
Summary: Floyd, Diablo, and Rick try some new limits. Croc and GQ discover some new developments.
Warning(s): Contains spanking. Explicit, M/M/m, M/m, D/s.
Pairings: Floyd/Diablo/Rick; Croc/GQ


Rick looked out the window of the chopper as he and Floyd flew back to the island. They were returning from visiting Floyd's daughter. It had been a good visit, as far as Rick could tell, but it had been hard to leave. Floyd had been quiet nearly the entire trip back and Rick was reluctant to break the quiet.

Floyd glanced at the island as it loomed into view and then looked towards Rick, speaking for the first time since they'd left his daughter. "I'm sure the others will be happy with what we've brought back."

Rick glanced over at Floyd and smiled crookedly. "After all the effort Zoe put into picking out the items, they better be..." His voice was a mix of teasing amusement and earnest protectiveness. He obviously cared about Zoe a great deal.

"I think you're right." Floyd reached out and wrapped an arm around Rick's shoulders, lowering his voice as he said, "Waller's been very quiet about GQ."

"I know. It worries me. What's she hiding? We know he was hidden away for months... and... he and Croc haven't said, but I think he was experimented on..." Rick swallowed and pressed closer to Floyd. "That she isn't saying anything is almost as worrying as knowing she did something to GQ."

Since the pilot wasn't looking in their direction and likely wouldn't be until it was time to land, Floyd pulled Rick onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his lover's waist. "I think you're right," he agreed. "I spotted a mark on him. Wasn't very clear, but it looked like a bite. Only one I know likely to leave a bite like that is Croc. But it doesn't look like it was made recently."

Rick's eyes widened. "Croc wasn't in the facility with GQ. If GQ was bit, it wasn't by Croc..." He wrinkled his nose. "I'm surprised Croc isn't acting even more possessive and protective... unless he hasn't noticed. But you noticed, so he's bound to have...."

"Unless it was Croc and whatever Waller did to GQ messed with his healing factor," Floyd commented.

Rick blinked. "Are you saying Croc bit my brother?!" he spluttered, protective indignation rising before he wrinkled his nose in baffled worry. "Wait... are you saying GQ is healing like a meta? If so, we can't let anyone find out!"

"I think both are possibilities," Floyd replied. "But for what it's worth, if Croc did bite your brother, I suspect that GQ was entirely on board with it and may even have been the one to ask for it. He seems to prefer Croc being protective and possessive."

Rick sighed. "Yeah. Neither one of us wanted that before. But now...." He didn't mention how he wanted and needed the same from Floyd and Diablo. His Dom already knew, after all.

"Now, both of you are in relationships where you've willingly given up control to your partners," Floyd commented.

"Never saw myself wanting or needing that before... now can't imagine living without it," Rick admitted.

"You need it. You need that kind of relationship with us. And we need it with you." Floyd gently squeezed around Rick's waist.

"Yeah. I really do," Rick whispered, before shifting closer.

Floyd turned Rick's face towards him, kissing his lover.

Rick obeyed the silent directions easily; quickly and immediately opened for his lover to claim and plunder. His submission had an element of begging to it; trying to encourage or influence Floyd to take charge, while giving everything he could of himself in the kiss.

Floyd pressed deeper into the kiss, pushing his tongue into Rick's mouth. One hand gently grasped the back of his lover's head, holding the other man still so that Floyd could take what he wanted.

Rick moaned softly, leaning into Floyd. He licked at his lover's tongue.

Still keeping an eye on their approach to the island, Floyd pulled Rick closer against his body, nipping gently at the other man's lips.

Rick's breathing grew ragged as he finally, reluctantly, pulled away to catch his breath. "We're almost home," he said, in a soft voice.

"Yeah." Floyd released him. "We'll continue this back on the island, with Diablo."

Rick smiled at that. "Yessir..." he said, with a slow drawl. "After we give the others their gifts?"

"After that," Floyd agreed. He gave Rick's knee a gentle squeeze.

Rick leaned into his mate a little longer, but as soon as he felt the helicopter shifting, getting ready to descend, he straightened back up, fully in his own seat. When the pilot looked back to let them know they had arrived and would be landing, there was no way he'd know Rick and Floyd had been kissing or hugging.

The helicopter landed easily, and soon, the two men had jumped out and gathered all the purchases, carrying them up to the main building.

Harley skipped out to meet them, an amused Digger following in her wake. "Did ya bring pressies?" she squealed, holding her hands out with a 'gimme' motion.

"Give 'em time to get in the house, Harl..." Digger huffed in amusement.

Huffing, Harley rolled her eyes before grinning. "Fine! Come on... everyone else is waiting in the rec area...."

Floyd snorted softly and smiled at Hatley. "Of course, we come bearing gifts. You think we'd dare come home without any?" he asked, as they headed to join the others.

Harley grinned over her shoulder. "Prolly not, but ya never knows!" She popped a bubble before flopping down onto the sofa between Digger and Katana.

GQ grinned from his position on Croc's lap. "She's all excited to see what you brought," he said, as if he wasn't just as excited and that it wasn't obvious in his tone.

"We brought things for everyone." Floyd walked over to sit with Diablo, shifting so that Rick could settle in between them.

Diablo smiled and reached out to draw Rick into his arms. "No trouble for either of you?" he asked softly.

"Amazingly enough, no. Waller gave me our next assignment, but we aren't supposed to take off until a week from today. She didn't say anything to indicate she knew about GQ and she didn't ask questions either." Rick smiled crookedly, even as he leaned first into Diablo, then into Floyd. "Zoe sent you all presents from her..." he added, pointing at the bag holding the specific gifts from the young girl.

Harley immediately grabbed the bag and looked inside, pulling out the brightly wrapped gift with her name on it.

Rick's eyes widened as the woman squealed and excitedly unwrapped a pair of brass knuckles with her initials.

Floyd shook his head, unable to help the slight smile at Harley's excitement. He took the bag back and handed out the gifts to the rest of the squad.

Croc's hands rested on GQ's hips, squeezing them lightly. "Waller's gotta know GQ's here with us." He spoke in a low, worried tone...or at least what passed as low for him.

"Yeah. That's got me worried too... but I can't easily find out what she knows without giving it away myself..." Rick bit his lip nervously and shrunk back against his two lovers, seeking reassurance and comfort.

"We just make sure I'm always with ya'll..." GQ asserted. "Make it harder for her to make a move." He grinned as he saw the brightly colored boomerang Zoe sent for Digger. He nudged Croc to open his own gift.

Diablo wrapped his arms around Rick from one side, while Floyd did from the other, both cuddling their lover between them.

"We'll keep your brother safe," Diablo murmured.

Croc freed one hand from GQ's waist so that he could open his gift, doing so carefully so that his claws wouldn't tear what was inside.

"Yeah... we will..." Rick whispered.

GQ peered at the package. "What'd she give you?"

Croc carefully drew out the large-sized sports shirt and held it so that his mate could easily see, a grin forming on his face.

Floyd handed Diablo the gift his daughter had got for the three of them: a painting of them that she'd done, framed beautifully.

Diablo handled the picture with the care it deserved, looking up and smiling at his two lovers.

Katana gently ran her fingers over the silk scarf that had been her own gift.

GQ grinned at Croc. "How'd she find one large enough?" he asked, in amazement.

Rick smiled at the picture and frame. "She's so talented," he whispered.

Floyd smiled in agreement. "She wishes she could meet all of you."

"Tell her thanks next time ya gets ta see her, please?" Harley smiled.

Digger nodded. "Yeah. This is awesome."

"Same," Katana said quietly.

"You could record messages telling her yourself," Floyd commented. "She'd like those."

GQ nodded. "I can hold the camera if you all wanna do it together...."

Floyd nodded. "That would be helpful, thanks."

GQ grinned and went to retrieve the camera, turning it on and beginning to film the others. "Say what ya wanna say..." he directed.

Diablo leaned forward, speaking into the camera. "Hey, Zoe. Your dad just came back with Rick. The picture you did of the three of us is beautiful."

Rick nodded vigorously, even though he'd thanked Zoe in person.

GQ continued to film as the group continued to thank Zoe. When they'd finished, he said, "I can upload this and we can email it to Zoe."

Floyd nodded. "I got a secure account set up. Pretty sure Waller isn't aware of it. At least not yet."

GQ nodded, quickly getting the email ready before having Floyd address it and send it. When he was done, he looked at the others. "I know it's late. We saved a bit of dinner for you both if you're hungry, though."

"We should eat," Floyd agreed. He looked at Rick. "We can do that in our bungalow," he suggested.

Rick nodded. "Thanks..." he said to GQ and the others, for thinking of them.

