whispered out loud, letting the older man feel all the good feelings he felt when the older man breached him and rubbed deep inside. The panic was still there, buried deep, but it wasn't controlling him, and he was able to ignore it by focusing on his master and the love they had for each other.

Mordo leaned in and kissed the back of Stephen's neck, sucking to leave behind a mark. "You feel good," he whispered. "I won't ever leave you again, my love. I promise. You never have to fear that I'll be gone."

I believe you... Stephen thought, as he whined softly at feeling the bruise forming on his neck. Your mark on me will remind me....

I'll keep marking you, Mordo promised. I'll make sure you never forget.

Thank you, Baron... Stephen whined softly, but it was an accepting whine filled with need. His body quivered from his need to give everything to his master that was asked, if Mordo asked.

I love you. Mordo kissed the back of his lover's neck.

I adore you... Stephen thought back wistfully.

Mordo carefully withdrew his fingers from Stephen, but only so that he could coat his member in the lube and push inside his lover.

Stephen quivered, groaning long and low as Mordo pushed in. He could feel the stretch, feel himself filled and it was everything he could have begged for; his master taking his own pleasure from him. He only wished he could give more.

Mordo gently grasped Stephen's hips, beginning to thrust deeper into his lover. You're giving me everything, my love, he promised.

You are happy? You are getting what you want? Stephen thought hopefully, even as he pressed his face into the bed, open mouthed, breathing becoming more rapid as he whimpered and moaned.

You are what I want, Mordo answered honestly. He began to thrust a bit harder, faster, deeper. He squeezed Stephen's hips possessively and then clasped his lover's backside, giving it a firm squeeze.

Stephen's groan was pure lust. Having his hands bound behind him caused each thrust to push him forward slightly and he clinched around his master, wanting to make himself tighter for the older man.

Mordo felt himself swelling and growing inside Stephen. He pressed a kiss to his lover's neck, trailing a series of kisses down Stephen's spine. I love you so much.

I love you. Stephen could feel Mordo growing in him and he loved the feeling. He wished he could feel full of his master all the time.

Mine. Mordo began to speak the word in time with the thrusts, kissing and caressing other parts of Stephen's body as he did so.

"Yours...." Stephen began to whisper... chant directly after each of Mordo's declarations. His member began to harden again, and he began to let out tiny sobs as he was pushed forward then pulled back with each thrust, the action causing his nipples to drag on the bed and become more sensitive.

Mordo slipped his hand beneath Stephen, stroking and playing with his member. His other hand slid over his lover's front, giving each of Stephen's nipples a gentle stroke and squeeze.

Stephen couldn’t stop himself. He was so sensitive and ached to be owned by Mordo. He began to beg the older man to do things to him that he never would have voiced before he gave himself completely to the older sorcerer. He thought and spoke graphically how he wanted to be used. If Mordo deigned to give him even a tiny portion of what he begged for, he'd be feeling the older man in him for days after.

Mordo would have never wanted to hurt Stephen, but he did like the idea of his lover feeling him for a long time afterwards. He kissed his lover's neck and angled the other man to make it easier to thrust harder...faster.

Stephen had to close his eyes. Unable to hold himself in place because his arms were tied behind his back, he had to rely completely on Mordo to hold him in place and keep him from being pushed forward too hard. Had to completely trust his master not to hurt him, even if accidently. That trust was there, and it thrummed through the bond. Focusing only on what he felt as Mordo claimed him with progressively harder, faster, and possessive thrusts, Stephen felt himself beginning to have a hazy awareness of everything but Mordo, his master the only thing worth his notice.

Mordo pressed kisses to the back of Stephen's neck and down his spine, whispering soft, loving words over and over again; how much he loved and needed the other man. Just how important Stephen was to him. The emotions carried clearly through the bond, matching what he was saying.

Stephen's breathing was near panting by this point, tiny mewling, needy groans escaped his mouth, his cheek pressed tight against the bed. He'd be embarrassed at the fact he was close to drooling, but at that moment, all that existed was Mordo, and Mordo inside him. Waves of love, need, want poured through the bond to the Baron, even as the feelings he sent toward Stephen contributed to his blissed out mental state.

Mordo felt his release grow close as he swelled inside Stephen. Driven by pure, animalistic need, he reached forward and closed his teeth around the nape of his lover's neck; not hard, but definitely possessive.

Stephen gasped at the possessive bite, clenching tight around Modo, his own member hardening again at the action.

Mordo began to suck along with bite at the nape of his lover's neck, reaching under Stephen to begin stroking his member at the same time.

Stephen's panting increased as Mordo worked on him. It didn't take long at all before he was spilling on the bed again, only Mordo's firm grip keeping him from collapsing.

Mordo's own release followed only moments later and he slumped down across Stephen's body, kissing his lover's shoulder, gently releasing the red tie, and then embracing the other man tightly. Waves of possessive love swept from him through the bond to Stephen.

Stephen shivered uncontrollably, his body quaking as his body slowly came down from the high of being possessed so completely. He could feel Mordo's emotions buffeting him and knew his own were flowing to his master just as strongly. He couldn't talk. He couldn't even think words. All he could do was lay under his master, bottom up high so Mordo could remain buried in him, whimpering in sated, dazed tones.

Kissing the back of Stephen's neck, Mordo embraced his lover tightly, his breath coming out in short pants. He didn't speak, but the emotions flowing to his lover were so intense, he might as well have been shouting them.

Eventually, Stephen's breathing had calmed enough that he wasn't panting any longer. He was still under Mordo, bottom up high, but he didn't try and move. Feeling his master blanketing him was soothing in its own right and he liked feeling small, helpless and controlled by the other man. He loved Mordo and was happy to be completely owned and dominated by the other. He wasn't even attempting to pull his feelings back a little. Every little thing he felt, or thought was broadcast to Mordo, no barriers.

Mordo pressed light, gentle kisses all over Stephen's shoulders and down his back, covering his neck too. It was clear he enjoyed blanketing the other man just as much as Stephen liked it and while they had both released, Mordo was perfectly content to snuggle with his lover.

Eventually, Stephen was able to think words, even if speaking them was still difficult. How long do you think we can stay like this? he thought. I like you being on top of me... in me... while we just snuggle... The feelings accompanying the question were sheepish, but it was obviously the truth.

We've got a bit of time before we meet Phil and Grant, Mordo answered. But we can always cuddle again like this when we come back. He kissed Stephen's shoulder.

