Punishing The Traitor

Summary: Follows Belong to Shadow. Snake gets caught and Tommy has to prove to Cobra that he ‘hates’ him.
Warning(s): Disciplinary Spanking of adults; non-disciplinary spanking; D/s; M/m; very explicit sexual content; consensual rough treatment; branding; voyeurism. Potential spoilers for Snake Eyes. AU. Rape-play. Consensual non-con
Pairing: Tommy/Snake


It was the day after Tommy had tattooed his marks into Snake's skin and Snake stood under the shower, letting the suds from Tommy's body wash run down him and into the drain. He'd been ordered to bathe. He hadn't expected Tommy to set up a chair outside the range of the water and watch him, but the older man had. Tommy had then proceeded to direct him on each body part to wash and what soap to use. He'd already washed his hair, his face, his chest, arms, legs and feet. The only areas left were his private areas and areas he couldn't reach. He gave his master a bashful look and waited for the next direction.

As the only parts of Snake's body left were his privates and what he couldn't reach himself, Tommy stood and removed his own clothing. He stepped under the spray of the shower and picked up the body wash, beginning to wash Snake's back thoroughly.

Snake let out a tiny mew of pleasure, relaxing as his back was washed and waiting for further instruction.

Tommy slid his hands down Snake's chest, pressing against his lover's back, and then turned Snake so that he could begin washing his private, intimate parts.

Snake swallowed hard. If his back being washed felt good, then this felt just as good, if not better. He was supposed to practice, though... keeping himself under control so no one would find out. Only rouse if Tommy gave permission. "A... am I allowed, master?" His voice was rough with the effort of keeping an erection from occurring.

"Not yet," Tommy murmured. "Only when I give permission. And you don't have it yet." He continued to wash Snake, taking his time about it.

Snake closed his eyes and breathed slowly, trying to think about anything other than Tommy's hands moving on him. He didn't have permission... it wasn't easy, though. His member twitched, as it wanted to respond, but Snake somehow willed the blood away from that area and remained limp in his Master's hand.  Mostly limp. He was just hard enough Tommy could tell he was fighting arousal.

"Good," Tommy murmured. "You're being so very good." He finished washing the intimate areas and then stood. Moving round to Snake's back, he wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and then pressed his lips against Snake's neck in a hard, almost biting kiss.

Snake whined low in his throat at the stinging kiss, his head falling forward to open his neck to Tommy. Warmth pooled in his belly at the words of praise.

Tommy gripped Snake's waist tighter, more firmly. He let his nails scratch lightly over Snake's skin, moving over his chest. "Mine." The word was uttered in a low, hoarse voice, intense with emotion and a need to possess.

"Yours..." Snake whispered back, in a shaky voice. He was fighting himself to not harden. The rest of him was so aroused, he was honestly shocked that he hadn't disobeyed. "Please, Master? T... take me?" He couldn't help but beg. If he couldn't let himself be aroused to climax... the next best thing would be to have his master climax in him. Maybe better.

Tommy grazed Snake's neck with his teeth, biting hard enough to leave behind a mark. Then, he freed one hand from his lover and reached for the wash. Coating his member with it, he pushed inside Snake, still holding on firmly, with near bruising force.

Snake groaned as he was stretched open, speared on his Master's shaft. It stung a little, but was exactly what he wanted and needed; being completely filled with his Master, so that his own sense of self was completely overtaken by the older man. "...So good... thank you... thank you..." His whispers were almost like a prayer.

Gripping Snake's hips tighter, Tommy thrust deeper and harder inside his lover. He bit Snake's neck again, leaving another mark behind, and continued to do the same to Snake's shoulders.

Snake quivered and moaned more loudly at the domineering, possessive actions. He was barely holding on... and then Tommy hit that spot. Hot, liquid electricity shot through his veins and Snake had to sob out, "Wait!" He quickly explained, with ragged, almost choking breaths, "...I ca.. can't be good when... when you touch me there... when you pound that spot... I can't be good for you." He sounded ashamed of the fact.

Tommy kissed the side of Snake's neck, tightening his grip on his lover. "Let go," he directed. "You don't have to hold on any longer. You've been so very good for me."

Snake's head swam with how fast his member hardened once he stopped trying to prevent it. Only mere seconds after he hardened, he was releasing hard. His member hadn't even been touched and he was releasing just from his Master pounding into him. He slumped weakly against the shower wall, only remaining upright because of Tommy's tight grip and the fact his Master was still fucking him hard.

Tommy's own member was hardening inside Snake, but it was a slower process. His fingers gripped Snake's waist tighter, more firmly. Once more, he bit Snake's shoulder; harder this time, even if he did draw short of drawing blood.

Snake whimpered softly, his body shifting toward Tommy, offering everything. He felt owned. He felt floaty... out of control.

Tommy moved his hands towards Snake's nipples, pinching and twisting each one. He continued to bite and leave marks over Snake's skin.

The sharp sting kept Snake focused on Tommy. He didn't drop completely. He was hanging on the edge of dropping, though, Tommy's relentless thrusting into his now lax body making him more and more sensitive. "Feel so good, Master..." he moaned softly.

It took a while, but Tommy's member finally hardened enough to bring his own release. His fingers tightened on Snake's nipples as his own orgasm rippled through him. He didn't loosen his hold even through his orgasm, holding both him and his lover up.

When it was over. Snake quivered in Tommy's grip, feeling his master's release slowly dribble out of him. His nipples hurt and would most likely be bruised, but he didn't care. He welcomed Tommy's possession. He weakly leaned against the shower wall, whimpering.

Tommy heard the whimpering and his touch turned gentle, even if it was still possessive. Kissing the side of Snake's neck, more gently now, he murmured, "I'll treat those bruises." He carefully withdrew from his lover, still keeping his hands on Snake to offer support.

"Yessir..." Snake didn't argue. As much as he enjoyed his lover being rough and possessive, he would still need to function.

Carefully supporting Snake, Tommy dried them both off and then led his lover into the main room. He settled Snake on the bed and then picked up the first aid supplies. He sat on the bed with Snake and began to treat the bruises and bites.

"I wanted... you know... right?" Snake said, in a tired, almost woozy voice.

Kissing his cheek gently, Tommy murmured, "I wanted to do that to you as well. My instincts drive me to claim you, to possess you, to mark you. But I know that they hurt after the fact. If I cause you pain while claiming you, I want to soothe it as well."

Snake took a shivering breath and nodded, reaching out hesitantly and letting his hand run over Tommy's arm.

Tommy leaned automatically into the touch, looking into Snake's eyes. "You know you're welcome to touch me in return, right? I might be your master, might be the one in control, but I don't want you to hold back. Not when it's just us and we don't have to pretend."

Snake smiled at that, letting his hands explore Tommy's body a little more confident after being given permission. "I know I love you...." he whispered.

"And I love you." Tommy continued to treat the bruises and bites, but made sure that Snake could still touch and explore. "When you sleep, I will order what we need for when we have to part."

Snake frowned unhappily at the reminder they would part, holding a little more desperately to Tommy. "Okay, sir..." he whispered.

Tommy finished treating the marks he'd left and then wrapped his arms around Snake, kissing the side of his neck gently. "We still have some time," he murmured.

"It's going so quickly...” Snake snuggled with a sad smile.

Tommy settled onto the bed and drew Snake onto his lap, holding his lover close. "We'll see each other whenever it's possible to. Keep in contact when it's safe to do so. You will always be mine," he promised.

"That is the only thing that makes it bearable," Snake admitted.

"I love you." Tommy held Snake for a few more moments and then, gently moved his lover over his lap, adjusting the position enough so that Snake's body was well-supported by the bed.

Snake relaxed as Tommy positioned him. A spanking every morning and night had left his bottom very sensitive. He looked forward to Tommy's discipline, though. It helped him feel that he'd always belong.

Tommy made a few adjustments to his lover's position and then rested his hand on Snake's bottom, rubbing gently.

Snake shivered at the gentleness. In a way, he felt more owned and submissive when Tommy was being gentle.

Tommy placed his other hand on Snake's back and began to rub gently there, too. "I love you. And no matter what happens, that won't ever change. You won't ever stop belonging to me."

"We'll be okay. Somehow, it will work..." Snake tried to convince himself.

"It won't be forever," Tommy promised. "There'll be an end to it. And then we won't need to hide anymore." He gently squeezed low down on Snake's thighs, then began to gently smack his bottom, still rubbing his back.

"Won't have to pretend. Can be yours in public too..." Snake hissed as his bottom was smacked, immediately slumping to accept the discipline; it was no longer punishment.

Tommy gently smacked for a full circuit and then began to gently rub.

By the end of the first circuit, Snake was as sensitive on the outside as he was on the inside. Every atom in his body was focused completely on Tommy.

"You are mine." Tommy spoke in a low, intense voice. He rubbed a bit longer and then resumed gently smacking. His other hand rubbed, squeezed and caressed all over Snake's neck, shoulders and back.

"I'm yours..." Snake whispered. He'd reached the end of his ability to not react... wasn't even sure if he was supposed to continue not reacting... but if he wasn't, he was failing. He began to drop and drop fast.

"I've got you." Tommy's voice was a soft, encouraging murmur. "You can let go. I'm right here to catch you. React however you need to. I love you."

Being given permission removed the last bit of Snake's control. He fell, not aware of anything but his Master's voice and touch.

Tommy didn't move Snake. He left his lover in place across his lap, stroking and rubbing and squeezing. Talking softly to him, praising Snake for submitting and being so good for him.

Snake felt completely safe. It was easy to let go completely. His life was in Tommy's hands.

Tommy continued to speak softly and stroke his lover for a few moments before he changed his tone of voice, calling Snake back to him.

Snake was listening and as soon as Tommy's voice changed, he was responding. Soon, he was lying limp over the older man's lap, aware but very lethargic. He was trusting Tommy to protect him.

Tommy stroked Snake's hair and down his back. "I've got you," he murmured. "I think it's time for you to sleep. I'll be right here."

"Yessir..." Snake said quietly. He sounded drugged. Closing his eyes, it took little time at all to fall asleep over his lover's lap.

Tommy left his lover in place as he picked up his tablet and began to place orders for what they'd need when they had to part.


It was an effort of will that enabled Snake not to squirm when he was sat around the debriefing table, being introduced to all the other Joes. The last of his week with Tommy had continued as Tommy had promised and he was so sensitive, inside and out, that he knew he'd think of his master every movement he made... at least for a few days. He had to really focus on what was being said.

Once the introductions had been made, Scarlet cleared her throat. With an apologetic glance at Snake, she said, "I've learned that Cobra has a new recruit. I'm sorry, Snake, but it's Tommy. Your brother's joined them."

Snake swallowed and looked down, letting his unhappiness at being parted from Tommy and his worry for the older man show through as he said, in a low voice, "He isn't my brother. Not anymore." It wasn't a lie, so he didn't feel like he was betraying Tommy... and they had no idea Tommy was more than a brother, so he wasn't disobeying either.

Scarlet's expression was sympathetic, even though she nodded, believing she understood what Snake meant. "He already threatened your life once. He's likely to target you again."

Akiko was quiet, but her eyes were focused on Snake. She'd spotted the tattoo on the back of his neck...knew it was the sword that Tommy had given him. She didn't make any comments, though. Not yet.

