Not Too Proud

Summary: Instead of expelling Zoria from the Prydonian Chapter, Lord Romana chooses a different punishment
Warning(s): Spanking (including in front of an audience); AU; spoilers for Doctor Who: Time Fracture; references to violence and canon character death
Pairing: Lord Romana/Zoria
Author’s Note: I cannot recommend seeing the immersive theatre show of Doctor Who: Time Fracture enough. It is honestly an awesome experience


They’d all turned their backs on her.

Zoria looked around, at all of her fellow Time Lords. Not one of them met her eyes. Not one of them offered a place of sanctuary, not even a nod of silent support. Even her agents, those travellers she’d recruited to her cause, didn’t speak up in her defence.

It didn’t matter that her actions had been necessary to save Gallifrey. It didn’t matter that she’d been following orders. She’d been used to do their dirty work and now, they washed their hands of her.

Her eyes darted towards Romana, the only one who hadn’t turned their back on her. She swallowed, resisting the urge to drop to her knees and beg again. But she did allow herself to voice one final plea. “Please….”

“I gave you your last warning, Zoria.” Lord Romana moved towards her. They didn’t turn their back. Instead, they reached out and grasped her chin between thumb and forefinger. Raised her head so they were looking into each other’s eyes. “I will give you one final chance. But first, I am going to punish you.”

Zoria swallowed, feeling the pressure of blunt fingers against her skin. Lord Romana’s eyes swept over her body and despite the fact there was no physical contact, the gaze left her hot and flushed. “Punished how?” The words escaped her lips in a whisper. She had to fight the urge to lean into the touch.

Lord Romana smiled, as if fully aware of the effect they were having on her. Instead of answering with words, they bent her forward, positioning her over their arm.

Zoria grabbed onto the arm she was bent over, half-afraid she would lose her balance. Her whole body jerked as their firm hand collided with her right buttock.

She jumped, gripping the arm even tighter, almost desperately, as the smacks continued. Lord Romana timed their smacks well, only delivering the next when the sting from the previous had reached its peak.

By the time Lord Romana paused, Zoria’s backside was warm and stinging from the smacks. She was pulled up and Lord Romana rested their hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

“Is that it?” she whispered uncertainly. She could feel the eyes of those surrounding the two of them, boring into her back. But her gaze was entirely focused on Lord Romana.

Once more, their fingers grasped her chin. This time, though, they leaned forward. Pressed their lips to hers in a deep, lingering kiss.

The rest of the Time Lords, the travellers, even the threat from the invading Daleks…all of those things seemed to fade into insignificance as she returned the kiss, grasping Lord Romana’s upper arms. She sank into the embrace, a soft whimper escaping her as their hands slid over her shoulder blades and down her back.

Slowly, Lord Romana pulled back from the kiss, their hands cupping her face. “No. It isn’t over.” They took her hand and led her out of the audience hall, towards their chambers.

“What about…?”

Lord Romana placed a finger to her lips. “You want my forgiveness. Don’t you?”

She nodded, uncertainly, daring to kiss the finger before allowing herself to be led into the room.

Lord Romana guided her towards one of the corners and turned her to face it. Then, they pulled her trousers and panties down to her ankles before moving away. “Stand here and think about your crimes and what those could have cost you if I chose not to be merciful.”

Zoria stood in the corner, facing the wall. The sting from the mini spanking had faded now, but she felt vulnerable. Exposed. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“I didn’t give you permission to speak.”

Her shoulders slumped and she fell silent, continuing to stare at the wall. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel the pressure of lips on hers. Still feel their hands on her, holding her close and tight, making her feel safe and warm, even in the midst of this invasion.

Lord Romana was moving around and Zoria listened for a few moments before she focused on what she’d been told to. She thought about everything she’d done. All of the lives she’d taken.

And she thought about Lord Romana’s lips on hers. On their decision to punish her physically, instead of going through with their promise to exile her.

Merciful indeed.

Tears spilled out of her eyes and down her cheeks as her head fell forward, gently bumping against the cool surface of the wall. If Lord Romana hadn’t changed their mind and stepped in, she would have had to leave Gallifrey. Would have had to leave everything she knew behind.

A hitched sob escaped her lips.

“Do you understand now, Zoria?” Lord Romana’s hands rested on her shoulders; their voice whispered in her ear. “I could have gone through with exiling you. You saw, didn’t you? No one was prepared to speak up in your defence. They all turned their backs on you. Even those who used you for their own ends.”

“Except for you.”

“Except for me.” Their hands slid over her hips, gripping them gently before drawing her out of the corner and towards the chair in the middle of the room.

She followed along obediently, going over Lord Romana’s knees when they sat and tugged her into place. “I know it doesn’t mean anything,” she whispered helplessly. “But I am sorry. I truly thought I was doing the right thing.”

“You allowed yourself to be manipulated.” The swat that accompanied those words was hard and strong.

Her body jerked and she cried out, reaching down to grab onto Romana’s ankle. “I’m sorry!” she wailed.

“I hope you are, Zoria.” The swats continued to land in hard, fast cracks of bare skin to bare skin. “I will not allow you a second chance to betray me.”

Zoria was already crying, but it was the words more than the pain from the spanking that wrenched heart-rending sobs from her throat. “I didn’t mean to betray you.” Her voice broke. “I just wanted to save Gallifrey. My friends and family. The people I love. You.” She slumped limp over Romana’s lap, crying without ceasing.

“I don’t need you to save me, Zoria. But I do need you.” One final flurry of smacks, focused to her sit spots and the tops of her thighs, then Romana stopped. Drew her up into a tight embrace, holding her as she cried.

Finally, her tears died down and then they stopped. She stayed nestled in Romana’s arms, though. “Forgive me?” she whispered hesitantly.

In answer, Romana sought out her lips and they kissed again. Hard. Desperately.

Like it was their last.

The End