Cat’s Thoughts: I don’t tend to have ‘favourite’ stories as such. It’s a bit of a copout, but my favourite tends to be whichever one we’re working on at the time. However, there are certain stories that have been quite emotional to write. This happens to be one of them.
One of the main things I like about this story is the acknowledgement, at least in their heads, that Grant is Coulson’s son. While neither of them have put voice to that fact, it’s undeniable. Coulson makes it abundantly clear, when he’s scolding Grant for leaving the Bus, that the younger man is his.
Using the belt was a difficult decision for Coulson, but it was better than the other way of breaking the brainwashing, which would have resulted in a sore head for Grant. I also like the fact that this story, we get to see Coulson actually fight. He wasn’t prepared to injure Grant to the extreme, but it was in defense of his own life. So yeah. I liked being able to show something of Coulson’s fighting ability in this particular story.