Snake nodded at Scarlet. "I know. I betrayed him. Changing my mind...  Changing sides... doesn't alter that fact. If he did go after me...if he did hurt me...I couldn't blame him."

Scarlet frowned, a slightly worried expression creeping over her face, but after glancing around at the other Joes, all she said was, "There's nothing else we know at the moment. They don't have the jewel. That doesn't mean they won't try to retrieve it again."

"There are guards standing by it at all times now." Akiko spoke up. "No one will get past them."

"Tommy is the only one able to access it that isn't already there, guarding the jewel. You don't believe he'd go after it? He only used it the first time to save his family..." Snake tried to sound normal. Like the answer didn't directly affect him, or that he cared too much.

"Cobra is still going to want the jewel," Scarlet said. "And if Tommy thinks that's where you'll be, he might target it just because of you."

"If I stay away from there?" Snake asked quietly.

Scarlet shrugged and looked between Snake and Akiko. "I wouldn't have said he'd join Cobra at all, so it's difficult to predict what he might do. But if he's more likely to come after you directly...."

"Then I avoid going anywhere near the jewel," Snake said definitively.

Scarlet nodded and handed him a phone. "This is untraceable. If we learn anything else when you're not here, I'll call you on that."

Snake took the phone. "So... I should just stay far away from the jewel and hide? Or play bait as needed?"

Scarlet glanced around at the other Joes, who were talking and arranging things for their next mission, then looked towards Snake. "Are you prepared to fight him if it comes down to it? If not, then keeping out of the way is the best option. If you are, then you can do whatever is needed. Including playing bait."

"I won't actively look for a fight. But if I'm given no choice, I will fight..." Snake said quietly. Tommy had ordered him to do as much, after all.

"Then I'll let you know when there's a sighting of Cobra and we need to target them," Scarlet said.

Snake nodded briskly. "Is there anything else? I need to find my quarters still. If I am avoiding going near the jewel, I will need to look for a home elsewhere, but until I find one...."

"We have access to safe houses and hotels," Scarlet said. "I'll send you a list, if you'd like to check them out."

"That'd be helpful. Thank you," Snake smiled briefly. "If I may be excused, then?"

Scarlet nodded. "I'll let you know when we have a sighting."

Snake nodded back. "Thank you. I will be in my quarters if you need me. Once I find them, that is." He gave a self-deprecating grin and left the meeting room.

Akiko quickly followed Snake from the room, out into the corridor. Once they were alone, she said, "You're lying again."

"I don't know what you mean..." Snake said, giving her a confused look. None of what he had said was a lie, even if it wasn't the full truth.

"That tattoo on the back of your neck," she said. "It's the sword Tommy gave you. I recognize the artist's style."

"The sword was important to me for several reasons. Having it tattooed on my neck as a reminder of all those reasons does not make me a liar..." Snake still sounded confused. He ignored her comment of recognizing artistic style. That would open up a line of conversation that would make him have to lie.

"And you would allow just anyone at your back, to tattoo there?" Akiko took a step closer to him. "I know Tommy's handiwork."

"You heard him. He said he would kill me when he next saw me. Even if I don't believe he would go that far, do you believe I would let him at my back like that?" Snake asked in disbelief.

"You said you were going to find him and bring him home," Akiko said. "You found him, didn't you?"

"I didn't bring him home, did I?" Snake said, with a strange tone. It could have been sadness. It could have been irritation. It could have been nervousness.

"But you found him." It wasn't a question. "What happened?"

"I didn't say that!" Snake protested. "Isn't it obvious what happened? I didn't bring him home!" This time, he sounded defensive.

"And you're not dead." Akiko looked him over. "You seem to be in some discomfort, but aren't seriously injured. So, you found Tommy, but he didn't attack you?"

"What?" Snake gave Akiko a flabbergasted look. How was she coming to all the right conclusions? "I never said I found him... why would you think I had?"

Akiko gave him a fairly unamused look. "You are acting the same as when you were deceiving us before. I didn't trust you then, but Tommy did. He put all of his faith in you. I don't believe those feelings have changed, even if he was angry to start with."

Snake swallowed hard. She was too perceptive by far and he wasn't sure what to say that would have her believe any differently than what she now believed. Then he realized he'd waited too long to respond. She'd not believe him at all now. "I...."

"You did see him, didn't you?" she asked directly. "You found him. He put the tattoo on you."

"You won't believe me if I say no, so why bother asking?" He tried to deflect one last time.

"I'll believe you if you tell me the truth," she replied.

"You'll only believe me if I say you are right," he accused. "That's not the same thing."

"I know you're lying to me," she said. "The only time you were honest was when you came back to fight with us against Tommy's uncle. Up until then, all you did was lie. And I knew it then, just like I know it now. I know Tommy put that tattoo on you."

Groaning in frustration, Snake glanced around to see that they were alone. No chance of anyone overhearing. "Fine. You're right. He put the tattoo on me. But you can't tell another living soul. As far as everyone else is concerned, he hates me and wants to see me suffer," Snake hissed, wanting her to stop prying before someone else overheard and began to question as well.

"He's working against Cobra?" Akiko lowered her own voice, despite the fact that they were both alone. A look of relief came over her face as she murmured, "I'm glad he has been able to forgive you."

Snake gave a quick nod. "Yes. But no one can know."

Akiko nodded quickly. "Are you in a relationship, then?"

Snake suddenly realized he was giving away information he'd been told not to share without his master's permission. "I can't tell you anything else without talking with Tommy first. We'd agreed that no one else would be told and I've already broken that agreement by answering your questions. I won't break my agreement further." He clammed up and refused to say more.

"All right." Akiko could tell that she wasn't going to get anything else out of Snake. "I think I know where our rooms are."

"I hope so. I was completely lost three turns ago..." Snake muttered. He was already trying to figure out how to broach his disobedience with Tommy.

Akiko began to lead the way towards their rooms. They weren't in the same room, but were close enough that they could easily meet up.

"Thank you," Snake said, standing at his door. "I will see you in the morning for breakfast?"

"I will see you then," Akiko agreed, before retiring to her own room.

Snake waited until he was certain she was in her room before entering his own room. He quickly searched for hidden cameras and microphones before pulling out his burner and calling Tommy to report that he had safely arrived and that... he'd already disobeyed. He felt like a failure, even if Akiko had been overly observant and not willing to accept anything that went against her observations. In hindsight, he should have just got offended, told her to mind her own fucking business, and stalked off. That he hadn't only showed how off-kilter he was without Tommy.

Tommy answered the phone immediately with, "Are you safe?" For him, too, it was difficult to be parted from Snake; it was clear in his voice, as well as the fact he answered straight away.

"I'm safe. They immediately took me in for a debriefing. I've just now finally got to my assigned quarters..." Snake said softly, immediately relaxing at hearing his lover's voice, even if he was anxious about confessing.

"Good." Tommy's voice was instantly relieved. "I love you."

"I love you too. So much..." Snake paused. "That's why it's hard to admit what I have to tell you. I know you'll be disappointed in me and I hate that...." Snake's voice fell to a small, contrite whisper.

"What happened?" Tommy prompted.

"Akiko happened..." Snake winced when his voice sounded whiny and almost petulant. He took a slow breath to continue, in a more mature tone, "She saw the tattoo on my neck. Somehow, seeing just that, she put two and two together and not only figured out I had seen you, but that you didn't hate me and weren't an enemy. I tried to divert her focus... to not give anything away... but somehow... she says I was acting like I acted when I was lying before. But I didn't lie at all! I... I didn't know how to distract her or convince her she was wrong and I was afraid she'd keep pushing and draw someone else's attention. So, I admitted she was right and swore her to secrecy. I'm sorry. I know I wasn't supposed to tell anyone." Snake's voice was very soft, small and contrite again.

Tommy was silent for a few moments before he said, "Akiko was never willing to trust you before. But she's one who knows me perhaps better than anyone. While I understand why you told her and that you did so under duress, you should have withdrawn from the conversation and called me, like you're doing now, so I could tell you what to do."

Snake swallowed hard. When he finally answered, it was clear he felt foolish... stupid... for not having thought to do that. "Of course, master. That is the very first thing I should do when faced with a situation that might force me to disobey." He blinked back sudden tears, grateful Tommy couldn't see, although he wasn't sure his voice didn't betray him.

Gentling his tone, Tommy said, "If you had reached out to me, I would have given you permission to tell Akiko. While secrecy is important, I trust her as much as I trust you. You aren't in trouble for telling her. But you are in trouble for not checking in with me first."

"Yes, sir..." Snake swallowed again, before continuing and admitting, in a contrite voice, "I deserve to be...."

"When we see each other again, I'm going to strip you naked," Tommy said. "So, there will be no barriers. So, you'll be completely vulnerable to me. And then you will be over my knee for a spanking."

Snake shivered. "Yes, master..." he whispered, his voice catching.

"And afterwards, I will make sure you remember who you belong to," Tommy added. "I will make sure you are marked all over by me."

Snake let out a tiny whimper at the words, not sure he was supposed to get aroused at such a promise when it was meant to be punishment, but having a difficult time not being affected. "To punish me?" he asked, in a small, slightly strained voice. It was obvious what the problem was; his master knew him well by this point and would be able to tell he was fighting arousal.

"No." Tommy's voice was soft; sincere. "I won't mark you as punishment. The marking will be about reaffirming who you belong to. Who owns you, body and soul."

"You do... forever..." Snake whispered, his voice shaky.

"When we see each other again, I'll punish you for telling Akiko the truth without first checking with me," Tommy said. "But afterwards, it will be about reclaiming and reaffirming your place in my life. I love you. No matter what it looks like on the outside, that will never stop being true."

"I love you too. So much... I'm sorry I didn't ask. I should have..." Snake acknowledged.

"I'm glad you understand that you should have," Tommy said. "If there's a next time, I expect you to leave the situation and report to me instantly."

"Yessir. I will." Snake hoped there wasn't a next time. He was thinking maybe a vow of silence would be his best bet.

"Good." Tommy paused and then said, "If you want to share anything with Akiko, you have permission, provided there is no risk of you being overheard."

"Didn't wanna share this time. Just didn't know how to get out of the conversation without looking more suspicious." Snake winced, as he sounded like he was whining again. A pouty whiner.

"I know," Tommy replied. "But while I can't be with you, there's no reason for you to be alone. Akiko saved your life, despite her distrust of you. If you choose to open up to her, you don't have to ask for permission."

"Okay... thank you," Snake said, a little less pouty, as he realized Tommy was trying to help him. His master didn't want him without support while they were apart.

"You don't have to be alone even when we're apart," Tommy said gently.

"It's still new... realizing that. I was alone so long before," Snake admitted.

"Remember what I said," Tommy murmured. "If it's too hard, if it gets too much, either of us can put a stop to it."

"I know. It's important, though. What you're doing. I can be brave." Snake sighed.

"We'll see each other again soon," Tommy promised. "Until then, I expect you to stay as safe as you possibly can. Don't take any chances. I know you won't be able to avoid a fight, but you have a responsibility to keep yourself safe."

"I'll do my best, sir," Snake promised quietly. "Need to stay safe so you can hold me again..." he teased faintly.

"Exactly," Tommy said. "You belong to me. Anything that might take you away from me is not acceptable."

"I love you..." Snake whispered.

"I love you too. So very much so," Tommy said. "I'll make sure we see each other soon."

"Okay," Snake whispered. "Do... do they trust you? Are you in danger?"