Stephen sighed happily. Maybe cuddling again later would be a good idea... we probably should get cleaned up before going to see them... Stephen's feelings were amused and almost proud at the fact that he had to get cleaned up because he'd been so thoroughly owned by Mordo.

You're right, Mordo agreed, before reluctantly withdrawing from his lover. Standing, he reached out to help Stephen stand as well, drawing his lover in for a deep, lingering kiss.

Stephen's legs were shaky, and he leaned on Mordo heavily as he was set on his feet. He returned the kiss eagerly, opening his mouth to accept Mordo's tongue, feeling the other man possess him through the kiss like he'd possessed him through taking him earlier.

Mordo kissed Stephen thoroughly, giving his backside a gentle squeeze before he led his lover by the hand into the bathroom, where they could wash up.


Twenty minutes later and exactly an hour after Mordo had told Coulson they'd come visit he and Grant in their quarters, Stephen was standing slightly behind Mordo as the older man knocked on Coulson's door.

"Come in," Coulson called, from where he was sitting on one of the couches, Grant next to him. His arm was wrapped around his son's shoulders.

Mordo opened the door and stepped into the room, guiding Stephen inside with him.

"Good evening, Director..." Stephen smiled crookedly. "...Grant."

"Hi!" Grant smiled back, a hint of shyness sneaking through, but overall seeming very confident. Being bonded to his father had helped the younger man a lot.

"Please have a seat." Coulson indicated the couch opposite. "Make yourselves at home. We have other drinks than those set out already," he added.

"Thank you." Mordo sat down, drawing Stephen onto the couch next to him.

Stephen pressed as close to Mordo as Grant was pressed to Coulson, which is to say there wasn't any space between the two. The only reason he wasn't sitting on Mordo's lap was because the other man hadn't put him there. He glanced at the offered drinks. "These are fine... thank you. How are you both settling in to being in space?" he asked with a smile, genuinely curious. He'd already been in space. Granted, he hadn't paid much attention to what was happening outside the spaceship; and, once on Titan, had focused on stopping Thanos, but him being in space before was still fact.

Grant's smile grew. "I didn't think there'd be windows, but Tony made sure we have windows.  The view is just awesome!"

Coulson smiled at his son's enthusiasm and gave him a gentle squeeze. "It's nicer and cozier here," he admitted. "There's more time to spend on a personal level with people." He kissed Grant's cheek. "I suspect there might be more than just windows Tony put in."

"You're probably right." Mordo glanced around the room. "I only know of him through Stephen, but Tony's always seemed the kind of person to add in surprises when he can."

Grant blinked at the idea that there would be more than just windows and he hadn't noticed yet. "What kind of things, daddy?"

Stephen chuckled softly. "I happen to know he wanted things to be as comfortable as possible, even if we were in space. I overheard him telling Pepper so. That's why he made certain each couples’ quarters had its own bath; even though from what I know, spaceships usually try and conserve on items that use water. And I'm pretty sure he set up Friday on the ship so that if we had need of anything back on Earth, we could quickly and easily communicate.... But I doubt that's what your father is referring to...."

"There might not be anything," Coulson commented, threading his fingers through Grant's hair. "But it wouldn't surprise me if anything was included."

"We've got plenty of supplies, at least, to hold us until we reach a new planet," Mordo commented.

"Do we actually have a destination in mind?" Stephen asked curiously, figuring if anyone would know, it would be Coulson.

Grant looked toward his father his own face expectantly curious.

"We don't have a specific destination, but we do have a route that's more or less planned out," Coulson answered. "You can gain access to the maps through the computer."

Stephen nodded. "It might be a good idea for all of us to look at the route. In case something happens, everyone will at least have an idea of what the plan was so that we can work on fixing whatever the problem is."

Grant nodded. "Makes sense. We can look at it later, though... right now, I want to eat." His stomach growled to give strength to his words.

Smiling, Coulson retrieved both his and Grant's plates, settling both so that he could feed himself and his son at the same time.

Mordo did much the same, sneaking kisses from Stephen between bites.

Grant was used to his father feeding him by this point in time. It was something the older man had begun doing shortly after adopting Grant and enjoyed doing; and something Grant enjoyed having done, so neither saw a sense in not doing it when the situation didn't call for Grant to act autonomous.

Stephen wasn't quite as used to being taken care of completely. He didn't argue Mordo feeding him, however. He was still feeling clingy and needy from their earlier round of lovemaking, so Mordo taking control over his food felt natural and good. He ate what Mordo fed him, even the items he normally would have not put on his plate.

Coulson gave his son lots of affection between feeding him bites of food, kissing his cheek or his forehead and letting waves of love flow from him through the bond towards his son.

Mordo kept touching, stroking, kissing Stephen as he fed his lover, his own feelings of happiness and contentment coming clearly through the bond.

Both Grant and Stephen were flushed by the time dinner had finished, the feelings of love and affection buffeting them. Once the dinner was completed, Grant reluctantly stood- he'd been enjoying Coulson's kisses- and gathered the dirty plates.

Stephen also reluctantly stood. He'd been enjoying the more innocent kisses and affection as well. He gathered the dirty silverware and glasses. "We can take these to the canteen area, put them in the washer... be back in five minutes? If that is acceptable?" he asked Mordo for permission, even though he doubted the other man would say no to cleaning up. One thing they did not want to attract on the ship were rodents or other creatures that might subsist on spilled food or unclean conditions.

Mordo nodded. "That's fine." He had the fleeting thought of Stephen laying across his lap when his lover returned; but as he didn't want to embarrass his lover, he didn't make it a request or dwell on the image.

Coulson smiled at Grant, silently giving his permission...and also picturing his son sitting on his lap when Grant returned.

Stephen smiled at his lover. He couldn't say the idea didn't hold appeal; it was clear in the feelings he sent back to Mordo that he liked the idea. Glancing at the couch, he knew it would be easy enough to do too; the couch was U shaped and with Mordo sitting in the middle, Stephen could easily lay over his lap and be fully supported on either end.

Grant grinned at Coulson, sending back his own thought of him laying over his father's lap. He'd been wanting to try out the couches that Tony had specially made the moment he'd seen them.

They'd both soon disappeared with the items, leaving Mordo and Coulson alone for a few moments.

"Do you think they'll be talking about us?" Grant asked Stephen curiously, as he rinsed off a plate and put it into the dishwasher.

"I don't know... but if they do, I can't imagine it will be bad..." Stephen smiled, rinsing his own dishes to put in the wash.


