Danger Stranger
Red Herring

Several weeks had gone by without any odd dimensional flare-ups or a sighting of the giant elementals. Kaine had safely left on his class trip four days before. Everyone was on edge. It was the first time in a very long time that anyone in the family had gone on a solo trip and the first time ever that one of the minor children had done it. But the school had done everything possible that they could to ensure student safety. Still... everyone had taken to watching the 24-hour news stations, in case something happened and SHIELD didn't hear about it first.

Because of this, when the water elemental attacked Venice, everyone got an eyeful of Spiderman rescuing people.

Adrian was tense and worried about his son. As soon as he saw Kaine springing into action on the news station, he was moving. He might not get there before the elemental's attack was over, but he needed to get to his son's side.

Logan had given Steve and Bucky a 'look' before following after Adrian. "We'll get there as fast as possible..." he promised, already thinking of the best places he could describe to Mordo, Wong, and Stephen that would enable them to safely open a portal without further panicking people, or dropping everyone right into the middle of the battle without cover.

Carol watched as everyone began moving to gather gear or otherwise prepare to help, either in Venice or at home. No one noticed when she 'suited up' and head up to the landing pad of the building.

No one but Jessica. Jessica quickly followed the other woman, suspecting she was going to head over immediately without preparing first. Something Jessica could get behind. After all, there wasn't much preparing she could do herself and the sooner she got there, the sooner her cousin would have back-up. She grabbed a leather flight-suit on her way through the hall leading to the landing pad and was hopping her way into it as she caught up to Carol. "Take me with you."

"Can you handle the G's of flying that fast?" Carol didn't immediately say no.

"I've got the suit and this helmet will provide some protection." Jessica put the helmet on. "My strength should protect me the rest of the way."

"Okay." Carol didn't wait or question further. There were people who needed immediate help. Wrapping her arms around Jessica securely, she took off at a super-fast speed toward Venice.


"I have to be there with him. As soon as possible." Adrian didn't even try to hide his sense of worry. "Even if it is all just an illusion, it's hurt enough people that it's not safe." He shook his head and grabbed his own suit and Vulture wings. He was prepared to do anything to protect his son. And if that meant going into battle, then so be it.

"We will be. I've already thought of three areas that would be a safe place for a portal to be opened. All I need to do is describe them to Mordo, Stephen, and Wong. Then they can get us there." Logan was calm. He had no doubt Adrian would have several relatives helping.

Steve had quickly checked in with the other members of the family and gone to join his father and brother. "We're on standby as soon as you can tell them the areas," he said to Logan.

By this point, everyone had gathered in the family room; those who planned to go and those who would remain behind on standby, in case they were needed. Carol and Jessica were the only two not there. Logan began to give a detailed description of three locations that would be a good spot to open a portal.

Mordo was quick to confer with his brothers about the best place to open the portal. Then, once the decision had been made, they didn't waste any time in opening it.

Logan wasted no time going through first, to make sure it was safe for the non-immortal members of the family.

Steve quickly organized the 'powered' members of the family to go through next, just in case there were any enemies as well as the purported elementals that needed to be dealt with.

Logan blinked as he realized that 'Spiderman' had two people helping him get civilians to safety and fighting the elemental. While all three were being careful of civilians, only Spiderman was being careful to not put himself in danger; and he was still taking more chances than Logan was happy with. The other two weren't being careful with themselves at all. And then Logan realized who the other two were and swore out loud, quickly moving to help. His grandchildren needed his help.

Steve's eyes widened as he spotted his daughter and the woman, he hoped would become his daughter. He only allowed himself a brief second of surprise, though, before he was moving, going towards his children and nephew. He didn't hesitate, knowing that the other family members who had come would help as well.

Jessica continued to help rescue civilians, leaving it to someone else to figure out where the one controlling the monster was. She was sure someone had to be controlling it. It didn't seem intelligent at all, but was still moving in a way that only someone who was thinking three steps ahead would move. Like a pawn on a chessboard, protecting the king. "Protecting the king..." she muttered. "Tony!" She finally turned the comms on in the helmet she wore that would enable her to talk to everyone else. "It's avoiding that bar to the west!"

Tony understood immediately what she meant. "On it!"

Carol swooped in just then and scooped Jessica out of the way of what could have been a near-fatal pummeling. "Thanks," Jessica said, before immediately returning the favor.

"Everyone but us is safe now..." Kaine yelled to his cousins. He then scurried toward where he'd seen 'Vulture' flying around.

Adrian wasted no time in flying towards his son, keeping an eye open for any danger that might be coming towards Kaine.

Steve was torn between going towards his daughters and going after Tony to support him. "Bucky? Can you cover Tony?" he asked his brother.

"Right behind him..." Bucky answered, having already begun to follow Tony when he saw where his nephew was headed. He noticed Logan also following. "He's got back-up. You get my nieces to safety."

"Thanks, Buck." Steve wasted no time in heading over to his daughters and nephew, immediately acting to get them out of danger along with Adrian.

Jessica thought nothing of Steve moving to help her. She was happy to see him as some of the infrastructure of one if the bridges was precarious, and while she'd held it up for people to escape across, now she was having a difficult time getting away from it herself without risking injury. Carol was trying to help, but her abilities lay more in raw power than holding things together.

Steve quickly moved to help his daughter with the bridge, holding it in place so that Jessica could get free of it.

With Steve's help, Jessica was quickly able to move away. "Thanks, Daddy..." She grinned at her father. She was about to run after the water elemental when it suddenly just dissipated like a rain storm. She blinked. "I think Tony got whoever was controlling this."

"And you would be right, sis. Uncle Nick, Uncle Phil? If you want to bring in SHIELD agents to clean up all the tech so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, Grandpa, Uncle Bucky and I have a group of prisoners that should be taken into custody." Tony's voice carried over coms.

"We're on our way," Coulson answered for himself and Fury, wasting no time in heading towards Tony's location.

Steve immediately called Bruce over. "I want to make sure neither of you are hurt," he said to Carol and Jessica.

Adrian had moved over to his son and began checking Kaine over for injuries.

"I'm fine..." Carol waved Bruce off. "I don't get injured easily."

Jessica didn't argue. She had enough aches to know she was at least bruised in several places, even if she wasn't injured.

Kaine held still as his father checked over him, but he was obviously anxious. "Are MJ and Ned okay?" he asked.

"I still expect you to get checked over," Steve said firmly to Carol. "It's what's expected whenever the family's involved in a fight."

Adrian nodded. "They're all safe. All of your friends and classmates are safe," he promised, taking Kaine by the hand to lead him towards Bruce so he could get checked over more thoroughly.

"If I don't get hurt, what's the point?" Carol frowned. "I'll just be wasting Bruce's time."

Kaine stopped next to Bruce, giving his father and cousin an uncertain look at Carol's words.

"C'mon, Carol. Even I know we have to set a good example for the younger ones who aren't powered.... and I'm as far from a role model as it's possible to get!" Jessica smirked.

"Because sometimes, you can have injuries you don't notice until later, once the adrenaline's fully worn off," Steve answered calmly. "I know you aren't an official part of the family yet, but I won't have you arguing with me when it comes to your health." There was a heavy note of warning in his voice.

Carol's eyes widened at the tone, a hint of belligerence crossing her face. "That's great. Except for the fact I don't get injured."

