Stories From The Island
Interlude 2

Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for various MARVEL movies and television programs


The next morning came more quickly than expected; at least, it felt that way. Jemma opened her eyes and all the parents were already awake and cooking breakfast. She glanced toward Leo and Peter. "What do you think everyone will want to do today?" she asked.

"I guess we'll probably split up into groups again," Leo commented, moving over to sit next to his sister and looking at his siblings and his father. "Did any of you have any ideas about what to do today?" he asked curiously.

"Not really," Bruce admitted with a small grin. "I thought we could just relax and talk. Maybe play cards. If you want to sit on the beach so you can take a dip in the water every now and again, I thought I'd set up an umbrella to sit under."

Leo smiled. "Sounds good to me."

"Yeah... I like that idea," Peter agreed.

Jemma grinned. "I'll help get some drinks together while you find an umbrella."

"Wonderful. I'll meet you all back on the front veranda in fifteen minutes. Wear your swim suits."

Leo quickly went to do as their father directed, though he paused long enough to make sure his siblings were going with him.

It didn't take long for Bruce to get changed and find the umbrellas. He met his kids down in front of the villa and they began walking to the beach. "So...what plans do you all have once we have to return to regular life?" he asked teasingly, glancing at Peter when he asked the question. His youngest would be graduating high school soon, but while Peter had applied to several colleges and been accepted, the boy hadn't indicated where he wanted to go or what he wanted to do. Bruce had asked several times, but from the sounds of it, Peter wasn't sure what he wanted. Maybe Bruce would be able to help him figure out something, even if it was only that he wanted to take a year off before going back to university.

"I want to run some more tests on the plants we've found here," Leo commented, before glancing at his younger brother. "Did you figure out what you want to specialise in yet?"

"I'm still not sure," Peter admitted. "I might visit some of the campuses when we get back home... see where I might fit in..."

"If you want to do a tour of some of them, I'm sure we could make arrangements. Depending on where you wanted to go, you might even know some of the students that are there already." Bruce smiled at his youngest, thinking of Deacon and the fact that everyone in the family now knew Blake's younger brother.

"I was thinking...maybe I could take an adult class or two...I went straight from secondary into SHIELD Academy and specialized training. It might be nice to learn about something completely different...." Jemma said hesitantly, not wanting to admit part of her reason for wanting to go 'back to school' would be so she could keep an eye on her youngest brother.

Bruce nodded. "If you are interested in doing something like that, I'm sure it could be arranged...."

Leo glanced curiously at his sister. "What classes are you thinking of taking?" he asked her.

"I was thinking, perhaps an art class. A literature class wouldn't be a complete waste of time and History is always helpful, especially with some of what we have to deal with...." Jemma grinned brightly.

"What sort of art?" Peter asked. "Painting? Ink? Pencil?" He wasn't sure what he wanted to specialise in... but he did think that perhaps it would be good to go to the same university as his sister.

"I hadn't thought that far ahead, honestly." Jemma chuckled. "Drawing or pencil would likely be fun and useful... photography would also be useful and fun. I'll have to think on it more, I suppose." She glanced at her little brother. "You do photography, don't you?"

Peter nodded. "That's more of a hobby, though... I might like to do a photography course alongside whatever I choose, so I'll have to see what universities offer that as an option."

"Oh...we could be classmates together!" Jemma grinned widely. "That would be so much fun!"

Bruce chuckled. "Sounds like we need to get out all the pamphlets and information from the universities that you've gathered and read through them all. We'll need to take into account classes offered...but also how far away they are from the family, how easy it is to defend yourself if needed...and a few other items."

Peter nodded. "I wanted to see what Harry wants to do, too." He had mentioned that he'd want to attend university with Harry, if it was possible... but Harry was also undecided about what he wanted to do.

Bruce nodded. "Of course. It would be useful if you all attended the same university. You could commute together, or find a place to rent together if it's too far away to commute...."

"We can probably find something for all of us..." Peter mused. "Maybe the three of us could look around some of the campuses together."

"I think I'd like that..." Jemma smiled. She wasn't too sure about moving away from the rest of the family- she'd got quite used to having the support easily and readily available- but if the best university ended up being across the country, she'd do it; if only to be near her youngest brother and cousin and to give her father a sense of security that there was someone able and willing to help take care of Peter and Harry.

Peter nodded. "When we get back, I'll talk to Harry. Find out if he's figured out what he wants to do... and, of course, you and Uncle Tony will need to check any universities as well." He grinned at his father.