"Sure thing!" Harley grinned brightly. "Gotta make sure our Lil' Boy is taken care of. And our Boss Man too!" she added unrepentantly, giggling at the look Rick gave her.

Digger snorted as he handed the containers of leftover food to Floyd. "You can thank Diablo. He didn't want to eat without you. Our compromise was he ate enough that if you'd already eaten, he wouldn't go without eating entirely, but if you hadn't, he'd still be hungry enough to eat when you got back...."

Everyone quickly said goodnight, heading to their own bungalows when Rick began to lead his small family back to theirs.

"What's for dinner?" Rick asked, once they were in their tiny kitchenette.

Diablo began to share out the food. "It's lasagna with rice."

"They were in a carb mood, I take it?" Rick said in amusement.

"Just a little." Diablo smiled.

Floyd sat down, drawing Rick down to sit between him and Diablo.

Rick leaned, first into Floyd, then into Diablo. "Anything happen while we were gone?" he asked. It was obvious he was just talking to fill the silence.

"Nothing that needs reporting." Diablo wrapped his arm around Rick's waist. Leaned in to kiss him tenderly. "Eat now," he murmured. "It's important."

Rick kissed back, but then he began to fidget. He was hungry, but couldn't concentrate enough to do anything more than pick at the food.

"You need to eat," Floyd said quietly.

"I know," Rick admitted. "Just... feel antsy. Not much of an appetite. Dunno why, though."

"Is there something on your mind?" Diablo pulled Rick closer against him, running a hand over his lover's hip.

Rick shook his head. "Not really. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. Just feel out of sorts..." he admitted, snuggling into Diablo.

Floyd picked up a forkful of food and held it to Rick's lips. "Maybe you need to give up control and be our little boy for a while."

Rick looked at Floyd, before opening his mouth and obediently eating what he was offered. "Dunno... maybe..." he said hesitantly. It was obvious he felt like he should act his age.

"Nothing wrong with being our little boy," Diablo said softly, as Floyd continued to feed Rick. "There're no missions we need to go on right now. No reason for you to act adult when you need to be a different way."

Rick swallowed hard. "N... never used to need to. Not till after..." he whispered, before taking another bite offered. It wasn't hard to figure out when he was talking about.

"Sometimes needs can change," Floyd said softly. "There's nothing wrong if they do. And if you need to be our little boy, then you can be our little boy." He stroked the fingers of his other hand through Rick's hair.

Rick leaned into Floyd's hand. "I guess..." he said, in a small voice. By this point, Floyd had given him the last of his dinner and all three of them had finished eating.

"Let's go to bed, little boy," Diablo murmured, helping Rick to stand and getting to his feet as well.

Rick leaned into Diablo as soon as they had stood. "Your little boy?" His voice had fallen to a more innocent, nervous tone.

"Our little boy." Floyd reached out to take Rick's hand, squeezing it gently, and he and Diablo led their lover to the bedroom.

"Belong to both of you..." Rick whined softly, following Floyd's direction.

Inside the bedroom, they both began to strip him, touching, caressing and pressing kisses to skin as it was uncovered.

Rick didn't do much more than move how they shifted him, quickly falling into a submission that left them in complete control. His response to the kisses and touch was clingy and very needy; pressing into the affection as much as he was able and making tiny mewling sounds as he sought out their caress.

Once Rick was fully naked, Diablo and Floyd moved him over to the bed. They settled with him between them, kissing and stroking and caressing. Speaking soft words of love and reassurance.

Rick wasn't able to fully relax until he was safely cocooned between his two lovers. Once there, he clung to them and quivered like am excited puppy. "Love you..." His voice was tiny and needy.

Floyd leaned in and kissed him, pushing his tongue into Rick's mouth.

"We love you too," Diablo murmured.

Rick sighed in relief, opening his mouth for his lover, accepting and submitting to Floyd's claim. He pressed as much of his body into Diablo as he could.

Diablo wrapped his arms tight around Rick, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "You belong to both of us," he whispered.

Rick whimpered softly at the words, relaxing further. He didn't say anything; Floyd was still plundering... claiming... his mouth, but it was obvious in the way he lay back against Diablo that he believed the words completely. He belonged to his masters.

Both men continued touching, stroking and kissing Rick. The touches were gentle and soothing, more than demanding, even though they were possessive.

Rick quivered as his body became more sensitive and receptive to their gentle demands. His body reacted physically, making it obvious he was aroused, even if he remained calm and pliant for them.

Floyd pulled back slowly from the kiss, stroking his fingers along Rick's cheek. Quietly, he said, "I think one of us needs to get what we need for the next step."

Rick took a shivering breath. "Yes, sir..." he whispered. "Please?"

Floyd carefully moved Rick into Diablo's arms, standing so that he could go and retrieve some lube.

Rick snuggled back against Diablo, staying where Floyd put him.

Floyd returned moments later with the lube. He glanced at Diablo. "Do you want to take him first? As we were gone together?"

Diablo nodded and took the lube from Floyd.

Rick made a happy little noise in the back of his throat, turning slightly to nuzzle Diablo before relaxing enough the larger man could position him the way he wanted.

Diabolo moved Rick carefully, positioning him so that his front was resting on Floyd's lap, and then coated a finger in the lube. He pushed it gently inside.

Rick groaned at the intrusion, flexing his fingers and toes in pleasure and arching his back, as if offering his bottom to Diablo.

Diablo took a few moments to explore inside Rick and then withdrew his finger. He then coated his own member with the lube and pushed inside.

Floyd leaned down to press a kiss to Rick's lips.

Rick kissed back eagerly, before letting out a tiny hitched whine as Diablo pushed in, stretching him.

"Good," Diablo whispered, gently grasping Rick's hips. "You're being so very good, little boy." He began to thrust inside Rick.

Rick's stomach flipped at the words, leaving a warm, liquid feeling of belonging. He shifted minutely, allowing Diablo to push in as deep as possible, as hard and fast as his master wanted. He could feel the sting of stretching to accommodate Diablo's size ease into an itch that the thrusting strokes weren't totally taking care of. "Please... more?" he found himself begging, in a small voice, feeling more secure and confident to ask for his needs the younger and more controlled he felt by the two older men.

In response, Diablo began to thrust deeper, harder, faster. He gripped Rick's hips tighter and more firmly.

Floyd leaned in and gently nipped at Rick's lips before kissing him deeply again.

Rick's breathing quickened, both at the kiss and at the more forceful claiming of Diablo. He began to moan soft and low in time with the thrusts. It felt so good. His member twitched as a slow, building arousal began.

Both Floyd and Diablo continued their actions, until Diablo's release took him over and his orgasm flooded through him.

Once the waves of his release had subsided, Diablo carefully withdrew. He kissed Rick's shoulder and then switched places with Floyd.

Rick moaned happily as he felt Diablo's release flood inside of him, sighing slightly as he felt it sliding out of him when the larger man withdrew. "...Good for you?" he asked, in a tiny, breathless voice filled with warmth, love and a hint of arousal.

"Very good for me." Diablo kissed Rick's shoulder and then his lips, settling so that he could continue to kiss and caress.

Floyd used the lube on his member and then slowly pushed inside Rick, grasping his hips to hold him steady.

Rick groaned again as he felt Floyd slide into him as he returned Diablo's kiss with the same needy, urgency he'd kissed Floyd. He was already very wet inside from Diablo's claiming, so there was very little sting, though he was still tight enough to feel himself stretch around his other master. The same warm liquid feeling settled in his stomach and spread through his limbs, his veins, as he was thoroughly claimed for the second time. His own arousal had been slowly building through Diablo's thrusting. It continued to grow with Floyd's, slow and steady.

Floyd grasped Rick's hips, thrusting steadily inside the other man. He leaned down to kiss and gently nip at the side of his neck. "Mine." His tone was very possessive, matching the tight grip he had on his lover.

Rick moaned at the words, unable to respond verbally while kissing Diablo. It was obvious in the way he shifted to make it easier for Floyd that he agreed.

Diablo gently nipped Rick's lips, so that he could take over the other man's mouth, letting his hands slide over Rick's shoulders and down his arms as Floyd continued thrusting inside.

Rick opened for Diablo obediently; there was no part of him that didn't belong to his masters.

"Good boy." Floyd murmured the words as he continued to thrust inside Rick. "Our good little boy."

Rick's body felt hot, sensitive; an almost floaty feeling suffused through him because of the possessive, domineering and vaguely patronizing words. He was aroused, but it was occurring so slowly, building up so steadily, he was nowhere close to releasing. He could only groan, moan, shift to offer his body fully to Diablo and Floyd, giving full control to them. They could do anything and everything they chose and he wouldn't fight.

