I Won’t Lose You

Summary: Follows My Only Friend. Coriolanus steps in to stop Sejanus from helping the rebels, as doing so will put them both in danger once more
Warning(s): Spanking (including with a belt); spoilers for the whole movie/book; AU; references to canon violence and character death
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow/Sejanus Plinth
Author's Note: I initially planned to write a role-reversal sequel, but a review made me think of this instead. I might still write the role-reversal fic, if anyone would be interested in reading it, but it would be a standalone and not in this series


Coriolanus stood with the jabberjay in his hands, watching as Sejanus walked away, and tried to decide what he was going to do. He should send the jabberjay to the Capitol, with the rest of them. That was what he was supposed to do, what he was meant to do. And there were so many of the jabberjays, surely Doctor Gaul wouldn't listen to all of them? The chances were very low that even if Coriolanus sent in the recording, Sejanus wouldn't be in any trouble. And if he was, his father would be able to buy him out of it. Easily.

But what if he was wrong? Doctor Gaul had killed the Capitol's children. She'd shown no hesitation or remorse. Could Sejanus survive this? He was playing with fire...putting himself in danger. And if Coriolanus didn't send the jabberjay to the Capitol, he'd be in danger as well; because by keeping the jabberjay, he'd be seen as a traitor. He'd be seen to have joined forces with the rebels, the same as Sejanus.

Saving his only friend...or betraying him. That was the choice Coriolanus had to make right now.

He couldn't be sure that Sejanus would survive this. He couldn't be sure that Doctor Gaul wouldn't find a way to kill him. Like she had Clemensia. Sejanus' father was powerful and had a lot of influence...but Doctor Gaul had even more, with the added ruthlessness of someone who saw those around her as merely tools to be exploited.

Cursing quietly under his breath, Coriolanus went to the cages of the jabberjays. He switched out the one he'd used to record Sejanus' confession with another one...one that Doctor Gaul couldn't get anything out of. The incriminating bird, he'd take back to his own quaraters. If anyone asked, he'd just tell them that he wanted to keep the animal as a pet. He wouldn't be the first one to do that, after all. For the time being, he kept the jabberjay that had recorded Sejanus safely tucked away under his coat, where it couldn't do any damage, and loaded the other one onto the cart that was heading to the Capitol.

He then walked back to the barracks.

None of the other Peacekeepers were in the barracks. Only Sejanus was there, writing a letter. He looked up and smiled at Coriolanus when he entered the barracks.

Coriolanus couldn't make himself smile back. He walked over and he sat down on the bed next to Sejanus; next to his best friend. Then, he took the jabberjay out of his jacket and set it down between them.

Sejanus frowned, looking at the bird and then at Coriolanus. "Why do you have that?"

Without a word, Coriolanus played the recording. He played Sejanus' own incriminating words back to him. And he kept a careful eye on the door as he did so, to make sure no other Peacekeeper came in and overheard.

Sejanus jerked back, his eyes going wide and his mouth trembling. "You're blackmailing me?"

"No!" Coriolanus couldn't keep the note of shock out of his own voice. Did Sejanus really think so little of him? Then he remembered how torn he'd been about whether to send the jabberjay to Doctor Gaul or not and a hot pit of shame filled his stomach. He had to look away as he muttered, "The jabberjay recorded your confession. I had to send another one to the Capitol, so I switched it out. Because otherwise, there's the chance that Doctor Gaul would have listened. And then she would have...." He swallowed hard. "I can't protect you then. You understand? What you're doing is treason."


He shook his head, holding up a hand to forestall the protest he was sure Sejanus was about to make. "You're going to get yourself killed. You can't tell me you haven't realised the amount of danger you're putting yourself in because of your actions. We've already dealt with your dangerous behaviour once."

Sejanus flinched visibly, eyes still fixed on the jabberjay. "All I'm trying to do is help them get out," he muttered. "I'm not...betraying anyone. I'm just doing what you suggested. Helping where I can."

Coriolanus reached out and stopped the recording. "You need to stop what you're doing, Sejanus. If you carry on like this, you're going to get yourself killed. This is no different from you going into the arena and trying to get the tributes to kill you there. I punished you when you did that. And I warned you what would happen if you did something that dangerous again."

Sejanus looked away briefly before looking into Coriolanus' eyes and speaking earnestly. "But you won't be in any danger. I've already thought about that. I'll make sure they know that you didn't have anything to do with it. I'll make sure that if anyone is harmed from this...it'll be me."

If Coriolanus closed his eyes, he knew what he would see: Sejanus, dead. Because there was no possible other way for this to go. Not unless he stepped in and did something. And that something was punishing his friend. As he'd done the first time Sejanus had endangered himself.

Ignoring the words coming from Sejanus' mouth...any attempt at making excuses...Coriolanus reached out and closed his hand around Sejanus' wrist. He pulled the other forward, tugging Sejanus into position across his lap, making sure he was settled in place and unlikely to fall, no matter how much he might squirm.

A tiny sound, maybe a whimper, escaped from Sejanus and he lowered his head, reaching down with one hand to grip onto Coriolanus' ankle.

Coriolanus looked down at the back of Sejanus' head and let his hand come to rest on his bottom. "I don't really care what your reasons for doing this were. I care about the fact you would get yourself killed. You have no idea what Doctor Gaul would do. What she has done. Do you think she'd hesitate just because of who your father is?" He lifted his hand and brought it down hard.