"I'm not in danger," Tommy replied. "As far as Cobra knows, I'm entirely on their side. They believe I want revenge on you and will do anything to get it."

"I've convinced most of the Joes, except Akiko, that that is true. I convinced them that my staying away from the compound, as far from the jewel as possible, might convince you not to return there to retrieve it for Cobra. Assuming they do not pressure you to go after the jewel anyway..." Snake said quietly.

"Cobra still wants the jewel," Tommy said. "But I believe I can convince them to wait. I've told them that security will be increased after the first attempt was made."

"When they decide to force the issue... and I know they will... what should I do?" Snake asked softly. "Should we plan for that eventuality? Something that I can do that will give you an excuse to go after me instead of the jewel and leave them with no way to open the lock?"

"If you are there when the attempt is made, then I can come after you and claim that the desire for vengeance made me forget all else," Tommy answered. "There isn't much more you need to do other than be visible to me."

Snake nodded, even though Tommy wouldn't be able to see it. Licking his lips, he cleared his throat. "I will do that then. I will be very visible and draw your attention."

"And I will let you know when I can no longer stall them," Tommy said.

"Yessir. I will be ready for your instructions when they come..." Snake promised.

"I know you will be," Tommy said. "Just like I know you won't forget who you truly belong to."

"I will never forget," Snake agreed vehemently. "I love you."

"I love you. Nothing will ever change that. No matter what those outside of us need to believe," Tommy promised. "You will always be mine. My lover. My pet," he added.

Snake blushed, a warm happy feeling seeping through him at the words. "That makes me happy... my keeper... my charmer... my mate..." he whispered.

"Make sure you get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy amount tomorrow," Tommy directed. "I want to be sure you're taking care of yourself."

"I will. I plan to take a shower and go to bed after we finish talking...." Snake hesitated, before suggesting shyly, "I could keep you on speakerphone and keep talking with you while I shower. Keep the phone next to me while I fall asleep...." He couldn't keep the uncertain hope out of his voice. Should he have asked for that?

"Yes," Tommy replied. "At the moment, I'm safe to continue talking to you until you fall asleep. Cobra might not trust me fully, but I've made sure there's no way for them to hear anything."

"Okay..." Snake's smile carried in his voice. He walked into the bathroom and placed the phone on a shelf close to the shower, turning on the speaker. "I've got you on speaker now and am in the bathroom. Should... should I undress and shower now?" he asked hesitantly. When they were together, there was no question that Snake wouldn't do anything until Tommy ordered. Apart as they were, he wasn't certain if he needed to await orders, ask permission, or just do what he needed to do, but let Tommy know what he was doing.

"Yes," Tommy replied. "I want you to tell me what you are doing as you're doing it. What item of clothing you're removing. What part of your body you're washing."

Snake flushed so hard he wouldn't have been surprised if Tommy could feel the heat through the phone. Clearing his throat, he swallowed. "Yessir. I'm taking off my shoes first..." he began, his voice already taking on the tone he almost always had when it was just him and Tommy and he was falling into his submission.

"Good," Tommy murmured. "Do you have your pack with you? I put something in there I want you to use."

"It's on my bed. Hold on a second... I'll go back in there..." Snake grabbed the phone and his shoes, then went back into the bed area. Dropping his shoes by the chair and table, he went over and pulled his pack to him. "Which pocket, sir?"

"The left side pocket," Tommy answered.

Snake quickly opened the pocket, pulling out Tommy's body wash. "I'll smell like you..." he said, in a pleased tone. "Should I continue undressing?"

"Yes," Tommy said. "I want you to take off your socks now. Then your pants."

"Yessir," Snake whispered, taking off each item as instructed, in exactly that order. "They're off now. Just wearing my shirt and underwear...."

"Now your shirt," Tommy directed. "After that, your underwear."

Once again, Snake obeyed, following Tommy's directions exactly. "I'm naked, Master..." he said, slightly shaky; already affected by Tommy taking control.

"Now, step under the shower," Tommy directed. "Turn on the spray. Start washing your hair."

Snake obeyed, making sure Tommy knew each step of the way what he was doing. Once the water was pouring over him, he gave up talking. But he still listened closely for Tommy's orders.

As he had before, Tommy told Snake which part of his body to wash. It didn't bother him that Snake wasn't giving verbal responses. He knew that his lover was obeying.

Snake carefully washed what he was told, and only what he was told, thoroughly. He couldn't help imagining... wishing... it was his Master bathing him.

"The next time we see each other, after your spanking for not asking me what to do, I will bathe you," Tommy promised, before continuing to instruct Snake on where to wash.

The tiny, whimpering moan Snake expelled let Tommy know he'd been heard. Snake continued to wash where Tommy directed. Soon, his private areas were the only spots left. He felt a slight nervousness, wondering if he would be required to fight arousal or not.

Tommy didn't hesitate. He began directing Snake; not only to wash his private areas, but also to touch himself. Tommy couldn't bring his lover to release with his own touch, but hearing Snake would be enough.

Snake cleaned himself thoroughly, exactly like Tommy ordered. By the time he finished he was fully aroused. He turned the water down slightly so Tommy could hear him over the water, his moans needy. "...Wish... wish it was your hand gripping me... your fingers inside of me..." He whimpered.

"It will be," Tommy promised. "When we're together again. I'll touch you. Caress you. Mark you, both inside and out."

"J... just thinking about it and I... " Snake gulped. He was very close to release.

"Let go," Tommy ordered. "I might not be able to see it, but I want to hear it."

Snake shifted the phone so Tommy could hear him stroking himself, only barely keeping the phone out of the spray of water. His moans and groans grew progressively louder and more strained until, with a long drawn out, sobbing whine, he released into the shower.

Tommy was listening intently, only speaking in a low, satisfied tone when he heard Snake release. "You did good, pet. You were very good for me."

Warmth speared through Snake at the praise and at the name. "I'm your pet? I was good for you?" he whispered, suddenly overwhelmed by emotions that he might have thought of as weak or sappy, before he became Tommy's. Sniffling, he spoke in a shaky but husky voice; not trying to hide the sudden tears that he couldn't explain, or his attraction and need for his master that never fully went away. "It's better when it's you touching...."

"I know." Tommy's voice was very gentle. "But when it's not possible to, like now, we'll do this again. I'll direct you on what to do. So, you can still hear my voice. You were very good for me, my pet."

"I'm rinsing off now, master and will dry myself. Is that okay?" Snake asked. He sounded more settled than he had; Tommy taking charge, even over the phone, helped his anxiety at being apart.

"Yes," Tommy answered. "After you dry yourself, I did pack one of my own nightshirts into your bag so that you could wear it when you're on your own."

Snake quickly dried himself before going back into the bedroom and searching through the pack. "I found it..." he said, in a pleased tone, before holding it up and smelling it, breathing in deeply. "It smells of you, Master..." he said softly, before slipping it over his head. "Do I just wear the shirt, or should I put on pants as well?"

"Just the shirt," Tommy directed. "Unless you're cold."

"There's a quilt on the bed..." Snake said, a fond tone in his voice. "Should I get into bed now?" he asked softly.

"Yes," Tommy replied. "You can set the phone next to you. I'll talk to you until you fall asleep."

Snake quickly plugged his phone in to charge, leaving it on the bedside table with it still on speaker, and then crawled into bed. "I'm in bed now, Master..." he said quietly.

"I love you," Tommy said softly. "My pet. You've been good for me today. Only a little bit naughty and I'll deal with that."

"I love you too... I'm sorry I was naughty. I'll try really hard not to be naughty again..." Snake whispered.

"I know," Tommy replied. "We'll deal with it. You'll be forgiven. And I'm sure you'll remember for next time."

"I hope so..." Snake said softly, then yawned.

"Sleep, my pet," Tommy murmured. "I know I can't hold you in my arms right now, but I will when we're together again."

"Look forward to that..." Snake's voice trailed off as he fell into a much more peaceful sleep than he'd been expecting.


It was nearly a week later and Scarlet had sent a message to Snake, letting him know that they were targeting a group from Cobra. She asked him to meet her and the other Joes outside the base they were going to hit.

Snake had, of course, warned Tommy what was going on. If his master was at that base, it would better prepare them to put on their act if he wasn't caught by surprise. He then went to meet Scarlet and the other Joes. He was hoping Tommy wasn't there, to be honest. As much as he wanted to see his lover, he didn't want to have to fight him.

As soon as Snake joined them, Scarlet explained their plan quickly. "They have some people hostage. We need to get them out first and then plant explosives."

"Who is doing which part? Do you want me to handle the explosives while you get the hostages to safety?" Snake asked.

Scarlet nodded. "If you run into any trouble, if you run into Storm Shadow, you can call for backup."

Snake nodded briskly. "Good luck!" he said, before gathering what he would need to set off the explosives. He then watched and waited.

It wasn't long before the rest of the Joes could be seen leaving the base, bringing the freed hostages with them.

As soon as he saw the last Joe leave, Snake was making his way in, quickly setting charges. Once the last charge was set, he quickly made his way to his exit point and set them off. Explosions were going off behind him as he ran out in the opposite direction of the other Joes, wanting to make sure he gave them extra time to get the hostages away. The plan was to meet up with them in several hours, once he was sure everything was clear.

As soon as Snake exited the other side of the building, Cobra agents converged on him. While Tommy wasn't included in the number, the Baroness was there, directing the Cobra members to attack Snake, coming at him from all sides.

Snake fought hard. As much as he wanted to see Tommy again, he'd rather it be in secret where they didn't have to pretend. He certainly didn't want to do so as Cobra's prisoner.

Capturing Snake was clearly part of Cobra's goal, but they had no issue in hurting Snake, overwhelming him with numbers even though the Baroness didn't get directly involved.

Snake wasn't pretending to fight; Tommy wasn't part of this, so he didn't hold back. Still, even though he hurt a lot of Cobra's minions, their sheer numbers overwhelmed him. Eventually, he was knocked unconscious.


Tommy was more than a little suspicious when the Baroness asked him to come and meet her, claiming that she 'had a surprise' for him. Luckily, he was able to keep his expression entirely neutral as he was led into the tiny cell...and saw who was chained there. "You captured Snake," he said slowly.

"Yes." The Baroness shrugged. "You've made no secret that you want vengeance on Snake Eyes. I give you what you want. Then you give me what I want."

Tommy didn't immediately respond, eyes moving over the unconscious form of his lover...of his sub. This situation was going to take some navigating.

When Snake started to come to, first he realized he was shackled. Then he recognized Baroness' voice. Then he realized Tommy was there. This wasn't good. He had to watch and listen closely. He needed to take Tommy's clues and follow his lead.

"I know what you want." Tommy spoke to the Baroness, his voice sounding cool and calm. "But I want to enjoy my...gift...of this traitor first." He walked towards Snake's shackled body, reaching out and taking a firm grip on his lover's shirt. He yanked on the material, tearing it fully in half.

Snake managed not to make a distressed sound- the shirt yanking pulled on untreated wounds from the beating he'd taken- but he couldn't stop a small grunt from escaping. He forced his eyes open and forced a glare onto his face as he first looked at Tommy and then directed his full fury on Baroness. "You may have caught me, but your plan to hurt innocent hostages failed and your base was destroyed. You still lost."

