Maverick: Temper

Maverick snuggled up tightly next to Ice on the couch. The TV was on, but it was hard to concentrate. He was going up before the O-5 review board. Again. Ice was already a captain, but Maverick hadn't been promoted to commander yet. Not that that was useful, comparing himself to Ice like that; Ice was a rockstar, naturally talented but also a very hard worker, and he was good at keeping his cool. He also didn't self-sabotage the way Maverick did. Maverick was really proud of Ice, and he was done competing with him that way. And Ice loved him and was proud of him, and would have been just as proud if Maverick stayed a lieutenant his entire life. And rank didn't matter to Maverick, but he thought, sometimes, that maybe he should try harder to give a damn about the parts of his career that happened outside the cockpit.

Ice wrapped his arm around Mav's shoulder, tugging him in closer against his side and kissing the side of his head. He could tell that Mav wasn't really concentrating and picked up the remote to turn the TV off. After all, it would be easier to talk without the background noise.

"There's no reason for you not to get the promotion tomorrow," he said. "You're a good pilot, Mav. Nearly as good as me," he teased, trying to draw a smile out of the man he loved.

Maverick rolled his eyes, and he did smile. "Yes, dear."

"Of course, it'll be easier if you keep your cool when you're in front of the board," Ice commented. "I don't think a repeat of what happened the last time is going to do you any good."

Maverick flushed, and he felt his stomach twist a little.

"That was stupid," he said softly. "I let them get to me. I'm gonna do better tomorrow, I promise."

"I know you'll do your best," Ice said. "But I can't be there as a support for you, even though I will be there before you go in and after you come out. I think you need a reminder to keep control over yourself tomorrow."

Maverick pulled back a little so he could talk to Ice face to face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I don't want to give you a punishment spanking because you lost your temper in front of the board," Ice answered. "If I give you a small spanking now, as a reminder to behave tomorrow, I'll be less likely to have to give you a spanking that means you won't sit down for the next couple of days."

A jolt of nerves and nausea shot through Maverick, but he forced himself to settle down. Ice only did things to help him, and at the very least, Maverick owed it to him to consider what he was saying, and to respond respectfully.

"Like … like a maintenance spanking? You give me those sometimes."

"Like that," Ice replied. "To help you remember to behave and to keep your temper in check when you're in front of the board tomorrow. I know you'll do your best, but I don't want you to say something that you'll regret later." He gently gripped Mav's upper arms. "I'm not going to be there as a visual reminder."

Maverick thought about it. He knew that he could say no to this one. He hadn't earned a spanking, and Ice wouldn't force one on him. But the maintenance spankings did usually help. And, as much as he hated to admit it, having a sore ass tomorrow would probably be the best reminder to behave Ice could give him.

"Just your hand?" he asked hopefully.

"Just my hand," Ice confirmed. "Unless there's anything you need to confess to me." While he was mostly joking, it never hurt to give the verbal reminder that he expected and trusted Mav to tell him things, even when it was hard.

"There isn't," Maverick said. "I've been trying really hard to be completely honest with you, and it's been hard—and not just on my ass—but because I hate disappointing you, but … I feel so much better when I can tell you everything. I hate having secrets from you." He looked down shyly. "You can … I want you to give me the reminder spanking. I want to make you proud tomorrow."

"I know you will, Mav," Ice said sincerely. "And thank you for being honest with me." He leaned forward, brushing a tender kiss against Mav's lips. Then, he settled back on the couch and lightly patted his lap in non-verbal direction.

Maverick took in a deep breath, and then leaned forward over Ice's lap, bottoms up.

"Good, Mav. You're so very good for me," Ice praised softly. He didn't waste any time in drawing Mav's pants down, following them quickly with his underwear.

Ice's praise ran through Maverick like a gentle warmth pumping out through his heart, starting in his chest before spreading out to his whole body. He lay still for him, feeling completely safe and cared for even in this position, even though the pain would start soon. He could feel Ice's love in every touch, hear it in every word.

Ice rubbed one hand gently over Mav's back, while he moved his other hand to Mav's backside. He lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated. And then he delivered a second pair of swats just below the first.

Maverick coughed out a breath. The swats stung, and they rocked him a bit over Ice's knee, but this was just beginning. He fisted the material of Ice's pants and tried not to squirm.

Ice continued to deliver the heavy smacks, working his way down to Mav's thighs before he began again from the top. His other hand continued to rub gently over Mav's back. "You're being good for me, Mav. I'm proud of you for accepting this. For letting me help you."

The pain in Maverick's ass and thighs was becoming more intense, more entrenched, and his bottom was heating up. He imagined himself standing before the board tomorrow, calmly answering their questions while he rubbed his sore backside like a naughty child. His cheeks burned. They weren't going to know. He would know; he would be able to feel the after effects of the spanking the entire time he was with the board, and he would think about Ice's pride and encouragement and desire to help him be the best version of himself.

"I love you," he breathed.

"I love you too, Mav. I love you so very much." Ice spoke in a low, intense voice that served as a counterpoint to the swats he was continuing to deliver to Mav's bottom and thighs. The swats weren't any harder than they had been when they'd begun, but he could see, hear and feel the effect they were having. "No matter what happens tomorrow, no matter what the board says, I will always be proud of you," he promised.

Maverick closed his eyes. He held onto the warmth in his chest Ice's affirmations gave him, but he also let himself feel the spanking. His ass and thighs were getting bad-sunburn-tender, and the muscles ached like they were all one big, knotty bruise. And his bottom burned, now a vicious, intense heat. He felt a few tears course down his cheeks, because it hurt and because some part of him actually felt much lighter now. All the tension he had been carrying about the review was bleeding away. He let himself moan and whimper and cry some more, and the tension left him faster and faster, and then altogether.

"You're going to do well tomorrow, Mav." Ice voiced his affirmation in the man he loved. He felt it when the tension left Mav's body; felt it when Mav slumped and went limp across his lap, going completely lax. And he moved Mav onto his lap, cuddling him tightly. "I believe in you, wingman."

Maverick burrowed into Ice's embrace. "You do all the time. Even when I don't. You're kind of a miracle, Ice." He paused. "Either way, as long as I do my best and don't lose my temper… that's a win, right?"

"Definitely," Ice replied, tightening his embrace. "I know you'll do your best. You always do, even if you do slip up occasionally."

"And if it's a win," Maverick continued slowly, "I think we legally have to have victory sex. Am I interpreting the law correctly, Captain?"

"That is certainly the correct interpretation of the law," Ice confirmed. "After the win, we'll have to obey the law."

Maverick kissed him slowly, deeply. "I'm looking forward to it, Captain." He put on his sad puppy dog eyes and adorable pout. "But right now I need to be carried to bed for some aftercare. Then I need to be thoroughly cuddled and gently tucked in. This is also the law."

Chuckling softly, Ice kissed Mav tenderly and then stood up, carefully lifting Mav into his arms. "Far be it from me to disobey the law."

He carried Mav through to the bedroom. They stayed there for the rest of the night.