Stories From The Island
Pranks And Pain

Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for various MARVEL movies and television programs.


Today was a day Thor was feeling particularly restless. He wanted to explore one of the realms... but he didn't want to do it alone and Sif and the warriors weren't available. And he knew Loki, although caught up in his studies, would always join him.

Reaching his brother's chambers, Thor didn't bother knocking and instead just barged in. "Loki! Brother! Are you busy?"

Loki had just finished reading one of the tomes of an obscure mystic that he'd become enamored of and was putting the tome back on his bookshelf. Spinning around at his brother's sudden appearance in his room, he wrinkled his nose. "Thor! Must you always barge around like a Bilgesnipe hunting for a mate? You could at least knock!" he said exasperatedly, before his curiosity got the better of him and he had to ask. "I've just finished my I am not busy, no. Why?"

"I wish to leave Asgard and visit one of the nine realms," Thor said. "I thought perhaps you might like to join me... particularly since you have not left our home in a long time." Of course, given Thor's impatience, 'long' for him was often 'short' for everyone else.

Loki blinked in bafflement; he'd taken a trip to Midgard not more than two Midgardian months before, so he wasn't certain where Thor got his information, but he didn't comment on it. Instead, he asked, "Which of the realms do you wish to visit? I think I would like to go...."

Thor smiled, happy to have his brother willing to accompany him. For all they were no longer as close as they had been as children, Thor still enjoyed Loki's company. "I believe I would like to visit Nidavellir. It has been a long time since I have set food there."

"Are you certain the dwarves will not chase us out of their realm?" Loki asked skeptically. "They were none too pleased that you turned down the princess' offer of marriage...however right you were to do so..."

"I do not intend to meet those particular dwarves," Thor replied dismissively.

"Really?" Loki skeptically raised an eyebrow, not entirely certain how Thor intended to avoid the ruler of Nidavellir, but decided not to ask. "By all means, then, let us go, brother...."

Not wanting to risk Loki changing his mind, Thor draped his arm around Loki's shoulders and began to guide him from the room. "Perhaps we could pass by the kitchens and take some food with us," he suggested.

"That would probably be a good idea..." Loki easily agreed, allowing Thor to lead him out.

Heading to the kitchens, Thor gathered packs for both himself and Loki... though he only filled his own, as he trusted his brother. Very soon, he was done and waiting for Loki to join him.

Loki also filled his pack, adding in a few items that Thor hadn't added that he hoped he wouldn't need to use; but he knew his brother and it was better to be safe than sorry. He quickly joined Thor and waited for his brother to take the lead as he normally did.

Thor walked quickly to the Bifrost, though he walked next to his brother rather than striding ahead of Loki. Within moments, they were at the rainbow bridge and moving past Heimdall.

"Did you inform Father or Mother about our plans or where we were going?" Loki asked nonchalantly as they stood in place, waiting for Heimdall to activate the gate.

"Not exactly." Thor grinned at his brother. "But I do not think it is needed. We will not draw attention to ourselves."

"We will not?" Loki's voice was dubious, but he was unable to retort any further (though he really wanted to say something to the effect that Thor very seldom did anything where he did not draw attention to himself), as Heimdall had activated the portal and they were on their way to Nidavellir.

As they landed, Thor bent his legs enough that the force wasn't as jarring as it could have been. He straightened and turned to Loki, automatically checking his brother had handled himself, though he knew Loki had no trouble. "Everything will be fine, brother," he said... in what, to him, was a quiet voice.

Loki wasn't looking at his brother, however. He was too busy warily watching the Warg that they had inadvertently disturbed from its meal. The animal's hackles were raised and it was growling low in its throat. Loki didn't want to kill the creature; he was trespassing on its territory, after all. Carefully and slowly, he began to back away.

Thor followed the line of his brother's gaze and the next moment, his hammer was in hand. "We could have found a better spot to land."

"Your ability to state the obvious surpasses none, brother..." Loki said drily. "Let us try and retreat without harming has pups..." Loki didn't state how he knew such. His brother would have either noticed what he had, or he wouldn't. As much as he liked to call his brother a foolish oaf, he knew Thor wasn't as stupid or oblivious as he liked to pretend.

"I do not plan to be the one who strikes first." With his free hand, Thor took a firm hold of his brother's arm, watching the Warg carefully as he retreated. Battle was one thing... but there was no honour in killing a creature protecting its young.

Loki would have liked to have said that he noticed the sudden incline that they were backing toward and that it was Thor's fault he continued in that direction; however he had determined long ago that if he began lying to himself, he would have gone too far. He just had not been paying attention as much as it pained him to admit. Needless to say, the sudden slip and rolling down the hill into a chilly, muddy, pond did not make him overly happy...until he realized Thor had not only rolled into the pond, but had gone under. His handsome blond brother's golden locks were a sodden mossy brown. Loki could not help it. He burst into laughter.

Thor surfaced from the mud, spluttering and swiping the dirt from his face as he scowled at Loki... even though he was not truly angry with his brother. "This is not amusing!"

Loki chortled gleefully. " truly is, brother! Very much so!"

Thor couldn't ignore his brother's laughter for long and his own lips twitched, fighting the urge to join in. "Come. Perhaps we could find a cleaner lake where I may wash."

"Yes...and a change of clothing..." Loki agreed, not too fond of his own filthy state. Carefully, he trudged out of the pond. "Which direction, brother?"

Thor looked around. "So long as we avoid the dwarves' palace, I believe we may take any direction."

"Ah, well in that case..." Loki began walking in the direction that the sun would set later that day. He tried to ignore the squelching of his shoes. He supposed he should feel grateful that he had dropped his pack before landing in the pond; at least the items in it were dry and clean still.

Thor walked alongside his brother, quickly regaining his cheerful mood. "At least we have a tale to tell... though perhaps we should change some of the details," he suggested, teasing Loki.

"Like the fact we were chased by a warg into a muddy pond?" Loki said with some amusement.

"Or perhaps that we were chased in by a whole herd of them," Thor suggested, humour lacing his words.

"At which point, mother would ask what we had done or not done to attract them..." Loki's look was wry. "I'd rather avoid that..." He laughed again as his shoe made a rather embarrassing squelch.

Laughing, Thor wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulders, ignoring the fact they were both muddy. "When clean and dry, we will not have to mention this particular part of our adventure."

"And I am perfectly fine with that..." Loki smiled at his brother, not pulling away. " that a hut I see in the distance? Perhaps they have clothing?"