Jessica bit her lip and hoped she wasn't injured. If she was, her father would be even more upset at the fact she just took off with Carol without letting anyone know she was going.

"Carol, I am going to give you one chance to do as I say," Steve warned. "Before I demonstrate the consequences family faces when they refuse to take their safety seriously."

"You can't just order me around!" Carol protested. She wasn't family (even if the idea of joining one of the families was appealing), or one of his soldiers, though he'd likely be in charge if she chose to stay.

Jessica's eyes widened and she quickly moved so Bruce could check her over, leaving Carol to her own foolhardy path.

Steve had warned her and he wasn't someone who would refuse to follow through on his promises. He grasped Carol's arm, turned her to one side and swatted her. "In this family, I am one of those in charge. And you will listen to me when it comes to your own safety."

Carol yelped more in surprise than pain. "Alright... alright... sheesh. As long as I'm in your domain, you're in charge. Got it. I'll get checked out... even if it is a pointless waste of time," she grumbled ungraciously, trying to pull away from Steve.

Steve only tightened his grip on Carol and brought her over to Bruce himself.

To say Carol was surprised that she couldn't break Steve's grasp was an understatement. It had been a long time since anyone matched her strength enough to attempt to control her physically.

By the time Steve reached them with Carol, Bruce had tended the minor wounds of Kaine and was almost through wrapping Jessica's sprained wrist. "Almost done here, Dad. Make sure Jess tells you what I told her..." Bruce chuckled when Jessica stuck her tongue out at him.

Steve turned to Jessica, raising his eyebrows. "And what did your brother tell you?" he asked, his voice mild.

"That I had to take things easy for the next week to give my arm time to heal," Jessica mumbled unhappily.

Carol sighed as Bruce began to check her over.

Steve nodded. "Well, after today, you will be taking things very easy for the next week," he said, letting her know, without actually saying the words, that she was grounded.

Jessica let out a tiny, distressed sound of unhappiness, but didn't argue. She didn't want to push her luck and remind her father she'd basically run off without backup or a plan. Even if she technically hadn't been alone.

Steve turned to Bruce, waiting for his report on Carol.

"Other than a few scratches, which seem to be healing faster than would be normal, I can't find any wounds." Bruce smiled at his father, before heading over to where Tony and his uncle and grandfather were herding the ones responsible onto a SHIELD ship.

Carol gave Steve a 'See, I told you so' look.

"There's still no need to refuse to be checked out," Steve said mildly, before walking over to join the other members of the family.

"He's right, you know. It took five minutes at most for Bruce to reassure him. Took you longer than that to argue with him. What did it hurt, anyway?" Jessica asked curiously, wondering why Carol had been so against it. Jessica normally only ever tried to get out of proving she wasn't hurt when she was hurt and thought it would curtail her activities. Like it actually had done this time. If Carol hadn't started arguing immediately, she might have tried to downplay what Bruce had said to do. She didn't dare, once Steve was in full 'Dad with arguing child' mode.

Adrian wrapped his arm around Kaine and said, softly, "Why don't we go and get you changed back into normal clothes? Then, if you feel up to it, you can rejoin the rest of your classmates."

"Thanks, Dad," Kaine quickly agreed.

Carol frowned, but didn't respond to Jessica. Instead, she watched as Steve joined Tony and the others in loading up prisoners.

Adrian led Kaine away, so that he could deal with getting his son changed and back with his classmates without anyone being the wiser.

Tony handed over the prisoners to SHIELD employees and then contacted the person heading the STARK Industries emergency cleanup fund to send out a group to assess damages and help the people hurt by what had turned out to be fake elementals.

"Do you need me to do anything, son?" Steve asked Tony.

"Right now, no. We may want to keep our schedules open in case SHIELD needs us to come up, though. I recognized a few of the ones responsible and can't help feeling this was directed at hurting the company...." Tony said, with a hint of worry.

Steve nodded and wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders. "We can talk and find out more about what's been going on back at home," he promised.

"Well, talking won't tell us much. Unless you can get Quentin Beck to talk? He hates me. All I could get was a smug smirk." Tony snorted.

"Maybe we don't have to get him to talk straight away," Steve commented. "We can perhaps persuade the people he was working with to cut deals, in exchange for all the information they can give us."

"As long as we get answers. I recognize a lot of that tech." Tony sighed.

"We'll do what we can to get answers," Steve promised.

It didn't take long, once the perpetrators had been taken away in Quinjets, for the local authorities to take over cleanup. Luckily, thanks to 'Spiderman', there was no need for rescue. At least not that anyone was aware. Soon, everyone who had come to help the young family member was gathered together, waiting for the portal to open. Kaine gave Adrian a quick hug. "Thanks for letting me stay with my friends," he whispered, before giving his father a grin and quickly moving to join the school group gathering at the hostel nearby.

Carol huffed, still out of sorts about Steve forcing her to be checked out. It had been very irritating. What was most irritating was she'd liked it a little. "I'm flying back," she said to Jessica, motioning in offer to take the other woman with her.

Overhearing, Steve said mildly, "You can fly together after Jessica's wrist is healed. For now, she needs to take it easy."

Jessica had been about to go to Carol when her father's words stopped her. Sighing, she slumped. "Guess I'll see you back at the house," she said, in a resigned tone.

Steve wrapped an arm around Jessica's shoulders, giving her a tight hug and whispering in her ear, "Next time. I promise."

Jessica leaned into Steve and smiled wanly. "It's okay, Daddy. I understand why. Even if it's frustrating, I understand..." she whispered.

"I know." Steve kissed her head. "But you can still go next time," he promised, leading her back with him.

Stephen waited until everyone, who was going to, had stepped through the portal before stepping back through himself. "If anyone else needs medical attention..." he offered, before heading to his room.

"I'm available too," Lincoln said.

"There might be some among the prisoners who need medical attention," Natasha said to her son. Remembering that Lincoln had indicated his worry he wouldn't be able to use his medical skills, she added, "We can look into it now."

"They were coming back on a quinjet with SHIELD agents, but I asked Friday to let us know when they arrive if you want to check," Tony said, overhearing Natasha's comment.

"Yeah. I work with SHIELD anyway, so they'll let me know if I'm needed there." Lincoln smiled crookedly. It wasn't so much the helping others he was worried about. SHIELD never forgot to utilize his skills. It was the family that tended to overlook him; always using Bruce as the medical doctor, even though Lincoln's training was more in line with actual treatment of patients, while Bruce was a scientist. Lincoln knew it wasn't personal. It was habit because, for so long, Bruce had been the only one around with any type of medical background that they could trust. Still. It was frustrating always being left behind because no one could remember he was actually useful. It wasn't like he was still a complete civilian. He was in training.

Natasha wrapped an arm around her son. "If you'd like to grab a bite to eat, we probably have time for that before you know if you're needed or not," she said. "We can head to the common area. That way, you're a visible presence if anyone does realize they have an injury that they didn't spot before."

"Yeah. Actually, everyone could probably do with food. If you want, we could make a platter of sandwiches. Make sure they can eat." Lincoln smiled.

Natasha smiled. "I think that would be a very good idea," she agreed, walking with him into the kitchen.


Jessica had watched as everyone had dispersed. Soon, the only ones left in the family room were her, Carol and her father. She looked at Steve hesitantly, but almost expectantly. He hadn't said anything in front of the others, but she sensed he hadn't been happy they'd flown off ahead of everyone else.