"Oh...I think you'll find your Uncle Tony and I have been checking out universities and their acceptability from pretty much the day we adopted you and Harry." Bruce smiled. "We knew you'd want to go eventually, maybe even as soon as you'd graduated, and we wanted to make certain they were defensible. That you could be protected there, even if you weren't living with the family while attending." Bruce chuckled. "Of course, I have to admit both of us are hoping you really, really like the university close to home so that you don't actually have to leave us...." He reached over and ruffled Peter's hair gently. "Now that your sister is considering going as well, I have to admit I'm hoping it even more."

"I can't speak for Harry... but ideally, I'd prefer the university closer to home," Peter admitted. "I'm fairly sure he would as well." He knew his cousin had applied to similar universities as he had.

"Well, the college near home is good...." Jemma contributed. "Maybe we can talk to Harry about it later."

"Sounds good to me..." Bruce said. " would the three of you like to play some catch in the waves?"

Leo grinned. "Sounds like fun!" He placed his towel near to where they'd put the drinks and quickly headed down to the water.

Peter quickly followed suit.

"Last one in is it!" Jemma grinned then ran to join her brothers.

Bruce just shook his head and followed his kids down to the water.


Raina was sitting at the kitchen table, trying to decide what to do with herself. Ever since the 'cave incident', she'd not gone far from the villa, or her father, something inside of her having become nervous, though she couldn't say why exactly. It was a bit frustrating.

Coulson had retrieved a bottle of water each from the cooler and sat down next to Raina, placing one of the bottles in front of her. "Is there anything you'd like to do today?" he asked gently.

"I can't think of anything particular," she said with a crooked smile. "I can't seem to work up enough energy to go least by myself..." She couldn't bring herself to admit being reluctant to go far from where her father was. She wouldn't have thought nearly dying would have made her wasn't the first time she'd nearly died, after all. Of course, it was the first time someone had actually cared about her almost dying.

Coulson placed a hand on Raina's shoulder, squeezing gently. "If you'd like to go exploring, I would be quite happy to go with you... or we can stay here and perhaps play a game of cards," he suggested. "And maybe have a picnic lunch."

"What would you rather do, Boba?" Raina asked. She had an almost shy look on her face. She really didn't care what she did. The fact her father wanted to do something with her was enough.

"I would be happy doing anything with you," Coulson replied with a warm smile, squeezing her hand gently. "Perhaps we could play some cards... and go for a walk after lunch?" he suggested.

"I would like that, Boba..." Raina squeezed his hand back and gave another bashful smile. "I might need to be taught the game, though..."

"That isn't a problem. Everyone learns somehow." Coulson retrieved one of the decks of cards, beginning to explain the rules to his daughter as he started dealing.

Raina paid close attention to the rules, listening closely. "I never got to play games much...when I was younger..." she admitted softly. "At first, I was too busy trying to survive, but when the doctor found me..." She shrugged.

Coulson moved closer to his daughter, placing a hand on her arm. "Would you like to talk about any of what happened?" he asked, his voice gentle and caring.

"I'm not sure what to say..." Raina admitted. "I thought he had rescued me...given me a reason for existence. It feels disloyal talking about him now, but I know what he taught me wasn't...right...good...."

Coulson squeezed her hand gently. "He did take care of you." No matter what he knew of Raina's history... just like with him and Grant, it had enabled them to eventually find each other.

"He did," Raina agreed. "And he wasn't abusive; not physically, anyway. I wouldn't have lived without him..." She quieted a bit. "Still...."

"Still...?" Coulson prompted gently, wanting her to feel comfortable enough to confide in him.

"I never really felt he wanted me...just for me..." She hesitated. "For all his talk of my becoming something more and being special, I always got the feeling that it was the something more and specialness he was after...that if I failed to deliver, he'd be happy dumping me back on the streets where he'd found me..." she admitted reluctantly, having never voiced those thoughts out loud before and feeling guilty for doing so.

Coulson laced his fingers through hers, continuing to hold her hand. "I can imagine that was a hard expectation to live up to," he said softly, seeing no need to voice again that he had no expectations of that sort. He didn't want to change her... change any of them, with the exception of making them more aware of their own safety and being able to express themselves in healthy ways.

Raina didn't answer that, instead standing and quickly moving to wrap her arms around Coulson and hugging him tightly. "He wouldn't have cared that I put myself in danger to unnecessarily discover him, discovering more was the most important thing no matter what...." She swallowed, leaving it unsaid that she knew Coulson didn't feel that way and the way she tightened her arms around him and snuggled closer showed that she was grateful that Coulson wasn't like that.

Coulson wrapped his arms around Raina just as tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and pulling her in close enough she might as well have been sitting on his lap. "That's never going to be true... with any of us," he promised her, his voice soft, but no less sincere.

