Moments of Peace

Summary: Follows on from I Warned You. After such a severe punishment, Sejanus needs some aftercare. Really just fluff and conversations while the three shelter in the cabin before continuing on to District 13
Warning(s): Spoilers for The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes; AU; references to violence; discussions of spanking and D/s relationships; aftermath of a severe spanking
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow/Sejanus Plinth/Lucy Gray Baird


They didn't have many rations with them, but Coriolanus had shared some of the meagre supplies between the three of them, giving more to both Sejanus and Lucy Gray.

They ate in silence, Sejanus settled with his back against the cabin wall and his body pressed close to Coriolanus'. He'd replaced his underwear, but left his trousers off. Every so often, he would shift his weight or whimper softly, clearly still feeling the effects of the punishment in spite of the sap Lucy Gray had rubbed into his bruised, punished backside.

It was Lucy Gray who broke the silence. She'd been looking between Coriolanus and Sejanus, almost studying them, for a few minutes before she finally spoke. "How long has this been happening? When did you first spank him?"

"After he went into the arena and was prepared to get himself killed," Coriolanus answered. "This is the third time." He reached out and let his arm wrap around Sejanus' shoulders, drawing the other man in closer and tighter against his side.

Sejanus whimpered as his bottom shifted, but he pressed in close to Coriolanus, resting his head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered, a trace of remorse in his voice.

Lucy Gray watched him for a few seconds before she asked, "So you're going to change your behaviour, then? Because I don't think another punishment will be easy on you."

"This one wasn't easy," Sejanus admitted, his voice hoarse. "But I deserved it. I'm sorry, Coriolanus," he whispered, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

Coriolanus turned enough so that he could capture Sejanus' lips with his own, nipping lightly with his teeth. When he pulled back, he could feel Sejanus' breath wafting over his lips. "I believe you're sorry." He responded to Sejanus' words. "But being sorry isn't going to stop me from punishing you again if there's a need. I will not lose you."

Sejanus nodded, looking down. "I don't want to put myself in danger. Not just because the spankings hurt, even though they do. But because I know how much it hurts you." He looked into Coriolanus' eyes. "I don't want to hurt you," he whispered. "I love you."

"Maybe you should think about preventative measures?" Lucy Gray suggested.

Coriolanus focused on her, surprised by the words. "Preventative measures?" he repeated. "Such as what?"

"Weekly spankings. Not severe like the one you just gave him...not with a strap. Maybe not even an implement. Just enough to sting. Make him cry. Make him think next time." Lucy Gray turned her attention to Sejanus. "Maybe we would have had to leave anyway. I couldn't see myself staying in District 12 for the rest of my life. But if you hadn't done what you did...maybe we could have planned all this better." She indicated the food she was eating. "We could have brought some more food with us...other supplies, too."

Sejanus bit his lip, continuing to stare at the floor. "You're right." He looked at Coriolanus. "Is that you think that would work? Would it help?"

Coriolanus hesitated, glancing at Lucy Gray. She looked back at him, but didn't say anything. She'd made the suggestion...but she wasn't the one in charge and in control of Sejanus. He was. So it was up to him how he handled this.

He couldn't say he'd enjoyed spanking Sejanus, even if a tiny part of him had gained some satisfaction from doing so; although perhaps that was less the punishment and more Sejanus submitting to him. He'd promised the other man a much more severe spanking if Sejanus did something dangerous and disobeyed him again...but it wasn't a promise Coriolanus really wanted to keep. "Lucy Gray is right," he said out loud. "We probably couldn't have made a life together in District 12, so we would have had to leave eventually anyway. But we could have planned it out better if you hadn't disobeyed me and decided to continue helping the rebels."

Sejanus' shoulders slumped and he looked Coriolanus had kicked him while he was down. "I am sorry," he whispered, his voice honest and earnest. "But if you think maintenance spankings will help me change my behaviour, so that I don't hurt you again...." His voice trailed off before he continued, in an even smaller voice, "If it'll help you to forgive me...."

"No, love." Lucy Gray moved from where she was sitting and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "Coriolanus already forgave you. It's not about earning his forgiveness. It's about making sure you don't do something else dangerous. So that he doesn't lose you again. So that we don't lose you again," she added.

Sejanus breathed in deeply and his arms came up to slowly wrap around her in return. There were tears running down his cheeks again, but they were silent.

Watching the two of them, Coriolanus couldn't help wondering if he should feel jealous. That maybe there was something wrong with him if he didn't feel jealous. But those thoughts only lingered for a few moments before he was moving forward, wrapping his arms around Sejanus from the other side of him and kissing the back of his neck. "Lucy Gray's right." He whispered the words against Sejanus' skin, inhaling the scent of the other man. "I want to keep you safe. I already forgave you. I love you." He repeated the words, finding it easier to say them the second time.