Carol was oblivious.

Steve made sure that none of them would be disturbed, then spoke seriously to both of his daughters. "What happened? Why did both of you go tearing off without waiting?"

"Carol was going and I knew she'd get there fast; everyone else was still trying to figure out the best place to open a portal and describe it enough that Stephen, Wong and Mordo could do so," Jessica began to explain. "I wanted to get there fast so Kaine wouldn't be alone any longer than he had to be."

"I didn't realize I was required to wait." Carol's voice had a hint of frustrated sarcasm.  "I'm used to just going when I see a problem that I can help with."

"Here in the family, we don't take off without informing the others of where we're going," Steve said. "We didn't know either of you were involved in the fight until we got there. What if you'd been caught in an attack before any of us realized it was you?"

Jessica swallowed hard at that. "I wasn't afraid of being caught by the elemental. I didn't think about being attacked by the family if they didn't realize it was me, though. I guess I figured everyone would know," she said, with apologetic sheepishness.

"I'm not used to telling people what I'm doing before doing it or asking permission..." Carol sighed. "So many damn rules and expectations. It's like being in the military again. Or being on Yon's team before I found out the truth." She grimaced.

"No one here is trying to deceive you or make you believe things that aren't true," Steve said to Carol. "For me, you're a part of this family already. I'd like you to be my daughter too. Officially, because I already feel it in my heart," he said seriously.

Jessica smiled at hearing that... not that she thought it would get her off the hook, but because she liked Carol and hoped the woman decided to stay.

"You want me as your daughter?" Carol blinked. "Would that mean more rules and expectations?" she asked hesitantly. She actually liked the idea of having family again.

"It might mean rules and expectations," Steve allowed. "But most of those, you're already aware of. And while there are consequences for breaking those rules, those consequences are family punishments. You'll be part of a family," he promised.

"Well..." Carol sighed. "If you're serious... I think I'd like that."

"More than serious," Steve replied. "I want you."

"Okay...: Carol smiled faintly, then swallowed. "So, from now on, I don't just take off. I let you know."

Steve nodded. "And if you don't, then you'll be punished as family. You'll be spanked." He figured it wouldn't come as a big surprise, given he had swatted her earlier.

"And... that is not surprising..." Carol chuckled uneasily. Had she got Jessica into trouble?

Steve sighed and sat back slightly, looking at both of his daughters. "And running into a dangerous situation head on, without waiting for any kind of backup, is something that will get you punished. Will get you spanked."

"Yes, Daddy..." Jessica said, in a subdued voice. This wasn't something she had been unaware of.

Carol winced and nodded. "I'll remember that..." she said, hoping that he was talking in future tense.

Steve hesitated, aware that he and Carol hadn't had a discussion about family and rules and consequences before all this had happened. He looked at both of his daughters for a few moments before speaking seriously. "I don't want to treat either of you differently, but we didn't have a conversation about rules and consequences before now." He waited, deciding to make his decision based on his daughters' reactions.

"She hadn't agreed yet, Daddy... she didn't know better," Jessica said softly, pausing before continuing reluctantly. "...But I did. It's not treating us differently. It's being fair."

"No... even if I hadn't agreed to be your daughter, I still saw how the family did things and knew what was expected. Respect should have had me following house rules, even if I wasn't family." Carol found herself feeling guilty for the first time. Even if she had felt capable of handling things on her own without permission, it had been rude to just take off without warning. Especially since she took one of the family with her.

Steve nodded. "Both of you knew not to leave without a word, even if the reasons for knowing were different at that time," he said.

Carol wrinkled her nose. "So, what now?" she asked quietly.

"Now, we deal with what happened today," Steve replied. "And afterwards, we'll look at making things official."

Carol bit her lip, then nodded. "Okay."

Jessica sighed. "Can we go to your room?" She glanced around the family room nervously.

Steve nodded and reached out to wrap an arm each around their shoulders, so he could lead his daughters to his room.

Jessica snuggled close. She hadn't actively been seeking out a spanking, but she wasn't upset. She felt guilty for making it necessary. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"I know. I still love you." Steve made sure that Carol could hear his words, too, speaking to both of his daughters.

Carol followed quietly.

It didn't take long for them to reach Steve's room. Jessica followed him inside, then stood to the side, waiting for him to close and lock the door before giving her instructions.

Once the door was closed and locked, Steve turned to his daughters. He wrapped an arm around Jessica's shoulders and guided her to one of the corners. "Stand here until I come and get you," he directed.

Jessica slumped and did as directed. "Yes, daddy..." she whispered. 

Carol stood quietly and calmly by the door.

Steve kissed Jessica's cheek and then stepped away, walking over to Carol. Giving her a reassuring smile, he reached out and took her hand, leading her towards the bed.

Taking a slow breath, Carol followed. She wasn't scared or even worried. She was embarrassed. She couldn't believe she was receiving a spanking at her age. Even if she was agreeing to it.

Steve sat down on his bed and drew his daughter across his lap, securing her with an arm wrapped around her waist before he bared her.

Carol let out a tiny breath as she was bared, but didn't argue. She reached down and held onto Steve's leg.

Lifting his hand, Steve brought it down in a firm swat that he then repeated. Settling quickly into a pattern of swats down to her thighs, he began to speak. "Leaving to run into a potentially dangerous situation without a word wasn't okay. If we hadn't seen that you were there in time, you could have been hurt by one of the family."

"I don't tend to get hurt. Didn't think of that, because never thought it could be possible..." Carol said, in a tight voice. To her surprise, the swats stung.

"Most of the family has abilities very similar to yours," Steve said, beginning a second circuit of swats. "You might be harder to hurt, but that doesn't mean you can't get hurt."

"Of course, I know you're right. But I never thought of it till now..." Carol hissed as the sting built.

"That's one of the reasons I'm here. To help you think about it." Steve completed the second circuit and began a third, going a fraction harder and faster.

"Ow!" Carol began to squirm, unable to keep from responding. "I... I'll remember! I promise!" She didn't want a repeat of this punishment and it wasn't like it was an impossible expectation to follow.

"Good." Steve began to focus more swats to her sit spots and thighs. "Because I don't want to risk anything happening to you. It would devastate me," he admitted.

Carol's breath caught at that. "I'm sorry..." she finally managed to say, in a tiny, subdued voice. "I didn't mean to worry you." She wasn't crying, but it was obvious she was affected by her father's words and actions.

"I love you." Steve took a tighter grip on her. "And I can't lose you."

"You won't... I'll be careful..." Carol promised. "Now I know...." She wriggled a bit more; not to get away, but because her backside actually ached.

"I hope not," Steve replied. "Because if there is a next time, we'll do this again."

"Yes, sir..." Carol responded, acknowledging she understood and agreed to his right to decide such a thing. He was in charge.

"I love you," Steve reiterated, finishing with a final flurry of swats before he stopped and gathered her into his arms, on his lap.

Carol let herself relax in Steve's arms. She wasn't quite sure how to react, but she followed his lead and put her head on his shoulder.

"I love you." Steve kissed the side of Carol's head and just hugged her close.

"You have a really big heart... you just met me..." Carol smiled and snuggled close. Until recently, she'd had a very small number of individuals scattered throughout the galaxy that she trusted, let alone loved. Steve was quickly joining their ranks.