Mordo and Coulson carried on a casual conversation, getting to know each other a bit more without delving into anything more personal that might be hard to talk about.

"Did you ever think about having the kind of relationship you have now with Stephen before you met him?" Coulson asked.

"No." Mordo smiled a bit at the memory. "The only person I ever felt anything like that for was Stephen; and due to my own folly, I nearly lost the most important person in the world to me. Being here with him has been like everything I ever wanted coming to me."

Coulson nodded in understanding. "I can't imagine not having Grant in my life now."


Stephen and Grant were holding their own conversation.

"I remember you being on a list Garrett had of people HYDRA hoped to recruit. He always said you were too proud to join an organization that only wanted lap dogs and cannon fodder, unless you were given a top position. Which the top leaders wouldn't accept...." Grant smiled apologetically. "You don’t seem that proud to me, though... especially not with the relationship you and Mordo have...."

"Mordo is the only one I'd submit fully to..." Stephen smiled back. "And I am proud. He wasn't wrong. I would have never joined them."

"I wish I hadn't. The only good thing to come from my following Garrett into that pit of vipers was daddy finding me..." Grant sighed.

"How did you two decide to... I mean, usually these types of pairings are between lovers, not parent and child..." Stephen faltered as he attempted to find the right words.


"You had five years to get used to being in each other’s lives," Mordo commented. "Has it ever been difficult?"

"Difficult? No," Coulson replied. "Taking Grant in was the best decision I could ever have made. My only regret is that I didn't act sooner. There were a lot of red flags I missed because I assumed, I had the relevant information."

"He does seem to be thriving under your care," Mordo commented.

Coulson smiled at that. "Our relationship is more of a unique one, but I believe it fulfils a need we both have. I'm actually very glad we were able to join the rest of you here. It's been really good for Grant to see other people in similar positions to him. And I think being here generally will help him grow even more."


"When daddy got me... I had worked for him under false pretenses for nearly a year. He viewed all his team as his family and when he discovered Garrett abusing me, his protective inclinations kicked in." Grant's voice was soft. "The problem is... I wasn't really used to being cared about. Never had been. The only thing I understood was power and control and if he didn't have that over me, I couldn't trust that he'd keep me safe. So, he gave me what I needed to feel safe. He took control. He made me feel he had control, so I felt safe... so I confessed." Grant looked down.

"So, he punished you and forgave you and put you on a new path. So, he dominated you to put you at ease. That still..."

Grant interrupted Stephen. "He never was interested in me sexually. And to be honest, once I finally got it through to my body that certain actions didn’t require me to 'perform', I didn’t react sexually. He only ever wanted to take care of me and teach me and show love and affection. He wanted to be my father."

Stephen nodded. "I understand that... just curious why you kept up with the dominance and submission."


"I think maybe that's a hope everyone has," Mordo commented.

"What about you and Stephen?" Coulson asked, unable to hide his own curiosity. "How did you two come to form your own relationship?"

"Ours is still fairly new, though it had its roots several years ago," Mordo answered. "I... made a mistake. I disagreed with how he'd handled a situation. And I left. My pride wouldn't allow me to reach out, even when I knew how terribly I missed him. Even when I regretted my actions and wanted to be in his life again. It wasn't until...."

"Until he was gone for five years?" Coulson finished.

Mordo nodded. "He'd always been where I could reach out to him. When half of the world's population disappeared, I wanted to be there. To be with him. And then I got to the Sanctum and he was gone. It was devastating."


Grant nodded. "Remember how I said I'd never had anyone who showed care for me? Who acted like family should act? My whole life had been an act of obeying one dominant personality after another. Never making my own choices and decisions. When it came time to step out on my own and choose... decide... I didn’t know how to. And I was terrified. So, daddy took over because I couldn't function if I wasn’t being given orders. Luckily, he feels some bit of satisfaction keeping me under his control, because I honestly don't feel safe if I'm left to my own devices for too long. I'm better than I was. He's worked with me to help me grow more independent. But there will always be part of me that won't feel completely safe or happy unless I have him to run home to and obey." He finished up his last plate just as Stephen finished with the last glass.

"It's not a bad thing... drawing comfort and security from someone dominating you. Especially if it is someone who loves you as much as your father obviously does." Stephen closed the door on the now full dishwasher and turned it on. "Ready to head back?"


Coulson winced. "I can more than imagine that." After all, he and Grant had been two of the lucky ones. They hadn't lost each other. But so many people had. And losing someone you loved but had been separated from was likely almost worse than losing family members who you hadn't argued or quarreled with. "I take it you went back to the Sanctum as soon as everyone came back?"

"I didn't sleep," Mordo admitted. "I didn't shower. The only thing that drew me out of that pit of despair was knowing that Stephen was back. I finally had a second chance to make things right with him."


"Yeah...let's go..." He grinned at Stephen, motioning the older man to lead the way.

When they got back to the quarters, they made sure to make enough noise they'd be heard before going back inside.

Coulson and Mordo both looked up, clearly happy to see their partners, as Grant and Stephen entered the room. Coulson held both arms out to Grant; Mordo only held one out to Stephen, but it was clear he wanted his lover just as much.

Grant immediately moved into Coulson's arms, sitting in such a way he could wrap his own arms around the older man in a hug and put his head on his shoulder.

Stephen did the exact same with Mordo.

Coulson kissed the side of Grant's head. "Did you two have a good conversation while you were gone?"

Mordo kissed Stephen's shoulder, threading his fingers through his lover's hair.

"I think so..." Grant glanced toward Stephen for confirmation.

"It was enlightening..." Stephen agreed. "Apparently, I was on HYDRA's list before they even crawled out of the woodwork... " he said to Mordo.

Mordo frowned, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around his lover. "At least they'll have no chance of getting to you here."

"I think we'll all be safe from them here." Coulson tightened his arms a bit around his son's waist.

"Might actually be able to relax... not look over our shoulders constantly," Grant said.

"That's good... I think everyone needs to be able to relax their guard..." Stephen agreed.

Mordo wrapped his arms a bit tighter around Stephen, the image of his lover across his knee once more flickering to mind. He kissed the other man's head.

"I think we could all do with that kind of relaxing," Coulson said.

Stephen thought, Please, Baron? I'd like that.

"Vacation..." Grant grinned.

Mordo gently moved Stephen into position, placing his hands gently on his lover's back and bottom.

Coulson didn't bat an eyelid. "Exactly," he agreed with his son.