Tommy saw the wounds and his mouth tightened. He was facing Snake, so there was no chance of the Baroness seeing how he responded to the injuries marring his lover's form. He spoke without taking his eyes off Snake. "I don't want him to bleed out before I've carried out my full vengeance. Get someone to bring me first aid supplies."

"I wouldn't have thought you'd mind," the Baroness said. "Bringing him to you wouldn't have been possible without causing some injuries."

"The only injuries I want to see on him are the ones I put there." Tommy turned to the Baroness, his face now appearing calm and at ease, not showing even a hint of the worry and turmoil that was inside him. "All of these? Well, they're not personal enough."

Snake didn't want to look weak. He also didn't want it to seem like he wasn't at least worried about being in Tommy's hands. Because of this, he allowed a hint of nervousness to show in his eyes.

The Baroness moved to the door and spoke to one of the other Cobra agents, telling them to bring first aid supplies.

Tommy began to remove Snake's clothing. He wasn't rough about doing so, but he couldn't be gentle and reassuring like he would have been before.

Snake swallowed hard and forced himself to look over Tommy's shoulder and not react as he was stripped. It was difficult. He trusted Tommy and knew he'd help him as much as possible. But Baroness was watching, and he couldn't let her see that trust.

Tommy finished stripping Snake naked and then walked over to retrieve the first aid items from the Cobra agent. Taking them, he looked at the Baroness. "You don't need to be here for this."

She smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile, and looked over at Snake before focusing on Tommy once more. "I'm curious to see how you intend to punish him."

Tommy didn't make any verbal response to that and instead moved over to Snake. He began to treat his lover's injuries, also surreptitiously checking the shackles to make sure they weren't cutting into Snake's skin.

Snake continued to glare at Baroness, looking over Tommy's shoulder. "You think this will make you even less pathetic than you already are?" He sneered at her.

"I think that Storm Shadow has been wanting to get his hands on you since you betrayed him." The Baroness shrugged. "I'm interested to see what he does with you."

Tommy was silent as he first cleaned and then began to treat the wounds from the beating. The marks he himself had left on Snake were gone; faded now. He wanted to put them back...wanted to mark his lover...but if he was going to do that, he was going to have to do so carefully. Hope that Snake would play along and not break either of their covers, unless he'd decided it was too much. And if that was the case, Tommy would fight to get them both out. No matter what it took.

"He has reason to hate me. You're just a pervert who is hoping to get some vicariously." Snake snorted and turned his face away from Baroness, letting his gaze fall onto Tommy. "Do your worst, Tommy-san. You won't break me."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Tommy murmured, as if he was talking just to Snake...but pitched his voice so that the Baroness would be able to hear as well. He cleaned and bandaged the wounds and then reached to undo the shackles.

The Baroness stepped forward, as if to intervene.

"He's not going to get out through that door," Tommy said. "Not with the guards there." He undid the shackles and then moved, sitting down on the floor of the cell and pulling Snake across his lap.

"What are you doing?" Snake yelped, even though he knew. He began to struggle to get loose, putting on a show for the Baroness.

Tommy got a tighter grip around Snake's waist, raising his hand and bringing it down firmly at the crest of his right buttock, before delivering a matching blow to the left. "I'm not interested in punching or kicking you. I'm going to spank you. Hard." He settled quickly into a pattern of swats, going right down to Snake's thighs.

Snake didn't try and stop the yelp that escaped. He wanted it to seem harder than it was, although it was hard. It had to be to leave the appropriate redness and make a loud sound.

Tommy didn't scold while he spanked, not wanting to lie about what he was spanking Snake for...and he knew his lover would know. His other hand rested on Snake's lower back, as if by accident, as he completed a second circuit of smacks and then began a third, going a fraction harder and faster.

Snake knew the spanking was for telling Akiko without permission, even if they were pretending it was for something else. He continued to squirm to get away, letting out tiny yelps to show it was hard. He'd have given in normally, but with Baroness watching, he couldn't give in. He hoped Tommy realized he wanted to, though; that he was sorry he'd disobeyed, even if he couldn't say.

Tommy landed a final flurry of swats to Snake's thighs and then paused, his hand resting on Snake's bottom, feeling the heated flesh.

"That seems a very mild punishment, considering how he betrayed you." The Baroness sounded almost disappointed.

"This isn't the end of it," Tommy stated. With one hand resting on Snake's bottom, his other moved to his lover's neck and gripped, scruffing him.

Snake had stiffened as Tommy's hand rested on his bottom, only remembering to struggle anew as the older man's hand scruffed him. It wasn't easy. Being scruffed by Tommy while the other man touched his bottom was one of his favorite things and he had to fight his natural inclination to submit. He also had to fight his tendency to be aroused; Tommy hadn't used either of his 'training' words, so Snake wasn't sure if he should fight it or not, but as Baroness kept using the word that meant he shouldn't be aroused, and Tommy didn't argue against it he would assume he should not be aroused.

Tommy gripped Snake's neck harder, his other hand squeezing his lover's bottom. "You told me I could take your life. Why should I not take you up on your offer?" he asked. "After all, you are now mine."

Snake whimpered at the words, flushing. Tommy had called him his. Had used the word 'mine'. That was as clear an instruction to let himself react naturally as it was possible to be. He was to let himself be aroused if it happened. He would need to act ashamed or humiliated by it, but Tommy would know the truth, so that act wouldn't matter. It was only a matter of seconds before Snake's position, and Tommy's grip and possessive touch, had Snake completely hard. He squirmed helplessly.

Tommy couldn't help the smile that crossed his face, but he knew it would look like satisfaction at the control he had over Snake. He gripped Snake's neck a bit harder, letting his nails dig into the other man's skin. His other hand slipped under Snake's body, fingers gliding over his lover's erection before abruptly gripping, almost to the point that it would hurt.

Snake let out a tiny sob. To Baroness, it would sound pained. Tommy would hear the need in it... would know that the harsher treatment felt good. Tears formed in his eyes and he closed his eyes tightly, hidden away from Baroness, afraid she'd see that he wanted what was happening in them... instead of not wanting it.

His body was bright red from arousal, but hopefully, she'd think it was shame at his body reacting to Tommy. To help her draw that conclusion, he added tiny thrusts into Tommy's grip along with his squirming and let his moans of need escape along with soft broken sobs of, "No... no..  no...."  It wasn't his safe word; Tommy would know it was okay to continue. Baroness would think he was horrified, ashamed, scared at the fact he couldn’t stop reacting to his body’s arousal by his 'enemy'.

Tommy didn't look at the Baroness, though he could feel her eyes on him and Snake; knew that she was watching them closely. But he was also listening intently to Snake, making sure he would be able to hear if the other man did use his word.

Snake hadn't yet, so Tommy knew it was safe to continue. He replaced his hand at Snake's neck with his mouth, pressing a firm, hard kiss to the soft skin and then biting hard.

Snake yelled at the bite, sobbing and squirming harder. He was glad that they hadn't removed the restraints. It made it more believable that he couldn't break free from Tommy's grasp. Made it more believable that he had to take what Tommy was doing because he had no choice (even though Tommy and he both knew he wanted what Tommy did to him). His movements caused his fully engorged member to thrust harder into Tommy's fist and his neck to press into his Master's mouth. He couldn't help wondering how far Tommy would take this 'humiliation'. Would he put fingers or something else in him? Force him to come on his command? If he took that amount of control over him in front of Baroness, Snake would have to figure out if he was to act broken, or if he was to act defiant.

Tommy pulled the supplies over to him and used the hand that wasn't squeezing Snake's member to coat his finger in the ointment really used for muscle rub. As he pushed his finger inside Snake's entrance, he knew that it would heat his lover up inside. It might not be exactly painful, but he knew it would make Snake very sensitive inside. At the same time, he began to bite a different part of Snake's neck.

Snake's gasp sounded pained, though it wasn't painful in a way that would cause him to use his word. The cream made his entrance feel as if he was heating up to burning. His thrusts became more frantic, his sobs louder, his member leaking a steady stream of precum that was wetting Tommy's thigh.

Tommy continued to probe inside of Snake, biting and sucking hard on the skin, giving an obviously satisfied grunt at feeling Snake's reactions. "Let go." The order was a low growl against Snake's skin, and he bit harder.

Yelling out in apparent pain and arousal, Snake obeyed the order. He knew Baroness wouldn't have heard the order. He knew that his climax would have appeared to have been dragged out of him against his will. He let go, sobbing long and hard as his body shuddered and spasmed for Tommy, climaxing long and hard for his master, his release soaking Tommy's pants and pooling on the floor under them. There was no way Baroness could miss it.

Tommy moved his hand away from Snake's member and allowed his nails to scratch down his lover's back, over his bottom.

The Baroness took a step forward, watching the scene coolly. "Given the amount of control you've just exerted over him, I am surprised he was able to betray you so easily."

Snake sobbed softly as Tommy scratched over his bottom. The muscle cream was still heating him inside and despite the long, hard release, his member was twitching and half hard again. He glared at Baroness, heedless of the tears streaming from his eyes, and shook his shackled wrists, as if to show why he wasn't free and mopping the floor with them. "Fuck you, bitch!" he growled defiantly.

Tommy reached with one hand and grasped Snake's shackled hands with his own, gripping them as if to show that, despite the fact that the other man was bound, Tommy was still the one in control. "Do you intend to lift a hand against me again right now?" He coated a second finger in the muscle cream and pushed that inside Snake, exploring inside with both.

Snake arched his back with a sob, unable to keep from pushing back against the digits inside of him, pushing them and the cream deeper inside to heat his most sensitive areas. "T... take them off and see if I let you put more fingers in me!" he gasped, with a hint of bravado.

He knew if Tommy wanted to put a third or fourth finger in, he wouldn't actually fight. He'd likely take Tommy's hand, if his Master decided it needed to be in him. But if he accepted that with the shackles off? Baroness would think him broken... not that he wanted to give all of himself to Tommy in that way. He squirmed and writhed over Tommy's lap as the cream continued to get hotter and hotter inside of him, loosening his muscles and making it easier for Tommy to move his fingers and explore.

"Maybe I will. When I know you'll be good and won't fight me." Tommy explored inside Snake, taking his time about it, knowing that the cream was heating Snake up inside. Eventually, he coated a third finger in the muscle cream and pushed that one inside too, moving it around to ensure every sensitive spot inside Snake was thoroughly coated and heating up.

"Nooo!" Snake sobbed, writhing on Tommy's lap as the cream loosened him and let Tommy push as deep as he wanted and rub inside easily. His member was hard again and leaking. He fought to not climax again... if he was going to break, it needed to be believable. "I'll never be good for you!" he spat.

Tommy didn't respond with words. He was still paying close attention to Snake, even if he was acting like he was ignoring the protests. He continued to push and twist his fingers inside Snake, only withdrawing long enough to add more cream to the digits.

Snake was sobbing non-stop by this point, his body flushed with need. The cream was an unending fire inside of him that caused any discomfort to be negligible... Tommy was stretching him easily and despite his verbal protests, his body was actively seeking his Master's touch and claim. When Tommy withdrew his fingers to add more cream, Snake's sobs took on a needy whine and he pushed his bottom toward Tommy's hand, as if seeking. His entrance was a vivid red, oozing the cream out, the hole visibly quivering. "You... you've got to let me go!" Snake's order was far from commanding.

"You are in no position to make those kinds of demands," Tommy stated. He pushed the three fingers back inside Snake, seeking out and finding that one particular spot inside. Then, he began to push against it mercilessly.