Jessica shifted slightly, hunching in on herself. She tried to give as much privacy as possible, given she was in the room and could hear everything. She felt very small and bad by this point, though. She knew how worried her father got about his family when they took dangerous risks without letting anyone know. She should have told someone.

"I don't need long to realize when someone is mine," Steve said honestly. "I felt drawn to you from the first moment we met. You'll find that most of the family members are exactly the same."

"Yeah... I've seen that..." Carol smiled again.

Jessica was unnaturally still as she attempted not to squirm. She didn't want to interrupt their moment, but she was feeling more guilty the longer it went.

Steve kissed Carol's cheek. "I'm going to take care of your sister now and afterwards, we can spend some more time together, all of us." He replaced her clothing and then stood up, helping her to stand, and guided her towards the corner.

Carol followed, still grinning. It was difficult to feel bad about being put in the corner when she had just gained a family. Besides. Fair was fair and Jessica had been in the corner the whole time. She stood where Steve placed her and looked at the wall.

Jessica was in danger of falling into one of her self-loathing stages. She'd had more than enough time to realize where she'd messed up, but in her own typical way, she'd not only accepted guilt for what she'd done wrong, she'd started to take on guilt for things she'd had no control over or even done. When Steve drew her out of the corner, she couldn't look her father in the eye and was tense. She needed to be punished by this point.

She tried to say the words that would let Steve know, but they were caught in her throat. She knew he'd want to talk and find out why she suddenly needed when she hadn't before. She didn't want to tell him why. It would just make her actions more obviously wrong and then he'd have to admit he'd made a mistake taking her as his daughter. She couldn't face him realizing that. The best she could do was cooperate and push whatever guilt the spanking didn't take care of down deep so he wouldn't worry.

Steve knew his daughter well and when he sat down on the bed, he didn't immediately put Jessica over his knee. Instead, he settled her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, before touching her chin and gently encouraging her to look at him. "What's going through your mind?" he asked gently.

Jessica didn't want to look him in the eyes, but it was impossible to avoid his gaze when he held her chin. Blinking back sudden tears, she whispered, "I made things worse. How many were hurt because I didn't wait?"

"You can't ever think like that," Steve said seriously. "We don't know that anything could have been different."

"How can I not? I messed up. Mistakes get people killed..." Jessica's voice was faint, hoarse.

"People make mistakes," Steve replied. "And they don't always have such severe consequences." He kissed her forehead. "You made a mistake. We deal with it and then move on."

"Yes, daddy..." Jessica's defeated and somewhat listless tone gave away the fact Steve's words hadn't helped.

Carol glanced over her shoulder, worried and slightly nervous. She didn't mind being in the room when they were being punished together, but if Steve needed to walk Jessica back from some sort of emotional edge, she wasn't sure her new sister would appreciate her being witness to it.

Steve held her a bit tighter. "I know you're struggling to believe it, but making a mistake isn't the end of the world. We got there quickly and things didn't go as bad as they could have gone."

"No thanks to me..." Jessica murmured. She hunched in on herself further, fighting the urge to start crying. Carol hadn't had a melt-down. She didn't want to be an idiot baby in front of her new sister.

Carol bit her lip. She wasn't very comfortable with emotions. It had been a long time since she'd had to deal with them, especially in other people. She glanced toward the door separating her and her father's room, hoping he'd tell her to go sit in her room and wait, or something.

Steve hugged Jessica a bit tighter and glanced towards Carol over his other daughter's head, giving her a silent nod so that she'd know it was okay to give him and Jessica some privacy.

Carol didn't need to be told twice. She quickly slipped out of the room into her own room. She'd wait there till Steve called her back.

As soon as Carol was out of earshot, the first tiny sniffle escaped. Jessica didn't care if she was an idiot baby in front of her father.

Steve turned his full attention to Jessica, hugging her tightly and pressing a kiss to her forehead and then to her cheek. "I've got you," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy... just wish I was a better daughter for you..." Jessica whispered.

"You are," Steve replied. "Making a mistake doesn't make you a bad daughter."

"I knew better. Shouldn't have made a mistake like that..." Jessica sighed.

"We'll deal with that and move past it," Steve promised.

"I need to remember, Daddy..." Jessica said, in a small voice. "I need to remember that, even if I have good reasons, I still need to ask you if there is any way to do so...."  Of course, she had remembered. She'd just convinced herself there was no time, because Carol was going to leave without her. Because she had been impatient and didn't want to arrive a few minutes later, she'd worried and upset her family. What she really felt she needed was to feel like she'd paid for that worry and upset.

"And I'll help you to remember," Steve promised. He pressed a loving, affectionate kiss to her forehead and then gently turned her over his knee.

Jessica slumped over her father's knee in relief. She knew he'd help her. He always did what he said he would. She reached back and put her hands behind her back for him to restrain her. She needed to be completely in his hands... his care.

Steve gently grasped Jessica's hands, holding them against her back, before he bared her. "I love you." He rubbed her lower back gently for a few moments and then delivered the first firm smack that he then repeated.

"I..." Her voice caught at the first smack. Hard enough to linger, but not so hard as to harm. She relaxed further, realizing her father knew and understood. "I know, Daddy," she finished, in an accepting whisper. "I love you too. So much... I'm sorry for what I did."

"You don't need to be sorry anymore." Steve's voice was low and understanding. "I forgive you." He settled quickly into a pattern of smacks, going down to her thighs before starting over from the top.

"Thank you, daddy..." Jessica's voice shook slightly from emotion. She was grateful for her father... for his help. The sting was rapidly building and despite needing it, Jessica began to involuntarily squirm.

Steve took a tighter grip on his daughter as he completed the second circuit and began a third, going a fraction harder and faster.

Jessica's breath caught in her throat and then the tears began to fall as she finally slumped, letting go. She'd already apologized and been forgiven, so there was little left to say. All she could do was submit, hoping her father understood she hadn't meant to worry him and she'd do better.

Steve delivered a final few smacks and then stopped, gently gathering her into his arms and hugging her tightly.

Jessica pressed close and clung to Steve, still quietly crying, breathing slowly to try and calm so she could talk.

"I've got you." Steve kissed her forehead. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too... so much!" Jessica was finally able to say, in a wet voice. "Do I stay with you constantly and get permission if I want to go somewhere you aren't going?" She knew she was grounded, but she needed to know what that meant. Needed to be told what she was allowed.

"That's exactly right," Steve answered. "You stay with me at all times and have to ask for permission to go somewhere I'm not, barring if you need to go to the restroom."

Jessica snuggled closer, putting her head on her father's shoulder. "Okay, daddy. Thank you..." she said quietly, obviously happy at the restriction.

Steve hugged her a bit tighter, stroking her hair and down her back. "You'll be staying in my room at night, too, along with any of your siblings who might want to."

Jessica smiled at that. "Yessir..." She tried to sound accommodating, obedient, but she couldn't hide the note of pleasure in her voice. It gave away how much she wanted and needed to be with her father and not on her own.

"I'm glad you weren't hurt worse," Steve murmured, kissing her cheek.

Jessica smiled crookedly. "I was lucky. And you've been training me, so I do better..." she pointed out.

"Because I love you," Steve said seriously.

"I know, daddy. I love you too. But whatever reason you train me... It has helped. I didn't get hurt as bad as I would have before." Jessica snuggled close again.

"We just have to stop you getting hurt at all." Steve kissed her head.

"I'll do my best..." Jessica's smile was rueful.