Stephen shifted enough that he could cross his arms and prop his head in them, facing the other two. "It's been a while since I had a vacation. I was surprised when Wong encouraged us to join everyone, to be honest."

Grant grinned. "I'm glad you came." He sent his father a mental picture of him holding Grant like Mordo was holding Stephen.

"I think your brother was fully aware of the fact you needed a vacation," Mordo commented, beginning to gently rub and stroke down Stephen's back and over his bottom.

Responding to Grant's mental image, Coulson moved his son into the same position, gently rubbing Grant's back.

Sending Coulson feelings of love, Grant settled much the same as Stephen, a mirror opposite with a small table between them. "Wanna play a game?" he asked the sorcerer, pulling a game he had set on the table earlier to where Stephen could see it.

Stephen looked at the box. "Battleship? I haven’t played that in years. I was still a child..." he sounded bemused at seeing the game on the spaceship.

Coulson smiled at that, rubbing his son's lower back gently, sending Grant waves of love in return. "We have other games if you want to play something else after...."

"Perhaps it will bring back some happy memories," Mordo commented, gently rubbing over Stephen's backside.

"Yeah... okay. I'll play." Stephen smiled.

Grant began putting out the pieces. "Great! If you all want to play too, we could do teams. Or play something else..." He paused, looking over his shoulder at the Doms.

"We can play in teams," Coulson commented.

"Doms versus subs?" Mordo suggested.

"We'll have to move for that... we can see each other’s board otherwise..." Grant said thoughtfully.

"Why don't we play in our couples like this...and the next game, we can play Doms versus subs?" Coulson suggested.

Mordo smiled. "That works just as well for me," he commented.

"Well, it's settled, then. Do you want to start?" Stephen asked the other couple.

"Sure. D-5..." Grant began.


Ward was stretched out on one of the two couches in their quarters, wearing a pair of jogging shorts. He'd taken a shower and was waiting for it to be dinner time before getting dressed, so was reading a book on the galaxy... not that it would help him recognize anything of where they were going. He was pretty sure they'd already left their galaxy. "Do you think Asgard was close to where we are now?" he asked out loud, curiosity in his voice.

Danny had sat down next to Ward on the couch, leaving it up to his boyfriend if Ward wanted to snuggle or otherwise get affection, but staying close enough that it would only take a small move for Ward to snuggle. "It's possible," he answered. "We can always ask Thor, if you'd like."

"Yeah. Next time we see him. I'll have to ask..." Ward said, shifting slightly so his head was on Danny's lap. "Never realized how interesting space could be... never had time to read stuff that wasn't related to the business before...."

"You have time now...not only for reading, but for anything else you enjoy." Danny stroked his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. The thought filtering through the bond was just how much he liked being able to touch and stroke Ward. He'd always wanted the chance to show the other man affection.

Ward grinned over his shoulder at Danny. "Always?" he couldn't help but ask. "Even when I was being an ass to you?" His own feelings of contentment and happiness at Danny's affection carried through the bond.

"Always," Danny replied. "If you'd given me the chance, I would have hugged you that first time I came back."

"If I hadn't been afraid of angering my father by being weak and useless...  I would have welcomed a hug..." Ward's voice was sad.

"You can get a hug any time now," Danny murmured, leaning over to kiss the side of Ward's head. "Any kind of affection you want. I'll never hold back."

Ward paused and then, sending a quick thought to Danny so he wouldn't startle the other man, quickly got up and crawled onto the other man's lap. He was facing him, straddling him so he could press as much of himself as possible against him and wrapped his arms around his lover's chest in a tight hug before letting his head rest on Danny's shoulder. Nuzzling against Danny's neck, he asked, in a tiny voice, "Hold onto me now?"

Danny wrapped his arms tightly around Ward, kissing his boyfriend's head. "I won't let you go," he promised. "I'm going to hold on tight...hold onto you...forever."

Ward was able to relax at those words. He trusted Danny. If the other man said he'd never leave, he wouldn't. He snuggled a bit closer, shifting his legs so that they were hugging Danny as well, tucking his toes under Danny's backside. "I love you..." he said softly; at the same time, he thought the words and sent waves of contented affection and love through the bond.

"I love you too. So very much so." Danny's own intense emotions carried clearly through the bond. His love and need to be close to Ward were strong. He nuzzled the top of Ward's head and kissed his ear. "You've made me so happy," he whispered.

"By acting like a clingy toddler?" Ward asked impishly. He knew it wasn't that. But he couldn't get enough of hearing how much Danny wanted him; and how giving himself to the other man was a good thing... a gift. He'd spent so much of his life feeling like a useless burden or waste of space.

Kissing the side of Ward's head, Danny responded, "By letting me hold onto you. By being with me. You've given me something I thought I would never have...and so much more."

"You've given me something I never had before... safety and a feeling of belonging... " he whispered against Danny's neck.

"That's because you belong with me...and I belong to you and with you." Danny kissed Ward's hair. "I'm glad I was able to finally convince you of that."

"I'm just glad you didn't give up on me... I was so scared it took a lot longer than it should have..." Ward looked up and kissed Danny on the cheek before returning to nuzzling his neck and shoulder.

"You were more than worth the wait," Danny said honestly. "Giving up on you would have been giving up on something I wanted more than anything else."

"And now I belong to you... all of me. And it doesn't scare me..." Ward sounded amazed at that fact.

"You know I won't treat you badly," Danny said softly. "And you can feel how much I love you and how important you are to me. I'm glad of the bond, because I think that's something you need to feel all the time."

"It has provided me with reassurance I didn't know I needed," Ward admitted, before leaning up and kissing Danny chastely, making it clear through the bond that he wanted to make Danny happy and feel good.

Danny kissed Ward, cupping the side of his face. You make me very happy. And you definitely make me feel good, he promised.

Ward smiled happily at that. "That makes me happy," he admitted.

"Good." Danny murmured the word against Ward's lips. "You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved."

"So, do you..." he said to Danny.

"You make me happy," Danny replied, letting his thumb stroke over Ward's cheek.

"And I hope to do so for a very long time," Ward answered.

"I'm certain you will." Danny kissed Ward's neck.

Ward shivered and slanted his head, so his throat was bared to Danny. It was instinctive and caught him by surprise, which carried through the bond, but he thought about it for a split second and realized it felt right. It made him feel good to be that vulnerable to his master; for his life to be in Danny's hands. That carried through the bond as well.

"It's okay," Danny whispered into his lover's neck. "How you're feeling? It's okay." He kissed Ward's neck again. "You're mine. I'll protect you. I'll love you. I won't ever stop."