Thor nodded and began walking faster in that direction, though he was careful not to drag Loki along. "It is worth seeing."

Loki was happy to find there was indeed clothing hanging on a line behind the hut. There was no one in the hut to speak with, though. "It's all female clothing..." he said matter of factly. "…And there is a creek just over there to clean up in..." He quickly gathered items off the line to wear...careful to keep it from touching the mud on him...and went to the creek to bathe and change...quite literally. One moment, Thor's brother was in the water washing and the next moment, Thor suddenly had a sister.

Used to Loki's ability to shift his shape, Thor showed no surprise or shock as he wrinkled his nose at the clothing. "You are far more comfortable in the female form than I, brother." He left the clothing for the time being and waded into the creek fully clothed, hoping to remove the worst of the mud from his clothes, which could then dry in the sun.

Loki had darted a quick and suspicious look toward her brother at the comment, but, not seeing any ridicule on Thor's face, decided that her brother meant nothing negative in the comment and let it go without response. By this time, she'd washed her clothing as well as she was going to be able to and stripped out if it, hanging it on a nearby branch before going back into the water to clean herself. "If we run into anyone, we will need someone with a woman's voice to answer, as we are dressed as women." She shrugged, daintily washing her hair. She didn't say anything about the fact that Thor would make a very homely and possibly scary woman with his height, build and stubble gracing his chin.

Thor grunted. "Any dwarf will know me true by my face alone. Perhaps there is a veil to cover my face." Realizing he had no choice, he stripped out of his own clothes... not sure there was anything that would fit him.

"I believe there is a shawl among the clothing...bring it up over your head like a should hide you..." Loki offered, almost primly, as he finished cleaning himself and stepped out of the water and began dressing.

Thor did as suggested... though catching sight of his reflection in the water, he shook his head. "This disguise will not hold up under close scrutiny."

"Well, we will have to hope that we are not scrutinized closely then..." Loki smiled coyly, already shifting into the mindset of being a seductive female to try and keep attention off of her brother. She darted a rather moody look at Thor. "You better not tell anyone about this when we return!"

"If I did, I would have to reveal my own part." Thor grinned at Loki... knowing she would hear it in his voice. "But it is truly an adventure, you must admit."

Loki giggled then blushed at hearing herself giggling. " is. We have not had an adventure for quite some time..." she said wistfully.

"We will have to have these more often." A more serious note slipped into Thor's voice. For all he had his friends... his brother (or sister, in this instance) was still important to him.

Loki gave her brother a grateful smile, happy that he understood what she hadn't said, then cleared her throat. "We best begin moving again. If the owners of these clothes return before we leave, I do not want to have to explain the theft...."

Thor nodded, edging closer to his sister... even though he didn't immediately put his arm around her shoulders. "You will have to do the talking for both of us if we meet any intelligent being... but your silver tongue has never failed us yet."

Loki fairly beamed at what could only be thought of as a compliment. "I will do so! I might have need to rely on your strength for any overtly physical challenges. Especially if people are watching. They might be suspicious if I use my magic...and while I am not a damsel in distress...there are limitations to what this form is able to accomplish." She smiled, leaning against her brother for a moment, before beginning to walk quickly in what she hoped was the direction they wanted to go.

Thor nodded. "And I will protect you in any case," he promised... which had nothing to do with what form Loki wore and everything to do with the affection he held towards her.

"Thank you, brother..." Loki said softly. It had been a while since she had felt her brother cared enough about her to do anything in her aid...lately, it had felt as if Thor would rather leave her to her own devices and be with his friends. It felt good to have him reaffirm his caring; she did believe him. "Now...we wanted an adventure! What shall we do?" she asked, with a quirky grin.

Thor laughed outright, but asked, "What would you wish to do?" Their conversation had made him regret not finding the time to spend with Loki... so he felt giving her a choice would make it clear how much he valued her.

Loki slanted her head. She had this inexplicable urge to dance, which was difficult. Firstly, because they were out in the middle of the country with no music and only her brother to dance with...but secondly, because in her normal male form, she hated to dance and felt it a waste of time; Thor would think she had lost her mind if she told him she wanted to dance. She wrinkled her nose and pouted. "I honestly do not know, brother..." she finally said with a sigh. "Perhaps a prank? On the dwarf king?" She perked up, her smile brightening at the thought.

Although surprised by Loki choosing not to be careful, Thor nevertheless grinned at her. "You have always been one for making mischief. I believe we could play a prank... or, rather, you could and I will be there for your protection."

"I do believe the dwarves Capital is this direction!" She began to walk again. "We do not want to do anything that brings harm to him...that would start a war...but perhaps I can trick him out of a jewel or two...."

Thor trailed next to his sister, amused. "I will enjoy seeing you work," he commented... glancing around automatically, still on his guard despite his jovial acting.

"Really?" Loki glanced over her shoulder at her brother. "I did not think you enjoyed my tricks..."

"I enjoy them when they are not directed at me," Thor replied honestly.

Loki gave an abashed smile to her brother. "I have directed too many of my tricks at you..." she said apologetically.

Thor's answering grin was obvious in his voice, even if hidden visibly. "I am aware such trickery is in your nature and I do not mind them occasionally."

Loki blushed, slowing down so she was walking closer to her brother. "I must learn to be more circumspect then..." She stopped suddenly, glancing toward voices carrying in their direction. "We are about to receive company."

Thor's answering nod was obvious, but he pressed his lips together and was silent as a dwarf hunting party came into view, many of the members carrying meat they clearly intended to feast upon.

Loki had attempted to push Thor back into some was one thing to attempt a prank on the dwarves' king in his city after planning. It was another to be found by hunters in the wild with no plan in place. She could not help but feel worry at being outnumbered, even if Thor promised protection. Somehow, the idea of changing back into a male did not seem wise. Unfortunately, her efforts to conceal her brother and herself were for naught. The lead dwarf saw them nearly immediately. Loki plastered on a nervous smile, hoping to get the dwarves complacent around her and underestimate her.

Thor's hand edged towards his weapon, though he forced himself to stop when he saw that many of the dwarves carried wineskins and, if their red cheeks were any indication, had spent considerable time drinking.

The lead dwarf focused on Loki and then on Thor... only glimpsing features that he would have said fit a male better. Shrugging, he lifted his wineskin. "Fair ladies! Would you care to partake of our feast with us?"

Loki was not looking forward to spending time with already drunken dwarves...but she saw no other alternative. If they refused, the party might take offense and then she would have to talk her brother and herself out of difficulty. "Thank you, kind master dwarf...I believe I and my sister would be most pleased to join you." No one could tell from her smile or honeyed voice that she wanted to say no.