"That's all I ask for. That and to listen to me when I tell you to do something," Steve said.

"I want to listen... want to be a good girl for you..." Jessica admitted.

"I know," Steve replied. "And I believe that you'll do that. That you'll be good for me."

"I'll try, at least... don't know that I'll ever really be good..." Jessica sighed, putting her head on Steve's shoulder.

"I believe in you," Steve murmured.

"That's... I don't even believe in me most the time. I don't know how you can, but it helps...." Jessica nuzzled closer.

"Believing in you is easy," Steve said honestly. "I'd never do anything but."

Jessica smiled. "Don't think it is as easy as that... but you have such a big heart... it doesn't surprise me you think it is."

"You don't give yourself nearly enough credit." Steve hugged her a bit tighter.

"I'd say you let me get away with too much, but that's not really true..." Jessica chuckled ruefully and shifted so she could glance over her shoulder at her still sensitive (not stinging, but still pink) backside.

"I'll pull you back when I need to and when you need me to," Steve responded. "But I don't want to change you, other than to stop your more reckless behavior."

"I know. The fact you don't want me to change makes me want to change for the better..." Jessica shrugged. Pausing, she asked, "Can I put my Christmas pajamas on, Daddy? Then come back?"

"Of course," Steve replied, with a warm smile. "Would you like to invite any of the others to join us?"

"That's up to you, Daddy. You're stuck with me till my grounding is over..." Jessica's return smile was impish.

"It's not being 'stuck' with you." Steve stroked the side of her face as he added, "But you can decide if you want any of the other family members with us too."

"Maybe just us tonight? But we could join everyone else for dinner and in the family room. Carol might have a few more questions..." Jessica pressed her face into her father's hand before unashamedly standing and retrieving the clothes she'd kicked off while being spanked. She was past being embarrassed at Steve seeing her half-naked. She'd had his hand smacking her bared butt too many times to be phased at him seeing now.

Steve smiled. "That sounds good to me," he agreed.

"I'll be back soon. If you want me to wait in my room, though, while you talk to Carol some more, I can," Jessica offered hesitantly.

"I might go and speak to Carol in her room, so you can still come back in here," Steve answered.

"Okay, daddy..." Jessica smiled, rolling her jeans, underwear and shoes into a bundle before turning and walking to her own room to change. She walked quickly. She might not be ashamed to be half-dressed in front of him, but it made her feel very small to only be wearing her socks and a t-shirt while he watched her leave.

Steve moved to the adjoining door that led to Carol's room and knocked lightly on it.

Carol had gone and sat on the couch in her assigned room and waited, so when the knock came, she was ready. "Come in!" she called out.

Steve opened the door and stepped into the room, walking over and sitting on the couch next to Carol. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "We've dealt with what happened today, but I wanted to talk to you about if you have any questions or concerns, you'd like to talk to me about."

"Is everything going to change now?" Carol asked immediately, leaning into Steve. "I'm used to going where I'm needed, when I'm needed, without having to get permission. I know I need to tell you now and not just go... but do I have to get your permission? There are things only I can take care of and places only I can easily go. This world has all the family, but the universe isn't just this world..." she pointed out quietly.

"When you want or feel the need to go somewhere else, then you talk to me," Steve answered. "We look into it together. And even if you can get there easier, there's no reason you have to go there alone."

"Yeah...If someone else can help too... that would be a good thing. As fast as I am, I can't be everywhere at once..." Carol acknowledged.

"That's a lesson many here in the family have had to learn," Steve commented. "You're far from the only one."

Carol smiled. "I... I got the idea Jessica is still being punished...." She bit her lip. "Is she grounded? Am I grounded?" She didn't sound happy at the idea.

"Jessica is, because this isn't the first time we've had to deal with that behavior," Steve replied. "As this is the first time you and I have had to deal with it, though, I don't believe grounding is necessary this time."

Carol nodded. "Thank you. I hope to never test you again..." she admitted.

"Even if you do, it won't be the end of the world." With a smile, Steve added, "You wouldn't be the first one to test their new parent."

"Maybe. I don't feel a particular need to." Carol grinned. "I'm feeling a need to eat, though... I don't know about you, but my metabolism is high... I eat a lot."

Steve laughed softly. "I think you'll find that you have that in common with a lot of the family members. The kitchen's open to help yourself to food at all times."

"Cool. I think I want to wait to eat with the family, though." Carol hugged him.

Steve returned the hug and kissed the side of her head. "Well, we're not far-off mealtime. If you'd like to head to the dining room, I'll bring Jessica and meet you there. Ask one of our resident family lawyers to bring the adoption paperwork to make things official."

"Pardon me, Master Steve, but I have informed Master Mathew and he will bring the forms with him and meet you in ten minutes, if that is acceptable?" Friday spoke out.

"Thank you, Friday," Steve replied. He laughed softly. "Sometimes I forget just how efficient the AIs are."

Carol smirked. "It doesn't bother you that they listen in to conversations?"

"That comes in handy at times," Steve commented. "We've sometimes managed to head problems off thanks to Friday and Veronica."

"We only ever report on something if it is dangerous or we are directly asked. If we feel we can be helpful, we will ask, though." Friday sounded nervous... as if afraid she'd overstepped her bounds.

"It's okay, Friday. You don't need to explain..." Carol interjected. "I've been here long enough to see how you care about the family; and they trust and care about you. I will trust you as well and give you benefit of doubt that you won’t spill any secrets you don't need to."

"There's a lot that both Friday and Veronica have helped the family with," Steve said. "Believe me, both of them are trusted and considered as part of the family." As much as Jarvis had been, before Tony's first AI had been 'killed'. And even though part of him still lived on in the Vision, the loss still hurt.

"Thank you, Master Steve...." If an AI could sound choked up, Friday did.

Carol smiled. "Go eat now?"

"Go eat now," Steve agreed. "I'll go and get Jessica and meet you there." He kissed her cheek and then released her.

"Okay. Thanks... Dad." Carol grinned and quickly left to go to the dining area.

Steve stood up and walked back through to his room, looking around for his other daughter.

Jessica hadn't taken long to change into the pajamas. She was waiting quietly for Steve to retrieve her in the sitting area of his room.

Steve moved over to help his daughter to stand, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek. "Are you ready to go and join the others for the evening meal now?"

"Yeah... I'm ready, Daddy." Jessica smiled, pressing closer to her father. "Can I...?" She blushed. "Can I sit on your lap for dinner?"

"Of course." Steve took her hand and led her out of the bedroom, heading to the dining room.

Everyone else was gathered around the family dining table, various bowls and platters already sitting in wait for the compound occupants to dish out and eat. Jessica noted a few of the 'children' were sitting on their parent's lap, so she relaxed about the fact she needed to.

Steve moved over to the table and sat down, gently gathering Jessica on his lap and settling her comfortably.

Jessica settled, smiling at everyone else.

Carol grinned as Matt leaned over and whispered, "I have the papers to be signed as soon as dinner is over."

"Thank you, Matt," Steve said seriously.

"Any time, Uncle Steve..." Matt grinned.

Tony smiled faintly at Carol. "Welcome to the family, Sis," he said warmly. As genuine as the welcome was, it was obvious he was thinking of something else not quite as joyful.

Noticing the look on his son's face and the tone in his voice, and having a fairly good idea of what was going through Tony's mind, Steve reached out and gently squeezed Tony's arm. "We'll do what we can," he promised.