Ward's breathing caught for a moment, then he relaxed. He believed Danny. "...Love you... need you so much..." he whispered.

"I need you, just as much." Danny kissed the other side of his neck. "If I wasn't with you, my life would be much bleaker."

"Feels like I got the better end of the bond... you've taken on so much responsibility for me..." Ward said hesitantly, leaning against Danny and shifting his head again so the other man could reach his neck easily.

Danny continued kissing and nuzzling into his lover's neck. "It's a responsibility I want to take on for you," he whispered. "You're my world."

"Most people would question a grown man giving up all responsibility to himself for another.... think he wasn't really a man." While his words had said most people, his thoughts had gone directly to his father with a lost little boy feeling of pain, confusion and 'why didn't he love me?'

"There was something wrong with him, not you." Danny wrapped his arms tighter around Ward in response to the emotions coming from his lover. "You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be taken care of. Knowing what you need doesn't make you less." He didn't voice it out loud, but his regret came clear through the bond. That he hadn't been there for Ward and his best friend had had to suffer alone.

Ward let his head rest on Danny's shoulder, nuzzling against him gently. His emotions were a mixture of love, acceptance and affection for his master, contrasting with the hurt child he had been. "I feel like I'm behaving like a child, abdicating everything to you. I want you to have everything, though. I don't really know how to take care of myself. Business, yes... but I'm so inadequate for anything not relating to money and even that... Joy had more a head for it than I did. I have no clue what I'm good at. Other than obeying. I'm good at that usually. It's hard not to feel pathetic. Even if what I'm good at aligns perfectly with what I want and what you want from me...." He sighed.

"There's a whole lot of things you're good at," Danny murmured. "When I came back and saw you that first time...I was so happy to see you. Maybe you're good at obeying and being my sub, but you're good at so much more. You're far stronger than you give yourself credit for." Still holding Ward, he let himself experience the images he'd had of Ward when they were children; the glimpses that let him see there was a side of Ward that would be his friend if Danny could draw that side out. And then, later, seeing Ward happy he'd been to see the other man. His emotions matched the words he spoke out loud. "I always wanted to be with you."

Ward sniffed, clearing his throat and tried not to cry. He felt so inadequate... so worthless sometimes... that Danny's total love, devotion and belief in him honestly scared him. He was so afraid of failing the other man, making a mistake that couldn't be forgiven, hurting his friend and now lover. "I don't deserve you..." he whispered but tightened his grip instead of trying to get away. "I'll do my best to make you proud of me... not regret the chance you've given..." he continued in a bit of a stronger voice, though it was obvious he was still fighting tears.

"You do deserve me," Danny insisted. "You've always deserved someone to be in your corner. To love you unconditionally. To put you first. And I won't ever stop doing that. You're the most important person in my life, Ward. I would do anything to make you happy."

Unable to help himself, Ward began crying quietly, tears falling down his face. Sitting up, he kissed Danny. It wasn't chaste. It was desperate, as if he was afraid that this was all a dream and he was going to wake up alone.

Danny kissed back, hugging Ward tightly to himself. Through the bond, three words kept repeating over and over, backed up with the emotions he felt. I love you. I love you.

Finally pulling back long enough to breath, Ward let out a shaky, tear-filled laugh, embarrassed and ashamed at the fear he knew Danny had to be feeling from him. He leaned forward and kissed Danny again, a bit more calmly, but just as desperate. I'm sorry... he thought. I trust you... I do... I can't stop from being afraid, though....

I know. Danny cupped the side of Ward's face. I never told you how grateful and happy I've been since we got together. That you've given yourself to me...I've never ever received something as precious as your love.

Ward pulled back again, swallowing. "I do love you. More than I've ever loved anyone..." he whispered against Danny's lips. "The best choice I could have ever made was to give myself completely to belong to you..." He leaned in again, but didn't kiss this time, content to just breathe in his master's breath and let Danny take control over what happened next.

Danny brushed his lips tenderly against Ward's; gently, not roughly. You're so precious to me.... The words whispered through the bond; almost as if Danny hadn't meant to think them, but that didn't make them any less true.

Ward smiled crookedly at that and let himself slump into Danny, letting his mouth fall open slightly so that Danny could dominate the kiss, dominate him.

Danny let his tongue slip into Ward's mouth, his hand cradling the back of his lover's head. Mine. Forever, he promised.

Ward opened up for Danny, giving everything, he could in the kiss, accepting whatever Danny offered. Yours, he thought back, in contented satisfaction.

A feeling of contentment and possessive love came clearly through the bond as Danny kissed his lover, stroking the back of Ward's head, letting his fingers tangle in the other man's hair.

Ward continued to kiss and nuzzle Danny, making his feelings of complete devotion and desire to make Danny feel good very clear.

What do you want to do? Danny sent the question to Ward as he continued to kiss his lover. What would you like me to do to you?

I want you to take from me... take me... in whichever way will make you happiest, Ward thought, before sending several different images. Him pleasuring Danny before they'd needed to stop to perform the ritual correctly. Danny taking him during the ritual, claiming him deep inside. And several other more intense or less intense ways he thought Danny could claim and show ownership, before ending with a questioning feeling; as if asking Danny what he would like.

Danny kissed a bit deeper before moving back to breathe, pressing a kiss to Ward's neck. We got interrupted then, he thought with a grin, in response to the image of Ward pleasuring him. He cupped his lover's face in his hands. "I want you to get just as much pleasure as I do."

"You always give me pleasure..." Ward blushed, giving a tiny smile. "...Making you happy and giving you what you ask of me gives me pleasure...." he whispered, leaning down so he could kiss Danny's neck. Peppering tiny kisses against the other man, he slowly worked his way down Danny's chest, sliding back and down onto the floor between Danny's knees before looking up at his mate with an adoring, but questioning look, asking permission.

Danny reached down and clasped Ward's face in his hands, his own expression loving. That emotion came clear through the bond, along with non-verbal permission.

Grinning brightly, Ward leaned forward and nuzzled against Danny through the material of his trousers, letting his hands rub gently against the other man's thighs.

Letting his fingers stroke through Ward's hair, Danny pictured his lover removing Danny's pants; but with a questioning hint, not wanting to force the other man into anything, but letting him know the action would be welcome.

A playful impulse came to Ward, carrying through the bond and he followed through, carefully unsnapping Danny's pants while he slowly and gently tugged the zipper down with his teeth.