The lead dwarf beamed, trying to take another look under Thor's shawl before he turned to his companions. "Prepare a fire!" Turning back to Thor and Loki, he smiled wide and gestured for them to take a seat on a fallen tree log that he had two more dwarves drape their coats over... which they did with much grumbling.

Loki, realizing she and Thor were likely stuck for the next few hours, decided to make the best of the situation. She might not be able to trick jewels off of the king...but perhaps she could trick a weapon or something off of one of the hunters. To that end, she put on her most flirtatious smile, wrapped her arm through Thor's and walked over to the log with her brother, sitting down daintily before tugging on Thor to get him to sit.

Thor was stiff and tense, even though he allowed his sister to tug him to the log and sat. He glowered darkly at the dwarves, who seemed heedless of his growing ire.

"Does your sister not speak?" the lead dwarf asked Loki.

"Oh no!" Loki simpered apologetically. "Threna is...well, mama dropped her on her head when she was a wee lass. She does not speak at all. It was horribly tragic!" Loki looked appropriately saddened and horrified. She could not look at Thor, for fear she would start giggling. She had no doubt he would find a way to retaliate, but she could not help herself.

"She certainly seems... shy." The lead dwarf sidled up closer to Thor, who instantly put a hand up to stop him.

"Her hands are certainly big!" another dwarf, drinking from the wineskin, sputtered... though it was impossible to tell if he was shocked or admiring.

Loki, seeing an opportunity to get admiration (and tease her brother), eagerly answered, "And they are very strong as well! She has spent many an evening polishing our father's weapon!" Loki's smile was as innocently naive and guileless as she could make it. She very carefully did not look at Thor.

Thor would have glared at his sister, had he not been busy trying to 'dissuade' the dwarf from looking underneath his shawl.

Another dwarf sidled up to Loki. "Who is your father? And would he be amenable to negotiation for your hand?" he asked her.

Loki blinked at that, realizing too late that her teasing of Thor may have caused the dwarves to get ideas that weren't good for either her or her brother. Feeling a bit foolish, she scooted away from the dwarf and closer to her brother. "Oh, you would not know our father..." she hedged, wishing that she could have told the truth about their parentage. It would have got them to back off...but would have also likely resulted in them being dragged to the dwarf king and most likely held for ransom. " really do not want to ask for our hands... Threna can't speak and has a temper... And I'm hopeless in taking care of a house..." She giggled again, but it was a very nervous giggle. She swallowed hard, scooting even closer to Thor, so that at least one side of her was unavailable to the encroaching dwarves.

"We have emissaries," the lead dwarf said, looking longingly at Thor's shawl. He tried to grab at it, but Thor knocked his hand to one side.

The dwarf expressing interest in Loki hopped onto the log beside her and Thor quickly stood, placing himself protectively between the dwarves and his sister. While he was holding his tongue right now... it wouldn't take much for him to lose his temper.

Loki really was getting nervous by this point. She could use her magic...and Thor could fight off numerous enemies at once...but to do so would expose them and possibly bring the entire Dwarven kingdom down on them; or, worse, start a war. At the same time...

She gasped suddenly as a dwarf that they hadn't noticed (due to his being quiet and seeming uninterested) sneaked up behind her and slipped his hand under her skirt. Loki was too shocked to say anything, spinning around and slapping said dwarf hard enough to send him stumbling over the log she'd been sitting on. Her face was scarlet. "Only if your emissaries have better manners toward a lady than your cohorts!" she retorted, in a high pitched, breathy tone. She was more nervous than she wanted to admit. Of course, drunken dwarves could take her tone of voice another way.

If Thor was incensed at the dwarves' behaviour towards him... it was worse when he realized what had happened to Loki. Heedless of the danger, he flung his shawl back and had his hammer in hand within moments.

The dwarves were just drunk enough to be brave from their ale and the lead dwarf only stood frozen for a second before his face nearly turned purple in rage. "The Asgardian prince!" he hissed, axe in hand as he swung it towards Thor.

"Oh!" Loki didn't even stop to think, swinging her hand up and sending a burst of magic at the lead dwarf to shove him away from Thor...not in time to stop him completely, but hopefully in time to keep his weapon from harming her brother.

The dwarf stumbled and Thor was able to knock him aside with his hammer... but even as their leader crashed to the ground, more dwarves set on Thor from either side... and although he was able to block most of their blows, a wild swing from an axe connected with his arm. It wasn't enough to cause serious damage... but the blade did break the skin.

Loki wasn't certain what to do. Normally, she would have had no problem killing those who would attack her or her brother...but she and Thor were trespassing in the dwarves' could be seen by nearly all realms, including Asgard, that the princes were performing acts of espionage, with their disguised state. It didn't seem a good idea to just kill the drunken buffoons, not if they didn't want a war. Still... Biting her lip, Loki grabbed hold of her brother's arm during a lull when all the dwarves were on the ground and quickly teleported both of them out of the fray... a few hundred feet from where the dwarves still were. She wasn't familiar enough with the world to go further. "I think we better run..." she squeaked to Thor, in a very apologetic voice.

Thor didn't make any verbal response, but he grasped hold of Loki's arm, ignoring his wound (he'd suffered much worse in the past) and began to run, pulling her along behind him... even as he kept hold of his hammer in his other hand; just in case the dwarves gave chase, or they ran into others.

It was times like these Loki remembered why he preferred his male form. It wasn't because he viewed females as weak...he knew better than that. It was because most of them wore the most inconvenient clothes to run in. He ended up running more often than he'd like to admit. "Thor...slow dooown..." she finally whined thirty minutes later. They'd lost the dwarves ten minutes after they'd begun, but Thor hadn't seen fit to stop and Loki hadn't wanted to interrupt whatever was going through her brother's head.

Thor finally did begin to slow down... though it was less because of his sister and more because he was starting to feel dizzy; something that he attributed to running for so long, even though he didn't often tire. Still, his arm was still bleeding sluggishly.

Loki tried to slow her breathing enough to talk comfortably. She wasn't out of breath... but her tendency to do more cerebral activities, instead of sparring and other physical activities like her brother made her endurance less than his. "You're wounded!" she finally noticed and gasped out.

Thor glanced at the cut on his arm. "It is merely a scratch, one that will heal if bound," he replied dismissively. "Though it would not have occurred at all if you hadn't made it necessary for me to reveal my identity," he added.