Snake's eyes widened and he began to babble, his sobs turning frantic and his body moving out of his control. His member was fully hard again and he began thrusting spasmodically against Tommy's thigh. He felt on fire inside and the punishing pressure against his prostate took away his last bit of control. A high, keening wail escaped and then he was begging. "Please... please, it aches, please stop!"

Tommy paused, hesitating very briefly, in case Snake needed to use the word. It was only just enough to avoid being noticed by the Baroness before he was pressing once more against Snake's prostate. His other hand moved to Snake's backside, beginning to swat firmly, warming his bottom on the outside while he used the cream to heat Snake up on the inside.

Snake stopped begging Tommy to stop, instead grunting and groaning between sobs, still pushing his bottom toward Tommy's hand so his master could rub deep and hard. The spanking only increased his fevered movements. He wasn't trying to get away from the smacks. He was arching his back so his bottom was more easily targeted. He looked toward Baroness to see her reaction, to see how he should continue. His eyes were glazed and needy.

"You're breaking him down," the Baroness said, her tone almost curious. "Do you intend to break him and then abandon him?"

"No." Tommy continued to smack; continued to probe deep inside Snake's body. "I'd rather keep him. As a pet. As my pet." He moved his hand a bit lower, beginning to swat Snake's sit spots and thighs, heating them up.

Snake's sobs were more like panting by this point. He was burning up inside. His prostate ached for more. His shaft was hard, aching, leaking for his master. His bottom was aching from the snacks. He needed more. When he heard Tommy call him his pet, he knew it was time to 'break'. "Please... please... I ache so bad..." he whispered. "Please make it stop aching..." he begged softly. "Please... only you can... can stop it... please... fuck me... please take me hard... fuck me till I can't move, and the ache stops... please!"

Tommy let out a grunt of satisfaction and moved Snake. He undid his own pants, pulling them and his underwear down. He coated his member in the muscle cream and grasped Snake's hips, pushing inside his lover. At the same time, he continued to smack, going somewhat harder and a bit faster now.

Snake sobbed, dazed eyes looking toward Baroness again, though he didn't truly care if she saw Tommy claiming him. Tommy decided who saw or knew and if he felt taking Snake in front of her would sell their roles, Snake wouldn't complain. Instead, he shifted enough that Tommy's thrusts would bottom out in him and the older man could continue spanking him while buried inside. He was still begging, though it was mostly unintelligible babbles by this point. Tommy was large and long and his thrusts pushed the cream deeper still, warming Snake in previously unreached spaces. His insides heated from the cream, but his belly was warm from desire and the feeling of being completely owned.

Tommy still thrust deep inside Snake, holding him tight and steady. He continued to smack, firm and hard, as he leaned in and continued to bite his lover's neck, hard. Hard enough to leave marks behind.

Snake felt the warmth in his belly coiling, tightening like a highly wound spring. He was so close. He was beyond begging, only able to accept what Tommy was doing to him... giving to him. He had to take it all, but he wanted so much more. By this point, it had to be clear to Baroness that Tommy owned him, even if she didn't fully understand the extent to which that was true. His member hung between his legs, neglected while Tommy focused on spanking him raw and marking him with bites. It didn't matter, though. Snake knew he would come just from having Tommy buried in him, stretching him and filling him full. He didn't need to have his member touched to come for his master.

Tommy thrust deep inside Snake, continuing to smack hard and firm. He continued to bite hard, marking Snake's skin, and began to scratch along his lover's back, once again leaving marks.

Snake's pants and groans of pained need carried clearly to Baroness. He was past the point of noticing her, though. Any shame or humiliation he might have shown at being so thoroughly owned in front of her was over-powered by his need to be taken apart by Tommy. His member still hung between his legs, jutting out an angry red color, dripping at the tip. He was obviously close to release.

Tommy's member grew and swelled inside Snake, making it clear his own release was coming close. He grazed his teeth along Snake's spine, leaving bites all over his lover's neck, shoulders and back.

Snake wasn't sure what set him off, if it was feeling Tommy biting down his spine while buried in him, if it was the continuing hammering against his prostate, or if it was feeling himself continue to stretch around his Master as Tommy grew in size, stuffing him. It didn't matter in the end, though. With a low wail, Snake came again, his release spraying the ground in streaming spurts, long and hard. By the time he finished and had collapsed weakly under Tommy, his bottom still raised so his Master could continue taking his pleasure from his submissive's body, there was a puddle of his release under him that he collapsed onto.

Tommy's own release came over him at the same time and he let go with a soft groan, fingers tightening on Snake's hips. He stayed inside Snake for a few moments and then began to slowly pull out. He cleaned himself up and then Snake, replacing his clothes and lifting Snake into his arms.

The Baroness moved to block his way. "Where are you going?"

"There's no reason for me to be uncomfortable." Tommy shrugged. "I'm going to continue playing with my pet." He carried Snake out of the cell, heading towards his own room.

Snake lay weakly in Tommy's arms. His eyes were dazed. It was clear he wouldn't be putting up any type of fight or even argument. Despite Tommy cleaning him, he was still slowly dripping a mixture of his Master's release and the cream that had been so thoroughly put in him, it would most likely be leaking from him for a few more hours until it was absorbed by his body or finished draining; it was visible on his thighs. His member lay limp against his belly, a sore looking red.

Tommy hadn't reclothed Snake. The sub could only assume it was to let Baroness see how 'wrecked' he was, to sell the idea he was broken now. He didn't try and hide or cover himself. If Tommy wanted him to do that, he would have at least grabbed Snake's clothing instead of leaving him naked.

Tommy moved very quickly, taking Snake to his room. He closed and locked the door and did a sweep of the rooms, to make sure there were no bugs or hidden cameras. He then settled Snake on the bed, so he could check the injuries more closely.

Snake gave Tommy a dopey grin. While having his lover claim him so completely in front of an enemy hadn't been something he wanted to do... he had to admit it had been pleasurable; and having a witness to his being owned made him feel satisfied in a way he hadn't expected. He felt incapable of doing anything but laying in bed while Tommy examined him. He couldn't even feel embarrassed that his Master was examining him intimately. It felt right and caused even more satisfaction. He was utterly owned.

Tommy carefully treated each of Snake's wounds with his own medical supplies, also using ointment to reduce swelling and soreness inside his lover. "Were you with the Joes when they captured you?" he asked.

Snake blinked and had to take a few seconds to think before he swallowed and answered. "Yes, master... they got the hostages out. I set the explosive charges and was meant to follow and rejoin them...."

"So, they know that you've been taken, which means they'll be arranging a rescue," Tommy said. "We'll have to get you to them without drawing the attention of the Baroness. Or blowing either of our covers. The good news is that she believes you're broken, that I've shamed and humiliated you." He hesitated. "With you here, she's going to push hard for us to go after the jewel. I can only hope that Akiko has arranged for it to be moved."

Snake gave another dopey grin, still off kilter from his master taking him so completely. "She can think that... only way I'd feel shame is if I didn't submit...." He blinked, trying to focus and respond to the rest, but it didn't seem as important as Tommy knowing he wasn't ashamed at being claimed in front of Baroness.

"It means I can take care of you fully. That I have an excuse to keep you here, with me." Tommy placed his hand against Snake's cheek and leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to his lover's lips.

Snake responded to the kiss, opening for his master, offering himself through the kiss.

Tommy slid his hand behind Snake's head, cupping it gently, as he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue inside his lover's mouth.

Snake let out a happy sigh, tangling his tongue with Tommy's, opening his mouth wider to fully accept his Master's claiming.

"I love you." Tommy whispered the words against Snake's lips. "And you are mine."

Snake leaned into Tommy, kissing him again chastely before breathing against his lips, "I am yours, forever... and I love you."

Gently stroking his fingers through Snake's hair, Tommy murmured, "Is there anything you need right now? Food or drink?"

"Probably both," Snake admitted sheepishly. "I feel weak from everything. The heat inside is finally wearing off... I'm a little sore, but there's no pain, so I think I'm okay...."

"If there is any pain, I want you to tell me straight away." Tommy moved over to one corner of his room, where he kept a small fridge with snacks and drinks. He brought both over to Snake, settling on the bed so he could feed his lover.

"Yes, sir." Snake settled where Tommy put him so that he could eat.

Tommy began feeding Snake, touching his lover every so often, gently stroking his cheek or neck every so often.

"Have I made things difficult for you?" Snake asked, once he'd eaten and drank enough to ease the shakiness.

"No," Tommy replied reassuringly. "I need to make sure I can get you out of here safely, though. You're mine and I don't care who knows it, but I don't want you in any danger from those here."

"Okay... I didn't deliberately get captured. I wouldn't deliberately do that to you..." Snake whispered.

"I know." Tommy wrapped his arms around Snake, drawing his lover in close and tight. "I saw how much you fought from the wounds on you." He frowned. "I should have realized there was a possibility you might be captured. I'll try to prepare for that possibility again."

"If I'm captured... do you think they'll insist on seeing you punish me? For escaping from you?" Snake had no doubt Tommy would find some way to enable his escape.

"More than likely," Tommy commented. "But if it happens again, I'll do everything within my power to keep you with me."

"If I'm with you, I'll be safe enough. Even if I end up walking funny." Snake grinned impishly.

"You do remember your safe-word?" Tommy looked into Snake's eyes, wanting to make sure that his lover knew how to put a stop to something if he truly needed to.

"I say wait..." Snake answered immediately. "I... are you upset at what we did? If it helps, it felt good to me.... I liked it. Part of me even liked that Baroness saw; or at least I didn't mind it 'cuz it meant she knows I belong to you and that gives me some protection from her letting anyone else get hold of me."

Tommy shook his head. "I'm not upset. I told you before. My instincts drive me to mark you and to possess you. If you don't say the word, then I will continue to follow my instincts." He let one finger stroke over one of the bite marks he'd left on Snake's neck. "I want you to carry the marks of my possession for as long as possible."

"Until I escape Cobra... you will be able to mark me and claim and control me as often as you want. When I escape... should I let the Joes see?" Snake asked.

"That's up to you," Tommy replied. "But as far as they know, all except Akiko, I'm still an enemy. Until we can show our relationship openly, it might be better to hide it from them."

"Right. I don't want them to hate you and if they think you forced me..." Snake sighed. "Baroness thinking that doesn't matter. I'd hate for Scarlet to think that of you."

"It might be that they'll think much worse of me before this is over and the truth can be revealed," Tommy said. "But this is a sacrifice I am willing to make. To stop Cobra. To bring justice for those who have been harmed, who have been killed, by them."

"I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though..." Snake pouted.

"I don't like it either." Tommy let his thumb stroke gently over Snake's lips. "I don't like having to hide what we are to each other. What you mean to me. That doesn't mean I won't do what's necessary. But it's as difficult for me as it is for you."

Snake kissed Tommy's fingers. "I know, sir. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a brat." He kissed Tommy's fingers again.

"You aren't being a brat." Tommy leaned in and kissed Snake's cheek. "There's nothing wrong with saying you don't like the situation we're both in. At least taking you in front of the Baroness allowed me to bring you in here and take care of you."

Snake leaned into Tommy. "I... I forgot she was there, toward the end. All I could do was focus on you and how it felt..." he admitted.