It didn't take long for Floyd's release to come over him and he let go inside Rick, gripping the other man's hips that much tighter. It was clear, to him, that their lover hadn't released yet...even though it was also just as clear that Rick was rousing, however slowly that was occurring.

Rick shivered as he felt Floyd's hot release spreading through him and let out a happy little whimper. Normally, by this point, he would be begging for his own release, if he hadn't already been ordered to let go. This time, his head space, as well as weariness from a long day, was drawing his arousal out. It was clear he didn't want them to stop. Having both his lovers take their pleasure from him repeatedly, even if he hadn't come, was heady.

Looking at Diablo, making sure they were on the same page, Floyd carefully withdrew from Rick and switched places with Diablo, allowing the other man to push inside Rick once more while Floyd kissed, caressed, gently squeezed....

Rick shivered again and groaned as his mates shifted themselves and him once more. His moaned, "Yes..." as he felt Diablo pushing in again made it obvious, he wanted what was happening. It felt so good, being taken by his masters over and over. He could feel himself becoming sensitive inside, but it didn't hurt and the discomfort was arousing him further because it was a sign of how he belonged to the two older men.

Holding onto Rick's hips, Diablo continued to thrust inside him, going harder and faster, as Floyd reached down to close his fingers around each nipple, gently squeezing.

Rick's quickly gasped in a breath and then whimpered a soft moan as his nipples were gently squeezed. It was very clear the firmer, harder, less gentle affection and thrusting felt as good to him as the gentle kissing and slower thrusts did.

It didn't take long for Diablo to reach his second release and then he was pulling out, switching places with Floyd and taking over giving attention to Rick's nipples while Floyd pushed inside their lover.

Rick was shaking slightly by this point; not enough to cause concern, but enough it was noticeable. He was so very sensitive inside, but also, his nipples were sensitive and aching, even though Floyd and Diablo had needed to slide a hand under him to reach them and it restricted their ability to squeeze as hard as they could have. His member was beginning to ache as well, since he'd finally reached full arousal, even if he was still far from the point of release.

In comparison to the slow buildup to Rick's arousal, Floyd and Diablo were 'rousing and releasing quite quickly. By the time Diablo was moving back into position to take Rick a third time, they were both keeping an eye on their lover...making sure he wasn't in distress and that he was still okay with what was happening.

Rick wasn't sure how they managed it- by this point, he wasn't completely aware of his surroundings- but when Diablo pushed in for his third time, Rick had been turned onto his back, his knees pushed up to his shoulders so that he was completely exposed. His nipples were a vivid red, obviously very sensitive. His entrance was even more red and sensitive, beginning to look slightly chafed and shiny with the mingled release of both of his lovers. His member was full, swollen from his arousal, but he still wasn't close to release. The look in his eyes was dazed; he looked drugged from lust and endorphins. He very obviously wanted... needed... Diablo to continue and he couldn't stop the happy, whining sigh as the larger man pushed in, continuing to fill his greedy pucker.

Diablo was thrusting inside Rick, holding the other man's hips tightly, shifting slightly so that Floyd could squeeze and gently nip their lover's nipples.

Rick couldn't help but moan softly as Diablo continued to stroke inside. The angle was different and the warm liquid feeling was turning into molten heat at his core. It felt like shocks centered at his nipples where Floyd was focused, sharp pleasure pain stinging the hard, swollen nubs.

Diablo continued to thrust inside Rick, until his release came over him for the third time. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lover's lips, gently and lingeringly, and then carefully withdrew, allowing Floyd to take his place.

Rick shivered, moaning softly as Diablo slid out. He returned the kiss, his breathing ragged.

Diablo pulled back from the kiss, moving away as Floyd took his place...moving to get one of their toys.

Rick watched as Diablo moved away and Floyd moved into position for his own third go at owning him. He kept his knees up and in place, only shifting enough to raise his bottom faintly toward Floyd in accepting invitation. His eyes were even more dazed and drugged looking and he whined softly at the feeling of emptiness, needing Floyd to fill him again.

Floyd took his time thrusting inside Rick, while Diablo retrieved what they needed for the next step. By the time Floyd finished, his release escaping inside Rick, Diablo was settled on the bed with the toy he'd retrieved.

Rick shivered, moaning softly. He was very sensitive by this point, his arousal full and almost angry, but not to the point of release. He gave both men a hopeful, needy smile, raising his bottom slightly again in offering, obviously wanting Diablo to push into him again. He was trembling slightly, his nipples hard pebbles jutting upward, his member jutting upward as well. His entrance was even more red and was now slightly swollen, the mingled release dribbling out. It quivered visibly as he attempted to keep the fluid inside of him. His moan turned begging the longer he remained unfilled; he needed so much.

"Our little boy." Floyd murmured the words softly, kissing Rick gently, as Diablo moved into position; both of them sitting in front of Rick.

"Our very good, little boy." Diablo murmured the words as he carefully inserted the toy, reaching out with his other hand to stroke Rick's cheek.

Rick's eyes widened slightly as he felt the toy push in while both his masters watched him. He returned Floyd's kiss, pressing his cheek into Diablo's hand. And whined softly as he dropped emotionally. "Yours..." he whispered to both of them, in a very needy, young sounding voice. "...Always."  Their possessive control, their repeated claiming, their words, served to make him feel small, helpless, exactly like their little boy.

"Always and forever," Floyd agreed, kissing the hollow of Rick's throat. After a few minutes of Diablo working with the toy, he then took over himself, pushing the toy against that spot inside their lover. Pushing him towards his inevitable release.

Rick’s mouth fell open and he began to pant, whine and whimper as his very sensitive channel was rubbed with the hard, vibrating length of the toy. When the toy pressed onto that spot, he let out a soft wail and started letting out tiny sobs. He was so sensitive it hurt. It hurt so bad, it felt good. His body shook and wriggled on the toy, simultaneously trying to pull away from it and push down on it so it would go deeper. His erection began to leak precum. He looked at both his masters with begging, slightly frightened, tearful eyes; he had never been taken to this point before and needed them to help him through it.

"It's all right," Floyd soothed. "You don't need to be scared, Rick. Our little boy."

"We've got you. We won't let you go," Diablo promised, leaning in to kiss Rick and then stroke the side of his face. "It's new and it's scary, but it's all right."

"You belong to us," Floyd said.

Most of the fear drained from Rick's eyes at the soothing, though the dazed, drugged, needy look remained. He continued to squirm ineffectively on the toy, causing it to press harder against his sensitive gland. Tears streamed down his cheeks, the huffing little sobs increasing in intensity, even as they became less vocal. His nipples and member were all an angry red, swollen and straining toward his masters. His balls were tightening, shrinking against his body as it moved toward release at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Floyd and Diablo each stretched out alongside Rick, stroking and touching him gently. They kissed and caressed, talking to him in low, reassuring tones.

The reassurance that the affection his two lovers gave him enabled Rick to calm the rest of the way. The remainder of his fear at being so out of control, at being so aroused, bled out of him. All that was left was the arousal. He squirmed helplessly as the toy continued to vibrate inside him. He was bucking gently, causing the toy to slide back and forth. "...Please..." he begged, in a high pitched, quavering voice.

"We have you," Diablo said. "When you're ready, you can let go." He wrapped his arms around Rick.

Floyd wrapped his arms around their lover from the other side. "We'll catch you. We will always catch you," he promised.

Rick's eyes rolled back into his head as he began to spasm uncontrollably, his release hitting hard and lasting. It went long past when it would have normally finished, Rick sobbing out a long, moaning wail as he lost all control over his body. When he finally collapsed... spent... in his masters' arms, he was wet and shivering. He sobbed softly; the toy was still vibrating inside him, pressed against his prostate. He was now past the point of overstimulation. He lay limp, keeping his knees up to his shoulders because he hadn't been given permission to move, but it was difficult not to pull the toy out himself. He was so dazed from his orgasm and unable to remember his word. All he could get out was a pitiful, "...Hurts...."

Floyd quickly removed the toy, while Diablo went to retrieve the first aid kit and a bottle of Gatorade. He gently encouraged Rick to drink, while Floyd began to carefully check for any bruising or cuts that needed to be treated.

Rick stayed in position as the toy was removed, unable to stop a choked, pained sound from escaping. He only drank the Gatorade when it was pressed to his lips. He had dropped, hard, and wasn't able to do anything without an order, even if it would ease discomfort. He lay weakly, eyes dazed and unfocused, though he was attempting to focus whenever his masters spoke, knees still drawn up so that his most private areas continued to be exposed and vulnerable. It made it easier for Floyd to treat.

