Lincoln Campbell


Full Name: Lincoln Campbell
Portrayed by: Luke Mitchell
First Appearance: A Siren’s Song
Parent: Natasha Romanov
Grandparent: Phil Coulson
Aunts/Uncles: Clint Barton, Raina, Grant Coulson, Bobbi Morse, Gamora, Nebula, Jeffrey Mace
Sibling: Valkyrie
Cousins: Wanda, Pietro

“I’m Lincoln Campbell…med student student by day - and sometimes night when I’m on rotation - failed super-hero by afternoon….”

Lincoln, to Natasha. A Siren’s Song

There’s probably not many people who can say they’ve met their mother after she had to knock them out due to them being brainwashed. It was a really unique way for Lincoln and Natasha to meet, but it took care of most of the awkwardness that might have come if they’d met normally. By the time Natasha got him back to the compound so that her cousin Bruce could check him over…the decision had been made. And it wasn’t long before Lincoln was on board with the idea of becoming her son.

Before Natasha came along, Lincoln didn’t have anyone. It was part of what made him so determined to become a doctor, so that no one else had to be alone the way he’d been. It also made it easy for him to step into the family and become Natasha’s son. Even before being adopted, he reacted and responded to the affection she gave him.

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“I’ve had guns pointed at me before. I’ve seen guns pointed at people I care about before. This was the first time I’ve ever felt I could be paralysed with fear at the sight of an enemy poised to shoot. To shoot at my son.”

Natasha, to Lincoln. A New Home: Revelations

Compared to certain other members of the family, Lincoln doesn’t really get into trouble. In fact, when his mother first went through the expectations and consequences with him, he figured it didn’t really apply, since he wouldn’t do anything dangerous. But being a good person, he tried to help in a dangerous situation…terrified his mother and left her sight long enough for there to be a risk that she wouldn’t be able to save him.

Since joining the family, Lincoln has been encouraged to take part in sparring sessions and learn self-defence. However, it wasn’t until Danny Rand came along that Lincoln finally began making progress, as Danny was able to relate as a person with no prior training, rather than the professionals who had been trained from an early age, or those enhanced by their abilities.

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Random Facts

  • He really hates shopping.

  • He plans to open his own practice, where he can treat people who might not be able to afford healthcare otherwise.

  • When he was first training to be a doctor, he took a class on emergency first-aid; partly in case of being a first responder, but also so that he could familiarise himself with what might have already been done to a patient before he sees them.