Harry Stark

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Full Name: Harry Stark (was Osborne)
Portrayed by: Dane DeHaan
First Appearance: Searching
Parent: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Grandparent: Steve Rogers
Aunts/Uncles: Bruce Banner, Jessica Jones, Carol Danvers, Quentin Beck
Sibling: Werner Stark
Cousins: Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Peter Parker

“He doesn’t know what I was planning to do. When I was still sick and so angry with him….”

Harry, to Tony. What Is Revealed: Error Of Judgement

Harry and Peter were best friends when they were growing up. Peter was probably Harry’s only friend, in fact. And when Harry was able to come back from boarding school, the two of them picked up their friendship where they left off. But what Peter wasn’t aware of, at first, was that Harry was suffering from a genetic disorder called Retroviral Hypodysplasia. It killed Harry’s biological father and it was progressing to the point where it would inevitably kill Harry, too.

Desperate and hurting, Harry planned to hurt Peter when his best friend refused to help him. He planned to expose Peter and to make him suffer. But before he could put even one of those plans into motion, they ended up visiting Avengers Tower and met the Avengers-SHIELD family. More specifically, Harry met his new parents: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

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“I know Shadow adores you, so if you were interested in that, you’d prolly be a natural, given that the monkeys liked you too….”

Tony, to Harry. Stories Of The Island: Interlude 2

With the help of the residents of Avengers Tower, Harry’s mutation was cured and he was subesequently adopted by Tony and Pepper. It’s sometimes been hard for him to fully accept that his parents truly love him and won’t ignore him if he messes up, but as time’s gone by, he’s grown more settled and calm. In part, this evolution was helped by him meeting Werner when he’d been deaged and deciding that Werner was his brother.

Harry tends towards being more responsible and less likely to do something dangerous, at least in comparison to his best friend. But at times of emotional upheaval, he has been known to make choices that aren’t so good for him. And to give in to Peter, rather than attempt to talk his cousin out of the dangerous behaviour.

Harry loves animals and they tend to love him. But he does also love working with children, so he’s torn between two different majors: working with animals and working with children. But with the encouragement of his family, he’s leaning towards doing both of them.

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Random Facts

  • In the second deaging incident, he was one of the three aged down really young, to about seven years old.

  • He’s been teaching Laura to read.