There was no tearing or anything needing obvious medical attention, but there was a lot of chafing and some slight swelling starting to occur. His entrance was still leaking the combined release of his lovers, causing it to be a shiny angry red. Floyd would need to clean him to get a better look and Rick was letting out tiny whimpers at even the gentlest of touches. There would most likely be bruising. If he'd been more lucid, Rick might have offered to request the doctor that was coming to live on the Island with them early... just to ease the minds of his two worried lovers.

He wasn't lucid yet. What had felt so good to him just before his orgasm no longer had the buffer of arousal to help and what remained no longer felt good. It was painful. And while he would be able to shrug off that pain under normal circumstances, all his barriers and protections had been eliminated in his submission. It was making it difficult to regain control over himself.

Diablo encouraged Rick to finish the entire bottle and then proceeded to speak to him gently and reassuringly, while Floyd cleaned their lover up as best, he could. He was as gentle and careful as possible in cleaning Rick up.

Rick slowly... very slowly... lost the dazed looked in his eyes and began to focus for his lovers. It took longer than it normally did, but he'd never fallen so far before either. The sobbing did ease and then disappear as their gentle care calmed and reassured him. He was still crying softly, but that was left over from intense emotion rather than distress.

Floyd continued to carefully clean and then treat the swelling and bruising around Rick's entrance and inside, until he was satisfied that everything had received the attention. Then, he joined Diablo on the other side of their lover, both wrapping their arms around him from either side.

Rick shivered, whimpering softly as he was finally given permission to lower and straighten out his legs. He was still very sore, but it wasn't as painful as it had been. Being held between both his lovers helped calm and soothe him and he snuggled as much as he could. "Sorry I'm such a baby," he whispered, ashamed that he was crying, even now.

"You aren't a baby," Floyd said seriously.

"We just took you to a point you've never experienced before," Diablo said. "It's affected you. That isn't a problem."

"But we do need to talk about it," Floyd added.

Rick sniffled softly, snuggling and nuzzling against both men. At Floyd's words, he looked into the older man's eyes, his own hesitantly nervous. "Did I mess up?" he asked, in a whisper.

"No," Floyd promised. "Not even a little."

Diablo stroked his fingers through Rick's hair. "This was a very extreme session we just had."

"It... it was a little scary..." Rick admitted reluctantly. "...But I liked it. Confused me a little...." He slanted his head toward Diablo, the gentle affection helping him focus enough to talk.

"Confused in what way?" Floyd asked, gently stroking the side of Rick's face, even as Diablo continued stroking his hair.

"Why it took so long for me to be ready... it felt so good." Rick flushed.

"There are many reasons why it might take a while," Diablo murmured.

"And we should perhaps make sure it doesn't last so long next time," Floyd added, concern filling his voice. "You were bruised and swollen."

"It felt so good, though... being taken even if I wasn't completely..." Rick paused. Using the word ready didn't seem completely right and he was afraid if he used it, his lovers might think they'd rushed him into something, or made him do something he didn't want. That wasn't the case at all.

"Aroused?" Floyd supplied. "You weren't aroused, not really. But you seemed like you were okay with it." He watched Rick carefully, making sure that he could read the other man's face. So that he could see if Rick did have a problem with it, even if he tried to say otherwise.

"I liked it..." Rick said, softly but earnestly. "I felt so much like I really belonged to you and it did feel good."

"But it doesn't feel so good afterwards," Diablo said gently. "And maybe that's something we need to talk about."

Rick bit his lip. "No, sir," he whispered reluctantly. "After, it didn't feel so good. Does this mean you won't... we can't...?" He sighed and bit his lip again, snuggling in a needy way, not really wanting to think about limits and such, but knowing it was necessary. As much as he needed to let Floyd and Diablo be completely in control of him, this was something that needed his informed consent. Still, it was difficult. He still felt very helpless and a bit out of control. Young.

"It doesn't mean we can't do things," Floyd said. "It doesn't even mean we can't do something similar again. But we need to set some limits."

"And we need to recognize when one of us is being pushed too far," Diablo added.

"Because I don't know my limits? I always go too far..." Rick said, in a tiny, guilty voice. This seemed like his inability to take care of himself and taking chances. He should have realized and warned them. If they didn't like him taking chances that led to him getting hurt, they certainly wouldn't want to do anything that could hurt him badly.

"This is new for all of us," Floyd said gently. "This is a learning experience. You don't need to feel bad or guilty. We just want to make sure not to push you too far."

"How do I know it's too far? If it makes me feel good?" Rick asked hesitantly. "I liked feeling you control me... owning me so completely. That felt so good, I didn't pay attention to what didn't feel good..." he admitted, in a tiny voice. "And even then, it felt good after I started getting aroused, so I thought I was okay..." He snuggled closer, needing reassurance he hadn't messed up badly.

"If it doesn't feel good, you need to tell us," Diablo said. "So that then we know. And if you can't tell us outright, maybe we need to discuss the use of safe-words."

"If I told you, it didn't feel good, you'd stop. I liked how it felt in my heart and head..." Rick said uncertainly, not sure what words to use to explain. He was still feeling very small, helpless, and young.

"If you told us, it didn't feel good, we would have stopped, yes. But it would have been about making sure you were okay," Floyd said. "And if you'd wanted to, we could have continued. So long as you had the space to make that decision."

Rick wrinkled his nose, thinking about that. He thought that's what they had done, to be honest. He'd wanted them to continue, so he hadn't said anything. He wasn't sure how telling them it was uncomfortable but he wanted to keep going was any different. "I.... I don't get it..." He pouted in confusion. "It didn't hurt till after... and I wanted it. So... isn't that what we did anyway?"

"You were overstimulated," Diablo said. "If something feels uncomfortable, even if it does feel good, it's important to tell us. It's important that we check with each other."

"S... so you can decide if what I want is good for me? For all of us?" Rick bit his lip uncertainly.

"Exactly," Floyd said. "We need to communicate as much as possible."

"I'm sorry... didn't mean to be naughty..." Rick sniffled, sudden guilt at having not told them overwhelming him. He was still off-kilter from his extreme responses and unable to control his emotions.

"It isn't naughty." Diablo kissed his head gently. "You're figuring things out."

"We all are," Floyd added.

Rick sniffled softly, cuddling and snuggling as much as he could. "Just... just liked and wanted to feel like you were completely in control and owned me H... having you in me so many times over and over helped me feel that...."

"It doesn't have to be something we stop doing," Floyd said. "But maybe next time, we don't use the toy. For instance."

Rick sniffled again, nuzzling against Floyd. "...O... okay..." He sounded hesitant, but not because he disagreed. He was thinking, but it was taking a bit of time, as his normally quick thought processes were still muddled from his drop.

"Take the time you need to think it through," Diablo said calmly. "We have time."

Rick relaxed as he realized they didn't expect a response immediately. He nuzzled against Floyd a bit more, before nuzzling against Diablo. It felt like forever to him (though it was likely only ten minutes at most) when he finally felt able to discuss his thoughts. "I... I need to tell you when something hurts in a bad way, 'cause that could mean something dangerous is happening that you need to know about and stop..." He paused and licked his lower lip. "I need to let you know if something is uncomfortable, even if I like it... 'cause you want to make sure you don't take me further than I can handle or is good for me..." He wrinkled his nose again. "...If something is uncomfortable, it don't mean you'll stop... just means you might do something a little different so I don't go too far? Ma... maybe do something else that makes me feel the same in my head an heart, but not the same in my body?"

Floyd nodded and spoke in an encouraging tone. "We want to make sure everything is safe. That you, that all of us, are safe."

Rick swallowed, snuggling close. "I want you both safe and happy too... let... letting you know is important. How? If I'm... having problems getting my thoughts out...."

"Why it's important that we think of a safe-word," Diablo said. "Something you'll find easy to remember. Something that won't have any link to what we're doing."

"Something that will let you know we need to slow down?" Rick cuddled.

"Slow down or stop," Floyd said. "The important thing is that you use the word, whatever it is, and trust us to make the right decision."

"So... I'd use it if I was even a little hesitant or uncomfortable? Even if I wanted to keep going?" Rick whispered.

"Exactly," Diablo said. "Let us take control. Trust us to do what's right for you."

"Yessir... gotta let you have all control..." Rick whispered.

"And we'll take care of you too," Floyd promised.

"Always do..." Rick continued to whisper, snuggling and fighting a yawn.

"It's time to sleep now, little boy," Diablo said softly.

"We'll keep you close. Keep you safe," Floyd promised.

"...Always do..." Rick's whisper was so soft, they needed to strain to hear it. And then he was asleep.


Croc made sure GQ ate enough breakfast, hovering worriedly around his mate. Fast healing was a good thing. A very good thing. But what if it was more than fast healing? None of them knew what Waller had done to his mate. And he needed GQ to be okay. He needed the man.