"I love you." Danny sent the words through the bond, at the same time as speaking them out loud. He stroked his fingers through Ward's hair and down his neck, sliding his hands down his lover's back and then up under Ward's shirt.

Ward shivered as Danny stroked him, sending back waves of love as well as the words, I love you. Tucking his fingers in the waistband of pants and underwear, he carefully tugged the material down to expose his mate before nuzzling against him again, inhaling deeply so he could 'scent' his lover and feathering kisses on the now exposed area.

Danny's response was immediate. He shuddered and couldn't help moaning, his fingers pressing a bit harder against Ward's bare back. The stroking became a bit firmer; like a massage. It was clear through the bond he wanted to make Ward feel good as well.

Humming softly in pleasure at Danny's reaction, Ward continued what he was doing, the kisses becoming firmer, some of them open mouthed so he could lick where he kissed. You taste so good... he thought to his master.

You feel so good. That's what Danny meant to say in response, at least. In reality, he thought the words probably came through a bit garbled; concentrating enough to form words when Ward was working magic with his mouth was nearly impossible.

A feeling of pride shot through Ward as he could sense how his actions were affecting his lover and he put a bit more pressure behind the kisses, a bit more stroking with his tongue as his fingers began to massage Danny's hips and legs.

Danny groaned as he began to swell in response to his lover's actions, his hands sliding and squeezing over Ward's bare back, stroking over his skin. Mixed in with the possession was a sense of protectiveness; that Danny planned to always look after his lover.

Ward's sense of security and confidence grew as he felt the possessive protectiveness and felt his love growing in response to his actions. He continued to nuzzle and kiss, but once Danny had grown enough, he licked up his length and then drew the other man into his mouth, sucking gently.

Mouth opening in a soundless gasp, Danny pressed his hands tighter against Ward's back. It didn't take much for him to feel his release close and he sent his lover a silent warning.

Instead of pulling back, Ward opened his mouth a little further, sliding down Danny's member to take in more of him, beginning to suck just a slight bit harder, as if trying to draw a drink through a straw, while letting his tongue run up and down his master's length.

It took only a moment for Danny's release to hit him. His fingers clenched on his lover's body and his own body arched as his orgasm rocked over him, taking his breath away. The only thought in his mind was his lover's name.

Ward held his breath and rode out Danny's release, swallowing so that he wouldn't choke, but not pulling away at all. When it was over and he could sense Danny relaxing, he slowly pulled off with one last lick and a small kiss, then lay his head on Danny's lap and just breathed, shocked at his own behavior; and how much he'd liked doing that for his mate. Love you... he thought, his feelings serene.

I love you so much, Danny thought back, tangling his fingers in Ward's hair. "I'm so glad you're in my life," he said out loud. "I never knew what I was missing until now."

"Me either.... I never would have allowed myself to dream about having a life like this... with you... being so happy and safe and... and just everything..." His voice caught in his throat and he impulsively kissed Danny's thigh.

"I want you to be happy," Danny murmured. "It's important to me that you are. I want you to feel safe. And loved." Things he knew Ward had been lacking in for years.

"With you, I am. I do..." Ward breathed, looking up at Danny with adoring eyes.

Danny kissed his lover tenderly. "I'm glad."

Ward put his head back down on Danny's lap. He wasn't used to being on his knees- it was slightly uncomfortable- but he liked the position enough that he didn't want to get up unless Danny told him to.

Stroking Ward's hair, Danny pictured stripping his lover slowly...kissing and caressing every bit of exposed skin...finally taking his lover into his mouth to show him the same kind of pleasure Ward had just given him.

Ward shivered and whimpered softly at the image, nuzzling against Danny's lap. His sudden arousal spiked through the bond.

Drawing Ward up, Danny kissed his lover deeply and lingeringly before he began to slowly remove Ward's clothing, pressing kisses to and caressing the exposed skin.

Ward returned the kiss eagerly, shivering and letting out tiny whimpers as Danny disrobed and kissed him. By the time he was naked in front of his master, he was flushed and completely aroused, quivering with need.

Carefully drawing Ward onto the couch, Danny spread his lover out, trailing kisses down his chest and stomach before he kissed the tip of his lover's member and then engulfed it in his mouth.

Ward groaned softly, his fingers clenching into the cushions of the couch, his member twitching in Danny's mouth. "...Feels so good..." he whimpered, feelings of complete submission carrying through the bond to Danny.

You feel so good, Danny sent back to Ward, gently but possessively clasping his lover's hips as he continued to lick and gently suck the other man's member.

Ward was embarrassed at how quickly he reached his release. It was like he was a randy teen again. He didn't even have time to warn his lover before it happened. Red from embarrassment, he sent a sheepish, I'm sorry... to his mate and owner.

Danny swallowed every bit of Ward's release and then moved up to kiss his lover, deep and lingering. "Don't apologize."

Ward returned the kiss just as deeply, a hint of embarrassed, amused fondness wafting through the bond. I didn't warn you... he thought, continuing to kiss.

I wanted to give you pleasure, Danny answered. I didn't need a warning. I'm really happy I was able to get you to that point and make you feel good.

"I do feel good. More than good," Ward whispered against Danny's mouth. "I don't think I have ever felt more at home and loved and content than I have since giving myself to you..." He smiled before kissing the other man again.

Danny returned the kiss, waves of love coming through the bond towards the other man. "I'm glad you gave yourself to me," he whispered. "More than glad."

Ward sighed happily, leaning back so he could smile at Danny. "Best choice I ever made...I'm so much better with you than without you..." he confessed.

Stroking Ward's hair, Danny murmured, "You're so important to me. The most important person in my world. Don't ever forget it. And don't ever worry about giving yourself to me or that you're asking for too much. I promise you, you're not."

"I won't worry... because I know you know what's best for me and it doesn't matter what I ask for, you'll make the best decision... I can't be asking for too much when I'm asking you to decide for me..." he whispered, his trust in Danny complete and obvious.

"Exactly." Danny smiled, giving Ward another kiss. "You're everything to me."

"You're my everything too..." Ward nuzzled against Danny. "I love you so much"

Danny stretched out on the couch, gathering Ward into his arms and just cuddling. The thought came through the bond that he'd be content just with this; holding his lover.

Ward snuggled close, his head on Danny's chest, letting his legs tangle up with Danny's. I'll never get tired of this... he thought serenely.

I'll never get tired of holding you in my arms, Danny thought back. I'll never get tired of loving you and giving you affection. I can be content just to be with you....

