

Full name: Nebula
Portrayed by: Karen Gillan
First Appearance: A New Home: Revelations
Parent: Phil Coulson
Grandparent: Ben Coulson
Aunt/Uncle: Paul Coulson, Cathy Coulson
Siblings: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Raina, Grant Coulson, Bobbi Morse, Gamora, Jeffrey Mace
Nieces/Nephews: Wanda, Pietro, Lincoln, Valkyrie

“You would not remove parts of me and replace them with mechanics or weapons to make me stronger and more deadly? You would not punish me for failures I have no control over? It would be my choice?”

Nebula, to Coulson. A New Home: Revelations

While none of the kids have had easy home lives, Nebula’s was particularly tragic. She was never given any love or physical affection after being pulled away from her biological family; and after Thanos ‘adopted’ her, he didn’t treat her with any kind of compassion or understanding, instead choosing to make her and her sister battle each other. And each time Nebula lost, he removed a body part and replaced it with part of a machine.

Despite all this, Nebula’s loyalty towards Thanos eventually faded and she cast her lot in with the Guardians of the Galaxy. And it was through them trying to find Peter Quill (also known as Star-Lord) that she found herself at the compound shared by the Avengers and SHIELD agents.

Nebula and Gamora.jpg

I choose you. All that’s left now is for you to choose me.”

Coulson, to Nebula. A New Home: Revelations

Coulson gave Nebula the one thing she never had from Thanos: a choice. The choice to choose Coulson as her father. To choose his family as her own. Would he have stepped back if she’d refused him? Yes. Absolutely. But he was more than happy that she did make her choice…and that her choice was him.

Nebula’s relationship with Gamora is a lot more complex, with the two of them relating to each other through physically fighting, even if it’s more like dangerous sparring than truly trying to hurt each other. But with time, Coulson hopes she will begin to heal as well.


Random Facts

  • Nebula asked Coulson to spank her the first time, so that she knew what to expect, even though she’d done nothing to get into trouble with him personally.