"That works well, because most of my focus was on you," Tommy admitted, brushing his lips against Snake's forehead, cheek, hair. "I wasn't happy to see the injuries on you but being able to take care of you...and then to take control of you...made me feel good."

Snake hummed happily at the gentle affection. As much as he'd enjoyed the rough and almost punishing claiming, he enjoyed it when Tommy coddled and babied him as well. He hadn't had much coddling in his life.

Tommy always paid close attention to Snake when they were together, and he noticed the way his lover responded to the gentler affection. So, he kept it up, letting his hands rub gently down over Snake's arms and legs. Continued to kiss gently and affectionately.

The longer Tommy was affectionate, the more snuggly Snake became, nearly climbing onto his lover’s lap to be held, hugged and caressed.

Tommy pulled Snake into his lap, cuddling him close. He kissed his lover's shoulder and stroked gently down his spine, over his hips.

Snake squirmed into a comfortable position and then put his head on Tommy's shoulder. He yawned. Tommy's claiming, on top of the fight where he'd been captured, had taken a lot out of him and the events were catching up to him.

"Sleep, pet." Tommy murmured the order into Snake's hair, cradling him close. "I'll keep you safe." He settled a blanket around Snake, so that his lover wouldn't be cold, while staying vulnerable to him.

Snake fell asleep moments later. Even in Cobra's stronghold, he felt nothing but safe with his master.

Tommy didn't move from Snake's side. He didn't sleep, either, keeping watch...just like he'd promised his lover.


Snake had slept through the night. The next morning, he was prepared to face Cobra again... and face having to pretend his lover hated him and was using his body to humiliate and get revenge. He didn't know if Tommy would need to be so publicly physical, but he wouldn't be surprised if Baroness found a way to force the issue. She'd appeared to enjoy the show. He needed to escape before she decided she wanted to take part.

Tommy had only moved to collect the food he'd ordered delivered. Now, as Snake woke, he moved his lover onto his lap so he could begin feeding him; touching and stroking everywhere he could.

Snake obediently ate what he was given. He naturally gravitated toward the affection, his body visibly responding. He didn't hide or stop the responses, but he didn't do anything about them either. If Tommy wanted him fully aroused, he'd do something himself.

Once Tommy had finished feeding his lover and himself, he leaned forward and brushed a tender kiss against Snake's lips. "I love you," he murmured.

"I love you too..." Snake chastely returned the kiss. He snuggled against Tommy before asking quietly, "Should I begin looking for a way to escape today? Or wait a few days?"

"I think you should start looking for a way immediately." Tommy brushed a kiss against Snake's head. "I want you with me, but not where I have to hide how much you truly mean to me."

Snake nodded and swallowed. "I have to admit being nervous that Baroness will decide she needs another demonstration of how you plan to punish me for my betrayal. While having her see you own me didn't bother me like I thought it might...." He sighed before reluctantly continuing, "I'm not sure she wouldn't start making suggestions. And she's a bit... dunno. Just gives me a creepy feeling. And if Cobra Commander decided to get involved...."

"I can make sure I'm the only one who touches you," Tommy said. "Make it clear that no one else is allowed. But it'll be better for you to escape as soon as it's possible to do so." He situated Snake carefully so that he could start rubbing his lover's bottom, knowing it likely still hurt from the previous day and wanting to provide some more comfort.

Snake placed his head on Tommy's shoulder, then pushed his bottom out so it was easier to rub. "Yes, sir. Even if you prevented anyone else touching, their recommendations to you aren't anything I want to encourage. I'll look for a way out right away," he whispered.

"Good. My good pet." Tommy murmured the words into Snake's hair, even as he continued to gently rub his lover's backside, squeezing lightly every so often.

"How soon do you have to leave the room?" Snake asked, in a small voice.

"We have time." Tommy sought out Snake's lips, kissing him, tender and light.

Snake returned the kiss, smiling against Tommy's lips. "So, you can hold me a little longer? Let me re-memorize how it feels to be in your arms and you touching me everywhere you want?"

"I can do that," Tommy agreed. Moving the plates to one side, he leaned back against the bed, tugging Snake down with him, possessively cupping his lover's bottom in both hands. He kissed Snake's neck gently, then kissed the pulse point in his throat.

Snake relaxed in his lover's arms, accepting the gentleness, soaking it in, to help him when things became difficult again in the future.


Cobra Commander had just arrived on base and immediately summoned Baroness for a report. "We lost the hostages, and that base was completely destroyed, yet you claim a victory. Explain yourself!"

"We captured Snake Eyes," the Baroness answered. "Storm Shadow seems pleased with his gift. I intend to use him to get hold of the jewel. Now that he has the vengeance he wants, he should be amenable to giving us what we want."

"Call Storm Shadow here. If he's received his vengeance, he should be able to focus on retrieving the jewel," Cobra Commander said. "If we go now, they may be over-confident, if they are unaware he has had his vengeance and is prepared to destroy them."

The Baroness nodded and swiftly took out the comm to send the message to Tommy.


Hearing his comm, Tommy freed one hand from Snake to check the message. "We had longer than I expected before they started pushing about getting the jewel."

Snake smiled unhappily. "You will be careful? I don't trust them not to harm you...."

"Always," Tommy promised. "We have a responsibility to each other to keep ourselves safe." He reluctantly extricated himself from Snake, so that he could quickly dress. "If you see a chance to escape, take it. So long as you don't do something that could get you hurt, you have my permission to do what's necessary." He finished dressing and leaned in, to kiss Snake, tender and lingering.

"I love you," Snake whispered, kissing back. "Can I borrow some clothes to escape in? Mine kinda got ruined."

"I love you too." Tommy stroked the side of his face; ran his fingers through Snake's hair. "You can take anything you need."

"Thank you..." Snake smiled, leaning into the caress.

"I'd better go, otherwise they're likely to be suspicious." Tommy stroked his fingers along the back of Snake's neck, over the tattoo. "If you're still here when I return, I'll try to give you another opportunity to escape," he promised.

Snake nodded. "If I'm not here, I'll try to send a message when I'm safe."

"And we'll make sure we can see each other again soon." Tommy kissed him again and then lifted the shackles, putting them back on his lover, though they were loose enough that Snake could slip them easily. With one last lingering kiss, he slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Snake let himself be shackled, then moved to sit in the corner of the room when he heard a knock after Tommy had left. He had to look cowed.

The Baroness opened the door and looked inside, taking a glance around before she stepped in, closing the door behind her. "Your owner isn't here?" she asked, just as if she hadn't been the one to send Tommy the message.

Snake glanced up and glared but didn't say anything. Yet. She was looking for a rise.

The Baroness smirked at him and moved a bit closer, looking him over. "You don't seem to be as well-used as you were yesterday. Given some time to recover?"

Snake snorted. "Didn't you learn as a kid? Your toys don't last very long if you don't take care of them." He made his voice sound as listless and lethargic as possible, with just a hint of defiance. He wasn't giving in to her, after all. He was glad he hadn't yet put on any of Tommy's clothes, though. It would have caused more questions.

The Baroness' smirk grew as she continued looking him over. "He must want you to last for a long time, considering how...carefully he tended your wounds."

Snake gave her a dark look. "Enjoying it?" he spat. "Knowing he wants the torture to last as long as possible? Funny. When you decided to work with Scarlet temporarily, you didn't strike me as the cruel sort. Coldly ambitious, yes... but not cruel."

"I noticed he brought you pleasure," the Baroness responded. "That you released for him." She shrugged. "This is nothing personal. Storm Shadow has something I want. And he wanted you. And if he doesn't do as he's told...well, even the best toys eventually become useless. Wouldn't you agree?" 

Snake flushed and looked away, as if ashamed. "He knew he could never torture or break me through pain alone. He found a worse way..." he said hoarsely. "Are you saying if he doesn't do what you want, you'll kill me?" He tried to look like he was attempting not to sound nervous. To make it seem as if as much as he hated having his body betray him by becoming aroused by Shadow, he still viewed it as a better fate than death.

The Baroness shrugged. "We want the jewel you tried to steal from him. It would be preferred if he was alive to get it...but it isn't as if the lock will know if the blood belongs to someone who's living or dead."

Snake's eyes widened and he snorted, to hide his sudden fear for his mate. "So, you'd betray him too? Somehow I doubt he'd be surprised."

"I'm suggesting that it wouldn't be a problem if you chose to defend yourself," the Baroness said coolly. "Of course, if this is the life you prefer for yourself, you can do nothing and allow him to use you and discard you."

Snake looked at her suspiciously. "That almost sounds as if you want me to fight...."

The Baroness shrugged. "Take what I say however you want. Fight or don't. Either way, we can get what we want." She walked towards the door.

"I trust you less than I trust him and I'm pretty sure he'll kill me if I give him a reason... just so you know..." Snake sneered.

"As I said. It is up to you." The Baroness left the room.

Snake swallowed. She'd left the door open. A few careful arrangements and he could be free of the shackles and leaving and she'd be blamed. Tommy could use him as his excuse for not going after the compound. But then, she'd have an excuse to hurt or possibly kill Tommy.

Then again, she could be testing Snake. See if he still cared about Tommy despite everything. See if he'd truly broken. If he left, it would appear as if he hadn't truly broken and didn't care about Tommy.

But maybe, worse yet, she suspected it was all an act and he hadn't broken. He'd willingly submitted because he loved Tommy and Tommy took care of him because he loved Snake. If her purpose was to prove that, would it be more dangerous to stay and possibly confirm? Would she view it as Tommy needing to be taken out, or Snake needing to be converted?

Things had just got a lot more complicated, and he wasn't sure what to do.


Cobra Commander stared at Tommy silently, observing him, before stating, "You spent years standing by your family and helping the Joes fight me. And now I'm to believe you've changed sides?"

"I did spend years with my family. Helping them stand against Cobra," Tommy agreed. "But it was all for nothing. When you joined forces with my uncle, it ended with me losing everything. They are not my family now. All I want is to bring down the people who have betrayed me."

Cobra Commander slanted his head. "Like you have with Snake Eyes? Baroness told me how you chose to punish his betrayal. An interesting choice to hurt him... making his own body betray him like he betrayed you. Assuming it is real."

Tommy shrugged. "The Baroness witnessed Snake's reactions for herself. He couldn't have faked those reactions. And if you think I am acting...I lost everything because of him. Death would be easy. I broke him the best way I knew how."

"Did you truly break him, though? How do you know it lasted? That he didn't just give in to make it stop and he is now plotting an escape? Or plotting to get Cobra secrets then escape?" Cobra Commander was coldly quizzical.

"You assume that I only plan to break him down the once and leave it at that," Tommy said. "By the end, he was begging me to fuck him. And I plan to reduce him to that state whenever I have the chance. Eventually, he will be so well-used that he won't even think of attempting to escape."

"I'd like to see if that works. There are a few Joes that need to be humbled." Cobra Commander's voice was eerily contemplative. "Take me to him. I'd like to see if your punishment is still affecting him."

Tommy nodded and began to lead the way back to his room, mentally preparing himself for how he was going to react depending on if Snake was still there or not.


Snake had decided that it probably was in both their best interests if he at least tried to escape. The shackles weren't tight, would be easy to get off; but he didn't want that to be obvious, so he made sure to rub the bracelets roughly against his wrists and pushed them into his hands as he pulled his hands through. It left visible scratches and marks on his wrists and hands and left blood on the cuffs. Nothing dangerous but would look painful and make it seem as if Tommy really had shackled him, but he'd deliberately hurt himself to escape.