So, he didn't hesitate to lead GQ from their bungalow, so he could take his lover to the doctor to be fully checked out.

GQ was equal parts glad that the doctor Rick had arranged could come early and equal parts dreading it. He was afraid to find out what had been done to him, but Croc refused to do anything more than use his tongue on him until they made sure he was fully okay. As much as he loved feeling Croc's tongue, he wanted more. So, he had to be checked out. That's why he didn't argue when Croc dragged him to the medical room for the new doctor to examine.

Croc stuck close to GQ, though managed to resist the urge to pick his lover up and throw him over his shoulder. When they reached the medical room, though, he didn't leave GQ's side, hovering over him anxiously.

"Guess we could have waited for the doc to finish her breakfast before coming over..." GQ said sheepishly.

"I would prefer you to get checked over as soon as possible," Croc said firmly.

"I know. But she's not even here yet." GQ wrinkled his nose.

"Then we will wait," Croc replied. "Have you felt anything else you haven't told me about?"

"If there's anything new, I don't know about it," GQ said, with a shrug.

"If you think of anything, then you need to tell her," Croc said. It was obvious he was worried about his mate. Having lost GQ once, he had no desire to repeat the experience.

"Of course. I want to know what is going on as much as you do..." GQ easily agreed, knowing that Croc was worried.

Just then, the doctor walked into the room. "Okay... I was brought here early because of a special situation. But no other information was given." Dr. Leslie 'Lee' Thompkins quickly began asking questions, even as she gathered her equipment.

Croc moved a bit closer to his mate, listening to GQ's answers and interjecting his own comments and observations when it seemed appropriate.

Lee finally sat back, a tiny frown on her face. "I'm going to need to take samples and do a complete physical. Without the records they kept from the facility, I'm as blind as you are," she said. "I'll need to take samples and examine at several different times, so I can compare the information."

GQ looked decidedly unhappy at that, but didn't argue.

"If you tell us what you need, I'll make sure you get it," Croc said. He didn't go into further details than that; didn't make any reference to his and GQ's relationship. Not without knowing what his partner was comfortable with them revealing.

Lee slanted her head and narrowed her eyes. "Are the two of you planning to have intercourse? I likely don't need to warn you to take precautions. But I can also answer questions or concerns you might have, if needed."

"Other than getting me ready for his size..." GQ said, without embarrassment. If he wasn't able to talk about it with a doctor, then he shouldn't be doing it.

Croc nodded his agreement. "I don't want to risk causing him any damage. We need something that will allow me to prepare him without any risk of tearing or my claws catching inside."

Lee stared at them for several thoughtful moments before saying, "For the gloves to be thick enough to contain your claws without tearing the material and rendering them useless, it would make it so you weren't able to feel as much." She gave Croc a serious look. "I can request some special made ones that will be thinner but strong... they will take several weeks to have commissioned, though. In the meantime, start out with small toys and plugs. When you are able to use those with no discomfort or resistance, move up to the next larger size. I recommend checking both before and after any activity. You'll be better able to know if there is, ever any problems that way. If there are problems, let me know immediately."

Croc nodded slowly. "I will do as you advise," he said. "I don't want to risk my mate in any way."

GQ squirmed a bit at that. "Does it have to be before and after?"

"Until we van be certain he won't harm you, it would be better." Lee shrugged. "Why? It isn't as if you aren't being extremely intimate anyway."

Blushing, GQ admitted, "It feels different. Other stuff, I'm an active participant. Checking... it's just him doing all the work while I lay as still as possible."

"I would prefer to check you before and after." Croc spoke in a quiet, honest tone. "I know how easily you could be harmed. And even if you are healing faster, I don't want to harm you."

Sighing softly, GQ nodded. "I know and... I won't be difficult. It's just... I dunno. It's hard to explain. It... reminds me how small and helpless I am and not in a good way. Reminds me how useless I am with what we go up against...."

Lee decided, as this was not a medical question, she'd stay out of it as much as possible and busied herself taking vitals, drawing blood, taking swabs and going over GQ thoroughly and taking notes, doing the less pleasant parts while he was distracted with the conversation.

"You aren't useless," Croc replied. "Maybe you aren't as strong as some of the others, but you've trained well. You're capable of fighting. You are smaller and weaker compared to me...but a lot of those here are."

GQ gave Croc a crooked smile. "I can't fight right now. Not when I have to stay hidden from Waller. Even if you're right about my abilities, doesn't make a difference when I can't do anything with them." He sighed. "But there's nothing that can be done about that. And it's no one's fault, really... ‘cept for Waller."

"I'm through here if you want to go back to your bungalow. I'm supposed to fly back to Gotham this afternoon and return here again in three days," Lee interjected. "I'll take more samples then. If something major happens, of course let me know."

Croc nodded to the doctor and turned to GQ, wrapping his arm around his mate's shoulders. "We'll work out a way that you can be a part of missions without running the risk of you being taken by Waller."

GQ nodded. "I know you'll try." He turned toward Lee. "Thanks, Doc. Are you going to be going back and forth frequently?"

"My schedule will be three days here, three days in Gotham. The only reason I'm heading back this afternoon instead of two days from now is I had something scheduled over five months ago that couldn't be rescheduled." Lee smiled.

"Thank you," Croc said, fully aware that there were other teammates who needed medical attention at times too. He himself would likely need much less. After all, his skin was nearly impenetrable.

"I'm happy to be able to help. What was done to you all doesn't sit well with me, so if I'm able to help even a little..." Lee smiled crookedly.

Croc nodded. "We'll be sure to keep you informed if there are any changes."

"Please do. If you'll excuse me...I need to check on my other patients before I pack. Make sure they don't need exams but are being stubborn." Lee huffed in amusement.

"You'd be better off talking to Floyd and Diablo before Rick," Croc commented; unwilling to go into details about their relationship, but wanting to make sure his mate's brother got what he needed.

Lee raised one eyebrow. "I heard stories from Waller about his stubbornness. I'll speak with them. Thank you for the heads up."

GQ would have felt bad for his brother being told on like that, but he worried about Rick too, so he only felt a little bad. He watched Lee head out to ho speak with the others before turning to Croc. "Want to go swimming? At that little cave pond, we found the other day?"

Croc nodded. "I enjoy swimming with you," he said agreeably. "If you're ready, we can go now. Unless you want to make sure your brother won't try hiding anything."

"Between Floyd and Diablo, I think that's covered," GQ snorted. He began walking in the direction of where the grotto was. He didn't bother returning to their bungalow for a suit; it was just him and Croc and he took every opportunity to be naked and vulnerable for his mate.

Having no need for a swimsuit himself, Croc walked with GQ to the grotto. As soon as they were there, he began to strip off what little clothing he was wearing.

GQ quickly stripped as well, immediately climbing up the side of a rocky overhang and diving headfirst into the water, without checking the water out first to make certain it was deep enough, or that there were no hidden rocks that he might dive onto. It was something that would get any raw recruit yelled at in training (you didn't take risks like that if you had any choice at all) and the typical recommendation was if you weren't familiar with a body of water and you had to jump in... you jumped feet first. At least that way, even if it was shallow or rocky under the surface, you'd be more likely to break a leg than your neck.

Croc barely hesitated, only long enough to make sure the water was deep enough for him to dive into safely. He did so, immediately swimming to GQ so he could check on his mate.

Luckily, the water had been deep and no dangers lurked under the surface. GQ held his breath and skimmed along the pond's bed before finally swimming up and breaking the surface a few short feet away from Croc. He began shaking the water from his eyes and gave Croc an impish smile. "Temperature is perfect..." he commented.

"You didn't make sure it was safe." Croc's voice was hoarse with worry. "I know you've been trained better than that."

"I..." GQ blinked at the words. He wasn't able to disagree, though. He had been trained better. "Nothing happened..." he finally settled on. It wouldn't excuse him, but if it got Croc to stop being worried and move into irritation, it would be slightly better. It wouldn't stop the itch of guilt he felt, but at least Croc wouldn't be worried about something that hadn't happened.

"Doesn't mean it couldn't have happened," Croc replied. "Doesn't mean it wasn't dangerous. Is this about you wanting to do all the things the rest of the Squad can?"

GQ gave Croc an affronted look. The worried look had lessened, but wasn't completely gone from his mate's face. He wanted the worry completely gone. "Please..." He snorted as if he thought the idea ludicrous, though he knew it was more accurate an assessment than he'd like. "I would do something a bit more spectacular and visible to everyone if I was trying to prove something," he said, with a bravado he really didn't feel.

"Not if it's yourself you're trying to prove it to," Croc replied.