"Just waiting to find out if they talk or not..." Tony shrugged.

"Maybe we can offer some of them deals as incentives," Steve suggested.

"I'm pretty sure that’s being done. Just have to see who takes the offer." Tony rubbed the back of his neck wearily, before beginning to eat.

Steve gently squeezed Tony's arm. "We can talk about it later," he suggested to his son, wanting to make sure Tony knew he was there for him.

"I know, Dad." Tony gave Steve a weary smile. "There really isn't anything to talk about yet, though. If I need to talk, I know where to come."

Sharon quietly watched the interaction between the man she viewed as her honorary cousin and the man who might have been her uncle, had he not been frozen in ice. It was obvious to her that not having answers was bothering Tony. Maybe she could get some for him.

"Good," Steve said. "I love you, son." He squeezed Tony's arm again, before moving the plate in front of Jessica and encouraging her to eat.

Jessica didn't need too much encouragement. She began eating everything put on her plate. She listened to the mundane chatter around her and smiled. The family was safe and happy. It was turning out to be a very good night.

It wasn't long before talking and eating finished and everyone began clearing their things away. Steve turned to Matt and smiled at his nephew, then looked at Carol. "I'm ready whenever you both are."

Carol nodded and stood. "I'm ready."

Jessica stood so Steve could join her sister and cousin to sign the paperwork. "May I join the others in the family room... wait for you?"

Matt slanted his head curiously at hearing his cousin's question... hearing the tone in her voice... but he didn't say anything. She would talk to him if she needed.

Steve nodded. "I'll come and get you when we're done," he promised.

Jessica smiled, giving her father a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. She ruffled Matt's hair as she walked by. "We need to train together again..." she said, in an offhand manner, before disappearing into the family room, finding her great-grandfather and grandfather and squeezing between them on the couch before giving her Aunt Laura a grin.

"She's probably right," Steve commented, before turning to his new daughter and nephew. Focusing on Carol, he said, "The paperwork is fairly straightforward, so I don't need to read through it. But if you need to, go ahead. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible."

Carol grinned. "Live dangerously and all that..." She took the pen from her cousin and began to sign where indicated. "I trust you," she said more seriously. "If you are okay with the papers, I'm okay."

Matt didn't comment on the training suggestion. They weren't wrong.

"It's the same as all of the other paperwork for the rest of the family, so you're in the same boat as them." Steve waited for her to finish signing and then proceeded to do the same himself.

"Good. Don't want to be treated different..." Carol declared.

"That wouldn't happen," Steve promised. "Now, if you'd like, we can join the others in the family room."

"I'm ready..." Carol smiled again, waiting just long enough so they could walk in together before walking into the family room.

Matt had gone in ahead of them, quickly sitting next to Claire so she could catch him up on what was being watched and how much he had missed.

Sharon, noting everyone engrossed in the movie, slipped out of the room and headed up to the SHIELD levels of the compound, where the prisoners were being held. All the prisoners but Quentin Beck had made agreements and begun talking. But he was the ringleader. He was the one who had all the information. And he was the only one who had the information they needed. She entered into the cell-block, looking it at him with narrowed gaze.

"If they think a pretty face will get me to talk, they aren't as smart as I gave them credit for." Quentin snorted.


As they were deciding on the next movie to watch, Maria looked around, unable to help but notice that one of her sisters was missing. She leaned over to catch Helen's and Claire's attention. "Have either of you seen Sharon?" She wasn't all that worried, at least not yet. After all, Sharon could have gone to the restroom. Or to grab a popcorn refill.

Claire blinked and glanced around. "Um... she was here when the movie started..." she said uncertainly.

"I heard her get up and leave about forty minutes ago..." Matt said helpfully. "Ask Friday?"

"Friday? Do you know where Sharon is?" Maria asked.

"She is interrogating one of the prisoners, Ma'am. Quentin Beck, I believe. She seems to have taken exception to his attacking her 'cousin' Tony, asserting that Aunt Peggy would never let him get away with it, so she isn't about to either..." Friday sounded bemused. As far as she knew, Sharon had not been adopted by any of Steve's brothers, so she shouldn't be Tony's cousin.

Maria sighed heavily and stood up, glancing towards the other family members who were 'in charge'. "Does anyone else want to come with me to clean up this mess?"

Tony winced. "Guess I should go too, since it's me she's defending..."

Jessica sighed silently and stood. "I'll wait in your room, Daddy. Help Tony..." she whispered in Steve's ear, kissing him on the cheek.

"Why don't you stay with your uncle Bucky and Patsy?" Steve murmured, knowing that he trusted Bucky to look out for Jessica.

"Yeah. Okay, Daddy..." Jessica agreed, moving to sit next to her cousin and uncle.

Maria waited for Tony and Steve, then headed with them to the SHIELD levels of the compound.

Sharon wasn't surprised that Quentin was stubborn about answering her questions. She was surprised that, when Steve, Tony and her sister came in he turned to Steve and begged, "Keep her away from me!" She hadn't even touched him.

Steve raised his eyebrows. "I don't think you're in any position to make demands here."

Huffing out a groan, Quentin glared at Sharon and snapped his mouth shut. He didn't want to admit her words had got him to think. She hadn't threatened him, either... though it was more than clear she might just hurt him if he didn't cooperate. Somehow, that was worse than threats.

Sharon narrowed her eyes. "You really are just a coward. Attacking innocent people... children... and not even willing to give a reason for it."

Steve moved a bit nearer to Tony, though his words were addressed to Beck. "You must know that everyone else has cut deals. You're the only one left. Things will go a lot easier on you if you try cooperating."

Beck glared at Tony. "Like helping and being cooperative ever got you anywhere with a Stark..." He sneered.

Sharon growled and shifted to put herself between Quentin and Tony.

"If you've never tried, how can you know for sure?" Steve asked. "Why are you so angry with Tony? Why did you want revenge so much, you were prepared to harm others, innocent people, for it?"

"He took everything from me!" Quentin asserted. "Stole my invention... fired me and made sure I'd never work in the field again! No innocents were killed. I knew you'd protect them..." he said sullenly.

Steve glanced at Tony. Not because he thought his son had actually been responsible for those things, but because he wanted to give Tony the chance to shed some light on the reality.

"Your invention was the combined ideas and contributions of ten other men, including yourself. Your invention continued to grow, evolve and become something different, even after you'd been fired. Your invention has your name as a contributor, even though you only contributed a small portion of the thought and effort that went into making it. Your invention is a safe and useful item, despite your efforts to make it as big and splashy and dangerous as possible!" Tony was having none of being accused; he knew who this was now. "As for my firing you... yes. I did. After repeated warnings that you needed to take lab safety and security seriously, only to be ignored each and every time, with the last incident of disregard sending two of the interns to the emergency room. I couldn't risk someone dying because you thought you were above the rules!" Tony shook his head. "And even after losing your job, you still don't get it and blamed me. Do you know how many people were injured? Even if you didn't think anyone would die, surely you had to know some would be hurt! Did you even care?!"

Quentin had been puffing up more and more indignantly as Tony spoke, sputtering in agitated denial... until Tony mentioned the hurt interns. By the time the billionaire had asked about the hurt civilians, Beck was looking everywhere but at the other occupants, face scarlet, worried and uncertain. "I didn't think anyone would be hurt. There wasn't supposed to be that much damage..." he finally mumbled.