Lucy Gray smiled at him, like she was proud, and it made Coriolanus feel good. He picked up the sap Lucy Gray had distilled from the plant and ran his hand down Sejanus' arm. "Shift into position over my lap and I'll rub some more of the sap in."

Sejanus sniffled softly, but didn't argue or protest. He moved carefully, positioning himself over Coriolanus' lap and letting his body relax. "I love you," he whispered.

Lucy Gray moved to position herself in front of Sejanus, reaching out and gently taking his hands in both of hers. She didn't say anything, but the smile she bestowed on both of them was loving.

Coriolanus carefully eased Sejanus' underwear back down, revealing the other man's bright red, still slightly bruised bottom. He began to carefully rub the sap into the heated skin.

Sejanus groaned softly, his body relaxing over Coriolanus' lap as the sap was rubbed in and clearly worked to take some of the sting away. "I'm sorry I made it necessary for you to punish me so severely," he said quietly. "I'm sorry I made you so angry and hurt you so much...even if you forgive me. I shouldn't have made things so difficult for you." His voice was small.

"I could have lost you." Sitting like this, with both Sejanus and Lucy Gray safe, Coriolanus could finally put voice to that pain. "Those two men they killed, who they executed. They wouldn't have hesitated to take your life if they'd known. I see that now." He shook his head. Looking at Lucy Gray, meeting her eyes, he said quietly, "I understand how Doctor Gaul thinks. I understand how she sees the games. But it doesn't mean I agree with her." Somehow, it was important he make that clear. That he make sure she understood that distinction.

Lucy Gray's eyes were soft and she leaned forward, gently kissing Coriolanus.

He closed his eyes, kissing her back, even while his hands still continued to rub the sap into Sejanus' punished skin. With every movement, he could feel the other man relaxing more...slumping over Coriolanus' lap. Like he was putting Sejanus into a more peaceful, compliant mindset with every touch.

"We need to stop the games." Sejanus' voice was a bit slurred, like he was drunk. Or on the edge of falling asleep. "They don't serve any purpose...." It sounded like he wanted to say something else, but his voice was getting further and further away with each word he spoke.

Lucy Gray slowly pulled back from the kiss. She leaned down to press a gentle kiss to Sejanus' forehead, and then looked up at Coriolanus. "He's slipped away," she said softly. "His mind has gone elsewhere."

Coriolanus' hands came to a stop and he looked at Lucy Gray, unable to hide his worry. "Is he hurting?"

"No." Her smile was gentle and reassuring. "You're taking care of him. So he's dropped. Because he knows he's safe in your hands." She paused. "You'll have to call him back eventually, though. He shouldn't stay in that state for too long, especially since we're still having to run."

Coriolanus nodded. He kept his hands on Sejanus' bottom, but didn't resume the rubbing. After a few minutes, he began to call to the other man. "Sejanus. I'm here." He'd never seen this happen before, but Lucy Gray had said to call Sejanus that's what he was doing.

It took a few moments of Coriolanus calling to him, but Sejanus finally began to stir. His body shifted slightly under Coriolanus' hands and he whispered uncertainly, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologise, love." Lucy Gray leaned forward and kissed Sejanus' cheek. "He was taking care of you and you responded. You're showing how much you trust him."

"It was okay?" Sejanus looked over his shoulder at Coriolanus, his voice and face uncertain.

Coriolanus reached out and stroked Sejanus' cheek. "How are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

Pressing his face into Coriolanus' hand, Sejanus thought about it for a few moments before he admitted, "Calmer...more at peace. Less guilty." A slightly sheepish note crept into his voice as he added, "Loved and cared about."

Allowing himself a tiny smile, Coriolanus gently stroked his fingers through Sejanus' hair. "The rain's stopped," he said quietly. "We should take advantage of that to carry on moving. The Peacekeepers might already be aware that we're missing."

"Okay." Sejanus sounded and looked calmer and more at peace than he had done before. He stayed in position for a few more moments while Coriolanus stroked his hair, then slowly pushed himself up and pulled his clothing back into place with barely more than a wince as the material rubbed over his tender backside.

Lucy Gray stood as well and held a hand out to each of them. "The sooner we find a place of our own, the sooner we can begin the rest of our lives together." She leaned in to kiss first Coriolanus and then Sejanus, then began to lead both of them towards the door of the cabin...leading them out into the sunlight.

The End