I can be content to just be with you too... Ward thought, snuggling close before sending another thought impishly. But I'm really glad we don't have to be... I like having you in me.

Danny's laughter not only sounded out loud, but also came through the bond. I like being in you too, he responded.

Ward's smug feeling was clear through the bond. "Good. I'm yours and you're mine and it'll be that way forever..." he declared.

"We belong to each other," Danny said firmly. "You have as big a claim on me as I have on you."

A pleased feeling spread through Ward and he pressed closer to his lover. "What do you want to do now?" he asked.

"Were you interested in talking to Thor about Asgard?" Danny asked, remembering what his lover had asked earlier.

"Yeah. Actually, I am..." Ward smiled with a hint of surprise. It always surprised him when Danny remembered little things he'd mentioned.

"If you'd like, I can ask him and Peter to come here. So, you can ask. Or meet in one of the main rooms." Danny's eyes searched Ward's face. "Wherever you'd feel the most comfortable."

"Could they come here?" Ward asked hopefully. He liked the others, but it had been a bit overwhelming and he felt like he needed to get used to things a bit more.

"Of course." Danny kissed Ward's cheek. "I'll ask them to come in about an hour, which should give us enough time to clean up." He took out his comm.


Thor was stretched out naked next to Peter, having just taken his star-prince in several different ways and positions. When his comm beeped, he picked it up and answered it, fingers stroking over Peter's back. "This is Thor."

Peter was still flushed from their activities, laying on his stomach because his bottom was sore. He gave Thor a curious look, crawling over enough to cross his arms over Thor's chest and prop his chin on them to look at the thunder king.

Thor slid his hand down Peter's back, giving his bottom a possessive squeeze, as Danny's voice came through the comm. "Hey Thor. It's Danny. Ward and I wanted to invite you and Peter to our room. Ward's curious about Asgard and I've got to admit, I am too."

Peter managed not to hiss as the sting increased, but he wiggled against Thor in retaliation, his hand moving down and gently squeezing his master's member. He also sent through feelings of interest, so Thor knew he was okay with joining the other two. I'd like to find out about this iron fist he has, he thought.

Thor's member responded to Peter's squeezing, stirring and beginning to swell, but he managed to keep any hint of that coming through in his voice as he said, "We would both be fine with that. When would you like us to arrive?"

"About an hour?" Danny suggested.

Peter gave Thor a saucy grin and shifted again, licking Thor's nipple.

Thor managed to hold back a groan as he said into the comm, "We'll see you then." As soon as he was certain it was disconnected, he tugged Peter further up his body, kissing his lover deeply and sliding his hands down to give the other man's backside a firm, possessive squeeze.

Peter whimpered into the kiss, but pressed closer, a sense of belonging filling him. He was sore, but he liked Thor claiming him anyway.

Mine. Thor sent the word through the bond, letting his touch turn a bit gentler; stroking rather than squeezing.

Shivering, Peter continued to kiss and fondle his master's member. He paid attention to the bond, tightening or loosening his grip in answer to what he felt from Thor's responses, wanting to make it feel as good as possible for his mate. He let out a tiny sigh as Thor gentled his own touch in response to his whimpers, feeling very loved.

Thor rubbed his hands down Peter's back and bottom, kneading and stroking the flesh. He didn't hold back now, groans and sighs escaping him in response to everything Peter did.

Peter, feeling emboldened by the sounds Thor was making as well as the feelings coursing through the bond, licked at the thunder god's lower lip as he continued to gently squeeze and caress his master's entire member.

Love and need came clearly through the bond as Thor kissed Peter deeply and passionately, cupping the smaller man's head in his hands. His fingers flexed slightly as his member continued to grow and swell.

Peter returned the kiss greedily, before slowly sitting up. Keeping his eyes on Thor's face, gazing into his mate's eyes, he carefully shifted himself so that he was straddling his lover's hips. Peter and Thor had been at it nearly all afternoon, so Peter didn't need any preparation. Adjusting himself, he slowly slid down onto Thor, watching for the expressions to cross the other man's face. His own face was filled with his love and need for his master and he let out a soft, moaning sigh as he felt himself opening up to accept the larger man's member inside of him. "Yours," he growled out loud and inside his head, the word sounding more possessive than its meaning would normally suggest. It was clear he was claiming Thor as much as he was handing himself over to the Asgardian.

"Mine." Clasping Peter's hips, the word came clearly through the bond as well as out loud. Thor accepted Peter's claim on him just as much as he claimed the other man. He leaned in and kissed Peter, deeply and passionately, not holding back his emotions even a little bit.

Peter leaned into the kiss, opening his mouth for Thor and giving a happy groan as the position put their chests together, tightening him around Thor. You feel so good in me... he thought, as he began to rock gently against the larger man so that he could generate some friction.

Clasping Peter's hips possessively, Thor responded with feelings rather than words, indicating just how much he enjoyed taking the other man. He pressed another kiss to Peter's lips, letting his tongue slip into his lover's mouth.

Peter left himself completely open to Thor, physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Feeling his master's love for him, desire for him, enjoyment of him gave him a feeling of deep peace. He was exactly where he belonged.

Thor kissed and nuzzled Peter, his member growing and swelling inside the other man. As far as he was concerned, he and Peter belonged together. No matter what happened.

Peter could feel Thor continuing to grow inside of him and his own member began to fill at the sensation. He didn't touch himself or ask to be touched, though; he was too focused on enjoying Thor kissing and nuzzling him and stretching him further as the larger man grew.

One of Thor's hands slid down Peter's back, rubbing and squeezing, while his other moved down to his lover's member. He stroked his fingers along the length and then carefully wrapped his hand around it, his grip firm and sure.

Peter whimpered with need, shivering as his master took control of his member, his kiss becoming more needy. Feelings of love and devotion wafted through the bond. Thor could do anything he wanted to Peter and Peter would accept it.

Thor deepened the kiss, shifting his lover enough to make it easier to thrust inside of Peter. At the same time, he stroked the smaller man's member with slow, sure movements.

Peter was quivering in Thor's arms, around the larger man. Tiny whimpers began to escape him as he continued to offer everything he could through his kiss and with his body, wanting to be completely owned by Thor. His member was fully aroused, and Thor's stroking was quickly bringing him to the edge.

You're mine. The words came clearly through the bond. And I want you to release for me. To let go. His own release was close, near enough that only his strength of will was holding him back. He wanted to let go at the same time as his lover.

Yes, sir. I’m yours... was all Peter could think as he moaned low, clenching tight around Thor as he released for his master.