"I did not tell you to reveal yourself!" Loki protested, with an offended huff.

"With the comments you made, there was no other course of action." Thor released his sister's arm so that he could replace his hammer and use strips of his clothing to bind his wound.

"It was in jest! I did not believe they would take my harmless words and go so far!" Loki's voice was petulant and embarrassed. She didn't try and argue that what she'd said hadn't been a mistake or wrong, though. The fact they'd had to run made that argument pointless. She took the strips of cloth from Thor and began binding the wound for him, a pout on her face.

Thor stood still as his sister bound his wounds. "Your jests are well and good... but not when there is a chance they could make things dangerous for us," he said. "We were both dressed as females... among drunken dwarves… our goal should have been to leave their company as fast as possible."

"I did not think they would actually try anything..." Loki said, still pouting and unwilling to accede to her brother that she'd been wrong...even though she knew it. "I thought perhaps to trick them out of one of their dwarven weapons...."

"You need to keep in mind when the correct time to cause mischief is," Thor said. "And we had already made plans." He waited long enough for his sister to finish binding his wound and then he reached out, taking her wrist and leading her over to a conveniently-placed rock.

Loki blinked as she found herself being pulled along by her brother. "Can we not sit before we move again?" she whined, not realizing exactly where they were headed yet. "And plans can change!"

"Not without informing me of those changes." Thor sat down on the rock and guided Loki round to his side before tugging her across his lap. While he didn't plan to be severe with her... she did need to understand that curbing her mischief occasionally was the better path to take.

Loki barely refrained from shrieking when her brother tipped her over his knee. As it was, she let out a very surprised yelp. "Thor?!" Her voice was more nervous than she would want to admit and she could not help but wonder if, instead of arguing when he first brought it up, she should not have acted more contrite. "Wh...what are you doing?" Her voice trembled as she tried to wriggle free of his grip, hoping to stand and put a bit of distance between herself and her brother.

"You need to curtail your mischief, Loki. You must remember that yourself and others can be harmed if you do not." Thor wrapped his arm around her waist and set about raising the many skirts and petticoats of Loki's borrowed clothing.

Loki's eyes widened as she realized what Thor intended to do. She had not been over her brother's knee for a spanking in such a long time, she had forgotten that he was often willing and able to step in and correct her if he felt she had crossed a line. "No, Thor! Please! I will be good! I will not prank anymore! Please do not do this!"

Loki was not self-delusional. She knew her pleas to her brother sounded more like a scared child than an adult forcefully making their disagreement of proceedings known. Unfortunately, this position had always made Loki feel childish...and she was a little scared. She had not pushed her brother to deal with her in this way in so long her memory made all past instances seem ten times as bad as they really had been.

And then her skirts and petticoats were over her head and not only could she not see through the light blocking material, but she could not speak, either- the ruffles and lace covering and in some cases filling her mouth, so she was too occupied trying not to eat her clothing than to argue Thor giving her a sore bottom.

Thor wasn't angry with Loki... but he was serious about his sister thinking twice before letting her mischief get out of hand. He rubbed her back gently and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in a swat that wasn't nearly as hard as he could deliver... in fact, it was more stinging than hard.

Loki was too indignant and distraught being in the position she was to realize the swat was not as hard as it could be and normally would be. She immediately began wailing and thrashing around, trying to escape. Her skirts twisting around her arms and head immobilized her better than even Thor's strength.

Tightening his hold on his sister, Thor continued swatting, going from the crest of her backside down to her thighs. He kept the swats at the same force and speed.

Loki felt extremely sorry for herself, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. The worst of it was, her whimpers and moans of distress were muffled by her skirts and her brother couldn't see the the only benefit she received from them was the release of anxiety that had built up when she realized Thor's intentions. She still struggled to get free, but it was half-hearted at best, since she realized Thor was stronger than her and would hold her over his lap as long as he felt necessary. And she had realized her brother was correct in his assessment of events. She had goaded the dwarves into their actions through her thoughtless teasing. She attempted to shove her clothing off her face again, fruitlessly, then huffed in exasperation, before a tiny giggle escaped her despite her efforts. It was just all so ridiculous and she didn't know whether to laugh or sob...and so she did both, choking on her tears even as she giggled and tried to break free from her clothing.

Thor raised his eyebrows at the giggles he could hear mixed in with the tears. He didn't swat harder or faster, though. "You were fortunate neither of us were hurt worse," he scolded.

Loki stilled at those words, realizing Thor was right. She was lucky they had not been hurt worse. Thor had been hurt...and it was her fault. "I am sorry, brother," she said softly, a pitiful waver in her voice as she finally stopped giggling and managed to stop sobbing long enough to get the words out. She was very frustrated, but knew she had brought this on herself. If Thor had been hurt worse.... Drunken dwarves were not beings one wanted to antagonize and if they had separated her and Thor, a lot worse might have happened...since she would never abandon her brother and staying could have meant rather vile things being done to her. Feeling true remorse, she lay across her brother's knee and focused on the swats, rather than trying to escape.

Thor brought the spanking to a stop and quickly gathered Loki into his arms, hugging her close and tight to himself. "I love you, Loki," he said.

Loki was relieved that, when Thor brought her back up, her skirts had all settled around her waist. She took in deep breaths of air, quivering as she tried to regain control of her emotions, all while snuggling as close to her brother as he would allow. It wasn't difficult. As disconcerting as the position had been and as anxious as she had felt being 'blinded' by her own clothing, Thor hadn't spanked very hard. In fact, while it had stung horribly while he was swatting, the sting was already settling into a mild itchy sensation.

She sniffled and began to reach back to rub the remaining sting away when she paused. "Am I allowed to rub my bottom, or do I need to let it stop on its own?" she asked, in a tiny, conciliatory whisper. Her brother had felt the need to punish her. She was ashamed enough at that fact that she wouldn't do anything without his permission. At least not the rest of today.

Thor stroked his sister's hair and kissed her head. "The punishment is over. You may rub... or not. Whichever you wish." While he would prefer that Loki curb her mischief a little, he had no desire to force her to stop. Or control her outside of stepping in to curtail dangerous, reckless behaviour.

Loki sniffled and immediately began to rub her backside...or what she could reach while sitting on Thor's lap. She had no inclination to stand up at the moment. Instead, she leaned on her brother even more, letting her head fall onto his shoulder as she continued to snuggle.