Raina settled on her father's lap and just snuggled. She'd been aloof for a while, even after being adopted. She found it difficult to be affectionate, or let others show her affection. Her way of showing affection was the biting little comments she made to tease and her flirtatiousness that everyone knew wasn't an invitation. But here on the island? She'd finally started relaxing enough and hearing and seeing enough and feeling enough (her father spanking her and making it perfectly clear that her life was important to him); she was feeling needy and affectionate and, for the first time, wasn't afraid to show it. "You rescued me, Boba..." she said.

Coulson hugged her close, relieved she was letting him hold her and not pulling away, as he stroked her hair. "I love you," he said in response... a simple answer that held a wealth of emotion. "And you belong with me... with my family," he whispered to her.

"I....I do belong with you. With our family." Raina's agreement was firm and confident, even if she'd taken a moment of consideration before admitting it. "I love you, Boba...."

Coulson gently threaded his fingers through her hair. "I love you... and I'm happy we found each other," he said honestly.

"I wish you'd found me sooner; I might not have caused you so many problems..." Raina grinned, leaning into her father's hand before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Coulson smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "It might have been a long journey, but it ended well," he said honestly.

"It did." Raina snuggled a bit more, before laughing softly. "We aren't getting much card playing accomplished. Does that bother you?" She didn't seem overly upset about it herself, the cuddling making her contented and happy.

"Not in the slightest," Coulson replied sincerely. "The point is to spend time together. It doesn't matter how we do that."

Raina just smiled again and kissed her father's cheek. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Anything you'd like to tell me." Coulson continued the gentle affection, while she didn't seem inclined to pull away.

"I'm not even certain where to start..." Raina admitted. "I originally went to school to be a nurse, but then he said he needed a"

"Is nursing something you think you might be interested in?" Coulson asked, figuring they could arrange for Raina to take some classes if it was something she wanted to do.

"I wanted to help...I suppose I can do that as a scientist too...but I wouldn't mind taking a few classes. I think working with Bruce to help the family when they are hurt or ill would be good." Raina smiled.

Coulson nodded. "If there's anything else you'd like to study, we can look into other classes as well," he promised. "If there's anything you want to do... it doesn't matter how small it seems to you... I'd like you to tell me."

"You really mean that..." Raina sounded mystified but happy. "I'll be sure to tell you...."

"I want you to be happy." Coulson's voice held nothing but sincerity.

"I am, Boba. I'm very happy...and at peace. It has been a long time since I could honestly say that. Thank you." Raina leaned up and kissed her father's cheek once again before putting her head on his shoulder, not inclined to move from his lap or do anything else.


Harry sat quietly on the grass, watching the monkey with its baby. There was a look of fascination on his face... he didn't want to move and disturb the animals' peace, as they either hadn't noticed him or he'd stayed still enough not to cause them any stress. At the same time, he'd wandered a little distance from the campsite and wasn't sure he was immediately visible to his parents or the rest of his family.

Tony knew exactly where his son was at the moment, the excitement of nearly losing his cousins to the cave having pushed his over-protective streak into high gear. He was doing a good job of hiding it, or so he thought. If he was sat on the back veranda within shouting and running distance of his son, he didn't think Harry noticed. Pepper might have, if the look she was giving him was any indication...but since she was more visibly being a mother-hen, he didn't think she'd say anything.

"Do you think letting him get that close to the baby monkeys is a good idea?" she asked softly. "What if one of the mothers decides he's a threat and attacks?"

"The monkeys are used to long as he doesn't make any sudden or threatening moves in their direction, he'll be ok. And I don't think he'd do either..." Tony said. "We could join him. Or wait for him to come back here."

"I guess we could wait. Where's dad?" Pepper glanced around.

"I don't know..." Tony had a distracted look on his face and shifted closer to his fiancé, kissing her neck.

"Tony! Not outside! Anyone could walk up and catch us!" Pepper whispered and glanced around with a blush.

Tony sighed and flopped back into his chair. "I really need to whisk you off on a romantic vacation. Where you aren't worried about being caught all the time..." He pouted with a smile. It didn't really bother him. He thought it cute.

There was a sound carrying through the trees.

Having gone to gather some fruit, Steve bypassed where Harry was (apparently by chance, but in reality, he was checking on his grandson) and headed towards his son and daughter on the back veranda. "I picked some fruit, if either of you want a snack," he said, noticing but not commenting on Pepper's blush.

"Mango?" Pepper sat up with a grin, even as she shifted closer to Tony so her father could sit down next to her.

"That does sound good...." Tony agreed.