GQ pouted. "Yeah, well..." He shrugged self-consciously and a little irritated at himself for not being able to come up with a good deflection to that observation.

"We should go back to shore," Croc said firmly.

"We just got in!" GQ pointed out, trying and almost succeeding, not to whine.

"And you just did something dangerous that we need to deal with," Croc replied.

That caught GQ up short and he turned wide, nervous eyes onto Croc. "We... we're dealing with it now, man... we're talking 'bout it...." It was obvious he knew how Croc planned to deal with things and he really didn't want to.

"Doing something dangerous gets you spanked," Croc said. "I lost you once already, before I even had you. I won't let that happen again."

GQ bit his lip and glanced toward shore. Part of him wanted to run like a snot nosed brat. But Croc was faster than him. He'd not get far and running would just make things worse in a number of ways he didn't want them worse in. Not arguing any further, he dejectedly swam to shore.

Croc swam after his mate and quickly got out of the water. As soon as they were both on land, he reached for GQ.

GQ turned wary eyes on Croc; not fearful, but he obviously didn't want what was occurring. He didn't pull away, though, holding still as his mate grasped him.

After glancing around, Croc figured there was no point in moving into their bungalow. He sat down on the ground and guided GQ across his lap.

Swallowing hard, GQ stretched out over Croc's lap, finally folding his arms under his head so he wouldn't have his face in the ground. He was still wet from the water; could feel grass and dirt (quickly turning to mud) on his forearms.

Croc took a tight hold around GQ's waist and lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated. He was careful not to use too much force, knowing that not only could he really hurt his mate if he didn't keep that control...but that the wet from the water would amplify the sting, enough so that Croc wouldn't need to use much force to get his point across.

GQ didn't try and contain his reactions. Croc needed to hear and see them to make sure he wasn't too harsh. The swats stung more than he'd expected, the effect of his wet skin amplifying it a lot. He whimpered and immediately began to squirm.

Keeping a careful eye on GQ, so he could be sure he didn't use too much force, not wanting to risk breaking his mate, Croc continued to swat at the same force and speed, working his way over every inch of GQ's backside, from the crest down to mid-thigh.

It wasn't that the pain was unbearable; he'd been tortured and experimented on, after all... he knew pain. It was that the relentlessness of the stinging swats, were a steady sharpness that he found himself clenching uselessly in preparation for. It was that he couldn't fight this or ignore it, because it was something he deserved; something that was being done because he was loved; something that if he truly fought would likely change things between him and Croc. He trusted Croc wouldn't dump his ass if he decided he didn't want Croc in charge. But he did want Croc in charge. That meant accepting the larger man's decisions, even if the decision made was to repeatedly smack GQ's ass till, he felt like a naughty little boy with no control at all.

Which it was doing and rather quickly at that. For all that he was being extremely careful, Croc wasn't going easy on GQ's poor bottom. By this point, all the wet that had amplified the swats had been smacked off. His bottom and upper thighs were as dry as if he'd run a towel over them while the rest of him was still wet.

It stung, he felt young and naughty and he wasn't entirely sure Croc wasn't still worried. Irritation, he could handle. Disappointment, even if that hurt worse than spanking, he could handle. He could accept he'd done wrong, admit it, apologize and try to do better. If Croc was still worried, GQ wouldn't be able to let go of the guilt. He'd carry it with him, constantly second guessing everything he did to make sure he didn't mess up again... trying to ease Croc's worry. That wasn't a way to live and would ruin what they had as surely as him refusing to accept Croc's correction would ruin their current arrangement. He listened closely, tried to keep his whimpers soft enough he could hear what was said and squirmed, trying to figure out Croc's mindset. Unable to let go until he knew where things stood.

Croc kept his grip on GQ tight; firm without causing pain. "I don't expect something like this to happen again. I know you know better than to dive into a body of water without knowing it's safe first. If you put yourself in danger again, this is exactly where you will end up again." He moved his hand a bit lower, beginning to focus more smacks to GQ's sit spots and thighs.

The words were expected; he really did know better, after all. Having Croc remind him while blistering his backside was not a surprise. He couldn't tell what Croc was feeling beyond him stepping in, though. He knew he was loved... cared about. Croc wouldn't be spanking him if he didn't care. But what was he feeling? Was his mate still worried? Was he upset? Angry? Or was he completely calm and only doing this to make sure GQ learned?

He tried to focus on Croc's voice, his tone, guilt beginning to overtake him at the thought his mate might be scared for him. Had he messed up that badly? He swallowed his whimpers. He didn't deserve to voice his pain and discomfort. He deserved to hurt. He couldn't stop squirming, though.

"I love you, GQ," Croc said. "I love you and I can't lose you. So, you need to make sure I don't. You can't do this again. Do you hear me?" He squeezed around his mate's waist, pausing in the spanking to rub GQ's bottom and thighs.

"I hear you..." GQ whispered, his voice tight from the guilt he hadn't felt before, but now felt because he had worried Croc... scared him... and as far as he could tell, his larger lover was still worried and scared.

"Good." Croc rubbed a bit more before he swatted a few more times and then stopped, drawing GQ into a close, tight embrace.

GQ yelped at the final swats, not having expected them and caught by surprise. And then he found himself being cuddled close and tight and couldn't hold back any longer. He began to quietly cry, holding onto Croc just as tightly as he was being held. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "I don't know why I did it... I do know better... didn't want to scare or worry you..." His guilt at causing such a feeling in Croc was clear.

"I forgive you." Croc nuzzled his mate's head. "I'm not scared or worried anymore. You're safe. And I believe you'll take the time to think next time."

GQ swallowed, snuggling close. "Wanted you to do other things to my bottom... not spank it," he admitted, in a forlorn voice.

"Once you're recovered enough, we can do some of those other things." Croc palmed the back of GQ's head with one hand; rubbed his mate's back with the other.

"How much is recovered enough?" GQ asked curiously. He glanced over his shoulder, trying to see how pink his still stinging bottom was. Croc had wanted to make certain he remembered the lesson.

"As soon as you feel like you're recovered. I trust you to be honest with me," Croc replied.

"Still stings... but it doesn't hurt..." GQ said hesitantly. "Is that enough?" If he was honest with himself, as much as he didn't like being spanked- it meant he'd messed up badly enough for Croc to step in- and he didn't actually like the sting... he did kinda like how it felt when Croc touched, rubbed and squeezed the aching, stinging skin after.

"I don't want to break you," Croc said. "Just to make sure you think next time." He moved his hand a bit lower to gently rub GQ's bottom, soothing the sting.

"I know..." GQ let out a tiny huff of appreciation at the soothing. "You take care of me... whatever way is needed."

"Even when taking care of you means giving you a sore ass." Croc continued to gently rub GQ's backside.

"Especially then..." GQ said, with a hint of amusement, even as he squirmed closer so that he was plastered against Croc and his backside was easily accessible. He added, a bit more seriously, "Cuz at those times, I'm not taking care of myself and need you to keep care of me even more."

"And I will always take care of you," Croc promised. "In whatever way you need at whatever time."

"...Love you," GQ whispered. His face was buried against Croc's neck.

"Love you too." Croc hugged GQ a bit tighter.

"Can we swim a little more?" GQ asked hopefully.

Croc nodded. "As long as you feel up to it."

"Just my bottom is tender... the rest of me is fine," GQ asserted, leaning up and kissing Croc under his chin.

"Then we can swim some more." Croc stood, holding his mate in his arms.

GQ didn't say anything about Croc carrying him. Instead, he snuggled close as Croc carried him into the water.

Croc carefully released his mate when they were settled in the water, but still reached out to gently stroke his hand over GQ's hair and face. "Still sometimes think I dreamed you up," he admitted.

"Sometimes... sometimes I think my whole life is a dream and I dread that I'll wake up, still an experiment that everyone thinks dead..." he whispered honestly, before gripping onto Croc more tightly.

"You're here." Croc leaned in to kiss GQ, more confident now than he'd been the first time. "You're here, with me, your mate. With your brother. The rest of the Squad."

"I'm here... not dreaming..." GQ said, with a sense of wonder and relief against Croc's lips before returning the kiss.

Croc slid his hands down GQ's back, gently pressing with his claws, being very careful not to catch his mate's skin.

GQ groaned softly at feeling the gentle scratching, trusting Croc wouldn't cut him. Knowing that Croc could hurt him badly if he wanted to or if he lost control was a turn on. He could feel himself hardening just from the gentle affection.

Able to feel the hardness of his mate's erection against his leg, Croc reached down with one hand and carefully closed his fingers around GQ's member, making sure he didn't risk scratching or tearing any part of his mate's skin.

GQ swallowed hard, a tiny whine escaping as he felt Croc grasp him. He continued to kiss and cling to Croc.