"I am sorry, brother, that I did not think...." Loki said softly. "I do not normally have to worry about my words being taken as an invitation to behave badly towards me...." She bit her lip, wondering if it would not be better to change back onto her normal form...but she knew, if she did, the cuddles would have to stop. Even if Thor would allow his little brother to sit on his lap and beg comfort, Loki would not feel comfortable letting himself do such. He was already looked down on as not strong enough or masculine enough because of his tendency to focus on magic instead of physical might. As his female self, she could relax and let herself accept it, because not many knew her female form, so if they saw, they would not automatically think it was Loki being weak.

Thor frowned, tightening his embrace around her. "You should not have to worry about that, no matter what form you wear," he said. "But when I am here, I will protect you. No matter what."

"I am happy to be with you..." Loki admitted. "I am sorry that I am so weak it is necessary for you to protect me. I know I'm a disappointment..." She sighed softly, still snuggling close.

Thor frowned further and touched her chin to encourage her to look at him. "I do not protect you because you are weak, Loki," he said seriously. "I protect you because you are my family... brother or sister... no matter what form you wear."

Loki had already begun developing quite the reputation for fooling people with lies and half-truths (though she always attempted to be honest with her family). This tended to give her the ability to know when she was being lied to as well.

She looked into her brother's eyes when urged to do so and she could tell...Thor was not lying to her. The knowledge that her brother did not think her weak and that his protection was solely due to his care of her as his sibling eased something Loki had not even realized was hurting.

She gave him the sweetest smile she could muster before leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek. "I find my desire to prank diminished and it is getting late...perhaps we can return to where our clothing dries and change before returning home for the evening meal? And I will be the best younger sibling I can be and do whatever you tell me to do...just please do not tell mother and father you needed to correct me?" She blushed, still ashamed that her brother had felt it necessary to spank her for her careless actions.

Thor nodded... though at that moment, the weakness that had only been at the edge of his subconscious came full force. When he went to place Loki on the ground, he didn't drop her... but he came close to losing his grip, as his arms suddenly went slack.

Many would claim- had claimed in the past- that Loki was too self-absorbed, narcissistic, notice when others were in some type of distress. That wasn't exactly true. She noticed. She just never knew exactly what to do to help and had never seen the point in fawning over anyone if she couldn't actually do anything to help. She noticed Thor's sudden weakening. Of course she did.

"Thor!" She quickly stood on her own two feet, her focus narrowed onto her older brother. Looking over him carefully, there was only one thing that could have contributed to his sudden weakness. "The wound..." she breathed out in a near whisper, "…you did not bleed so much that you should be so weak...the blade must have been poisoned..." Her voice sounded calm, but the look in her eyes was frantic with worry. "I could help you if we were at home, where my supplies are....I...I can hunt for herbs here, but I do not want to leave you alone; if the dwarves return, you would be helpless....I...I can try and get you to where Heimdall can call us back. Using teleportation...We can return straight to where the gate is." All thoughts of returning for their clothing so that Thor and she could get out of the dresses and she could transform back into her male form fled at the thought that Thor would not get help as soon as possible.

Thor nodded... but once the weakness had made itself known, it seemed to be progressing quickly. He was able to stand... but he knew he wouldn't be doing much running. Or fighting, even. "If you can keep us hidden with your magic, Loki... I do not believe I have the strength to protect us..." he admitted, his breathing heavy.

Thor's admitting to the weakness terrified Loki more than anything had in a very long time. "I can try. brother, but I am not certain that would be a good idea to do unless I hear the dwarves following...I do not know that I can help you...and I would prefer Heimdall be able to see us and send mother or father...." She moved closer to her brother to wrap an arm around him, but soon realized she was unable to support Thor in her current form. Quickly, she transformed.

Pulling Thor's unwounded arm around his shoulder, Loki held tightly to his brother, afraid that if Thor lost his own grip on Loki, he could wind up anywhere on the planet, helpless and in danger. "I am transporting us back to the sight of our clothes first, as it is a shorter distance and I do not wish to lose you by attempting further travel. While there, I will make a paste out of some plants I noticed by the will not cure what is already in your blood, but it will hopefully draw out the remaining poison from your wound and prevent infection." His voice was as calm as he could make it, but he knew it was not calm enough to hide his fear from Thor. "After that, I should have my strength built up enough that I can transport us the remaining distance to the gate...."

Thor wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulders, careful not to lean his full weight on his brother. Even in his male form, Loki's build was much smaller than Thor's own... and he was worried about harming his brother in his weakened state. "I understand." His voice was becoming a pale imitation of his normal booming tones.

Loki saw no reason to wait any longer and within seconds, he and Thor were hurtling through space and arriving back at the creek, where their own clothing still hung on a branch, drying. Loki quickly put Thor out of sight of the house, in a safe location then set about gathering as much of the herb that was nearby as he could. Returning to Thor's side, he began grinding the herb up with a little water and a little clay. Once the mixture was ready, he ripped a piece of cloth from the underskirt he still wore, as it was cleaner than any of the outer garments he wore or that he had worn before changing, and wet it down so he could carefully begin cleaning the wound.


Heimdall had been watching events as they unfolded and as soon as it became noticeable that the two young princes were in trouble, he had sent for the young men's mother. Frigga did not waste any time arriving to the gate with her own medicines and bandages. "Send me as close to them as you are able. Once I have taken care of Thor's wounds, bring all three of us back.... Thank you, Heimdall." Her voice was calm and regal, even if it held a mother's worry.

Heimdall acknowledged Frigga's words with a nod and activated the Bifrost to send her towards the creek, so she could land beside it.


Thor was barely conscious by now. The poison was working fast through his blood and he was feverish... very close to delirium.

Loki was beyond worried by this point. He'd put the herbed clay in the wound, but while it had drawn some of the poison out, too much had already entered Thor's body. "I am going to attempt to call Heimdall from here, brother...if I am unsuccessful, I will transport us back to where we arrived...." Loki wished that he was further along in his magical abilities. He was feeling his young age and inexperience keenly.

By this point, Frigga had arrived and quickly moved to her sons. "That will be unnecessary, Loki. Heimdall knows we are here and awaits my call to bring us back. But first..." She quickly opened the bag she held and pulled out a flask of a pungent liquid, which she opened and poured into Thor's mouth. "You must swallow, my will fight the poison."

Thor was barely conscious of his mother's return, but when the liquid was poured into his mouth, he obediently swallowed... though his eyes were impossible to open.

"Will he be ok, momma?" Loki asked in a worried whisper, suddenly seeming as young as he truly was. He liked to act like he was millennia old...but when something happened that he could not control, he always reverted back to acting the few centuries he truly was.