Sejanus' body jerked and his legs kicked. "That's too hard!" he protested.

Ignoring the words, Coriolanus continued bringing his hand down at the same force, the sound of the smacks echoing through the barracks. They probably carried outside, to the rest of the Peacekeepers. But he didn't care. "I told you, Sejanus. That if you did it again, if you endangered yourself again, that I'd spank you again, but it would be worse."

"You said if we were both in danger...!" Sejanus' legs jerked.

Coriolanus paused, but it wasn't to stop spanking. Instead, he began to tug Sejanus' trousers down...following them quickly with the underwear. He pushed both down to Sejanus' ankles and then paused, letting his hand rest on skin that was already warm. "You are not going to help the rebels. You are not going to give them any tools, or money, or any other aid that could be seen as treason." Lifting his hand, he began to smack Sejanus' bare bottom, harder than he'd been smacking over clothing.

"I'm sorry." Sejanus' breathing hitched in a sob.

He sounded sincere...but the trouble was, Coriolanus didn't think he was. It was easy to make promises in the heat of the moment when you were being punished; harder to keep them when the sting and embarrassment had faded. Coriolanus paused the spanking, hand resting on Sejanus' bottom. "I chose not to send the jabberjay back to the Capitol, but you have to stop this. If you can't think of the fatal consequences to yourself, maybe knowing what you'll be facing the next time I have to do this will make a difference." He used his free hand to undo the belt around his waist. He doubled it over in his hand and let the leather rest against the fullest part of Sejanus' backside.

The sobs increased a fraction. "Coriolanus, please...!"

Ignoring the words and the tears, Coriolanus lifted the belt and he snapped it down, the leather making a harsh crack as it struck Sejanus' bottom.

Crying out, he kicked his legs, head jerking up as he threw his hand back over his bottom.

"Move your hand."

"It hurts."

"So does dying." Coriolanus' response was ruthless. It had to be. "If anyone else had heard your confession, it would be on its way to the Capitol. Your fate would be sealed. In light of that, I'm being lenient." He paused and when the only answer he got was more tears, he said, "Move your hand. Or I'll take this punishment outside."

Giving another choked sob, Sejanus pulled his hand away from his bottom, reaching down to cling to Coriolanus' ankle. His body tensed up and he cried out as Coriolanus resumed bringing the belt down, each stripe landing just below the first and leaving behind a red line of fire.

By the time the belt had delivered six stripes in total, Sejanus was sobbing without ceasing. Coriolanus let the belt fall to the mat and he let his hand come to rest on Sejanus' back, rubbing it gently before he pulled the other's clothing back into place.

Sejanus' sobs increased a fraction in force as the rough material rubbed over his bottom. He stood up when Coriolanus moved his hand to allow him to stand, reaching back to rub at his bottom before wiping ineffectively at the tears still running down his cheeks.

Reaching out, Coriolanus placed his hands on Sejanus' shoulders. "Look at me," he directed, a stern note creeping into his voice.

Breathing in deeply, Sejanus raised his head, meeting Coriolanus' eyes. He didn't say anything, but his red-rimmed eyes and trembling lips told Coriolanus everything he needed to know.

"You will not do anything else to help the rebels." Coriolanus gripped Sejanus' shoulders tightly, forcing away the images of the other dead at Doctor Gaul's hands. It wouldn't happen. Coriolanus wouldn't let it happen. "If you do anything like this again, if you do something that could get you killed again, I'll be punishing you. But next time, I'll be using the belt first. Do you understand?"

Sejanus' lower lip trembled and he stared at Coriolanus, but didn't say anything.

Coriolanus gripped his shoulders a bit tighter. "Do you understand?"

"Why did you save me?" Sejanus' voice was hoarse; heavy with the tears he'd been shedding. He reached up and rubbed at his eyes, looking so much younger than he actually was, and asked, "Why did you come into the arena after me?"

Coriolanus could have told him it was because Doctor Gaul had ordered him to rescue Sejanus. He could have told him it was because Sejanus was his friend and he couldn't let him die. He could have said any number of things...but he didn't. He didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned forward and he pressed his lips against Sejanus' in a hard, almost bruising kiss.

Sejanus' eyes widened and his body stiffened for a moment or two. Then, when Coriolanus might have pulled back from the kiss...might have broken it...his body slumped and he canted towards Coriolanus. He opened his mouth in response to the kiss. And his arms raised to wrap around Coriolanus, all but clinging to him.

Coriolanus only broke the kiss when he needed to breathe, but he still held onto Sejanus with a tight grip. "Don't do it again," he whispered, his tone ragged. He couldn't hide his feelings...or that he needed Sejanus to stay safe. "I need you to stay safe."

"And you'll punish me if I don't." Sejanus' voice was calm. Accepting.

"Exactly right." Coriolanus let go of Sejanus, almost reluctantly, but he forced himself to do so. After all, they still needed to hide the jabberjay until they could get it to record something other than Sejanus' confession. "Come on. We have work to do before we can be sure you're safe." He picked up his belt and buckled it round his waist once more, then reached out and picked up the jabberjay.

Sejanus' eyes were fixed on the belt and he swallowed visibly, but didn't make any comments. Instead, he waited patiently and then followed Coriolanus from the barracks.

The End