Steve sat down on the other side of Pepper and passed both of them some fruit each. "I'll keep some back in case Harry decides he wants any," he commented.

"He's enamored of the monkeys." Tony smiled. "I think he has been hanging out with his cousin Leo. I'm surprised Leo isn't with him, to be honest."

"I think Leo's with Jemma, Peter and Bruce," Steve commented. "Otherwise, I'm sure he'd be talking Harry into exploring more of their habitat with him."

While Harry hadn't actually done anything to startle the monkeys, the mothers had begun taking their babies into the trees. Figuring they were likely to be going to find food, Harry began making his way back to his parents and grandfather.

"Oh...if Leo knew he had a fellow primate lover, I'm definitely sure he would be," Tony agreed. "Speaking of which.... Hey, kid. Want some mango? Your granddad found a really nice piece of fruit..." Tony smiled at Harry as he walked into the clearing.

Harry smiled and walked over to them, taking the fruit Steve held out to him. "Thanks... what are you doing?" he asked curiously.

"I'm trying to talk your mother into making out with me..." Tony said nonchalantly face dead serious, although there was an impish gleam in his eye.

"Tony!" Pepper smacked her fiancé on the shoulder, her face going bright red again. "We were talking about the monkeys and how friendly they were..." Pepper said her voice a mix of disapproving embarrassment and exasperated amusement. "...Did you enjoy watching them?" She turned toward her son and smiled brightly.

Harry looked like he wasn't quite sure how to respond to his father... or, perhaps more accurately, how he was expected to respond. But at his mother's question, he quickly nodded. "They're fascinating to watch."

"Do you think you might want to study them... or other animals?" Steve asked casually, knowing both Peter and Harry were at the age they probably wanted to consider further education.

"I know Shadow adores you, so if you were interested in that, you'd prolly be a natural, given that the monkeys liked you too..." Tony said seriously.

"I've been thinking about it," Harry admitted... a bit hesitantly, since none of the family worked with animals, even though he knew Leo was interested in the monkeys as well.

"Were you thinking of maybe being a vet? Or a trainer of some kind?" Pepper was very interested.

"I'd... been thinking about maybe a vet," Harry admitted, still a bit hesitant. "But maybe specialising in a few different types of animals."

"That's awesome..." was all Tony said, but he obviously liked the news.

"It really is, Harry," Pepper agreed.

"I wasn't sure if I should maybe look at something else," Harry admitted... though his parents' responses made him look much happier.

Pepper looked confused. "But why? If you are interested in working with animals and have the ability to work with them, I don't see why you shouldn't pursue it...."

"Yeah. What your mom said..." Tony added, though he didn't look quite as confused, since he suspected he knew the reason why Harry hadn't been sure about it.

Harry gave an awkward half-shrug. "I thought... maybe I should do something that would be more useful."

Hearing voiced what he knew Tony had felt so many times in the past (and probably occasionally did still feel), Steve placed a hand on Harry's arm. "We all want you to be happy," he said simply.

"Exactly." Tony nodded. "On top of that, I know that working with animals, in any capacity, is extremely useful. Shadow would agree with me..." He grinned as Shadow, hearing his name, crawled out from under the table he'd been lying under for shade. The dog wagged his tail and padded over to Harry, nuzzling at the boy's hand for petting.

Smiling, Harry began petting Shadow, relaxing further as the dog seemed to do more than his 'duties' in much the same way as Copper did.

"When we get back home, we can look at the universities you've already checked out," Steve commented to Tony with a smile, knowing his sons had both been doing that already.

Tony nodded in agreement.

"Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm thirsty. I think I'm going to go inside for a bit and make some iced tea. Anyone else want something to drink?" Pepper asked, as she carefully extricated herself from Tony and Steve, leaning over and kissing both of them on the cheek before she turned to head inside.

"Iced tea does sound good," Steve commented, then glanced over at Shadow's water bowl and stood. "It looks like Shadow's water is running low, so I'll refill it."

Harry shook his head to his mother's question, but he was a bit quiet as he crouched down next to Shadow to hug the dog.

"I'm fine, sweetie, thanks..." Tony answered his eyes on his son. "You ok, Har?" he finally asked, noting how quiet the teen was being.

Pepper paused as she also noted Harry's quietness, but then decided that he'd be more likely to talk if it was one on one with Tony, instead of with all three adults present. She waited for Steve to get Shadow's water bowl and then took his arm so they could go in and get the drinks together.

Surprised, Harry looked up at his father, swallowing slightly. "I was just... thinking... about the universities." He hesitated then asked quietly, "Which one did you want me to go to?" He glanced down, expecting to be told he needed to stay in the dorms on campus.