Frigga spared one second to assure her youngest. "The antidote will keep him from getting worse. Now we just need to get him home and into bed, so I can properly treat the wound. You did well with the herb and clay, Loki. I am proud of you for remembering." She attempted to calm him down. She needed to focus on Thor and if Loki was very worried and upset, he might do something foolish.

Once Thor had drank the entire flask, she ordered, "Gather everything that needs to return with us. Then hold your brother's hand. I will call Heimdall as soon as you are ready."

Loki did as ordered and soon, he was holding his brother's hand. He did not let go of Thor's hand once...even after Heimdall brought them back, helped his mother into a cart with his brother and him, or when they'd reached the palace under his mother's protective shielding. He only finally released him when his mother told him to go bathe and dress in appropriate clothing and then go rest. It was the hardest thing he'd ever done in his young life till that point.

Thor was in and out of his delirious state, though he was aware enough to grip his brother's hand with the strength he had left... which was precious little. And even though he hated being helpless, he knew he didn't have the strength to do anything other than attempt to hold at least some of his weight in an attempt to help.

Loki had bathed and changed back into his own clothing...burning the 'borrowed' clothing. He did not want any reminders of the foolishness that had led to his brother being poisoned. He'd only eaten enough to ensure that his mother would not be upset with him for not eating. Then he was back beside his brother's bed, sitting as close as he was allowed and doing whatever he was told by the healers in an attempt to help his brother.

Frigga smiled serenely at her youngest. "He will be fine Loki...the poison has been neutralized. He might feel ill for a few days and tired and weak, but he is no longer in any danger." She hoped her words would help her son relax and not worry so much. She worried herself that if Loki was not convinced that Thor would regain health, he might do something foolish that caused harm to himself. She could tell he felt guilty, but she wasn't certain why he would feel guilty. It wasn't as if he had poisoned his own brother. Sadly, while Heimdall had known that the two young men had been attacked by drunken dwarves, he could shed no light on why the dwarves had attacked. Thor was still sleeping and she did not want to wake him to find out the answer to that question...and Loki was not speaking. She could only hope he would come to her...or go to his father...before things got too much for him to handle.

Loki felt his mother watching him, but did not speak. His attention was solely on Thor and either holding his brother's hand, or keeping his own hand on his brother's shoulder, needing reassurance that Thor was still warm with life and not cold in death.


It took a few days for Thor to be close to full strength. He was getting impatient long before that... but was able to curtail his temper for the most part, especially since he'd been able to see how troubled Loki was by the situation.

Still, it was a big relief when Thor was able to get up and begin moving around... even though he was careful not to do too much too quickly.

Frigga was relieved when Thor began to move around; she knew that he struggled not to become impatient with his situation and was just as anxious as he that he quickly recover so he could return to his normal activities. She also was anxious that he continue to hold his temper and not lose patience with his younger brother. Loki was trying so hard to be helpful and care for his brother that he was hovering and giving Thor little to no room at all where Loki was not underfoot, trying to take care of something for Thor that Thor wanted to do for himself. She did not know whether to laugh at the confusion this caused Thor, or cry at the fact her youngest obviously felt so badly about what happened that he was willing to play the part of a slave to his brother in an effort to make Thor feel better.

Loki, for his part, did not notice his mother's watching him or her worry about his emotional state. He was determined to help his brother in every way possible. "Oh! You want an orange? Let me peel it for you, brother!" He snatched the fruit from out of his brother's hand and began to pull the skin from around it, not noticing his mother leaving the room quickly, shoulders stiff in an attempt to keep them from shaking as she held in her amusement.

Maybe Thor wasn't as observant as his brother... but he certainly noticed when Loki, yet again, insisted on doing something Thor was capable of doing himself.

"Brother." Thor placed his hand on Loki's to still the movement, holding eye contact with him. "I enjoy your presence, but you no longer need to try to do everything for me. I would not have you become like a slave to me," he said seriously.

"But I..." Loki faltered, unsure what to say, but knowing he wanted to do things for his brother. After the problem he had caused that led to his brother being wounded...poisoned...Loki felt like it was the only way he could make up for his actions. "...I owe you a great debt...." he finally settled on, because there really was no other way to say it. It was his fault Thor had been wounded and he hadn't been able to do anything to help his brother get well. It was their mother who had helped save his brother. He'd felt so helpless and afraid as Thor became so weakened by the poison and he felt such guilt that it had happened, because he knew if he had held his tongue and not deliberately teased the dwarves, they likely would not have done anything and Thor would have been alright.

Thor frowned, gently squeezing Loki's hand. "No, brother. This was not your doing or your fault. Even if you had curtailed your tongue, there is no guarantee that one or both of us would not have been injured. You protected me and stayed by my side. I trusted you there then... and I still trust you there now."

But..." Loki looked down, ashamed to realize he was crying. "...I did not curtail my tongue and...and maybe we would have been injured anyway... but it is even more likely that we would not have been. are always telling me I should temper my teasing nature and consider what may occur from a prank before I play it; and I did not heed you and" He gulped, quickly handing the now peeled orange to his brother and wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to stop the tears that were falling rapidly down his face.

Thor wasted no time in placing the orange down and wrapping his arms around Loki. "You meant no harm," he said softly. "I do not blame you for this, brother. It changes nothing of how I feel about you."

"I blame myself..." Loki said in a tiny, pathetic voice, unable to look Thor in the eye. "I love you, brother..." he admitted softly. It was not something he admitted to often, the sibling rivalry that was always there usually getting in the way of the more fond emotions, but he needed to say it now. "I love you....and I am so sorry..." he choked out.

Thor tightened his embrace around his brother. "I love you, Loki. I do not blame you for anything... but neither do I wish you to suffer from this guilt."

"Suffering from guilt is the least I deserve." Loki sighed softly, leaning into his brother. "You suffered from the poison....I deserve to suffer, too...." He couldn't help but snuggle into his brother's embrace, though; even if he felt he didn't deserve it, he craved Thor's attention and affection.

"No, you don't," Thor disagreed, stroking his brother's hair. "And if you cannot release the guilt on your own... I will help you."

Loki slumped against Thor, giving up on stopping his tears and only hoping that Thor did not notice how he was crying...or at least that Thor could ignore his crying, since Thor did not tend to miss much, even if he liked to act like he was not observing so closely. "I do not know how to release the guilt..." he admitted. "...I do not think I deserve to until I find a way to pay for my mistake...." He swallowed and closed his eyes, letting his head fall onto his brother's shoulder, the gentle petting of his hair calming him, even if it didn't ease the guilt.

