Impetuous Behaviour

Summary: Tag to episode two. After Charles accidentally breaks the vase, Edwin tells him they need to talk about his impetuous behaviour. There isn't much talking going on
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the Netflix series The Dead Boy Detectives; references to violence and canon character death; references to one character being abused by his father
Author's Note: Judging from what Edwin says to Charles, it's not the first time he's done something reckless and dangerous. And even if ghosts can't technically die, it's clear they can still be wiped from existence...and still be hurt, given that iron affects them. So yeah. I'm writing this.
If you haven't watched The Dead Boy Detectives, I recommend giving it a try. It's set in the same universe as The Sandman and is actually a lot of fun.
Enjoy the fic!


"So you think Niko might be able to actually tame those little beasts?" Charles leaned lightly against the wall as he focused on Edwin. They'd been friends long enough, been together so long, that he knew when his best friend was pissed at him. And it was fairly obvious that Edwin was pissed with him now.

They were going to need to deal with what had happened, but for right now, he wanted to make sure that the dandelion sprites weren't going to be a danger to any of them. He was fairly certain Niko wouldn't let them out of the jar, but if she could persuade them to be 'nice', maybe they'd actually make good additions to the Dead Boy Detective Agency.

"Quite frankly, no, I do not," Edwin answered. "I believe it was a mistake to let her take them." He sighed. "I can only hope she doesn't feel sympathy for them and set them free from their prison."

"Nah. She won't do that. She had them inside her, so she understands how dangerous they are. Even if they don't look it." Charles shook his head. "But did you hear what they say? Didn't they say they used to be gods or some shit? Where do you think they picked up those kinds of words?"

"Honestly, they probably went through several different hosts before settling on Niko. They could have picked up those words from anyone." Edwin shrugged and glanced towards the back, where the stairs leading up to Crystal's and Niko's rooms were, and then focused on Charles once more. "I promised we were going to have a talk about your impetuous behaviour. I see no reason to put this off any longer."

Charles sighed and pushed himself off the wall. "I don't know why you persist in calling it a talk when we both know it's anything but that."

"That's not true. There's plenty of talking going on."

"From you. Not from me." Charles shook his head. "I'd ask if we could move somewhere a bit more private, but this whole town is filled with ghosts, so nowhere is really that private."

Edwin didn't say anything, just walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. He held eye contact with Charles and waited.

"Really don't know why I agreed to this," Charles muttered, even as he walked over to stand by Edwin's side. He shoved his trousers down, but couldn't make himself follow them with his underwear.

Edwin's smile was gentle and reassuring, even though his grip was firm when he reached out and closed his fingers around Charles' wrist. "We've talked about your behaviour and actions before. If we didn't have another vessel to hand, Niko would have been killed because you didn't give me a chance to make sure the vase was safe."

"I know, Edwin. I'm sorry." Charles pushed away the trepidation and fear that threatened to rise like vomit in his mouth. Ghosts couldn't get sick, after all. And he knew that Edwin wasn't like his father. His best friend would never use a belt on him, or even another kind of implement. They'd had that discussion pretty early on when they'd started working together.

"I know you are." Edwin gently squeezed his hand. "I'm not angry with you. And I won't use this against you in the future," he promised. "Once I've punished you, that'll be an end to it."

"Yeah. Thanks." Charles breathed in deeply and nodded. "Okay. I'm ready."

Edwin didn't say anything else. He just used his grip on Charles' wrist to guide him into place across his lap, placing a hand on his back and rubbing gently before lowering Charles' underwear.

Charles shifted slightly, feeling exposed and vulnerable; even cold, although neither of them could feel the cold. He might not be able to truly feel it if a living person touched him, but it was different when another ghost touched him. When Edwin touched him.

"I understand you're used to acting, and doing, not waiting" Edwin said. "But this is not the first time you've done something dangerous. We might not be able to be killed, but we can still be destroyed. We can still be separated from each other, if I am forced back to Hell and you go on to whatever afterlife is waiting for you."

Charles shifted slightly, tears beginning to blur his vision almost immediately. The thought of being separated from Edwin hurt, like a physical pain in his heart. He couldn't lose his best friend...and it was only now, when Edwin pointed out what his behaviour could have caused, that he could see exactly what he'd done.

Edwin didn't say anything else. When his hand moved from Charles' back, Charles couldn't help tensing up, waiting for the first smack to fall.

When it came, landing high up on his right buttock, it stung more than he'd thought it would; but then again, it always did. Swallowing hard, Charles reached down, closing his fingers around Edwin's ankle and trying to mentally prepare himself for the next smack, which landed a second later in almost exactly the same place.

Somehow, as Edwin continued to deliver the steady smacks to Charles' bare bottom, he managed to time it so that each subsequent swat landed right when the previous had reached the peak of its sting.

Edwin didn't deliver the swats in any discernible pattern, making sure Charles couldn't predict where the next swat would fall. When Charles' entire backside, from the crest down to mid-thigh, was stinging, he paused the spanking and began to speak. "You're a good person, Charles. I know you were trying to help, to make sure Niko wouldn't die. But you cannot just act without waiting for me to make sure it's safe first. I need you to understand that, because you've been my best friend for 30 years. I can't lose you."

The tears had already been close to the surface already, but at Edwin's words, they began to slide down Charles' cheeks. He gripped his friend's ankle tighter, because he was worried that otherwise, he'd throw his hand back to cover his backside. It did hurt...but it wasn't the pain of the spanking that brought the tears. Edwin's words affected him just as much as the spanking itself did. "I'm sorry," he managed to get out.

"I know you are. I forgive you, Charles. I just want you to take more care. I want you to stay safe." Edwin rubbed his back for a few moments before saying, quietly, "Just a little more and then we're done."

Charles tensed up again. He couldn't help it. After the brief pause, the swats always felt harder on already sore skin. He didn't think Edwin ever smacked any harder, but they definitely felt harder.

When Edwin began swatting again, Charles hissed out a breath and began to squirm for the next few smacks. Once his body seemed to realise he wasn't going to get away from the smacks, he slumped in place and began to sob: quietly, but still audible.

Edwin finished with a final few smacks to Charles' sit spots and the tops of his thighs, then stopped the spanking. He then replaced Charles' underwear and trousers before helping him up, wrapping his arms around Charles and hugging him close.

Sniffling quietly, Charles raised his own arms and wrapped them tightly around Edwin. He let his head rest on his friend's shoulder and tried to calm his tears. Once he thought he could talk without breaking into tears again, he whispered, "I'm really sorry."

"I know. I forgive you, Charles. You're my best friend. I'm just glad that you're safe and breaking the vase didn't end horribly for either of us," Edwin whispered.

"Thank you." Charles stayed in Edwin's arms for a few moments, long enough for the sting in his backside to fade into a warm ache. Then, he slowly pulled back and wiped at his eyes. "I really hope Crystal or Niko didn't hear any of that."

"Neither of them came into the room to see what the noise was about, so I suspect they did not hear anything," Edwin said. "Even if they did, we do not have to tell them anything of what has occurred this evening."

"Thanks, mate." Charles gave Edwin a grateful smile. "So. We should see what case we're taking on next, yeah?"

For now, they were back to being equals.

The End