He'd then rummaged through Tommy's clothes, making it seem like he'd been in a hurry, though he wasn't moving that quickly. He'd ended up with some of Tommy's older clothes that had a faint scent of his master, even though they'd been washed.

The door was easy. Baroness had left it open and all the cameras in the hall would show she was the last one there before his escape. Tommy could blame her. He hesitantly glanced into the hall, looking both ways, before slipping out the door and heading toward where he thought the exit was.


Tommy had done his best to take as long as possible while walking back, acting as if he wasn't in any hurry because he was assured his pet would still be chained up...at least on the outside.

When he stepped into his room, Tommy felt a surge of worry and concern when he saw the bloodied cuffs and knew that Snake had deliberately hurt himself to sell the roles. He hid that concern under a false mask of anger and irritation as he stalked over to the bed, picked up the cuffs and gave them a quick once-over, before stalking towards the door once more. "He was broken still when I left him. Something must have happened to trigger this escape. He needs to be back here."

Cobra Commander was unconcerned. "He won't get far. This base only has three ways in or out; all three are heavily guarded and two of them require he be able to breathe underwater or have a suit to do so. I'm curious, though. The door should only open to your biometrics, or to someone in charge; he should not have been able to open it, unless you left it open for him?"

"I closed it." Tommy glanced towards the cameras. "If someone else opened the door, it should show on the camera." He began heading towards one of the exits, deliberately picking the one he thought Snake would be less likely to use; though he could fall back on Snake potentially finding a suit or some way to breathe under water, if questioned.


It really was bad luck. Snake had got to the exit, had managed to avoid the numerous guards, but then realized he couldn't leave his chosen way because it was underwater... and apparently, there was a training exercise or something, because all the breathing apparatus were missing from the locker next to the exit. Cursing under his breath, Snake had quickly headed back the way he'd come, hoping he wasn't about to be caught.


Cobra Commander didn't show any reaction when he and Shadow turned a corner and came face-to-face with Snake.

Snake wasn't as calm, his eyes widening and his body immediately falling into a defensive position. "...Fuck me..." he muttered unhappily.

Tommy immediately stepped forward, eyeing Snake like he was looking over a possession. "You have two choices, Snake." He paused, long enough to seem as if he was relishing this opportunity. "Surrender and I'll go easier on you. Or we can fight, and I'll subdue you. Of course, then I'll have to punish you."

Snake swallowed hard, looking in Tommy's eyes to try and figure out which option his master wanted him to take; the one where it looked like he still had a lot of fight in him and hadn't been broken, or the one where he looked as if only Tommy's absence had made him brave and now that Shadow was in front of him, he was broken again. With Cobra Commander there, he wasn't sure which would make Tommy look better.

Tommy took a step closer, entirely focused on Snake; like he was prepared for anything. "You won't be able to escape from here. And now, you are mine."

At hearing the word that meant he was to submit and not fight, Snake allowed his body to release the more confrontational defensive position he'd been in and slumped into a very submissive (though still 'fearful' defensive stance). His gaze fell toward the ground and he held his hands over his head in surrender.

Cobra Commander snorted. "That was easier than expected. I'm sure at least part of it is because he's realized there is nowhere, he can run and hide, but he does seem genuinely afraid of being punished by you... so. Good job, I guess. Too bad, though. I wanted to see you break him more. Baroness indicated it could be entertaining but wouldn't give any details."

"If it becomes necessary, I'm sure I can give you a more...practical demonstration." Tommy's voice carried a heavy warning note as he added, "If he's not good." He reached out and took a firm hold of Snake's neck.

Snake whimpered softly, to sell the idea he was afraid. He was glad he had on Tommy's clothes; his member was already half-hard from his master dominating him, even with the danger they were in.

"I find myself hoping that happens. Though seeing whatever the milder punishment is could give an idea... especially as he seems afraid of that happening too," Commander commented.

Two distinct thoughts came to Tommy's mind at that moment. He didn't want to take Snake again in front of an audience. But he was worried that refusing to allow the Commander to watch would put them both in a more precarious position than they already were. "I plan to punish him for this attempted escape. If you were to watch, the added humiliation would perhaps encourage him to behave better." He paused; both waiting for the Commander's response, but also to give Snake a chance to use his safe-word.

Snake rebelled internally at the idea of another person watching his master claim him. At the time, he'd been too aroused and needy to care that Baroness saw his body taken and controlled so closely, she likely knew his body as well as Tommy. After, hearing her comments, it felt creepy. Tommy was offering an alternative, if Snake could take it. If he used his word, Snake knew Tommy would do everything in his power to get them out. It would be more dangerous, though. He didn't want to put Tommy in even more danger, so instead of using his word, he begged, "No... please not again... I'll be good!"

Commander raised an eyebrow at the begging. "With such polite and pretty begging, now I must see you handle his disobedience."

Tommy couldn't ask Snake if he was sure, not without drawing unwanted attention. He could only trust that not using the word meant his lover was okay with what was occurring...and that if anything changed, Snake would use the word if he had to.

Turning to face Snake, Tommy tightened his grip on his lover as he said, "You had the chance to be good. You didn't take it. I would have found you anyway. Escape is impossible." With that comment, he was indirectly letting Snake know that they'd have to figure out a different way.

Still keeping a firm grip on Snake's neck, Tommy began to guide his sub back to the room.

Snake understood the underlying message. He wouldn't be able to sneak his way out of the base. He'd already pretty much figured out they were underwater. He was well and truly stuck, if Tommy didn't figure something out. "That must be why she left the door open," he said softly, under his breath, as if talking to himself. "She knew I wouldn't get far, and she wanted to see me in trouble again..." He flushed darkly at just what she had seen.

"She?" Commander asked pointedly.

Tommy glanced at Snake, still gripping his sub's neck firmly. "If you're talking about the Baroness, she might have left the door open, but you were the one who chose to break free. She holds no responsibility for that."

"I had to try...." Snake said, with a hint of humorous bravado... as if to say ‘you didn't completely break me’.

"And now you will be punished for it," Tommy stated. He reached his room and guided Snake inside, still with his hand on his sub's neck.

"Yeah, well... still had to try..." The hint of bravado had slipped, though, and he sounded slightly nervous.

Tommy didn't say anything to that. He walked over to the bed, sitting down and pulling Snake across his lap, positioning him in place before baring him.

Snake began to struggle immediately, though he made sure to wait long enough to be put into a position where it was ineffective. He also let his demeanor slip from nervous into visibly scared, acting as if he thought he was going to receive the exact same punishment as before, though the way Tommy said and worded things, he had a feeling his master was going to try and go easy on him.

Commander moved further into the room and closed the door. "He certainly seems frightened enough, even if it didn't keep his mouth closed for him. Are you planning to put the cream in him again? To make the punishment draw out and last? If not, I have a suggestion that will enable you to painfully punish him, but it won't do any truly lasting harm. Since you want to keep him well enough that you can continue to torture indefinitely." He made his suggestion.

Tommy let himself look like he was seriously considering the proposal, even as he continued to swat in a firm, rhythmic pattern, covering every inch of Snake's bottom, from the crest down to mid-thigh, in the swats. "If he had insisted on fighting me and I had to subdue him with force, then I would carry out your suggestion. But while I'm tempted, I want to reward obedience."

Snake flushed in pleasure at the acknowledgement that he was being obedient. He hoped Commander believed it was shame at giving in and submitting so quickly without an actual fight.

Commander nodded. "That is true. Perhaps once you have thoroughly trained him to unquestioning obedience, he will be fit to join you on missions for Cobra. We couldn't trust him in a leadership position, of course; his history with Cobra and what is occurring now leaves him unfit to lead. But his abilities would make him a good asset all the same." He watched as Snake's bottom took on a rosy, red hue. "How long will you spank him?"

"Until I feel he has learned his lesson," Tommy answered. "And once I am certain he won't fight me again, at least for the time being." He began to swat a little faster, though he kept the smacks at the same force.

Snake whimpered, both at the words and the faster smacks. He couldn't help but begin to squirm, throwing his hands back to cover his bottom; not really fighting, but a natural response to the sting that he didn't fight because he was, after all, supposed to be fighting his submission to Shadow.

Tommy caught Snake's hands and held them against his back with one hand, moving his spanking hand a little lower to begin targeting his lover's sit spots and thighs.

"N... no! Please!" Snake finally sobbed, squirming more frantically; not because it truly hurt, but because it was expected of him. Plus... since he knew he wasn't truly being punished, he was beginning to become aroused, and he wasn't certain that was allowed.

"You are in no position to make demands." Tommy's voice was stern. Scolding. "The sooner you realize that you are truly mine, the easier things will be on you." He'd noticed the reaction and figured it would help to sell their roles further if he allowed it.

At what was essentially permission to let go, Snake began to squirm uncontrollably, sobbing softly, his hips beginning to thrust gently against Shadow's thigh as he became fully aroused.

Commander raised an eyebrow at that. "If he reacts like that to your punishments and domination, it shouldn't take long to completely cow him."

"Yes," Tommy agreed, a note of satisfaction creeping into his voice. "I've found the perfect way to break him." He moved his hand to the nape of Snake's neck, squeezing firmly. He didn't want to take his lover in front of another audience but couldn't help but react in response to the arousal.

Commander cleared his throat. "While I'm certain you don't mind continuing with an audience, as it will humble him further, I am not like Baroness. The idea of watching my subordinate fuck his new toy does not appeal to me. I trust you will make certain he feels regret at trying to escape and will take my leave of you." Without any further comment, he turned and slipped out of the room, closing the door with a click.

Snake didn't stop his reactions, squirming and sobbing even after the other man had left, uncertain if this might be a test for Tommy and not wanting to risk being caught being anything but submissive and controlled.

Tommy let out his breath slowly, his spanking hand beginning to gently rub Snake's backside instead. "He said there was only one exit of three not underwater and that all were heavily guarded." His voice was a low murmur. He still kept Snake over his lap, even as he reached over for his first aid supplies and began to treat and bandage the scratches on his lover's wrists.

"I found one of the underwater exits. From the sounds of it, I shouldn't attempt another escape unless I want to be punished harshly..." Snake snorted softly. "How am I going to get out, though? I love you and will obey you till I die... but I don't know that I can live as your slave; not with Cobra watching our every move, anyway. I'd be too afraid of doing something that would cause you problems..." he admitted softly, holding his arms in such a way that Tommy could treat his wrists.

"I don't want you to live as my slave," Tommy said. "I'm your master, but you aren't a toy to be used and discarded. You submit to me because you choose to. And if you stay here, I'll have to treat you worse just to keep our covers." He treated his lover as carefully as possible. "I'll have to get word to the Joes. I can do so without revealing my identity, I believe."

"If you can't do so without revealing yourself, please don't... I... I can handle harsh treatment if I know it isn't real. And maybe we won't always be in this base and I can escape..." Snake fretted.

"I can't keep hurting you, Snake. Not in the way that the Baroness and the Commander expect," Tommy said. "I love you. My instinct is to protect you. And I won't deny it."

Snake slumped at those words. "I love you too. I don't know what I did to deserve you... I don't deserve you," he whispered.

"The mistakes you made don't define you, my pet," Tommy murmured. "We dealt with them and moved past them. And when I spanked you earlier, we both knew what that was really about. And that this time wasn't truly a punishment at all." He gently squeezed one of Snake's thighs. "When Cobra is brought down, we don't have to hide or pretend. We'll belong to each other openly."

