The Multiverse
Protection Detail

Summary: Taking care of extended family.
Warning(s): AU; emotionally young; family fluff


"Some of you have been family for a long time," Kate observed. "And you don't always spank when something questionable is done."

"It isn't always necessary for spanking to be used," Steve commented. "It's most often used as a consequence for dangerous behaviour. Or actions that can harm a relationship, such as lying. Occasionally, it's used for settling purposes. Or a release of emotions or guilt."

Ikaris had his arms wrapped tight around Dane, as he commented, "Spanking has been an effective punishment utilised throughout human history. I only learned of it after coming to Earth, but it is effective in demonstrating consequences of behaviour...and showing affection, even when it's necessary to be stern at times."

"Affectionate spanking?" Kate sounded skeptical. "Outside of a romantic relationship, how would that even work?"

Jessica smiled crookedly and moved to sit on Steve's lap. "Sometimes, some of us need to feel like our parent is in complete control because we feel out of control. In those times, it is more affectionate than punishing..." She snuggled Steve. Watching everything that had occurred with Wanda and the Scarlet Witch and Stephen and all the new family... she wasn't quite feeling the need to feel pain, but she was feeling an urge to push her father to assert control. Even if it was just having him hold her tight and pat her clothed backside.

Wade would have had no qualms about draping himself over Cable's or Colossus' lap for a spanking, but he wasn't sure how the new 'kids' would take it and he was getting better about making people uncomfortable. Or, at least, he was trying to be more careful.

Peter Q. shifted to be on Yondu's lap.

Steve wrapped his arms around Jessica automatically, cuddling her tightly on his lap, holding her close against his chest.

"Different family members have different needs," Fury said. "Some people never got the chance to have a proper childhood and while they might be physically adult now, they can revert to being children again in a place where it's safe to do so. With people who care about them and will look after them."

Dane swallowed hard at hearing that, almost curling into Ikaris. "That happens a lot? And it doesn't bother you all? You don't think people should act their age?"

"We prefer our family behave in a manner that is most beneficial to them for happiness and healing," Melinda said quietly. "If that means they are young for their age, it doesn't bother any of us. We just adjust to what is needed at that time."

Responding to Dane's actions, Ikaris gently pulled him into his lap, wrapping his arms around his son's waist in much the same way he could see other parents were doing with their children. "There's nothing wrong with what you need," he murmured into his son's ear.

Kate grinned at seeing Dane tugged onto Ikaris' lap. Her new brother and she had talked about family life while trying to take down the track suit mafia. It had quickly become apparent to her that Dane hadn't been fortunate to grow up with the support she had. It didn't bother her that Ikaris had seemingly decided to give him what he'd missed out on, especially not when she could see Dane instinctively respond to it in a needy way.

"So... none of the kids keep secrets from their parents?" she asked out of nowhere, thinking of all the secrets she had kept while spying on her future step-father.

Jessica stiffened slightly and gave her a slightly wide-eyed look. "What kind of secrets do you mean?" she asked, thinking about her recent altercation that ended in her having to leave a store. She hadn't done anything wrong, but she hadn't told her father about it either.

Steve's arms were wrapped tight enough around his daughter that he felt her stiffen. He raised his eyebrows and looked down at Jessica. "Is there something I need to know about?"

"I don't think so?" Jessica winced. Trish, Lorelei and Carol had all indicated she should let him know when it happened. Hesitantly, she told him of being accused of shoplifting and what she'd had to do to keep the peace.

Steve listened to Jessica's explanation, holding her close and tight, gently rubbing down her back and over her bottom. "You handled that as well as you could have done and I'm proud of you for that," he said. "But I would have liked to know about it. I'm sure it wasn't a good feeling and I could have helped you feel better about it."

Jessica slanted her head, thinking about it. "It didn't feel good. We did ice cream therapy..." she admitted, with a tiny smile. "I didn't want you to worry... but I guess if you like worrying about me, I'll tell you if something like that happens in the future," she said, in a teasing tone, though she was being serious.

Dane watched Steve and his reactions and how he handled the 'confession', before glancing around to see what everyone else thought or was doing.

"Told ya he'd rather know and worry but be able to help you than to be kept in the dark and not worry while you felt bad..." Carol snorted.

"I would rather know than not be aware," Steve agreed. "And if you need ice cream therapy? Well, I'm free for that too." He smiled.

"What about ice cream because you are proud of me for handling it well?" Jessica grinned widely.

