Hidden Truths

Fandom: Power Rangers: Dino Charge
Summary: Heckyl asks for help
Notes & Warnings: AU
Spoiler up to: The finale of Power Rangers: Dino Charge



I can’t imagine you’d be happy to get this letter from me. For all I fought alongside you and the rest of the Rangers, I’ve done a lot of evil since I touched the Dark Energem. And while Keeper has told me I’m not at fault, it’s still hard to separate myself from the monstrous things Snide did. After all, he was a manifestation of the evil side of me. Not an entirely separate entity.

I can’t leave my past actions behind. I’ve tried, but every night when I close my eyes, I remember it all. The destruction of my home world, even though its destruction has no longer occurred in this timeline. The darkness that was my constant companion for so long, I lost all sight of everything else.

I plan to dedicate the rest of my life to making sure no world ever has to suffer again, but I am self-aware enough to know that my feelings of guilt will not help in that goal. As it stands now, my guilt would stand between my duties as a keeper and those I must protect.

Keeper has asked me to take on those duties, but I do not believe he can understand my feelings of self-loathing. While you and I are from different worlds, we are similar enough in our biology, at least physically, that I think you can understand and perhaps even help me.

On my home planet, there is a punishment used that, as I understand, is also used on Earth. It is called spanking and while it is primarily used as a child’s punishment, I have learned that it is often used on adults to good effect, too.

After all of the trouble I caused you and the rest of the Rangers, I wouldn’t blame you if you chose to leave me in the darkness of my own making. I almost chose not to send you this message, but I don’t believe I have any choice. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. And I don’t want to be spanked. I remember it being painful and humiliating, but then, the point isn’t that you want it, is it? The point is it’s a punishment. And I guess you might derive some sense of satisfaction from taking revenge in that kind of manner.

You can ignore this message or you can respond. It is entirely in your hands.




I’m surprised you contacted me. Surprised, but glad to hear from you. It’s been a little while, but I was wondering how you were after the final battle. I don’t know if Keeper told you, but we had one last little reunion. We had to save Christmas. Again.

I don’t think you should be feeling guilty. At least, you don’t need to feel guilty. I don’t think any of us would have been able to fight if we’d touched the Dark Energem and bonded with it.

I’m going to help you. I don’t think you need to feel guilty, but I can’t just tell you to stop. Believe me, I know how it feels to have been twisted into something you’re not. That wasn’t for long with me, but I still attacked my friends. I had someone to help me get past that guilt. We might not know each other well, but I think we’ve got some things in common.

Meet me in the base. Tomorrow evening. Kendall won’t be there, so we won’t be disturbed. I won’t tell any of the others. It’ll just be you and I dealing with your guilt. Humiliating and painful it might be, but I know it’s not anything like what you’re suffering inside. I wasn’t alone and you won’t be either.