"Sometimes people get hurt," Steve said quietly. "Good people, people like us...and, I believe, people like you...have a responsibility to avoid that as much as possible. Did you truly think no one would be harmed? We all know how many there were, because we witnessed it." His voice was low.

"I... I didn't think the water would be that destructive... figured there'd be time for people to get away. I didn't think they'd get stuck, or that you all wouldn't reach them before that happened..." Quentin winced. He knew how thoughtless... how stupid it was to assume that. He'd been too angry and fixated on revenge to let himself think about it.

Tony just shook his head. "I always liked you, man. You reminded me of me when I was your age. You're smarter than you let yourself be..." He sounded disappointed more than disgusted.

Quentin couldn't say anything to that.

Steve glanced at Tony and then motioned his son to move off to one side with him, so that he could talk to Tony without Beck overhearing him.

Sharon had been listening to the entire exchange. She was still indignant on Tony's behalf, but she didn't look like she wanted to rip Quentin's head off any longer, at least. As soon as Tony moved to the side to speak with Steve, she was moving between them and Quentin to block Quentin's view. "So, all this happened because you thought you were better than everyone else?" Her voice was incredulous; and completely distracting. Quentin focused on her.

Tony glanced over his shoulder, grinning as he saw his 'cousin' work. "She really is a lot like Aunt Peggy..." he murmured, before facing Steve. "You have something in mind." It wasn't a question.

"I don't think keeping him locked up here is going to do any good." For a moment, Steve looked a little sad at Tony's comment. He brushed it off quickly, but it was still at the back of his mind. He had no regrets about his life now, but still....

Tony winced sadly as he caught the fleeting look on Steve's face. He didn't say anything, just gently squeezing his father's shoulder, and focused on the other man's words instead. "Everyone else took deals... he's refused. Just letting him off the hook won't work either. Did you have something in mind?"

"House arrest. In the main area of the compound." Steve responded to Tony reaching out by placing his hand over his son's and gripping tightly for a moment. "He at least feels some remorse for his actions. I don't think he's beyond being turned around, but I don't think that can happen while he's here."

"He'd need someone more headstrong than him to keep him in line. And it can't be me. He resents me too much." Tony frowned.

"I managed to outlast you," Steve pointed out.

Tony grinned at that. "Yeah. You did. If you feel up to the challenge... he isn't bad at heart. He really does remind me of me... before you got me...."

"I think I'm up to the challenge." Steve smiled. "I wouldn't feel right, not giving him a chance."

Tony nodded. "You won't get an argument from me. Might want to set ground rules, expectations and have an option in case he decides to use your offer with no intention of changing, though. I believe he didn't mean to hurt innocents. That doesn't mean he doesn't still want revenge."

Steve nodded. "I'll ask Veronica and Friday to keep me updated on his movements, too. He won't have as much freedom as the rest of the compound."

Tony nodded. "Well... You want me here while you make the offer, or should we wait outside? I don't think he'll turn you down. His options aren't great."

"It might be best to wait outside," Steve answered. "He might be more likely to be honest if it's just me and him."

Tony nodded and moved over to where Sharon and Maria stood. Putting a hand on Sharon's shoulder and squeezing, he said, "Dad wants to talk to Quentin. Let's wait outside...."

Giving Steve a surprised look, Sharon nodded. "Yeah. Okay." She let Tony lead her out with her big sister.

Maria quickly left with Tony and Sharon.

Steve moved a bit closer to Beck and spoke in a serious tone. "Despite what your actions to date might say, I don't believe you're a bad man."

"Does it matter?" Quentin snorted. "I'm going to spend a very long time in jail. And even if I didn't mean to... I hurt people." He sounded sad at the last.

"You wouldn't be the first one to make mistakes that have hurt other people," Steve said. "You have the opportunity for a second chance. If you want one."

"How? I... I'd undo what I did, if I could. I didn't mean for things to happen the way they did," Quentin said quietly.

"I'm sure you didn't," Steve replied. "Sometimes things can get out of control and you don't mean it to happen. You'd have to stay on house arrest, at least for a while, but you can do that in the compound. With the rest of my family."

"What does house arrest mean in this case?" Quentin asked hesitantly.

"Staying in the compound," Steve answered. "You won't be a prisoner like you are here, but there are two AIs who will report your movements to me. You won't be allowed to leave without permission and without one of the family heads with you."

"What other restrictions would I have?" Beck asked, knowing that there would be some.

"Supervision in the labs, if you wanted to work there," Steve answered. "Any projects, or anything you want to do, needs to be run by me first."

"Not by Stark?" Quentin sounded surprised.

"No. I'm the one who will be in charge of you," Steve stated.

Quentin nodded. "It sounds a lot easier than I expected..." he admitted.

"I'm fairly sure you won't find it as easy as you expect once you're in that position," Steve commented. "Most of my other kids find themselves chafing against rules and restrictions after a while."

"It has to be better than jail. Although... your kids have to stay in the compound and get permission for everything? How old are they? Quentin blinked.

"Well, they stay in the compound, but the permission is only when they're in trouble and grounded," Steve answered. "Tony and Pepper are mine. So is Bruce Banner. Jessica Jones and Carol Danvers. Everyone in the compound is family."

Quentin blinked. "You ground your adult kids?"

"When it's necessary," Steve answered. "Sometimes, like you, they make mistakes."

"This house arrest... you'll be treating me like family..." Quentin realized.

Steve nodded. "Does that bother you?" he asked.

"Considering what I did... I'm surprised you'd want to," Beck said.

"Like I said. You're not the only one to make mistakes," Steve said. "And I don't think staying locked up here is going to do you any good."

"And Stark's okay with this?" Quentin was only a little surprised. Everything Tony had said before was true.

Steve nodded. "He thinks the same way I do."

"Huh... well, guess if my only other option is jail, I'd be a fool to refuse your solution. What now?" Beck asked.

"Now, I think it's time to join the others in the family level of the compound," Steve answered. "Have you eaten?"

"I had a sandwich. You don't want me to wear an ankle monitor or something?" Beck asked.

"I don't think that's necessary. The AIs can keep track of you just as well as any ankle monitor or other device," Steve answered.

"Well, I'm not going to argue...' Quintin snorted. He thought maybe Steve was being too trusting of someone he didn't know, who'd attempted what he had attempted; but as it was in his favor, he'd go with it

Steve nodded. "If there's anything you need or want from your old apartment, give me a list and I'll make sure they're brought to the compound."

"Really? I'm allowed to have my stuff?" Quentin blinked. "If you're serious, I can give you the list as soon as you take me where I'm staying...."

"As long as it's not harmful or dangerous, then yes. You can keep your stuff," Steve said. "I'll take you now."

Quentin followed Steve out of the cell, noting that the other three had already left.

The remaining guard turned to Steve. "Mr. Stark as gone to fill out the necessary paperwork to remand the prisoner into your custody. I believe the others said something about warning the gang." The guard smirked. He was well aware of the reputation the 'family' had for adopting and rehabilitating.

"Thank you," Steve replied to the guard, before leading Quentin towards the elevator.

Quentin followed quietly, not wanting to make waves.

Reaching the elevator, Steve stepped inside with Quentin and pressed the button to go down to the family level. "I'll show you to your room and you can give me that list before I take you on a proper tour of the compound."