Dane barked out a surprised laugh.

Carol grinned, moving over to Steve's side and cuddling up. "I like the sound of that. How 'bout it, Dad?"

Steve wrapped his other arm around Carol's shoulders and drew her in close too. "I think that would be a very good idea," he agreed. "We could make a family outing of it."

"Oh... yay!" Tony held his hands up and wiggled them, before clapping once and looking at his wife and kids.  "I never took you for ice cream to show you I was proud of you..." he said to Werner. "You up for it?"

"If we're making it a full family trip..." Pepper glanced at Steve, to see if he minded.

"There's no reason we can't all go, as a family," Steve commented, looking around at the other family members...making it clear he was including them all in the invitation.

Fury snorted softly. "If we want to make it a full family trip, we'll have to book out an entire cafe or restaurant," he said affectionately.

Werner perked up at Tony's offer and nodded, looking almost childlike in his enthusiasm. "Yes!" He cleared his throat and turned pink. "I mean...I'd like that."

"I can do that!" Tony looked at Fury. "Friday? Can you do that, please?"

"Of course, Master Tony," Friday responded. "There are several ice cream parlours nearby that will have enough room for the whole family. Is there any preference to which one?"

"The one that isn't a chain. Want to support the small business owners when possible," Tony requested.

"I have made the booking," the AI reported. "The times and location have been sent to your phone."

Sprite looked a little downcast. "Phastos would have loved meeting you," she said to Tony. "He always thought that eventually, humans could make AI."

"Phastos?" Tony looked at Sprite curiously. "He was a real person?"

"One of the Eternals," Sprite replied. "He helped to invent many of the earlier tools humans had. He wanted to give more sophisticated things, but Ajak warned him against pushing humans too far." She frowned. "Ajak was the only one who knew what our real purpose was."

"Sounds like someone I'd have liked to meet," Tony agreed.

"The other Eternals are looking for them," Ikaris said quietly. "But they haven't checked in for a while." He was clearly worried, even if he was still holding onto his new Dane attention and physical affection.

"What of their families?" Dane asked. "Sersi mentioned friends before she actually told me about you all. She mentioned one with a husband and child.... They weren't hurt, were they?"

"I checked on them, too, while I was keeping watch over you," Ikaris replied. "They're safe. Taken care of. Worried about Phastos, of course. But no harm's come to them."

"Would it help... would they accept... a more permanent security system?" Tony asked.

"It's possible," Ikaris said. "I know that it will set Phastos' mind at ease, once he returns home, to know his family have been kept safe."

Tony nodded. "If you can give us a location, the magic men can open a portal... I can set Friday up there. If anything happens, she immediately lets us know and we can portal there to help. If that's okay with you three..." He turned toward the sorcerers.

"Of course," Wong said. "We should protect all family members."

"Thank you." Ikaris gave them the coordinates.

"This shouldn't take too long, if everyone else wants to get dressed for a trip to town," Tony said, as he headed to his lab to grab needed tools. It didn't take long. By the time he'd returned, the portal had been opened. "If you wanna lead to introduce us?" He glanced toward Ikaris.

The sorcerors had opened the portal outside the house and Ikaris walked up to knock on the door.

It was opened immediately by Ben, who asked quickly, "Have you heard anything?"

"I'm afraid not...." Ikaris began; but before he could say anything else, he was interrupted by Ben and Phastos' son, who had come up beside his dad and was staring at the portal and the others who had entered open-mouthed.

"That's Iron Man!" the boy exclaimed.

Tony, never one to disappoint a kid who liked him, came up and knelt down to be on the boy's level. "Yes! I've come to request your help with a very important matter," he said seriously, flipping his face plate up so he could look the kid in the eye. "I need you to help your dad keep your home safe till we can find your poppa. I would like to have my AI, Friday, have a connection here so if anything happens that shouldn't, you can tell her and she will immediately let us know." He was speaking to the boy, but it was obvious he was asking for Ben's permission.

Jack's eyes widened and he nodded enthusiastically, then looked up at his father. "Dad, Iron Man wants to help us!" he exclaimed.

Ben moved over to his son and placed a hand on Jack's shoulder, squeezing gently. "Thank you," he said seriously to Tony.

"You're more than welcome. Family is important. We couldn't leave you unprotected once we knew what had happened." Tony smiled; then, getting Ben's permission, quickly entered the house and set it up so that Friday could immediately bring them help if they needed it. Once he had finished, he handed each of them a watch. "This can be used to alert us if something happens when you aren't at home. Friday? Why don't you say hello."