"That really depends on you, son. You don't want to go where you won't feel comfortable. I was thinking we could take a couple of weekends and visit campuses for those universities you were most interested you could see what the campus is like and if you thought you'd like to attend there." Tony smiled, continuing, "I have to admit, if you chose a university close to home so that you could remain with the family instead of moving into a dorm, I wouldn't be upset. I'd kind of like it, actually. But you need to pick the school that best meets your needs and if that means moving into a dorm, your mother and I will have to live with that...."

"Oh." Harry's response was very quiet. He looked down at the dog, gathering his thoughts a moment... though he didn't make eye contact with his father when he spoke. "I'm not... used to being wanted... sorry," he said quietly.

"There's nothing to apologize for. I suspected that you might be thinking along those lines. It was one of the reasons I chose to go to school where I did when I went to university." Tony shrugged, not commenting on the fact that he'd actually chosen to go further away from home so he'd be able to stay in the dorm. He'd got tired of living in a big mansion mostly by himself; and JARVIS had needed to spend time with his ailing wife and shouldn't have needed to be live in company for a teenager, so he'd chosen a place to go that the older man wouldn't feel guilty for not being around as much. He smiled faintly and continued, "But we do, you know. Want you. So if you don't want to leave the rest of the family and go live in a dorm...don't feel like you have to. Because you don't."

"I... know it depends on what the university has to offer, but I do want to go somewhere closer to home," Harry admitted quietly. "If... you really do want me around." He looked at his father, hope obvious on his face.

"Oh, I do. And your mom will be ecstatic that you'd like to stay closer to home instead of moving out." Tony grinned. "I think your cousins are also looking into going to school close to home. We'll check out the programs and you can decide. The program isn't the only thing that makes a school the best fit though- just keep that in mind. If it was the most important factor, every single doctor or vet or engineer or chemist would have to go to the exact same school."

Harry nodded. "I know. I think Peter wants us to go to the same university... if it's possible. If we can commute together, I think that would be preferable."

"That sounds like a good plan. If it's the university I'm thinking of- it's in a good central location that's easy to commute to." Tony agreed. "We can set up a day to tour as soon as we get home. That good for you?"

"I'd like that," Harry admitted, looking much more at peace.

"Good. I'd like that, too." Tony smiled again, before glancing toward the back door where Pepper was coming through, carrying a tray with tea and lemonade and four large glasses filled with ice.

Putting the tray down, Pepper smiled, settling down beside her fiancé again. "I thought maybe you all would have changed your minds. Your dad will be out with water for Shadow shortly."

Harry moved over to take one of the glasses, settling down on the ground, looking much happier as he poured some of the liquid into his glass to drink.

Steve walked out to join them, carrying the water bowl for Shadow.

The dog wagged his tail, licking the captain's hand then joined the rest of his family in enjoying a drink.


A few days had gone by, the family relaxing, playing games, and resting in general. It was the last night before they were to head home and they'd decided that they wanted to sleep out on the beach one more time. To that end everyone had loaded up their arms either with blankets and pillows or with coolers full of snacks and drinks. Excitement was high, but so was a sort of melancholy because they all realized they'd be returning to work, schedules, and responsibilities that would take their time. It had been nice not having to be anywhere or do anything except be together.

"I'm going to miss the nightly stories..." Pepper said with a quiet sigh, once they had all settled down around the fire.

Steve smiled, placing his hand on Pepper's shoulder and squeezing gently. "There's nothing to stop us from having times like this back home," he commented. "And we can always come back here for more holidays."

Pepper smiled at Steve, shifting closer to him because Tony was busy teasing Harry, trying to tickle the younger man, and she wanted to avoid getting caught up in that, as well as snuggle with her father. "That's true. Still, hearing everyone talk about different things that have happened in their lives...I feel so much closer to everyone than I did before. For all the people I'm friendly with and work with and know in general, I've always been more shy than not and didn't have a lot of close friends. Being an only child...well, it's just nice to have attachments, is all..." She wrinkled her nose, not sure she was explaining herself well.

Harry was squirming away from his father, though he was laughing... even if he was paying a bit of attention to his mother. "You didn't have any friends before Dad?" he asked.

Pepper's smile was a bit sad. "Before your dad broke through the walls I had built up, I had...acquaintances. People that I had fun with and I liked, but I would never have trusted them at my back. Even during one of the most scary moments of my life, I trusted a stranger to help me more than the people I normally hung out with..." she admitted with a wince.

Steve, still with his arm around his daughter, looked at her in surprise. "When was this?" he asked, wondering what could have happened to Pepper.