Thor cuddled Loki tight and pressed a kiss to his head. "This guilt is not good for you, brother. I will help you." He held Loki for a moment or two longer and then carefully moved his brother across his lap.

It said something about the deep guilt plaguing Loki, and how ashamed he felt for his actions, that he didn't fight Thor, or protest even a little. Unlike when Thor pulled him over his knee directly after they had fled the dwarves...Loki knew exactly how dangerous and precarious their situation had been and how lucky he was to not have lost his brother. He did not need to be convinced of the folly of his actions. He needed to pay for his actions and he thought it fitting that it be Thor that helped make him pay, since it was Thor who had been hurt. Letting himself lie over his brother's lap and forcing himself not to tense up or do anything that might lessen the impact of what was about to occur, Loki sniffled and gripped Thor's ankle with one hand, while bracing himself against the floor with the other. "I am sorry, Thor..." he said in a tiny, very apologetic voice.

Pausing, Thor gently rubbed his brother's back. "I love you, Loki... brother... and I forgive you," he promised. "But you need to forgive yourself. You don't need to hold onto this guilt." He wrapped his arm around Loki's waist, drawing him in tight against his stomach, and then bared his brother before lifting his hand and bringing it down in the first sharp swat.

Loki did not argue with Thor; he was not convinced that he did not deserve to suffer with his guilt, since he was positive he was very guilty. But he did not want to argue with Thor about it. Thor forgiving him helped him immensely. He believed his brother and knowing that Thor would not let Loki's guilt come between them was a huge relief to the younger brother. He was so relieved that he sagged over his brother's lap and let out a long sigh, before giving a quivery whimper. "I...I do not know if I can forgive myself, brother..." he admitted, even as his voice caught in his throat as Thor's hand connected to his backside. The spanking he had received before had felt hard at the time, but it was nothing compared to now, when he had no protection from clothing. He was grateful for the fact, believing if Thor was harsh enough, then maybe...maybe...he could pay for what he had caused to happen to his brother.

"I know you did not intend this to happen. There is no malice in you, brother." Thor took a tighter grip on his brother, though it was intended as comfort rather than restraint, and settled into a pattern of swats, going from the crest of Loki's backside down to his thighs.

"No! No, Thor, I did not intend it! I would never intend harm to you!" Loki sobbed out, giving up on any pretense that he wasn't already crying and highly distraught. Despite his intention to accept the punishment that he believed he deserved, his body had other ideas and began to squirm and wriggle as his brother swatted, more in response to the pain than due to any desire to escape.

"I know. I trust you, Loki. I always have. I always will. This was an accident... something that might have happened no matter what either of us had done." Thor began another circuit of swats, holding back on using his full strength.

" was my trick and teasing that...that led to them behaving boorishly...and needing protect me...." Loki gulped, still squirming at each swat, though he held onto Thor's ankle tightly. His legs were kicking out slightly with each swat as well. Even though Thor wasn't being as harsh as he could be- as harsh as Loki thought he deserved- Loki's emotions were so fraught that any small amount of pain caused by his brother felt much, much, worse. "...If...if I had behaved, you would not have needed to defend me and you would not have been cut!" Loki's cries grew louder and more pronounced. At any other point in the past, now would be the time that the spanking would end- but Loki still was not convinced that he did not deserve to suffer for what had happened and he gripped Thor's ankle tighter, afraid that his brother would 'give up on him' and stop. He was not thinking clearly at all.

"I would have and will defend you in any circumstances, Loki," Thor said seriously. "You talk of behaving, brother... but I know you. Mischief is a part of you and is not something you should ever be forced to give up. Just like your magic. They are but two elements of what make you so important to me, my brother."

Loki took a quivery, tear-filled breath, his grip loosening somewhat as he listened to his brother and actually focused on the words. " do not wish me to stop my teasing or trickery?" He sounded genuinely confused. " do not think me bad when I behave that way?"

"It is your nature," Thor replied. "And a big part of who you are. A big part of my brother. I do not believe you are bad... or that you should cease your tricks. If I did, then I would respond in a similar way each time... but if you stopped, you would be unhappy. And then I would feel the same for taking away your joy."

It was hard to maintain composure in the face of such total acceptance and love for who he was. Thor and he had not spent much time together lately; Thor's friends did not like Loki, and Loki felt the dislike and so avoided them...and as a result, did not see his brother as much as he would have liked. He had convinced himself that Thor only tolerated his presence and that he would prefer Loki change into someone who did not behave so mischievously. But here Thor was, saying the complete opposite of what Loki had convinced himself. And Loki believed him, because Thor did not lie. Hearing his brother telling him that he did not want him to change... it did not take away the guilt he felt for what had happened to Thor (he was fully aware that he needed to pick more appropriate times for his 'humor' to be shown), but it eased something else inside of him that he could not name exactly and made him feel more accepted and at ease with his brother. This made him more willing to concede that maybe his feelings were affecting him in a way that he should not allow and maybe he should stop his attempt to punish himself and let go of dwelling on his guilt, even if he could not fully erase the fact he felt guilty. Of course the newer feelings of acceptance overwhelmed him. Going limp over Thor's lap, he began to sob.

Thor brought the spanking to a close immediately and gathered his brother into a tight embrace, holding Loki close to him. "I love you," he said. "Every part of you."

"I love you too, Thor..." Loki managed to whisper through choked sobs. "I love you so much and I was so scared and I thought you would die and I hated myself for it...." he admitted brokenly. "I am sorry I was not more careful. I...I will try har...harder to thi...think bef...before I pr...prank in in the fu...future..." he said, in a quivery voice, as he attempted to get his crying under control. He snuggled as close as his brother would allow. It was not often he felt the difference in their ages so keenly, but in moments like this, when it was so difficult for him to get a handle on his emotions and feelings while his brother was so calm and strong and protective, he felt every year of difference...and was grateful for it, because Thor made him feel safe. "You are the best older brother in existence..." he finally whispered, as his tears finally stopped and he slumped against his brother wearily.

Thor gently stroked his brother's hair, kissing the top of his head. "You are the best little brother in existence," he whispered, his voice warmed through with affection. "And I am not dead... I am here. And you will never be rid of me." A slight teasing note slipped into his voice... even though his words were very serious.

"Promise?" Loki's tone was slightly teasing as well; one could never promise such a thing, really, but if it could be achieved, he hoped to never lose his brother for any reason. Wrapping his arms around Thor's middle, he held on tightly, finally able to relax somewhat because his brother was okay.