"Hello, Master Ben, Master Jack. I am happy to meet you," Friday immediately said.

Jack's eyes widened. "So cool!" he enthused.

"Hello, Friday," Ben respondded, smiling at his son's enthusiasm...though he still couldn't help but worry over his husband's safety.

Tony could tell the man was worried. "The communication is two way with Friday. She is effectively, two places at one time. If Ikaris learns anything, he can immediately let you know, as long as you are in the house or wearing the watch. Just like Friday can immediately let us know if there is a problem."

Ikaris nodded. "When I learn anything, you will learn it too," he promised.

"I believe you," Ben answered. "I just hope he can be returned home soon."

Tony nodded. "Is there anything else you have concerns about?" he asked, preparing to go back to eat ice cream with his family.

"I don't believe so," Ben replied, reaching out to wrap his arm around Jack. "Thank you," he repeated.

"You are welcome." Tony smiled.

Soon, they were all stepping through a portal back into the family room where everyone waited. "Everyone ready for ice cream?" Tony asked.

Immediately, a chorus of enthusiastic responses greeted his question.

"Well, let's get going, then!" Tony began to herd everyone toward the garage and vehicles.


Four hours later, everyone was back at the compound, full and happy but tired. Dane noticed several of the family members following their parent into the parent's room.

"G'night, dad! Dane!" Kate kissed both Ikaris and Dane on the cheek, before skipping into her own room.

"Night!" Sprite gave both older men a quick hug and then headed into her own room.

Dane swallowed, almost hunching in on himself. He should just say goodnight, go to his own room like Kate and Sprite. He should. He found himself being jealous of those who had gone with their fathers; wishing he was as brave as Peter Q., or Bobbi, or Jessica, or Wanda... brave enough to ask Ikaris if he could stay with him.

Noticing the look on Dane's face, Ikaris wrapped his arms around his son in a tight hug. "Would you like to stay with me tonight?" he asked gently.

Dane looked up, grateful Ikaris was able to understand without him saying anything. "Please? If... if it is okay... I know everyone else seems to think it is acceptable behavior, but I can't help being afraid I shouldn't want to... that it will bother you... or something..." he whispered uncertainly.

"It won't bother me. And other family members clearly accept it as normal behaviour." Still keeping a tight hold of Dane, Ikaris led his son over towards the bed.

Dane willingly let himself be led into his father's room and to the bed. "My pajamas..." he said hesitantly, realizing the garments were in his room.

"You can wear the pajamas," Ikaris said. "But if you'd be comfortable without them, you don't need to."

Dane nodded. "Don't wanna leave you for even a little..." he admitted.

"Would you like me to find a pair of my own pajamas for you to wear?" Ikaris asked, in case Dane still wanted to be clothed.

"Actually, used to sleeping naked... just don't wanna be weird..." Dane admitted, blushing hard.

"It's not weird," Ikaris replied. "If that's more comfortable for you, there's nothing wrong with it." He began to help Dane out of his clothes.

Biting his lip, Dane only helped enough that Ikaris could undress him without difficulty, already falling into an attitude of letting himself be taken care of. As soon as he was naked, he looked up uncertainly. "Where should I go?"

In response, Ikaris took Dane's hand, like he truly was a little boy, and moved his son towards the bed. He settled them both down, wrapping his arms tightly around Dane, gently rubbing over his back and bottom.

Dane snuggled close, letting his head test on Ikaris' chest. "G'night, Daddy. Love you...."

"I love you too." Ikaris kissed his head.

Dane thought he should be embarrassed, snuggling close, naked as the day he was born. He wasn't. He wasn't uncomfortable at all about being so vulnerable to Ikaris. He relaxed in his new father's arms, the possessive and personal affection easing him into a dazed, submissive drowsiness. He felt extremely young and the thought of being anywhere but where he was, was discomfiting.

Ikaris continued to stroke Dane's back and rub over his bottom, every so often pressing a kiss to his son's head. "I've got you," he murmured reassuringly. "You don't have to worry about anything. Only letting me take care of you."

"I can be your little boy all night?" Dane asked, in a small, childish voice.

"All night. And for as long as you want afterwards," Ikaris promised.

"...Love you, daddy..." Dane whispered, snuggling some more, nuzzling Ikaris before falling asleep.

It didn't take long for Ikaris to fall asleep, his embrace tight around his son, holding Dane close.

The End