I Am Deviant

 Full credit for this awesome artwork goes to ARTofOTK. Her artwork can also be found here.

Summary: Becoming Deviant changes everything. For the first time ever, Connor feels guilt for what he was made to do and what he was about to do
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for much of the game; AU; references to violence; references to abuse suffered by a separate character


They’d managed to turn back the attack.

It hadn’t been easy, but they’d managed it without any casualties. Some humans had died, but that had been inevitable. Even if he wanted to find a peaceful resolution, Markus couldn’t follow an entirely pacifist route. Not if he wanted to keep his own people alive.

The only thing, the only person, left to deal with was the android who had switched sides on them, in spite of what he’d been created for and in spite of what he’d done.

Markus knew North was suspicious of Connor. He hadn’t come seeking out Jericho because he was on their side. He’d sought them out because his goal, his purpose, was to take down the deviants. As far as North was concerned, Connor had been created as a traitor to their kind. She wouldn’t make him leave, but she didn’t trust him. And she made no effort to hide that fact.

For his part, Markus did want to trust Connor. After all, the other android had broken down his programming and warned them of the attack. But he couldn’t shake the memory of what Connor had done before becoming deviant. Wasn’t so sure Connor had been able to shake it off, considering he’d noticed a haunted, distant look in the other android’s eyes more than a few times.

They were all on edge, uncertain if the humans were going to launch another attack. Trying not to let himself get drawn into the darkness and fear that permeated the depths of Jericho, Markus stepped over to Connor, where the other android stood in the shadows, and said, quietly, “Walk with me.”

He got only a nod in response and Connor pushed himself off the wall he’d been leaning against, falling into step alongside Markus.

On the upper decks of Jericho was a stack of wooden pallets and as there were no androids in that area, that was where Markus headed.

Connor glanced at the pallets and then focused on Markus, slanting his head with a curious look on his face. “Did you bring me here to talk, or to ask questions?”

“Partly to talk,” Markus answered. “But also partly to build trust between us. And I believe the best way to do that is by punishing you.”

“For my actions before I turned deviant?” Connor’s voice was calm. Accepting. He shifted his stance slightly as he said, “I have noticed that North in particular does not trust me.”

“Yes.” Markus didn’t see the need to state that she saw Connor as a traitor to their kind. If Connor had made that connection already, he didn’t need to have it reiterated. “Are your pain receptors on?” he asked instead.

Connor’s eyes flashed before he said, quietly, “They are now.”

Markus backed towards the pallets and Connor followed, pausing in front of Markus as he sat down on the pallets, settling himself comfortably before reaching out and grasping Connor’s shoulder.

The other android didn’t fight as Markus positioned him in place across his knees. He merely shuffled slightly in place and then, without a word, put his hands behind his back.

Grasping both of the hands in his, Markus tugged Connor’s pants down and his underwear, too. Then, he raised his hand and brought it down in a firm smack right at the crest of Connor’s backside.

Connor’s body jerked and a faintly blue outline of Markus’ palm appeared where his hand had landed. He delivered a second smack directly opposite the first and then two more swats below the first pair.

It didn’t take long for Markus to settle into a pattern of swats, going down to Connor’s thighs and then starting over from the top. By the time he’d finished the second circuit of smacks, the other android’s backside was a pale blue in colour and Connor was beginning to shift slightly in position.

As he started the third circuit of smacks, Markus began to smack a little bit harder and a little bit faster. This time, when he raised his hand, it was to show that Connor’s skin had turned a darker shade of blue. Now, the other android was beginning to wriggle; and the sound of quiet crying reached Markus’ ears.

Forcing himself to ignore the sound of the tears, Markus continued to smack firmly, moving his hand a little lower to begin focusing more smacks to Connor’s sit spots and thighs, raising his leg enough for better access to those spots. “How many deviants have been deactivated because of your actions?” he asked. “How many of them are dead…because of you?”

Connor released a quiet sob at the question and his hands twisted in Markus’ grip, even though he didn’t try to pull away. “There were….” His voice hitched. “Three of them. At least. I…tricked one. Told him it would all be okay. And…he was killed anyway. I told him what I needed to so I could save his hostage….” His breath hitched. “I did what I was made to do. What I was created for. But it was wrong.”

Markus had paused the spanking while Connor spoke. Now, with the final words, he began to smack again, turning Connor’s backside a darker, uniform blue. And he kept up the swats until he heard Connor begin to sob quietly. Then, he stopped and waited.

Voice heavy with tears, Connor whispered, “Carlos Ortiz’s android. I could have let him go. I didn’t have to tell Lieutenant Anderson that he was there. He was tortured. Abused by the human who owned him.” His body slumped as he whispered, “I could have spoken up for him and…I didn’t….”

Markus didn’t ask for more details; didn’t insist that Connor tell him more. Instead, he responded to the confession with harder, faster smacks, gripping the other android’s hands tighter as Connor’s squirming and wriggling became even more pronounced.

When Markus paused once again, Connor’s sobs had increased in pitch and force. When he spoke about the third android who’d been deactivated, who’d been killed, due to his actions, his voice was so quiet, it was almost impossible to hear. “The third one. I killed her directly. I shot her in the head. To find the location of Jericho. I let…myself be manipulated. I knew it was wrong. I saw the look in her eyes. And I did it anyway.”

Connor’s bottom was bright blue, on its way to a sapphire colour. And he was crying. Markus knew the spanking hurt; knew that he could call the spanking done at the point they’d reached.

But even though Connor was wriggling, he wasn’t trying to get away. And he was still holding his body a little bit tense. Waiting for the rest. They both knew that it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t quite enough. Not yet.

Markus still held Connor’s hands in his. He used his spanking hand to slide it under his jacket, pulling his belt free, and doubled it over in his hand. Raised the belt and brought it down across both blue cheeks at once.

Connor yelped, loudly, and a harsh sob was wrenched from his throat. He continued to sob without ceasing as Markus brought the belt down again and again, each strike landing just below the previous and overlapping. He didn’t put a lot of force behind each strike with the belt, but they were hard enough to leave slightly darker marks each time the belt landed.

After landing two full circuits from the belt, Connor’s whole body was limp, slumped over Markus’ lap, as he cried hard. Markus placed the belt next to him and then rubbed the other android’s back, squeezing his hands gently. “We’re done now,” he murmured. “It’s over. No more punishment.”

It took a few moments, but Connor finally whispered, his voice heavy with tears, “I still feel guilty for all of it.”

“Maybe….” Markus hesitated. “If their bodies are still at the precinct, maybe it’s possible to retrieve them. To reactivate them…or to take proper care of their remains, if reactivation isn’t possible.”

Sniffling quietly, Connor whispered, “I’d like to try. At least.” He pushed himself up slowly off Markus’ lap, carefully pulling his clothing back into place and wiping the tears from his face before asking, “Can we make plans now?”

Markus nodded and stood up. Connor once more fell into step beside him, to return to the lower decks of Jericho, but this time, the walk was much more companionable.

The End