Thor's own release followed only moments later and he tightened his arms around Peter, kissing and nuzzling into the smaller man. I never felt as happy before as I do with you, whispered through the bond.

Peter sighed happily as he felt Thor's release entering him, filling him up and he pressed as close as he could to the older man, kissing and nuzzling back. I didn't think it was possible to be this happy... he admitted back.

Thor stroked his fingers through Peter's hair. "I love you so much, my star-prince," he murmured.

"I love you too, my Thunder-king..." he whispered, in a sated and lethargic voice.

Thor kissed Peter's cheek. "When you're ready, I'll clean us up and we can go and see Danny and Ward."

Peter smiled and nuzzled against Thor again. "I'm ready, lover.... As long as I'm in your arms and you're touching me, I'm ready for anything."

Thor kissed Peter carefully and then withdrew, gathering Peter into his arms and carrying him through to the bath so that he could clean them both off.


It was nearly an hour later, and Ward was putting out snacks and drinks on the table near the couches. "When did they say they were coming over?" he asked Danny, again, obviously nervous about becoming friends with the Asgardian and his lover.

"About now." Danny reached out, taking Ward's hand in his. "You don't need to be nervous," he whispered. "It'll be fine. You'll see."

"Can't help it. I... I never really made friends before. I made contacts. People that would use me or that I would use to further our goals. You are the first real friend I ever had and... and you came after me. It wasn't something I did anything to encourage..." Ward bit his lip nervously.

Danny gently pulled Ward down next to him; would have pulled his lover onto his lap, if he hadn't worried about embarrassing him. "You were worth coming after." He glanced up as a knock came on the door. "It's open."

Thor opened the door and stepped into the room, guiding Peter in with him.

Ward slumped against Danny, wringing his hands together. He was about to answer when the knock occurred. I still have a hard time believing that, but I'm grateful you felt that way... he thought, even as he looked up and smiled at their two guests.

"Thank you for coming." Danny smiled warmly at the other couple. "Have a seat. Make yourselves at home."

Thor didn't waste any time, walking to the other couch and taking a seat, settling Peter on his lap. He looked at Ward. "Danny indicated you're curious about Asgard."

Ward nodded quickly, his smile turning a bit bashful. "I am... I just have no clue where to start..." He laughed sheepishly.

Peter grinned, snuggling back into Thor unabashedly.

"Do you want to know about the world itself, or the people?" Thor asked. "There are plenty of myths and legends, but many of those only hold a fraction of the truth. Such as those that tell of my brother." He smiled. "I believe Loki has more than proved he is far from the villain as portrayed in the stories held on Midgard."

"Given my own history with making bad decisions, I try not to judge anyone else based on stories I've heard..." Ward said quietly. "I think I'd like to learn of the people first, though; they relocated to Norway, didn't they?"

Peter settled in place to hear the answer for himself. He loved learning about his master.

Thor nodded. "I think it was quite easy for them to settle in," he said quietly. "It took some getting used to, but the people adapted." They'd adapted a lot faster than he himself had, after all.

"They are a strong people... like their leader..." Peter said emphatically, feeling some of what Thor was feeling and wanting to encourage him.

Ward smiled at Peter's response. "From what I read they have adapted well. And have garnered the respect of many people who have seen how they have adjusted to their new lives. Something to emulate..." he said quietly, thinking of himself and how much his own life had changed.

Danny gently squeezed Ward's hand. "Not a lot of people have the courage to go into space," he commented.

Thor smiled at that. "I believe every Midgardian on this ship is brave for taking that step into the unknown."

Ward blushed at the praise of both Doms. "It's easy to be brave when you have someone on your side that will support you through everything..." He shrugged slightly, before leaning into Danny and kissing the other man on the cheek. He felt much more relaxed since the other two men had arrived and found himself wanting to be open with them like they were being with him and Danny. He imagined Danny pulling him onto his lap and holding him close the way Thor was holding Peter.

Danny, responding to the thought from his lover, pulled Ward into his lap and wrapped his arms around the other man, resting his chin on his shoulder.

Thor grinned at the sight. "It's good to see everyone here open and honest in their relationships."

Peter grinned as well, tugging Thor's arms more tightly around him. "It is... no need to hide how we feel or what we want when we're with family..." he said happily. That's how he was beginning to view all these people he now travelled with. They were family. He couldn't wait to introduce them to his other family; Rocket, Groot and Drax.

Ward blushed and grinned back, feeling emboldened by everyone's apparent approval of his decision to be open.

Thor kissed the back of Peter's head. "I would not want to be somewhere I could not demonstrate how I feel about my husband."

"Me neither," Danny said empathically, deciding that he liked the word for what Ward was to him. Maybe they could have a ceremony on board the ship....

Ward smiled at the word. "The bond... it made us husbands, didn't it?" he said, suddenly realizing that fact. A spike of happiness bled through the bond.

"Yeah. I think that's what it did. Course, having a ceremony with all our friends and family still could be nice..." Peter remarked.

"We should definitely have a true ceremony," Thor declared. "Perhaps the next time one of the sorcerers need to open a portal back to Midgard, we could start making arrangements."

Danny kissed the side of Ward's head, nuzzling his cheek. "I think it's the kind of marriage that can never end in divorce."

"I can't imagine I'll ever want a divorce..." Ward said quietly.

"Me either..." Peter agreed with Ward, before turning to face Thor. "I think that's a good idea, Drottinn. We could contact the Benatar and have the Guardians come... and contact New Asgard and have Valkyrie and your people come... and all the Avengers..." He let his head rest on Thor's shoulder.

"I like the idea of having that kind of ceremony," Danny commented, his fingers idly tracing down Ward's hips. "We'll be bound together not only in our own eyes, but the eyes of everyone else who matters."

Thor kissed Peter's head. "We can talk to the others here...figure out when the best time would be."

"Yeah. I think several of the others have set up times to get into touch with Earth so they can make certain they can return through those portal things if needed..." Peter nodded.

"We could pick a time to have the ceremony when they are already scheduled for a visit..." Ward said softly.

"We don't have to pick an existing time," Danny said. "The ceremony is something special. It can stand on its own."

"And I am certain those on Midgard will be happy to attend," Thor stated.

Ward nodded. "You are right. We can use the next time they check in to home base to let everyone know the date we want, though..." he said.

"Yeah. Pick our own special day and then let everyone plan," Peter agreed.

It didn't take long for them to settle into a discussion about the ceremony and the important things each wanted to be included.