"Promise." Thor hugged Loki tighter, enjoying just being able to hold onto his brother. His voice was even more teasing as he added, "After all... who else will prevent drunken dwarves attempting to steal you as their bride?"

Loki couldn't help it. He began to laugh. Reaching up and wiping at his eyes, he smiled at Thor. "No one else. Anyone beyond mother and father would likely let them have me..." he said, with a touch of wistful chagrin. He was fully aware of how most of Asgard looked on him.

Frigga had gone to her private libraries to give her two sons a chance to talk, but it was time for her to check on Thor's wound and make certain there was still no sign of infection. Knocking gently on the door, she stepped in and closed the door quickly behind her before averting her face to the wall. "It is time to redo your bandages, son..." she said to Thor, deliberately not commenting on the fact that Loki had obviously been spanked. She was glad to see the affection between the two. She knew more than anyone how lonely Loki became when his brother was away with his friends.

Loki blushed faintly and stood up, fixing his clothing before promptly sitting back on Thor's lap and hugging onto him again. "May I help with the bandaging, mother?" he asked quietly.

Taking Loki's question as a sign that she could turn around, Frigga turned to face her children. "Of course, but it will be easier to do if you are not sitting on his lap..." she teased gently.

Thor grinned and hugged his brother a moment or two longer, before gently releasing Loki so he could get up if he wished. He smiled at both his mother and his brother... though said nothing to draw attention to what he had just done. Instead, he looked at Loki. "When I am fully recovered... we will go on a less dangerous adventure," he promised.

Loki stood up to help his mother, giving Thor a huge grin. "I look forward to that, brother."

Frigga just smiled gently as she began to clean and redress Thor's wound, humming a happy song quietly as she worked. Seeing her sons getting along and do happy made her happy.


Grant smiled crookedly at the end of the tale. It was obvious, in the way she was spoken of, that Frigga had been much loved. He slanted his head curiously, something having been bothering him. "How can you laugh? I mean, the thought of Thor wearing a dress and not being able to speak because it would give the gig away was amusing...but Loki, what they intended to do to you was not funny at all...and neither was Thor being wounded...I guess I'm just not understanding how the first thing you think about with that story is the funny part, while forgetting the less funny dangerous parts...." He looked between his two cousins curiously.

Loki wrinkled his nose. "I have not thought about why.... I suppose the fact that I wasn't...forced...and that Thor lived and that I remembered that he loved me was enough for me to think on the good and the funny part of the story first...." He glanced at his brother to see if he agreed.

Thor smiled. "The danger was only a small part of that... and the memories of the adventures Loki and I share are ones I hold dear. I remember the good instead of the bad." He shrugged. "It is true there were lessons learned... but the time was not traumatic, as far as I am concerned."

"Exactly. The..." Loki began, only to be interrupted as a tiny brunette blur launched herself at him, throwing her arms around him in a very tight hug.

"Thor was right..." Kara said into the hollow of Loki's neck. "Do not change who you are...we love you for all of you...."

Loki swallowed and cleared his throat, suddenly having to blink back tears. He tightened his arms around the younger woman and shifted her so she was sitting on his lap, before kissing her above her ear. "I will heed your advice, Kitten." He squeezed gently, giving a self-conscious smile to the rest of the group. "I love you, too..." He kissed the top of her head this time, before giving Thor and his father a slightly confused and uncertain look, not sure if he was handling her right, then looked at Fury to see if he was doing alright. The last thing he wanted was to hurt one of his family...but especially not one of the more fragile ones.

Thor just grinned at Loki. "You see, brother? You have a family here... a true family." He placed a hand on Loki's shoulder and squeezed gently.

Odin shook his head, a slight look of amusement passing across his face. "Your mother didn't tell me about all of that."

Loki blinked and looked at his father, even as he shifted Kara again so she would be more comfortable, since she didn't appear in any hurry to get off of his lap. "She did not? I had thought she told you everything....Although I suppose I should have realized when you never mentioned it to me...." He gave Odin a sheepish smile.

Kara's smile was huge. She hadn't expected that her cousin would allow her to cuddle with him like this; of all the family, Loki tended to be more aloof and hesitant with his shows of affection. Of course, of all the family, Kara tended to be the most physically affectionate. She was happiest when one of her family was holding onto her. She snuggled a bit more, before saying, too casually, "I did not know you could become a should change sometime and go out clubbing with me and Bobbi...."

Loki managed to avoid any outward sign of surprise at her words, but he did raise an eyebrow at her; and then transferred the raised eyebrow look to Clint, when the archer started coughing spastically. "I cannot go clubbing with you as a male?" he asked in befuddlement.

"Boys won't talk to me if they think you're my brother or boyfriend..." Kara shrugged innocently.

"Ah...I see....I think..." Loki said, still sounding a bit confused, but willing to go along with it. He turned back toward his father. "I'm surprised you did not receive any complaints from Nidavellir, Father..." he said to Odin hesitantly. Just because the event had happened over two hundred years before did not mean his father might not be a bit upset at hearing what happened.

Odin's own smile was amused. "I suspect they were too embarrassed by having assumed you were women to draw attention to the two of you arriving there."

"It was a long time ago, too." Thor smiled and added, "But the memory is a fond one."

Loki's smile turned a bit sad. "At the time...I felt so guilty about having caused you, however indirectly, to be harmed. I could not imagine ever hurting you deliberately. And then, nearly 300 years later, I did more than try to hurt you and it was more than deliberate. I am certain there is a lesson in there somewhere, though all I can think is that I am so very lucky you are forgiving and have...have worked to bring me back to my right mind. To where I would never willingly hurt you...." he said softly to his brother, not caring if the rest of the family heard.

It was a simple matter for Thor to reach out and wrap his arm around his brother's shoulders, squeezing him gently. "You are my brother," he said, as if it were the most simple thing in the world. The smile he gave Loki was affectionate and filled with all the love he held for his brother.

"It's good...that you could remember how you felt and know that you feel that way again. That whatever had hold of your mind to change you didn't keep hold or make you forget forever..." Kara said hesitantly, giving Thor a tiny smile from her position of being snuggled up to his younger brother.

"Remembering the love of family is always good..." Bucky interjected, glancing at Steve as he did so. "Sometimes, that's the only thing that can bring you back to yourself."

Steve glanced at his brother... and smiled. "When are you thinking of?" he asked, eyes bright in the light of the campfire.