Croc kissed his mate deeper and harder, grasping his member a bit more firmly, though he was very careful not to grip too hard or let his teeth catch on GQ's skin.

GQ's breathing quickened and he let his hands roam over Croc's shoulders, arms and chest, memorizing how his mate felt. He pulled from the kiss, gasping in a breath before nuzzling Croc's neck, breathing in deeply to memorize his smell.

Croc inhaled deeply, letting himself breathe in GQ. He began to stroke his mate's member with firmer, more sure strokes.

GQ flushed as, in an incredibly short period of time, Croc brought him to release. His seed emptied into the water, leaving a milky cloud to drift from his body. He whimpered, darting an embarrassed and apologetic look at his mate.

"Don't be embarrassed. Don't worry," Croc said. "I wanted you to release for me."

GQ relaxed at hearing that. "You wanted me to..." he breathed, in acceptance. "My body obeyed you."

"It was supposed to," Croc said.

GQ smiled at that. "Yeah... it is." He gave a sheepish grin. "Still... was hoping to hold out a little longer. Since there's a limit on what we can do, wanted to enjoy it for as long as possible. And... I... well, I'd hoped the doc might give us some ideas, but in case she didn't, or in case she confirmed what we'd planned, I... well, I snuck dome things into my shorts pockets...." He pouted uncertainly. "W... would you still wanna... even though I...?"

"It doesn't matter to me that you've already released," Croc said. "Just as long as you don't get harmed if we do continue. I don't want to overstimulate you."

"I'll try to let you know if that happens... but... I want you to feel good too. I know I'm limited in what I can do, but...." GQ bit his lip and gave a hopeful smile.

"Bringing you pleasure makes me feel good," Croc said honestly.

"Yeah? Then I guess it's not entirely selfish, wanting to put my body completely in your hands and control..." GQ chuckled. "Just mostly."

"It isn't selfish," Croc said. "What did you bring?"

GQ blushed and mumbled against Croc's ear, "The smallest plug and some of the flavored lube...."

Croc pressed a kiss to GQ's head and murmured, "Do you want to use them in the water? Or do you want us to get out?"

"Don't really have a preference... just want you touching me however you can. What way will make it better for you?" GQ leaned back to look into Croc's eyes.

"I'm not experienced enough to have a preference," Croc admitted. "You're the only one I've ever been with."

"We could try land first... then switch to water. Then you can decide what you like best..." GQ suggested.

"Would you like me to carry you out?" Croc asked.

GQ grinned. "If it gives me more time to have those big strong hands on me... yes please!"

Chuckling softly, Croc swept GQ up into his arms and carried him out of the water.

GQ made use of the time Croc was carrying him to run his hands over the larger man's shoulders and chest. "I can't get enough of you..." he admitted. "Need you inside me so bad...."

"We have to wait," Croc said regretfully. "But we can do as much as we can."

"Yeah. I know. Still..." GQ laughed breathlessly. "I know I won't die from waiting, but it feels like the wait is killing me."

"We'll get there eventually," Croc promised. He carefully lowered GQ to the ground and retrieved the items his mate had brought.

GQ smiled, his eyes watching every movement Croc made. "Just being touched by you is like fire. Touch me? Please?"

Croc ran his hands over GQ's body, gently squeezing, pressing his claws against the skin. He leaned forward and followed the same path with his tongue.

GQ sighed happily as he felt Croc's fingers, the claws gently scratching. When he felt his mate's tongue, he groaned.

Croc lavished attention over GQ's entire front side, then carefully turned his mate over so he could do the same to the back.

GQ was quivering, whimpering, moaning and squirming by that point. His member was half hard and he let out a tiny gasp as it was trapped between his stomach and the ground. "Feels so good... your tongue... being licked... so good..." His voice shook with desire.

"You feel so good." Croc's voice was nearly an animalistic growl. He used one hand to hold GQ's cheeks apart and pushed his tongue inside his mate.

GQ shivered, his own groan sounding of surrender and filthy need as he felt Croc's tongue fill him. His body immediately went loose in submission to allow Croc free reign, to enable the larger man to control him and go as deep as he desired.

Croc grasped GQ's hips, holding his mate steady and still so that he could push his tongue inside the man as deep and far as it would go.

The slight stretch of his body accommodating the long appendage was soothed by the wet, smooth glide. GQ clenched his fingers into the ground, groaning louder as he warmed inside. "...Yours..." His whimper was soft, guttural, but clear. He belonged entirely to Croc and his mate was taking, tasting what he owned.

Croc couldn't respond with words, not with his tongue positioned where it was, but he could and did squeeze GQ's hips. The low growl that he uttered said what he couldn't without words, the possessiveness as clear as if he'd said the word out loud. Mine

GQ wasn't surprised to feel himself begin to slip into that headspace where the only thing he noticed was Croc and what Croc was doing. His body shivered from stimulation, his cock fully hard and leaking, his balls tight, waiting. He belonged to Croc. The larger man could have been fileting him alive and he would lie there and take it, the belonging felt so good and right. He felt Croc's growl surrounding him, inside of him, and he slipped even further. He groaned as he felt Croc's tongue moving in him, deep, licking away an ache he could never soothe himself.

Croc slid one hand beneath GQ, grasping his member to begin stroking it, firmly and surely, so that he could bring his mate to a second release. He let his teeth brush gently against the skin of GQ's backside; not biting, but enough so that the sharpness of his teeth could be felt.

GQ tightened further at feeling Croc's teeth and he moaned softly, deep from his chest. His entire focus was where Croc's body connected to his; was where Croc played with and manipulated his flesh. It felt so good, he felt almost drugged with how good it felt, Croc's tongue firmly stroking inside while his hands tugged, rubbed and squeezed outside. He found himself hoping Croc would bite his bottom; not enough to harm, but enough that there would be tiny marks and a sting he could feel for the rest of the day. He didn't ask, though. He couldn't form the words. All he could do was arch his back so his bottom rose toward Croc's mouth in offering and let out a tiny sob of want and need.

Croc found himself responding to GQ's movements in an almost primal way. His grip tightened on his mate's hip and member; not tight enough to hurt, but tight and firm enough to ensure that GQ wouldn't be able to squirm away. And his teeth gently nipped at GQ's skin. Not enough to harm or draw blood, but enough that there would be a slight sting.

GQ nearly babbled as he found himself unable to move, forced to take what Croc was gifting him. His bottom did sting and he loved it. Wanted more. And then Croc found that spot inside of him and everything went hazy white static as his orgasm tore through him.

Croc's own orgasm washed over him at the same time. His claws tightened on his mate, before releasing as his release subside. He slumped over GQ, all but pinning the man under him.

GQ panted softly, unable to do anything but lay under his mate, spent. Croc hadn't pulled out, so he held still, reluctant to pull loose from his mate's tight grip, or his talented tongue. "...Yours..." he whispered, in a wrecked but completely satisfied voice. "...Like you eating me..." He admitted, in an even softer voice, "...Like your teeth."

Croc slowly pulled his tongue out, though he still held onto his mate. "Mine," he agreed. "I like eating you. I like marking you. So that you'll remember who you belong to. So that you'll remember who owns you." He ran a claw gently over one of the teeth marks he'd left.

GQ smiled crookedly over his shoulder. "Your claws feel good too. Don't think I can get it up again so soon, but..." He swallowed and sighed happily. "...Feels good just touch for touching's sake."

"I'm not expecting you to get it up again," Croc replied. "I could be content just touching you and being close to you."

"Could be held by you all day..." GQ said, in a contented voice. His insides still felt warm and tingled where Croc had been. "I... if you wanna... you could push that plug in. Keep me stretched open... start getting me used to it...." He bit his lip. He didn't know what his mate had planned. If Croc wanted another round of sending him over the edge, he wouldn't complain; if he didn't, though...

"I will do that," Croc agreed. He picked up the plug and prepared it, before pushing it slowly inside his mate.

GQ was still loose from Croc's tongue, so it took very little prep for the plug to easily slide into place. GQ squirmed slightly as he adjusted to the feeling of being filled with this different item, but quickly calmed, once again lying under his mate. "Love you..." he said quietly.

"Love you too." Croc nuzzled against GQ's neck, one arm draped possessive around GQ's waist.

"Wanna get a tattoo... something that marks me as yours that is obviously a mark of belonging..." GQ blurted. "...Wouldn't mind you biting me again to make your mark more noticeable, but figure you wouldn't like that too much and most people wouldn't understand what it meant anyway and I want everyone to understand, so...."

Croc let his fingers brush over the bite mark he'd left behind. "Tattoo might be safer," he said. "If I bit you again to make the scar more noticeable, it'd be too dangerous."

