Idiot Boyfriend

Billy and Teddy.jpg

Summary: Follows the issues of the Children's Crusade. Teddy has a discussion with his boyfriend
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers up to and including the Children's Crusade arc of the Avengers comics; some mentions of violence
Pairing: Teddy/Billy


Billy wondered if it would be easier to have a boyfriend more likely to give him the silent treatment than to yell at him. Still grieving Cassie (and wondering what kind of havoc Iron Lad was likely to cause), Billy had so far managed to avoid the inevitable confrontation with Teddy.

As they returned from the Avengers mansion, Billy knew he wasn't going to get out of the conversation... or, rather, scolding he was sure he was going to get.

"What are you going to say to your parents?" Teddy followed Billy to his bedroom, closing the door as soon as they were both inside.

"I think they're all going to understand." Billy looked at his boyfriend. "The biggest problem is going to be bringing the others back together... at least the ones who are still here." Billy couldn't stop the hitch in his voice as he thought about Cassie and the Vision.

He couldn't stop wishing to bring them both back, but he didn't have that kind of power. And knowing how much it had cost the Scarlet Witch... he couldn't in good conscience ask his mother to try and get her creation magic back.

Teddy crossed over to Billy's bed and sat down, a serious look he didn't often wear directed at his boyfriend. "That's not the biggest problem you're facing."

Billy winced. "I know you're upset..."

"Upset?" Teddy shook his head. "I'm not even angry... not anymore, at least. Of course, when I found you, I was tempted to sit on you to stop you running away."

Billy fought to keep the smile off his face at that image. "I wasn't running away."

"You didn't trust any of us to have your back." Teddy held up his hand to forestall the protest Billy was about to make. "You didn't trust us to trust you. Because if you believed in us, you would have taken Tommy with you, at least. She's his mother as much as yours."

"Tommy never believed it."

Teddy snorted. "Can you read minds now?"

"He didn't care."

"Did you give him the chance to?" Teddy leaned forward slightly. "Did you give any of us a chance? No. You went to Latveria, alone, because there was still a part of you that didn't trust us to have your back."

If Teddy had been angry and shouting, it would have been easier to take than the quiet note of pain Billy could hear in his boyfriend's voice. "I'm sorry."

"That's what you said in the letter."

"It's still true."

Teddy pulled his gaze from Billy to glance at the door. "Can you put up a silence shield?"

I want no sound to escape this room. "It's done."

"Good. Now come here."

Billy stiffened. "I'd rather not."

Teddy pinned Billy with his gaze. "I think I'm a fairly straight-forward guy. You lied to me. You broke my trust. And it's been eating you up inside. I can see that." Pausing, he added, "I've also seen how much it's damaged the Avengers and the X-Men."

"We're the only ones of the Young Avengers left."

"No. But we don't stand a chance of reuniting if one of our members is going to get away with lying and breaking trust... not least because I know how guilty he feels." Teddy held eye contact with him. "I love you. You know that. Just like how I know the guilt is eating you up inside so much, you're just going to do something else stupid."

Billy's shoulders slumped and he walked over to Teddy. "It would be nice if you didn't know me so well."

Teddy's only response was a quiet snort as he grasped hold of Billy's hands, settling him across his lap. "If I didn't, we'd both be in a lot of trouble."

Billy didn't fight the position, though he stiffened uncomfortably. When his boyfriend pulled his pants and underwear down, he considered using his powers. If he wished himself away far enough, Teddy wouldn't be able to find him again unless he allowed it.

But Billy didn't want that. He didn't want his powers to run unchecked. He trusted Teddy to step in with him... to know when Billy needed to be brought back.

Still... Billy winced when Teddy's hand descended for the first time... it hurt when his boyfriend stepped in.

Every time Teddy's hand connected with his bare skin, Billy flinched. His boyfriend was stronger than him and although he knew Teddy was holding back, the pain still accumulated... more so when Teddy's palm began covering territory it had already visited.

Teddy was uncharacteristically silent during the spanking, which had the effect of forcing Billy to think on all the mistakes he'd made. Could he had saved Cassie and the Vision? Maybe not. But if he'd trusted them, if he'd worked with them as a team, maybe it could have gone differently.

Teddy was right. The guilt was crippling. But with each bad thought that appeared in his mind, Teddy's hand succeeded in driving it back, until all that was in Billy's world was his boyfriend's hard hand, spanking faster.

Billy couldn't pinpoint exactly when he started crying. All he knew was that he was slumped forward over Teddy's lap, nearly blinded by his own tears... but the terrible, crushing weight that had been his constant companion was gone.

The next thing he knew, Billy was cuddled on Teddy's lap, cheek resting against his broad chest, cuddled as close as he could get. He gulped back his tears, leaned up and pressed his lips against Teddy's.

The kiss was deep and passionate, carrying none of his lingering guilt. "I love you."

"Yeah. And I love you." Teddy pulled back to look into his eyes. "But we have responsibilities and there's someone who needs you desperately."

"I don't know if he'll listen."

"You have to try."

Billy closed his eyes and pulled his clothing into place. "I want to find Iron Lad. I want to..."

The End