"I look forward to that day..." Snake said softly.

"The Joes will be searching for you anyway," Tommy said. "I can give them a push in the right direction. Perhaps by making contact with Akiko."

Snake nodded. "You'll be careful? I can't lose you...."

"I'll be careful." Tommy moved Snake onto his lap, cuddling his lover tightly. "I can't lose you either." He pressed a kiss to the side of Snake's head.

"Until the Joes are able to retrieve me. I should probably act like this second round of my body 'betraying' me and the impossibility of escape has broken me. I won't run anymore. I'll stay here, out of the way. And if I have to see Commander or Baroness again, if you are present, I won't step a toe out of line." Snake looked into Tommy's eyes as they talked, to make sure what he was saying was correct. "I won't try to stop any of my body's reactions, which means I could be stood in the corner while you talk to them and be as aroused as if you were claiming me. I'll just make sure to act ashamed and embarrassed that I respond so quickly and easily. Even though we both know I'm not. I'm proud that I respond to your presence...." Snake's smile was slightly impish.

Tommy nodded. "My desire is to possess you and claim you. In every way possible." He let his hand rest gently against the small of Snake's back, thumb rubbing just past the crest of his lover's backside. "I want to brand you with my initials. Before we have to part."

Snake’s eyes widened. "Maybe you should do that soon. A few days before you contact the Joes. So, I can start healing before I have to attempt to run...."

"I could do it now. Or today, at least." Tommy began to carefully check the injuries that had been left from the beating his lover had taken.

The wounds from Snake's original capture were healing very well, the bruising fading quickly and the open wounds scabbed over and not infected. He hadn't been caught on his escape attempt until he'd run into Tommy and Commander, so he only had a sore bottom from that. "I can use that as another excuse as to why I've become obedient... I hate disobeying you. Even though it is necessary to keep our roles." Snake sighed.

Tommy finished checking the injuries, putting clean bandages over the scabbed wounds, before gently squeezing the nape of Snake's neck. "It's necessary to bring Cobra down. When that's done, you won't have any reason to disobey me." He moved his sub over his knee once more, this time to gently rub and soothe Snake's sore bottom.

"I won't have to pretend. Everyone will know that I belong to you... for real." Snake visibly relaxed as Tommy rubbed his bottom. It was gentle affection, but highly personal and possessive and it settled Snake’s nerves.

Tommy continued to gently rub, squeezing every so often. He let his other hand move to Snake's neck, scruffing his sub.

Snake slumped, boneless, as he was scruffed. "Love you, master.... so much. Love having you touch and take and mark and... and how you make me feel you inside and out, so I can never forget I'm yours..." he whispered.

"I love you, my pet," Tommy murmured. "You are mine. No matter what happens." He gently rubbed Snake's backside, even as he continued to scruff his sub. "Here. This is where I will put the brand." He traced the outline of his initials with his finger.

Snake shivered as Tommy's finger traced over the meatiest part of his hip, very close to his cheek. "Yessir... I wouldn't be able to wear pants for a few days. Would need to stay on my belly for you.... it would be visible any time you needed to remind me who I belong to...."

"I would be able to see it every time I needed to." Tommy gently squeezed the spot he'd indicated he would place the brand. "I won't put you in clothes anyway. Not while you're with me. I want to be able to see, touch, caress who I own."

Snake shivered. "Please, master? Do that now? If they hear, I can act ashamed later, but... I need to feel that you love and want me without the act between us..." he whispered. He needed to feel Tommy touch him and be able to express how much he wanted it without pretending he hated it and was reacting against his will.

Tommy stripped Snake of the rest of the clothing, not that there had been much, and began to run his hands over Snake's entire back side. He squeezed, rubbed and caressed, his hands mapping over every inch. And then he followed the same path with his lips, every so often nipping with his teeth.

Snake moaned softly, shivering again when he felt teeth. "Mark me, master? Please? I want to wear your marks all over, so anyone who looks at me knows who owns me...."

Responding to the words, to his lover's reactions, Tommy began to bite; hard enough to leave marks behind. He gently kissed each mark before making a new one.

Snake quivered at the sharp pain of Tommy's teeth marking him, tiny moans of acceptance and need escaping as his master marked his claim. He began to gently squirm as the actions and feelings of being owned slid through his body, leaving him warm and pliant, but also needy and aroused.

Tommy made sure he marked the entirety of Snake's backside, then carefully turned his lover over to do the same to Snake's front.

Snake watched his lover through dazed, almost glazed eyes; watched as Tommy latched onto various parts of skin, sucking them into his mouth harshly enough to bruise, then biting down to leave obvious teeth indentations. He let out a tiny sob as his breathing became erratic and his member jutted up in full arousal. "Yours..." he whined softly.

"Mine. Forever and only mine." Tommy growled the words against Snake's skin, as he repeated the actions on the front side. Sucked, bit, then gently kissed each mark as he left it. He was very careful to avoid the wounds placed there by Cobra's agents.

Swallowing hard, Snake lay still and accepted the markings, whimpering slightly when the sting was particularly noticeable, but otherwise just breathing erratically, shakily, quietly. His member wept at the tip. But he held still and didn't ask for more. His body belonged to his master.

As Tommy reached Snake's member, he gently grazed the tip with his teeth and then took his lover into his mouth, beginning to suck.

Snake gurgled at the action. It was all he could do not to buck up into his master's mouth. "Yours..." he whined softly. "...All of me us yours."

Tommy gripped Snake's hips tightly in response, continuing to suck and occasionally let his teeth brush over his lover's member.

Snake's breath hitched at the gentle, rough treatment. Taking in a quick, surprised breath, he let it out with a surprised, moaning exhale as his body released. He hadn't had time to give warning. He flushed darkly, embarrassed at the fact.

Tommy didn't pull away until he'd taken all of Snake's release. Then, slowly, he pulled back and kissed the tip of Snake's member. "Mine."

"Yours..." Snake whispered, voice shaky with emotion. "Only yours... forever..." he promised.

"I won't ever let anyone else have you," Tommy murmured. "I won't ever let you go. You will always be mine, whether you're here with me or we're apart."

"Thank you, master. Thank you so much..." Snake whispered.

Tommy stretched out next to Snake and wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling him into a close, tight embrace. "I love you so much," he whispered.

"I love you too. So much..." Snake snuggled close.

"I'll need to collect what I'll need for branding you." Tommy stroked gently over Snake's back, feeling the marks he'd left there. "Do you feel safe enough here for me to leave you alone? I don't think either the Baroness or Commander would try anything if I'm not here, but I don't want you to feel unsafe if I can help it."

"I feel safe enough... if they were going to do anything, they would have earlier..." Snake said softly.

Tommy nodded. "I won't be gone long. I just want to get it in place, so you can heal, and I can contact the Joes to rescue you."

"Yessir. I want it as soon as possible..." Snake admitted. "I... I hope I can be brave for you. That I don't cry."

Stroking the side of his face, Tommy murmured, "Crying doesn't make you weak or a coward. You're already being brave for me, my pet, just by submitting and accepting what I choose to do. Don't worry about how you react." He leaned in and kissed Snake, tenderly and lingeringly.

Snake kissed back languidly. "I will react how I need, then, without hiding...."

"You don't ever need to hide when it's just us," Tommy promised.

"I can be weak with you because you protect me..." Snake said, in a small voice.

Stroking Snake's shoulders and down over his back, Tommy murmured, "You aren't being weak by giving yourself to me. But you are correct. I will protect you. With everything I have."

"I'll protect you too... as much as I am able," Snake promised.

"I know." Tommy kissed his neck. "We belong to each other."

Snake smiled, chastely kissing the older man.

Stroking his cheek, Tommy murmured, "If you're ready, I'll go and retrieve what I need for the branding."

"I'm ready, master," Snake whispered.

Tommy kissed him gently and then carefully extricated himself. "I'll be back soon," he promised, heading to the door and slipping out.

Snake settled onto the bed, not moving. He wanted his master to see him exactly where he left him when he returned.

It didn't take long for Tommy to return, carrying what he needed. Seeing Snake exactly where he'd left him brought a pleased smile to his lips and he walked over to kiss his lover, murmuring softly, "Good pet."

Snake flushed at the praise and gave Tommy a bashful smile. A slightly more worried look crossed his face. "Master? Branding will be more painful than a tattoo. I'm afraid... what if I can't hold still?"

"Would you feel better if I tied you?" Tommy asked. "The branding won't last nearly as long, but even if putting it in place is instant, I don't want to risk you moving and ending with part of your body damaged."

"Yessir... I... I think it will help me," Snake admitted.

Tommy brushed a gentle kiss against Snake's lips, then moved to begin tying his lover securely, stroking and caressing Snake's body as he did.

Snake relaxed as Tommy made certain he wouldn't be able to pull away or otherwise move while he was branded.

As soon as he had his lover tied securely, Tommy made sure all of his preparations were in place. He picked up the branding iron, placing one hand on Snake's back for comfort and reassurance. Then, he pressed the iron in place, holding it for only a few seconds to ensure it took, before pulling it away again.

Snake had been expecting pain, but he hadn't been prepared for the sensation of feeling his skin burning as the heat of the brand marked him. He couldn't stop the loud yell of pain that escaped, or the choked sobs he let out after the brand had been removed. Tears were streaming down his face and he felt a little sick to his stomach as the smell of burned flesh filled the room. He'd wanted this and wouldn't say or do anything to make Tommy think he regretted it, but a small part of him wondered if they'd made a mistake. As badly as it hurt and made him feel, he might need to stay under Tommy's care for longer than a week.

Tommy winced at the sound of his lover's yell and tears, working quickly to use the antibacterial cream on the brand before making sure it was covered, so as not to risk any infection in the wound. Then, he quickly unbound Snake and drew his lover into his arms, holding him close and whispering loving words as he stroked Snake's hair and back.

Snake clung to his lover, shifting so no pressure touched the wound at all, nearly laying on top of Tommy as he continued to quietly cry and swallow down the nausea. He didn't even want to see the mark yet.

Tommy gently stroked Snake's hair and the back of his head, down over his lover's back, kissing his face gently and repeatedly, situating Snake so that his lover could more easily lay on top of him.

Snake whimpered pathetically, nuzzling against Tommy, still crying. "...Sorry..." he finally whispered, in a pained voice. "...Thought I could handle it...."

"It's all right." Tommy whispered the words into Snake's hair, kissing him there. "You don't need to apologize. It was intense. Don't feel ashamed for how you react."

Snake swallowed again, nuzzling against Tommy, still clinging. "...Wanted to be brave for you... prove I could take whatever you gave me... be good for you."

"You are being so very good, so very brave, for me," Tommy murmured. "And you did take it. Yes, it hurt. But you still took it. Still proved yourself. I don't need anything more than what you've already given me. I love you so much."

"Love you too..." Snake whimpered, sniffling softly. His body grew lax, heavier, as the pain medication Tommy had given him began to work and make him sleepy.

"I've got you." Tommy kissed the side of his neck. "We don't need to pretend at the moment. Sleep. I'll keep watch."

Snake obeyed, closing his eyes, trusting his master to protect him.

Tommy held Snake, stroking him lovingly, just enjoying the feel of his lover, of his sub, in his arms, resting against him.

The End