"Yeah." GQ sighed, trying not to sound disappointed. It wasn't like he had expected a different response.

"You might be healing faster, but I don't want to test that by biting you further," Croc said, before adding, "At least not enough to draw blood."

"I understand," GQ said quietly. And he did understand. "Just want everyone to see and know."

"Everyone here knows already," Croc commented.

"Unless you think I'm never seeing another living soul off of this island... ever again... I'm not just talkin' 'bout everyone here," GQ whispered. "Do... do you think I'll never be able to leave here again?" he asked uncertainly.

"We'll make sure you can leave here eventually," Croc said. "As for a permanent mark, like a there anyone here you know can do that?"

"Not really sure. Maybe Harley?" GQ said hesitantly.

"We can ask her," Croc said.

GQ nodded. They could ask her at dinner. "If she can't, maybe she knows who can."

Croc nodded in agreement. "You hungry?" he asked, instinct driving him to take care of his mate's needs.

GQ gave a lethargic smile to his mate. "I could eat," he admitted. Even if Croc had done all the 'work', it'd still used up a lot of his energy.

"Want to join the others?" Croc asked. "Or eat together, without any of the others?"

"We can join the others. Catch up on what everyone else is up to; find out any news, if there is any. Then, if you want, we can retreat to our bungalow and be alone some more..." GQ suggested.

"Being alone some more sounds good," Croc agreed. "But first, we should get cleaned up."

GQ smiled. "Actual bath, or do you want to get in the pond some more?"

"Actual bath," Croc decided. "I don't think we'll be getting much cleaning up done if we go back into the pond."

GQ laughed. "Yeah. You're right. Guess I should get dressed." He smiled, before gathering his clothes together.

Croc didn't really need to wear much in the way of clothes, due to his scaly skin. But he gathered his underpants and the new shirt he'd been gifted with.

GQ quickly redressed, putting the lube into a pocket. He left the plug in place, although it did cause him to walk a bit oddly.

After pulling his own clothes on, Croc walked back to their cottage, walking next to GQ.

The walk back was relaxing, but GQ was looking forward to the shower by the time they reached the bungalow. "I think my bug bites have bug bites," he groused quietly. "Do we have any anti-itch cream?"

"In the first aid kit," Croc answered; which hadn't been stored for him, but for his smaller, ‘squishier’ mate.

"Guess I should get clean first, then put the cream on..." GQ said. "You wanna go first?"

"You go first," Croc said. "I'm not medically trained, but I can look at those bites. Make sure they're not something that need to be investigated more."

"You wanna shower with?" GQ grinned, beginning to strip as soon as they were in their bungalow.

"Yes. But I want to check you over first." Croc moved towards his mate.

"Okay. Prolly should remove the plug anyway... so I don't get sore..." GQ agreed.

Croc nodded in agreement and moved over so that he could check over GQ's body as his mate stripped.

It didn't take long and GQ held still so his mate could take care of him.

Croc carefully checked over every inch of his mate's body before saying, "These aren't bug bites."

"They’re not?" GQ looked at Croc with a frown. "I didn't notice any poison ivy or anything I'd be allergic to...."

"It looks like you're shedding," Croc said. "Similar to my own scales."

GQ blinked at that. "I didn't get sunburned... I shouldn't be shedding..." He sounded equally worried and confused.

"Seems like there's new skin forming under the old." Croc gently rubbed one of the spots.

GQ wiggled at the rubbing, letting out a gurgling groan. "To the left..." he demanded, shifting so Croc could rub the area in question.

Croc began to gently rub where his mate indicated, even while checking over other parts of GQ's body, confirming that his mate was in fact shedding.

"So..." GQ squirmed some more, sounding breathless. "...I guess we can assume they injected something into me that is reptilian in nature?"

"Maybe," Croc answered. "Those blood tests might tell us more."

"That or something canine. I have this embarrassing urge to ask you to scratch my belly..." GQ laughed.

"Would you like me to?" Croc asked directly. "You are my mate. And there is nothing you could ask of me that would be too embarrassing or awkward for me to do. You gave yourself to me and that's more than anyone has ever done before. I would never deny you anything."

GQ flushed, but the words obviously made him happy. "I think I'll be okay, Big Guy. Maybe later tonight. You can get the toy out of me... and help me put some anti-itch cream on after we clean up. If you rub my belly, we'll never make it to dinner." He grinned unrepentantly.

"Probably right," Croc agreed, reaching out to turn the water on so that they could shower.

It was difficult for GQ to keep his hands to himself, but not as much as he had expected it to be. He spent a lot of his time trying not to scratch the affected areas of his skin. Soon, they were both clean and back in their bedroom, GQ putting lotion wherever he could reach and then turning imploring eyes onto Croc, needing his help for the hard-to-reach spots.

Croc held out his hand, so that GQ could put some of the lotion into his palm. Then, he began to rub it into the spots that were hard for his mate to reach.

By the time Croc had finished, GQ felt much better. He cleaned up what little mess was left, making sure to clean and put the toy away as well. Then he got dressed, reluctantly. "Can see why you avoid clothing as much as possible if your skin itches like this..." he muttered.

"It's not bad all of the time," Croc said. "Just when I shed."

"So, it should stop itching when I finally shed?" GQ asked hopefully.

"That's the way it's been for me," Croc answered.

"Yeah..." GQ fell into silence as they walked to the main bungalow to eat dinner with the others.

Croc walked inside the bungalow, sticking close to GQ, and looked around, taking in who else was there.

Floyd glanced towards the other couple and nodded to them. "Everything okay?" he asked mildly.

"Define okay and which context and aspect of life..." GQ smirked.

Rick snorted. "Don't be an arse..." he grunted, rolling his eyes.

"What? It was a serious request!" GQ acted offended. The tiny smile gave him away.

"The doctor say anything about what's going on with you?" Floyd asked. His gaze slanted towards Croc as he said, "I saw the scar."

Croc grunted softly, but didn't make any comment.

GQ became more serious. "She's running tests. Until those come back, it is just a guessing game. Although she's positive they did do experiments on me."

"That was clear already," Diablo said quietly.

Croc didn't speak, just led his mate round so that GQ could sit close to his brother.

"Yeah. It... some newer things have happened that makes me think they were trying to make soldiers with abilities like Croc's...." GQ sat next to Rick, but scooted as close to Croc as possible.

Croc reached out and began putting food on first GQ's plate and then his own, wanting to make sure his mate was eating enough.

"What kinds of things?" The worry was clear in Rick's voice.

Croc glanced sideways at GQ, making sure his mate would be all right with Croc sharing.

GQ gave Croc a small nod. He figured he trusted Rick with information like that. And he trusted Croc to protect him, so if Croc felt it was safe to share with the others, he didn't mind.

Responding to his mate's silent communication, Croc proceeded to explain everything they knew to GQ's brother...and anyone else who happened to be listening.

"Huh... so... Lil' Boy's baby brother is turning into a little Croc?" Harley asked, before popping a bubble.

"Hey! I'm not a baby or so little!" GQ protested.

"Compared to your mate...." Katana murmured softly.

GQ wrinkled his nose and looked at Katana with a pout. "If we're gonna compare to my mate, you all are little too!"

"But you're the only one sleeping with him," Floyd murmured.

GQ frowned in confusion. "Yeah. What's that got to do with it? I mean..." He looked at Croc. "If the Big guy wants to call me little, or his baby boy... I guess I'm okay with it. The rest of you?... Not so much." He eyed Harley pretty sure she'd call him whatever she wanted regardless.

Harley gave him an exaggerated wink and blew him a kiss.

Croc made no comment on what was being said, only gesturing towards his mate's plate. "Eat up. If anything's happening to you is like my own situation, you'll start getting a bigger appetite."

Floyd frowned at that and glanced at Rick. "We might need to look at getting an increase in food supplies, at least for a while."

GQ notably didn't argue with Croc. He began to eat everything. He was hungry.

Rick nodded. "Good point. I'll increase our supplies list. Have an extra shipment brought in this week. If anyone wants something added, let me know and I'll include it."

Croc watched GQ, to make sure his mate was eating, and then resumed eating his own food.

"Cookies..." Harley said, out of nowhere.

"Is that a request, or a new nickname for someone?" Floyd asked.

"A request, silly!" Harley giggled and grinned. "None of you's look like Cookies!"

"Knowing you, it could have been anything," Diablo murmured.

Harley snorted, but didn't respond.

"Any particular type of cookie?" Rick asked.

"Sugar!" Harley immediately responded.

At the same time, GQ blurted, "Chocolate chip!"

"Both?" Floyd suggested.

Before long, the group was making a shopping list for their next supply drop.

The End