"Yes, Captain," Beck said... not certain how he should address the man who was going to become his guard for the unforeseeable future.

When the elevator doors opened, Steve stepped out, motioning for Quentin to join him. As promised, his first stop was to the room Beck was staying in... though he made sure to point out where his own room was, so that the other man knew where to go if he needed Steve.

"My room is connected to your room?" Quentin immediately noticed the extra door when Steve led him into his designated area.

Steve nodded. "So really, if you need me, all you need to do is knock on the connecting door. Or even just walk straight in."

"Just walk in?" Quentin sounded surprised at that. "I don't know that I'll do that, but it's good to know."

"All of my kids know they're free to come into my room at any point they want to," Steve said. "I'd alert Friday and Veronica if there was a period, I couldn't be available."

"I'm not your kid," Quentin pointed out.

"I'm still taking on responsibility for you," Steve replied.

"Doesn't mean you have to treat me like family. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't..." Beck said quietly.

"I want to treat you like family," Steve replied. "Do you want to make that list before we continue the tour?" he asked.

"Yeah... okay." Quentin took the offered pen and paper and quickly listed the items he didn't want to lose. He figured the rest of the stuff could be sold or donated. "I need to get out of my lease.... they won't want it empty for however long I'm under arrest."

"We have a couple of lawyers in the family who can take a look at the lease and advise you," Steve commented.

"Yeah. That would be good." Quentin handed his list to Steve.

"Thank you." Steve took the list, intending to pass it on to Happy or one of the others, before saying, "I'll give you a tour of the rest of the compound now. There are a lot of family members staying here, so don't worry if you don't remember where everything is straight away."

"Yeah. Okay." Quentin followed quietly. It was just beginning to sink in that he wasn't going to an actual jail. That he was under house arrest and living with the man he had done all that he had to hurt. Was living with the Avengers. He wasn't certain what to make of it, so he kept quiet.

Steve continued the tour, telling Quentin which room, or set of rooms, belonged to each person. He didn't take him to the school level, but let the other man know where it was.

"So... how many people actually live here?" Quentin asked, beginning to realize that he was probably going to be under tighter scrutiny in the compound than he would have been in a jail.

"Honestly, I don't think anyone's tried counting them." Steve laughed softly. "But everyone here on this level is family in one way or another."

"Except me..." Quentin said, slightly nervously. "Are you certain they won't mind someone that isn't family... and that is a criminal on top of that... living here?"

"You're far from the first person to be adopted and taken into this family," Steve replied. "Far from the first criminal to be rehabilitated. This is a place for second chances, if you're willing and able to accept one."

Quentin's look at Steve couldn't be termed anything less than shock.  "You aren't thinking of adopting me, are you? You have no reason to want me in your family... you just met me and our introduction wasn't overly friendly...."

"Like I've said to many of my other kids...it doesn't normally take long to feel a connection with someone," Steve said. "It's okay that you're not there yet, if you don't feel the same. I'm not going to rush anything. I'm not going to force you into anything."

Quentin nodded, a bit more at ease. He didn't really feel like he needed a family. He'd been on his own too long to need anyone, as far as he was concerned. As long as he wasn't expected to want or expect to join the family, even if he was living here, then he could accept what was happening.

"I know you said you had a sandwich," Steve continued, "but we have a fully stocked kitchen if you are hungry. Or would like something to drink. We normally try to eat at least dinner all together."

"I'll do whatever everyone else is doing." Quentin shrugged, giving Steve a curious look. This certainly wasn't turning out to be a punishment. Even if all his other cohorts had got reduced sentences with house-arrest for cooperating with the authorities, they still had a few months' jail time to look forward to. He couldn't imagine any of them being happy that he went straight to house-arrest with little to no punishment involved. After all, who could call living in a multi-million-dollar compound, with every amenity available, punishment?

"Do you want anything right now?" Steve asked him. "We don't keep much in the way of alcohol here, but there's juice, water, tea, coffee...." He didn't say the reason for not having much alcohol was due to some members of the family having turned to it to numb pain in the past.

"I'm good... thanks. Listen... I appreciate all this." Quentin waved around at the expansive and comfortable compound. "It's a lot better than I expected, given what I did and given what all my accomplices received for their part in what we did. I can't help wondering what the punishment part is going to be, though. Yeah, House Arrest. I'll probably be chafing at the bit to be able to leave the building in a month or two. But from the sounds of it, as long as I'm with you, you aren't planning to keep me confined to inside the building. So... I can't see that it is really all that difficult or punishing. There has to be something I'm missing, or you wouldn't be allowed to do this; too many people would say I'm getting away with my crimes." He frowned.

"It's not really so much about punishing," Steve answered. "Though I'm not saying you won't be punished if you do break one of the rules. But this is about rehabilitation. Given how you were acting earlier, I felt, and was agreed with, keeping you locked up would only make you more angry, more closed off, less willing to listen to reason. I think you need a second chance more than you need punishment."

"There are a lot of people who would disagree with that, given how many were hurt by my actions," Beck couldn't help but point out. He wasn't entirely certain he wasn't one of those people, although he wouldn't tell Steve Rogers that. "You're prepared to deal with any fall-out from that?"

"As I said. You're not the only criminal to be given a second chance," Steve said seriously.

"Maybe not. But you can't blame me for wondering. Especially given the time frame. I'm not saying I'm not sorry for what I put innocent people through... but I'm still angry. Even if Stark gave me some things to think about..." Quentin frowned.

"I understand," Steve replied. "Which is why you are on house arrest and are restricted. Even if the punishment is more of a grounding than being locked up."

"Okay. Can't say I understand it, but I'm not going to argue." Beck shrugged.

"I'll hand this list over to Happy, so he can pick up what you need," Steve said. "In the meantime, you can go to your room...or join the others in the common room. I think some of them are watching movies."

"If you really don't mind, I'll go to my room. I'm not ready to face the masses..." Quentin said quietly.

Steve nodded. "If you need me, just ask Friday or Veronica to send me a message."

"Okay," Quentin agreed.

Steve left to meet up with Happy, requesting that Friday let him know if Quentin left the room for any reason.

Happy was easy to find. He'd joined the rest of the family to watch television. He didn't always stay at the compound, even though he had a room, but with everything that had happened to Kaine and his friends, he'd felt the need to stay close, in case the family needed him for something. Plus, he and Yelena had a bit of a flirtation; young, innocent and blooming slowly.

Jessica was there as well, having stayed with Bucky like her father had told her to do. She looked over, anxious to rejoin her father, but not wanting to get in the way.

Steve smiled at Jessica and gently squeezed her arm, though he addressed Happy. "When you're free, I have a favor I'd like to ask."

"Of course, Cap... what can I do for you?" Happy asked curiously.

"Can you collect these items from Quentin Beck's apartment?" Steve requested, handing over the list.

Happy took the list and looked it over. "As long as I can get hold of his landlord tomorrow, so I can be let in, it shouldn't be a problem." He smiled.

"Thank you," Steve answered, before taking a seat next to Jessica.

"No problem, Cap." Happy smiled again, pocketing the list, before turning to continue talking with Yelena.

Jessica snuggled close to her father.

Steve wrapped his arm around his daughter's shoulders, cuddling for a moment before he gently pulled her onto his lap.

Jessica relaxed against Steve, placing her head on his shoulder. She settled in place to watch TV with her family, contented.